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Order Ecd/1538/2015, On 21 July, Which Establishes The Curriculum Of The Formative Cycle Of Top Grade Corresponding To The Title Of Senior Technician In Animal Husbandry And Animal Health Assistance.

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/1538/2015, de 21 de julio, por la que se establece el currículo del ciclo formativo de grado superior correspondiente al título de Técnico Superior en Ganadería y Asistencia en Sanidad Animal.

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Royal Decree 1585/2012 of 23 November, establishing the title of Superior Technician in Livestock and Animal Health Care and setting out its minimum teachings, acts in accordance with Royal Decree 1147/2011, On 29 July, the general organisation of vocational training in the education system, which defines in Article 9 the structure of vocational training qualifications and courses of specialisation, is established on the basis of the National catalogue of vocational qualifications, the guidelines laid down by the European Union and others aspects of social interest and implements the aforementioned title of Superior Technician in Livestock and Animal Health Care.

Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, provides that educational administrations will develop the curriculum of vocational training diplomas, starting with the basic curriculum and under the conditions laid down in the Article 6a 4. The teaching centres shall develop and complete, where appropriate and as established by the educational authorities, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in use of their autonomy as set out in Chapter II of Title V of the said Directive. Organic Law.

In accordance with the above and once the Royal Decree 1585/2012 of 23 November, has set the professional profile of the title of Superior Technician in Livestock and Animal Health Care, the basic aspects of the curriculum and other aspects of the academic organisation which ensure a common formation and guarantee the validity of the titles throughout the national territory, it is now necessary to determine, in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the extension and contextualization of the contents of the professional modules included in this title, respecting the professional profile of the same.

The needs of an integrated labour market in the European Union require that vocational training courses pay particular attention to the languages of the Member States, incorporating them into their training offer. In this sense, this formative cycle incorporates in the curriculum training in the English language, in response to the provisions of Royal Decree 1147/2011, of July 29.

addition, the curriculum of this training cycle is established from the respect of the pedagogical, organizational and management autonomy of the centers that provide professional training, promoting these the work in the team of the teachers and the development of training, research and innovation plans in their teaching field and actions to promote the continuous improvement of training processes.

On the other hand, vocational training centres will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils, with particular attention to the needs of people with disability.

Finally, it should be specified that the curriculum of this formative cycle integrates the scientific, technological and organizational aspects of the teachings established to achieve that the students acquire an overall view of the processes own production of the professional profile of the higher technician in Livestock and Animal Health Care.

In the process of drafting this order, the State School Board has issued a report.

For all of the above, in its virtue, I have:


General provisions

Article 1. Object.

This order is intended to determine, from the basic curriculum established in Royal Decree 1585/2012, of 23 November, establishing the title of Superior Technician in Livestock and Assistance in Animal Health and they set out their minimum lessons, the curriculum of the higher grade training cycle, corresponding to that title.

Article 2. Scope.

The curriculum established in this order will be applied in the territorial area of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.



Article 3. Curriculum.

1. The curriculum for vocational training of the educational system corresponding to the title of Senior Technical Livestock and Assistance in Animal Health, set out in Royal Decree 1585/2012 of 23 November, is determined in the terms set in this order.

2. The professional profile of the curriculum, which is expressed by the general competence, the professional, personal and social skills, and the qualifications and the competence units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, is the included in the title of Superior Technician in Livestock and Animal Health Care, referred to in the previous section.

3. The general objectives of the training cycle curriculum, the objectives of the professional modules expressed in terms of learning outcomes and their evaluation criteria are those included in the title of Senior Technician in Livestock and Assistance in Animal Health referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

4. The contents of the professional modules that make up this curriculum, adapted to the socio-economic reality as well as to the perspectives of economic and social development of the environment, are those set out in Annex I of this order.

Article 4. Adaptation to the socio-productive environment.

1. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order is established taking into account the socio-economic reality and the geographical, socio-productive and labour characteristics of the environment for the implementation of the title.

2. Vocational training centres shall have the necessary educational, organisational and economic management autonomy for the development of the teaching and their adaptation to the specific characteristics of the socio-economic, cultural and professional.

3. The centres authorised to provide this training cycle will concretize and develop the organizational and curricular measures that are most appropriate to the characteristics of their students and their productive environment, in a flexible way and in the use of their Pedagogical autonomy, in the general framework of the educational project, in the terms established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of Education.

4. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order will be developed in the didactic programs or curricular development, strengthening or creating the culture of prevention of occupational risks in the spaces where the different modules are delivered professionals, as well as promoting a culture of environmental respect, excellence in work, compliance with quality standards, creativity, innovation, gender equality and respect for equal opportunities, the " design for all people " and universal accessibility, especially in relation to people with disabilities.

Article 5. Adaptation to the educational environment.

1. The vocational training centres managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils and the environment, particularly in the light of persons with disabilities, in conditions of accessibility and with the necessary support resources to ensure that this student can cure these teachings under the same conditions as the rest.

2. Also, the lessons of this cycle will be taught with a flexible and open methodology, based on self-learning and adapted to the conditions, abilities and personal needs of the students, in order to allow the reconciliation of the learning with other activities and responsibilities.

Article 6. Duration and sequencing of professional modules.

1. The total duration of the lessons for this training cycle, including the vocational training module in the workplace, is 2,000 hours.

2. The professional modules of this training cycle, when offered under face-to-face arrangements, will be organised in two academic courses and will be in line with the weekly hourly sequencing and distribution set out in Annex II of this order.

3. The first academic year will be fully developed in the educational center. In order to be able to pursue the second course, it will be necessary to have completed the professional modules which, as a whole, are at least 80% of the hours of the first course.

4. The right of registration of those who have passed any professional module in another Autonomous Community shall be guaranteed in the terms laid down in Article 48.3 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 establishing the general vocational training of the educational system.

5. In general, during the third quarter of the second year, and once the positive evaluation has been achieved in all the professional modules carried out in the educational centre, the vocational training module will be developed in job.

6. Exceptionally, and in order to facilitate the adaptation of the number of persons registered to the availability of training positions in enterprises, approximately half of the second-year students will be able to develop this vocational training module. Training in workplaces during the second trimester of the second year, provided they have positively overcome all the professional modules of the first academic year.

7. Without prejudice to the foregoing and as a result of the temporality of certain economic activities which may prevent the development of the vocational training module in the workplace from being in conformity with the above assumptions, the latter may be organise in other periods coinciding with the development of the economic activity of the professional profile of the title.

8. In any case, the evaluation of the vocational training module in the workplace will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle.

Article 7. Project Professional Module.

1. The professional module of the project has an interdisciplinary character and incorporates the technological and organizational variables related to the essential aspects of the professional competence of the title of Superior Technician in Livestock and Assistance in Animal Health.

2. In general, this module will be taught by the teachers who are tutoring training in job centers.

3. The project professional module will be developed during the last period of the training cycle, combining individual and collective tutoring, so that at least 50% of the total duration will be carried out in an in-person manner and completed with remote tutoring in which information and communication technologies will be used.

4. In any case and prior to the start of the vocational training module in the workplace, the teaching and learning activities to facilitate the development of the project professional module should be anticipated by the responsible teacher.

5. The evaluation of this professional module will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle, including the training in job centers.

Article 8. Bilingual teaching.

1. The curriculum of this training cycle incorporates the English language in an integrated way, at least in two professional modules, from among those that make up the whole of the training cycle. These modules will be taught by teachers with teaching assignment in them and, in addition, they will have the language enablement corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2. In order to ensure that bilingual education is delivered in the two academic courses of the training cycle on an ongoing basis, professional modules of both courses will be chosen.

3. The modules which may be imparted in the English language are those listed in Annex III.

4. As a result of the greater complexity of the transmission and reception of teaching in a language other than the mother tongue, professional modules taught in the English language will increase their time load in three hours a week. for the set of modules that are delivered in the first year and two hours for which they are developed during the second course. In addition, the teachers who provide these professional modules will be assigned, in their individual hours, at least three hours a week for their preparation. These hours will have the same character as the reading hours.

5. Exceptionally and on a transitional basis up to the year 2020, when teachers with teacher allocation do not have the level of English required in these professional modules, they will share a total of three hours per week for all the teachers. modules to be delivered in the first year and two hours for those who develop during the second course with a teacher or a teacher of the English specialty. In this case, the programming of these modules will include at least one unit of work or didactics which will be developed exclusively in the English language and the other teaching units will incorporate teaching activities exclusively in English at that time allocated.

6. Exceptionally, in the case of students or students with disabilities who may be able to present difficulties in their oral expression (cerebral palsy, deafness, etc.), measures of relaxation and/or alternatives will be established. in the requirement for the provision of modules in the English language, so as to enable all the teaching of the professional modules in the Spanish language. These adaptations shall in no case be taken into account in order to undermine the qualifications obtained.


Teachers, spaces and equipment

Article 9. Qualifications and accreditation of teacher requirements.

1. The specialties of teachers with teaching assignment in the professional modules which constitute the teachings established for the title referred to in Article 1 of this order, as well as the equivalent qualifications for the purposes of teaching, are the entries respectively in Annexes III A and III B to Royal Decree 1585/2012 of 23 November 2012.

2. In order to ensure compliance with Article 12.6 of Royal Decree 1585/2012 of 23 November 2012, for the delivery of the professional modules that make up the company, in private or public ownership centers of other administrations other than educational administrations, it must be established that all the requirements set out in that Article are met, with the following documentation:

(a) Photocopy of the official academic title required, in accordance with the qualifications included in Annex III C of Royal Decree 1585/2012 of 23 November. Where the degree presented is linked to the professional module which is to be provided, it shall be deemed to include in itself the objectives of that module. Otherwise, in addition to the titration, the documents referred to in subparagraph (b) or (c) shall be provided.

(b) In the event that it is necessary to justify that the teachings leading to the titration provided encompass the objectives of the professional modules that are intended to be taught:

Personal academic certification of studies performed, original or photocopied, issued by an official center, in which the teachings are recorded detailing the subjects.

Programs of the studies provided and submitted by the person concerned, original or photocopy of the studies, sealed by the corresponding official or authorized official or official University or Center.

c) Where it is necessary to justify by means of the work experience which, at least for three years, has developed its activity in the sector related to the family, its duration shall be credited by the appropriate supporting official document, which shall be added to:

Certification of the employer or employer in which the activity developed by the person concerned is specifically recorded. This activity must be implicitly related to the learning outcomes of the professional module that is intended to be delivered.

For those who are self-employed, a statement of the person concerned with the most representative activities related to learning outcomes.

Article 10. Spaces and equipment.

The spaces and facilities to be assembled by the vocational training centres, in order to enable the development of teaching activities, are those set out in Annex IV of this order and must comply with the Article 11 of Royal Decree 1585/2012 of 23 November, as well as the rules on equal opportunities, "design for all persons" and universal accessibility, prevention of occupational risks and safety and health at the workplace.


Other offerings and mode of these teachings

Article 11. Distance offering.

1. Professional modules offered at a distance, when required by their characteristics, will ensure that students achieve all the objectives expressed in learning outcomes, through face-to-face activities.

2. The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education shall take the necessary measures and shall give the precise instructions to the centres which are authorized to provide this training cycle under pressure for implementation and operation of the offer from the same distance.

3. Centres authorised to provide vocational training lessons at a distance shall have appropriate curriculum materials which will be adapted to the provisions of the fourth additional provision of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May.

Article 12. Combined offering.

In order to respond to personal needs and interests and to provide the possibility to reconcile training with work activity, with other activities or situations, the offer of these teachings for people adults and young people in special circumstances may be combined between face-to-face and distance learning systems at the same time, provided that the same modules are not cured in both modes at the same time.

Article 13. Offer for adults.

1. The professional modules of this training cycle associated with the competence of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications may be the subject of a modular offer for adults.

2. This training will be developed with an open and flexible methodology, adapted to the conditions, capabilities and personal needs that enable them to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, in compliance with the Chapter I of Title IV of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011. In addition, such training shall be capitalizable in order to obtain a professional training certificate, in order to obtain evidence of the established access requirements.

3. In order to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, the Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education may establish specific measures to comply with the provisions of Article 41 of Royal Decree 1147/2011, July 29, and enable a face-to-face and remote offering simultaneously.

4. In order to promote training throughout life, the Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport may authorise the Provincial Directorates and the Education Ministry to give the training, in the centres of their competence, of professional modules organised in training units of shorter duration. In this case, each learning result, with its evaluation criteria and its corresponding block of contents, will be the minimum and indivisible unit of partition.

Additional disposition first. Authorization to impart these teachings.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will deal with the Directorate-General for Vocational Training with the authorization to provide the teaching of this training cycle, in full or in part, in In-person and distance-based arrangements, of the institutions that request it and comply with the requirements required under the current legislation.

Additional provision second. Linguistic enablement of bilingual teaching faculty.

Teachers who are to be taught in English must be in possession, before the date of commencement of each academic year, of the relevant language qualification, to which the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will carry out an enabling procedure before the start of each course.

Additional provision third. Training of bilingual teaching staff.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will schedule courses and training activities in the English language for all teachers of vocational training to be taught in professional modules. which may be taught in the English language, who will have the obligation to assist them until they obtain the required qualification. These measures shall apply until at least the year 2020.

The training to be offered will be three types:

a) Intensive training, through a course, preferably in face-to-face mode, during the month of September.

b) Long-term training throughout the school year, by means of a course that combines in-person and online form, which will be performed outside of the mandatory time in the training center. During the period of completion of the vocational training module in the workplace, this course will be intensified and will be carried out, as far as possible, within the required time of stay in the centre.

(c) Training in English-speaking country, through courses, which will be possible to include cultural visits and conferences, and which will be carried out at the end of the course after the completion of school activities in the training centres.

Final disposition first. Application of the order.

The Directorate-General for Vocational Training, in the field of its powers, is authorised to take the measures and to issue the necessary instructions for the implementation of the provisions of this order.

Final disposition second. Implementation of these teachings.

1. The first course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order shall be implemented in the course 2015-2016.

2. The second course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order shall be implemented in the course of 2016-2017.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, 21 July 2015.-The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, Iñigo Méndez de Vigo and Mr Mondez.


Professional Modules

1. Professional module: Organization and control of reproduction and breeding.

Code: 1274.


a) Monitoring of player management and adaptation to exploitation:

Selection of stallions in indigenous breeds. Breeding guarantees. Characteristics according to species. The importance of indigenous breeds in organic farming.

Input records for new players. Completion. Control the input documentation.

Reproductive phases in different species. Control of reproductive factors. Methods of management, pharmacology and others. Specific differences. Seasonality of the playback.

Program of exercises for stallions. Differences between species. Importance in horses.

Training and learning of the stallions. Phases. Foals or dummies.

semen extraction operations. Differences between species. Artificial vaginas, handling and assembly. Preparation of seminal doses. Dilution. Products for dilution. Temperature and humidity controls. Seminal assessment. Cooling. Preparation of straws.

Transportation of Reproducers. Requirements according to species. Preparation and surveillance. Documentation.

Management of players in organic farming. Certification. Steps to follow.

Organization of human and material resources. Distribution of tasks.

Environmental, ecological, animal health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

b) Organization and control of recela and heat detection operations:

Site location. Needs depending on the species. General features.

Assignment of the stallion or stallion. Assessment of productive and morphological indices. Selection of stallions by catalogue. Selection indexes.

Organization of the natural mount. Ratio of the number of females per stallion. Differences between species.

Lotification of females. Stimulation and timing of jealousy. Artificial methods. Hormones via vaginal, intravenous, and other.

Natural methods of stimulation of heat. Handling of males in the recela. Behavior by species.

Detection of females in heat. Systems.

Control and tracking records in the heat detection operations.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare and occupational risk prevention.

c) Elaboration and implementation of the covering plan:

Existing livestock analysis. Features. Number of females per male. Differences between species and breeds.

Zeal records. Verification. Relationship to the plan of mounting or insemination according to species.

Artificial Insemination. Application of seminal doses. Techniques. Differences between species.

The natural mount. Control the ride without help. The directed mount.

Cover record. Number of jumps per male. Number of females mounted per male and species.

Handling of green livestock coverage. The triple cross (F2). Differences between species. Adequacy to the availability of food.

Organization of human and material resources. Distribution of tasks.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare and occupational risk prevention.

d) Organization and control of the state and management of the gestation and delivery period:

Registration of the females that are pregnant. Verification of the pregnancy of the females. Field techniques: detection of pregnancy by abdominal palpation and evaluation of the development of the udder; verification of "no return to estrus" and others.

Return to zeal. Causes. Registration. Abortions and embryonic mortality.

Organization of covered and pregnant females. Productive objectives. Specific and operating differences.

Handling of pregnant females. Control. Location of females close to delivery. Specific differences.

Delivery assistance. Specific aid according to species. Performances in normal and dystopian deliveries.

Post-delivery care. Checking the placenta. Thermal status verification. Separation of pups.

Record of the Incidents and Anomalies. Birth registration.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare and occupational risk prevention.

e) Monitoring of management operations in females and offspring in the lactation period:

Control of newborn pups. Conduct. Common abnormalities according to species.

Verification of encaling in mammals. Importance of the calostra.

Checking the state of the udders. Possible problems. Mastitis. Agalaxia.

Control of artificial and natural lactation. Delivery devices. Replacements.

Control of the status of the offspring. Species-specific measures.

Acceptance of the breeding by the mother. Particularities according to species. Goddaughter.

Heavy, uncorned, loitering and other zootechnical practices. Needs by species and health requirements.

Integration of mother and breeding into the piara. Specifications.

Special handling of pups. Approach needs. The foals and their needs.

Comprehensive organic farming process. Time of stay of the breeding with the mother.

Organization of human and material resources. Distribution of tasks.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention.

f) Managing the player food program:

Description of food raw materials. Species requirement.

Control of the collection and storage of food raw materials. Space sizing depending on the species.

Calculation of the food rations of the stallions and the breeding females. Contribution of energy and protein needs. Vitamin and mineral supplements. Use of new technologies.

Management and control of food storage, preparation and distribution machinery. Characteristics depending on the type of operation and species.

The feeding of the stallions and breeders. State by species.

Food program. Control of operations. Species management.

Conversion of conventional livestock to organic farming. Rational use of food resources.

Organization of human and material resources. Distribution of tasks.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare, food safety, and occupational risk prevention.

g) Monitoring and organizing dairy production:

The udder. Anatomy. Differences by species.

The physiology of dairy production. Composition of milk according to species. Stress control.

The milking room. Types. Fit according to species. The dairy. Storage of milk. Particularities.

The mechanical milking. Machinery. Milking routine. Particularities.

Control of milk. Sampling.

Record of unit production. Use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Organic milk certification procedures. Items to be considered.

Organization of human and material resources. Distribution of tasks.

Environmental, health and animal welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention regulations.

2. Professional module: Management of animal production.

Code: 1275.


(a) Organization and supervision of the handling operations of the animal and bait animals:

mammalian species in animal production. Indigenous and select races. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of zootechnical interest. Exterior of the animal.

Meat fitness parameters: skills and productive orientations. Butcher's biotype. Interpretation of technical-economic indices. Animal behavior: character and temperament.

Receive and adequacy operations. Documentation at the reception and dispatch of animals. Isolation and quarantine systems upon the arrival of the animals on the holding.

Objectives and work schedule. Control of critical points. Tabs, work parts, and records. Traceability.

Loading, unloading and transporting animals. Conditions of the animals during transport.

Lotification of animals. Grouping according to species, race, sex, age and productive destination.

Coordination and organization of human and material resources.

Environmental, health and animal welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention regulations.

(b) Control of compliance with the health programme for breeding and bait animals:

Diseases that affect the animals of the recria and the bait. Classification. Identification. Infectious and parasitic diseases. Diseases of metabolism and nutrition. Poisonings, poisonings and toxyinfections.

Signs and symptoms of disease and other disorders. Livestock sanitation campaigns. Health advocacy groups. Health classification.

Animal protocols in quarantine. Animal conditions. Lazaretos.

Storage and storage of medicines. Registration of medicines. Selective removal.

Delete Period. Registration of treatments. Residues of pharmacologically active compounds. Sampling.

Tokens and work items. Design and elaboration.

Coordination and organization of human and material resources.

Environmental, health and animal welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention regulations.

c) Control of the feeding program for the animal and bait animals:

Food for bait and recycling. Criteria for classification. Food bases according to species, race and productive orientation. Raw materials, feed, additives. Nutritional value of food. Digestibility of food. Energy value. Biological value of the proteins.

Ration: concept and characteristics. Nutritional needs. Food composition and composition tables. Methods of calculation. Bases of rationing. Use of communication and information technologies.

Administration and distribution of rations. Preparation, mixing and distribution equipment. Characteristics and importance of water in the food. Organization of heavy food control systems and control systems.

Ration and ration distribution tabs. Completion. Record.

Coordination and organization of human and material resources.

Environmental, health and animal welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention regulations.

d) Organization and monitoring of bird management operations:

avian species of zootechnical interest. Birds: general characteristics. Skills and productive orientations, specialization and rusticity. Main strains of the poultry meat and meat. Anatomical and physiological specificities of birds.

Bird identification: systems and records. Identification with metal rings. Bird management systems, equipment and techniques. Systems for the immobilization of birds. Causes of stress.

Bird and egg control operations. Types and systems. Approved zootechnical practices. Sexing of chickens.

Organization of the poultry holding. Warning of avian groups. Organization and establishment of implementation programmes. Weight control of laying. Cloquez: prevention, influence of the periodicity in the collection of eggs.

Organization and establishment of fattening programs: daily gain, transformation index and meat yield. Organisation and establishment of breeding programmes for replacement birds.

Healthcare programs in poultry farming. Compliance. Health vacuum programme. Calendar. Teams. Diseases associated with the production process. Organization routine health tasks. Registration of treatments. Period of deletion. Detection of sick birds. Triage.

Food in birds. Types of food in birds. Concentrated foods: compound feed for laying, for bait. Feed for initiation and completion.

Agroindustrial by-products used in poultry feed. Other elements of the ration: vitamin-mineral correctors. Importance of water in the feeding of birds. Rations.

Elaboration and distribution of rations. Teams. Procedure.

Coordination and organization of human and material resources.

Environmental, health and animal welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention regulations.

e) Control and monitoring of egg collection and handling operations:

Anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive system. The egg. Structure and composition of the egg. Quality of the consumption egg: thickness of the shell, resistance to breakage, consistency of the yolk, colouring and/or pigmentation. Defective and damaged eggs.

Pre-incubation operations. Incubation: egg weight, incubability control and environmental parameters. Plant and incubator machine.

Collection and transport of eggs on the holding. Classification of eggs according to destination. Handling. Packaging of eggs before placing on the market. Cleaning, disinfection and storage of eggs. Conditioning of installations.

Newborn chickens. Care and special care.

Reports and work items. Records.

Transport, storage or incubation equipment, nacters and chicken dispatch rooms. Classification. Selection. Use. Maintenance.

Coordination and organization of human and material resources.

Environmental, health and animal welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention regulations.

f) Organization and supervision of meat production operations and other organic livestock production:

Adaptation of animals to the organic production system. Conversion of traditional livestock holdings into organic farming. Transition strategies. Available natural, material and human resources. Biostructure. Technostructure.

Livestock feed in organic production. Choice and provisioning. Food conditioning and preservation. Organic feed.

Grazing. Making use of tooth. Nutritional quality of grass and forage. Grazing techniques and systems. Majadeo. Transhumance. Fallow. Erials. Stubble. Conservation of the environment.

Handling of the recria and bait.

Indigenous races. Main productions. Bait handling. Batch grouping.

Collection, classification, transport and storage of eggs and organic chicks. Cleaning and disinfection. Evaluation of the quality of the egg.

Health status of organic livestock. Prevention. Inspection and observation of animals. Natural resistance. Rusticity. Native breeds. Homeopathy, phytotherapy, acupuncture, and other alternative therapies. Medicinal products authorised in organic farming. Waste and periods of disposal. Application of treatments. Isolation and quarantine.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention.

3. Professional Module: Management of horse racing.

Code: 1276.


a) Planning and monitoring the weaning phase:

Raking pool in off-set batches. Advantages and disadvantages of batch livestock production.

Target: types, phases, and guidelines to follow. Optimal time: adequacy to the state of the scratch and the productive plan of the farm.

Destete operations. Protocol for action. Preparation and maintenance of facilities. Handling of the mares and foals at this stage. Influence of weaning on foal development. Weaning problems and pathologies.

Observation and exploration of the general condition of the mares and rasps: status of the udders, behavior and symptoms of disease. Action in each case. Report and collaboration with the veterinary technician.

Preventative treatments. Deworming and vaccine prophylaxis. Calendar. Adequacy of the epidemiological situation in the area and the regulations. Collaboration with the veterinary technician.

Conventional and electronic identification techniques and methods of equidae: tattoo, marked on fire, with liquid nitrogen, implantation of electronic microchips and others. Registration of animals: registration procedure and associated documentation. Related databases.

Human and material resources: requirements for manpower, facilities and other means. Assignment of tasks.

Environmental, health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

b) Control and handling of the state of the mares after weaning:

Postweaning behaviour of mares: behavioural changes associated with this phase. Corrective action and action in each case.

Transfer and reintegration of the mares to the piara: preparation of the facilities, transfer and management of the adaptation period. Major problems in this period. Avoidance of stress situations. Safety for operators and animals.

The physical state of the mares. Body mass index and recovery. Drying of the udder. More frequent alterations and pathologies.

Food of the mares in the weaning phase: nutritional value and composition of the ration. Raw materials used and food supplements. Water consumption. Water and food supply.

Human and material resources: requirements for manpower, facilities and other means. Assignment of tasks.

Environmental, health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

c) Monitoring of technical means in the recrary phase:

Recria installations: sestiles, verderas, corrfins and others. Closures: specifications for equidae. Facilities and equipment for the distribution of food and water. Importance of the right to freedom: exercise and relationship with other foals.

Equine accommodations. Types of stables. Boxes.

Checking and reviewing equipment and facilities. Technical sheets. Schedule of revisions.

Power of the foals. Nutritional value and composition of the ration. Water consumption. Influence of feeding on the growth of the foal. Supply of feed and fodder: procedure and means used. Precautions to be observed. Importance of the consumption of these foods.

Human and material resources: requirements for manpower, facilities and other means. Assignment of tasks.

Environmental, health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

d) Control of the amansing period of the foals:

Facilities for the amansing of foals: conditions to be met.

Progressive approach to the foal: approach, "manbone", placement of the head, hair and management of the right-hand man.

Potros Amaning: optimal timing and operations according to breed, age and sex of animals. Safety for animals and operators. Avoidance of stress situations. Adaptation to the working rate of the farm.

Means and materials used in the amansation. Periodic review.

Influence of the amansation operations on the behavior. Back handling.

First selection of foals according to their target in adult phase. Criteria to be considered: value of parents, approximation to racial or exploitation standards, incipient attitudes and others.

Fulfillment and management of the control documentation. Control tabs.

Human and material resources: requirements for manpower, facilities and other means. Assignment of tasks.

Environmental, health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

e) Monitoring the adaptation of the foals to the recria phase:

Control of the incorporation of the foals into the recria. Training of right-back piaras: separation by sex or other characteristics.

Accommodation of the foals to the recría facilities, to the new habits and to the other animals. Piaras handling. More frequent problems. Avoidance of stress situations.

Compilation of Rations of Recria. Supply of water and water supplies: supply of water and food. Preparation, review and maintenance of equipment and other means. Importance of grazing. Influence of food on growth and body development.

Physical state of the foals. Observation and exploration: behavior of the foals, symptoms of disease, and other changes. Action in each case. Report and collaboration with the veterinary technician.

Control of hygiene and basic care. Cleaning and disinfection of the accommodation.

Preventive treatments: deworming and vaccine prophylaxis. Calendar. Adequacy of the epidemiological situation in the area and the regulations. Collaboration with the veterinary technician.

Record of information. Completion and registration of the control documentation of the recría phase: individual tokens and operating records. Use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Human and material resources: requirements for manpower, facilities and other means. Assignment of tasks.

Environmental, health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

4. Professional Module: Organization and supervision of the dressage and management of equidae.

Code: 1277.


a) Planning and monitoring of the unbrave jobs:

Debris from foals. Selection criteria. Age, gender and degree of development.

Planning for the unbrave jobs. Actions to be performed according to the characteristics of the foal.

Facilities and materials. Features. Selection criteria.

Approach to the colt. Performances of the operator. Assessment.

Placement and adaptation of the equipment to the foal. Reactions from the foal. Possible injuries. Monitoring of the equipment handling protocol.

Assessment of the level of foal learning. Criteria: Potro concentration, bad habits and others.

Elaboration of control records. Completion. Use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Human and material resources. Distribution of tasks.

Animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

b) Programming and monitoring of the work of dressage to the cord:

Evaluation of the foal. Suitability for the dressage. Characteristics according to species and races: morphological and character.

Facilities, materials and equipment for the dressage. Suitability. Run blocks and individual boxes. Sestiles with cover, verderas and corrfins. Serretones, heads, fillets, mouthfuls, cinches, cinchuelos, cloths, reins, harnesses and others.

Basic dressage techniques. Adaptation of the foal. Placement and adaptation of the different equipment, work to the rope or long reins, light-dragging jobs for hooking-oriented foals. Locomotion: by passing, trotting, galloping, jumping and racing, background and shooting.

Verification of learning. Premonted behavior. Differences according to races.

Organization of human and material resources. Distribution of tasks.

Environmental, health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

c) Monitoring the initial mount of foals:

Check the colt to mount it. Indications and characteristics that determine suitability. Differences between races.

Meter mount phases. Placement of the mounting equipment. Adaptation. Natural and artificial aids. Objectives of the initial mount. Verification.

Exercises on the initial mount. Techniques. Weight support. Start of step, trot and gallop. Drag for shooting equines.

Submission and learning of the foal. Characteristics according to breeds and species.

Control Tabs. Preparation and completion. Use of Information and Communication Technology tools.

Organization of human and material resources. Distribution of tasks.

Environmental, health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

d) Organization and supervision of the presentation of equine livestock in exhibitions and competitions:

morphological characteristics and character of the specimens for presentation. Evaluable criteria.

Preparation and training. Organization. Monitoring. Techniques.

Adequacy of facilities and equipment. Acclimatisation of the animals to the plant. Environmental conditions and related alterations.

Documentation of animals and exploitation. Registration sheets. Veterinary and other certificates.

Selected equipment and materials. Monitoring. Selection criteria.

Regulation of different types of competitions and exhibitions. Assessment and penalty criteria. Functions of the judges and organizers of the contest.

Verification of the animal's aesthetic conditioning. Presenter or presenter's indumentaria according to the type of event. Protocols. Adequacy to the event type.

Presentation types according to the contest or display protocol.

Environmental, animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

e) Control of the handling of equidae for recreational, work and sports purposes:

The physical state of the animal. Features. Physical condition and degree of training. Physical state failures.

Transport of animals. Monitoring. Media. Signage. Boarding and landing of equidae. Transport conditions. Protective elements for the equine. Carrier requirements.

Features of facilities, equipment and materials. Types. Conservation and maintenance. Conditioning. Monitoring the placement of the obstacle on the track.

Management of equidae for recreational, work and sports purposes. Training for the jump. Jump sequence. Initiation to the shot. Hook and hook types.

Technical documentation. Elaboration and fulfillment.

Environmental, animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

5. Professional module: Machinery and livestock facilities.

Code: 1278.


a) Control and verification of installations and their maintenance:

Livestock accommodations. Features. Situation and guidance. Materials used. Resistance and isolation capacity:

Accommodation for cattle. According to the type of stablemate. Constructive features and facilities.

Accommodation for pigs. For breeding, transition (piglets and recria) and for bait. Types and features.

Accommodation for sheep. Models of apriscos. Baits. Constructive features.

Goat's accommodations. Types according to operating systems. Caberiae models.

Accommodation for meat and laying birds. Constructive characteristics and types. Other accommodations.

Accommodation for other species. Constructive features and types.

Facilities for isolation and quarantine.

Storage and storage facilities. Barns. Silos. Warehouse for dried fodder. Cold storage rooms. Machinery and equipment storage facilities. Facilities for storage of inputs. Other facilities.

Facility maintenance plan. Frequency of operations. More frequent breakdowns.

Maintenance Journal and Incidents. Log of operations.

Review and diagnosis of enclosures. Maintenance and conservation. Conditions of accessibility of livestock. Features. State of conservation.

Cleansing, Disinfection, Disinfecting and Deratization. Equipment and materials: Components, regulation, maintenance.

Environmental parameters. Air circulation. Level of dust. Temperature. Relative humidity of air. Concentration of gases. Level of illumination. Other:

Electrical installation. Low voltage distribution. Lighting. Elements of protection and measurement. Electric motors.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning installations. Gas heaters and installations. Wetters and fans. Forced conditioning.

Installing water supply. Deposits. Pumping groups. Network. Drinkers. Filters. Other components. Disinfection equipment.

Facilities for the storage and disposal of waste. Management of waste from livestock farming. Minimisation of the environmental impact of waste. Agricultural use. Energy use of waste. Other treatment systems. Management of animal by-products. Collection, transport and storage. Treatment. Basic maintenance. Replacement of damaged or damaged elements.

Livestock surveillance systems.

Animal health and welfare and food safety regulations.

b) Programming and monitoring of maintenance tasks for machines and equipment:

Technical documentation. Types. Other sources of information available. Interpretation.

Machinery and equipment for preparing and distributing food for livestock. Maintenance operations. Frequency.

Equipment for manure management. Manure load. Manure distributor trailers. Regulations and yields. Systems for the treatment of liquid manure. Purin dealer tanks.

Control of the operation of machinery and equipment. Risks. Elements of protection of machinery and equipment. Responsible use. Prevention of accidents and damage to the use of machinery and equipment. First aid and emergency situations.

Preventive maintenance plan. First level maintenance in the short and medium term. Features. Maintenance works and basic repairs. Types. Maintenance manuals. Lubricants. Fuels. Paintings. Mortars. Other materials. Recording of operations.

Maintenance costs and basic repairs. Reporting.

Tokens and work items. Design.

Technical reports of failure diagnosis.

Coordination and organization of human and material resources in the maintenance of machines and equipment.

Animal health and welfare and food safety regulations.

c) Managing the workshop of a livestock farm:

Organization of the workshop. Spaces. Distribution. Equipment for an agricultural workshop. Preparation and maintenance operations of the workshop teams. Mobile maintenance equipment. Spare parts and inputs.

Basic maintenance and repair materials. Frequency of intervention. Spare parts and implements. Calculation of needs. Journal of operations. Short-and medium-term supply: adequacy of the production plan of the holding. Needs. Paperwork.

Status of material received. Check.

Ascope of workshop materials.

Storage and storage conditions for materials, tools and tools. Monitoring.

Technical information for supplies and suppliers. Logging and updating.

First aid kit. Features. Components. Replenishment. Frequency.

Fire extinguishing equipment. Review. Frequency.

d) Reporting for the acquisition and replacement of machinery, equipment and livestock supplies:

Periodic recording of the operating times of the machinery. Practical implementation. Periodicity.

Usage costs. Calculation. Fixed and variable costs.

Service offerings at market prices. Analysis and comparison.

Mechanization needs. Machinery park of a livestock holding. Calculation of needs. Criteria for the acquisition or replacement of equipment. Working times. Ability to work. Yield analysis. Grade and cost of use. Thresholds for profitability and substitution. Impact on the rest of the machinery park and on the cost per unit of production.

Technical-economic documentation of machines and equipment. Analysis. Reporting.

Plan for the acquisition and replacement of machines, equipment and tools. Preparation of technical-economic reports. Profitability of the investment. Financing and cost of the operation. Acquisition costs and operating costs.

e) Prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection:

Risk identification.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

Labor risk prevention regulations in machinery maintenance operations.

Factors and situations of risk.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Security in the workshop.

Individual protection media and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulatory regulations for waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Treatment and collection of waste.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

Order and cleaning methods/rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

6. Professional Module: Livestock Sanitation.

Code: 1279.


a) Managing the work agenda for healthcare programs:

Identification of the health status.

Vaccination and deworming programs. Animal health legislation. Documents.

Livestock health programs. Health agenda of the holding. Performances. Calendarisation of health actions.

Channels of communication in notifications to holdings. Management of health information. Communications and notifications. Media and documentation.

Records of livestock farms. Administrative requirements and formalities. Instances and information about records. Creation of records and health records: books of exploitation and book of visits. Recording methods. Group and batch logging.

Computerized records. Digitisation of animal health records.

Workplace risk prevention regulations.

Interventions to support the veterinarian in managing the work agenda for health programs.

b) Collaboration in the development of preventive health programs:

Application of health programs. Livestock advocacy groups. Means and methods.

Drying treatments in dairy cattle. Sheep and goat drying.

Disinvolvement of livestock farms. Application techniques. Products. Security.

Animal vaccines. Preparation and conservation. Types of vaccines. Vaccination techniques. Support to the veterinarian. Animal immunization: passive and active.

Drug treatments authorised in animal holdings. Individual and collective implementation. Application techniques. Follow-up of treatment. Deworming treatments. Regulations. Authorised products. Application techniques.

Sanitary Vacuum. Planning. Times and requirements.

Periods of suppression of veterinary medicinal products. Regulations.

Disposal and processing of waste and sanitary packaging. Collection points. Environmental hazard.

Environmental regulations, food safety, animal health and welfare and occupational risk prevention.

Interventions to support the veterinarian in the development of preventive health programs.

c) Collection of biological, environmental and feed samples and rapid analysis:

Utensils and containers for the collection of biological samples. Probes, plates, tubes and others.

Handling of animals for health purposes. Protocols. Ropes, ties, narrows and others.

Extracting blood in animals. Protocols. Support to the veterinarian. Main parameters measured in blood. Serological tests and tests.

Sampling. Processing and preservation of samples. Dispatch and transport. Milk samples. Collection of urine, faeces and other samples. Main parameters measured in urine and faeces.

Processed and labeled samples. Encoding.

Rapid analysis in livestock farming. Test for the detection of mamitis. Types of tests. Techniques of realization. Main parameters measured in milk. Basic parasitological analyses.

Log of the analytical results. Records of samples. Media and software.

Environmental regulations, food safety, animal health and welfare and occupational risk prevention.

d) Collection and processing of livestock data:

Health rating of livestock holdings. Particularities for the various livestock species.

Managing data about health actions.

Records of veterinary treatments on the holding: book of exploitation. Boob. Authorised medicinal products. Identification of medicinal products. Expiration. Dose. Calendar. Batches treated.

Collection, file, and treatment of analytical results.

Health history of exploitation and animals. Development of animal health records.

Record of entry and exit of personnel on the holding. Recording the incidents and failures.

Elaboration of reports and health reports in a livestock farm. Models and formats. Basic and additional information. Computer media.

Environmental regulations, food safety, animal health and welfare and occupational risk prevention.

e) Performing health statistical studies in livestock farms:

Collection of data. Protocols. Organization. Validity.

Computing methods for statistical analysis. Software for statistical management.

Processed data.

Statistical parameters with zootechnical interest. Production indices. Health indices.

Analysis of the information. Compilation of reports and statistical reports. Models and formats. Informational parts fulfillment.

Workplace risk prevention regulations.

7. Professional Module: Assistance to veterinary care.

Code: 1280.


(a) Preparation of the work area, equipment, equipment and other means:

Conditioning of the work area: cleanliness and hygiene; order and working conditions. Influence on the quality of care provided. Specific precautions for health care in livestock farming.

Instrumental, equipment and clinical-surgical materials. Classification and organization. Adequacy to the type of clinical or surgical act to be performed.

Cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation of equipment, equipment and other means. Protocol to be followed after the intervention. Verification of its status and operation. First level maintenance. Storage and storage. Boxes and containers for instruments. Risk of disease due to fomites and clinical-surgical instruments.

Consumables: Stock control. Registration. Order and replacement lists. Adaptation to the pace of work or activities carried out. Use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Biological and non-biological waste. Collection and processing according to its nature. Containers and other means for the collection and processing of waste.

Environmental, animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations.

b) Realization of auxiliary tasks in diagnostic tests and application of treatments:

Means and materials for holding and immobilizing animals: non-traumatic fastening techniques. Techniques depending on the species and status of the animal. Information to be provided by the owner. Interpretation of the gestural language of animals: indicators of unrest and insecurity. Risk minimisation for animals and operators.

Preparation of the animal for diagnostic tests or application of treatments: techniques and protocols of action. Considerations for large and small animals. Useful materials, materials and products.

Equipment and diagnostic materials: ultrasound, endoscopes, radiology equipment, analysis equipment, among others and consumables and accessories for these media. First-level preparation, cleaning and maintenance.

Preparation of the medication: indications according to prescription, product, route and method of administration. Product identification. Dosage. Dosage control systems. Reconstitution. Mixtures and dilutions. Preparation of equipment for the administration of the medication.

Surveillance and observation of the animal. Adverse reactions in diagnostic tests and administration of medication. Interventions in case of emergency.

Environmental, animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations.

c) Realization of auxiliary tasks in surgical cures and interventions:

Body cleansing and disinfection protocols. Useful and products used. Special clothes and shoes for the surgical area: gowns, special shoes and shoes, gloves, caps and masks, among others.

Preparation of the surgical field: shearing and shaving, cleaning and disinfection of the area, among others. Application of germicides. Useful materials, materials and products.

Types of anesthesia: local, regional, and general. Routes and methods of administration. Phases of the anesthesia. Pre-anesthesia. Hypnosis, sedation and reassurance.

Anesthesia teams: preparation and verification. First level maintenance. Ventilation equipment.

Attention to the instructions of the physician during the preparation and the surgical procedure. Adequacy to the type of intervention.

Animal surveillance during intervention and resuscitation: observation of vital constants. Method and instruments for measuring the same. Monitoring. Interpretation of signs of analgesia and loss of consciousness. Assistance in resuscitation and recovery. Acting in emergencies.

Type of bandages. Application: dressing of different body areas. Materials used.

Postoperative: care and follow-up. More frequent problems at this stage. Report to the veterinarian.

Environmental, health and animal welfare and occupational risk prevention regulations.

d) Fulfilling documents from diagnostic or therapeutic procedures:

Veterinarian recipe: data to contain. Sorting systems: date, numbering and others. Special recipes. Psychotropic and other.

Documentation of veterinary treatments. Rules for completion. Control. Data to be included: date and nature of prescribed or administered treatments, dose and duration of treatment, identification of treated animals and time to wait.

Laboratory results and other diagnostic tests: processing and reporting. Specific computer applications.

Communication to animal owners: procedure and means used. Data of interest to the owners of the animal or owners of the holding.

Record of the performances performed by the veterinarian. Accounting of the actions taken. Computer applications for data recording and processing.

Animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations.

e) Supervision of equipment and materials of the work vehicles of the veterinary services:

Personal work equipment: specific footwear and clothing. Preparation. Cleaning and disinfection. Renewal: conditions and periodicity.

Work vehicles. Cleaning and disinfection. Maintenance. Adaptation of series vehicles to veterinary care.

Vet of the work vehicle: relationship of medicines and other products. Composition. Classification, verification and replacement. Adequacy of the tasks to be performed and the pace of work. Completing the registration documentation.

Storage, transport and storage of medicines, useful and veterinary equipment. Containers and other means. Special precautions with diagnostic equipment.

Cold storage devices adapted for vehicles. Verification and regulation of control systems. First-level maintenance.

Documentation for the development of the activity: veterinary certificates, tokens and working parties, among others. Review and replacement.

Environmental, animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations.

8. Professional Module: Biosafety.

Code: 1281.


a) Biosafety measures:

Preventive measures. Classification. Typology.

Interpretation of floor plans of livestock facilities. Symbology. Dependencies. Criteria for the inspection of building materials.

Biosecurity. Hazard analysis and critical control points. Concept. Spread of pathogens. Types and characteristics. Biosecurity programmes.

Perimeter of the cattle installation. Safety zone. Conditions. Signage. Purpose. Types of tokens.

Risks arising from the transit of vehicles and persons. Classification.

Access to the facilities. Location. Control measures.

Potentially polluting installations. Types. Risks arising from proximity.

Documentation and data recording. Use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Environmental protection, animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations. Biosecurity protocols in veterinary centres and zoos.

b) Development of biosafety programmes on biological vectors:

Repopulation and replenishment of animals. Health documentation. Health risks.

Biological vectors. Concept. Classification. Preventive measures.

Risks derived from the entry of animals. Control measures: passive or active.

Rodent control. Techniques. Products.

High risk visitors. Classification. Preventive measures applicable to visits. Staff of the holding. Preventive measures. Training and information. Hygienic standards. Use of PPE.

Book of visits. Procedures for the control of visits. Annotations. Use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Environmental, animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations.

c) Development of biosecurity programmes on inert vectors:

Documentation of feed, fodder and other food. Vendor control.

Storage and contamination techniques for feed, fodder and other food. Handling and transport.

Water quality. Features. Microbiological control. Records.

Cleaning and disinfection in a farm, veterinary center or zoo. Equipment and materials: components, regulation and maintenance.

Procedures for receiving and storing the bed materials. Influence of materials on pathogens. Certificate of control.

Verification of cleaning and disinfection of vehicles and transport accommodation. Cages, boxes, containers and others. Documentation.

Installation for cleaning and disinfecting vehicles. Checking your location and status.

Environmental, animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations.

d) Supervision of collection, treatment and disposal of sprouts, purines and wastewater:

Collection and storage techniques. Pollution risks. Types according to handling.

Verification of facilities status. Location and build criteria.

Control of the collection of sprouts and purines. Procedure. Means and methods.

Purines treatment and disposal systems. Techniques. Efficacy of the treatments. Risks of contamination.

Analytical parameters in the treatment of purines. Control. Interpretation of analysis.

Data records. Use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Environmental, animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations.

e) Monitoring the disposal of dead bodies and animal remains:

Body removal procedure and animal remains. Types of waste and characteristics. Disposal techniques. Administrative procedures. Deadlines. Prohibited and restricted practices.

Container for dead bodies and animal remains. Types. Construction features and materials. Location. Maintenance.

Cleaning and disinfection of materials and vehicles for bodies and animal remains. Techniques.

Risks derived from the disposal of dead bodies and animal remains. Types of risks: for livestock, people and the environment.

Data Log. Use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Associated documentation. Control. Fulfillment.

Environmental, animal health and occupational risk prevention regulations. Local and regional regulations.

f) Monitoring the execution of cleaning, disinfection, and disinsation programs:

Concept of cleaning, disinfection and disinsation. Performance protocols.

Critical points. Sampling. Permissible levels of micro-organisms.

Products. Classification. Mode of employment. Effectiveness. Products permitted in organic farming. Characteristics of the products.

Application of cleaning, disinfection, and disinfecting products. Dosage. Teams. Systems.

Records. Taking data.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and occupational risk prevention.

9. Professional Module: Management of veterinary centers.

Code: 1282.


a) Distribution of dependencies and facilities of a veterinary centre:

Types of veterinary centers. Veterinary offices, veterinary clinics and veterinary hospitals. Regulation for the professional practice of small animals in clinical practice.

Types of dependencies according to the veterinary center. Veterinary offices: reception room, room for consultation and small medical and surgical interventions, among others. Veterinary clinics: operating room, radiological installation room and laboratory room, among others. Veterinary hospitals: room with sterilisation equipment, isolation room, staff room, pre-operating room and inpatient room, among others. Additional dependencies: warehouse, hairdressing, and others.

Facilities and furniture. Types, shapes, structure, functionality and utilities. Location.

Distribution of dependencies. Technical, practical and comfort criteria. Schemes on the plane. Space optimization. Space design and distribution computing applications.

Signaling of the zones. Purpose. Means and methods.

Workplace risk prevention regulations.

b) Control and organization of stock storage and conservation:

Stocks in a veterinary center. Types and characteristics. Classification. Medicinal products, medical-surgical materials, radiology material, medicinal gases, sterilization materials, and materials for biochemical and hematological analysis among others.

Storage and storage systems and equipment. Features.

Special conservation measures and means according to products. Refrigeration equipment and air conditioning equipment. Parameters to be controlled.

Location and stock classification criteria. Signage and identification.

Location of special storage stocks.

Stock control. Periodicity. Inventories. Warehouse tabs.

Protocols for placing orders. Procedures for placing orders for veterinary medicinal products.

Documentation associated with orders. Delivery notes, albarans and bills. Check and rating systems.

Warehouse management computing applications in veterinary centers.

Environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

(c) Organisation of the cleaning and maintenance activities of the facilities and equipment of the veterinary centre:

Types of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization activities. Periodicity.

Cleaning plan. Development and elaboration. Operations to be carried out, frequency and responsible for its implementation. Recording of operations.

Techniques, utensils and cleaning, disinfection and sterilization products. Selection. Organization of equipment and materials. Monitoring of the final service. Reporting.

Facilities and Equipment Maintenance Plan. Maintenance record tabs. Record of the repairs or substitutions. Compatibility with the services offered by the veterinary centre. Equipment calibration/verification plan. Operations to be carried out, frequency and responsible for its implementation. Recording of the operations or of the delivery lanes, as appropriate.

Equipment and materials for maintenance operations. Features. Use and selection criteria. Organization.

Collection and removal of generated waste. Suitability for the type of waste. Procedures and means of collection.

Environmental regulations, prevention of occupational risks and animal health.

d) Realization of Customer Service:

Characteristics of the products and services offered by the company. Veterinary medicines, food and others. Consulting services, surgery, hospitalization, emergency services and others. Exposure and sample of qualities to the client.

Catalogs and sales manuals. Use and interpretation. Other sources of information.

Communication and customer advice techniques. Typology of the client. Specific behaviors of the clientele of veterinary centers. Special situations of customer care such as night time, late clientele, anxiety or nervousness situations and others. Elements of the communication. Personal and social skills that improve interpersonal communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Personal image. Communication tools with the client. Telephony, postal mail, mailing and others. Usage and applications.

Documentation in the veterinary centers. Completion and archiving of the documentation. Registration of citations. Record of customer and patient data. Clinical reports and stories. Documentary media. Procedures for use. Other types of documents: forms, European passport and health card. Animal identification and related databases. Computer systems for the management of veterinary centres.

Claims, complaints, or suggestions of the service provided. Implementing legislation. Consumer and data protection legislation. Techniques for dealing with conflicts and complaints. Complaints procedure. Claims sheets. Internal note for communication to the hierarchical superior. Information to be recorded in the veterinary centre.

Tracking the services provided. Guidelines for action. Customer loyalty. Means and instruments. Improvement of the service provided.

Indicators for the quality control of the establishment. Service standards. Assessment of the quality of the service provided.

e) Realization of budgets, registration, billing and collection of services provided:

Budgets. Interpretation of the documentation. Software and other media.

Billing and collection. Stages. Associated documentation. The invoice. Completion. Required data. Usual charging means.

Product and Service Price Rates.

Forms of payment. Tickets and departures. Revenue and expenditure.

Billing and integrated management systems.

Stages of the box and lock process. Box books. Partial and total tonnage.

Box part. Completion. Use of information and communication technologies.

10. Professional Module: Livestock and Animal Health Care Project.

Code: 1283.


a) Identification of the needs of the productive sector and the organization of the company:

Identification of job roles.

Industry structure and organization.

Company activity and its location in the industry.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

Industry trends: productive, economic, organizational, employment and other.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Collective agreement applicable to the professional field.

Company culture: corporate image.

Quality and security systems applicable in the industry.

b) Design of projects related to the sector:

Analysis of the local reality, the business offer of the sector in the area and the context in which the professional training module will be developed in the workplace.

Collecting information.

The overall structure of a project.

Crafting a work script.

Project execution planning: objectives, content, resources, methodology, activities, timing, and evaluation.

Project Feasibility and Opportunity.

Review of applicable regulations.

c) Planning for project execution:

Sequencing of activities.

Elaboration of work instructions.

Making a risk prevention plan.

Documentation required for project execution schedule.

Compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Project quality assurance indicators.

d) Defining control and evaluation procedures for project execution:

Proposal for solutions to the objectives outlined in the project and justification of the selected ones.

Defining the project evaluation procedure.

Determining the variables that can be evaluated.

Documentation required for project evaluation.

Process and end product quality control.

Log of results.

11. Professional module: Training and employment orientation.

Code: 1284.


a) Active job search:

Valuation of the importance of permanent training for the career and professional career of the senior technician in Livestock and Animal Health Care.

Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

Identification of training itineraries related to the top technician in Livestock and Animal Health Care.

Responsible for learning itself. Knowledge of the requirements and expected fruits.

Definition and analysis of the professional sector of the title of Superior Technician in Livestock and Assistance in Animal Health.

Planning your own career:

Setting work goals, in the medium and long term, compatible with needs and preferences.

Realistic and consistent goals with current and projected training.

Job search process in small, mid-sized, and large companies in the industry.

Learning and employment opportunities in Europe. Europass, Ploteus.

Job search techniques and instruments.

Self-employment assessment as an alternative for professional insertion.

The decision-making process.

Setting a personal checklist of consistency between career plan, training, and aspirations.

b) Conflict management and work teams:

Methods for resolving or deleting the conflict. Assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of team work for the effectiveness of the organization.

Equipment in the livestock sector according to the functions they perform.

Analysis of the training of work teams.

Features of an effective work team.

The participation in the work team. Analysis of the possible roles of their members.

Conflict: Features, sources, and stages.

Methods for conflict resolution or suppression: mediation, reconciliation, and arbitration.

c) Job Contract:

The right of the job.

Intervention of public authorities in industrial relations.

Analysis of the individual labor relationship.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Hiring contract modes and promotion measures.

Rights and duties arising from the employment relationship.

Working Conditions. Salary, work time and work rest.

Modifying, suspending, and extinguishing the work contract.

Representation of workers.

Collective bargaining as a means of reconciling the interests of workers and employers.

Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the professional scope of the superior technical livestock and animal health care technician.

Collective conflicts of work.

New work organization environments: subcontracting and teleworking, among others.

Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

d) Social Security, Employment and Unemployment:

The Social Security System as a basic principle of social solidarity.

Structure of the Social Security system.

Determination of the principal obligations of employers and workers in the field of social security: affiliation, ups, downs and contributions.

The protective action of Social Security.

Classes, requirements, and benefits.

Unemployment-protected situations.

Systems of workers ' advice regarding their rights and duties.

e) Professional risk assessment:

Importance of preventive culture at all stages of professional activity.

Assessment of the relationship between work and health.

Analysis and determination of working conditions.

The concept of professional risk. Risk factor analysis.

Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

Risk analysis linked to security conditions.

Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psychosocial conditions.

Specific risks in the livestock sector.

Determination of the possible health damage to the worker that can be derived from the identified risk situations.

f) Planning for risk prevention in the enterprise:

Rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Responsibilities in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Managing prevention in the enterprise.

Representation of workers on preventive matters.

Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks.

Planning for prevention in the enterprise.

Emergency and evacuation plans in work environments.

Making an emergency plan in a company in the sector.

g) Application of prevention and protection measures in the enterprise:

Determination of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

Action protocol in an emergency situation.

First aid. Medical urgency. Basic concepts.

Application of first aid techniques.

Training for workers in the field of emergency plans.

Surveillance of workers ' health.

12. Professional module: Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

Code: 1285


a) Entrepreneurship Initiative:

Innovation and economic development. Main characteristics of the innovation in livestock activity (materials, technology and production organization, among others).

Entrepreneurial culture as a social need.

The entrepreneurial character.

Key factors for entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

Collaboration between entrepreneurs.

The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of a small and medium farm.

The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the livestock sector.

The risk in entrepreneurial activity.

The entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business activity.

Personal goals versus business goals.

Business Plan: the business idea in the livestock field.

Good practices of entrepreneurial culture in livestock activity at the local level.

b) The company and its environment:

Basic company functions.

The enterprise as a system.

The overall business environment.

Analysis of the overall environment of a small and medium farm. The company's specific environment.

Analysis of the specific environment of a small and medium livestock farm.

Relations of a small and medium-sized farm with its environment. Relations between a small and medium-sized farm with the whole of society.

Company culture: corporate image.

Social responsibility.

The Social Balance.

Business ethics.

Social responsibility and ethics of livestock companies.

c) Creating and starting a company:

Company concept.

Enterprise Types.

The responsibility of the owners of the business.

Taxation in companies.

Choice of the legal form. Dimension and number of partners.

Administrative formalities for the formation of a company.

Economic Viability and Financial Feasibility of a Small and Medium Livestock Exploitation.

Analysis of the sources of financing and budgeting of a livestock company.

Aid, subsidies and tax incentives for livestock SMEs.

Business plan: choice of legal form, economic and financial feasibility study, administrative procedures and management of grants and grants.

d) Administrative function:

Concept of basic accounting and notions.

Accounting operations: recording the economic information of a company.

Accounting as a true picture of the economic situation.

Analysis of accounting information.

Corporate Tax Obligations.

Requirements and deadlines for the filing of official documents.

Administrative management of a livestock company.

13. Professional module: Training in job centres.

Code: 1286


a) Identification of the structure and business organization:

Structure and business organization of the livestock sector.

Company activity and its location in the livestock sector.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

The company's logistics organization. Suppliers, customers, and marketing channels.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Human resources in the enterprise: training requirements and professional, personal and social skills associated with different jobs.

Quality system set in the job center.

The security system set in the job center.

b) Application of ethical and labour habits:

Personal Attitudes: empathy, punctuality.

Professional attitudes: order, cleanliness, responsibility and security.

Attitudes to the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

Hierarchy in the enterprise. Communication with the work team.

Documentation of professional activities: methods of classification, coding, renewal and elimination.

Recognition and application of internal company rules, work instructions, standard work procedures, and others.

c) Management of veterinary centers and veterinary care assistance:

Distribution of dependencies and facilities of a veterinary center: types of veterinary centers and dependencies. Regulation for the professional exercise in the clinic of small animals. Installations and furniture. Location. Technical, practical and comfort criteria. Schemes on the plane. Space optimization. Space design and distribution computing applications. Signalling of the areas.

Activities of a veterinary centre: storage and storage of stocks. Medicines, medical-surgical materials. Inventories. Warehouse tabs. Cleaning and maintenance activities of the facilities and equipment of the veterinary centre: disinfection and sterilisation. Periodicity. Cleaning plan. Applied techniques. Utensils and products for cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation. Collection and removal of waste generated. Performing the sale of services and customer service.

Work Zone. Conditioning: cleanliness and hygiene, order and working conditions. Instruments, equipment and clinical-surgical materials. Classification and organization. Cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation of equipment, equipment and other means. Waste processing.

Auxiliary tasks in diagnostic tests, treatments, cures and surgical interventions. Means and materials for attachment and immobilization of animals. Diagnostic equipment and materials: ultrasound, endoscopes, radiology equipment, analysis equipment and others. Preparation of the medication. Dosage. Surveillance and observation of the animal. Adverse reactions in diagnostic tests and administration of medication. Interventions in case of emergency. Preparation of the surgical field. Types of anesthesia. Resuscitation and recovery. Types of bandages. Application. Postoperative: care and follow-up. Report to the veterinarian.

Monitoring of documentation and equipment of work vehicles. Completion of documents of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures: veterinary prescription: data to be contained. Sorting systems. Laboratory results and other diagnostic tests: processing and reporting. Specific IT applications. Adaptation of series vehicles to veterinary care. Veterinary kit for the work vehicle.

Environmental protection, occupational risk prevention and animal health regulations.

d) Management of Biosafety and Livestock Sanitation:

Biosecurity measures. Monitoring. Interpretation of plans of livestock facilities and biosafety programmes. Biosecurity. Hazard analysis and critical control points. Spread of pathogens. Preventive measures. Perimeter of the cattle plant. Safety zone. Conditions. Signage.

Development of biosafety programmes on biological vectors: restocking and replacement of animals. Health documentation. Biological vectors. Preventive measures. Risks arising from the entry of animals. Development of biosecurity programmes on inert vectors: documentation. Storage and contamination standards for feed, fodder and other food. Drinking water. Microbiological control. Records. Procedures for reception and storage of the bed. Documentation of vehicles and transport accommodation. Verification of cleaning and disinfection. Installation for cleaning and disinfection of vehicles.

Collection, treatment and disposal of waste, carcasses and animal remains. Control of the treatment and disposal of sprouts, purines and wastewater: collection and storage techniques. Risks.

Advice on cleaning, disinfection and disinsation programs. Protocols for action. Critical points. Sampling. Permissible levels of micro-organisms. Records. Products permitted in organic farming. Application of cleaning, disinfection and disinsation products.

Managing the work agenda for the development of preventive health programs. Implementation of health programmes. Means and methods. Livestock pools. Immunisation and vaccination. Sanitary vacuum. Planning. Drug suppression periods. Regulations.

Collection and preparation of biological, environmental and feed samples. Utensils and containers for the collection of biological samples. Coding and labelling of samples. Collection and preparation of milk samples. Methodology.

Performing quick analyses. Test for the detection of mamitis. Removal of animal blood samples. Support to the veterinarian. Main parameters measured in blood. Collection of urine and faeces samples. Main parameters measured in urine and faeces. Basic parasitological analyses. Conditioning and transport of biological samples.

Collection, processing, and data analysis. Book of exploitation. Development of animal health records. Record of incidents and failures. Preparation of reports and health reports of a livestock farm. Computer methods for statistical analysis. Statistical parameters with zootechnical interest.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention.

e) Control and organisation of breeding and breeding on livestock holdings:

Input records for new players. Completion. Reproductive phases in different species. Control of reproductive factors. Methods of management, pharmacology and others. Semen extraction operations. Preparation of seminal doses. Seminal assessment. Cooling. Preparation of straws. Transport of breeders. Organization of human and material resources.

Recela and heat detection operations. Organisation and control. Location of stallions. Allocation of stallion or stallion. Assessment of productive and morphological indices. Selection of stallions by catalogue. Organization of the natural mount. Lotification of females. Stimulation and timing of jealousy. Natural methods of stimulation of heat. Handling of males in the recela. Detection of females in heat.

Elaboration and implementation of the coverage plan. Analysis of existing livestock. Features. Records of zeal. Verification. Artificial insemination. Application of seminal doses.

Organization and control of the management of pregnancy and delivery. Verification of the pregnancy of the females. Field techniques. Empty females. Abortions. Organization of covered and pregnant females. Delivery assistance. Post-partum care. Checking the placenta. Thermal status verification. Separation of pups.

Monitoring of the lactation period and dairy production. Control and management of the offspring. Conduct. Verification of the encalostration in mammals. Checking the state of the udders. Control of artificial and natural lactation. Supply devices. Replacements. Heavy, uncorned and rabcoking and other zootechnical practices. Integration of mother and breeding in the piara. Specifications. The udder. Anatomy and physiology. Handling of milking. Milking rooms and dairies. Installations and maintenance.

Player feed program. Food raw materials. Storage and storage. Calculation of the food rations of the breeding stallions and females. Vitamin and mineral supplements. Management and control of food storage, preparation and distribution machinery. Feeding of stallions and breeders.

Comprehensive organic farming process. Reproduction in organic farming. Management of breeding, breeding and bait. Management of covering in organic livestock farming. Conversion of conventional livestock to organic farming. Rational use of food resources. Milking in organic production. Organic milk certification procedures.

Human and material resources.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention.

f) Management of meat production and other livestock products:

Organization and supervision of operations for the management of animal breeding and bait: mammalian species in animal production. Parameters of carnal fitness. Productive orientations. Butcher's biotype. Reception and adequacy operations. Documentation at the reception and dispatch of animals. Isolation and quarantine systems for the arrival of the animals on the holding. Control of critical points. Traceability. Processes of loading, unloading and transporting animals. Lotification.

Monitoring the health status. Diseases affecting the animals of the species and the bait. Poisonings, poisonings, toxyinfections. Signs and symptoms of diseases and other disorders. Livestock sanitation campaigns. Lazaretos. Storage and preservation of medicinal products. Period of deletion. Registration of treatments. Tabs and work items.

Control of the feeding program for the animal and bait animals. Food bases according to species, race and productive orientation. Raw materials, feed, additives. Nutritional value of food. Digestibility. Energy value. Biological value of the proteins. Ration: concept and characteristics. Nutritional needs. Food composition and composition tables. Methods of calculation. Administration and distribution of rations. Organization of the heavy and food control systems. Ration and ration distribution tabs.

Organization and supervision of poultry production management operations. Poultry species of zootechnical interest. Main strains of the poultry meat and meat. Avian identification: systems and registers. Bird management systems, equipment and techniques. Systems for the immobilization of birds. Causes of stress. Control operations of birds and eggs. Organisation of the poultry holding. Warning of avian groups. Organization and establishment of implementation programmes. Cloquez. Organisation and establishment of fattening programmes. Organisation and establishment of breeding programmes for replacement birds. Health programmes in poultry farming. Diseases associated with the production process. Organization of routine health tasks. Feeding in birds. Types of food in birds. Agro-industrial by-products used in poultry feed. Other elements of the ration: vitamin-mineral correctors. Importance of water in the feeding of birds. Rations.

Control and monitoring of egg collection and handling operations. Anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive system. The egg. Structure and composition of the egg. Quality of the consumption egg. Defective and broken eggs. Pre-incubation operations. Incubation: egg weight, incubability control and environmental parameters. Plant and machine incubator. Collection and transport of eggs on the holding. Classification of eggs according to destination. Handling. Transport equipment, storage or incubation equipment, nacters and poultry dispatch rooms. Use. Maintenance. Regulations.

Adaptation of animals to the organic production system. Conversion of holdings from traditional to organic farming. Transition strategies. Feeding of livestock in organic production. Organic feed. Grazing. Nutritional quality of grass and forage. Grazing techniques and systems. Conservation of the environment. Collection, classification, transport and storage of eggs and organic chicks. Transport, cleaning and disinfection. Health status of organic livestock. Natural resistance. Native breeds. Homeopathy, phytotherapy, acupuncture, and other alternative therapies. Drugs authorised in organic farming. Waste and periods of deletion.

Human and material resources.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention.

g) Management of the errand, handling and dressage of equidae:

Planning and monitoring of the weaning phase. A grouping of batch of weaning lots. Weaning: types, phases and guidelines to follow. Optimal time. Weaning operations. Protocol for action. Preparation and maintenance of facilities. Influence of weaning on foal development. Observation and exploration of the general condition of the mares and rasps. Conventional and electronic identification techniques and methods of equidae: tattoo, marked on fire, with liquid nitrogen, implantation of electronic microchips and others. Animal registration: registration procedure and associated documentation.

Control and handling of the state of the mares after weaning. Postweaning conduct of the mares. Transfer and reintegration of the mares into the piara. Safety for workers and animals. Sanitary condition of the mares. Body mass index and recovery. Drying of the udder. More frequent alterations and pathologies. Feeding of the mares in the weaning phase: nutritional value and composition of the ration. Water consumption. Water and food supply.

Monitoring of the technical means in the recrary phase: recycling facilities. Closures. Facilities and equipment for the distribution of food and water. Equine accommodation. Types of stables. Boxes. Check and review of media, equipment and facilities. Technical sheets. Maintenance, cleaning and disinfection of installations. Feeding the foals. Nutritional value and composition of the ration. Water consumption. Provision of feed and fodder. Manufacture of rations of recría. Supply of water and water supplies: supply of water and food. Preparation, review and maintenance of equipment and other means. Health status of the foals. Observation and exploration. Control of hygiene and basic care. Preventive treatments: deworming and vaccine prophylaxis.

Planning and monitoring of the amansing and debrave phases of the foals. Installations for the protection of foals. Progressive approach to foal. Amansation of the foals: optimum time and operations according to race, age and sex of the animals. Safety for animals and operators. Get rid of foals. First selection of foals according to their destination in adult phase. Criteria to be considered:

Programming and monitoring the work of dressage to the string.

Facilities and equipment. Dressage techniques to the rope.

Organization and supervision of the presentation of equine livestock in exhibitions and competitions. Types of exhibitions and competitions. Rated parameters. Presentation techniques. Horse conditioning. Completion and management of the control documentation.

Control of the management of equidae intended for recreational, work and sports purposes. Transport. Equipment and materials. Human and material resources.

Environmental regulations, organic livestock production, animal health and welfare, food safety and occupational risk prevention.


Sequencing and weekly hourly distribution of professional modules

Top Grade Forming Cycle: Livestock and Animal Health Assistance

1275. Animal production management

1279. Livestock Sanitation




First Course



2 Quarters


1 quarter


1274. Organization and control of reproduction and breeding





1276. Horse racing management



1278. Machinery and livestock facilities




1281. Biosecurity



1284. Job training and guidance



reserved for the English imparted module



1277. Organization and monitoring of the dressage and management of equidae





1280. Veterinary care assistance




1282. Management of veterinary centers (1



1285. Enterprise and entrepreneurship.




reserved for the module imparted in English.


1286. Job center training.



1283. Animal health care and livestock project.



in the formative cycle.






Modules capable of being imparted in the English language

1274. Organization and control of reproduction and breeding.

1275. Management of animal production.

1277. Organization and supervision of the dressage and management of equidae.

1279. Livestock sanitation.

1280. Care for veterinary care.

1282. Management of veterinary centres.


Minimum spaces and equipment


Form Space

(*) (1) Livestock enclosures provided with spaces for animal care, extraction of semen or artificial insemination

*) Quirophans for large and small animals


30 pupils

20 pupils






store workshop









(*) Ordered Room



(*) Lecheria







(*) Installation for equine cattle



(*) A singular space not necessarily located in the training center.

(1) Variable based on livestock species.

Minimum Equipment:

Forative Space

-purpose Aula.

Computers installed in network, projection system, and internet.

Audiovisual media.

Application computer programs.



Operational Veterinary Botiquin.

Multi-purpose powder extincer.

Water and electrical power auxiliary services.

Toxic vape extractor campaign.

Glass doors with glass doors.

Armario with wooden doors.

Work tables with four sidewalks.


Material for collection of samples.

Sample collection equipment (soil, water, biological).

Quick-analysis kits.


Laboratory Glass (pipettes, flasks, and others).

Reassets lab.

portable digital pH-meter.

Magnetic Agitator.

Lab Mechers.

Electronic Balances.

Water Analysis Equipment.






The_table_table_izq"> Termometers, stopwatches, tensiometers.



Measurement Equipment.

Photo Equipment.

Material and Equipment for handling and preservation of seminal doses: electrical bath, stoves, specimens, pipettes, tweezers, gates, temperature-regulating fridges and liquid nitrogen tanks, among others.

sterilizer of surgical packages.

Diagnostic instruments: phonendoscope, otoscope, and laryngoscope.

Instrumental and obstetric material.

Standardized surgical material.


Appliances for biochemical and hematological analysis.

Gas anesthesia equipment

Machinery store workshop.


Multi-purpose powder extincer.

Mechanical mural Armarium.

Teams. Tools and tools for maintenance and repair of machinery. Reps.

Tractors, tools and implements.

Machinery for transport, loading and unloading.

Cleaning, Disinfecting, Disinfecting, and Deratization Equipment.

Welding Equipment.



Teams, useful, and tools for basic machining.


Stainless steel shelves.

Useful and tools for power and conditioning facilities: distributor trailer, shovels, rakes, hoards, forklifts, buckets, among others.

Cold Chamber.

Equipment for entering livestock farms: mono work, rubber boots, mask, cap and gloves, protective glasses, among others.

Deliveries assistance material: material for injections and cures, help deliveries, and others.

Material for holding and immobilizing animals: bonds, ligatures, cepo, and others.

Means and useful for the identification of livestock: microchip applicator, tattoo, cold iron.

Equipment, systems, and identification materials for bird and egg marking.

Waste Collection and Storage Equipment.

Instrumental body for the application of treatments: syringes, vaccinators, antiparasitic product applicators.

Dose machines for parenteral nutrition.

Cold teams for transport of drugs or biological samples.



Material for livestock handling: block and work heads of different sizes, Presentation heads, adjustable serretones, reins, fillets, sketches, protectors and bandages for feet and hands, protectors for helmets, guindfins, chains with carabiner, cloths and hoodies, complete mounting chairs, cinchuelos, trals, "Fists", among others.

Livestock cleaning and hygiene materials: brushes, bruzas, almohazas, hooks, combs, combs, braid, sponges, scissor shears, carrier bags, automatic skier, and Shears of shearing, products for the showering of animals and the care of animals helmets, product spray backpack, strap dryers, among others

and dairy room.

Ordering equipment.



Fodder feeders, concentrate hoppers, drinkbeers canaleta or cazoleta.

Automatic feed and fodder repartidores.

Automatic Bebers.

Permanent and mobile locks, sleeves, weighing equipment.

Comeders, drinkers, bird handling material.

Vent Systems. Heat lamps. Thermostats. Temperature and ventilation regulators.

Enclosures for birds.

Nidals, cages and aseleries.


The egg conveyor belt.

Egg Classifier.

Material for Jealousy Detection and Artificial Insemination: Vaginal speculation, lubricants, gloves, catheters, catheter pods, dose syringes seminal and other.

Material for the extraction of semen: artificial vaginas, collectors, and cold storage equipment

large and small.

Resuscitation equipment.

Monitor for vital constants.

Medical lamps and magnifiers.

Containers for removing sharps and cutting objects, vials and containers, waste

for equine cattle.

Cepo or colt for equidae.

Blocks runs.

Individual Boxes.



Sestiles and Verderas.

Picadero covered.

Circles to give string.

Automatic Caminator.

Exterior job lists