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Organic Law 8/2013, Of 9 December, For Improving Educational Quality.

Original Language Title: Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa.

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To all who present it and understand it.

Sabed: That the General Courts have approved and I come to sanction the following organic law.



The students are the center and the raison d' être of the education. Learning at school should be aimed at forming autonomous, critical people with their own thinking. All pupils and pupils have a dream, all young people have talent. Our people and their talents are the most valuable thing we have as a country.

Therefore, each and every one of the students and students will be the object of an attention, in the search for the development of the talent, that will turn education into the main instrument of social mobility, help to overcome economic barriers The European Social and Social Welfare and the Social and Social For all of them this Organic Law establishes the necessary mechanisms of permeability and return between the different paths and paths that are articulated in it.

All students possess talent, but the nature of this talent differs between them. As a result, the education system must have the necessary mechanisms to recognise and empower it. The recognition of this diversity among students or students in their abilities and expectations is the first step towards the development of an educational structure that contemplates different trajectories. The logic of this reform is based on the evolution towards a system capable of directing students towards the trajectories most suited to their abilities, so that they can make their aspirations a reality and become routes that facilitate the employability and stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit through the possibility, for the students and their parents, mothers or legal guardians, to choose the best personal and professional development options. Students with performance issues must have specific programs that improve their ability to continue in the system.

Behind the talents of people are the values that underpin them, the attitudes that drive them, the competencies that materialize them and the knowledge that they build. The challenge of a democratic society is to create the conditions for all pupils and students to acquire and express their talents, in short, the commitment to quality education as a support for equality and social justice.

Education is the engine that promotes the welfare of a country. The educational level of citizens determines their ability to compete successfully in the field of the international landscape and to face the challenges that arise in the future. Improving the level of citizens in the field of education means opening the doors to highly qualified jobs, which is a gamble for economic growth and for a better future.

In the individual sphere, education means facilitating personal development and social integration. The educational level determines, in a great way, the goals and expectations of the life trajectory, both professionally and personally, as well as the set of knowledge, resources and learning tools that enable a person to successfully meet your goals.

Only a quality, inclusive, inclusive and demanding education system guarantees equal opportunities and makes it possible for every pupil or pupil to develop the maximum of their potential. Only from quality can the mandate of Article 27.2 of the Spanish Constitution be made effective: " Education will have as its object the full development of the human personality in the respect of the democratic principles of coexistence and the fundamental rights and freedoms. "


One of the goals of the reform is to introduce new patterns of behavior that will place education at the heart of our society and economy.

The transformation of education is not only dependent on the education system. It is the whole of society that has to take an active role. Education is a task that affects businesses, associations, trade unions, non-governmental organisations, as well as any other form of civil society manifestation and, in a very particular way, families. The success of the social transformation in which we are immersed depends on education. However, without the involvement of civil society there will be no educational transformation.

Family reality in general, and particularly in the field of its relationship with education, is undergoing profound changes. We need channels and habits that allow us to restore the balance and the strength of the relations between students, families and schools. Families are the first to be responsible for their children's education and therefore the education system has to rely on the family and trust in their decisions.

They are to highlight the results of the generous work of teachers, families and other social actors, who give us an optimistic view of the transformation of the education we face, offering us a long list successful experiences in the most diverse areas, which lead to local environments, in many cases with global projection, cooperation and learning.


The profound changes facing today's society demand a continuous and thoughtful adaptation of the education system to emerging learning demands.

The creation of conditions that allow students to complete their full personal and professional development, as well as their effective participation in the social, cultural and economic processes of transformation, is a responsibility. The law of the public authorities.

Never as we have now had the opportunity to have a personalized and universal education. As never before, education has had the potential to be such a determining element of equity and social welfare.

The main threat facing developed societies is the fracture of knowledge, that is, the fracture among those who have the knowledge, skills and skills to learn and to do, and to do learning, and those who are excluded. The fight against the exclusion of a good part of Spanish society, prompted by the high rates of early school leaving and the low levels of quality that the education system today reports, are the main impetus to face the reform.

The school, and especially the public school, have found their main reason for being in the struggle against the inevitability of the situations of injustice or degradation that have occurred in every moment of their history. Modern school is the value of education as a utopia of social justice and welfare. According to this function, the present Organic Law guides the school to the service of a society that cannot assume as normal or structural that an important part of its students and students, those who leave the classrooms before having the knowledge, skills and basic skills, or those whose training level is well below international quality standards, start at the start of their working life under conditions of disadvantage such as those that are unemployment or a job of limited value added.

these circumstances, in the current economy, which is becoming increasingly global and more demanding in the training of workers and employers, become a scourge that limits the possibilities of social mobility, when they do not lead to unassuming transmission of poverty.

According to the previous reflection, it is important to emphasize that the improvement of the democratic quality of a community is inexorably due to the improvement of the quality of its educational system. An increasingly complex and participatory democracy demands increasingly responsible and formal citizens. Raising current levels of education is an essential decision to promote the peaceful coexistence and cultural development of society.

Equity and quality are two sides of the same coin. A quality education system in which it is not a priority to eliminate any hint of inequality is not imaginable. There is no greater lack of equity than that of a system that equals in the desidia or mediocrity. For Spanish society it is not enough for schooling to attend to the right to education, quality is a constituent element of the right to education.


A more open, global and participatory society demands new profiles of citizens and workers, more sophisticated and diversified, in the same way as it demands alternative ways of organizing and managing in which they take precedence collaboration and teamwork, as well as proposals capable of assuming that true strength lies in the mix of diverse competencies and knowledge.

Education is the key to this transformation through the formation of people who are active with self-confidence, curious, enterprising and innovative, eager to participate in the society to which they belong, to create individual value and collective, able to assume as their own the value of the balance between effort and reward. The educational system must enable the learning of different things as well as teaching in a different way, in order to satisfy students and students who have changed with society.

The cognitive skills, being essential, are not sufficient; it is necessary to acquire from early ages transversal competences such as critical thinking, diversity management, creativity or capacity communicate, and key attitudes such as individual trust, enthusiasm, constancy and acceptance of change. Initial education is becoming more and more important because the learning process is not finished in the educational system today, but is projected throughout the life of the person.

We need to foster the conditions that allow for timely methodological change, so that students are an active element in the learning process. The current students and students have changed radically in relation to those of a generation. Globalization and the impact of new technologies make it a different way to learn, communicate, focus attention, or address a task.

It is necessary to generate the conviction that the educational system rewards in a transparent and equitable way the performance achieved in the educational objectives, and that it recognizes especially its contribution to the improvement of the environment.

Virtually all developed countries are currently, or have been found in recent years, immersed in processes of transformation of their educational systems. The social transformations inherent in a more global, open and interconnected world, such as this one in which we live, have made the various countries think about the need for greater or lesser legislative and regulatory changes. adapt their education systems to the new requirements.

At European level we can cite Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Denmark, Poland, Hungary and the UK as examples of countries whose educational systems are under review. Outside Europe, Brazil, Singapore, Japan, China (Shanghai), Canada (Ontario), Republic of Korea or the US are also engaged in processes of improving education, with regulatory changes and medium-and long-term planning.


The completion of an expansive economic cycle and its inevitable budgetary consequences cannot be an alibi to circumvent the necessary reforms of our education system. The cost of not taking on these responsibilities would be none other than to see social exclusion and the deterioration of competitiveness increase.

Since the transition to democracy, Spain has achieved schooling rates almost 100% since the age of 3 and has developed the necessary instruments to guarantee minimum levels of education by covering the the basic needs of the students and to ensure, for the whole of the educational institutions, minimum levels of quality through the establishment of criteria of uniformity. We must therefore consider the universalization of education, as well as inclusive education, as an achievement of the last decades.

The differences between pupils and students in the same centre and between the different centres indicate that we have a more homogeneous educational system than the average, which translates into an equity index higher than the average of the OECD.

However, the current system does not allow progress towards an improvement in educational quality, as evidenced by the results obtained by students and students in international evaluation tests such as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), the high rates of early abandonment of education and training, and the small number of students achieving excellence. The objectivity of the international comparative studies, which reflect at least the stagnation of the system, lead to the conclusion that a reform of the educational system is necessary which will run away from the ideological debates that have hindered the progress in recent years. A sensible, practical reform is necessary to allow the full potential of each pupil or pupil to be developed.

The results of 2011, disseminated by EUROSTAT (Statistical Office of the European Communities) in relation to the educational indicators of the Europe 2020 Strategy, clearly highlight early educational abandonment. as one of the weaknesses of the Spanish education system, by putting the drop-out rate at 26.5% in 2011, with a downward trend but a far cry from the current European average value (13.5%) and the 10% target set for 2020.

On the other hand, the PISA Report 2009 shows results for Spain that highlight the insufficient level obtained in reading comprehension, mathematical competence and scientific competence, far removed from the average of the countries of the OECD.

The European Union's strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth has set for the 2020 horizon five ambitious objectives in terms of employment, innovation, education, social integration, as well as climate change. and energy and has quantified the educational objectives that the European Union must achieve in order to improve education levels. In the year 2020, the European Union must reduce school leaving to less than 10% and at least 40% of the population aged between 30 and 34 must have completed their higher education or equivalent training.

According to the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, approved in 2010 by the European Commission, this improvement in education levels must also be addressed to people with disabilities, who will be to ensure inclusive and quality education and training in the framework of the "Youth on the Move" initiative, which has been put forward by the European Strategy itself for smart growth. To this end, the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the United Nations in December 2006, in force and fully applicable in Spain, will be taken as a guiding and necessary reference framework. May 2008.

in order to address the decline in school dropout, the percentage of young people who complete the educational level of higher secondary education, ISCED level 3 (International Standard Classification of Education), should be increased. the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The achievement of this level of education has become a key issue of education and training systems in developed countries, and is also included in the Education Indicators Project of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which highlights the need for young people to complete at least ISCED level 3 in order to cope with their entry into the labour market with sufficient guarantees.

The normative technique chosen, with limited modification of the Organic Law of Education (LOE), responds to OECD recommendations based on best practices in countries with better-performing education systems, in The reforms are constantly being made on the basis of a general stability framework, as they are identified as shortcomings or new needs arise. The proposal of the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE) arises from the need to respond to concrete problems of our educational system that are assuming a ballast for the social equity and the competitiveness of the country, priming the achievement of a framework of stability and avoiding extraordinary situations such as the lives in our educational system in recent years.

The changes proposed in our education system by the LOMCE are based on evidence. The reform aims to address the main problems identified in the Spanish education system on the basis of the objective results reflected in the regular evaluations of the European and

International studies show that countries that have relatively rapidly improved the quality of their education systems have implemented measures related to the simplification of the curriculum and the strengthening of the of instrumental knowledge, the flexibility of the trajectories so that students can choose the most appropriate to their abilities and aspirations, the development of external evaluation systems censals and consistent in the time, the increase of transparency of results, the promotion of a greater autonomy and specialization in the educational centers, the requirement for students, teachers and centers of accountability, and the incentive of effort.

This reform of the educational system aims to be gradualist and prudent, based on common sense and sustainable in time, because its success will be measured according to the objective improvement of the students 'and students' results. This Organic Law is the result of an open and sincere dialogue, which seeks consensus, enriched with the contributions of the entire educational community.


The reform promoted by the LOMCE is supported by evidence and collects best practices compared. The main objectives of the reform are to reduce the rate of early abandonment of education, to improve educational outcomes according to international criteria, both in the comparative rate of excellent students and students, and in graduates in compulsory secondary education, to improve employability, and to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of students. The principles on which the reform pivots are fundamentally the increase in the autonomy of institutions, the strengthening of the management capacity of the centres, the external evaluations of the end of the stage, the rationalization of the educational provision and the easing of trajectories.


The increase in the autonomy of the centers is a repeated recommendation of the OECD to improve the results of the centers, necessarily linked to the demand for greater transparency in accountability. Despite the formal reiteration of the LOE on the importance of autonomy, international surveys continue to mark this factor as a deficit of our system. It is necessary that each center has the capacity to identify its strengths and the needs of its environment, so that it can make decisions on how to improve its educational and methodological offer in this area, in direct relation, when It corresponds to its nature, with the strategy of the educational administration. This responsibility will lead to the need to demonstrate that public resources have been used efficiently and that they have led to a real improvement in the results. The autonomy of the centres is an open door to the diversity of pupils and students, which maintains the cohesion and unity of the system and opens up new possibilities for cooperation between the centres and the creation of support networks and shared learning.

The reform will also contribute to strengthening the management capacity of the centers, conferring upon the directors, as representatives of the educational administration in the center and as responsible for the project. education, the opportunity to exercise greater pedagogical and managerial leadership. On the other hand, the function of the directive is enhanced through a system of prior certification to access the post of director, and a protocol is established to account for the decisions taken, the actions of quality and the results (i) Few areas of administration have the complexity and size of the network of public educational institutions; being aware of their difficulty and of the effort it entails for their managers, improving their management is an unavoidable challenge for the system.


Stage-end external evaluations are one of the main innovations of the LOMCE with regard to the previous framework and one of the measures called to improve the quality of the education system more directly. Twenty countries in the OECD make their students and students evidence of this nature and the evidence indicates that their implementation has an impact of at least sixteen improvement points according to the PISA criteria.

These tests will have a formative and diagnostic character. On the one hand, they must be used to ensure that all pupils and pupils reach the appropriate levels of learning for the normal development of personal and professional life in accordance with the intended title, and must also enable them to pupils and students in their school decisions according to the knowledge and skills they actually possess. On the other hand, these tests normalize the standards of certification throughout Spain, clearly indicating to the whole of the educational community what are the required levels of demand and introducing elements of certainty, objectivity and comparability of results. In addition, they provide parents, centres and educational administrations with valuable information in the face of future decisions. The objective of this evaluation is to improve the learning of the student or students, the management measures of the institutions and the policies of the administrations.

The transparency of data needs to be carried out by reporting on the added value of the centres in relation to the socio-economic circumstances of their environment and, in particular, on the development of the centres.

The tests will be homologable to those carried out at international level and, in particular, to those of the OECD and focus on the level of acquisition of the competences. Following the international guidelines, they should be careful in any case to be able to measure the results of the learning process without undermining the desired autonomy of the centers, and should exclude the possibility of any type of training. to be exceeded.

The proposed evaluations do not exhaust the assessment possibilities within the system, although it will be up to the educational administrations to decide on the implementation of other evaluations.

The success of the evaluation proposal will be to ensure that no student or student encounters an insurmountable barrier. Each test must provide options and gateways, so that no one who wants to continue learning can be left out of the system.


The rationalization of the educational offer, reinforcing in all stages the learning of stem subjects that contribute to the acquisition of the fundamental competences for the academic development of the students and students, is another basic objective of the reform. The curricular review that will happen to the approval of the organic law will have to take into account the learning needs linked to the accelerated social and economic changes that we are living. The simplification of curricular development is an essential element for the transformation of the education system, a simplification which, in accordance with the guidelines of the European Union, must provide a solid knowledge of the content that ensure the effectiveness of the acquisition of basic skills. The keys to this process of curricular change are to favor an interdisciplinary vision and, in a special way, to allow greater autonomy for the teaching function, in order to satisfy the demands of greater customization of the education, taking into account the principle of teacher specialization.


The rigidities of the system lead to the exclusion of students and students whose expectations are not adapted to the established framework. On the other hand, the possibility of choosing between different trajectories guarantees them an easier permanence in the educational system and, consequently, greater possibilities for their personal and professional development. The flexibility of the trajectories, so that each student can develop their full potential, is concrete in the development of programs to improve the learning and the performance in the second and the third course of the Secondary Education Compulsory, Basic Vocational Training, the anticipation of the pathways to Baccalaureate and Vocational Training, and the transformation of the current fourth course of compulsory secondary education into a fundamentally pro-deutic course and with two well-differentiated trajectories. This diversification will allow the student to receive personalized attention to be oriented toward the educational path that best suits their needs and aspirations, which should favor their progression in the educational system.

It is a recurring theme of the reform to remove the barriers to favor the achievement, at least, of the higher stages of secondary education, an increasingly evident demand in the society in which we live, for what has been The new routes have been developed and are more permeable to existing ones. The permeability of the system, both vertical and horizontal, is one of the European Union's greatest concerns. Thus, the Law opens gateways between all the formative trajectories and within them, so that no decision of any student or student is irreversible. Any student or student can transition throughout their training process from some areas to others in accordance with their vocation, effort and vital expectations, linking to the needs of a lifelong learning.

In addition to these principles, it is necessary to highlight three areas in which the LOMEC makes a special impact on the transformation of the education system: Information and Communication Technologies, the promotion of plurilingualism, and the modernisation of vocational training.


Technology has historically shaped education and continues to shape it. Personalized learning and its universalization as great challenges of educational transformation, as well as the satisfaction of learning in non-cognitive competencies, the acquisition of attitudes and learning by doing, demand the use of (a) the technology. Connecting with the habits and experiences of the new generations requires an in-depth review of the notion of classroom and educational space, only possible from a broad reading of the educational function of new technologies.

The widespread incorporation into the education system of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which will take into account the principles of design for all people and universal accessibility, will allow to customize education and adapting it to the needs and rhythm of every pupil or pupil. On the one hand, it will serve to strengthen and support in cases of poor performance and, on the other hand, it will allow to expand without limitations the knowledge transmitted in the classroom. Students and students with motivation will be able to access, according to their capacity, the educational resources already offered by many institutions at the national and international levels. Information and Communication Technologies will be a key element in producing the methodological change that will lead to the goal of improving educational quality. Furthermore, the responsible and orderly use of these new technologies by students and students must be present throughout the educational system. Information and Communication Technologies will also be a key tool in teacher training and in the learning of citizens throughout life, enabling them to make training compatible with their obligations. personal or work, and will also be in process management.

Once previous experiences have been evaluated, it is essential that the model of digitisation of the school for which it is chosen is economically sustainable, and that it focuses on the creation of a digital ecosystem at national level. to allow for the normal development of the options for each educational administration.


The dominance of a second or even a third foreign language has become a priority in education as a consequence of the globalization process in which we live, while showing itself as one of the main shortcomings of our education system. The European Union sets out the promotion of plurilingualism as an indispensable objective for the construction of a European project. The Law strongly supports plurilingualism, redoubling efforts to get students to develop fluently at least in a first foreign language, whose level of oral and reading comprehension and oral and written expression is decisive in promoting employability and career ambitions, and is therefore strongly committed to the curricular incorporation of a second foreign language.


The main difference in the Spanish education system with those of our environment lies in the number of students and students who pass through our vocational training. This situation inevitably affects the employability and competitiveness of our economy, limiting the vital choices of many young people. Revitalizing the option of professional learning as an option according to the will of a personal development and also its permeability with the rest of the system is a strategic objective of this Law. In order to achieve this, it is proposed to modernise supply, to adapt it to the requirements of the different production sectors, to involve companies in the training process, with the important novelty of dual vocational training, and the search for a closer to the models of the countries of our environment with much lower levels of youth unemployment. A new title of Basic Vocational Training is created, the paths of access from the Basic Vocational Training to the Middle Grade are relaxed, and from this to the higher level, the contribution to the enlargement of the skills in Basic and Middle-Grade Vocational Training, dual vocational training is regulated and completed with optional subjects oriented to higher grade cycles and transition to other teaching.


Recommendation (2002) 12 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to the Member States on Education for Democratic Citizenship, dated 16 October 2002, points out that education for democratic citizenship is essential to promote a free, tolerant and just society that contributes to defending the values and principles of freedom, pluralism, human rights and the rule of law, which are the foundations of democracy.

One of the principles on which the Spanish Educational System is inspired is the transmission and implementation of values that promote personal freedom, responsibility, democratic citizenship, solidarity, tolerance, equality, respect and justice, as well as helping to overcome any kind of discrimination. It is also contemplated as an end to which the Spanish Educational System aims to prepare for the exercise of citizenship and for active participation in economic, social and cultural life, with a critical and responsible attitude and with ability to adapt to changing situations in the knowledge society.

This Organic Law considers the preparation for active citizenship and the acquisition of social and civic competences as essential, as set out in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on the key competences for lifelong learning. In the context of the methodological change that this Organic Law advocates, this need is addressed in a transversal way by incorporating civic and constitutional education into all subjects during basic education, so that the acquisition of Social and civic competences are included in the day-to-day dynamics of the teaching and learning processes and will be strengthened in this way, through a joint approach, their possibility of transfer and their guiding character.


The transformation of the educational system is the result of a sustained and constant effort of educational reform, an effort that is only possible with the permanent and respectful collaboration of all the actors. In particular, it will be relevant to promote sincere cooperation between educational administrations that will enable the sharing of best practices in the system and improve territorial cohesion. In addition, this law will acquire full meaning with the development of a future law on the teaching function.

Single item. Amendment of Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education is amended as follows:

One. The wording of paragraphs (b), (k) and (l) is amended and new paragraphs (h) and (q) are added to Article 1 in the following terms:

" b) Equity, ensuring equal opportunities for full personality development through education, educational inclusion, equal rights and opportunities to help overcome any discrimination and universal accessibility to education, and which acts as a compensating element for personal, cultural, economic and social inequalities, with particular attention to those arising from any type of disability.

h bis) Recognition of the role of parents, mothers and legal guardians as first responders in their children's education.

k) Education for conflict prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, as well as for non-violence in all areas of personal, family and social life, and especially in school harassment.

l) The development, in school, of values that promote effective equality between men and women, as well as the prevention of gender-based violence.

q) Freedom of education, which recognizes the right of parents, mothers and legal guardians to choose the type of education and the center for their children, in the framework of constitutional principles. "

Two. A new Article 2a is added with the following wording:

" Article 2a. Spanish Education System.

1. For the purposes of this Organic Law, Spanish Educational System is understood as a set of educational administrations, education professionals and other agents, public and private, which develop functions of regulation, financing or provision of services for the exercise of the right to education in Spain, and the holders of this right, as well as the set of relationships, structures, measures and actions that are implemented to lend it.

2. The educational administrations are the organs of the General Administration of the State and the Administrations of the Autonomous Communities in the field of education.

3. In order to achieve the objectives set out in Article 2, the Spanish Educational System shall include, inter alia, the following instruments:

(a) The School Board of the State, as an organ for the participation of the educational community in the general programming of teaching and advising the Government.

(b) The Sectoral Education Conference, as an organ of cooperation between the State and the Autonomous Communities.

(c) The sectoral tables of negotiation of the public education and the concerted education that are constituted.

d) The Educational Information System.

e) The State System of Grants and Aid to the Study, as a guarantee of equal opportunities in access to education.

4. The functioning of the Spanish Educational System is governed by the principles of quality, cooperation, equity, freedom of teaching, merit, equal opportunities, non-discrimination, efficiency in the allocation of public resources, transparency and accountability. "

Three. A new paragraph 10 is added to Article 3, with the following wording:

" 10. The cycles of basic vocational training shall be compulsory and free of charge. "

Four. The title of Chapter III of the preliminary title and Article 6 are worded as follows:


Curriculum and distribution of competencies

Article 6. Curriculum.

1. For the purposes of this Organic Law, it is understood by curriculum the regulation of the elements that determine the teaching and learning processes for each of the teachings.

2. The curriculum shall consist of the following elements:

a) The objectives of each teaching and educational stage.

b) Skills, or capabilities to implement in an integrated way the contents of each teaching and educational stage, in order to achieve the right implementation of activities and the effective resolution of problems complexes.

c) The contents, or sets of knowledge, skills, skills and attitudes that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of each teaching and educational stage and the acquisition of competencies.

The contents are sorted in subjects, which are classified in subjects, areas, areas and modules according to the teachings, educational stages or programs in which students and students participate.

d) The didactic methodology, which includes both the description of teaching practices and the organization of teachers ' work.

e) Evaluable learning outcomes and standards.

(f) The criteria for assessing the degree of acquisition of skills and the achievement of the objectives of each teaching and educational stage. "

Five. A new Article 6a is added, in Chapter III of the preliminary title, with the following wording:

" Article 6a. Distribution of competencies.

1. Corresponds to Government:

a) The general management of the education system.

b) The regulation of the conditions for obtaining, issuing, and approval of academic and professional titles and of the basic norms for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to guarantee compliance with the the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

c) The general programming of teaching, in the terms set out in Articles 27 and following of the Organic Law 8/1985, of 3 July, regulating the Right to Education.

(d) High inspection and other powers which, in accordance with Article 149.1.30. of the Constitution, correspond to it to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities.

e) The design of the basic curriculum, in relation to the objectives, competencies, contents, evaluation criteria, standards and evaluable learning outcomes, in order to ensure a common formation and the official character and the validity throughout the national territory of the qualifications referred to in this Organic Law.

2. In primary education, in compulsory secondary education and in secondary education, the subjects will be grouped into three blocks, of course, of specific subjects and of subjects of free autonomic configuration, on which the Educational administrations and educational institutions will perform their functions as follows:

a) Corresponding to Government:

1. Determine common content, evaluable learning standards, and minimum school time of the block of subjects.

2. Determine the evaluable learning standards for the contents of the specific subject block.

3. To determine the criteria for evaluating the achievement of the objectives of the teaching and educational stages and the degree of acquisition of the corresponding competences, as well as the general characteristics of the tests, in relationship to the final assessment of Primary Education.

(b) Corresponding to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, in relation to the final assessments of compulsory secondary and secondary education:

1. To determine the criteria for the assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the teaching and educational stages and the degree of acquisition of the corresponding competences, in relation to the contents of the Trunk and specific subjects.

2. Determine the characteristics of the tests.

3. Design the tests and set their content for each call.

(c) Within the regulation and limits established by the Government, through the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, in accordance with the above paragraphs, educational administrations may:

1. º Complement the contents of the trunk subject block.

2. º Set the contents of specific subject blocks and autonomic free configuration.

3. Make recommendations for teaching methodology for the teaching centers of their competence.

4. Set the maximum reading time corresponding to the contents of the subjects in the trunk subject block.

5. Set the schedule corresponding to the contents of the subjects of the specific subject blocks and of the autonomic configuration.

6. In relation to the evaluation during the stage, complement the evaluation criteria for the block of subjects and specific subjects, and establish the criteria for the evaluation of the free subject block autonomic configuration.

7. Set the evaluable learning standards relative to the contents of the autonomic free-configuration subject block.

d) Within the regulation and limits established by the educational administrations in accordance with the previous paragraphs, and according to the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration, the Teachers ' centres may:

1. º Complement the contents of the trunk, specific and free autonomic configuration blocks and configure their training offer.

2. Design and implement own teaching and teaching methods.

3. Determine the time load for the different subjects.

e) The minimum teaching time corresponding to the subjects of the block of subjects will be fixed in global computation for all Primary Education, for the first cycle of compulsory secondary education, for the fourth Compulsory secondary education course, and for each of the courses in Baccalaureate, and shall not be less than 50% of the total of the teaching time set by each educational administration as a general. In this computation, no possible extensions of the schedule that can be established on the general schedule will be taken into account.

3. For the second cycle of Child Education, professional artistic teaching, language teaching and sports teaching, the Government will set the objectives, competences, contents and criteria for the assessment of the basic curriculum, which require 55 per 100 of the school schedules for the Autonomous Communities which have an official language and 65 per 100 for those who do not have it.

4. In relation to Vocational Training, the Government will set the objectives, competences, contents, learning outcomes and evaluation criteria of the basic curriculum. The contents of the basic curriculum will require 55 per 100 of the schedules for the Autonomous Communities that have an official language and 65 per 100 for those who do not have it.

5. Educational administrations shall promote and enhance the autonomy of the institutions, evaluate their results and implement appropriate action plans.

The teaching centers shall develop and supplement, where appropriate, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in use of their autonomy, as specified in Chapter II of Title V of this Law.

6. The titles corresponding to the teachings regulated by this Organic Law will be approved by the State and issued by the educational administrations under the conditions laid down in the legislation in force and in the basic and specific norms that The effect is dictated.

7. In the framework of international cooperation in education, the Government, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, may establish mixed curricula of teaching of the Spanish education system and other educational systems, leading to the respective titles. "

Six. A new paragraph 3 is added to Article 9, with the following wording:

" 3. The territorial cooperation programmes shall take into account, as a criterion for the territorial distribution of economic resources, the uniqueness of these programmes in terms of promoting equal opportunities. The phenomenon of the depopulation of a territory, as well as the geographical dispersion of the population, the insularity and the specific needs presented by the schooling of pupils from rural areas, will be particularly valued. "

Seven. Article 16 (2) is amended as follows:

" 2. The purpose of Primary Education is to provide students and students with the learning of expression and oral comprehension, reading, writing, calculation, acquisition of basic notions of culture, and the habit of living together as well as the study and work, the artistic sense, the creativity and the affectivity, in order to guarantee an integral formation that contributes to the full development of the personality of the students and students and to prepare them to heal with Compulsory Secondary Education. "

Eight. Article 17 (b), (h) and (j) are amended as follows:

" b) Develop individual and team work habits, effort and responsibility in the study, as well as attitudes of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in the learning, and entrepreneurial spirit.

h) Knowing the fundamental aspects of the Science of Nature, Social Sciences, Geography, History and Culture.

j) Use different representations and artistic expressions and start in the construction of visual and audiovisual proposals. "

Nine. Article 18 is worded as follows:

" 1. The Primary Education stage comprises six courses and is organised in areas, which will have a global and inclusive character.

2. Students and students must take the following areas of the trunk block in each of the courses:

a) Nature Sciences.

b) Social Sciences.

c) Spanish Language and Literature.

d) Mathematics.

e) First Foreign Language.

3. Students and students must take the following areas of the specific subject block in each of the courses:

a) Physical Education.

b) Religion, or Social and Civic Values, at the choice of parents, mothers or legal guardians.

c) Depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, at least one of the following areas of the Specific subjects:

1. Artistic Education.

2. Second Foreign Language.

3. Religion, only if the parents, mothers or legal guardians have not chosen it in the choice specified in paragraph 3.b).

4. Social and Civic Values, only if the parents, mothers or legal guardians have not chosen it in the choice specified in paragraph 3.b).

4. Pupils and students must take the area of the official language and literature in the subject of free-to-be-self-configuration in those Autonomous Communities which hold such a co-official language, but may be exempt from cursing or being assessed in that area under the conditions laid down in the relevant regional regulations. The area of Coofficial Language and Literature will receive an analogous treatment to the area of Spanish Language and Literature.

In addition, students and students will be able to study some area more in the subject block of autonomic configuration, depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each administration. educational and, where appropriate, the offer of the teaching centers, which may be from the block of specific subjects not submitted, deepening or strengthening of the trunk areas, or areas to be determined.

5. In the stage set, the tutorial action will guide the individual and collective educational process of the students.

6. Without prejudice to their specific treatment in some of the areas of the stage, reading comprehension, oral and written expression, audiovisual communication, Information and Communication Technologies, entrepreneurship and civic education and constitutional will be worked in all areas. "

Ten. Article 19 (2) is deleted.

Once. A paragraph 4 is added to Article 19, with the following wording:

" 4. The Spanish language or the official language will only be used as a support in the learning process of the foreign language. Understanding and oral expression will be prioritized.

Relaxation measures and methodological alternatives will be established in the teaching and evaluation of the foreign language for students with disabilities, especially for those who have difficulties in their oral expression. These adaptations shall in no case be taken into account in order to undermine the qualifications obtained. "

Twelve. Article 20 is worded as follows:

" Article 20. Evaluation during the stage.

1. The evaluation of the students ' learning processes will be continuous and comprehensive and will take into account their progress in all areas.

The most appropriate measures will be put in place to ensure that the conditions for carrying out the assessments are adapted to the needs of students with special educational needs.

2. The student or student will access the next course or stage provided that he/she is considered to have achieved the objectives and has achieved the degree of acquisition of the relevant skills. If not, you will be able to repeat once during the stage, with a specific reinforcement or recovery plan. Particular attention will be given to the results of the individual assessment at the end of the third Primary Education and Primary Education course.

3. The teaching centres will carry out an individual assessment of all pupils and pupils at the end of the third primary education course, as provided by the educational administrations, in which the degree of mastery of the pupils will be checked. skills, skills and abilities in expression and oral and written understanding, calculation and resolution of problems in relation to the degree of acquisition of competence in linguistic communication and mathematical competence. If this assessment is unfavourable, the teaching team must take the most appropriate ordinary or extraordinary measures.

4. Special attention will be paid during the stage to the personalized attention of students, the realization of early diagnoses and the establishment of reinforcement mechanisms to achieve school success.

5. In those Autonomous Communities which, together with Spanish, have another official language according to their Statutes, the students and students may be exempt from the evaluation of the area of the official language and literature according to the regional regulations. corresponding. "

Thirteen. Article 21 is worded as follows:

" Article 21. Final Primary Education Assessment.

1. At the end of the sixth year of primary education, an individual assessment will be made to all pupils and pupils, in which the degree of acquisition of competence in linguistic communication, mathematical and mathematical competence will be verified. the basic skills in science and technology, as well as the achievement of the objectives of the stage.

2. The Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, will establish the evaluation criteria and the general characteristics of the tests for the entire Spanish Educational System in order to ensure evaluation criteria and characteristics. common to the whole territory.

3. The outcome of the assessment shall be expressed at levels. The level obtained by each pupil or pupil will be recorded in a report, which will be given to parents, mothers or legal guardians and which will be informative and orienting for the centres in which pupils and students have completed a sixth course. of Primary Education and for those in which the next school year is cured, as well as for teachers, parents, mothers or legal guardians, and students and students.

Educational Administrations will be able to establish specific improvement plans in those public institutions whose results are lower than the values that they have established.

In relation to the concerted centres will be the regulatory regulatory of the corresponding concert. "

Fourteen. An Article 23a is added with the following wording:

" Article 23a. Compulsory Secondary Education cycles.

The stage of Compulsory Secondary Education is organized in subjects and comprises two cycles, the first of three school courses and the second of one.

The second cycle or fourth course of compulsory secondary education will have a fundamentally propedeutic character. "

Fifteen. Article 24 is worded as follows:

" Article 24. Organization of the first cycle of compulsory secondary education.

1. Students and students must take the following general subjects of the block of subjects in the first and second courses:

a) Biology and Geology in the first class.

b) Physical and Chemistry in the second course.

c) Geography and History in both courses.

d) Spanish Language and Literature in both courses.

e) Mathematics in both courses.

f) First Foreign Language in both courses.

2. Students and students must take the following general subjects of the block of subjects in the third year:

a) Biology and Geology.

b) Physics and Chemistry.

c) Geography and History.

d) Spanish Language and Literature.

e) First Foreign Language.

3. As a matter of choice, in the block of trunk subjects, either Mathematics Oriented to Academic Teachings, or Mathematics Oriented to Applied Teachings, at the choice of parents, mothers or legal guardians or, in their case, of the students and students.

4. Students and students must take the following subjects from the block of specific subjects in each of the courses:

a) Physical Education.

b) Religion, or Ethical Values, at the choice of parents, mothers or legal guardians or, where appropriate, of the pupil or pupil.

c) Depending on the regulation and programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational establishments, a minimum of one and, maximum of four, of the following subjects of the block of specific subjects, which may be different in each of the courses:

1. Classical Culture.

2. Plastic, Visual and Audiovisual Education.

3. Getting Started with Business and Business Activity.

4. Music.

5. Second Foreign Language.

6. Technology.

7. º Religion, only if the parents, mothers or legal guardians or, where appropriate, the student or pupil have not chosen it in the choice specified in paragraph 4.b).

8. Etics, only if the parents, mothers or legal guardians or, where appropriate, the pupil or pupil have not chosen it in the choice specified in paragraph 4.b).

5. Pupils and students must take the subject of the official language and literature of the free-to-self-configuration subject block in those Autonomous Communities which hold such a co-official language, but may be exempt from cursing or being (i) the assessment of the matter under the conditions laid down in the relevant autonomous rules. The subject of the official language and literature will receive an analogous treatment to the language of the Spanish language and literature.

In addition, depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, the students and students will be able to take some more in the block of subjects of free autonomic configuration, which may be subjects of the block of specific subjects not submitted, or subjects to be determined. These subjects in the subject block of free autonomic configuration may be different in each of the courses.

6. Without prejudice to their specific treatment in some of the subjects of the cycle, reading comprehension, oral and written expression, audiovisual communication, Information and Communication Technologies, entrepreneurship and education civic and constitutional will be worked on all subjects.

7. In order to facilitate the transit of pupils between primary education and the first course of compulsory secondary education, educational administrations and, where appropriate, educational establishments, may group the subjects of the first course in areas of knowledge. "

Sixteen. Article 25 is worded as follows:

" Article 25. Fourth course of compulsory secondary education.

1. Parents, mothers or legal guardians or, where appropriate, students and students may choose to take the fourth course of compulsory secondary education by one of the following two options:

a) A choice of academic teachings for Baccalaureate initiation.

b) Option of teaching applied for the initiation of vocational training.

For these purposes, the options for the third course of compulsory secondary education will not be binding.

2. In the academic teaching option, students and students must take the following general subjects of the block of subjects:

a) Geography and History.

b) Spanish Language and Literature.

c) Mathematics Oriented to Academic Teachings.

d) First Foreign Language.

3. Depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, the students and students must take up at least two subjects from among the following: Trunk subject block option subjects:

1. Biology and Geology.

2. Economics.

3. Physics and Chemistry.

4. Latin.

4. In the option of applied teaching, students and students must take the following general subjects of the block of subjects:

a) Geography and History.

b) Spanish Language and Literature.

c) Mathematics Oriented to Applied Teachings.

d) First Foreign Language.

5. Depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, the students and students must take up at least two subjects from among the following: Trunk subject block option subjects:

1. Science Applied to Professional Activity.

2. Getting Started with Business and Business Activity.

3. Technology.

6. Pupils and pupils must take the following subjects from the specific subject block:

a) Physical Education.

b) Religion, or Ethical Values, at the choice of parents, mothers or legal guardians or in their case of the pupil or pupil.

c) Depending on the regulation and programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and in its case of the offer of the educational institutions, a minimum of one and maximum of four subjects of the following of the specific subject block:

1. Performing Arts and Dance.

2. Scientific Culture.

3. Classical Culture.

4. Plastic, Visual and Audiovisual Education.

5. Philosophy.

6. Music.

7. Second Foreign Language.

8. Information and Communication Technologies.

9. º Religion, only if the parents, mothers or legal guardians or in their case the pupil or pupil have not chosen it in the choice specified in paragraph 6.b).

10. Etics values, only if the parents, mothers or legal guardians or in their case the pupil or pupil have not chosen it in the choice specified in paragraph 6.b).

11. A subject of the block of subjects not attended by the student or student.

7. Pupils and pupils must take the subject of the official language and literature in the subject-matter of the autonomous community in those Autonomous Communities which hold such a co-official language, but may be exempt from cursing or being (i) the assessment of the matter under the conditions laid down in the relevant autonomous rules. The subject of the official language and literature will receive an analogous treatment to the language of the Spanish language and literature.

In addition, depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and in the case of the offer of the educational institutions, the students and students will be able to cure some more in the block of subjects of free autonomic configuration, which may be subjects of the block of specific subjects not submitted, subjects of extension of the contents of some of the subjects of the blocks of subjects specific, or subjects to be determined.

8. Without prejudice to their specific treatment in some of the subjects of this course, reading comprehension, oral and written expression, audiovisual communication, Information and Communication Technologies, entrepreneurship and education civic and constitutional will be worked on all subjects.

9. The educational administrations and, where appropriate, the centres will be able to draw up itineraries to guide pupils and students in the choice of option subjects.

10. The students must be able to achieve the objectives of the stage and achieve the degree of acquisition of the corresponding competences both by the option of academic teaching and by the one of applied teachings. "

seventeen. A paragraph 6 is added to Article 26 with the following wording:

" 6. In the process of foreign language learning, the Spanish language or the official language will only be used as support. Oral understanding and expression will be prioritized.

Relaxation measures and methodological alternatives will be established in the teaching and evaluation of the foreign language for students with disabilities, especially for those who have difficulties in their oral expression. These adaptations shall in no case be taken into account in order to undermine the qualifications obtained. "

Eighteen. Article 27 is worded as follows:

" Article 27. Programs to improve learning and performance.

1. The Government shall define the basic conditions for establishing the requirements of the learning and performance improvement programmes to be developed from 2. the compulsory secondary education course.

In this case, a specific methodology will be used through an organization of content, practical activities and, where appropriate, of subjects other than the one established in general, in order to students and students can take the fourth course through the ordinary course and obtain the degree of Undergraduate in Compulsory Secondary Education.

2. The teaching team may propose to parents, mothers or legal guardians the incorporation into a program of improvement of the learning and performance of those students and students who have repeated at least one course at any stage, and that once The first course of compulsory secondary education is not in a position to promote the second course, or if the second course is not in a position to promote the third course. The program will be developed along the second and third courses in the first scenario, or only in the third course in the second scenario.

Those pupils and students who, having completed a third course of compulsory secondary education, are not in a position to promote the fourth course, may exceptionally be incorporated into a programme for the improvement of learning and of the performance to repeat the third course.

3. These programmes will preferably target those students and students who have significant learning difficulties that are not attributable to a lack of study or effort.

4. Educational administrations will ensure that students with disabilities participate in these programs with the provision of support resources that, in general, are provided for this student in the Spanish Educational System. "

nineteen. Article 28 is worded as follows:

" Article 28. Assessment and promotion.

1. The evaluation of the learning process of the compulsory secondary education will be continuous, formative and inclusive.

The most appropriate measures will be put in place to ensure that the conditions for carrying out the assessments are adapted to the needs of students with special educational needs.

2. Decisions on the promotion of students from one course to another, within the stage, will be taken in a collegial way by the set of teachers of the respective student or student, taking into account the achievement of the objectives and the degree of acquisition of the students. relevant competencies.

Students and students shall promote course when they have completed all subjects or have a negative evaluation in two subjects at most, and shall repeat course when they have a negative evaluation in three or more subjects, or in two subjects that are Spanish Language and Literature and Mathematics simultaneously.

By way of exception, the promotion of a pupil or pupil with negative evaluation may be authorised in three subjects when the following conditions are met:

a) that two of the subjects with negative evaluation are not simultaneously Spanish Language and Literature, and Mathematics,

b) that the teaching team considers that the nature of the subjects with negative evaluation does not prevent the student or students from successfully following the next course, which has favorable expectations of recovery and that the promotion benefit from their academic evolution,

c) and that the educational care measures proposed in the guidance council referred to in paragraph 7 of this article be applied to the student or pupil.

The promotion of a student or student with a negative evaluation in two subjects that are Spanish Language and Literature and Mathematics simultaneously may also be permitted in an exceptional way when the teaching team considers that the student or student can successfully follow the next course, that he has favorable expectations of recovery and that the promotion will benefit his academic evolution, and provided that the educational care measures are applied to the student proposals in the guidance council referred to in paragraph 7 of this Article.

For the purposes of this paragraph, only the subjects that at least the student or student must take in each of the blocks shall be computed. In addition, in relation to those students and students who are studying Coofficial Language and Literature, only one subject will be computed in the subject block of autonomous configuration, regardless of whether these students and students may be more materials of that block. Subjects with the same name in different courses of compulsory secondary education shall be regarded as different subjects. The subject of the official language and literature will be the same as the language of the Spanish language and literature in those Autonomous Communities which hold an official language.

3. In order to make it easier for pupils and pupils to recover subjects with a negative assessment, the educational authorities will regulate the conditions for the centres to organise the necessary extraordinary tests under the conditions laid down in the determine.

4. Those who promote without having exceeded all the subjects must be enrolled in the unsurpassed subjects, the reinforcement programmes established by the teaching team will follow and they must exceed the evaluations corresponding to those programmes of reinforcement. This shall be taken into account for the purposes of promotion provided for in the preceding paragraphs.

5. The student or pupil may repeat the same course once and twice as a maximum within the stage. Where this second repetition is to occur in the third or fourth year, the age limit referred to in Article 4 (2) shall be extended by one year. Exceptionally, a pupil or pupil may repeat a second time in the fourth course if he has not repeated in previous courses of the stage.

6. In any case, the repetitions shall be established in such a way that the curricular conditions are adapted to the needs of the student and are oriented to overcoming the difficulties identified.

7. In order to make it easier for all pupils and pupils to achieve the objectives and to achieve the appropriate degree of acquisition of the relevant competences, educational authorities will establish educational reinforcement measures, with special emphasis on attention to the specific needs of educational support. The personalised implementation of the measures will be reviewed regularly and, in any case, at the end of the academic year.

At the end of each of the compulsory secondary education courses will be given to the parents, mothers or legal guardians of each student or student a guiding council, which will include a report on the degree of achievement of the objectives and the acquisition of the corresponding powers, as well as a proposal to parents, mothers or legal guardians or, where appropriate, to the student or student of the most appropriate itinerary to follow, which may include the incorporation of the learning and giving up to a Basic Vocational Training cycle.

8. After the first cycle of compulsory secondary education, as well as after a second course, when the student or pupil is to be introduced in an exceptional way to a cycle of basic vocational training, students and students will be given the opportunity to attend the course. a certificate of completed studies.

9. In those Autonomous Communities which, together with Spanish, have another official language according to their Statutes, students and students may be exempt from carrying out the evaluation of the Coofficial Language and Literature according to the regulations. corresponding autonomic. "

Twenty. Article 29 is worded as follows:

" Article 29. Final Evaluation of Compulsory Secondary Education.

1. At the end of the fourth year, students and students will carry out an individual assessment of the choice of academic teaching or of the teaching applied, in which the achievement of the objectives of the stage and the degree of acquisition will be verified. of the relevant powers in relation to the following matters:

(a) All the general subjects in the block of subjects, except Biology and Geology and Physics and Chemistry, of which the student or student will be evaluated if he chooses them among the subjects of choice, as indicated in the following paragraph.

b) Two of the subjects of choice in the block of subjects, in the fourth course.

c) A subject matter of the specific subject block in any of the courses, other than Physical Education, Religion, or Ethical Values.

2. Pupils and pupils may carry out the assessment by either of the two academic teaching or teaching options applied, regardless of the choice of the fourth compulsory secondary education course, or both of the options in question. the same occasion.

3. Students and students who have obtained either a positive evaluation in all subjects, or a negative one in a maximum of two subjects, may be presented for this evaluation, provided that they are not simultaneously Spanish Language and Literature, and Mathematics. For these purposes, the subject of the official language and literature shall be the same as the language of the Spanish language and literature in those Autonomous Communities which hold an official language.

For the purposes of this paragraph, only the subjects that at least the student or student must take in each of the blocks shall be computed. In addition, in relation to those students and students who are studying Coofficial Language and Literature, only one subject will be computed in the subject block of autonomous configuration, regardless of whether these students and students may be more materials of that block. Subjects with the same name in different courses of compulsory secondary education shall be regarded as different subjects.

4. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport shall establish the evaluation criteria and the characteristics of the tests for the entire Spanish Educational System, and design and establish its content for each call.

5. Exceeding this assessment will require a rating equal to or greater than 5 points on 10.

6. Students who have not passed the assessment by the chosen option, or who wish to raise their final qualification for compulsory secondary education, may repeat the evaluation in successive calls upon request.

Pupils and students who have passed this assessment by one option may be submitted to evaluation again by the other option if they wish, and if they do not, they will be able to repeat it in successive calls. upon request.

The highest rating of those obtained in the calls that the pupil or pupil has exceeded will be taken into consideration.

At least two annual calls, one ordinary and one extraordinary, will be held. "

Twenty-one. Article 30 is worded as follows:

" Article 30. Proposal for access to Basic Vocational Training.

The teaching team may propose to the parents, mothers or legal guardians, if necessary through the guidance board, the incorporation of the student or student to a cycle of Basic Professional Training when the degree of acquisition of the The Commission shall, in accordance with Article 4 (1) of this Law,

the Commission with the necessary powers.

Twenty-two. Article 31 is worded as follows:

" Article 31. Graduate degree in Compulsory Secondary Education.

1. In order to obtain the degree of Undergraduate in compulsory secondary education, the final evaluation must be exceeded, as well as a final qualification of this stage equal to or greater than 5 points out of 10. The final qualification of compulsory secondary education shall be deducted from the following weighting:

(a) With a weight of 70%, the average of the numerical qualifications obtained in each of the subjects in compulsory secondary education.

b) With a weight of 30%, the note obtained in the final evaluation of Secondary Education Required. If the student or pupil has passed the assessment by the two final assessment options referred to in Article 29.1, the final rating shall be the highest of those obtained in the light of the note obtained from the both options.

2. The degree of Undergraduate in Compulsory Secondary Education will allow access to the post-compulsory teachings set out in article 3.4 of this Organic Law, in accordance with the requirements set out for each teaching.

3. The title must include the option or options for which the final assessment was carried out, as well as the final qualification of compulsory secondary education.

The new final qualification for compulsory secondary education shall be recorded in the title, due diligence or annex thereto, when the pupil or pupil has again been submitted for evaluation by the same option to raise his or her final rating.

It shall also be stated, by diligence or annex, that the student or pupil of the final evaluation is exceeded by a different option than the one already mentioned in the title, in which case the final qualification will be the highest of those that are The results of both options are taken into account.

4. Students and students who are the subject of compulsory secondary education and who do not obtain the title referred to in this Article shall receive an official certificate in which the number of years they have been completed will be recorded, as well as the degree of achievement of the objectives of the the stage and the acquisition of the relevant competences.

5. The educational administrations may establish personalised care measures aimed at those pupils and students who have submitted to the final assessment of compulsory secondary education not exceeding it.

6. In the event that the degree of Undergraduate in Secondary Education is obtained by overcoming the test regulated in Article 68 (2) of this Organic Law, the final qualification of compulsory secondary education will be obtained in that test. "

Twenty-three. Article 32 (2) and (4) are worded as follows:

" 2. Pupils and students who are in possession of the degree of Undergraduate in compulsory secondary education and have passed the final assessment of compulsory secondary education by the option of teaching may have access to the Baccalaureate studies. academic.

4. Pupils and pupils will be able to stay in ordinary Baccalaureate for four years. "

Twenty-four. Article 34 is worded as follows:

" Article 34. General Baccalaureate organization.

1. The modalities of the Baccalaureate that the educational administrations will be able to offer and, where appropriate, the teaching centers will be the following:

a) Sciences.

b) Humanities and Social Sciences.

c) Arts.

2. In the process of foreign language learning, the Spanish language or the official language will only be used as support. Oral understanding and expression will be prioritized.

Relaxation measures and methodological alternatives will be established in the teaching and evaluation of the foreign language for students with disabilities, especially for those who have difficulties in their oral expression. These adaptations shall in no case be taken into account in order to undermine the qualifications obtained.

3. The Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, shall regulate the system of mutual recognition between the studies of Baccalaureate and the training cycles of the average degree of Vocational Training, the Teachings of Plastic Arts and Design of average grade, and medium-grade Sports Teachings, so that the completed studies can be taken into account, even if the corresponding qualification has not been achieved. "

Twenty-five. A new Article 34a is added, which is worded as follows:

" Article 34a. Organization of the first course of Baccalaureate.

1. In the form of science, students and students must study the following general subjects of the block of subjects:

a) Philosophy.

b) Spanish Language and Literature I.

c) Mathematics I.

d) First Foreign Language I.

e) Depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, at least two more subjects from among the following subjects: Trunk subject block option:

1. Biology and Geology.

2. Technical Drawing I.

3. Physics and Chemistry.

2. In the form of Humanities and Social Sciences, students and students must take the following general subjects of the block of subjects:

a) Philosophy.

b) Spanish Language and Literature I.

c) First Foreign Language I.

d) For the Itinerary of Humanities, Latin I. For the itinerary of Social Sciences, Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences I.

e) Depending on the regulation and programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, at least two subjects from among the following subjects: Option of the block of trunk subjects, organized, if any, in blocks that facilitate the transition to higher education:

1. Economics.

2. Greek I.

3. History of the Contemporary World.

4. Universal Literature.

3. In the form of Arts, students and students must take the following general subjects of the block of subjects:

a) Philosophy.

b) Foundations of Art I.

c) Spanish Language and Literature I.

d) First Foreign Language I.

e) Depending on the regulation and programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, at least two subjects from among the following subjects: Trunk subject block option:

1. Audiovisual Culture I.

2. History of the Contemporary World.

3. Universal Literature.

4. Pupils and pupils must take the following subjects from the specific subject block:

a) Physical Education.

b) Depending on the regulation and programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational establishments, a minimum of two and a maximum of three subjects from among the following:

1. Music Analysis I.

2. Applied Anatomy.

3. Scientific Culture.

4. Art Drawing I.

5. Technical Drawing I, except that the parents, mothers or legal guardians or the student or pupil have already chosen Technical Drawing I in paragraph 1.e.

6. Language and Musical Practice.

7. Religion.

8. Second Foreign Language I.

9. Industrial Technology I.

10. Information and Communication Technologies I.

11. Volume.

12. A subject of the block of subjects not attended by the student or student.

5. Pupils and pupils must take the subject of the official language and literature in the subject-matter of the autonomous community in those Autonomous Communities which hold such a co-official language, but may be exempt from cursing or being (i) the assessment of the matter under the conditions laid down in the relevant autonomous rules. The subject of the official language and literature will receive an analogous treatment to the language of the Spanish language and literature.

In addition, depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, the students and students will be able to take some more in the case of a block of free autonomous configuration subjects, which may be subjects of the block of specific subjects not submitted, subjects of extension of the contents of some of the subjects of the blocks of subjects specific, or subjects to be determined.

6. The educational administrations and, where appropriate, the centres will be able to draw up itineraries to guide pupils and students in the choice of option subjects. "

Twenty-six. A new Article 34b is added, which is worded as follows:

" Article 34 ter. Organization of the second course of Baccalaureate.

1. In the form of science, students and students must study the following general subjects of the block of subjects:

a) History of Spain.

b) Spanish Language and Literature II.

c) Mathematics II.

d) First Foreign Language II.

e) Depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, at least two more subjects from among the following subjects: Trunk subject block option:

1. Biology.

2. Technical Drawing II.

3. Physical.

4. Geology.

5. Chemistry.

2. In the form of Humanities and Social Sciences, students and students must take the following general subjects of the block of subjects:

a) History of Spain.

b) Spanish Language and Literature II.

c) First Foreign Language II.

d) For the Humanities itinerary, Latin II. For the itinerary of Social Sciences, Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II.

e) Depending on the regulation and programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, at least two subjects from among the following subjects: Option of the block of trunk subjects, organized, if any, in blocks that facilitate the transition to higher education:

1. Company Economics.

2. Geography.

3. Greek II.

4. History of Art.

5. History of Philosophy.

3. In the form of Arts, students and students must take the following general subjects of the block of subjects:

a) Foundations of Art II.

b) History of Spain.

c) Spanish Language and Literature II.

d) First Foreign Language II.

e) Depending on the regulation and programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, at least two subjects from among the following subjects: Trunk subject block option:

1. Performing Arts.

2. Culture Audiovisual II.

3. Design.

4. Depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, the students and students will have a minimum of two and a maximum of three subjects of the following from the specific subject block:

a) Musical Analysis II.

b) Earth and environmental sciences.

c) Artistic Drawing II.

(d) Technical Drawing II, unless the parents, mothers or legal guardians or the pupil or pupil have already chosen Technical Drawing II in paragraph 1 (e)


e) Management and Management Foundations.

f) History of Philosophy, except that parents, mothers or legal guardians or students have already chosen the History of Philosophy in paragraph 2.e. 5. º

g) History of Music and Dance.

h) Image and Sound.

i) Psychology.

j) Religion.

k) Second Foreign Language II.

l) Graphic-Plastic Expression Techniques.

m) Industrial Technology II.

n) Information and Communication Technologies II.

n) A subject of the block of subjects not attended by the student or student.

5. Pupils and pupils must take the subject of the official language and literature in the subject-matter of the autonomous community in those Autonomous Communities which hold such a co-official language, but may be exempt from cursing or being (i) the assessment of the matter under the conditions laid down in the relevant autonomous rules. The subject of the official language and literature will receive an analogous treatment to the language of the Spanish language and literature.

In addition, depending on the regulation and the programming of the educational offer established by each educational administration and, where appropriate, the offer of the educational institutions, the students and students will be able to take some more in the block of subjects of free autonomic configuration, which may be Physical Education, subjects of the block of specific subjects not submitted, subjects of extension of the contents of some of the subjects of the blocks of subjects Trunks or specific, or subjects to be determined.

6. The educational administrations and, where appropriate, the centres will be able to draw up itineraries to guide pupils and students in the choice of option subjects. "

Twenty-seven. A paragraph 3 is added to Article 35, which is worded as follows:

" 3. In the organisation of the Baccalaureate studies, special attention will be given to pupils and students with specific need for educational support. "

Twenty-eight. Article 36 is worded as follows:

" Article 36. Assessment and promotion.

1. The evaluation of student learning will be continuous and differentiated according to the different subjects. The teachers of each subject will decide, at the end of the course, whether the student or pupil has achieved the objectives and has achieved the appropriate degree of acquisition of the relevant skills.

The most appropriate measures will be put in place to ensure that the conditions for carrying out the assessments are adapted to the needs of students with special educational needs.

2. Pupils and pupils shall promote from the first to the second of the Baccalaureate when they have completed the subjects or have a negative evaluation in two subjects, at most. In any case, they must be registered in the second course of the matters pending first. The teaching centres shall organise the subsequent recovery activities and the assessment of the remaining areas.

For the purposes of this paragraph, only the subjects that at least the student or student must take in each of the blocks shall be computed. In addition, in relation to those students and students who are studying Coofficial Language and Literature, only one subject will be computed in the subject block of autonomous configuration, regardless of whether these students and students may be more materials of that block.

Without exceeding the maximum time limit for cursing the Baccalaureate referred to in Article 32.4, pupils and pupils may repeat each of the Baccalaureate courses only once at most, although they may exceptionally repeat one of the following: the courses a second time, prior to the favorable report of the teaching team.

3. Pupils and pupils may perform an extraordinary test of the subjects they have not passed on, on the dates to be determined by the educational administrations.

4. The improvement of the second-course subjects involving continuity will be conditional upon the corresponding first-course subjects being exceeded. Such correspondence shall be established by regulatory means.

5. In those Autonomous Communities which, together with Spanish, have another official language according to their Statutes, students and students may be exempt from carrying out the evaluation of the Coofficial Language and Literature according to the regulations. corresponding autonomic. "

Twenty-nine. A new Article 36a is added, which is worded as follows:

" Article 36a. Final assessment of Baccalaureate.

1. Students and students will carry out an individual assessment at the end of the Baccalaureate, which will check the achievement of the objectives of this stage and the degree of acquisition of the corresponding competences in relation to the following: subjects:

a) All the general subjects in the block of subjects. In the case of matters involving continuity, only the subject matter in the second course shall be taken into account.

b) Two subjects of choice in the block of subjects, in any of the courses. The subjects which involve continuity between the first and second courses shall only be taken into account as a matter; in this case only the subject in the second course shall be taken into account.

c) A subject matter of the specific subject block in any of the courses, other than Physical Education or Religion.

2. Only those pupils and pupils who have obtained positive evaluation in all subjects may be presented for this assessment.

For the purposes of this paragraph, only the subjects that at least the student or student must take in each of the blocks shall be computed. In addition, in relation to those students and students who are studying Coofficial Language and Literature, only one subject will be computed in the subject block of autonomic free configuration, regardless of whether the students and students can take more materials of that block.

3. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, shall establish for the whole of the Spanish Educational System the evaluation criteria and the characteristics of the tests, and shall design and establish its content for each call.

4. Exceeding this assessment will require a rating equal to or greater than 5 points on 10.

5. Pupils and pupils who have not passed this assessment, or who wish to raise their final Baccalaureate qualification, will be able to repeat the assessment in successive calls, upon request.

The highest rating of those obtained in the calls to which it has been attended will be taken into consideration.

At least two annual calls, one ordinary and one extraordinary, will be held. "

Thirty. Article 37 is worded as follows:

" Article 37. Title of Bachiller.

1. In order to obtain the title of Bachiller the final evaluation of Baccalaureate will be necessary, as well as a final qualification of Baccalaureate equal to or greater than 5 points out of 10. The final rating of this stage will be deducted from the following weight:

(a) With a weight of 60%, the average of the numerical qualifications obtained in each of the subjects in Baccalaureate.

b) With a weight of 40%, the note obtained in the final evaluation of Baccalaureate.

2. The title of Bachiller shall be entitled to access to the various teaching courses provided for in Article 3.5, and shall include the form taken, as well as the final qualification of Baccalaureate.

3. The positive evaluation in all the subjects of the Baccalaureate without having passed the final evaluation of this stage will entitle the student to obtain a certificate that will take effect at work and the academics provided for in Articles 41.2.b), 41.3.a), and 64.2.d) of this Organic Law. "

Thirty-one. Article 38 is worded as follows:

" Article 38. Admission to official degree university teaching since the title of Bachiller or equivalent.

1. The universities may determine the admission to official university teaching of pupils and students who have obtained the title of Bachiller or equivalent exclusively by the criterion of the final qualification obtained in the Baccalaureate.

2. In addition, the universities may establish procedures for admission to official university teaching of pupils and students who have obtained the title of Bachiller or equivalent, in accordance with the basic rules laid down by the Government, which must respect the principles of equality, non-discrimination, merit and capacity. Those procedures shall, together with the criterion of the final qualification obtained in the Baccalaureate, use either or some of the following assessment criteria:

(a) Mode and subjects in the Baccalaureate, in relation to the degree chosen.

(b) Qualifications obtained in specific subjects of the Baccalaureate courses, or of the final evaluation of that stage.

c) Complementary academic or professional training.

d) Top studies previously submitted.

In addition, they will be able to establish specific knowledge and/or competence assessments.

The weighting of the final qualification obtained in the Baccalaureate must be at least 60% of the final result of the admission procedure.

The universities will be able to agree on the joint implementation of all or part of the admission procedures they establish, as well as the mutual recognition of the results of the assessments carried out in the admission.

3. The procedures for admission to the university must be carried out under conditions of accessibility for pupils and students with disabilities. "

Thirty-two. The wording of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 is amended and a new paragraph 7 is added to Article 39 in the following terms

" 2. Vocational training, in the educational system, aims to prepare students for work in a professional field and to facilitate their adaptation to the changes in work that may occur during their lifetime, contributing to their personal development and the exercise of a democratic citizenship, and enable its progression in the education system and in the vocational training system for employment, as well as lifelong learning.

3. Vocational training in the education system includes the courses of basic vocational training, of a medium and higher degree, with a modular organisation, of variable duration, which integrates the theoretical and practical contents appropriate to the various professional fields.

4. Vocational training qualifications shall, in general, be referred to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the courses of vocational training leading to their procurement shall be as follows:

a) Basic Professional Training Cycles.

b) Medium-grade formative cycles.

c) Higher-grade formative cycles.

The curriculum of these teachings will be in accordance with the requirements of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training and the requirements of Article 6.a (4) of this Law.

The Government shall, in accordance with the rules laid down in paragraph 3 of this Article, carry out the measures necessary to enable correspondence, for the purposes of equivalence and validation, to be carried out. Article 26 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003 on Employment, with the titles of Vocational Training of the educational system, through the accredited units of competence.

7. In the course of vocational training, special attention will be paid to students and students with specific need for educational support. "

Thirty-three. Article 40 is worded as follows:

" Article 40. Objectives.

1. Vocational training in the education system will help pupils to achieve the learning outcomes that enable them to:

a) Develop the skills of each professional training title.

b) Understand the organization and characteristics of the corresponding productive sector, as well as the mechanisms of professional insertion.

c) Knowing labor law and the rights and obligations arising from labor relations.

d) Learning for themselves and working as a team, as well as training in conflict prevention and in the peaceful resolution of conflicts in all areas of personal, family and social life, with particular attention to prevention of gender-based violence.

e) Promoting effective equality of opportunity between men and women, as well as people with disabilities, to access training that allows for all types of professional options and the exercise of them.

f) Working in health and safety conditions, as well as preventing the possible risks arising from work.

g) Develop a motivating professional identity of future learning and adaptations to the evolution of productive processes and social change.

h) Strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit for the performance of business activities and initiatives.

i) Prepare students for progression in the education system.

j) Know and prevent environmental risks.

2. The cycles of Basic Vocational Training will also contribute to the achievement or completion of the competences of lifelong learning.

3. The medium-grade training courses will also help to extend the skills of basic education by adapting them to a field or professional sector that allows students to learn throughout their lives, to make progress in the education system, and to be incorporated into active life with responsibility and autonomy. "

Thirty-four. Article 41 is worded as follows:

" Article 41. Conditions of access and admission.

1. Access to the Basic Vocational Training cycles will require simultaneous compliance with the following conditions:

a) Have been completed fifteen years, or meet them during the current calendar year, and not exceed seventeen years of age at the time of access or during the current calendar year.

b) Having completed the first cycle of compulsory secondary education or, exceptionally, having completed the second course of compulsory secondary education.

(c) The teaching team has proposed to parents, mothers or legal guardians the incorporation of the student or pupil into a cycle of Basic Vocational Training, in accordance with the provisions of Article 30.

2. Access to medium-grade training cycles shall require compliance with at least one of the following conditions:

a) Be in possession of at least one of the following titles:

1. Degree of Graduate Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education, provided that the student or student has passed the final evaluation of the compulsory secondary education by the option of applied teaching.

2. Basic Professional Title.

3. Title of Bachiller.

4. º A university degree.

5. A degree of Technical or Higher Vocational Training Technician.

b) Be in possession of a certificate of accreditation of having exceeded all the subjects of Baccalaureate.

(c) Have passed a specific training course for access to middle-grade cycles in public or private schools authorized by the educational administration, and have 17 years completed in the year of completion of the course. The subjects of the course and their basic characteristics shall be regulated by the Government.

d) Have passed an access test according to the criteria set by the Government, and have 17 years completed in the year of completion of such test.

The tests and courses indicated in the preceding paragraphs must be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge and skills to take advantage of medium-grade training cycles, according to the criteria established by the Government.

In addition, provided that demand for places in medium-grade training cycles exceeds supply, educational administrations will be able to establish procedures for admission to the teaching centre, in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Government determines regulations.

3. Access to higher grade training cycles will require compliance with the following conditions:

(a) Being in possession of the title of Bachiller, of a university degree, or of a degree of Technical or Technical Higher Vocational Training, or of a certificate of proof of having exceeded all the subjects of Baccalaureate, or have passed an access test, in accordance with the criteria established by the Government, and have 19 years completed in the year of completion of such test.

The test must enable the ability to accredit sufficient knowledge and skills to take advantage of higher grade training courses, in accordance with the criteria set by the Government.

(b) Whenever the demand for places in higher education courses exceeds supply, educational administrations may establish procedures for admission to the teaching centre, in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Government determines regulations.

4. Pupils and pupils who have not passed the access tests or tests which may be part of the admission procedures or who wish to raise the qualifications obtained may repeat them in successive calls. request.

5. The Government shall, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, lay down the basic criteria for the exemption of some or all of the access tests or tests which may form part of the admission procedures to which it is refer to the above paragraphs, depending on the training or professional experience accredited by the applicant.

6. The most appropriate measures shall be put in place to ensure that the conditions for carrying out the assessment tests are adapted to the needs of students with special educational needs. "

Thirty-five. Article 42 is worded as follows:

" Article 42. Content and organization of the offering.

1. It is up to the educational authorities to schedule the offer of the vocational training courses, with respect to the rights recognized in this Law.

2. The curriculum of vocational training courses will include a practical training phase in the workplace, which may be exempt for those who credit a work experience corresponding to professional studies. (i) Educational administrations will regulate this phase and the said exemption.

3. Vocational training will promote the integration of scientific, technological and organisational content in the field of work, as well as those of instrumental matters, and ensure that students acquire and extend the necessary skills for their professional, personal and social development.

4. The Basic Vocational Training cycles shall ensure the acquisition of the competences of lifelong learning through the teaching of lessons organised in the following common blocks:

a) Communication and Social Sciences Block, which will include the following subjects:

1. Spanish Language.

2. Foreign Language.

3. Social Sciences.

4. º In your case, official language.

b) Block of Applied Sciences, which shall include the following subjects:

1. Mathematics Applied to the Personal and Learning Context in a Professional Field.

2. Science Applied to the Personal and Learning Context in a Professional Field.

The pedagogical criteria with which the training programs of these cycles will be developed will be adapted to the specific characteristics of the students and will promote teamwork. In addition, mentoring and educational and professional guidance will be given special consideration.

In addition, the teaching of Basic Vocational Training shall at least ensure the training necessary to obtain a level 1 qualification from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications referred to in Article 7 of the Organic Law of June 19, of the Qualifications and of Vocational Training.

The cycles will be two years long, and will be implemented in the centers that determine the educational administrations.

Pupils and pupils will be able to stay in a Basic Vocational Training cycle for up to four years.

5. Within the framework of the educational administrations, the educational institutions may offer students who take the following voluntary subjects to facilitate the transition of the student or student to the school. other teachings:

a) Communication in Spanish Language.

b) Communication in Foreign Language.

c) Applied Mathematics.

d) Where appropriate, Communication in the Official Language.

In addition, in order to facilitate the progression of students towards the higher education courses of vocational training, educational institutions may offer, within the framework of the conditions laid down by the national authorities education, voluntary matters relating to the field or professional sector in question, the improvement of which will facilitate admission to higher education courses on the terms which the Government determines to regulate.

The subjects listed in the preceding paragraphs may be offered in face-to-face or distance mode and shall not be part of the curriculum for medium-grade training cycles.

6. Flexibility and methodological alternatives will be established in the teaching and evaluation of the foreign language for students with disabilities, especially for those who have difficulties in their oral expression. These adaptations will in no case be taken into account to undermine the qualifications obtained."

Thirty-six. A new Article 42a is added with the following wording:

" Article 42a. Dual vocational training of the Spanish Educational System.

1. The dual vocational training of the Spanish Education System is the set of training actions and initiatives which, in co-responsibility with companies, aim at the professional qualification of persons, harmonizing the processes of teaching and learning between educational institutions and work centres.

2. The Government shall regulate the basic conditions and requirements for the development by the educational administrations of dual vocational training in the field of the education system. "

Thirty-seven. Article 43 is worded as follows:

" Article 43. Assessment.

1. The assessment of student learning in the vocational training cycles and in the medium and higher education courses shall be carried out by professional modules and, where appropriate, by materials or blocks, in accordance with the conditions laid down in this Regulation. the Government determines regulations.

2. The improvement of the cycles of basic vocational training, middle-grade and higher-grade training cycles will require positive evaluation in all the modules and in their case subjects and blocks that make up them. "

Thirty-eight. Article 44 is worded as follows:

" Article 44. Titles and validations.

1. Pupils and students who pass a course of Basic Vocational Training will receive the corresponding Basic Professional degree.

The Basic Professional Title will allow access to the training cycles of the average degree of Vocational Training in the educational system.

Pupils and students who are in possession of a Basic Professional qualification may obtain the degree of Undergraduate in Secondary Education Required by either of the two options referred to in Article 29.1 of this Organic Law, by overcoming the final evaluation of the compulsory secondary education in relation to the subjects of the block of subjects that at least have to be cured in the option chosen by the student or student. The final qualification of compulsory secondary education shall be the note obtained in the final assessment of compulsory secondary education.

In addition, persons over the age of 22 who have accredited professional competence units included in a basic professional title, either through certificates of professional level 1 or by the procedure of assessment and established accreditation, will receive from the educational administrations the Basic Professional title.

2. Pupils and students who are in excess of the training courses in the middle of vocational training will receive the title of Technician from the relevant profession.

The title of Technician will allow access, after overcoming an admission procedure, to the higher education courses of the Vocational Training of the educational system.

3. Students and students who exceed the higher education courses of vocational training will be awarded the title of Senior Technician.

The title of Superior Technician will allow access, after overcoming an admission procedure, to undergraduate degree studies.

4. Students and students who are in possession of a diploma of Technician or of a higher technician may obtain the title of Bachiller for the improvement of the final evaluation of Baccalaureate in relation to the subjects of the subject block. A minimum must be given in the mode and option chosen by the student or pupil.

In the title of Bachiller, reference must be made to the fact that this title has been obtained in the manner indicated in the previous paragraph, as well as the final qualification of Baccalaureate which will be the note obtained in the final evaluation of the Baccalaureate.

5. Students and students who do not fully learn the lessons of the vocational training courses, or of each of the training cycles of a medium or higher degree, will receive an academic certificate from the professional modules and in the its case, blocks or outnumbered matters, which shall have academic and partial accreditation effects, of the professional skills acquired in relation to the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training.

6. The Government shall regulate the system of convalidations and equivalences between the average and the higher education courses of the Vocational Training and the other official teaching and studies, and the corresponding collegiate bodies. "

Thirty-nine. Article 46 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. The curriculum of professional artistic teachings shall be defined by the procedure laid down in Article 6a (3) of this Organic Law. "

Forty. Article 50 is worded as follows:

" 1. The improvement of the Professional Teachings of Music or Dance will give the right to obtain the corresponding title of Technician.

2. The students who are in possession of a diploma of Technician of the Professional Teachings of Music or Dance may obtain the title of Bachiller for the overcoming of the final evaluation of Baccalaureate in relation to the subjects of the block of Stem subjects which at least have to be cured in the modality and option chosen by the pupil or pupil.

In the title of Bachiller, reference must be made to the fact that this title has been obtained in the manner indicated in the previous paragraph, as well as the final qualification of Baccalaureate, which will be the note obtained in the final evaluation of the Baccalaureate. "

Forty-one. Article 53 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. The title of Plastic Arts and Design Technician will allow direct access to any of the Baccalaureate modalities. "

Forty-two. Article 54 (3) is worded as follows:

" 3. Students who have completed the higher education or dance studies will be awarded the Higher Music or Dance degree in the specialty concerned, which is included for all purposes in Level 2 of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education and will be equivalent to the undergraduate degree. Provided that the applicable regulations require that the degree of university degree is in possession, it is understood that the latter is in possession of the Higher Music or Dance title. "

Forty-three. Article 55 (3) is worded as follows:

" 3. Those who have passed the Teachings of Dramatic Art will obtain the Superior title of Dramatic Art, which is included for all the effects in level 2 of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education and will be equivalent to the title university degree. Provided that the applicable regulations require to be in possession of the degree of university degree, it is understood that this requirement is fulfilled who is in possession of the Superior Title of Dramatic Art."

Forty-four. Article 56 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. Students and students who pass these studies will be awarded the Higher Title of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, which is included for all purposes in Level 2 of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education and will be equivalent to the undergraduate degree. Provided that the applicable regulations require the possession of the degree of university degree, it is understood that the latter is in possession of the Higher Title of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. "

Forty-five. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 57 are worded as follows:

" 3. The higher studies of Plastic Arts, including the higher studies of ceramics and the higher studies of glass, will lead to the Higher degree of Plastic Arts in the corresponding specialty, which is included in the all the effects on Level 2 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education and will be equivalent to the undergraduate degree. Provided that the applicable regulations require the possession of the degree of university degree, it is understood that this requirement is fulfilled who is in possession of the Superior title of Plastic Arts.

4. The higher design studies will lead to the Higher Design title, in the appropriate specialty, which is included for all purposes in Level 2 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education and will be equivalent to the degree university degree. Provided that the applicable regulations require that the degree of university degree is in possession, it shall be understood that this requirement is in possession of the Higher Design Title. "

Forty-six. Two new paragraphs 7 and 8 are added to Article 58, with the following wording:

" 7. Educational administrations will be able to ascribe higher artistic teaching centers by means of an agreement to the universities, as indicated in article 11 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, of Universities.

8. Educational administrations will be able to establish procedures to promote autonomy and facilitate the organization and management of the Conservatories and Higher Schools of Artistic Teachings. "

Forty-seven. Article 59 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. The Language Teachings are intended to train students for the appropriate use of different languages, outside the ordinary stages of the educational system, and are organized at the following levels: basic, intermediate and advanced. These levels will correspond, respectively, to levels A, B and C of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which are subdivided into levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2.

Basic level teachings will have the characteristics and organization that educational administrations will determine. "

Forty-eight. Article 62 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. The Government shall determine, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, the equivalences between the titles of the Language Teachings and the other titles of the teaching of the educational system. "

Forty-nine. Article 63 (4) is worded as follows:

" 4. The curriculum of the Sports Teachings shall be in accordance with the requirements of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training and the requirements laid down in Article 6a (3) of this Law. "

Fifty. Article 64 is worded as follows:

" Article 64. Organization.

1. The sports lessons will be structured in two degrees, middle grade and higher grade, and may be referred to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

2. In order to access the average grade, it will be necessary to be in possession of the degree of Undergraduate in Secondary Education Required in the option of applied teaching or in the academic teaching. In order to access the higher grade it is necessary to be in possession of the title of Sports Technician, in the modality or sports specialty to be determined by regulatory means, and in addition to, at least, one of the following titles:

a) Title of Bachiller.

b) Title of Superior Technician.

c) University degree.

d) Certificate of proof of having exceeded all subjects of the Baccalaureate.

They may also access the middle and upper grades of these teachings those applicants who, lacking the titles or certificates indicated in the preceding paragraph, pass a regulated access test by the Educational administrations. In order to access this route to the middle grade, it will be required to be seventeen years old and nineteen for access to the upper grade, completed in the year of the test, or eighteen years if it is credited to be in possession of a technical related to the one you want to access.

The tests referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be such as to enable sufficient knowledge and skills to be established for the average grade, and for the higher degree maturity in relation to the objectives of the Baccalaureate, for to take advantage of these lessons, in accordance with the criteria laid down by the Government.

3. In the case of certain forms or specialties, it may also be necessary to exceed a test carried out by the educational authorities, credit sports merits or both requirements in a joint manner. The Government shall regulate the characteristics of the test and of the sporting merits, in such a way as to demonstrate the conditions necessary for the use of the relevant teaching and the validation of the tests. by professional, sports or accredited training experience.

4. The sports teachings will be organized in blocks and modules of variable duration, constituted by areas of theoretical-practical knowledge appropriate to the various professional and sports fields.

5. The Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, shall establish the qualifications corresponding to the studies of sports teaching, the basic aspects of the curriculum of each of them and the minimum requirements of the centres in which they are the respective teachings may be taught. "

Fifty-one. Article 65 is worded as follows:

" Article 65. Degrees and validations.

1. Those who pass the sports teachings of the middle grade will receive the title of Sports Technician in the corresponding sports modality or specialty.

2. Those who pass the higher grade sports teachings will receive the title of Senior Sports Technician in the appropriate sports modality or specialty.

3. The title of Sports Technician will allow access to all forms of Baccalaureate.

4. The title of Superior Sports Technician will allow access to undergraduate studies prior to an admission procedure.

5. The Government shall, after consulting the Autonomous Communities and the relevant collegiate bodies, regulate the arrangements for convalidations and equivalences between the sporting teachings and the other official teachings and studies. "

Fifty-two. A new paragraph (h) is added to Article 66 (3), with the following wording:

"h) Acquire, expand and renew the knowledge, skills and skills required for business creation and for the performance of business activities and initiatives."

Fifty-three. A new paragraph 9 is added to Article 67 with the following wording:

" 9. In the light of their particular circumstances, specific curricula may be established for the education of adult persons leading to the attainment of one of the titles laid down in this Law. "

Fifty-four. Article 68 is worded as follows:

" Article 68. Mandatory teachings.

1. Adults who want to acquire the skills and knowledge corresponding to basic education will have an offer adapted to their conditions and needs.

2. It is up to the educational authorities, in the field of their skills, to organise regular tests so that people over the age of 18 can obtain the degree of graduate in secondary education. either of the two options referred to in Article 25.1 of this Organic Law, provided that they have achieved the objectives of the stage and achieved the appropriate degree of acquisition of the relevant competences. The final qualification of Compulsory Secondary Education shall be the note obtained in those tests.

In addition, educational administrations will ensure that the necessary measures are taken to ensure equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for persons with disabilities who are present at such tests.

3. For persons exceeding 17 years of age, educational administrations may establish training programmes aimed at obtaining the title of the Basic Professional Technician, irrespective of the possibility of completing the programmes. Basic Professional Training teachings who have started them in accordance with the provisions of Articles 30, 41.1 and 42.4. "

Fifty-five. Article 69 (4) is worded as follows:

" 4. The educational authorities, in the field of their competence, shall regularly organise tests to obtain directly the title of Bachiller and the titles of vocational training in accordance with the conditions and characteristics laid down by the the Government by way of regulation. In order to be presented to the tests for obtaining the title of Bachiller, it is required to be twenty years, eighteen for the title of Technician and for the Basic Professional title, twenty for the Technical Superior or, if applicable, nineteen for those who are in possession of the title of Technician.

In addition, educational administrations will ensure that the necessary measures are taken to ensure equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for persons with disabilities who are present at such tests. "

Fifty-six. Article 69 (5) is worded as follows:

" 5. Those aged over 18 years of age will be able to gain direct access to higher artistic education by overcoming a specific, regulated and organised test by the educational authorities, which shows that the applicant has the knowledge, skills and skills needed to take advantage of the relevant lessons. The minimum age of access to higher education or dance studies shall be sixteen years. "

Fifty-seven. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 71 are worded as follows:

" 1. Educational administrations will have the necessary means for all students to achieve maximum personal, intellectual, social and emotional development, as well as the objectives established in general in this Law. Educational administrations will be able to draw up plans for priority centres in order to support especially the schools which are home to students at a social disadvantage.

2. It is up to the educational authorities to ensure the necessary resources for pupils and students who require different educational care than the ordinary, to present special educational needs, due to specific difficulties learning, ADHD, because of their high intellectual abilities, because they have been late in the education system, or because of personal or school history, can achieve the maximum possible development of their personal abilities and, in any case, the objectives set out in general for all pupils. "

Fifty-eight. Article 76 is worded as follows:

" Article 76. Scope.

It is up to the educational administrations to take the necessary measures to identify the students with high intellectual abilities and to assess their needs early. It is also up to them to adopt action plans, as well as curriculum enrichment programmes appropriate to these needs, enabling students to develop their skills to the full. "

Fifty-nine. A fourth section of Chapter I of Title II and Article 79a is added with the following wording:

" Section 4. Pupils with specific learning difficulties

Article 79a. Education and care measures.

1. It is up to the educational authorities to take the necessary steps to identify pupils with specific learning difficulties and to assess their needs early.

2. The schooling of pupils with learning difficulties will be governed by the principles of standardisation and inclusion and will ensure their non-discrimination and effective equality in access and permanence in the education system.

3. The identification, assessment and intervention of the educational needs of this student will be carried out as early as possible, in terms of the educational administrations. "

Sixty. Article 84 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. Where there are insufficient places, the admission process shall be governed by the priority criteria for the existence of siblings registered in the centre, parents, mothers or legal guardians working in the centre, proximity to the home or the place of work of any of their parents, mothers or legal guardians, per capita income of the family unit and legal status of large family and concurrency of disability in the student or student or in any of their parents, mothers or siblings, without any of they are exclusionary and without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 7 of this Article.

However, those centres which are recognised as having a curricular specialisation by the educational authorities, or who are involved in an action designed to promote the quality of the teaching centres described in the Article 1212a may reserve the criterion of the student's academic performance up to 20 per cent of the score assigned to applications for admission to post-compulsory education. This percentage may be reduced or modulated where necessary to avoid the breakdown of equity and cohesion criteria of the system. "

Sixty-one. Article 84 (3) is worded as follows:

" 3. In no case shall there be discrimination on grounds of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

It is not discrimination against the admission of pupils and pupils or the organisation of gender-differentiated teaching, provided that the teaching which they provide is developed in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Convention. on the fight against discrimination in the field of education, adopted by the UNESCO General Conference on 14 December 1960.

In no case will the choice of gender-differentiated education be possible for families, pupils and pupils and centres concerned less favourable treatment, nor a disadvantage, when it comes to concluding concerts with the Educational administrations or in any other aspect. For these purposes, the schools must present in their educational project the educational reasons for the choice of such a system, as well as the academic measures they develop to promote equality. "

Sixty-two. Article 84 (7) is worded as follows:

" 7. In the procedures for the admission of pupils and pupils in public schools providing primary education, compulsory secondary education or Baccalaureate, where there are not enough places, priority will be given to pupils and pupils who come from of the centres of Child Education, Primary Education or Compulsory Secondary Education, respectively, which have an attached. In the case of the agreed private centres, an analogous procedure shall be followed, provided that such teachings are publicly funded.

Also, they will have priority in the area of schooling that corresponds to the domicile or the place of work of some of their parents, mothers or legal guardians those students and students whose schooling in public centers and (a) a decision on the transfer of the family unit due to the forced mobility of any parent, mother or legal guardian, or a change of residence resulting from acts of gender-based violence. '

Sixty-three. The wording of Article 85 (2) is amended as follows:

" 2. In the procedures for the admission of pupils and students to training courses in the middle or higher degree of vocational training, where there are not enough places, the provisions of Article 41 of this Law shall be taken into account. "

Sixty-four. A new paragraph 4 is added to Article 85 with the following wording:

" 4. In the distance offering, additional specific criteria may be established in relation to the personal and employment situations of adult persons. "

Sixty-five. Article 86 (3) is worded as follows:

" 3. Families will be able to present to the centre that they wish to escort their children to applications for admission, which must in any case be dealt with. The teaching centres shall be informed of the applications for admission which affect them. "

Sixty-six. Article 87 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. In order to facilitate schooling and to guarantee the right to education of students with specific need for educational support, educational administrations must reserve to them until the end of the pre-registration period and a part of the places of public and private centres arranged.

In addition, they will be able to authorize an increase of up to ten percent of the maximum number of students and students per classroom in the public and private centers arranged in the same area of schooling, or to attend to needs immediate schooling for late-entry students, either for needs arising from the transfer of the family unit during the period of special schooling due to the forced mobility of any parent, mother or mother legal guardians. "

Sixty-seven. Article 107 (4) is worded as follows:

" 4. It is up to the government to regulate and manage the Spanish public teaching centres abroad, for which it will be able to dictate unique rules in the application of this Law to such centres in the light of their special circumstances. "

Sixty-eight. Article 109 is worded as follows:

" Article 109. Programming of the network of centers.

1. In the planning of the provision of places, the educational authorities will harmonise the requirements arising from the obligation of the public authorities to guarantee the right of all to the education and the individual rights of students and students, parents, mothers and legal guardians.

2. Educational administrations will programme the educational provision of the lessons which are declared free of charge in this Law, taking into account the general programming of teaching, existing budgetary appropriations and the principle of economy. and efficiency in the use of public resources and, as a guarantee of the quality of education, an adequate and balanced education of pupils and students with specific need for educational support, taking into account the existing supply of concerted public and private centres and social demand. Educational administrations will also ensure that there are sufficient places. "

Sixty-nine. A new Article 111a is added with the following wording:

" Article 111a. Information and Communication Technologies.

1. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will establish, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, the standards that guarantee the interoperability between the different information systems used in the Spanish Educational System, in the framework of the of the National Interoperability Scheme provided for in Article 42 of Law 11/2007 of 22 June 2007 on the electronic access of citizens to Public Services.

To do this, the basic types of information systems used by educational administrations, both for academic and administrative management and for learning support, will be identified, and the basic technical specifications of the same and the different levels of compatibility and safety in the processing of the data to be achieved. Within these specifications, the definitions of the protocols and formats for the exchange of data between information systems of educational administrations will be considered especially relevant.

These measures will also be aimed at strengthening and facilitating the use of administrative registers in the framework of state educational statistics, in order to allow for the extension of statistical information In the case of students, teachers, schools and educational initiatives, this will result in the improvement of the tools for the analysis and monitoring of the educational activity and the measures to improve the quality of the educational system. Spanish.

2. Virtual learning environments that are used in publicly funded teaching facilities will facilitate the implementation of specific educational plans designed by teachers to achieve specific objectives of the curriculum, and they should contribute to the extension of the concept of the classroom in time and space. They must, in compliance with the interoperability standards, allow pupils and pupils to access, from any place and at any time, the learning environments available in the teaching centres in which they study, taking into account the principles of universal accessibility and design for all persons and with full respect for the provisions of the applicable rules on intellectual property.

3. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will establish, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, the formats to be supported by tools and systems to support learning in the field of digital educational content. public in order to ensure their use, regardless of the technological platform in which they are hosted.

4. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will offer digital and technological platforms for access to the entire educational community, which will be able to incorporate educational resources provided by the educational administrations and other agents for their use. shared. The resources should be selected according to parameters of methodological quality, adoption of open standards and availability of sources that facilitate their dissemination, adaptation, reuse and redistribution and will be recognized as such.

5. It will promote the use, by the educational administrations and the management teams of the centers, of the Information and Communication Technologies in the classroom, as an appropriate and valuable teaching medium to carry out the tasks of teaching and learning.

6. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport shall, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, draw up a common framework of reference for digital teacher competence, which will guide the permanent training of teachers and facilitate the development of a culture digital in the classroom. "

Seventy. Article 116 is worded as follows:

" Article 116. Concerts.

1. Private centres offering free status as provided for in this Law and meeting needs for schooling, within the meaning of Articles 108 and 109, may benefit from the scheme of concerts in legal terms. (a) the choice of the centre for reasons of its own character may represent less favourable treatment for families, pupils and pupils and centres, nor a disadvantage, when it comes to concluding concerts with the educational authorities; or in any other way. Institutions which have access to the educational concertation system must formalize the appropriate concert with the educational administration.

2. Among the centres meeting the requirements laid down in the preceding paragraph, preference shall be given to the benefit of the concert scheme for those who tend to school populations of unfavourable economic conditions or those who perform experiences of pedagogical interest for the education system. In any event, the centres which, in compliance with the above criteria, are constituted and operate as a cooperative, shall be preferred.

3. It is up to the Government to establish the basic aspects to which the concerts are to be submitted. These aspects shall relate to compliance with the requirements laid down in Organic Law 8/1985 of 3 July of the Law on Education and the rules applicable to it for the application of this Law; maximum of the concert and the causes of extinction; to the obligations of the ownership of the center and the educational administration; to the subjection of the concert to the administrative right; to the singularities of the regime of the teachers without employment relationship; to the establishment of the School Board of the centre to which the concert is awarded and to the Designation of Director.

In particular, the educational concert will have a minimum duration of six years in the case of Primary Education, and four years in the rest of the cases.

4. It is for the Autonomous Communities to lay down the rules necessary for the development of the system of educational concerts, in accordance with the provisions of this Article and in the framework of Articles 108 and 109. The concert shall establish reciprocal rights and obligations in respect of the economic regime, duration, extension and extinction of the same, number of concerted school units, accountability, action plans and adoption of measures in function of the academic results obtained, and other conditions, subject to the regulatory provisions of the concert regime.

5. Concerts may affect several centres, provided they belong to the same holder.

6. The educational authorities may arrange, on a preferential basis, the cycles of basic vocational training which, in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the private institutions agreed to provide their students. Such concerts shall be general in character.

7. The concert for the post-compulsory teachings will be unique.

8. Educational administrations may call for public competitions for the construction and management of centres on public facilities. "

Seventy-one. Article 117 (6) is worded as follows:

" 6. The Administration may not assume changes in staff costs and labor costs for teachers, resulting from collective agreements that exceed the percentage of the overall increase of the amounts corresponding to salaries to which it makes Reference to paragraph 3 of this Article. '

Seventy-two. Article 119 is worded as follows:

" Article 119. Participation in the functioning and governance of the public and private institutions.

1. Educational administrations will ensure the intervention of the educational community in the control and management of the centers with public funds through the School Board.

2. Teachers will also participate in the development of pedagogical decisions that correspond to the Cloister, the teaching coordination bodies and the teams of teachers and teachers who teach in the same course.

3. It is up to the educational administrations to encourage the participation of students in the operation of the centers, through their group and course delegates, as well as their representatives in the School Board.

4. Parents and students will also be able to participate in the operation of the centres through their associations. Educational administrations will favour information and training aimed at them.

5. The centres shall have at least the following collegiate bodies, with the functions indicated in this Law:

a) School Board.

b) Faculty of teachers. "

Seventy-three. Article 120 (3) and (4) are worded as follows:

" 3. The educational administrations will enhance and promote the autonomy of the centers, so that their economic, material and human resources can be adapted to the work plans and organization that they elaborate, once they are conveniently assessed and valued. The publicly funded centres shall be accountable for the results obtained.

The educational administrations will publish the results obtained by the educational institutions, considered in relation to the socioeconomic and socio-cultural factors of the context in which they radiate, according to the Articles 140 and following of this Organic Law and in the terms that the Government establishes regulations.

Educational administrations will be able to set specific improvement plans in those public institutions that do not reach the appropriate levels.

In relation to the concerted centres will be the regulatory regulatory of the corresponding concert. "

" 4. The centres, in the exercise of their autonomy, may adopt experiments, plans of work, forms of organization, norms of coexistence and extension of the school calendar or of the teaching schedule of areas or subjects, in the terms that establish the educational administrations and within the scope of the applicable legislation, including employment, without, in any case, imposing contributions on families or demands on educational administrations. "

Seventy-four. Paragraph 3 is amended and a new paragraph 7 is added to Article 121 with the following wording:

" 3. Within the framework of the educational administrations, the schools will establish their educational projects, which must be made public in order to facilitate their knowledge of the educational community as a whole. It is also up to the educational authorities to contribute to the development of the curriculum by encouraging the development of open models of teacher programming and teaching materials that cater to the different needs of students and students and teachers. "

" 7. It is up to the educational authorities to promote the curricular specialization of the secondary education institutes according to the alternatives established in this Organic Law, so that these administrations can schedule a educational offer tailored to your needs. The teaching centres shall include the curricular and organisational singularities and the corresponding pedagogical groupings in their educational project. "

Seventy-five. A new paragraph 8 is added to Article 121 with the following wording:

" 8. The educational project of teachers with a curricular specialization should incorporate the specific aspects that define the singular character of the center. "

Seventy-six. Article 122 is worded as follows:

" Article 122. Resources.

1. The centres will be equipped with the educational, human and material resources needed to provide quality education and ensure equal opportunities in access to education.

2. The educational authorities may allocate more resources to certain public or private institutions, as a result of the projects which so require or in the light of the conditions of particular need of the population which scolarizan. Such allocation shall be conditional upon the accountability and justification of the proper use of those resources.

3. The public schools may obtain additional resources, after the director's approval, in the terms established by the educational administrations, within the limits established by the current regulations. These resources may not come from the activities carried out by the associations of parents, mothers and students in compliance with their aims and must be applied to their expenses, according to what the educational administrations set. "

Seventy-seven. A new Article 122a is added, with the following wording:

" Article 122a. Actions to promote the quality of teaching centres.

1. Actions aimed at promoting the quality of the educational institutions will be promoted, by strengthening their autonomy and strengthening the function of the directive, as established by the Government and the educational administrations.

These actions will include honorary measures aimed at the recognition of the centers, as well as educational quality actions, which will aim to promote and promote quality in the centers.

2. Educational quality actions shall be based on an integral consideration of the centre, which may be taken as a reference for management models recognised at European level, and shall contain all the tools necessary for the implementation of the programme. of a quality education project. To this end, the educational institutions must present a strategic planning that must include the objectives pursued, the results to be obtained, the management to be carried out with the corresponding measures to achieve the expected results, thus as the time frame and schedule of activities.

The performance of educational quality actions will be subject to accountability by the teaching center.

3. The quality education project will involve the specialization of the educational institutions, which will be able to understand, among others, actions aimed at curricular specialization, excellence, teacher training, improvement of school performance, to the attention of students with specific need for educational support, or the contribution of didactic resources to shared digital platforms.

The results of the actions will be measured, above all, by the improvements made by each centre in relation to its starting position.

The educational quality actions, which must be competitive, will provide for the teaching centers the autonomy for their execution, both from the point of view of the management of the human resources and the material resources and financial.

4. In order to carry out the quality measures, the Director of the Centre shall have the right to adapt the human resources to the needs arising from them during the period in which they are carried out. The Director's decisions shall be based on the principles of merit and capacity and must be authorized by the appropriate educational administration, which shall ensure that the applicable human resources regulations are complied with. The management of human resources will be the subject of specific assessment in the accountability. The Director shall have the following powers:

a) Establish specific requirements and merits for the positions offered by teaching staff, as well as for the occupation of positions in interinity.

b) Reject, by means of a reasoned decision, the incorporation of teaching staff from the centralised lists into posts. This decision shall be endorsed by the relevant educational administration.

(c) Where the post is vacant, without being definitively covered by a teaching career officer, and adequate and sufficient funding is available, propose, in a reasoned manner, the extension of the service commission of the teaching career officer who had been acting on a provisional basis or, where appropriate, the appointment of the new teaching officer at the same post as the acting officer, when, in both cases, having worked on quality projects, are necessary for the continuity of the projects. In any event, the positive assessment of the official in the development of his/her activity within the relevant quality project, as well as the provenance and importance of its continuity in the project, should be duly justified in the proposal. as it was developing within the project to ensure the quality and achievement of objectives.

The educational administrations will favor the exercise of the managerial function in the educational centers, providing the directors with the necessary autonomy of management to promote and develop the actions of educational quality.

5. The activity carried out by the staff affected the implementation of the educational quality actions, with a positive assessment, it must be recognized in the provision of jobs as well as for the purposes of professional career, among others. "

Seventy-eight. Article 124 is worded as follows:

" Article 124. Rules for organization, operation and coexistence.

1. The centres will draw up a co-existence plan which will incorporate the annual general programme and which will cover all the activities which are planned in order to promote a good climate of coexistence within the school, the completion of the the rights and duties of pupils and students and the corrective measures applicable in the event of their failure to comply in accordance with the rules in force, taking into account the situation and personal conditions of pupils and students, and the achievement of actions for the peaceful resolution of conflicts with particular attention to the actions of prevention of gender-based violence, equality and non-discrimination.

2. The rules for the coexistence and conduct of the centres shall be enforced, and shall specify the duties of the pupils and students and the corrective measures applicable in the event of non-compliance, taking into account their situation and personal conditions.

The corrective measures will have an educational and recuperative character, they must guarantee respect for the rights of the rest of the students and students and will seek to improve the relations of all the members of the community educational.

Corrective measures must be proportionate to the faults committed. Those conduct that infringe on the personal dignity of other members of the educational community, who have as their origin or consequence discrimination or harassment based on gender, sexual orientation or identity, or racial, ethnic origin, religious, belief or disability, or that they are carried out against the students most vulnerable for their personal, social or educational characteristics will have the qualification of very serious lack and will be associated as a corrective measure the expulsion, temporary or definitive, from the center.

Decisions to take corrective action by the commission of minor faults shall be immediately enforceable.

3. Members of the management team and teachers and teachers will be considered public authority. In the procedures for the adoption of corrective measures, the facts established by teachers, teachers and members of the management team of the educational establishments shall be of probative value and shall be presumed to be "iuris tantalum" or except proof to the contrary, without prejudice to the evidence which, in defence of the respective rights or interests, may be pointed out or provided by the students themselves.

4. Educational administrations shall provide that the centres, within the framework of their autonomy, can draw up their own rules of organisation and operation. "

Seventy-nine. Article 126 (1) (d) shall be worded as follows:

"(d) A number of teachers and teachers who may not be less than one third of the total of the Council's components, chosen by and representing the Cloister."

Eighty. Article 127 is worded as follows:

" Article 127. Competence of the School Board.

The School Board of the center will have the following competencies:

(a) Evaluate the projects and standards referred to in Chapter II of Title V of this Organic Law.

b) Evaluate the annual general programming of the institution, without prejudice to the competencies of the faculty, in relation to the planning and teaching organization.

c) Know the candidates for the address and the management projects submitted by the candidates.

d) Participate in the selection of the director of the center, in the terms that the present Organic Law establishes. Be informed of the appointment and termination of the other members of the management team. If necessary, after agreement of its members, adopted by a two-thirds majority, propose the revocation of the appointment of the director.

e) Report on the admission of students and students, subject to the provisions of this Law and provisions that develop it.

f) Know the resolution of disciplinary conflicts and ensure that they comply with the current regulations. When the disciplinary measures taken by the director correspond to the behavior of the students who seriously harm the coexistence of the center, the School Board, at the request of parents, mothers or legal guardians, may review the decision adopted and propose, where appropriate, appropriate measures.

g) Propose measures and initiatives that promote coexistence in the center, equality between men and women, equal treatment and non-discrimination for the causes referred to in Article 84.3 of this Law Organic, the peaceful resolution of conflicts, and the prevention of gender-based violence.

(h) Promote the conservation and renovation of facilities and school equipment and report the collection of complementary resources, in accordance with the provisions of Article 122.3.

i) Report the guidelines for collaboration, for educational and cultural purposes, with local administrations, with other centers, entities and agencies.

j) Analyze and assess the overall functioning of the centre, the evolution of school performance and the results of internal and external evaluations involving the centre.

k) Develop proposals and reports, on their own initiative or at the request of the competent administration, on the operation of the centre and the improvement of the quality of management, as well as on those other aspects related to the quality of the same.

l) Other than those attributed to you by the Educational Administration. "

Eighty-one. Article 132 is worded as follows:

" Article 132. Director's competencies.

These are director competencies:

a) Ostend the representation of the center, represent the educational administration in it, and make it reach out to the ideas, aspirations and needs of the educational community.

(b) To direct and coordinate all activities of the Centre, without prejudice to the competencies attributed to the Faculty and the School Board.

c) Exercise the pedagogical direction, promote educational innovation and drive plans for the achievement of the objectives of the educational project of the center.

d) Ensure compliance with laws and other provisions in force.

e) Exercise the leadership of all staff attached to the center.

f) To promote the coexistence in the center, to guarantee mediation in the resolution of conflicts and to impose the disciplinary measures that correspond to the students and students, in compliance with the current regulations, without prejudice of the competencies attributed to the School Board in Article 127 of this Organic Law. To this end, the streamlining of procedures for the resolution of conflicts in the centres will be promoted.

g) Promoting collaboration with families, institutions and agencies that facilitate the center's relationship with the environment, and foster a school climate that favors the study and the development of how many actions A comprehensive training in the knowledge and values of students and students.

h) Drive internal evaluations of the center and collaborate on external evaluations and teacher evaluation.

i) To convene and preside over the academic acts and sessions of the School Board and the faculty of the center and implement the agreements adopted, in the field of their competencies.

j) Making the hiring of works, services and supplies, as well as authorizing the expenses according to the budget of the center, ordering the payments and to see the official certifications and documents of the center, all of an agreement with what the educational administrations will establish.

k) Propose to the educational administration the appointment and termination of the members of the management team, after information to the faculty member and the school board of the center.

l) Approve the projects and standards referred to in Chapter II of Title V of this Organic Law.

m) Approve the annual general programming of the institution, without prejudice to the competencies of the faculty, in relation to the planning and teaching organization.

n) Decide on the admission of students and students, subject to the provisions of this Organic Law and provisions that develop it.

n) Approve to obtain complementary resources in accordance with the provisions of Article 122.3.

or) Set the guidelines for collaboration, for educational and cultural purposes, with local administrations, with other centers, entities and agencies.

p) Other than those entrusted to you by the Educational Administration. "

Eighty-two. Article 133 is worded as follows:

" Article 133. Director selection.

1. The selection of the director will be carried out through a process involving the educational community and the educational administration.

2. The selection and appointment of directors of the public institutions shall be carried out by means of a merit contest between teachers and professional officials who provide some of the lessons entrusted to the centre.

3. The selection shall be made in accordance with the principles of equality, publicity, merit and capacity. "

Eighty-three. Article 134 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. The following shall be eligible to participate in the merit contest:

a) Having an age of at least five years as a career officer in the teaching public function.

b) Haber imparted direct teaching as a career officer, for a period of at least five years, in some of the teachings from which he offers the centre to which he chooses.

c) To be in possession of the certification certificate of having passed a training course on the development of the managerial function, taught by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport or by the Administrations education of the Autonomous Communities. The characteristics of the training course will be regulated by the Government. Certifications shall be valid throughout the national territory.

(d) to present a management project including, inter alia, the objectives, the lines of action and the evaluation of the project. "

Eighty-four. Article 135 is worded as follows:

" Article 135. Selection procedure.

1. For the selection of directors in the public institutions, the educational administrations will convene merit competition and establish the objective criteria and the selection procedure, as well as the criteria for assessing the merits of the candidate and the project presented.

2. The selection will be carried out by a committee composed, on the one hand, by representatives of the educational administrations, and on the other hand, in a proportion greater than thirty and less than fifty percent, by representatives of the corresponding center. Of the latter, at least fifty percent will be from the faculty of the faculty of the center. The educational administrations shall determine the total number of vowels of the commissions and the proportion between the representatives of the administration and the institutions. In any case, they should take part in the commissions to the School Councils of the centers.

The commission shall act in accordance with Articles 22 to 27 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

3. The selection will be based on the academic and professional merits accredited by the aspirants, the assessment of the management project, and the experience and positive assessment of the previous work developed as a management position and the teaching work. made as a teacher or teacher. Special consideration will be given to previous experience in a management team, the active service situation, the destination, previous work and teaching work carried out in the centre for which the address is requested, as well as, if necessary, having participated in a positive assessment in the development of educational quality actions as provided for in Article 122 (4) of this Organic Law, or similar experiences. "

Eighty-five. Article 136 is worded as follows:

" Article 136. Appointment.

1. The educational administration shall appoint the director of the institution concerned, for a period of four years, to the applicant who has been selected in the procedure laid down in the previous Article.

2. The appointment of directors may be renewed, for periods of equal duration, on the basis of a positive assessment of the work carried out at the end of the work. The criteria and procedures for this evaluation shall be public and objective and shall include the results of the individual assessments referred to in Article 144, carried out during their term of office, which shall, in any event, be considered as socioeconomic and sociocultural factors of the context and the monitoring of evolution over time. Educational administrations may set a maximum limit for the renewal of mandates. "

Eighty-six. Article 140 (2) shall be deleted.

Eighty-seven. Article 142 is worded as follows:

" Article 142. Bodies responsible for the assessment.

1. They shall carry out the evaluation of the educational system by the National Institute of Educational Evaluation and the relevant bodies of the educational administrations to assess the educational system in the field of education. competencies.

2. The Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, will determine the structure and functions of the National Institute of Educational Evaluation, in which the participation of educational administrations will be guaranteed.

3. The management teams and teachers of the educational institutions shall collaborate with the educational administrations in the evaluations carried out in their centres. "

Eighty-eight. Article 143 is worded as follows:

" Article 143. General assessment of the education system.

1. The National Institute of Educational Evaluation, in collaboration with the educational administrations, will draw up multiannual plans for the general evaluation of the education system. Evaluation criteria and procedures shall be made public in advance.

Likewise, the National Institute of Educational Evaluation will establish methodological and scientific standards that guarantee the quality, validity and reliability of educational evaluations, in collaboration with the education.

2. The National Institute of Educational Evaluation, in collaboration with the educational administrations, will coordinate the participation of the Spanish State in the international evaluations.

3. The National Institute of Educational Evaluation, in collaboration with the educational administrations, will develop the State System of Indicators of Education, which will contribute to the knowledge of the educational system and to guide the decision-making of educational institutions and all sectors involved in education. The data necessary for its preparation must be provided to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport by the educational administrations of the Autonomous Communities.

4. In order to enable the diagnosis of weaknesses and the design and implementation of measures to improve the quality of the Spanish Educational System, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, in collaboration with the educational administrations, arbitrate mechanisms to enable the addition of additional information to the overall statistical treatment, allowing for better analysis of the factors affecting educational performance and the value added comparison. "

Eighty-nine. Article 144 is worded as follows:

" Article 144. Individualized assessments.

1. The assessment criteria for the individual assessments referred to in Articles 20.3, 21, 29 and 36a of this Organic Law shall be common to the State as a whole.

In particular, the tests and procedures of the evaluations referred to in Articles 29 and 36a shall be designed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through the National Institute of Educational Evaluation. These tests shall be standardised and designed to allow for accurate assessments and fair comparisons, as well as the monitoring of developments over time of the results obtained.

The material performance of the tests corresponds to the competent educational administrations. The tests will be applied and qualified by teachers of the Spanish Educational System outside the center.

The procedure for reviewing the results of the evaluations will be regulated.

2. Educational administrations may establish other assessments for diagnostic purposes.

3. The educational authorities shall establish the most appropriate measures to ensure that the conditions for making individual assessments are adapted to the needs of students with special educational needs. "

Ninety. Article 147 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. The results of the evaluations carried out by the educational administrations will be brought to the attention of the educational community by means of common indicators for all the Spanish schools, without the identification of character data. personal and previous consideration of the socioeconomic and socio-cultural factors of the context.

The Government will establish the basis for the use and public access of the results of the evaluations, after consulting the Autonomous Communities.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will publish regularly the conclusions of general interest of the evaluations carried out by the National Institute of Educational Evaluation in collaboration with the education, and will make known the information provided by the State Education Indicators System periodically. In particular, the results of the educational institutions will be published according to common educational indicators for all Spanish schools, without identifying personal data. "

Ninety-one. The additional second provision is worded as follows:

" Additional Disposition Second. Teaching of Religion.

1. The teaching of the Catholic religion shall be in accordance with the Agreement on Teaching and Cultural Affairs concluded between the Holy See and the Spanish State.

To this end, and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Catholic religion shall be included as an area or subject at the appropriate educational level, which shall be a compulsory offer for the centres and of a voluntary nature. for students and students.

2. The teaching of other religions will be in accordance with the provisions of the Cooperation Agreements concluded by the Spanish State with the Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain, the Federation of Israeli Communities of Spain, the Commission The Islamic Republic of Spain and, where appropriate, those in the future who can subscribe with other religious confessions.

3. The determination of the curriculum and of the evaluable learning standards that allow the verification of the achievement of the objectives and the acquisition of the competences corresponding to the subject Religion will be the competence of the respective religious authorities. Decisions on the use of textbooks and teaching materials and, where appropriate, the supervision and approval of them correspond to the respective religious authorities, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreements concluded with the Spanish state. '

Ninety-two. The fifth additional provision is worded as follows:

" Additional disposal fifth. School calendar.

The school calendar, which will be set annually by the educational administrations, will comprise a minimum of 175 teaching days for compulsory teaching.

In any case, the calculation of the school calendar shall include the days devoted to the evaluations provided for in Articles 20.3, 21, 29 and 36a of this Organic Law. "

Ninety-three. Paragraph 4 of the additional twenty-third provision is worded as follows:

" 4. The transfer of data, including those of a reserved nature, necessary for the education system, shall be carried out preferably by means of telematics and shall be subject to the legislation on the protection of personal data. In the case of the transfer of data between Autonomous Communities or between the Autonomous Communities and the State, the minimum conditions shall be agreed by the Government with the Autonomous Communities within the Sectoral Education Conference. "

Ninety-four. A new 33rd additional provision is added, with the following wording:

" Additional 30th 3rd. Graduates in the European Baccalaureate and International Baccalaureate and students from education systems in the Member States of the European Union or other States with which international agreements have been concluded.

1. They will be able to access the Spanish University under the same conditions as those who have obtained the title of Bachiller, which is included in Article 37 of this Organic Law:

(a) Under the provisions of the Convention establishing the Statute of the European Schools, made in Luxembourg on 21 June 1994, students who are in possession of the title of the European Schools, European Baccalaureate.

(b) Those who have obtained the International Baccalaureate Diploma, issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization, based in Geneva (Switzerland).

(c) Pupils and students from education systems of Member States of the European Union or those of other States with which international agreements have been concluded applicable in this respect, on the basis of reciprocity, provided that these students meet the academic requirements required in their educational systems to access their universities.

2. The diplomas, diplomas or studies referred to in the preceding paragraph, obtained or carried out in accordance with the requirements of each of the systems of studies, shall be equivalent to all the effects of the title of Bachiller referred to in Article 37 of the this Organic Law. "

Ninety-five. A new 30th additional provision is added, with the following wording:

" Additional 34th Disposition. Grants and aid to the study.

1. The notifications to be made on the occasion of the processing of the procedures for granting, revocation, ex officio review and recovery of undue income on grants and aid to the study financed from the budget State generals and whose competence is attributed to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport shall be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

(a) Notifications shall be made through the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

(b) In the cases provided for in Article 59.5 of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the legal status of public administrations and the common administrative procedure, notifications shall be made exclusively in the edicts board located at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

(c) The publication in the notice of edicts shall also replace the notification, having its same effects, in the cases laid down in Article 59 (6) of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992. compliance with the provisions of the relevant call.

The notifications and publications to be carried out through the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will be preceded by a written communication to the interested parties who warn of this the means to be set out in the relevant call.

After ten calendar days after the notification has been published in the said table of edicts, it will be understood that this has been practiced, and the procedure has been completed and continued.

The notification system provided for in this paragraph shall apply to the procedures that are initiated after the entry into force of this Organic Law. The calls for grants and study grants to be published after the entry into force of this Organic Law will have to be adapted to the content of this additional provision.

2. Grants and study grants awarded for university and non-university studies with official academic validity will be inembargable in all cases.

3. The reimbursement of the amounts received in respect of grants and aid to the study, in accordance with the provisions of Article 37 (1) (i) of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, shall be carried out in those cases where the beneficiaries did not meet any or some of the requirements laid down for obtaining the grants or aid or would not have duly accredited them. "

Ninety-six. A new 30th additional provision is added, with the following wording:

" Additional 30th-fifth disposition. Integration of competencies in the curriculum.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will promote, in cooperation with the Autonomous Communities, the appropriate description of the relations between the competences and the contents and evaluation criteria of the different lessons from the entry into force of this Organic Law.

For these purposes, priority attention will be given to the basic education curriculum. "

Ninety-seven. A new 30th additional provision is added, with the following wording:

" Additional 330th Disposition. Admission to the official university teaching degree from the qualifications of the Superior and Technical Sports Technician and students and students in possession of a diploma, diploma or study obtained or carried out abroad equivalent to the Bachiller's title.

In accordance with current legislation, the Government will establish the basic regulations that will allow the Universities to establish the procedures for admission to the official university teaching of students and students who have obtained a degree of Higher Technical Training Technician, Technical Superior of Plastic Arts and Design, or Superior Sports Technician, referred to in Articles 44, 53 and 65, as well as students and students in possession of a diploma, diploma or study equivalent to the title of Bachiller, obtained or carried out in educational systems of States which are not members of the European Union with which no international agreements have been concluded for the recognition of the title of Bachiller on the basis of reciprocity. In this case, students and students must comply with the other requirements laid down for the approval of the diploma, diploma or study obtained or carried out abroad.

The procedures must respect the principles of equality, non-discrimination, merit and capacity and will use some or some of the following criteria for students ' assessment:

(a) Final qualification obtained in the teaching courses, and/or in specific modules or subjects.

b) Relation between the CVs of the previous qualifications and the university degrees requested.

c) Complementary academic or professional training.

d) Top studies previously submitted.

In addition, they will be able to establish specific knowledge and/or competence assessments. In the case of pupils and pupils in possession of a diploma, diploma or study obtained or carried out in foreign education systems, the evaluations may be carried out in English, and the different subjects of the curriculum of such students will be taken into account. educational systems.

Universities may agree on the joint implementation of all or part of the admission procedures, as well as the mutual recognition of the results of the assessments carried out in the admission procedures. "

Ninety-eight. A new 30th additional provision is added, with the following wording:

" Additional 30th-seventh disposition. Experts with foreign language proficiency.

For each school year, educational administrations may exceptionally, as long as there is insufficient teaching staff with sufficient language skills, include experts with foreign language proficiency, national or foreign, as teachers in bilingual or multilingual programmes, taking into account the programming needs of the teaching for the development of the multilingualism referred to in the final provision of the seventh bis of this Organic Law. Such experts shall be empowered by the educational authorities, which shall determine the training requirements and, where appropriate, the experience deemed necessary. In any event, experts shall be in possession of the title of Doctor, Bachelor, Engineer, Architect or the corresponding Degree of Degree or other equivalent degree for teaching purposes. "

Ninety-nine. A new 30th additional provision is added, with the following wording:

" Additional 30th-eighth disposition. Spanish language, co-official languages and languages with legal protection.

1. Educational administrations will guarantee the right of students and students to receive the teaching in Spanish, the official language of the State, and in the other co-official languages in their respective territories. Spanish is the language of teaching throughout the State and the co-official languages are also in the respective Autonomous Communities, in accordance with its Statutes and applicable regulations.

2. At the end of basic education, all pupils and pupils must understand and express themselves, orally and in writing, in the Spanish language and, where appropriate, in the relevant co-official language.

3. Educational administrations shall take appropriate measures to ensure that the use in the teaching of the Spanish language or of co-official languages is not a source of discrimination in the exercise of the right to education.

4. In the Autonomous Communities which hold, together with Castilian, another official language according to their Statutes, or, in the case of the Community of Navarra, with the provisions of the Organic Law 13/1982, of 10 August, of Reintegration and Improvement of the Foral de Navarra Regime, educational administrations will have to guarantee the right of students and students to receive the teachings in both official languages, programming their educational offer according to the following criteria:

(a) Both the Spanish Language and Literature as well as the Language and Literature must be taught in the relevant languages.

(b) Educational administrations may design and implement systems to ensure the delivery of non-linguistic subjects by integrating the Spanish language and the official language into each of the courses and courses of the compulsory stages, in such a way as to ensure the mastery of both official languages by pupils and pupils, and without prejudice to the possibility of including foreign languages.

The educational administrations will determine the reasonable proportion of the Spanish language and the official language in these systems, being able to do so in a heterogeneous way in their territory, taking into account the circumstances concurrent.

(c) Educational administrations may also establish systems in which non-linguistic subjects are provided exclusively in the Spanish language, in the official language or in any foreign language, provided that they exist alternative provision of sustained education with public funds in which each of the co-official languages is used as a vehicle.

In these cases, the educational administration must guarantee a sustained teaching offer with public funds in which the Spanish is used as a vehicle language in a reasonable proportion.

Parents, mothers or legal guardians will have the right to have their children or pupils receive teaching in Spanish, within the framework of educational programming. If the annual programming of the competent educational administration does not guarantee reasonable teacher offer sustained with public funds in which the Spanish is used as a vehicle language, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, prior to (a) to check on this situation, take full account of the relevant educational administration, the actual costs of schooling for these pupils and students in private centres where the offer is available under the conditions and conditions of the the procedure to be determined, including expenditure, which shall have an impact on that Educational administration.

It shall be for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport to verify the fact that it determines the birth of the financial obligation, through a procedure initiated at the request of the person concerned, instructed by the High Education Inspectorate, and in which the educational administration concerned must be heard. The expiry of the maximum period without having been notified shall give the person concerned or persons concerned who have deducted the application to understand the time limit for administrative silence. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport shall develop this administrative procedure.

The financial obligation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport shall be exceptional and shall be extinguished with the adoption by the competent educational administration of appropriate measures to guarantee rights Individual language learners and students. For these purposes, measures involving individualised care in Spanish or the separation of groups by reason of the usual language shall not be considered appropriate.

5. The High Inspection of the State shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the rules on the use of the vehicular language in basic teaching.

6. Those Autonomous Communities in which there are non-official languages which enjoy legal protection shall be offered, where appropriate, in the block of free-configuration subjects autonomic, in terms to be determined by their regulatory regulations. "

Hundred. A new 30th additional provision is added, with the following wording:

" Additional 30th-ninth disposition. Final evaluation of the subject of the official language and literature.

The Coofficial Language and Literature subject shall be evaluated in the final evaluations referred to in Articles 21, 29 and 36a and shall be taken into account for the calculation of the note obtained in those final assessments in the the same proportion as the Spanish Language and Literature.

It is up to the competent educational authorities to specify the evaluation criteria, the evaluable learning standards and the design of the tests applied to this subject, which will be carried out in a way simultaneous to the rest of the tests that make up the final evaluations.

The students and students who are exempt from cursing or being evaluated for the subject of the official language and literature, according to the corresponding autonomy regulations, will be exempt from these tests. "

One hundred. A new, additional quadrumpteenth provision is added, with the following wording:

" Additional 41st Disposition. Final evaluations in distance learning from adults.

In public or private educational institutions authorized to teach distance learning from adults, the final evaluations for obtaining official titles provided for in this Law will be carried out in the form that shall be determined by the educational administrations which it has approved or which is attached to it.

If the student or pupil resides outside the locality in which the approved centre is located, external evaluations may be carried out outside the locality, in accordance with the terms of the collaboration agreement between distance learning centres for adults, or through other ways to ensure the correct development of the tests. "

One hundred two. A new additional 41st provision is added with the following wording:

" Additional 41st Disposition. Prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts and values that underpin democracy and human rights.

In the curriculum of the different stages of Basic Education, the learning of the peaceful prevention and resolution of conflicts in all areas of personal, family and social life will be taken into consideration. values that underpin democracy and human rights, which must in any case include the prevention of gender-based violence and the study of the Jewish Holocaust as a historical event. "

One hundred three. A new additional 42nd provision is added with the following wording:

" Additional 42nd Disposition. Center for Innovation and Development of Distance Education (CIDEAD).

The Centre for Innovation and Development of Distance Education (CIDEAD) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will teach distance learning throughout the national territory.

The Government will establish, without prejudice to the principles contained in this Organic Law, a specific regulation of CIDEAD. "

One hundred four. A new additional 40th third provision is added with the following wording:

" Additional 43rd 3rd. Higher-grade sports teaching centers at a distance.

The Government will be able to regulate and manage, within the field of high level sport and the regulation of state-owned sport, State-owned centres that deliver the higher-grade sports lessons at a distance in the entire national territory. '

One hundred five. Paragraph 3 of the transitional provision is


One hundred six. The 19th transient disposition is deleted.

One hundred seven. The fifth final provision is worded as follows:

" Final layout fifth. Competence title.

1. This Law is established on a basic basis under the jurisdiction of the State in accordance with Article 149.1.1., 18. and 30. of the Constitution. The following precepts are excepted from the basic character: Articles 5.5 and 5.6; 7; 8.1 and 8.3; 9; 11.1 and 11.3; 14.6; 15.3; 22.5; 24.6; 26.1 and 26.2; 31.5; 35; 42.3 and 42.5; 47; 58.4, 58.5, 58.6, 58.7 and 58.8; 60.3 and 60.4; 66.2 and 66.4; 67.2, 67.3, 67.6, 67.7 and 67,8; 68.3; 72.4 and 72.5; 89; 90; 100.3; 101; 102.2, 102.3 and 102.4; 103.1; 105.2; 106.2 and 106.3; 111 bis.4 and 111 bis.5; 112.2, 113.3, 113.4 and 113.4; 122.2 and 122.3; 123.2, 123.2, 123.3, 123.4 and 123.5; 124.1, 124.2 and 124.4; 125; 130.1; 131.2 and 131.5; 144.3; 145; 146; 154; additional provision 15th, paragraphs 1, 4, 5 and 7; provision Thirtieth additional provision, thirteenth additional disposition; and fourth final disposition.

2. Articles 29, 31, 36a and 37 are issued under the exclusive competence of the State on the regulation of the conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving academic and professional qualifications. '

One hundred eight. The seventh final provision is worded as follows:

" Have the character of Organic Law Chapter I of the preliminary title, Articles 3; 4; 5.1, 5.2; Chapter III of the preliminary title; Articles 16; 17;, 18.3, 18.4 and 18.6; 19.1; 22; 23; 23a; 24; 25; 27; 30; 38; 68; 71; 74; 78; 79 bis; 80; 81.3 and 81.4; 82.2; 83; 84.1, 84.2, 84.3, 84.4, 84.5, 84.6, 84.7, 84.8 and 84.9; 85; 108; 109; 115; Chapter IV of Title IV; Articles 118; 119; 126.1 and 126.2; 127; 128; 129; Additional provisions sixteenth, seventeenth, thirteenth and thirteenth; the sixth paragraph of the sixth paragraph; the Transitional provision tenth; the first and seventh final provisions, and the single derogation provision. "

One hundred nine. A new final provision, seventh bis, is added, with the following wording:

" Final disposition seventh bis. Bases of multilingual education.

The Government will lay the foundations of multilingual education from the second cycle of Child Education to Baccalaureate, after consulting the Autonomous Communities. "

Additional disposition first. Centers authorized to impart the modalities of Baccalaureate.

1. The teaching centres of Baccalaureate which, at the entry into force of this Law, will provide any of the ways of the modality of Science and Technology, will be automatically authorized to impart the established mode of Science in this Organic Law.

2. The teaching centres of Baccalaureate which, at the entry into force of this Law, will give any of the ways of the mode of Humanities and Social Sciences, will be automatically authorized to impart the modality of Humanities and Social Sciences established in this Organic Law.

3. The schools of Baccalaureate which, at the entry into force of the present Organic Law, will give any of the ways of the modality of Arts, will be automatically authorized to impart the modality of Arts established in this Law Organic.

Additional provision second. Requirements to participate in merit contests for selection of public center directors.

The ratings and accreditations of directors of public institutions issued prior to the entry into force of this Organic Law will be considered equivalent to the accreditative certification of having passed the course of training on the development of the Directive, as referred to in point (c) of paragraph 1 of Article 134 of this Organic Law.

Additional provision third. Titles and studies prior to the entry into force of this Organic Law.

1. The degree of Undergraduate in Secondary Education Required prior to the implementation of the final evaluation of the compulsory secondary education established in this Law, will allow access to all the post-compulsory teaching Article 3.4, after meeting the requirements laid down in this Organic Law for each of them, with the exception of the requirement to have passed the final assessment of compulsory secondary education.

2. Students who have passed the compulsory modules of an initial vocational qualification programme prior to the introduction of the first course of the vocational training cycles will be able to access the courses. In the case of a vocational training, the degree to which the vocational training has been completed, and the degree to which the final assessment of the compulsory secondary education provided for in Article 29 of this Law is exceeded. Organic by the option of applied teachings.

3. The title of Bachiller awarded after the course of the old unified and multi-purpose Baccalaureate shall be accepted as the title of Bachiller referred to in Article 41.3.a.

4. Those students who have passed the University Access Test which provided for Article 38 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, or the tests established in previous regulations with similar object, will keep the note obtained at the time according to the criteria and conditions laid down by the Government, but may be submitted to the admission procedures set up by the Universities to raise such a note.

5. Those who have not passed any test of access to the university and obtained the title of Bachiller prior to the implementation of the final evaluation of Baccalaureate established in this Organic Law, will be able to access directly the official university teaching of grade, although they must overcome the admission procedures set by the universities.

Additional provision fourth. Promotion of physical activity and balanced diet.

Educational Administrations will take steps to ensure that physical activity and balanced diet are part of children's and youth behavior. For these purposes, these administrations will promote the daily practice of sport and physical exercise by students and students during the school day, in terms and conditions which, following the recommendations of the agencies They must ensure adequate development to promote an active, healthy and autonomous life. The design, coordination and supervision of measures to be taken in the educational centre will be undertaken by teachers with appropriate qualifications or expertise in these areas.

Additional provision fifth. Textbook loan system.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will promote the free loan of textbooks and other curriculum materials for basic education in the publicly funded centers within the Conference. Education Sector.

First transient disposition. Requirements to participate in merit contests for selection of public center directors.

During the five years following the date of the entry into force of this Organic Law, it will not be a necessary requirement, to participate in merit contests for the selection of directors of public centers, the possession of the certification of having passed the training course on the development of the function of the Directive, as referred to in Article 134 (1) (c) of this Organic Law, although it must be taken into account as the merit of the candidate who owns it.

Second transient disposition. Temporary application of Article 84.3 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education.

Private centres which in 2013 have been refused the renewal of the educational concert or reduced the number of school units agreed on for the sole reason of offering differentiated education by gender may request that they be apply the provisions of Article 84.3 of this Organic Law for the remainder of the current period of concerts within two months of its entry into force.

Final disposition first. Amendment of Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, of Universities.

One. Article 42 (3) of the Organic Law 6/2001 of 21 December 2001 is amended as follows:

" 3. It is up to the Government, prior to the General Conference of University Policy, to establish the basic standards for the admission of students applying to university institutions, always with respect to the principles of equality, merit and capacity, and in any case in accordance with the provisions of Article 38 of Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education. "

Two. This provision is of an organic law.

Final disposition second. Amendment of Organic Law 8/1985 of 3 July, regulating the law of education.

Organic Law 8/1985, of 3 July, regulating the right to education, is amended in the following terms:

One. Article 54 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. The powers of the Director shall be:

(a) To direct and coordinate all educational activities of the Center, in accordance with the provisions in force, without prejudice to the functions of the School Board of the Center.

b) Exercise the academic leadership of teaching staff.

c) Call and preside over academic acts and meetings of the faculty and the School Board.

d) Vising the Center's certifications and academic documents.

e) To execute the agreements of the collegiate bodies in the field of their faculties.

f) Resolve the issues of a serious nature raised at the centre in the field of student and student discipline.

g) How many other powers are attributed to the rules of the internal regime in the academic field. "

Two. Article 56 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. The School Board of the agreed private centres shall consist of:

a) The director.

b) Three representatives of the center holder.

c) Four faculty representatives.

d) Four representatives of the parents, mothers or legal guardians of the students, chosen by and among them.

e) Two representatives of the students, chosen by and among them, from the first course of compulsory secondary education.

f) A representative of the administration and service personnel.

Once the School Board of the Center is established, the School Board will appoint a person to promote educational measures that promote real and effective equality between men and women.

In addition, in specific special education centers and those with specialized classrooms, a representative of the supplemental educational care staff will also be part of the School Board.

One of the parents ' representatives on the School Board will be appointed by the most representative parent association at the center.

Also, the concerted centers that provide professional training may incorporate a representative of the business world, designated by the business organizations, into their School Board in accordance with the procedure that Educational administrations establish. "

Three. Article 57 is worded as follows:

" Article fifty-seven.

Corresponds to the School Board of the Center, within the framework of the principles set out in this Law:

(a) To intervene in the designation of the director of the centre, in accordance with the provisions of Article 59.

b) To intervene in the selection of the faculty of the center, in accordance with Article 60.

c) Participate in the process of admission of students and students, ensuring that they are subject to the same rules.

d) Know the resolution of disciplinary conflicts and ensure that they comply with the current regulations. When the disciplinary measures taken by the director correspond to the behavior of the students who seriously harm the coexistence of the center, the School Board, at the request of parents, mothers or legal guardians, may review the decision adopted and propose, where appropriate, appropriate measures.

e) Approve the center's budget in relation to funds from the Administration and the authorized amounts, as well as annual accountability.

f) Inform and evaluate the general programming of the center that, on an annual basis, will develop the management team.

g) Propose, where appropriate, the Administration of the authorization to establish perceptions for the families of the students and students for the accomplishment of complementary school activities.

h) Participate in the application of the global pedagogical line of the center and inform the guidelines for the programming and development of the complementary school activities, after-school activities and school services.

i) Approving, on a proposal from the head of the centre, the contributions of the families of the students and students for the performance of after-school activities and the school services when the administrations have determined education.

j) Report the criteria on the participation of the center in cultural, sports and recreational activities, as well as in those care actions that the center could lend its collaboration to.

k) Promoting collaborative relationships with other centers, for cultural and educational purposes.

l) Inform, on a proposal from the holder, the internal rules of procedure of the centre.

m) Participate in the evaluation of the general march of the center in the administrative and teaching aspects.

n) To propose measures and initiatives that promote coexistence in the center, equality between men and women, equal treatment and non-discrimination for the causes referred to in Article 84.3 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, the peaceful resolution of conflicts, and the prevention of gender-based violence. "

Four. Article 59 is worded as follows:

" Article fifty-nine.

1. The director of the concerted centers shall be appointed by the holder, after report of the School Board of the Center, which shall be adopted by a majority of the attending members.

2. The term of office of the Director shall be three years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the holder may remove the director before the end of that period when justified reasons for which he/she gives the school's School Board are met."

Five. Article 60 is worded as follows:

" Article sixty.

1. The vacancies of the teaching staff in the concerted centres will be announced publicly.

2. For the purpose of its provision, the School Board of the Centre, in agreement with the holder, shall establish the selection criteria, which shall cover basically the principles of merit and capacity.

3. The head of the centre, together with the director, shall select the staff in accordance with the selection criteria established by the School Board of the Centre.

4. The head of the centre shall give an account to the School Board of the institution of the teacher's provision.

5. The competent educational administration shall verify that the procedures for the selection and dismissal of the teachers are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs and may develop the conditions for the application of such procedures. procedures. "

Six. Article 61 (1) is worded as follows:

" 1. In the event of non-compliance with the obligations arising from the scheme, a Conciliation Committee shall be set up, which may, acting unanimously, agree to take the necessary measures, within the legal framework, to correct the infringement. committed by the concerted center. "

Seven. The first provision of the Organic Law 8/1985 of 3 July on the Law on Education is hereby repealed.

Eight. This provision is of an organic law.

Final disposition third. Amendment of the Organic Law 8/1980 of 22 September of the financing of the Autonomous Communities.

One. A paragraph 3 is added to the eighth additional provision of the Organic Law 8/1980 of 22 September of the financing of the Autonomous Communities, with the following wording:

" To carry out the impact on the Autonomous Communities corresponding to the costs of schooling of students and students in private centers where there is an offer of teaching in which the Spanish is used as a vehicle language, as indicated by the additional 30th of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, the State may deduct or withhold, from the amounts satisfied by all the resources of the financing schemes of the Autonomous Communities, the amount of the costs of schooling in private centres assumed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport on behalf of the Autonomous Communities. '

Two. This provision is of an organic law.

Final disposition fourth. Regulatory development.

The Government, on a proposal from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, will dictate in the field of its competences the necessary provisions for the implementation and development of the provisions of this Law, without prejudice the regulatory development to be carried out by the Autonomous Communities.

Final disposition fifth. Implementation schedule.

1. Changes to the curriculum, organisation, objectives, promotion and evaluations of Primary Education will be implemented for the first, third and fifth courses in the 2014-2015 school year, and for the second, fourth and sixth courses. in the school year 2015 -2016.

2. Changes to the curriculum, organisation, objectives, requirements for obtaining certificates and certificates, programmes, promotion and evaluations of compulsory secondary education will be implemented for the first and third courses. in the school year 2015 -2016, and for the second and fourth courses in the 2016-2017 school year.

The final assessment of compulsory secondary education corresponding to the call to be made in the year 2017 will have no academic effects. Only a single call will be made in this school year.

3. Changes to the curriculum, organisation, objectives, requirements for obtaining certificates and certificates, programmes, promotion and evaluation of Baccalaureate will be implemented for the first course in the school year 2015 -2016, and for the second course in the 2016-2017 school year.

The final Baccalaureate assessment for the two calls in the year 2017 will only be taken into account for access to the University, but its improvement will not be necessary to obtain the Bachelor. It shall also be taken into account for the attainment of the title of Bachiller by pupils and students who are in possession of a degree of technical degree of vocational training or of vocational training or of vocational education or training. Dance, in accordance, respectively, with Articles 44.4 and 50.2 of Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May.

4. The basic vocational training courses will gradually replace the initial vocational qualification programmes. The first course of the vocational training cycles will be implemented in the 2014-2015 school year, in which the offer of compulsory modules for the initial vocational qualification programmes will be abolished; during this course, the students and students who pass voluntary modules will obtain the degree of Undergraduate in compulsory secondary education. The second course of the Basic Vocational Training cycles will be implemented in the school year 2015 -2016.

5. The changes to the curriculum of the average vocational training courses in vocational training will be implemented only at the beginning of the courses, in the school year 2015 -2016.

6. The modifications made to the conditions of access and admission to the teachings regulated in this Organic Law will apply in the school year 2016-2017.

On the other hand, access to and admission to official degree university teachings will be performed as follows:

(a) Alumni and students who have obtained the title of Bachiller or equivalent:

1. Those who have previously entered the school year 2017-2018 must have passed the University Access Test as provided for in Article 38 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, or the tests established in previous regulations with similar object.

2. Who access in the school year 2017-2018 or in subsequent courses must meet the requirements set out in the new Article 38 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May.

(b) Alumni and students who are graduates of the European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate: those who access the school year 2014-2015 and in subsequent courses must meet the requirements set out in the new Article 38 and in the Third third of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May.

(c) Alumni and students from educational systems in Member States of the European Union or other States with which international agreements have been concluded: those who access the school year 2014-2015 and in courses Subsequent to the requirements referred to in the new Article 38 and the 33rd additional provision of the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May.

(d) Alumni and students in possession of higher technical qualifications and higher technical qualifications, or of a diploma, diploma or study equivalent to the title of Bachiller, obtained or carried out in educational systems of States which do not are members of the European Union with whom no international agreements have been concluded for the recognition of the title of Bachiller on the basis of reciprocity: those who access the school year 2014-2015 and in subsequent courses shall comply with this the requirements set out in the additional 30th of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May.

7. The remainder of the curricular changes established in this Organic Law can be implemented from the 2014-2015 school year.

Final disposition sixth. Entry into force.

This Organic Law will enter into force on the twentieth day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State".


I command all Spaniards, individuals and authorities, to keep and keep this organic law.

Madrid, 9 December 2013.


The President of the Government,