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Order Def/1524/2012, On July 3, Which Creates Files Of Personal Data, Within The Scope Of The Army.

Original Language Title: Orden DEF/1524/2012, de 3 de julio, por la que se crean ficheros de datos de carácter personal, en el ámbito del Ejército de Tierra.

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Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, of Protection of Personal Data, and its subsequent development by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, for which the regulation of the development of the Organic Law is adopted 15/1999, of 13 December, lays down a set of measures to ensure and protect, with regard to the processing of personal data, public freedoms and the fundamental rights of natural persons and, in particular, their Personal and family honor and intimacy.

Article 20 of the aforementioned organic law determines that the creation, modification or deletion of the files of public administrations may be made only by means of a general provision published in the "Official Journal of the European Union". State " or corresponding official journal.

The Army of Earth, in its constant process of modernization, upgrading and improvement, needs to create personal files in the Operational Logistics Force and its subordinate units.

The Operational Logistics Force (FLO) and its subordinate units need the files to manage the assigned personnel and/or commissioned personnel and personnel in the process of deployment in operations abroad, for manage protocol activities and collaborations with public and private entities, to enable the procurement of companies, as well as to ensure the proper functioning of the FLO-dependent pharmacies and optics.

In its virtue, prior to the report of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, I have:

Single item. Creating personal data files.

The personal data files that are described in the attachment are created in this order.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

All provisions of equal or lower rank that are opposed to the provisions of this ministerial order are repealed.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This ministerial order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, July 3, 2012. -Minister of Defense Pedro Morenes Eulate.


Relation of files with personal data of various organs of the Operational Logistics Force (FLO) of the Army of the Earth (ET)

1. A staff file for the ET FLO.

2. Personal case file and military history of the ET FLO.

3. A file of psycho-physical fitness files of the ET FLO.

4. File for health-specific controls of ET military personnel.

5. A staff management file in operations zone (AGESPESZONET) of the ET FLO.

6. Staff enlistment file for ET FLO operations.

7. An ET FLO interpreter permission file.

8. Staff file evacuated from the ET's FLO operations zone.

9. A boarding file on flight zone flights of the ET FLO.

10. ET's FLO protocol file.

11. ET's FLO hiring file.

12. The ET FLO compensation payments file.

13. The email management file for the ET FLO.

14. Optometric data file of the optical service of the FLO pharmacies of the ET.

15. File "prescription book" from the FLO pharmacies of the ET.

16. File "psychotropic and narcotic book" of the pharmacies of the ET FLO.

1. ET staff file for the ET

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. Fending: Facilitating the management of military and civilian personnel deployed in the Operational Logistics Force of the ET.

2. Expected Usos:

Control of the military driving permits of personnel assigned in units of the Operational Logistics Force.

Control of the different information systems accessed by personnel assigned in units of the Operational Logistics Force.

Inquire, manage and store "user statements in Internet employment" of personnel posted in Operational Logistics Force units.

Query data from staff who perform tests and language courses.

Get the different language profiles that are owned by staff in Operational Logistics Force units.

Service Commissions Management.

Issuing military passports.

Tailoring the magazine list.

Query contact and lineage data for UCO staff.

Establish contact with families in case of need.

Protocol actions related to the UCO families and staff.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: Military and civilian personnel assigned to the Operational Logistics Force of the ET, hierarchical superiors direct military personnel, family members designated by them for notice in the event of an accident, and beneficiaries of insurance.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties and by reference to the file "Personnel Information System of MINISDEF (SIPERDEF)" of the Directorate General of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, DNI/NIF, Social Security No./mutuality, address, telephone, email, and image.

Personal characteristics: marital status, family data, date and place of birth, age, gender and nationality.

Societal circumstances: military situation, permissions, licenses, and authorizations.

Academic and professional data: complementary and fundamental specialty, number of vacancies, status in journal list, n. of scale, date of destination, destination of origin, date of entry into the FAS, date of commitment initial and renewal of commitment, expected date of transfer to the reserve, results of the general test of physical condition, level of languages, language courses performed, civil and military permits to drive, personal evaluation report, training and qualifications, and information systems that you access.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, job position, non-economic payroll data, and professional history.

Economic and Financial Data and Insurance Data: Banking and Insurance Data.

Other: Special vehicle data: brand, model, color, and license plate.

2. Treatment System: Automated.

3. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Units, centres and related bodies in Appendix 1.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

2. Personal case file and military history of the ET FLO

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Management of personal files and military history of professional military personnel assigned in units of the Operational Logistics Force, regulated by Law 39/2007, of 19 November, of the Carrera Military.

2. Planned uses: Administrative management of personal files and military history by personnel expressly authorized for such a function.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply such data: Military personnel assigned to the Operational Logistics Force and their subordinate units.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties and by reference to the file "Personnel Information System of MINISDEF (SIPERDEF)" of the Directorate General of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, NIF/DNI, address, and signature.

Personal characteristics: marital status, family data, date and place of birth, age, gender and nationality.

Societal circumstances: military situation.

Academic and professional data: training, qualifications, academic history, professional experience, decorations, congratulations and personal assessment report.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, and professional history.

Economic and financial data: income and income.

Criminal and administrative violations data.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Manual.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Units, centres and related bodies in Appendix 1.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: average level.

3. File for the psycho-physical fitness files of the ET FLO

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Management of the psycho-physical fitness files of military personnel, referred to in Military History, and regulated in Law 39/2007 of 19 November of the Military Career.

2. Expected Usos:

Tracking the psycho-physical fitness files.

Tailoring statistics on psycho-physical fitness files.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply them: Military personnel of career and employment assigned to the Operational Logistics Force and its units subordinate.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties and by reference to the file "Personnel Information System of MINISDEF (SIPERDEF)" of the Directorate General of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, and signature.

Personal characteristics: date and place of birth, age, gender and nationality.

Societal circumstances: military situation.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, and job position.

Character data specially protected: health data.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Manual.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Units, centres and related bodies in Appendix 1.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

4. File of health-specific controls of the military personnel of the ET

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Management and consultation of data of a clinical nature concerning the analysis and verification of compulsory nature, regulated by Law 39/2007 of 19 November, of the Military Race, and aimed at detecting states of intoxication and the use of toxic drugs, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

2. Expected Usos:

Log the results of the analytics.

Consultation of the analytical data of personnel belonging to the Operational Logistics Force or the Ministry of Defense by expressly authorized personnel.

Making statistics on the consumption of narcotic drugs in the field of the Operational Logistics Force or the Ministry of Defense.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom they are intended to obtain personal data or who are obliged to supply them: Military personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties or legal representative, for analysis of samples and checks, and for consultation of the file "Information System" MINISDEF staff (SIPERDEF) " from the Directorate-General for Personnel of the Ministry of Defence.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, and NIF/DNI.

Personal characteristics: sex.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, and job position.

Specially protected character data: health data (poisoning states and consumption of toxic drugs, narcotic drugs, or psychotropic substances).

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: To other organs of the Administration as set out in Law 41/2002, of 14 November, basic regulatory of the autonomy of the patient and of rights and obligations regarding information and clinical documentation, as well as those established in Law 39/2007 of 19 November of the Military Career.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Units, centres and related bodies in Appendices 1 and 3.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

5. Staff Management File in Operations Zone (AGESPESZONET) of the ET FLO

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Facilitating the management and control of personnel deployed in the area of operations and the payment of compensation.

2. Expected Usos:

Give the SIPERDEF application the set of HR data relating to the position held in the Operations Zone.

Perform statistical analyses and responses to queries from authorities belonging to the Ministry of Defense.

Facilitating the location of family members in case of incident in area of operations resulting from injuries or deaths.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: Military and civilian personnel deployed in the area of operations, family members designated by them for notice in case of accident and beneficiaries of insurance.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties and by reference to the file "Personnel Information System of MINISDEF (SIPERDEF)" of the Directorate General of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, DNI/NIF, Social Security No./mutuality, address, telephone, signature and image.

Personal characteristics: marital status, family data, date and place of birth, age, gender and nationality.

Societal circumstances: military situation, licenses, permissions, and authorizations.

Academic and professional data: training, qualifications, decorations and permits for military/civilian driving.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, job position and professional history.

Economic and financial data: Banking, remuneration and insurance data.

Transaction data: Compensation transactions.

Character data specially protected: religion and health data.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Head of Logistics Support to Operations.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

6. Staff enlistment file for ET FLO operations

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: the staff's membership of the FLO, which is part of the plans for the availability of the FLO Headquarters for the enlistment of a possible future operation (Battle Group of the EU, NRF of NATO, FCRR or current operations zones).

2. Expected Usos:

Staff control that is part of the availability plans.

Staff lineage data enlisted for a future operation.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply them: Military personnel assigned to the FLO and which is part of the FLO's availability plans for future operations.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties or legal representative and by reference to the file "Minisdef Personnel Information System (SIPERDEF)" Directorate-General for Personnel of the Ministry of Defence.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, and DNI/NIF.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, job position, unit of origin, position to occupy, and fundamental and complementary specialties.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Automated.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

7. The ET FLO interpreter file permissions file

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. º Purpose: Control of the permits enjoyed by the national interpreters who provide their services in the different areas of operations.

2. Expected Usos:

Collect contact details of interpreter personnel in an area of operations who enjoy an official permit or license.

Control of permissions, licenses, or authorizations requested by the national interpreters deployed in the area of operations.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom they are intended to obtain personal data or who are obliged to supply such data: Civilian personnel hired as an interpreter for operations abroad.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties and by reference to the file "Personnel Information System of MINISDEF (SIPERDEF)" of the Directorate General of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, DNI/NIF, and address.

Societal circumstances: licenses, permissions, and authorizations.

Detail data about the profession: hiring period.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Automated.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

8. Staff file evacuated from the operations zone of the ET FLO

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Control of personnel evacuated from operations zone for health reasons.

2. Expected Usos:

Obtaining statistical data from medical casualties in the Operations Zone.

Control of patients evacuated and admitted to Role 4.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply such data: Army personnel of the Earth Army evacuated from operations on ordinary flights for reasons of health.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties and by reference to the file "Personnel Information System of MINISDEF (SIPERDEF)" of the Directorate General of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, and NIF/DNI.

Personal characteristics: nationality.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, job position, and Unit of provenance.

Character data specially protected: health data.

Other: evacuation and discharge dates for the service.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Automated.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: To other organs of the Administration as set out in Law 41/2002, of 14 November, basic regulatory the autonomy of the patient and of rights and obligations in terms of information and clinical documentation.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Head of Logistics Support to Operations.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

9. Boarding file on flights from the ET's FLO operations zone

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Control of personnel who embark on military flights with destination or origin in a zone of operations.

2. Expected Usos:

Manage boarding on military personnel flights, to or from operations zone.

Identification of personnel performing military flights to or from area of operations.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom they are intended to obtain personal data or who are obliged to supply such data: Military and civilian personnel to be transferred on military flights to or from a zone of operations.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties and by reference to the file "Personnel Information System of MINISDEF (SIPERDEF)" of the Directorate General of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, and DNI/NIF.

Personal characteristics: date and place of birth, and nationality.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, job position, primary and complementary specialty, and unit of provenance.

Other: final destination, and airport and shipping date.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Automated.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Head of Logistics Support to Operations.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

10. ET FLO protocol file

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Control and management of civil and military authorities for the conduct of protocol activities.

2. Expected Usos:

Relations with public or private personnel or entities linked to the FLO (civil and military authorities, veterans and friends of the SAF, social media).

Management of protocol activities.

Remission of invitations, greetings, and congratulations.

Dissemination of information and news about activities and invitation to participation in scheduled events

Contact with social media.

Audiovisual record of acts starring the staff or units belonging to the FLO.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: Authorities and personnel of the Ministry of Defense and other Ministries, of cultural entities, In addition, the Commission has been able to provide the necessary information

the Commission.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties, to the administrations in which they provide their services, and by reference to the file "Information System" MINISDEF staff (SIPERDEF) " from the Directorate-General for Personnel of the Ministry of Defence.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, DNI/NIF, address, phone, and image.

Personal characteristics: marital status, family and nationality data.

Societal circumstances: military situation, vacation dates, and permits.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, job position and professional history.

Commercial information data: type of collaboration, date, reason, and activity performed.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Units, centres and related bodies in Appendix 1.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

11. ET's FLO hiring file

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Control and management of companies with whom they maintain relationships.

2. Expected Usos:

Obtaining commercial interest data to ensure the different phases of procurement.

Query contact details of the staff of the contracted companies.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom they are intended to obtain personal data or who are obliged to supply them: Personnel related to the companies contracted by the Operational Logistics Force and its units subordinate: representatives, administrators and notaries who raise notarial acts of company constitution.

c) Personal data collection procedures: On an individual request to the interested parties, legal representative or contracted company.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, DNI/NIF, address, and phone.

Commercial information: activities, business, commercial licenses, registration of bidders and protocol number.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Automated.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: To courts in the case of an interposition of the corresponding resource.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Head and Sections of Economic Affairs belonging to the Units, centres and related bodies in Appendix 4.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

12. ET FLO compensation payments file

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Managing the payment of compensation for personnel deployed in the area of operations and national territory.

2. Expected Usos:

Control and justify the payment of compensation to the authorities linked to the control of public expenditure.

Managing and consulting economic data to provide information to public agencies.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom they are intended to obtain personal data or who are obliged to supply such data: Personnel appointed to participate in peacekeeping operations and commissioned personnel in units of the FLO on national territory.

c) Procedures for the collection of personal data: On an individual request to the interested parties and by reference to the file "Personnel Information System of MINISDEF (SIPERDEF)" of the Directorate General of Personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, and DNI/NIF.

Societal circumstances: military situation.

Employment Details: Body, scale, category, grade, job position, primary and complementary specialty, unit of origin, mission, unit and detachment in area of operations, and date of discharge and discharge in the same.

Economic and Financial Data and Insurance Data: Bank Data and Payroll Economic Data.

Transaction data: compensation and compensation.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Automated.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: To banks, to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Social Security, Organ of Executive Collection and to the Ministry of Justice.

f) Body of the Administration responsible for the file: Head of Economic Affairs of the Operational Logistics Force Headquarters.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

13. ET FLO mail management file

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. # Finality: Managing the mailing and receiving of mail to and from the Operations Zone.

2. Expected Usos:

Control of packets received and sent to the operations zone.

Availability of the data of the senders/recipients of the packages to contact them for any incident.

(b) Persons or collectives on which data of a personal nature is intended to be obtained or which are required to supply them: Personnel deployed in the Operations Zone belonging to the Ministry of Defense and data of the family members or sender or recipients of mail.

c) Personal data collection procedures: On an individual request to the stakeholders themselves.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: sender/recipient, sender, address, and last name.

Job Details: Army, Body, Scale, Grade, and Target in Operations Zone.

Commercial information: name of the company that deals with the mail, receipt date, and delivery date.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Automated.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where applicable, data transfers that are provided to third countries: Data transfer is not foreseen.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Head of Logistics Support to Operations.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the level required: entry level.

14. Optometric data file of the optical service of the FLO pharmacies of the ET

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. º Finality: Management of the optometric data of patients.

2. Expected Usos:

Query of optometric data to make the clinical history.

Querying home data for sending notifications and information.

Control and optometric evolution of the users of the Optics Service of the FLO Pharmacy.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended to be obtained or which are required to supply them: Military and civil personnel who request the services of the optics of the Pharmacy of the Force Operational Logistics, as well as the optional staff (ophthalmologist) who performs the diagnosis and prescription.

c) Personal data collection procedures: On an individual request to the stakeholders themselves.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, NIF/DNI, address, and phone.

Character data specially protected: health data.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Mixed.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: To other organs of the administration as set out in Law 41/2002, of 14 November, basic regulatory the autonomy of the patient and of rights and obligations in terms of information and clinical documentation.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Units, centres and related bodies in Appendix 2.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

15. File "prescription book" from the ET's FLO pharmacies

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. º Finality: Conservation and custody of the medical prescription referred to in Law 29/2006 of guarantees and rational use of medicines and medical devices, and its subsequent normative development the Royal Decree 1718/2010 of 17 of December on "Medical Recipes and Dispensing Orders."

2. Expected Usos:

Managing and controlling medical prescriptions.

Record of invoices issued.

Query for Dispensed Medications.

Registration of the medical prescriptions of the users of the Pharmaceutical Service of the FLO Pharmacy.

(b) Persons or collectives on whom data of a personal nature are intended or required to be supplied: Military and civilian personnel of the MINISDEF user of the Pharmacies of the Operational Logistics Force, as well as medical staff who prescribe the medicines.

c) Personal data collection procedures: On an individual request to the stakeholders themselves.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, NIF/DNI/NIE/TIM and number of the colegate prescribing the medication.

Personal characteristics: sex.

Character data specially protected: health data.

Other: date of dispensing, name of the drug or name of the preparation and n. of lot.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Manual.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, data transfers that are provided to third countries: to the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality and to the National Health System.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Units, centres and related bodies in Appendix 3.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.

16. "Book of Psychotropes and Narcotic Drugs" from the ET's pharmacies of the FLO

a) The end of the file and intended uses for it:

1. No. Finality: Update and control of the "book of psychotropic and narcotic" regulated by Royal Decree 2829/1977 of 6 October on the medicinal substances and preparations of psychotropic and narcotic drugs, as well as the audit and inspection of their manufacture, preparation or dispensing, as well as complying with the provisions of Article 18 of Royal Decree 1718/2010 of 17 December 2010 on medical prescription and dispensing orders.

2. Planned uses: Accounting, control and trafficking of substances, preparations and medicines dispensed, which contain psychoactive substances or narcotic drugs.

(b) Persons or collectives on which they are intended to obtain personal data or which are obliged to supply them: military and civilian personnel of the MINISDEF user of the Pharmacies of the Operational Logistics Force, as well as as an optional staff prescribing the medicines.

c) Personal data collection procedures: On an individual request to the stakeholders themselves.

d) Basic file structure and description of the personal data included in the file:

1. º Description of data types:

Identifiers: name, last name, NIF/DNI, address and number of the collegiate that prescribes the medication.

Commercial information data: Medication provider.

Character data specially protected: health data.

2. Basic Structure: Database structure file.

3. Treatment System: Manual.

e) Data transfers of a personal nature and, where appropriate, transfers of data that are provided to third countries: to the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality, to the National Health System and to the General Directorate of Pharmacy and Healthcare products.

f) Authority of the Administration responsible for the file: Units, centres and related bodies in Appendix 3.

g) Service or Units to which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition may be exercised when applicable: Headquarters of the Operational Logistics Force. Palace of Capitania, Plaza de la Constitución, s/n, 15001 La Coruña.

h) Security measures with indication of the required level: high level.


Relationship of units, centres and bodies responsible for personal data files for the management of personnel, protocol, personal files and military history, of psycho-physical fitness files and of specific health controls of the military personnel of the Operational Logistics Force of the Army of the Earth

FLO Headquarters. La Coruña.

Headquarters of the Logistics Brigade. Zaragoza.

Headquarters of the Health Brigade. Pozuelo de Alarcón. Madrid

Chief of Logistics Support to Operations. Valencia

Logistic Support Pool n. 11. Old Hive. Madrid.

Logistic Support Pool n. 21. Sevilla.

Logistic Support Pool n. 41. Zaragoza.

Logistic Support Pool n. 61. Valladolid.

Logistic Support Pool n. 81. La Laguna. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Healthcare Pool No. 1. Pozuelo de Alarcón. Madrid

Healthcare Pool No. 3. Zaragoza.

Campaign Hospital Pool. Madrid.

Healthcare Logistics Support Unit. Madrid.


Relationship of units, centers and organisms responsible for data files of an optometric data personal data of the optical service of the pharmacies of the Operational Logistics Force of the Army of the Earth

Military Pharmacy of the Army of the Land of Madrid.

Military Pharmacy of the Army of the Earth The Empecia.


Relationship of units, centers and agencies responsible for the personal data files of "book of prescription", "book of psychotropic and narcotic" and "specific health controls" of the Force Operational Logistics of the Army of the Earth

Military Pharmacy of the Army of the Land of Madrid.

Military Pharmacy of the Army of the Earth El Copero.

Grenada Deposit Pharmacy.

Military Pharmacy of the Army of the Earth The Empecia.

pharmacy depot Tenerife.

Military Pharmacy of the Army of the Military General Academy. Zaragoza.


Relationship of units, centers, and agencies responsible for the personal data file of the hiring of the Army of the Earth Army Operational Logistics Force

FLO Headquarters. La Coruña.

Headquarters of the Logistics Brigade. Zaragoza.

Headquarters of the Health Brigade. Pozuelo de Alarcón. Madrid

Chief of Logistics Support to Operations. Valencia.