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Order Ecd/109/2013, Of 23 January, Which Establishes The Curriculum Of The Training Cycle Of Top Grade Corresponding To The Title Of Senior Technician In Dental Prosthesis.

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/109/2013, de 23 de enero, por la que se establece el currículo del ciclo formativo de grado superior correspondiente al título de Técnico Superior en Prótesis Dentales.

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The Royal Decree 1687/2011, of 18 November, establishes the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis and its minimum teachings, in accordance with Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July, which establishes the general management of the vocational training of the educational system, which defines in article 9 the structure of the qualifications of vocational training and of the specialization courses, based on the National Catalogue of vocational qualifications, the social interest established.

The Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education, provides in article 6.4 that the educational administrations shall establish the curriculum of the various teachings regulated by the Law, which shall form part of the basic aspects mentioned in previous sections of Article 6. The teaching centres will develop and complete, where appropriate, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in use of their autonomy, as reflected in chapter II of Title V of the Law.

The Organic Law 5/2002, of 19 June, of the Qualifications and of Vocational Training, states in article 10.2 that the Education Administrations, in the field of their competences, may expand the contents of the corresponding vocational training qualifications.

The Royal Decree 1687/2011, of 18 November, in its single derogatory provision, repeals Royal Decree 553/1995 of 7 April, which establishes the curriculum of the higher-grade training cycle corresponding to the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, established under the Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October, of the General Order of the Education System.

In accordance with the above and once Royal Decree 1687/2011, of 18 November, has set the professional profile of the degree of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, its minimum teachings and those other aspects of academic management that constitute the basic aspects of the curriculum that ensure a common training and guarantee the validity of the modules throughout the national territory, it is now necessary to determine, in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports

The needs of an integrated labour market in the European Union require that vocational training lessons pay special attention to the languages of member countries, incorporating them in their training offer. In this regard, this training cycle incorporates in the curriculum English-language training, in response to the provisions of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July establishing the overall management of vocational training.

In addition, the curriculum of this training cycle is established from respect to the educational, organizational and management autonomy of the centres that provide vocational training, promoting these the teamwork of the teachers and the development of training, research and innovation plans in their teaching field and the actions that favor the continuous improvement of the training processes.

On the other hand, vocational training centres will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of students, with special attention to the needs of persons with disabilities.

Finally, it should be pointed out that the curriculum of this training cycle integrates the scientific, technological and organizational aspects of the teachings established to ensure that students acquire a global vision of the productive processes proper to the professional profile of the superior technician in Dental Prosthesis.

In the process of drafting this order, the State School Council has issued a report.

For all of the above, by virtue, I have:


General provisions

Article 1. Object.

This order is intended to determine the curriculum of the higher-grade training cycle corresponding to the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis established by Royal Decree 1687/2011 of 18 November.

Article 2. Scope of application.

The curriculum established in this order will be applied in the territorial area of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.



Article 3. Curriculum.

1. The curriculum for the vocational training of the educational system for the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, established in Royal Decree 1687/2011 of 18 November, is determined in the terms set out in this order.

2. The professional profile of the curriculum, which is expressed by the general competence, professional, personal and social competencies, and the qualifications and units of competence of the National Professional Qualifications Catalogue, is included in the title of Senior Technician in Dental Proses, referred to in the previous section.

3. The general objectives of the curriculum of the training cycle, the objectives of the professional modules expressed in terms of learning results and their evaluation criteria are those included in the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.

4. The contents of the professional modules that make up the present curriculum, adapted to the socio-economic reality and to the prospects for the economic and social development of the environment, are those set out in annex I to this order.

Article 4. Duration and sequencing of professional modules.

1. The total duration of the teachings for this training cycle, including the Vocational Training module in workplaces, is 2000 hours.

2. The professional modules of this training cycle, when offered in a face-to-face manner, will be organized in two academic courses and will conform to the weekly sequencing and distribution set out in annex II to this order.

3. The first academic year will be fully developed in the educational centre. In order to complete the second course, it will be necessary to have exceeded the professional modules that suppose as a whole, at least 80% of the hours of the first course.

4. The right of enrollment of those who have exceeded any professional module in another Autonomous Community shall be guaranteed under article 48.3 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July, which establishes the general management of vocational training of the educational system.

5. In general, during the third quarter of the second course, and once the positive evaluation has been achieved in all the professional modules carried out in the educational centre, the vocational training module will be developed in the workplace.

6. Exceptionally, and in order to facilitate the adaptation of the number of persons enrolled in the availability of training posts in the companies, approximately half of the second-year students will be able to develop such a vocational training module in workplaces during the second quarter of the second course, provided that all professional modules of the first academic year have been positively exceeded.

7. Without prejudice to the above and as a result of the timeliness of certain economic activities that may prevent the development of the Vocational Training Module in Work Centres from being able to conform to the above assumptions, it may be organized in other periods coinciding with the development of the economic activity proper to the professional profile of the title.

8. In any case, the evaluation of the Vocational Training Module in Work Centres will be conditioned on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules in the training cycle.

Article 5. Professional project module.

1. The professional project module has an interdisciplinary character and incorporates the technological and organizational variables related to the essential aspects of the professional competence of the degree of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis.

2. In general, this module will be provided by the teacher who exercises the tutoring in the workplace.

3. The professional project module will be developed during the last period of the training cycle, combining the individual and the collective tutorship, so that at least 50% of the total duration will be carried out in a face-to-face manner and completed with the distance mentoring in which information and communication technologies will be used.

4. In any case and before the start of the Vocational Training module in workplaces, the responsible teacher must anticipate the teaching and learning activities that facilitate the development of the professional project module.

5. The evaluation of this professional module will be conditioned on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle, including that of Training in workplaces.

Article 6. Bilingual education.

1. The curriculum of this training cycle incorporates the English language in an integrated way at least in two professional modules of which make up the entire training cycle. These modules will be provided by the faculty with teaching attribution in them and which also possesses the linguistic qualification corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2. In order to ensure that bilingual education is provided in the two academic courses of the training cycle on a continuous basis, professional modules of both courses will be chosen.

3. The English-language modules are listed in annex III.

4. As a result of the increased complexity of the transmission and reception of teachings in a language other than the mother tongue, the English-language professional modules will increase their lective time burden, in three hours a week for the group of modules that are delivered in the first year and two hours for those that develop during the second course. In addition, the teacher who imparts such professional modules will have assigned, in his individual schedule, at least three hours a week for his preparation. These hours will have the same character as lective hours.

5. With an exceptional and transitional nature until 2020, when the teacher-attribution teacher does not have the level of English required in these professional modules, he will share a total of three hours a week for the set of modules that are given in the first year and two hours for those that develop during the second course with a teacher or a teacher of the English specialty. In this case, the programming of these modules will include, at least, a work or didactic unit that will be developed exclusively in English and the rest of the didactic units will incorporate learning activities taught exclusively in English at that time assigned.

6. Exceptionally, and for those who request it, in the case of pupils or students with disabilities who may present difficulties in their oral expression (brain paralysis, deafness...) measures will be established for the flexibilization and/or alternatives in the requirement for the delivery of modules in English, so that they can apply all the teachings of the professional modules in their mother tongue.

Article 7. Spaces and equipment.

The spaces and facilities to be assembled by vocational training centres, to enable the development of educational activities, are those set out in annex IV to this order and must comply with the provisions of article 11 of Royal Decree 1687/2011 of 18 November, as well as the regulations on equal opportunities, design for all and universal accessibility, prevention of occupational risks and safety and health in the workplace.

Article 8. Degrees and accreditation of teaching requirements.

1. The specialties of the teaching professorship in the professional modules that constitute the teachings established for the title referred to in article 1 of this order, as well as the qualifications equivalent to teaching purposes, are those collected respectively in annexes III A and III B of the Royal Decree 1687/2011, of 18 November, establishing the title of Senior Technician in Dental Pros.

2. In order to ensure compliance with article 12.6 of Royal Decree 1687/2011 of 18 November, which establishes the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, for the delivery of the professional modules that conform it, it must be proven that it meets all the requirements set out in this article, providing the following documentation:

(a) Communicated photocopy of the required official academic title, in accordance with the qualifications included in Annex III C of Royal Decree 1687/2011 of 18 November, cited. When the qualification presented is linked to the professional module that is intended to be given, it will be considered to encompass in itself the objectives of that module. Otherwise, in addition to the qualification, the documents listed in subparagraph (b) or (c) shall be provided.

(b) In the event that the teachings leading to the qualification provided include the objectives of the professional modules to be delivered:

• Personal academic certification of the studies carried out, original or photocopy, issued by an official centre, in which the teachings studied detailing the subjects.

• Programs of studies provided and studied by the person concerned, original or photocopy certified by them, sealed by the University or the corresponding official or authorized teaching center.

(c) In the event that it wishes to be justified by the work experience that, for at least three years, has developed its activity in the sector linked to the professional family, its duration will be credited by the corresponding official supporting document, to which it will be added:

• Certification of the company or employer agency in which the activity developed by the person concerned is specifically recorded. This activity must be implicitly related to the learning results of the professional module to be delivered.

• In the case of self-employed persons, a statement by the person concerned of the most representative activities related to learning results.


Curriculum adaptations

Article 9. Adaptation to the socio-productive environment.

1. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order is established taking into account the socio-economic reality and the geographical, socio-productive and labour characteristics of the implementation environment.

2. The vocational training centres will have the necessary pedagogical, organizational and economic management autonomy for the development of the teachings and their adaptation to the specific characteristics of the socio-economic, cultural and professional environment.

3. The centres authorized to provide this training cycle will specify and develop the organizational and curriculum measures that are more appropriate to the characteristics of their students and their productive environment, in a flexible manner and in the use of their pedagogical autonomy, in the general framework of the educational project, in the terms established by Organic Law 2/2006, on Education.

4. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order will be developed in the didactic programs or curriculum development, enhancing or creating the culture of prevention of occupational risks in the spaces where the different professional modules are given, as well as promoting a culture of environmental respect, excellence in work, compliance with quality standards, creativity, innovation, gender equality and respect for equal opportunities, design for all and universal accessibility.

Article 10. Adaptation to the educational environment.

1. The vocational training centres managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of the students and the environment, with special attention to persons with disabilities, in conditions of accessibility and with the necessary support resources to ensure that the students are able to pursue these teachings in the same conditions as the rest.

2. In addition, the teachings of this cycle will be provided with a flexible and open methodology, based on self-learning and adapted to the personal conditions, capacities and needs of students, so that they can reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities.


Other offers and modality of these lessons

Article 11. Distance offer.

1. The professional modules offered remotely, when required by their characteristics, will ensure that students achieve all the objectives expressed in learning outcomes through face-to-face activities.

2. The Provincial Directorates and the Departments of Education shall take the necessary measures and shall issue the precise instructions to the centres that are authorized to impart this training cycle in a face-to-face manner, for the implementation and operation of the offer of the same distance.

3. The centres authorized to teach distance vocational training will have adequate curriculum materials that will be adapted to the provisions of the fourth additional provision of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May on Education.

Article 12. Combined offer.

In order to respond to personal needs and interests and to give the possibility of bringing training together with work activity, with other activities or situations, the offer of these teachings for adults and young people in special circumstances may be combined between systems of presence and distance learning simultaneously, provided that the same modules are not applied in the two modalities at the same time.

Article 13. Offer for adults.

1. The professional modules of this training cycle associated with the competition units of the National Professional Qualifications Catalogue can be the subject of a modular offer for adults.

2. This training will be carried out with an open and flexible methodology, adapted to the conditions, capacities and personal needs that enable them to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, in compliance with Chapter I of Title IV of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July, which establishes the general management of vocational training of the educational system. In addition, such training will be capitalized to obtain a degree of vocational training, for which the required access requirements will be required.

3. In order to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, the Provincial Directorates and the Departments of Education may establish specific measures to comply with the provisions of article 41 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July, which establishes the general management of vocational training of the educational system and allows for a presence and distance offering simultaneously.

4. In order to promote lifelong training, the Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports may authorize the Provincial Directorates and the Departments of Education to provide, in the centres of their competence, professional modules organized in lower-term training units. In this case, each learning result, with its evaluation criteria and corresponding content block, will be the minimum and indivisible partition unit.

First additional provision. Authorization to impart these teachings.

The Provincial Directorates and the Departments of Education shall apply to the Directorate-General for Vocational Training the authorization to be able to impart the teachings of this training cycle, in full or partial form, in presence and distance, of the centres that request it and meet the requirements of the legislation in force.

Second additional provision. Implantation of these teachings.

1. In the course of 2014-2015, the first course of the training cycle referred to in article 1 of the present order will be introduced and the first course lessons learned under the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of the General Order of the Education System, corresponding to the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis.

2. In the course of 2015-2016, the second course of the training cycle referred to in article 1 of the present order will be introduced and the second course teachings covered by the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of the General Order of the Education System, corresponding to the title of Senior Technician in Dental Proses.

Additional provision third. Linguistic empowerment of bilingual teachers.

Teachers who are to teach in English shall be in possession, prior to the start date of each academic course, of the corresponding linguistic qualification, for which purpose the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport shall conduct an enabling procedure before the start of each course.

Additional provision fourth. Training of bilingual teachers.

The Provincial Directorates and the Departments of Education will schedule English language training courses and activities for all professional training teachers who will teach in professional modules that are likely to be taught in English, who will have the obligation to attend them until they get the necessary qualification. These measures will be applicable at least until 2020.

The training offered will be of three types:

(a) Intensive training, through a course carried out, preferably in the presence modality, during the month of September.

(b) Long-term training throughout the school year, through a course that combines the presence and online form, which will take place outside the time of compulsory stay in the training centre. During the period of completion of the Vocational Training module in workplaces, this course will be intensified and will be carried out, as far as possible, within the timetable of compulsory stay in the centre.

(c) Anglophone country training, through courses, which may include cultural visits and institutions and attendance at conferences, and will take place at the end of the course after the completion of school activities in training centres.

Single transitional provision. Replacement of titles related to these teachings.

1. The student who, at the end of the school year 2013-2014, meets the conditions required for the second course of the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, protected by the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of the General Order of the Educational System, and who has not exceeded any of the professional modules of the first course of the aforementioned title, will have two calls in each of the two successive years to be able to be able. After this period, in the 2016-2017 school year, the validations will be applied to the modules surpassed, established in article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 1687/2011, of 18 November, establishing the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

2. Students who, at the end of the school year 2013-2014, do not comply with the conditions required for the second course of the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, protected by Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of General Order of the Educational System, shall apply the validations established in Article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 1687/2011, of 18 November, by which the Higher Education Law is established,

3. The student who, at the end of the school year 2014-2015, does not comply with the conditions required to obtain the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, protected by Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October, of General Education System Ordering, will have two calls in each of the two successive years to be able to overcome such professional modules, except for the training module in the school for which a course will be available. Students who had not obtained the title of this period shall apply the validations, for the modules exceeded, established in article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 1687/2011, of 18 November, which establishes the title of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis, regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

Final provision first. Application of the order.

The Directorate-General for Vocational Training is authorized, within its competence, to take the necessary measures and to issue instructions for the implementation of the provisions of this order.

Final provision second. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day after its publication in the Official State Gazette.

Madrid, January 23, 2013. – Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Wert Ortega.

Annex I

Professional Modules

1. Professional Module: Dental Prosthesis Laboratory.

Code: 0821


(a) Design of a dental prosthesis laboratory:

Technical-sanitary requirements.

Current legal regulations for dental prosthesis centers, facilities and laboratories.

Characteristics of the dental prosthesis laboratory:

Distribution of different areas and sections.

Equipment and machinery location.

Manufacturing and repair lines.

Equipment and machinery required:

Removable prosthesis facilities.

Fixed prosthesis facilities.

Procurement systems of machinery and consumables.

Safety and hygiene regulations in the dental prosthesis laboratory.

Revision and maintenance plan.

(b) Storage control and computer management:

Management systems.

Computer applications:

Use of computer applications on billing.

Management and warehouse control software applications.

Specific prosthesis software.

Management of sanitary warehouses:

Distribution and placement of products.

Storage systems.

Conditions of maintenance of products in sanitary stores.

Warehouse documentation.

Stock control.

Inventory realization.

Warehouse records.


Maintenance control of equipment and equipment.

(c) Conditioning of protein products:


Prescription. Guys. Interpretation.

Unpackage. Cleaning and disinfection.

Serial number.

Declaration of conformity.


Methods of cleaning and disinfection of the prosthesis.

Disinfection materials.

Packaging of the prosthesis:

Forms and types.

Current legislation:

Issue document.

Identification card making.

(d) Documentation management:

Documentation on the quality system.

Organizational chart. Staff functions.

Documentation of product specifications.

Supply documentation:

I.D. Card.

Maintenance and maintenance instructions.

Documentation of traceability in the production chain.

Standardized work procedures for each type of product:

Removable prosthesis.

Partial prosthesis.

Fixed prosthesis.

Implant-supported prosthesis.


Marketing documentation:


Serial numbers.

Dates of manufacture and shipment.

Provisions for products issued by specialists.

Billing and charging.

(e) Development of the various standardized work procedures:

Staff structure and functions.

Materials for the manufacture of prosthesis.

Manufacturing methods of each of the types of prosthesis:

Removable partial prosthesis.

Full prosthesis.


Fixed prosthesis.

Implant-supported prosthesis.

Prosthesis quality control:

Adjustment check.

Design check.

Checking the occlusion.

Polishing check.

Color check.

Retired dental prosthesis of the market:

Retirement criteria.

Manufacturing defect.

Healthy products.

Raw material entry records.

Actions for the withdrawal of products.

Opening of the file:

Notification to the Ministry of Health.

Final report.

2. Professional Module: Functional design of prosthesis.

Code: 0854


(a) Recognition of the structure of the stomach apparatus:

Maxillofacial anatomy.

Physiology of the stomach apparatus.

Bones and skull muscles.

Functional neuroanatomy and physiology of the chewing system.

Oral cavity: structures that form it and its functions.




The teeth:

Situation. Development.

Dental histology.

Dental rash.


Dental nomenclature.

Dentitions: temporary, mixed and permanent.

Morphology of temporary and permanent teeth:

General characteristics of each type of tooth.

Traits that distinguish each type of tooth.

The period:




Anatomical traits of maxillary edentules.

Gingival and/or dental alterations.

(b) Proposed design solutions:

Current legislation:

European, state and community.

Optional prescription:


Dental prosthesis:

Identification documentation.

Types and applications.

Drawing and signaling on the model.

Components and characteristics of each type of dental prosthesis.

Advantages and drawbacks of each type of dental prosthesis.

Orthodontics and occlusal ferrules:

Identification documentation.

Types and applications.

Drawing and signaling on the model.

Components and features.

Advantages and drawbacks.

(c) Obtaining positive printing:

Print materials for obtaining models:




Performance procedures.

Cubs for obtaining the model:



Materials for the model:




Empty techniques.

Mucodynamic or functional prints.

Split-cast party model.

Process quality criteria.

Prevention of chemical and biological risks in the positive process.

Legislative aspects in the treatment of waste and environmental protection.

(d) Preparation of individual buckets, base plates and occlusion records:

Design on impressions and model.

Types of buckets.

Materials for buckets:




Cub preparation techniques.

Materials for base plates:




Basic iron adjustment techniques.

Materials for occlusion records.

Adaptation techniques: reference parameters.

Attitudinal criteria in the organization and management of the productive process.

(e) Monitoring of occlusion:




Static concepts:

Postural or resting position.

Vertical dimension at rest.

Vertical occlusal dimension.

Interoclusal distance.

Central ratio.

Central occlusion.

Dynamic concepts:

Posselt diagram.

Gothic arch of Gysi.

Movement guides:

Incisal guide.

Deal guide.

Working guide (canine and group).

Determinants or factors of occlusion:

Subsequent determinants.

Previous determinants.

Occlusal disarmony.





Movements of the joint and differences with those of the ATM in the different types.

Model mounting techniques in different types of joints.

Transfer of models to the joint:

Facial arch.

Guidance plan.

Approximation to the triangle of Bonwill.

Functionality and management of different types of semiajustable joints.

Registration and programming of the joint according to the individual values of the patient.

Quality control at all stages of the process.

(f) Computer assisted design (DAO):

Equipment and means necessary for the programming of the design of prosthesis or dental orthesis and orthodontic devices.

Computer applications to digitalize printing and model.

Features of computer-assisted design applications (DAO).

Creation of computer files.

Commands and drawing procedures in two and three dimensions.

Advantages and drawbacks of computer-assisted design techniques.

New technologies in design and manufacture:

Participation in new training programmes.

Participation in projects.

Archived and backup of computer-assisted design programs.

Attitudinal criteria for participation in new training programmes and projects.

3. Professional Module: Complete Prosthesis.

Code: 0855


(a) Execution of test assemblies in total prosthesis:

Anatomical traits of maxillary edentules:

Alveolar crest.

Brakes and ligaments.

Morphology of the palate.

Functional limits of the bases of a complete prosthesis:

Sugar fund.

Limits between hard and soft palate.

Artificial teeth:

Artificial teeth sizes and shapes.

Characterization of artificial teeth.

Form variations.

Color variations.

Artificial Tooth Selection:

Prescription interpretation.

Joint rollers.

Dimension of the dentarian arch.

Evaluation of reabsorption of alveolar crests.

Mounting techniques:


Static-functional criteria.

Confection of occlusion plane.

Execution of compensation curves.

Design and modeling of the bases of a complete prosthesis:

The aesthetic-functional aspects.

Termination lines.

Mobile mucous relief.

Occlusion in complete prosthesis:

Central occlusion.

Dental contacts in eccentric illusions.

Modeling dental contours:

Wax of gums.

Neck condition.

Wax modeling.

(b) Processing and packaging of complete prosthesis:

Preparation of complete prosthesis for mulling:

Peripheral sealing.


Installation techniques of the waxed prosthesis in the mufla:

Traditional muffin.

Inflated in injection nuts.

Charge of autopolymerable resins.

Dental resins in removable prosthesis: types and characteristics.

Components of an acrylic resin:

Characteristics of the monomer.

Polymer characteristics.

Mixing of an acrylic resin: working times, mixing and temperatures.

Resin polymerization methods.

Procedures to remove wax.

Separator varnishes.

Preparations for teeth retention:

Types of artificial teeth (resin and porcelain).

Confection of retentions before the munching.

Confection of retentions during mulling.

Process of packaging or injection of acrylic resin:

Thermopolimerizable resins management.

Self-polluting resin management.

Acrylic resin polymerization process:

Temperature control.

Polymerization time control.

Pressure control during polymerization.

Prosthesis process.

Phenomenon derived from the polymerization process:

Contraction of resin during the polymerization process.

Increase the vertical dimension during the enmuflated process.

(c) Lifting and carving of the complete prosthesis:

Consequences of dimensional changes during the polymerization process and the presence of premature contacts:

Reassembly of prosthesis after the enmuflate.

Evaluation of the variation of the vertical dimension.

The joint role: types and application technique.

Criteria to be taken into account for the detection of joint errors:

Vertical dimension increase.

Displacement of teeth during the munching.

Correction of occlusion alterations by selective carving technique in the joint:

Maximum intercuspidation in centric relation, laterality and protrusion.

Teeth coating in centric occlusion.

Toothbrush in eccentric occlusion.

Recovery of the original vertical dimension.

(d) Complete prosthesis brushing and polishing:

Rotative elements for the overhauling and polishing of acrylic prosthesis:

Materials, shapes and techniques.


Table engines.

Abrasive materials for acrylic prosthesis polishing:

Types of strawberries for resin overlay.

Tungsten carbide.

Fissure strawberries.

Ball brakes.

Diamond disks.

Rotary elements and polishing materials:

Discos and felt for micromotor.


Rock powder.

White from Spain.

Pulir pastes.

Polishing and polishing techniques.

(e) Confection of repairs in resin-removable prosthesis:

Types of repairs: techniques, materials and equipment.

Composture types:



Replacement of plates and bases.

Replacement of retainers.

Repairing techniques:

Replacement of parts.

Repair of fissures and fractures.

Use of silicone and plaster models.

Use of autopolymerable resins.

Materials and equipment.

(f) Clothing of resin-removable overlays:

Types of surpasses:




Direct and indirect method.

Clothes over model.

Clothing of beans in the mouth.

Total change of resin bases.

Materials and equipment.

(g) Implementation of labour risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Risk identification.

Identification of occupational risk prevention measures.

Labour risk prevention regulations in dental prosthesis.

Risk factors and situations.

Physical factors of the working environment. Radiological protection.

Chemical factors in the working environment.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Safety at the prosthesis workshop.

Individual protection means and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulation of waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Waste treatment and collection.

Compliance with labour risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

Methods and rules of order and cleaning.

Ethical commitment to the values of conservation and defense of the environmental and cultural heritage of society.

Environmental management.

4. Professional Module: Orthodontics and occlusal ferrules.

Code: 0856


(a) Identification of dentofacial and biomechanical anomalies:

Terminology of orthodontics: etymologies and nomenclatures:

Roots that express the place of the anomaly.

Roots that refer to changes in position and direction of soft, maxillary and ATM tissues.

Roots that refer to changes in the position and direction of teeth.

Roots that refer to occlusion changes.

Roots that refer to the volume changes of the teeth.

Dental malfunctions:

Space anomalies.

Time anomalies.

Number anomalies.

Dental maloclusions:

Angle classes.

Lisher Classification.

Etiopathogenic classification.

Topographical classification.

Anomalies related to parafunctions:


Anomalies related to abnormal habits:





Dental movement: tisular reaction to forces.

Classification of the Dental Movement.



Types of anchor: intraoral and extraoral.

Classification of orthodontics:

According to their location.

According to the type of control they exert on the tooth.

According to his mode of action.

(b) Simulation in the study model:





Traced cephalometric.

Cephalometric points.

Lines, planes and cephalometric angles.

Techniques for modeling in orthodontics:

Working models.

Diagnostic models.

Model analysis:

Analysis of intermaxillary relationships.

Individual analysis of each arcade.

Analysis of dental anomalies.

Oseodentary discrepancy rates:

Calculation of the arched length.

Oseodentary discrepancy calculation in mixed dention.

Review of maxillary size:

Bogue rules.

Majoral measures.

Review of the size of the owner:

Bolton Index.


Diagnostic predetermination assembly (diagnostic second-up).

(c) Selection of equipment, materials and instruments:

Classification of wires according to:

Form of the section.



Physical and chemical properties of wires.

Wire bending techniques.


Types: welding with gas and electrical welding.


Acrylic resins.

Types of pliers and instruments used in orthodontics.

Types of screws.

(d) Development of removable occlusal orthodontic apparatuses and ferrules:

Removable fittings:


Advantages and disadvantages.

Retentive elements. Gangs:

Basic principles in the design and manufacture of hooks.

Types of hooks: Adams hook, circumferential, ball, handle and Duyzing hook, among others.

Dressed arches:



Types of vestibule arches: simple, anatomical, Ricketts, Robert and progenie.


Parts of a spring.

Spring design.

Types of springs for mesiodistal movement, vestibularization, lingual movement, arch expansion and others.



Types: sagital, tridirectional, transversal, fan, sectoral and telescopic action.

Metallic and acrylic lifts.

Techniques for the preparation and placement of retaining elements, stabilizers and activators of the plate.

Acrylic bases:

Features of the upper and lower acrylic plate.

Acrylic base processing technique.

Product conditioning:




Documentation for the user.


(e) Development of removable apparatus:

Active removable aparatology:

Active elements of the plate.

Symmetric expansion plate.

Asymmetric expansion plate.

Plate with lingual grid.

Removable aparatology of retention or passive:

Hawley Plate.

Elastic arch.

Plaque of Hilguers.

Ricketts plaque.

Active removable equipment development technique.

Restraining techniques.

Functional aparatology:

Components of the functional apparatus.

Functional components.

Components for dental control.

Stabilizing components.

Functional fittings: Bimler and Fränkel.

Product conditioning:




Documentation for the user.


Sequence of elaboration.

(f) Preparation of fixed and extraoral apparatus:

Fixed aparatology:

Applications of fixed devices.

Characteristics and techniques of band making.

Types of fixed devices.

Clothing techniques and characteristics.


Distalation fittings.


Expansion fittings.

Rotation fittings.

Extraoral aparatology:

Applications of extraoral devices.



Extraoral arch.

Facial mask.

Product conditioning:




Documentation to the user.


Sequence of elaboration.

(g) Preparation of occlusal ferrules:


Types of occlusal ferrules:

Because of his role.

For his physical constitution.

Preparation with thermo-moulding vacuum.

Preparation with acrylic resin.

Product conditioning:




Documentation for the user.


Quality control in the process phases and in the presentation of the product.

(h) Implementation of labour risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Risk identification.

Identification of occupational risk prevention measures.

Labour risk prevention regulations in dental prosthesis.

Risk factors and situations.

Physical factors of the working environment. Radiological protection.

Chemical factors in the working environment.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Safety at the prosthesis workshop.

Individual protection means and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulation of waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Waste treatment and collection.

Compliance with labour risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

Methods and rules of order and cleaning.

Ethical commitment to the values of conservation and defense of the environmental and cultural heritage of society.

Environmental management.

5. Professional Module: Restorations and metal structures in fixed prosthesis.

Code: 0857


(a) Obtaining individualized stains:

The plaster: friction mechanism and mixing procedure.

Empty of the impressions. Precautions.

Preparation of muntons. Model preparation techniques:

Direct method.

Indirect method.

Pindex system.

Di-Iock method.

Other methods.

Trock defects.

Types of pins.

Materials and equipment.

Types of carving:




Preparation of margins.

Metallic technique of muntons.

Zocalado: split cast.

(b) Obtaining the wax structure:

Materials and instrumentals used.

Features and manipulation of modeling waxes.

Basic principles for making a wax pattern.

Enduring the surface of the model.

Modeling techniques:



Waxing techniques:

Wrapped crown.

Locked from the Venner crown.

Waxed of a thorn with artificial muns.

Closing of the porticos.


Technique for the realization of a post.

Finished and polished of the wax.

Watch the wax pattern.

Contact points:

Form of contact points.

Location of contact points.

(c) Preparation of structures for casting:

Drinks and vents:



Installation techniques.

Form of union.

Factors that influence placement: thermal center, thickness, rechup chamber and length of the drinker.

Cast pores.

Auxiliary drinkers.

Case studies.


Types: materials and shape.


Interior coating.

Filled: techniques and precautions.


Selection criteria.




Surface tension slider.

Inclusion techniques.


(d) Obtaining the negative structure:

Thermal expansion: cylinder heating.

Initiation of preheating: cold oven and hot oven.

Preheating technique.

Preheating guidelines:

Low-warming technique.

High-warming technique.

Types of furnaces.

Lost wax technique.

Placement of the cylinders.

(e) Obtaining the restoration or modeled metal structure:

Washing equipment:

Metal fusion machines: with flame, with electrical resistance, induction and continuous current arch.

Washing machines: centrifugal, positive pressure, negative pressure or vacuum.

Crisols: types and indications.

Types and composition of alloys.

Metal fusion techniques.

Exam the colado button.

Causes that can cause failures in the hills.

Analysis to prevent failures in the hills.

Cleaning and sanding of the cast.

Control of adjustment, occlusion and restoration.

Repair and polishing techniques.

(f) Obtaining mechanized structures:

Application characteristics of CAD systems: CAM.

Advantages and drawbacks of computer-assisted design techniques.

Equipment and means for computer machining.

Fresting systems and machines.

Computer applications to digitalize printing.

Behavior of the prosthesis made on metalless structures.


Materials used to perform mechanical structures:



Circonium oxide.

Lithium delicacy.

(g) Obtaining metal structures of gold and silver:

Applications of the galvanoform technique.

Biocompatibility of gold.

Electrodeposition technique.

Adjustment and anchoring of the galvanic technique.

Electrolytic process.

(h) Implementation of labour risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Risk identification.

Identification of occupational risk prevention measures.

Labour risk prevention regulations in dental prosthesis.

Risk factors and situations.

Physical factors of the working environment. Radiological protection.

Chemical factors in the working environment.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Safety at the prosthesis workshop.

Individual protection means and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulation of waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Waste treatment and collection.

Compliance with labour risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

Methods and rules of order and cleaning.

Ethical commitment to the values of conservation and defense of the environmental and cultural heritage of society.

Environmental management.

6. Professional module: Metal removable partial prosthesis, resin and mixed.

Code: 0858


(a) Making wax modeling:

Classification of partial dentures:

Kennedy's classes.

Other classifications.

Components that integrate a metal removable partial prosthesis:

Major connectors.

Minor connectors.



Biomechanical considerations of metal removable partial prosthesis.

Determinant factors in the design of a metal removable partial prosthesis:

Hot lines.

Occlusal support.

Retentive and expelling areas.

Procedures for the design of partial prosthesis.

The parallelometer:

Types of parallelometers.

Major components.


Calibrated beams.


Parallelization of models.

Blocking, relief and marking of the model:

Relief in wax of retention zones.

Relief in wax of bases and chairs.

Duplication of models:

Duplicated in jelly.

Duplicated in silicone.

Treatment of coating models.

Design transfer.


Modeled with preforms.

Classification of preformed retainers.

Placement of the babies.

(b) Production of the metal base:

Covered and placed in cylinder.

Types and thickness of drinkers.

Gas leakage laying.

Thermal center of the cylinder study.

Coating times.

Preheating and unlocking cylinders.

Cylinder heating.

Metal alloys used in partial metal removable prosthesis.

Noble and non-noble metals used in PPRM.

Piping systems.

Description of types of machinery.

Recovery, sanding and decaping of the strain.

Disposed and polished of the structure.

Drinking cuts.

Materials and machinery for coating and polishing of metals, and for casting and casting of metal.

Pulsed by electrolytic bath.

Testing and adjusting the cast to the master model.

(c) Welding of metallic elements:

Alloys: guys.


Welding area.

Weld resistance.

Welding techniques:

Electric weld by points.

Weld of noble metals.

Semi-precious metal welding.

Non-noble metal welding.

Founders and anti-founders. Use.

Welding quality criteria.

(d) Incorporation of mixed prosthesis components or other retainers:

Classification of anchors used in mixed prosthesis:

Intracoronary attachments.

Extracoronary attachments.

Elements that make up an anchor:

Male and female components of the anchors in mixed prosthesis.

Positioning of the secondary element of the anchors, by parallelometer, to join the metal structure:

Placement of components in fixed prosthesis.

Placement of components in removable prosthesis.

Overlayed components.

Expendable components.

Parallelization and search of the right insert shaft to make forged wire retainers:

Dental Ecuadorians.

Retention calculation.

Relief from holding areas.

Confection of wire retainers forged with wires of different calibers.

Union of different types of retainers by welding or other techniques:

Welding union.

Union by autopolymerable resins.

(e) Mounting of artificial teeth:

Artificial Tooth Selection:

Color search.

Calculation of sizes and shapes.

Occlusion in removable partial prosthesis:

Central occlusion.

Balanced occlusion in eccentric movements.

Tooth assembly and base modeling.

Resin placement techniques and polymerization:

Key-making in various materials: silicone and plaster.

Flying technique.

Inflated technique.

(f) Polymerization of resin elements:

Resine and polymerization.

Installation techniques:

Thermopolimerizable resins.

Self-popping resins.

Confection of dentary parts with photopolymerizable composites.

Teeth fixation by silicone keys.

Removing the wax from the model.

Charge and polymerization of resin, following the instructions and standards of the manufacturer.

Joint lifting and occlusion readjustment:

Central occlusion.

Eccentric occlusion.

Reviewed and polished of the dental prosthesis to achieve a smooth and bright surface texture.

7. Professional Module: Restorations and aesthetic coatings.

Code: 0859


(a) Preparation of provisional restorations:

Indications and functions.

Restorations as diagnostic aid.



Types of matrices for restorations.




(b) Execution of restorations in metal-resin:

Modeling dental parts.

Features and properties of the materials used:


Neck resin, dentine and incisal.

Modifiers and makeups.

Preparation techniques.

Metal preparation:

Factors that intervene in the metal-resin union.


Repasing and polishing techniques of resin.

(c) Production of metal-ceramic restorations:

Metal preparation.

Factors involved in metal-ceramic union.


Types: feldspáticas, aluminous and circonious.

Composition: dust and liquid.

Classification: according to the processing temperature, according to its chemical composition and according to the processing system.

Properties: thermal, mechanical, chemical and optical.

Fraction formation mechanisms: causes, thermal shock and preventive measures.

Fracture production mechanism: surface pores.

Procedures for the preparation of restorations.

Types of ceramic ovens.

(d) Execution of restorations on mechanical structures:

Modeled with ceramic.

Accession of ceramics to machined structures.

Color dynamics.

Integration of ceramics with the zirconium.

Materials used to perform mechanical structures:



Circonium oxide.

Lithium delicacy.

(e) Execution of injection ceramic restorations:

Diagnostic wax.

Injection materials.

Inlays, onlays and ribs.

Inlaid lock.



Injection techniques:

Cylinders, waxes and specific drinkers.

Techniques used for injected ceramics.

Types of coating for injected ceramic.

Handling of injection ceramic ovens.

Types of injection ceramics.

(f) Execution of restorations on scayola dolls:



Materials used.

Restoration Recovery: Arenado.

Review techniques.

(g) Implementation of labour risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Risk identification.

Identification of occupational risk prevention measures.

Labour risk prevention regulations in dental prosthesis.

Risk factors and situations.

Physical factors of the working environment. Radiological protection.

Chemical factors in the working environment.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Safety at the prosthesis workshop.

Individual protection means and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulation of waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Waste treatment and collection.

Compliance with labour risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

Methods and rules of order and cleaning.

Ethical commitment to the values of conservation and defense of the environmental and cultural heritage of society.

Environmental management.

8. Professional Module: Prosthesis on implants.

Code: 0860


(a) Definition and characteristics of dental implants. Osteointegration and materials:

Historical developments.

Characteristics of implantological anatomy.

Conditioning factors of osteointegration.

Factors that act on implants:

Static loads.

Dynamic loads.

Mechanics and biology of osteointegration:

Biology of the bone.

Bone removal.

Reaction to strange bodies.

Biomaterials for dental implants:

Physical requirements.

Mechanical requirements.

Chemical requirements.

Surfaces of dental implants: surface coating.

Alloys employed in prosthesis on implants:



(b) Obtaining the model:

Optional prescription:

Relevant data.



Features of printing materials in prosthesis on implants.

Printing characteristics for study models and intermediate laboratory phases.

Protective components used in the taking and emptying of impressions:

Transfer elements.

Implant analogues.

Prosthesis screws and guide screws.

Printing for working models:

Classic method. Characteristics. Technique: implant-head printing and direct printing on pillar.

FRI system (rigid printing section). Characteristics. Technical.

Indirect method. Technical.

Quality criteria at each stage of the process.

(c) Development of radiological and surgical ferrules:

Diagnosis: utility and technique.

General requirements for the model in a radiological column.

General design requirements in a radiological strip.

Confection of a radiological splint in partial edentulus:

Through vacuum stamping apparatus.

Wax and acrylic method.

Radiological plant in total edenulum:

Requirements to meet duplicate and complete prosthesis.

Confection of the radiological splint from the patient's prosthesis. Inconvenients and/or contraindications.

By duplicating the prosthesis.

Requirements of the surgical splint.

Computer assisted design of surgical ferrules.

(d) Characterization of the components of implants, pillars and types of protein rehabilitation:

Types of implants:

Depending on the way.

According to its surface treatment.

According to joining the mucous.

Components of implants.

Pillars and Pillars:

According to the type of suprastructure.

For his design.

For its material and surface.

Due to the rotation capacity of the suprastructure on the pillars.

Classification of the types of prosthesis on implants:

Depending on their removal capacity.

According to the coating material.

According to the location in the arcade.

According to the binding of the suprastructure to the pillars.

According to the support track.

Clinical indications of prosthesis on implants.

Absolute and relative contraindications of prosthesis on implants.

Laboratory protocol:

Manufacture of master models.

Mounting models in semiajustable joint.

Tooth test lock.

Mesostructure preparation: calcinable elements and acrylic elements.

Preparation of the suprastructure.

New components and new techniques in implants.

(e) Confection of implanted fixed prosthesis:


According to the number of pieces to be replaced.

According to the coating material.

According to his position on the arcade.

According to the type of binding of the suprastructure to the pillars.

With/without artificial gum.

Optional prescription:

Relevant data.



Fixed prosthesis screwed on implants:



Biomechanical particularities.


Cemented fixed prosthesis on implants:

Biomechanics of the protein suprastructure.

Indications and advantages.


Product conditioning:




Documentation for the user.


Waste legislation and environmental protection:

European, state and regional.

(f) Preparation of overdentations on implants:

Classification of overdents according to the support path.

Types of retention systems.

Mucosoportated and mixed support surfaces.

Passive adjustment. Technical.

Implanted overdentations:

Components of an overdenting of implantation support.

Inclusion of overdentations on implants.

Complications and more frequent failures.




Product conditioning:




Documentation for the user.


9. Professional Module: Dental Prosthesis Project.

Code: 0861


(a) Identification of needs of the productive sector and the organization of the company:

Identification of the functions of the jobs.

Structure and business organization of the sector.

Activity of the company and its location in the sector.

Organizational chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

Industry trends: productive, economic, organizational, employment and others.

Working procedures in the field of the company. Systems and methods of work.

Identification of excluded labour relations and special labour relations.

Collective agreement applicable to the professional field.

The culture of the company: corporate image.

Applicable quality and safety systems in the sector.

(b) Design of projects related to the sector:

Analysis of the local reality, of the business supply of the sector in the area and of the context in which the vocational training module is to be developed in the workplace.

Information collection.

General structure of a project.

Preparation of a worksheet.

Project implementation planning: objectives, content, resources, methodology, activities, timeliness and evaluation.

Viability and opportunity of the project.

Review of applicable rules.

(c) Project implementation planning:

Sequence of activities.

Preparation of work instructions.

Development of a risk prevention plan.

Documentation required for project implementation planning.

Compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Project quality assurance indicators.

(d) Definition of monitoring and evaluation procedures for project implementation:

Proposal for solutions to the objectives set out in the project and justification of those selected.

Definition of the project evaluation procedure.

Determination of the variables susceptible to evaluation.

Documentation required for the evaluation of the project.

Process quality control and final product.

Registration of results.

10. Vocational module: Training and job orientation.

Code: 0862


(a) Active job search:

Valuation of the importance of continuing training for the career and professional career of the superior technician in Dental Prosthesis.

Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for professional careers.

Identification of training itineraries related to the superior technician in Dental Prosthesis.

Respectability of one's own learning. Knowledge of the requirements and the expected fruits.

Definition and analysis of the professional sector of the degree of Senior Technician in Dental Prosthesis.

Planning of the race itself:

Establishment of medium- and long-term labour objectives consistent with needs and preferences.

Realistic and consistent objectives with current and projected training.

Job search process in small, medium and large companies in the sector.

Learning and employment opportunities in Europe. Europass, Ploteus.

Job-seeking techniques and tools.

Review of self-employment as an alternative for professional insertion.

The decision-making process.

Establishment of a personal checklist for coherence between career, training and aspirations.

(b) Conflict management and working teams:

Assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork for the effectiveness of the organization.

Team classes in the prosthetic-dental sector according to their functions.

Analysis of the training of the work teams.

Features of an effective task force.

Participation in the working team. Analysis of the possible roles of its members.

Conflict definition: characteristics, sources and stages of conflict.

Methods for resolving or deleting the conflict: mediation, conciliation and arbitration.

(c) Work contract:

The right to work.

Intervention of public authorities in labour relations.

Analysis of the individual employment relationship.

Identification of excluded labour relations and special labour relations.

Modalities of employment contract and recruitment promotion measures.

Rights and duties derived from the employment relationship.

Working conditions. Salary, work time and rest.

Modification, suspension and termination of the employment contract.

Representation of workers.

Collective bargaining as a means of balancing the interests of workers and entrepreneurs.

Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the professional field of the superior technician in Dental Prosthesis.

Collective conflicts of work.

New working environments: subcontracting and teleworking, among others.

Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

(d) Social security, employment and unemployment:

The social security system as a basic principle of social solidarity.

Structure of the social security system.

Determination of the main obligations of entrepreneurs and social security workers: affiliation, high, low and quota.

The protective action of Social Security.

Classes, requirements and amount of benefits.

Concept and situations protected by unemployment.

Workers' counseling systems regarding their rights and duties.

(e) Professional risk assessment:

Importance of preventive culture at all stages of professional activity.

Review of the relationship between work and health.

Analysis and determination of working conditions.

The concept of professional risk. Risk Factor Analysis.

Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

Risk analysis linked to safety conditions.

Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psychosocial conditions.

Specific risks in the prosthetic-dental sector.

Determination of possible damage to the health of the worker that may result from the risk situations detected.

(f) Risk prevention planning in the company:

Labour risk prevention rights and duties.

Labour risk prevention responsibilities.

Management of prevention in the company.

Representation of workers in preventive matters.

Public agencies related to the prevention of labour risks.

Prevention planning in the company.

Emergency and evacuation plans in working environments.

Development of an emergency plan in a small or medium-sized sector.

(g) Implementation of prevention and protection measures in the company:

Identification of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

Protocol of Action to an Emergency Situation.

First aid. Medical emergency. Basic concepts.

Application of first aid techniques.

Training workers on emergency plans.

Workers' health monitoring.

11. Professional Module: Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship.

Code: 0863


(a) Entrepreneurship initiative:

Innovation and economic development. Key features of innovation in prosthetic-dental activity (materials, technology and organization of production, among others).

The entrepreneurial culture as a social need.

The entrepreneurial character.

Key factors of entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

Collaboration between entrepreneurs.

The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of a company related to dental prosthesis.

The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the prosthetic-dental sector.

Risk in entrepreneurial activity.

Concept of entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business.

Personal objectives versus business objectives.

Business plan: the idea of business in the prosthetic-dental field.

Good practices of entrepreneurial culture in prosthetic-dental activity, at the local level.

(b) The company and its environment:

Basic functions of the company.

The company as a system.

The general environment of the company.

Analysis of the general environment of a company related to dental prosthesis.

The specific environment of the company.

Analysis of the specific environment of a company related to dental prosthesis.

Relations of a prosthetic-dental company with its environment.

Relations of a prosthetic-dental company with the whole of society.

The culture of the company: corporate image.

Social responsibility.

The social balance.

Business ethics.

Social and ethical responsibility of companies in the prosthetic-dental sector.

(c) Establishment and implementation of a company:

Company concept.

Business types.

The responsibility of the owners of the company.

Taxation in companies.

Choice of legal form. Dimension and number of partners.

Administrative procedures for the establishment of a company.

Economic feasibility and financial viability of a company related to dental prosthesis.

Analysis of sources of funding and budgeting of a company related to dental prosthesis.

Aids, subsidies and tax incentives for dental prosthesis-related SMEs.

Business plan: legal choice, economic and financial feasibility study, administrative procedures and aid management and grants.

(d) Administrative function:

Accounting concept and basic notions.

Accounting operations: registration of an enterprise's economic information.

Accounting as a faithful image of the economic situation.

Analysis of accounting information.

Tax obligations of companies.

Requirements and deadlines for submission of official documents.

Management of a company related to dental prosthesis.

12. Professional Module: Training in workplaces.

Code: 0864


(a) Identification of the business structure and organization:

Structure and business organization of the prosthetic-dental sector.

Activity of the company and its location in the prosthetic-dental sector.

Organizational chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

Logistic structure of the company. Suppliers, customers and marketing channels.

Working procedures in the field of the company. Systems and methods of work.

Human resources in the company: training requirements and professional, personal and social competencies associated with different jobs.

Quality system established in the workplace.

Security system established at the workplace.

(b) Application of ethical and labor habits:

Personal Attitudes: empathy, punctuality.

Professional attitudes: order, cleaning, responsibility and security.

Attitudes to the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

Hierarchy in the company. Communication with the work team.

Documentation of professional activities: methods of classification, codification, renewal and elimination.

Recognition and application of the internal rules of the company, work instructions, standardized work procedures and others.

(c) Handling of materials, tools, equipment and equipment for the development of each of the protein products:

Identification and use of materials.

Maintenance of materials.

Checking the stocks of the necessary materials.


Storage and distribution of material.

Identification, use, care and maintenance of the instruments and equipment.

Planning of equipment maintenance activities.

(d) Design of dental prosthetic products:

Medical prescription and user features.

Selection of media and materials.

Alternative design.

Positivado of impressions and recordings.

Preparation of individual buckets, base plates and occlusion records.

Checking the suitability of design.

Making modifications and rectifications.

Computer program management using computer-assisted design techniques.

(e) Development and repair of removable prosthesis:

Selection of materials, instruments and fittings.

Mounting and articulating teeth.

Processed of enmuflated, pressed and polymerized.

Processed of the metal structure or bar.

Modifications and repairs.

Final quality control.

(f) Development and repair of occlusal orthodontic and ferrules:

Selection of materials, instruments and fittings.

Preparation of models.

Conduct of previous studies.

Processed of occlusal orthodontic apparatus and sprues.

Modifications and repairs.

Checking the functionality, strength and retention of the elements developed.

Final quality control.

(g) Preparation and repair of fixed prosthesis:

Selection of materials, instruments and fittings.

Interpretation of characteristics of the teeth pieces.

Washing techniques to the lost wax and galvanoform.

Scanning and milling techniques.

Mounting of the protein elements of the implants on the model.

Processed of the metal structure or bar.

Modifications and repairs.

Product finish.

Verification of the adaptation, function and aesthetic of the prosthesis.

Annex II

Weekly sequencing and distribution of professional modules

Higher Degree Training Cycle: Dental Prosthesis

Professional module

Duration (hours)

First course (h/week)

Second year

2 quarters (h/week)

1 quarter (hours)

0821. Dental prosthesis laboratory.



0854. Functional prosthesis design.



0855. Complete prosthesis.



0856. Orthodontics and occlusal ferrules.



0858. Metal removable, resin and mixed partial prosthesis.



0862. Training and job guidance.



Hours reserved for the module delivered in English.



0857. Restorations and metal structures in fixed prosthesis.



0859. Restorations and aesthetic coatings.



0860. Prosthesis on implants.



0863. Company and entrepreneurial initiative.



Hours reserved for the module delivered in English.



0864. Training in workplaces.



0861. Dental prosthesis project.



Total in the training cycle





Annex III

Modules capable of being imparted in English.

0855. Complete prosthesis.

0856. Orthodontics and occlusal ferrules.

0857. Restorations and metal structures in fixed prosthesis.

0858. Metal removable, resin and mixed partial prosthesis.

0859. Restorations and aesthetic coatings.

0860. Prosthesis on implants.

Annex IV

Minimum space and equipment


Training space

Area m2

30 pupils

20 pupils

Polyvalent classroom.



Laboratory of metal and ceramic prosthesis.



Resin prosthesis laboratory.



Minimum equipment:

Training space


Polyvalent classroom.



Management programs for dental prosthesis laboratories and administrative tasks.

Ofimatic equipment.

Scanner, hardware and software required for the CAD system: CAM.

Laboratory of metal and ceramic prosthesis.

Working tables.

Gravable height chairs with wheels.

Suction system.

Compressed air equipment.

Gas bunsen lighters.

Electric inferno.

Centrifugal induction.


Preheating oven.

Laser system drilling machine.

Model cutter.

Drinking cutter.

Interior clippers.


Scayola vibrator.

Plaster decanter.


Articulators: adjustable and semia adjustable.

Facial arch. Mounting plates.

Zocalador, rubber cup and plaster spatulas.

Model duplication system.

Individual packaging system.

Manual braking system.

Cooler and microfresher.

Silicone Duplicator.

Ceramic oven.

Ceramic injector.

Vacuum pump for ceramic oven.

Individual packaging system.

Muñon individualization system.

Frying system using CAD:CAM techniques.

Machine injector of acrylic resins.


Protective components of implantology.

Hardware and software required for the CAD:CAM system.

Complete teeth models.

Tooth models.



Plaster knife.

Scissors to cut truwax.

Instrumental to manipulate the wax: zhale, piterkathoma, lecron and different spatulas.


Plaster packs.

Alicates of different shapes and design for orthodontics.

Orthodontic hammer.

Cylinders of various sizes.

Instrumental for wax handling.

Brushes and spatules for resin and ceramic modeling.

Cones of felt and brushes to polish and polish.

Orthodontic screws. Resorts. Bands. Wives. Muflas. Bridas. Cepillos. Soldier.

Stainless steel thread of different calibers.

Alloys for metallic removable and to strain structures for crowns and bridges.

Ceramic case of different types.

Resin prosthesis laboratory.

Working tables.

Gravable height chairs with wheels.

Suction system.

Compressed air equipment.

Gas bunsen lighters.

Electric inferno.

Centrifugal induction.


Preheating oven.

Laser system drilling machine.

Model cutter.

Drinking cutter.

Interior clippers.


Scayola vibrator.

Plaster decanter.


Articulators: adjustable and semia adjustable.

Facial arch. Mounting plates.

Zocalador, rubber cup and plaster spatulas.

Model duplication system.

Individual packaging system.

Manual braking system.

Cooler and microfresher.

Silicone Duplicator.

Ceramic oven.

Ceramic injector.

Vacuum pump for ceramic oven.

Individual packaging system.

Muñon individualization system.

Frying system using CAD:CAM techniques.

Machine injector of acrylic resins.


Protective components of implantology.

Hardware and software required for the CAD:CAM system.

Complete teeth models.

Tooth models.



Plaster knife.

Scissors to cut truwax.

Instrumental to manipulate the wax: zhale, piterkathoma, lecron and different spatulas.


Plaster packs.

Alicates of different shapes and design for orthodontics.

Orthodontic hammer.

Cylinders of various sizes.

Instrumental for wax handling.

Brushes and spatules for resin and ceramic modeling.

Cones of felt and brushes to polish and polish.

Orthodontic screws. Resorts. Bands. Wives. Muflas. Bridas. Cepillos. Soldier.

Stainless steel thread of different calibers.

Alloys for metallic removable and to strain structures for crowns and bridges.

Ceramic case of different types.