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Order Pre/1874/2005, Of 17 June, Which Regulates The Composition And Functioning Of The National Poplar Commission.

Original Language Title: Orden PRE/1874/2005, de 17 de junio, por la que se regula la composición y funcionamiento de la Comisión Nacional del Chopo.

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The International Commission of the Alamo was established in Paris in 1947, being integrated into the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The International Commission of the Alamo promotes the organization of national commissions within the producing countries and growers of poplars and willows that wish to belong to it.

Spain is among the member countries of the International Commission of the Alamo, creating, by Order of 25 January 1952, the National Committee of the Chopo, modified by Order of 25 May 1956, which was modified to its By Order of 25 November 1983, the composition and duties of the National Chopp Commission are updated.

The Order of 25 November 1983 obeyed the need to coordinate and promote the activities of the various organs and agencies of the General Administration of the State concerned, in order to obtain greater efficiency in the management of the and better achievement of the objectives pursued with the Ministerial Order of 9 July 1982 on the promotion of chopo plantations in the private sector.

However, the Ministerial Order of 25 November 1983 has become inoperative, due to the time spent and the structural modifications produced in the configuration of the General Administration of the State. there has been an evolution of the institutional sensitivity in the sense not only of enhancing the traditional productive values of these crops, but also of looking at the environmental and social benefits they provide, ordering and managing the same.

Hence the need to regulate the composition of the National Chopp Commission, to adapt it to the current administrative reality, in relation to the one that has been clearly out of date. Not only is its constitution prior to the State of the Autonomies, but also part of the powers that depended on the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and which affect the National Chopo Commission, have become dependent on others. Ministries such as the Conservation of Nature and National Parks competencies that have been undertaken by the Ministry of the Environment and the competencies in the field of forest research that have passed to the Ministry of Education and Science.

Finally, in Article 6.1 (a) of Royal Decree 1417/2004 of 11 June, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is developed, it is attributed to the Directorate-General for Agriculture the role of developing state regulation and developing and coordinating activities related to agricultural production.

In the process of this Ministerial Order the Autonomous Communities and the entities and organizations representing the interests of the sector that are affected by it have been consulted.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Ministries of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Environment and Education and Science, after the approval of the Minister of Public Administrations, I have:

First. Nature and membership.

The National Committee of the Chopo has the nature of an inter-ministerial collegiate body, assigned, for the purpose of its operation, to the Directorate General of Agriculture, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, with the composition and functions that are determined below.

Second. Finnish.

The National Chopo Commission will have as its object the rationalized promotion of the cultivation of chops and willows, as well as the best use of the lands available for this purpose, in addition to stimulating the use, transformation and the placing on the market of products obtained, taking into account their importance to the national economy and their relevant environmental contribution in terms of reducing the greenhouse effect and its role as a mediator.

Third. Composition.

1. The National Chopp Commission shall consist of:

a) A President: The Director General of Agriculture.

b) Two Vice-Presidents: The Director General of the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Director General for Biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment Environment. If the President is absent, he shall be replaced by one of the Vice-Presidents in the order that has just been indicated.

c) Vocals:

Four members of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The following shall be officials and shall belong to the Directorate-General for Agriculture: one of the Deputy Director-General for Fatty Substances and Industrial Cultures, another shall belong to the Subdirectorate-General for Integrated Agriculture and Plant Health and the third to the Spanish Office of Plant Variety. The latter two shall have at least the category of Heads of Service and shall be appointed by the Director-General for Agriculture. The fourth vowel shall belong to the Directorate-General for Rural Development's Deputy Director-General for Deprived Areas, shall be appointed on a proposal from this Directorate-General and shall have at least the category of Head of Service.

Two members of the Ministry of the Environment. One will belong to the Directorate General for Biodiversity and another one on behalf of the Hydrographic Confederations of the Directorate General of Water. Both shall have the minimum rank of Head of Service and shall be appointed on a proposal from their respective Directorates-General.

Two members of the Ministry of Education and Science who will be the Director of the INIA's Center for Forest Research (CIFOR) and the Coordinator of the Department in which the research activity will be carried out. populiculture.

A vowel designated by each of the Autonomous Communities to decide to join the Commission.

A vowel appointed by the industrial organizations of the processing of the wood of the chopo, among its members.

A vowel appointed by the forest owners ' associations of shopo wood producers, from among its members.

A vowel representing each of the three Agricultural Professional Organizations (OPAS).

A Secretary to be appointed by the President of the Commission among the officials of the General Subdirectorate of Industrial Fats And Crops, with a minimum rank of Section Chief, with a voice but without a vote.

2. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this paragraph, the President, or the Commission, may include representatives of other management bodies of the General Administration of the State or other public administrations, as well as to representatives of other governing bodies. the most representative bodies in the sector or scientists, so that they can speak in the works of the Commission in a voice but without a vote.

3. A system of supply for all members of the Commission may be laid down in the internal rules of operation.

Fourth. Functions.

1. The National Chopp Commission will have the following functions:

1. To analyze and study the overall results provided by national statistics on plantations, short, tapping, and internal and external trade in chopus and willows wood.

2. Propose to the competent authorities the measures, both technical and legislative, that it deems appropriate to improve or correct the results reflected in the overall analysis of the national situation.

3. To prepare relevant reports to the FAO International Alamo Commission and to maintain due contact and collaboration with such an international body or with similar ones in aspects related to chops and willows.

4. º Incentive all measures and actions that contribute to the promotion, improvement and rationalisation of the cultivation of chops and willows, as well as the exploitation, marketing and processing of the products obtained.

5. Vellar for the conservation of the genetic resources of chopos and willows to maintain the stability and biodiversity of the ribera ecosystems and the use of authorized base material for the commercialization of the forest reproductive material of the genus Populus sp. and its inclusion in the National Catalogue.

6. Fostering Research-Experimentation on Populiculture; especially promoting studies of introduction and comparison of new clones of chops and willows; the obtention and characterization of chops and willows clones The most suitable for each clone and for each region, through their participation in the definition of the research programmes.

7. To collaborate, advise and inform the various official bodies and agencies, entities, industries and individuals on issues related to nurseries, the cultivation and the use of chopus and willows, as well as in the the choice of forest reproductive material and in the prevention and treatment of diseases and pests.

8. Coordinate and promote activities in the various fields, both in the General Administration of the State and in the different sectors related to the production process and the processing of chopo wood and willow, orienting as far as possible the production towards the demands and demand of the wood industry, without forgetting the environmental aspects linked to this type of plantations.

2. For the purpose of carrying out the tasks referred to in the preceding paragraphs and in particular for those referred to in points 6, 7 and 8, the Commission may promote the subscription of the Partnership Agreements between the General Administration of the State and other public or private entities.

Fifth. Operation.

Without prejudice to the particularities provided for in this Order, the legal and acting arrangements of the National Chopp Commission shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter II of Title II of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992. Legal status of public administrations and the common administrative procedure.

The Commission will convene once a year in ordinary meeting, being able to hold as many extraordinary meetings as necessary.

The President shall convene the meetings of the Commission and set the agenda, on his own initiative or at the request of at least half of the members.

The Commission will operate through a permanent secretariat based in the Directorate-General for Agriculture, which will have the technical and auxiliary staff that it deems necessary, without any increase in the number of template and staff recruitment.

The Commission may approve the rules of internal procedure which it considers to be necessary for the best development of its work, in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 (2) of Law No 30/1992.

Sixth. Technical Committee.

1. A Technical Committee of Specialists is set up to assist the Commission in which they will be a part:

Three specialist advisors from the CIFOR (INIA) of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Three specialist advisers from the MAPA's Directorate-General for Agriculture, of which one will be a forest technician or a montes, and will belong to the General Subdirectorate of Industrial Fats and Cultures.

Three specialist advisors from the Ministry of Environment distributed as follows:

Two belonging to the Directorate General for Biodiversity, of which one will be a specialist in the National Forest Inventory and another specialist in Conservation of Genetic Resources, and

A forest or forestry technical advisor, by the Hydrographic Confederations.

A specialist advisor from each Research Centre that exists in the Autonomous Communities, who decide to join the Commission.

2. The members of the Technical Committee shall be appointed by the President of the Commission on a proposal from the respective public and private governing bodies, where appropriate.

3. It will be the functions of the Technical Committee of specialists, the advising, informing and proposing actions to the National Committee of the Chopo in all the matters concerning the cultivation of chops and willows, as well as to attend the meetings of the same with voice and vote and carry out the tasks that the plenum entrusts them.

4. Where the members of the Commission and the Technical Committee cease to be appointed, they shall lose such a condition.

Seventh. Committees and Working Groups.

The Commission may set up committees or working groups for the study of specific topics and for consultations and cooperation in matters that are currently considered to be priorities within the sector of the chops and willows. They may be a part of them, not only the vowels of the Commission and the advisers of the Technical Committee, but experts deemed necessary for the working group, both public and private entities in the light of their experience and knowledge of the subjects to be studied.

Single additional disposition. Economic impact.

The functioning of the Commission will not increase public expenditure and will be addressed by the material and personal means of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Ministry's Directorate-General for Agriculture.

Single repeal provision.

As many rules of the same rank are repealed, they are contrary to the provisions of this Order and in particular the following:

1. Orders of 25 January 1952, of the creation of the National Committee of the Chopo and of 23 May 1956 of Amendment of the National Committee of the Chopo, regarding the composition and functions of the National Chopp Commission.

2. Order of 25 November 1983 updating the composition and tasks of the National Chopp Commission.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 17 June 2005.


Sras. Ministers of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Environment and Education and Science.