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Royal Decree 789/2015, Of 4 September, That Regulates The Structure And Functioning Of The Centre For Innovation And The Development Of Distance Education.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 789/2015, de 4 de septiembre, por el que se regula la estructura y funcionamiento del Centro para la Innovación y el Desarrollo de la Educación a Distancia.

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Royal Decree 1180/1992 of 2 October, creating the Center for Innovation and Development of Distance Education (CIDEAD), establishes that CIDEAD will depend on the Secretariat of the State of Education through the Directorate-General for Vocational Training Regladed and Educational Promotion, within the General Secretariat of Permanent Education, and sets objectives for such a center in the territorial area of management that corresponded to the extinct Ministry of Education Education and Science.

The additional 42nd of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, introduced by the Organic Law 8/2013, of 9 December, for the improvement of the educational quality, establishes that CIDEAD will impart distance learning throughout the national territory and which the Government will establish, without prejudice to the principles contained in this Organic Law, a specific regulation of CIDEAD; this fact represents a novelty with respect to Royal Decree 1180/1992, of 2 October, which in its article first set the development of its objectives exclusively in the territorial scope of management of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Technological advances are producing radical changes in the education and editing environment. Digital learning and current trends in the creation of open educational resources offer new opportunities to improve the quality, universalisation and equity of training. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) open up unprecedented possibilities for developing educational procedures beyond traditional formats and borders.

As stated in the explanatory memorandum of the Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December, ICT is an area in which a particular emphasis must be placed on the transformation of the education system. The educational use of ICT has been a fundamental element in the work carried out by CIDEAD throughout its more than twenty years of existence, and has helped to highlight that distance learning is an instrument of great effectiveness for to respond to the most diverse learning needs of formal and non-formal learning that citizens ' collectives have, as it facilitates their access to education through flexible training paths through the use of digital systems of learning and open educational resources. All this in accordance with the principles of universal design and accessibility marked by the incessant technological changes and the technical and formative possibilities.

In this context, through distance learning, CIDEAD provides educational care of basic and secondary education for adults to Spanish citizens abroad and those who, even residing in the national territory, they are unable to receive education through the ordinary regime.

The specific characteristics of this teaching modality have allowed the reintegration into the educational system of adults who, due to different circumstances, need a different rhythm of study, prolonging their remain in the educational field and help them to obtain, among others, the Degree of Undergraduate in Compulsory Secondary Education and of Bachiller. In this way, it contributes to the personal development and social integration that espouses the Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9.

In the field of distance learning, CIDEAD favors studies and makes necessary technical proposals for the development of measures of academic management and the adequacy of the curricula that enable the imparting of these teachings in distance mode. The That's English!program, which has 20 years of existence, is a benchmark for the distance learning model. On the basis of this experience, it is envisaged to implement similar programmes extending the educational offer to other languages with high social demand, following the recommendations of the European Union which considers the promotion of plurilingualism as an objective unrenountable for the construction of a European project.

CIDEAD takes on other non-regulated learning initiatives through open training programs through the Internet. Among these initiatives will be the Classroom Mentor, a training system for adults from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, which is developed in collaboration with autonomous communities and local entities, which is designed for the improvement of the personal and professional functions of the adult population and in line with their vital expectations.

The production and distribution, in digital and online support, of specific teaching materials for distance learning and adult learning, has been a constant in CIDEAD that allows to serve the students themselves distance and from other educational institutions, both domestic and foreign. These pedagogical resources, based on the philosophy of self-learning, are self-sufficient and adapted to the curricular development of the different teachings.

The trajectory described by CIDEAD, its contribution to the universalization of education with criteria of equity and quality and the fulfilment of what is established in the additional 42nd provision of the Organic Law 8/2013, of 9 December, require a new regulation of the Centre for Innovation and Development of Distance Education.

The Commission for the Reform of Public Administrations -CORA- constituted in October 2012 by the Government, presented its report to the Council of Ministers of 21 June 2013, including a series of concrete measures reforms to eliminate burdens, duplication, rationalize the structure of the Administration, and achieve a more efficient public sector in the service of citizens.

Among these measures is to rationalize distance learning actions at the Center for Innovation and Development of Distance Education (CIDEAD). In the context of this measure, and in anticipation of the provisions of the Organic Law 8/2013 of 9 December on the provision of distance learning throughout the national territory, the approval of this royal decree is necessary.

This royal decree is issued under article 149.1.30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State the powers for the regulation of the conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving the academic titles and professional and basic standards for the development of article 27 of the Spanish Constitution, in order to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Consequently, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, after approval by the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation by the Council of Ministers in its Meeting of the day 4 September 2015,


Article 1. Object and scope of the royal decree.

1. The purpose of this royal decree is to regulate the structure and functioning of the Center for Innovation and Development of Distance Learning (CIDEAD).

CIDEAD, which has no legal personality of its own, is attached to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through the General Learning Subdirectorate of the Life of the General Directorate of Training. Professional.

2. CIDEAD is responsible for the distance educational care throughout the national territory and the distance educational care for Spanish citizens residing abroad, with the exception of the activity developed, within the scope of the sport of high the level and regulation of the state-owned sport, by the State-owned centres which provide the higher-distance sports teaching throughout the national territory, according to the additional 40th third of the Law Organic 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

Article 2. CIDEAD functions.

1. CIDEAD will develop the following functions:

(a) Educational teaching at a distance from the teaching offered by the Spanish Educational System as set out in Article 3.2 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, with the exception of university teaching, of the teaching sports and children's education.

b) Teaching of languages at a distance, promoting multilingualism.

c) The detection and analysis of the needs of education and training of the various collectives and the development of a distance learning offer according to these needs.

d) The development of the technical proposals necessary for the adequacy of the curricula and the elaboration of the measures of academic management that make possible the imparting of the teachings at a distance.

e) The design, elaboration and management of the editing, production and distribution of didactic media that enable the imparting of the teachings at a distance.

f) The exploration of new ways to harness the potential of Information and Communication Technologies to extend the offer of distance learning to new formats and to improve the quality, accessibility and equity of education and training.

g) Innovation in online education models and methodologies and the development of appropriate technologies to achieve their implementation in virtual environments.

h) The initial and continuing education of distance learning teachers, in the fundamentals and techniques of this modality.

i) Collaboration with remote education institutions and institutions in the autonomous communities.

j) How many other functions in the field of distance learning are assigned to you by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

2. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will establish in each school year, on a proposal from CIDEAD, the work plan to be developed by the center.

Article 3. Address of CIDEAD.

At the head of CIDEAD, there will be a Director who will be appointed by the head of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities, among the official staff of the teaching bodies assigned to the Secretary of State through any form of provision of jobs, that meets the requirements and conditions established by the current regulations to exercise the Management of the public teaching centers.

Article 4. Functions of the CIDEAD address.

Corresponding to the CIDEAD Director the following functions:

a) Officially Ostend the representation of CIDEAD.

b) Exercise the direction and coordination of CIDEAD services.

c) Direct the Integrated Distance Teaching Center, for which you will be able to perform all the functions that the applicable regulations ascribe to the teachers ' centers.

d) To know directly and channel how many provisions emanating from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport are to be observed and observed by CIDEAD.

e) Raise how many reports, studies and proposals, relating to distance learning, are requested by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in the field of their competencies.

f) To report periodically to the head of the Directorate-General for Vocational Training, through the General Subdirectorate of Lifelong Learning, to the development of CIDEAD activities.

g) Driving the development and execution of how many measures are needed to achieve the objectives assigned to CIDEAD.

Article 5. Integrated Center of Distance-Regulated Teachings.

1. CIDEAD will have an Integrated Center of Teachings at Distance, without its own legal personality, integrated in CIDEAD, for the impartition in the distance modality of the teachings offered by the Spanish Educational System collected in the Article 3.2 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, with the exception of university education, sports teaching and children's education. Therefore, CIDEAD will be able to teach the following teachings of the Spanish Educational System:

a) Primary education.

b) Compulsory secondary education.

c) Baccalaureate.

d) Vocational training.

e) Language teaching.

f) Artistic Teachings.

g) Adult education.

2. The Integrated Distance Teaching Center is a public teaching center, whose structure and operation will be adapted to the regulations of public schools in the Law of Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, with the indicated peculiarities in this article, whose structure and human and material resources share with that of CIDEAD.

3. The Integrated Centre for Distance-to-Distance Teachings will count as a collegiate organ of the teaching centre, with a faculty member, composed of staff assigned to the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities. to perform the faculty functions of the Integrated Distance Teaching Center.

4. The Integrated Distance Learning Centre will have the following single-person bodies:

a) The director of the Integrated Distance Teaching Center, which will be the Director of CIDEAD.

(b) A head of studies, to be appointed by the head of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities, among the staff assigned to the Secretariat of State.

(c) A secretary, to be appointed by the head of the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities, among the staff assigned to the Secretariat of State.

The single-personal bodies concerned may perform all the functions that the applicable law attributes to such organs in public teaching institutions.

Article 6. Other teachings.

In addition to the lessons taught by the Integrated Distance Teaching Center, CIDEAD will be able to provide the following training:

a) Remote language programs.

b) Classroom Mentor Program.

c) Support for programs and centers of Spanish educational action abroad.

d) Any other training offer for distance education, which is entrusted to you by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

Article 7. The teaching of languages at a distance.

1. It is up to CIDEAD to propose and develop the measures for the academic and adaptation of language teaching curricula at a distance, in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. These curricula need to be adapted to the conditions and needs of the adult population and to train pupils for the appropriate use of different languages.

2. CIDEAD will organize and coordinate the teams responsible for the elaboration, monitoring and evaluation of the means and teaching materials to be used for the educational care of the students. It will also be able to advise public institutions authorised to teach language lessons in distance learning.

Article 8. Classroom Mentor Program.

Classroom Mentor is a program of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for open, flexible and distance learning through the Internet, aimed at adults, whose formative offer is materialized in a set of courses organised in training areas and designed to improve the personal and professional skills of potential recipients in this teaching mode.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will be able to sign collaboration agreements and other legal instruments with autonomous communities, local authorities and other national and national organizations and entities. international, for the realization of joint actions in the framework of the Classroom Mentor Program.

Article 9. Information and Communication Technologies.

The teaching of CIDEAD will be carried out through a virtual learning environment, consisting of one or more educational platforms that allow configurable communication among the members of the environment, collaborative work, the sending and evaluation of activities, the self-correction of interactive activities, the monitoring of user activity and the use of effective evaluation mechanisms.

Article 10. Didactic media.

CIDEAD will design, develop and manage the editing, production and distribution of the didactic means necessary for the distance education activities that it develops, especially those that are oriented to the educational attention of adult persons; it will encourage the development of open models of teacher programming and teaching materials that cater to the different needs of students and teachers.

Article 11. Universal accessibility.

CIDEAD will guarantee the conditions of universal accessibility in the educational platforms that constitute the virtual learning environment, as well as the processes, procedures, tools and didactic means necessary, with the purpose of students with disabilities having the same conditions and opportunities.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The Royal Decree 1180/1992, of 2 October, is hereby repealed, creating the Center for Innovation and Development of Distance Education.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is issued under article 149.1.30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State the powers for the regulation of the conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving the academic titles and professional and basic standards for the development of article 27 of the Spanish Constitution, in order to ensure the fulfilment of the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Development.

1. The head of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is empowered to dictate how many provisions would require the application of the provisions of this royal decree.

2. By order of the person holding the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the system of operation of the Classroom Mentor Programme will be established, which will include, among other aspects, the procedure for the determination of the courses, the selection and Teacher regime and the system of access and admission to the courses.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, 4 September 2015.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,