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Resolution Of July 14, 2015, Of The Centro De Investigación Biomédica En Red, Which Are Created And Deleted Personal Data Files.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 14 de julio de 2015, del Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, por la que se crean y suprimen ficheros de datos de carácter personal.

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On June 17, 2015 was authorized by the Board of the Board of the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), the creation and deletion of data files of a personal character of the CIBER.

Article 20 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, states that the creation, modification or deletion of the files of the Public Administrations may be made only by means of general provision published in the Official Journal of the State or the official journal concerned.

Likewise, the Regulation on the Development of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, establishes by means of Articles 53 and 54, specifications as to the form and content of the arrangement or arrangement. In the exercise of the powers which I have conferred on it by law, and in order to complete the provisions of Article 20 of that Law, as well as of Article 52 of the Implementing Regulation, I have:


The files included in Annex I, II, III, IV, V, and VI of this Resolution are created, in compliance with Article 20 of Organic Law 15/1999, and Article 54.1 of the Implementing Regulation.


The file included in Annex VII to this Resolution is modified, indicating the modifications produced therein, in compliance with the provisions of Article 20 of Organic Law 15/1999, and Article 54.2 of the development.


The files included in Annex VIII to this Resolution are deleted in compliance with Article 20 of Organic Law 15/1999, and Article 54.3 of the Implementing Regulation.


The files listed in the Annexes to this Resolution shall be governed by the general provisions and instructions detailed for each of them, and shall be subject, in any case, to the laws and regulations of the higher range that apply to them.


Resolutions of the Rector Council and the Permanent Commission of the Center for Biomedical Research in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN) are repealed; the Center for Biomedical Research in Red in Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Center for Biomedical Research in Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Center for Biomedical Research in the Network in Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Center for Biomedical Research in Network Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Center for Biomedical Research in Health Network Mental (CIBERSAM); Center for Biomedical Research in Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Center for Biomedical Research in the Network in the Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), for which the personal data files of the same data included in Annex VIII of this Resolution.


In compliance with Article 55 of the Implementing Regulation of Organic Law 15/1999, the files will be notified for registration in the General Register of Data Protection within thirty days of publication of this Resolution in the "Official State Gazette".


This Resolution shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, July 14, 2015.-The President of the Board of Rector of the Center for Biomedical Research in Red, Jesús Fernández Crespo.


New Create Files

File: Research.

1. Identification of the file or treatment, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

1.1 File Identification: Research.

1.2 Purpose and intended uses: Management of the personal data of participants in clinical trials, research projects and epidemiological studies.

2. Origin of the data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them, the procedure for the collection of data and their provenance.

2.1 Collective: Natural persons who voluntarily participate in research projects, clinical trials or epidemiological studies.

2.2 Origin and provenance of data: The data subject or his/her legal representative. Health institutions.

3. Basic file structure by detailed description of the data as well as the treatment system used in your organization:

3.1 Structure: Data relating to health, name and surname, address, telephone, DNI, Social Security number /Mutuality, physical marks. Data relating to personal characteristics.

3.2 Treatment System: Automated and Manual (Mixed).

4. Data communications envisaged, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of the recipients: Research entities and public bodies.

5. International Data Transfers: Personal data processing outside the European Economic Area is not carried out or planned.

6. Organs responsible for the file: CIBER management.

7. Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised:

CIBER Management

Calle Monforte de Lemos, number 5, pavilion 11, 28029 Madrid.

8. Level of security measures: High level.


New Create Files

File: Biological Samples.

1. Identification of the file or treatment, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

1.1 File Identification: Biological Samples.

1.2 Purpose and intended uses: Management of the quality, use, safety and traceability of data and biological samples of human origin stored in biobanks for the execution of research projects.

2. Origin of the data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them, the procedure for the collection of data and their provenance.

2.1 Collective: Sample donor physical persons.

2.2 Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative.

3. Basic file structure by detailed description of the data as well as the treatment system used in your organization:

3.1 Structure: Data concerning health, racial or ethnic origin and sexual life. First and last names, DNI, telephone number, social security number or mutuality. Data relating to personal characteristics and social circumstances.

3.2 Treatment System: Automated and Manual (Mixed).

4. Data communications planned, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of the recipients: Centres or biobanks developing research projects.

5. International data transfers: Personal data processing outside the European Economic Area is not carried out or planned.

6. Organs responsible for the file: CIBER management.

7. Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised:

CIBER Management

Calle Monforte de Lemos, number 5, pavilion 11, 28029 Madrid.

8. Level of security measures: High level.


New Create Files

File: Internal administration and economic management.

1. Identification of the file or treatment, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

1.1 File Identification: Administration and Internal Management.

2. Purpose and intended uses: Management of the personal data of the interveners in the internal and/or economic management activities carried out by the CIBER, in particular the management of the procurement with clients and suppliers.

3. Origin of the data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them, the procedure for the collection of data and their provenance.

3.1 Collective: Customers, suppliers, contributors, beneficiaries, users of the web page.

3.2 Origin and provenance of data: The data subject or his/her legal representative.

3.3 Data Collection Procedure: Forms; Electronic Data Transmission.

4. Basic file structure by detailed description of the data as well as the treatment system used in your organization:

4.1 Structure: Name, last name, ID, address, phone, signature.

4.2 Treatment System: Automated and Manual (Mixed).

5. Data communications planned, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of the recipients: Public Finance and Tax Administration; Banks, savings banks and rural boxes; Other bodies of the State administration; Legitimate Stakeholders.

6. International Data Transfers: Personal data processing outside the European Economic Area is not carried out or planned.

6.1 Organ organs responsible for the file: CIBER management.

7. Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised:

CIBER Management

Calle Monforte de Lemos, number 5, pavilion 11, 28029 Madrid.

8. Level of security measures: Basic level.


New Create Files

File: Managing events and activities.

1. Identification of the file or treatment, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

1.1 File Identification: Event and Activity Management.

2. Purpose and intended uses: Management of the personal data of the participants necessary for the organization of events, training activities, teachers, and in general all those activities organized by the CIBER.

3. Origin of the data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them, the procedure for the collection of data and their provenance.

3.1 Collective: Participants, students.

3.2 Origin and provenance of data: The data subject or his/her legal representative.

3.3 Data Collection Procedure: Forms, Electronic Data Transmission.

4. Basic file structure by detailed description of the data as well as the treatment system used in your organization:

4.1 Structure: Name, last name, email, phone.

4.2 Treatment System: Automated and Manual (Mixed).

5. Data communications envisaged, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of the recipients:

6. International Data Transfers: Personal data processing outside the European Economic Area is not carried out or planned.

6.1 Organ organs responsible for the file: CIBER management.

7. Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised:

CIBER Management

Calle Monforte de Lemos, number 5, pavilion 11, 28029 Madrid.

8. Level of security measures: Basic level.


New Create Files

File: Donors.

1. Identification of the file or treatment, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

1.1 File Identification: Donors.

1.2 Purpose and intended uses: Management of personal data of those individuals who collaborate through donations with the CIBER.

2. Origin of the data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them, the procedure for the collection of data and their provenance.

2.1 Collective: Donors.

2.2 Origin and provenance of data: The data subject or his/her legal representative.

3. Basic file structure by detailed description of the data as well as the treatment system used in your organization:

3.1 Structure: First and last names, DNI, address, telephone, financial data.

3.2 Treatment System: Automated and Manual (Mixed).

4. Data communications planned, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of the recipients: Public Finance and Tax Administration; Banks, savings banks and rural boxes.

5. International Data Transfers: Personal data processing outside the European Economic Area is not carried out or planned.

6. Organs responsible for the file: CIBER management.

7. Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised:

CIBER Management

Calle Monforte de Lemos, number 5, pavilion 11, 28029 Madrid.

8. Level of security measures: Basic level.


New Create Files

File: Queries.

1. Identification of the file or treatment, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

1.1 File Identification: Queries.

1.2 Purpose and intended uses: Dispose of a register of queries raised by people outside the CIBER and related to particular pathologies or health problems.

2. Origin of the data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them, the procedure for the collection of data and their provenance.

2.1 Collective: Consultants.

2.2 Origin and provenance of data: The data subject or his/her legal representative.

3. Basic file structure by detailed description of the data as well as the treatment system used in your organization:

3.1 Structure: Identification data (first and last name, e-mail address, telephone) and health data.

3.2 Treatment System: Automated and Manual (Mixed).

4. Data communications envisaged, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of the recipients:

5. International Data Transfers: Personal data processing outside the European Economic Area is not carried out or planned.

6. Organs responsible for the file: CIBER management.

7. Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised:

CIBER Management

Calle Monforte de Lemos, number 5, pavilion 11, 28029 Madrid.

8. Level of security measures: High level.


Files that are modified

File I.


Enrollment Code: 2151310026.

1. Identification of the file, indicating its name, as well as the description of its intended purpose and uses.

1.1 File Identification: HR CIBER.

1.2 Purpose and intended uses: Human Resources Management of the Consortium [Human Resources (Personnel Management-Staff Training-Social Action in favour of the staff of the public administrations-Promotion and selection of staff staff, competitions and competitions-Management of nomination-Prevention of occupational risks), Education and culture (Grants and student support)].

2. Origin of the data, indicating the collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or to be obliged to supply them, the procedure for the collection of the data, and their provenance.

2.1 Collective: Members of the Network Biomedical Research Consortium (employees, assigned staff, job candidates).

2.2 Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative. General government.

2.3 Collection procedure: Forms; electronic data transmission/internet.

3. Basic structure of the file and the treatment system used in your organization.

3.1 Structure:

3.1.1 Identification data: NIF/DNI, address, image/voice, SS/ mutuality number, telephone, signature.

3.1.2 Other data types: Personal characteristics; academics and professionals; details of employment; economic, financial and insurance; transaction of goods and services.

3.1.3 Treatment System: Automated and Manual (Mixed).

4. Planned data communications: Social Security Agencies, Public Finance, Tax Administration, other organs of the State Administration, Banks, Savings Banks and Rural Banks.

5. International transfers to third countries: Data processing outside the territory of the European Economic Area is not or is not planned.

6. Organs responsible for the file: CIBER management.

7. Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

CIBER management.

Calle Monforte de Lemos, number 5, pavilion 11, 28029 Madrid.

8. Level of security measures: Medium.


Files that are deleted

File I.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in the Network of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD).

1. File identification: CIBEREHD

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File II.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in the Network of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD).

1. File identification: ECAHD.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File III.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in the Network of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD).

1. File ID: HEPATIC.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File IV.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in the Network of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD).

1. File identification: Hypertension Portal non-Cirrotica Ciberehd.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

V. File

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in the Network of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD).


2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File VI.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in Rare Diseases Network (CIBERER).

1. File ID: Cyber Biobank.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File VII.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in Rare Diseases Network (CIBERER).

1. File ID: Fanconi Anemia Case Record.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File VIII.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in Rare Diseases Network (CIBERER).

1. File identification: AHUS/C3G.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File IX.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in Rare Diseases Network (CIBERER).

1. File ID: Query file.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File X.

Responsible Body: Obesity and Nutrition Network Biomedical Research Center (CIBEROBN).

1. File ID: Fatbank.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File XI.

Responsible Body: Obesity and Nutrition Network Biomedical Research Center (CIBEROBN).

1. File Identification: Cyberin User.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File XII.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in the Network of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP).

1. File ID: Study cases and flu controls A.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File XIII.

Responsible Authority: Center for Biomedical Research in the Network of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP).

1. File ID: MCC Spain Study.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

XIV file.

Responsible Authority: Consortium of Centers for Biomedical Research in Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES).

1. File identification: Biobank.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File XV.

Responsible Authority: Consortium of Centers for Biomedical Research in Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES).

1. File Identification: Web Queries.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File XVI.

Responsible Authority: Consortium of Centers for Biomedical Research in Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES).

1. File identification: Professional contacts.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.

File XVII.

Responsible Authority: Consortium of Centers for Biomedical Research in Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES).

1. File identification: Researchers.

2. Target to be given to the data or, where appropriate, the forecasts to be adopted for destruction: The data will be integrated into a new file owned by the CIBER.

3. Reasons: Creation of a new file after the merger by absorption, dated January 1, 2014, by the Center for Biomedical Research in Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM) of the Centers for Biomedical Research in Network: Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN); Rare Diseases (CIBERER); Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES); Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD); Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP); Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM); and Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), adopted unanimously in the Councils Rectors of the same held on 18 and 19 December 2012. And from the change of name of the CIBERSAM to the Center for Biomedical Research in Network (CIBER), approved unanimously at the meeting of the Board of Rector of the CIBERSAM held on June 11, 2013.