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Royal Decree 738/2015, 31 July, Which Regulates The Activity Of Production Of Electrical Energy And The Procedure Of Release In The Electrical Systems Of The Non-Peninsular Territories.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 738/2015, de 31 de julio, por el que se regula la actividad de producción de energía eléctrica y el procedimiento de despacho en los sistemas eléctricos de los territorios no peninsulares.

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Law 54/1997, of 27 November, of the Electrical Sector, provided that the activities for the supply of electrical energy to be developed in the island and extra-island electrical systems (today electric systems of the non-peninsular territories) would be subject to special rules, due to the specific characteristics they present in relation to the peninsular system, resulting from their territorial location and their isolated character.

In turn, in order to maintain prices equivalent to those resulting from the system of peninsular offers, and taking into account the higher cost of the foreseeable generation, derived from the very structure of the systems In isolation, it established an economic compatibility mechanism, which will ensure the aim pursued, avoiding discrimination against consumers, and marketing, without damaging the energy and economic efficiency of each of the systems.

Therefore, it was established that the activity of production of electrical energy could be excluded from the system of offers and be remunerated by taking as a reference the price structure of the peninsular system to what could be add an additional remuneration concept which would take into account all the specific costs of these systems and the costs of this electricity production activity which could not be borne by the revenue obtained in the such territorial areas.

This law was mainly developed by Royal Decree 1747/2003 of 19 December 2003 regulating the island and extra-island electrical systems, Order ITC/913/2006 of 30 March, for which it is approve the method of calculating the cost of each of the fuels used and the procedure for the clearance and clearance of energy in the island and extra-island electricity systems as well as the order ITC/914/2006, of 30 March, by the method of calculation of the remuneration of the power guarantee for the installations generation under ordinary regime of the island and extra-island electrical systems. With this regulation their principles were adapted to the peculiarities of these systems with the double objective of ensuring the supply of electrical energy and their quality, so that it could be realized at the lowest possible cost.

In this way and in relation to the generation, a mechanism of dispatch of the production units has been created in order of economic merit to cover the expected demand, taking into account the levels of safety and quality established. The system operator performs the economic dispatch of the production units on each system, based on the variable costs of the production plants.

The related regulations established the following variable cost concepts: the variable cost of operation, the cost of starting, the variable cost of operation and maintenance by operation, the hot reserve cost and the cost of the regulatory band.

As a counterpart to the system of economic dispatch and payment of the generation, on the demand side, an economic compatibility mechanism was established for energy buyers to prevent them from being produced. discrimination against their counterparts in the peninsular system.

In addition to the variable costs of the plants, used to carry out the dispatch, the production activity also foresaw a remuneration for other concepts of a fixed nature, called in its day guarantee of power. The power guarantee sought to pay back the investment and operating costs and fixed maintenance costs, taking into account the specific level of reserve required to be maintained in these electrical systems and the cost overruns. specific used.

Also the specific regulations of these territories have developed the procedure of liquidation of the energy contemplating the specific conditions of the economic dispatch of the generation and the purchase of the energy previously.


However, the lack of convergence between revenues and the costs of activities with regulated remuneration in the electricity sector generated a growing debt of the electricity system. In the reform of the electricity sector that the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism is carrying out to permanently suppress the mismatches between revenues and costs, the Ministry of Energy of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism commissioned the National Energy Commission to produce a report on regulatory adjustment measures that could be adopted in the energy sectors. As a result of this order, the Commission carried out the report on the Spanish energy sector of 7 March 2012, where the evolution of compensation for generation activity in the territories is analysed, among other issues. peninsular and propose a series of measures, which go through the revision of the regulations in force.

The first of the measures taken was the approval of Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of 30 March, which transposed directives on internal market for electricity and gas and on communications (i) electronic means, and by which measures are adopted for the correction of deviations from the mismatch between the costs and revenues of the electricity and gas sectors, where the criteria to be taken into account when determining the remuneration are laid down of the generation under ordinary regime in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories as well as a mandate to the Government to review the remuneration model of fixed and variable costs of generation plants in these electrical systems taking into account those criteria.

Secondly, and in that same line the Royal Decree-Law 20/2012, of July 13, of measures to guarantee the budgetary stability and of the promotion of the competitiveness, determined that the normative revisions of the model The remuneration of the production plants in these systems which have been developed since 1 January 2012 will apply. For these purposes, some of these changes in the remuneration model are advanced, incorporating the proposals contained in the report of the National Energy Commission on the Spanish energy sector dated 7 March 2012, concerning the the elimination of the remuneration of expenses of a recurring nature, and the review of the rate of financial remuneration.

Third, and because the configuration of the electrical systems of non-peninsular territories presented a number of shortcomings that threatened security of supply and made it difficult to reduce the costs of electricity. activities for the supply of electricity, the Law 17/2013 of 29 October was approved for the guarantee of the supply and increase of competition in the island and extra-island electrical systems.

Finally, Law 24/2013, of December 26, of the Electrical Sector, which repeals Law 54/1997 of 27 November, establishes the mechanisms to be developed in the singular regulation of these territories. peninsular. As is new with respect to the previous law, in Law 24/2013, of December 26, it is expressly stated on the one hand that the regulation of the development of the law in these territories will have present the promotion of renewable energies when they are technically feasible and involve a reduction in the costs of the system; the application of technical and market criteria for the release of energy until the integration of these systems into the peninsular market when there is an interconnectedness with the Sufficient commercial capacity peninsula; will provide economic incentives to the operator of the system so that, while maintaining security, the generation cost is progressively reduced; and it will incorporate efficient consumer price signals so that it can adapt its consumption to the load curve of each system.

Likewise, as regards the remuneration scheme for the production activity, the abovementioned Law 24/2013 of 26 December determines that for the calculation of the remuneration of the production activity in these systems, the (a) the costs of an efficient and well-managed undertaking will be considered as the costs necessary to carry out the activity through the application of homogeneous criteria throughout the Spanish territory, without prejudice to the Specific features for non-peninsular territories. These economic regimes will allow for appropriate remuneration to be paid to a low-risk activity.

Thus, the remuneration parameters of this activity will be fixed taking into account the cyclical situation of the economy, the electricity demand and the appropriate profitability for these activities for regulatory periods that will have a Six-year term.

These remuneration parameters may be reviewed before the start of each six-year regulatory period. If this review is not carried out, they shall be extended for the whole of the following regulatory period. The fee for such activities, which shall be legally fixed, may be amended in that review.

The additional remuneration concept will be based on the following principles:

(a) The extracosts shall be taken into consideration exclusively for these electrical systems associated with their territorial location and, where appropriate, their isolated character.

(b) For the determination of the investment and operating costs of the electrical energy production activity, a type installation shall be considered, over its regulatory life and in reference to the activity carried out. by an efficient and well-managed company.

(c) In order to allow adequate remuneration for a low-risk activity, the financial remuneration rate of the recognised net investment shall be referenced to the performance of the State Obligations to ten years in the secondary market increased with an appropriate differential.


This royal decree complies with the mandate established in Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of 30 April, establishing the economic regime of production facilities in these systems by virtue of the provisions of the and in Royal Decree-Law 20/2012 of July 13. It also provides for the development of certain aspects of Law 17/2013, of October 29, and of Law 24/2013, of December 26.

This royal decree lays down the administrative arrangements for electrical energy production facilities in non-peninsular territories, specifying administrative powers and proceeding with a rearrangement of the administrative procedures affecting generation facilities. It is clear that those procedures relating to the allocation of the economic system or to the management of the production office, of state competence; of those necessary for its implementation, in the majority of cases, are clearly different. of autonomic competence.

Moreover, the procedure for the recognition of the technical and economic data of the plants, necessary for the correct development of the production dispatch, is determined. The basic regulation on registration procedures and, where applicable, cancellation in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities is also laid down and certain aspects applicable to the cases are laid down. where the General Administration of the State is competent.

In isolated electrical systems, especially vulnerable, it is necessary to distinguish between manageable production facilities from those that are not, which is why in this royal decree the activity of production of electrical energy and its remuneration, distinguishing between those manageable facilities of those that are not. Thus, new cogeneration installations of net power exceeding 15 MW and those using as primary energy biomass, biogas, geothermal, waste and residual energy located in the non-peninsular territories will be programmed to similar to the other thermal installations, in turn paid as the latter, not receiving the specific remuneration scheme applicable to generation facilities from renewable energy sources, cogeneration and wastes.

In this way procedures are regulated for the efficient allocation of different economic regimes, in development as provided for in Law 24/2013, of December 26 and of Law 17/2013, of October 29.

We also proceed to establish mechanisms of control and verification by the General Administration of the State of subsistence of the determining conditions for the perception of the economic regime, without prejudice to the powers of the other affected bodies.

In this line, in order to guarantee the supply of electrical energy, a procedure is established that, within the free exercise of the generation activity, allows the installation of the necessary power for the correct energy supply, with the appropriate quality and safety levels and at the lowest cost for the electrical system as a whole. To this end, the obligation for the system operator to carry out periodic reports analysing the coverage of these systems and detecting potential installed power shortages, according to criteria to be established, is included. by the Government.

In addition, a competitive competition procedure is developed for the granting of the compatibility resolution provided for in Law 17/2013 of 29 October, which will be granted taking into account the power needs displayed by the system operator, the technical characteristics that are most appropriate for these systems and the most economically advantageous option for the system as a whole.

Also, in order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, competitions may be established for the installation of new additional power that reduces the generation costs in such a system.

This royal decree regulates certain aspects of hydroelectric pumping facilities. These installations are essential elements to provide the electrical systems with rapid and secure response capacity, facilitating their proper management, also improve security of supply and promote the penetration of energy non-manageable renewables, which on the one hand have a lower environmental impact and on the other hand cause a cost reduction in these systems.

The Council of Ministers will declare that pumping facilities have as their main purpose the guarantee of supply, security of the system and the integration of non-manageable renewable energies into electrical systems In isolation from non-peninsular territories and under Law 17/2013 of 29 October, they will be owned by the system operator in accordance with the procedure laid down in this royal decree.

Moreover, this royal decree contemplates the technical characteristics of the installations and their modification, which in addition to affecting the correct management of the production dispatch, have a significant influence on the system In addition, they will be subject to prior approval, thus ensuring that the technical conditions of the facilities granted to them are subsist. The technical parameters necessary for the calculation of the remuneration for variable costs of the facilities entitled to the collection of additional remuneration shall be obtained from the performance tests of the groups.

The methodology for the calculation of the remuneration to be collected by the facilities entitled to the additional remuneration scheme, which shall include both the concepts referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of the Article 14 (5) of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, as the additional remuneration concept.

This remuneration will include a fixed cost remuneration with a remuneration rate similar to that of the other regulated remuneration activities and a variable cost remuneration for generation which takes account of the costs of fuel, operation and maintenance and the operating modes of a group with average performance, reinforcing the concept of the ownership type installation of an efficient and well-managed company.

The main novelty introduced by this royal decree is that, on the basis of the same technical reports that prompted the previous regulations, the approach given to the additional remuneration of the generation activity in the these systems, moving from a model based on the recognition of the costs incurred for the exercise of the activity, to a model that presses the technological and management efficiency and incentivises the continuous improvement of the facilities. Thus, mechanisms are established to encourage the maintenance of plants, the renovation of less efficient plants, either by new investments or by being displaced by new plants, all within a framework that has the The Court of Justice has held that the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union is a member of the Court of Justice. exclusively the extractions are specific to these systems associated with their isolated character and their not peninsularity.

A six-year regulatory period is determined for the revision of the remuneration for fixed costs and for variable costs, as well as for the revision of the rate of remuneration to adapt it to the economic cycle and the fees for the remuneration of activities with a similar level of risk. The new investment standards that will be defined will also take into account the savings from economies of scale. In no case shall the costs or investments which are determined by rules or administrative acts which are not applicable throughout the Spanish territory be taken into account, and only those costs and costs shall be taken into account. investments that exclusively respond to the activity of the production of electrical energy.

As has already been stated, the new remuneration model encourages the maintenance and renovation of the plants in operation, which is why it is expressly envisaged that the investments in the renovation and improvement of the plants will be recognise and repay as the other investments.

On the one hand, the determination of the remuneration for variable generation costs is modified, in which the concepts of fuel, operation and maintenance costs will continue to be taken into account. environmental group and costs, but taking into account the costs of a group with a medium and ownership performance of an efficient and well-managed company, in order to encourage the proper management and maintenance of the facilities.

On the other hand, control mechanisms are established through which it is possible to verify that the remuneration for fixed costs is intended for the correct maintenance of the power plants, for which the system operator can give Start-to-power orders that have a reduced operation to check their effective availability. Also, the perception of the concept by operation and fixed maintenance is conditioned to minimum availability values.

In addition, the obligation to authorise the mixture of fuel used in the plants is fixed in such a way as to avoid the increase in the generation costs in these systems due to the modifications in the use of fuels not justified for technical reasons.

In fact, fuel prices are one of the most important items of variable cost remuneration for plants with an impact on the extraction of these systems from the costs of all of these systems. the electrical system. Thus, a mechanism is established to allow the supply of fuels to all the producers who want to settle in the non-peninsular systems at a competitive price. An auction mechanism is chosen to conform to the principles of competition, transparency, objectivity and non-discrimination that will be developed by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism. A price of the product is established on the basis of the price of the fuels in international markets.

With the aim of improving efficiency in the management of isolated electrical systems and the detection of critical points in the supply of energy with adequate levels of quality and safety, three phases are established in the (a) production dispatch, one in which demand is exclusively covered on the basis of the information communicated by the subjects, a second stage in which the safety criteria and forecasts of deviations and a third stage are taken into account; Network restrictions are included.

Additionally, an incentive to the system operator is recognized so that, maintaining the quality levels, the power consumption generated by generated energy is minimized.

Finally, the extraction of the production activity of the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories is defined as the difference between the generation costs of all the plants in these systems regardless of their technology or power and the quantities perceived in the dispatch from the demand.

The present royal decree, in application of Law 2/2015, of March 30, of deindexing of the Spanish economy, suppresses the updates existing in the previous framework from general price indices.

With regard to the recognition of fuel and emissions costs, the current criterion is maintained until the date of compensation of the same, modifying, only, the applicable benchmarks. In any case, the updates based on these indices are covered by Law 2/2015, of 30 March, cited.

The reviews of the remuneration parameters referred to in Article 14 (4) of Law 24/2013 of 26 December shall be subject to the limits provided for in Law 2/2015 of 30 March and its implementing rules.


On the other hand, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June, which regulates the activity of production of electrical energy from renewable energy sources, cogeneration and waste, has been put into effect. the need to proceed to the modification of certain aspects of operational character, in particular the transitional provision of that royal decree is modified, with respect to the term of return of the quantities the liquidations to be carried out on the premises in accordance with the provisions of the Third transitional provision of Royal Decree-Law 9/2013 of 12 July 2013 adopting urgent measures to ensure the financial stability of the electricity system.

On the other hand, it is determined that the installations of cogeneration of up to 15 MW of net power located in the non-peninsular territories will be of application the specific remuneration regime regulated in the Royal Decree 413/2014, of 6 June, when considering that because of its small size, the service that they can provide to these systems is limited, and therefore it is more appropriate to apply this remuneration regime than the additional remuneration scheme.

Finally, in line with the development of the electronic administration provided for in Law 11/2007, of June 22, of electronic access, of the citizens to the Public Services and with the objective to streamline and simplify the Citizens and companies the processing of certain administrative procedures regulated in the sectoral regulations is necessary to establish the obligation of their electronic processing.

According to the provisions of article 5.2 (a) of Law 3/2013, of 4 June, of the creation of the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, the provisions of this royal decree have been informed by the Commission National of Markets and Competition. The hearing procedure of this royal decree has been evacuated by consultation with the representatives in the Electricity Advisory Council, as provided for in the transitional provision of the aforementioned Law 3/2013 of 4 June.

The royal decree has been informed by the autonomous communities of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla as they form part of their advisory council.

Advised by the State Council in its opinion No. 381/2015 of 7 May, the text of the draft has been forwarded to the European Commission for the purpose of assessing its conformity with the Community policy. For this reason, and in accordance with the opinion itself, an additional provision is included in the draft which conditions the full effectiveness of the economic regime to the finding of its conformity with the Community order.

This text was reported to the Government's Delegation for Economic Affairs on July 29.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, with the prior approval of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at their meeting on 31 July 2015,



General Provisions

Article 1. Object.

1. This royal decree regulates the activity of the production of electrical energy for the supply of electrical energy in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories.

2. Likewise, it is the object of this royal decree to regulate the legal and economic regime of pumping facilities that have as main purpose the guarantee of supply, security of the system and the integration of energy non-manageable renewable energy systems in isolated electrical systems in non-peninsular territories.

3. Likewise, it constitutes the object of this royal decree the regulation of the economic and technical management of each of the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories, according to the established Law 24/2013, of December 26, of the Sector Electric and Law 17/2013 of 29 October for the guarantee of the supply and increase of the competition in the island and extra-island electrical systems.

Article 2. Scope.

This royal decree applies to all the subjects defined in Article 6 of Law 24/2013, of December 26, of the Electrical Sector, which exercise their activities in one of the electrical systems of the territories. peninsular.

For the purposes of this royal decree, two types of installations are distinguished:

(a) Category A facilities Within this category are non-fluent and thermal hydro-electric generation groups that use as sources of energy coal, hydrocarbons, biomass, biogas, geothermal, waste and residual energy from any plant, machine or industrial process whose purpose is not the production of electrical energy, as well as the cogeneration facilities of a net power exceeding 15 MW.

(b) Category B. Facilities within this group are the generation facilities not included in the previous paragraph using renewable energy sources and lower net power cogeneration facilities; or equal to 15 MW.

Article 3. Definition of electrical systems isolated from non-peninsular territories.

1. For the purposes of this royal decree are considered non-peninsular territories of the autonomous communities of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands and those of the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

2. The electrical systems isolated from the four non-peninsular territories are as follows:

The Balearic Islands


Gran Canaria.





Za_table_izq"> Ibiza-Formentera.


The Palm.

The Gomera.

The Iron.

3. In those cases where a union is produced by means of electrical networks of two or more isolated electrical systems in such a way as to permit integration into a single system, by Order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, the review the definition of isolated electrical systems.

4. Isolated electrical systems will no longer be considered as such when they are effectively integrated with the peninsular system, i.e. when the capacity for connection with the peninsula is such that it will allow them to be incorporated into the Peninsular production and market mechanisms that allow the integration of its energy, which must be established on the order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, prior to the report of the system operator and the market operator.

Article 4. Planning.

For the purposes of the planning defined in Article 4 of Law 24/2013 of December 26, in these electrical systems, the estimate of the power to be installed to cover the demand in each electrical system This will be the one that provides a monthly coverage deficit probability value of less than one day in 10 years.

Similarly, and without prejudice to the provisions of Article 10.2.a) of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, an estimate of the power to be installed shall be carried out to cover the expected demand under security of supply, energy diversification, improvement of efficiency and environmental protection, identifying the different types of technology that would facilitate compliance with these principles. Where appropriate, a joint assessment of the penetration and use of natural gas shall be carried out in collaboration with the gas system operator. In addition and in all cases, a cost-benefit analysis will be carried out for the system of the options raised.


Organisation and operation of electrical systems in non-peninsular territories


Production Issue

Article 5. Participants and operation of the production dispatch.

1. In each of the electrical systems isolated from the non-peninsular territories, in accordance with Article 10 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, a production dispatch is established, based on technical and market criteria. which it will apply in these systems until their integration, where appropriate, into the peninsular market.

2. The production dispatch and the liquidations relating thereto shall be carried out by the system operator in accordance with the terms of Title VI.

3. All production facilities, marketers and direct consumers operating on these systems shall be involved in the production dispatch.

Representatives may act on behalf of any subject for the purposes of their participation in the production and collection and payment of tolls, charges, prices and remuneration in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. In Law 24/2013, of December 26.

4. It shall be a necessary condition for the production units to participate in the production dispatch of the final registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, without prejudice to the possibility that production facilities may be programmed for the performance of the relevant tests from the previous registration in that register.

The administrative regime of the production activity on these systems is regulated in Title III.

Generators will obtain for their generated energy the economic regime set out in Chapter II of this Title.

5. Traders and direct consumers to participate in the production dispatch must have the certification of the system operator of the compliance with the technical requirements in order to be discharged in that dispatch and to comply with the requirements of the with the procedures of the settlement system and payment guarantees in force on these systems.

The marketing of electric power will be governed by the general provisions applicable in the peninsular electrical system with the caveats that are established in this royal decree and in the sector regulations-

6. Traders, direct consumers and generators for their consumption of ancillary services where the net balance is a buyer in one hour shall acquire the energy at the purchase price of the demand regulated in this royal decree. The purchase price of the claim shall be obtained from the peninsular price concerned by a coefficient which takes into account the variation in generation costs in each hour.


Economic regime of electrical power production facilities

Article 6. Additional remuneration scheme.

Category A facilities may receive additional remuneration under the terms provided for in Title IV and in accordance with the procedures for granting the additional remuneration referred to in Chapter IV of that Title.

Without prejudice to the particularities set out in this royal decree, the groups to which the additional remuneration scheme has been granted shall be paid for fixed costs and remuneration for variable costs. generation.

For the purpose of determining the additional remuneration applicable in each case, each group shall be assigned a type of installation according to its technical characteristics. The standard facilities are those established in this royal decree or another that could be established by order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Each type facility shall be responsible for a set of remuneration parameters which shall be calculated by reference to the activity carried out by an efficient and well-managed undertaking, specifying the additional remuneration scheme and allow the application of the same to each of the generating groups associated with that type installation.

The set of technical and economic parameters of each type facility will be determined by taking into account six-year regulatory periods and will be used throughout the regulatory period.

Article 7. Economic regime of category B facilities with the right to receive the specific remuneration scheme.

1. Category B installations as defined in Article 2 which, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June 2014, regulating the activity of the production of electrical energy from renewable energy sources, Cogeneration and waste, recognised as a specific remuneration scheme, will receive the following concepts:

(a) The product of the time-to-sale price of the energy in the dispatch of the isolated system j, Phsale(j), as defined in Annex I, multiplied by the energy sold in hour h by the generator group, measured in bars central.

(b) The specific remuneration scheme set out in Title IV of Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June 2014.

(c) Where appropriate, the economic consideration to be established for their participation in the adjustment services.

2. The rights of recovery of production facilities obtained as indicated in this Article shall be affected by the costs of diversion incurred by such installations, as well as by those which may be established, in the which are to be determined by the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Article 8. Economic regime of facilities without the right to the collection of additional or specific remuneration.

1. Generation facilities located in electrical systems isolated from non-peninsular territories to which the additional remuneration scheme or the specific remuneration scheme has not been recognised, shall be obtained for their generated energy Central bar measure the time price of the sale of the energy in the dispatch of the isolated system j, Phsale(j), as defined in Annex I.

The price shall also be collected for those installations which are not entitled to the additional or specific remuneration of the remuneration scheme for having exceeded their regulatory life or for having been revoked.

2. The rights of recovery of production facilities obtained as indicated in this Article shall be affected by the consideration of the consideration to be given to their participation in the adjustment services, the costs of deviations in which they are they incur such facilities, as well as those which may be established, in terms to be determined by the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism.

3. Where a group reaches the end of its regulatory life and is not granted further the additional remuneration under the terms set out in Articles 53 or 54, or where an installation has exceeded the period with the right to a scheme Specific remuneration in the terms set out in Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June, and the owner of the facility has no interest in operating the facility by perceiving the economic regime governed by this Article, the latter must communicate it to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines and the system operator a month in advance of the date of completion of its additional or specific remuneration scheme and to be declared unavailable for the purpose of participation in the production dispatch from the date of completion of its additional or specific remuneration scheme.

All without prejudice to the application for cancellation of the registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities, which must be submitted after the cessation of the activity and will be processed an agreement with the provisions of Article 17, and other authorisations which may be required.


Administrative regime for the production of electrical energy in non-peninsular territories

Article 9. Administrative powers.

Correspond to the General Administration of the State, in the terms established in Law 24/2013, of December 26, the following powers:

(a) The administrative authorisation for the operation of new production facilities and modification of the existing ones, as well as for the transmission, temporary closure and final closure of the plants, in the Following cases:

1.) Facilities located in the territorial sea.

2. °) Installed electrical power plants exceeding 50 MW located in territories whose electrical systems are effectively integrated with the peninsular system.

(b) Registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and the modification or cancellation of such registrations, category A facilities and category B facilities whose competence to grant the administrative authorisation corresponds to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines.

c) The reason for the administrative registration of electrical power production facilities under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism of the inscriptions of the category B facilities not included in the previous paragraph, as well as its modifications or cancellations.

(d) The granting of the additional remuneration regime as set out in Title IV, as well as the verification of compliance by the holders of the facilities with the conditions required to be entitled to their perception; where applicable, the revocation of that right.

e) Regular the organization and operation of the power production dispatch, the terms in which the economic and technical management of the isolated electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories must be developed and the settlement system and payment guarantees on these systems.

Article 10. General requirements for authorization, registration, and dispatch.

The production facilities included in the scope of this royal decree, regardless of the economic regime applicable to them, must comply with the following:

(a) Obtain the administrative authorisations for the implementation, modification, transmission, temporary closure and final closure that apply to them, the procedures of which shall be established by the administration competent.

(b) Once the operating authorisation has been obtained, they shall be registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities in the terms defined in this Title.

(c) The operators shall request the recognition of their technical and, where appropriate, economic data, which shall be those used in the production dispatch, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 11,12 and 13.

Article 11. Recognition of the technical data of production facilities.

1. The technical data of the production facilities indicated in this article will be approved by resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, with prior or simultaneous character to the final registration in the register (a) administrative capacity of electrical energy production facilities under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex II.1.

2. The technical data for the category A facilities required for approval are as follows:

a) Gross and net power.

b) Ordinary and extraordinary technical minimum. An ordinary and extraordinary technical minimum shall be defined by order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism.

c) Rise and power down ramps.

d) Start times.

e) Where appropriate, technical dispatch data as defined in Articles 62 and 63: A (i), B (i), C (i), A '(i) and B' (i).

The technical data of the cogeneration plants shall take into account their operation as a condition of the associated heat process.

3. The technical data of the category B production facilities requiring approval shall be the gross, net and minimum power.

For these production facilities, for which the net, gross and minimum power tests have not been defined in the specific legislation, the value of the installed power as defined in Article 3 shall be taken as the value of the net power Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June, or, where applicable, in the first transitional provision of that royal decree, and the approval of the gross and minimum power shall not be required.

4. By resolution of the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines the procedure for the realization of the minimum and extraordinary technical test of the facilities category A in the non-peninsular territories will be approved. The above resolution will be published in the "Official State Gazette".

Article 12. Recognition of economic data and fuel mixtures.

1. The economic data for dispatch and the mixtures of fuels defined in Annex II.2 of the production facilities category A shall be approved by resolution of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, with prior or simultaneous registration in the administrative register of electricity production facilities under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

2. For these purposes, prior to or at the same time as the application for final registration in the register, the holders of category A installations must apply to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines. recognition of the economic data for dispatch in the terms set out in Annex II.2, presenting a proposal for the values to be taken by such data on the basis of the characteristics of the facility.

Article 13. Modification and revision of technical and economic data.

1. The modification of the technical and economic data as defined in Articles 11 and 12 shall be authorized in advance by the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines. The amendment shall be communicated to the person concerned, the Autonomous Community concerned and the operator of the system and shall include the amendment to the administrative register of electricity production facilities under the Ministry of Agriculture. Industry, Energy and Tourism.

The modification of the technical data will require the carrying out of the corresponding tests. For these purposes, the holders shall communicate to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines the results of the above tests.

2. The technical and economic data for dispatch (A (i), B (i), C (i), A '(i) and B' (i), D (i) and O&MVDi) shall be reviewed in accordance with Annex III.1.

Article 14. Administrative registration of electrical power production facilities.

1. In non-peninsular territories, each of the generating groups conforming to a production plant shall be independently registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

2. In the absence of this royal decree, Chapters I and II of Title VIII of Royal Decree 1955/2000 of 1 December 2000 governing the activities of transport, distribution, marketing, supply and procedures for the authorisation of electrical energy installations and Chapter II of Title V of Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June 2014.

Article 15. Prior registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities in non-peninsular territories.

1. All electrical energy production facilities shall, after obtaining the operating authorisation, request their registration, on a prior basis, in the administrative register of energy production facilities. power.

2. Prior registration in the register shall be a necessary condition in order to be able to perform the central, net, technical and performance minimum power tests.

3. The formalisation of the prior registration in the register shall include an annotation to the margin indicating its membership of a non-peninsular territory and shall be notified to the person concerned and communicated to the system operator and, where appropriate, to the body competent to authorize the installation.

Article 16. Final registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

1. For the final registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities, the operators of installations wishing to operate in the production office of the non-peninsular territories shall submit, In addition to the provisions laid down in the legislation referred to in Article 14.2, a certification issued by the system operator of compliance with the technical requirements in order to be discharged in the dispatch and compliance with the procedures of settlements and payment guarantees that govern these systems. For these purposes, the holder shall not be required to acquire the status of the market subject.

2. It shall be a prerequisite for the final registration in the administrative register of the production facilities concerned, irrespective of the body which is competent, which, prior to the registration, has been approved. technical and, where appropriate, economic data in accordance with the provisions of this royal decree.

The final registration resolution shall order the entry in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities of the technical data and, where applicable, economic data of dispatch and the fuel mixtures. approved as appropriate and shall include an annotation to the margin indicating its membership of a non-peninsular territory.

3. The final registration in the register shall be notified to the person concerned and communicated to the system operator and, where appropriate, to the competent authority to authorise the installation.

Article 17. Cancellation of the final registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

1. The cancellation of the final registration may be taken at the request of the person concerned or on his own initiative. In the latter case, the instruction in a procedure with a hearing shall be required.

2. In cases where the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines is competent, the maximum period for resolving this procedure and notifying its decision shall be six months. During the procedure instruction, the system operator and the affected Autonomous Community or Autonomous City will be asked to report.

Also, the cancellation of the registration in the administrative register of electric power production facilities under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism will be transferred to the Autonomous Community or autonomous city corresponding to the appropriate effects.

3. The cessation of the activity as a production facility and the revocation by the competent authority of the approval of the installation, in accordance with the applicable rules, shall be the cause of cancellation of the final registration. For these purposes, the operator shall request the cancellation in the register within one month of the occurrence of the reason.

It will also be the cause of cancellation of the final registration of the lack of communication of having solved the causes that motivated the failure to comply with a boot order in the terms provided for in article 30.4.

4. The cancellation of the registration in the administrative register of electrical power production facilities of those installations that are considered essential to ensure the supply in an electrical system cannot be produced. isolated, a fact that must have been indicated by the system operator in the report set out in paragraph 2.


Additional remuneration scheme for category A facilities


Defining the additional remuneration scheme

Article 18. Definition of the additional remuneration scheme.

1. The additional remuneration provided for in this Title constitutes remuneration for investment and for the exploitation of the activity of production of electrical energy developed in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories and shall be application to all category A facilities which have been recognised as such.

2. The additional remuneration scheme for each generator group applicable to category A facilities shall be composed of the sum of the remuneration for fixed costs and the remuneration for variable generation costs as defined in Articles 22 and 31. respectively, without prejudice to the limitations set out in Article 52.3 and the provisions of the following paragraphs.

3. The additional remuneration scheme for groups which have been awarded a new capacity contest in accordance with Articles 55 and 56 shall be the result of such a contest.

4. An additional remuneration scheme may be granted for new investments made in a group registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities, whether or not to end its regulatory life. This remuneration scheme shall be as defined in Article 19.

5. In addition, additional remuneration may be granted to groups which are to end their regulatory life, even if they do not make further investments in accordance with the provisions of Article 54. This remuneration scheme shall be as defined in Article 20.

6. Where an electrical system loses its status as an individual, the additional or specific remuneration scheme which has been granted after the entry into force of this royal decree on the premises located in that system shall become the the same as that established for the plants located in the peninsular territory. The resolutions of recognition of the additional remuneration regime that have been issued since the entry into force of this royal decree shall be such as to collect this caveat.

7. The system operator shall calculate the values of the remuneration to be collected for each installation in accordance with the provisions of this Title.

Article 19. Additional remuneration for new investments.

1. For the purposes of this royal decree, they shall have the consideration of new investments, investments for renewal, modification or improvement of the performance of a group registered in the administrative register of energy production facilities. power, whether or not to end your regulatory life. In no case shall the consideration of new investments be those associated with modifications which do not require the prior administrative authorization laid down in Article 53 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, or those of which the amount is less than 5 percent of the value of the investment recognized to the group on which the new investment is made.

Also, investments in automatic generation control systems needed to provide the regulatory band service will be considered for new investments.

The procedure for granting the additional remuneration for the new investments shall be the procedure laid down in Article 53.

2. The additional remuneration scheme for new investments culminating in the registration of a new group in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities shall be as set out in this Title, as if of a group new will be treated.

3. Groups which are recognised as having a prior remuneration scheme and who make new investments whose regulatory life is lower than the previous one, may be recognised as remuneration in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 (1) of the Directive. continuation:

(a) The remuneration for variable generation costs shall be the result of applying Chapter III of this Title according to the appropriate type of installation taking into account the new investment during the lifetime of the service. regulatory that they have previously recognized.

(b) The annuity of the remuneration for investment shall be increased by the annuity of the remuneration of the new investment during the regulatory lifetime of such new investment. In addition, the remuneration for fixed costs shall be that resulting from the application of Chapter II with the particularities set out in Annex IV.5 during the regulatory life previously recognised.

4. The groups to which the additional remuneration scheme is recognised for new investments whose regulatory life exceeds the previous one, will receive the remuneration for variable generation costs and the fixed costs remuneration established in the previous paragraph during the regulatory lifetime of the new investment.

5. In cases where the technical and economic data for dispatch are modified by the realization of a new investment, they shall be authorized in accordance with the provisions of this royal decree.

Article 20. Remuneration of the groups granted to them for additional remuneration after the end of their regulatory life.

For generation groups whose regulatory life has ended and the additional remuneration scheme has been granted to them again without making further investments, the following will be available:

1. The regulatory shelf life during which the group will be entitled to receive the additional remuneration scheme shall be 5 years.

2. The annuity of the fixed remuneration defined in Article 24 shall be composed exclusively of the term of the remuneration for fixed operating and maintenance costs.

3. The remuneration for variable generation costs will be the result of applying Chapter III of this Title.

The procedure for granting additional remuneration to the groups to end their regulatory life shall be the procedure laid down in Article 54.

Article 21. Establishment of technical and economic parameters for the calculation of the additional remuneration scheme in each regulatory period.

1. The regulatory periods shall be consecutive and shall last for six years.

Before 15 July of the year before the beginning of each regulatory period, at the order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, with the agreement of the Delegation of the Government for Economic Affairs, the set of technical and economic parameters for each of the type-installations to be used for the calculation of the remuneration for the production of electrical energy developed in the electrical systems of the territories peninsular with additional remuneration for the whole of the following regulatory period.

For these purposes, the National Commission on Markets and Competition, will forward a report to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism before February 15 of the last year of each regulatory period. This report shall include a proposal for the set of parameters for each type installation.

2. The companies holding the groups will have to present to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition before April 30 of each year the audited values of the costs incurred in the year prior to the criteria for carrying out audits of the generation groups in these systems that have been approved by resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines. The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines and the National Commission for Markets and Competition will be able to ask the groups ' owners for the economic information that may be necessary for the review of the parameters of the type facilities.

For the revision of the securities of the technical and economic settlement parameters used for the calculation of the components of the remuneration for variable generation costs, account shall be taken of what is indicated in the articles 38 and 39.

3. During the regulatory period, the technical and economic parameters listed below may not be revised. In any event, in order to take effect in the said regulatory period, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14.4 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, the review shall be carried out prior to the commencement of the review.

The technical and economic parameters that may be reviewed before the beginning of each regulatory period are as follows:

(a) The reference unit values and the correction coefficient for the calculation of the standard investment value defined in Chapter II of this Title, applicable to those groups for which it has not been issued Resolution of recognition of the additional remuneration scheme.

(b) The unit values of the operating annuity and fixed maintenance and the correction factors defined in Chapter II of this Title.

(c) The securities of the technical settlement parameters (a (i), b (i), c (i), a '(i) and b' (i)) and settlement economic parameters (O&MVLI and d) used for the calculation of the components of the remuneration for variable generation costs set out in Article 31.

4. The annual financial remuneration fee shall be reviewed in accordance with Article 28 before the start of each regulatory period.


Determining Remuneration for Fixed Costs

Article 22. Remuneration for fixed costs.

The remuneration for fixed costs of each generation group i shall be calculated for each annual period n as the minimum of the annuity term of the fixed remuneration and the sum in each hour of the remuneration for fixed hourly costs in that time affected by the availability at that time of the group, according to the following expression.

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_001.png


RCFn (i): Fixed cost remuneration for group i in year n, expressed in euro.

CFn (i): Annuity of group i fixed remuneration, in year n expressed in euro.

Unavailable (i, h): Available power of group i at hour h, expressed in MW.

CFn (i, h): Group i fixed-time pay at time of year n, expressed in €/MW.

Xi = Total number of hours of the year, which will take the value of 8760 in normal year and 8784 in leap year, except for the last year of group i regulatory life

For the last year of group i fixed cost remuneration, Xi shall be the total number of hours from day one of January of that year to the day on which the regulatory life of that group i ends.

Yi= 1, except for the first year of remuneration for fixed group i costs, which shall be the total number of hours from day one of January of that year to the day on which the regulatory life of that group is initiated i.

Article 23. Components of remuneration for fixed costs.

1. The available power of each group in each hour expressed in MW (Pavailable (i, h)) shall be determined by the difference between the net power of the group i expressed in MW and the unavailable power of the group i in that hour, expressed in MW. The net power of the group shall be that of the administrative register of electricity production facilities of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. The value of the unavailable power of each group i in each hour shall be set by the system operator in accordance with the provisions of the implementing rules.

2. The value of the fixed hourly cost remuneration for each group within a specific time of a given year shall be calculated as follows:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_002.png


CFn (i, h): Group i fixed hourly cost pay in year n hour, expressed in €/MW

PN (i): Group i net power in MW obtained from the administrative register of electricity production facilities of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

CFn (i): Annuity of group i fixed remuneration, in year n expressed in euro.

f esth: Time seasonality factor for each of the non-peninsular territories and for each time period, tip, plain and valley, which shall take the value set out in Annex V.

The system operator will monitor, through the approval of scheduled unavailability plans, that there will be no overhauls scheduled in a given seasonal period.

Hi: Group i standard annual operating hours, taking into account the group's standard annual failure and maintenance hours. The standard annual operating hours of each group, depending on the technology and size, shall be as set out in Annex V.

The General Direction of Energy Policy and Mines, at the proposal of the system operator, will be able to review the periods of peak, valley and plain, the values of the factor of seasonality f est for each of the blocks defined in function of the evolution of the load curves of each system and of its capacity reserve levels; as well as the standard annual operating hours of each group, setting different values according to the technology, fuel and size. This resolution will be published in the "Official State Gazette".

Article 24. Annuity of the fixed fee.

1. The annuity of the fixed remuneration of each group shall be calculated as the sum of a term of remuneration for investment and a term of remuneration for fixed operating and maintenance costs, in accordance with the following expression:

CFn (i) = CIn (i) + OMFn (i)


CIn (i): is the annuity of the return on investment of a group i, in year n, expressed in euros.

OMFn(i): is the annuity of the payment per operation and fixed maintenance, in year n, of group i, expressed in euro, to be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 29.

2. The annuity of the remuneration for investment is composed of the remuneration for amortisation and the financial remuneration, and will be calculated according to the following formula:

CIn (i) = Ain + Rin


Ain: Remuneration for amortisation of group i investment in year n, expressed in euro, to be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 25.

Rin: Financial remuneration in the year n of the group i investment, expressed in euro, to be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 27.

3. By resolution of the Director General of Energy Policy and Mines the value of the annuity of the remuneration for investment (CIN) corresponding to each of the facilities category A that the regime has recognized shall be approved annually additional remuneration for that year. This resolution will be published in the "Official State Gazette".

Article 25. Remuneration for amortisation of the investment.

1. The remuneration for amortisation of the investment of each group i in one year n, Ain, expressed in euro, shall be obtained from the value of the recognised investment and its useful life, in accordance with the following expression:

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(a) αin, is the coefficient reflecting the number of months in the year n in which the group i pays remuneration for depreciation, which shall be determined by the following formula:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_004.png

Being αim:

In the first year: the set of full months between the day on which the regulatory life of the group i is initiated and on 1 January of the year following that of the final registration in the register of the production of electrical energy.

In the last year of the group's regulatory shelf life its value will be equal to the number of full months of that year that are remaining until the end of the regulatory shelf life.

In the rest of years αim is equal to 12.

(b) Vli: value of the investment recognised in group i, expressed in euro, as defined in Article 26.

(c) VUi: regulatory life of group i, expressed in years, starting to compute from day one of the month following the date of final registration in the administrative register of energy production facilities power.

It will be considered a 25-year regulatory lifetime for thermal installations and equipment of hydroelectric facilities and 65 years for the civil work of hydroelectric installations.

Article 26. Calculation of the value of the recognised investment.

1. The value of the investment recognised in group i, Vli expressed in euro shall be approved in the resolution of recognition of the additional remuneration scheme in accordance with Article 57 and shall be calculated by comparison with the the standard value of the investment, without prejudice to the provision of the second additional provision for the first regulatory period, in accordance with the following expression:

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a) VIi, audited: Group i investment audited value. Notwithstanding the above, a cap is set to the maximum value of VIi, auditedthat will be 125 percent of the standard value of the investment.

b) VIi, standard: the standard value of group i investment in the year of its put into service calculated by multiplying the reference unit values according to their technology and power, by net power of the group consisting of the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

(c) AYI: the value of the public aid received by the group i. In the event that such State aid comes from European Union bodies, this value shall be 90% of the amount collected.

2. In assumptions where the audited value is higher than the standard, such that

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a technical audit should be provided to justify that the costs incurred are higher than the reference unit values for their particular characteristics.

Also, in cases where the value of the audited investment is less than the standard investment value, the expression (VIi, standard -VIi, audited) may take a maximum value of 25 percent of VIi, audited.

The reference unit values, expressed in €/MW, shall be approved by the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism in accordance with Article 21 and shall represent the average investment value in each system. (i) an isolated electricity from non-peninsular territories, broken down according to the technology and the power of the group. The reference unit values shall be affected by a correction coefficient in those cases where new generation groups are installed using existing infrastructure.

For the determination of the reference unit values and for obtaining the audited value of investment, no account shall be taken of any indirect taxes that are deductible or recoverable under the tax rules and those taxes referred to in Article 16.4 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector.

Also, to obtain the audited value of investment, the facilities financed and transferred by third parties, as well as the concepts that are not liable to be amortized, will be deducted.

Article 27. Financial remuneration for the investment.

1. The financial remuneration for the investment of each group i, Rhine, expressed in euro, shall be calculated each year n from the net value of the investment and the rate of financial remuneration, according to the following:

a) For all years of group life with the exception of the first and last year:

Rin = VNIin • Trn

b) For the first and last year of the group life:

Rin = VNIin • [(1 + Trm)month -1]


1. VNIin: net value of group i investment in year n, expressed in euro, calculated in accordance with paragraph 2.

2. º Trn: financial remuneration rate of year n to be applied to the group during the regulatory period calculated in accordance with paragraph 3.

3. º Trm: monthly financial remuneration rate equivalent to the annual financial remuneration rate, which shall be calculated by the following expression:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_007.png

4. Month:

In year 1 its value shall be equal to the number of full months from the beginning of the regulatory life of group i and 1 January of the year following that of the final registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

In the last year of the central regulatory shelf life its value will be equal to the number of full months of that year that are remaining until the completion of the central regulatory shelf life.

2. The net value of the group i investment in year n (VNIin) shall be calculated according to the following formula:

VNIin= VIi-Aain-1


VIi: value of the recognised investment of group i, expressed in euro, approved in the resolution of recognition of the additional remuneration scheme.

Aain-1: accumulated amortisation up to year n-1 of group i, expressed in euro, calculated according to the following expression:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_008.png

Being Aix: remuneration for amortisation of group i investment in year x, expressed in euro.

3. The annual rate of financial remuneration, Trn, shall correspond to the average return on the monthly contributions on the secondary market of the State's obligations to 10 years of the 24 months prior to the month of May of the year preceding that of the start of the regulatory period, increased in a differential that will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the following article and will be in force throughout the regulatory period.

Article 28. Review of the rate of financial remuneration.

1. The rate of financial remuneration may be modified before the beginning of each regulatory period in accordance with Article 14 (4) of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector and in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Article. Article.

For the calculation of the differential, before 1 January of the last year of the corresponding regulatory period, the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, will raise to the Council of Ministers a preliminary draft law in which a proposal of the value to be taken by the differential in the following regulatory period.

To fix this value, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism will be able to obtain a report from the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition to be issued before 1 July of the penultimate year of the regulatory period. as well as contract the services of a specialised entity.

Also, and before 1 March of the penultimate year of the relevant regulatory period, interested parties may submit to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism in a detailed and reasoned manner a proposal to include a numerical quantification of the result of the same with the data known at that time, indicating which information is estimated or assumed and which is derived from actual audited data of the proposing company or the sector.

2. According to the provisions of article 14 of Law 24/2013 of December 26, for the determination of the value proposed to be taken, the differential will be met with the following criteria:

(a) Appropriate remuneration for a low-risk activity considering the financial situation of the electricity system and the cyclical situation of the Spanish economy.

b) Cost of financing electricity production companies in our environment with regulated remuneration schemes based on the recognition of financial remuneration for investment and operational expenditure of the efficient and well-managed enterprises.

In no case, the proposed change in the rate of financial remuneration used between two consecutive years may be higher in absolute value than 50 basis points. In the case of a higher variation, the proposal for a change in the value of the remuneration fee shall be made in the number of years necessary in order not to exceed that limit.

Article 29. Method of calculation of the annuity of pay per operation and fixed maintenance.

1. The annuity of the remuneration for operation and fixed maintenance of a group, OMFn (i), shall pay back the following concepts of operational costs of the plant which are independent of production, supported by an efficient company and managed: personnel costs, maintenance and conservation costs, insurance costs, rents, costs of a recurring nature, investments for non-substantial modifications of the plant and other operating expenses.

The annuity of the pay per operation and fixed maintenance of a group, OMFn (i), will be calculated, for each group, as the product of the unit values of the annuity of operation and fixed maintenance of the type installation by the net power of that group consisting of the administrative register of electricity production facilities of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and, where appropriate, the correction factors to be applied in those groups which are located in the same production plant.

2. Unit values of the fixed operation annuity and fixed maintenance of the type facility, expressed in €/MW, and the correction factors shall be approved, before the start of each regulatory period in accordance with the provisions of the Article 21.

3. The annuity of the pay per operation and fixed maintenance of the groups that present total inavailabilities, both programmed and fortuitous, in a year greater than 30 percent of the hours will be null for that year.

For these purposes, before 1 February of each year, the system operator will send to the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines a list of the groups that present this level of unavailability. The Director-General for Energy Policy and Mines, after hearing the hearing, will decide in the resolution approving the final amount of the costs of the generation of liquidation for the plants which have been granted a scheme. additional remuneration and the amount of the costs for the generation of facilities which are recognised as a specific remuneration scheme referred to in Article 72.3.e), the groups whose annuity of the remuneration per operation and fixed maintenance is null under the scope of this section.

Article 30. Boot orders.

1. In accordance with the provisions of the additional provision of Law 17/2013 of 29 October, the system operator will give at any time and without notice of notice of start-stop to those production facilities. category A in the electrical systems of non-peninsular territories which have a reduced operating rate to check their proper functioning.

2. The criteria for which a group is considered to have a reduced operating rate should be approved by resolution of the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines and published in the "Official State Gazette". They should also be approved by resolution of that Directorate-General, where appropriate, the groups to which the system operator must forward these instructions and the time limit within which they are to be given.

3. In the case of a system operator boot instruction, the group must comply with the instruction with a maximum deviation of 10 percent of the technical data of the boot time it has approved.

The group shall also maintain for an additional 24 hours an equivalent power of at least 60 per cent of its net power and for at least 1 hour at the instruction of the system operator 100 per cent of its net power. net power. After the test, the system operator shall submit a compliance report to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines and to the competent bodies of the autonomous communities and autonomous cities concerned.

4. The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines shall declare the failure to comply with the start-up instruction, subject to the processing of a procedure to be guaranteed, the hearing to the person concerned. The maximum period for resolving this procedure and the notification of its decision shall be one year. Failure to comply with the start-up instruction shall result in the removal of the remuneration for fixed costs for a minimum period of one year from the notification of the non-compliance in accordance with the provisions set out below.

In the event that the producer corrected the reasons for his failure to comply, he must notify the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines. Such a group may, where appropriate, receive remuneration for fixed costs, after the minimum period of one year of removal, and after verification of compliance with the system operator's start-stop instructions. The commission of a second non-compliance shall result in the final loss of the right to charge for fixed costs.

In the event that within a maximum of one year from the notification of the decision to declare the non-compliance, the producer has not addressed the reasons for the non-compliance, the producer must to request the group's absence from the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities within a maximum of one month from the end of the said deadline to address the reasons for the failure to comply with the boot instruction.

In the event that within a maximum of one year from the notification of the resolution of the non-compliance, the producer does not notify the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines that have been resolved the reasons for the non-compliance and the producer has not applied for the discharge in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities within the time limit given in the preceding paragraph, shall be automatically cancelled. registration of the installation in the administrative register of production facilities, after the opening of a procedure which shall guarantee the hearing to the person concerned.

All without prejudice to the concurrence of the sanctions that may be applicable in accordance with Law 24/2013 of December 26.


Methodology for determining the remuneration for variable costs

Article 31. Remuneration for variable generation costs.

1. The remuneration for variable costs of generation, expressed in euro, shall be calculated for each of the generating groups conforming to a production plant and shall be composed of the sum of the following components:

a) Remuneration for fuel.

(b) The remuneration for variable costs not associated with fuel, including the remuneration for variable operating costs and operating maintenance, the remuneration for variable operating and maintenance costs additional costs due to the start-up and other operational costs of the plant.

(c) The remuneration for the costs of allowances.

2. Fuel remuneration shall be composed of the sum of the following concepts:

a) Pay for operating variable costs.

b) Remuneration for start-up costs associated with fuel.

c) Remuneration for regulatory band costs.

d) Fuel bill correction factor.

The fuel bill correction factor shall be zero if the fuel remuneration of the group obtained as the sum of the remuneration defined in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above is less than the cost of the purchase of fuel. fuel of that group.

In the rest of the assumptions, the fuel bill correction factor will be the semi-difference between the fuel acquisition cost of that group and the fuel remuneration of the group obtained as the sum of the remuneration as defined in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above.

3. The cost of fuel acquisition will be obtained from the fuel purchase invoices, which will include all fuel price concepts, including logistics.

For these purposes, the company head of the plant will have to submit to the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, with copy to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, in the first trimester of the year after the delivery of the fuel, copies of the invoices corresponding to those supplies which are necessary to determine the fuel costs, as well as, copies of all the fuel supply contracts corresponding to the supplies of the year including those that are signed with other companies in the same group business. This information shall be submitted in electronic form allowing for its processing in spreadsheet.

The breakdown of this information and, where appropriate, the method of allocation of the supplies to each of the generation groups, as well as the measurement method for checking the fuels actually introduced in the central and the control mechanism, will be established by Resolution of the Director General of Energy Policy and Mines on the proposal of the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition.

4. The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and the National Commission on Markets and Competition may ask the companies ' holding companies for the information necessary for the determination of the correction factor.

5. The parameters used for the calculation of the remuneration for variable generation costs for each group shall be those set for the type installation they are assigned to.

6. The remuneration for variable operating costs in the periods in which the group has operated as a result of circumstances beyond the result of the economic dispatch carried out by the system operator in accordance with the provisions of the Article 60.3, and which do not come from compliance with the obligations laid down in the State rules, shall be carried out by valuing the energy transferred to the network at the time of the sale of the energy in the isolated system j, Phventa (j), defined in Annex I.

7. For the determination of the parameters of the remuneration for variable costs of generation of the cogeneration or waste facilities, the following shall be taken into account as appropriate:

a) The standard income indirectly from the associated useful heat output, for cogeneration facilities.

(b) Standard avoided revenue or costs, for installations whose primary energy source is waste.

The determination of these standards-avoided revenues or costs will be established on the orders of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Article 32. Remuneration for variable operating costs.

The remuneration for variable operating costs of each generator group i is associated with the consumption of fuels derived from the operation of the group. For a given period, it shall be calculated as the sum of the remuneration for variable operating costs of that group in every hour of that period.

The remuneration for variable operating costs of each generator group i in each hour h of the isolated electrical system j, CcombL (i, h, j), expressed in €, shall be calculated according to the following expression:

CcombL (i, h, j) = [a (i) + b (i) * p (i, h, j) + c (i) * p2(i, h, j)] * pr (i, h, j)


p (i, h, j): Hourly power in MW in central bars at hour h contributed by group i of the isolated electrical system j in the running state.

a (i), b (i) and c (i): Technical settlement parameters of the type facility, expressed in th/h, th/h.MW and th/h.MW2, respectively, to be approved in accordance with Article 21.3.

pr (i, h, j): Average price for the energy of the fuels used in the state of operation by the group i of the isolated electrical system j in hour h, valued at €/th PCI, calculated in accordance with Article 40.

Article 33. Remuneration for start-up costs associated with fuel.

1. The remuneration for start-up costs associated with fuel is that of fuel consumption in the process by which a group passes from a state of departure under minimum load conditions to another state of operation under the same conditions, with an intermediate state of unemployment.

2. The remuneration for the start-up costs associated with the fuel is obtained by multiplying the unit values for the start of the liquidation fuel by the number of starts in the group, excluding start-ups made by decoupling due to breakdown of the groups.

The unit value of the liquidation fuel start of a group i of the isolated electrical system j, CarL (i, j), expressed in €/start, are calculated according to the following formulation:

CarL (i, j) = a '(i) * [1-exp (-t/b' (i))] * prar (i, j)


t: elapsed time since last stop, in hours. In cases where the value is greater than 14 hours, a constant t value equal to 14 hours shall be taken. By order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism this limit value of 14 hours may be modified.

a '(i) and b' (i): Technical settlement parameters of the type facility, expressed in th and h, respectively, to be approved for each regulatory period in accordance with Article 21.

prar (i, j): Average price of the energy of the fuels used during the start-up periods by the group i of the isolated electrical system j at that start, valued at €/th PCI, calculated according to the indicated in the Article 40.

Article 34. Remuneration for regulatory band costs.

1. The remuneration for regulatory band costs in one hour corresponds to the operating cost of a group generator by the power band to be raised and to be lowered by the system operator for the adjustment of the balance between generation and demand.

2. The remuneration for regulatory band costs in one hour CbrL (i, h, j) shall be 1% of the remuneration for operating variable costs, CcombL (i, h, j), of the group.

Article 35. Remuneration for variable operating and maintenance costs.

1. The remuneration for operating costs and maintenance costs is intended to cover the costs of materials and the work carried out in relation to the scheduled reviews of each group, which are carried out on the basis of its operating hours, taking into account the operating system and in accordance with the maintenance plans thereof. Consumables and additives are included in this concept.

The remuneration for variable operating costs and maintenance of operation of a group, expressed in euro, shall be calculated for a period determined as a product of the generated energy in central bars in that group. period for the unit values of operation and variable maintenance of the type installation.

The unit operating and maintenance unit values of the type installation, O&MVLI, shall be expressed in €/MWh, and shall be, for each regulatory period, approved in accordance with the provisions of the 21.

2. The remuneration for additional operating and maintenance variable costs due to startup is associated with the additional cost of operation and maintenance derived from the group startup.

Remuneration for additional operating and maintenance variable costs due to startup is obtained from multiplying the economic parameter "d" by the number of starts in the group, excluding the starts made by decoupling due to breakdown of the groups, with "d" being the parameter reflecting the remuneration for additional operating and maintenance costs due to the start of the type installation, valued in euro.

The economic parameter of the type installation shall be approved for each regulatory period in accordance with Article 21.

Article 36. Remuneration for other operational costs.

Remuneration for other operational costs includes tolls for access to the transport and distribution networks to be met by electricity producers resulting from the application of the existing rules, payments for the financing of the system operator and, where applicable, the market and the value of the value of the electricity production resulting from the application of Law 15/2012 of 27 December 2012 on fiscal measures for sustainability energy.

For these purposes, the holders of the plants which have recognised an additional remuneration scheme shall forward to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines together with the application for approval of the final amount of the the costs of the liquidation generation set out in Article 72.3.c) the audited costs incurred by the groups for these concepts. These additional costs will be recognised, on a proposal from the National Commission for Markets and Competition, in the resolution of the Director-General for Energy Policy and Mines, which approves the final amount of the costs of the generation referred to in Article 72.3.e).

The tax on the value of the production of electricity derived from the application of Law 15/2012, of December 27, will only be recognized once accredited the payment of the same by means of the presentation, in the case of bank address, the self-settlement filing document and the bank payment supporting document, and in the case of a debit account, of the NRC provided by the banking institution that consists of the self-settlement document.

Article 37. Remuneration for the costs of allowances.

1. The cost remuneration of the allowances of a group, expressed in euro, for a given period, shall be calculated as the sum of the cost remuneration of the time allowances, CCO2Lh.

2. The remuneration for the costs of the time allowances in € is:

CCO2Lh = p (i, h, j) * PCO2L * fie


p (i, h, j): Hourly power in MW in central bars at hour h contributed by group i of the isolated electrical system j in the running state.

PCO2L: Price of settlement issue rights, expressed in €/tCO2. The General Direction of Energy Policy and Mines will approve the price of the rights to issue li

questing, which shall be calculated annually as the average daily price of the auctions of those rights on the secondary market for the allowances of the Common Platform held in the year for which the auction is made settlement.

fie: Issue Factors (Fie) set out in Section 4.a of the National Plan for the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Rights, 2008-2012, approved by Royal Decree 1370/2006 of 24 November, or standard that replace.

3. This remuneration shall not apply to technologies not defined in the National Plan for the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances in force.

Article 38. Review of technical settlement parameters. Performance testing of the power plants.

1. The review of technical parameters for the settlement of the type installation shall be carried out from the result of the performance tests concerned in accordance with the procedure laid down in Annex III.2 and in accordance with the provisions of Annex II. continuation.

For these purposes, the results of the performance tests carried out on the groups whose test reports have been submitted to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines and to the the National Commission on Markets and Competition for the 6 years prior to 30 September of the penultimate year of the regulatory period.

The revision of the technical settlement parameters will be performed by technology and power range, i.e., the results obtained from the performance tests of all the groups assigned to the type of facilities will be taken. the same technology and power range, regardless of the non-peninsular territory in which they are located. The revised values of the technical parameters of each technology and power range shall be applicable to all installations such as such technology and power range.

2. The technical settlement parameters shall be calculated on the basis of the following principles, in accordance with the methodology set out in Annex III:

(a) The technical parameters of the remuneration for variable operating costs, a, b and c, shall be calculated from the specific consumption tests performed on the different groups of equal technology and power range and a standard specific consumption curve, as set out in Annex III.2.

b) The technical parameters of the unit fuel, a 'and b' unit values, shall be calculated by the exponential adjustment of the cost curve in terms of the time of the start, from the cost tests of the start of the same technology and power range groups.

3. The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines and the National Commission for Markets and Competition may ask the system operator for the technical information necessary for the calculation of these parameters, obtained from the performance and the ordinary functioning of the groups.

The system operator will monitor the costs of the production dispatch, analyzing the differences in the resulting costs between the application of the technical clearance parameters and the technical data of the dispatch of the plants.

4. Any action for the alteration or distortion of the performance of the performance tests by the operator of the installation shall, where appropriate, be sanctioned in accordance with the sanctioning regime provided for in Law 24/2013 of 26 January December, of the Electrical Sector.

Article 39. Review of economic settlement parameters.

1. The revision of the economic settlement parameters shall take into account the cost concepts indicated in this royal decree in which an efficient and well-managed undertaking would incur.

Unit operating and maintenance variable settlement values, and the economic parameter "d" of the remuneration for additional operating and maintenance variable costs due to the start, shall be reviewed as set out in Annex III. 2 and taking into account the cost audits submitted by the companies holding the generation facilities referred to in Article 21.

2. For the review of these parameters, the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines and the National Commission for Markets and Competition may ask the system operator for the necessary technical information obtained from both the performance, as in the ordinary operation of the groups.

Article 40. Calculation of fuel prices.

1. The average price for the energy of fuels, pr (i, h, j), and the average price of the energy of the fuels used in the periods of start-up, prar (i, j), shall be calculated, on the basis of the consumption of each of the fuels used and their calorific value, as indicated in Annex VI.1.

The fuel mix authorized by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines for the normal operating state and the fuel mix for the start of each of the groups will be those recognized in the the process of scheduling the dispatch and settlement of the remuneration for the generation costs of the plants.

For these purposes, the producers shall report to the system operator on a monthly basis the fuel stored, the acquisitions and the fuel consumption of each group together with the results of the analysis of the verification of the technical specifications of each item of product purchased. Deviations from the approved mixtures will be brought to the attention of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines by the system operator. For the purposes of the very serious infringement as defined in Article 64.38 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector, the use of a fuel other than that authorised shall be regarded as a manipulation aimed at altering the price of the electrical energy.

2. Exceptionally, in those groups for which it is not possible to determine a priori a mixture of usual fuel, when using fuels from other associated processes or fuels whose technical characteristics are not standard, the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, prior to the report of the National Commission on Markets and Competition, may authorize the use of a variable fuel mixture within a range. In this case, the operator of the installation shall declare to the system operator the mixture of fuel to be used in each hour, which shall be used for both dispatch and settlement purposes.

3. Without prejudice to the foregoing, where a generator detects the need to use, in any of its generating units, a fuel or a mixture of fuels other than those authorised to maintain the intended production schedule, shall inform the system operator indicating the characteristics of the fuel or fuel mixture and the expected duration of the change. Exceptionally, the system operator may temporarily authorise the use of a fuel or fuel mixture other than that authorised in accordance with Annex VI.2.

The system operator shall report annually to the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines the authorisations of exceptional fuel use indicating the reasons for the change of fuel or mixture. technical characteristics of the authorised fuel or mixture and the duration of the authorisation.

4. In the case of restrictions on the use of fuels derived from regional or regional regulations involving higher generation costs, the operator of the production facility may establish agreements or other mechanisms with the Local and regional authorities to cover the cost of the damage.

Otherwise, the operator of the production facility must communicate it to the system operator and declare the group unavailable at all times when this cost overruns. The system operator may only schedule these groups when it is essential for the security of supply, in this case recognising the resulting cost overrecovery.

5. The components of the price of fossil fuels for the purposes of settlement, prc (c, i, h, j), including the remuneration for logistics costs, and the methodology for the determination of that price and its lower calorific value pci (i, h, j), shall be approved by the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, taking into account the different technologies implemented in each system and the information submitted by the operators of the production facilities concerned the fuel supply invoices.

Fuel auctions will be conducted for the determination of the quoted fossil fuel price.

The fuel price to be used for dispatch purposes shall be that set by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

6. The price of fuel prc (c, i, h, j) for clearance purposes and for settlement purposes, as well as the lower calorific value pci (i, h, j) of biomass, biogas and waste fuels shall be approved by order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, taking into account the different technologies implemented in each system.

Article 41. Auction procedure for the supply of fossil fuel.

1. The supply of fossil fuel will be the subject of an auction procedure in the terms and assumptions to be established by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism. In any event, the procedure shall be subject to the principles of concurrency, transparency, objectivity and non-discrimination.

The auction mechanism referred to in this article must meet the following requirements:

(a) The object of the auctions shall be the supply of fuel and the determination of its price.

(b) Differentiated auctions shall be carried out for each of the fuel types used and for each of the non-peninsular territories.

(c) The undertakings which own the production plants shall submit the proposal for a basis for the basis of which the invitation to tender and the draft contract to be concluded with the successful tenderer shall be governed. be responsible.

(d) A reference price of the fuel shall be established from which the exit price shall be calculated for the performance of the fuel auction and shall be the subsidiary for the fixing of the fuel price in those cases where the price cannot be set by the auction set out in this Article.

2. The components of the reference price for each of the fuels used and the methodology for their determination shall be approved by order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, taking into account the different technologies implemented on each system and the information submitted by the holders of the production facilities referred to in Article 31.

The manager responsible for the handling and management of the auctions will also be appointed by order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism.

3. In the cases where the auction is to be abandoned, the producers shall be responsible for the particular procurement of the supply. In such cases the price of the fuel to be paid shall be the reference price of the fuel from which the price of the exit has been calculated for the conduct of the auction.

Article 42. Auction application exceptions for fossil fuel supply.

By order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, exceptions may be made to the purchase of certain fuels by means of the auction mechanism defined in the previous article for those installations whose fuel does not represent a significant volume to carry out such a process. In these cases, the operator shall submit to the Secretary of State for Energy at least three fuel supply budgets, from which the fuel supply and price shall be determined. In any event, the procedure for determining the price shall be subject to the principles of competition, transparency, objectivity and non-discrimination.


Procedures relating to the granting and revocation of the additional remuneration scheme

Section 1. Application Procedures and Demand Coverage

Article 43. Procedures for granting additional remuneration.

1. The granting of the additional remuneration scheme shall be carried out by means of competitive competition.

2. Where the installation of new power is necessary to cover a power deficit in the long term, a call for a competitive competition procedure shall be made for the granting of the favourable resolution of compatibility, which shall be carried out in accordance with Section 2.

Groups that obtain favourable resolution of compatibility shall be entitled to the perception of the additional remuneration scheme, in the terms covered by this Title.

In this procedure, new installations and facilities registered in the administrative register of electric power production facilities may participate that either make new investments or end their life. The Commission will also be able to provide additional remuneration for the system without making further investments. Applications relating to these three types of installations shall be assessed together.

3. Without prejudice to the foregoing, in order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, competitions may be called for the granting of the additional remuneration scheme, with the aim of reducing the costs of the electricity system according to the provided in Section 3.

Article 44. Annual report of demand coverage.

As provided for in Article 2.4 of Law 17/2013 of 29 October, the system operator shall transmit to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and to the energy competent body of the Autonomous Community or Autonomous city corresponding, in the first fortnight of January of each year, an annual report of the demand coverage, which shall cover a 5-year time horizon from the year following the year of the report.

In this report, the system operator will determine the powers necessary to ensure the coverage of the demand, taking into account the existing and planned networks and the planned deployment of generation facilities. and, in your case of pumps.

For the preparation of this report, the criteria set out in Annex VII.1 will be followed.

Article 45. Demand coverage risks in the short term.

In cases where the system operator detects security and continuity of supply risks on the annual horizon, it shall forward a report to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and to the competent body in energy from the autonomous community or autonomous city concerned, which would highlight this situation as well as the specific proposal of the necessary generation equipment. In such cases it shall be carried out in accordance with Article 59.

For the preparation of the report, the methodology set out in Annex VII.2 shall be taken into account.

Section 2. Competitive Concurrency Procedure for Granting Favorable Compatibility Resolution

Article 46. Call for the procedure for granting the favourable resolution of compatibility.

1. Where the system operator shows in its annual coverage report the existence of a risk of lack of coverage on the horizon of the analysis, the Secretary of State for Energy shall convene a report of the Autonomous Communities and Autonomous cities affected, by resolution, a competitive concurrency procedure for the granting of the favourable resolution of compatibility for electrical energy production facilities category A.

The report requested from the affected Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities must be evacuated within 15 days of receipt of the request.

In the resolution of the call the Secretary of State of Energy will establish the additional thermal power and in his case, non-fluent hydroelectric installations that must be installed to assure the coverage of the demand in each of the electrical systems isolated for each of the following 5 years. In this resolution, it will be possible to give signals of location by knots and technical limitations may be established concerning, among other aspects, the size and technology of the groups.

This resolution will be published in the "Official State Gazette".

2. The procedure shall be developed in accordance with the following Articles and shall be resolved by the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines.

3. The favourable decision of compatibility shall have the effects referred to in Article 2.1 of Law 17/2013 of 29 October for the guarantee of supply and increased competition in the island's electrical systems and Extra-insular.

Article 47. Submission of applications and admission criteria.

1. Following the publication in the "Official Gazette of the State" of the decision to call for the competitive competition procedure, the holders of new production facilities for electric power category A, the holders of groups of the Category A registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities making new investments and holders of category A groups that end their regulatory life and intend to be granted the retributive regime without making new investments, will be able to request granting of the favourable compatibility resolution for the purposes of recognition of the additional remuneration scheme to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines.

The deadline for filing the application will be two months from the publication of the said resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy.

The application shall include the information set out in Annex VIII.1, as well as any other information that may be included in the call resolution, and shall be accompanied by the deposit of the General Deposit Box proof of having deposited the economic guarantee provided for in Article 50.

2. The ownership of the facilities for which the compatibility resolution is requested will be subject to the limitations set out in Law 17/2013 of 29 October for the guarantee of supply and increased competition in the systems Island and extra-island electricity.

When no request is made for holders of generation groups who are not subject to the aforementioned limitation of ownership, applications from companies or business groups that have a percentage of power generation power greater than 40 percent on that system. In all other cases, the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines will resolve to admit applications that fail to comply with these limitations.

3. Only those installations which may be assigned one of the type-facilities included in the first or other final disposal which could be established by the Minister for Industry, Energy and Energy shall be allowed to be processed in the procedure. Tourism and having approved, prior to the completion of the deadline for the submission of applications, the technical and economic parameters of its type-installation which determine the remuneration for variable generation and cost costs fixed.

Article 48. Processing of requests.

1. Within a maximum of one month from the end of the deadline for the receipt of applications, the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines shall approve the provisional list of admitted and excluded from the call. That resolution, which shall be published in the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, shall be made available within 10 working days to remedy, where appropriate, any defects which would have caused the exclusion or omission.

2. After this deadline, the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines will approve the definitive list of admitted and excluded from the call, publishing this resolution in the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. It shall also transmit to report the applications admitted to the system operator and to the autonomous communities or autonomous cities concerned.

3. The system operator shall, within the maximum period of 45 days from the receipt of the request for a report, issue a report analysing the issues set out in Annex VIII.2.

For the preparation of the report, the system operator may require the applicant companies to provide additional information in which case it may request an extension of the time limit for the issuance of the report to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines.

The system operator will submit the report along with the additional information that you have requested from the Energy Policy and Mines Directorate General.

4. Within a maximum of 15 days from the receipt of the report of the system operator, the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines shall request a report from the National Markets and Competition Commission, attaching to that request the entire documentation submitted and the system operator report.

The Commission shall, within the maximum period of 45 days from the receipt of the request, forward its report to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines. The Commission shall include in the report an analysis of the aspects highlighted by the system operator and shall carry out an economic assessment of the condition of each new generator group application, or of new group investments already in place. registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities, or the granting of additional remuneration in the case of groups to end their regulatory life, on the costs of the system electricity as defined in Article 13 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, which are affected and on the costs of generation and adjustment services as defined in Article 71 in the medium and long term.

5. The autonomous communities or autonomous cities shall have a period of two months from the date of receipt of the request to forward the requested report to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, in order to enable them to comment on the which may affect the particular exercise of its powers, which shall be stated in the relevant decision on the compatibility of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines. The report shall assess in a justified manner at least two aspects, the possible existence of any urban or environmental legislation preventing the construction of the facility in the vicinity of the proposed connection knots and if it exists an administrative obstacle to the fulfilment of the dates provided for final registration in the register and to obtain the prior administrative authorisation.

Article 49. Resolution of the competitive concurrency procedure for the granting of the favorable resolution of compatibility.

1. The General Directorate for Energy Policy and Mines will resolve the procedure, after hearing the interested parties, for the reports referred to in Article 48. The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines shall apply the criteria set out in Annex VIII.3 for the determination of the groups to which the favourable resolution of compatibility should be granted.

2. The time limit for issuing and notifying the resolution of the competitive competition procedure for the granting of the favourable decision for compatibility shall be six months after the deadline for the receipt of the applications has been completed. This resolution will be published in the "Official State Gazette" with the effects provided for in article 59.6.b) of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

3. In cases where the necessary power is not covered by the facilities to which the favourable decision is granted for compatibility, the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism will be able to call for new capacity competitions in the terms set out in Article 55.

Article 50. Guarantees.

1. For the participation in the competitive competition procedure for the granting of the favorable resolution of compatibility it will be necessary the presentation, before the General Direction of Energy Policy and Mines, of the safeguard of the Caja General of Deposits accredited to have deposited an economic guarantee for a value of 2 percent of the standard value of the investment to be assigned to the new group, VIi, standard on the date of application of the (i) a favourable resolution of compatibility or, in the case of new investments, of the planned investment.

The guarantee will be constituted in the form of cash or collateral provided by credit institutions or mutual guarantee companies, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 161/1997 of 7 February, approving the Regulation of the General Deposit Box.

The object of the guarantee shall be the registration of the generator group definitively in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities under the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. complying, in any case, with the requirements set out in Annex VIII.4.

The person or entity that constitutes the guarantee must match the applicant for the favorable resolution of compatibility.

It shall be expressly stated in the guarantee that the guarantee is lodged for the purposes of compliance with the provisions of this Article.

2. Before the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines resolves the competitive competition procedure, the interested party may withdraw from his application and request the cancellation of the guarantee.

3. Also, if the applicant does not respond within three months to the requirements of the Administration of Information or Action, the request shall be deemed to be withdrawn. The information requirement shall be expressly set out in application of Article 92 of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

4. The inadmissibility or dismissal of the application for participation in the competitive competition procedure shall be considered sufficient reason for the cancellation of the guarantee, and the person concerned shall request the cancellation of the guarantee. General Energy Policy and Mines.

5. Once the favourable resolution of compatibility for a group has been given, the withdrawal in the construction of the group will result in the performance of the guarantee.

However, the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines may exempt the execution of the guarantee deposited by the owner of an installation, if the withdrawal in the construction of the same is given by (a) the conditions for the entry into force of the application of the law of the Member State in which the person concerned is not directly or indirectly imputable to the person concerned and so requested by the person concerned administrative registration of electrical energy production facilities.

Article 51. Content of the resolution of the competitive concurrency procedure.

1. The resolution of the competitive concurrence procedure shall contain, at least, the following information relating to each group to which the favourable resolution of compatibility is granted:

(a) The intended year of final registration in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities, hereinafter referred to as AREG.

b) Authorized power, hereafter, Paut

c) Technology.

d) Connection node.

e) Compatibility resolution identification code, CIC.

2. In the case of new investments, the value of the new investment authorised and the regulatory life of the new investment shall be included in addition to the above information that applies to it.

3. For applications for further granting of the additional remuneration of groups which are to end their useful life and which are not to be made new investments will be exclusively collected by the authorised power, Paut.

Article 52. Effects of the favourable resolution of compatibility.

1. The favourable decision of compatibility shall grant the holder the right to receive the additional remuneration covered by this Title, subject to compliance with the requirements set out in Annex VIII4. This right shall be granted during the regulatory lifetime of the projected group and for a given power value, as provided for in this Article.

Those groups which obtain prior administrative authorisation without the favourable compatibility resolution shall not be entitled to the additional remuneration scheme, by receiving the economic scheme provided for in Article 8.

2. The owner of the installation shall be obliged to communicate to the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines any administrative act that makes it impossible to execute the project, within one month of being notified. For the purposes of the infringements listed in Law 24/2013, of December 26, failure to comply with this obligation within the prescribed period shall be considered as the non-filing in the form and time of any data, to the object of the determination or a perception of the remuneration scheme for activities with regulated remuneration, without prejudice to the concurrence of other sanctions which might be in accordance with that Law.

In these cases, the guarantees submitted will be returned as long as the owner of the installation notifies you within the prescribed time limit.

3. The additional remuneration scheme granted to the group shall present the particularities set out in Annex VIII5 which are motivated by differences between the authorised power, Paut, and the net power registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

Article 53. Granting of additional remuneration for new investments.

1. The new investments in groups registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities, in order to qualify for additional remuneration under the terms laid down in Article 19, shall require of a favourable decision of compatibility prior to the granting by the competent authority of the prior administrative authorisation of the amendment. In cases where investments are to be made in a group that is to end its regulatory life, the request shall also be made prior to the completion of such regulatory life.

Requests for recognition of new investments will be made in the competitive concurrency procedure for the granting of the favorable resolution of regulated compatibility in this section.

Those facilities in which new investments are made which obtain prior administrative authorization without such favourable resolution shall not be entitled to the additional remuneration scheme, receiving the scheme

article 8 (1) of Regulation (EC) No

2. Those investments resulting from the lack of maintenance of the plant will not be recognised. For these purposes, prior to the issue of the compatibility resolution, an inspection of the facilities shall be carried out in order to verify their effective maintenance.

All without prejudice to the penalties that may be imposed for the failure to comply, by the operator of the facilities, of their obligation to maintain them in adequate conditions of conservation and technical suitability, The provisions of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector.

3. The procedure for granting the additional remuneration for new investments culminating in the registration of a new group in the administrative register of electric power production facilities will be carried out as set forth in this chapter, as if a new group is treated.

4. The procedure for granting the additional remuneration for new investments by a group registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities which do not involve the registration of a new group in the said administrative register, it shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, with the provisos set out in Annex VIII.6.

5. Recognition of the additional remuneration of these facilities shall be in accordance with Article 57.

Article 54. Grant of additional remuneration for facilities whose regulatory life is to be completed and not to be made new investments.

1. Groups that exceed their regulatory life will no longer be entitled to receive the additional remuneration scheme, perceiving for their generated energy the economic regime set out in Article 8.

2. By way of derogation from the above paragraph, the operator may request that the additional remuneration scheme be granted to him again. Such request shall be made prior to the completion of its regulatory life, in the competitive concurrency procedure for the granting of the favorable resolution of compatibility established in this section.

The favourable decisions for compatibility shall have the effects referred to in Article 52, not by applying the conditions laid down in Annex VIII.4. The presentation of the economic guarantee provided for in Article 50 shall not be required.

In cases where the power authorized in the favourable resolution of compatibility coincides with the power registered in the administrative register of electric power production facilities, the Directorate General Energy Policy and Mines will automatically resolve the recognition of the additional remuneration scheme.

In all other cases, once the favourable decision on compatibility has been granted, the holder of the installation must apply for recognition of the additional remuneration scheme, in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Article. chapter.

Section 3. Concourses for cost reduction

Article 55. Competitions for cost reduction.

1. At the request of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, competitions may be established for the installation of new production power of category A in an isolated electrical system which, even exceeding the additional expected power, reduces the generation costs on that system.

Such contests may include economic signs of localization for the resolution of zonal technical restrictions.

The order will establish the terms in which the tender will be developed, the guarantees payable, the remuneration scheme applicable to the award-winning facilities and the requirements for the collection facilities of the remuneration scheme. It shall also determine whether the provisions of paragraphs a and b of Annex VIII.7, and, if not, the applicable procedure, shall apply, and shall define the model of the responsible declaration to be submitted by the holders together with the application for recognition of the additional remuneration scheme, as set out in Annex VIII.7.c.

When the procedure affects a single Autonomous Community or Autonomous City, the report will be requested to be issued, giving a period of 15 days for observations to be made, in what may affect the exercise of its powers, which shall be recorded in the decision to award the competition.

2. The decision to award the competition shall comply with the requirement laid down in Article 2.1 of Law 17/2013 of 29 October for the guarantee of supply and increased competition in the island's electrical systems and Extra-insular.

Under the provisions of Article 1.3 of Law 17/2013 of 29 October for the guarantee of the supply and increase of competition in island and extra-island electrical systems, where the values are not exceeded of the power necessary to ensure the coverage of the claim, and where there is no other undertaking interested in promoting installations, on an extraordinary basis and in the terms laid down in the order defined in paragraph 1, to award the competition to a business or group holding a percentage of power generation of electrical power greater than 40 percent on that system.

3. This mechanism may be used eventually for the granting of the remuneration to new power when the system operator shows this need in the annual coverage report.

Section 4. First particularities of the procedure for granting additional remuneration to the pumping facilities resulting from a competitive competition procedure.

Article 56. Procedure for granting additional remuneration to the pumping facilities resulting from a competitive competition procedure.

1. Where the construction of a pumping plant derives from a competitive concurrency procedure convened in accordance with the terms laid down in Article 55, the ownership of the same shall be the responsibility of the successful tenderer of that competition, as provided for in Article 5.2 of Law 17/2013 of 29 October.

2. In order to ensure that investments are carried out, the applicant shall submit, together with his tender to participate in the competitive competition procedure referred to in the preceding paragraph, a proposal for a timetable for the construction of the facility as well as the deposit of the General Deposit Box with a guarantee of 2% of the budget of the planned installation, with the minimum value to be established in the contest.

3. The timetable for implementation shall be adopted in conjunction with the decision to award the competition, subject to the report of the administrations and bodies concerned and after hearing the person concerned, with the effect of the said resolution conditioned to calendar compliance.

Failure to comply with any of the milestones in the calendar shall determine, after hearing and by means of a reasoned decision, the execution of the endorsement and the declaration of the impossibility of perception of the remuneration scheme set out in this Title for this installation by the holding company or by any company of the group defined in accordance with Article 42 of the Trade Code.

However, the body responsible for resolving the procedure may, on the basis of a reasoned request from the person concerned and by means of a reasoned decision, modify in whole or in part the milestones of the calendar where compliance is it is hindered as a result of non-compliance by the public authorities, or, where appropriate, the operator of the system, of the time limits to which they are normally subject to the processing and resolution of the various procedures.

4. The endorsement shall be cancelled when the holder of the pumping installation obtains the resolution of recognition of additional remuneration of the installation. If, during the procedure, the applicant voluntarily desists from the administrative processing of the installation or does not respond to the information requirements of the Administration within three months, the execution of the endorsement.

5. The procedure for the recognition of technical and economic data and the registration in the administrative register of installations of electrical energy production of the installations regulated in this article shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions laid down in this Article. in Title III. Recognition of the additional remuneration of such facilities shall be in accordance with Article 57.

6. Without prejudice to Title VII, pumping facilities not included in the assumptions referred to in this Article shall not be entitled to the additional remuneration scheme, receiving the energy sold under the economic scheme set out in Article 8.

Section 5. Recognition And Revocation of Additional Remuneration Scheme.

Article 57. Recognition of the additional remuneration scheme.

1. In order to be recognised by the additional remuneration scheme, the operator of the installation shall forward to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines the documentation set out in Annex VIII.7 which provides evidence of compliance with the set conditions.

The lack of referral of the aforementioned documentation within the established time limits will result in the expiration of the favourable resolution of compatibility, with the right to the perception of the additional remuneration being extinguished.

2. The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, after verification of compliance with the requirements, shall decide to recognise the additional remuneration of the group and, where appropriate, to issue the cancellation order on its own initiative. of the security or, where applicable, the fraction of the security concerned. If not, it shall decide to reject the application for recognition of the additional remuneration scheme, resulting in the termination of the right to its perception.

3. In cases where the guarantee is to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines shall initiate a procedure of its own motion, the subject of which shall be the execution of the guarantee or the fraction of the appropriate warranty.

4. The resolution of recognition of the additional remuneration scheme shall, where appropriate:

a) The value of the investment recognized for each group i.

b) The regulatory shelf life during which the group will be entitled to receive the additional remuneration scheme.

(c) the assigned type facility necessary for the determination of the technical and economic settlement parameters.

(d) The power on which the additional remuneration scheme is recognised and, where appropriate, the factor M as defined in Annex VIII5 determining the minoritness of the additional remuneration scheme resulting from the deviations between the the net power recorded in the register and the authorised power.

5. The time limit for issuing and notifying the resolution of recognition of the additional remuneration of the group shall be three months. The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines shall notify the interested party, the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, to the competent authority to authorise the installation and the operator of the system.

6. The resolution of recognition of the additional remuneration of the group shall be a necessary requirement for the application to that group of the additional remuneration regime governed by this royal decree.

The additional remuneration scheme shall be payable from the first day of the month following that of the group's entry into the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

During the period of time between the start of the discharge and the registration of the group with a definitive character in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities the group will receive, for its energy generated by the economic regime set out in Article 8.

The additional remuneration scheme of the groups to which the scheme has been granted again, without making further investments, after the end of its regulatory life, shall be payable from the first day of the following month. upon completion of the extinct regulatory useful life. Until that time, the facilities shall be entitled to the additional remuneration scheme which they had previously received.

The additional remuneration scheme for new investments in groups registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities will accrue from the start of the new regulatory life of the new investment in accordance with the provisions set out in Annex IV.

7. During the period of time between the entry of the group on the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities and the approval of the decision to recognise the remuneration scheme additional, the group shall be cleared for its energy generated exclusively by the amount set out in Article 72.1.c)

8. In the case of reports on the coverage of the application, the power of those installations whose additional remuneration has been extinguished under the provisions of this Article and Article 52 shall not be taken into account, unless such facilities are provided for in this Article. continue to be available and participate in production dispatch.

Article 58. Revocation of the right to the collection of additional remuneration.

1. If, at any time, the conditions and conditions laid down in Article 52 and Annex VIII are not complied with, the requirements laid down for the award of the tendering procedure laid down in Article 55, or Any other conditions required in this royal decree for the perception of the additional remuneration regime, the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines may initiate the procedure of revocation of the right to the perception of the regime additional remuneration as provided for in this Article.

2. The following shall also be grounds for the revocation of the right to the collection of the additional remuneration:

(a) If as a result of an inspection or of any other valid means in law, it is found that the conditions which served to grant the additional remuneration scheme are not maintained.

(b) If at any time it is found that there is falsehood in the responsible statements or in the remaining documentation submitted to the Administration in relation to the perception of the additional remuneration regime.

c) Failure to comply with other obligations and requirements under this royal decree.

3. The withdrawal of the right to the collection of additional remuneration shall take place at the request of the person concerned or on his own initiative, subject to the instruction of a procedure which shall, in any event, guarantee the hearing to the person concerned.

The maximum period for resolving this procedure and notifying its resolution will be six months from the date of the initiation agreement issued by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines.

The Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines will communicate the resolution of revocation of the right to the perception of the additional remuneration regime to the autonomous community or the affected autonomous city, to the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition and the system operator.

4. The withdrawal of the right to the collection of the additional remuneration scheme shall take effect from the date on which the conditions for entitlement to its collection have not been fulfilled and, where appropriate, the refund of the amounts unduly received with the interest of late payment. These quantities shall be reintegrated and considered for the reduction of the extraction of the production activity in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories, all without prejudice to the applicable sanctioning regime.

For these purposes, the system operator shall calculate the amount corresponding to the difference between the amounts received and the receivables which would have been allocated to the facility if it had not been a beneficiary of the scheme. specific or additional remuneration calculated in accordance with Article 8 and shall inform the body responsible for the settlement of the electricity system, who shall, where appropriate, settle the amounts unduly paid.

5. In the case of reports covering the demand, the power of those installations whose additional remuneration has been revoked under the provisions of this Article shall not be taken into account unless such facilities remain available. and participate in the production dispatch.


Adoption of temporary and extraordinary measures to ensure security of supply

Article 59. Remuneration for the adoption of temporary and extraordinary measures to ensure security of supply.

1. In those cases where the system operator makes manifest risks of demand coverage in the short term, the affected community or autonomous city shall, by virtue of the provisions of Article 7.5 of Law 24/2013, of 26 of December, to request the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism to acknowledge the economic impact on the adoption of measures for the security of supply, prior to its adoption.

Together with the application, the Autonomous Community or City must indicate the time period, the power required, the location of the groups and, where appropriate, the technology needed to cover the risk of the demand coverage.

2. By order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism, it shall be recognised, where appropriate, the economic impact which may result from the adoption of these extraordinary measures to ensure security of supply for a power determined according to the approved technical and economic characteristics and for a given period of time.

3. The prior administrative authorisation of the installation by the competent authority shall take into account the order referred to in the previous paragraph and shall be of limited duration.

4. These facilities will not be registered in the administrative register of production facilities, nor will they be included to calculate the demand coverage and will only be released at those times when there is a certain risk for the security of the supply, and therefore do not require resolutions for the recognition of technical or economic data as provided for in Articles 11 and 12.

5. The autonomous community or city to which the economic repercussions which may arise from the adoption of these extraordinary measures to ensure security of supply have been recognised shall be forwarded to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, on an annual basis, of the application by the holder of the installation for the recognition of those economic impacts, together with an audit of the costs incurred. For these purposes, only those costs and investments that are exclusively for the generation of electrical energy will be taken into account.

The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, after verification of compliance with the requirements laid down in the order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, will proceed to approve, if appropriate, in the resolution defined in Article 72.3.e), the final amount of the costs of the installation of groups for the adoption of temporary and extraordinary measures to ensure security of supply.

The energy for these installations and their costs will be integrated as a security and supply adjustment service on each system.

The body responsible for the liquidations of the electricity sector will integrate in its liquidations this cost as extracoste of the production activity in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories.


Generation clearance and clearance procedure.

Article 60. Production dispatch.

1. Production facilities located in electrical systems isolated from non-peninsular territories shall apply to them, provided that these territories are not integrated into the market for peninsular production, as established in the present case. royal decree concerning production dispatch.

2. Without prejudice to the provisions of Royal Decree 1623/2011 of 14 November 2011 governing the effects of the entry into operation of the link between the peninsular electricity system and the Balearic Islands, and amending other provisions of the Electric sector for the isolated electrical system Mallorca-Menorca partially connected with the peninsula, it is established in each of the isolated systems of the territories not peninsular a dispatch for variable costs in which the production facilities, marketing and direct consumers, either directly or through of their representatives.

The dispatch will consist of weekly, daily, intra-day, and real-time deviations, which will result in a final production dispatch schedule.

3. The dispatch of production units shall be managed by the system operator according to an economic merit order of the variable dispatch costs of the groups, taking into account the technical constraints of each system, the particularities in the production dispatch established for the pumping facilities, as well as the power reserves necessary to ensure the quality of the service.

4. By Order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, on the proposal of the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, an incentive will be established to the operator of the system, positive or negative, that promotes the efficiency and quality in the management of the dispatch of these systems.

For these purposes, an Efficiency Indicator is defined in the management of the dispatch and a Quality of Service Indicator, as well as a minimum objective of efficiency and minimum quality objectives that will be obtained according to the set out in Annex IX.

Positive or negative deviations between the Efficiency Indicator in year n and the minimum efficiency target for that year derived from actual exploitation, and between quality of service indicators and targets Quality minima shall be the basis for the calculation of the incentive, considering to increase or decrease the remuneration of the system operator.

Article 61. Generation variable costs for dispatch purposes.

1. The variable cost of generation for the purpose of the dispatch of each group shall be the cost to be used by the system operator in performing the dispatch of production units.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 26.2 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, electrical energy from installations using renewable energy sources and, after that, that of the cogeneration plant high efficiency, taking into account the definition provided for in Article 2 of Royal Decree 616/2007 of 11 May on the promotion of cogeneration, whether category A or category B, shall have priority for the release of economic conditions, without prejudice to the requirements relating to the maintenance of the reliability and safety of the system established in this royal decree.

2. Without prejudice to paragraph 5, the variable cost of generation for the purpose of the dispatch of category A groups of electrical systems isolated from non-peninsular territories recognised by the remuneration scheme additional, it is composed of the following cost concepts:

a) Fuel variable costs of dispatch.

b) Dispatch boot costs.

c) Operating variable costs and dispatch maintenance.

d) Dispatch regulation band costs.

e) Cost of issue issue rights.

f) Reduction of variable costs by income or avoided costs other than electricity production, if any. In those technologies where a reduction in remuneration is established for non-production income, the variable cost of generation for the purpose of dispatch shall take into account a reduction in variable costs by income other than the production of electricity, in terms of the Order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

3. For category B installations, an instrument variable cost of dispatch of 10 €/MWh produced is established. This value may be updated at the level of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism on the basis of the variation in the operating costs of these technologies.

4. The variable costs for the dispatch of category A facilities that do not have the right to the collection of additional remuneration shall be the values that the holders of such facilities communicate to the system operator for these purposes.

5. The variable costs for the dispatch of the plants for which additional remuneration has been granted under the new capacity installation contests laid down in Articles 55 and 56 shall be as determined in the resolution of the such a contest.

Article 62. Variable dispatch fuel costs.

The variable dispatch fuel costs of each group i, for a given period, shall be calculated as the sum of the variable costs of fuel for the dispatch of that group in each hour h of that period.

The variable dispatch fuel costs of each generator group i in each hour h of the isolated electrical system j, CcombD (i, h, j), expressed in €, shall be calculated according to the following expression:

CcombD (i, h, j) = [A (i) + B (i) * p (i, h, j) + C (i) * p2(i, h, j)] * pr (i, h, j)


p (i, h, j): Hourly power forecast in MW in central bars at hour h by the group i of the isolated electrical system j in the running state.

A (i), B (i) and C (i): Technical dispatch data, expressed in th/h, th/h.MW and th/h.MW2, respectively. They shall be the coefficients of the operating curve according to the load level and shall take the values included in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

pr (i, h, j): Average price of the energy of the fuel used by the group i in the state of the gear of the isolated electrical system j in hour h, valued at €/th PCI, calculated in accordance with Article 40.

Article 63. Dispatch startup costs.

The startup costs of each group i, are those associated with the process by which the group moves from a state of march in minimum load conditions, to another state of march under the same conditions, with an intermediate state of unemployment. This concept includes both fuel consumption and the additional cost of operation and maintenance associated with group startup.

The dispatch startup costs are obtained from multiplying the dispatch boot unit costs by the number of starts in the group.

The unit dispatch costs of a group i of the isolated electrical system j, CarD (i, j), expressed in €/start, are calculated according to the following formulation:

CarD (i, j) = A '(i) * [1-exp (-t/B' (i))] * prar (i, j) + D (i)


t: Time elapsed since last stop, in hours.

A '(i) and B' (i): Technical dispatch data, expressed in th and h, respectively. They shall be the coefficients of the starting curve of each group i and shall take the values included in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

D (i): Economic data reflecting the additional operating and maintenance costs due to start-up, valued at €/start. It shall be approved by the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines in accordance with Article 12.

prar (i, j): Average price of the energy of the fuel used by the group i in the stop-start periods, measured in €/th PCI, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 40.

Article 64. Variable operation and maintenance maintenance costs.

The variable costs of operation and dispatch maintenance are those associated with the costs of the scheduled reviews of each group that are performed according to their operating hours. Consumables and additives are included in this concept.

The variable costs of operation and maintenance of the dispatch of a group, expressed in euro, shall be calculated for a given period as a product of the planned energy generated in central bars in that period. the variable operating and unit maintenance costs of the group.

The operating costs and unit maintenance costs for each group, O&MVDi, expressed in €/MWh, will be those approved by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines in accordance with the Article 12.

Article 65. Dispatch regulation band costs.

The dispatch regulation band costs in one hour, h, for each group i of the system j, CbrD (i, h, j), shall be 1 percent of the variable cost of dispatch fuel, Ccomd (i, h, j), of the group.

Article 66. Cost of the issue issue rights.

The cost of the allowances for the issue of a group, expressed in euro, for a given period, shall be calculated as the sum of the cost of the issue of the issue of the time issue, (CCO2Dh).

The cost of the issue issue rights in euros is:

CCO2Dh = p (i, h, j) * PCO2D * fie


p (i, h, j): Hourly power forecast in MW in central bars at hour h contributed by the group i of the isolated electrical system j in the running state.

PCO2D: Issue of the issue rights of issue, expressed in €/tCO2. The price of the issue allowances shall be published by the system operator and shall be calculated on a monthly basis as the average of the daily auction price of those rights on the secondary market for the rights of the platform Common held in the preceding mobile year.

fie: emission factors set out in section 4.a of the National Plan for the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Rights, 2008-2012, approved by Royal Decree 1370/2006 of 24 November, or standard that the replace.

This cost will not apply to technologies not defined in the National Plan for the Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances in force.

Article 67. System operator functions.

The system operator, for proper production dispatch management, performs the following functions:

(a) Calculate the variable cost of generation for the purpose of dispatch of production facilities taking into account the provisions of Article 61 and the cost of the adjustment services.

b) Perform weekly, daily, intraday, and final production dispatch schedules on each isolated electrical system, based on variable generation costs for dispatch purposes.

c) Calculate the availability of each generator group involved in the production dispatch, verify the available power, and approve scheduled unavailability plans.

d) Ensure real-time demand coverage, managing regulatory reserves, and resolving technical constraints that may exist.

e) Calculate the settlement cost of each group in accordance with Article 72.3.a.

(f) Calculate the final generation schedule price in each insulated electrical system, as set out in Article 71 and publish it at its electronic headquarters.

g) Calculate the remuneration for variable generation costs and the programmed energy of each group, for each hour in the first, second and third releases of the weekly, daily, intraday, and final programming.

(h) Report to the National Commission on Markets and Competition and to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines of the liquidation generation costs and the scheduled energy of each group for each hour in the first, second and third annual, daily, intraday and final programming, with a monthly frequency for the remuneration for variable and annual costs for the remuneration for fixed costs. The information will be disaggregated based on each of the components that determine each cost concept by specifying the number of starts for each group.

i) Conduct the clearance of production and communication of payments and charges.

j) Verify that the facilities meet the technical requirements to be discharged from the office and to manage the guarantees for the purchases and energy sales of the subjects involved in each electrical system isolated in accordance with the rules of application.

k) Communicate to the National Commission of the Markets and Competition and to the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines the definitive liquidations of the energy acquired by the demand set of each electrical system In each hour, the energy generated in each hour by each of the groups participating in the production dispatch. It shall also specify deviations from both generation and demand to forecasts per unit of programming.

l) To issue to the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines and to the National Commission of the Markets and Competition the information regarding the Efficiency Indicator and the quality indicators set out in the article 60.

m) Review, coordinate and approve plans for the maintenance of generation and transport facilities, as well as communicate to the autonomous communities of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla their plans corresponding.

n) Develop and coordinate security, emergency and service replacement plans, among others.

n) Perform any other functions that are assigned to you by the current regulations.

Article 68. Information to be provided to the system operator for production dispatch.

1. The power-producing undertakings shall communicate to the system operator for each of the generation groups, with the periodicity provided for in Article 69.2, the information necessary for the performance of their duties which, at least, shall be the following:

a) For category A groups:

1. Hourly availability, including unavailability due to environmental constraints or additional constraints on the operation of generators for the programming horizon.

2. º Contribution capacity to the primary, secondary, and tertiary regulatory rolling power.

3. In the pumping groups, in addition to the above information, they will transmit the cotes and volumes stored in the reservoirs.

4. º Where appropriate, needs for modification of the fuel mixture authorised as referred to in Article 40.

5. º For cogeneration installations, the maximum power to deliver with minimum consumption compatible with the associated industrial process and minimum power to deliver compatible with the process associated with the operation normal.

The net power information, the minimum and extraordinary technical, the ramp up and down power, the start times, the dispatch start curves, the variable fuel cost curves for dispatch, the additional operation and maintenance costs due to the dispatch start and the unit operation and maintenance costs for each group, used by the system operator to carry out the dispatch of the production shall be the one on the administrative register of the production facilities of the electric power of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. The operators of the production facilities shall inform the system operator of the authorised modifications to that register.

b) In the case of category B facilities:

1. Time Availability.

2. No net power or, for those installations for which no such power has been defined in the regulations, the installed power as defined in Article 3 of Royal Decree 413/2014, of 6 June.

The net power will be approved by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines. For cases where necessary, the installed power included in the Administrative Register of Electrical Power Production Facilities shall be taken.

3. The schedule schedules for the programming horizon.

2. Traders, direct consumers and generators for their consumption of ancillary services where the net balance is a buyer at that time, acting on each individual electrical system, shall inform the system operator of their demand forecasts for each scheduling period on the programming horizon.

3. The system operator may establish appropriate means for the exchange of information, which shall be published in its electronic headquarters.

Article 69. Dispatch procedure of the generation.

1. The system operator will program the non-fluent hydraulic groups, with the objective of achieving the economic optimization of the system in the long term, for this to be incorporated as input data the information coming from the value of the water in the reservoirs.

2. Weekly, daily and intraday programming:

The system operator will perform weekly group programming for each of the electrical systems isolated from non-peninsular territories, which will be redefined in daily and intra-day programming.

The generation-demand deviations expected by the system operator or communicated by the subjects within the day itself, with a horizon of more than two hours, will give rise to the intra-day programming. Intra-day programming shall be communicated to the subjects concerned in advance of more than one hour. Changes to the daily dispatch must be justified by the system operator.

The programming shall be carried out on the basis of the programming of the pumping groups and the non-fluent hydraulic groups indicated in the preceding paragraph, as well as of the data referred to in Article 68, which shall be communicated the system operator by the subjects with a weekly frequency for the weekly programming, daily for the daily programming, and, if applicable, time for the intraday programming. The above data shall be submitted one day prior to the weekly and daily programming and at least two hours before the intraday schedule.

3. The schedules referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be the result of applying the dispatch procedure defined in Annex X, which shall include:

a) A first dispatch, performed with exclusively economic criteria.

b) A second dispatch, performed with economic and security criteria.

c) A third issue, taking into account possible restrictions imposed by the transport network.

In isolated electrical systems connected to the peninsula, the energy that circulates through such links shall be integrated into the respective production dispatch as set out in the implementing rules.

4. Resolution of generation-demand deviations in real time.

Real-time deviations will be resolved by the system operator by making use of the secondary and tertiary regulatory reserve allocations.

5. The final programming of the production dispatch shall be that resulting from the necessary adjustments made to the third daily production dispatch, and in its intraday case, as a result of the resolution of the defined real time deviations in the previous section.

Article 70. Calculation of the demand acquisition price.

1. Traders, direct consumers and generators for their consumption of ancillary services where the net balance is a buyer at that time, and where appropriate, the representatives, shall purchase the energy in the production dispatch for a period of time. The time-price for the purchase of the demand Phdemand(j), expressed in €/MWh, as defined in Annex I.

2. In addition to the acquisition price defined above, the costs of deviations from those subjects, the costs of capacity mechanisms, the costs of the management service of the interruptibility demand and the costs for the service shall be added. the financing of the remuneration of the market operator and the operator of the system, in accordance with the terms set out in Annex XI, as well as those which are regulated.

Article 71. Calculation of the final price of generation and extraction in the isolated electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories.

1. The final price of each individual system, Ph (j), shall be determined by the ratio between the sum of the costs of the adjustment and the generation of the power plants located in that isolated system and the total energy per they generated, measured in central bars.

The cost of generation and adjustment services will be calculated by considering the following concepts:

(a) The costs of the generation of liquidation obtained from applying the additional remuneration scheme defined in Article 18 to all category A plants entitled to such remuneration scheme.

(b) Generation costs as defined in Article 7 for installations entitled to the perception of the specific remuneration scheme.

(c) Generation costs as defined in Article 8 (1) and (2) of the plants participating in the production dispatch which do not have any additional or specific remuneration arrangements recognised.

d) The costs of tuning services.

2. The extraction of the production activity in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories shall be the sum of the extracoste generation in each of the isolated systems of those non-peninsular territories, which shall be determined by the the difference between the generation and the adjustment costs referred to in the previous paragraph and the remaining revenues derived from the acquisition of energy by the demand once the concepts with a specific target of (a)

provisions of Article 7 (2) (a);

Article 72. Settlement procedure.

1. For the clearance of the energy in each of the production offices of the non-peninsular territories, the system operator shall proceed as set out in this Article and in Annex XI:

(a) The revenue obtained in the production dispatch from the demand which has a specific destination, such as the costs of the service of management of the demand for interruptibility, the costs for the financing of the The remuneration of the market operator and the system operator and those other than those which may be established shall be discounted from the total revenue obtained in the office from the demand.

(b) The system operator shall liquidate any remaining revenue after it has degenerated the specific target revenue in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, to the generating groups operating on these systems. and not that they are recognised as an additional or specific remuneration scheme, to the economic regime set out in Article 8.

(c) Once the above has been done, the system operator shall liquidate the remainder of the revenue among the production facilities which have recognised additional or specific remuneration in proportion to their generated energy. measured in central bars.

The system operator will calculate and publish monthly production clearance settlements and their daily advances, with the frequency, frequency and general conditions set out in the system's procedures. settlement and payment guarantees for non-peninsular electrical systems.

2. As set out in the additional provision of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, fifth of Law 24/2013, the extracosts are derived from the activity of the production of electrical energy when they are developed in the electrical systems isolated from the Non-peninsular territories will be financed by 50 percent of the State's General Budget.

The amount entered in the General Budget of the State for the compensation of the extraction of the production activity in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories shall be settled in accordance with Royal Decree 680/2014, of 1 August, which regulates the procedure for the budgeting, recognition, liquidation and control of the extractions of the production of electrical energy in the electrical systems isolated from the territories peninsular for the general budget of the State.

The amount for the compensation of the extraction of the production activity in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories charged to the electrical system shall be settled in accordance with this article.

3. For each calendar year, the following procedure shall be followed for the purposes of the liquidation of the extracurbed generation:

a) The system operator will calculate:

1.) The costs of generation of liquidation obtained from applying the additional remuneration scheme defined in Article 18 to all category A plants entitled to that remuneration scheme without applying the correction by fuel bill as defined in Article 31.

2. (º) The concept defined in paragraphs (a) and (c) of Article 7.1 of the charging rights for category B facilities which have been recognised as a specific remuneration scheme, as well as the costs of deviations in which they incur such facilities.

3.) It shall also publish the final liquidations of the production dispatch carried out by that operator to each of the production programming units which are part of the said facilities corresponding to the 12 months of year n within a maximum of one month from the publication of the closure of definitive measures.

(b) The system operator shall forward to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines and to the National Markets and Competition Commission, for each calendar year, the information referred to in subparagraph (a) above, both costs of generation and adjustment services as final liquidations, within a period not exceeding three months after the publication of the final clearance settlement.

(c) The holders of the plants which have recognised an additional remuneration scheme shall apply to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines to approve the final amount of the costs for the generation of liquidation for its installations within the maximum period of one month from the publication by the system operator of the settlements on the basis of definitive measures. This request shall be accompanied by the information required in this royal decree and shall be forwarded to the National Markets and Competition Commission for a report.

(d) The entity responsible for the electricity sector settlements shall calculate the collection rights defined in paragraph (b) of Article 7.1 for each of the generating facilities that are recognised by the electricity sector. specific remuneration arrangements made with definitive measures as well as the other concepts set out in this royal decree.

e) The Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines, on a proposal from the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition and after a favorable report of the General Intervention of the State Administration, according to In accordance with Article 5 of Royal Decree 680/2014 of 1 August 2014, the Commission shall approve the final amount of the costs for the generation of winding-up costs for the plants which have been recognised as an additional remuneration scheme and the amount of the costs of generating facilities which are recognised as a remuneration scheme (a) the amount of the costs of the adjustment services and the amount of the extraction of the production activity in the electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories defined in Article 71.2, as well as the deviation between the (a) the amount of the compensation paid to the State for the purposes of this Regulation, and the amount of compensation paid to it by the State in question

The National Markets and Competition Commission will apply the fuel bill correction defined in Article 31 in its proposal, it will calculate the remuneration for other operating costs, taking into account the documentation showing the payment of the value of the value of the electricity production resulting from the application of Law 15/2012 of 27 December, and shall integrate the collection rights defined in Article 7.1 (b) corresponding to generating facilities which are recognised by the specific remuneration scheme for the calculations performed by the system operator in accordance with paragraph 3 (a).

(f) The resolution of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines is issued, the agency responsible for the liquidation of the electricity sector will proceed to liquidate the deviation between the overlying and the compensation that there is This concept is based on the provisions of Royal Decree 680/2014 of 1 August 2014 and the rules on the liquidations of the electricity sector.

4. On a monthly basis, provisional liquidations shall be carried out on account of the final settlement by the authority responsible for the liquidation of the electricity sector in accordance with the rules of the winding-up procedure and the set in this section.

(a) The system operator shall calculate the costs defined in paragraph 3 (a) (1) and (3) (a) (2) and shall publish the monthly payments of the production dispatch made by that operator to each of the programming units. (a) the production of these facilities.

You will also forward to the National Markets and Competition Commission the information indicated in the preceding paragraph.

(b) In each monthly settlement, the authority responsible for the liquidation of the electricity sector shall pay the amount corresponding to the difference between the remuneration for each generating undertaking. accumulated until that month, the amount settled in the production dispatch by the system operator and the amount charged to the General Budget of the State corresponding to the same months as provided for in Article 4 (a) of the Royal Decree 680/2014 of 1 August.

In any event, the amount charged to the electricity system shall not exceed the cumulative proportion of the amount provided for in the order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism to approve the energy access tolls. power of the corresponding year.


Economic and administrative arrangements for pumping facilities allocated to the system operator in non-peninsular territories

Article 73. Definition of the pumping facilities allocated to the system operator in non-peninsular territories.

The pumping facilities allocated to the system operator as set out in Article 5 of Law 17/2013 of 29 October shall be considered for all the active effects of the operation of the system. system, and therefore, they will not be registered in the administrative register of power production facilities and their production will not be applicable to the generation tolls.

Article 74. Entitlement allocation procedure.

1. Where the need to install pumps on an insulated electrical system by security of supply, system security or non-manageable renewable energy integration is detected, the system operator shall request it from the Directorate-General for Energy and Mines Policy accompanied by a supporting report to the effect.

In this report, based on existing generation facilities, existing and planned transport facilities and expected demand, the opportunity to install a pumping station and the planned demand will be technically assessed. different scenarios for the implementation of renewable energy shall be implemented as set out in Annex VII.3. The report shall also include a proposal for the values of the installation investment, the unit values of operation and variable maintenance and the unit values of the fixed operation and maintenance annuity of the installation.

2. Following receipt of the report as defined in the previous paragraph, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism will request a report from the National Commission on Markets and Competition. This report will analyse the opportunity to install pumps in an insulated electrical system by way of security of supply, system security or non-manageable renewable energy integration taking into account all available data and in the different scenarios proposed by the system operator analysing them from an economic point of view and from a condition to the costs of the electrical system, as set out in Annex VII.3.

3. The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism shall also, after receipt of the report set out in paragraph 1, request a report from the Autonomous Community or Autonomous City concerned, which shall be evacuated within one month of receipt of the report. application, so that, in the exercise of its competencies, it will analyze the different scenarios contemplated.

4. Taking into account the reports set out in the previous paragraphs, the Council of Ministers shall, where appropriate, declare that the proposed pumping facility is owned by the system operator, having as its main purpose the guarantee of the supply, security of the system and the integration of non-manageable renewable energy into the isolated electrical systems of non-peninsular territories.

Once declared by the Council of Ministers the need to install pumps of ownership of the system operator in accordance with the provisions of article 5 of Law 17/2013, of October 29, by order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism shall be approved the power of the plant, the particularities of its remuneration and the following remuneration parameters:

a) The value of the installation's investment in the year of its commissioning, VIi, differentiating investments with distinct regulatory useful life. This investment value shall be considered, where appropriate, of the standard value of the investment of the facility.

b) The variable maintenance and operation unit value.

c) The unit value of the fixed operation and maintenance cost annuity.

In no case may the installation investment values, variable unit of operation and maintenance values, unit values of the operation annuity and fixed maintenance of the installation be approved. greater than those specified in the proposal submitted by the system operator under the provisions of paragraph 1.5. If a period of more than one year has elapsed since the approval of the order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism for the setting of remuneration parameters, no administrative authorisation has been given and circumstances or circumstances have occurred. facts which alter the conditions under which the order was issued, the system operator may request the modification of those parameters.

For this purpose, the system operator shall submit a reasoned request, providing, where appropriate, a new proposal for an investment value, unit value of operation and variable maintenance and unit value of the annuity of costs of fixed operation and maintenance.

Article 75. Authorisation regime.

1. The pumping installations which are assigned to the system operator in the non-peninsular territories, in accordance with that established in this Title, shall apply to them the rights of access and connection as well as the system of authorizations Administrative procedures for all other pumping installations.

2. Where the competence for the authorization of these facilities is from the Autonomous Community or City, the Autonomous City shall communicate to the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines the date of the authorization to operate the installation, referring to the copies of all the authorizations granted by the community or autonomous city.

Article 76. Operating system.

The energy for these pumping facilities will be integrated as a security and supply adjustment service on each system.

By order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, prior to the report of the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, the criteria of exploitation of these facilities for their integration in the services of adjustment. For this purpose, the system operator shall request comments from the representatives of all subjects acting within the system defined in Article 6 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector and shall propose the criteria for exploitation of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism accompanied by the report of the subjects.

Monthly the system operator will inform the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines and the National Commission of the Markets and Competition on the application of these criteria in the operation of the Such pumping facilities on each system.

The National Commission of the Markets and Competition will, annually, carry out a report analysing the application of the order that sets the criteria for the exploitation of these facilities for integration into the services of adjustment and, where appropriate, propose amendments to that standard in such a way as to safeguard the independence of the system operator in its work as a transmission system operator for electricity.

Article 77. Remuneration scheme.

Within the maximum period of six months from the date of the authorisation to operate the plant, the system operator must ask the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines to recognise the scheme. retributive of the same.

Such an application shall be accompanied by an audit of the investment made as well as the documentation it deems necessary to fix its remuneration. In any event, the General Directorate for Energy Policy and Mines may ask the system operator for the additional information it deems necessary.

In this resolution you will approve:

(a) The value of the investment recognised in group i, calculated, where applicable, as set out in Article 26.

(b) The regulatory life during which the installation shall be entitled to receive the remuneration provided for in this Title.

Article 78. Settlement procedure.

The system operator shall declare in its settlements and separately the costs of these facilities. The body responsible for the liquidations of the electricity sector shall integrate in its liquidations this cost as an extraction of the production activity in the electrical systems in the non-peninsular territories.

Additional disposition first. First regulatory period.

1. In accordance with the provisions of Law 24/2013 of 26 December, the first regulatory period shall begin with the entry into force of this royal decree and shall end on 31 December 2019.

2. The rate of financial remuneration to be applied to all installations of electrical systems isolated from non-peninsular territories category A which have remuneration for investment during the first regulatory period shall be the same as the the average return on the secondary market contributions of the State's obligations to ten years of the months of April, May and June 2013 increased by 200 basis points, in accordance with the additional provision of the Law. 24/2013, of 26 December, of the Electrical Sector, being fixed at 650.3 basis points.

3. According to the above, the value of the annuity of the remuneration for investment for the year 2015 (CIn) of the facilities that have recognized the value of the investment to the entry into force of the present royal decree will be, from its entry into force, as set out in Annex XII.1

Additional provision second. Investment unit values of the first regulatory period.

1. During the first regulatory period, the investment envisaged for the calculation of the guarantees defined in Article 50 shall be that obtained from multiplying the projected net power of the group by the maximum unit values set out in Annex XII.2. For the technologies not listed in the Annex to this Regulation, the reference unit values as defined in Article 26 shall be adopted by order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism.

2. The value of the investment that is recognized, if any, to the facilities with definitive exploitation authorization of date after the entry into force of this royal decree and during the first regulatory period, will be established of the following form:

(a) The value of the investment recognised in group i shall be the actual value of the investment made duly audited, plus 50% of the difference between the ceiling and the actual value, where the value is lower than the limit.

(b) The ceiling shall be determined by multiplying the net power of the group registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities by the maximum unit value corresponding to it in accordance with the set out in Annex XII.2.

If the above difference is negative, the recognised value of the investment made shall be the value of multiplying the net power recorded by the maximum unit value set out in that Annex.

The procedure for determining the value of the recognised investment of the groups whose technology is not covered by Annex XII.2 shall be established by order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Additional provision third. Unit values of the annuity of the fixed operating and maintenance costs of the first regulatory period.

The unit values of the fixed operation annuity and fixed maintenance of the type defined in Article 29 to be applied during the first regulatory period shall be those set out in Annex XII.3, without factor correction.

The unit values of the fixed operation and maintenance annuity and the correction factors to be applied to groups whose type installation is not covered by Annex XII.3 shall be established on the order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Additional provision fourth. Remuneration for variable costs during the first regulatory period.

1. The technical settlement parameters, a, b and c of the standard facilities, applicable during the first regulatory period, are those set out in Annex XII.4.

2. The parameters to '(i), b' (i) of the type installations, applicable during the first regulatory period, are those set out in Annex XII.5.

3. The remuneration for variable operating costs and operating maintenance as defined in Article 35.1 shall be calculated in the first regulatory period on the basis of the unit operating and variable settlement values of the Type-installations defined in Annex XII.6.

4. The economic parameters 'd' of the applicable facilities during the first regulatory period are those set out in Annex XII.7.

5. The values of the technical and economic parameters for the liquidation of the type installations not covered by the said Annexes shall be defined by order of the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Additional provision fifth. Settlement of the financial years 2012, 2013 and 2014.

The system operator shall calculate the settlement costs defined in Article 71 for each of the groups in each non-peninsular territory for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 by applying the methodology and parameters. in the seventh transitional provision and shall communicate them to the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition within the maximum period of three months from the date of entry into force of this royal decree.

Additional provision sixth. Mandates to the National Commission on Markets and Competition.

1. Within six months of the entry into force of this Royal Decree, the National Markets and Competition Commission shall forward to the Secretary of State of Energy a proposal for reference unit values for the calculation of the value standard of investment, and of technical and economic data that determine the fixed and variable costs of the generation of dispatch and of technical and economic parameters of the type to be applied to production facilities composed of turbines of gas that share alternator.

2. Likewise, within one year of the entry into force of this royal decree, the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition will forward to the Secretary of State for Energy:

a) A proposal for the costs of fuel logistics in each of the isolated electrical systems, accompanied by a study that justifies them. In the light of this proposal, the logistics costs set out in the transitional provision will be revised by order of the Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade. 5.

b) A proposal for an incentive for the system operator and a proposal for minimum quality objectives (OCSNIEPI, OCSTIEPI) for each isolated system j as defined in Annex IX, for the purposes of the Article 60.

Additional provision seventh. Commands to the system operator.

1. Within six months of the entry into force of this royal decree, the system operator shall forward to the Secretary of State for Energy:

(a) A proposal for a test procedure of a minimum and ordinary technical minimum of the power plants according to the definition given in the second provision of Order IET/843/2012 of 25 April 2012 laying down the access tolls from 1 April 2012 and certain fees and premiums for the special scheme facilities.

b) A proposal for a performance testing procedure for the determination of the technical data of the variable costs of production facilities composed of gas turbines that share alternators, belonging to the to the electrical systems of non-peninsular territories, in such a way as to take into account the mutual influence that occurs in the operation of these turbines due to such configuration.

c) A proposal for profiles to be applied to consumers who do not have time-measurement in each non-peninsular territory.

d) A proposal for the time periods and seasonal factors that apply for determining the value of the fixed hourly cost for each group within a given time.

e) A proposal of the methodology to obtain the price of the energy in hour h to consider in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer in each territory not peninsular according to the established in the fourth final disposition.

(f) For the purposes of Article 60.4, the system operator shall inform the Secretariat of State of Energy and the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, of the specific consumption of each generator group. for each hour of the month, in terms of per kilowatt hour produced, and of the estimated specific consumption of these groups, in terms of per kilowatt hour, taking exclusively into account the energy released to meet the demand, i.e. without having It counts the reserves of power, regulation, control of tension, forecast of deviations in the programs of generation and in demand and network restrictions, for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014.

The system operator will also inform the Secretariat of State of Energy and the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition of the number of unforeseen interruptions exceeding 3 minutes associated with generation and of the duration of such interruptions per month, during the years 2012, 2013 and 2014.

2. The system operator must also send, within two months of the entry into force of this royal decree:

a) A methodology for the production of demand coverage reports, the report of need for pumps and for the determination of the proposed power needed, the additional power proposed and the needs special availability of generation equipment, including the statistical method used and the variables to be taken into account, in such a way as to ensure that this calculation can be replicated. That methodology shall comply with the requirements set out in Annex VII.

(b) The first annual report covering demand, without prejudice to the time limits laid down in Article 44.

3. Within three months of the entry into force of this royal decree, the system operator shall forward to the Secretary of State for Energy:

(a) A certificate with the relationship of the groups which, being provisionally registered in the administrative register of production facilities of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, meet the requirements In order to be able to be discharged in the office and with the procedures of the system of settlements and payment guarantees that govern these systems, to the object that the registration to those of those systems is necessary groups that meet the requirements set.

(b) A proposal to amend the procedures for the operation of electrical systems in non-peninsular territories, the content of which must be adapted to reflect the changes made by the actual present decree. Such a proposal shall include the time required to adapt the information systems of the system operator and the subjects.

4. Within one month of the entry into force of this royal decree, the system operator shall forward the system operator to the Secretary of State for Energy:

(a) The relation of groups that constitute each generation plant in the electrical systems isolated from the non-peninsular territories, understanding by center that whose groups share line of evacuation and points of connection.

b) A proposal for a procedure for the liquidation of energy in the isolated electrical systems of the non-peninsular territories that develops the principles introduced by this royal decree.

Additional disposition octave. Production facilities that have finished their useful life.

1. The holders of production facilities having completed their regulatory life at the entry into force of this royal decree, as defined in Order ITC/914/2006 of 30 March, will continue to operate, will have to apply to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines to be given the additional remuneration within two months of the publication of the first resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy, call for favourable resolution granting of compatibility and establish power required to be referred to in the first transitional provision. 2.

Those facilities which do not request that the additional remuneration scheme be granted to them again within the prescribed period shall, from that time, be the right to the additional remuneration, receiving their energy generated by the economic regime set out in Article 8.

The procedure for granting, where appropriate, the decision of favourable compatibility shall be that laid down in the said first transitional provision, with the particularities provided for in Articles 53 and 54 for the facilities that make new investments and end their regulatory life, respectively.

2. For this purpose, the holders of the production facilities which have completed their useful life must submit, together with the application, the new investments which, where appropriate, have been carried out since 1 January 2012, duly audited.

3. Those installations which do not obtain the favourable decision for compatibility shall cease to be entitled to the additional remuneration, from the date of the decision, in the form of their energy generated by the established economic system. in Article 8.

4. If the annual report covering the demand set out in the additional provision septime.2.b) shows that no additional power is required in an isolated electrical system, the competitive competition procedure shall not be convened. the production facilities which have completed their useful life shall lose the right to the additional remuneration scheme, receiving the energy generated by the economic scheme provided for in Article 8. The loss of the right to the additional remuneration shall be declared by the Director General of Energy Policy and Mines by unfavourable resolution of compatibility, prior to the hearing.

5. Since the present royal decree has entered into force and until the compatibility decision has taken effect, the owners of the facilities will receive the remuneration for variable costs of generation and the remuneration for operation and maintenance. fixed in Title IV this royal decree.

Additional provision ninth. Referral of information.

1. The persons who carry out any of the activities with regulated remuneration, in accordance with the provisions of this royal decree and its implementing rules, shall provide the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism and the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition, the information required by them for the exercise of their functions, in electronic form allowing the processing of the data in spreadsheet and with the breakdown established by the Resolution of the Director-General for Energy Policy and Mines or by circular from the Commission.

In particular, they shall provide information concerning the conditions for granting their remuneration, as well as information on the costs necessary for the appropriate establishment and review of them.

2. Within three months of the entry into force of this royal decree, the holders of production facilities in the non-peninsular territories shall forward to the National Commission of the Markets and the Competition the securities audited from 1 January 2011 defined in the Resolution of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines of 1 December 2010 laying down the criteria for the conduct of audits of the generation groups under regime Common system of island and extra-island electrical systems, including the detail of the margins added by intragroup operations.

3. The audited economic information referred to under the existing resolutions laying down the criteria for the conduct of audits of the generation groups in the electrical systems isolated from the non-peninsular territories, details of the costs and charges which the group undertaking adds, where appropriate, to the cost of the suppliers ' invoices for the operations carried out with other undertakings of the group, in particular fuel supplies.

Additional provision 10th. Remuneration of electricity production facilities with primary economic status granted prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 9/2013 of 12 July 2013 and of installations with a specific remuneration scheme protection of the fourth additional provision of Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June 2014.

1. On the premises of the Royal Decree-Law 9/2013 of 12 July 2013, which adopted urgent measures to ensure the financial stability of the electricity system, they were entitled to a premium economic system, as well as to the those to which the specific remuneration scheme is granted to them under the fourth additional provision of Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June 2014 shall not apply to them the remuneration of the economic arrangements provided for in the Article 7.1.

These facilities will receive the following retributive concepts:

(a) The product of the energy sold at hour h measured in central bars by the generator group for the price resulting from the calculation of the weighted average of the daily marginal price of the daily market and of the marginal prices schedules for each of the intraday market sessions.

(b) Where appropriate, the specific remuneration scheme set out in Title IV of Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June 2014 regulating the production of electrical energy from renewable energy sources, cogeneration and waste.

(c) Where appropriate, the economic consideration to be established for their participation in the adjustment services of these systems.

2. For the purposes of calculating the hourly price of each individual electrical system as defined in Article 71.1 of this royal decree, for installations as defined in the previous paragraph, they shall apply instead of the generation costs. defined in Article 7, as defined in paragraphs (a) and (b) above.

Additional provision eleventh. Compliance with the Community order.

The remuneration scheme and the dispatch procedure provided for in Titles IV, VI and VII, and in the corresponding provisions of the final part of this royal decree, will be subordinated to the full and final effectiveness of the There is no objection on the part of the European Commission to its compatibility with the Community system.

Additional disposition twelfth. Communication and notification by electronic means.

1. As provided for in Article 27.6 of Law 11/2007 of 22 June 2007 on the electronic access of citizens to Public Services, applications, written and communications relating to the various related procedures in the Paragraph 2 shall be submitted exclusively by electronic means, with electronic certificate, at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

This obligation shall include the practice of administrative notifications by electronic means, in accordance with Articles 32.1 and 40 of Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009, for which the Law is partially developed 11/2007, of 22 June, of electronic access of citizens to public services, to be carried out by electronic appearance in the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, accessible by the interested parties electronic certificate.

In cases where communication is mandatory through electronic means and no such means are used, the competent administrative body will require the corresponding remedy, warning that, if it is not addressed the request shall be made to the person concerned by withdrawal of his request in accordance with the provisions of Article 32.3 of Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009, without the validity or effectiveness of that communication in which it has taken place. failure.

2. The administrative procedures to which the provisions of the preceding paragraph apply are as follows:

(a) Procedures for registration, modification and cancellation in the register of specific remuneration defined in Article 27 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector, as well as any other procedures covered by the implementing rules relating to that registration and to the specific remuneration scheme.

b) Procedures for registration, modification and cancellation in the administrative register of power production facilities as defined in Article 21 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December of the Electrical Sector.

(c) Any procedure relating to the marketing of electrical energy and charge managers regulated in the implementing rules, including those for the start of the activity and responsible statement, modification of the above and cessation of the performance of the activity. In the case of electric energy traders, procedures relating to the submission of information on final consumers of electricity pursuant to Order ITC/606/2011 of 16 March 2011 determining the content and form of electricity For the purpose of this Regulation, the Commission shall, in accordance with Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EC), (EU), (EU), (EU), (EU), (EU), (EU), (EU), (EU), and ( power and transfer of customers to a reference marketer.

For these purposes, the annexes with the corresponding models of communication and responsible declaration shall be available for completion and electronic delivery at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

(d) Issuance of information relating to quality of service, which according to the established state regulations must be submitted by the electricity distribution companies.

e) Any request procedure for authorization of measurement configurations that require authorization according to the application regulations.

(f) Any proceedings relating to applications for exemption from the application of access tolls pursuant to the provisions of Royal Decree 1164/2001 of 26 October 2001 establishing charges for access to networks Transport and distribution of electrical energy.

g) Any procedure relating to the application for recognition of the additional remuneration regime governed by this royal decree.

(h) Administrative resources and requests for ex officio review that may be derived from the above procedures.

i) Claims of the State of competence of the State of competition of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism that may arise from the application of the regulation of the electrical sector.

First transient disposition. Resolution of the first call for the procedure for the granting of the compatibility resolution of electricity production facilities in non-peninsular territories.

1. With the exception of the provisions of Articles 47, 48, 49, 51 and 52 of this royal decree, the facilities defined in the first transitional provision of Law 17/2013 of 29 October for security of supply and increased competition in the island and extra-island electricity systems, and in the additional decision of the Electricity Sector Act 24/2013 of 26 December.

Notwithstanding the above, if such articles are applicable for the recognition of new investments or for the additional remuneration to be granted to them again when they are to end their useful life regulatory.

2. If the annual report covering the demand set out in the additional provision septima.2.b shows that there is a risk of a lack of coverage on the horizon of the analysis in an isolated electricity system, the Secretary of State Energy shall, by resolution, call for a competitive competition procedure for the granting of the favourable resolution of compatibility.

This resolution of the Secretary of State for Energy will establish the additional expected power to be installed, if any, to ensure the coverage of the demand in each of the electrical systems isolated to each of the following five years. In this resolution, it will be possible to give signals of location by knots and technical limitations may be established concerning, among other aspects, the size and technology of the groups.

The procedure for granting the favorable resolution of compatibility shall be that set out in Articles 47, 48 and 49 with the particularities described in this provision.

3. Applications for a decision on compatibility submitted pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 5 of the first transitional provision of Law No 17/2013 of 29 October and the applications submitted since the entry into force of the Treaty This law and until the entry into force of this royal decree shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure laid down in Articles 47, 48 and 49 with the particularities described in this provision.

Within two months of the publication of the resolution as defined in the previous paragraph, the operators of the facilities referred to in the preceding paragraph shall supplement their application by submitting the information relating to: each of the installations designed with the breakdown set out in Annex VIII.1 to this royal decree, also attaching the deposit of the General Deposit Box accredited to the deposit of the economic guarantee established in the Article 50.

3. Applications for a decision on compatibility submitted before the end of the two-month period since the publication of the decision to call for the competitive competition procedure as defined in paragraph 2 shall be accumulate applications submitted under the previous paragraph, with the exception of those that are inadmissible.

4. If the annual report covering the demand set out in the additional provision septime.2.b shows that no additional power is required in an isolated electrical system, the competitive competition procedure shall not be convened in that system and the applications for a compatibility decision submitted pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 5 of the first transitional provision of Law 17/2013 of 29 October and the applications submitted from the entry into Until the entry into force of the present royal decree for that system will be resolved unfavourably by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines, prior to the hearing.

Second transient disposition. Fuel mixture.

1. As long as the usual fuel mixtures by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines are not authorized, the variable costs of fuel for dispatch and the starting cost of the dispatch of the production facilities category A, The calculation of the fuel mix shall be calculated on the basis of the group's main fuel and the fuel mix used shall be recognised in the liquidation of these groups.

These additional costs will be recognised in the resolution of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines approving the final amount of the costs of the generation of liquidation for the power plants that have recognised additional remuneration arrangements and the level of costs for the generation of facilities which are recognised as a specific remuneration scheme referred to in Article 72.3.e).

2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for the purposes of Articles 12 and 40, within one month of the entry into force of this royal decree, the holders of the production facilities category A who are to receive the remuneration scheme In addition, the Commission shall submit to the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines the mixture of the usual fuel used in each of its groups, both in the normal state of operation and in the starts.

In the event that the above information is not presented within the prescribed period, the fuel to be used for dispatch and settlement purposes shall be the main fuel indicated in Annex XIII.

Transitional provision third. Determination of the fuel price up to the entry into force of the order defined in Article 40.5.

1. Until the entry into force of the order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism defining the components of the price of each of the fossil fuels used and the methodology for determining that price defined in the Article 40.5 shall be subject to the provisions of this provision.

2. The fossil fuels to be considered in non-peninsular territories for the purpose of remuneration for geographical areas are as follows:

Baleares: imported coal, Fuel Oil BIA (1 percent sulfur), Gas Natural and Gasoil.

Canary Islands: Fuel Oil BIA (1 per cent sulphur), Fuel Oil BIA (0.73 per cent sulphur), Fuel Oil BIA (0.3 per cent sulphur), Diesel Oil and Gasoil.

Ceuta and Melilla: Fuel Oil BIA (1 percent sulfur), Diesel Oil and Gasoil.

In the event that new fossil fuels not covered by the previous relationship are used, the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism may approve, where appropriate, their use and determine the method of calculating the price for the new fuel.

3. The fuel price shall be calculated as the sum of the price of the product as defined in the following paragraph and the remuneration for logistics costs as set out in paragraph 5, with the exception of natural gas, the price of which shall be calculated as In accordance with the method set out in Order ITC/1559/2010 of 11 June, which regulates different aspects of the rules of island and extra-island electrical systems. In addition, the price of the fuel shall include, where appropriate, the costs arising from the application of the excise duty on coal and the hydrocarbon tax as defined in Law 38/1992 of 28 December 1992 on Excise Duty.

4. The prices of the product by type of fuel will be approved semestrally by resolution of the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines, they will be published in the "Official Gazette of the State" and will be calculated as arithmetic mean of the monthly contributions, corresponding to the following six months immediately, of the following indices and contributions:

a) For imported hard coal, it will be equal to the API#2 index published by the Energy Argus Coal Daily.

b) For the Fuel Oil BIA (1 percent), consumed in the non-peninsular territories of the Balearic Islands, Melilla and Ceuta will be equal to the arithmetic mean of the monthly averages of the low price range of Fuel Oil 1 percent in the Cif Mediterranean (Genova/Lavera) market, published in the Platts European Marketscan. For the Fuel Oil BIA (1 per cent and 0.3 per cent), consumed in the non-peninsular Canary Islands territory will be equal to the arithmetic mean of the monthly averages of Fuel Oil's low price range 1 per cent in the CIF NWE market published in the Platts European Marketscan.

c) The price of the product for the Fuel Oil BIA 0.73% of the non-peninsular territory of the Canary Islands will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the monthly averages of the low price range in the CIF NWE market of the Fuel Oil 1 per cent published in the Platts European Marketscan plus a coefficient that will be calculated as 67.5 per cent of the difference between the monthly averages of the low price range in the FOB NWE market of the Fuel Oil 0.5-0.7 per cent published in the Platts European Marketscan and the monthly averages of the low price range of Fuel Oil 1 One hundred in the FOB NWE market published in the Platts European Marketscan.

(d) For Diesel Oil in the non-peninsular territory of the Canary Islands, it will be established by weight percentage composition of the arithmetic mean of the monthly averages of the low price range of Gasoil 0.1 percent (83 percent) and Fuel Oil 3.5 percent (17 percent) in the CIF NWE market published in the Platts European Marketscan. For Diesel Oil of the non-peninsular territory of Ceuta, it will be established by weight percentage composition of the arithmetic mean of the monthly averages of the low price range of Gasoil 0.1 percent (83 percent) and Fuel Oil 3.5 percent. (17 per cent) in the CIF Mediterranean (Genova/Lavera) market, published in the Platts European Marketscan.

e) For Gasoil 0.1 percent consumed in the non-peninsular territories of the Balearic Islands, Melilla and Ceuta will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the monthly averages of the low price range of Gasoil 0.1 percent in the CIF Mediterranean (Genova/Lavera) market published in the Platts European Marketscan. For the Gasoil 0.1 percent consumed in the non-peninsular territory of the Canary Islands will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the monthly averages of the low price range of Gasoil 0.1 percent in the market CIF NWE published in the European Platts Marketscan.

For the conversion of US dollars to euros the average of the daily exchange rates US dollar-euro published by the European Central Bank and corresponding to the period of calculation of the price of the fuel will be taken.

5. The remuneration for logistics costs for settlement and clearance purposes, depending on the location of the generator group, shall be as follows:

Logistics Costs





Fuel Oil

BIA 1% 0.7-0.73%

Fuel Oil

BIA 0.3%



































La Palma, Iron and Gomera










6. The product price for the production of coal production, Fuel Oil BIA (1 percent), Fuel Oil BIA (0.3 percent), Fuel Oil BIA 0.73%, Diesel Oil and Gasoil 0.1% will be the last published value for each non-peninsular territory and you will get as indicated in this provision.

For natural gas fuel, the fuel price for dispatch purposes shall be as set out in Order ITC/1559/2010 of 11 June.

For the purpose of calculating the liquidation costs of each category A generating group that have been recognised as an additional remuneration scheme, the remuneration for variable generation costs shall be regulated. by the difference between the actual prices of the values obtained as referred to in paragraph 3 in that year and those used for the purpose of the dispatch.

7. The values of the lower calorific value of the fossil fuel used by a group i of the electrical system j, pci (i, h, j), for production purposes and for settlement purposes shall be as set out in Annex VI.

8. In accordance with paragraph 6, the price of fossil fuels for dispatch shall be obtained from the entry into force of this Royal Decree and until they are replaced in accordance with the provisions of this provision. transitional, based on the following product prices and remuneration for logistics costs:


Product prices €/Tm


Fuel Oil

BIA 1% S

/0.3 %S

Fuel Oil BIA 0.73% S

Diesel Oil

Gasoil 0.1% S















The remuneration for logistics costs to be applied in the production dispatch, depending on the territory where the group is located, shall be as set out in paragraph 5.

9. In accordance with the third paragraph of Article 2.4 of Order ITC/1559/2010 of 11 June 2010, the price of natural gas for the purpose of dispatch from the entry into force of this royal decree and until it is updated In accordance with the above mentioned order, it shall be 392,05 €/t.

Transitional disposition fourth. Determination of the technical data for dispatch at the plants registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities.

1. The technical and economic data for the dispatch of the groups entered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities shall be as set out in Annex XIII until they are reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the present royal decree.

In those cases where the data in the register does not match those indicated in Annex XIII, the registration shall be regularised in accordance with these values.

2. As long as the technical data for the dispatch of the gas turbines sharing alternator is not defined, the technical data corresponding to each group shall be used separately.

Transient disposition fifth. Transitional arrangements for certain production facilities Category A.

1. Those facilities category A which, prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, did not have the right to the perception of the specific remuneration scheme applicable to production facilities from sources of energy renewable, cogeneration and waste and have recognised a remuneration scheme other than that referred to in Order ITC/913/2006 of 30 March and Order ITC/914/2006 of 30 March, will continue to receive such remuneration on a transitional basis in the terms provided for in this provision.

2. The holders of the production facilities defined in this paragraph shall forward the new investments which, where appropriate, have been carried out since 1 January 2012, duly audited.

3. The Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism will approve the technical and economic data, as well as the technical and economic parameters of the liquidation, based on the results of the performance tests carried out on the groups and the audited cost data.

Transitional disposition sixth. Remuneration schemes for installations with definitive operating authorisation from the date before 1 January 2012 requested prior to the entry into force of this royal decree.

By virtue of Article 37 of the Royal Decree-Law 20/2012 of 13 July 2012, the remuneration for fixed and variable costs defined in this royal decree will apply to the generation plants which had the status of Ordinary regime until the entry into force of Law 24/2013 of 26 December in non-peninsular territories since 1 January 2012.

By virtue of the foregoing and notwithstanding the provisions of the derogating provision unica.1.c) of this royal decree, in the applications for recognition of the additional remuneration for the installations authorized by the Final exploitation of the date before 1 January 2012, the value of the recognised investment and its regulatory life shall be determined in accordance with the method of calculation set out in Order ITC/914/2006 of 30 March.

Transitional disposition seventh. Determination of the costs of settlement generation until the entry into force of this royal decree.

1. Pursuant to Article 37 of Royal Decree-Law 20/2012 of 13 July 2012, the remuneration for fixed and variable costs of generation plants which had the status of ordinary scheme until the entry into force of the Law 24/2013, of 26 December, in non-peninsular territories, from 1 January 2012 until the entry into force of this royal decree will be the result of applying this provision.

The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines will approve by resolution the final amount of the costs of settlement generation for groups which have been granted additional remuneration since 1 January of this year. 2012 until the entry into force of this royal decree. This resolution will be published in the "Official State Gazette".

2. The remuneration for variable costs for the generation of the groups which would have participated in the production dispatch during the period indicated in the preceding paragraph shall be obtained by applying the methodology laid down in the Chapter III of Title IV, with the following particularities:

(a) The fuel invoice correction factor as defined in Article 31 shall not apply.

(b) The remuneration for variable operating costs and the remuneration for start-up costs associated with the fuel shall be calculated in accordance with Articles 32 and 33 respectively with the following: particularities:

1. The technical parameters of settlement a, b, c, a 'and b' shall take the values set out in Annex XIII for the technical data for dispatch A, B, C, A 'and B', respectively.

2. For the calculation of the average price of the thermal energy used in the state of operation and in the state of start-up by the group i of the isolated electrical system j in hour h, the provisions of the provision shall be made available to the Commission. transient second.1.

3. The fuel price shall be obtained according to the methodology provided for in the third transitional provision, resulting in the values set out in Annex XIV.

4. The values of the lower calorific value of the fossil fuel used by a group i of the electrical system j, pci (i, h, j), for the purpose of generation liquidation shall be as set out in Annex VI.1.c) for the purposes of dispatch.

(c) The variable cost of operation and operating maintenance shall be calculated in accordance with the methodology set out in the additional provision of the fourth paragraph and with the unit values of operation and variable maintenance of the type facilities as defined in Annex XIV.

(d) The "d" parameter in euro per grubbing-up, as defined in Article 35.2, shall be as set out in Annex XIV.

e) The remuneration for regulatory band costs shall be calculated in accordance with Article 34.

The remuneration for the costs of the allowances shall be calculated in accordance with Article 37. The price of the settlement issue, which shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of that Article, shall be approved by resolution of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines.

3. The remuneration for fixed costs for the period referred to in paragraph 1 shall be calculated in accordance with this paragraph and applying the following expression:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_009.png

(a) The definition of these parameters and the methodology for obtaining the remuneration for fixed costs, which shall have the previous formulation, shall be as laid down in Chapter II of Title IV.

(b) The rate of financial remuneration to be applied to all installations of electrical systems isolated from non-peninsular category A territories which have remuneration for investment shall be the same as established in Article 37 of the Royal Decree-Law 20/2012 of 13 July 2012, with the average return on the secondary market contributions of the State's 10-year obligations increased by 200 basis points. For the year 2012, the average return on the contributions on the secondary market of the State's obligations to ten years of the months from November 2010 to October 2011 will be used; for the year 2013, the equivalent to the months between November 2011 and October 2012; for the year 2014, the equivalent of the months between November 2012 and October 2013; and for the months of 2015 that is applicable, the performance of the obligations included between November 2013 and October 2014.

By virtue of the foregoing, the annuity of the CIn (i) investment remuneration for each group i, shall be as set out in Annex XIV.

(c) The annuity of the remuneration per operation and fixed maintenance of each group shall be obtained in accordance with the provisions of the third additional provision, with the following particularities:

1.) The unit values of the fixed operation and maintenance annuity of the type installations for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 shall be as set out in Annex XIV.

2. (º) The type installation assigned to each group shall be as set out in Annex XIII.

3. °) The net power of each group is that indicated in Annex XIII.

4. The groups which, prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, have reached the useful life laid down in Order ITC/914/2006 of 30 March, and which have continued in operation, shall receive, during the period referred to in paragraph 1, the the variable costs as defined in paragraph 2 and the remuneration for fixed costs shall consist of the annuity of the remuneration for fixed operation and maintenance, OMFn (i), as referred to in paragraph 3.c). Their remuneration for fixed costs may be increased, where appropriate, by new investments which are recognised in accordance with the provisions of the eighth additional provision.

5. The remuneration for the installation of power as a result of the need to adopt measures of a temporary and extraordinary nature, advised for reasons of security of supply, shall consist, for the period defined in paragraph 1, in the recognition of the costs incurred by the operators of these plants during their operation.

6. The value of the investment for those groups to whom the entry into force of this royal decree has not been recognised and which have a definitive holding of date after 31 December 2011 and prior to the date of the entry into force of this royal decree The entry into force of this royal decree shall be determined as follows:

(a) The value of the investment recognised in group i shall be the actual value of the investment made duly audited, plus 50% of the difference between the ceiling and the actual value, where the value is lower than the limit. If the difference is negative, the recognised value of the investment made shall be the value of multiplying the net power recorded in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities by the unit values ceilings set out in Annex XIV.

(b) The maximum limits shall be determined by multiplying the net power of the group entered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities by the maximum unit values fixed for the different systems differentiated by technology in accordance with the requirements set out in Annex XIV.

7. The parameters to be applied for the calculation of the remuneration from 1 January 2012 until the entry into force of the royal decree, in accordance with the methodology set out in this provision, are set out in Annex XIV.

Transient disposition octave. Transitional application of the purchase price of the demand to the reference traders and the price of the energy in the hour h to consider in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer.

As long as the methodology is not established to obtain the price of energy in the hour h to consider in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer, in each non-peninsular territory, according to the indicated in the fourth final disposition:

(a) The price of energy in the hour h to be considered in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer, in each non-peninsular territory, Papuntadoh, shall be the average hourly price, Pmh, as defined in Article 10 of Royal Decree No 216/2014 of 28 March 2014 laying down the methodology for the calculation of voluntary prices for the small consumer and his legal system of procurement.

(b) The reference traders in these territories will acquire the energy in the office for their consumers at the voluntary price for the small consumer at the end of the peninsular price. energy acquisition of the reference traders who acquire their energy in the peninsular production market, discounted the costs of the capacity mechanisms, the costs of diversion, the costs for international trade not made by market participants and the costs of the demand management service interruptibility and, where appropriate, others to be established.

In addition to the defined acquisition price, the obligations arising from the costs of deviations incurred by such subjects, the costs of capacity mechanisms, the costs of the service of the service of the management of the demand for interruptibility, the costs for the financing of the remuneration of the market operator and the system operator and others which may be established, in terms to be determined by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

transient disposition ninth. Power and minimum technical tests.

1. Until the entry into force of the rules governing the tests to accredit the gross and net powers of the groups in the non-peninsular territories, those tests shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Annex XV.

2. Until the approval of the standard and extraordinary technical minimum test procedure of the groups for the recognition of the technical data for dispatch as defined in Article 11, the minimum technical and standard values shall be taken. currently used in the production dispatch declared by the operator of the installation. For the registration of new groups the value declared by the owner of the installation shall be used.

3. Those installations which, at the entry into force of this royal decree, are registered in the administrative register of electrical energy production facilities, shall carry out the tests of a technical minimum, when their procedure is approved, at the same time as the performance tests of the plants defined in Annex III.

Transient disposition tenth. Settlement parameters for gas turbines that share alternator.

As long as the technical settlement parameters of the gas turbines sharing alternator are not defined, the settlement parameters that correspond to each group shall be used separately.

Transient disposition eleventh. Remuneration schemes awarded prior to the entry into force of this royal decree.

1. Those installations which, for their unique characteristics, cannot be included in any of the technologies defined in Article 2 and have been granted a special remuneration scheme, other than that referred to in Order ITC/913/2006, March 30 and Order ITC/914/2006, of March 30, will keep their paid regime approved prior to the entry into force of this royal decree until the end of their regulatory life.

2. Those installations for the production of electrical energy category A which, prior to the entry into force of this Regulation, were entitled to the specific remuneration scheme applicable to production facilities from sources renewable energy, cogeneration and waste, will continue to receive such a regime in terms of the terms laid down in the implementing rules until the end of their regulatory life. For the purposes set out in Titles IV and VI of this Royal Decree, these installations shall be regarded as production facilities category B.

3. A category A electrical energy production facility which, prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, has recognised its value of the investment, shall keep the investment value at the end of its remuneration for the purposes of its remuneration. regulatory shelf life. The method of amortisation of the investment of these plants will be maintained until the end of its regulatory life according to the regulations in force prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, starting from the accumulated depreciation which were recognized at the entry into force of this royal decree. The abovementioned values for these plants are set out in Annex XVI.

For the purposes of this paragraph, regulatory life shall be understood to be the useful life defined in Order ITC/914/2006 of 30 March.

Transient Disposition twelfth. Communication and notification by electronic means.

1. The administrative procedures referred to in the additional duodecia.2 which have been initiated prior to the entry into force of this royal decree shall end their processing using existing means prior to the entry into force of this Regulation. approval of this additional provision.

2. The administrative procedures referred to in paragraphs 2 (f) and 2 (g) of the additional twelfth provision shall continue to be governed, until the applications necessary for their processing are developed, by the previous rules on the means of processing.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

1. Expressly repealed:

(a) Royal Decree 1747/2003 of 19 December 2003 regulating the island and extra-island electrical systems.

(b) Order ITC/913/2006 of 30 March approving the method of calculating the cost of each of the fuels used and the procedure for the clearance and clearance of energy in the island's electricity systems and extrapeninsular.

(c) Order ITC/914/2006 of 30 March establishing the method of calculating the amount of the power guarantee for installations of generation under ordinary system of the island's electrical systems and Extra-insular.

2. Likewise, all provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed as soon as they contradict or oppose the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Type and correspondence facilities between classifications.

1. The following types of installations are defined according to technology, net power and non-peninsular territory:

Balearic Islands


Diesel-2T Groups

Power < 5


Diesel-2T Groups

5 ≤ Power < 12


Diesel-2T Groups

12 ≤ Power < 20


Diesel-2T Groups

Power ≥ 20


Diesel-4T Groups

14 ≤ Power < 24


Aeroderived Gas Turbines



Power < 13


heavy duty gas turbines

13 ≤ Power < 25


heavy duty gas turbines

25 ≤Power < 50


heavy duty gas turbines





Fuel Vapor Turbines

Power ≤ 40


Combined 2x1 configuration cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250


1TG + 1TV


2TG + 1TV


3x1 configuration combined cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250


1TG + 1TV

3TG + 1TV

Canary Islands


Diesel-2T Groups

5 ≤ Power < 12


Diesel-2T Groups

12 ≤ Power < 20


Diesel-2T Groups



Diesel-4T Groups

Power <2


Diesel-4T Groups

2 ≤Power < 4


Diesel-4T Groups

4 ≤ Power < 14


Diesel-4T Groups

14 ≤ Power < 24


Aeroderived Gas Turbines

Power < 50


heavy duty gas turbines

Power < 13


heavy duty gas turbines

13 ≤ Power < 25


heavy duty gas turbines

25 ≤ Power < 50


Heavy gas turbines duty

Power ≥ 50


Fuel Vapor Turbines



40 < Power ≤ 60


Turbines Fuel Steam

60 < Power ≤ 80


Combined 2x1 configuration cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250


1TG + 1TV

2TG + 1TV


3x1 configuration combined cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250


1TG + 1TV

3TG + 1TV


Ceuta and Melilla


Diesel-2T Groups

Power < 5


Diesel-4T Groups

Power <2


Diesel-4T Groups



4 ≤ Power < 14


Diesel-4T Groups

14 ≤ Power < 24


Aeroderived Gas Turbines



Power < 13


heavy duty gas turbines

13 ≤ Power < 25

The type facilities for category A generation groups that are not covered by the above table, as well as their remuneration parameters, will be approved by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Energy. and Tourism.

2. For the purposes of this Royal Decree and its implementing legislation, references to the term "power", where it is not specified which type of power refers, shall be construed as being made to the net power of the installations.

3. The correspondence between the classification by families used in the regulations prior to the entry into force of this royal decree performed according to the gross power and its corresponding classification by type used in this real decree, is the one set below:

Heavy duty

by Families (Previous Regulations)

Correspondence with Type Installation


Gross power interval



Net Power Interval


Diesel-2T Groups

Power < 5

Diesel-2T Groups

Power < 5

Diesel-2T Groups

5 ≤ Power < 14

Diesel-2T Groups

5 ≤ Power < 12

Diesel-2T Groups

14 ≤ Power < 24

Diesel-2T Groups

12 ≤ Power < 20


Power ≥ 24

Diesel-2T Groups

Power ≥ 20

Diesel-4T Groups

Power <2

Diesel-4T Groups

Power <2

Diesel-4T Groups

2 ≤ Power < 5

Diesel-4T Groups

2 ≤ Power < 4

Diesel-4T Groups

5 ≤ Power < 14

Diesel-4T Groups

4 ≤ Power < 14

Diesel-4T Groups

14 ≤ Power < 24

Groups Diesel-4T

14 ≤ Power < 24

Aeroderived Gas Turbines

Power < 50

Aeroderived Gas Turbines

Power < 50

duty gas turbines

Power < 15

Heavy duty gas turbines

15 ≤ Power < 25

15 ≤ Power < 13

≤ Power < 25

13 ≤ Power < 25

heavy duty gas turbines

25 ≤ Power < 50

Heavy duty gas turbines

25 ≤ Power < 50

duty gas turbines

Power ≥ 50

Turbines Heavy duty

Power ≥ 50

turbines Fuel Steam

Power ≤ 40

Fuel Vapor Turbines

Power ≤ 40

Fuel Vapor Turbines

40 < Power ≤ 60

Fuel Vapor Turbines

40 < Power ≤ 60

Vapor Turbines

60 < Power ≤ 80

Fuel Vapor Turbines

60 < Power ≤ 80

Combined 2x1 Configuration Cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250

2x1 Configuration Combined Cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250

3x1 Configuration Cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250

Combined 3x1 configuration cycle

200 ≤ Power ≤ 250

Final disposition second. Development and implementation of the royal decree.

1. The Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism is authorized to make the necessary provisions for the development and implementation of the provisions of this royal decree.

2. By order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism the annexes included in this royal decree can be modified.

3. Determinations included in regulatory standards that are the subject of modification by this royal decree may be modified by rules of the regulatory range corresponding to the standard in which they appear.

Final disposition third. Establishment of the price of natural gas for the settlement and dispatch of the generation groups of the Balearic electric system.

Order ITC/1559/2010, dated June 11, which regulates different aspects of the regulation of island and extra-island electrical systems, is amended in the following terms:

One. Article 2.2 is amended to read as follows:

" 2. The monthly cost of fuel "C", expressed in €, for each group generating the Balearic Islands powered by natural gas, will be the result of applying the following formula:

C (€) = V × [Pm × (1 + mr + mt) + ATRv]


V: Monthly volume of natural gas consumed, expressed in MWh.

Pm: Average monthly supply cost of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the month of consumption, expressed in €/MWh, and published by the National Commission on Markets and Competition in the "Monthly Monitoring Report" wholesale gas market. "

mr and mt: Mermas of regasification and transport in force, respectively, expressed as per one.

ATRv: Variable component of the cost of access to gas installations, excluding the driving term and expressed in €/MWh, which shall be calculated as the sum of the following tolls and charges:

(a) Variable term for regasification toll, expressed in €/MWh:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_010.png


Tvr: Variable term for the regasification toll in force, expressed in cts/kWh.

%LNG: Percentage of natural gas inputs in the form of LNG in the Spanish gas system in relation to the total, expressed as per one.

(b) Vessel Discharge (s) expressed in €/MWh:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_011.png


Tfd: Fixed term for unloading ships, Cartagena plant, expressed in €/ship.

Tvd: Ship discharge variable term, Cartagena plant, expressed in cts/kWh.

Tmship: Average ship size, expressed in MWh.

c) LNG storage Canon expressed in €/MWh:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_012.png


Tv: LNG storage Canon, expressed in cts/MWh/day.

NALNG: Number of days of average LNG storage in regasification plants.

d) Underground storage cost, expressed in €/MWh and calculated according to the following formula:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_013.png


Tf: Fixed term of the underground storage canyon, expressed cts/kWh/month.

Tvi: Underground storage cannon injection variable term, expressed in cts/kWh.

Tve: Underground storage canyon extraction variable term, expressed in cts/kWh. "

Two. Article 2 (4), (5) and (6) are amended as follows:

" 4. The price of natural gas prc (i, h, j) as defined in paragraph 1 shall be fixed semi-annually in the months of January and July by the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines.

For the purpose of calculating the remuneration for variable costs for each generator group, the value of prc (i, h, j) shall be approved for those months from which final data are available, with the cost of fuel by the difference between the actual prices of the values indicated in that month and those initially intended to be released.

5. In addition, in the resolutions that set the price of natural gas, the amounts to be approved will be approved for each group in terms of the monthly fixed component of the cost of third-party access to the gas installations.

The monthly fixed component of the third-party access cost to the gas installations, CAF will be obtained as follows:


(a) ATRf: Fixed monthly component of the cost of third-party access to gas installations, excluding a driving term and expressed in €, which shall be calculated as the sum of the following tolls and charges:

1. ° Fixed term of the regasification toll, expressed in €:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_014.png


Tfr: Fixed term for the regasification toll in force, expressed in cts/kWh/day/month.

Qf: Daily flow contracted by the group at the exit point. The flow rate applied in the billing of the fixed term of the transport and distribution toll driving term, expressed in kWh/day, shall be taken.

2. ° Fixed term of the capacity reservation toll expressed in €/month:

Imagen: img/disp/2015/183/08646_015.png


Tfe: Capacity reserve term, expressed in cts/kWh/day/month.

FC: Monthly billing of the driving term for the transport and distribution toll, expressed in €.

6. For the purpose of generating variable generation costs, the value of prc (i, h, j) to be used in the following half year shall be that resulting from the calculation of the average of the last approved prc (i, h, j) values of all groups belonging to the same non-peninsular territory. '

Final disposition fourth. The cost of production in the non-peninsular territories to be considered in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer.

1. The cost of production of the energy to be considered in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer, CPh, as defined in Article 9 of the Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 March, establishing the methodology for calculating the Voluntary prices for the small consumer and his/her legal system of procurement shall be calculated in the non-peninsular territories in accordance with the following formula:

CPh = Papuntadoh + SAh + Och


-SAh and Och shall be those defined in Royal Decree 216/2014 of 28 March 2014 laying down the methodology for the calculation of voluntary prices for the small consumer and his legal system of procurement.

-Pappunteh: price of energy in hour h of every non-peninsular territory to consider in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer, in this territory.

The methodology for obtaining the energy price in hour h to consider in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer, in each non-peninsular territory will be approved by order of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism in such a way as to incorporate the efficient consumer price signals set out in Article 10 of Law 24/2013 of 26 December. To these effects, the determination of the price of energy in the hour h to consider in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer will have an analogous structure to that of the purchase price Phdemand(j), defined in the Article 70.

2. The price of energy in the hour h to be considered in the fixing of the voluntary prices for the small consumer, in each non-peninsular territory (Papuntadoh), will be calculated by the operator of the system and published by that operator on its page web the day before the supply for each of the 24 hours the next day.

Final disposition fifth. Amendment of Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June regulating the activity of the production of electrical energy from renewable energy sources, cogeneration and waste.

One. The additional provision of the thirteenth sentence is amended as follows:

" 2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of Title IV and Title V Chapter III shall not apply to cogeneration installations of more than 15 MW of net power, non-fluent hydro-electric power plants and those which use as primary energy biomass, biogas, geothermal, waste and residual energy from any plant, machine or industrial process whose purpose is not the production of electrical energy, which are located in the non-peninsular territories, without prejudice to provided for in the second provision second. '

Two. The second paragraph of the transitional provision octava.1.b is amended as follows:

" In case this amount implies an obligation to enter the settlement system, and exceed the limit of 50 percent of the sum of the amount resulting from the provisions of paragraph (a) above and the recovery of the energy delivered to the system valued at the daily market price of the month to which the settlement relates, the amount to be incorporated as an obligation to enter the settlement system shall be the maximum between that limit and the twelfth part of the payment obligations resulting from the application of the methodology set out in the actual present a decree on energy produced since the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 9/2013 of 12 July 2013 until the entry into force of the provisions necessary for the full implementation of the new remuneration scheme. '

Three. The third paragraph of the transitional provision octava.1.b is deleted.

Four. The transitional provision octava.1.c) is amended as follows:

"(c) The amount that has not been entered beyond the limits set out in the second subparagraph of paragraph (b) shall be added in the following settlement to the ninth part defined in the first subparagraph of that paragraph."

Five. The transitional provision octava.5.a) is amended as follows:

"(a) The settlement body shall notify the market operator of the amount of non-payment of the premises of each generator, specifying the date on which the amount began to become interest on late payment."

Final disposition sixth. Competence title.

This royal decree is dictated by the provisions of Article 149.1.13. and the 25th of the Spanish Constitution, which gives the State exclusive competence to determine the bases and coordination of the planning. general economic activity and the bases of the mining and energy regime.

Final disposition seventh. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the 1st of the month following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Palma de Mallorca, on July 31, 2015.


The Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism,


[Attachments omitted, please refer to the original pdf]