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Order Ecd/2000/2012, Of 13 September, By Which Regulates The Official Certificate Of Studies Mandatory For Students Who Finish The Studies Corresponding To Basic Education Without Graduating In Secondary Education...

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/2000/2012, de 13 de septiembre, por la que se regula el certificado oficial de estudios obligatorios para los alumnos que finalicen los estudios correspondientes a la educación básica sin obtener el título de Graduado en Educación Secund...

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Organic Law 4/2011, of 11 March, complementary to the Law of Sustainable Economy, in its second article, paragraph three, contains a normative amendment of the Law of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, directed to establish an official certificate stating the number of years completed and the level of acquisition of the basic skills of the student who completed the compulsory secondary education without having obtained the degree of graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education.

Royal Decree 1146/2011 of 29 July 2011 amends Royal Decree 1631/2006 of 29 December 2006 laying down the minimum teaching requirements for compulsory secondary education, as well as the Royal Decrees 1834/2008 of 8 November and 860/2010 of 2 July, affected by these amendments, and adds to Royal Decree 1631/2006 of 29 December 2006 an article 15a regulating the official certificate of compulsory studies.

According to the provisions of the new article 15a of Royal Decree 1631/2006 of 29 December, the model of certificate to be used by educational institutions, as well as the relation of subjects, is established. (a) in the case of compulsory secondary education, which is subject to compulsory secondary education for the purpose of obtaining the degree of qualification in compulsory secondary education, and the ratio of the subject matter of the Compulsory secondary education enabling the exemption of some of the parts of the evidence for access to medium-grade training courses in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

By virtue of the above, and once consulted by the State School Board, I have:

Article 1. Object and scope of application.

The purpose of this order is to establish the model of the certificate to be used by the educational institutions, as well as the relation of subjects whose overcoming in compulsory secondary education exempts the students. of any of the parties to the free trials convened for the attainment of the degree of Undergraduate in compulsory secondary education or for evidence of access to Middle-Grade Training Cycles. This order will be implemented in the public and private teaching centres in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

Article 2. Pupils of the official certificate of compulsory studies.

All students who complete the studies corresponding to basic education without obtaining the degree of Undergraduate in compulsory secondary education will receive from the educational center in which they have completed their last academic year. an official certificate of completion of compulsory studies to be delivered to the pupils along with their academic record.

A copy of the certificate will be archived in the educational center next to the student's academic record. The delivery of the official certificate of compulsory studies shall be recorded, both in the academic file and in the student's history.

Article 3. Characteristics of the official certificate of compulsory studies.

The final certificate of compulsory studies shall include at least the following elements:

a) The official identification data of the educational center.

b) The name and document of the student's identity.

c) Date of commencement and completion of your schooling.

d) The subjects or fields with the qualifications obtained in the years that have remained in school in the compulsory secondary education.

e) Report of the evaluation board, of the last school year in which the student has been enrolled, indicating the level of acquisition of the core competencies, as well as the complementary training that should be to obtain the degree of Undergraduate in Compulsory Secondary Education.

f) The number of the certificate, which shall consist of the COEO acronym, followed by the code of the centre, year of issue of the certificate and the number corresponding to it according to the order of issue.

Article 4. Model of official certificate of compulsory studies.

The model of the official certificate of compulsory studies shall be adjusted in its content to the model set out in Annex I to this Order.

In determining the degree of acquisition of the core competencies, the teaching teams shall apply the rules established by their competent collegiate bodies to that effect, as set out in the institutional documents of the center.

Article 5. Accreditation of the official certificate of compulsory studies.

For the purposes of the International Standard Classification of Education of UNESCO (ISCED 2011), the certificates referred to in this Article shall demonstrate a training of the CINE-2 level.

Article 6. Exemption of part of the free tests for obtaining the degree of Undergraduate in Compulsory Secondary Education.

In Annex II of this order, the subjects and areas whose overcoming allows the exemption of some of the areas established in the free tests for obtaining the degree of Graduate in Secondary Education are related. Mandatory.

Article 7. Exemption from free testing for access to middle-grade training cycles.

In Annex III, the subjects of compulsory secondary education are related, the improvement of which allows for the exemption of some of the parties established in the tests of access to the middle-grade training cycles.

Final disposition first. Amendment of Order ECI/1845/2007 of 19 June establishing the elements of basic documents for the assessment of basic education regulated by the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education, as well as the requirements Formal derivatives of the assessment process that are accurate to ensure student mobility.

Article 4 (2) of Order ECI/1845/2007, of 19 June 2007, establishing the elements of basic documents for the assessment of basic education regulated by the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 of 3, is amended. May, for Education, as well as the formal requirements arising from the evaluation process which are precise to ensure the mobility of pupils, which is worded as follows:

" 2. In the academic record, the results of the evaluation, the proposals for promotion and certification and, where appropriate, the measures of attention to the diversity adopted, of the significant curricular adaptations, of the the official certificate on education and the level of acquisition of the basic skills and an indicative report on the academic and professional options referred to in Article 15.6 of Royal Decree 1631/2006 of 29 June 2006. December, and the academic certificate issued by the educational authorities of the modules (b) compulsory expenditure on an initial vocational qualification programme referred to in Article 30.4 of the Organic Law 2/2006 of Education. "

Final disposition second. Amendment of Order ECI2572/2007 of 4 September 2007 on assessment in compulsory secondary education.

One. Article 5 (2) of Order ECI2572/2007 of 4 September 2007 on the assessment of compulsory secondary education is amended as follows:

" 2. In the academic record, the results of the evaluation, the proposals for promotion and certification and, where appropriate, the measures of attention to the diversity adopted, of the significant curricular adaptations, of the the official certificate on education and the level of acquisition of the basic skills and an indicative report on the academic and professional options referred to in Article 15.6 of Royal Decree 1631/2006 of 29 June 2006. December, of the academic certificate issued by the educational authorities of the modules (b) compulsory expenditure on an initial vocational qualification programme referred to in Article 30.4 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of Education, and of the academic record of compulsory secondary education. "

Two. The references included in Annexes III and IV to Order ECI2572/2007, from 4 Septembere, to 'certificate of education' are replaced by 'official certificate of compulsory studies'.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 13 September 2012.-The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Wert Ortega.


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Materials and areas whose exceedance allows for the exemption of any of the areas of the free trial for obtaining the degree of Undergraduate in compulsory secondary education

Exempt Ambits

Required Secondary Education Materies

Materies and scopes of the Curriculum Diversification program

Subjects and scopes of the initial professional qualification

Scope communication

• Spanish Language and Literature (4. ESO)

Language and Social Scope

• Volunteer module in the scope of communication

• Foreign Language (4. ESO)

• Foreign Language (4. ESO)


• Social Sciences, Geography, and History (4. ESO)

• Language and Language Social

• Voluntary Social Scope

• Ethical-Civic Education (4. ESO)

• Etic-Civic Education (4. ESO)

• Music

• Music

• Plastic and Visual Education

• Plastic and Visual

• Mathematics (4. º ESO) in any of your A/B options

Physical Education (4. º ESO)

• Scientific-Technological Scope

• Technological Scientific

• Biology and Geology

• Physical Education

• Physics and Chemistry

• Technology

Remarks: For subjects in which the course is not specified, the subject of 4. ESO course will be considered if it is part of the student's academic history. Failing this, we will consider overcoming this subject in the ESO course. In all cases, in order for the exemption to be possible, it will be necessary to jointly overcome the issues and areas established for each area. For students who have completed Curriculum Diversification Programmes or Initial Vocational Qualification Programmes, they shall be deemed to exceed the subjects of the same denomination as they are included in their academic history in courses. prior to 4. ESO.


Issues and areas whose exceedance allows for the exemption of some of the parties established in the evidence of access to the Middle Grade Training Cycles

Exempt CFGM Access Test Parts

Required Secondary Education Materies

Materies and Curriculum Diversification program scopes

Subjects and scopes of the initial professional qualification

Socio-linguistic Party

• Language Castellana and Literature (4. ESO)

Language and Social Scope

• Foreign Language (4. ESO)

• Volunteer communication

• Social Sciences, Geography and History (4. ESO)

• Etico-Civic Education (4. ESO)

Mathematical Party

• Mathematics in any of its modes, "A/B" (4. ESO)

• Scientific-Technological Scope

• Scientific Voluntary Module


• Biology and Geology

Voluntary scientific scientific module

and Chemistry

• Scientific-Technological

• Technology

Remarks: For the subjects in which the course is not specified, the subject of 4. course shall be considered if it is part of the student's academic record, failing which it will be considered to be exceeded in the course of the course. ESO course. In all cases, in order for the exemption to be possible, the joint improvement of the areas and areas established for each party will be required. For students who have completed Curriculum Diversification Programmes or Initial Vocational Qualification Programmes, they shall be deemed to exceed the subjects of the same denomination as they are included in their academic history in courses. prior to 4. ESO.