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Order Ecc/1610/2012, Of 11 July, Which Remembers Issue, Minting And Putting Into Circulation Of Coins Of The "iv Series Of Jewels Numismatic Coins".

Original Language Title: Orden ECC/1610/2012, de 11 de julio, por la que se acuerda la emisión, acuñación y puesta en circulación de monedas de colección de la "IV Serie de Joyas Numismáticas".

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Law 62/2003, of December 30, of Tax, Administrative and Social Order, in its Article 102, amended Article 81 of Law 42/1994 of 30 December 1994 on fiscal, administrative and social measures, giving new terminology in relation to commemorative and collector coins, in accordance with the terminology used in European provisions and regulations.

In the new wording of Article 81, it is established, inter alia, that, from January 2004, euro collector coins, euro coins not intended for circulation, normally minted, will be denominated in euro. in precious metals, with a nominal value and design other than those intended for circulation. These coins shall differ significantly from those circulated in at least two of the following three characteristics: colour, weight and diameter.

In the same arrangement, the National Currency and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda (National Mint) is authorized to coin and market all kinds of coins. The coinage and sale of these coins will be agreed by the Ministry of Economy (sic), which, in accordance with the Community provisions, will determine the characteristics of the coins, their facial values and the dates the initial issue and, where appropriate, the sales prices to the public.

Article 12 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December, establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments, suppresses the Directorate General of the Treasury and Financial Policy, whose powers are assumed by the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy, a management body in the Secretariat of State for Economic and Enterprise Support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

Article 3.1.a) of Royal Decree 345/2012 of 10 February, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness is developed and amended by Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011, the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments is established, he attributes, to the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy, in addition to the competences recognized in the legislation in force, among others, the ones of coin minting and, Paragraph 1 (i) of the same Article, the representation in the European Sub-Committee of Coins ("Eurocoin Subcommittee").

The IV series of coins of collection called "Numismatic Jewels" is issued, in which unique pieces of the Hispanic Numismatic are reproduced.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. Emission agreement.

It is agreed, for the year 2012, the issuance, minting and putting into circulation of collection coins of the IV Series of Numismatic Jewels.

Article 2. Features of the parts.

100 Euro face value coin (2 shields, 999 thousandths gold).

Tolerance in law: Minimum of 999 thousandths.

Weight: 6.75 g with a tolerance in more or less than 0.15 g.

Diameter: 23 mm.

Shape: Circular with striatum.

Quality: Proof.


In the front it reproduces, in the center of the coin and inside a circle, the front of a Maravedi of Gold of Alfonso VIII. Outside the central circle, the data referring to this collection coin appear: on the left, the mark of Ceca and above it, in a circular ascending and in capital letters, the legend SPAIN 2012; below the mark of Ceca, in the sense The value of the part, the value of the part, 100 EURO. It surrounds all the motifs and all the legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back of the coin, occupying the entire space of the coin, the back of the previous Golden Maravedi of Alfonso VIII is reproduced.

20 euro face value currency (13.92 mm diameter, 999 thousandth gold coin).

Tolerance in law: Minimum of 999 thousandths.

Weight: 1.24 g with a tolerance in more or less than 0.03 g.

Diameter: 13.92 mm.

Shape: Circular with smooth singing.


In the front it reproduces, in the center of the coin and inside a circle, the front of a Dinar Almohade. Outside the central circle, the data referring to this collection coin appear: on the left, the mark of Ceca and above it, in a circular ascending and in capital letters, the legend SPAIN 2012; below the mark of Ceca, in the sense Circular descending and in capital letters, the value of the part, 20 EURO. It surrounds all the motifs and all the legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back of the coin, occupying the entire space of the coin, the back of the previous Dinar Almohade is reproduced.

Currency of 10 euro face value (8 reais, silver of 925 thousandths, remaining copper).

Tolerance in law: Minimum of 925 thousandths.

Weight: 27 g with a tolerance in more or less than 0.27 g.

Diameter: 40 mm.

Shape: Circular with striatum.

Quality: Proof.


In the front it reproduces, in the center of the coin and inside a circle, the front of a Money of Alfonso VIII, coined in Toledo. Outside the central circle, the data referring to this collection coin appear: on the left, the mark of Ceca and above it, in a circular ascending and in capital letters, the legend SPAIN 2012; below the mark of Ceca, in the sense Descending and in capital letters, the value of the part, 10 EURO. It surrounds all the motifs and all the legends a pearl graffiti.

On the back of the coin, occupying the entire space of the coin, the back of the previous Money of Alfonso VIII is reproduced.

Article 3. Maximum number of parts.

The maximum number of pieces that are joined for each of the denominations will be as follows:


Face value

Maximum number

of parts

2 shields.

100 euro


Currency 13.92 mm diameter.

20 euro

8 reais

10 euro


The National Currency and Timbre Factory-Royal Mint is authorized to allocate to the numismatic funds of the Museum of this entity up to a maximum of five pieces of each coin minted under the present ministerial order and, where appropriate, those industrial elements of their manufacture which, by the characteristics of the emission, are of numismatic or museological interest.

Article 4. Initial date of issue.

The initial date of issue will take place during the second quarter of 2012.

Article 5. Minting and putting into circulation.

The coins will be minted on behalf of the State in the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, which will deliver them to the Banco de España through the contribution of the representative documents of the coins. minted.

The National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda will pay the face value of these coins, which will be paid to the Public Treasury, and once acquired, will proceed to its marketing through the process that indicates below.

Article 6. Marketing process.

The National Currency and Currency Factory-Real Casa de la Moneda will proceed to the marketing of these coins, both in collections and in isolation, by itself or through entities contracted to the effect, which will be committed to to be regularly sold to the public, as well as for export.

Article 7. Sales prices to the public.

Initial sales prices to the public, excluding VAT, for each piece, will be as follows:


Facial Value

Initial Sales Price

the public (excluding VAT)

2 shields.

100 euro

410 euros

13.92 mm diameter.

20 euro

85 euros

8 reais.

10 euro

50 euros

These pieces may be sold individually or as collections, in which case the price will be the sum of the individual prices of the pieces that form them.

In the event that, once this provision is in force, the official quotations of the markets corresponding to the precious metals used in their production and coinage, will experience fluctuations exceeding four years. (a) a percentage of the arithmetic average of the daily contributions of the month preceding that period, by modifying the values of the metals used and, therefore, the initial sales prices to the established public, the General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial policy, in accordance with such contributions, may revise the initial prices of these currencies, up or down, prior to the report of the Banco de España and the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda.

Article 8. Measures for the application of this Order.

The General Secretariat of the Treasury and Financial Policy will adopt the measures that are necessary for the implementation of this Order, acting as a consultative body, a Follow-up Commission, composed of the Secretariat. General, by the Banco de España and by the National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, through the persons that these entities designate to the effect.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, July 11, 2012. -Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Luis de Guindos Jurado.