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Resolution Of 8 April 2016, The Directorate General Of Employment, By Which Records And Publishes The Eighth National Collective Agreement For Industries Pasta (2014-2016).

Original Language Title: Resolución de 8 de abril de 2016, de la Dirección General de Empleo, por la que se registra y publica el VIII Convenio colectivo nacional para las industrias de pastas alimenticias (2014-2016).

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Having regard to the text of the VIII national collective agreement for the food pulp industries (2014-2016) (Convention code number 99003945011981), which was signed dated 22 December 2015, by the Association Spanish de Makers de Pastas Alimentaria, representing companies in the sector, and, of the other, the Federation of Industry and Agricultural Workers of UGT (UGT-FITAG) and the Agro-Food Federation of CC.OO. (FEAGRA-CC.OO.), representing workers, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Status of Workers, Recast Text adopted by Royal Decree-Law 2/2015 of 23 October (BOE) of 24), and Royal Decree 713/2010 of 28 May on the registration and deposit of collective labour agreements and agreements,

This Employment General Address resolves:


Order the registration of the aforementioned collective agreement in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this Steering Center, with notification to the Negotiating Commission.


Arrange your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, April 8, 2016. -Director General of Employment, Xavier Jean Braulio Thibault Aranda.



General provisions

Article 1. Territorial scope.

This collective agreement shall affect undertakings whose principal activity is the manufacture, storage and/or marketing of pasta and shall be applicable throughout the national territory.

Article 2. Personal scope.

shall be covered by this Convention, all workers of those undertakings, with the sole exception of the staff defined in Article 2.1.a) of the Staff Regulations.

Article 3. Temporary scope.

This collective agreement lasts for three (3) years. It shall enter into force on 1 January 2014, irrespective of the date of its publication in the 'Official Gazette of the State' and in accordance with the covenants of dates 24 November 2014 and 11 December 2014 ('BOE ' of 12 January 2015). It shall conclude its effects, except for extension, on 31 December 2016. Keeping all of its content in force as long as it is not replaced by another collective agreement.

Article 4. Effects.

This Convention and its Annexes oblige, as a law between the parties, their signatories and the natural or legal persons on whose behalf the contract is concluded, to prevail against any other rule other than the law required.

The agreed conditions form an indivisible whole, so that the application of one or more of its rules cannot be intended, with the rest of the rest, but that all the effects must be applied and observed in its entirety.

The conditions agreed in individual contracts formalised between undertakings and employees in force at the date of entry into force of this Convention shall be respected and which, on a global basis, exceed the same as a whole and annual computation.

Individual work contracts concluded from the publication of this Convention may not contain provisions contrary to it.

Without prejudice to its entry into force, this Convention shall initiate its economic effects, for those undertakings which have not agreed to the salary discount, on 1 January 2015. Except for the work plus on Saturdays and Sundays which is revised upwards with effect from 1 January 2016. As for 2014, the wage freeze agreed on dates 24 November 2014 and 11 December 2014 ("BOE" of 12 January 2015) will be in place.

Article 5. Complaint.

5.1 Form and conditions of denunciation of the Convention. This Convention shall be extended for periods of one year, provided that it does not measure the timely denunciation, with a minimum of one month in advance. The representation making the complaint shall communicate it to the other party, expressing in detail in the communication, which shall be in writing, the legitimization it holds, the areas of the convention and the subjects under negotiation. The communication must be carried out simultaneously with the act of the complaint. From this communication, a copy, for the purposes of registration, shall be sent to the corresponding labour authority.

5.2 Maximum time for the start of trading. Once the Convention has been denounced, within a maximum of one month from the date of the communication, the special negotiating body shall be set up. The receiving party of the communication must respond to the proposal for negotiation and both parties will establish a timetable or negotiation plan, and it must start within a maximum of fifteen days after the constitution of the commission. negotiation.

5.3 Maximum time for negotiation. The maximum period for negotiation shall be determined on the basis of the duration of the validity of the previous agreement. This period shall be 12 months when the validity of the previous year has been two or more years, from the date of the end of the previous agreement.

Exhausted the maximum period for negotiation, the parties will be able to voluntarily adhere to the procedures of the Interconfederal Mediation and Arbitration Service (SIMA), in order to effectively solve the existing discrepancies. after the end of the maximum negotiation period without reaching an agreement.

Article 6. Compensation and absorption.

Operate compensation and absorption when wages actually paid, as a whole and annual computation, are more favourable to workers than those set out in this Convention.

The amounts received under collective agreements of undertakings, and ad personam, shall be excluded from the compensation and absorption referred to above, unless otherwise agreed or otherwise agreed.


Organization of the job

Article 7. Declarations of principles.

7.1 The practical organisation of work, subject to the current legislation, is the right of the company's management.

7.2 The rights of information and participation of workers ' legal representatives are recognized in accordance with applicable regulations at any time.

7.3 Companies in this sector, with the aim of promoting equal opportunities in employment, are committed to promoting the recruitment of women, promoting selection and promotion on equal terms and conditions, with the aim of achieving greater social balance. To this end, companies, together with the legal representatives of workers, will be able to draw up plans for gender equality.

Article 8. Geographical mobility.

Transfer of the final change in the place of supply of the services that leads to a change of address is understood.

Transfers of personnel involving change of household address for the affected person may be carried out:

1. At the request of the interested party, written in writing.

2. By agreement between the company and the worker.

3. By decision of the address of the company in the case of service needs.

1. Where the transfer is made at the request of the person concerned, upon acceptance of the management of the undertaking, the person concerned shall be entitled to compensation for the costs incurred by the change.

2. Where the transfer is carried out by mutual agreement between the management of the undertaking and the worker, the conditions agreed in writing between the two parties shall be met.

3. The rest of the transfers shall be in accordance with Article 40 of the Law on the Workers ' Statute, except for the compensation corresponding to the worker's case of opting for the termination of the contract and which is fixed, in place of the provided for in that Article, in the amount equivalent to thirty (30) days of salary per year worked with a maximum limit of twenty one (21) monthly payments.

Performed the transfer, the worker will be guaranteed all the economic rights that he has acquired. In terms of schedules and distribution of the day will be the center of destination.

In terms of compensation of expenses, the worker shall, on the basis of justification, receive the following costs: the transport costs necessary to move both the person concerned and the family members and the person living with him or her rely on the transport of furniture, clothing, goods, etc.

Article 9. Functional mobility.

The provisions of Article 39 of the Law of the Workers ' Statute will be in place. However, if, as a result of the application of functional mobility, higher tasks are carried out for a period of five (5) consecutive months in a year or eight (8) discontinuous in two (2) years the worker will consolidate the remuneration of the post concerned, except in the case of an interim cover for the job of another employee of the staff absent and entitled to a job, due to leave of absence, maternity and temporary incapacity.

The change to lower-level functions will be performed for the required time, and in any case it may not exceed two months, and must be communicated to the business committee or staff delegates.

Article 10. Effects of the faculty of management.

In the case of substantial modifications of the working conditions, the provisions of the article will be in place. 41 of the Workers ' Statute. except for the compensation corresponding to the worker's case of opting for the termination of the contract and which is fixed, in replacement of that provided for in that Article, in the amount equivalent to 25 (25) days of salary per year worked with a maximum limit of fourteen (14) monthly.


Hiring, Excesses, and Staff Cesses

Section 1. Contracting

Article 11. Modalities of procurement.

The contracts of an indefinite nature will be the usual way of hiring in the company, in those jobs that correspond to the usual and stable activity of the company. In the event that the worker's income is made by an indefinite contract, the probationary period shall be six (6) months.

Companies will go as far as possible to the formulas that, at any given moment, are foreseen in the legislation for the promotion of indefinite contracting with the forecasts established there.

Article 12. Part-time contract.

The provisions of Article 12 of the Workers ' Statute will be in place.

A bag of complementary hours is agreed in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of the Workers ' Statute, with a maximum of 30 per 100 (30%) of the ordinary day without, in any case, added to the (iii) the use of the additional hours, where possible, shall be prevented, at least, with forty-eight (48) hours in advance.

Article 13. Stipulations on certain modes of procurement.

All matters relating to the types of contracts, duration, suspension and termination of contracts shall be governed by the provisions of the legislation in force at any time, with the following particularities:

A) Training Contracts:

a) Practices work contract:

May be held for all categories included in the professional groups, as reflected in Annex I.

The duration of this contract may not be less than six (6) months or exceed two (2) years. If the contract has been concluded for a period of less than two (2) years, the parties may agree to extend the contract, not being the duration of each of the two (6) months or exceed the total duration of the contract for the two (2) years.

The remuneration of the worker will be ninety per cent (90%) and ninety-five (95%) during the first and second year of the term of the contract, respectively, of the salary set in this agreement for a worker who performs the same or equivalent job.

b) Contract for training:

May be held for all categories included in the professional groups, as reflected in Annex I.

" The minimum duration of this contract will be six (6) months and the maximum duration of two (2) years. If the contract has been concluded for a duration less than the legal or conventionally established maximum, it may be extended by agreement of the parties, up to twice, without the duration of each extension being less than six months and without the total duration of the contract exceeding that maximum duration. '

The remuneration of the worker will be ninety per cent (90%) and ninety-five (95%) during the first or second year of the term of the contract, respectively, of the salary set in this agreement for a worker who performs the trade or job object of the contract, in proportion to the effective working time.

B) Fixed duration contracts:

The parties to this Convention agree that the use of temporary employment, as well as temporary employment, is not the right solution for the necessary stability of employment in the European Union. sector, vocational training of workers and improvement in the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises.

So agree:

a) Contract for the realization of a given work or service:

Contracts of this nature may be arranged when the worker is to perform any of the jobs or tasks that are subsequently determined.

Construction, expansion, rehabilitation and repair of works in general.

Mount and start up:

Machinery and equipment.

Transport items.

Activities related to organizational, industrial, commercial, administrative, and service processes, such as:

Research and development.

New product or service to completion.

Market studies and surveys.


Implementation, modification or replacement of computer, accounting, administrative and personnel management and human resources systems.

b) eventual contract due to market circumstances, accumulation of tasks or excess orders.

The use of this type of contract must be of a causal nature, with the definition of criteria and conditions for its eventual use.

In this sense, during the duration of this collective agreement, current temporary contracts will be adapted to the following conditions of exception:

1. Cover low I.T. derivatives

2. For absences.

3. Jobs which, due to their special qualifications, cannot be covered by staff, in this case they would cover their own trades (electricians, mechanics, etc.).

4. The execution of unforeseen orders for not contemplated within the productive plans of the companies, or by accumulation of tasks.

5. Promotions. The maximum duration of these contracts shall be twelve (12) months, within a period of eighteen (18) months, from the time of such causes. If they are designed for less than twelve (12) months they may be extended by agreement of the parties, but without exceeding the sum of the contracted periods, the twelve (12) months, and shall be carried out within the period of eighteen (18) months of the maximum limit.

" At the end of the period, contracts of a given or temporary duration, including training contracts, and in order to facilitate stable placement, may be converted, where appropriate, into employment contracts for the promotion of (i) an indefinite contract which provides for employment procurement rules at any time. "

Article 14. Test period.

Article 14 of the Staff Regulations shall be subject to the provisions of Article 14 of the Staff Regulations, except in terms of duration which shall be governed by the following:

Indefined contracts six (6) months with category and function independence.

Temporary contracts the duration of the test period will be one (1) month.

During such testing period, which will not be interrupted due to temporary incapacity, the contract may be terminated by any of the parties without the right to compensation or notice.

Article 15. Internal promotion.

Template staff shall preferably be entitled to fill the final vacancies which are of a higher category than the one they hold, provided that they have sufficient knowledge and competence to occupy that vacancy. The performance or performance of the selected shall be considered on an equal basis.

The business committee will be informed of the features of the position, the profile needed to cover it, the requirements and the criteria for coverage.

Technical positions, managers, trusted executives and first heads of administration will be in any case of free designation by the company.

Article 16. Excess.

1. Voluntary leave. Workers with an age of at least one year shall be entitled to be recognised as being in excess of a period of not less than four months and not more than five years.

Voluntary surplus is recognised as a reserve for the job, for a maximum period of three years, and provided that the time of leave is not used by the worker to provide services in competing undertakings.

The right to the reserve of post that is regulated here is not applicable to the management, technical, trust executives, heads of management of first and second, and commercial personnel, including the administration of sales, whose staff, to apply for voluntary leave, shall retain only a right to return to vacancies of equal or similar category to that of their own or to be produced in the undertaking.

Equal right of preferential return will have the surplus workers with the right to reserve the job, if they prolong their surplus for more than three years.

The surplus worker must prewarn the company of its willingness to re-enter, at an advance, minimum of thirty days to the date of termination of the granted leave.

The absence of notice will mean the definitive waiver of your right of preferential income.

2. Forced leave:

a) By designation or election for public office. Those workers who are appointed or elected for public office shall be subject to the situation of forced leave, with the right to the retention of the job and to the calculation of seniority as long as they are in this situation. make your assistance impossible to work.

The forced surplus worker will have to apply for reentry into the company within the month following the end of the job that prompted his transfer to this situation, and will produce immediate effects in terms of incorporation. Failure to comply with this condition will cause the company to be permanently low.

b) By union functions. Workers who perform trade union functions at a provincial or higher level, if they are unable to attend work, may apply for their transfer to the situation of leave of absence in the undertaking for the duration of the exercise of their duties. representative.

This surplus will have the same regulation as that granted by the designation or election for a public office.

3. Maternity/paternity:

(a) Workers shall be entitled to a period of leave of no more than three years to care for the care of each child, whether by nature or by adoption, from the date of birth of the child. In any event, if the request was made after the date of birth, the three-year period shall always be counted from the date of birth.

(b) In the case of adoption, the worker may choose to apply for leave of absence from the judgment in which the adoption is constituted or from the date on which the child is delivered to his or her care, if such This is done in advance of the judgment.

If once the excess is granted, the person concerned does not obtain the judgment or is denied, he must inexcusably request his re-entry into the company within a period of not more than 7 working days from the date of that such a circumstance could be credited; and if it did not, it would cause the company to be permanently low.

"However, if two or more employees of the same undertaking generate this right for the same deceased person, the employer may limit his or her simultaneous exercise for justified reasons of operating the undertaking."

(d) Successive children shall be entitled to a new period of leave of absence, which shall, where appropriate, end the period of their enjoyment.

e) During the first period, starting from the beginning of each situation of excess, the worker shall be entitled to the reserve of his job and to the fact that the said period is computed for the purposes of seniority. In this regard, the initial period of "leave" with the reserve of the job may not be before the date on which the maternity break ends.

(f) Finalised in the first year, and until the end of the period of leave, the rules governing voluntary leave shall apply, without prejudice to the fact that it has been for the purposes of seniority.

g) As to the re-entry of the surplus for this cause, the provisions of the current legislation shall be in force as long as they are not opposed to the provisions of this Article.

4. For family care.

Workers shall be entitled to a period of leave of absence of no more than two years, in order to take care of a family member of first or second degree of consanguinity or affinity for reasons of age, accident, disease or disability, if the family member cannot avail himself of himself, and does not perform paid activity.

Excess for this cause will entitle you to the job booking, and will compute for seniority purposes.

Excess may only be requested by one of the members of the household, when more than one member of the household works in the same company.

Section 2. Ceses and Layoffs

Article 17. Preads and cesses.

The extinction of work contracts will be done by the causes, under the conditions and with the effects established by law for each contractual modality.

The worker who voluntarily ceases will be obliged to inform the company in compliance with, at least two (2) months of notice, except for a different agreement between the company and the worker, or that the impossibility of not be able to respect the same in whole or in part.

Otherwise, the company is entitled to deduct from the final settlement, a number of days equivalent to the default notice.

If the worker requests, you will be accompanied by a staff representative, or trade union, at the firm of the finiquito.


Classification and definition of staff

Article 18. Professional classification.

Professional classification means the legal arrangement whereby, with technical and organizational criteria, the inclusion of workers in a general framework that establishes the different work tasks is considered. existing in the enterprise.

Workers shall be professionally framed in accordance with the object and classification established in their contract of employment and in the care of professional skills, qualifications and general content of the benefit, which includes the functions, tasks, specialties and responsibilities they perform in any of the professional groups in force at any time.

The parties agree to create a negotiation commission composed of the same components of the negotiating table of this agreement that will adapt the previous professional classification system to a classification system by groups. In such a way that until a new system is agreed a new collective agreement will be set out in this field, as set out in Annex II.



Article 19. Basic salary structure.

The basic structure of the salary will consist of the following concepts:

a) Base salary (art. 20).

b) Non-consolidable Personal and Job Complements (Art. 21).

c) Antiquity consolidated (art. 22).

d) Extraordinary (art. 23)

Additionally, the following extra salary concepts are set: diets and mileage.

Article 20. Base salary.

The base salary of the staff affected by this collective agreement is the one determined, for each professional category in Annex II, in the salary tables for the duration of the collective agreement. It corresponds to the ordinary day referred to in this Convention. It encompasses, as of 1 January 2016, the previous "plus convention", derevenging by natural day.

Article 21. Non-consolidable personal and job add-ons.

Job supplements, which will be those arising from the special characteristics of the job or the way in which the work is carried out. And, therefore, they are maintained as long as such circumstanti/situation is present.

They are fixed, at least the following job add-ons:

21.1 Night work. Except for those staff who are expressly hired to work in the night shift, the staff working between the twenty-two (22) and the six (6) hours will receive an hourly supplement worked within that range, equivalent to 25%. per cent (25%) of the base salary plus the plus convention.

The formula for establishing the modulus of the plus of nocturnity for each of the hours worked between the twenty-two (22) and the six (6) hours, will be found applying the following formula: annual base salary, plus plus annual convention, adding to this amount the three extraordinary pages recognised by the Convention, and dividing by the working hours agreed upon. This results in the value of the ordinary time.

The twenty-five percent (25%) of the result of this operation will be the nightly work-time supplement.

This supplement will not be applied to workers hired specifically for night work, whose salary has been set to pay attention to it (serene, vigilant, and sworn guards).

21.2 Plus weekend. The staff providing services from Monday to Sunday with a compensatory interweekly rest (whether under agreement, for having been employed under these conditions) shall, at least and in respect of the superior arrangements in the undertaking, be charged by the period from 1 January to 31 December 2015 shall receive the gross sum of forty-one euro with thirty-six euro cents (€ 4,36) for each day on which it provides its services on Saturday or Sunday. From 1 January 2016, this amount is set at EUR 40-eight (€ 48.00) for each day on which it provides its services on Saturday or Sunday.

As of January 1, 2017, extraordinary bonuses will include the average of what effectively perceived as plus weekend in the previous twelve months. This is, sixty euros (60,00 €) for each day you pay your services on Saturday or Sunday, once prorated.

The workers hired exclusively to work at the end of the week are excluded from the receipt of this bonus of weekend plus.

Article 22. Deletion of the concept of seniority (consolidated seniority).

the National Collective Agreement for the Industries of Food Pastas abolished, with effect from 1 January 1996, seniority as a remuneration concept. As a result, from that date it ceased to be part of the structure of the salary in all those companies which applied the compensation system regulated in the Convention.

Companies that did not apply the change in the remuneration structure in force on the I and II National Conventions may do so for the duration of the present, subject to the same compensatory regime as set out in Article 22 of the First Convention, referred to 1 January 1999.

This is: "the deletion of the concept or its equivalent implies the recognition in favour of the staff who have a minimum age of 6 months to the first of January 1999, of an additional" Ad personamenture. This supplement ' Ad persons'shall be composed of the amount credited to each worker for the term of seniority plus a three-year period, provided that the maximum ceiling of 66% has not been reached, shall not be absorbable or compensable and shall be increase annually by the same percentage as the increase in wages plus one point.

Credit for a single, and one-time, payment of 100,000 pesetas (today EUR 600,00), which will be made effective before 31 December 1999, to all staff with a minimum age of 6 months to 1 January 1999, including staff who receive 66%.

As set out in the preceding paragraphs, it shall also apply to those who do not credit six months of seniority as of January 1, 1999, to acquire the condition of fixed assets after, and from that time on. "

Article 23. Extraordinary rewards.

A total of three extraordinary bonuses is established: Summer, Christmas and March. The amount will be the equivalent of a monthly allowance (thirty days), each calculated on the basis of the concepts of basic salary, plus agreement and complement "ad personam", including concepts derived from company covenants.

Extraordinary Summer and Christmas bonuses will be effective before June 30 and December 15 respectively, and the March 30 will be paid before March 30. By agreement between the company and legal representation of the workers, they can be prorated in twelve equal payments coinciding with each payroll.

Article 24. Reimbursement of expenses.

When, because of the need for the service, an employee who is not engaged in carrying out activities that behave as usual movements, should be displaced from the place where he habitually provides his services, shall reimburse the ordinary costs that it justifies.

For ordinary expenses to be reimbursed: the three-star hotel accommodation, the viatics corresponding to meals in the equivalent category, and the payment of the kilometres to EUR 0.19, or the maximum amount to be set by the Tax legislation in force.

Article 25. Wage increase.

The wage increases agreed in this Convention are as follows:

Year 2015: With effect from 1 January 2015, the perceptions provided for in this Collective Agreement, with the exception of the weekend plus which is subject to increase in part with effect from 1 January 2016, shall be increased in an amount equivalent to 0,5 per cent (0,5%).

Year 2016: With effect from 1 January 2015, the perceptions provided for in this Collective Agreement, except for the weekend which is the subject of an increase in part with effect from 1 January 2016, shall be increased by one year. amount equivalent to one per cent (1%).

Such increases will apply to all economic concepts in the convention.

If at the end of the term of the agreement, that is, for the period accumulated January 1, 2015 at December 31, 2016, the cumulative CPI of the twenty-four months is greater than 1.5 per 100, fifty per 100 (50%). %) of the excess difference shall be paid to the workers in arrears coinciding with the payroll of the month of March 2017. However, for the purposes of tables of successive exercises, one hundred per cent (100%) of that differential shall be increased.


Day, overtime and holidays

Article 26. Workday.

1. The annual working day, both on a continuous day and on a daily basis, will be one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight (1,748) hours per year. In any case, it is a matter of maximum working day, with respect for inferior days agreed.

2. Workers who provide their services on an ongoing basis will enjoy a period of rest of fifteen minutes, which will not have the consideration of effective working time.

3. The night work will be the same as in daytime, now well, including as effective working times the rest periods of the continuous days (15 minutes).

4. The working day will be distributed on a general basis, from Monday to Friday. However, it will be possible to set up work systems covering the weekend, either with the introduction of a specific shift for these days, either through the introduction of a shift.

In relation to the previous point, the companies that implement a system of working in a system of sliding from Monday to Sunday, for one or several sections, regardless of the frequency of the rotation, will guarantee that the weekly rest match, at least, nineteen weeks per year with Saturday and Sunday (this is, 19 non-consecutive weekends). Notwithstanding the above, the working-centre practices or covenants with regard to the organisation of working time and weekends as well as their number shall be respected.

In addition, it is agreed that when working in shifts of tomorrow, late and night, they rotate the whole of the workers attached to them, except for the impossibility of medical prescription or similar situations.

5. Without prejudice to the collective of workers who have been recruited with the possibility of working in hours from Monday to Sunday or, of weekends and holidays, of those workers attached to the system of correturns; workers On Monday to Friday, they may work Saturdays, Sundays and/or holidays, when they voluntarily and/or by agreement so decide, after communication to the legal representatives of the workers.

6. Workers who have not been recruited specifically for work on a Saturday, Sunday (four shift or co-weekly compensatory rest) shall receive the gross sum fixed in the preceding Article 21.2 for each day in which they are employed. services on Saturday, Sunday.

7. In any case, it will be up to the Company to establish the number and dates in which it will make use of this special shift, communicating it at least seven (7) days in advance, both to the trade union representation and to the interested parties themselves. a maximum of ten per cent (10%) of annual days. All this, for the purpose of irregularly distributing the day.

Article 27. Overtime.

In order to promote job creation, the negotiating parties agree to reduce the overtime required by the following criteria to the minimum necessary:

1. Usual overtime: deletion.

2. Extraordinary structural hours that are required by the need to repair claims or other extraordinary and urgent damages, as well as in the case of risk of loss of raw materials: realization.

3. Extraordinary hours which, as necessary to meet unforeseen orders or peak periods of production, unforeseen absences, shift changes and other structural circumstances: maintenance, provided they cannot be replaced by the use of the various types of procurement legally provided for.

The management of the companies will report monthly to the works councils, staff delegates and union delegates, on the number of extraordinary hours made, specifying the causes and, where appropriate, the distribution by sections.

The compensation of overtime that is necessarily due to be made shall preferably be made in time of rest, at the rate of two ordinary hours for each extraordinary hour.

It shall be for the worker who is required to make extraordinary hours to choose between his or her compensation in time off, or his/her remuneration for cash.

For the economic compensation of overtime, the criteria established in each work centre will be maintained, without in any case the value of the extraordinary hour may be less than 125% of the price of the hour ordinary.

Article 28. Holidays.

The staff affected by this Convention will enjoy a paid annual leave of thirty (30) calendar days, of which twenty-one (21) days will be uninterrupted and will be enjoyed in a period of time. school holidays in the CC.AA. in which the worker provides services (between June and September), and the remaining nine days will be working, and to agree between the parties, respecting in any case the annual agreed working day, to which effect they will be agreed each company the corresponding working calendars, which they may contemplate, as one of the various formulas, the work on Saturday, given that the working day will be developed, with a general character, from Monday to Friday.

By individual agreements, or by agreement between the company and the legal representatives of the workers, the holidays can be enjoyed in any period.

The existing covenants in each company will be respected.

" When the holiday period fixed in the company's holiday calendar coincides in time with a temporary disability arising from pregnancy, childbirth or natural breastfeeding or with the period of suspension of the contract of work provided for in paragraphs 4, 5 and 7 of the. 48 of the Workers ' Statute, it is entitled to enjoy the holidays on a date other than that of the temporary incapacity or the enjoyment of the permit which, by application of that provision, corresponds to, at the end of the period of suspension, even if the calendar year is over.

In the event that the holiday period coincides with a temporary incapacity for contingencies other than those mentioned in the previous paragraph that makes it impossible for the worker to enjoy them, in whole or in part, during the year natural to which they correspond, the worker may do so once his incapacity is completed and provided that no more than 18 months have elapsed from the end of the year in which they originated. "


Permissions and licenses

Article 29. Permissions and licenses.

The worker may be absent from the work, with the right to pay for any of the reasons and for the time expressly referred to in Article 37 of the Royal Decree. Legislative 1/1995 of 24 March, for which the recast text of the Workers ' Statute was adopted:

a) In case of marriage, 16 calendar days, plus the amount of one hundred and thirty one euro with nine cents of euro (131.09 €).

b) From 3 to 5 calendar days in the case of death of the person with whom they live, ascendants, descendants, political parents, brothers or political brothers.

c) From 3 to 5 calendar days in case of illness requiring hospitalization or surgical intervention of the person with whom they live, children or parents. This permit may be enjoyed in a fractional manner, the fractions being, always, for complete days, and duly justified.

d) Two calendar days for surgical intervention, followed by hospitalization of political parents, political brothers or brothers and natural grandparents.

e) A natural day for your own affairs. This day, unless agreement is reached between the company and the worker, will not be able to accumulate the annual period of holiday enjoyment.

f) 3 to 5 calendar days per child birth.

g) A maximum of 20 hours paid for medical visits by the worker himself and to accompany family members to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, prior notice and subsequent justification for the services Social Security Health Care.

(h) The time required for performing prenatal examinations and preparation techniques for delivery, when it is necessary to perform them within the working day.

(i) Workers ", who are breastfeeding for a child under 9 months of age, shall be entitled to one hour of absence from work, which may be divided into two fractions. Whoever exercises this right, by his will, may substitute this right for a reduction of his working day in half an hour for the same purpose. This permit constitutes an individual right of workers, men or women, but may only be exercised by one of the parents in the event of both working. Within the framework of the reconciliation of family and work life, the time spent on the breastfeeding of children may be grouped within a period of 15 working days. This measure is aimed not only at a better organisation of work, but better care for children. The breastfeeding permit should be proposed by the interested parties and must be continuously enjoyed. The duration of the permit shall be increased proportionally in the case of multiple births.

j) In the case of births of premature infants or who, for any reason, must remain hospitalized after delivery, the mother or father shall have the right to be absent from work for an hour. They will also have the right to reduce their working hours to a maximum of two hours, with the proportional reduction of the salary; and all this while the child's hospitalization lasts.

(k) Who, for reasons of legal guardian, has a direct care of any less than twelve years or a person with a physical, mental or sensory disability, who does not carry out a paid activity, shall be entitled to a reduction of the working day, with the proportional reduction of the salary between, at least, an eighth and a maximum of half of the duration of that. It shall have the same right to take care of the direct care of a family member, up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, which for reasons of age, accident or illness cannot be used by itself, and which does not carry out paid. The reduction of working hours referred to in this paragraph constitutes an individual right of workers, men or women.

(l) The worker who is the victim of gender-based violence shall be entitled to reduce the working day with a proportional reduction in salary or to the right to integral social assistance. reordering of the working time, through the adaptation of the schedule, the application of the flexible schedule or other forms of work time management that are used in the company.

The worker will be able to request the change of work center or geographic mobility to ensure their protection. The new place of work will be, preferably from the same professional category or equivalent to the previous one. The company must guarantee for six months (unless the actions of judicial protection result in the effectiveness of the right of protection of the victim require the continuity of the suspension for periods of three months with a maximum of (18 months) the reserve of the initial job, after the periods mentioned, the worker must choose between the initial and the new job. The company will no longer be required to book the position

In cases (b), (c) and (f) above, 3 or 5 days shall be granted, taking into account the circumstances of the posting to be carried out by the worker, either within the province or outside the province.

Workers with at least one year's seniority in the company are entitled to a paid leave of 20 hours per year of professional training for employment, linked to the business of the company, which can be accumulated for a period of time. of up to five years. The right shall be deemed to be fulfilled in any event where the worker is able to carry out training activities aimed at obtaining vocational training for employment within the framework of a training plan developed by a business initiative or committed by collective bargaining. Without prejudice to the foregoing, it shall not be possible to understand in the right referred to in this paragraph the training which the undertaking is required to provide in accordance with other laws. In the absence of a collective agreement, the definition of the mode of enjoyment of the permit shall be determined by mutual agreement between the worker and the employer.

The permits set forth in this article will be extensible to legally recognized couples recognized by the competent authority.

Gender violence. The Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28, aims to act against the violence which, as a manifestation of discrimination, the situation of inequality and the relations of power of men on women, is exercised on these by of those who are or have been their spouses or those who are or have been linked to them by similar relationships of affectivity, even without coexistence.

Accredited the situation of gender-based violence within the terms set out in Article 23 of Organic Law 1/2004, cited above, the measures referred to in Article 21 shall apply in order to labor rights and Social Security benefits.

Article 30. Work schedule.

The company, except for legal representation, will publish annually the work schedule by sections and/or business areas and will be displayed in a visible place in the workplace, prior to the representation of the company. legal workers of the centre of work concerned.


Accidents and disease

Article 31. Sickness absence.

Workers who are absent from their job due to a common illness or non-work accident must inform the Company at the beginning of the day, except for justified reasons that prevent it. In addition, when the worker who for such reason is absent for more than one day, he/she will have to contribute the corresponding part of the medical discharge. Otherwise, the worker must provide the appropriate medical evidence, with the time-frame setting which justifies the time of absence in the undertaking.

Failure to comply with this obligation will result in the deduction of the salary corresponding to the period of non-justified absence, in addition to the corresponding disciplinary penalties in which it may be incurred.

Article 32. Maternity, sick and injured staff.

1. Workers affected by this Convention who suffer from an accident at work, or suffer from sickness or non-work accident requiring hospitalization, and workers on maternity leave, shall be entitled to one hundred per cent (100%) of his/her salary on an ordinary day, without taking into account overtime, or a proportional proportion of extraordinary rewards, or a supplement to the night's time, except fixed, permanent or rotating night shift, from the first day of the declaration of maternity or temporary incapacity, with the maximum limit of eighteen (18) mensualities.

2. Workers at the end of the week, permanent or rotating, in the event of an accident at work, shall be supplemented by the provision of IT by taking into account the remuneration provided for in Article 26.6 of this Convention.

3. In other cases of temporary incapacity, up to 80 per 100 of the ordinary day's salary shall be supplemented (without counting overtime, or proportional part of extraordinary pay, or supplement to the night, except fixed night shift, permanent or rotating), from the first to the sixth day; and from the seventh day onwards it will be supplemented to one hundred per cent (100%). If the temporary incapacity is prolonged for more than 30 days, it shall be supplemented by up to 100% (100%) from the first day with retroactive effect.

4. In any case, a favourable report on medical services is required.

5. The worker who is on maternity, sickness or accident leave any job or activity, will permanently and forever lose the right to the supplements referred to in this article. Without prejudice to other disciplinary sanctions which may be appropriate.

Article 33. Collective insurance for death or invalidity arising from accident.

1. Undertakings affected by this collective agreement shall be required to contract a duly updated collective insurance policy covering the following contingencies:

(a) In the event of the death of the worker, by accident at work or non-work, produced in Spain or abroad, and with coverage of 24 hours a day, an indemnity in favor of the person by the designated person or his heirs legal, equivalent to 18,000 euros.

(b) In the event of permanent invalidity of the worker, by accident at work or non-work, produced in Spain or abroad, and with coverage of 24 hours a day, compensation in favour of the worker himself, of the amount 18,000 euros.

2. Companies will be required to provide workers with the individual membership certificate to the collective insurance policy.


Care regimen

Article 34. Tuition aid.

Companies will pay workers who have registered their children from 16 weeks of birth in September and up to the age of 17 years, an aid called tuition in the amount of one hundred and four euros with thirteen euro cents (€ 104.13) per child, which will be made effective in the months of September/October, on presentation of the corresponding supporting evidence in any educational institution.

Article 35. Partial retirement and replacement contract.

The provisions of the relevant legislation will be in place and will be implemented by agreement of the parties.

Article 36. Retirement Award.

It is recognised in favour of workers falling within the scope of this Convention, a retirement aid for those workers who decide to take early retirement and have at least the 60 (60) years of age in the following terms:

a) By crediting a minimum of ten years at the service of the company, the full amount of one (1) monthly salary, with all its supplements, per year of anticipation of the ordinary retirement.

b) By crediting a minimum of twenty years at the service of the company, the full amount of two (2) monthly salary allowances, with all its supplements, per year of anticipation of the ordinary retirement.

c) By crediting a minimum of thirty years or more at the service of the company, the full amount of three (3) monthly salary allowances, with all its supplements, per year of anticipation of the ordinary retirement.

d) By crediting a minimum of forty years at the service of the company, the full amount of four (4) monthly salary allowances, with all their allowances, per year of anticipation of the ordinary retirement.

e) By crediting a minimum of fifty years at the service of the company, the full amount of five monthly salary allowances, with all their allowances, per year of anticipation of the ordinary retirement.

Article 37. Death help.

In the event of the death of a worker, the companies affected by this Convention shall pay the full amount of two (2) monthly payments in favour of the person with whom they live, or in their absence, their descendants. In the absence of both, to the ascendants, and in the absence of all of them, to the brothers, provided that the coexistence with them is demonstrated.

This assistance is without prejudice to higher conditions governing each company (life insurance), which if they exist will be maintained, and will compensate for it.

Article 38. Help for the disabled.

Workers affected by this Convention who have a disabled child or children, will receive a monthly payment of one hundred and seventy-four euros with fifty-three euro cents (€ 174.53) provided the child or children with disabilities do not perform any paid work for their own or others. For the receipt of this help it will be necessary:

(a) Credit by medical certificate the condition of a disabled child, with the expression of the injury that results in that condition.

b) That such a situation has been recognized by Social Security and be enjoyed by the benefits attributed to it.

The ordering resulting from this article shall not affect those workers who are currently receiving the benefit of the disabled child or children from the enterprise.



Article 39. Workwear.

Companies will equip staff with the following garments:

Supporting staff: Camisa, jacket, pants and rain gear.

Manufacturing personnel: Pantalon, shirt, cap, and footwear.

When required: Batas and/or Cofias.

Dispatch staff: Batas.

Maintenance personnel: Pantalon, shirt, cap, and footwear.

For the staff you need, you will be given gloves.

For the maintenance staff, given the particularity of the work they do, they will be equipped with three sets of clothes per year.

The length of garments will be two teams per year.

The duration of the rain equipment will be two years.

The duration of the shoe shall be one team per year, except for breakage or deterioration.

In any case, garments must be kept in perfect state of preservation during these periods.

Annual delivery must be completed within the first quarter of each year.


Labor Health

Article 40.

In the area of safety, hygiene and occupational health, the provisions of current legislation will be in place.


Fouls and Sanctions

Article 41. Fouls.

The faults committed by the workers in the service of the companies in the sector will be classified, taking into account their importance, and in their case to their recidivism, in light, serious and very serious, in accordance with what is available then.

Minor fouls. The following minor faults shall be considered:

(a) Not to communicate, in good time any lack of assistance to the work for justified reasons, unless the impossibility of doing so is credited.

(b) The abandonment of the centre or job, without cause or justification, even for a short period of time, provided that such abandonment was not detrimental to the development of the productive activity of the undertaking, or cause of damage or accidents to your colleagues, in which case it may be considered to be serious or very serious.

c) More than three punctuality faults in one month, or two when the delay is greater than 15 minutes in each of them, during that period, and without justification.

d) False to work two days a month without justified cause.

e) The occasional lack of grooming or personal cleansing, when it causes complaints or complaints from colleagues or bosses.

f) To be found in the workplace, without authorization, outside the working day, except for the legal representatives of the workers.

g) Failure to observe safety and hygiene rules at work, which do not pose a serious risk to the worker, or to his or her colleagues or third parties.

Serious fouls. The following shall be considered as serious faults:

a) False three days to work for a month, without reason to justify it.

(b) Not to pay due diligence or care in the work entrusted to it, which may pose a risk or prejudice to some consideration for the worker himself, his colleagues, the company or others.

c) The simulation of disease or accident.

(d) failure to comply with the orders or failure to comply with the safety or hygiene rules at work, where they pose a serious risk to the worker, his or her colleagues or third parties, and also to the products food produced, as well as refusing to use the means of safety and hygiene provided by the company.

e) Disobedience to the superiors in any matter of work, provided that the order does not imply a vexatious condition for the worker, or risk to the life or health, both of him and his companions.

f) Simulate the presence of another worker, signing up for him.

g) Do not immediately warn your bosses, the employer or the representative of any anomaly, breakdown or accident that you notice in the premises, machinery, products or premises.

h) Introduce or facilitate access to the workplace to unauthorized persons.

i) Serious negligence in the preservation or cleaning of materials and machines that the worker is in charge of.

j) The recidivism in any slight lack, within the same quarter, when it has been sanctioned.

Very serious fouls. The following are considered to be very serious:

a) More than 10 non-justified, non-justified, committed in the two-month period, or 20 for four months.

b) False to work more than five days a month, without cause or reason to justify it.

c) Fraud, disloyalty or abuse of trust in the work, management or activity entrusted to them; theft and theft, both to their colleagues, to the company or to any person in the workplace or outside the workplace. during the development of their work activity.

d) Make the company disappear, disable, destroy or cause damage to any material, tools, machines, installations, buildings, appliances, appliances, documents, books, vehicles, products and raw materials of the company or of the job center.

e) Usual drunkenness and drug addiction, if they have a negative impact on work.

(f) The disclosure to third parties of any required reserve information, where this may result in material injury to the company.

g) The ill-treatment of words or work or serious misconduct of respect and consideration to superiors, companions and subordinates.

h) Unfair competition.

(i) Inexcusable negligence or negligence, as well as non-compliance with safety and hygiene rules at work, where they are causing serious accidents at work, serious harm to colleagues or third parties, or damage severe to the company or its products.

j) Abuse of authority, lack of respect and consideration by the ostentatious.

k) The voluntary and repeated or continued decrease in the normal performance of the job.

(l) Abandonment of the post without justification, especially in command or responsibility posts, or where this causes obvious harm to the undertaking, or may become a cause of accident for the worker, his/her colleagues or third parties.

ll) The recidivism in a serious fault, even if it is of a different nature, provided it has been sanctioned.

m) Moral harassment, understanding as such the work practice consisting of repetitive and degrading acts and behaviors performed against the worker/his superiors, companions, or some and others, and that affect and attack against the dignity, physical or moral health of the person concerned.

n) Sexual harassment, understanding as such any verbal or physical behavior, of a sexual nature, that has the purpose or produces the effect of attacking the dignity of a person, in particular when creating an environment bullying, degrading or offensive, developed in the field of organisation and management of an undertaking, or in relation to or as a result of a working relationship. If such conduct or behaviour is carried out by prevalding a hierarchical position, it will constitute an aggravating circumstance.

Article 42. Penalties.

The penalties that companies will be able to apply, depending on the severity and circumstances of the misconduct, will be as follows:

A) For minor faults:

Verbal admonition.

Written admonition.

Suspension of 1 day of employment and salary.

B) For severe faults:

Suspension of employment and salary from 2 to 15 days.

C) For very serious faults:

Suspension of employment and salary from 16 to 60 days.


Article 43. Prescription of faults.

With regard to the workers, the minor faults will be prescribed at ten days, the serious ones at twenty days, and the very serious ones at the age of sixty days, from the date on which the company became aware of its commission, and, in any case, the six months of the mission.

Article 44. Procedure.

1. Companies shall communicate to the legal representation of workers and to the Trade Union Delegate, where appropriate, the penalties for serious and very serious misconduct which they impose on workers.

2. There will be no need to instruct the case in cases of minor faults. In any event, the notification of the same shall be made in writing, detailing the fact that it is the fault and the nature of the sanction imposed, except in the verbal admonition.

In the case of serious or very serious misconduct, in order to clarify the facts, the Company will be able to deal with a contradictory file in which the worker and the legal representation of the workers will be; the interested party will have the right to make a statement of discharge and to carry out the tests which he proposes and which are produced in the course of the instructor, and no longer than six (6) weeks may be concluded from the opening of the proceedings. The processing of the contradictory file will interrupt the prescription of the faults.

3. In the event that a penalty is imposed for serious or very serious misconduct to the legal representatives of the workers who are in the performance of their positions, or to those who have not passed one year since the extinction of its mandate, the opening of a file shall be required, which shall comply with the following rules:

(a) The company shall notify the worker of the opening of the file, simultaneously communicating the statement of objections containing the facts on which the file is based.

(b) A Secretary and an impartial Instructor shall be appointed by the Company in the same opening letter of the file.

(c) The Instructor shall forward the written statement to the interested party so that, within five days, he shall expose the allegations and propose the practice of the evidence which he considers relevant.

(d) Finished the opening of the file, the Company shall notify the worker, in writing, of the sanction imposed, the date from which it will take effect, and the facts in which it is founded.

Article 45. Cancellation of the case.

The faults will be cancelled in the file upon completion: six (6) months for minor fouls, twelve (12) months for serious fouls, and eighteen (18) months for very serious fouls; from their annotation on the same, that is, counted from the time the penalty was completed.


Trade union rights

Article 46. Interagency committee.

Those companies that apply this convention may constitute Intercenters Committees whenever there is a prior agreement between the company and the legal representation of the employees of each company. In this agreement, the tasks, powers, and validity of the Intercentres Committee at the level of each company will be established.

Article 47.

1) Time credit accumulation. The parties agree to accumulate the trade union hours held by the staff members or members of the Enterprise Committee, in relation to the two majority unions in the sector to which they belong, in order to establish the Union Delegate of the Food Pasta Manufacturers Sector at the National level.

The Sector's Trade Union Delegates will remain in the workforce of the companies they belong to, which will be obliged to pay them the remuneration that they correspond, being exempt from providing services as long as the total number of hours accumulated covers the number of hours of exemption. The undertakings concerned may contract substitutes for the duration of the special leave.

The total number of hours not worked by the Trade Union Delegates in their respective companies will be reduced in proportion to the credit resulting from the accumulation by work centers, proceeding to the compensation economic activity between undertakings affected by the Convention.

The parties agree that the remaining hours shall be cumulated quarterly by each representative entitled to them.

2) Delegates of occupational risk prevention. Delegates to the prevention of occupational risks, who are not delegates of staff or members of the Committees of Enterprise, will enjoy a credit schedule for the performance of their activity, equal number of hours to which the representatives enjoy of the staff of the job center to which they belong.

3) The transfer of credit hours to Trade Union Delegates not members of the Enterprise Committees, may be agreed in each company.


Joint Commission

Article 48. Joint committee.

A. Attributions. The Joint Committee shall have the following specific


(a) The authentic interpretation of the rules contained in the collective agreement in accordance with the provisions of Article 91 of the Law on the Status of Workers.

b) Monitoring of compliance with the agreement in the collective agreement.

(c) The arbitration of the matters to be considered by the parties and the mandatory mediation in the collective conflicts that may arise in relation to what is agreed in the Collective Agreement.

d) The development of adaptation functions or, where appropriate, modification of the Convention during its lifetime. In this case, the whole of the parties entitled to the negotiations must be incorporated into the committee, even if they have not been signatories to the Convention for the purpose of complying with the requirements for legitimisation provided for in the Articles 87 and 88 of the Law on the Staff Regulations of Workers in order for the modification agreements to be of general effectiveness. It is understood that the right of modification is limited to functions of administration of the convention such as arithmetic operations in salary reviews.

e) The terms and conditions for the knowledge and resolution of discrepancies after the end of the consultation period in terms of substantial modification of working conditions or non-application of working conditions of the Collective Agreement, in accordance with Articles 41.6 and 82.3, respectively, of the Law on the Status of Workers.

B. Composition. The Commission will be made up of three (3) representatives of the company and three (3) representatives of the workers of the trade unions (respecting the proportionality of the unit representation in the company), both of which may be representations of the assistance of advisors, with voice but no vote.

C. Internal operation.

(a) Convocation: The Joint Commission shall be convened by any of the signatory organizations, sufficient for this to be a written communication communicated in a feisty form.

A maximum period of intervention of the 15-day Joint Commission to be counted since the request for intervention was received.

If, once the Joint Committee has been convened, the discrepancies within that committee have been maintained or the said term has been completed, the Joint Committee has not met, the parties shall be subject to the non-judicial systems of corresponding conflict resolution.

The Joint Commission shall be validly understood when the simple majority of each representation is present.

The parties will be able to attend the meetings attended by advisors.

b) Validity of the agreements:

(c) The Joint Committee's agreements shall in any event require a favourable vote of 60 per 100 for each of the representations. Minutes will be drawn up at each meeting.

D. Conflict resolution. For the purpose of resolving collective disputes which may be of a legal nature as well as interests arising from the interpretation or application of this collective agreement, without prejudice to the powers conferred on the Commission In order to ensure that the working conditions referred to in Article 82.3 of the Workers ' Statute are not applied in an effective manner, both parties will be subject to the same conditions of employment. mediation procedures of the Interconfederal Mediation and Arbitration Service (Foundation SIMA), to which effect the parties will adhere to the ASAC.

E. Domicile: It is established as domicile of the Joint Commission, Federation of Industries and Agricultural Workers of the United States, Avenue of America, number 25, 3. planta, 28002 Madrid.


Inapplication of working conditions in accordance with Article 82.3 of the Workers ' Statute

Article 49. Neglect clause.

Companies may agree to the non-application of the conditions set out in this Convention when any of the following assumptions occur:

1. Where the undertaking concerned is in a legal position to contest creditors or any other procedure which has declared the situation of temporary or final insolvency of the undertaking, provided that there is no evidence of the employment regulation, as it will be in the following section.

2. When the company is on file for employment regulation for legally established causes, including collective redundancy, suspension of contracts, etc.

3. Where the results of the company result in a negative economic situation in such cases as the existence of current or anticipated losses, or the persistent decrease in their level of ordinary income or sales. In any event, the decrease is understood to be persistent if for two consecutive quarters the level of revenue or sales for each quarter is lower than that recorded in the same quarter of the previous year.

4. Where the undertaking gives an objective or factual evidence of deficit or loss in the accounting years of the preceding year and of the current financial year in which it intends to implement this measure.

As for the procedure, prior to the communication to the legal representation will follow the one provided for in article 82 of the Workers ' Statute. Always, of course, starting the corresponding period of negotiations.

Article 50.

The trade union and business organisations which are signatories to this Convention agree, throughout their period of validity, not to negotiate other collective agreements in areas lower than that of this Convention, except those of undertakings or groups of companies, of course.

Additional disposition first. Gender neutral.

In the text of the Convention, men have been used as a generic to encompass workers and workers, without this being the ignorance of existing gender differences, to the effect of not doing a writing. too complex.

Annex in respect of professional classification for the purposes of Article 18 of this Collective Agreement until a new system enters into force

Professional classification. The classifications of the staff of this collective agreement are merely enunciative and do not imply the obligation to have all the groups listed, nor the professional categories in which they are divided, if the needs and volume of the company does not require it.

The staff who provide their services in the company will be classified by taking into account the functions they perform in the following groups:

I. Technicians.

II. Administrative.

III. Mercantiles.

IV. Workers.

V. Subs.

Group I. Technicians. -They are classified in this group who carry out works that require, with or without qualification, adequate competence or practice, exercising functions of an optional, technical or managerial type specialized.

Group II. Administrative. -There are those who carry out administrative, accounting and other similar work of mechanical mechanics not included in the previous group.

Group III. Commercial. -Comprises the staff engaged in the promotion of sales, marketing of the products made by the company and the development of its advertising, as well as the sale of the same, either wholesale or by the system of self-sale, already works in the same locality where the manufacture of the products is based, as in those other in which there are offices, distribution depots or own sales delegations.

Group IV. Workers. -This group includes personnel who perform fundamentally material or mechanical work.

Group V. Subalters. -Are the workers who perform functions that generally imply absolute fidelity and confidence, for which no exceptions are required, except for more culture than the primary and to gather the requirements that in each case is pointed out, but in any case assuming the responsibilities inherent in the position.

In the above groups the following categories will be integrated:

1. Technicians:

1.1 Titled:

(a) Higher grade: Those with a university degree or higher special school, recognized by the academic authority.

b) Average grade: Those with the corresponding title issued by the entities, recognized by the academic authority.

1.2 Untitled: General Chargé, Master of Manufacturing, Head of Workshop, Section Head, Section Manager and Laboratory Auxiliary.

1.3 Data Processing Technicians: Data Processing Manager, analyst/programmer, programmer, and operator.

2. Administrative: Head of first administration, head of second administration, first officer, second officer, auxiliary.

3. Mercantiles: Sales manager, sales supervisor, sales promoter of propaganda and/or advertising, seller with auto sales, traveler, plaza corridor, tastemaker-promoter, dependent monitor over 18 years or more, dependent, assistant, delivery.

4. Workers: Production-maintenance personnel: First officer, second officer, assistant and apprentices.

5. Subs: Store, concierge, save, collector, basculer, doorman and warehouse mozo.

Defining professional categories:

1. Technicians.

1.1 Titled:

(a) Technician entitled to a higher degree. -It is who in possession of a higher academic degree performs in the company functions, with or without command, of his or her degree.

b) A middle grade. -It is who in the middle grade academic degree holds the company functions of their degree.

1.2 Untitled:

a) General charge. -It is who, under the immediate orders of the management, coordinates and controls the different sections, developing the corresponding plans, programs and activities, ordering the execution of the works, responding to the company in its management.

b) Master of manufacture. -It is who, proceeding from inferior categories, possesses the technical knowledge of the manufacture in their respective phases, having as mission to know and interpret the formulas and analysis of products, to provide data on labour costs, raw materials, advances and budgets, specifying in detail the production cycles. He must possess initiative and artistic sense, if necessary, for the good presentation of the articles he produces, deep knowledge of the machines employed, being responsible to the company of any anomaly, both in the machinery and in the production.

c) Head of Section. -It is who, with proven technical and practical knowledge, directs the work of the Officers by following instructions from their immediate superior and is responsible for the way they are ordered discipline.

d) Laboratory aid. -It is who, under the supervision of its superior, performs analysis, dosage of formulas and laboratory determinations, takes care of the good condition of the devices and of their approval, takes care of obtaining of certain samples in a convenient manner and of extending the quality certificates and the analysis bulletins.

2. Administrative.

a) Head of first administration. -It is the worker who with complete knowledge of the operation of all administrative services bears the responsibility and total direction of the administrative march of the company.

b) Head of second administration. -It is the worker who directs the administrative march of the company, operates with autonomy within the task assigned to the department or section that governs, ordering the personal work that provides service to it.

c) First Officer. -It is the worker with a particular service in charge who, with initiative and restricted responsibility, with or without other employees to his or her orders, executes any of the following works: payment, depending directly on a cashier or boss and developing his or her work as an assistant or assistant of the latter; without having a firm or bond; invoices and calculation of the same, provided that he is responsible for this mission, calculation of statistics, transcription in current account books, journal, major, correspondents, correspondence writing with own initiative, settlement and calculation of payroll, salaries and similar operations.

Taquimecanographs are included in this category in a foreign language.

(d) Official second. -It is the worker with restricted initiative and with subordination to chief or first officers, if any, who carries out auxiliary accounting operations and interveners of the same, organization of files or files, non-initiative correspondences and other similar jobs.

This category will include national-language taquimecanographs.

e) Auxiliary. -It is the worker who without own initiative is dedicated within the office to administrative elementary operations and, in general, to the purely mechanical inherent to the work of those.

In this category, the phone calls and typists are integrated.

3. Mercantiles.

a) Head of Sales. -It is the head of the central sales section or the advertising and/or advertising of the company, and the immediate orders of the management, orients and gives unity to the work of all the personnel integrated in its section.

b) Sales supervisor. -It is the primary task of scheduling the routes of the travelling and the sales staff, inspecting the markets and visiting the depots if the routes were to be visited and visited by them personally. is ordered or deemed necessary by controlling the work of the agents in charge of it.

c) Promoter of propaganda and/or publicity. -It is who at the command of the chief performs and guides the scientific and commercial propaganda.

d) Self-selling seller. -It is the person who is responsible for making the distribution to customers of the company, driving the appropriate vehicle assigned to him, carrying out the work of loading and unloading the same, charging and liquidation of the merchandise and, where appropriate, sales and advertising promotion and prospecting activities by informing the superiors of their management on a daily basis, seeking to maintain and maintain their vehicle.

e) Travelling. -It is who in the exclusive service of a company has the task to travel on a predetermined route to offer the products, to display the sample, to take note of orders, to inform about the same and to take care of comply.

f) Square Corridor. -It is the company's exclusive service, in a normal way, to perform the functions attributed to the traveler, but limited to the location assigned to it.

4. Workers.

A) Production, finishing, packaging and packaging personnel.

a) First Officer. -It is who, with due perfection and proper performance, executes, with initiative and responsibility, all or some of its own tasks, with productivity and correct results, knowing machines, useful tools and tools to take care of your normal efficiency, grease and conservation, making your superiors aware of any malfunction that you observe and which can decrease production.

b) Officer of the second. -Integran this category who without reaching the required perfection for the first officers execute the tasks before defined with sufficient correction and effectiveness.

c) Assistant. -It is who helps in carrying out the tasks entrusted to the first and second officers, being able to supply the latter in case of absence, as long as their employment situation in this category lasts.

B) Staff of auxiliary trades.

a) First Officer. -It is who possessing one of the classical trades, practice it and applies it with such a degree of perfection that it not only allows him to carry out general works of it, but those others who assume special pawn and finesse.

Drivers of trucks, tractors, passenger cars or mobile machines that require or not be in possession of driving licences, carpenters, bricklayers, electricians, mechanics, etc. will have this category.

b) Officer of the second. -It is who, without reaching the required specialization for the perfect works, executes the corresponding to a certain trade with sufficient correction and effectiveness.

c) Motor truck driver. -It is the person who is enabled for the driving of automotive mechanical transportable machines, performs transport functions in the company's enclosure. Such driver shall be equated for remuneration with the category of production officer of


C) Peonage. It is the eighteen-year-old worker who is responsible for carrying out tasks for which the contribution of physical effort is predominantly required.

a) Cleaning staff: It is who, in the company's service, is dedicated to cleaning the premises of manufacturing, warehouse, offices, services, etc.

5. Subs.

a) Store. -It is who is in charge of dispatching orders in warehouses, receiving the goods and distributing them on the shelves, recording in the material books the movement that has occurred during the day.

b) Conserje. -It is who, in front of the Ordinances, Porters and Cleaning Employees, takes care of the distribution of the work, the ornato and the police of the different dependencies.

(c) Cobrador. -It is the older worker who with initiative and restricted responsibility, and by order of the company, carries out charges and transports currency, heels or other documents in monetary value or auxilia to the Cengers in elementary or purely mechanical operations.

d) Basculero. -It is the one who has the mission to weigh and record in the corresponding books the operations that have occurred during the day in the dependencies or sections in which he provides his services.

e) Guarda. -It is who has the task of monitoring functions.

f) Portero. -It is who, according to the instructions received from his superior, takes care of the accesses to the warehouses, to the factories or industrial premises and offices, carrying out functions of custody and surveillance.

g) Warehouse Mozo. -It is the worker over the age of eighteen who is responsible for manual or mechanical work in the warehouse and helps to measure, weigh and transfer the goods.

6. Technological, methodological or productive changes. When a new production line is implanted, a change of technology occurs, or when changes are made to production methods, before the new tasks are awarded, the corresponding study will be carried out to ensure that the new activities will not be harmful to the worker.

In the preparation of such a study it will be heard, as far as possible, the opinion of the technicians of the trade unions that are signatories to this agreement and as long as they so request the legal representatives of the workers in the job center.



Pay tables, journals


Base Salary 2015



Plus Convention 2015



Total 2015



Annual Total 2015



Base Salary 2016 (includes p. Convention)



Annual Total 2016




of 1.




20.689, 96













17.319, 32



II. Finishing, Packaging and

of 1.




20.689, 96













17.319, 32



III. Auxiliary






20.689, 96



Chofer from 1.





1.393, 12





18.283, 29



Carpall or



1.379, 33







17.166, 91






1.379, 33




IV. Peonage





16.695, 75








1.031, 34


V. Subalters





20.689, 96








1.155, 91





17.166, 91






1.144, 46







17.166, 91



Mozo Store







Monthly salary tables

Untitled Technicians

Manufacturing Master

Lab Auxiliary

Sales Inspector



Base Salary 2015



Plus Convention 2015



Total 2015



Annual Total 2015



Base Salary 2016 (includes p. Convention)



Annual Total 2016




Chief Technician














Healthcare Technical Assistant




19.590, 83


19.786, 74



Table_table_der"> 859.03




30.923, 68





1.646, 11








22.995, 86





1.102, 72


Administrative Chief 1.

1.046, 24




1.800, 63





24.447, 14



Administrative Officer 1.







Administrative Officer 2.




18.993, 44


19.183, 37














16.540, 77









27.009, 38










1.364, 83


1.378, 48


Self-Selling Seller






19.183, 37





1.278, 89






17.341, 42



Year 2014



Year 2015



Year 2016



Plus Saturdays-Sundays



60.00 (*)

Tuition Help








Wedding Award




(*) Included prorated in extraordinary pagas.