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Order Aaa/1823/2015, 2 September, Amending The Order Apa/693/2007 Of 14 March, By Which Establish The Regulatory Basis For The Granting Of Scholarships For Graduates In The Field Of The Chapter...

Original Language Title: Orden AAA/1823/2015, de 2 de septiembre, por la que se modifica la Orden APA/693/2007, de 14 de marzo, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de becas de formación para titulados superiores, en el ámbito de las estadístic...

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The need for continuous improvements in agricultural statistics, taking into account the three main characteristics: reliability, coverage and opportunity, as well as complying with the Code of Practice of Statistics In addition to the continuous increase in statistical production due to the modification of the Community rules, the European Commission is carrying out and maintaining the relevant methodological manuals for all operations. statistics, as well as the implementation of new operations.

Agri-food statistics are an area whose knowledge is essential for those people who, within the agricultural, fishing or food sectors, intend to orient their careers towards private enterprise or the representation of operators, or who wish to improve their training prior to their entry into the Administration. This training, within a Department with great technical and economic content, constitutes a further part of the activity of the same.

All these objectives represent new ways of making them imply the need for training of young graduates in these subjects which will enable them to acquire knowledge that will improve their chances of integration. They will contribute to the improvement of the agricultural sector and to that of the economy as a whole.

Therefore, in order to comply with the purpose of training of young graduates, the modification of some of the articles of Order APA/693/2007 of 14 March 2007, for which it is considered appropriate, is considered appropriate. establish the regulatory basis for the award of training grants for higher graduates in the field of agri-food statistics and economic planning and institutional coordination.

In the preparation of this order, the mandatory reports of the State Advocate, the Technical General Secretariat, the Budget Office, as well as the Delegate Intervention have been issued.

In its virtue, I have:

Single item. Amendment of Order APA/693/2007 of 14 March establishing the regulatory basis for the award of training grants for higher graduates in the field of agri-food statistics and economic planning and the institutional coordination.

The following modifications are introduced in Order APA/693/2007, of March 14:

One. Article 1 is amended as follows:

" Article 1. Object.

1. The purpose of this order is the regulatory basis for the award of technical-professional training grants in the field of agri-food statistics for agronomist engineers or graduates with a master's degree in agronomic engineering and graduates or graduates in veterinary medicine, on a competitive concurrency basis.

2. The number of grants shall be established on each call according to the budgetary availability of the relevant year.

3. The competent body for the approval of the call shall be the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, or the body in which it has delegated this competence. "

Two. Article 2 is amended as follows:

" Article 2. Purpose.

1. The purpose of the grants is to promote practical training in the field of agri-food, fisheries and rural development statistics. Thus, the training plan includes the theoretical and practical study of the operations included in the current National Statistical Plan (PEN), the comparative analysis of the methodologies used in other countries, mainly the Member States of the European Union and the candidate countries for integration, as well as their use to carry out practices in these areas.

2. The training plan shall include the operations of the National Statistical Plan in force and in particular:

(a) Planning and implementation of surveys on land uses, land areas and crops, livestock and livestock production, means of production in agricultural activity, and rural development indicators.

b) Planning and implementation of surveys of agri-food industries.

c) Planning and implementation of statistical operations related to information on agricultural prices and wages, with particular attention to the formation and management of information networks and markets.

d) Planning and implementation of surveys of economic content of agri-food activity, with particular reference to the system of the National Agrarian Network.

e) Elaboration of synthesis statistics related to the main macroeconomic variables.

f) Planning and implementation of statistical operations related to the maritime fisheries and aquaculture sector.

g) Creating, updating, and maintaining databases related to the population under study for the extraction of sample samples.

3. The trainees will be appointed a teaching tutor who will be responsible for the orientation of the relevant training.

4. At the end of the training programme, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, through the Department's Secretariat, shall provide the person concerned with a report from the teaching tutor referred to in the previous paragraph, a certificate of evidence of the practical training acquired.

5. The award and the enjoyment of the scholarships, given their training and specialization, will not be a labor or civil service relationship between the grantee and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment. The amount to be paid to the grantees shall in no case be considered as salary or remuneration, but as economic aid for training, and shall not be entitled to compensation for the completion of the internship programme. In the same way, the implementation of the practices will in no way be a preference for access to public employment of any kind. "

Three. Article 3 is amended as follows:

" Article 3. Requirements of the beneficiaries.

Scholarships may be eligible for those individuals with full capacity to act who meet the following conditions:

(a) Having Spanish nationality or being a national of a Member State of the European Union.

b) To be in possession of the required degree at the time of filing the request for participation, obtained in the year of the call or in the two years prior to the call.

c) Spanish language domain. It shall require documentary proof only in cases in which non-Spanish candidates are involved and who are residing in Spain for a period of less than two years.

(d) University degrees obtained abroad or in non-state Spanish centres must be approved or recognised by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and produce full legal effects on the date of submission of the application.

e) User-level management of computer programs for text processing, spreadsheet, databases, and presentations.

f) Knowledge of English.

g) Be less than 30 years old on the day of publication of the call.

h) Do not incur any of the causes of prohibition provided for in Article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General of Grants. "

Four. Article 5 is amended as follows:

" Article 5. Criteria for the assessment of applications.

1. The evaluation and selection process will consist of two phases: a first phase of evaluation of the documentation provided and a second phase consisting of a personal interview conducted by the instructor to the candidates who have obtained at least 40 points in the evaluation of the documentation.

2. The maximum score to be obtained by the applicant shall be 100 points. The assessment and selection of applications shall be carried out taking into account the following merits:

a) First phase. Evaluation of the documentation, with a maximum score of 80 points, which will proceed from the following criteria and scale:

1. º The average note of the academic record corresponding to the required degree (maximum score: thirty points). The score will be divided as follows:

Average rating of 10: thirty points.

Average rating equal to or greater than 9 and less than 10: Twenty-five points.

Average rating equal to or greater than 8 and less than 9: Twenty-three points.

Average rating equal to or greater than 7 and less than 8: Twenty points.

Average rating equal to or greater than 6 and less than 7: Seventeen points.

Average rating greater than 5 and less than 6: Fifteen points.

2. Practical knowledge in the management of office tools (databases, spreadsheets, word processors and presentations) (maximum score: fifteen points). The score will be divided as follows:

Diploma or certificate of official or accredited center of the four office tools mentioned above: Fifteen points.

Diploma or certificate of official or accredited center of three of the ofimatic tools mentioned above: Eleven points.

Diploma or certificate of official or accredited center of two of the ofimatic tools mentioned above: Eight points.

Diploma or certificate of official or accredited center of one of the ofimatic tools mentioned above: Four points.

3. To have demonstrable practical experience in any of the following subjects related to the scholarship: agricultural statistics or economics, econometrics, creation or management of Geographic Information Systems and their databases annexes, agri-food law, common agricultural policy, zootechnics, phytotechnics, fishing, or production, maintenance and exploitation of domestic animals (maximum score: 10 points). They shall be broken down as follows:

Over twelve months of experience: Ten points.

Over six months and less than twelve months of experience: Seven points.

Up to six months of experience: Three points.

4. English Knowledge (maximum score: ten points), minimum level A2 of the common reference framework for languages. They will correspond 2 points to Level A2, 4 points to Level B1, 6 points to Level B2, and 8 points to Level C1 and 10 points to Level C2. In the event that the knowledge is established by other parameters, the corresponding equivalence shall be carried out.

5. º Haber courses of specialization, in the area of knowledge for which the scholarship is requested (maximum score: fifteen points). The score will be divided as follows:

Diploma or certificate of official or accredited center, greater than or equal to 200 hours: Fifteen points.

Diploma or certificate of official or accredited center, greater than or equal to 150 hours and less than 200 hours: Ten points.

Diploma or certificate of official or accredited center, greater than or equal to 100 hours and less than 150 hours: Six points.

Diploma or certificate of official or accredited center, less than 100 hours: Three points.

In the case of making more than one specialization study, you will consider to score the total number of hours spent.

All merits will be credited by diplomas or certificates from official or accredited centers.

b) The second phase of the assessment and selection process will be a maximum score of 20 points and will consist of a personal interview. It will be valued at:

-The candidate's oral communication capacity, including linguistic correction, clarity of expression, and ownership of technical terms used during the interview.

-The ability to react to issues related to the object of scholarships that could be raised during the interview.

-The resolutive capacity given potential problems or situations that arise during the interview concerning hypothetical circumstances that may occur during the course of the scholarship.

-Interrelation skills with interviewers.

-The specific knowledge demonstrated.

Each of these items will have the same weight to award the score for this second phase.

3. The final score of the assessment and selection process will be the sum of the scores for both phases.

4. In the event of a tie, the result shall be addressed on the basis of the highest score obtained by the applicants in their academic record. "

Five. Article 10 is amended as follows:

" Article 10. Duration and allocation of grants

1. The duration of the grants shall be one year from the date of the award and may be extended annually up to a maximum of three years, upon application by the beneficiary and the evaluation by the guardian of the work carried out, and provided that it exists. budgetary availability in the relevant financial year.

2. The full amount of the grants per beneficiary will be EUR 1,200 per month, to which the current discounts and legal holds will apply, and will be paid to the beneficiaries on a monthly basis.

3. In the month following the month in which the certificate of compliance provided for in Article 14.1 has been issued, the payment file shall be processed for the corresponding monthly amount. In no case shall the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment be required to produce the payment during the month following the issue of the certificate of compliance.

The grant may not be paid if the beneficiary is not current in compliance with the tax and social security obligations.

4. The recipients will be included in the General Social Security Scheme, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1493/2011 of 24 October on the terms and conditions of inclusion in the scheme. General of Social Security of persons participating in training programmes, in development of those provided for in the third provision of Law 27/2011 of 1 August, on the updating, adequacy and modernisation of the system of the Social security, from the date of its incorporation, with the obligations and rights deriving from it.

5. Provided that in order to carry out activities required by the grant, it is necessary to make displacements outside the municipal term, the grantees may receive travel bags in compensation for the expenses of displacements, stays and maintenance. The amount of these bags will be determined taking into account the criteria established by Royal Decree 462/2002 of 24 May on compensation for service reasons, for officials of the group 2. complementary. "

Six. Article 11 is deleted.

Seven. Article 12 is amended as follows:

" Article 12. Extension.

The grantee may formalize the request for an extension addressed to the General Subdirectorate of destination with at least one and a half months in advance of the end of the period of enjoyment of the grant or the corresponding extension, You must accompany the following documentation:

a) Request for prorogation.

(b) Memory in which the work performed and the results achieved and the objectives to be achieved during the requested extension are recorded.

c) Favorable report of the training tutor to which the trainee is attached, specifying the work performed and the work performed during the extension, as well as their dedication, adaptation and level of collaboration. "

Eight. Article 13 is amended as follows:

" Article 13. Obligations of the grantees.

1. The grantee assumes the obligations laid down, in general, in Article 14 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, and in particular those of:

(a) To be incorporated into the General Subdirection of destination within the maximum period of 15 calendar days counted from the notification of the grant resolution.

b) Meet the basis, call and other implementing rules, as well as respect the confidentiality of the information handled in the course of the grant in the terms established in the legislation in force.

(c) Submit an official medical certificate stating that the applicant is not suffering from a disease or disability which makes it impossible for him to carry out the tasks of the training plan.

d) Accept the rules and rules of internal rules of the center where you are training.

f) To dedicate yourself fully to the fulfillment of all the tasks entrusted to you.

g) Do not give up the scholarship until a minimum of three months from the grant. In addition, the grantee undertakes, in the event of a waiver, to communicate at least 15 calendar days in advance, based on a substantiated request for the waiver of the grant.

h) Dedicate a weekly 37.5 hours to the training plan's own tasks. Compliance shall be accredited by the time-control system established for this purpose.

2. The grantee shall perform the tasks entrusted to him by the teaching tutor designated to him, in the conditions of place and time indicated to him, and in the dependencies which, in each case, are determined.

The scholarships will be developed at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment headquarters.

3. In the published papers it will be stated that the results are the direct consequence of a training grant and that they have been financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, which will in any case be the holder of the intellectual property. "

Nine. Article 15 is amended as follows:

" Article 15. Failure to fulfil obligations.

1. If any of the causes laid down in Article 37.1 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November are produced, or if the beneficiary does not carry out the tasks assigned to it in time and forms or does not fulfil any of the obligations laid down in the Article 13 of this order, shall result in the extinction of the right to the collection of the grant and, where appropriate, the reimbursement of the amounts received, in the terms and conditions laid down in Title II of Law 38/2003 of 17 November.

2. In accordance with the provisions of Article 37.2 and 17.3.n) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, if the non-compliances are due to unjustifiable absences from the centre where they are formed, the deductions shall be made in the monthly amount. corresponding to the part proportional to the days of absence.

3. In the event that the absence is of a duration that prevents or seriously hinders the formation that is the foundation of the scholarship, the right to recovery of the scholarship will be extinguished. This is considered to be the case where the absences exceed, on an ongoing basis, the duration of one month, or on an intermittent basis the duration of 20 working days in a period of one year.

4. In accordance with the provisions of Law 38/2003 of 17 November of 17 November, the amendment to the conditions for granting the grant may give rise to the amendment of the resolution in the event that any of the beneficiaries cease to meet the determining requirements of their concession, in which case the appeal of the first alternate would be made. "

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 2 September 2015. -Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina.