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Resolution Of 30 September 2015, The Directorate General Of Employment, By Which Records And Publishes The State Collective Agreement For Industries Nougat And Marzipan.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 30 de septiembre de 2015, de la Dirección General de Empleo, por la que se registra y publica el Convenio colectivo estatal para las industrias de turrones y mazapanes.

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Having regard to the text of the collective agreement at national level for the industries of turrums and mazabreads (Convention code No 99005165011981), which was signed on 1 July 2015, by the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Turrones and Mazabreas and the Association of Turron Manufacturers, Derivatives and Chocolates of the Valencian Community representing companies in the sector, and of another by the Agro-Food Federation of CC.OO. and the Federation of Industry and the Agricultural Workers of UGT on behalf of workers, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Status of Workers, Recast Text adopted by Royal Decree-Law 1/1995 of 24 March, and Royal Decree 713/2010 of 28 May on the registration and deposit of collective labour agreements and agreements,

This Employment General Address resolves:


Order the registration of the aforementioned collective agreement in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this Steering Center, with notification to the Negotiating Commission.


Arrange your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, September 30, 2015. -Director General of Employment, Xavier Jean Braulio Thibault Aranda.



General provisions

Article 1. Territorial scope.

The Collective Agreement shall apply throughout the national territory.

Article 2. Functional scope.

The provisions of this Collective Agreement will regulate industrial relations in all companies and their workplaces whose main activity is the manufacture of turrums and mazabreads. With respect to the principle of business unity, the Convention shall extend to complementary or related activities.

Article 3. Personal scope.

The Collective Agreement shall apply to employed persons who provide their services in the companies referred to in the previous article. It shall not apply to staff excluded from the employment relationship or to whom it is subject to a special employment relationship by virtue of the provisions laid down in the general legal provisions.

Article 4. Temporary scope.

The Collective Agreement will last from 01-01-2015 until 31-12-2015 and will enter into force the following of its publication in the "BOE".

The economic effects will be rolled back to 01-01-2015, with the payment of the new salaries on the first payroll, once 30 days have elapsed since the signing of the Convention, and the corresponding arrears since 01-01-2015 will be effective within three months of signing. In the other areas the application of the Convention shall be from the signature of the Convention.

Article 5. Complaint and extension.

Any of the parties may denounce the Convention within the last month of its validity, both for its termination and for its review, beginning its negotiation within a maximum of one month from the end of its effective.

If you do not measure the express complaint, the Convention shall be extended on its own terms of the year in the year without any modification, except for those imposed by legal regulations.

Regardless of the above, the economic values in force in the last year of application of the collective agreement (December 31, 2015) will be applicable until they are replaced by the agreement in the new agreement.

Article 6. Effects.

This Convention requires the law between the parties to its signatories and the natural or legal persons in whose name the contract is concluded, to prevail against any other rule that is not an absolute necessary right, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 84.2 and Article 84.3 of the Staff Regulations. The same force of force will have the annexes

The agreed conditions form an indivisible whole so that the application of one or more of its rules cannot be intended, with the rest of the rest, but that all the effects must be applied and observed in its entirety.

In the event that the competent authority or jurisdiction, in use of its own powers, does not approve or resolve to leave out any of the clauses of this Convention, the signatory parties to this Convention shall be meet within 10 working days of the determination of the relevant resolution, in order to resolve the problem raised. In the absence of agreement at such a meeting, any party entitled within a maximum of 30 working days from the date of the finality of the resolution in question, shall go to the SIMA mediation services and to continue discrepancies and the disagreement in the act of the same, the parties may voluntarily submit the decision to an arbitration through the Fifth Agreement on the Autonomous Settlement of Conflicts.

The remuneration established may be the subject of compensation or absorption, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Staff Regulations, with all those existing at the time of entry into force of the Convention, whatever the nature and origin of the same, except compensation, supplies and benefits of Social Security under the delegated payment scheme.

Only the conditions agreed in this Convention may be modified when the new ones, established by provisions of a general or conventional nature of application, exceed those agreed jointly and in annual computation. Otherwise, the Convention shall subsist in its own terms and without modification of its concepts, modules and remuneration.

The conditions agreed in individual contracts formalized in a personal capacity between Company and Worker shall be respected, in force for the approval of this Convention and, which, on a global basis, exceed the same in aggregate and computation annual.

Article 7. Concurrency of Conventions.

This Convention requires for the entire duration of its duration, for the exclusion of any other, all undertakings and workers, within the above areas, without prejudice to the provisions of the Article 84.2 of the ET.

Article 8. Interpretation of the Convention.

1. A Joint Committee is established, the functions of which will be:

a) Mediation, arbitration, and reconciliation in the individual or collective conflicts that are submitted to you.

b) The interpretation and application of the agreed upon. And,

c) Tracking the set of agreements.

2. Agreements reached by the Joint Commission on matters of general interest shall be considered as part of this Collective Convention and shall be of the same binding effectiveness. Such agreements shall be referred to the labour authority for registration.

3. The Commission shall be composed of five representatives of the signatory trade unions and five representatives of the signatory business associations, who shall be appointed from among those belonging to the Convention's Deliberative Commission.

4. Operating Regulation.

a) Meetings. -The Joint Commission will meet:

For the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 1, (a) and (b), when required to intervene.

For the case of paragraph 1 (c), every four months.

(b) Convocation. The Joint Committee shall be convened by the Secretariat of the Commission where it is requested to intervene in writing. The call shall be made in writing in which the items to be dealt with on the agenda shall be expressed.

The Commission will meet within the term that the circumstances advise in the light of the importance of the case, but which in no case will exceed 15 days, from the date of the request by the interested party, from the call.

If the Commission has not complied with this term, the intervention of the Joint Committee shall be deemed to be exhausted, and the person concerned may exercise any action which he considers relevant.

c) Exclusions. -In the event that any of the consultations made will affect any of the members of the Commission or of the undertaking to whom they represent or are a party, they shall refrain from appearing at the meeting of the The Joint Committee and, therefore, will not participate in the debates or in the decision-making process. The representative or representatives concerned may be replaced by the alternates.

(d) Quorum-Advisors. The Commission shall be deemed validly constituted when the Commission itself is one half more than one of the members of each of the representations.

Parties may attend meetings accompanied by a maximum of two Advisors.

e) Validity of the agreements. In any event, the Commission's agreements shall require a favourable vote of sixty per cent of each of the two representations.

For each meeting, minutes will be lifted, which will be signed by those who make Secretaries and a representative of each party.

(f) Home. For the purposes of notifications and calls, the Joint Commission shall be located alternately, at the address of the State Agri-Food Federation of the UGT, in the Avenue of America, 25, State Federation Agrofood of CC.OO., sita in the Plaza de Cristino Martos, 4 or in the National Association of Manufacturers of Turrones and Mazaploas, sita 08037 Barcelona, c/Mallorca, 286 and in that of the Association of Manufacturers of Turron, Derivatives and Chocolates of the Comunidad Valenciana, sita at 03100 Jijona (Alicante), Calle Font del Moratell, s/n.

5. Obligation to submit to the Joint Commission.

The parties are obliged to submit to the Joint Commission all matters of general interest provided that they are derived from the interpretation of the rules of this Collective Agreement, which are raised in advance of any a measure of pressure or judicial or administrative action, without prejudice to the subsequent exercise of individual or collective rights.


Organization of the job

Article 9. Organization of the job.

The technical and practical organization of the work corresponds to the Company's management, who will be able to establish how many organizational, rationalization and modernization systems it considers appropriate, as well as any structuring of Companies ' sessions or departments, being able to move their staff within the different sections or departments, provided that it is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions on the subject. The worker is obliged to carry out the work agreed under the management of the employer or person in whom the employee is delegated.

Without the ability of the Company's Directorate or its representatives, the Company's or Personnel's Delegates ' Committees shall be informed of any substantial changes in the system. organizational.

Article 10. Performance systems.

In accordance with the existing rules on the matter, in the industries subject to this Collective Agreement, prior to the agreement of the Committee of the Company, it is possible to establish the work by task or by systems of production premium, (a) in such a way that the normal or minimum performance required for the activity corresponds to the remuneration which the worker has in the Convention in accordance with his professional status. Incentives may be collective (equipment, chains, etc.) or individual incentives, as advised by the circumstances of work.

Set the incentive system, yields that are earned above normal, will be paid for a premium on the wage of perception. The amount of this premium shall be proportional to the increase in yield.

Companies, subject to the mandatory reporting of the Enterprise Committee, may limit, proportionately reduce or even abolish incentives on an individual basis to all those workers who, due to lack of aptitude, attention, interest or for any cause of a subjective nature, they do not obtain due performance or damage the quantity or quality of production, without prejudice to any other measures which may be applied to the case.

The incentives may be suspended in general by sections or workers, where the purposes pursued by the system are unattainable, due to the absence or reduction of the work in the undertaking, for the purposes of new tasks or to proceed to repair or reform of the facilities. In such cases, workers shall receive the remuneration corresponding to the minimum performance required plus increases in seniority.

Article 11. Productivity bases, definitions, normal activity.

Productivity base. -It is the one that develops a medium operator in normal working day, without the encouragement of a remuneration with incentive, under a competent direction. This rhythm can be easily maintained one day after another, without excessive physical and mental fatigue, and is characterized by the realization of a constant and reasoned effort. In commonly known systems, it corresponds to 60 points Bedaux, 75 Crea and 100 National Productivity Commission or equivalent.

Optimal activity. -It is the maximum authorized that can develop an average operator without loss of professional life, working eight hours daily; in the systems mentioned above corresponds to 80 points Bedaux, 100 points Crea and 140 points National Productivity Commission.

Normal performance. -This is the amount of work that an operator performs in an hour of normal activity.

Optimal performance. -This is the amount of work that an operator performs in an optimal activity time.

Remuneration.-The remuneration for the optimum performance, which must be represented for a normal and laborious worker with the correct yield, an increase proportional to that yield, may not be less than 33% of the remuneration on the base salary when the worker develops an optimal activity according to commonly known systems (80 Bedaux points, 100 Creates and 140 National Productivity Commission or equivalent).

Paced Performance. -It is the normal performance that corresponds to the so-called normal activity and is the minimum required performance and the company will be able to determine and demand it at any time without requiring it to be dejation of the right.

Remuneration.-The remuneration in the minimum performance payable is determined by the amounts in the salary table as the wages of perception.

In case of discrepancies on the determination of the minimum and the optimal performance, as well as on the choice of the incentive system, the parties (Company and workers) will be subject to the legally established procedure. for the determination of that minimum.

While the issue is dealt with, the company will apply its proposal and the worker will receive his/her salary according to the minimum performance established by the Company, without prejudice to the settlement of differences Place.


Professional classification

Article 12. Classification and recruitment of staff.

1. Professional Groups. The Professional Groups and their duties are those listed in the Annex.

2. Recruitment. The modalities of recruitment shall be as wide as those laid down by the legal provisions or by the uses and customs of the sector. In particular, and in the light of current provisions, the following modalities are developed:

2.1 Training Contracts:

2.1.1 Contract for training and learning. Contract for training and learning. The contract for training and learning may be concluded with workers aged 16 and over and under 25, unless the rules in force allow for the conclusion of a different age.

The age limit will not be taken into account when dealing with persons with disabilities or in the case of collectives expressly included in the current regulations.

The training contract will aim at the practical and theoretical training of the contract worker. The contract worker must not be in the position of any university degree or vocational training of a medium or higher degree, or officially recognised as equivalent qualifications, relating to the job to be performed.

The minimum duration of this contract will be six months and the maximum of three years. In the case of contracts for less than three years, extensions may be agreed for minimum periods of six months without exceeding three years. The probationary period shall be agreed in writing and shall in no case be longer than one month.

The remuneration of the worker shall be 60, 70 or 80% during the first, second or third year, respectively, of the salary fixed in this Convention for a worker who carries out the trade or work object of the contract.

The maximum number of workers for job-center training that companies can hire will not be higher than the following scale:

Up to 10 workers, 25 percent of the template.

From 11 to 50 workers, 20 percent of the template.

From 51 to 250 workers, 12 percent of the template.

From 251 to 500 workers, 8 percent of the template.

Over 500 workers, 6% of the template.

Without prejudice to all the other requirements necessary to be able to carry out such hiring: The existence in the staff of professional professionals to take care of the tutoring.

Disabled workers hired for training shall not be counted for the purposes of the limits referred to in this Article.

Theoretical training. 25% of the total of the day will be devoted to the theoretical training, being able to be increased this time by each company in particular. The regime of alternation or concentration of time devoted to theoretical training, with respect to effective work, will be established in each company depending on its specific circumstances. The work contract shall specify the hours and days of the training, as well as the training centre, where appropriate, in charge of theoretical teaching.

Consequently, the categories and salary tables corresponding to Administrative Aspirants and Aspirants of the Finishing, Packaging and Packaging Staff established in the previous Collective Agreements are hereby repealed. for the industries of Turrones and Mazapanes.

2.1.2 Practice work contract. Work contracts in practice may be concluded with workers belonging to the professional groups or categories listed in the relevant Annex.

The duration of this contract may not be less than six months or exceed two years. If the contract has been concluded for a period of less than two years, the parties may agree up to three extensions without exceeding the total duration of the contract for two years.

The worker's remuneration shall be 60 per cent or 80 per cent during the first or second year of the term of the contract, respectively, of the salary set in this Convention for a worker who performs the same or equivalent job position.

2.2 Fixed duration contracts:

2.2.1 Contract for the realization of a given work or service. Contracts of this nature may be concluded where the worker is to carry out any of the following tasks or tasks:

A) Construction, expansion, rehabilitation and repair of works in general.

B) Assembly, commissioning and repair of:

Machinery and equipment.


Transport items.

C) Activities related to organizational, industrial, commercial, administrative and service processes, such as:

Centralization of Scattered tasks in other job centers.

New Production Line.

Quality control.

Research and development of a new product or service.

Market studies and surveys.


Opening new markets or distribution zones.

d) Implementation, modification or replacement of computer, accounting, administrative and personnel management and human resources systems:

E) Business activities derived from supply contracts that have been agreed by the company with public administrations through a commercial, administrative or competitive contract.

F) Other activities which by analogy are comparable to the above.

When the contract is designed to launch a new product, perform a new service or open new markets or distribution zones, it will last for a maximum of two years. If, after the two years, the activity has been consolidated, the worker employed by any of these causes shall have the right to transform his contract into an indefinite period.

2.2.2 Eventual contract due to market circumstances, accumulation of tasks or excess orders.

The maximum duration of these contracts will be twelve months, within a period of eighteen months, counted from the moment the cause is produced that motivates it. If they are designed for less than 12 months, they may be extended by agreement of the parties, but without exceeding the sum of the periods contracted for the twelve months and shall be carried out within the period of eighteen months of maximum limit.

2.2.3 Contract for discontinuous fixed jobs. Contract consideration for discontinuous fixed workers will be considered to be considered for intermittent or cyclical execution work within the normal volume of the company's activity, which is not it repeats on certain dates and does not require the provision of services during all the days which in the whole of the year have the condition of working in general, developing the days of service delivery in one or several periods of seasonal activity, the nature of his contract being that established in art. 15.8 of the Workers ' Statute. Access to the discontinuous fijeza will occur in any of the following ways:

(a) Workers engaged under such contractual arrangements.

(b) The worker who will be employed in the same undertaking for three years, having paid a period of two hundred and seventy days in these three years, shall acquire the condition of a permanent worker discontinuous with the rights and guarantees that the current legislation establishes for them.

(c) any workers who, as from 1 January 2003, provide their services in two successive years and credit, at least 160 days ' contributions to the undertaking during the periods of time and the condition of the discontinuous fixed worker will be acquired again, with the rights and guarantees that the current legislation establishes for the same. Call. -The discontinuous fixed staff will be called in the order and form set out below:

(a) Discontinuous fixed workers must be called every time the annual manufacturing campaign starts.

(b) The appeal of the staff shall be made gradually in accordance with the requirements which the volume of work to be required at each moment requires and must be carried out within each specialty by order of category and seniority.

The workers who, by way of exception and for the needs of the organization of the productive activity of the company, perform work of higher category, regardless of the remuneration corresponding to The above category will keep your order number for your appeal in the craft and category of origin lists.

If the situation of exceptionality, as referred to in the preceding paragraph, is to be considered as normal and permanent, the provisions of the Convention on promotions shall apply.

Workers who, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Convention and in the Staff Regulations, are entitled to an upper class shall have the right of reservation of their order of seniority number for their appeal. in the previous specialty and category, in order not to prejudice the promotion of the discontinuous fixed in the companies, in each case perceiving the salary corresponding to the work actually carried out.

c) The appeal shall be made by the means and with the notice which are customary in each territory and the worker who does not respond in the affirmative to such appeal within the following eight days of the appeal, shall lose the rights that it would have generated up to that time, even if it was incorporated after the company.

(d) The application of the preceding paragraph is excepted to those workers who fail to call for duly justified causes to the employer in a timely manner: common sickness, maternity or accident.

e) The suspension of the contract of the discontinuous fixed will be produced in each working center, in a gradual or total way, in reverse order to the incorporation in the appeal and attending to the needs of the lower production.

(f) Companies shall establish a census of discontinuous fixed workers by specialty, category and seniority, which shall be displayed on the bulletin board to facilitate their knowledge to workers.

g) The work activity of the discontinuous fixed worker will be interrupted until further appeal.

2.3 Preferences. -In addition, discontinuous fixed staff will be given preference to fill the vacancies of the fixed staff of staff to be covered by the companies.

2.4 Equality and proportionality of treatment.

Discontinuous fixed and temporary workers will have the same rights as workers on an indefinite basis, without prejudice to the specific particularities of the contract. each of the contractual arrangements in respect of the suspension and termination of the contract and those expressly provided for in the law in respect of training contracts and the contract of insertion. Such rights shall be recognised in a proportional manner, on the basis of the time worked, when they are of economic content or correspond to their nature.

2.5 All the contracts to be made will be made under the principle of equal treatment between men and women and non-discrimination in employment, economic and occupation.


Revenue and Cesses

Article 13. Test period.

1. The entry of staff shall be provisional during a variable trial period, provided that it is written in writing, depending on the nature of the work to be performed, according to the following scale:

Technical staff: six months.

Rest of staff: two months.

Practices: Two months for workers in possession of a higher degree and one month for workers in possession of a middle grade degree.

Contracts for training: one month.

The situations of temporary incapacity, maternity, adoption or reception will interrupt the probationary period, unless otherwise agreed.

2. The test worker shall be obliged to carry out the professional, psychotechnical and medical examinations which the undertaking considers appropriate.

During the periods indicated, both the worker and the company may withdraw from the test or terminate the contract, without prior notice or right to compensation.

3. The worker shall be paid during the probationary period with the salary corresponding to the professional category in which he has been classified. The test period shall be computed for the purpose of seniority.

Exceeded the test period, the worker becomes part of the company's template with the appropriate category in each case, with the fixed or agreed time, according to the legal provisions in force.

Article 14. Extinction.

The work contract will be extinguished in accordance with the law.

Article 15. Settlement.

The staff who cease in the company will be given a liquidation of all the emoluments that correspond to him, in due detail, so that he can know exactly the nature and amount of the various concepts. The signature of such settlement shall have effect only as received from the detailed amounts and shall not be in conformity with it unless it is expressed. On a proposal from the worker concerned, a legal representative of the employees may be present at the time of delivery of the settlement.

Article 16.

Workers who voluntarily cease at the service of companies shall be obliged to inform them of the same by complying with at least the following periods of notice:

Technical and Administrative Staff: 1 month.

Subalternate and Workers: 8 days.

If the worker does not comply with this notice obligation, he/she will not be able to receive the termination or resignation until the date on which the Company makes the next payment to the generality of his/her staff, also requiring him/her compensation equal to the amount of your daily wage multiplied by as many days as missing to cover the notice period.


Day, breaks and holidays

Article 17. Workday.

The annual working day will be 1,770 hours, both on a daily basis and for the continuous one, being distributed in each company in the most convenient way to the needs of the campaign. The limits of this distribution will be marked by the respect of a maximum of nine ordinary hours and 36 hours of uninterrupted weekly rest.

The working time will be computed so that, both at the beginning and at the end of the day, the worker is in the job.

Article 18. Enlargement of the day.

The company may in extraordinary circumstances occur due to damage to the facilities, unforeseeable delays due to supplies of raw materials or other because of force majeure, order the continuation of the day, paid as overtime to those exceeding the ordinary day.

Workers whose action starts or closes the work of others, must extend their journey for the time strictly necessary to do so, or anticipate the entry or exit, alternatively, at the company's choice.

Long distance transport personnel will be subject to the specific legal regime in force for the same.

These overtime will be paid in accordance with Article 29 and the corresponding Annex to the Convention. The members of the Staff Committee or Delegates shall be informed of the performance of such activities, if any.

Article 19. Holidays.

The annual leave will last for 30 calendar days, equivalent to 22 working days, and will be enjoyed at the time of the year that, by common agreement, establishes the management of the Company and the workers, excluding as a holiday period for each company's campaign period.

By agreement between the employer and the legal representatives of the employees will be able to set the holiday periods of all the staff either in shifts organized successively, either with the total suspension of the work activities, without exception to those of conservation, repair and the like.

The holiday period may be split by agreement of the parties.

The holidays will be enjoyed in proportion to the time actually worked, be it the fixed staff, eventual, fixed discontinuous, campaign or hired for a certain time. Those who enter or cease in the course of the year shall be entitled to the proportional share, according to the number of months worked, by calculating this by twelfths and computing as a whole month the fraction exceeding 15 days.

When the holiday period laid down in the holiday calendar of the undertaking referred to in the preceding paragraph coincides in time with a temporary incapacity arising from pregnancy, childbirth or natural lactation or with the period of suspension of the contract of employment provided for in Article 48.4 and 48.bis of this Law, shall be entitled to enjoy the holidays on a date other than that of the temporary incapacity or the enjoyment of the permit which, by application of the said precept was concerned, at the end of the period of suspension, even if the calendar year ended which correspond.

In the event that the holiday period coincides with a temporary incapacity for contingencies other than those mentioned in the previous paragraph that makes it impossible for the worker to enjoy them, in whole or in part, during the year natural to which they correspond, the worker may do so once his incapacity is completed and provided that no more than 18 months have elapsed from the end of the year in which they originated.

However, in the event that the legislation in this field changes the provisions of the previous two paragraphs, the signatory parties will adapt the text to what is established in the ET at any time.

The holidays shall be paid in accordance with the amount set out in the Annex to this Convention, plus the age corresponding to thirty days. The resulting amount shall be made effective by the undertakings on the working day immediately preceding the start of the business, upon suspension or at the end of the contract in the case of discontinuous, temporary or temporary fixed workers, respectively.


Licenses and Exceeds

Article 19a.

In terms of licenses, excess and reconciliation of personal, family and professional life, the rules laid down in the Law on Equality, the Staff Regulations and other laws applicable to them shall apply. materials.

Article 20. Licenses.

The worker, upon written request, may be absent from work entitled to remuneration in the cases listed below and for the duration indicated:

(a) Eighteen calendar days in the case of marriage, although where the worker carries within the undertaking less than one year, he shall only enjoy the proportion in proportion to that period in respect of the difference between that established in the ET and the Present Convention

(b) Three calendar days in the event of the birth of a child or serious illness or death of a spouse, child, father or mother of one or other spouse, grandchildren, grandparents or siblings; if the worker has the need to move outside his/her residence, the time limit shall be increased for the time required for such displacement and with a maximum limit of four calendar days in total (permanence and displacement).

c) One day per move of the usual address.

d) For the time indispensable for the fulfilment of an inexcusable public and personal duty.

Absences to work for a visit to medical consultation of the Social Security, for the time employed in it, and prior permission of the Company, will have the character of justified faults, if they are duly accredited, but not of permits abonables.

e) To perform trade union or staff representation functions and, in the terms set out in the agreement provided that the timely call, the permission of the company and the subsequent justification of time are measured used.

The licences referred to in paragraph (b) shall be granted on the spot, without prejudice to their subsequent justification, on the same day as their return to work. The severity of the disease will be demonstrated with supporting evidence of hospitalization or the express opinion of a physician. A same serious illness will only entitle you to one permit per year.

The days of the licenses will always be natural and uninterrupted, always being the fact that motivates the permit within the days of the same.

These licenses will be paid with the salary of the oldest convention tables.

f) Women workers, who are breastfeeding a child under 9 months of age, will be entitled to an hour of absence from work, which may be divided into two fractions. The holder of the right, by his will, may substitute this right for a reduction of his half-hour with the same purpose. This permit may be enjoyed by one of the parents in case both work. Every eight working days can be accumulated on a full day of enjoyment. The duration of the permit will be increased proportionally in multiple birth cases.

Article 21. For studies.

Workers who are required to be present for examination, as a result of being registered in an Official Centre for the purpose of studying or pursuing a professional career, shall apply for permission from the undertaking to be granted by the time required and up to a maximum of 10 days per year. This permit will be paid with the most old-age salary convention, justifying in due form the assistance to the same and that in the ordinary or extraordinary convocation have been approved at least half of the subjects examinations.

Driver examinations or those which the worker must undergo for incorporation into a company other than the one in which he or she provides services are excluded from these licences.

Article 22. Unpaid leave

Staff who carry a minimum of two years ' service in a Company may apply for unpaid leave of no less than 15 days, no more than 60 days, and shall be granted within the following month, provided that the service needs and properly justify the reasons for your request.

During the duration of the license, the company will be able to extend the absence of the affected worker in Social Security.

No worker will be able to apply for a new license until two years after the last one was granted.

The company will grant unpaid licenses for driving exams, as long as it is out of the campaign.

Article 23. Age on licenses.

No effect shall be deducted from the time spent on the regulated licences in this chapter, except for employees who have applied for three or more unpaid leave or in total more than six months. In such cases, the time resulting from the addition of the different licences enjoyed should be deducted for all purposes.

Article 24. Excess.

Excesses can be voluntary or forced.

Voluntary. -They may apply for voluntary leave to workers of the companies referred to above with an age of at least one year.

The following are essential conditions for granting:

a) Written request with expression of the reasons.

(b) A formal undertaking that, during the time of leave, the worker is not to be engaged in the same business as the undertaking which has been granted it, neither on his own account nor on behalf of others, whose non-compliance will be the cause of extinction of the employment relationship, with loss of the right obtained.

Requests for excess will be resolved within the month following your submission, will be met within the service needs.

The time of excess shall not be less than four months and not more than five years.

The surplus worker retains the right to return to vacancies of the same or similar category as there would be or would be in the company, to which it must apply within the period between 30 and 30 years. Sixty calendar days prior to the termination of the surplus, otherwise, the absence of the employment relationship is waived.

Forced. -Forced leave will be granted to the worker in whom the following circumstances are present:

(a) Haber has been chosen for the performance of a public office, of a state nature, of nationality, regional, provincial or municipal, by means of legislative elections, for all or each of the areas of general character.

(b) When for these same charges he is appointed by virtue of official appointment, approved in the Council of Ministers or Competent Bodies of the State, nationality, region, province or municipality and published in the "Bolletins" Officers " concerned or through appropriate administrative resolution.

Workers who wish to exercise the right of leave of absence and who are covered by this paragraph must carry out the same procedures for voluntary leave.

Within the period from 30 to 60 calendar days prior to the end of the period of leave the worker must notify the company, in a feisty way, of his will to return well understood that not to do so in this way and within the time limit, it shall be understood that such a right is waived, thereby losing the benefit of reinstatement by termination of the employment relationship.

In all cases of excess contemplated and as long as they last until the surplus is not rejoined to the job, it shall not be entitled either to the salary or to the time elapsed in such a situation compute to no effect, unless otherwise stated by law.



Article 25. Remuneration.

The remuneration of the workers will be generally the same as the salary table annexed, giving the salary in proportion to the time worked.

Article 26. Age.

Employees with an indefinite full-time contract at the service of companies will be entitled to a maximum of ten triennial for seniority in the year 2013, nine trienes in 2014 and eight trienes from 2015. The amount of each three-year period shall be the amount shown in the general salary table.

This seniority supplement will be paid in the twelve natural endowments and for ninety days of extraordinary gratification provided the base salary is earned.

The discontinuous fixed will be paid for this supplement during the period of occupation and to compute a triennium must have provided uninterrupted services, even in different campaigns, for eighteen months. The second and successive trienes will be computed in the same way. Campaign workers who are perceiving the old age supplement in their former condition of fixed campaign workers will continue to perceive it.

Temporary contract workers and part-time contracts will have the same rights as fixed and discontinuous fixed workers on a proportional basis according to time worked

Article 27. Plus de nocturidad.

Staff working between 22 hours and 6 hours will be charged for each hour worked at this time a plus of the amount that for each category is set in the salary annex.

The Nocturnity Plus will maintain the amount of 2010 for the duration of the Convention, without any increase. "

It is excluded from the receipt of this plus the staff of nursery and surveillance who perform their function during the night or those hired expressly to work in night time.

Article 28. Overtime.

In view of the serious situation of existing unemployment and in order to promote employment, both parties agree on the desirability of reducing overtime in accordance with the following criteria:

a) The usual overtime will be deleted.

(b) The overtime required for the repair of claims or other extraordinary or urgent damages, as well as the cases of risks of loss of raw materials, delay in the supply of raw materials, the transport and completion of storage tasks, as well as the loading and unloading of perishable products, will be required.

(c) Extraordinary hours with their cause in orders or peak production periods, unforeseen absences, shift changes, maintenance work or other structural circumstances, shall be free of charge. the worker and shall not exceed eighty per year. Where possible, temporary or part-time procurement shall be sought, provided for in the general provisions.

The Management and the Business Committee shall ensure compliance with these rules.

The Company's Management will report monthly to the Enterprise Committee, Staff Delegates or Trade Union Delegates on the number of overtime hours, specifying the causes and, if applicable, the distribution by sections. Also, depending on this information and the above criteria, the company and the legal representatives of the workers will determine the nature and nature of the overtime.

Extraordinary hours (1.75 on the value of the ordinary hour) shall be paid with the values shown for each category in the corresponding Annex, unless the compensatory rest system of 1.75 hours is applied. ordinary for each extraordinary.

Extraordinary Hours will keep the 2010 amount for the duration of the Convention, without any increase.

Article 29. Campaign complement for the territory of Alicante.

1. The second provision of the National Collective Convention for 1992 maintained the abolition of the "campaign supplement", because it was incorporated in the salary of workers, except in the territory of the province of Alicante, where the have been able to incorporate in their entirety the base salary of the campaign staff, paid for the days effectively worked, during the campaign period that starts on September 10 and ends on December 10, adjusting to the custom of the place and the production.

2. The so-called 'campaign supplement' was only entitled to be received by those workers in the province of Alicante, who together with such a condition, were providing services in companies located in that territory prior to the abolition by the Collective Agreement.

However, the reality has been that many companies have extended this right to receive the "campaign supplement" under the conditions set out above, to campaign workers who have acquired such a condition with after the deletion by convention.

3. Therefore, in order to regulate and normalize this situation, it is agreed:

3.1 The campaign workers who in the territory of the province of Alicante, had such a condition and were perceiving the "campaign complement" in 2002, are recognized, individually, as a more beneficial in a personal capacity, to continue to perceive the "campaign complement", for the days effectively worked, from September 10 to December 10, according to the custom of the place and the necessities of production, in the daily amount figure in the appending table.

3.2 All other workers (fixed, discontinuous fixed, seasonal or campaign), of the province of Alicante, who initiate the provision of their services or who acquire such a condition, from 1 January 2003, will not have the right to receive the "campaign supplement", being the same deleted and incorporated into the salary.

3.3 This supplement will not be compensable or absorbable and will have the same annual percentage increases as the one in the Collective Agreement salary

Article 30. Extraordinary pagas.

1. Extra pay from June. The workers will pay in proportion to the time worked, between 1 January and 30 June, an extra pay which will be paid in the second half of June, consisting of the amount of one month or 30 days of base salary, according to for each category and territory in the salary annexes, plus the age corresponding to thirty days.

2. Extra pay for December. Workers shall bear in proportion to the working time between 1 July and 31 December an extra pay which shall be paid in the second half of December, before the 22nd day, consisting of the amount of one month or 30 days of base salary, as established for each category and territory in the salary annexes plus the age corresponding to thirty days.

3. Extra Benefits Pay. The workers shall bear in proportion to the time worked between 1 January and 31 December, an extra pay to be paid in two fractions, the first in March and the second in September of the following financial year, consisting of the amount of one month or thirty days of base salary, as established for each category and territory in the salary annexes, plus the age corresponding to thirty days.


Fouls and Sanctions

Article 31. Fouls.

The actions or omissions that assume the failure or ignorance of the duties of any kind imposed by the legal provisions in force, and in particular by this Convention, are considered to be faults.

Also, violations of any rules or provisions dictated in particular by each company, within its peculiar characteristics, shall be considered to be faults.

The faults will be classified, in consideration of their importance, transcendence and malice, in light, serious and very serious.

Article 32. Minor fault classification.

The following are considered minor faults:

1. From one to three faults of punctuality, for a period of thirty calendar days, without justified cause.

2. Do not notify in the first 24 hours the corresponding low temporary incapacity for work or the reason when the work is missing for justified reasons, unless it is proved impossible to do so.

3. The abandonment of work without cause is justified for a short time.

4. The incidental lack of grooming or personal cleansing.

5. Discuss foreign issues at work.

Article 33. Serious fault classification.

The following are serious faults:

1. From four to six non-justified faults of punctuality in a period of thirty calendar days.

2. One or two days ' faults to work, without justification, within a period of 30 calendar days.

3. Do not communicate with punctuality due to changes in the family that may affect the benefits of Social Security.

4. Simulate the presence of another worker using their signature, tab, or control card.

5. Do not meet the quality standards that have been set on the job to be performed.

6. Recklessness in the event of a service involving a serious risk of accident or damage to the premises. It may be considered a very serious lack of malice.

7. Perform without the appropriate permission particular jobs in the work or Workshops as well as use for own uses of the company tools, both inside and outside the work premises.

8. Smoking and eating at the workplace as well as not complying with the specific safety and hygiene standards in food activity (caps, gloves, ...).

9. The concealment of facts or faults that the worker has witnessed, provided that it causes serious harm, as well as not immediately warn his bosses of any anomaly of importance that he observes in the premises.

Article 34. Classification of very serious faults.

The following are very serious faults:

1. Indiscipline or disobedience at work.

2. Not to voluntarily and repeatedly cover the average yields. For these purposes, it will be considered average performance in each job, which at every moment and continuously will be obtained, on average monthly the worker, group of workers or team who perform the same or similar work in each section of the department, individually considering all those who integrate it.

3. Leave with packages or job wrappers, refusing to account for the content or checking of the contents when requested by the staff in charge of this mission.

4. Neglect of importance in the preservation of materials and machines when such carelessness leads to danger for colleagues or injury to the company.

5. More than six non-justified punctuality in a period of 30 calendar days; more than fifteen non-justified punctuality in a period of 180 calendar days, and more than 20 unjustifiable faults in a period of time. year.

6. To be absent from work three days without justified cause for a period of thirty days, or two days immediately before or after a public holiday, or on a public holiday with an obligation to work.

7. The transgression of good contractual faith, as well as the abuse of trust in job performance.

8. Make it disappear, disable, destroy or intentionally cause damage in raw materials, elaborate pieces, works, tools, tools, machines, appliances, installations, buildings, beings, company departments, etc.

9. The continued and usual lack of grooming and cleaning.

10. Habitual drunkenness and drug addiction, if it has a negative impact on work.

11. Do not save the professional stealth.

12. Engage in activities that involve competition to the company.

13. Verbal or physical offences to the employer or to persons working in the company or to family members who live with them.

14. The abuse of authority by the superiors.

15. Moral harassment, understanding as such the practice of work consisting of repetitive and degrading acts and behaviors carried out against the worker by his superiors, companions, or some and others, and that attack the dignity, physical or moral health of the person of the affected person.

16. Sexual harassment, understanding as such any verbal or physical behavior, of a sexual nature, that has the purpose or produces the effect of attacking the dignity of a person, in particular when creating an intimidating environment, demeaning or offensive, developed in the field of organisation and management of an undertaking, or in relation to or as a result of a working relationship. If such conduct or behaviour is carried out by way of a hierarchical position, it shall constitute an aggravating circumstance.

Article 35. Penalties.

The penalties to be imposed in each case, for the faults committed, will be as follows:

1. For minor fouls:

a) Verbal assembly.

b) A written statement.

c) Suspension of employment and one day's salary.

2. For serious faults:

a) Suspension of employment and salary up to 15 days.

b) Disablement by no longer than 3 years for promotion to higher category.

3. For very serious faults:

(a) Suspension of employment and salary of up to two months.

(b) Disabling for a period of not more than 5 years for promotion to a higher category.

c) Despid.

Article 36. Enforcement of sanctions.

All the penalties imposed will be enforceable since they are issued, without prejudice to the right to claim before the Labor Jurisdiction within 20 working days of the date the sanction is notified to you.

Article 37. Procedure.

It corresponds to the company's address or person to whom it delegates, the power to award prizes or impose sanctions. The employer shall inform the Enterprise Committee or Staff Delegates, if any, of serious or very serious misconduct.

It will not be necessary to instruct the case in cases of minor faults. The examination of cases for the imposition of penalties for serious or very serious misconduct will not be necessary either. In any event, the notification of the same shall be made in writing, detailing the fact that it is the fault and the nature of the sanction imposed, except in the verbal admonition.

If, in order to clarify the facts, the company decides to open the case for the imposition of sanctions, the person concerned shall have the right to formulate a statement of discharge and to carry out the tests which he proposes and which are obtained, in the case of the instructor, it must be concluded no later than one month from the opening of the proceedings.

Article 38. Prescription.

With regard to the workers, the minor faults will be prescribed at ten days; the serious ones in the twenty days and the very serious ones, at the sixty days, from the date on which the company became aware of its commission, and, in any case, the six months of the mission.

Article 39. Penalties for workers ' representatives.

For the imposition of penalties on workers who have union positions or representation of workers, they will be subject to the provisions of the legislation in force.


Multiple Provisions

Article 40. Work clothes.

The company will provide its workers with the following items of work, the duration of which will be the following: two pants, two sheets and two caps each year; two mandims and two cloths every six months, as well as the appropriate footwear in your case for the production staff. These garments may not be used for work outside the company.

Article 41. Add-ons.

Workers will receive from the company the following add-ons:

1. In cases of common sickness, with a duration of more than 20 days, starting from day 23 and up to the maximum of 24 weeks from the low, the company shall pay the sick worker a supplement for each day of a 20% reduction in the the base salary plus the age that corresponds, according to the tables of this Convention.

2. Where the incapacity arises from an accident at work and is more than eight days from the ninth day and up to a maximum of six months from the date of absence, the undertaking shall pay the injured worker a supplement for each day of leave of absence of 20 per 100 of the the base salary plus the age that corresponds, according to the tables of this Convention.

3. An undertaking may cease to pay the allowances provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, provided that the worker refuses to be subject to review by the doctor designated by the undertaking or is not found at his home, with independence from the responsibility that you may deduct.

4. The duration of the benefits provided for in the preceding paragraphs in the case of field workers or eventual workers shall be limited to the duration of their contract.

Article 42. Life collective insurance.

The companies affected by this Convention will contract a Collective Insurance for all workers who are governed by the same one that will cover the amount of 23,000 € from 1 January 2009 for the following contingencies: death resulting from an accident at work, death by road accident and permanent or total permanent invalidity resulting from an accident at work or in circulation.

In the case of casual workers, discontinuous fixed or previously qualified as a campaign, companies will have the time to contract the insurance policy up to 15 days after the incorporation of the worker to his or her job and its duration shall be that of the work or contract of employment, that is to say exclusively the length of the worker's stay.

Article 43. Economic promotion.

In accordance with Article 25 of the Workers ' Statute, the following economic promotion scheme is agreed:

The worker whose age is between the age of 60 and up to the age of 64, who voluntarily ceases at the Company, shall be entitled to a loyalty allowance, in accordance with the following scale:

Staff more than fifteen years old: at 60 years old: 1,162,83 euros, at 61 years, 930.24 euros, at 62 years, 620,15 euros, at 63 years 542.65 euros and at 64 years, 387.60 euros.

Staff less than fifteen years old: at 60 years old, 697.69 euros, at 61 years, 542.65 euros, at 62 years, 387.89 euros at 63 years, 271.31 euros and at 64 years, 193.80 euros

Staff who have the condition of a fixed campaign and who apply for early retirement and in accordance with the age of the company will be entitled to the following economic awards.

Staff with more than 20 uninterrupted campaigns; at 60 years 697.69 euros, at 61 years, 542.65 euros, at 62 years, 387.89 euros at 63 years, 271.31 euros and at 64 years, 193.80 euros

Staff with less than 20 campaigns; at 60 years, 387.60 euros, at 61 years, 294.59 euros, at 62 years, 193.80 euros, at 63 years, 147.29 euros and at 64 years, 108.52 euros.

Article 44. Accumulation of trade union hours.

The trade union schedule credit, established in law, may be accumulated in annual computation in favor of one or more legal representatives of the workers and trade union delegates members of the same trade union, be it in the the scope of the centre or the undertaking, after communication to the address of the company.

Additional disposition first.

Likewise, discontinuous fixed staff will be given preference to fill the vacancies of the fixed staff of staff to be covered by the companies.

Additional provision second. Union quota.

At the request of workers affiliated with the Central Trade Unions, the companies will discount the amount of the corresponding union fee on the monthly workers ' payroll.

The worker interested in carrying out such an operation will forward to the Company's Directorate, a letter, in which the discount order, the Central Trade Union to which it belongs, the amount of the quota, will be clearly expressed, as the current account number or savings book, to which the corresponding amount must be transferred.

Companies shall carry out the above, unless otherwise indicated, by the person concerned.

The Company's Management will submit a copy of the transfer to the union representation in the company, if any.

Additional provision third. Adherence to the ASAC.

The parties to this Collective Agreement agree to join in their entirety and without any conditions attached to the V Agreement on the Autonomous Solution of Labor Conflicts (extra-judicial system) or the rule that replaces it. as, where appropriate, to the implementing regulation, thus linking all the workers and enterprises included in the territorial and functional areas they represent.

Additional provision fourth. Application by the companies of the working conditions in the Collective Agreement.

When the causes provided for in Art. 82.3 of the Staff Regulations are met, undertakings may not apply the working conditions laid down in the Collective Agreement which affect the specific subjects indicated in the the cited article.

1. Paperwork for the inapplication:

A. Prior to the application, the Company shall:

a. Develop a period of consultation in the terms set out in the art. 41.4 of the Staff Regulations.

b. In the absence of legal representation of employees in the undertaking, they may attribute their representation to a Commission designated in accordance with the provisions of Article 1. 41.4 of the Staff Regulations.

c. The Company must also inform the Joint Committee of the Convention of its intention to inapply it, specifying the matters it intends to apply, the reasons for the reasons and the duration of the measures it proposes that may not be extended further. the time at which a new agreement is applicable in that undertaking.

B. From the result of the query period:

a. When the query period ends with agreement: The item will be in the art. 82. 3 paragraph 6 of the Staff Regulations.

In the act of agreement, it must be necessary to record, with accuracy the new conditions applicable to the Company and its duration which may not be extended beyond the time when a new one is applicable convention in that company.

b. Where the period of consultations is terminated without agreement: the parties shall submit the discrepancies to the Joint Committee provided for in Article 8 of the Convention, which shall have a maximum of 7 days in which to decide, to be counted since the discrepancy has been raised.

Supplementary provision first. Wage increases.

Year 2015. The salary tables of this Convention, which are in force at the current date (31-12-2014), will be increased by 0.75% with effect from 1 January 2015, taking the final status, as set out in the relevant Annex.

Also, as of January 1, 2015, professional levels belonging to the Professional Group of finishing, packaging and packaging staff will have the same salary agreement as their respective professional levels. belonging to the Professional Group of the production staff.

Second Supplementary Provision. Joint Commission for the Prevention of Occupational Risks.

The signatories will constitute a Joint Commission for the Prevention of Occupational Risks, which will assume functions to study the adequacy of the current regulations on the prevention of occupational risks to the specialties of the sector and if necessary incorporate them into the text of the convention.

Additional provision third. Joint Commission for Equal Opportunities and Nondiscrimination.

The signatory parties will constitute a Joint Commission for Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination, setting out the content of their work, as well as the internal rules of operation and the timing of meetings.

Supplementary provisions for Alicante

In order to respect certain conditions in the territory of Alicante, the parties agree to maintain the following exceptional title and for Alicante:

1. Illness or accident at work.

In case of sickness or accident of work, the company will pay from the first day of absence in each specific case the necessary complement to the economic perception of the general regime of the Social or Accident Insurance the worker receives the total of his/her actual salary.

The duration of the benefits referred to in the preceding paragraph in the case of campaign workers or eventual workers shall be limited to the duration of their contract.

2. Continuous day.

For all the staff of the companies of Alicante, the continuous day will begin on March 1 and will end on August 31, without prejudice to the fact that this day can be modified by pact between the companies and workers by administrative authority.

The most beneficial conditions for Alicante workers to enjoy in the field of working time will be respected.

3. Licenses.

The following additional conditions are maintained in Alicante:

(a) The license granted in the event of the death of parents, political parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, spouse and siblings, shall be extended up to five days in the event of displacement, the worker being justified.

b) The license granted in case of serious illness of parents, grandparents, children and spouses will be extended up to five days in the case of having to make some displacement.

(c) A natural day of leave shall be granted in the case of marriage of children, siblings, grandchildren and political brothers.

(d) A license shall be granted for the time required in the case of assistance in consultation with the health care provider of Social Security or Particular, with the consequent justification in each case.


Professional Classification

1. Professional classification.-The personnel serving in the company will be classified taking into account the functions they perform in the following groups, and which will be defined in Annexes I and II.

I. Managers.

II. Technicians.

III. Administrative.

IV. Mercantiles.

V. Subs.

VI. Production staff and ancillary services.

VII. Finishing, packaging and packaging personnel.

2. Definition of professional categories.

I. Managers:

Single level. Area Manager: This is who is direct orders from the CEO, runs the address functions of one of the three areas in the enterprise.

II. Technicians:

Level I. Technical higher grade: is the one who holds the academic title, performs the specific functions of his or her degree, under the direct orders of a manager.

Level II. Middle grade technician: is the one who holds the academic title, performs the specific functions of his or her degree, under the orders of a manager.

General Manager: It is the one who, under the immediate orders of the corresponding manager, coordinates and controls the different sections, developing the corresponding plans, programs and activities, ordering the execution of the jobs.

First organization technician: It is the one who, under the immediate orders of the corresponding manager, performs timekeeping and studies of times of all kinds, study of improvements of methods with saturation of equipment of any number of operators and economic estimates, standards and average difficulty working rates.

First Data Processing Technician: It is who, under the orders of the corresponding manager, studies the complex processes defined by the analysts, drawing up detailed treatment plans, writing programs in the Programming language that is indicated to you, makes test games, puts programs to the point and completes the loading notebooks of the same.

Level III. Second organization technician: It is who, under the immediate orders of the corresponding manager, performs auxiliary work corresponding to timekeeping and time studies of all kinds.

Second Data Processing Technician: It is who, under the orders of the corresponding manager, studies the realization of processes in basic machines, creating the panels or cards drilled to program the aforementioned machines basic, as well as the central and peripheral manipulation of an electrical computer to achieve its proper exploration.

Level IV. Teacher: It is the one who proceeding from inferior categories, possesses the technical knowledge of manufacturing in their respective phases, having for mission to know and interpret the formulas and analysis of products, to facilitate the data of the costs of work, raw materials, advances and budgets, specifying in detail the production cycles. He must possess his own initiative and artistic sense, if any, for the good presentation of the articles he produces, deep knowledge of the machines employed, being responsible to the company of any anomaly, both in the machinery and in the production.

Head of Section: It is who with accredited technical and practical knowledge, directs the work of the section managers and officers, following instructions from their immediate superior, and is responsible for the way they are order the one and his discipline.

Head of Workshop: It is who under the immediate orders of the corresponding manager, leads by delegation to the address of the workshop, and knows how to execute, to propose and to prepare all the works that in it are carried out.

Level V. Part-loaded: It is who with accredited technical and practical knowledge, directs the work of the officers following instructions from their immediate superior and is responsible for the way to order that and their discipline.

III. Administrative:

Level I. Head of Administration: It is the employee who, at the orders of the person who directs the administrative march of the company, operates with autonomy within the task assigned to the department or section that governs the work of the personnel to serve on the same.

Level II. First administrative officer. It is the employee with a specific service in charge who, with initiative and restricted responsibility, with or without other employees to his or her orders, executes any of the following works, functions of collection and payment, depending directly on a head of administration, developing its work as an assistant or assistant of the latter without having any firm or bail, invoices and calculation of the same, provided that it is responsible for this mission, calculation of statistics, transcription in current account books, daily, major, drafting of correspondence with own initiative, liquidations and calculation of payroll, salaries and similar operations. Included in this category are taquimecanographs with some foreign language.

Level III. Administrative officer of the second: It is the employee with restricted initiative and with subordination to a chief or officer of first, if any, that carries out auxiliary operations of accounting and interveners of the same, organization of files and files, correspondence without initiative and other similar work. This category includes taquimecanographs without any foreign language.

Level IV. Administrative Auxiliary: It is the employee over the age of 18 years who without own initiative is dedicated within the office to administrative elementary operations and, in general, to the purely mechanical inherent to the work in those. In this category, telephone calls and typists are integrated.

Level V. Aspirants: It is who with age from income up to 18 years of age, works at the time that is instructed in peculiar administrative office functions.

IV. Mercantiles:

Level I. Head of Sales: It is who is at the head of the company's central sales section, and at the immediate orders of the corresponding manager, guides and gives unity to the work of all the integrated personnel in his/her section.

Level II. Head of Sales: It is the one who has the main functions, to program the routes of the travelers and the salesperson, to inspect the markets, to visit the deposits, if any, and to travel personally the routes when ordered or considered necessary, controlling the work of the agents in charge.

Level III. Traveler: It is the company's exclusive service to travel on a premeditated route to offer the products, display the sample, take note of orders, report on them and take care of them.

V. Subs:

Level I. Store: It is who is in charge of dispatching orders in warehouses, receiving the goods and distributing them on the shelves, recording in the material books the movement that has occurred during the day.

Level II. Doorman or vigilante: It is who according to the instructions received from his superiors, takes care of the access to the company, performing custody and surveillance functions.

Level III. Cleaning staff: It is who in the company's service is dedicated to cleaning the premises of manufacturing, warehouse, offices and services, etc.

Level IV. Warehouse Mozo; It is the worker over the age of 18 who is responsible for manual or mechanical work in storage, and helps to measure, weigh and transfer the goods.

VI. Production staff:

Level I. First Officer: It is the one who has performed the learning with due perfection and proper performance, executes with initiative and responsibility, all or some of its own tasks, with productivity and correct results, knowing the machines, tools and tools that you have in charge to take care of your normal efficiency, grease and conservation, putting in knowledge of your superiors any malfunction that you observe and that can decrease the production. The following posts are applied to this category:

a) Calderero, with carnet from the Head of Industry.

b) Tostador, responsible for the roasting section.

c) Melero, responsible for the honey section.

d) Boixets arrematador.

e) Fruit or glaser cover.

f) Horner.

g) Grageous pump manipulator

h) Mazabreads, yolks, etc.

Level II. Second Officer: They will integrate this category who, without reaching the required perfection for the first officers, execute the tasks before defined with sufficient correction and effectiveness. The following posts are applied to this category:

a) Calderero, without carnet from the Head of Industry.

b) Hard turron cutter.

c) Mazapan cutter.

d) Soft turron cutter.

e) Hard Turron Pesator.

f) Soft Turron Pesator.

g) Moller, refiner, and turmix.

h) Yema turron tostador.

i) Escalder, peeler.

j) Mixer.

Level III. Assistant: It is who helps in carrying out the tasks entrusted to the first and second officers, being able to supply them in case of absence, as long as their employment situation in the category lasts. To this category, the job posts of helpers, as their own name indicates, of those defined for the trades of the second are applied.

Auxiliary trades staff:

Level I. First Officer: It is who possessing one of the classical trades, practices and applies with such a degree of perfection, which not only allows him to carry out general works of the same, but performs others that assume special pawn and delicacy. This category will have the following jobs:

a) Truck drivers.

b) Specialist Cargos.

c) Specialist mechanics.

d) Specialist electricians.

e) Specialist printers.

f) Specialist Albans.

Level II. Second Officer: It is the one who, without reaching the required specialization of a first officer, executes the corresponding to a certain trade with sufficient correction and effectiveness. The following posts apply to this category:

a) Truck drivers.

b) Forklift drivers.

c) Cargos.

d) Albanese.

e) Electricians.

f) Mechanics.

g) Printers.

Level III. Assistants: It is who helps in carrying out the tasks entrusted to the first and second officers, being able to supply them in case of absence as long as their employment situation lasts in the category, and provided that the work to do not require the authorization of any given official permission. To this category, the positions of helpers are applied as indicated by their own name, of those defined for officers of the second.

Level IV. Pawn: It is the 18-year-old worker who is responsible for carrying out tasks for which, predominantly, the contribution of physical effort is required.

VII. Finishing, packaging and packaging personnel:

Level I. First Officer: It is the one who has performed the learning in due perfection and proper performance, executes with initiative and responsibility, all or some of the tasks own it, with productivity and correct results, knowing the machines, tools and tools that you have in your care to take care of your normal efficiency, grease and conservation, putting in knowledge of your superiors, any unperfect that you observe and that can decrease the production. The following posts are applied to this category:

a) Machinists of wrapping, bagging and staining turron, in all their types.

b) Machinists of making grajed packages and others.

c) Conformers and pastels, loaves of Cadiz and figurines.

d) Envassator.

e) A batch confection of all types.

f) Frame Torts Conformer.

g) Envolver, bagging, and manual turrums stancher of all kinds.

h) Envolvedor, bagging and manual stancher of cakes, fruits and figurines.

Level II. Second Officer: It is the person who performs the same tasks assigned to the first officer with a performance or degree of specialization less than this, and the cleaning of goods, utensils and packaging destined for production. The following job positions correspond to this category:

a) Machinists of wrapping, bagging and staining turron, in all their types.

b) Machinists of making grajed packages and others.

c) Conformers and pastels, loaves of Cadiz and figurines.

d) Envassator.

e) A batch confection of all types.

f) Frame Torts Conformer.

g) Envolver, bagging, and manual turrums stancher of all kinds.

h) Envolvedor, bagging and manual stancher of cakes, fruits and figurines.

i) Manual pick of almonds, grageas, pinions, hazelnuts, etc.

j) Polvorone conformer, filled almonds, etc.

Level III. Assistant: It is who helps in carrying out the tasks entrusted to the first and second officers, being able to supply them in cases of emergency, as long as their employment situation in this category lasts. The following jobs are applied to this category:

a) Embins.

b) Boxer of all types.

c) Cash pill wrapper.

(d) Chargers and vacuum-and vacuum-bag machines.

e) Chargers and evacuators of turron stuchar machines.

f) Other similar jobs.

Level IV. Apprentices: It is the person who, with age from his income up to the age of 18, works at the same time as he/she is trained in peculiar functions of production, auxiliary or packaging trades, finishing and packaging.







Practices Contracts

Training Contracts










untitled technicians



Master or Head workshop




Lab Auxiliary










first and second


Organization Auxiliary


of Data




Chief Exp. Prog. Computer











administrative chief


Official administrative


Administrative Auxiliary






Propaganda or advertising promoter


with self-selling






























Conserje, collector-basculer, juror, pesator, watchkeeper, ordinance and doorman


Mozo Warehouse


Note. Workers engaged in practices shall receive their remuneration in accordance with Article of this Collective Agreement, without in any event their remuneration during the first and second year of the term of the contract. (60 and 80%, respectively, of the salary set in this Convention for a worker who performs the same or equivalent job), may be less than the minimum interprofessional salary in force at any time.

Final Table 2015

Administrative Chief 2.

S. Base Monthly



Annual Salary



Triennium Antiquity



Plus noct.



Extra Hours



Technicians Titled:

Top Grade

1.304, 88










Technical Assistant






-Titled Technicians:



16.016, 25






Table_table_izq" > 14.918, 10










Lab Auxiliary






Technical Office:

of 1. and 2.


16.016, 25





15.129, 75




Organization Auxiliary






Technical Data Processes:

Chief Data Processing







16.016, 25




Chief Exp. Prog. Computer



















1.008, 65







Administrative Chief 1.

1.186, 30










Administrative Officer 1






Officer 2



















Sales Manager






Sales Inspector


16.462, 80




Prop or Advertising Promoter








860.36 Table_table_izq" > 12.905, 40









Corridor square






Concierge, Collection-Basculer, Juror, Pesator, Watchkeeper, Ordinance, and Porter

S. Base daily



Annual Salary



Antig. triennium



Plus noct.



Extra Hours






13.545, 35






Centro_table_body " > 13.108.55








Centro_table_body "> 1.06


Finished, Packaging, and Packaging:



13.545, 35












Centro_table_body " > 12.858, 30




Personal Trades:


















Personal cleaning






















