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Resolution Of July 24, 2012, Of The Secretary Of State For Employment, Which Publishes The Agreement Of The Council Of Ministers From July 6, 2012, Which Approves The Annual Plan Of Employment Policy For 2012.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 24 de julio de 2012, de la Secretaría de Estado de Empleo, por la que se publica el Acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros de 6 de julio de 2012, por el que se aprueba el Plan Anual de Política de Empleo para 2012.

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The Council of Ministers at its meeting of 6 July 2012 has adopted an Agreement approving the Annual Plan of Employment Policy in accordance with the provisions of Article 4b of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003 on the Employment.

For the purposes of giving publicity to the aforementioned Agreement, this Secretariat of State of Employment has resolved to provide for the publication of the Agreement in the Official Gazette of the State as an Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, July 24, 2012. -Secretary of State for Employment, Engración Hidalgo Tena.


Agreement approving the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012, as set out in Article 4b of Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment

Since the middle of 2007, the macroeconomic measures of the Spanish economy are experiencing a negative development that has reflected in the labour market with the consequent increase in the unemployment rate in the First quarter of 2012 has reached 24.44% while in the first quarter of 2008 it was 9.63%.

The destruction of employment has been particularly acute among those under the age of 25, where it reaches 54.02%.

In a situation such as the current one it is essential to improve coordination between the different administrations involved in carrying out the actions and measures of active employment policies, in order to achieve an effective use of resources to facilitate the employment of unemployed workers in the labour market on a par with greater efficiency in the use of those resources.

Article 149.1.7 of the Constitution establishes that the legislative competence in labor matters corresponds to the State without prejudice to its execution by the Autonomous Communities. In the field of employment, Article 7a of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003 on Employment defines the Annual Employment Policy Plan as one of the instruments for the coordination of the National Employment System, of which the Service is a member. State Employment Public as the Public Employment Services of the Autonomous Communities.

Article 4b of the aforementioned Law 56/2003 establishes that the Annual Plan of Employment Policy will concretize in each exercise the objectives of the Spanish Employment Strategy to be achieved throughout the State and in the various Communities Autonomous, as well as the indicators that will be used to know the degree of compliance with them. In this way, the Annual Employment Policy Plan is set up as an instrument for evaluating the actions and measures of active employment policies developed by the State Employment Public Service and the Autonomous Communities.

In addition, the aforementioned Plan will contain the annual concreteness of certain contents set out in the Spanish Employment Strategy approved by Royal Decree 1542/2011 of 31 October.

In fact, the actions and measures that both the Autonomous Communities and the State Employment Public Service, in their respective areas of competence, will develop within the framework of this Annual Plan of Employment Policy for 2012, have to be linked to the areas of active employment policies set out in Law 56/2003, which are defined and developed in the Spanish Employment Strategy 2012-2014, approved by Royal Decree 1542/2011 of 31 October 2011.

Thus, the Plan contains the actions and measures of active employment policies proposed to be carried out by the Autonomous Communities, both those financed through State resources, distributed according to the objective criteria agreed by the Sectoral Employment and Labour Affairs Conference, as well as with own economic resources, as well as the actions and measures to be taken, in its field of competence, by the State Public Employment Service itself.

For all this, the Annual Employment Policy Plan is an instrument aimed at improving coordination between the public administrations responsible for the implementation of active employment policies, and for the other to improve the evaluation of these.

The content of the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012, in addition to the modification that the Spanish Employment Strategy assumed for the active employment policies of the State, has taken into account the aspects of the Real Decree-law 3/2012 of 10 February of urgent measures for the reform of the labour market, which have a direct relationship with them, establishing among other objectives the reduction of the youth unemployment rate, the support to the entrepreneurs or the development of public-private partnership in order to improve the mechanisms for seeking employment.

In addition, the Government of Spain has prepared and approved in the Council of Ministers of April 27, the referral to the European Commission of the Spanish National Reform Programme 2012. This document sets out the Government's economic policy strategy for the coming years and includes a section devoted to active employment policies, requiring a progressive review of its operation in order to verify the the contribution of these policies to improving the employability of the unemployed. As a general framework for action, therefore, the measures aimed at reforming the labour market and the instruments of active employment policies needed to improve the employability of the unemployed workers, the The Annual Employment Policy Plan for the financial year 2012 has taken into account the provisions of the National Reform Programme.

The text of the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012 was presented at the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labour Affairs held on 24 May 2012, and was presented to the General Council of the National System of Employment at the meeting held on 25 May 2012. This is in line with the provisions of Article 4 ter.2 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003 on Employment.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 ter.2 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003 on Employment, the adoption of the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012 is carried out in conjunction with the formalisation by the Council of Ministers of Employment. objective criteria for the distribution of funds between the different Autonomous Communities with implementing powers assumed in the field of active employment policies, as laid down in Article 86 of Law 47/2003 of 26 November 2001 Budget.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister for Employment and Social Security, the Council of Ministers, at its meeting on 6 July 2012, has adopted the following


The Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012 is approved as an annex.


Annual Employment Policy Plan 2012


1. Introduction.

2. Current situation of the labour market.

3. The Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012.

4. Priority objectives of the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012.

5. Linking the priority objectives with the labour reform.

6. National Plan of Reforms and Annual Plan of Employment Policy.

7. Criteria for drawing up the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012.

8. Actions and measures of active employment policies for each of the priority objectives.

9. Assessment of the Annual Employment Policy Plan 2012.

10. Funding.


Annex I: PAPE 2012-Measures proposed by CCAA and SEPE.

Annex II: PAPE 2012-Measures by priority objective, CA and SEPE.

Annex III: PAPE 2012-Measures by objective and scope.

Annex IV: Measures by objective scope and CCAA.

Annex V: Context indicators for evaluation.

1. Introduction

Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes as instruments of coordination of the National Employment System, the Spanish Employment Strategy, the Annual Plan of Employment Policy and the Information System of the Public Employment Services. These instruments are set up as the regulatory framework for the coordination and implementation of active employment policies in the whole of Spain and as a shared reference framework, from which the Public Employment Services should design and manage their own active employment policies.

In this way, the Spanish Employment Strategy is the framework for the determination of common objectives to be achieved by the set of Public Employment Services, establishing a framework for ensuring equality in employment. access to and care for the beneficiaries of active employment policies throughout Spain, without prejudice to allowing sufficient flexibility to allow their adaptation to the special characteristics of the beneficiaries of the active employment policies in the various Autonomous Communities, in such a way as to ensure, at all times, equal access, social cohesion and complementarity between the market unit and territorial diversity, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency in the use of public funds.

This Spanish Employment Strategy contains the elements and criteria so that, on the whole of the Public Employment Services, active employment policies are designed and managed. These policies are defined in Article 23 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003 on Employment, as "the set of actions and measures for guidance, employment and training aimed at improving the possibilities of access to employment," self-employed or self-employed, unemployed persons, the maintenance of employment and the professional promotion of persons employed and the promotion of entrepreneurship and the social economy ".

The articulation of the strategy is carried out in accordance with the ten policy areas of active employment policies that are defined in Article 25 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003 on Employment, which constitute the functional structure of that Strategy.

The Annual Employment Policy Plan 2012, as provided for in Article 4b of Law 56/2003, of 16 December, on Employment, sets out the objectives of the Spanish Employment Strategy to be achieved in this year in the Spain and each of the different Autonomous Communities, as well as the indicators to be used to assess their degree of achievement.

In order to achieve the objectives outlined above, the Annual Employment Policy Plan contains the actions and measures of active employment policies to be carried out by the Autonomous Communities in the exercise of their powers. of the implementation of the active policies and the Public Service of State Employment in execution of the credit reserve established in its expenditure budget.

In a context of collaboration between the Public Employment Services, the Autonomous Communities, in order to determine the actions and measures to be carried out by the funds distributed by the Public Employment Service State at the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labour Affairs, for inclusion in the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012, have been able to opt for state-wide measures of those collected in the list of non-repealed standards. Royal Decree-Law 3/2012 or to carry out own measures establishing the Autonomous Communities, or combination of the two, provided they necessarily address the achievement of the priority objectives set out in the Annual Plan.

2. Current situation of the labour market

The 2012 Annual Employment Policy Plan should be managed in a period when the economic crisis continues to have a strong negative impact on employment. This translates into sustained growth in the number of unemployed workers, which in the first quarter of this year reached the figure of 5,639,500. According to the latest data from the Labour Force Survey over the previous twelve months, the unemployment has experienced a growth of 729,300 people.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.

At the end of the first quarter of 2012 Spain had an active population of 23,072,800 people, of which 17,433,300 were occupied (40% women and 50.75% men). As a result, the unemployment rate reaches a value of 24.44% (24.86% women and 24.09% men).

The destruction of employment has particularly affected young people, which has been taken into account to establish the priority objectives of the Plan. Among those under the age of 25, the number of unemployed is already at 921,800. This is 54,600 more unemployed than in the first quarter of 2011. Unemployment reaches one in two young people; among this group, the unemployment rate is up to 52.01%, more than double the overall rate.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.

The average time that workers remain in the unemployment situation has also increased significantly. The number of people who have been unemployed for more than twelve months has increased fivefold over the past four years, making this group one of the hardest hit by the crisis.

An image appears in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.

The difficulties that our labour market is going through have also a clear reflection on the figures showing the administrative records of the Public Employment Services set.

The registered unemployment reached in April 2012 the figure of 4,744,235 people (2,379,468 women and 2,364,767 men). A year earlier, in April 2011, it stood at 4,269,360 (2,148,889 women and 2,120,471 men). There has therefore been an increase of 474,875 people registered as stops, which is in terms of an increase of 11.1%.

Also, in April 2012, the number of unemployed under 30 years old was 1,041,315, which is 57,160 more (5.8%) than in April 2011.

3. The Annual Employment Policy Plan 2012

In accordance with Article 4b (2) of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003 on Employment (in the wording given by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011), " The Annual Employment Policy Plan shall be drawn up, Taking into account the forecasts made by the Autonomous Communities and the State Employment Public Service, within the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labour Affairs, the General Council of the National Employment System shall report, The Council of Ministers, together with the formalisation of the Council of Ministers, will be approved by the Council of Ministers. objective criteria for the distribution of the employment funds referred to in Article 14 " (...)

On the other hand, the Royal Decree-Law 3/2012, of February 10, has supposed the approval of measures for the reform of the labor market that tries to guarantee both the flexibility of the entrepreneurs in the management of the resources The European Commission has been working on a number of issues such as the safety of workers in employment and adequate levels of social protection. The reform also sets out measures to improve the employability of workers and to encourage the recruitment of young people, women and over 45.

For this purpose, the labor reform collects a coherent set of measures with the following objectives:

-To encourage the employability of workers, by reforming aspects related to employment intermediation and vocational training.

-Encourage indefinite recruitment and other forms of work, with particular emphasis on promoting recruitment by SMEs and young people and women.

-Incentivising internal flexibility in the enterprise as an alternative measure to job destruction.

-To promote the efficiency of the labour market as an element linked to the reduction of work duality, with measures that mainly affect the extinction of work contracts.

On the other hand, as a general framework of actions in which the measures aimed at the reform of the labour framework and the instruments of active employment policies necessary for the improvement of the employability of the The Spanish Government has drawn up and approved in the Council of Ministers of 27 April the referral to the European Commission of the Spanish National Reform Programme 2012. This document sets out the Government's economic policy strategy for the coming years and includes a section devoted to active employment policies, requiring a progressive review of its operation in order to verify the the contribution of these policies to improving the employability of the unemployed.

In the sense mentioned above, the National Reform Programme of Spain 2012 will proceed to a reorientation of the programs of employment promotion and vocational training, new instruments will be created for the intermediation and the orientation towards the labour market, it will be prioritised that the expenditure on economic incentives is destined to the collectives with greater problems of employment insertion and the coordination between the different competent administrations will be encouraged evaluate the results.

The National Reform Plan also includes a Youth Employment Plan with the aim of promoting various measures aimed at reducing, in the short term, youth unemployment, emphasizing those measures that facilitate job integration, especially through professional learning.

the National Plan also includes a Plan to combat fraud in the field of social security, which includes measures to monitor and monitor unemployment benefits and incentives through subsidies to the Social Security contributions.

In order to comply with all these initiatives, the Annual Employment Policy Plan has been drawn up, with the priority objectives of the employment policy set out in the plan being set out in the active employment policies to be developed by the Public Employment Services and the State Employment Public Service in their respective areas of competence.

4. Priority objectives of the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012

In order to provide an effective response to the main challenges of employment policy in the current socio-economic context of economic and financial crisis and adequacy of limited availability In this plan, six priority objectives have been set for the budget and, as a result, properly structuring the actions and measures that are part of the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012. linked to all the actions and measures of the Annual Plan that are developed by the Public Services Employment.

These priority objectives are as follows:

1. Reduce the youth unemployment rate.

2. Improve the employability of other groups affected by unemployment.

3. Support entrepreneurs through measures that contribute to the creation of jobs and enable them to be maintained in the labour market.

4. To accentuate public-private partnerships in order to enhance the employment search mechanisms for the unemployed.

5. Develop measures for specific groups, with special attention to people with disabilities.

6. Fight against fraud.

In addition, the actions and measures aimed at the training of the employed and the modernization of the Public Employment Services will be taken into account in the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012.

In any case, these actions and measures shall, in turn, be incardinated in the ten fields set out in Article 25.1 of Law 56/2003, of Employment.

The measures of active employment policies to be carried out by the Public Employment Services will be evaluated in relation to the achievement of these objectives in the terms referred to in the relevant section, This form will be kept up to date with all active employment policy measures in place to ensure that they are effective in helping to achieve the objectives to be determined at any given time.

As has already been stated, the actions and measures that both the Autonomous Communities and the State Employment Public Service, in their respective areas of competence, will develop within the framework of this Annual Policy Plan Employment for 2012, they must also be linked to the areas of active employment policies that are laid down in Law 56/2003 of Employment and that are developed and defined in the Spanish Employment Strategy, approved by the Real Decree 1542/2011 of 31 October.

These areas are the basis for determining the budget items of the State Employment Public Service for the purposes of defining the concepts of expenditure and their economic classification in the field of policies active employment. These concepts serve as the basis for the distribution of funds to the Autonomous Communities according to the criteria approved in the Sectoral Conference, the reference being to carry out such distribution.

The areas of active employment policies in question include the following measures and actions defined in the Spanish Employment Strategy:

-Scope of career guidance: Actions and measures of information, support, motivation and advice for job search or the implementation of business initiatives.

-Scope of training and retraining: Actions and measures of apprenticeship, training, retraining or retraining included in the vocational training subsystem for employment which aim to promote and extend between companies and the employed and unemployed workers a training that meets their needs.

-Scope of employment opportunities and promotion of recruitment: Actions and measures to encourage recruitment and support for the maintenance of jobs.

-Scope of employment and training opportunities: Actions and measures involving the achievement of effective work in a real environment and enabling the acquisition of training or professional experience at the same time qualification or job insertion.

-Scope of the promotion of equal opportunities in employment: Actions and measures that promote equality between women and men in access to employment, stay in employment and professional promotion, as well as reconciliation of personal, family and work life.

-Scope of opportunities for groups with special difficulties: Actions and measures for the employment of people who, in structural or economic terms, have special difficulties in accessing and staying in the employment. To this end, particular consideration will be given to the situation of women victims of gender-based violence, victims of domestic violence, victims of terrorism and persons with disabilities or in situations of exclusion. social.

-Scope for self-employment and business creation: Actions and measures aimed at promoting entrepreneurial initiatives through self-employment, or the social economy, or aimed at generating employment, creation and promotion of all types of business activity.

-Scope of development promotion and territorial economic activity: Actions and measures aimed at generating employment, creating activity and boosting local economic development.

-Mobility promotion scope: Actions and measures aimed at facilitating the temporary or permanent movement of the habitual residence for the purpose of obtaining and performing a job or job.

-Integrated project scope: Actions and measures that combine or combine several of the measures included in the previously collected areas.

5. Linking the priority objectives with the labour reform

Measures to promote the employability of workers established in the labour reform approved by Royal Decree-Law 3/2012 have a close link with the priority objectives identified in the Annual Plan. The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs also adopted a report on employment policy and the other measures for active employment policies in order to meet these objectives. These measures and their relation to the priority objectives are as follows:

-The regulatory framework for temporary work companies is reformed, allowing them to operate as placement agencies. (Objective 4: accentuating public-private partnerships in order to enhance the employment search mechanisms for the unemployed).

-Vocational training is modified in the following areas (Objective 1: to reduce the youth unemployment rate and Objective 2: to improve the employability of other groups affected by unemployment):

• Recognition of vocational training as an individual right, establishing as a workers ' right paid leave for training purposes.

• Recognition of workers the right to vocational training aimed at adapting them to changes in the workplace.

• Establishment for each worker in a training account associated with the Social Security membership number to be managed by the Public Employment Services.

• Recognition of properly accredited training centres and institutions of the possibility of participating directly in the vocational training system for employment, with a view to making the training offer more varied, decentralized and efficient.

• Modification of the contract for training and learning to promote youth employment and the improvement of their qualification in a regime of alternation of training and employment.

-Measures to encourage indefinite recruitment and job creation, especially targeted at unemployed young people and SMEs (Objective 1: to reduce the youth unemployment rate and Objective 2: to improve the employment rate) employability of the other groups affected by the strike), these measures are:

• Reform of the part-time work contract with the aim of seeking a better balance between flexibility and social protection, while admitting the achievement of overtime in part-time contracts; and including the same on the basis of contributions for common contingencies.

• Modification of the management of traditional home work, in order to foster, through a balanced regulation of rights and obligations, remote work based on the intensive use of new technologies.

• The creation of a new modality of contract of employment for an indefinite period of support to the entrepreneurs from which only the companies that have fewer than fifty workers will be able to make use of the job creation. In addition, incentives are provided for these contracts, including tax deductions for the recruitment of young people and beneficiaries of unemployment benefits, increasing their value when they are concerned with women in sectors where they are less represented.

• Rationalisation of the system of bonuses for indefinite recruitment, thus the bonuses provided for in the Royal Decree Law are aimed exclusively at companies with fewer than 50 employees, or conversion of contracts into practice, replacement or replacement of age by retirement in indefinite contracts, or by indefinite recruitment, through the new contractual modality for entrepreneurs, of young people aged between 16 and 30 or over 45 years registered as jobseekers for at least 12 months in the 18 prior to recruitment, increasing their value when they are engaged with women in sectors where they are less represented.

The whole of the effects of labor reform has already made the productivity-employment relationship more favorable since 2012. The negotiation of wages under more competitive conditions, the mitigation of mechanisms and the persistence of nominal wages will result in less job destruction. In addition, the threshold for job creation will be lowered, so that in a macroeconomic scenario it can be assumed that with GDP growth rates somewhat higher than 1% will already start to create a small volume of employment.

6. National Plan of Reforms and Annual Employment Policy Plan

As noted above, among the most important subjects within the section dedicated to the labour market of the Annual Plan of Reforms 2012 are those related to the revision of the active employment policies, the improvement of the employability of young people through vocational training and the Youth Employment Plan. Also within the measures to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the public social security system, a Plan to combat fraud in the field of social security is included.

All these actions are reflected in the priority objectives set out in the Annual Plan for Employment Policy, as well as in the actions and measures that are integrated in the Plan and which tend to comply with these objectives. objectives.

-Review of active employment policies:

Active Employment Policies are an essential tool for preventing unemployment and shaping the functioning of the most efficient labour markets. The labour reform has introduced a number of measures that lay the foundations for a transformation of the Active Employment Policies with the aim of increasing their efficiency and effectiveness.

In order to achieve this objective, the implementation of the new model initiated with the labor reform will require a progressive revision of the Employment Policies, which will result in a continuous evaluation of the measures (a) the implementation and reorientation of these measures in the light of the results of such an assessment. This assessment will enable the Public Employment Services at any time to have a cast of effective active employment policy measures with a view to promoting the employability of unemployed workers and contributing to employment. to have a more integrated and balanced labour market.

The ultimate objectives should be those targeted by the European recommendations arising from the Europe 2020 Strategy and the Employment Policy Guidelines adopted by the decision of the Council of the EU of 21 October 2010; This is an active policy which has a preventive approach to facilitate new opportunities for the unemployed to be brought into employment, improving their employability and increasing their proactivity, in order to reduce their length of stay in unemployment.

This approach to active employment policies is intended to follow the guidelines set out in the recommendations of the European Council of 12 July 2011, in particular with regard to the adoption of new measures aimed at improve the learning of workers and formulate new reforms to reduce labour market segmentation and improve employment opportunities for young people.

The review of active employment policies in the interest of these major objectives will be progressively carried out in a context of budgetary restraint, which increases the efficiency requirements of these policies, and always in the framework of the Spanish Employment Strategy 2012-2014.

Evidently, the actions and measures of active employment policies that will develop the Public Employment Services and which are included in this Annual Plan of Employment Policy will be subject to permanent review and evaluation. the purpose of fulfilling the above objectives as set out in paragraph 6.

The measures planned for a progressive revision of the Employment Policies in Spain can be structured around five main lines of action:

(a) Reorientation of the employment promotion programmes, the aim of which is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of those measures of active employment policies aimed at promoting labour integration, both through the employment as a means of self-employment, giving priority to reducing youth unemployment.

(b) Reorientation of vocational training programmes for employment aimed at improving the efficiency and management of the system for training for employment, introducing greater competition, transparency and evaluation in the field of vocational training. the use of public resources to maximise the impact of expenditure aimed at improving the employability of workers.

(c) New instruments for vocational guidance and intermediation in the labour market, the aim of which is to improve the efficiency of services intended to provide vocational guidance for the unemployed and the intermediation between supply and demand in the labour market with the aim of reducing the duration of unemployment situations and increasing the quantity and quality of the pairings between supply and demand for work.

d) Rationalization of economic incentives for employment contracts aimed at improving the efficiency of economic incentives to labour recruitment and focusing the bulk of incentives for stable employment in the labour market. those groups with the greatest problems of job integration, particularly young people.

e) Coordination and evaluation by the Public Employment Services whose objective is to improve the efficiency of public services responsible for managing active employment policies through appropriate coordination between the different competent authorities and the implementation of a culture of assessment in the field of active employment policies.

-Youth Employment Plan:

High youth unemployment is one of the most pressing problems of the Spanish economy and society and is the object of preferential attention. About 50% of young people under the age of 25 who want to work do not find employment.

in order to alleviate this serious problem, a Youth Employment Plan has been launched, the aim of which is to promote various measures aimed at reducing, in the short term, youth unemployment, with emphasis on measures to facilitate job integration, especially through professional learning.

The measures are:

(a) Youth employment as a cross-cutting and priority objective of labour market reform and active employment policies, through the reform and promotion of the contract for training and learning and the prioritisation of incentives to promote youth employment.

(b) Promoting alternative ways of integrating young people into the labour market through the promotion of self-employment of young people in the framework of the Law on support for entrepreneurship, which is currently being processed; professional practices through the implementation of the internship programme for young people with qualifications but without experience regulated by Royal Decree 1453/2011 and the call for a specific programme of youth training without training; and the promotion of young people's labour mobility through the EURES Network.

c) Action for youth employment financed by the ESF will continue in the period 2012-2015. Additional funding of some € 135 million of ESF support will be available for this period, which will be estimated to benefit 307,000 additional young people to the initially planned 245,000 by including participants in specific programmes. specific actions for vocational training (integrated pathways) and for people hired through the new contract for entrepreneurs established in the recent Labour Reform. In this way, in the period 2012-2015, it is estimated that the co-financing of the Schools ' Training and Training Schools programmes or their equivalent measures proposed by the ACs.; support for the indefinite recruitment of young people and women; Integrated training and professional integration and Actuations in collaboration with non-profit or local entities, will benefit a total of 552,000 young people.

On the other hand, it should be noted that under the Youth Opportunities Initiative launched by the European Commission and from the meeting held between the "Team of Action for Spain" of this initiative and the Spanish authorities agreed to continue working together to assess a reorientation of the funds allocated to Spain with the aim of increasing the participation of young people in ESF programmes and to undertake measures more specific to youth employment.

-Social Security Fraud Plan:

This Plan provides for a set of measures to combat irregular employment and social security fraud in such a way as to ensure that social policies are met with equal intensity throughout Spain.

The aim of the fight against fraud is to strengthen compliance with the obligations of workers and employers. This objective is one of the priority objectives of the Annual Employment Policy Plan and is thus included in it.

Among the measures set out in the Plan to combat fraud in the field of social security and which are linked to the action of the Public Employment Services and the aforementioned Annual Employment Policy Plan, they are actions aimed at improving the linkage of active employment policies with the passive ones. Measures are also proposed for the monitoring and monitoring of bonuses and other incentives in the field of social security, both in the field of recruitment and in vocational training for employment.

7. Criteria for drawing up the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012

The Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012, which is presented, contains all the actions and measures that each Autonomous Community will carry out, understanding both those it establishes freely, adjusting to the reality of the unemployed and the productive fabric of their territorial scope, such as measures at the state level that preserve unity in the care of people in unemployment, and which are of application throughout the State with independence from the territorial scope in which the persons receiving the same are living.

For the preparation of the Annual Plan of Employment Policy for 2012, and in order to systematically and homogeneously collect the actions and measures of active employment policies to be included in it, both by the Communities Autonomous as for the State Employment Service, in their respective fields of competence, they have provided, for their analysis and consideration, an enumeration and description of each of the measures to be carried out during the course of the 2012.

The description has been collected for each of the actions and measures included the information necessary to know what it consists of, its instrumentalization, incidence and the costs that are financed, as well as its linkage with the priority objectives and the areas of the Spanish Employment Strategy. In addition, in the documentation received, the funding of the proposed measures has been indicated, either by own funding or by state funds distributed to the Autonomous Communities in accordance with the objective criteria agreed by the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labour Affairs. Finally, an estimate of the cost of the measure and the final beneficiaries has been requested to attend.

In a context of collaboration between the Public Employment Services, the Autonomous Communities, in order to determine the actions and measures to be carried out by the funds distributed by the Public Employment Service State in the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labour Affairs, for inclusion in the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012, as indicated in the introduction of this document, have been able to opt for state-wide measures of employment. those collected in the relationship of rules not repealed by Royal Decree-law 3/2012 or to carry out measures (a) to establish the Autonomous Communities, or a combination of the two, provided that they necessarily address the priority objectives set out in the Annual Plan.

in this way, alternative ways have been offered to the Autonomous Communities to develop the actions and measures of active employment policies that are in line with the above-mentioned priority objectives and are integrated into the the different areas of the Spanish Employment Strategy 2012-2014.

On the other hand, according to the provisions of the Employment Law, the Annual Employment Policy Plan also includes information on the actions and measures of active employment policies that the Autonomous Communities perform with their own economic resources.

Finally, as indicated above, the actions and measures of active employment policies that the State Employment Public Service will develop within its scope are also included in the Annual Employment Policy Plan. management. In this area, both the measures in the non-transferred territory (Ceuta and Melilla), and the measures managed by the management reserve provided for in Article 13 (h) of Law 56/2003 on Employment and the programmes which are not the subject of In the case of the new Member States, the Commission has proposed that the Commission should take the necessary steps to ensure that the Commission is in a situation where it is necessary to take account of the situation.

8. Active employment policy actions and measures for each of the priority objectives

The Autonomous Communities and the State Employment Public Service have proposed for inclusion in the 2012 Annual Employment Policy Plan a total of 522 actions and measures for each of the objectives, which correspond to in some cases with the State-wide programmes in force and in others with actions and measures that reformulate them. Also included are novel actions and measures not linked to the aforementioned programmes. In addition, all these measures are in the ten areas of active employment policies set out in Law 56/2003 on Employment and which are developed in the Spanish Employment Strategy.

The set of actions and measures that they have proposed and which are to be implemented by the Autonomous Communities and the State Employment Public Service will be subject to periodic evaluation, as indicated above, with the aim of that at all times the Public Employment Services have information to enable them to know the degree of compliance with the objectives set and the assessment of the actions developed.

The objectives and measures of employment policy that both the Autonomous Communities and the State Employment Public Service, in their respective fields of competence, will develop within the framework of this Annual Policy Plan Employment for 2012, are set out in detail in the Annex accompanying this Plan and, in summary form, are grouped for each of the priority objectives as follows:

Objective 1. Measures to address the current youth unemployment rate

101 measures are included to improve the employability of unemployed young people and to encourage their recruitment, which correspond to the following typology:

-Actions addressed to the Professional Orientation, such as the implementation of youth integration pathways.

-Training actions aimed at young unemployed, non-working practices in companies and development of practices for unemployed young people.

-Incentives for indefinite hiring.

-Employment-training programs such as workshop and similar schools.

-Measures to promote self-employment for young people.

-Integrated programs that include several measures aimed at the insertion of young people.

Objective 2. Measures to improve the employability of other groups affected by unemployment

There are 204 measures aimed at developing actions to improve the conditions of employability of unemployed people other than young people, who are already the focus of attention. These measures correspond to the following typology:

-Actions addressed to the Professional Orientation such as the realization of insertion itineraries for the unemployed, as well as actions of guidance for employment and self-employment.

-Training actions aimed at the unemployed, non-working practices in companies and development of practices for the unemployed. Also included are actions for the accreditation of professional skills acquired through work experience.

-Requalification plans for the care of unemployed people from sectors in crisis.

-Incentives for indefinite hiring and temporary contract transformations in undefined.

-Collaboration programs for the temporary hiring of unemployed workers with public administrations, non-profit institutions, and local corporations.

-Employment-training programs such as job workshops and other similar ones.

-Programs to promote equal opportunities with incentives to encourage the reconciliation of workers ' family and work life.

-Measures in favour of self-employment for the unemployed, including training in cooperatives and work societies, as well as social economy entities.

Objective 3. Measures to support entrepreneurs and the maintenance of entrepreneurs in the labour market

117 measures are included, the aim of which is to establish actions that contribute to the creation of companies, especially those derived from self-employment and social economy, and correspond to the following typology:

-Professional Orientation for self-employment.

-Programs in the training of tutoring of new entrepreneurs.

-Incentives for indefinite hiring in SMEs and in cooperatives and work societies.

-Programs to promote equal opportunities with incentives to encourage the reconciliation of the family and work life of self-employed workers.

-Various measures (financial, direct investment, incorporation in ICT, support to representative entities of the social economy ...) aimed directly at promoting self-employment and the creation of enterprises.

-Actions for the promotion of territorial economic activity, such as the recruitment of Employment and Local Development Agents and support for Local Employment Initiatives.

Objective 4. Accentuating public-private collaboration

These include 31 measures aimed at developing actions that favor the participation of private entities in the implementation of active policy measures and in labor intermediation. These measures correspond to the following typology:

-Actions addressed to the Professional Orientation for Employment and Self-Employment and the realization of Insertion Itineraries.

-Collaboration agreements with the Placement Agencies for Employment Insertion.

-Participation of collaborating entities in the management of job supply for the unemployed.

-Development of Integrated Employment Projects for the unemployed.

Objective 5. Measures for specific collectives

108 measures are included, the aim of which is to develop actions that improve the conditions of employability and encourage the recruitment of people with special difficulties in accessing the labour market, especially persons with disabilities. These measures correspond to the following typology:

-Actions addressed to the Professional Orientation such as the realization of insertion itineraries, as well as actions of guidance for employment and self-employment.

-Training actions for the unemployed and the employed, non-working practices in companies and the development of practices for the unemployed. Also included are actions for the accreditation of professional skills acquired through work experience.

-Specific plans for unemployed care.

-Incentives for indefinite hiring and temporary contract transformations in undefined.

-Incentives for the creation and maintenance of employment of persons with disabilities in Special Employment Centers.

-Incentives for the creation and maintenance of employment of people in a situation of social exclusion, including the promotion of employment in insertion companies and the third sector.

-Promotion programs for the employment of women victims of gender-based violence.

-Training and insertion programs for immigrants.

-Measures in favour of self-employment for the disabled, including training in cooperatives and work societies, as well as social economy entities.

-Integrated projects for collectives with insertion difficulties.

Objective 6. Fight against fraud

9 measures are included which aim to develop actions that prevent the misperception of benefits and the correct application of active employment policies and correspond to the following typology:

-Campaign to raise awareness of training costs.

-Program to fight undeclared work.

-Active policy fraud inspection and control plans.

-Follow up on the personal employment agreements of benefit recipients.

The measures proposed by the CCAA must be added to the proposals by the technical group, which will have the effect in the framework of the Technical Commission for the Work of the Directors-General of Public Employment Services.

The main actions proposed to meet the objective of combating fraud and a greater linkage between active and passive policies are:

-Track the activity commitment of all Insertion Active Income (RAI) beneficiaries.

-To run through job intermediation and management of active employment policies, at least, to the volume of beneficiaries proportional to the participation that they have in the total unemployed of their territory.

-Track the sanctioning procedures carried out as a result of the Public Employment Services ' communications to the State Employment Public Service arising from the detected situations of non-compliance with the undertaking of activity by the recipients.

The group has also proposed the following lines of work to deepen and make more effective the greater relationship between benefits and active employment policies:

• To articulate a procedure for the commitment of activity provided in the Employment Law to be formalized in the case of the Autonomous Public Services. This commitment is currently formalised in the application of the benefits and therefore to the State Employment Public Service.

• Ensure that the situation of the claimant of employment of the recipients is in line with the requirements that the law requires of the beneficiaries of benefits.

• Ensure the employment claimant status of the Active Income Applicants for Insertion, during the previous 12-month enrollment period.

• progressively reorient the actions of the Public Employment Services towards actions focused on checking and monitoring the availability of activity commitment of benefit recipients.

• The Public Employment Services of the Autonomous Communities must inform the Public Employment Service of the non-compliances, so that it initiates the appropriate sanctioning procedure.

In addition to the proposed measures for the six priority objectives, these are linked to the modernisation of the Public Employment Services and the training of persons employed.


12 measures are included to develop actions to modernize the Public Employment Services in relation to:

-Job office modernization plans.

-Promoting new ICT for employment.

Busy Training:

19 measures are included which aim to develop actions that improve the conditions of employability and the maintenance of the jobs of the people employed and correspond to:

-Training plans aimed primarily at busy workers.

-Professional Orientation actuations for busy workers.

9. Assessment of the Annual Employment Policy Plan 2012

One of the shortcomings in the management of active employment policies in recent years has been the lack of a culture of evaluation of the results of these policies. In order to improve their effectiveness and efficiency, it is necessary to submit them to an assessment that makes it possible to make concrete efforts and resources in measures that have a greater impact on the employability of workers.

The choice of indicators is decisive in order to measure the effectiveness of measures in the fulfilment of the priority objectives, both individually and grouped by objectives or territories. To this end, the Autonomous Communities shall provide the State Employment Public Service with all information on the implementation of the actions and measures included in the Plan for the assessment of the actions.

The Public Employment Services Information System, as an instrument for coordinating the National Employment System, will be the support through which participation in these actions and measures can be identified and continued. The State Employment Public Service and the Public Employment Services of the CCAA shall take the necessary technical decisions to adapt their information systems to the needs posed by these identification processes and monitoring.

The evaluation of this Annual Plan should be enriched with sources of information and data from other administrations and agencies, especially from the General Treasury of Social Security.

The results of the evaluation will support decision-making on the opportunity of its maintenance and review, as well as on the criteria for the distribution of funds for successive years.

It should be noted that the Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012 presents several particularities that affect the evaluation of the same and the selection of indicators:

• Due to budgetary adjustment, a high percentage of the measures to be developed in this exercise will be subsequent annuities of actions already initiated or committed in previous years.

• The implementation of new actions will occur in many cases in the middle of 2012, so the deadlines for its implementation, natural period of effectiveness and subsequent measurement of results will be extended beyond of the calendar year.

• The great diversity of proposed measures requires the use of different levels of indicators, taking into account the grouping of indicators and the objective pursued with them.

• Certain strategic indicators, which by their very nature are the most useful for measuring the fulfilment of the objectives of the Plan, may be linked to several different measures or external factors, such as the economic context.

As a result, it has been considered that the most effective line of action for this Plan is as follows:

• Use in this first Annual Employment Policy Plan for 2012 a series of simple indicators, mainly associated with context objectives. Indicators that are used in international bodies such as the European Union Employment Committee or in the operational programmes of the European Social Fund will preferably be used.

• In parallel, a permanent technical group will be set up to define and agree on a system of evaluation of the Annual Plans of Employment Policy, which can be implemented initially in the Plan for 2013 and gradually improve in later years.

• In this first Annual Plan for 2012 the following levels of indicators will be used:

(a) Monitoring, both management and results or effectiveness, linked to the concrete measures taken, which will be collected in the Ministerial Order for which the territory is distributed territorially for the financial year 2012; funds for the management by the Autonomous Communities of the active employment policies financed from the General Budget of the State. This will take into account the indicators set out by the Autonomous Communities for each of the measures.

(b) In context, which are those provided for in this Annual Employment Policy Plan for each of the priority objectives and in each Autonomous Community, and which do not necessarily have to be linked to concrete measures (Annex V).

In addition to these groups of indicators, and in the Annual Plan of Evaluation of the Joint Employment Training Subsystem for Employment 2012, a specific evaluation process will be included for training linked to certificates. Professionalism which shall include, inter alia, the management and control procedures implemented by the competent authorities, as well as the quality of the training provided.

finally, it should be noted that those measures at regional level which have shown their effectiveness as an active employment policy will in future be regarded as good practices for the purposes of their extension in other territorial areas. or its inclusion for the whole of Spain.

10. Funding

As the new State Budget for 2012 has not been approved in 2011, the financial envelope that has been taken into account in the preparation of the Annual Employment Policy Plan 2012, in relation to the The contribution included in the General Budget of the State to finance actions and measures of active employment policies is the collection in the Draft General Budget of the State amounting to 5,807,219,74 thousand euros.

It has been estimated that from this figure 650,000.00 thousand euros will be financed with contributions from the European Social Fund, and 1.390.228.50 thousand euros will be distributed for their management by the Autonomous Communities according to the criteria adopted at the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labour Affairs of 24 May 2012. Of this figure, 47,614.00 thousand euros will finance the hiring of the orientators provided for in the Extraordinary Plan of Guidance, Vocational Training and Employment Integration; 23.840.25 thousand euros will finance the hiring of the promoters In accordance with Article 15 of the Royal Decree-Law 13/2010 of 3 December 2010, EUR 1,318,774.25 thousand will finance the remaining active employment policy actions and measures.




2012 State General Budget Project


Thousands of

Professional Orientation


Training and Recovering


Job Opportunities and Promotion Promotion


Equal Opportunities for the employment


and training opportunities


Employment opportunities for groups with special difficulties


-employment and business creation




Plans and programs that include actions and metrics from multiple active policy scopes


Modernization Public Employment Services


quotas to international organizations



5.807.219, 74

Annex I

PAPE 2012 Measures proposed by CCAA and SEPE













Illes Balears












Castilla y Leon






Valencia Community










Region of Murcia



Com. Foral de Navarra



Basque Country

La Rioja





TOTAL .........................................................


* Note: SEPE includes Ceuta, Melilla, Reserve Fund, AEPSA, Employment Bonifications and Training Bonifications.

Annex II

PAPE 2012-Measures by priority objective, CA and SEPE





























Asturias Principality













































Castilla y Leon


















































Madrid Community









Murcia Region









Com. Navarra Foral


















La Rioja






























1. Measures to address the current youth unemployment rate.

2. Measures to improve the employability of other groups affected by unemployment.

3. Measures to support entrepreneurial Ios and their maintenance in the labour market.

4. Accentuate public-private collaboration.

5. Measures for specific collectives.

6. Fight against fraud.

7. Modernisation.

8. Training of busy people.

*Note: SEPE includes Ceuta, Melilla, Reserve Fund, AEPSA, Employment Bonifications, and Training Bonifications.

Note: Of the 522 unique measures proposed, there are cross-cutting measures that address several objectives. Imputing each target each of these measures, which becomes 590 total.

Annex III

PAPE 2012-Measures by objective and scope


EEA Ambites












Measures to solve the current unemployment rate juvenile












Measures to improve the employability of the other unemployed collectives












Measures to support entrepreneurs and the maintenance of entrepreneurs in the job market











accentuating public-private collaboration










Other measures for specific collectives.










Fraud Fight






Busy training











Here are several images in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.

Annex V

Context indicators for assessment

The context indicators that are proposed for this Annual Plan are as follows:

Objective 1. Reducing the youth unemployment rate

• Unemployment rate of young people (15 -24 years) by sex according to territory.

• Employment rate of the youngest population (20-29 years) by sex according to territory.

• NEET rate (unemployed population and not following education/training) of young people (15 -24 years) by sex, age group (15 -19/20-24/25-29) and level of training achieved, according to territory.

Objective 2. Improving the employability of other groups affected by unemployment

• Employment rate (20-64 years) by sex according to territory.

• Employment rate of the oldest population (55-64 years) by sex according to territory.

• Unemployment rate (20-64 years) by sex according to territory.

Objective 3. Support entrepreneurs through measures that help to create jobs and enable them to maintain jobs in the labour market

• Business creation rate, measured as the proportion of companies created over a year, compared to those existing at 1 January of the same year, by sector of activity, according to territory.

• Percentage of employed persons with respect to the total of employed persons by sex, according to territory.

Objective 4. To accentuate public-private partnerships in order to enhance the mechanisms for finding employment for the unemployed

• Number of placement agencies with activity in the territory.

• Number of working people who have participated in public-private (both professional and intermediary) activities by sex, according to territory.

Objective 5. Develop measures for specific groups, with special attention to people with disabilities

• Number of persons, classified by collective, who have participated in these measures by sex, according to territory.

• Number of measures to develop the target, according to territory.

• Employment and unemployment rates by sex-specific groups, according to territory.

• Number of persons classified by specific collective contracted under the measures, according to territory.

Objective 6. Fight against fraud and linkage between active and passive policies

• Number of actions to follow up on the commitment of activity on beneficiaries of active income from insertion, with respect to the total.

• Number of penalty procedures for non-renewal of demand.

• Number of communications made by the Public Service of Autonomous Employment to the Public Service of State Employment, leading to the initiation of sanctioning procedures.

• Number of resolutions of sanctioning procedures initiated by communications from the Public Service of Autonomous Employment to the State Employment Public Service.

Modernization of public employment services.

• Expenditure and investments accrued in the modernization of: information systems and technologies; non-ICT and real estate material; organizational and/or process improvements; and training of the staff of the Services Public Employment.

Busy training.

• Percentage of the adult population (25-64 years) occupied who has participated in training and learning activities by sex, according to territory.