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Order Hap/1671/2015, Of 30 July, Which Modifies The Order Hap/1335/2012, Of 14 June, Delegation Of Powers.

Original Language Title: Orden HAP/1671/2015, de 30 de julio, por la que se modifica la Orden HAP/1335/2012, de 14 de junio, de delegación de competencias.

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The third provision of Law 22/2013, of 23 December, of the General Budget of the State for the year 2014, created the budget service 05 " Directorate-General for Rationalization and Centralization of the Procurement "in Section 31" Expenditure on various Ministries ".

This budget service will be financed by those centralized contracts as outlined in article 206.3.a) of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, approved by Royal Decree Legislative 3/2011 of 14 November, which, by its nature, allows for centralised financing.

The financing scheme provided for in these contracts consists of a centralised management by the Directorate-General for Rationalization And Centralisation of Recruitment up to the commitment phase of expenditure and management. decentralised by those responsible for the services in each department or body at the stage of recognition of the obligation and proposal for payment. This decentralisation also affects the powers relating to the conformity of invoices and other powers provided for in Article 222 of the recast of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of 14 November, which have been specified in the procurement documents.

Through the HAP/386/2015 Order of 6 March, amending the HAP/1335/2012 Order of 14 June, powers were delegated in respect of centralised contracts for comprehensive and ancillary security services. control, comprehensive cleaning of buildings, postal services and telecommunications services.

As a result of the next hiring of the phase two of postal services, phase two of integral cleaning of buildings and the effective constitution of the State Agency of Railway Safety it becomes necessary to expand Annexes II and III to the HAP/1335/2012 Order of 14 June.

The same is issued under Article 13 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure and of the additional provision of the Law 6/1997, of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

In its virtue, I have:

Single item. Amendment of Annexes II and III to Order HAP/1335/2012 of 14 June of delegation of powers.

Annexes II and III to the HAP/1335/2012 Order of 14 June, delegation of powers, are hereby worded as follows:


Delegation of powers provided for in Article 6 (17

of the organ that is delegated


Director General.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Director Cervantes Institute.

Cervantes Institute

Department of Economic Management.

Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation

Ministry of Justice-Rest of the Ministerial Department

General Address of the Justice Administration of the Ministry of Justice.

Ministry of Justice-Directorate-General for Relations with the Administration of Justice

General Secretariat of the General Counsel of the State of the Ministry of Justice.

Ministry of Justice-State Attorney General

Secretariat of General Mutual Judicial.

Judicial General Mutuality.

General Secretariat of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Spanish Data Protection Agency

Head of Economic Services Area of the General Economic Services Subdirectorate and Pagadurias.

Ministry of Defense-Ministry of Ministry.

State Economic Affairs Chief Defense.

Defense Staff

INTA General Secretariat.

National Aerospace Technique Institute "Esteban Terradas"

invaged Financial Economic General Subdirection.

Housing, Infrastructure, and Defense Equipment Institute

Armed Forces Social Institute

Earth Army Economic Affairs.

Earth Army

of the Economic Coordination Section of the DFA.


Air Force.

Air Force.

Air Force.

An S.M. The King and Royal Guard's (S.M. El Rey and Royal Guard) Military Fourth Military Body,

King and Royal Guard.

Deputy Director General of Territorial Services and Coordination of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations-Rest of the Ministerial Department

General Services Subdirection and Territorial Coordination of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations -Economy and Finance delegations

Directorate General of the Cadastro.

Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations-General Directorate of the Catastro

Presidency of the Economic Court Central Administrative.

Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations-Economic and Administrative Courts

General of the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Institute for Fiscal Studies.

of the National Institute of Public Administration.

Institute National of Public Administration

of the Commissioner for the Tabacos Market.

Commissioner for the Market Tabacos.

Department Address Economic and Financial of Mutual State Civil Servants.

Mutual State Civil Servants

General of Personnel Costs and Public Pensions.

Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations-General Directorate of Personnel Costs and Public Pensions

The Financial Administration Subdirection of the Peripheral administration of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations-Delegations and Subdelegations of Government and Directorates Islands

Ministry of the Interior's

Subdirectorate General for Economic and Heritage Management.

Ministry of the Interior-Rest of the Ministerial Department.

Ministry of the Interior-Directorate General of Police

Head of Economic Affairs for the Directorate General of the Civil Guard.

Ministry of the Interior-Directorate General of the Civil Guard

Subdirectorate General of Penitentiary Services of the General Secretariat of Institutions Penitentiary.

Ministry of the Interior-General Secretariat of Prison Institutions

Address of Economic Administration of the Central Traffic Headquarters.

Central Traffic Headquarters

of the Work Entity Prison and Training for Employment.

Work Prison and Training for Employment

Subdirectorate-General for Administration and Financial Management.

Ministry of Public Works- Other Ministry

Directorate General of the National Geographic Institute.

D. G. from the National Geographic Institute

Navy General Direction.

D. G. from the Merchant Navy

Directorate General of Roads.

D. G. of Roads

General of the State Aviation Safety Agency.

State Aviation Safety Agency.

of Education, Culture and Sport.

Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport

Rectorate of the International University of Menéndez Pelayo.

Menéndez Pelayo International University

of the Spanish Service Coordination Unit for the internationalization of the Education.

Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education

General of the Institute of Cinematography and of the Audiovisual Arts.

Institute of Cinematography and the Audiovisual Arts

of the Spanish National Library.

National Library of Spain.

General Secretary of the Sports Council.

Superior Council of Sports

General Secretariat of the National Institute of the Performing Arts and Music.

National Institute of Performing Arts and Music

Subdirection-Management of the Queen Sofia National Museum of Art.

Reina Sofía National Museum of Art

Subsecretariat's General Financial Management Subdirectorate.

Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

General Public Service Public Service Financial Management Subdirection.

State Employment Public Service

General Secretariat of the Wage Guarantee Fund.

Salarial Guarantee Fund.

Address National Security and Hygiene at Work.

National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work

Subdirectorate General of General Staff and Financial Management of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism

General Secretariat of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.

Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.

Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

of the National Parks Autonomous Body.

Autonomous Body Parks

General Secretariat of the Cantabrian Hydrographic Confederation.

Cantabrian Hydrographic Confederation.

Presidency of the Duero Hydrographic Confederation.

Duero Hydrographic Confederation.

Presidency of the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation.

Ebro Hydrographic

Secretariat General of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation.

The Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation

General Secretariat of the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation.

Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation

Presidency of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Play.

Confederation Jucar Hydrographic.

President of the Mino-Sil Hydrographic Confederation.

Mino-Sil Hydrographic Confederation.

Presidency of the Tagus Hydrographic Confederation.

Tagus Hydrographic Confederation.

General Secretariat of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation.

Segura Hydrographic Confederation

Presidency of the Commonwealth of the Taibilla Channels.

Commonwealth of the Taibilla Channels.

General Secretariat of the Food Control and Information Agency.

Food Control and Information

General Secretariat of the Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund.

Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund

State Agency of Meteorology

Subdirection of the Budget Office and Economic Management.

Ministry of the Presidency Secretariat General Government Presidency

Subdirectorate-General of the Budget Office and Economic Management.

Ministry of Chief Executive Office

Subdirectorate General of the Office for Budget and Economic Management.

Ministry of Presidency Secretary of State for Communication

Management of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies.

Center for Political and Constitutional Studies

Presidency of the Sociological Research Center.

Center for Sociological Research.

Administration and Media of the National Heritage Board.

National Heritage Management Board

Directorate of the State Official Gazette Agency.

State Official Gazette.

Subdirection of Programming and Economic-Financial Management of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.

Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality

Subdirection of Women's Institute Programs and Equal Opportunities.

Women's Institute and for Equal Opportunities

General of the State Agency for Medicines and Health Products.

Agency State Medicines and Healthcare Products.

General Secretariat of the Youth Institute.

Youth Institute.

Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-Ministry's Rest


Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: Secretary General of the Treasury and Financial Policy

Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds.

Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness: General Directorate of Insurance and Pension Funds

General Secretariat of the National Statistics Institute.

National Statistics Institute

Presidency of the Accounting and Audit Institute of Accounts.

Accounting and Audit Institute of Accounts

General Secretariat of the Energy, Environmental and Technology Research Center.

Center for Energy, Environmental and Technology Research

Address of the National Institute of Agricultural Research and Technology Food.

National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology

General Secretariat of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography.

Spanish Oceanography Institute

General Secretariat of the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain.

Geological and Mining Institute of Spain

General of the Carlos III Health Institute.

Carlos III Health Institute

General Secretariat of the Scientific Research Superior Council.

Top Scientific Research Council.


Delegation of powers provided for in Article 6 (18

Subdirection General Administration Financial of the Secretariat.

General Secretariat Energy, Environmental and Technology Research.

of the organ that is delegated


Department of Economic Management of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development.

Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development.

of the Cervantes Institute.

Cervantes Institute

Foreign Service General Address.

Ministry, Subsecretariat, and General Services- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

of the Ministry of Justice.

State Attorney General-Service Directorate State Legal

General Secretariat of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Spanish Data Protection Agency

General of the Center for Legal Studies.

Center for Legal Studies

of the Ministry of Justice.

Ministry, Undersecretary and General Services-Ministry of Justice

General Direction of Relations with the Administration of Justice.

General Secretariat of the Administration of Justice


Armada Española

Chief of Defense Staff Economic Affairs.

Defense General Staff Headquarters

Army of the Army.

15 of the Air Force Headquarters Pool.

Air Force

Economic Section 16 of the Headquarters of the Magen.

General Air Command-Magen.

Economic Services Area Head of the General Economic Services and Pagaduría Subdirectorate.

Ministry and Undersecretary-Ministry of Defense.

of the State Public Policy Assessment Agency and the Quality of Services.

State Public Policy Assessment Agency and Quality of Services

Regional of Human Resources and Economic Management of the Special Delegation of the State Administration of Tax Administration-Madrid in Madrid.

State Tax Administration Agency -Territorial of Madrid

Subdirectorate-General for Budget and Financial Management.

State Tax Administration Agency-Services Central.

Presidency of the Commissioner for the Tabacos Market.

Commissioner for the Tabacos Market

of the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Institute for Fiscal Studies.

of the National Institute of Public Administration.

Institute Public Administration National.

Subdirection General Services and Territorial Coordination.

Ministry, Undersecretary and General Services-Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations

Department of Economic and Financial Management of the State Civil Servants Mutuality.

Mutuality of State Civil Officials

General Address of the State Mobile Park.

State Mobile Park

Affairs and Coordination Subdirection.

Secretary of State Public Administrations

Director of Economic Management of the Central Traffic Headquarters.

Head of Central Traffic.

Economic Management Subdirection and Patrimonial.

Ministry, Undersecretary and General Services-Ministry of the Interior

Secretariat for Economic Management and Patrimonial.

Directorate General for Civil Protection and Emergencies

Economic and Heritage Management Subdirectorate.

Security Secretary of State

Address of the Public Works Studies and Experimentation Center.

Center for Studies and Experimentation of Public Works

General Direction of the Merchant Navy.

General Direction of Merchant Navy

Directorate General of the Institute National Geographic.

Directorate General of the Geographic Institute National.

Administration of Financial Management and Management.

Ministry, Undersecretary and General Services-Ministry of Finance Encouragement

of the Management Department of the Agency Health Protection in Sport.

Health Protection Agency in the Sport.

Secretariat for Economic Management and Financial.

General Direction of Fine Arts and Cultural and Archives and Libraries

Economic Subdirection The Infrastructure and Equipment Management.

Management of Infrastructure and Equipment

Directorate General of the Institute of Cinematography and the Audiovisual Arts.

Institute of Cinematography and the Audiovisual Arts

of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

Ministry, Undersecretary and General Services-Ministry of Education Culture and Sport

Directorate of the Spanish Service Coordination Unit for the Internationalization of Education.

Spanish Service for Education Internationalization.

Rectorate of the International Menéndez Pelayo University.

Menéndez Pelayo International University

Salarial Guarantee Fund.

Ministry and Undersecretary-Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

Financial Management Subdirectorate.

State Employment Public Service

Madrid Provincial Directorate of the State Employment Public Service.

Public Service of State Employment. D. P. Madrid.

of the Spanish Metrology Center.

Spanish Metrology Center

General Administration of General Staff and Financial Administration of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.

Ministry, Undersecretary and General Services-Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism

Management Spanish Patent and Trademark.

Spanish Patent and Trademark Office

General Secretariat of the Agency for Information and Control Food.

Food Control and Information Agency

Directorate of the State Agency of Meteorology.

State Agency of Meteorology.

Presidency of the Tagus Hydrographic Confederation.

The Tagus Hydrographic Confederation.

General Secretariat of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund.

Spanish Agrarian Guarantee Fund


Address Autonomous Organism National Parks.

Autonomous Body of National Parks

State Official Gazette Agency Address.

State Official Gazette Agency

Management of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies.

Center for Political and Constitutional Studies.

Presidency of the Center for Sociological Research.

Sociological Research

Subdirectorate-General of the Budget Office and Economic Management.

Ministry and General Services- Ministry of the Presidency

General Subdirection of the Budget Office and Economic Management.

Government Spokesperson.

Subdirection General of the Budget Office and Economic Management.

Presidency of Government

General Secretariat of the Spanish Agency Medicines and Healthcare products.

Spanish Agency Medicines and Healthcare Products.


Government Delegation for the National Drug Plan.

General Subdirection.

Women's Institute and for Equal Opportunities.

Executive Address of the Spanish Agency for Consumer, Food Security and Nutrition.

Spanish Consumer, Food Security, and Nutrition

Financial Programming and Management Subdirection.

of the National Transplant Organization.

National Transplantation Organization.

Real Patronate on Disability.

Center for Energy, Environmental and Technology Research

General Secretariat of Scientific Research Superior Council.

Top Scientific Research Council.

Presidency Institute of Accounts and Audit of Accounts.

Accounting and Audit Institute of Accounts.

Secretary General of the Carlos III Health Institute.

Institute of Health Carlos III.

of the Spanish Oceanography Institute.

Spanish Oceanography Institute

General Secretariat of the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain.

Secretariat of the National Statistics Institute.

National Institute

of the National Research Institute in Agricultural and Food Technology.

National Institute of Agricultural and Food Technology Research


Ministry, Undersecretary and General Services-Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

Directorate General.

Treasury Secretary General and Financial Policy.

Address of the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work.

National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work

General Secretariat of the Judicial General Mutuality.

Judicial General Mutuality.


State Railway Safety Agency

General Secretariat of the Youth Institute.

Youth Institute

General Secretariat of the Management of Youth State Security Infrastructure and Equipment.

Management of Infrastructure and State Security Equipment

Secretariat General of the State Aviation Safety Agency.

Agency State Air Safety

Final disposition first. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 30 July 2015.-The Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Cristobal Montoro Romero.