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Order Of 29 June 1994 By Which Approve The Instructions Governing The Organization And Operation Of The Schools Of Early Childhood Education And Primary Education Schools.

Original Language Title: Orden de 29 de junio de 1994 por la que se aprueban las instrucciones que regulan la organización y funcionamiento de las escuelas de educación infantil y de los colegios de educación primaria.

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Royal Decree 819/1993, of 28 May, approving the Organic Regulation of the schools of children's education and of the schools of primary education, regulates in its fundamental features the organization and functioning of such centres and, in their final disposition, authorise the Minister for Education and Science to develop the provisions of the same.

In this sense, the instructions that are approved by this Order come to concretize and develop the regulation of the organization and operation of the centers established by that Organic Regulation. The procedures and time limits for the tasks of the teaching coordination bodies are set out in the first place. Next, in the chapter devoted to the operating system, the calendar of actions for the elaboration, development and evaluation of the educational project, the curriculum projects and the annual general programming is fixed. Finally, the circumstances and limits to which the general timetable of the centre should be based and the criteria to be used for the preparation of the timetable for pupils, teachers and staff for administration and services are addressed.

These instructions, such as those adopted by the Order of 9 June 1989, relate to pre-school and basic general education centres, to which they replace, a permanent character and provide a stable framework for reference for the organisation and operation of the new schools and colleges of early childhood and primary education.

In its virtue, this Ministry has arranged:


The Instructions governing the organization and operation of schools of early childhood education and primary schools are approved.


The Directorates-General of School Centres, Coordination and High Inspection, Pedagogical Renewal and Personnel and Services are authorized to clarify and adapt the Instructions that are approved by this Order, in the scope of their respective competences.


Any provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed to be opposed to this Order.


This Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, June 29, 1994.


Excmo. Mr. Secretary of State for Education.


1. The organisation and operation of the schools of children's education and primary schools will be in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Regulation of these centres, approved by Royal Decree 819/1993 of 28 May (" Bulletin Officer of the State " of June 19), and to what is set forth in these Instructions.

I. Teaching coordination bodies

Cycle teams

2. The cycle equipment laid down in Article 67 of the said Organic Regulation shall exist in the schools of children's education and primary schools. The composition, organisation and competence of such teams are those covered by Articles 68 to 71 of Title III of that Regulation.

3. The cycle teams shall meet at least once every 15 days; such meetings shall be required for all their members. At least once a month the meetings of the cycle teams shall be aimed at assessing the development of the teaching practice and applying the corrective measures that such assessment advises. A summary of the treaty at these meetings will be collected in the corresponding minutes drawn up by the cycle coordinator.

4. In order to enable these tasks to be carried out and to facilitate regular meetings between all the Masters teaching in the same cycle, the Heads of Studies, when drawing up the schedules, will reserve one additional hour per week. in which members of the same cycle are free from other activities. This time will appear in the respective individual schedules.

5. At the end of the course, the cycle teams will collect in a brief memory the evaluation of the activities carried out and the results obtained. The memory written by the cycle coordinator shall be submitted to the Director by 30 June, and shall be taken into account in the preparation and, where appropriate, in the review of the curriculum project of the following year. Where there are no cycle coordinators, their duties shall be assumed by the Head of Studies or, failing that, the Director.

Commission for Pedagogical Coordination

6. The composition, organisation and powers of the Commission for Pedagogical Coordination are those laid down in Title III, Chapter III of the Organic Regulation.

7. The Commission for Pedagogical Coordination shall meet monthly intervals and shall hold an extraordinary session at the beginning of the course, the other at the end of the course and the others deemed necessary. The calls for these meetings shall be held in such a way as to assist the representative of the educational and psychopedagogical guidance team.

8. The Commission for Pedagogical Coordination should have established the general guidelines for the drawing up and review of the curriculum project before the start of the project. The Commission will also have to establish during the month of September, and before the start of the activities, a timetable for the follow-up and evaluation of the stage curriculum projects and the possible modifications of the programme. the same as the result of the assessment, and ask the Provincial Directorate for advice and external support which it deems appropriate.


9. The designation of the guardians shall be made in accordance with Article 73 of the Organic Regulation, the functions of which are those set out in Article 74 of that Regulation.

10. In the centres where the number of Masters is higher than the number of units, the tutoring of each group of children's education or primary education will preferably fall to the Master who has a higher weekly schedule with that group, In successive years, all Masters can perform this tutoring function. Teachers who share the centre can only be appointed tutors in their home centre. The Head of Studies, Registrar and Director will be awarded last-place tutoring, in this order and only if strictly necessary.

11. In accordance with the provisions of the Orders of 12 November 1992 on the evaluation of children's education and primary education, a written report shall be drawn up for the parents of the pupils once a quarter. Notwithstanding the above, there may be as many joint sessions of the tutor with the Masters of the group of students as the Head of Studies and the tutors themselves consider appropriate.

12. During the course, at least three meetings shall be held with each parent and one individual with each parent.

13. The tutor Teacher's schedule will include a weekly supplementary hour for parental care. This time of mentoring will be recorded in the individual schedules and will be communicated to parents and students at the beginning of the academic year.

14. In accordance with Article 45 (2) (d) of the Organic Law 8/1985 of 3 July on the Law of Education, the Faculty of Teachers shall coordinate the orientation and mentoring of pupils. To facilitate this task, the educational and psycho-pedagogical guidance team will support the work of the tutors according to the tutorial action plan and in collaboration with the cycle coordinator, under the direction of the Head of Studies. The Head of Studies shall convene at least three tutors ' meetings during the course and how many others are required to perform this function properly.

Other coordination functions

15. Teachers who have not been appointed guardians of an ordinary group of pupils may be proposed by the Head of Studies to carry out other coordination tasks necessary for the proper functioning of the Centre, such as coordination of sporting, musical and cultural activities referred to in the following point. In each case, the Head of Studies shall determine the specific tasks to be performed by each of these Masters within the time of stay at the centre, and the responsibilities to be assumed.

16. Where, in an extraordinary time, sports, musical and cultural activities in general of a stable nature are organised in a centre, or a library service is offered, the teachers responsible for these activities may be appointed among those who express their interest in participating in the same. These Masters will work closely with the Head of Studies. One or two of the teaching hours of the individual hours of these Masters, according to the availability of the schedule, and one or two of the complementary ones will correspond to these activities.

17. In accordance with the above point, the Director may entrust to one of these Masters the responsibility for the use and operation of the school library in order to ensure compliance with the following: functions:

a) Ensure the organization, maintenance, and proper utilization of the center's library and documentary resources.

b) Spread, among teachers and students, teaching materials and administrative, pedagogical and cultural information.

c) Collaborate in the planning and development of school work, favoring the use of different documentary resources.

d) To support students using the library, providing them with access to different sources of information and guiding them on their use.

e) Collaborate in promoting reading as a means of information, entertainment and leisure.

f) Advise on the purchase of new materials and funds for the library.

g) Any other entrusted to you by the Head of Studies, from those collected in the annual general programming.

18. In centres which develop programmes for the incorporation of computer or audiovisual media into the teaching activity, each of these programmes may be entrusted to a Master to coordinate, the functions of which shall be as follows:

(a) Encourage the use by the rest of the Masters of computer and audiovisual technologies in their teaching activity.

b) Coordinate the activities that are performed at the center in relation to the use of these means.

c) Develop a project of activities in relation to the incorporation of these means at the beginning of the course, which will be included in the annual general programming, as well as an annual memory of the activities carried out.

d) Facilitate and coordinate the use of the audiovisual or computer media in the training of the Masters.

e) Convening and coordinating the work sessions of the Masters teams participating in the programs.

(f) Any other entrusted to it by the Head of Studies concerning the use of audiovisual media or new technologies as a didactic resource.

19. The masters responsible for coordinating the new technologies and the audiovisual media, to be appointed by the Director, will always act under the responsibility of the Head of Studies.

20. At the first regular meeting of the Cloister of each academic year, the representative shall be elected in the appropriate faculty and resources center, which shall have the following functions:

(a) Make it to the Council of the teachers ' centre and its Director the training needs, and the suggestions on the organisation of the activities, expressed by the Faculty of Teachers or by the cycle teams.

b) Participate in the meetings that the Director of the faculty center or the Director of the Center may convene.

c) Report to the Cloister and disseminate among the Masters the training activities that affect them.

d) Collaborate with the Head of Studies in the coordination of the participation of the Masters in the activities of the teachers ' center, when it is done collectively.

e) Any other entrusted to it by the Director in relation to its scope of competence.

II. Operating system

21. Decisions affecting the organisation and functioning of the schools of early childhood education and primary schools, adopted by the schools in each academic year, shall be taken into account in the respective programmes. (a) annual general in the terms laid down in Chapter III of Title IV of that Regulation. The annual general programming shall ensure the coordinated development of all educational activities, the correct exercise of the powers of the various governing bodies and the coordination of teachers and the participation of all sectors of education. the school community.

22. The Director of the Centre shall draw up the schedule of actions for the management of the annual general programming, taking into account the deliberations and agreements of the Cloister and the School Board. The approval of the School Board by the School Board shall be made within 20 days of the start of the school's activities.

23. Once the annual general programming has been approved, a copy of the annual general programming shall be made available to the members of the educational community and the other shall be sent to the provincial director before 15 October, without prejudice to the respect the dates that are set for each particular component of this Schedule. The consignment shall be accompanied by a copy of the minutes of the session of the School Board in which it has been approved.

24. The Technical Inspection Service shall monitor the annual general programming to check its compliance with the provisions in force, make any suggestions it deems appropriate and indicate the corrections to be made. The Provincial Directorate will provide the centres with the necessary support for their proper implementation.

25. Annual General Programming shall be enforced for all members of the school community. All Teachers with responsibilities in the teaching coordination will ensure that the programmed in their field of responsibility is fulfilled and will put in the knowledge of the Head of Studies any conduct that does not respect the established in the Programming. The Director shall immediately initiate the relevant actions and, where appropriate, communicate this circumstance to the School Board or the Technical Inspection Service, if appropriate.

26. Upon completion of the course, the School Board, the Cloister and the management team will evaluate the Annual General Programming and its degree of compliance. The most relevant conclusions will be collected by the management team in a memory that will be transmitted before July 10 to the Provincial Directorate, to be analyzed by the Technical Inspection Service.

Center educational project

27. The preparation and content of the educational project of the Centre shall be in accordance with the provisions of Title IV, Chapter I of the Organic Regulation of Schools of Child Education and of Schools of Primary Education.

28. Article 76 of the Rules of Procedure for Schools of Child Education and Primary Schools contains the paragraphs to be included in the educational project. As regards the general organisation of the centre referred to in paragraph (a) of that Article, the following aspects shall be


The characteristics of the school environment and the educational needs to be met by the school.

Other activities carried out by the centre, such as complementary and extra-school activities and school exchanges that are organised.

Participation in institutional programs, such as educational compensation for inequalities, in the Atenea and Mercurio projects or in other cooperation programs.

Sports, musical and cultural activities in general or related to the operation of the library that have been planned.

Specialized language sections or special regime teachings combined with those of a general regime, if authorized.

Any other circumstance that characterizes the educational offer of the center.

29. With regard to decisions on coordination with the social and educational services of the municipality and the relations provided for with public and private institutions as referred to in Article 76 (e) of the Organic Regulation, Schools of early childhood education and primary schools will detail the following aspects:

The secondary education institute to which the college is attached.

The possible use of the facilities of the center by other institutions, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 2274/1993, of December 22.

30. The Rules of Procedure of the Centre shall, in any event, be in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Schools of Child Education and of the Schools of Primary Education, in Royal Decree 1543/1988 on rights and duties of the students and in the statutory norms established for civil servants and public employees in general. It may contain, inter alia, the following details:

a) The practical organization of the participation of all members of the educational community.

b) The norms of coexistence that favor the relations between the different members of the educational community and between the different organs of government and didactic coordination.

c) The organization and distribution of responsibilities not defined by the current regulations.

(d) The procedures for the action of the School Board and, where appropriate, the committees which are set up to speed up its operation.

e) The organization of the spaces in the center.

f) The functioning of educational services.

g) The rules for the use of the facility's facilities, resources and educational services.

31. The Director of the Centre shall take appropriate measures to enable the educational project to be known and consulted by all members of the educational community. In addition, the project may be consulted by the teachers and parents interested in the center, even without being a part of it.

32. When the educational project is first drawn up, as it is a newly created centre, the centre will have a period of three academic courses to carry out this task. Where this is the case, the School Board shall analyse and, where appropriate, approve the aspects already drawn up of the educational project for incorporation into the annual general programming period before 20 days from the beginning of the year. reading activities, and will include a calendar of actions to continue its preparation during the course started.

33. Where changes in the educational project are deemed necessary, the proposed modifications may be made by the management team, by the Cloister, by any of the other sectors represented in the School Board, or by a third of the members of this body. Once the proposal has been submitted, the Director will set a deadline of at least one month for his study by all members of the School Board. The proposed amendment may be approved by the Council in the third quarter of the year and shall enter into force at the beginning of the following year.

Stage curricular project

34. The procedure for drawing up and the content of the stage curricular project shall be in accordance with Title IV, Chapter II of the Organic Regulation of the Schools of Child Education and the Schools of Primary Education.

35. In the preparation of the curriculum of children's education and in the organization of the teaching activities, it will be taken into account that the areas must have a globalized treatment, given the characteristics of the children of this stage.

36. In schools that deliver early childhood education and primary education, the respective curriculum projects will pay particular attention to the pedagogical coordination and coherence between the two levels of education.

37. In order to develop curriculum projects, teachers and cycle teams may take as a reference the guidelines for the distribution of objectives, contents and evaluation criteria as set out in the Annex to the Resolution of 5 March 2001. 1992 of the Secretary of State for Education.

38. Teachers will organise their teaching activities in accordance with the official curricula of early childhood education and primary education and in line with the respective curriculum projects. The management of the centre should encourage the team work of the Masters of the same cycle and ensure coordination between them. They will also be continued with the same group of students over the course of the cycle, provided that they continue to teach in the respective school.

39. Incomplete rural centres may require support from the nearest teacher and resource centre, which will lead to the meeting of Masters of the area to facilitate the development of curriculum projects.

40. Once it has been drawn up or amended, the curriculum project will be submitted for approval by the Southern Ccloister, before 15 days after the start of the school activities. When approved, it will be incorporated into the Annual General Programming.

41. Curriculum projects will be evaluated annually by the Cloister. The proposals for assessment and amendments to the draft curriculum, if any, will be submitted by the Commission for Pedagogical Coordination to the Cloister in September for discussion and approval. Where amendments are made, decisions affecting the organisation of the content followed by pupils who have started their studies in the past shall be respected.

42. The Technical Inspection Service shall monitor the curricular project in order to check its compliance with the provisions in force, make any suggestions it deems appropriate and indicate the corrections to be made. The Provincial Directorate will provide the centres with the necessary support for their proper implementation.

43. In the newly created centres, when the stage curricular project is first drawn up, it must be carried out in accordance with the indications and deadlines laid down by the Secretary of State for Education.

Annual programme of complementary and extra-school activities

44. In accordance with Article 82 of the Organic Regulation, the annual programme of complementary and after-school activities and will be prepared by the management team, according to the guidelines of the School Board, to which it will be approved. subject, and shall contain the proposals of the Cloister, the cycle teams and the representatives of the parents of pupils. Such activities shall be organised and carried out by the cycle teams and coordinated by the Head of Studies, without prejudice to the following points of these Instructions.

45. Complementary and extra-school activities will be voluntary for students and teachers, will not constitute discrimination for any member of the educational community and will not be for profit.

46. The organisation of complementary and extra-school activities to be included in the annual programme may be carried out by the same centre, through collaborative partnerships, or in collaboration with the City Council. In addition, other institutions may provide their own funds to cover the costs arising from such activities. If the extra-school activities involve cleaning and maintenance costs, the prior consent of the local corporation concerned will be necessary.

47. In the Home Schools and centres with residential services, the specialist staff will work with the Cloister in the programming of the activities related to guidance, mentoring of students and complementary activities.

48. The annual programme of complementary and after-school activities shall include:

a) The complementary activities to be performed.

(b) Non-school activities of a cultural nature that are carried out in collaboration with the various sectors of the educational community, or in the implementation of agreements with other entities.

c) Study trips and school exchanges that are intended to be performed.

d) Sports and artistic activities to be held inside and outside the school grounds.

e) The organization, operation, and schedule of the library.

f) In the Home Schools and centers that have attached residential services, the organization of leisure and leisure time.

g) How many others are considered convenient.

49. Once developed, the programme of complementary and extra-school activities will be included in the Annual General Programming.

50. At the end of the course, the management team will include in the management's memory the evaluation of the activities carried out.

Administrative memory

51. The management team shall draw up the administrative memory to be incorporated into the Annual General Programming.

52. The administrative memory shall include the following data relating to the human and material resources of the centre:

(a) The organisation document of the centre, which has been submitted by the Technical Inspection Service.

c) The student enrollment data collection form, submitted by the Directorate General of School Centers.

(d) The official statistics printed by the Planning Office of the Ministry of Education and Science.

e) The center budget project.

f) The economic memory of all complementary and extra-school activities.

III. General schedule of the center

53. Taking into account the particularities of each center and the best use of the teaching activities, the management team, heard the Cloister, will propose the distribution of the school day and the general schedule to the School Board for approval. The school day, which will be distributed daily in morning and afternoon sessions, will allow the realization of all the teaching and complementary activities that are programmed to comply with the educational project, the projects curricular and annual general programming.

54. When a center decides to modify the general schedule for the next course, the approval of the new schedule proposal will be held at the last school board session of the current academic year.

55. The general schedule of the school approved by the School Board shall specify:

a) The hours and conditions in which the center will remain open, at the disposal of the educational community.

(b) The hours at which normal reading activities will take place.

c) The hours in which each of the school's services and facilities will be available to students.

56. The school's teaching schedule will be twenty-five hours a week, distributed daily between morning and afternoon sessions. It shall be prepared taking into account the interests of the educational community and the following criteria:

a) The interval between the sessions of tomorrow and afternoon will be at least two hours.

b) The afternoon session cannot be less than one and a half times.

c) The recreation of primary education students will last for half an hour a day and will be in the central hours of the morning school day.

(d) Recreation for children's education students may be organized in accordance with the provisions of point 63 of these Instructions.

57. The Director of the Centre shall inform the Provincial Director, before 30 June, of the general timetable and the school day approved by the School Board for the following year. The Provincial Director shall verify and ratify, through the Technical Inspection Service, that the schedule permits the performance of all scheduled activities and that the criteria set out in these Instructions are respected. If not, the provincial director will devour the general timetable for its review and take appropriate action.

58. In the centres where the School Board is not constituted, the Director shall, before 10 September, ask the provincial director for the approval of the school day and the general timetable of the school.

59. The meetings of the Faculty and the School Board and the evaluation sessions shall be held after the end of the school year, in which all the components of the steering or coordination bodies may attend. respective.

60. The provincial director, when authorizing the schedules, may harmonize them by localities, districts, neighborhoods or zones if he considers it appropriate. In no case may it authorise an exceptional timetable unless it is a justified extension of earlier hours or special reasons for schooling.

IV. Pupils ' schedules

61. The time distribution of teaching activities in children's education will be based on a globalised treatment of the content and will include the types of activities and experiences, groups, periods of play and rest proposed to the children. children throughout each day of the week, taking into account their rhythms of activity, play and rest.

62. The students ' schedule will be in line with the provisions of the Order of 27 April 1992 which provides instructions for the implementation of primary education.

63. In the preparation of the schedule of the cycles and areas in which the weekly hourly distribution is to be detailed, the following criteria shall be respected:

a) The programming of activities for each of the sessions will take into account the collective and individualized attention of all the students of the center.

b) The schedule distribution should provide for the various possibilities of flexible clustering for individual tasks or group work.

c) The distribution of the areas in each day and throughout the week will be performed exclusively for pedagogical reasons.

(d) The physical education schedule may be grouped in those cases where sports facilities outside the centre are used.

e) In schools where early childhood education and primary education are provided, it will be ensured that the recreational periods corresponding to the second and third cycles of primary education do not coincide with those of the Children's education.

f) In no case will the time preferences of the Masters hinder the application of the above criteria or those that the Claustro can establish.

64. Where in the centre of the centre such Masters classes are travelling, this circumstance shall be taken into account in order to reconcile the above criteria and the constraints imposed by the roaming.

65. The organisation of the groups of pupils may be carried out by courses or cycles. In schools or units that tend to populations of special socio-cultural or demographic conditions, other grouping formulas may be adopted.

66. In children's education and teaching in each of the cycles, students may be distributed in age groups with different criteria for the calendar year.

V. Teachers ' schedules

67. The teachers will be required to join the centres on 1 September, and to meet the day set out in these Instructions from that date until 30 June, to carry out the tasks entrusted to them, to attend the planned meetings and to draw up the programmes, memories and projects covered by the Organic Regulation. When the reading activities are started, the schedule will be distributed as specified in the following points.

Time Distribution

68. The working day of teaching staff shall be established in general for civil servants, appropriate to the characteristics of the tasks to be performed.

69. The Masters will remain in the college for thirty hours a week. These hours will have the consideration of teaching and complementary to the need to stay in the center. The rest, up to thirty-seven and a half hours a week, will be freely available to the Masters for the preparation of the teaching activities, the professional improvement or any other complementary pedagogical activity.

70. The hours devoted to teaching activities will be twenty-five per week. For these purposes, both the direct teaching of groups of pupils and the supervised periods of recreation of pupils will be considered.

71. In addition to the teaching schedule, the Masters will spend five hours a week in the center for the realization, among others, of the following activities:

a) Interviews with parents. Each tutor will be given a weekly fixed time, which must be displayed on the bulletin board.

b) Assistance to cycle teams meetings.

c) Programming of classroom activity and performance of extra-school and complementary activities.

d) Assistance to group teachers and tutors meetings.

e) Assistance to meetings of the Cloister.

(f) Assistance, where appropriate, to meetings of the Commission for Pedagogical Coordination and the School Board.

g) Training and educational research activities.

h) Any other, of those set out in the Annual General Programming, which the Director deems appropriate.

72. The members of the management team shall, according to the units of each institution, and provided that the time requirements of their specialty are covered, the following teaching hours for groups of students:


Reading Hours

of the management charges

6 to 8


9 to 17


18 to 27


28 or more


In schools with dining or school transport, three of these teaching hours will be counted for the members of the management team, for the organization of these services.

Elaboration of the schedules

73. The allocation of courses, courses, areas and teaching activities will be performed according to the following criteria:

a) The permanence of a Master with the same group of students until the end of the cycle. Where the management team considers that there are sufficient reasons to avoid this criterion, the Director shall arrange for the assignment of the Master, or the Teachers concerned, to another course, course, area or teaching activity prior to the reasoned report to the Service of Technical Inspection.

b) The specialty of the job to which the different Masters are attached.

c) Other specialties for which the Masters are enabled.

74. In the case of teachers who are assigned to posts for which they are not entitled, the Director of the Centre may, by way of exception and transition, assign to them teaching activities corresponding to other vacant posts or to change with Teachers assigned to other posts in the same Center, without at any time this assignment modify the original attachment or derive in possible rights for the corresponding Masters, which for administrative purposes will be considered to remain in the posts to which they were attached.

75. In accordance with the criteria described above, the Director, on a proposal from the Head of Studies, shall assign the groups of pupils and tutoring in the light of the agreements reached by the Masters at the first meeting of the course.

76. If the agreement referred to in the preceding paragraph does not occur, the Director shall assign the groups in the following order:

1. Members of the management team, who will be required to teach, preferably, in the last cycle of primary education.

2. Final Masters, giving preference to seniority in the center, counted from the inauguration in the center.

3. Provisional Masters, giving preference to seniority in the Body.

4. Interim Masters, if any.

77. In the event that any Master does not cover his or her teaching schedule, after his or her membership in groups, areas or cycles, the Director of the Center may assign other tasks to him, related to:

a) Partitioning areas of any of the specialties for which it is enabled in other cycles, or within its same cycle, with other groups of students.

b) Partitioning other areas.

c) Replacing other Masters.

d) Attention of students with learning difficulties.

e) Doubling of foreign language groups with more than twenty students.

f) Support for other Teachers, especially those in child education, in activities that require the presence of more than one Teacher in the classroom, in the terms established in the Stage Curricular Project.

In order to facilitate the performance of these tasks, the Head of Studies, when drawing up the schedules, shall ensure that the hours available for support or replacement work for each of the cycles are concentrated in certain Teachers, who will assume them in successive years on a rotating basis.

78. Once the needs referred to in the previous point are met, and depending on the time available in the template as a whole, they can be computed within the time period in this order:

a) To cycle coordinators, one hour per week for every three groups of students in the cycle or fraction.

b) To the Masters responsible for coordinating the computer and audiovisual media, one hour a week.

c) Responsible for the library and documentary resources, one hour for every six groups of students or fraction.

d) The representative of the center in the teacher and resource center, one hour a week.

e) To the Masters who are voluntarily engaged in the organization of sports and artistic activities outside of the school hours, one hour for every six groups of students or fraction.

The provincial director may modify the above limits according to the availability of teachers in the province.

79. All the teachers will attend to the care and monitoring of the recreations, with the exception of the members of the management team and the itinerant Masters, who will be freed from this task, unless it is absolutely necessary their collaboration. For the care and monitoring of the recreations, a shift may be organized between the Masters of the center, at the rate of one Teacher for every 60 students of elementary education, or fraction, and one Teacher for every 30 students of childhood education, or fraction, ensuring that there is always a minimum of two Masters.

80. The teachers ' hours shared with other public institutions will be made by agreement of the Directors of the schools concerned and, failing that, by decision of the Technical Inspection Services of the Corresponding Provincial Address.

81. The teaching time of the Masters teaching in more than one centre must be in proportion to the number of units which it has to attend at each centre. It will be possible to group the hours that correspond to each center in full days of tomorrow or afternoon, or in full days. In addition, the teachers who share their teaching time in more than one center will share their complementary hours of stay in the center in the same proportion as the teaching hours are distributed. To this end, the respective Heads of Study shall be required to know the time allocated outside their centre in order to complete the supplementary timetable corresponding to their centre. In any case they must be assigned one hour for the weekly meeting of the team or the cycle teams to which they belong.

82. Similarly, the Masters with partial dedication to the progressive cessation of activities, in accordance with Article 26 of Law 22/1993, of 29 December, for breastfeeding or legal guardian reasons referred to in paragraph (f) of the Article 30 of Law No 30/1984, by trade union or interim appointment, shall cover a number of supplementary hours proportional to the number of hours to be delivered.

83. Where a Master is in one of the circumstances referred to in the previous two points, the Head of Studies shall take this into account when drawing up his schedule.

Approval of schedules

84. The provisional approval of the schedules of the Masters corresponds to the Director of the Center and the definitive one to the Provincial Director, after report of the Inspection Service, which in any case will verify the application of the criteria established in the Instructions. To this end, the Director of the Centre shall forward the schedules to the Provincial Directorate before the start of the activities. The Provincial Directorate shall decide within 20 days of the receipt of the schedules and, where appropriate, shall take appropriate measures.

Teacher's compliance with schedule

85. The control of teacher assistance shall be carried out by the Head of Studies and, ultimately, by the Director.

86. Any absence or delay to be produced shall be notified by the Master of the Head of Study as soon as possible. In any event and regardless of the processing of the prescriptive medical discharge parts, the Master must complete and deliver to the Chief of Studies the corresponding supporting documents on the same day of his reinstatement to the center. For these purposes, the models of supporting evidence in the head of studies shall be made available to the Masters.

87. Without prejudice to the provisions of subsequent paragraphs, the Directors of the centres shall forward to the Inspection Service, before the fifth day of each month, the parts of faults relating to the previous month drawn up by the Head of Studies. In the case of models which are drawn up by the Provincial Directorates, they shall also include any absences or delays relating to the hours of stay required in the centre to be fulfilled by the Master, irrespective of whether he or she is not the absence is justified.

88. Together with the part of the faults, the documents completed and signed by the corresponding Masters will be sent. A list of complementary activities carried out, the participating Masters and the hours spent shall also be included.

89. A copy of the part of the offence and the other of the list of complementary activities referred to the Technical Inspection Service shall be made public in a visible place in the Chamber of Teachers. Another copy will be made available to the School Board's Secretariat.

90. The Director of the Centre shall inform the Director of the Office within three days of any absence or delay of a Master which is unjustified, in order to make the appropriate deduction of assets or, in the case of a serious misconduct, to initiate the processing of the appropriate file. Such communication shall be given in writing, at the same time, to the relevant Professor.

91. Where any breach by the management team of the responsibilities provided by these Instructions in the control of the assistance of the teachers is detected by the Inspection Service, be it not to send the (a) for failure to do so by the time limit or for failure to make the subsequent notifications referred to in the preceding paragraphs, the Inspection Service shall inform the provincial director to take appropriate action.

VI. Schedule of administration and service personnel

92. The administrative and service personnel of the Ministry of Education and Science shall have the working day, permits and holidays generally established for civil servants.

93. The working staff will have the day, permits and holidays set out in their Collective Agreement.

94. The Registrar shall ensure that the staff of Administration and Services are complied with and shall immediately inform the Director of any non-compliance. The procedure to be followed will be the same as for the teaching staff. If the non-compliance concerns the staff employed at the centre, the provisions of the Order of 2 March 1988 ("Official State Gazette" of 4 March 1988) and its existing Labour Convention shall be in force.

VII. Rural Colleges Grouped

95. All the Masters of the Rural College will be part of a single center, with a cloister, a management team, a single annual general programming, a single educational project of the center and a single curriculum for each stage, according to the provisions of the Organic Regulation.

96. A coordination meeting, at least fortnightly, must be established at the school's home or in that locality which is easier to access for the whole of the Masters or, in the final term, as the Cloister has.

97. The weekly schedule of reading activities can be arranged in five periods of tomorrow and four in the afternoon, together with a total of twenty-five hours. The available afternoon will be dedicated to coordination meetings.

98. The preparation of the school's teaching schedule and the programming of its activities should provide for the least possible number of trips of the Masters with a traveling job in the center. All displacements must be carried out, as far as possible, in order to teach in full sessions of tomorrow or afternoon.

99. The allocation of courses, courses, areas and teaching activities to the Masters shall be carried out by the Director in accordance with the general criteria set out in this Order and the organizational peculiarities of these centres. However, the teachers from centres or units integrated into a rural group will have a preference to perform their duties in the locality where they were previously serving, provided that they so request Director and, in agreement with the organization of the center, are required, in this place, Masters holders of ordinary positions of the specialty to which they are attached.

100. The teaching day of the itinerant Masters will begin in the locality that indicates the schedule of each of them, coinciding with the beginning of the students ' teaching activities. The attention to the localities located in the same route will be realized, preferably, from the furthest to the nearest one, in a successive way, seeking the rationality in the displacements.

101. Given the organisational peculiarities of these centres and the need for the travelling teachers to move from one locality to another throughout the school day, the attention of the pupils in the periods of leisure will be carried out by the Teachers who are not itinerant.

102. Masters of itinerant posts, from centres or units integrated into a Rural College, will have a preference for their roaming routes to be included in the centre, according to the organisation of the centre. that were previously serving.

VIII. Other provisions

103. The Secretary of State for Education will take the necessary steps to adapt the provisions of this Order to the primary education colleges that provide the first cycle of compulsory secondary education, according to the timetable. of the new teaching, approved by Royal Decree 535/1993 of 12 April, which amends and completes Royal Decree 986/1991 of 14 June.

104. For the first time, the incorporation of the education team in the cycle will require the planning of the adaptation period. This planning must be carried out at the beginning of the course and will include the following aspects:

a) Contacts with the students ' family members and collaboration mechanisms for their best insertion into the center.

b) The flexibility of school hours, which allows for the gradual start of school activities.

c) Specific activities aimed at facilitating better adaptation.

105. Teaching activities in support of pupils with special educational needs and those with learning difficulties should be organised in such a way that pupils benefit from the group's ordinary teaching activities. which belong.

106. The centres covered by the Convention of the Ministry of Education and Science with the Ministry of Defence situated in the field of Autonomous Communities with full powers in the field of education, will understand all the references made to them. Directions to the Provincial Directorate as done to the Central Technical Inspection Service.