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Order Def/1629/2015, Of 30 July, Which Develops The Basic Organization Of The Air Force.

Original Language Title: Orden DEF/1629/2015, de 30 de julio, por la que se desarrolla la organización básica del Ejército del Aire.

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The approval of Order DEF/166/2015, of 21 January, for which the basic organisation of the Armed Forces is developed, was the partial development of Royal Decree 872/2014 of 10 October, establishing the Basic organization of the Armed Forces. This level of development allowed the repeal of the 10 ministerial orders in which the Armed Forces organization was dispersed, collecting the content of all of them and adapting it to the extent necessary according to the legislation in force; in particular, the Organic Law 5/2005, of 17 November, of the National Defense and the aforementioned royal decree.

However, the units described in that ministerial order do not represent the total of those which, according to Article 3.3, fall within the competence of the department holder, and it is therefore necessary to make this provision complement the previous one and allow the Chief of Staff of the Air Force to develop his own organization.

The Explanatory Memorandum of Order DEF/166/2015, dated January 21, details the aspects that have been taken into account for its drafting, which have also been applied for the drafting of this ministerial order.

In its virtue, I have:

Single item. Approval of the Air Force organization.

According to what is established in Royal Decree 872/2014 of 10 October, establishing the basic organization of the Armed Forces, and in accordance with Order DEF/166/2015, of 21 January, for which it develops the Basic organization of the Armed Forces, the organization of the Army of Air is approved, which is inserted below.

Additional disposition first. Collegiate bodies.

1. As far as this ministerial order is not regulated, the functioning of the collegiate bodies referred to therein shall be in accordance with the provisions of Title II, Chapter II, of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of the European Communities. Public and the Common Administrative Procedure.

2. Membership or participation in the meetings of these collegiate bodies shall not imply the perception of any kind of remuneration or compensation that would increase public expenditure.

Additional provision second. No increase in public spending.

The application of this ministerial order, including the modification of existing units and the creation of those that are necessary, will be done without an increase in the operating cost of the Air Force and will not increase. of public expenditure.

Single transient arrangement. Existing units.

1. The units referred to in this ministerial order shall carry out their duties and duties as necessary, in accordance with the necessary organic adaptations and shall be transferred to them.

2. The units not covered by this ministerial order shall be dependent on one of the units established here, in accordance with the provisions of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and shall continue to perform their duties and duties until that the instruction given by that authority which develops this ministerial order takes effect, the necessary organic adaptations are made and those functions and tasks are transferred to the new units.

Final disposition first. Powers of development.

1. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force is empowered to develop this ministerial order in accordance with the terms set out in Article 3.4 and in Article 4, both of Order DEF/166/2015, of 21 January.

2. Likewise, in relation to the units established in this ministerial order not belonging to the Force and whose command corresponds to the employment of Colonel, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force is empowered to, as a result of the of the restructuring of its army, may remove or integrate these units, subject to the authorization of the Minister of Defence. You may also modify the employment of the unit command to one immediately below the favorable report of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, in accordance with Article 3.4 of Order DEF/166/2015 of 21 January.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This ministerial order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, July 30, 2015. -Minister of Defense Pedro Morenes Eulate.



The Headquarters

Article 1. Organization of Headquarters.

The Air Force Headquarters consists of:

a) The General Staff.

b) The Chief of Staff's Cabinet.

c) The Head of Technical and Information Systems Services and Telecommunications.

d) The Air Force's Historical and Cultural Service.

e) The Air Force Headquarters Pool.

f) Legal Advice.

g) The Delegate Intervention.

Article 2. The General Staff.

1. The Army Staff of the Air is articulated in:

a) The Head.

b) The General Secretariat of the General Staff.

c) The Plans Division.

d) The Operations Division.

e) The Logistics Division.

2. Within the General Secretariat of the General Staff is the Permanent Secretariat of the Superior Council of the Air Force, which is the unit of work of the aforementioned council.

Article 3. The Head of Technical Services and Information Systems and Telecommunications.

1. The Head of Technical and Information Systems Services and Telecommunications is articulated in:

a) The Information and Telecommunications Systems Directorate.

b) The Technical Services Directorate.

c) The Management Computing Center.

d) The Cyber Defense Directorate.

The Technical Services Directorate, the Management Information Center and the Cyber Defense Directorate will have the organic level to be determined, in accordance with what is established in their respective positions military.

2. The Directorate of Information and Telecommunications Systems is responsible for planning, monitoring and, where applicable, for the related to the corporate and command systems and control of the information and telecommunications systems. It also advises, plans, determines the needs and establishes the doctrine of employment of the Information and Telecommunications Systems (CIS) in the field of the Air Force.

Article 4. The Air Force's Historical and Cultural Service.

1. The Air Force's Historical and Cultural Service consists of the following units:

a) The Institute of Aeronautical History and Culture.

b) The Museum of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

2. The Institute of Aeronautical History and Culture is responsible for conducting historical, aeronautical and space research, to disseminate and disseminate the aeronautical knowledge and history of the Spanish Aviation, to coordinate the The Air Force's Archivistic Subsystem, the Air Army's subnet of libraries, the centers for reading the units and the historical and cultural publications of an aeronautical character, and to direct and manage the documentary heritage and Air Army bibliography.

3. The Museum of Aeronautics and Astronautics, created by Decree 1437/1966 of June 16, is governed by the laws and regulations in force on national museums.


The Force

Article 5. Units of the Force.

1. The denomination of the Air Force units, their capabilities and types as well as their entity will be consistent with the concepts defined in the military doctrine and with their tradition.

2. Without prejudice to other functions which may be entrusted to them, all the units of the Force have the principal task of preparing themselves to constitute operational structures for the realization of military operations, by means of their total transfer. or partial to the operational structure of the Armed Forces, in accordance with military doctrine.

Article 6. Organization of the Force.

The Air Force Force consists of the following organs, directly dependent on the Chief of Staff of the Air Force:

a) Combat Air Command.

b) General Air Command.

c) Air Command of the Canary Islands.

Article 7. The Air Combat Command.

1. The Combat Air Command is articulated in:

a) The Headquarters.

b) Command and Control System Headquarters.

c) The Head of Air Mobility.

d) The Head of Special Air Operations and Personnel Recovery.

e) The National Component of the Tactical Leadership Program.

2. At the Headquarters they are bound:

a) The General Staff of the Combat Air Command.

b) The Air Operations Center.

3. The General Staff of the Combat Air Command is articulated in:

a) The General Secretariat of Staff.

b) The Directorate of Operations, which directs, coordinates and monitors the functions of the Air Force of Combat Command for the areas of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, plans and operations, and training and evaluation, as well as the Air Component Command cell. It is structured into:

1. The Intelligence, Surveillance and Recognition Section, responsible for developing, proposing and managing intelligence needs.

2. The Section of Plans and Operations, responsible for the elaboration, coordination and updating of the plans entrusted to the Command, as well as studies related to concepts, doctrine, programs and other requirements.

3. The Training and Evaluation Section, responsible for the instruction, training and operational evaluation of the units, through the follow-up of their respective training and basic training plans and advanced.

4. The Cell of the Air Component Command, responsible for the coordination of the human resources and necessary materials, in order to be permanently identified and trained for a fast and effective establishment of that command. Establish training and training requirements for this staff.

c) The Support Directorate, which directs, coordinates and supervises the functions of the Air Force Major Staff for the areas of logistics and resources and information and telecommunications systems.

4. The Head of the Command and Control System, for the exercise of the functions and tasks assigned to it, is articulated in:

a) The Secretariat.

b) The Command and Control Management Authority, which is the auxiliary control body of the Command and Control System Chief, responsible for providing the necessary elements of judgment to substantiate its decisions, to translate these into orders and ensure compliance and enforcement.

c) The Northern Command and Control Group.

d) The Mobile Air Control Group.

e) The Central Command and Control Group.

5. The Head of Air Mobility, for the exercise of the functions and tasks assigned to it, is articulated in:

a) The Secretariat.

(b) The Air Operations Section, responsible for carrying out the programming, control and coordination of missions assigned to air transport facilities not transferred to the European Air Transport Command.

c) The Section for Movement and Transport, responsible for carrying out the programming, control and coordination of the use of the means of support for deployment.

6. The National Component of the Tactical Leadership Program will be governed by the provisions of Ministerial Order 41/2009, of June 26, which creates the National Component of the Tactical Leadership Program at the Albacete Air Base, and will take over those other tasks arising from the implementation of the international regulatory arrangements of the international body of which it is a party.

Article 8. The General Air Command.

1. The General Air Command is articulated in:

(a) The Headquarters, in which the General Staff of the General Air Command is located.

b) The following air force wings:

1. The Wing 12.

2. The Wing 15.

3. The Wing 31.

4. The Wing 48.

c) The following air force groups:

1. ° The 43 Group.

2. º 45 Group.

3. ° The 47 Group.

d) The following air bases:

1. Albacete Air Base-Wing 14.

2. The Air Base of Aléquilla-Military School of Paratrooper "Méndez Parada".

3. Armilla Air Base-Ala 78.

4. The Four Winds Air Base-Base Pool.

5. The Getafe Air Base-Wing 35.

6. The Malaga Air Base.

7. The Matacan Air Base-Matacan Schools Group.

8. The Moron Air Base-Wing 11.

9. San Javier Air Base-General Air Academy.

10. The Air Base of Son San Juan-Ala 49.

11. The Talavera Air Base-Wing 23.

12. Torrejon Air Base-Base Pool.

13. No. The Villanubla Air Base-Wing 37.

14. The Zaragoza Air Base-Base Pool.

e) The following military aerodromes:

1. The Military Aerodrome of Pollensa.

2. The Military Aerodrome of Santiago.

3. The Lion Military Aerodrome-Basic Air Academy.

f) The following air-links:

1. Getafe Air Waterlift-Pool.

2. The Aquarteling Air of El Prat.

3. Tablada Air Waterlift-Pool.

g) The following military teaching centers:

1. The School of Aeronautical Techniques.

2. The School of Command, Control and Telecommunications Techniques.

3. The School of Security, Defense and Support Techniques.

h) The following air maestrances:

1. The Air Maestranza of Albacete.

2. The Air Maestranza of Madrid.

3. The Air Maestranza of Seville.

i) The following logistics centers:

1. The Logistics and Armament Logistics Center.

2. The Intrend Logistic Center.

3. The Logistic Support Material Center.

4. The Logistics Center for Transmissions.

j) The Air Force Cartographic and Photographic Center.

k) The Center for Aerospace Observation Systems.

l) The Military Air Command of Melilla.

m) The Air Military Commanders of Airport assigned by Order DEF/1781/2014, of 25 September, establishing the Military Air Command of Airport and establishing their dependencies.

n) The North Military Discipline Establishment.

n) The Transmissions Group.

2. The General Staff of the General Air Command is structured in:

a) The General Secretariat of Staff.

b) The Organization and Personnel Section, which is responsible for planning, coordinating and controlling matters related to the human resource assigned to the General Air Command, as well as for studying and proposing modifications Organisational measures that are deemed appropriate.

c) The Operations Section, responsible for the elaboration, coordination and updating of the plans entrusted to the General Air Command.

d) The Logistics Section responsible for the determination, planning, coordination and control of the logistical needs of the units that depend on the General Air Command.

Article 9. The Air Command of the Canary Islands.

1. The Air Command of the Canary Islands is articulated in:

(a) The Headquarters, in which the General Staff of the Air Command of the Canary Islands and the Group of the Headquarters are surveyed.

b) The following air units:

1. The Gando Air Base-Wing 46.

2. The Military Aerodrome of Lanzarote.

c) The Air Quarter of Las Palmas.

(d) The Air Military Commanders of Airport assigned by Order DEF/1781/2014 of 25 September, establishing the Airport Air Military Commanders and establishing their dependencies.

2. The General Staff of the Air Command of the Canary Islands is articulated in:

(a) The Organization and Personnel Section responsible for the planning, coordination and control of matters related to the human resource assigned to the Air Command of the Canary Islands.

b) The Operations Section responsible for the planning, coordination and control of matters relating to the plans and orders of operations affecting the Command, as well as the security and protection plans of the Force and the information and telecommunications systems assigned to the units of the Command.

c) The Logistics Section responsible for the planning, coordination and control of matters relating to the management of the material resources assigned to the units of the Command, related to the air, terrestrial material infrastructure and the means available for maintenance and maintenance.

3. The Group of the Headquarters of the Air Command of the Canary Islands responsible for providing the general services, security, support and communications to the Headquarters and the units that the Chief of the Command determines.


Support for the Force

Article 10. Organization of Force Support.

1. Support to the Force in the field of human resources of the Air Force will be carried out by the Staff Command.

2. Support to the Force in the field of the Air Air Force's material resources will be performed by the Logistics Support Command.

3. Support to the Force in the field of financial resources in the Air Force will be carried out by the Economic Affairs Directorate.

Article 11. The Staff Command.

1. The Staff Command is articulated in:

a) The Head.

b) The Personnel Address.

c) The Teaching Address.

d) The Health Address.

e) The Air Warfare Center.

2. The Personnel Address is articulated in:

a) The Personal Management Subdirectorate, which will be responsible for the management, administration and control of personnel in situations, promotions, destinations, rewards, documentation, evaluation, classification, guidance race and how many issues condition the military career, in accordance with the current regulations. He will also be responsible for the actions that may correspond to his army in terms of recruitment and additional generation of human resources and management of the personnel of the common bodies of the SAF, civilian personnel and personnel. reservist assigned to your respective army.

(b) The Subdirection of Assistance to Personnel, which shall be responsible for the management, administration and control in matters of social action and support to staff and their families, as well as social benefits in accordance with the regulations in force. It will also be responsible for the overall direction in the field of its army in the field of quality of life and may be responsible for educational promotion and reintegration into the world of work.

3. The Teaching Directorate, which will be functionally dependent on all military teaching centres in the Air Force except the Air Warfare Centre, has a Teaching Subdirectorate responsible for assisting the Director in the development of the Air War. the activities assigned to the Directorate and the planning, coordination and overall control of its activities, as well as the execution of those activities entrusted to it by the Director.

4. The Health Directorate is articulated in:

(a) The Logistics-Operational Health Subdirectorate, which is responsible for the management, administration, control and advisory services in the field of logistic-operational health support. It shall also be responsible for the supply and maintenance of health resources, in accordance with the procedures established by its army.

b) The Health Action Subdirectorate responsible for the management, administration and control of health in its preventive, care and expert aspects.

c) The Center for the Instruction of Aerospace Medicine, responsible for studying and developing selection programs, medical examinations and the physiological training of flight personnel, to develop the program of Flight Medicine in the units and programs related to Aeronautical Medicine, as well as to promote research in relation to the physiology of flight and to the aeronautical clinical medicine.

5. The Air Warfare Center is a military training center, as established by Law 39/2007 of 19 November, of the military career. It shall be governed by the provisions of Title IV, "Teaching", Chapter II, "Structure", of that Law and as set out in Ministerial Order 83/2000 of 24 March, establishing the Air Warfare Center, except as regards its dependence organic.

Article 12. The Logistics Support Command.

1. The Logistic Support Command, which will be functionally dependent on the Air Force and the Air Force's logistics centers, is articulated in:

a) The Head.

b) The Procurement Address.

c) The Operational Logistic Support and Support Direction.

d) The Engineering and Infrastructure Directorate.

2. The Procurement Directorate is articulated in:

(a) The Economic and Financial Management Subdirectorate, which will be responsible for the management, administration and control of the various economic-financial resources necessary for the acquisition of material resources other than obtained centrally by another body.

(b) The Contracting Subdirection, which shall be responsible for the management, administration and control of procurement contracts for material resources that are not centrally obtained by another body.

c) The Subdirection of Assistance to the Contracting and Enajenations, which will be responsible for developing those activities of assistance to the Subdirection of Contracting, in the matter of the selection of the contractor and the award of the contracts.

3. The Operational Logistics Support and Support Directorate is articulated in:

(a) The Subdirection of Armament and Material Management, which will be responsible for the integration of the logistic support in respect of management, administration, control and analysis in the field of support of all the systems of weapons, weaponry and ground ammunition in your army during your life cycle.

b) The Subdirectorate for Supply, Transport and Logistics Support, which will be responsible for the integration of logistical support in the field of management, administration, control and analysis in supply matters, excluding acquisition, and land transport, as well as providing operational logistical support to the units.

4. The Engineering and Infrastructure Directorate is articulated in:

a) The Infrastructure Engineering Subdirectorate, which will be responsible for the activities related to the engineering applied to the works, buildings and facilities that constitute the infrastructure of the Army of the Air and performance in construction and construction, maintenance and management of installations, as well as aspects related to environmental protection.

b) The Engineering Subdirection of Transport Aircraft, Trainers and Helicopters, which will be responsible for the activities related to aeronautical engineering applied to weapons systems and other means included within of your activity field.

c) The Aircraft Engineering Subdirection of Hunting, which will be responsible for the activities related to aeronautical engineering applied to the weapons systems and other means included within its field of activity.

Article 13. The Directorate for Economic Affairs.

The Economic Affairs Directorate is articulated in:

(a) The Accounting and Budget Subdirectorate, which is responsible for coordinating and controlling accounting in the field of the Air Force and for issuing rules for the preparation and submission of supporting accounts. It is also responsible for the technical elaboration of the proposal for the Preliminary Draft Budget of the Air Force and to centralize all its information regarding the forecast and execution of the budget, in general, as well as its respective programs.

(b) The Economic Management and Contracting Subdirectorate, responsible for the economic management, administration, contracting and accounting of the resources and effects assigned to the Economic Affairs Directorate, as well as the not specifically assigned to other organs of the Air Force. It will also carry out the functions that correspond to the Directorate of Economic Affairs, as responsible for the advice and control on procurement in the field of the Air Force that gives it the current legislation.