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Royal Decree 4/2001 Of 12 January, Which Establishes An Aid Scheme For The Use Of Agricultural Production Methods Compatible With The Environment.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 4/2001, de 12 de enero, por el que se establece un régimen de ayudas a la utilización de métodos de producción agraria compatibles con el medio ambiente.

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Council Regulation (EC) 1257/1999 of 17 May 1999 on aid for rural development by the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), Chapter VI, Title II, and Articles 22 to 24 thereof. aid scheme for the use of agricultural production methods to protect the environment and maintain the countryside (agri-environment). In addition, Article 55 repeals Council Regulation (EEC) No 2078/92 of 30 June on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment and the conservation of the natural space, although it lays down it shall continue to apply to the measures approved by the Commission under those rules before 1 January 2000.

Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 of 21 June laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds, in Article 52 thereof, determines that its entry into force shall not affect either the continuation or the amendment, including the total or partial abolition of an intervention approved by the Council under Regulation (EEC) 2052/88 of the Council of 24 June on the tasks of the Structural Funds and of the Regulation (EEC) 4253/88 of the Council of 19 December 1988 laying down detailed rules for the application of the or any other legislation applicable to that intervention at 31 December 1999.

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1750/1999 of 23 July laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) No 1257/99 conditions the application of the national rules on the development of the programme Spanish agri-environment, although it specifies that the actions approved by the Commission under Regulation (EEC) No 2078/92 will continue to apply.

This Royal Decree is dictated in compliance with the State competence in the field of bases and coordination of economic activity planning provided for in Article 149.1.13. of the Constitution, as well as in the article 149.1.23, which attributes the basic legislation on environmental protection to the State.

The Autonomous Communities and the sectors concerned have been consulted in their preparation.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, with the approval of the Minister of Public Administrations, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers in its meeting on 12 January 2001,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

1. The purpose of this Royal Decree is to establish a system of aid to promote the use of agricultural production methods to protect the environment and to preserve the rural environment, contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Community agriculture and the environment, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI of Title II of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 of the Council of 17 May on aid for rural development by the European Guidance and Agricultural Guarantee (EAGGF).

2. The aid covered by this Royal Decree shall apply throughout the national territory, except in the Community of Navarre and the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, in consideration of its specific tax systems.

3. The measures are of horizontal application. In any event, the Autonomous Communities shall take into account the characteristics of their specific regional agroecosystems for the implementation of these.

Article 2. Objectives.

They aim to achieve, among others, the following objectives, all of which aim to correct the problems of an agro-environmental nature with which the Spanish agricultural holdings and the agricultural territory affected are by the same:

a) Rational use of water use and improvement of its quality.

b) Combating erosion and improving the structure and fertility of agricultural soils.

c) Prevention of natural hazards and better use of rural areas.

d) Protection of biodiversity and agricultural landscapes.

Article 3. Definitions.

For the purposes of this Royal Decree, the following definitions shall


(a) Holder of exploitation: the natural or legal person, or producer group, which exercises the agricultural activity by organizing the assets and rights of the holding with business criteria and assuming the risks and civil, social and fiscal responsibilities, which may be derived from the management of the holding. It also includes those public entities of communal use which have organized their use in common, by means of an ordinance of pasture or regulation of use.

(b) Agricultural holding: the set of goods and rights organized by the holder in the course of the agricultural activity, primarily for the purposes of the market, and which is itself a unit technical-economic.

Likewise, the same consideration of agricultural exploitation shall be the use in common by means of ordinance of pasture or regulation of use managed by public entities.

(c) Agricultural parcela: the continuous area of land where a single holding holder performs a single crop or use.

d) Agricultural activity: the set of works required for the production of agricultural, livestock and forestry products.

e) Good agricultural practices: those that a responsible farmer applies on his holding and which include compliance with the mandatory environmental requirements, as well as those that are expressly set out in Annex I of this Royal Decree.

f) Livestock load: the number of livestock units (UGM) that annually supports one hectare of agricultural land area of the holding with livestock use. The unit of measure will be the largest livestock unit (UGM) according to the following conversion table:

1. Toros, cows and other bovine animals over two years of age and equidae of more than six months: 1.0 UGM.

2. Animal of the bovine species from six months to two years: 0.6 UGM.

3. Ovejas and goats: 0.15 UGM.

Article 4. Actions covered by the aid.

The agri-environmental actions described in Annex II to this Royal Decree may be supported and included in the following measures:

1. Extensification of agricultural production.

2. Indigenous varieties in risks of genetic erosion.

3. Environmental techniques of rationalization in the use of chemicals.

4. Fight against erosion in fragile media.

5. Protection of flora and fauna in wetlands.

6. Special operating systems with high environmental interest.

7. Efficient use of water and promotion of extensification of production.

8. Landscape protection and fire prevention practices.

9. Integrated management of extensive livestock holdings.

Article 5. Beneficiaries.

They shall be entitled to receive the agri-environmental aid provided for in this Royal Decree, the holders of agricultural holdings which undertake to undertake for a period of five years, in whole or part of their holding, any of the actions listed in Annex II.

Article 6. Requests.

1. The aid applications shall be addressed to the competent authority of the Autonomous Community in which the holding or, where appropriate, the Autonomous Community where the majority of the agricultural parcels concerned is located, is located. request.

2. Applications shall be filed in any of the registers or dependencies referred to in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

3. Beneficiaries shall submit an initial application for participation in the scheme and subsequent annual applications for payment, in accordance with the commitments made.

4. Applications shall indicate all the areas and animals of the holding concerned for the control of the measure in question, including those for which no aid is sought. They shall also contain at least the data set out in Article 70 of Law 30/1992.

Article 7. Commitments.

1. The commitments to be fulfilled by the beneficiaries of the aid shall be as set out in Annex II for the measures under the aid, as well as those affecting the holding of the aid, as set out in Annex I on good practice. agricultural.

2. The competent public administration may authorise changes or adaptations of these undertakings, provided that they comply with Article 20 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1750/1999 of 23 July 2000 establishing the European Community detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EC) 1257/99.

3. Where, during the period of a commitment entered into as a condition for the granting of the aid, a beneficiary increases the area of its holding, the competent authority may:

a) Extend the commitment to the additional area for the remainder of the period of the same, provided that such extension:

1. Constitute an indisputable benefit to the environment in relation to the measure in question.

2. This is justified in terms of the nature of the commitment, the duration of the remaining period and the size of the additional area.

3. Do not decrease the effective verification of compliance with the conditions required for the granting of aid.

(b) Replace the original commitment of the beneficiary with a new commitment until the remainder of the period for the entire area concerned, under conditions at least as stringent as those of the original commitment. This shall also apply in cases where the area covered by a commitment is extended within the holding.

Article 8. Incompatibilities.

1. The agri-environmental measures which are the subject of the aid provided for in this Royal Decree may be covered by other Community aid schemes only where they are not incompatible with any of the specific conditions required for benefit from the aid covered by Regulation (EC) 1257/1999, in particular those covered by this Royal Decree.

The competent public administration shall ensure that the various rural development aid measures are consistent with each other and with the measures implemented within the framework of the common market organisations.

2. The incompatibilities between the various agri-environmental measures are those set out in Annex III to this Royal Decree.

Article 9. Criteria for the best achievement of the objectives.

Each Autonomous Community shall establish, inter alia, the periods of performance of the performances, the grazing calendar, recommended plant species and all criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives. pursued by agri-environmental measures.

Article 10. National Technical Committee for Integrated Production.

1. A National Technical Committee for Integrated Production, which is responsible for coordinating, verifying and ensuring the homogeneity of the various regional technical standards, is hereby established as a collegiate body attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. integrated production matter.

2. The National Technical Committee shall consist of:

1. President: Director-General of Rural Development.

2. Vice President: Director-General of Agriculture.

3. Vocals:

(a) Two representatives of the General Subdirectorate of Accompanying Measures, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

b) A representative of the General Subdirectorate of Plant Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

c) A representative of the Ministry of the Environment.

d) A representative of the National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology.

e) A representative of the Higher Council of Scientific Research.

f) A representative of the Environmental Authorities Network.

g) A representative for each of the Autonomous Communities who wish to be part of the Committee.

3. The Committee's functions are:

(a) Vellar for the homogeneity of integrated production standards, in particular with regard to the criteria to be considered for the proper fulfilment of the objectives pursued by the agri-environmental measures.

b) Know and report on the adequacy of the regional rules to be established and the procedures for their control.

c) Coordinate all actions in this field that lead to the best implementation of agri-environmental commitments.

d) All actions related to the generic and specific objectives of the agri-environmental measures.

Article 11. Amount of aid.

The commitments of the agri-environmental actions, as well as the aid for them, are unique and fixed and are listed in Annex II to this Royal Decree.

The above amounts shall in no case exceed the maximum amounts set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) 1257/99.

Article 12. Financing of the aid.

1. Commission Decision 2000/3549 of 24 November lays down the financial framework for which these measures are to be applied, fixing the Community financing of the aid provided for in this Royal Decree, which will be 75% for the Objective 1 and 50 percent for the off-target areas.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food will finance 50 percent of the non-financed part of the Community funds, proceeding to its distribution among the Autonomous Communities in accordance with the provisions of Article 153 of the Law. General Budget, recast text approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 1091/1988 of 23 September.

3. The Autonomous Communities may supplement the part not financed by the EAGGF or the General Budget of the State, where appropriate.

Article 13. Processing, resolution and payment of aid.

1. The processing, resolution and payment of the aid shall be the responsibility of the competent bodies of the respective Autonomous Communities.

2. The Autonomous Communities competent for the processing and resolution of the aid referred to in this Royal Decree may establish objective selection criteria and the deadline for the submission of aid applications for the each exercise.

3. Decisions to grant aid to the competent bodies of each Autonomous Community may not exceed, as a whole, the amounts of aid to be financed by the funds provided by the Community. General Government of the State, the amounts approved for Autonomous Community in the Sectoral Conferences of Agriculture and Rural Development.

4. The decisions approving each aid application shall establish, on an individual basis, the percentages and amounts corresponding to the aid granted to the EAGGF and to each participating public administration.

Article 14. Duty of information.

The competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities shall forward to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, through the Directorate-General for Rural Development, the information relating to the final decisions and the payment of each aid file. They shall also provide the information necessary for the fulfilment of the obligations of the Community institutions and the information necessary for the fulfilment of the objectives set out in this Royal Decree.

Article 15. Controls.

1. The checks, which are carried out by the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities, are intended to comply with Articles 46 to 48 of Regulation (EC) No 1750/99.

2. All commitments and obligations of a beneficiary shall be subject to control. Where necessary, checks on specific commitments and obligations shall be carried out at different times of the year. In any case, the percentage of the sample will be based on the number of approved requests and never on the number of controlled commitments.

3. The aid control activities shall include both administrative checks and on-the-spot checks as provided for in Commission Regulation (EEC) 3887/1992 of 23 December 1992 laying down the rules for the control of the for the implementation of the integrated management and control system for certain Community aid schemes.

4. The file corresponding to each of the beneficiaries of the aid shall contain all the information relating to the results of the administrative checks and, where appropriate, the on-the-spot checks to allow the granting of This aid has been adjusted to the requirements laid down in the Community rules governing them.

5. Where a beneficiary of the aid under control is granted another or other aid on the basis of Regulation (EC) 1257/99, the control shall be carried out on the whole of the aid approved under the said Regulation.

6. The procedure for the management and control of aid shall be carried out in accordance with and in coordination with the integrated system for the management and control of aid to agricultural producers and farmers located in the territory of the Autonomous Community.

7. In cases where the on-the-spot check shows that there are significant irregularities in all or part of the territory of an Autonomous Community, the competent authorities shall carry out additional checks during the year in question. course and the percentage of applications that are subject to control the following year in that region or part of it will be increased.

Article 16. Non-compliance.

1. In cases of non-compliance with the provisions of this Royal Decree, it shall be as laid down in Articles 9 and 10 of Regulation (EEC) 3887/92 and Articles 81 and 82 of the General Budget Law, recast text approved by the Royal Decree Legislative Decree 1091/1988 of 23 September.

2. In the event of a false declaration, deliberately or by serious negligence, the provisions of Article 48 (3) of Regulation (EC) No 1750/99 shall apply.

3. If during the period of the commitment, the beneficiary transfers all or part of its holding to another person, the person may continue the commitment during the period remaining to be fulfilled. If the commitment is not resumed, the beneficiary shall be obliged to reimburse the aid received plus interest calculated on the basis of the period between the payment and the reimbursement by the beneficiary.

If this is a beneficiary definitively terminating in the agricultural activity and has fulfilled a significant part of the commitment, estimated at least in three years, the competent authority of the Autonomous Community may not require this reimbursement where there is a clear impossibility for the undertaking to be taken over by the successor, in accordance with Article 29 of Regulation (EC) No 1750/99.

4. Where the beneficiary is unable to continue to assume the commitments entered into, due to force majeure, in accordance with the assumptions laid down in Article 11 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3887/92, the Autonomous Community shall adopt the measures necessary to adapt the commitments to the new situation on the holding. If such adaptation is impossible, the commitment shall be terminated without any reimbursement for the period of effective commitment.

Article 17. Grant and waiver of aid.

1. The competent authority of the Autonomous Community shall notify the beneficiary of the aid granted, as well as the conditions and commitments thereof, which shall be accepted within 30 working days from the date of the notification of the grant resolution. If you do not do so, you will be given a withdrawal from that request.

2. The waiver in subsequent years requires the return of all aid received, increased in the interest of the time spent.

Article 18. Submission of the annual application for aid within the time limit.

1. The submission of the annual application for aid, except in cases of force majeure referred to in Article 7 (4) of this Royal Decree, shall give rise, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 3887/92, to a a reduction of 1 per cent per working day of the amounts of aid covered by the request, to which the beneficiary would be entitled if it had been submitted in due time.

2. In the event of a delay exceeding 25 days, the request is considered as unsubmitted and cannot result in any aid being granted.

3. In the event of no renewal application in one year, and if during that period the commitments were continued to be fulfilled, subject to verification, the holder shall not receive the aid for that year, but the commitment shall be maintained, not thus requesting the return of the amounts received in the preceding years.

Article 19. Monitoring and evaluation.

The monitoring and evaluation of the agri-environmental measures will be carried out through a follow-up committee of the Rural Development Program for the Accompanying Measures, implementing all the measures that compose it.

Article 20. Follow-up Committee.

1. The composition of the Monitoring Committee is as follows:

(a) President: Director-General of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, who may delegate to the Deputy Director-General of Accompanying Measures.

(b) Vocals: two representatives of the Subdirectorate-General for Accompanying Measures of the Directorate-General for Rural Development, a representative of the Ministry of the Environment, a representative of the Ministry of Science and Technology and a representative for each Autonomous Community wishing to be part of the Committee.

(c) Secretary: a representative of the General Secretariat for Accompanying Measures of the Directorate-General for Rural Development.

A representative of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA), a representative of the Network of Environmental Authorities and a representative of the European Commission, will be able to attend with a voice.

2. The functions of the Monitoring Committee are:

(a) Analyze the achievement of the objectives of the programmes, approved by the European Commission and regulated in the Royal Decrees and relevant development standards, both in the General Administration of the State and autonomic.

b) Evaluate the results and measure the impact of the developed actions.

c) Study and approve the report in the exercise.

3. The Committee itself shall draw up an internal operating regulation.

4. As not provided for in the preceding paragraphs, the Monitoring Committee shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter II of Title II of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Rules of Procedure Common Administrative.

5. The overall coordination and monitoring of the programmes is the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Rural Development, which will exercise such a role at the State level.

6. The Autonomous Communities, in the exercise of their respective powers, shall draw up annual reports and follow-up papers on the state of implementation, in accordance with Article 41 of Regulation (EEC) No 1750/99.

Additional disposition first. Competence title.

This Royal Decree is dictated in compliance with the State competence in the field of bases and coordination of economic activity planning provided for in Article 149.1.13. of the Constitution, as well as in the article 149.1.23, which attributes the basic legislation on environmental protection to the State.

Additional provision second. Functioning of the collegiate bodies.

The operation of the National Technical Committee for Integrated Production and the Monitoring Committee will not increase any public expenditure and will be met with existing material and personnel resources.

Single transient arrangement. Year 2000.

1. All the commitments made before 30 June 1999 under the Royal Decrees 51/1995, 632/1995 and 928/1995, which apply Regulation (EEC) No 2078/92, will be fulfilled in accordance with the provisions laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 2078/92, indicates in point 3 of Article 55 of Regulation (EEC) 1257/99, without prejudice to the provisions of this Royal Decree.

2. Applications received before 30 June 2000 and approved under Regulation (EC) No 2603/99, as set out in that Regulation, shall be adjusted to the Rural Development Programme for Accompanying Measures in Spain approved by the Commission. the Commission. The period prior to this adjustment shall not be taken into account for the calculation of the validity of the commitments acquired under Regulation (EC) 1257/99.

3. The dossiers approved in the field of Royal Decree 1471/2000 of 4 August 2000 laying down a system of measures applicable to the support and maintenance of the cultivation of dried sunflower seeds in force must be adapted to from its second year of validity, as set out in this Royal Decree.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The following Royal Decrees are repealed:

(a) Royal Decree 51/1995 of 20 January establishing a system of horizontal measures to promote agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of the protection and conservation of the natural space.

(b) Royal Decree 632/1995 of 21 April 1995 laying down a system of measures to be applied in the areas of influence of national parks and other sensitive areas of special protection to promote employment agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of environmental protection and the conservation of the natural space.

(c) Royal Decree 928/1995 of 9 June establishing a scheme for the promotion of the use in certain wetlands of agricultural production methods compatible with the protection of the environment and the conservation of space natural and wild birds.

(d) Royal Decree 1471/2000 of 4 August 2000 establishing a system of measures applicable to the support and maintenance of the sunflower seed crop.

Final disposition first. Regulatory development.

The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is empowered to lay down, within the scope of his powers, the provisions necessary for the development and application of this Royal Decree, and in particular to amend the provisions of this Regulation. annexes for the exclusive purpose of adapting them to new technical and scientific knowledge and advances, or to incorporate Community legislation in this field.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This Royal Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State".

Given in Madrid on January 12, 2001.


The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food,



Good common agricultural practices

The usual good agricultural practices to be respected are as follows:

1. Soil conservation as a basic natural resource and the fight against erosion:

a) Laboreo:

The work of Spanish soils is one of the most problematic practices from the agro-environmental point of view and requires, more than any other, that rules be established so that it does not cause harm more than a benefit to ecosystems. The mechanization of the field and the emergence of larger and more powerful machines have, in many cases, caused serious problems of erosion and loss of fertility of the soils, frequently allied with the increase of other "inputs": fertilizers, seeds, etcetera.

For this reason, the control of erosion and the loss of texture and structure of the soil will be the main effort that is undertaken with the agri-environmental measures:

1. "All kinds of work are common in depth, tools or moment of realization". This will depend on the depth of the soils, their texture and structure. The farmer is always aware of this circumstance and does not use tillage instruments or type of work to the detriment of expected productions. On the other hand, it is difficult to establish a differentiating standard that is valid, not only for the whole of Spain, but for a region or, even, for a region or the same exploitation.

2. "Prohibition of conventional labor in favor of pending". In a country such as Spain, where soil erosion is the most serious agri-environmental problem to be combated, it is established as a good agricultural practice for all agricultural parcels to be covered by the measures. agroenvironmental.

The Autonomous Communities may fix, taking into account the soil, climatic and socioeconomic factors of the area, the slope limits and the geometric characteristics of the parcels excluded from this standard.

b) Alternatives and rotations:

All types of alternatives are considered common according to sustainable criteria.

2. To optimize the use of energy: agricultural machinery:

The prescribed inspections will be carried out in the corresponding Technical Inspection stations of Agricultural Vehicles, in accordance with the current regulations, in order to guarantee road safety, to prevent occupational risks and to ensure the efficient use of fossil fuels.

3. For the efficient use of water:


(a) Require to comply with all current regulations regarding the granting of water and limitations of use established by the Hydrographic Confederations, through the corresponding certificates issued by the competent authority.

(b) Regardless of the efficiency of the irrigation system in place, the system must be maintained to avoid water losses. To this end, the poor state of the internal irrigation network of the holding shall be controlled, by means of the repair of the water losses, replacing the defective parts of the systems of aspiration, drive and distribution which may lead to direct water losses or poor efficiency of the irrigation system.

4. To conserve biological diversity:

a) Plant Material:

The beneficiaries of agricultural agri-environmental aid must justify that all the conditions required by the current regulations on the production, marketing and use of seeds and plants of nursery.

b) Collection and post-collection habits for maintenance data:

1. The conservation of the nest of protected species of difficult location will be a good practice to be met by all the applicants for agri-environmental aids. In all cases, appropriate measures must be taken to prevent damage to the collection tasks. Any firm sanction of the competent administrative authority related to these facts shall result in the complaint of the agri-environmental commitment.

2. The burning of stubble or crop pasture is prohibited.

In the event that it is advisable to burn for sanitary or phytopathological reasons, the beneficiary must have the appropriate authorization of the competent technical services of the Autonomous Community in which (a) the reasons for the authorisation of the burning, and the security measures to be taken when the operation is carried out, shall be expressly complied with.

3. The areas with possible fire risks, either because they limit places where fires can originate (busy roads, railway lines, inhabited places, etc.) or because there are in the same harvest remains very combustible or high-value landscape spaces, shall be isolated by carved strips of at least three metres of width.

5. For the rationalization of fertilizer use:

a) Fertilizers:

First of all, it must be based on the fact that pollution from misuse and abuse of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, does not represent an agro-environmental problem in most parts of Spanish territory and of the territory covered by the programme. In fact, in most Spanish secans, the levels of the contribution of nitrogen subscribers are, as a general rule, very low.

In any case, since these areas are not vulnerable to nitrates, as laid down in the Directive, with the exception of those with a high concentration of intensive pig holdings, it is neither necessary nor appropriate to establish maximum levels. Nitrogen fertilisation, which would always be well above the usual contributions.

The most serious problems of nitrate contamination are in irrigation areas, where most of the areas declared vulnerable in Spain are concentrated. In these areas, the levels of comparison shall be those specified in their respective action programmes, referred to in the Nitrates Directive.

b) Estiercoles and purines:

1. No apply on encased or snow-covered land.

2. Where farms are located in vulnerable areas in accordance with the Nitrates Directive, the appropriate environmental management for the control of stored manure shall be defined as regards the avoidance of leaching of liquids (watertight sterners) or in the calculation of the storage of the product, depending on the outputs and distribution of the product.

In any case, the application will also be governed by the rules of use for purines and sprouts established by the respective CC.AA.

6. For the rational use of plant protection products:

Plant Protection:

In all aspects of the application of plant protection, there is a very extensive regulation in Spain of mandatory compliance with the products authorised, rules of application, waste management, etc. This regulation lays down penalties in the event of non-compliance and sets out the means to achieve the objectives it proposes:

(a) In the use of plant protection and herbicides, within the limits established by the regulations, the indications of the manufacturers must be respected, as well as the use of authorized products, removing the waste once The corresponding application is made.

(b) Packaging management shall be carried out in accordance with the rules laid down by the competent authority.

7. For the reduction of pollution of agricultural origin:

Residual Materials:

This item includes all practices aimed at eliminating the materials used in the production and pruning remains, whose permanence on the ground, because of its incidence on the proliferation of pests and diseases, it is not considered convenient.

Also, the pruning remains will be properly handled from woody crops such as vine, olive, dried and irrigated fruit trees and trees with livestock harvesting.

Traditional practice includes the consumption of green parts by livestock, the obtaining of wood from the appropriate diameter remains, and the stacking and burning of the rest.

This form of action is a good agricultural practice that should be preserved, as the contributions of CO2 to the atmosphere are minimal and, instead, the benefits as regards the control of pests and diseases of the crops are important.

The remains derived from used plastics and other waste must be removed from the plots and deposited in appropriate locations.

8. Other performances:

a) Finalized crops:

The crops should not be abandoned after their economic life has been exhausted and in any case they must be kept free from pests, diseases, parasites that can be transmitted to other properties, with risks of economic or agri-environmental losses.

b) Animal health:

Holdings that are engaged in a livestock agri-environmental programme must carry a preventive health programme, marked by a competent technician, especially in relation to the control of parasites, external and internal and notifiable diseases.

They shall not be eligible for agri-environmental aid or compensatory compensation for holdings which do not comply with the requirements of compulsory livestock sanitation officers.

Holdings that receive agri-environmental aid and compensatory compensation must comply with all the rules in force for the use of prohibited and anabolic foods.

c) Livestock load:

The stocking density of the forage areas of the holding shall not exceed the limits set out below:

1. Comarcas with annual rainfall less than 400 mm, 0.50 UGM/ha year.

2. Comarcas with annual rainfall greater than 400 mm and less than 600 mm, 1 UGM/ha year.

3. Comarcas with annual rainfall greater than 600 mm and less than 800 mm, 1.50 UGM/ha year.

4. Comarcas with more than 800 mm of annual rainfall, 2.00 UGM.

9. Minimum environmental standards:

In any case, in addition to applying the usual good agricultural practices set out above, beneficiaries will have to respect environmental legislation in this respect, contained in the following regulations:

(a) Law 4/1989, as amended by Laws 40/1997 and 41/1997 of the Conservation of Natural Spaces and of Wild Fauna and Flora.

(b) Royal Decree 1997/1995 laying down measures to help ensure biodiversity through the conservation of natural habitats and flora and fauna (Directive 92 /43/EC).

(c) Royal Decree 261/1996 on protection against pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources (Directive 91 /679/EEC).

d) Law 10/1998 on waste.

e) Law 29/1985, of waters.




Commitments measures

Primas (pts and €) /ha



Headlines holdings whose plots are located in districts with a Barbedo Index of more than 10, according to the Spanish productive regionalization. RD. 1893/99 of 10 December. This index may be raised by the Autonomous Community. Minimum surface 1 ha.

Improving traditional fallow: environmental fallow
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures. under the heading 1.1.
-Maintain and update the logbook.
-No arable crops for 5 years, on the area covered by the undertaking.
-Keep the stubble surface at least five months.
-Do not use plant protection products during the non-cultivation period, except for exceptional cases established by the Autonomous Communities and approved by the Technical Committee.
-Use of grasses and scrapers with respect to the compulsory annual work schedule.
-Limitation of grazing, without exceeding 80% of all pastable resources. The Technical Committee shall determine the appropriate livestock load on the basis of the number of grazing heads and days per hectare.
-Ban on harvesting the cereal overnight to prevent the death of birds.





-Maintenance of stubble on all plots for environmental fallow

-Picar and leave the straw on the land on at least 50% of the surface of such plots

-Limited and controlled grazing according to the recommendations of the Technical Committee


Traditional Fallow Index Increment
-The rate of fallow will be increased with respect to the minimum set for the region concerned, as determined by the regionalization document for Spain.
-Before ordering the declaration of arable crops, this host surface will be removed.



Holders of agricultural holdings that own parcels dedicated to the production of dried arable crops from, to the On 31 July 1992, the Commission adopted a new Regulation on the implementation of the common position of the European Community.
It may be required that applicants submit to the commitments of this measure to all plots of the holding, if in this way greater environmental benefit is ensured.

extensification for the protection of flora and fauna
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures. under the heading 1.2
-Maintain and update a farm notebook.
-Use seeds which do not contain plant protection products which endanger the survival of the steparian avifauna, use only those of a toxicological category AAA or AAB.
-The buried of the stubble, shall be carried out on the date determined by the Technical Committee.
-To maintain lines and islands of spontaneous vegetation in at least 1% of the holding, in the form of linear girdles or bostiles. That area shall remain uncultivated for the duration of the commitments and may be counted as traditional fallow for the purposes of the declaration of arable crops.
-To respect the timetable for agricultural practices (collection and standard of the stubble to be fixed by the Technical Committee on the basis of the nesting periods).
-Increase in the seed dose by 20 kg/ha, to compensate for the losses produced by the birds.



Barbecue Seed with leguminous.
-Planting of leguminous plants for use in the feeding of birds, with buried in green or controlled grazing, according to determinations of the Technical Committee. No other use shall be permitted.
-Do not use fertilizers or plant protection products during the period of duration of the seed fallow and its use.



Holder of holdings that commit to sunflower seeding for at least 5 years. They shall comply with the requirements for the area payment of sunflower cultivation. The areas referred to have received compensatory payment for sunflower in dry during some of the campaigns from 1995 to 1998/99.

Agri-environmental actions in respect of the crop rotation: the sunflower of dry in the rotation.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to determine all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of this measure.
-To carry a field notebook in which all the plots, their use, tasks, treatments, etc. are related.
-Establish a rotation plan for the entire operation to be approved by the Autonomous Community.
-Establish an annual crop plan for the plots.
-Accredit respect for crop rotation, excluding sunflower seed plots in the previous marketing year; with a margin of tolerance of 25% of the host area.
-Crush the sunflower canote and extend it for incorporation into the soil.
-Undertake not to perform chemical scaring in the cultivation of sunflower, with the exception of the cases of direct and minimal sowing and always with low toxicity jerbicides, classified AAA or AAB.
-Keep on the ground without grazing the sunflower stubble.
-Keep in the ground the stubble of the preceding cereal or perform a controlled grazing, followed in the two cases of its buried.
-Keep the existing lines at the beginning of the commitment, for protection, flora and fauna.
-Make the sowing in doses not less than 3,250 Kg. per hectare.


1.4 1.4

Exploitation holders who commit, for 5 years, to remove from production a minimum surface of 1 ha.

Disengagement of production lands for the creation of spaces reserved for the fauna and conservation of biodiversity.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures. under the heading 1.4.
-To carry an operating notebook in which all the performances that are carried out on the plot will be collected.
-The reception area shall be at least 1 ha and have been devoted to the cultivation or exploitation of livestock for the last 5 years, demonstrated by the presentation of the last 5 declarations of area and area aid forages.
-Carry out the necessary maintenance to avoid erosion, fire risk and deterioration of the plant cover: trees of the tree, mechanical debris of the bushy material that exceeds 30% of the surface, etc.


Disposal of lands in herbaceous in secano.



Secano Woody Crop Withdrawal




Commitments measures

Primas (Pts and €) /ha



Holders that belong to associations or groups of farmers, producers and/or traders, which aim to preserve or maintain traditional and/or endangered crops and to grow some of the varieties which are determined to the effect by the management administration as at risk of genetic erosion.

Plant autochthonous varieties at risk of genetic erosion with rationalization in the use of products chemicals.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures. under the heading 2.1
-Fill in a control book or notebook.
Selection and protection of some indigenous species and ecological interest at risk of genetic erosion included in the Program.
-dispose of and dedicate to the crop at risk of genetic erosion a minimum area of 0,3 ha.
-Present a Program or Memory of the project.
-To present feisty data of genetic erosion.
Rationalise the use of chemicals, reducing the application of fertiliser and/or plant protection products by at least 20%.
-Reduction of content in toxic waste, up to 75% of authorised levels (RD 280/1994).
-To provide analysis of residues in harvest.
-To reserve 5% of the reproductive material obtained.
-Develop outreach actions with managing management


Commitments measures

Primas (Pts and €) /ha



Herbacos at risk erosion with reduction 20% phytosanitary



Aifalfa at risk erosion with 20% itsanitary reduction




Herbaceous at risk erosion with 20% reduction fertilizers



Alfalfa at risk erosion with 20% fertilizers



Horticulture at risk erosion with 20% fertilizer reduction



Joint Reduction Herbacos



Alfalfa joint reduction



Joint Reduction Horticulture




perennial crops


Perennials with 20% phytosanitary reduction



Perennes with Reduction 20% Fertilizers



Perenes with joint reduction







3.2, 7





Commitments measures

Primas (Pts and €) /has



Holders that are avengan to the fulfillment of the commitments established in this measure for a period of at least five years.

Reduction in the use of fertilizers and plant protection.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set out all the criteria to be considered for the best objectives of all the measures to be carried out. under the heading 3.1
-To complete and keep up to date an operating notebook, which will include a detailed accounting.
-Maintain the commitment for 5 years on the host area.
-verifiable reduction of at least 20% of the fertilising products and plant protection products used on the holding. The average table of data subject to the review of the Technical Committee is taken as a reference.
-Timely analysis, at least of soil every two years for programming the subscriber and the remainder at the decision of the Technical Committee. A standard form of analysis per parcel will be completed, which will determine the treatment practices follow.
-Belong to a grouping of integrated or similar treatments and/or have technical advice.
-Establish a Plan of Fertilization and Schedule of Treatments.
-Weed control mechanically or with AAA or AAB toxicological index herbicides.
-assistance may be required for technical training activities.
-The recommended practices may be required to cover the whole of the holding.
Reduction in phytosanitary use
-Use only AAA or AAB toxicological classification substances.
-For the reduction you can opt for:
-Decrease by at least 20% the amount to be used, with respect to the initial verifiable.
Replacement of at least 20% of the applications of plant protection products by biological control methods.
-Analysis of waste.
Reduction use fertilizers.
-Decrease at least 20% the dose initially used.
For holdings with non-livestock OTE, establish by: replacement of the nitrogen-based nitrogen subscriber by adding 5 tn. of manure/ha every 3 years by obligatorily making the first contribution at the beginning of the commitment period, or by effective reduction in 20% of the contributions of the synthesis fertilizers.
-Perform soil analysis.

3.1. 1

Secano Herbaceous








Dry fruit




Fruals nugget




Bone and citrus fruits











Horticultural under plastic





Vinedo for vinification




Table Uva




Holding holders who are in compliance with the commitments set out in this measure for a period of at least five years.

Integrated control.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set out all the criteria to be considered for the best objectives of all the measures to be carried out. under the heading 3.2.
-Carry a field notebook that includes a detailed accounting.
-Maintain the commitment for five years on the host area.
-Fulfil the commitments of 3.1.
-Reduce, at least, 25% of the chemical treatments.
-Belong to the Association of Plant Defense or similar and/or have technical advice.
-Implementation of biological control in at least 50% of the surface area and complete plots.
-To apply preferably natural or biotechnological methods of struggle in the rest of the plots.
-In the event of the need for the chemical fight, only the use of active substances that have been selected by the Technical Committee on the basis of criteria of toxicity, effects on the auxiliary fauna and less environmental impact among others will be permitted periodically reviewed.
-Do not perform chemical treatments 15 days before collection.
-No post-harvest treatments for immediate marketing.
-To carry out the monitoring and control of pests, using targeted and localized treatments to preserve the useful fauna.
-Reduction of 25% (at least) of chemical treatment products.
-Analysis, preferably of waste and all those considered by the Technical Committee. A standardised analysis sheet shall be completed per parcel, which shall determine the treatment practices to be followed.
-Obligation to attend technical training activities.
-where the managing authority so determines, no genetically modified organisms or organisms shall be used in seeds, treatments, etc.

Secano Herbacos





irrigated Herbaceous




Secano Fruits













Outdoor Horticulture




Horticultural under plastic




Vinedo for vinification












Headlines holdings that are in compliance with the commitments set out in this measure for a period of at least five years.

Integrated production.
-The National Technical Committee for Integrated Production will verify and ensure the homogeneity of the various regional technical standards and coordinate the changes in this field.
-The National Technical Committee for Integrated Production will verify and ensure the homogeneity of the various regional technical standards and coordinate the changes in this field.
-To complete and keep up to date the logbook, where an accounting will be carried out, and all the cultivation operations carried out on each of the plots will be entered.
-comply with the requirements of measure 3.2.
-Reduction of chemical treatments by at least 30%.
-Comply with the general and specific rules on Integrated Production for the different crops, promulgated and approved by the different Autonomous Communities.
-Be registered in the Register of Integrated Production Producers of the Autonomous Community.
-To present an initial description of the agricultural holding.
-Have technical advice and/or belong to a Plant Defense Association.
-Participate in activities and training.
-Compulsory of carrying out analysis: residues and soils; or what specify the technical standards of legislative development essential for their application
-Commitment to apply Integrated Production on the entire surface of the holding dedicated to the same productive orientation (culture and/or species) subject to the aid.
-Use plant material from officially approved producers and the corresponding Plant Passport.
-Minimum crop area:
Olive groves, vines and nuts: 1 ha
Fruit and nugget fruit, citrus fruit and irrigated arable crops: 0,5 ha
Arable crops of dried: 2 ha.
Vegetables: 0.3 ha.
Except for the Autonomous Community of Galicia where, under its specific conditions, the minimum area shall be 0,3 ha..for all crops)
-In the fight against pests, priority will be given to biological, physical or cultural methods against chemicals.
-in the case of chemical intervention, use only the active substances authorized for each crop, selected by the Technical Committee on the basis of criteria of toxicity, effects on the auxiliary fauna and less environmental impact, among others, and which are periodically reviewed.
-Obligation to make rotations in annual crops, which in the case of horticultural crops will be, at least, 4 cycles in the open air and 3 in protected cultivation.
Maintain the vegetable cover in perennial crops. In vineyard it will be maintained, at least, in the fall and winter months.


Secano Herbacos




irrigated Herbacees




Dry fruit








Fruals bone















Dam Uva









Holders of holdings that are in compliance with the commitments set out in this measure for a period of at least five years.

Ecological Agriculture.
-Maintain and update the logbook
-Compliance with the production standards set out in Regulation 2092/91 regulating organic production:
-Do not use chemical synthesis fertilizers.
-Do not grow the same species in other areas of the holding where organic farming methods are not used.
-Do not use chemicals for pest control and disease control. Where necessary, use only products authorised in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
-To be registered in the CRAE (Regulatory Board of Ecological Agriculture).
-Carry out a cultivation plan.
-Carry proper accounting.
-To notify its activity and to submit to the control of the inspection authority or body.
-Subscribe to a contract and/or request in which you commit to comply with the Regulation.
-To have a certificate issued by the supervisory authority or body, stating that it has complied with the commitments in the previous period.
-Maintenance of minimum crop areas
-Participate in training activities.
-Establish an organic subscriber management plan, in which a minimum input of 5 t/ha and a maximum of 170 kg of N/ha shall be considered appropriate.
-Enforcement of analysis.


Secano Herbacos





irrigated Herbaceous







nugget fruits




Bone and citrus fruits











Plastic under plastic







Uva table






Commitments measures

Primas (Pts and €) /h



Headlines holdings with a slope of more than 8% or on terraces and benches. For olive groves the planting shall be required before 1 May 1998, the slope shall be 10% and the minimum reception area shall be 0,2 ha. In addition, the planting density must be between 30 and 120 trees/ha.

In woody crops on slope or terraces.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to determine all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of this measure.
-To carry an operating notebook in which all the tasks and operations carried out during the year, in each of the plots of woody crops, will be reflected.
-Elaboration of an agro-environmental plan of the holding that collects and describes the totality of the elements to be preserved, its singularity, environmental meaning, dimension and budget for its maintenance as well as a calendar to fulfill the commitments
-to present an Action Plan, which must be approved by the competent authority of the Autonomous Community, which will cover all woody crops on the holding, in relation to the environmental commitments acquired.
-Maintenance of the natural vegetation on the lines of the plots.
-Maintenance and maintenance of traditional crop-related elements and installations: mutes, terraces, benches, vegetable hedges, etc., which will be reflected in the agri-environmental action plan.
-commitments not directly related to the slopes/terraces, must be fulfilled in the farm as a whole, although for the calculation of the aid, only the area of the parcels with slopes above the slopes will be taken into account fixed.
-In no case will it be possible to use the tools of the floor and stands of disk that turn the ground.
In the case of parcels with an average slope of more than 10%, the establishment of vegetable covers in the centre of the streets, covering a minimum of 50% of the surface, from spontaneous flora or from the use of sowing, shall be compulsory. cultivated species.
-The plant cover shall be established as close to the level and perpendicular to the maximum slope, and in the case of terraces, that of the direction of the greater side of the deck.
-The vegetable cover may be segmented at the beginning of spring, in order to avoid the competition of weeds by means of mechanical and chemical procedures recorded for such uses, or with controlled grazing of sheep, and must remain on the ground the remains of these covers up to the autumn, when, if appropriate, the necessary tasks may be carried out for the implantation of a new plant cover.
-Prohibition of the use of chemicals for pruning and elimination of outbreaks.




Headlines of arable crops that apply techniques (a) direct or minimum planting and carrying out appropriate cultural practices in the whole of the holding; minimize the effects of erosion.

Herbaceous crops:
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to determine all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of this measure.
-To carry an operating notebook in which all the tasks and operations carried out during the year, in each of the plots of arable crops, will be reflected.
-submit an Action Plan, which must be approved by the competent authority of the Autonomous Community and which will cover all arable crops on the holding, in relation to the environmental commitments acquired.
-The parcels covered shall have a slope of more than 8%.
-In no case may it be used in the assembly of the opening of the floor and stands of disk that turn the floor.
-Maintenance of the natural vegetation on the lines of the plots.
-Maintenance and maintenance of traditional crop-related elements and installations: mutes, terraces, benches, vegetable hedges, etc., which will be reflected in the agri-environmental action plan.
-Commitments not directly related to direct sowing, must be fulfilled in the farm as a whole,
-In the parcels covered by the aid, on which the direct sowing or the minimum working order shall be carried out, the following shall be fulfilled:
-Prohibition of performance during the fallow period.
-Maintenance of the straw on the stubble.
-Avoid overgrazing and the introduction of livestock in rainy seasons, in order not to produce a land appeal.
-Use of herbicides recommended for these uses, only of type AAA or AAB.



Abandoned agricultural land holders, understanding for those that have not received any agricultural use or intervention in the last 3 years. By way of derogation, it is established that aid shall be granted only to farmers: the work carried out by a public authority by its own means shall not be eligible for aid.

Maintaining abandoned land:
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures. under the heading 4.3.
-Carry an operating notebook in which the operations carried out
will be reflected -Keep agricultural areas abandoned.
-Maintenance of existing perennial trees and/or plantations, by means of pruning and cleaning of dry and diseased branches.
-These areas may not be used for productive purposes.
-that the parcels have a minimum slope of 10%.
-Conservation of the plant cover, by cleaning, rubs and debris for the control of weeds, by mechanical means and with herbicides of toxicological classification AAA or AAB when the slope exceeds 10%.
-On land with slopes greater than 10%, the use of either the ground or grass-turning tools will not be permitted.


On unwooded plots




On plots with trees greater than 30 feet/ha





Commitments measures

Primas (Pts and €) /ha



Holders that are avengan to the fulfillment of the commitments established in this measure for a period of at least five years.

Arrozal actuations:
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to determine all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of this measure.
-To carry an operating notebook in which all operations on the crop are reflected.
-To commit for 5 years to the fulfillment of the commitments.
-Control of environmental commitments through the necessary analytical to the effect on soils, crops on foot or productions, in all cases in which the management administration so requires.
-Keep the growing area flooded for at least 6 months, during autumn-winter, in traditional areas and/or adjacent to lagoons.
-Maintenance of rice cultivation for at least 5 years, without diminishing its surface.
-Do not increase the surface of the crop above the current limit on the holding.
-Improve water quality through rationalization in the use of chemicals:
-Decrease of nitrogenous fertilisation of synthesis by at least 20%. In any case the maximum contributions of nitrogen fertilisation may not exceed 110 U.F.
-Rationalization of treatments against C. Supressalis by means of biological treatments. In the event of the use of chemical treatments (Technical Committee), active substances of the toxicological classification AAA or AAB shall be used.
-The burning of stubble shall be prohibited except for the exception of health reasons and to avoid serious phytopathological problems.
-Maintenance and preservation of water retention elements, such as small dams and floodgates.
-The control of weeds in rice will be carried out by the technique of angering, through premature floods (early November to last of May) to incorporate debris of vegetation to the soil, to remove algae and weeds.
-Weed control in channels and drains of the host surface will be performed mechanically.



Actuations on sugarcane plantations.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to determine all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of this measure.


16% incent.
Included in premium

-Meet and keep an updated Notebook operating.

-Keeping river and channel river sotos uncoated to improve the biodiversity of the exploitation.

-Perform agricultural practices, primarily during collection, in such a way that the harvesting machines or the short manual, respect the existence of nests in which case you must leave without cutting these islets. Precautions should also be taken to prevent accidents in the characteristic fauna of this habitat.

-Banned the use of fungicides and pesticides.

-Reduction of nitrogen fertilization by at least 50%, with a maximum of 75 UF/ha. and year, .fractionating the application of nitrogenous fertilizers

-Limiting P-K fertilization and the use of herbicides at the time of planting, the subsequent contributions of these elements being prohibited.

-Realization of soil analysis to allow the evolution of fertilizer levels to be observed.


Cereal seed.
-Maintain and update the operating notebook



-Realization of surface sowings, not exceeding 3 cm depth.

-Perform the seeding coinciding with the grills step (end of October-15 December and 20 January at the end of February), prioritizing spring planting.

-Prohibited the use of seeds treated with toxic products for terrestrial fauna.



Measures commitments

Prima (Pts and €) /ha




Special Operating Systems

-Before the measure is put in place The Autonomous Community in which it is applied shall be a Technical Committee responsible for setting all criteria for consider for the best achievement of the objectives of all measures under the heading 6.1


Applies to Lanzarote and Tenerife.

Enarening Refresh


-Maintain and update the operating notebook.


-Perform at least once a year a review of the perimeter walls by replenishing the stones that have been detached. In no case will it be possible to use argamasa for the restoration of the walls and the same must always be done in dry stone.

-To port, throughout the commitment period, to the set of plots, a layer of lapilli not less than 10 cm thick. The lapilli will proceed exclusively from duly authorized quarries.


-Vehicles that transport the lapilli will not enter the plots by manually distributing the same or using animal traction.

-Once a year, a beetle will be performed exclusively by hand.


Tuna for cochineal protection.


-Maintain and update the notebook exploitation.



-Once a year will be performed exclusively by hand.

-Application of any plant protection product, herbicide; fungicide or insecticide is prohibited.

-Any type of inorganic fertilization is prohibited. Only the sterage is allowed.

-The manual pruning of the tunas will be performed once a year, extending the pruning product through the corridors and between the plants.

-How to store landscape elements


Tagasaste Crop


-Maintain and update the exploit notebook,


-Annually perform a beetle, exclusively by hand.

-Do not apply any application with plant protection products, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides.

-Do not perform any inorganic fertilization. Only the sterage is allowed.

-Perform the pruning of the plants manually. Each plant will be given several pruning passes per year to avoid the stress of a single pruning. Pruning will always be done with a manual tool and the pruned branches will be transported to the outside of the plot and the vehicles must not be accessible.

-How to store landscape elements.



Commitments measures

Prima (Pts and €) /ha



Holdings located in aquifers overexploited and/or in watersheds or parts thereof, where the managing body has made a declaration as an overexploited zone.

Irrigation water saving in areas Underground wetland and aquifers
-To complete and keep up to date an operating Notebook, in which all the performances and operations that are carried out on the crops will be reflected.
-Elaboration of an operating plan covering all years of the duration of the commitment and which must be approved by the Autonomous Community.
-Obligation to install measuring devices, periodically performing readings and annotations in the book of exploitation.

-Adoption for 5 years, of an alternative of less demanding crops in water needs, across the entire farm

-Reduce water consumption, at least 50% from the initial.

-The irrigated surface must be enrolled

-Belong to a grouping or community of regants.

-The part of the holding that perceives the agri-environment premium, you will not receive the compensatory premium for irrigated cereal.

1) 50% reduction in the endowment



2) Reduction of 70% of the envelope



3) 100% endowment reduction




. exploitation.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures. under the heading 8.1.
-Maintain and update the logbook with the performances, date of execution, etc. ..
-Elaboration of an Agro-Environmental Plan of the exploitation, which collects and describes the totality of the elements to conserve, singularity of the same, its environmental meaning, its size and budget for its maintenance and calendar for fulfill the commitments.


Commitments measures

Prima (Pts and €) /ha



Holders of agricultural holdings

of the landscape: maintenance of elements of singular landscape value of the

The same will be committed to maintaining, for 5 years, the agricultural activity in the plot where it is located located the element or elements object of this help.

-Preserve the vegetable cover, the hedges and bostiles, using the:

-Control of vegetation growth through controlled grazing.

-Removing the underfoot of the trees and the bushy layer.

-Buried, in flooded areas or soils, from pruning debris, agricultural waste, and food scraps from livestock.

-Maintain for 5 years the agricultural activity on the plot where the object element is located help.

-You can combine multiple elements by fulfilling their respective commitments.

-In any case the premium will be limited to the maximums set in eI Annex of Regulation 1257/99.



Protection and Maintenance of Non-Productive Tree on the Exploitation


-Compliance of the general commitments of the performance, referred to in section 8.1.


-To be eligible for the measure required that the average number of trees per hectare in the farm, or the part of the holding, be greater than 5 ft/ha.

-Keep items for 5 years exploitation landscape:

-Tree Poda and Removal of Dead and Sick Branches and Diseased Feet dead.

-Collection of pruning debris and dropped branches.



Maintenance and conservation of traditional fences and murettes, ancient agricultural roads and livestock steps


- Compliance with the overall performance commitments referred to in 8.1.

-To be eligible for the measure it is necessary for the holding, or part of the holding, to have at least an average length of 100 m/ha; stone fences and muretes of agricultural roads and steps of livestock, of at least 20 m/ha.

-Maintenance and reconstruction of traditional stone fences and walls that will be reviewed and repaired annually.

-Maintenance of old agricultural roads and livestock steps, by cleaning the vegetation of the same and maintaining the gutter.


How to store and maintain pallozas or teitus constructs and assimilated constructs


-Repair and conservation of the factory works of pallozas, teitos of agroganadero, tourist use.

-Repair and periodic replacement of the plant cover.

-In the event that in the Autonomous Community where the measure is applied there is an Ethnographic Resource Record, the construction that is to be completed will be entered help object.

-To be eligible for this measure, the average number of pallozas is one for every 5 hectares in the farm or part of the farm, hosted by this measure.


Being a livestock farm holder Bovine, ovine, caprine or porcine extensive in areas with a presence of bears and wolves. The animals must be correctly identified.

Compatibility of traditional grazing systems in the wolf and bear environment.
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to determine all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of this measure.
-Maintain and update the logbook.
-Perform grazing management to avoid overgrazing.
-Ordering the use of ligating the hut to the actual availability of land.


-Maintain an average stocking load of 1 UGM month/ha, during the time of use of pasture.

-The permanence of cattle on pastures will be at least 100 days.

-The herds must be watched by a pastor who collects livestock daily in a fold.

-The protection of livestock with the presence of trained dogs and the installation of pastoralists will be complemented electrical in the rest and rest areas within the grasslands.

-Resign the compensation for attacks.

-Drop off sheep that have died from natural causes as long as the Animal Health recommendations are met.

-Bring a livestock management book, where the places of pasture, the high and low, the place where there has been a possible bear attack, and the place where they are dead sheep have been left in case of casualties.

-Prohibited building destruction traditional (fences, majadas, shelters, etc.) and scrub burning.


Owners or tenants, included and boundary agricultural parcel holders defined for fire prevention and extinction.

Maintenance of alternative crops in priority protection perimeters (PPP).
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to determine all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of this measure.
-Maintain and update the logbook.
-Sowing in the affected agricultural land of alfalfa and sparceta, which maintain the green plant mass throughout the summer.


-Ensure a normal density of vegetation

-How to store linderlines and benches in your original status.


-Not collecting or pastoring between May 30 and September 15.

-Credit respect to crop rotation,


-Prohibition of nitrogenous fertilizers.

-Set an annual crop plan for the help object plots and write it to a farm log notebook

-Present a comprehensive fire-fighting plan for the entire exploitation.


and conservation of the physical environment
Minimum livestock load (UGM/ha):
Communal Mount: 0.1
Natural prairie: 0.5
Grass and stubble: 0.1
Dehesa: 0.1
Prado and pasture: 0.2
Maximum livestock load (UGM/ha):
Prado and pasture:
Communal: 1 (1.4 * Cornisa Cantabrica)
Not communal: 1: 4 (2 * Cornisa Cantabrica)
Precipitation < 600 mm: 0.45
Precipitation > 600 mm: 0.75
Grass and stubble: 0.4


Commitments measures

Primas (Pts and €) /ha





Actuations on pasture and stubble zones


-Before the (a) the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it applies, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures under the epigraph 9.1.1


-Take exploitative notebook.


-Present an Agro-Environmental Management Plan of the exploitation that must be approved by the Autonomous Community and which reflects all the commitments of the measure.


-Minimum Surface 15 ha.


-Respect to established minimum and maximum livestock loads.

-Do not exceed the farm load of the holding set in the management plan of the holding, for the duration of the commitment.

-Rational use of stubble and rest of pastable surfaces, respecting the grazing calendar.

-Do not lift stubble up to 5 months later for the collection of the areas of cereals belonging to the agricultural holding which appear in the annual crop declaration herbaceous.

-Leave at least 50% of the straw of cereal crops on the ground.

-Collect the strings of the tied straw, hay, or silage pacas used for livestock feed, storing them on the holding in sacks until they are removed.

-The corresponding premium a 20% incentive shall be added to it when grazing is carried out at least with 75% of the indigenous breeds registered in the corresponding Official Races Record Books.

20% incent

Herbaceous crop transformation: On permanent prairies for tooth consumption


-This measure will be performed on those farms that are being hosted at 9.1.1. Performances in grasses and scrapers, requiring on these surfaces the fulfillment of the general commitments that correspond, but the perception of the general premium will not be cumulative.

-Commit to maintaining the prairie surface for the duration of the commitment.

-Replacing at least 1 ha. of herbaceous crops by permanent grassland of dried or forage crops or grain.

Herbaceous crop transformation: In feed crops for tooth consumption by livestock


-Replacing at least 1 ha. of herbaceous crops by forage or grain crops, for consumption by livestock.

-When the transformation is performed, compliance with the general commitments that are applicable will be required, but the general premium perception will not be cumulative.

-This measure will be performed on those Farms that are engaged in 911. Performances in grasses and scrapers, requiring on these surfaces the fulfillment of the general commitments that correspond.

-Commit to maintaining the prairie surface for the duration of the 5 years commitment.

Herbaceous crop transformation: On natural grasslands


-Replacing at least 1 ha. of herbaceous crops by permanent grassland of dried or forage crops or grain.

-When the transformation is performed, compliance with the general commitments that are applicable will be required, but the general premium perception will not be cumulative.

-This measure will be performed on those holdings which are covered by 9.1.1. Performances in grasses and scrapers, requiring on these surfaces the fulfillment of the general commitments that correspond.

-Commit to maintaining the prairie surface for the duration of the 5 years commitment.


Current systems actuations


-Before the (a) the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it applies, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures under the epigraph 9.1.2


-Submit an Agro-Environmental Management Plan for the operation to be approved by the Autonomous Community and reflect all commitments of the measure.

-Minimum performance surface of 20 ha.

-Respect the optimal cattle load of the farm set to less than 600 mm-maximum 0.45 UGM/ha. and above 600 mm-maximum 0.75 UGM/ha.

-At least 75% of the Util Agricultural Surface of the farm must be grasses (including communal harvesting) or crop-oriented crops livestock.

-Do not use tillage tools that reverse soil horizons.

-Ban on outstanding roturations greater than 10%.

-Perform vegetation cleanings: removal For bushy material by manual, mechanical or if applicable, chemicals with AAA or AAB category herbicides.

-Maintain or reduce the Crop Surface/Surface Area ratio

-Collect the strings of the tether, hay, or silage pacas that are used for livestock feed, storing them on the holding until they are removed.

-Keep and maintain handling items of livestock, in particular those deemed necessary for the achievement of the intended objectives of the measure (fences, murettes, waterings, etc.).

-Maintenance and conservation of the cover by appropriate livestock handling.

-Do not lift stubble up to 4 months later for the collection of the areas of cereals belonging to the agricultural holding listed in its annual declaration of arable crops.

-Leave at least 50% of the wheat crop straw on the ground.

20% incent

Regeneration of the tree of the quercus genera (especially alcornoque, oak and moaning) and olea (exclusively acebuche)


-Tree regeneration will be done by protecting root reshoots and spontaneous hotbeds.

-Minimum of 20 ft/ha

Transforming herbaceous crops included in the Rg. 1251/99 on permanent dry prairies


-Replacing cereal crops with prairie implantation permanent secano.

-When transformation is performed, fulfillment of the commitments will be required general application, but the general premium perception will not be cumulative.

-Transformation of at least one surface of 1 ha

Transforming herbaceous crops included in Rg. 1251/99 in feed crops for tooth consumption


-Replace grain crops with leguminous crops (vezas, lupins) and/or cereals for tooth consumption on the ground by livestock, either in green or in grain.

- When the transformation is performed, compliance with the general commitments that are applicable will be required, but the general premium perception

-Transformation of at least one surface of 1 ha.

Transforming herbaceous crops from Rg. 1951/99 into spontaneous prairies secano.


-Replace arable crops with spontaneous prairies in the zones where the disappearance of the laboring allows the regeneration of the natural grass.

-When the transformation, compliance with the general commitments that are applicable will be required, but the general premium perception will not be cumulative

-Transformation of at least one surface of 1 ha


Prover and grassland zone actuations


-Before the (a) the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it applies, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures under the epigraph 9.1.3


-Present an Agro-Environmental Plan of the exploitation that must be approved by the Autonomous Community and reflect all the commitments of the measure.

-Minimum performance area of 7 hectares on farms with use of communal and 3-hectare mounts in the remaining ones.

-Maintain extensive use of affected surfaces, respecting the timing of the use.


-Commit to maintaining at least 75%, including communal, S.A.U. exploitation of pasture or crop-oriented crops the cattle volume feed.

-How to store and maintain livestock items necessary for proper pasture management (avoid over and under-grazing).

-Respect for the set maximum and minimum annual livestock loads that must be 0.2 UGM/ha. the minimum and maximum of 1 UGM/ha. on holdings with communal and 1.4 holdings in which they do not have them (2 UGM/ha. in the Cantabrian Cornisa case).

-The corresponding premium will be added 20% incentive when grazing is performed with at least 75% autochthonous races enrolled in the corresponding Record books of the Official Races.


-Balanced grazing actions can be completed, when the occasion requires, with

-It will be allowed to be cleared when the area of scrub or the area occupied by species rejected by livestock exceeds 15% of the total area considered.

-Debris can be performed mechanically or manually; when the slope is greater than 10 %., an exceptionally high Localized chemical treatment with low toxicity products authorized by the Technical Committee

- Minimum surface area of 0.2 ha.

-In the Priority Protection Perimeters, authorization will be required for the clearance, by the competent authority.

When the scrub surface does not exceed 50% to be cleared.


When the scrub surface exceeds 50% a unclasp.


7,300 pts/ha additional with foraging (43.87 €)

prados flooded.

Maintenance of flooded grasslands.


-Fulfill exploitative notebooks

-Maintaining the flooded meadows at least one three-month additional period, beginning in mid-March in mid-June.

-Controlled grazing and respect livestock loads


-Conditioning the meadow times to the biological limitations of the species annual vegetables to be preserved.

-Maintenance and seeding of the plant cover with native species collected in the Program.


Holder of holdings with indigenous breeds at risk of extinction and listed in the FAO list.

Maintenance of pure indigenous breeds in danger of extinction
-Carry out grazing performances with animals of endangered native species.
-Keep the cattle census of the races welcomed
-Respect established livestock charges.
-Belong to a livestock association whose purposes are the improvement and conservation of the indigenous breeds. Registration in the Official Registry of the corresponding Race.


-Keep the male and female players of these races in purity.


-Participate in a genetic improvement program, with the obligation to provide information for race tracking, as well as for assessments.


The beneficiary of This measure shall comply with the requirements laid down for the reception of organic plant production described in Regulation 2.092/91 of Ecological Production.

Livestock ecological
-Before the implementation of the measure by each Autonomous Community in which it is applied, a Technical Committee shall be set up to set all the criteria to be considered for the best achievement of the objectives of all the measures. under the heading 9.3
-Maintain and update the logbook.
-To present an agro-environmental plan of the exploitation that must be approved by the Autonomous Community and respect all the commitments of these measures.
-comply with the provisions of Community Regulation 1804/1999 of 24 August on organic livestock production.
-Compliance with the production standards set out in Regulation 2092/91 on organic production in agriculture.

-Be enrolled in the corresponding CRAE.


-Take the Proper accounting.

-Notify your activity and submit to the control authority or control body.

-Subscribe to a contract that they commit to comply with the Regulation.

-Dispose of a certificate issued by the control body certifying, if appropriate, that it has successfully complied with the commitments.

-Participate in training activities.

-Marketing of organic production.

-Required to perform analysis.


Pastos and stubble




Systems adeesados











-Presentation of a memory or plan exploitation.


-Fulfilling the commitments set against beekeeping within Regulation 1804/99

-Holders of agricultural holdings and ecological livestock that perform beekeeping;

-Keep more than 50 hives.

-Locate the hives on cultivated surfaces. or ecological grassland and not on uncultivated or non-organic farming areas.

-Use compound foods that contain pollen

-You can only pay the premium, per cultivated area, or the grassland, ecological, on the /which the bees will pollinate.

Limited to farms that want to decrease their cattle load below those required in the B.P.A.

Reduction of cattle, sheep and goats per unit of forage area
-Maintain and update the logbook
-Holding of cattle ranching of the holding.
-Identification of animals to be taken for action.
-Decrease of the livestock load linked to the land per unit of surface in pasture by at least 0.3 UGM/ha, with respect to the existing loads at the beginning of the commitment, respecting the maximum loads of the B.P.A. This objective must be met before the end of the first year of commitment, and until the end of the commitment.
-The load may be reduced by sowing or using pasture to decrease those without reduction of herd members by expanding the forage area.

-Can also be reduced by temporary removal of cattle presence.

-Fulfill with grazing calendar set.


-Rights Transfer Capability O.C.M.

-For its special agro-ecological features: 20% beef incentive to Galicia.



Bovine cabin reduction





Reduction ovine and caprine cabin




Headlines that you hosted at 9.1. have cattle-load, move guide, and provide license for pasture.

Rational management of grazing systems for protection of flora and fauna
-Maintain and update the logbook.
-to be in any of the modalities of measure 9.1. of improvement and conservation of the physical environment. Perform the practice of traditional management of pasture with seasonal displacement of livestock with the same number of animals for at least 5 consecutive years.


-Having a cattle card and a move guide figure.

-Aporting pasture license.

-Performing livestock movement according to traditional utilization practices optimal form of natural resources.

-Remain outside of the source exploit at least 4 months, counting from June.

-Transfer of a minimum distance between the point of origin and destination, of at least 75 km. When the distance is lower, change of pasture in a latitudinal gradient mean of at least 500 m. difference in height.

-Reduce livestock load by at least 25% on the source farm, during the period that takes advantage of pasture off the farm.


-Do not maintain livestock on the released surfaces of the source farm between those dates.

-Organic fertilisation of 30t ./250has, on the target exploit.

-Maintaining a cattle load in the zone target that does not exceed 1.4 U.G.M. /ha. respect established loads.

-The corresponding premium is given add 20% incentive when grazing is carried out at least with 75% of indigenous breeds registered in the relevant Official Races Register Books.



Major incompatibilities between agri-environmental measures

1. Incompatibility of the measures set out in 1. Extensification of agricultural production with those set out in 9.1. Improvement and preservation of the physical environment.

2. Incompatibility of measure 4.3. Maintenance of abandoned land with 1. Extensification of agricultural production.

3. Incompatibility of measure 5.1. Performances in paddy areas with the 1. Extensification of agricultural production.

4. Incompatibility of measure 5.2. Performances on sugar cane plantations with 1. Extensification of agricultural production.

5. Incompatibility of measure 1.1. Extensification systems through the practice of traditional fallow with 1.2. Extensification systems for the protection of flora and fauna and with 1.3. Performances in support of the sunflower of secano.

6. Incompatibility of measure 1.1. Extensification systems through the practice of traditional fallow with 1.4. Removal of land from production.

7. Incompatibility of measure 4.1. Fight against erosion in woody crops on slopes or terraces with 1.1. Extensification systems through the practice of traditional fallow.

8. Incompatibility of measure 1.1. Extensification systems through the practice of traditional fallow with Processing of arable crops covered by Regulation 1251/99 in permanent dry grassland.

9. Incompatibility of measure 1.1. Extensification systems through the practice of traditional fallow with 9.3. Organic farming.

10. Incompatibility of measures 1.2. Extensification systems for the protection of flora and fauna and 1.3. Performances in support of the sunflower of secano with 1.4. Removal of land from production.

11. Incompatibility of measures 1.2. Extensification systems for the protection of flora and fauna and 1.3. Performances in support of the sunflower of secano with Processing of arable crops covered by Regulation 1251/99 in permanent dry grassland.

12. Incompatibility of measure 1.2. Extensification systems for the protection of flora and fauna with 9.3. Organic farming.

13. Incompatibility of measure 5.3. Cereal startle with 1.3. Performances in support of the sunflower of secano.

14. Incompatibility of measure 1.3. Performances in support of the sunflower of secano with the 3. Organic farming.

15. Incompatibility of measure 1.4. Set aside from production with the 2. Plant native species at risk of genetic erosion.

16. Incompatibility of measure 4.1. Fight against erosion in woody crops on slopes or terraces with 1.4. Removal of land from production.

17. Incompatibility of measure 5.3. Cereal startle with 1.4. Set aside from production and Transformation of arable crops from Regulation 1251/99 into permanent dry prairies.

18. Incompatibility of measure 1.4. Set-aside of production land with 9.4. Reduction of cattle, sheep and goats per unit of forage area.

19. Incompatibility of measure 5.2. Performances on sugar cane plantations with the 3. Rationalization in the use of chemicals.

20. Incompatibility of measure 3.2. Integrated control with 3.3. Integrated production with 3.4. Organic farming and 3.1. Reduction in the use of fertilizers and plant protection.

21. Incompatibility of measure 3.1. Reduction of fertiliser and plant protection use with 9.3. Organic farming.

22. Incompatibility of measure 3.2. Integrated control with the 9.3. Organic farming.

23. Incompatibility of measure 3.3. Integrated Production with the 9.3. Eclogical ranching.

24. Incompatibility of measure 4.1. Fight against erosion in sloping slopes or terraces with 5. Protection of flora and fauna in wetlands.

25. Incompatibility of measure 6. Special operating systems with high environmental interest at 4.1. Fight against erosion.

26. Incompatibility of measure 4.1. Fight against erosion in sloping slopes or terraces with 9. Integrated management of holdings.

27. Incompatibility of the measure of 4.3. Maintenance of abandoned land with 2. Plant native species at risk of genetic erosion, 3.2. Integrated control, 3.3. Integrated production, 3.4. Organic farming, 4.1. Fight against erosion in sloping slopes or terraces, 5.1. Performances in rice paddies, 5.2. Maintenance of sugar cane plantations, 5.3. Cereal startle, 7.1. Water savings for irrigation in areas of wetland and underground aquifers and with 9.3. Organic farming.

28. Incompatibility of measure 9. Integrated management of holdings with 5. Protection of fauna and flora in wetlands.

29. Incompatibility of measure 5.2. Maintenance of sugar cane plantations with 5.1. Performances in rice paddies.

30. Incompatibility of measure 5.1. Performances in rice paddies with the 6. Special systems for holdings with high environmental interest and 3.3.2. Integrated production: Herbaceous irrigation.

31. Incompatibility of measure 5.3. Cereal startle with 5.2. Maintenance of sugar cane plantations.

32. Incompatibility of measure 5.2. Maintenance of sugar cane plantations with 7.1. Saving irrigation water in wetland areas and underground aquifers.