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Order Aaa / 1463/2012 Of 26 June, Which Files With Personal Data Managed By The Hydrographic Confederation Of Júcar Regulates And Modifies The Order Arm / 1869/2011 Of 27 June, Which Da Files Are Created ...

Original Language Title: Orden AAA/1463/2012, de 26 de junio, por la que se regulan los ficheros con datos de carácter personal gestionados por la Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar y se modifica la Orden ARM/1869/2011, de 27 de junio, por la que se crean ficheros de da...

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Article 20 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, states that the creation, modification or deletion of the files of the Public Administrations may be made only by means of general provision published in the Official Journal of the State or corresponding official journal. Furthermore, the first provision of that rule directs the public administrations responsible for files to approve the provision of the creation of the same or to adapt the existing provision to the provisions of the law itself.

Order MAM/30 4/2003, of February 11, regulated the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment, including files managed by the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar. As a result of the implementation of the Administration Agreement-Trade Unions of 13 November 2002, Chapter XIX (c) 'Pension plan', Order MAM/3783/2004 of 26 October, extending the relationship of automated files, was issued of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment, including among others the pension plan file of the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

Later, Order ARM/1683/2011, of June 2, regulated the files with personal data managed by the then Ministry of Environment, and Rural and Marine, repealing Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 of February, with the exception of those files contained in the Annex which they had as the responsible organ of the Hydrographic Confederations, until their specific regulatory regulations were developed.

On the other hand, the necessary adaptation to the evolution of the regulations affecting the competences of the agency, the conclusions of the audit to which the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar has been submitted in compliance with the Law 15/1999, of December 13, the latest technological changes, as well as the rationalization and simplification of the management of information in the Hydrographic Confederation, makes it necessary to create new files of character data staff, as well as the modification and cancellation of some existing files, in order to adapt them to the changing reality.

The purpose of this standard is to achieve better compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data, and in particular the legal mandate of Article 20 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, as well as to facilitate the exercise of rights for citizens.

The Spanish Data Protection Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, have issued a report.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. Ownership of the files.

The files contained in Annexes I, II, III of this order are the title of the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

Article 2. Creating files.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, and the effects provided for therein, and in compliance with Article 54 of the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, approving the Regulation implementing the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data, which establishes the extremes to be contained in that provision or agreement determining the minimum content of this standard, the new creation files are listed and described in Annex I with personal data, managed by the Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Article 3. Modifying the files.

The files listed in the Annex to Order MAM/30 4/2003 of 11 February, which regulate the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment that have suffered, are listed in Annex II. modifications, contributing their new characterization.

The contents of Annex II are given in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, and for the purposes specified therein, and in compliance with Article 54 of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December.

Article 4. Deleting files.

The files included in Annex III are deleted, in compliance with article 20.3 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data.

Article 5. Files that remain.

The file 204 "Pension Plan" whose responsible body is the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar, collected in Order MAM/3783/2004, of 26 October, is maintained without modifications. automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment, and shall be included in Annex IV to this order.

Article 6. Communication and divestiture of data.

1. The personal data contained in the files regulated by this order may only be the object of communication and assignment in the terms provided for in Articles 11, 12 and 21 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December.

2. They may also be transferred in general to the National Statistics Institute for the performance of the functions conferred on it by Article 26 of Law 12/1989 of 9 May, of the Civil Statistics Service, to the statistical services of the ministerial departments for the tasks conferred on them by Article 33 of the same law, and the statistical services of the autonomous communities under the conditions laid down in Article 40 (2) and (3) of the said law.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The files numbers of 139 to 144, both included, of the Annex of Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, as well as the file 204, introduced by the Order MAM/3783/2004, of 26 October, are repealed.

In addition, the file 200, introduced by the Order MAM/3783/2004, of October 26, is hereby repealed concerning the pension plan of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero.

Final disposition first. Amendment of the Order ARM/1869/2011 of 27 June, creating files of personal data managed by the Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero.

A new file is introduced in Annex III, pre-existing Ficheros of the Order ARM/1869/2011, of 27 June, creating files of personal data managed by the Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero, with the next text:

Pension Plan File of the Duero Hydrographic Confederation.

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Pension Plan.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management of the Pension Plan of the General Administration of the State in the area of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: Public employees of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero with the condition of members in the Pension Plan.

b.2) Source: Public employees of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero with the condition of participants in the Pension Plan and Central Personnel Registry.

b.3) Collection procedure: Transmission of data from the Central Personnel Register. Human resources management and internal management of the Pension Plan.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: Identificative data, of personal, academic, professional and administrative characteristics. Situation in the Pension Plan and contributions made by the Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero to the Pension Plan.

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Information communications provided: Entity Management of the Pension Plan, Depositary Entity and Control Commission, LOPD, article 11.2 (c) Recast text of the Law on the Regulation of Pension Plans and Funds approved by Royal Decree Legislative 1/2002 of 29 November.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

The Duero Hydrographic Confederation.

General Secretariat.

Calle Muro 5, 47004 Valladolid.

g) Security level in accordance with the provisions of Title VIII of the RLOPD: Medium.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, June 26, 2012. -Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete.


Files with newly created personal character data

Contacts File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Contacts.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Data concerning internal personnel and third parties having professional relationship with the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: All those who are related to the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar and its staff.

b.2) Provenance: Own stakeholders, Public Sources, Administrations, Parties and collaborating companies.

b.3) Collection procedure: Presential and documentary.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: First and last names, DNI/NIF/ID, address, telephone, email.

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Expected data communications: There are no data communications expected.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: Basic Level.

Access Control File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Access Control.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Managing security and access to facilities.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain personal data or to be required to supply it: Visitors to the facilities and workers of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Sugar.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party itself.

b.3) Collection procedure: Presential and documentary by visitors.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/NIF/ID, name, company or entity to which it belongs, dependency or person to whom you will visit, date and time of entry.

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Recipients or categories of recipients: State Security Forces and Bodies where necessary for the investigation of allegedly criminal acts that may be committed, Judges and Courts, and Security, without prejudice to the assumptions that they do not require such disposal because they are already in charge of treatment, in accordance with Article 12.1 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: Basic Level.

File Participates and Informates

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File identification: Participate and report.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Development of public participation activities and in general citizen participation, as well as responses to requests for information and technical reporting.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain personal data or which are obliged to supply them: Members of public and/or private institutions and their legal representatives in the event of public participation, experts, participants and attendees of public and/or citizen participation, as well as citizens in general.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party itself.

b.3) Collection procedure: Documentary, face-to-face and automated.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/ NIF/Accreditable Document, First Name and Last Name, Address, Phone.

Other personal data: professional and academic data, age and place of birth.

c.2) Treatment System: Mixed System.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Communications of planned data: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, pursuant to Articles 11 and 21 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, in particular, according to the clauses collected Article 10 (4) (c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2007 in cases where the transfer is intended to treat historical, statistical or scientific purposes, where the data have been collected or produced by the Confederation Hydrographic of the Júcar destined for that Administration, or when it is carried out for the exercise of identical or versed powers on the same matters.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level: as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: Basic Level.

Job Risk Prevention File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) Identification of the file: Prevention of occupational risks.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management of occupational risk prevention within the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons who are intended to obtain personal data or who are required to supply data: Public employees.

b.2) Provenance: Data collected from the data subject.

b.3) Collection procedure: Documentary and in-person.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/ NIF/ID, name, address, address.

Data specially protected: Health data.

Other Personal Data Categories: Job Details, Body/Scale, Jobs, Worker History.

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Recipients and categories of recipients: Prevention delegates, Safety and Health Committee (only medical staff will be able to access health data, such as the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar, as responsible, may only access the data resulting from the conclusions of the health surveillance actions), the Health Prevention and Surveillance Companies, without prejudice to the cases in which they do not require such a transfer due to having already the status of treatment managers, in accordance with Article 12.1 of the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December; Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and Health Department of the Valencian Community, pursuant to Articles 11 and 21 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December (in particular, according to the Article 10 (4) (c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2006 in cases where the transfer is intended for the purpose of the processing of historical, statistical or scientific purposes, where the data have been collected or produced by the The Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar to that Administration, or when it is performed for the the exercise of identical or similar powers in respect of the same matters.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: High Level.

Resources File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Resources.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management and processing of resources, administrative complaints and legal defense of the Public Water Domain.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain personal data or which are required to supply such data: The interested party or his legal representative.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party itself.

b.3) Collection procedure: Presential, documentary, and automated.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/ NIF/Accredited document, accreditable document, first and last name, address.

Other categories of personal data, income, income, property, collateral, bank data, data tax deductions/taxes, insurance, subsidies, benefits, credits, marital status data, data family, date of birth, place of birth, age, nationality, mother tongue, characteristics of accommodation, housing, property, possessions, hobbies, membership of associations, clubs, licenses, permits and authorizations.

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Recipients or categories of recipients: Judges and Courts, Catastro and Registers of Property, pursuant to Articles 11 and 21 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December (in particular, according to Article 10 (4) (c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2006 in cases where the transfer is intended for the purpose of the processing of historical, statistical or scientific purposes, where the data have been collected or produced by the The Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar destined for that Administration, or when it is performed for the the exercise of identical or similar powers over the same matters.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level in accordance with the provisions of Title VIII of the RLOPD: Middle Level.

Water and Catalog Log File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Water and Catalog Record.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Data management of water resources.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain personal data or which are required to supply such data: The interested party or his legal representative.

b.2) Source: Data provided by the interested party, Public Records and other Public Administrations.

b.3) Collection procedure: Documentary, face-to-face and automated.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/ NIF/ID, name, address, telephone.

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Recipients or categories of recipients: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, pursuant to Articles 11 and 21 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, in particular, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 10 (4) (c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2007 in cases where the transfer is intended to treat historical, statistical or scientific purposes, where the data have been collected or produced by the The Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar to that Administration, or when it is performed for the the exercise of identical or similar powers over the same matters.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: Basic Level.

Input and Output Log File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File identification: Input and Output record.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Register of entry and exit of documents of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar. Control of documents received and sent from this Confederation.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: Partitions, personnel of public and/or private companies, Public Bodies.

b.2) Provenance: The stakeholders themselves.

b.3) Collection procedure: Documentary and in-person.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/ NIF/Accreditable Document, First Name and Last Name, Address, Date.

Other categories of personal data: Identification, location, subject, processing, goods and services provided and/or received by the affected, compensation, compensation.

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Recipients or categories of recipients: Records of the Bodies or Bodies addressed to the documentation submitted pursuant to Article 38 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November, as last amended by the Royal Decree Law 8/2011 of 1 July and Article 21.2 of Law 15/1999 of 13 December.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: Basic Level.

patrimonial Responsibility File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Heritage Responsibility.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Information of persons who have suffered damages in their person or in their property by reason of the competition of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar, economic, financial and administrative management, for the management of claims of patrimonial liability.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: The interested party himself.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party or its legal representative, and other Public Administrations.

b.3) Collection procedure: Documentary and in-person.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/ NIF/Accreditable Document, First Name and Last Name, Address.

Other data specially protected: Health data.

Other categories of personal data: income, income, investments, assets, loans, loans, guarantees, bank data, economic data of payroll, data, tax deductions/taxes, insurance, subsidies, benefits, accommodation characteristics, housing, properties, possessions, licenses, permits, authorizations, personal characteristics, holder, location, administrative situation.

c.2) Treatment system: Non-automated system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Recipients or categories of recipients: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, pursuant to Articles 6.2, 11 and 21 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, in particular, according to Article 10 (4) (c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2006 in cases where the transfer is intended for the purpose of the processing of historical, statistical or scientific purposes, where the data have been collected or produced by the The Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar destined for that Administration, or when it is performed for the the exercise of identical or similar powers over the same matters.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: High Level.

File Users and Members of Governance and Administration Bodies

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Users and Members of the Governing and Administration Bodies.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: List of water users of the Hydrographic Demarcation of the Júcar for communication with them. Relationship of members of the Governing Bodies and Management of the Basin Agency for the election, constitution and convocation of such bodies.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain personal data or to be required to supply it: Public administrations and water users.

b.2) Provenance: The water users themselves or their legal representative and the Public Administrations.

b.3) Collection and provenance procedure: Documentary, face-to-face and automated.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/ NIF/Accreditable Document, First Name and Last Name, Address, and Phone.

Other personal data categories: Category/grade, job position.

c.2) Treatment System: Mixed System.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Expected data communications: There are no expected data.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: Basic Level.

Videosurveillance File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended use for the file:

a.1) File Identification: Videosurveillance.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Control and security of the sensitive areas of the building and control of access to the facilities of the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

b) Data source:

b.1) Persons or collectives on which data are intended or required to be supplied: citizens.

b.2) Provenance: The interested party itself.

b.3) Collection procedure: Automated and in-person.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: Image.

c.2) Treatment system used in your organization: Automated System.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Information Communications provided: State Security Forces and Bodies where necessary for the investigation of alleged criminal acts that may be committed and Judges and Courts under the Articles 11 and 21 of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

f) Service or unit to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: Basic Level.


Modified Personal Character Files and Resulting Files

Files File

Creation standard: Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, which regulates the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment.

Reason for the modification: Restructuring of the information systems of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar more specifically to the one published in Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, for which the files are regulated automatic data of the Ministry of the Environment's personal data, creation of new information systems that facilitate the management of the files competition of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar and incorporation of the information in the resulting new structure.

Parts that are modified:

Purpose and intended use: Processing of files, physical location of files and actions in the Agency.

Data source:

Persons or collectives on which data are intended to be obtained or required to be supplied: taxpayers, obligated subjects, rightholders, profit owners, residents, applicants, citizens.

Provenance: Data provided by the interested party, other Public Administrations and Public Records.

Collection procedure: Documentary and in-person.

Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

Structure: DNI/NIF/Accreditable Document, First Name and Last Name, Address.

Treatment system: Mixed

Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: Middle Level.

Parts that are added:

They are added to the basic structure of the file as other categories of personal data: income, income, banking data, property, property, possessions, membership of associations, licenses, permits, authorisations, transactions of goods and services received and/or supplied by the affected person.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Judges and Courts, and other Public Administrations, Councils, Communities of legitimate users and stakeholders are added to the data communications.

Result file:

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended use for the file:

a.1) File identification: Expedents.

a.2) Purpose and intended use for the same: Processing of files, physical location of files and actions in the Agency.

b) Data source:

b.1) Persons or collectives on which data are intended or required to be supplied: taxpayers, subject-matter holders, owners of rights, owners of the use, residents, applicants, citizens.

b.2) Provenance: Data provided by the interested party, other Public Administrations and Public Records.

b.3) Collection procedure: Documentary and in-person.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/NIF/Accreditable Document, First Name and Last Name, Address, Phone.

Other categories of personal data: income, income, banking data, property, property, possessions, membership of associations, licenses, permits, authorizations, transactions in goods and services received and/or supplied by the affected person.

c.2) Treatment system used in your organization: Mixed System.

d) Expected data communications and recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Recipients or categories of recipients: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Judges and Courts, and other Public Administrations, pursuant to Articles 6.2, 11 and 21 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December (in particular, in accordance with the clauses set out in Article 10.4 (c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2007, in cases where the transfer is intended to treat historical, statistical or scientific purposes, where the data has been collected or produced by the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation with (a) to be assigned to that Administration, or where it is carried out for the exercise of identical or similar powers, in the same matters, in the case of the Communities of Users, pursuant to Articles 11 and 21 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, and Articles 82 and 84 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001, of July 20, for which the recast text of the Water Law is approved.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

f) Service or unit to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level in accordance with the provisions of Title VIII of the RLOPD: Middle Level.

Personal File

Creation standard: Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, which regulates the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment.

Reason for the modification: Incorporate the data collected in the deleted file "Devengos", respond to the mandate of the Order ARM/3123/2011, of November 3, for which the uniform and distinctive of the Scale of Agents are established Environmental of Autonomous Bodies of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Environment, creation of new information systems that facilitate the management of the competition files of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar and incorporation of the information in the resulting new structure.

Parts that are modified:

Purpose and intended uses: Data from public employees working for the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation and registration of the agents attached to it that are in active service situation and perform tasks surveillance and inspection in their respective field of action, and contracted for specific purposes. Management of Human and Personal Resources. Elaboration and management of the payroll of the public employee and staff of the Agency. Schedule control. Management of social aid for public employees of the Agency.

Data source:

Collective of persons who are intended to obtain personal data or who are obliged to supply data: The person concerned himself.

Provenance: Data provided by the public employee, Public Administrations and Public Records.

Collection Procedure: Presential, Documentary, and Automated.

Basic file structure: DNI/NIF/NRP/Accreditable Document, First and Last Name, Address, Phone, No. SS/Mutuality, Image.

Treatment system: Mixed system.

Security Level: High Level.

Parts that are added:

They are added as other specially protected data, health data and union membership data and as other categories of personal data, personal characteristics, social circumstances, employment details, data economic, financial and insurance.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Government Delegation, the State Tax Administration Agency, the General Treasury of Social Security, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment are added to the communication. Civil servants of the State (MUFACE), collaborating banking institutions, Bodies representing public employees and union representation bodies, General Intervention of the State Administration (IGAE) and Judges and Courts.

Resulting File:

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Personal.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Data of the public employees working for the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation and the registration of the agents assigned to it that are in active service situation and perform surveillance and inspection tasks in their respective field of action, and contracted for specific purposes. Management of Human and Personal Resources. Elaboration and management of the payroll of the public employee and staff of the Agency. Schedule control. Management of social aid for public employees of the Agency.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: The interested party himself.

b.2) Provenance: Data provided by the public employee, Public Administrations and Public Records.

b.3) Collection procedure: Presential, documentary, and automated.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/NIF/NRP/Credentiative Document, First Name and Last Name, Address, Phone, SS/Mutuality, Image.

Other data especially protected: health data, union membership data.

Other categories of personal data: economic, financial and insurance, personal characteristics, social circumstances, details of employment.

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Communications of planned data: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and Government Delegation, pursuant to Articles 6.2, 11 and 21 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December (in particular, Article 10 (4) (c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2006, in cases where the transfer is intended for the purpose of the processing of historical, statistical or scientific purposes, where the data have been collected or drawn up by the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation for that Administration, or when it is (a) for the exercise of the same or identical powers, the State Agency for Tax Administration, the General Treasury for Social Security, the Mutual State of Civil Servants of the State (MUFACE), the Bank collaborators, Organ of representation of public employees and organs of union representation, General Intervention of the State Administration (IGAE) and Judges and Courts.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level as set out in Title VIII of the RLOPD: High Level.

Sanctions File

Creation standard: Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, which regulates the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment.

Reason for the modification: Include more complete information than published in Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, which regulates the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment to the time to supplement it following the additional requirements of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December.

Parts that are modified:

Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

Structure: DNI/NIF/Accreditable Document, First Name and Last Name, Address.

Treatment system used in your organization: Mixed system.

Data source:

Persons or collectives on which data are intended or required to be supplied: Natural/legal persons subject to sanctioning files, their legal representative, public administrations, and citizens.

Provenance: Data collected through the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation, other Public Administrations, public records, third party statements, the interested party itself and agents of the authority.

Collection procedure: Presential and documentary.

Parts that are added:

They are added to the basic structure of the file as other categories of personal data: data relating to administrative violations and transactions of goods and services.

They are added in the data communications provided to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, State Tax Administration Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Judges and Courts.

Result file:

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended use for the file:

a.1) File Identification: Sanctions.

a.2) Purpose and intended use for the same: Management and control of sanctioning files.

b) Data source:

b.1) Persons or collectives on whom data are intended or required to be supplied: Natural persons subject to sanctioning files, their legal representative, Public Administrations, and citizens.

b.2) Provenance: Data collected through the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation, other Public Administrations, public records, third-party statements, the interested party itself, and agents of the authority.

b.3) Collection procedure: Presential and documentary.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/NIF/Accredited document, name and surname, address. Other categories of personal data included: Data relating to administrative offences, transactions in goods and services.

c.2) Treatment system used in your organization: Mixed System.

d) Expected data communications and recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Data Communications provided: Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, State Tax Administration Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Judges and Courts, under the Articles 6.2, 11 and 21 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, in particular, in accordance with the clauses set out in Article 10.4 (c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2007, in cases where the transfer is intended to processing of historical, statistical or scientific purposes, where the data have been collected or drawn up by the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation for the purpose of such administration, or where it is carried out for the exercise of identical or similar powers.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level in accordance with the provisions of Title VIII of the RLOPD: Middle Level.

Third Party

Creation standard: Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, which regulates the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment.

Reason for the modification: Adequation to changes that have suffered the information systems used by the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar for the control of the financial and budgetary operations of the management of Body charges and payments, and include the data collected in the deleted file "Fees".

Parts that are modified:

Basic file structure: DNI/ NIF/Accredited document, first and last name, address.

Treatment system: Mixed.

Security Level: Middle Level.

Communications of planned data to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, IGAE (General Intervention of the State Administration), Court of Auditors, Ayunda, State Agency Tax Administration, Collaborative Banking Entities.

Parts that are added:

They are added to the basic structure of the file as other personal data: economic, financial, and insurance data and transactions in goods and services.

Result file:

a) Identification of the file, purpose, and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Third Parties.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Budgetary control and revenue/payment management.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain personal data or which are obliged to supply them: natural and legal persons who receive or contribute economic character, or their legal representative.

b.2) Provenance: The stakeholders themselves or their legal representatives Public Administrations, Public Records.

b.3) Collection procedure: Presential, documentary, and automated.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: DNI/ NIF/Accreditable Document, First Name and Last Name, Address.

Other categories of personal data: Economic, financial and insurance, goods and services transactions

c.2) Treatment System: Mixed System.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Recipients or categories of recipients: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, IGAE (General Intervention of the State Administration), Court of Auditors, Councils, State Agency Tax administration, collaborating banking entities, pursuant to Articles 6.2, 11 and 21 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December (in particular, in accordance with the clauses set out in Article 10.4 c) of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, in cases where the transfer is intended to treat the purposes of the historical, statistical or scientific data, when the data has been collected or produced by the Júcar hydrographic Confederation for the purpose of the administration, or when it is carried out for the exercise of identical or similar powers; Same subjects.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level in accordance with the provisions of Title VIII of the RLOPD: Middle Level.


Personal files deleted

accrual File

Creation standard: Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, for which the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment are regulated, file number: 139.

Reason for deletion: Review and restructuring of the Jucar Hydrographic Confederation information systems.

Target of information or forecasts adopted for destruction: The data in this file is incorporated into the existing legal file called "Personal".

Rates File

Creation standard: Order MAM/30 4/2003, of 11 February, for which the automated files of personal data of the Ministry of the Environment are regulated, file number: 141.

Reason for deletion: Review and restructuring of the Jucar Hydrographic Confederation information systems.

Target of information or forecasts adopted for destruction: The data in this file is incorporated into the existing legal file called "Third Parties".


Pre-existing file that is maintained

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation Pension Plan File

a) Identification of the file, purpose and intended uses:

a.1) File Identification: Pension Plan Pension Confederation Pension Plan.

a.2) Purpose and intended uses: Management of the Pension Plan of the General Administration of the State in the area of the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

b) Data source:

b.1) Collective of persons on whom it is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are obliged to supply them: Public employees of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar with the condition of members in the Pension Plan.

b.2) Provenance: Public employees of the Júcar Hydrographic Confederation with the status of members of the Pension Plan and Central Personnel Registry.

b.3) Collection procedure: Transmission of data from the Central Personnel Register. Human resources management and internal management of the Pension Plan.

c) Basic file structure and the treatment system used in your organization:

c.1) Structure: Data of an identification character, of personal, academic, professional and administrative characteristics. Situation in the Pension Plan and contributions made by the Hydrographic Confederation of the Júcar to the Pension Plan.

Other data especially protected:

Other personal data categories:

c.2) Treatment system: Mixed system.

d) Communications of the intended data, indicating where appropriate, the recipients or categories of recipients:

d.1) Data Communications provided: Entity Management of the Pension Plan, Depositary Entity and Control Commission, Article 11.2.c. LOPD and Recast Text of the Law of Regulations of the Plans and Pension Funds approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2002, of November 29.

d.2) Planned international transfers to third countries: There are no plans.

e) Body responsible for the file: Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar.

(f) Services or units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised:

Jucar Hydrographic Confederation.

Citizen Information Service.

Avenida de Blasco Ibanez, 48, 46010 Valencia.

g) Security level in accordance with the provisions of Title VIII of the RLOPD: Middle Level.