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Order Ecd/1529/2015, On 21 July, Which Establishes The Curriculum Of The Formative Cycle Of Top Grade Corresponding To The Title Of Senior Technician In Design And Graphic Production Management.

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/1529/2015, de 21 de julio, por la que se establece el currículo del ciclo formativo de grado superior correspondiente al título de Técnico Superior en Diseño y Gestión de la Producción Gráfica.

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The Royal Decree 175/2013, of 8 March, establishing the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of Graphic Production. and they set their minimum teachings, acts in accordance with Royal Decree 1147/2011, of 29 In July, the General Management of Vocational Training in the Education System, which defines in Article 9 the structure of vocational training qualifications and courses of specialisation, is established on the basis of the Catalogue of Vocational Training and Vocational Training. National of Professional Qualifications, the guidelines set by the European Union and others aspects of social interest and implants the aforementioned title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of Graphic Production.

Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, provides that educational administrations will develop the curriculum of vocational training diplomas, starting with the basic curriculum and under the conditions laid down in the Article 6 bis.4 The teaching centres shall develop and complete, where appropriate and as established by the educational authorities, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in use of their autonomy as set out in Chapter II of Title V of the said Directive. Organic Law.

Royal Decree 175/2013 of 8 March, in its Single Derogation Provision, repeals Royal Decree 2434/1994 of 16 December 1994 establishing the curriculum of the higher education cycle corresponding to the title of the Superior Technician in Production in Graphic Arts Industries, established under the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, of General Ordination of the Educational System.

In accordance with the above and once the Royal Decree 175/2013, of March 8, has set the professional profile of the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of Graphic Production, the basic aspects of the curriculum and other aspects of the academic organisation which ensure a common training and guarantee the validity of the titles throughout the national territory, it is now appropriate to determine, in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the extension and contextualization of the contents of the professional modules included in the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of Graphic Production, respecting the professional profile of the same.

The needs of an integrated labour market in the European Union require that vocational training courses pay particular attention to the languages of the Member States, incorporating them into their training offer. In this sense, this formative cycle incorporates in the curriculum training in the English language, in response to the provisions of Royal Decree 1147/2011, of 29 July.

addition, the curriculum of this training cycle is established from the respect of the pedagogical, organizational and management autonomy of the centers that provide professional training, promoting these the work in the team of the teachers and the development of training, research and innovation plans in their teaching field and actions to promote the continuous improvement of training processes.

On the other hand, vocational training centres will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils, with particular attention to the needs of people with disability.

Finally, it should be specified that the curriculum of this formative cycle integrates the scientific, technological and organizational aspects of the teachings established to achieve that the students acquire an overall view of the processes production of the professional profile of the superior technician in the Design and Management of Graphic Production.

In the process of drafting this order, the State School Board has issued a report.

For all of the above, in its virtue, I have:


General provisions

Article 1. Object.

This order is intended to determine, from the basic curriculum established in Royal Decree 175/2013, of March 8, that the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of Graphic Production is established and fixed its minimum teaching, the curriculum of the higher grade training cycle, corresponding to that title.

Article 2. Scope.

The curriculum established in this order will be applied in the territorial area of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.



Article 3. Curriculum.

1. The curriculum for the vocational training of the educational system corresponding to the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of Graphic Production, established in Royal Decree 175/2013, of March 8, is determined in the terms set in this order.

2. The professional profile of the curriculum, which is expressed by the general competence, the professional, personal and social skills, and the qualifications and the competence units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, is the included in the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of Graphic Production, referred to in the previous section.

3. The general objectives of the training cycle curriculum, the objectives of the professional modules expressed in terms of learning outcomes and their evaluation criteria are those included in the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of the Graphic Production referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

4. The contents of the professional modules that make up this curriculum, adapted to the socio-economic reality as well as to the perspectives of economic and social development of the environment, are those set out in Annex I of this order.

Article 4. Adaptation to the socio-productive environment.

1. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order is established taking into account the socio-economic reality and the geographical, socio-productive and labour characteristics of the environment for the implementation of the title.

2. Vocational training centres shall have the necessary educational, organisational and economic management autonomy for the development of the teaching and their adaptation to the specific characteristics of the socio-economic, cultural and professional.

3. The centres authorised to provide this training cycle will concretize and develop the organizational and curricular measures that are most appropriate to the characteristics of their students and their productive environment, in a flexible way and in the use of their Pedagogical autonomy, in the general framework of the educational project, in the terms established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of Education.

4. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order will be developed in the didactic programs or curricular development, strengthening or creating the culture of prevention of occupational risks in the spaces where the different modules are delivered professionals, as well as promoting a culture of environmental respect, excellence in work, compliance with quality standards, creativity, innovation, gender equality and respect for equal opportunities, the " design for all people " and universal accessibility, especially in relation to people with disabilities.

Article 5. Adaptation to the educational environment.

1. The vocational training centres managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils and the environment, particularly in the light of persons with disabilities, in conditions of accessibility and with the necessary support resources to ensure that this student can cure these teachings under the same conditions as the rest.

2. Also, the lessons of this cycle will be taught with a flexible and open methodology, based on self-learning and adapted to the conditions, abilities and personal needs of the students, in order to allow the reconciliation of the learning with other activities and responsibilities.

Article 6. Duration and sequencing of professional modules.

1. The total duration of the lessons for this training cycle, including the vocational training module in the workplace, is 2000 hours.

2. The professional modules of this training cycle, when offered under face-to-face arrangements, will be organised in two academic courses and will be in line with the weekly hourly sequencing and distribution set out in Annex II of this order.

3. The first academic year will be fully developed in the educational center. In order to be able to pursue the second course, it will be necessary to have completed the professional modules which, as a whole, are at least 80% of the hours of the first course.

4. The right of registration of those who have passed any professional module in another Autonomous Community shall be guaranteed in the terms laid down in Article 48.3 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 establishing the general vocational training of the educational system.

5. In general, during the third quarter of the second year, and once the positive evaluation has been achieved in all the professional modules carried out in the educational centre, the vocational training module will be developed in job.

6. Exceptionally, and in order to facilitate the adaptation of the number of persons registered to the availability of training positions in enterprises, approximately half of the second-year students will be able to develop this vocational training module. Training in workplaces during the second trimester of the second year, provided they have positively overcome all the professional modules of the first academic year.

7. Without prejudice to the foregoing and as a result of the temporality of certain economic activities which may prevent the development of the vocational training module in the workplace from being in conformity with the above assumptions, the latter may be organise in other periods coinciding with the development of the economic activity of the professional profile of the title.

8. In any case, the evaluation of the vocational training module in the workplace will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle.

Article 7. Project Professional Module.

1. The project professional module has an interdisciplinary character and incorporates the technological and organizational variables related to the essential aspects of the professional competence of the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of the Graphic Production.

2. In general, this module will be taught by the teachers who are tutoring training in job centers.

3. The project professional module will be developed during the last period of the training cycle, combining individual and collective tutoring, so that at least 50% of the total duration will be carried out in an in-person manner and completed with remote tutoring in which information and communication technologies will be used.

4. In any case and prior to the start of the vocational training module in the workplace, the teaching and learning activities to facilitate the development of the project professional module should be anticipated by the responsible teacher.

5. The evaluation of this professional module will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle, including the training in job centers.

Article 8. Bilingual teaching.

1. The curriculum of this training cycle incorporates the English language in an integrated way, at least in two professional modules, from among those that make up the whole of the training cycle. These modules will be taught by teachers with teaching assignment in them and, in addition, they will have the language enablement corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2. In order to ensure that bilingual education is delivered in the two academic courses of the training cycle on an ongoing basis, professional modules of both courses will be chosen.

3. The modules which may be imparted in the English language are those listed in Annex III.

4. As a result of the greater complexity of the transmission and reception of teaching in a language other than the mother tongue, professional modules taught in the English language will increase their time load in three hours a week. for the set of modules that are delivered in the first year and two hours for which they are developed during the second course. In addition, the teachers who provide these professional modules will be assigned, in their individual hours, at least three hours a week for their preparation. These hours will have the same character as the reading hours.

5. Exceptionally and on a transitional basis up to the year 2020, when teachers with teacher allocation do not have the level of English required in these professional modules, they will share a total of three hours per week for all the teachers. modules to be delivered in the first year and two hours for those who develop during the second course with a teacher or a teacher of the English specialty. In this case, the programming of these modules will include at least one unit of work or didactics which will be developed exclusively in the English language and the other teaching units will incorporate teaching activities exclusively in English at that time allocated.

6. Exceptionally, in the case of students or students with disabilities who may be able to present difficulties in their oral expression (cerebral palsy, deafness, etc.), measures of relaxation and/or alternatives will be established. in the requirement for the provision of modules in the English language, so as to enable all the teaching of professional modules in their mother tongue to be cured.


Teachers, spaces and equipment

Article 9. Qualifications and accreditation of teacher requirements.

1. The specialties of teachers with teaching assignment in the professional modules which constitute the teachings established for the title referred to in Article 1 of this order, as well as the equivalent qualifications for the purposes of teaching, are the collections respectively in Annexes III A and III B to Royal Decree 175/2013 of 8 March.

2. In order to ensure compliance with Article 12.6 of Royal Decree 175/2013 of March 8, for the delivery of the professional modules that make up the company, in private or public ownership centers of other administrations other than education, it must be established that all the requirements laid down in that Article are met, with the following documentation:

(a) Photocopy of the official academic title required, in accordance with the qualifications included in Annex III C of Royal Decree 175/2013 of 8 March. Where the degree presented is linked to the professional module which is to be provided, it shall be deemed to include in itself the objectives of that module. Otherwise, in addition to the titration, the documents referred to in subparagraph (b) or (c) shall be provided.

(b) In the event that it is necessary to justify that the teachings leading to the titration provided encompass the objectives of the professional modules that are intended to be taught:

Personal academic certification of studies performed, original or photocopied, issued by an official center, in which the teachings are recorded detailing the subjects.

Programs of the studies provided and submitted by the person concerned, original or photocopy of the studies, sealed by the corresponding official or authorized official or official University or Center.

c) Where it is necessary to justify by means of the work experience which, at least for three years, has developed its activity in the sector related to the family, its duration shall be credited by the appropriate supporting official document, which shall be added to:

Certification of the employer or employer in which the activity developed by the person concerned is specifically recorded. This activity must be implicitly related to the learning outcomes of the professional module that is intended to be delivered.

For those who are self-employed, a statement of the person concerned with the most representative activities related to learning outcomes.

Article 10. Spaces and equipment.

The spaces and facilities to be assembled by the vocational training centres, in order to enable the development of teaching activities, are those set out in Annex IV of this order and must comply with the Article 11 of Royal Decree 175/2013 of 8 March, as well as the rules on equal opportunities, "design for all persons" and universal accessibility, prevention of occupational risks and safety and health in the workplace.


Other offerings and mode of these teachings

Article 11. Distance offering.

1. Professional modules offered at a distance, when required by their characteristics, will ensure that students achieve all the objectives expressed in learning outcomes, through face-to-face activities.

2. The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education shall take the necessary measures and shall give the precise instructions to the centres which are authorized to provide this training cycle under pressure for implementation and operation of the offer from the same distance.

3. Centres authorised to provide vocational training lessons at a distance shall have appropriate curriculum materials which will be adapted to the provisions of the fourth additional provision of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May.

Article 12. Combined offering.

In order to respond to personal needs and interests and to provide the possibility to reconcile training with work activity, with other activities or situations, the offer of these teachings for people adults and young people in special circumstances may be combined between face-to-face and distance learning systems at the same time, provided that the same modules are not cured in both modes at the same time.

Article 13. Offer for adults.

1. The professional modules of this training cycle associated with the competence of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications may be the subject of a modular offer for adults.

2. This training will be developed with an open and flexible methodology, adapted to the conditions, capabilities and personal needs that enable them to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, in compliance with the Chapter I of Title IV of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011. In addition, such training shall be capitalizable in order to obtain a professional training certificate, in order to obtain evidence of the established access requirements.

3. In order to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, the Provincial Directorates, the Education Councils and the competent civil protection bodies may lay down specific measures to comply with this Directive. Article 41 of the Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 and to enable a simultaneous and face-to-face offer.

4. In order to promote training throughout life, the Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport may authorise the Provincial Directorates and the Education Ministry to give the training, in the centres of their competence, of professional modules organised in training units of shorter duration. In this case, each learning result, with its evaluation criteria and its corresponding block of contents, will be the minimum and indivisible unit of partition.

Additional disposition first. Authorization to impart these teachings.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will deal with the Directorate-General for Vocational Training with the authorization to provide the teaching of this training cycle, in full or in part, in In-person and distance-based arrangements, of the institutions that request it and comply with the requirements required under the current legislation.

Additional provision second. Linguistic enablement of bilingual teaching faculty.

Teachers who are to be taught in English must be in possession, before the date of commencement of each academic year, of the relevant language qualification, to which the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will carry out an enabling procedure before the start of each course.

Additional provision third. Training of bilingual teaching staff.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will schedule courses and training activities in the English language for all teachers of vocational training to be taught in professional modules. which may be taught in the English language, who will have the obligation to assist them until they obtain the required qualification. These measures shall apply until at least the year 2020.

The training to be offered will be three types:

a) Intensive training, through a course, preferably in face-to-face mode, during the month of September.

b) Long-term training throughout the school year, by means of a course that combines in-person and online form, which will be performed outside of the mandatory time in the training center. During the period of completion of the vocational training module in the workplace, this course will be intensified and will be carried out, as far as possible, within the required time of stay in the centre.

(c) Training in English-speaking country, through courses, which will be possible to include cultural visits and conferences, and which will be carried out at the end of the course after the completion of school activities in the training centres.

Single transient arrangement. Replacement of titles related to these teachings.

1. The students who, at the end of the 2014-2015 school year, meet the conditions required to pursue the second course of the title of Superior Technician in Production in Industries of Graphic Arts, established by Royal Decree 2423/1994, 16 of December, under the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of General Management of the Educational System, and which has not exceeded one of the professional modules of the first course of the said title, will have two calls in each of the two successive years in order to be able to exceed those professional modules. After this period, in the school year 2017-2018, the convalidations will be applied to the superimposed modules, as set out in article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 175/2013, of 8 March, regulated by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May.

2. The students who, at the end of the school year 2014-2015, do not meet the conditions required to pursue the second course of the title of Superior Technician in Production in Industries of Graphic Arts, established by Royal Decree 2423/1994, 16 of December, under the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of General Ordination of the Educational System, will be applied the convalidations established in article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 175/2013, of March 8, regulated by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May.

3. The students who, at the end of the school year 2015 -2016, do not meet the conditions required to obtain the title of Superior Technician in Production in Industries of Graphic Arts, established by Royal Decree 2423/1994, of December 16, to the Under the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of General Management of the Educational System, it will have two calls in each of the two successive years in order to be able to overcome these professional modules, with the exception of the training module in A working centre for which an additional school year will be available. The students who have passed that period would not have obtained the title will be applied to the convalidations, for the superimposed modules, established in article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 175/2013, of March 8, regulated by the Law of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May.

Final disposition first. Application of the order.

The Directorate-General for Vocational Training, in the field of its powers, is authorised to take the measures and to issue the necessary instructions for the implementation of the provisions of this order.

Final disposition second. Implementation of these teachings.

1. The first course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order shall be implemented in the course 2015-2016. and the teaching of the first course covered by the Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October of General Ordination of the Educational System, corresponding to the Royal Decree 2423/1994 of 16 December, establishing the title Superior Technician in Production in Graphic Arts Industries.

2. The second course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order shall be implemented in the course of 2016-2017. and the teaching of the second course covered by the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of General Ordination of the Educational System, corresponding to the Royal Decree 2423/1994 of 16 December, establishing the title Superior Technician in Production in Graphic Arts Industries.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the Official State Gazette.

Madrid, 21 July 2015.-The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Iñigo Méndez de Vigo and Mr Mondez.


Professional Modules

1. Professional Module: Graphic Production Materials.

Code: 1417.


a) Characterization of print media:

Graphic products: classification. Physical, structural and resistance characteristics.

Classification of print media.

Basic features of print media. Classification of cartons. Classification of plastic media.

Graphic products: aesthetic and finishing features.

Media for testing.

Types of graphical tests.

Testing systems techniques. Supports for testing. Standards for ISO 12647-7 graphic tests.

Chemical and mechanical resistance properties of media.

Graphic product binding and finishing operations.

Support structural needs.

Choosing and calculating print media.

Determination of the format. Determination of the quantity. Determination of the gramage, finishes and color.

b) Setting the characteristics of printer shapes, inks, varnishes, and queues:

Operation and ink transfer of printer forms.

The offset form: classes, parts, features, and formats. The flexographic form: classes, parts, characteristics and formats. The screen form: classes, parts and characteristics. Main defects of offset, flexo, screen printing and hollow shapes.

Printing Inks. Composition and classification of the properties of the inks. Classification of the inks. The behavior of inks in printing.

Barnices and additives: composition and classification of varnishes. Additives and conditioning of varnishes.

Tests and regulations to determine the characteristics of the ink. Characteristics and parameters of the inks: rheological and optical. Instrumentation and equipment for measuring the characteristics of the inks. Preparation of inks for printing. Regulations on the use of materials in contact with food.

Classifications of adhesives according to the chemical composition. Chemical or diluent support. End use.

Components of the main adhesives. Relationship of the properties of adhesive and drying with the supports and drying times. Structure and classification of properties of adhesives.

Process of preparation of adhesives and glues: water-based adhesives, solvent-based adhesives, hotmel and UV crosslinked systems.

Classification of the queues. Main types of queues and manufacturers. Queue techniques: identification, composition, characteristics and methods of application.

adhesive-related regulations.

c) Determination of surface treatments of materials:

Resistance of media to light.

Resistance of media to moisture.

Resistance of the supports to the fats, to the alkalis, to the acids and to the alcohols.

Superficial treatments in the graphic industry: varnished, plasticised and paraffin.

Plastics: types, features, utilities, and processes. Varnish: types, characteristics and drying system. Paraffin: equipment and application procedure.

Barnized: types and features, equipment, and application procedure. Varnish-support relationship.

Drying system.

Parafing: teams, application procedure.

Laminate: Equipment and application procedure.

Adaptation of the varnish and laminate processes.

Costs of the laminate and varnish processes.

Food packaging-related regulations.

d) Identification of materials and suppliers:

Technical Tabs or Material Data Sheets.

Critical materials for materials: papers, plastic media, inks, varnishes, and tails.

Graphic Material Classification Systems.

Provider selection systems.

Provider accreditation systems.

Creating materials catalogs used.

e) Managing the sourcing of materials:

Sourcing of materials.

Technical specifications.

Fulfillment of orders.

Valuations and budgets.

Delivery deadlines.

Delivery systems.

Materials in store: stocks, control, and rotation.

Purchasing and Warehouse Information Systems.

Programming and calculation of material consumption.

Programming of media and ink consumption in print.

Programming of the consumption of varnishes and queues.

Identification of raw materials.

Calculating the consumption of queues and adhesives.

f) Valuation of the compliance with the quality criteria of the materials:

Work procedures and instructions.

The quality manual: tests, equipment and instrumentation and calibration.

Sample Selection: Sampling Methods. Representativeness of the samples.

Record the samples.

Measurement equipment for media characteristics.

Equipment for measuring the characteristics of inks and varnishes.

Equipment for measuring the characteristics of adhesives.

Process of calibration and maintenance.

Certification of the measurement equipment.

Methods, measurement protocols, and notation of media characteristics.

Methods, measurement protocols, and notation of the characteristics of the inks and varnishes.

Methods, measurement protocols, and notation of adhesive characteristics.

Media rules for the graphical industry.

Rules on printing inks.

Rules on varnishes.

Rules on queues.

g) Planning storage conditions for production materials:

Print media storage systems: folds and coils.

Storage systems for inks, varnishes, and queues.

How to store paper media.

How to store plastic media.

How to store inks and varnishes.

How to store the queues.

Variable control: temperature, lighting, ventilation, and humidity.

Critical properties of the papers.

Critical properties of cartons.

Critical properties of plastics.

Critical properties of inks.

Critical properties of varnishes.

Critical properties of the queues.

2. Professional Module: Organization of digital preprint processes.

Code: 1478.


a) Recognition of the different phases of the preprint process:

The graphical process in preprint: objectives, stages, and relationship between them.

The preprint stage and its phases.

Equipment, machinery, and materials used in preprint.

Operating and handling scanners, printers, plotters, CTP, and processors.

Digital storage media: external hard drives, CDs, DVDs, pendrives, and memory cards.

Forms of offset, flexography, screen printing, tampography and huecogravure.

Operating system operation.

Standard software in preprint and its operation.

Local computer network. Topology and components.

b) Elaboration of the roadmap:

Workflows in preprint.

Technical specifications. Models.

Route sheets.

Calculating the production performance of the equipment.

Production management software in preprint.

Parts of technical incidents.

c) Organization of image processing process:

Standardization rules: ISO, UNE, GRACOL, SWOP, SNAP, FOGRA, and CGATS.

Standardization organizations: UNI, ANSI, DIN, ECI, and AENOR.

Tolerances. Delta E.

Quality Manual.

The hatch. Tramado AM, FM and hybrid. Linearature, inclination and shape of point.

Image and line resolution relationship.

Link between linearature and print support.

Link between linearature and print system.

Type of color and color separation.

Types of print media.

Bitmap and vector file formats.

Using color control strips.

Viewers, normalized light booths, and inspection tables.

Lighting standards in graphic arts. ISO-UNE standards.

Image treatment software and vector illustration: pixel and object editors.

Vector and bitmap images.

The burst. Application and software.

Scanning images. The scanner. Scanning resolution.

Digital image resolution. Pixel depth.

Color modes: grayscale, bittones, RGB, CMYK, and Lab.

Color management: hardware, software, and profiles.

Emulation of print devices using color profiles.


Color test systems. Hard and soft tests. Tests hatched. Contract tests.

RIP for test devices.

Plotters for color testing.

Densitometers, colorimeters, and spectrophotometers.

d) Organization of text processing and compaging process:

Text processing software.

Types. Typographical families. Series. Styles. Typographic catalogs.

Tippometry. Units of measurement. Tipometers.

Formatting of texts.

Cross-body and interline relationship.

Relationship between line length and first line indent.

Short lines, widows, and orphans.

Style sheets. Partition and justification.

Creating partition and justification rules.

Style Books.

Digital fonts: TrueType, Type 1, and OpenType.

Source managers.

Interlesuit: tracking and kerning.


Alignment. Paragraph classes. Bloody.

Spelling rules and signs of correction.

Composition rules.

Compaging or layout software.

Page Margins.

Master pages.

Disposition of texts and images on the page. Compaging rules.



Page Tests.

File Formats: Native and interchange.

The PostScript language.

PS and PDF formats.

PDF file editing software. Profiles. Configuration.

Preflight or pre-check files.

e) Organization of the process of imposing and obtaining the printer form:

Signatures and documents.

Married and plotted.

Plot tests.

Imposition tests or ferros.

Binding systems.

Folding. Functions and types.


Retiring types.

Reference marks and information in the layout.

Taxation software.

The printer shapes. Format and margins.

Printer shapes for offset, flexography, screen printing, tampography and huecogravure. Features and ways to obtain it.

Control cots for printer shapes.

Densitometers of irons.

The size of the plot point. Reproducible minimum and maximum points.

Point Gain Compensation Curves.

Direct-get devices from the printer form from the computer (CTP).

CTP RIP. Configuration and workflows.

Processors and Enginators.

f) Organization of workgroups in preprint:

Group coordination techniques.

Communication techniques in the enterprise.

Analysis of jobs in preprint.

Need for continuous training in preprint.

Learning activities and resources.

g) Elaboration of a maintenance and cleanup plan:

Pre-print machine and equipment maintenance manuals.

Maintenance parts.

Maintenance contracts.

Network maintenance.

Maintenance of computers.

Maintenance of printers and plotters.

Maintenance of printer-form processors.

Calibration and characterization of monitors, scanners, printers, test plotters, and CTP.

Maintenance and calibration of densitometres, colorimeters, and spectrophotometers.

Approval and certification of measuring devices.

h) Application of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection procedures:

Prevention Plan. Content and application to the preprint sector.

Contamination sources in preprint.

Identifying the risks associated with preventing work risks in preprint.

Determination of pre-print job risk prevention measures.

Preventing work risks in preprint processes.

Prevention and collective protection.

Personal protection equipment.

Environmental protection management.

Environmental protection and labor risk prevention regulations.

Order and cleaning methods and rules.

3. Professional Module: Design of graphic products.

Code: 1479.


a) Graphic project documentation:

Features of an information collection form.

Communication with the client.

Types of graphic products and their characteristics.

The briefing.

Evolution and trends in graphic design.

The corporate identity.

Information search techniques.

b) Organization of the graphical project:

Specifications for a graphical project.

Different image types and their playback capabilities.

Image and/or illustrations banks.

Reading images.

The color in the graphic industry. CMYK, color letters, Lab, and RGB.

ISBN and legal deposit.

Hiring texts.

Packaging and packaging waste law.

Trademark Law.

CE marking.


ISO 15416 bar code.

c) Design phase planning:

Print systems: quality features and requirements. Volume of the print run.

Production Materials. Catalogues of materials. Technical characteristics and quality requirements.

Finish operations.

Regulatory criteria.

Environmental and health standards.

Production Tokens.

d) Elaboration of digital sketches:

Drawing Fundamentals. Composition techniques. Reticles. Simulation of texts. Tag out.

Visual Perception. Main laws of the theory of the Gestalt.

Elements of a sign: the point, the line, the relationship between lines, and the morphology of the sign.

Creativity techniques.

Materials and computer equipment. Design software.

Graphical techniques for advertising expression service.

The ad. Brochures. Catalogs.

External advertising.


The editorial collections: the newspaper, the magazine and the book.

e) Creating digital models and arts:

Psychology of color. Dynamics and language of colors. Color functions and variables.

chromatic and achromatic spaces. Harmony and contrast.

Classification of typographical characters. Typographical families.

Tippometry. Units. Body. Interline. Typographical reticle. Typographical stain.

Creative and digital typography.

Realization and assembly of models. Materials and equipment.

Digital end arts: mounting, positioning, color separation, and marking.

Preflight with PDF. Quality control of a graphical process.

f) Developing a graphical project:

Calculation of originals.

Budgeting software.

Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright.

Graphic standards.

Parameters of a print budget.

Parameters of a post-pressure budget.

Professional associations.

Market conditions.

4. Professional Module: Marketing of graphic products and customer service.

Code: 1480.


a) Application of communication techniques in the graphical enterprise:

Communication. Concept. Information and communication.

Communication goals.

Communication process. Stages: message processing, transmission, collection, understanding and response.

Elements: sender, receiver, message, channel, and support, code, and context.

Communication types: verbal, non-verbal, face-to-face and not in-person.

Business communication: internal (vertical, cross-sectional, formal and informal), external (inbound, outbound, or immediate, deferred, urgent, individual, and collective).

Communication in the business sector of the graphic sector.

Communication networks. Channels. Media.

Communication in the networks (intra/Internet).

Security and confidentiality rules.

Obstacles and difficulties in communication: physical barriers, psychological barriers, perception, code of rationality, arc of distortion, stereotypes and prejudices.

Oral communication. Basic principles.

Oral communication in the company. Standards and characteristics. Types.

Written communication. Basic principles.

The communication written in the company. Standards and characteristics. Types.

Attitudes and techniques for effective communication: active listening, attitude, message, strategies of exposure and assertive communication, persuasion, empathy and emotional intelligence, clarity and concreteness.

b) Making the graphical product and services marketing plan:

Marketing. Concept. Objectives.

The commercial investigation. Objectives. Fields of study: market, demand, product, price, distribution and communication (advertising, promotions and public relations).

Commercial research techniques. Types.

Information. Sources of information. Types.

Analysis and interpretation of information. Phases: Processing, reviewing, tabulation, and report of conclusions.

Marketing Plan. Concept. Features. Benefits.

Elaboration of the marketing plan. Stages: analysis of the situation, definition of objectives, marketing strategies, budget and control.

Setting the marketing plan. Phases.

Marketing strategies. Types: marketing mix, customers and competition.

Marketing mix. Concept. Elements: product, price, distribution and communication.

Commercial communication. Concept. Types: advertising, promotion, public relations and direct sales.

Media and advertising media. Types.

Corporate image. Concept. Parameters. Functions.

Corporate Social Responsibility. Concept. Principles. Types of social action.

c) Graphic Enterprise Customer Service Organization:

Client. Concept. Types.

Customer knowledge. General characteristics of the graphical sector.

Client Motivations; attitudes and behaviors.

Information system. Types. Integration and adaptation.

Getting information techniques.

Information Management and Treatment Systems. Customer relationship management tools (CRM).

Customer support. Concept.

Customer Service Department in companies. Functions. Structure and organization.

Corporate customer service manual.

Customer Service Process. Phases.

Channels of communication with the client. Types: face-to-face and not in-person.

Documentation used in customer care. Types.

Communication protocols. Form and attitude.

Verifying the understanding of the message and customer satisfaction.

Regulations applied to customer care. Legislation.

Difficulties and barriers in communication with the client. Conflict resolution.

File Techniques: Nature. Purpose of the file.

Database. Types. Update.

Data protection. Legislation.

d) Managing graphic and sales service for graphic products:

Business process of the company. Phases.

Sales or sales department. Functions. Structure and organization.

Evolution and marketing trends.

Sales Plan. Structure and development.

Branding and brand image.

The trade agenda. Planning of sales visits. Managing times and routes.

Trading strategies.

The sales process. Phases. Types: face-to-face and not in-person.

Approximation to the customer. Needs detection.

Development of the sale. The sales argument.

Business planning and customer relationship management (CRM) tools.

Presentation of the product or service. Attributes and features.

Face-to-face sale. Techniques. Communication and protocol.

Non-face-to-face sale. Techniques. Communication and protocol.

Trade models over the Internet in the graphical sector: web to print.

Introduction to Internet security tools. Means of payment on the Internet.

Documentation used in the business process. Types.

General rules on trade: consumer rights.

PVP calculation (sales price to the public): margins and discounts.

Formulas and trade formats.

e) Managing complaints and complaints in the graphical enterprise:

Complaints, complaints, and suggestions. Concept.

Customer dissatisfaction. Causes.

The main reasons for customer complaints in the graphical sector.

Collection of complaints, complaints, or suggestions. Elements.

Channels of communication in the submission of claims.

Communication and protocol techniques.

Documentation used in handling complaints and complaints. Types. Claim evidence.

Documents required for handling the claim: invoices, contracts, budgets, guarantings, and brochures.

Claims resolution. Phases. Resolution techniques.

Current legal regulations related to claims.

Mediation and arbitration. Concept and features.

Quality assessment of complaints and complaints management: internal and external. Methods and indicators.

f) Post-sales service development in the graphical enterprise:

After-sales service. Concept.

After-sales service process. Phases.

Documentation used in the after-sales service. Types.

Service Assessment: Internal and External. Methods and indicators.

Service quality optimization methods.

Customer loyalty. Advantages. Loyalty instruments.

Relationship between quality of service and customer loyalty.

After-sales quality control.

Quality and continuous improvement.

Interdepartmental relationship.

Applying corrective measures to products or services.

5. Professional Module: Production management in the graphic industry.

Code: 1538.


a) Valuation of the technical feasibility of the graphic product:

The graphic industry. Sectors. Evolution:

The graphical enterprise. Classification. Organizational and functional structure. Organization criteria.

The graphical process. Equipment and production facilities. Organization of personal, material and technical resources. Criteria.

The graphic product. Types.

The technical tab. Concept. Function. Structure. Development.

The graphical project. Analysis. Structural, functional and aesthetic elements.

Technical Feasibility. Alternatives.

Ecodesign. Concept.

Life cycle analysis (LCA) and environmental impact: raw materials, production process, distribution, sale, use, disposal and recycling.

Materials. Types. Assessment.

Valuation. Optimization of costs and final quality.

Special graphics products: process or specific materials.

Feasibility. Analysis. Technical requirements.

Intellectual Property. Concept. Copyright and reproduction rights.

Legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights in the graphic industry.

b) Setting the graphical product workflow:

The graphical process. Stages of the graphical production process. Sequence.

Roadmap. Concept. Function. Structure.

Print system. Concept. Types: offset, engraving, screen printing, flexography, size and digital printing. Schemes. Key parts. Process. Common graphic products.

Industrial Binding. Concept. Processes: making and stamping of caps, guillotined and binding.

Transformed. Concept. Processes: folding, die-cut, blow dry and cleft.

Print media. Concept. Types.

Printing Inks and varnishes. Concept. Types.

Printer shapes. Concept. Types

Queues and adhesives. Concept. Types.

Cover Material. Concept. Types.

Technical specifications in the preprint process: size, line, resolution, number of colors, profiles and color spaces, type of tests, printer shape, file format, and imposition disposition.

Technical specifications in the printing process: printing system, number of inks, description of these, number of sheets, format of sheets, machine format and surface finishes.

Technical specifications in the process of industrial binding: final product size, clothing manufacture and stamping, support characteristics, number and types of pleadings, type of stitching and requirements of the tails and adhesives.

Technical specifications in the process of transformed: die and fold. Features.

Roadmap. Fields: technical specifications, runtimes, quality parameters, environmental requirements, and others.

Material requirements: media, glues and adhesives, type of packaging or packaging.

Management software. Types. Structure. Development.

Digital flow or workflow: JDF (Job Definition Format). Concept. Features. Evolution. Application and development.

c) Determining external graphical services to be outsourced:

Purchasing management. Objectives. The shopping cycle:

Identification of the need.

Prospecting the supplier market.

Search criteria.

Supplier certification. Concept. Process. Phases: selection, evaluation and audit of suppliers, development and issuance of certification.

Commercial and procurement management software. Types: specific or integrated. Features.

Price Rate. Concept. Structure. Development.

The offer. Concept. Function. Structure. Development.

Customer-supplier relationship.

Material delivery and receipt conditions.

Verification of technical features and lead times.

The selection of vendor offerings and quotes. Decision parameters: quality, price, supply term, quantity and price.

The proposal or purchase request. Concept. Function. Structure. Development.

d) Graphic product budget elaboration:

Budget. Concept. Function. Structure. Types.

Budget software. Types. Features.

Study of work. Calculation of time and costs.

Required paper calculation. Gramaje and Kg/ resma.

Ink calculation required.

Cost accounting. Systems. Calculation of costs. Fixed and variable costs. Direct and indirect cost.

Cost allocation. Cost centres and sub-centres.

Profitability Threshold. Concept. Calculation.

Realization of the budget. Variables. Development:

Determination of margins.

Determination of the sales price to the public and the cost per copy.

Preparing the budget. Standards and features.

Terms of acceptance and penalty. Concept. Types.

Modification of the quote. Detection, communication, and approval.

Analysis of deviations from the productive process between actual and budgeted costs. Determination and interpretation of the causes.

Corrective measures. Concept. Types.

Continuous improvement cycle. Concept.

e) Planning of the graphical production process:

Production. Concept. Types.

Organization of the production system. Objectives.

Programming of jobs. Concept. Types. Functions. Stages:

Production management and control software. Types. Features.

Planning and control of production. Concept. Types. Functions. Stages:

Standardization. Models. Coordination of production phases in the graphical process.

The schedule tab. Concept. Function. Structure. Development.

Gantt Diagrams. Concept. Function. Structure. Development.

Assignment of computers and machines. Basic principles:

Schedule of production times. Concept. Measurement of times. Methods.

Put into raw material machine. Coordination. Basic principles.

Flow of materials and products. Concept. Networks. Types.

Economy of movements. Concept.

Warehouse management. Stock valuation criteria. Types.

Warehouse management software.

Types: specific or integrated. Features.

Transport management. Logistics. Concept.

Commercial Distribution. Models. Objectives.

Logistics software. Types: specific or integrated. Features.

The financial function. Concept. Financial resources. Types. Sources of funding:

Working capital or wiggle fund. Concept. Forms of calculation. Features.

Capital immobilized. Concept. Features.

f) Monitoring the phases of the production process:

Coordination process. Concept. Methods. Objectives.

Coordination Mechanisms. Concept. Types.

Production management and control software. Monitoring the production process.

Quality software. Types: specific or integrated. Monitoring compliance with quality specifications.

Incidents and deviations. Identification and analysis.

Corrective and preventive measures.

Search, Proposition, and Application.

Flow diagram. Concept. Features. Advantages. Types. Symbols and meaning. Development. Phases. Interpretation.

g) Evaluation and Proposition of Improvement Alternatives:

Historical breakdown record. Factors: frequency, repetition, time, and repair cost.

Company preventive maintenance documentation: Levels. Standards. Periodicity. Types.

Machine-specific maintenance manuals.

Analysis of the technical characteristics of machines and equipment. Advantages and disadvantages.

Critical production points. Identification. Types: bottlenecks. Concept. Critical path. Concept.

PERT System. Concept. Function. Development. Phases.

Systems of analysis and study of technological knowledge: surveys, interviews and observation of work, among others.

Technological training areas. Regulated training: in-person, remote and modular. Continuous training, in the centre and at a distance, among others.

Search for technological information: manufacturers, suppliers, courses, seminars, forums, fairs, exhibitions, special publications on paper or digital, professional associations and industry events.

Technical characteristics, pricing of appropriate equipment and machine models.

Supplier companies. Provision of technical services, training and maintenance.

h) Development of the quality plan in the graphical production process:

Quality. Concept. Evolution. Stages. Quality organization.

Quality system. Concept. Objectives. Phases of implementation. Quality management. Quality control: inspection, measurement, testing and calibration. Quality assurance.

Quality cost calculation system. Cost of quality and not quality. Comparison basis. Comparison index. Implementation. Phases.

Normalization. ISO organisation. Structure. ISO standards. Concept. Objectives. Structure. Development. Phases.

Performing quality certificates for the product or production process according to the quality system:

Certification. Concept. Types. Process. Phases. Certification centres.

Quality system documentation. Structure. Features. Types: Quality manual, procedures, instructions, records, and others.

Log management: target, responsible, location, format, and retention time.

Quality tools: histogram, cause-effect diagram, scatter chart, Pareto analysis, AMFE, brainstorm, and quality committees.

Quality indicators. Concept. Structure. Development. Control.

Quality management and control software. Types: specific or integrated. Features.

Quality protocols. Standards. Concept.

Corrective and preventive measures. Concept. Factors. Phases of implementation registration and follow-up.

Continuous improvement cycle. The PDCA cycle. Demming chain reaction.

Audit. Concept. Types. Process.

Total Quality (TQM). Concept. Features. Participation and teamwork. Internal and external client.

Certificate. Concept. Types.

Formulas. Definition. Types. Application and development.

Quality and statistics. Collection of information. Inspection. Sampling. Types. Basic concepts.

Process Statistical Control (CEP). Concept.

Control charts. Concept. Types: by variables and attributes. Application. Interpretation. Control graph development software.

Capacity studies. Concept. Development. Interpretation.

6. Professional Module: Color Management.

Code: 1539.


a) Relation of the graphical workflow with the required color management:

Productive processes of the graphic industry. The graphical process.

Classification by products. Classification by phases. Classification by printing systems.

Features and adjustments for each product and process.

Print systems.

Features, print conditions, and control variables.

Measurement of color control variables. Permissible values and deviations.

The color and its playback.

Color differences. Workspaces. Color conversion. Elements of color management.

Graphical process color flows.

Color observation. Factors that influence color vision.

Rules on displaying originals and printed reproductions. Standard color observation conditions.

Equipment for the measurement of color reproduction. Densitometer, colorimeter and spectrophotometer:

Densitometer: features, operation, calibration, and standardization.

Colorimeter and spectrophotometer: features, operation, calibration, and standardization.

Features and properties related to media printing and color. Characteristics and properties related to printing and color of inks.

Log systems. Standards and certifications for media and inks.

b) Organization of calibration and maintenance of color reproduction equipment:

Classification of test systems according to objective, according to technology and according to format.

Elements of the test system. Software-RIP, printer, spectrophotometer, inks and media.

Work procedure on testing. Calibration of test equipment: calibration and linearization. Normalization in testing.

Graphics monitors: types, operation, and features. Color temperature.

Normalized lighting for the graphic industry: D50 and D65. Gamma of the monitor. Compatible monitors for color display. Normalization on color observation on monitors. The calibration process of the monitor. Monitor colorimeter.

The process of filming printer shapes: quality features. Operation of the RIP, configuration of the calibration values. Plate densitometres: operation.

Quality characteristics of preprint equipment.

Quality characteristics of color test systems.

Quality characteristics in the filmed equipment.

Quality characteristics on monitors.

Tasks for quality feature control.

Run frequency, control parameters, and measurement methods.

c) Planning for standardized color profiles and spaces:

The Offset printer shape: properties, processing, and quality features.

The flexographic printer form: properties, processing, and quality features.

The screen printer form: properties, processing, and quality features.

Regulations related to printer forms.

Variables, tolerances, and recommendations for the characteristics of printer shapes.

Print variables: identification, measurement, and range of values.

The control strips.

Measurement instruments: densitometer and spectrophotometer.

Rules regarding printing systems.

The color spaces.

Space Conversions.

The differences in color and tolerances.

The color profile: description, types, and examples.

Standards for printing processes.

Profiles available for each process, depending on the type of media used.

d) Realizing the creation of color profiles:

Input devices: scanners, digital cameras, and video cameras.

Configuring the digitalization of the input device.

Software for the realization of input device profiles.

Normalized profiling cards.

Input equipment profiling process.

Control features of a monitor.

Calibration conditions for display devices.

Regulations concerning the calibration of monitors for color observation.

Software for creating monitor color profiles.

Monitor profiling process.

The control strips: elements, values, and variables that you control.

Relationship between print variables and control elements.

Rules related to print variables.

The color profile: concept, structure, types, usage, and identification.

Software for creating print color profiles:

Features and configuration.

Instrumentation for creating print profiles.

Print profile creation procedure.

Evaluation of color profiles.

Programs to display, analyze, and check color profiles.

Test the color profile.

Editing the color profiles.

Protocols for creating color profiles.

Tasks to perform for profile creation.

Periodicity and environmental conditions in profiling.

e) Developing the color management job plan:

Color Transformation.

Color Conversion Purposes.

Color spaces for monitors.

Printer color spaces.

Programs to perform color transformations.

Configuring color transformation.

Working protocols on color transformations.


Work Orders.

Color management on workstations.

Configuring color management in the main preprint applications.

Configuration of color in the RIP.

Configuring the test system.

Choosing the appropriate media.

Choosing the appropriate profile.

Selection of deviation tolerances.

Certification of the color test.

Strips of control that are used in color tests.

Recalibrate of test equipment: procedure, tolerances, and periodicity.

Major issues in color management.

Causes of the major incidents that occurred in color management.

corrective actions to be taken in the color management process:

Related to workspaces.

Related to profiles, for conversion purposes and with color retouches.

Graphical file formats.

Compatibility between formats and applications.

Normalization of files for the graphical process.

f) Determining the acquisition and upgrading needs of color-related equipment:

The flow of color in the graphic industry.

Measurement equipment: densitometres, colorimeters and spectrophotometers.

Types, manufacturers, and models (features and pricing).

Software functions for color management.

Top software packages for color management, features, functions, usability, instruments, and compatible equipment.

Manufacturers, Distribution, and Pricing.

Equipment and software required in the graphical process, related to color reproduction and treatment.

Sources of knowledge in color management, news and trends:

Technological institutes and color researchers.

Specialized graphic journals.

Graphical industry trends forums.

International Graphic Fairs.

Top vendors and manufacturers in the color area.

Systems of analysis and study of knowledge on color management: surveys, interviews and observation of the work.

Structure areas of color management training.

Possible training options: regulated, face-to-face, distance, modular and continuous training.

Color training provider entities.

7. Professional Module: Organization of graphical printing processes.

Code: 1540.


a) Human resource management, equipment and materials:

Workflow for obtaining a printed product.

Characteristics of the work order or order.

Product Specifications. Sample or model.

Digital files for digital printing.

Technical documentation associated with a given product.

Principles and features of printing systems (offset, holoetching, flexography, tampography, and digital printing).

The printer shapes of the various printing systems.

Raw materials, products, and specific auxiliary materials in different printing processes.

Benchmarking between different print systems. Advantages and disadvantages.

Typology of machines according to printing system.

Equipment and auxiliary machines integrated in the printing process. Online finishes. Drying tunnels.

Comparative of machine formats. Advantages and disadvantages.

Format selection criteria and machine type based on product characteristics.

Machines and technical tabs on machines.

Products and markets associated with different printing systems.

Top methods of calculating production performance of printing machines.

The production plan:

Production processes of printing.

Elements that are involved in the graphical printing process.

Planning and production times.

Managing budgets and costs for a printed product.

Organization and distribution of print department human resources.

Production Plan Documents. Communication.

Stock management and control methods.

Computer applications for production management and control. MIS/ERP systems.

b) Managing print processes:

Receiving and validation of color tests and certified tests (UNE-ISO 12647).

Contract, screen, and analog tests.

Digital tests.

Color management systems and software.

Measurement and control teams in color management.

Specific test and sample display conditions.

Standardized light conditions. Standard illuminants.

ICN Lighting Angles. Choice. Viewing angles.

Color references (pantone and other color letters).

Quality optical settings.

Technical criteria in creating new creation colors.

Color differences. CIELAB.

Delta Values E (ΔE). Equations for calculation of ΔE. Limit values.

Color tolerances test.

Adjustment and adjustment mechanisms in printing machines in offset sheet and coil, flexography, hologravure and screen printing.

Singular organs to each system.

Regulation of digital printing systems.

Regulatory mechanisms in auxiliary equipment.

Technical procedures for adjusting and preparing machines and auxiliary equipment.

Technical processes and criteria for the preparation of inks.

Processes for preparing media according to their characteristics and printing systems.

Review of pre-print specifications (recording, ink density, printing contrast, printing and stamping gain, among others). Validation criteria.

Control teams. Densitometer. Colorimeter. Spectrophotometer.

Strips of control. Classification.

Fields or patches of control strips (full tone, plot, full-tone overprint, three-color overlay, gray balance, shift or double-print, and plate past control).

Controls on products in the printing process.

Control of samples in the spin: deviation and variation.

Online Control Mechanisms. Installation. Calibration. Correct density.

Print behavior.

Types of inspections. Minimum ISO standard. Visual, samples, objective and others.

Rules and sampling tables.

Retention of production. Storage zones for print review.

Product transport and storage systems finished or not finished. Classification.

Manual transport and storage, on pallets, in packages, by means of transport of documents, in PRINT ROLL and in cartridges.

Tokens and information labels and identification of the printed product to be processed in other departments and the final product.

Incidences and most common defects produced on different printing systems. Classification.

Control parameters.

Quality control procedures in print.

Statistical analysis of print quality control data.

Quality of print regulations. ISO 12647: offset, press, huecogravure, screen printing, flexography and test systems using digital printing.

Rules of print according to current regulations.

c) Control of print processes:

Possible problems in regulating machines:




Cleaning and/or maintenance.

Possible mechanical problems during the run.

Possible inadequacies of print machines during print run.

Detection and solutions to problems related to printer shape, ink, and print media.

Detection and solutions to machine-related problems.

Validation of production. Registration and documentation.

Control of production times.

Detection and solutions to problems related to production times.

Statistical analysis of production data.

Cost analysis associated with production delays. Background.

d) Organization of work groups in print:

Procedural tabs or tasks within the print process.

Schedule schedule and production shifts.

Production management software.

Documentary record of the incidents in the production plan.

Corrective actions.

Communication elements (interlocutors, message, context, channel, barriers or noise, feedback, and code).

The process of communication.

Tools to favor effective communication.

Assertive communication.

Communication types. Classifications.

The communication in the enterprise. Business communication environments.

Applications for file sharing and communication actions in the enterprise.

Strategies for effective communication.

Definition of motivation: Job motivation.

Job motivation techniques.

Main theories of motivation: theories of content and process.

Individual Motivation Questionnaires.

The labor climate. Conditioning.

The motivation in human resources policy.

Incentive plans.

Assessing the adequacy of the work plan for each process and analysis of its adequacy in terms of execution times, machinery, personnel, and ancillary processes.

Top methods of assessment and calculation of work performance.

Types of conflicts.

Attitudes to conflicting situations.

The positive value of the conflict.

Processes for troubleshooting.

Attitudes of effective behavior in labor relations.

Detection of print department personnel training needs.

Analysis and detection systems.

Responsibility and autonomy in the print job position.

Developing and implementing a training plan.

e) Equipment and tools review, maintenance, and calibration plans:

Objectives of the maintenance plan.

Maintenance types. Maintenance for user: corrective (fix and/or repair), preventive and predictive.

Managing the operational maintenance of printing machines and machines.

Equipment and machine maintenance management software.

Technical documentation of equipment and machines. Analysis.

Operations or maintenance jobs on each of the printing machines and machines.

Temporary and spatial organization of the maintenance plan.

Cleaning and maintenance of printing machines and machines.

Vendor recommendations.

Breakdowns history tabs. Monitoring. Action plans.

Individual maintenance study of each machine.

Identification and localization of the grease points.

Grease system: manual, semi-automatic, or automatic.

Checking the status of mechanical elements.

Maintenance of each of the groups of the machines (marker, printer group, inking group, wet group, band voltage group, and output organs).

Protocol for the cleaning of machinery. Automatic, semi-automatic and manual cleaning.

Maintenance functions in an organization chart for internal and external personnel.

Action plans for technical assistance.

Maintenance program and periodic reviews of stock material for machines and printing equipment.

Maintenance and periodic review of security-related equipment.

Measurement and test equipment maintenance and calibration program.

Performance procedures for inspection and testing in print processes.

Methods to record the results. Maintenance plan documents.

Machinery complying with the European Directive on the type-approval of CE-branded machines.

Raw materials and products that are less polluting and more environmentally friendly.

f) Development of quality plan procedures:

Quality control concept.

The strategic planning of quality processes.

The ISO quality system.

The EFQM excellence model.

Application standards in graphical processes.

Computerized management of the quality control plan.

Quality control plans.

Design plans and process tabs in print quality control.

Document management of the quality plan.

Managing compliant and non-compliant products in print processes.

Noncompliant Product Tokens.

Procedures for segregation of non-compliant products.

Performance protocols according to the quality plan for non-compliant products.

Supplier communication procedure.

Product sampling techniques.

Quality control statistics techniques.

Costs associated with non-compliant products.

Analysis of the causes of defects.

Defect relationship to quality levels.

Margins for the compliance of printed products.

Prevention and correction actions.

Vendor assessment procedure.

Supplier Assessment Tab.

g) Application of risk prevention and environmental protection procedures:

Business security policy.

Basic regulatory framework for the prevention of occupational risks.

Prevention and classification techniques.

Security costs.

Security and health in print processes.

General risks and their prevention.

Work and Health: Professional Risks. Risk factors.

Elemental risk assessments: simple identification and assessment techniques.

Accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Basic rules for machine security.

Danger points on machines used in printing.

Security devices used in printing machines.

Iconography used for industrial security signaling.

Safety signaling rules in places of work.

Safety, health, and environmental protection regulations applicable to printing processes.

Plan for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

Factors and situations of risk.

Preventive measures.

Protective measures.

Safety standards for machines, installations, and materials.

Safety and hygiene plans and standards.

Emergency systems.

Machine security devices: identification and localization.

Elements on which they operate. Documentation required for reporting: data collection and compilation.

Documentation and administrative procedures in environmental matters.

Analysis and evaluation of labor risks linked to printing processes. Factors involved.

Development of job security and health plans in print companies.

Royal Decree 485/97 of 14 April on minimum requirements for safety and health signs at work.

Reports of claims.

Work risk identification and assessment techniques.

Most common risks in the print section.

Potential danger zones in the print section.

Rules for organizing the corridors included in the company's prevention plan. Determination of the risks of the jobs in which individual protection is to be used.

Preventive and corrective measures. Personal protective equipment (PPE).

Choosing PPE according to the risk assessment analysis.

Proper use of PPE.

Maintenance of PPE.

Work accident investigation techniques.

Causes and consequences of occupational risks and occupational diseases in print processes.

Emergency situations and first aid in print processes.

Action protocols in emergency situations: fire, accident and environmental impact.

Basic techniques for action in the event of accidents at work.

First aid.

Resources and resources required.

Emergency evacuation procedures.

Surveillance of workers ' health.

Specific health surveillance protocols for workers.

Types of acknowledgements: initial and periodic assessment, and evaluation after important health problems.

8. Professional module: Organization of post-pressure processes, transformed and finished.

Code: 1541.


a) Allocation of equipment, materials, and human resources:

Material Sheets of Materials.

Process Tabs.

Product specifications.

Samples or mockups.

Route sheets.

Machinery and post-pressure processes: guillotines, folding machines, hoarders, stitchers, staplers, cover lines in paperback and in cap, stamping machines, spiral binding, wire-O and others.

Processing machinery and processes: die-chelators, folding machines, engomers, bag manufacturing lines, envelopes, complex processing machines, packaging and packaging, corrugated trains, lines of processing Corrugated cardboard and paper and tissue articles, among others.

Machinery and finishing processes: plasticizers, varnishes, retraction and bagging, among others.

Technical documentation.

Required operations according to the product.

Products and markets associated with different production lines.

Raw materials, products and specific auxiliary materials in the different post-pressure, transformed and finished lines. Identification and classification.

Planning for provisioning on production lines.

Organization and distribution of human resources in the post-pressure department, transformed and finished.

Communication and interdepartmental relationships.

b) Organization of post-pressure processes, transformed and finished:

Analysis of different typologies of machines and auxiliary equipment of post-pressure, transformed and finished.

Procedures for adjusting and preparing machines and equipment for post-pressure, transformed and finished.

Technical documentation. Phases of work.

Quality plan in post-pressure, transformed and finished processes.

Sampling systems during the run.

Product quality controls.

Statistical control.

Production management and control software.

Tuning production parameters during the run.

Defects characteristic of each production line.

c) Managing technical and personal contingencies:

Classification of defects in post-pressure, transformed, and finished lines.

Analysis of the causes of defects and possible solutions.

Deviations in production from programming.

Organization of human resources in the post-pressure department, transformed and finished.

Adjustments in the distribution of department personnel to absences, casualties, or other incidents.

Conflict: features, sources, and stages.

Methods for conflict resolution or suppression.

d) Organization of work groups in post-timepressure, transformed and finished:

Command and leadership styles in the coordination and direction of teams.

Motivation formulas.

Coordination between staff of different sections.

Communication types: interdepartmental, job delivery and receipt, and with clients.

Transmission of production instructions: procedures established by the company and understanding of the understanding.

Establishment of effectiveness guidelines: definition of team objectives, assessment of individual contributions, definition of tactics for common objectives, and respect for differences, among others.

Communication of roles and responsibilities of each job.

Creating a cordial working climate: mutual respect, trust, avoiding conflict, empathetic and affective communication, among others.

Staff assessment indicators.

Identification of the technical level of personnel: tracking and analysis of incidents and defects in production.

Valuation of the domain and management of auxiliary machinery and equipment.

Detection of staff training needs.

Training proposals and parameters to be taken into account.

e) Elaboration of the maintenance plan:

Technical documentation of equipment and machines.

Maintenance types: corrective, preventive, predictive, and proactive.

Maintenance plan: periodicity and operational to follow.

Maintenance operations on machines and auxiliary equipment in post-pressure processes.

Specifying the maintenance type: operator, maintenance technician, or supplier company.

External maintenance actions.

Maintenance management software.

Managing parts and consumables.

Documentary record.

f) Application of procedures for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection:

Prevention Plan. Content and application to the post-pressure sector, transformed and finished.

Contamination sources in post-pressure, transformed, and finished workshops.

Identification of risks associated with the prevention of occupational risks in post-pressure, transformed and finished.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures in post-pressure, transformed, and finished workshops.

Prevention of work risks in post-pressure, transformed and finished processes.

Prevention and collective protection.

Personal protection equipment.

Environmental protection management.

Environmental protection and labor risk prevention regulations.

Order and cleaning methods and rules.

Regulations on the work spaces and signage of equipment, machines and facilities of the department of post-pressure, transformed and finished.

9. Professional Module: Project design and management of graphic production.

Code: 1542.


a) Identification of the needs of the productive sector and the organization of the company:

Identification of job roles.

Industry structure and organization.

Company activity and its location in the industry.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

Industry trends: productive, economic, organizational, employment and other.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Collective agreement applicable to the professional field.

Company culture: corporate image.

Quality and security systems applicable in the industry.

b) Design of projects related to the sector:

Analysis of the local reality, the business offer of the sector in the area and the context in which the professional training module will be developed in the workplace.

Collecting information.

The overall structure of a project.

Crafting a work script.

Project execution planning: objectives, content, resources, methodology, activities, timing, and evaluation.

Project Feasibility and Opportunity.

Review of applicable regulations.

c) Planning for project execution:

Sequencing of activities.

Elaboration of work instructions.

Making a risk prevention plan.

Documentation required for project execution schedule.

Compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Project quality assurance indicators.

d) Defining control and evaluation procedures for project execution:

Proposal for solutions to the objectives outlined in the project and justification of the selected ones.

Defining the project evaluation procedure.

Determining the variables that can be evaluated.

Documentation required for project evaluation.

Process and end product quality control.

Log of results.

10. Professional module: Training and employment orientation.

Code: 1543.


a) Active job search:

Valuation of the importance of permanent training for the career and professional career of the superior technician in the Design and Management of Graphic Production.

Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

Identification of training itineraries related to the top technician in Graphic Production Design and Management.

Responsible for learning itself. Knowledge of the requirements and expected fruits.

Definition and analysis of the professional sector of the title of Superior Technician in Design and Management of Graphic Production.

Planning your own career:

Setting work goals, in the medium and long term, compatible with needs and preferences.

Realistic and consistent goals with current and projected training.

Job search process in small, mid-sized, and large companies in the industry.

Learning and employment opportunities in Europe. Europass, Ploteus.

Job search techniques and instruments.

Self-employment assessment as an alternative for professional insertion.

The decision-making process.

Setting a personal checklist of consistency between career plan, training, and aspirations.

b) Conflict management and work teams:

Valuation of the advantages and drawbacks of the team work for the organization's effectiveness.

Equipment classes in the graphic arts sector according to the functions they perform.

Analysis of the training of work teams. Equipment in the graphic arts sector according to the functions they perform.

Features of an effective work team.

The participation in the work team. Analysis of the possible roles of their members.

Conflict definition: features, sources, and stages of the conflict.

Methods for conflict resolution or suppression: mediation, reconciliation, and arbitration.

c) Job Contract:

The right of the job.

Intervention of public authorities in industrial relations.

Analysis of the individual labor relationship.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Hiring contract modes and promotion measures.

Rights and duties arising from the employment relationship.

Working Conditions. Salary, work time and work rest.

Modifying, suspending, and extinguishing the work contract.

Representation of workers.

Collective bargaining as a means of reconciling the interests of workers and employers.

Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the professional scope of the superior technician in Graphic Production Design and Management.

Collective conflicts of work.

New work organization environments: subcontracting and teleworking, among others.

Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

d) Social Security, Employment and Unemployment:

The Social Security System as a basic principle of social solidarity.

Structure of the Social Security system.

Determination of the principal obligations of employers and workers in the field of social security: affiliation, ups, downs and contributions.

The protective action of Social Security.

Classes, requirements, and benefits.

Concept and situations that are protected by unemployment.

Systems of workers ' advice regarding their rights and duties.

e) Professional risk assessment:

Importance of preventive culture at all stages of professional activity.

Assessment of the relationship between work and health.

Analysis and determination of working conditions.

The concept of professional risk. Risk factor analysis.

Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

Risk analysis linked to security conditions.

Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psychosocial conditions.

Specific risks in the graphic arts sector.

Determination of the possible health damage to the worker that can be derived from the identified risk situations.

f) Planning for risk prevention in the enterprise:

Rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Responsibilities in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Managing prevention in the enterprise.

Representation of workers on preventive matters.

Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks.

Planning for prevention in the enterprise.

Emergency and evacuation plans in work environments.

Elaboration of an emergency plan in a small or medium enterprise in the sector.

g) Application of prevention and protection measures in the enterprise:

Determination of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

Action protocol in an emergency situation.

First aid. Medical urgency. Basic concepts.

Application of first aid techniques.

Training for workers in the field of emergency plans.

Surveillance of workers ' health.

11. Professional module: Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

Code: 1544.


a) Entrepreneurship Initiative:

Innovation and economic development. Main features of innovation in the activity of graphic arts (materials, technology and production organization, among others).

Entrepreneurial culture as a social need.

The entrepreneurial character.

Key factors for entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

Collaboration between entrepreneurs.

The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of a company related to the graphic industry.

The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the graphic arts sector.

The risk in entrepreneurial activity.

The entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business activity.

Personal goals versus business goals.

Business Plan: the business idea in the field of graphic arts.

Good practices of entrepreneurial culture in the activity of graphic arts at the local level.

b) The company and its environment:

Basic company functions.

The enterprise as a system.

The overall business environment.

Analysis of the overall environment of an SME related to the graphical industry.

The company's specific environment.

Analysis of the specific environment of a business related to the graphical industry.

Relationships of a graphic arts SME with its environment.

Relations of a graphic arts SME with society as a whole.

Company culture: corporate image.

Social responsibility.

The Social Balance.

Business ethics.

Social and ethical responsibility of companies in the graphic arts sector.

c) Creating and starting a company:

Company concept.

Enterprise Types.

The responsibility of the owners of the business.

Taxation in companies.

Choice of the legal form. Dimension and number of partners.

Administrative formalities for the formation of a company.

Economic Viability and Financial Feasibility of a Company Related to the Graphical Industry.

Analysis of sources of financing and budgeting of a company related to the graphic arts industry.

Aid, grants and tax incentives for SMEs related to graphic arts.

Business plan: choice of legal form, economic and financial feasibility study, administrative procedures and management of grants and grants.

d) Administrative function:

Concept of basic accounting and notions.

Accounting operations: recording the economic information of a company.

Accounting as a true picture of the economic situation.

Analysis of accounting information.

Corporate Tax Obligations.

Requirements and deadlines for the filing of official documents.

Administrative management of a business related to the graphical industry.

12. Professional module: Training in job centres.

Code: 1545.


a) Identification of the structure and business organization:

Structure and business organization of the graphic arts sector.

Company activity and its location in the graphic industry sector.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

The company's logistics organization. Suppliers, customers, and marketing channels.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Human resources in the enterprise: training requirements and professional, personal and social skills associated with different jobs.

Quality system set in the job center.

The security system set in the job center.

b) Application of ethical and labour habits:

Personal Attitudes: empathy, punctuality.

Professional attitudes: order, cleanliness, responsibility and security.

Attitudes to the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

Hierarchy in the enterprise. Communication with the work team.

Documentation of professional activities: methods of classification, coding, renewal and elimination.

Recognition and application of internal company rules, work instructions, standard work procedures, and others.

c) Performing graphic product designs:

Features of an information collection form.

Types of graphic products and their characteristics.

The corporate identity manual.

Performing images and/or illustrations.

ISBN and legal deposit.

General conditions for packaging and packaging.

Specifications for a graphical project.

Production Materials. Catalogues of materials. Technical characteristics and quality requirements.

Compaging books, journals, and newspapers.

Creativity techniques.

The ad. Brochures. Faces.

External advertising.

Direct advertising (letters, catalogues and brochures) and in press (newspapers, magazines and face).


Publishing collections: newspaper, magazine and book.

Drawing Fundamentals. Composition. Reticles. Text. Tag out. Enlargement. Representation of photographs. Rendering of illustrations.

Materials and computer equipment. Design software.

Vectors and bitmaps.

Composition techniques. Rhythm. Symmetry. Balance. Repetition. Contrast. Harmony.

Psychology of color. Dynamics and language of colors. Color functions and variables.

chromatic and achromatic spaces. Harmony and contrast.

Normalization of color. Measure of color: densitometry and colorimetry.

Tippometry. Units. Body. Interline. Typographical reticle. Typographical stain.

Creative and digital typography.

Digital end arts: mounting, positioning, color separation, marking.

Graphic standards. Preflight with PDF. Quality control of a graphical process.

Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright.

Graphic standards.

Two-dimensional (2D) design software.

Structural development of new boxes.

Flat representation of packaging, packaging, exhibitors, PLVs, and others.

Representation of packaging together and by elements.

Three-dimensional (3D) design software.

Virtual Presentations.

Depth and pressure adjustments in the cutting, cleft, and perforated process.

Mounting and pasting the prototypes. Folding and shaping of the container.

Check for measures and marked adjustment tolerances.

Packaging and packaging opening force check.

Deformations produced. Study of airtight packaging and packaging.

d) Organization of digital preprint processes:

The graphical process in preprint: objectives, stages, and relationship between them.

The preprint stage and its phases.

Equipment, machinery, and materials used in preprint.

Standard software in preprint and its operation.

Workflows in preprint.

Technical specifications. Models.

Route sheets.

Production management software in preprint.

Parts of technical incidents.

Standardization rules: ISO, UNE, GRACOL, SWOP, SNAP, FOGRA, and CGATS.

Image treatment software and vector illustration: pixel and object editors.

Scanning images. The scanner. Scanning resolution.

Digital image resolution. Pixel depth.

Color management: hardware, software, and profiles.

Color test systems. Hard and soft tests. Tests hatched. Contract tests.

Style Books.

Source managers.

Composition rules.

PS and PDF formats.

PDF file editing software. Profiles. Configuration.

Preflight or pre-check files.

Signatures and documents.

Married and plotted.

Imposition tests.

Taxation software.

Printer shapes. Features and ways to obtain it.

Control cots for printer shapes.

Densitometers of irons.

Point Gain Compensation Curves.

CTP RIP. Configuration and workflows.

Technical manuals for maintenance of preprint equipment and machinery.

Network maintenance.

Maintenance of printers and plotters.

Maintenance of printer-form processors.

Calibration and characterization of monitors, scanners, printers, test plotters, and CTP.

Maintenance and calibration of densitometres, colorimeters, and spectrophotometers.

Prevention Plan. Content and application to the preprint sector.

Contamination sources in preprint.

Identifying the risks associated with preventing work risks in preprint.

Determination of pre-print job risk prevention measures.

e) Planning the materials required for a graphical product:

Graphic products. Classification, physical, structural, and resistance characteristics. Aesthetic and finishing features.

Chemical and mechanical resistance properties of media.

Graphic product binding and finishing operations.

Choosing and calculating print media.

Behavior of inks in printing.

Barnices and additives.

Tests and regulations to determine the characteristics of the ink.

Adhesives ratings according to:

Laminate: Equipment and application procedure.


Food packaging-related regulations.

The material sheets or data sheets of the materials.

Graphic Material Classification Systems.

Provider selection systems.

Provider accreditation systems.

Creating materials catalogs used.

Sourcing of materials.

Technical specifications.

Fulfillment of orders.

Valuations and budgets.

Delivery deadlines.

Delivery systems.

Materials in store: stocks, control, and rotation.

Purchasing and Warehouse Information Systems.

Programming and calculation of material consumption.

Work procedures and instructions.

The quality manual: tests, equipment and instrumentation and calibration.

Sample Selection: Sampling Methods. Representativeness of the samples.

Record the samples.

Measurement equipment for media characteristics.

Equipment for measuring the characteristics of inks and varnishes.

Equipment for measuring the characteristics of adhesives.

Process of calibration and maintenance.

Print media storage systems: folds and coils.

f) Managing production in the graphical industry:

Roadmap. Concept. Function. Structure.

Supplier certification. Concept. Process. Phases: selection, evaluation and audit of suppliers. Development and issuance of certification.

Commercial and procurement management software. Types: specific or integrated. Features.

Price Rate. Concept. Structure. Development.

The offer. Concept. Function. Structure. Development.

The proposal or purchase request. Concept. Function. Structure. Development.

Realization of the budget. Variables. Development.

Modification of the quote. Detection, communication, and approval.

Analysis of deviations from the productive process between actual and budgeted costs. Determination and interpretation of the causes.

Programming of jobs. Concept. Types. Functions. Stages.

Planning and control of production. Concept. Types. Functions. Stages.

Assignment of computers and machines. Basic principles.

Production management and control software. Monitoring the production process.

Quality software. Types: specific or integrated. Monitoring compliance with quality specifications.

Incidents and deviations. Identification and analysis.

Quality Management. Quality control: inspection, measurement, testing and calibration. Quality assurance.

Quality cost calculation system. Cost of quality and not quality. Comparison basis. Comparison index. Implementation. Phases.

Log management: target, responsible, location, format, and retention time.

Quality management and control software. Types: specific or integrated. Features.

g) Organization of print processes:

Workflow for obtaining a printed product.

Characteristics of the work order or order.

Technical documentation associated with a given product.

The production plan.

Review of the pre-print specification (record, ink density, print contrast, trapping, and stamping gain). Validation criteria.

Controls on products in the printing process.

Control of samples in the spin: Deviation and variation.

Types of inspections. Minimum ISO standard. Visual, samples and objective, among others.

Validation of production. Registration and documentation.

Control of production times.

Detection and solutions to problems related to production times.

Statistical analysis of production data.

Cost analysis associated with production delays. Background.

Production management software.

Application standards in graphical processes.

Computerized management of the quality control plan.

Quality control plans.

Managing compliant and non-compliant products in print processes.

Quality control statistics techniques.

Analysis of the causes of defects.

Margins for the compliance of printed products.

Objectives of the maintenance plan.

Maintenance types. Maintenance for user, corrective (fix and/or repair), preventive and predictive.

Managing the operational maintenance of printing machines and machines.

Temporary and spatial organization of the maintenance plan.

Protocol for the cleaning of machinery. Automatic, semi-automatic and manual cleaning.

Methods to record the results. Maintenance plan documents.

Machinery complying with the European Directive on the type-approval of CE-branded machines.

Security and health in print processes.

General risks and their prevention.

Safety, health, and environmental protection regulations applicable to printing processes.

Plan for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

Emergency systems.

Preventive and corrective measures.

Personal protective equipment (PPE).

First aid.

Emergency evacuation procedures.

Surveillance of workers ' health.

h) Organization of post-pressure, transformed, and finished processes:

Material Sheets of Materials.

Product specifications.

Route sheets.

Machinery and post-pressure processes: guillotines, folding machines, hoarders, stitchers, staplers, cover lines in paperback and in cap and stamp machines.

Processing machinery and processes: die-chelators, folding machines, engomers, bag and envelope manufacturing lines, complex processing machines, packaging and packaging machines, corrugated trains, processing lines Corrugated cardboard and paper and tissue articles, among others.

Machinery and finishing processes: plasticizers, varnishes, retraction and bagging, among others.

Technical documentation.

Procedures for adjusting and preparing machines and equipment for post-pressure, transformed and finished.

Quality plan in post-pressure, transformed and finished processes.

Sampling systems during the run.

Product quality controls.

Production management and control software.

Tuning production parameters during the run.

Defects characteristic of each production line.

Analysis of the causes of defects and possible solutions.

Deviations in production from programming.

Organization of human resources in the post-pressure department, transformed and finished.

Adjustments in the distribution of department personnel to absences, casualties, or other incidents.

Maintenance types: corrective, preventive, predictive, and proactive.

Maintenance plan: periodicity and operational to follow.

Maintenance operations on machines and auxiliary equipment in post-pressure processes.

Maintenance management software.

Managing parts and consumables.

Prevention Plan. Content and application to the post-pressure sector, transformed and finished.

Contamination sources in post-pressure, transformed, and finished workshops.

Identification of risks associated with the prevention of occupational risks in post-pressure, transformed and finished.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures in post-pressure, transformed, and finished workshops.

Prevention of work risks in post-pressure, transformed and finished processes.

Personal protection equipment.

Environmental protection management.


Sequencing and weekly hourly distribution of professional modules.

Top Grade Forming Cycle: Graphic Production Design and Management.

1479. Graphic product design

1538. Managing production in the graphical industry

1539. Color management

in the formative cycle


Duration (hours)

First Course (h/week)


2 Quarters (h/week)

1 quarter (hours)

1417. Graphic Production Materials



1478. Organizing digital preprint processes





1480. Marketing of graphic products and customer service





1543 Training and guidance







1540. Organizing graphical printing processes



1541. Organization of post-pressure processes, transformed finishes



1544. Enterprise and entrepreneurship



reserved for the imparted module in English


1542 Graphic Production Design and Management Project



1545. Job center training








Modules capable of being imparted in the English language

1417. Graphic production materials.

1478. Organization of digital preprint processes.

1479. Graphic product design.

1538 Production management in the graphical industry.

1540. Organization of graphical printing processes.

1541. Organisation of post-pressure, transformed and finished processes.


Minimum spaces and equipment


Form Space

Simulation production and software management


30 pupils

20 pupils











, digital preprint, and color management





technique graphic



-post, transformed, and finished



Minimum Equipment:

Forative Space

-purpose Aula.

Computers installed in network, projection system, and internet.

Audiovisual media.

Application computer programs


Reflection Densitometers.


Color libraries.



Peachimeters and conductmeters.

Laray Viscosim.



Higrometers sword and


Increase or tell them.

Computer equipment with certified monitors for color tests.

Inkjet printer for color testing.

Software for color analysis, quality of color and formulation of inks.

Brillometer, cobb tester and microcontour test.

Normalized Lighting Device.

Color Shades Vision Exam Equipment.

Adaptive Video Camera to microscope.

Transpalette, transport cart, and manual stacker.

ISO and UNE standards for printing materials, their characteristics, and their determination.



digital enforcement and procurement of the printer form.

Computers technically ready to run at the same time, on hardware, various standard operating systems in the graphical industry, and capable of running enforcement software and workflows.

21 " LCD-LED monitors (1920x1200 pixels).


Color Plotter.

Two Switchs.

Mural Armor for Switchs.

Digital Imposing Software and Workflow.

PDF edition software.

RGB digital projector with projection screen.

Digital Pizarra.

CTP for offset with resolution minimum of 2,540 dpi and minimum format of 35x50 cm.

Sorter with RIP function.

Offset irons measurement device.

Process component wash Stack.

Stance_body for materials: sheets, photopolymers, screens, paper, and ink cartridges.

Armarium for chemicals.

Ergonomic chairs and chairs.

, digital preprint, and management of the color.

Computers technically ready to run at the same time, on hardware, multiple industry standard operating systems, and capable of running graphic design software, preprint and color management.

Wireless connections.

21 " LCD-LED monitors (1920x1200 pixels).

Laser printers and inkjet PostScript color, A3 format (1,800 x 600 dpi).

Digitizer tablet DIN-A4 format.

File server computer.

High optical resolution desktop scanner (6,400 x 9,600 ppp.).

Color Plotter with option

RIP software for the plotter.

Test measurement device with densitometer, colorimeter, and spectrophotometer functions.

test inspection with normalized light.

Print Server Computer.

Switchs with 34 takes.

Mural Armary for switch.

Digital Pizarra. RGB digital projector with screen.

Tipometers and tell them. Typographical catalogs.

Corporate identity and image banks.

Approved color libraries.

Calibration and profiling software monitors.

Layout/Compaging Software.

Scanning and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Software.

Management Software sources.

The verification software production or checkup.

Virtual printing software.

Print test software for display.

Graphic design software.

PDF editing software.

Presentation processing software.

Virtual print software.

Conversion software formats.

Image treatment software bitmap and vector.

Image vector software.

Specific software for color management.

Profile viewing and editing software color.

Monitor Colorimeters.

Budget and Roadmap processing software.

Management Software for Graphic Arts.

Software and Licenses for File Check computer (preflight).

Software and licenses for computer file normalization.

Production planning and control software (SPCP).

Statistical Software.

Office software.

Marketing and market research software.

Attention software to the client (CRM).

Ergonomic chairs and chairs

Production management applications and simulation software.

Computers technically ready to run at a time, on hardware, multiple systems industry standard operating, and capable of running preprint, production management, and simulation-specific print and post-pressure software.

Wireless connections.

The_table_table_izq"> Laser Printers and PostScript inkjet to color, A3 format (1,800 x 600 dpi).

Print server computer.

Switchs with 34 shots.

Mural Armarium for switch.

Digital Pizarra. RGB digital projector with screen.

RGB digital projector with screen.

Ergonomic chairs and chairs.

PDF editing software.

Presentations-making software.

Planning and roadsheet processing software for graphic arts.

Planning and Control Software for the production (SPCP).

Management and control software on the production for Graphic Arts.

Accounting and budgeting software.

Commercial management software.

Logistics and control software stores.

Quality management and control software.

Virtual print software.

Print test software for display.

Simulation Software that reproduces the processes offset printing, possible incidents during the run and solutions.

Simulation software to reproduce the printing processes in flexography, possible incidents during the run and solutions.

Simulation software that reproduces the print processes in the log, possible incidents during the run, and solutions.

Simulation software that reproduces the processes screen printing.

Simulation software that reproduce the digital printing processes, possible incidents during the run and solutions.

Equipment and printing machine maintenance management software.

color management.

Simulation software that reproduces inline finishing processes (die-cut, folding, and other) for printing on coil rotary.

Software and licenses for checking for computer files (preflight).

Software for custom printing.

Software for custom printing.

raster image processor (RIP).

Software and Licenses for Computer File Check (preflight).

Software for Standardization of Computer Files.

Software for Printing custom.

raster image processor (RIP).

Industrial Digital Printing Machines.


Maintenance Management Software.

Complex processing software, packaging and packaging.

Engming folding simulation software

graphical printing technique.

Offset Print Machines and specific tools.

~ {\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024} \ ~ {\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024} \

{\cs6\f1\cf6\lang1024} with 50x70 format, 50x70 flat manual screen printing machines and manual textile screen printing machines with six jaws and six frames. A stainless steel revealed stack with light panel. Parrilleros with 50 trays and equipped with wheels. A drying tunnel.

Print inspection tables with normalized light.

Support Shouts.

Densitometers, colorimeters, and spectrophotometers.

Durometers, micrometers, pH-meters, conducmeters, aerometers, or alcoholeters, hygrometers, and odometers.

Inks Smoothie Table.

Viscosim for inks Liquid fats and inks.

< Precision table_table_izq"> Balance.

Calibers and digital coating thickness meter.

Linear guillotine.

Waste containers for sorting and recycling.

Paper store and other materials.

Storing inks and solvents with fire safety measures.

Lighting uniform from 300 to 350 lux.

Forced Air Ventilation.

Technical Classroom Climatization between 18th and 22nd C.

Regulatory 360 V three-phase electrical installation.

Installation of running water and drain to offset printing machines.

Transpalette, transport cart, and manual stacker.

Paper stack dump.

Paper vibrator-Paper equalizer.

Wireless connections.

21 " LCD-LED monitors (1920x1200 pixels).

Laser Printers and PostScript inkjet to color, format A3 (1,800 x 600 dpi).


Screen RGB Digital Projector.

Production Management Software.

Color Management Software.

Quality Management Software

post-pressure, transformed, and finished.

Linear guillotins programmable, with air table and cutting programming software for guillotines.

Combined pouches of bags and blades with cutting, perforated and cleft accessories.

Grapa binder train.

Wire Cossers individual in plane and in caballete.

Folding Alzers.

Semi-automatic thread coder.

Taping machines and filers.

Rustic Binding Machines with Module Block power, milling station, sizing and application of covers.

Hot-stamp press.

Flat eardrum or book Trowers, maximum specification area: 930x670 mm and device for the introduction of automatic pliegos.

Auto-platter machines, maximum area of specification 106x760 mm and automatic device for the introduction and reception of the specifications.

< Work_table_izq"> workers120x180.

Barnizers, maximum format 520 x 720 mm


Rules, micrometer, and gages.

Higrometers and thermometers.


Paper store and other materials.

Waste containers for sorting and recycling.

Supporting displays.

Transpalette, transport cart, and manual stacker.

Vibrator-paper equalizer.

Computers technically ready to run at the same time, on hardware, multiple industry standard operating systems, and capable of running software for text processing, compaging, vector, image processing, production management and quality management of post-time-transformed and finished.

Wireless connections.

The_table_table_izq"> Laser Printers and PostScript inkjet to color, A3 format (1,800 x 600 dpi).

Digital Pizarra.

RGB digital projector with display.

Production Management Software.

Color Management Software.

Quality Management Software