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Royal Decree 1190 / 2012, Of 3 August, That Amending The Royal Decree 1513 / 2006, Of 7 December, By Which Establish Minimum Teaching Of Primary Education, And The Royal Decree 1631 / 2006, Of 29 December, Which Is E...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1190/2012, de 3 de agosto, por el que se modifican el Real Decreto 1513/2006, de 7 de diciembre, por el que se establecen las enseñanzas mínimas de la Educación Primaria, y el Real Decreto 1631/2006, de 29 de diciembre, por el que se e...

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According to Article 18 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, in one of the courses of the third cycle of the stage of Primary Education will be added as an area of Education for citizenship and human rights. Article 24 of this law states that in one of the first three courses of compulsory secondary education all students will pursue the subject of education for citizenship and human rights. For its part, Article 25 establishes ethical-civic education as a mandatory subject.

The task of educating in democracy must be done in a shared and non-exclusive way between the family, public institutions, educational centers and society itself. The state has an obligation to ensure that citizens know the Constitution, the functioning of public institutions and how much it refers to the rights and freedoms that characterize our democratic state.

Once the formation of the values and principles set out in our Constitution and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is developed in turn in the International Acts of Civil and Political Rights, is assured. in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the United Nations, in the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, corresponds to the citizens in the exercise of their freedom, their families when they are minors, the centers teachers in the exercise of autonomy provided for by law and teachers in the exercise of the teaching freedom conferred on them by the legal framework, specifying the values, aspects and didactic procedures that they deem most suitable for each Case, having always present the fundamental right of individual freedom of conscience that our regulations recognize.

In Annex II to Royal Decree 1513/2006 of 7 December establishing the minimum teaching of primary education, the objectives of the different areas of primary education are set, the contribution of the same the development of the core competencies, as well as the contents and evaluation criteria for each area in the different cycles.

For its part, in Annex II to Royal Decree 1631/2006 of 29 December 2006 establishing the minimum teaching requirements for compulsory secondary education, the objectives of the different subjects of the Compulsory secondary education, the contribution of the same to the acquisition of the basic skills, as well as the contents and criteria of evaluation of each subject in the different courses.

This royal decree has the character of a basic rule and is dictated under the protection of article 149.1.30. of the Constitution, which attributes to the State the powers for the regulation of the conditions of obtaining, issuing and approval of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

In the process of this royal decree, the Permanent Commission of the State School Council has issued an opinion, and the Autonomous Communities have been consulted within the Education Conference. The Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations has also reported.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, in agreement with the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on August 3, 2012,


Article first. Amendment of Royal Decree 1513/2006 of 7 December establishing the minimum teaching of primary education.

Annex II, Areas of Primary Education, section "Education for citizenship and human rights", of Royal Decree 1513/2006, of 7 December, is worded as follows:

" Education for citizenship and human rights

According to the recommendations of international bodies such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe (Recommendation (2002) 12 of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers), as well as the European Union itself, the incorporation of this area as an independent subject in the curriculum addresses the need to foster responsible citizenship in a democratic society as a way to achieve social cohesion and a common European identity.

In the last cycle of Primary Education, at which time the area is introduced, children are in a position to start active democratic participation in the teaching center and in their community and to address the study. explicit of the Spanish Constitution and Human Rights and its universal character. At this age they are also able to reflect on their belonging to a nation, a region, a municipality and a neighborhood, while being part of a global society. The methodological approaches must therefore promote the desire to know, the knowledge of the legal norms and the regulations of the coexistence of the schools, the good functioning of the constitutional political institutions, the the need for ethics in the direction of public affairs and the spirit of self-improvement and improvement of society.

The contents are organized in three blocks: Block 1, The Individual and interpersonal and social relations, deals with the freedom of people, their autonomy, the assumption of responsibilities, identity and moral condition, as well. as to the personal and social habits related to healthy eating and the promotion of physical activity. All of this is based on the recognition of the uniqueness of every human being and the different characters and ways of being, as well as the dignity of all people and particularly those with disabilities.

Block 2, Life in the Community, is about coexistence, about the civic values in which democratic society is founded (respect, tolerance, solidarity, justice, equality, mutual aid, cooperation). It is also intended that the student understands the value of human life, the social and moral specificity of the human being that prevents his treatment as a mere object.

Finally, Block 3, Living in Society, proposes the knowledge of the norms and principles of coexistence established by the Constitution, an information on public services and common goods, as well as the obligations of public administrations and citizens in their maintenance. Some of the public services and commons receive specific treatment appropriate to the age of this student, it is the case of educational and health services, civil protection, security, defense and road education.

Contribution of the area to the development of core competencies

Education for citizenship contributes to the development of some highlights of various competences, but it is directly related to social and citizen competence. In relation to this competence, the area faces the personal and public sphere implicit in it: it promotes the acquisition of skills to live in society and to exercise democratic citizenship. Thus, the area seeks the development of children as worthy and integral people, which requires strengthening autonomy, self-esteem, the desire to overcome, and to favor the critical spirit to help the construction of personal life projects. It also contributes to competition and to improve interpersonal relations as the area proposes the systematic use of the dialogue. To this end, the area includes specific contents related to the coexistence, participation, knowledge of diversity and situations of discrimination and injustice, which must allow to consolidate social skills and habits. Civic needs for a democratic society.

The area also contributes to the acquisition of knowledge of the foundations and ways of organizing democratic societies, to the assessment of the conquest of human rights and to the rejection of conflicts between human groups and in the face of situations of injustice. Specific contents of the area are the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Spanish Constitution, as well as their application by various institutions.

The identification of citizen duties and the assumption and exercise of civic habits appropriate to their age in the school and social environment will allow future citizens to start building more societies. cohesive, free, prosperous, equitable and fair.

Developing competition to learn how to learn is contributed to the extent to which the area proposes the stimulation of social skills, the impetus of teamwork, the participation and systematic use of the argument, which requires the development of self-thought. The synthesis of their own and their own ideas, the reasoned presentation of their own criteria and the orderly and critical confrontation of knowledge, information and opinion, also favor subsequent learning.

From the area, the competence of autonomy and personal initiative is favored, insofar as planning, decision-making, participation, organization and assumption of responsibilities are developed. The area trains in dialogue and debate, in participation, in the respectful approach to social, cultural and economic differences and in the critical assessment of these differences as well as of ideas. The curriculum serves, from the argumentation, to the construction of self-thought and to the taking of positions on problems and possible solutions. With this, the student's autonomy is strengthened to analyze, assess and decide, from self-confidence and respect for other people.

The competence in linguistic communication is contributed from the knowledge and use of terms and concepts of the area. Furthermore, the systematic use of the debate, a necessary procedure in this area, contributes specifically to this competence, because it requires exercising in listening, exposure and argumentation.


Education for citizenship and human rights at this stage will aim to develop the following capabilities:

1. To develop self-knowledge, the desire to overcome and personal autonomy.

2. Train the student to be able to act freely in social relations with generous and constructive attitudes.

3. To know and appreciate the values and norms of coexistence and to learn to act according to them.

4. To know, to assume and to assess the main rights and obligations arising from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Spanish Constitution.

5. Show respect for the customs and ways of life of persons and populations other than their own, which are in conformity with the Spanish Constitution and the International Declarations for the Protection of Human Rights, recognizing their values enriching for cohabitation.

6. To understand the functioning of democratic societies and to assess the role of administrations in the guarantee of fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as basic public services and the obligation of citizens to contribute to their maintenance and meet their civic obligations.

7. Identify and reject situations of injustice and discrimination, show sensitivity for the needs of the most disadvantaged people and groups, and develop supportive and anti-violence behaviors.

8. To know and respect the basic norms that regulate the circulation, especially those that have to do with security. To become aware of the environmental situation and to develop attitudes of responsibility in the care of the next environment.

9. Describe the organization, the form of choice, and the main functions of some governing bodies of the Municipality, the Autonomous Communities, the State and the European Union. Identify the most relevant duties associated with them.

10. Educate in comprehensive health, know the skills and values necessary to act positively regarding health.

Third Cycle


Block 1. The individual and interpersonal and social relationships.

Autonomy, will, self-esteem and responsibility.

Human dignity. Human Rights and Children's Rights. Relations between rights and duties. The universality of Human Rights.

Non-discrimination on grounds of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

The equal rights of men and women in all areas, especially in the family and in the world of work and society, promoting the co-responsibility of women and men. Learn to share household and family care tasks.

Recognition of others as a basis for coexistence. Friendship.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits primarily related to food, physical activity, and sports.

Block 2. Community life.

Civic values in democratic society.

Coexistence in the family, the school, the neighborhood and the locality.

The right and the duty to participate. The different channels of participation.

Pluralism in democratic society. Identification of situations of marginalization, inequality, discrimination and social injustice.

Importance of private initiative in economic and social life.

Block 3. Living in society.

Social coexistence. The need for living standards. The principles of coexistence in the Spanish Constitution.

Rights and duties in the Constitution.

Public services and common goods. The contribution of citizens through taxes.

Civic Habits: Public spaces and the environment. Civil protection and citizen collaboration in the face of disasters. The integral security of the citizen.

Respect for road mobility rules. Identification of causes and risk groups in road accidents (pedestrians, travellers, cyclists, etc.).

Assessment Criteria

1. Show respect for differences and personal characteristics of their own and others, assess the consequences of their own actions and take responsibility for them.

2. To argue and defend personal opinions, to listen and to critically value each other's opinions, showing an attitude of respect.

3. Accept and practice the rules of coexistence. Participate in group decision-making, using dialogue to favor agreements, assuming both obligations and responsibilities.

4. To know the Spanish Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the main rights and civic obligations that arise from them.

5. Recognize and reject situations of discrimination, marginalization and injustice, and identify social, economic, origin, gender, or other factors that cause them.

6. To know the role that public services play in the lives of citizens and to recognize the obligation of citizens to contribute to their maintenance through taxes.

7. Show civic attitudes in aspects related to road safety, civil protection, defence and the integral security of citizens.

8. Recognize attitudes that contribute to the acquisition of healthy living habits primarily related to food, physical activity, and sports. "

Article 2. Amendment of Royal Decree 1631/2006 of 29 December 2006 laying down the minimum teaching requirements for compulsory secondary education.

Annex II, subjects of compulsory secondary education, section "Education for citizenship", of Royal Decree 1631/2006, of 29 December, is worded as follows:

" Education for the citizenry

The European Union includes as an objective of education systems to ensure that the learning of democratic values and democratic participation is really promoted among the school community in order to prepare for people for active citizenship, in line with Recommendation (2002) 12 of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers. On the other hand, the Spanish Constitution in its article 1.1 refers to the values in which social coexistence must be sustained, which are: freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism, and, in Article 14, it establishes equality of all before the law and rejects any discrimination on grounds of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

The constitutional mandate and these recommendations are the axes that underpin the curriculum of these subjects, the fundamental objective of which is to form free and responsible citizens.

The educational action must enable young people to assume in a critical, reflective and progressive way the exercise of freedom, their rights and their individual and social duties in a climate of respect towards other people and other moral, political and religious positions different from one's own.

In order to achieve these objectives, the principles of personal and social ethics are deepened and include, among other things, those related to the social condition of the human being, which does not end up in mere citizenship, and involves emotional and emotional elements that cannot always be regulated by legal regulation or are a fundamental competence of a state. Similarly, given that a nation is not only a legal reality but also a symbolic one, these matters will pay particular attention to the knowledge and respect of the legal and political institutions and the symbols of Spain and of the European Union.

In this regard, the promotion of the rights, duties and freedoms guaranteed by democratic regimes, the creation of the legal norms according to the Constitution, the functioning of the system will be particularly addressed. The European Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, and the Council of the European Union, and the Council of the European Union, and the Council of the European Union, and the Council of the European Union, women, the characteristics of the current societies, the tolerance and the acceptance of the minorities and diverse cultures.

Education for the citizenry is configured at this stage by two subjects: Education for citizenship and human rights, which is taught in one of the first three courses and the fourth-course Etico-civics Education. Both subjects are structured in several blocks ranging from the personal and the closest to the global and the more general; in both there is a set of contents common to these blocks, which lead to the acquisition of procedures, social skills and basic attitudes for the development of good coexistence and democratic citizenship.

It is common for both subjects to start from the reflection on the person and the interpersonal relationships. Knowledge and reflection on human rights are also common, from the perspective of their historical character, favoring that the students value that they are not guaranteed by the mere existence of a Declaration, but that their enlargement or its receding. Finally, both subjects share the study of the fundamental characteristics and problems of societies and the global world of the 21st century.

The contents are presented in five blocks. Block 1 lists the common contents, which are aimed at developing those skills and skills related to reflection, participation and dialogue.

Block 2, interpersonal relations and participation, deals with aspects related to human relations from respect to personal dignity and equality of individual rights, recognition of differences, rejection of discrimination and the promotion of solidarity. It also addresses aspects related to participation and representation in the school and the commitment to social and voluntary activities aimed at achieving a fair and caring society.

Block 3, Deberes and Citizens ' Rights, delves into a content already worked on in the third cycle of Primary Education. In addition to the knowledge of the principles set out in the international texts, it proposes to reflect in the sense of these principles, in the identification of situations of violation of human rights and in the action that corresponds to the Ordinary Courts and International Courts when such situations of violation of human rights occur.

Block 4, the democratic societies of the 21st century, includes content related to social diversity and the functioning of democratic states, focusing particularly on the Spanish political model.

Block 5, Citizenship in a Global World, addresses some of the characteristics of today's society: the differences between different regions of the world, the process of globalization and interdependence, the main conflicts of the world today, as well as the role of international bodies and European institutions in their prevention and resolution.

In terms of the fourth-course ethical-civic education, also part of the analysis of interpersonal relationships and coexistence, analyzing freedom and responsibility as characteristics that define the person and that they make living possible.

The study of Human Rights, from an ethical and moral perspective, leads students to understand the moral foundations of coexistence.

In addition, adopting the perspective of moral philosophy, specifically helps to situate ethical-political and ethical problems in a level of universality and rational abstraction, which enables students to develop critical and argumentative capacity in an eminent way. In this sense, it is essential to provide students with a philosophical foundation of the moral specificity of human beings and the knowledge of certain key concepts of human morality (freedom, autonomy, value, standard, right, duty, etc.) and, along with it, a brief introduction to the main ethical theories of the Western world.

Fourth-course Ethico-civic Education is organized into six blocks, which include in the first of them the common content noted.

Block 2, Identity and otherness, focuses on the values of personal identity, freedom and responsibility.

In block 3, ethical theories, human rights, includes the analysis of the great lines of ethical reflection and, in particular, the universal ethical reference that represent the different formulations of the rights. human.

Block 4, Ethics and Policy. Democracy. The constitutional values, it addresses the analysis of the ethical and legal foundations of our democratic political system, raising it in a level of universality and rational abstraction superior to previous courses, possible by the greater maturity of the students of this age.

The bloc 5, Problems in the Current World, analyzes the critical approach to phenomena such as globalization, development aid policies, war conflicts and the international community's action in its prevention and resolution.

Block 6, equality between men and women, returns to the study of contents already dealt with in previous courses (equal rights between men and women in the world of work as well as co-responsibility in the work of women). Domestic and caring). In this course it is chosen to include a block with its own entity that makes possible the in-depth reflection on equality, co-responsibility and freedom.

Contribution of subjects to the acquisition of core competencies

Education for citizenship and human rights and ethical-civic education are directly related to social and civic competence, but they also contribute to the development of some of the highlights of others. core competencies.

In relation to social and citizen competence, the personal and public sphere is addressed: it promotes the acquisition of skills to live in society and to exercise democratic citizenship. In addition to contributing to strengthening autonomy, self-esteem and personal identity, it favors the development of skills that allow participation, decision making, the choice of the appropriate way to behave in certain situations and responsibility for the decisions taken and the consequences arising therefrom. It also contributes to improving interpersonal relationships, as it works with the ability to realize the awareness of one's own thoughts, values, feelings and actions.

It also contributes to the competition from the acquisition of knowledge of the fundamentals and the modes of organization of the States and of the democratic societies and other specific contents as the evolution The history of human rights and the way in which they are concretized and respected in today's world, particularly in cases of conflict or by non-democratic regimes.

It contributes directly to the ethical dimension of social and citizen competence, encouraging students to recognize the values of the environment and, at the same time, to evaluate them and behave coherently with them, when taking a decision or in dealing with a conflict. In addition, the knowledge of the universal values and the rights and duties contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the European Convention on Rights and Freedoms and in the Spanish Constitution, should be promoted.

Education for the citizenry contributes to the development of the learning to learn, encouraging the encouragement of social skills, the impulse of teamwork, the participation and the systematic use of the argumentation, the synthesis of their own ideas and others, the orderly and critical confrontation of knowledge, information and opinion.

From the procedures of the area, it contributes to the development of the basic competence of autonomy and personal initiative, because it develops initiatives of planning, decision-making, participation and assumption of responsibilities. The curriculum focuses especially on argumentation, on the construction of self-thought, on the study of cases involving a posture on a problem and possible solutions.

The systematic use of the debate contributes to the competence in linguistic communication, because it requires exercising in listening, exposure and argumentation. On the other hand, the communication of feelings, ideas and opinions, essential to achieve the objectives of these subjects, by using both verbal and written language, the critical assessment of explicit and implicit messages in Various sources, particularly in advertising and in the media, are also helping to acquire competition. Finally, knowledge and the use of terms and concepts of social analysis, allow for the enrichment of vocabulary.


Education for citizenship and human rights and ethical-civic education at this stage will aim to develop the following skills:

1. Recognize the human condition in its individual and social dimension.

2. Develop communicative and social skills that allow participation in group activities with a supportive and tolerant attitude, using dialogue and mediation to address conflicts.

3. Develop personal initiative by taking on responsibilities and practice forms of coexistence and participation based on respect, cooperation and rejection of violence, stereotypes and prejudices.

4. To know and value the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Rights and Freedoms and the Spanish Constitution, identifying the values that underpin them.

5. To know and value the essential equality of human beings and the relationship between individual freedom and responsibility.

6. To recognise equality of rights between men and women, to assess the gender gap and equal rights between men and women, and to reject stereotypes and prejudices involving discrimination between men and women. Promote co-responsibility and share of domestic and caring tasks, both by men and women.

7. To know and appreciate the principles underlying the democratic systems and the functioning of the Spanish State and the European Union, its institutions, its rules and the political-legal processes, its values and symbols.

8. To know the foundations of the democratic way of life and to learn to act according to them in the different areas of coexistence.

9. Assume the principle of correlation between duties and rights and reflect on the causes of the violation of rights.

10. Assess the importance of participation in political life or other forms of citizen participation, such as cooperation, associationism and volunteering.

11. To know in its fundamental terms the Spanish Constitution, the Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Rights and Freedoms. To assess actions aimed at achieving a peace and security based on respect for these fundamental rights, and active participation as a means to achieve a more just world.

12. To acquire a critical and thoughtful thinking, based on a rigorous and knowledgeable knowledge, as well as to assess the reasons and arguments of others.

13. To know the road safety rules and the causes and consequences of road accidents.

14. To assume a culture of respect for the environment and healthy living habits that protect them in the face of illness and addictions.


Education for citizenship and human rights


Block 1. Common content.

Exposition of opinions and judgments of their own with reasoned arguments and ability to accept the opinions of others. The dialog.

Preparing and conducting discussions on relevant aspects of reality.

Comparative analysis and critical assessment of information provided by the media on the same or topical issue. Facts and opinions.

Block 2. Person and society.

Personal autonomy and interpersonal relationships. Sociocultural models and self-esteem, management of emotions, development of protective factors against diseases, addictions and consumerism.

The social character of the human being: person and society. The family within the framework of the Spanish Constitution. The development of non-violent attitudes in daily life. The notion of citizenship. The legal criteria for the acquisition of Spanish nationality. The fundamental values of the Spanish Constitution: its symbols. Civil, political, economic and social rights. Justice.

Equity and solidarity. The care of dependent people. Help colleagues or people in a disadvantaged situation.

Participation in the educational center.

Block 3. Citizen duties and rights.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other associated international covenants and conventions, such as the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Rights and Freedoms. The protection of human rights in the face of their violations. The International Courts. The extension of human rights: a challenge of today's world.

Equal rights and diversity. Respect and critical assessment of citizens ' personal choices with respect to the limits imposed by legislation.

The conquest of women's rights and their situation in today's world. Labour rights and the reconciliation between work and family life.

The duties towards nature and the environment. Waste management and efficient consumption. Preservation of our natural heritage. Noise pollution.

Common assets and utilities. Taxes and the contribution of citizens to the maintenance of services of general interest. The Welfare State. Basic notions about the Social Security system and the Spanish pension system.

Block 4. The democratic societies of the 21st century.

The rule of law: its functioning. The Spanish political model: the Spanish Constitution and the State of the Autonomies. Politics as a service to the citizenry: public responsibility. The duty of transparency in public management.

Democratic societies as plural and open societies.

The representative democracies. Parliament. The participation of citizens. The elections. Public opinion.

Social and cultural diversity. Coexistence of different cultures in a plural society within the constitutional framework.

The economic dimension of human society. Political freedom and economic freedom. The role of the private economic initiative in the generation of wealth and the promotion of the entrepreneurial spirit. NGOs and Civil Society.

Rational and responsible consumption. Recognition of the rights and duties of consumers.

Structure and functions of civil protection. Prevention and management of natural and provoked disasters.

Road traffic and citizen responsibility. Road accidents: causes and consequences.

Block 5. Citizenship in a global world.

The conflicts in the world today: terrorism, failed states religious fanaticism international humanitarian law.

The fight against underdevelopment and actions to achieve a more prosperous and more just world.

Globalization and interdependence: The use of information and communication technologies, new forms of relationship and leisure. Right to privacy and respect for intellectual property.

Assessment Criteria

1. Value personal freedom and responsibility. Identify and reject, from the analysis of actual or figurative facts, situations of discrimination.

2. Participate in the life of the center and the environment and practice the dialogue.

3. Reject discrimination and any violation of human rights. Use different sources of information and consider the different positions and alternatives in the discussions that arise about problems and situations of a local or global nature.

4. To identify the basic principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their evolution, to distinguish situations of violation of human rights.

5. Recognize the democratic principles and fundamental institutions established by the Spanish Constitution and the Statutes of Autonomy and describe the organization, functions and forms of election of some municipal government bodies, autonomic and state.

6. Identify the main public services to be guaranteed by the authorities, recognize the contribution of citizens in their maintenance and show, in situations of everyday life, civic attitudes related to the care of the health, the environment, road safety, civil protection and responsible consumption.

7. To know and assess the impact of new technologies (right to privacy and respect for intellectual property), globalization, or some of the features of our current societies (cultural plurality, knowledge society, etc.) our civic coexistence.

8. Recognize the existence of conflicts and their main causes. Assess the importance of International Humanitarian Law to alleviate the consequences of conflicts.


Etico-civic Education


Block 1. Common content.

Recognition of the criteria, values, and arguments involved in different ethical and political positions.

Preparation and conduct of debates on problems of the immediate or global environment, on topical issues and ethical-civic dilemmas, considering existing positions and alternatives.

Comparative analysis and critical assessment of information provided by the media on the same or topical issue.

Recognition of violations of human rights and freedoms and injustices in the contemporary world. Freedom and justice as a goal. Participation in projects involving solidarity inside and outside the center.

Block 2. Freedom and responsibility.

The moral and social character of human actions. Freedom and responsibility as conditions for the possibility of political and moral action.

The moral criteria and the notion of value. Good and justice as fundamental values of human personal and social action.

The specificity of the discourse on the good and the just. Presentation of the philosophy's own area of reflection.

Block 3. Ethical theories. Human rights.

Ethical theories.

Human rights as a universal reference for human behavior. Civic and political rights. Economic, social and cultural rights. Evolution, interpretations and effective defense of human rights.

Social and cultural differences. Rejection of attitudes of intolerance, injustice and exclusion.

Human rights in new information technologies. Human rights and respect for life and human dignity in the context of new biotechnology.

Block 4. Ethics and politics. Democracy. The constitutional values.

Democracy and citizen participation.

Democratic institutions of the Spanish State, of the Autonomous Communities and of the European Union: foundation and functioning. The Spanish legal system as an instrument for the regulation of coexistence. Fundamental institutions and standards.

The Spanish Constitution. Fundamental rights and duties in the Constitution. Civil-tax education.

Block 5. Current world social problems.

Factors that cause problems and discrimination. Ethical assessment from human rights. Proposals for action.

Globalization and development. Power and Media.

Global citizenship. Sustainable human development. Cooperation. The movements committed in the defense of human rights.

The armed conflicts and the actions of the international community in their resolution.

Block 6. Equality between men and women.

Dignity of the person, equality in freedom and diversity.

Causes and factors of discrimination against women. Equal rights and in fact.

Alternatives to discrimination. Prevention and comprehensive protection of violence against women.

Assessment Criteria

1. To know the characteristics of human morality and the basic concepts of the moral structure of human beings.

2. To differentiate the basic traits that characterize the moral dimension of people (norms, hierarchy of values, customs, etc.) and the main moral problems.

3. Identify and express the main ethical theories.

4. Recognize Human Rights as the main ethical reference of human behavior and identify the evolution of civic, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

5. Understand and express the historical and philosophical significance of democracy as a form of social and political coexistence.

6. Recognize the fundamental values of democracy in the Spanish Constitution and the notion of a democratic system as a form of political organization in Spain and the world.

7. Analyze the causes that cause the main social problems of the current world, critically using the information provided by the media and identify solutions committed to the defense of life forms fair.

8. Recognize the existence of conflicts and their main causes. Value International Humanitarian Law.

9. Distinguish equality and diversity and the causes and factors of discrimination. To know the main milestones in the history of women's rights. Reject any discrimination or violence against women.

10. Justify their own positions by systematically using argumentation and dialogue and participate in a democratic and cooperative way in the activities of the centre and the environment.

11. Identify ethical problems of information and communication technologies and our technological development model. "

Final disposition first. Regulatory enablement.

The holder of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is empowered to dictate, in the field of his or her competences, how many provisions require the application of the provisions of this royal decree, without prejudice to the development of the The regulatory framework to be carried out by the Autonomous Communities.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, 3 August 2012.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,