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Resolution Of 7 July 1993, Of The Secretariat Of Estado-Presidencia Of The Council Superior Of Sports, Which Has The Publication Of Statutes Of The Spanish Federation Of Sports For Physical Handicapped.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 7 de julio de 1993, de la Secretaría de Estado-Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se dispone la publicación de los Estatutos de la Federación Española de Deportes de Minusválidos Físicos.

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In the exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10.2 (b) of Law 10/1990 of 5 October of the Sport, the Commission of the Council of Sports of the High Council of Sports has definitively adopted the Statutes of the Federation Spanish of Sports of Physical Disabled, and authorized their registration in the Register of Sports Associations.

In compliance with the provisions of Article 31.7 of the Law of Sport, and Article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December on Spanish Sports Federations, the publication in the Official Journal of the Spanish Sports Status > of the Statutes of the same and their modifications.

By virtue of the above, this Secretary of State agrees:

Arrange the publication of the Statutes of the Spanish Federation of Sports of Physical Disabled Persons contained in the Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, July 7, 1993.-The Secretary of State-President of the Superior Council of Sports, Javier Gómez Navarro.



Common Principles

Article 1. The Spanish Federation of Sports of Physical Disabled is a private law entity that groups physically disabled athletes, technicians (disabled or valid), as well as sports associations. It also includes the Federations of the Disabled of the Autonomous Communities.

Art. 2. The FEDMF has its own legal personality and full capacity to act for the fulfillment of its purposes and will be governed by the existing legal provisions of application, by the present Statutes, as well as by the Regulations and agreements that validly adopt their governing bodies.

Art. 3. The FEDMF is affiliated to and represents Spain exclusively in the international organizations that are cited and to which it belongs as a full member, being obliged to comply with the regime established in its Statutes, General and technical regulations, international relations with these organizations and with respect to the Spanish legal system.

ISOD (International Organization of Sports for the Disabled).

ISMGF (International Federation of the Stoke-Mandeville Games).

The FEDMF may also be affiliated with other international organizations or Federations of sports for the disabled if they are understood by its decision-making bodies and with the express authorization of the Board of Directors of the Superior Council. Sports.

Art. 4. In accordance with the Spanish Constitution and international norms, the FEDMF will not allow discrimination on grounds of sex or social, political, religious or ideological position.

In the same way, it will not allow foreign interference of a sporting character in the sphere of its competence.

Art. 5. The FEDMF is governed by the provisions of Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport; in Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish Sports Federations; Order of 28 April 1992; Royal Decree 1591/1992, of 23 December, on Sports discipline, and other legal provisions implementing them, or those which may amend or replace them, as well as by the present Statutes and their Regulations and by the other rules of internal order which validly dictate in the exercise of their powers.


Art. 6. The FEDMF has its registered office in Madrid, Ferraz, 16.

Competencies and Functions

Art. 7. The FEDMF will be registered in its case in the corresponding International Sports Federations, with the express authorization of the Board of Directors of the Superior Council of Sports.

Art. 8. The FEDMF, in addition to its own activities of government, administration, management, organization and regulation of sports specialties corresponding to each of its sports modalities, will exercise, under the coordination and supervision of the Council Superior Sports, the following public administrative functions:

(a) Qualify and organise, where appropriate, official activities and competitions at the State level.

To these effects, the organization of such competitions is related to the regulation of the general framework of the same, as established in the regulations of the FEDMF.

b) To act, in coordination with the Federal Federations, for the general promotion of the sport of physical disabilities in the national territory.

c) Design, develop and implement, in collaboration, in their case, with the Autonomous Federations, the plans of preparation of top-level sportsmen in their respective sports modalities, as well as participate in the drawing up of the annual lists of the same.

d) Collaborate with the State Administration and the Autonomous Communities in the training of sports technicians, prevention, control and repression of the use of prohibited substances and pharmacological groups and methods regulations in sport.

e) to organise or protect official international competitions held in the territory of the State.

f) Exercise sports disciplinary authority in cases established in the Law of Sport, its specific provisions, development and its Statutes and Regulations.

g) Exercise the control of the grants assigned to the Associations and Sports Entities under the conditions set by the Superior Council of Sports.

h) To execute, as appropriate, the resolutions of the Spanish Committee for Sports Discipline.

Art. 9. In the international arena, the following functions are the responsibility of the FEDMF:

To show the representation of Spain in the official sports activities and competitions of international character held outside and within the Spanish territory. To this end it will be the responsibility of the FEDMF to choose the athletes who need to integrate the national team.

Organize, request international competitions, under the authorization of the Superior Council of Sports, being in terms of the regime of the same, to the ordination on activities and international sports performances.

Governing Bodies

Art. 10. The following are the governing bodies and representation of the FEDMF:

a) General Assembly. (The General Assembly shall be a Commission Delegated to the General Assembly.)

b) President.

Art. 11. These are complementary organs:

1. The Board of Directors.

2. The Secretary of the Federation.

3. The Manager.

For a better and more efficient performance, both in the FEDMF and in the Committees and Subcommittees, Directorates and Commissions with a provisional or permanent nature, can be created.

Art. 12. They are courts of the FEDMF:

The Committee on Competition.

Territorial structuring

Art. 13. The territorial organisation of the FEDMF shall be in accordance with that of the State in Autonomous Communities:

1. For the participation of its members in official or international sports activities or competitions, the sports federations of regional autonomy must be integrated into the FEDMF.

2. The Autonomous Federations shall retain their legal personality, their own heritage and differentiated their budget and their particular legal status.

3. The Autonomous Federations may request their integration into this Spanish Federation of Sports of Physical Disabled, by agreement adopted to this effect by the competent organ of the same.

4. The Presidents of the Autonomous Federal Federations will be part of the General Assembly of the FEDMF.

In the event that the Autonomous Federation collects all or several disabilities within its Statutes, the representative valid for the Assembly of this FEDMF will be the person representing in that Autonomous Federation the collective of Physical disabled persons or persons designated by the Autonomous Federation of the Autonomous Community. In any case, only one representative may exist for each Autonomous Federation.

5. The sports disciplinary regime, in the case of official state-wide competitions, shall in any event be provided for in the Statutes and Regulations of the FEDMF, irrespective of the disciplinary regime contained in the provisions in the respective autonomous areas. The regional sports federations integrated into the FEDMF will be represented in the respective Autonomous Community.

6. There may be no territorial delegation of the FEDMF in the autonomous territorial area when the regional sports federation is integrated into the FEDMF.

7. Where, in an Autonomous Community, no regional sports federation exists or has not been integrated into the FEDMF, the FEDMF may be established in that Community, in coordination with the Sports Administration of the FEDMF, a Unit or Delegation Territorial, respecting in any case the autonomous organization of the State.

8. Representatives of these Territorial Units or Delegations shall be elected in that Community on the basis of democratic and representative criteria. These criteria should be included in the corresponding Elections Regulations, prior to the report of the Sports Administration of the Autonomous Community.

Governance and representation organs

General Assembly

Art. 14. 1. The General Assembly is the highest representative body of the FEDMF and will be constituted by representatives of the Autonomous Federations, the athletes, coaches and technicians and clubs up to a maximum of 60 members.

2. Members of the General Assembly will cause low:

a) By death.

b) By resignation.

(c) For incapacity or absolute or special disablement declared in a firm court judgment.

d) Sports healing to disable.

Art. 15. 1. The General Assembly, in ordinary session, shall be convened by the President of the FEDMF, on his own initiative or by a Commission delegated by a majority or a number of members of the Assembly with a minimum of 20 per 100 of them.

2. The General Assembly shall be validly constituted when the majority of its members or in the second part of the third part of them are present.

3. In any event, the General Assembly shall be validly constituted even if the requirements of the convocation have not been met if all the members are present and so agree unanimously.

4. In each case, the call shall be made in writing and in advance of not less than 15 calendar days, in which the first and second calls shall consist of the date and time of the meeting.

Art. 16. The General Assembly shall be composed of all the representatives of the three departments and the Presidents of Federations of the Autonomous Community, made up of the elections and appointed representatives of each of the three parties.

Art. 17. The General Assembly is the upper body of the FEDMF; its members will be elected every four years, coinciding with the years of the Summer Olympic Games, by free and secret suffrage, equal and direct, between and by the components of each and in accordance with the classifications and in the proportion which lay down the supplementary provisions of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December 1991.

Art. 18. The General Assembly may be convened in plenary session and delegated commission. They shall meet in plenary session to approve and amend the Statutes, the approval of the sporting calendar, the approval of the annual budget and the liquidation, election and cessation of the President.

Art. 19. The meetings of the General Assembly will be chaired by the President of the FEDMF, who will conduct the debates.

Regulates the use and shifts of the requested words and will put to the vote the proposals or measures to be taken. It will also resolve procedural issues that may arise.

Art. 20. The agreements shall be expressly adopted after the drafting of the agreements and after the relevant vote.

Art. 21. Agreements shall be taken by a simple majority, except where another majority is required in these Statutes.

Art. 22. Minutes shall be drawn up by the Registrar, who shall specify the assistants, the order of the day of the meeting, the circumstances of the place and time at which the meeting takes place, the points of order of the meeting, the circumstances of the place and time of the meeting, main of the deliberations, as well as the content of the agreements adopted:

1. The minutes shall include, at the request of the members of the body, the vote contrary to the agreement adopted, their abstention and the reasons for which they are justified. Furthermore, any member has the right to request the full transcript of his speech or proposal, provided that he or she contributes to the act, or within the time limit indicated by the President, the text that corresponds faithfully with his intervention, record in the minutes or by joining the minutes.

2. Members who disagree with the majority agreement may make a special vote in writing within 48 hours, which shall be incorporated in the approved text.

3. Where the members of the body vote against or abstain, they shall be exempt from the liability which, where appropriate, may be derived from the agreements.

4. The minutes shall be approved in the same or the following session, but may nevertheless be issued by the Registrar certifying the specific agreements which have been adopted, without prejudice to the subsequent approval of the minutes.

5. The certificates of agreements adopted prior to the approval of the minutes shall expressly state such circumstances.

6. The vote of the members of the General Assembly is personal and non-transferable, with no delegation possible.

Art. 23. The FEDMF will have its own system of administration and management of budget and patrimony, application of article 36 of Law 10/1990, of October 15, of Sport, with the following scope:

The lien or disposal of your real estate will require authorization from the Commission Delegated by simple majority of this. When the amount of the operation is equal to or greater than 10 per 100 of the budget or 50,000,000 pesetas it will require approval from the Plenary General Assembly.

No multiannual expenditure may be committed during the term of office, without prior authorisation of the High Council of Sport, where the annual committed expenditure exceeds 10 per 100 of its budget and exceeds the period of mandate of the President of the FEDMF.

The administration of the budget will respond to the principle of a single box, with its own income, as a matter of priority, being devoted to its structural expenditure.

The accounting will be adjusted to the rules of adaptation of the General Plan of Accounting to the Spanish sports federations that the Institute of Accounting and Audit of Accounts of the Ministry of Economy and Finance develops.

Art. 24. Members of the Board of Directors who are not members of the General Assembly shall have access to the sessions of the General Assembly with a voice but without a vote.

Delegate Commission

Art. 25. It corresponds to the Delegation of the General Assembly:

1. The modification of the sporting calendar.

2. The modification of the budgets.

3. The adoption and amendment of the Regulations.

The modifications may not exceed the limits and criteria that the General Assembly itself establishes.

The proposal on these issues corresponds exclusively to the President of the Spanish Federation of Physical Disabled Persons, or two-thirds of the members of the Delegate Committee.

Art. 26. The Delegate Commission is also responsible for:

The preparation of a report prior to the approval of the budgets.

The monitoring of the sports and economic management of the Federation, through the elaboration of an annual report to the General Assembly, with the Memory of activities and the liquidation of the budget.

Members of the Delegate Committee, who will be members of the General Assembly, will be elected every four years by suffrage, with the possibility of replacing the vacancies that occur annually.

Art. 27. The composition of the Delegate Commission, with a maximum number of 15 members, plus the President, will be as follows:

One third for the Presidents of the Autonomous Federal Federations, one third for the sports clubs, designated by and between the same clubs, without the corresponding to one The same Autonomous Community may have more than 50 per 100 of the representation.

One third for the rest of the estates, in proportion to the representation in the General Assembly and appointed by and between the corresponding estates and according to the Regulations of the elections of the Federation itself Spanish of Sports of Physical Disabled.

The Delegate Committee shall meet at least once every four months, on a proposal from the President, and its mandate shall coincide with that of the General Assembly.

Art. 28. Minutes shall be drawn up for each session, which shall be submitted for approval at the end of the relevant sitting or as the first item of the next day's order and their agreements shall be valid from the date of their adoption.

These agreements will be adopted by a simple majority.


Art. 29. The President of the FEDMF is the executive body of the FEDMF. It holds its legal representation, convenes and presides over the higher organs of government and representation and executes its agreements. It grants the necessary powers of representation and administration and holds the top administrative management of the FEDMF, hiring the administrative staff that will be necessary for the headquarters, and as well as the technical personnel who propose the Different Committees.

The President will be elected every four years, coinciding with the years of the Summer Olympics, by means of equal suffrage, free, direct and secret, by the members of the General Assembly.

The candidates for President, who may not be members of the General Assembly, shall be presented by at least 15 per 100 of the members of the Assembly.

The choice will be made by a double-lap system, in the event that in a first case none of the eventual candidates reach the absolute majority of the votes cast.

Art. 30. In the event of absence, illness and vacancy, the President shall be replaced by the First Vice-President, who shall be a member of the General Assembly.

Art. 31. 1. The President of the FEDMF-elect shall perform his duties for four years, and may be re-elected at the end of each term of office, and shall cease in his duties:

a) By the end of the period for which he was elected.

b) By resignation.

c) For permanent incapacity to prevent the normal development of its functions.

d) For approval of the motion of censure.

e) For incurring any of the causes of ineligibility, incompatibility established in these Statutes or in the legislation in force.

2. When the President ceases to be in office for having completed his term of office, the Board of Directors shall convene elections to the governing bodies and representation of the FEDMF, constituting the Management Committee in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. The election of the Board of Governors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Governors of the Board of Governors of the Board of Governors of the

If the President shall cease for any other cause, elections shall be convened to the President, in a term not exceeding thirty days. The elected President shall hold the office for a time equal to that which he has taken away from the replacement.

Art. 32. If a motion of censure is filed against the President, the General Assembly shall be immediately taken into account, at the same time as its convocation. Known as the causes of the motion, and put to the vote, if that prospered and approved by an absolute majority of its members, the immediate cessation of the President will take place.

The motion of censure must be proposed by at least one third of the members of the General Assembly or by a majority of the Delegate Committee.

The General Assembly shall be convened by the President within a period of not more than 72 hours.

The General Assembly shall be held between fifteen and thirty days after the date of the motion of censure. In the first ten days, from the date of the motion, alternative motions may be submitted.

In any case, natural days are understood for deadlines.

If the motion of censure does not prosper, your signatres will not be able to file another motion until one year.

Board of Directors

Art. 33. 1. The Board of Directors is the executive management body of the FEDMF. The Presidency of the Presidency corresponds to the President of the FEDMF and will be constituted by a number of Vocals not exceeding 10 people.

a) Three Vice-Presidents. (b) The Chairman of the Technical Committee.

c) The Chair of the Medical Committee.

The Board meetings may also be attended by those persons whom the President considers appropriate to invite, with a voice but without a vote.

Art. 34. It is up to the President of the FEDMF on his own initiative or one-third of the Board to convene meetings. Such calls shall be made in writing and in good time and shall include: Date, time and place of celebration and shall be accompanied by the order of the day and the relevant documentation, if necessary. In cases of urgency, it may be called forty-eight hours in advance, telegraph.

The Board of Directors will be validly constituted on the first call by a majority, or, on the second call, by one third of the assistants.

Art. 35. From the meetings of the Board of Directors, the Secretary-General shall draw up the minutes, and at the end of the meeting shall read those agreements which shall enter into force immediately. The rest of the agreements and the minutes themselves will be the first item on the agenda for the next sitting.

Art. 36. The agreements of the Board of Directors shall be adopted by a simple majority, with the vote of the President.

A minimum number of six Board sessions will be held annually.

Election of governing bodies and representation

General rules

Art. 37. 1. The elections of the General Assembly and President of the FEDMF will be held every four years, coinciding with those taking place in the Summer Olympic Games.

Suffrage will be in any case free and secret and will be carried out by the different components of the different sports systems for physical disabilities.

2. They will be electors and eligible:

They shall be electors, if any, not less than sixteen years. The eligible must be 18 years of age at the time of the calls for elections.

(a) Sportsmen: They must be in possession of a sports licence in force of the FEDMF, issued or approved by the FEDMF and have had at least during the previous sports season, as well as having participated during the previous season in competitions or activities of their sports modality, which have official status and state scope.

These requirements will be required in relation to the timing of the call for elections.

(b) Sports clubs: The clubs registered in the FEDMF, in the same circumstances as they apply to them, to those mentioned in the previous paragraph.

c) Technicians: Those who have exercised their activity as such during the current and previous season, with the due license in force issued and completed by the FEDMF.

The representatives of each of the defined estates shall be chosen by and among the members of each member.

Art. 38. The electoral constituency for club and sportsperson shall be as set out in Article 7. of the Order of 28 April 1992 of Spanish Sports Federations.

The electoral constituency for technicians will be the state constituency. The FEDMF Electoral Regulation should at least regulate the following issues:

a) Number of members of the Assembly and distribution of the same by means.

b) Electoral Circunconstituencies and number of representatives of each unit for each of them.

c) Election calendar.

d) Electoral Census with the expression of official state-wide competitions and the criteria for the qualification of the same.

e) Composition, competencies and functioning of the electoral boards.

f) Requirements, deadlines, presentation and proclamation of candidates.

g) Procedure for resolution of disputes and complaints, to be resolved without delay.

h) Possibility of electoral resources.

i) Composition, competence and functioning of the electoral tables.

j) Election of the President, as provided for in Article 17 of Royal Decree 1835/1991, of 20 December (R. 1991, 3,022), of Spanish Sports Federations.

k) Composition of the Assembly's Delegate Committee.

l) Vote by mail for the election of the members of the General Assembly. This system may not be used for the election of the President or the Delegate Committee.

m) System of replacement of the casualties or vacancies that may occur and which may be carried out through alternates in each of the estamento and constituency, or through the conduct of partial elections.

2. At the time of the opening of the deadline for the submission of nominations for the election of President, the list of members elected to the General Assembly shall be published. The deadline for the submission of nominations for the election of President shall not be less than 10 calendar days.

3. The President of the FEDMF and the members of the Delegation will be elected at the first meeting of the new General Assembly.

Ineligibility and incompatibilities

Art. 39. These will be causes that make it impossible to be chosen for the performance of management positions of the FEDMF:

(a) Do not own Spanish nationality.

(b) You have been convicted by a firm criminal sentence that bears the principal or ancillary penalty of absolute or special disablement for public office.

(c) Haber has been declared incapable by a firm judicial decision.

d) Be subject to disciplinary disciplinary action that you disable.

Art. 40. The following are the causes of ineligibility for the performance of management positions of the FEDMF:

As long as your term of office is performed, the President may not be in charge of any other federal body unless he or she is a statutory or statutory body, or in an Entity, association or club subject to federal or state discipline. Spanish sports federation other than that of the FEDMF, and will be incompatible with the activity as a sportsman or coach, continuing in possession of its license if it has, that it will remain in suspense until it stops holding the Presidency of the FEDMF.

Members of the Board of Directors will not be able to perform any duties in another Spanish sports federation.

Art. 41. The President, the members of the Board of Directors or any of the members of the administrative, technical or judicial bodies of the FEDMF, who aspire to the Federative Presidency shall present the resignation of their posts at the beginning of the election period.

They will be causes of incompatibility of the President, being in possession of a responsibility in some Federation of Autonomous Regional.

Administrative, technical, administrative, technical and jurisdictional bodies

Administrative organs

General Secretariat

Art. 42. The FEDMF may have a General Secretariat which is the administrative body of the FEDMF.

At the head of the General Secretariat and appointed by the President will be the Secretary, who will act as Secretary General, Delegate Committee and Board of Directors and whose meetings will be attended by voice but without a vote.

Art. 43. The Secretary-General shall be directly dependent on the Chair of the FEDMF or the Vice President who replaces him and his/her duties shall be established in the appropriate FEDMF Regulation, if they are listed as own obligations, as follows:

1. Preparation of the meetings of the organs of which he is Secretary, the lifting of minutes of the sessions, the issuing of the appropriate certifications of the acts of the governing bodies and representation, ensuring compliance with the agreements to be taken, carrying the records, records and files of the FEDMF.

2. Coordinate the execution of the tasks of each and every federal organ.

3. Propose the fees and payments of the FEDMF and cooperate with the Manager, in the preparation of the general budgets.

4. To issue certifications with the President's approval and to report to the President on a timely and timely basis and to propose the necessary measures for the good march in the FEDMF.

5. To issue and resolve the issues of the procedure that do not require the presidential intervention.

6. Monitor the FEDMF Memory clothing that will be written by the Technical Director, compiling the data provided by the different Sports and Medical Committees.

7. Direct control of the FEDMF's federative licenses and its relations with the General Sports Mutuality.

8. In the event that there is no such FEDMF, the figure of the Secretary, the President of the FEDMF will be responsible for the performance of these functions, being able to delegate them to the person that he considers fit.

Technical Director

Art. 44. The Technical Director shall be appointed by the Chair of the FEDMF.

Your specific tasks are as follows:

1. Streamline and coordinate the meetings of the Committees.

2. Attend and act as Secretary of Minutes in all technical meetings.

3. Inform and provide the necessary documentation to the National Committee on Sport.

4. To coordinate the execution of the tasks of the staff of which Committees and Commissions are formed, seeking the unification of methods, systems and criteria.

5. It shall be the responsibility of the Technical Director for the direction and control of the various sports programmes to be carried out from the FEDMF

The position of Technical Director shall be remunerated and shall have the consideration of senior staff for the purposes of the Workers ' Statute.


Art. 45. Management is the administrative and economic management body and will be made up of the manager and administrative staff that will be required.

Art. 46. The Manager will have the economic and administrative responsibility. It shall ensure that the payment and payment operations of the FEDMF are properly carried out; it shall keep the accounts and carry out the economic inspection of all the bodies of the FEDMF; it shall jointly sign with the President all the documents of movements of funds and shall formulate regular balance sheets for submission to the Board and the annual budget for which the draft shall draw up with the Secretary-General.

The position of Manager will be remunerated and will have the consideration of senior staff for the purposes of the Workers ' Statute.

Other Administrative Organs

Art. 47. The President of the FEDMF in view of the federal needs may create other charges and administrative bodies that he considers precise for the best functioning of the same.

Technical Organs

Art. 48. The technical bodies of the FEDMF are:

a) Technical Committee.

b) Medical Committee.

For the implementation, development and advice of the Board of Directors, the President of the FEDMF, may have other technical bodies that it considers n


Technical Committee

Art. 49. The Technical Committee, which will be constituted by the Presidents of the national commissions of each sport modality, will have as mission to coordinate and compose the national calendar, to designate the national teams, to establish order of priorities for international participation, advise the Board of Directors and propose the technical amendments approved by each Commission for its elevation to the General Assembly.

National Commissions for Sport. The Presidents of each National Commission will be elected by the President of the Spanish Federation of Physical Disabled Persons.

Art. 50. The Technical Committee shall be chaired by the technical director of the FEDMF.

Currently, they are part of the F.E.D.M.F. the following Commissions for Sport:










Table tennis.


Olympic Shooting.



It is the desire of this FEDMF, to integrate how many sports modalities have the possibility of being practiced by physically handicapped, adapting their regulations for the practice of our collective in them.

Art. 51. The Technical Committee shall meet regularly and submit to the Board of Directors the agreements it takes in relation to the technical-sports matters of its responsibility or which are entrusted to it by the Board for the best functioning of the FEDMF.

The Technical Committee shall establish its operating rules to be submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors of the FEDMF.

Medical Committee

Art. 52. It is up to this Committee, the advice, direction and medical control of the sporting initiatives. It will be composed of the respective Medical Advisors of the different Territorial Federations, under the Presidency of the President of them, which will be appointed by the President of the FEDMF and will be part of the Board of Directors.

Organs of Discipline

Common rules

Art. 53. The FEDMF's discipline body is:

1. The National Committee for Competition.

2. Within the FEDMF, a National Committee of Competition shall be constituted, on an autonomous and independent basis, whose fundamental task is to resolve, correct and punish, if there is a place, any infringements that may occur in the various championships, competitions, official meetings and breaches of the general rules of sport.

Art. 54. The National Committee on Competition, within its scope, shall enjoy full freedom in the assessment and assessment of evidence, background and reports. The rulings made by these Committees will be executive.

Art. 55. Against the sanctions and actions of the Committee of Competition that ends the federative path, it is possible to appeal to the Spanish Committee for Sports Discipline.

Single Chapter


Art. 56. For the participation in official sports activities or competitions, estataal will need to be in possession of the FEDMF license with the following minimum conditions:

The amount of the license will be fixed by the General Assembly, the revenue produced by this concept will be directed primarily to finance the structure and functioning of the Federation.

The FEDMF will issue the requested license within a period of 15 days from your request, once you have verified the compliance with the sports requirements established for your expedition in these Statutes.

The unjustified non-issuance of the licenses within the indicated deadline will entail the corresponding disciplinary responsibility for the FEDMF in accordance with the provisions of the legal system.

The licenses that are issued by the FEDMF, will have an insurance obligation as referred to in article 59.2 of the Law of Sport.

The licences issued by the Autonomous Federal Federations shall enable such participation when they are integrated into the FEDMF, shall be issued within the minimum economic and formal conditions which establish the General Assembly of the FEDMF and communicate its expedition to this Spanish Federation.

For these purposes, the rating will take place once the Federation of Autonomous Communities pays the FEDMF the economic quota within the deadlines to be fixed.

The licenses issued by the Autonomous Federations that, as provided for in the preceding paragraphs, enable participation in official state-wide sports activities or competitions, record the corresponding data, at least, in the official Spanish language of the State.

These licenses will reflect three economic concepts:

Mandatory insurance as referred to in article 59.2 of the Law of Sport.

Fee for the FEDMF.

Share for the Sports Federation of the Autonomous Community.

The FEDMF quotas will be of equal economic value for each sports modality, class and category, and will be fixed by the General Assembly of the FEDMF.

Documentary Regime

Art. 57. The FEDMF will inexcusably carry the following books:

(a) From Acts of the General Assembly and Delegate Committee.

(b) From Acts Of The Board.

c) Registration of Federations of the Autonomous Communities.

d) Registration of Clubs, Associations and Sportsmen.

e) Correspondence input and output.

(f) Accounting required by the legislation in force.

The advertising of the books and records indicated may be carried out by way of Certification of the Secretary General, on the specific points that are requested, through the Board of Directors, which will receive the requests of the Members of the FEDMF who have an interest in the knowledge of them.

The direct manifestation of the books to the members of the FEDMF, must be requested in written form, and must be agreed by the Board of Directors, in order-in any case at the premises of the Federation in the custody and the presence of the Secretary-General, and at the date and time agreed.

The Sports Council will be entitled to the supervision and control of the Federation's books at all times.

Personal Statutes of Clubs, Sports Associations and Sportsmen, Technicians, Judges and Referees

Of Sports Clubs and Associations

Art. 58. It is understood by Club or Sports Association for physically handicapped all private society that having legal personality and ability to act, they have as primary object the promotion and the practice of the sport of the physical disabled. These entities will be non-profit-making and will be affiliated with the FEDMF through their respective Territorial Federations.

Art. 59. Clubs affiliated with the FEDMF may be mono or polideportive.

All clubs shall draw up and approve their Statutes in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.

Art. 60. The affiliation to the FEDMF is voluntary and can be carried out by the clubs through and through the respective Territorial Federations or Delegations when they do not exist. In any case, they must undertake to comply with the General Statutes of the FEDMF and their own, submitting to the authority of the federative bodies that they are dependent and having the clubs at the disposal of the FEDMF their players for the training of national teams, as well as their facilities, if they have them.

Sports clubs and associations are obliged to pay the annual membership fees and to contribute to the budgetary care in the form established by the competent body.

Of the sportsmen

Art. 61. Natural persons are athletes or players who, suffering from a physical disability or locomotive, practice any sporting activity promoted by the FEDMF and who have subscribed to the relevant federal license and who comply with the Minimum value fixed within the classification manual of the International Organization of Sports for the Disabled (ISOD), this minimum disability will vary according to the sport in which the sportsman wants to specialize.

Art. 62. They are basic rights of the players or sportspersons: The freedom to subscribe to the license; participate in the elections that are called and receive sports attention from their club and the Federative Organization and the General Sports Mutuality if they are affiliated and are licensed in force, provided that they meet the statutory, statutory or statutory requirements.

Art. 63. They are the basic duties of the athletes: They are subject to the discipline of the Sports Entities for which they have signed a license. Do not intervene in sports activities with equipment other than your own without the authorization of the club or association for which you are licensed.

From trainers

Art. 64. Natural persons with official title awarded by the FEDMF are trainers through the National School of Sports Coaches of Physical Disabled and who are licensed in force by the FEDMF.

The National School of Trainers is the technical organ of the Spanish Federation of Physical Disabled Sports, which takes care of the teaching and qualification of the people who dedicate themselves to the technical and teaching work of the sport of The disabled, their organisation, regulations and functions are developed in their appropriate regulations.

Of the judges and referees

Art. 65. Given the political nature of the FEDMF and its complexity it is not possible to create a College of judges or arbitrators of its own, so the respective Federations of valid, their collegiates will be used to control the different sports competitions between physically handicapped persons.

To this effect, and for better coordination, a Vocal whose specific role will be the liaison with the different National Colleges of judges and referees will exist within the Board of Directors and this will be part of the Technical Committee.

Disciplinary regime

Art. 66. The offences committed and the sanction that comes, according to their consideration and their status where they occur, shall be determined in accordance with Articles 76 and 79 of Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, and in accordance with Royal Decree 1591/1992, of December 23, on Sports Discipline.

Art. 67. In order to resolve any incidents, to correct and to sanction, if there is any place, any infringements that may occur in the various competitions or championships, the FEDMF shall adapt these Statutes to the legal provisions of application, within the time limit set out in the fourth transitional provision, but in general terms, the disciplinary rules of the various Spanish Valides Federations shall apply.

From the modification of the Statutes, extinction and liquidation of the FEDMF

Art. 68. The initiative for reform or amendment of the General Statutes of the FEDMF, has from the simple majority of the members of the General Assembly or of the President of the FEDMF and its plan must be submitted in writing and in term.

Art. 69. The draft reform must be adopted by an absolute majority of the members of the General Assembly.

From dissolution of the FEDMF

Art. 70. The FEDMF shall be extinguished or dissolved in the cases and in accordance with the procedure laid down in the general legal order in force.

Single additional disposition

All the mentions contained in these Statutes to the Federations of the Autonomous Community must be understood as referring not only to those that integrate exclusively the physical disabled, but to those that understand all or some of the (a) the value of the use of the equipment used for the purposes of the application of the Directive, in particular in the case of the use of the equipment for the purposes of the Directive.

Transitional provisions

First. -1. At the present time, the autonomic Federations that are duly constituted are assigned to the FEDMF with the exception, in their case, established in the single additional provision, are:

Andalusian Federation of Disabled People.

Balearic Sports Federation of Disabled Persons.

Cantabra Federation of Disabled People.

Catalan Federation of Disabled People.

Castellano-Leonesa Federation of Disabled People.

The Castilla-La Mancha Federation of Disabled People.

Extremendous Federation of Disabled People.

Galician Federation of Physical Disabled.

Madrid Federation of Physical Disabled Persons.

Navarra Federation of Disabled People.

2. Any Federation with a regional authority which may henceforth be deemed to be an integral part of the Spanish Federation of Sports of Physical Disabled Persons shall be considered as an integral part of the Federation, except for a six-month period. (a) from their recognition by the corresponding Autonomous Community, in the course of which they may exercise their right to do so.

Concluded that term, the Federations that have not done so will be able to carry it out at any time, in the form provided for in article 13 of the present Statutes.

Second. -Within three months of the entry into force of these Statutes, the Board of Directors of the FEDMF will prepare the corresponding Elections Regulations, with the mentions contained in these Statutes and in accordance with the Order of 28 April 1992, which will be submitted for approval to the Board of Directors of the High Council for Sport.

Exceptionally for these first elections will have the status of electors and eligible the Sports Associations, sportsmen and technicians. With the sole requirement to be attached to or be in possession of the FEDMF licence of the year, from the date of the call for elections.

Third. -This FEDMF collects the possibility of jointly creating with the remaining Spanish Federations of Sports of the Disabled, as specified in article 1, point 5, of Royal Decree 1835/1991, a Confederation of national scope in order to be able to coordinate the activities common to them and to contribute to the extent to which it corresponds to the elaboration and presentation of the Statutes of this Confederation, for approval by the Council Directive Superior Sports.

Fourth. -Within six months, from the end of the electoral elections referred to in the second provision, the General Assembly must present a new Statute to the Commission of the Council of Sports, adapted to the Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport; Royal Decree 1591/1992, of 23 December, on Sports Discipline, and other legal provisions of application.

Final disposition

This Statute will enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the State.