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Order Hap/2427/2015, On 13 November, Which Approve The Bases And The First Call For Proposals For The Selection Of Strategies Of Sustainable And Integrated Urban Development That Will Be Part-Financed By The Erdf Operational Programme Of Plant Grow...

Original Language Title: Orden HAP/2427/2015, de 13 de noviembre, por la que se aprueban las bases y la primera convocatoria para la selección de estrategias de Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible e Integrado que serán cofinanciadas mediante el programa operativo FEDER de crecimie...

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In accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 (OJ EU 20 December 2013 L 347) laying down common rules for the European Regional Development Fund, to the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, and with Regulation (EU) No 1301/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 (OJ L 20 December 2013, p. L 347), on the European Regional Development Fund and on specific provisions relating to: investment objective in growth and employment.


1. The importance of sustainable urban development and the contribution of cities to the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the European Union.

2. That in the programming period 2014-2020 the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) have planned to support the development of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategies in cities and functional urban areas, of the framework defined in the 2014-2020 Association Agreement of Spain, approved by the European Commission dated 30 October 2014.

3. To this end, more than 5% of the resources of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) allocated at national level for the objective of investment in growth and employment have been allocated, in accordance with Article 7 of the Regulation (EU) No 1301/2013 (hereinafter referred to as the ERDF Regulation).

4. The will to give continuity to the successful Spanish experience arising from the development of the Urban Initiative, the URBAN Community Initiative and the Urban Pilot Projects, whose beginnings date back to the early 1990s.

The General Administration of the State through the Directorate-General of Community Funds of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations has programmed an Urban Axis within the Operational Program for Sustainable Growth. (POCS) 2014-2020, dedicated in its entirety to finance lines of action of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development.

The Urban Axis has been provided with 1,012,754,015,00 euros of ERDF assistance for the entire period, and will be directed to municipalities or groups of municipalities that constitute an urban functional area, with a population of more than 20,000 inhabitants.

The Urban Initiatives Network (RIU) has participated in the design of this order and will be the reference forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences on Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development.

Making use of the possibility provided for in Article 23.2.a) of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General of Grants, by this order also the first call for aid is made and the aspects are concretized specific to the same. Joint articulation in the same order of the regulatory bases and the first call is convenient as it is necessary to shorten the times in order to be able to implement the strategies of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development (DUSI strategies) as soon as possible and to be able to comply with the financial path and with the absorption of planned aid in the period 2014-2020.

Article 17 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, provides that in the field of the General Administration of the State, as well as of public bodies and other entities governed by public law with own legal personality linked to or dependent on it, the relevant ministers shall establish the appropriate regulatory basis for the grant of the grants.

Moreover, in accordance with Article 23.2 of the same General Law of Grants, the initiation of the procedure for the award of grants will always be carried out by means of a call approved by the competent body, which in this case is the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations.

The articulated of this order is structured in three chapters. The regulatory bases are included in Chapters I and II, while the first call for aid is included in Chapter III. Chapter I contains provisions of a general nature, setting out, inter alia, the objectives, the characteristics of the aid, the territorial scope, the beneficiary entities, the general requirements. Chapter II lays down the procedure for the management of aid. In Chapter III, the first call for aid is available and the amount allocated to the aid and the time limit for the submission of applications is determined.

In its virtue, I have:


General provisions

First. Object.

1. The purpose of this order is to establish the basis for the selection of the DUSI Strategies eligible for ERDF assistance in the period 2014-2020.

2. Also in this order are the terms and conditions for participation in the first call for strategies DUSI.

Second. Objective.

This order has a double objective:

a) On the one hand, to articulate the presentation, and to establish the criteria for the analysis and selection of Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies that could receive ERDF assistance in 2014-2020, from the POCS. These strategies must address the following five challenges: economic, environmental, climate, demographic and social, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.1 of the ERDF Regulation, in order to promote sustainable urban development, according to the strategic principles and orientations of the ESI Funds.

b) On the other hand, the Strategies will constitute the framework for the subsequent selection by the beneficiaries of the operations to be carried out in the city or functional area defined in each case, which will be co-financed by the aid granted through this call.

Third. Characteristics of the aid.

1. These aids are granted in accordance with Article 23 of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General of Grants.

2. The aid granted will cover the form of grants.

Fourth. Concession scheme.

This order regulates the granting procedure, in the form of advertising, transparency, objectivity, and competitive competition.

Fifth. Funding.

1. The operations selected will be co-financed with ERDF resources. The co-financing rates applicable for each Autonomous Community where the Strategies are implemented shall be as set out in point 55 of the Conclusions of the European Council of 7 and 8 February 2013 on the Multiannual Financial Framework.

2. The following table shows the total ERDF assistance allocated in the POCS for the DUSI Strategies distributed by Autonomous Communities.

Autonomous Community

Total ERDF help per CC.AA.

(thousands of euros)



developed subtotal




Castilla-La Mancha






Subtotal transition


Com. Valenciana



















more developed subtotal


Total Spain


(*) The endowment for Integrated Sustainable Urban Development corresponding to Ceuta and Melilla is scheduled in the respective ERDF Operational Programmes of Ceuta and Melilla.

3. The amounts in the table above include the reserve of effectiveness defined in Article 20 of the ERDF Regulation and the implementation of which shall be determined on the basis of the performance review in accordance with Articles 21 and 22.

4. The national co-financing must be carried out in general by public bodies. However, in the case of aid schemes, co-financing may be applied to the total expenditure-private public


Sixth. Territorial scope: Cities or functional areas.

1. DUSI Strategies shall be developed in urban or functional urban areas as defined in Annex I to this call. The determination of the number of inhabitants will be carried out according to Royal Decree 1007/2014, of 5 December, for which the figures of population resulting from the revision of the municipal register referred to 1 January of January, are declared official. 2014.

2. The functional areas that are to be formed must be made up of municipalities belonging to the same autonomous community.

Seventh. Beneficiary entities.

1. For the purposes of this order, the status of beneficiary entities shall be provided by the Ayuntes or the supramunitial, pre-existing or newly established entities, representatives of the functional areas defined in Annex I, which present DUSI Strategies in accordance with the provisions of this call and which are to be awarded.

2. The condition of the recipient of the aid implies that they are taking over from the Intermedial Management Bodies designated in point 1 (2) of that order, the totality of rights and obligations inherent in that condition, in the terms of Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General of Grants, and of Royal Decree 887/2006, of 21 July, for which the Regulation of the General Law of Grants is approved.

Eighth. General requirements and content of Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies.

1. Strategies shall respond to the content specified in Annex II, including the following elements:

a) The initial identification of the urban problems or challenges of the area.

b) An analysis of the urban area as a whole from an integrated perspective.

c) A diagnosis of the situation of the urban area, as well as the definition of the expected results and their quantification: current value and target value at the end of December 31, 2022 based on the result indicators included in Annex III.

d) The delimitation of the scope of action.

e) A Strategy Implementation Plan that will include the lines of action. 'Action line' means a measure which implements a policy of public interest which is covered by a specific objective, managed by a single entity (a beneficiary or body with a financial path assigned) and is characterised by a specific objectives and management procedures and homogeneous financing schemes.

f) The description of the mechanisms for citizen participation and social actors.

g) The assurance of administrative capacity for implementation.

h) Reference to horizontal principles and cross-cutting objectives.

2. The DUSI strategy must be integrated and address in any case the following five aspects: economic, environmental, climate, demographic and social, which promote sustainable and integrated urban development.

3. The document submitted will not exceed 250,000 characters with spaces, including in the total of 250,000 characters the annexes that are considered necessary, translations, etc. Only graphs and explanatory drawings shall be permitted in addition to the 250,000 characters. The Strategy can be presented in any of the official languages of Spain, including in any case a copy of all the documentation in Spanish.

Ninth. Eligible expenses.

For expenses to be considered eligible, they must meet the following requirements:

(a) be in accordance with applicable local, regional, national and Community rules, and in particular with the order in which the rules on the eligible expenditure of the ERDF Operational Programmes are approved for the period 2014-2020 programming.

b) Be real and paid from the co-financed operation.

(c) They have been carried out for the development of the operations approved in the lines of action for which the aid has been granted.

d) Be appropriate to the objectives and priorities defined in this call.

e) Exists documentary evidence about their realization by invoice or accounting document of equivalent probative value, so that they can be verifiable.

f) Be related in an undoubted way with the activity to be developed and necessary for the development of the selected operations.

(g) Stated during the period of execution of the operation which in no case may have been initiated before 1 January 2014.

h) That the corresponding payments have been made effective from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2022. However, operations must not have been completed before the date of the decision to grant aid.

10th. Amount of subsidy.

The allocation of the aid, to the strategies that are selected, will be within the limits of funds allocated in total to the Autonomous Community in which they are located and will be done as follows:

For cities or functional areas greater than 50,000 inhabitants the maximum aid to be allocated for co-financing operations shall be EUR 15 million, except in exceptional cases, duly motivated.

For cities or functional areas larger than 20,000 and under 50,000 inhabitants, the maximum aid to be allocated for co-financing operations shall be EUR 5 million, except in exceptional cases, duly motivated.

In any case it shall apply to Article 61 and 65 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013.

11th. Management and monitoring of Strategies.

1. The Authority for the Management of the aid granted under this order shall be the Deputy Directorate-General for the Management of the ERDF of the Directorate-General for Community Funds.

2. The Subdirectorate-General for Territorial Cooperation and Urban Development of the Directorate-General for Community Funds and the General Secretariat for Local Cooperation of the Directorate-General for the Coordination of Competences with the Autonomous Communities and Local Entities shall be the Intermedial Management Bodies.

3. The entities benefiting from the operations to be co-financed under the DUSI Strategies shall be Intermediate Bodies only for the purposes of the selection of operations.

4. The intermediate management bodies together with the beneficiary entities shall carry out regular monitoring of the progress of the strategies which will include the presentation of the achievements achieved. These achievements will be quantified on the basis of outcome indicators (Annex III). If the monitoring of the strategies reveals any type of difficulty for the progress in its implementation, the appropriate measures shall be taken in accordance with the 18th paragraph of this same call.

5. The General Secretariat for Programming and Evaluation of Community Programmes will define, together with the beneficiary Entities, the requirements for the evaluation of the DUSI Strategies, in order to integrate the evaluations that are foreseen in the field of the Urban Development, in the POCS Evaluation Plan.

12th. Compatibility with other aids.

1. The perception of the aid covered by this order will be compatible with the perception of other subsidies or aid for the same purpose, from any public or public or private, national or public authorities. international bodies.

This compatibility will be conditional on the amount of aid received under no circumstances being such that, in isolation or in competition with others, it will exceed the cost of the subsidised activity.

Any other aid for the same human-readable expenditure from the European Union, as referred to in Article 65.11 of the ERDF Regulation, shall not be compatible with this order.

2. The requesting entity must declare the aid it has obtained or requested for the lines of action which are co-financed by this order, both when it presents the proposals and at any subsequent moment in which it is produced. (a) the circumstances, which may give rise to the corresponding sentences in the amount of the aid granted, or may even lead to the withdrawal of the aid granted, to the waiver, or to the withdrawal of the aid applied for. The aid to be declared shall be submitted in accordance with the model in Annex IV.1.

13th. Deadline for implementation and justification.

The period of material execution of the transactions, as well as of the actual and actual payments made under them, shall be between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2023, and shall be fixed for each DUSI strategy at the time of the granting of ERDF assistance.

The period of justification for the operations shall be three months from the end of the period of execution set at the time of selection of the operations, with the ceiling of 31 March 2024.


Aid management procedure

14th. Formalisation and submission of applications.

1. For the purposes of this order, they shall be regarded as an applicant entity, a town hall or a new constitution, a pre-existing or a new constitution, representatives of the areas defined in Annex I, present DUSI Strategies in accordance with the provisions of this call.

2. The following information shall be sent to request the aid of this call:

(a) Application Form, as defined in Annex IV.2 of this order, signed by the legal representative of the beneficiary entity.

(b) Agreement or resolution of the aid application adopted by the competent body.

(c) Agreement or resolution of approval of the Strategy adopted by the competent body.

d) Statement responsible for the existence of credit or commitment to provide sufficient credit to finance the operations to be selected, in the event that the DUSI Strategy presenting the call is selected, according to model set out in Annex IV.2.a.

e) Responsible statement of the requesting entity, as modeled in Annex IV.2.b of the:

i. Compliance with tax and social security obligations,

ii. compliance with obligations for the reimbursement of grants,

iii. not to be in any of the prohibitions provided for in Article 13 of Law 38/2003, General of Grants, of 17 November, to obtain the status of beneficiary.

iv. Statement of the representative of the functional area to be available at the time of the implementation of the Strategy selected from a technical team knowledgeable of national and European regulations and regulations on Funds EIE and in particular on matters of eligibility for expenditure, public procurement, the environment, information and publicity and equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

(f) Declaration issued by the intervention agency, grants, grants, revenue or resources requested and/or granted for the lines of action included in the Implementation Plan, from other sources Public or private authorities or entities, nationals of the European Union or international bodies.

g) Commitment to dealing with the competent authorities with certificates of compliance with the environmental requirements required for the implementation of the operations provided for in the DUSI Strategy.

h) A DUSI strategy defined for the selected urban area in accordance with the content described in Annex II, according to:

i) Article 7 of the ERDF Regulation,

(ii) the "Guidelines for the definition of an integrated strategy for sustainable urban development in the period 2014-2020", prepared by the RIU, available at

3. The documentation required in point two shall be submitted exclusively by electronic means and through the computer application developed by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations for this purpose in the according to the rules and electronic models in it collected. In order to access the IT application, it will be required to be in possession of a National Document of Electronic Identity or a recognized digital certificate of natural or legal person, in accordance with the provisions of article 11 of Law 59/2003, of 19 of December electronic signature.

15th. Competent bodies to convene, instruct and resolve the procedure.

1. The call is made through the present order of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

2. The Directorate-General for Community Funds shall be responsible for the instruction and organisation of the procedure for granting such aid.

3. It shall be competent to raise the proposal for a concession through the instructor, in accordance with the terms of Article 22.1 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, as a collegiate body, a valuation fee integrated by:

(a) Representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations:

The Director General of Community Funds, as President.

A Representative of the Subdirectorate-General for European Territorial Cooperation and Urban Development, as Vice-President.

A Representative of the General Management Subdirectorate of the ERDF.

A Representative of the General Subdirectorate of Territorial Programming and Community Program Evaluation.

A Representative of the Local Cooperation General Subdirectorate.

b) Representatives of the Ministry of Public Works:

A Representative of the General Subdirection of Soil Policy.

(c) Representatives of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism:

A Representative of the Secretariat of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society.

A Representative of the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings, IDAE.

d) Representatives of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security:

A Representative of the European Social Fund.

e) Representatives of the ACs.:

A Representative for each Autonomous Community who has provided additional funding to the Urban Axis of the Sustainable Growth Operational Programme, for the assessment of the Strategies of its Autonomous Community.

The representatives of the Valuation Commission shall be appointed by the Director General of the Departmental Unit to which they belong.

f) Representatives Thematic Networks, with a voice but no vote:

A Representative of the Environmental Authorities Network.

A Representative of the Equality Policy Network.

In addition, this valuation commission may invite representatives of the European Commission, other ministries or administrations, experts of recognized prestige in the sector, as well as the other networks considered relevant. Guests will have a voice but no vote.

He will act as secretary of the valuation committee with a voice but without a vote an official from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

4. The Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure shall be responsible for issuing the decision to grant the grants referred to in this order.

5. The operation of the valuation committee shall be adjusted at all times to the forecasts contained in Chapter II of Title II of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November on collegiate bodies, with the personal, technical, the materials and budgetary resources currently available to the administrative body in which it is integrated.

sixteenth. Assessment.

The evaluation and selection of applications will be made on a competitive concurrency basis based on the documentation provided.

The Assessment Board shall determine in a first phase the Eligible Strategies in accordance with the checklist in Annex V.

It shall then perform an assessment of those that have been eligible in accordance with the valuation criteria set out in Annex VI of this order, with a rating of 0 to 100 points for each of the DUSI Strategies presented.

Those DUSI Strategies that have obtained a minimum score of 50 points will be selected with the highest score to absorb the limit of the availability of ERDF funds in each Autonomous Community.

The Valuation Commission may request and collect any information it deems necessary for the determination, knowledge and verification of the data in respect of which the decision to grant aid is to be adopted.

The organ in charge of the instruction of the procedure, in the light of the supported strategies, in order to determine aspects of complementarity and/or incidence with other strategies that affect or could affect the same territory, as well as any matter considered to be of interest to that Administration, may request the Autonomous Community to develop the Strategies presented in a report. Such a report shall be issued, where appropriate, within a maximum of 15 days, from receipt of the request and shall in no case be binding. After that period without receiving the said report, the procedure shall be continued.

seventeenth. Hearing.

1. The investigating body shall, in the light of the dossier and of the report of the assessment committee, submit a proposal for a provisional resolution, duly substantiated, to the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure containing:

(a) The relationship of the proposed strategies for co-financing with the amount of ERDF assistance allocated to each of them and the Intermedio Management Agency on which they depend.

(b) The relationship of strategies that are not eligible according to what is set out in this call.

2. The provisional resolution signed by the competent authority for the grant of the grant shall be notified to the persons concerned by publication in the BOE specifying the reasons for rejection of the unaddressed requests.

3. Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the notification or publication, the applicant Entities may make the claims they deem appropriate, only by electronic means.

4. The arguments submitted will be examined and resolved by the investigating body which will make a proposal for a final decision which will be notified to the Qualifying Entities so that, within ten days, they will communicate their acceptance or resignation. the aid granted. The proposals for interim and final resolution do not create any right in favour of the beneficiary vis-à-vis the Administration, while the granting decision has not been notified to it.

Eighteenth. Resolution.

1. The proposal for a definitive resolution, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, will be approved by the competent body.

2. The maximum time limit for resolving and notifying the decision of the procedure may not exceed six months from the publication of the call for aid. After such a time limit has not been expressed by express resolution, the applications shall be deemed to be dismissed, in accordance with the provisions of Article 25.5 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants.

3. The resolution signed by the General Secretariat for Budgets and Expenditure will be published in the BOE. In the case of rejected applications, the reasons for rejection shall also be specified.

4. Likewise, in compliance with the provisions of the Community legislation and the General Law on Subsidies, the aforementioned resolution, the Qualifying Entities, will be published in the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations. Selected strategies and the maximum amount of ERDF assistance granted to each of them.

5. Within 10 days of the notification of the Resolution, the beneficiary entities shall communicate to the body that has resolved the procedure their acceptance or waiver of the aid granted. Such communication shall be made exclusively by electronic means. In the absence of a reply within that period, acceptance by the beneficiary shall be understood. Acceptance of the aid implies acceptance of the inclusion of the Entity in the list of beneficiaries published in accordance with Article 115.2 of Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013.

6. Against such a decision, which shall terminate the administrative procedure, a preliminary injunction may be made for its annulment or revocation in the terms laid down in Article 44 in conjunction with Article 46 (6) of Law No 29/1998. July 13, regulator of the Jurisdiction-Administrative Jurisdiction or, where appropriate, directly interject litigation-administrative in the terms provided for in the Law cited above.

Nineteenth. Modification of the resolution.

1. As a general rule, amendments to the DUSI Strategies shall not be permitted. However, where specific circumstances arise which alter, in so far as it is not substantial, the technical or economic conditions taken into account for the granting of the aid, the beneficiary may request the amendment of the (a) a decision on the granting of changes to the budget and other causes which are independent of the beneficiary's will. The circumstances for which an amendment is requested shall be duly justified and, in any event, the request shall be made prior to the completion of the deadline.

2. The authorisation of a change in the DUSI Strategy will require cumulatively:

(a) that the change does not affect the objectives pursued with the aid, its fundamental aspects or the determination of the beneficiary.

b) That the change is requested before the end of the execution of the operation, and is expressly accepted.

3. The amendments must be approved by the granting body of the aid.

4. The acceptance or refusal of this application shall be made expressly and shall be notified to the person concerned, with the extension granted to the limits laid down in Article 49 of Law No 30/1992 of the Legal Regime of the Administrations. Public and the Common Administrative Procedure.

Twenty. Management, monitoring and control.

1. The intermediate management bodies shall ensure proper management, interpretation and resolution of all aspects relating to the dossiers for the granting of aid requested, as well as for the monitoring, evaluation and control of the same.

2. The beneficiary Entities, which shall participate as Intermediate Bodies for the purpose of the selection of operations under the DUSI Strategies, shall carry out such selection to be validated by the Management Authority.

3. The beneficiary institutions shall apply for reimbursement of the ERDF aid on the basis of the expenditure they have incurred. To this end, they shall supply the required information to the Intermedial Management Agency for which they are required to provide them with the documentary evidence to be determined in the appropriate Instructions.

4. The Management Intermediate Bodies, in accordance with the financial management system provided for in Chapter 1 of Title I of Part Four of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013, and after the checks referred to in Article 125 of (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 have been completed, the Management Authority shall be justified in supporting the expenditure of the operations duly certified by the Qualifying Entities to apply to the European Commission for the reimbursement of the aid corresponding to them.

In order to comply with the control obligations referred to above, the aforementioned Intermedial Management Agencies shall carry out administrative and on-the-spot checks to verify and inspect the development of the actions. supported and the eligibility of the certified expenditure. The beneficiary entities shall be required to provide the necessary elements for the purposes of the verification and financial control carried out by the Intermediate Bodies and the other competent bodies at national or international level. European Union.

5. The justification for the expenditure of the operations carried out by the beneficiary entities shall be borne in the accounts which shall be retained by them, taking into account all the provisions applicable to the Structural Funds in the matter of eligibility, management and control, as well as the management and control systems established by the Management Authority, the Intermediate Body and, where appropriate, those approved by the Commission relating to the Intervention.

In order to enable the Intermedial Management Bodies to carry out the relevant verifications and to ensure an appropriate audit trail, the beneficiaries must attach to each expenditure certification a report of the audit that will verify the investments and expenses incurred and their adequacy to the applicable national and Community rules. They shall also deliver to the Intermedial Management Agency they rely on, copies in electronic format of:

a) Justicizers of investments: invoices to suppliers and other documents of evidentiary value.

(b) Justicizers of payments made: bank transfers and certificates or extracts of payment where the recipient and issuer of the payment, the invoice number to be paid and the date of the payment must be clearly identified. same.

The beneficiaries must retain the original or certified copies of these documents in accordance with the originals, on data carriers generally adapted during the time provided for in Article 140 of the Regulation. (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013.

6. The final settlement shall be forwarded to the Management Agency for which they are dependent, the beneficiary entities having to prove that the operation is supported by the submission of documents to be determined in the Member States. Instructions approved for this purpose.

Twenty first. Compliance instructions.

The Management Intermediate Bodies shall issue as many instructions as possible for the fulfilment of this call and the implementation of the subsidised operations.

Twenty-second. Graduation criteria for possible defaults.

The recovery of the aid is to be recovered where there is a breach of the conditions imposed by the granting of the aid or the conditions laid down in the applicable Community and national rules, provided for in Article 37 of Law 38/2003, General Law on Subsidies and pursuant to Articles 72,h), 125 and 143 of Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, and laying down general provisions for the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the European Maritime Fund and for Fisheries and repealing Regulation (EC) 1083/2006.

The processing of drawback procedures will be governed by the principle of proportionality, and by the extent of the financial consequences, in accordance with the provisions of both national and national regulations. community.

Twenty-third. Information and communication.

The Qualifying Entities shall comply with the information and publicity requirements set out in Annex XII to Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 'Information and Communication on support from the Funds'.


Call for help

Twenty-fourth. Call.

1. The first call for the granting of aid for the DUSI Strategies is hereby approved.

2. This call shall be governed by the regulatory bases contained in Chapters I and II of this order, without prejudice to what is in particular set out in this Chapter.

3. The Director-General of Community Funds for the purposes of information and publicity, as well as coordination with other public administrations, shall publish this order on the website of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.

Twenty-fifth. Funding.

Approximately 70% of the total ERDF assistance for the urban axis within the POCS is called, according to the following distribution of aid by Autonomous Community:


Autonomous Community

Total ERDF assistance by CC.AA. for first call (thousands of euros)



developed subtotal




Castilla-La Mancha






Subtotal transition




Com. Valenciana


















More developed subtotal


Total Spain


(*) The endowment for Integrated Sustainable Urban Development corresponding to Ceuta and Melilla is scheduled in the respective ERDF Operational Programmes of Ceuta and Melilla.

Twenty-sixth. Deadline for submitting applications.

1. The time limit for the submission of applications shall be forty-five days from the date of publication in the "Official State Gazette" of this order.

2. Where the application does not meet the requirements laid down in this call, the person concerned shall be required to provide, within a maximum period of 10 days, any errors detected or to provide the required documents, if not The Court of First Instance shall, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 42 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, take the following decisions: Common Administrative.

3. Any application whose filing occurs outside the prescribed period shall be rejected and shall not be assessed. No documentation shall also be valued which has not been incorporated into the computer application referred to in paragraph 15 (3) of this order, unless it is expressly required by the intermediary body to the entity.

Twenty-seventh. Deadline for implementation and justification.

In the 13th article of the bases that regulate the selection of DUSI Strategies, the maximum term of execution of the operations, as well as of the justification of the payments, is established. For this first call, the period of material execution of the operations, as well as of the actual and actual payments made from them, shall be from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2022 and shall be fixed for each DUSI Strategy at the time of the grant of the ERDF assistance.

The period of justification for the operations shall be three months from the end of the execution period set at the time of selection of the operations, with the limit for this call of 31 March 2023.

On December 31, 2019, the Intermedial Management Agencies will verify that the certifications introduced in the application enabled to the effect, correspond to at least 30% of the eligible expenditure approved, possibly, if it considers it appropriate and after hearing the beneficiary Entity, to reduce the aid initially allocated in the amount corresponding to the difference in expenditure not executed up to 30%.

However, where exceptional causes prevent the completion of the operation within the period granted, the Entity may apply in advance of the date set, an extension of the same duly justified, In particular, the provisions of Article 49.3 of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure shall apply. The Directorate-General for Community Funds shall have the power to approve or refuse applications. The agreement shall not be subject to appeal.

Twenty-eighth. Formalisation and submission of applications.

1. For the purposes of this order, they shall be regarded as an applicant entity, a town hall or a new constitution, a pre-existing or a new constitution, representatives of the areas defined in Annex I, present DUSI Strategies in accordance with the provisions of this call.

2. The following information shall be sent to request the aid of this call:

(a) Application form, as defined in Annex IV.2 of this order, signed by the legal representative of the beneficiary entity.

(b) Agreement or resolution of the aid application adopted by the competent body.

(c) Agreement or resolution of approval of the Strategy adopted by the competent body.

d) Statement responsible for the existence of credit or commitment to provide sufficient credit to finance the operations to be selected, in the event that the DUSI Strategy presenting the call is selected, in accordance with the model set out in Annex IV.2.a).

e) Responsible statement of the requesting entity, as modeled in Annex IV.2.b) of the:

i. Compliance with tax and social security obligations,

ii. compliance with obligations for the reimbursement of grants,

iii. not to be in any of the prohibitions provided for in Article 13 of Law 38/2003, General of Grants, of 17 November, to obtain the status of beneficiary.

iv. Statement of the representative of the functional area to be available at the time of the implementation of the Strategy selected from a technical team knowledgeable of national and European regulations and regulations on Funds EIE and in particular on matters of eligibility for expenditure, public procurement, the environment, information and publicity and equal opportunities and non-discrimination.

(f) Declaration issued by the intervention agency, grants, grants, revenue or resources requested and/or granted for the lines of action included in the Implementation Plan, from other sources Public or private authorities or entities, nationals of the European Union or international bodies.

g) Commitment to dealing with the competent authorities with certificates of compliance with the environmental requirements required for the implementation of the operations provided for in the DUSI Strategy.

h) A DUSI strategy defined for the selected urban area in accordance with the content described in Annex II, according to:

i) Article 7 of the ERDF Regulation,

(ii) the "Guidelines for the definition of an integrated strategy for sustainable urban development in the period 2014-2020", prepared by the RIU, available at

3. The documentation required in point two shall be submitted exclusively by electronic means and through the computer application developed by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations for this purpose in the according to the rules and electronic models in it collected. In order to access the IT application, it will be required to be in possession of a National Document of Electronic Identity or a recognized digital certificate of natural or legal person, in accordance with the provisions of article 11 of Law 59/2003, of 19 of December electronic signature.

Twenty-ninth. Resolution and notification.

1. In the light of the proposal for a final resolution of the Valuation Commission, the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure shall resolve the applications submitted.

2. The maximum time limit for resolving and notifying the decision of the procedure may not exceed six months from the publication of the call for aid. After such a time limit has not been expressed by express resolution, the applications shall be deemed to be dismissed, in accordance with the provisions of Article 25.5 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants.

3. The resolution signed by the Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure will be published in the BOE. In the case of rejected applications, the reasons for rejection shall also be specified.

4. Likewise, in compliance with the provisions of the Community legislation and the General Law on Subsidies, the aforementioned resolution, the Qualifying Entities, will be published in the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations. Selected strategies and the maximum amount of ERDF assistance granted to each of them.

5. Acceptance of the aid implies acceptance of the inclusion of the Entity in the list of beneficiaries published in accordance with Article 115.2 of Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013.

6. Against such a decision, which shall terminate the administrative procedure, a preliminary injunction may be made for its annulment or revocation in the terms laid down in Article 44 in conjunction with Article 46 (6) of Law No 29/1998. July 13, Regulatory of the Administrative-Administrative Jurisdiction or, where appropriate, directly interject litigation-administrative in the terms provided for in the Law cited above.

Thirty. Conditions derived from the POCS performance reserve.

In accordance with Article 20 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 and with the ERDF assistance under the performance framework included in the POCS, the Urban Axis set has an effectiveness reserve of between 6% and 7%. (depending on the region) of the total ERDF assistance. The implementation of such an effectiveness reserve is conditional on the achievement of the interim milestone of 10% of the total Axis expenditure being committed at 31 December 2018.

In order to comply with this overall requirement, the Management Authority may individually condition the application of the effectiveness reserve in each urban area to which its contracting authority has contracted by 31 December 2018 15% of the total expenditure of its operations to co-finance with ERDF.

Single additional disposition. Applicable legislation and documentation to be taken into account

The following applicable provisions shall be taken into account:

Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 (OJ EU 20 December 2013 L 347) laying down common rules for the European Regional Development Fund, the Social Fund European Agricultural Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

Regulation (EU) No 1301/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 (OJ EU 20 December 2013 L 347) on the European Regional Development Fund and on specific provisions relating to the investment objective in growth and employment.

Law 38/2003, of November 17, General of Grants.

Royal Legislative Decree 2/2008, of June 20, for which the recast text of the law of the soil is approved.

Guidelines for Developing Urban Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategies (DUSI) of the Urban Initiatives Network.

Guidelines for Member States. Sustainable development integrated into the urban environment. ERDF Regulation (Article 7).

A strategy for sustainable development adopted by the Extraordinary Council in Gothenburg in June 2001.

Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Association Agreement of Spain 2014-2020.

Sustainable Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020.

ERDF expenditure eligibility order for the 2014-2020 programming period.

" Cities of tomorrow: challenges, visions and paths to follow. DG for Regional Policy, October 2011.

Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities of 24 May 2007.

Toledo Declaration on Integrated Urban Regeneration of 22 July 2010.

Cohesion and Cities Policy: The Urban Contribution to Growth and Employment in the Regions " of 13 July 2006 COM (2006) 385 Final.

Final disposition first. Resource interposition.

The decision to grant an end to the administrative route and against it may be brought before the Administrative-Administrative Board of the National Court, within two months. count from the day following that of its publication, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 11 and 46 of Law 29/1998 of July 13, the regulator of the Jurisdiction-Administrative Jurisdiction.

However, with prior character, prior notice may be instituted, in the terms provided for in Article 44 of Law 29/1998, of July 13, the regulator of the Jurisdiction-Administrative Jurisdiction.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This ministerial order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 13 November 2015.-The Minister of Finance and Public Administration, Cristobal Montoro Romero.


Functional Area Typologies

In the period 2014-2020 the following urban areas may be eligible for co-financing of operations included in DUSI Strategies:

1. Urban areas consisting of a single municipality with a population of over 20,000.

The municipalities of more than 20,000 inhabitants will be able to present DUSI Strategies. These strategies of local scale may refer to the whole of the municipal term, or be limited to urban areas under different types of morphological and functional typology: historical centres, disadvantaged neighbourhoods or suburban areas specific issues and unique challenges.

It is recommended that the administrative management unit of these strategies be the municipality's own City Council.

2. Clusters of municipalities with a population of each of them more than 20,000 inhabitants.

The clusters of two or more municipalities, with a population of more than 20,000 inhabitants, will be able to jointly present a strategy at the supramunicipal scale according to the definition of the area. urban functional of such a strategy.

Strategies should provide a coherent and reasoned justification for the existence of common problems, the complementarity of urban functions, as well as the explanation that tackling them together is the optimal way to achieve solutions to these problems. They should also explain how relations between municipalities will be intensified to take advantage of synergies and complementarities.

In this case, the participating councils will have to define a single administrative management body for the Strategies, which could be one of those Ayuntamas or an existing supramunicial organ or a new constitution.

3. Urban areas formed by a municipality or conurbation of more than 20,000 inhabitants and peripheral municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants.

The municipalities or conurbations of more than 20,000 inhabitants that constitute the center of urban areas of other municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants, will be able to present jointly strategies DUSI in accordance with the definition of the urban functional area covered by these Strategies.

This type of functional area must be made up of a central municipality or central conurbation (greater than 20,000 inhabitants), and another or other municipalities (less than 20,000 inhabitants) whose municipal terms are adjacent to the of the first.

The strategies will have to justify in a coherent and reasoned manner the existence of common problems affecting the urban agglomeration as a whole, the promotion of the links between the urban and rural areas, as well as the an explanation that the supramunicipal urban scale is optimal to address solutions to these problems.

The participating councils will have to define a single administrative management body for the Strategies, which is recommended to be the municipality of the central municipality of more than 20,000 inhabitants, or a supramunicipal organ. existing or new constitution.

4. Conurbations of more than 20,000 inhabitants, consisting of groups of municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants.

The conurbations of more than 20,000 inhabitants constituted by two or more municipalities of less than 20,000 inhabitants that present a physical urban continuity, so that they constitute morphologically a single urban core, they will be able present joint DUSI strategies in a manner consistent with the definition of the urban functional area.

This typology encompasses "polycentric areas" characterized by the existence of several centers that coexist in a territory with both competition and complementarity. They are functional urban areas that do not have a marked dependency on a central core and share common problems of different order.

These strategies will have to justify in a coherent and reasoned manner the existence of common problems, demonstrate the urban physical continuity, as well as the explanation that the supramunicipal urban scale is the optimal one to address the solutions to these problems.

The participating councils will have to define a single administrative management body for the strategies, which could be one of those councils or an existing or newly established supramunicial organ.

Additional considerations

The selected urban area should be the effective support for a long-term DUSI Strategy, not simply the area where targeted urban improvement operations will be executed.

The scale of the chosen urban area should have sufficient critical mass to implement a strategy that addresses at least two of the following thematic objectives: OT2, OT4, OT6 and OT9, and preferably more than two. This should be explained in a detailed and detailed manner.

The selected urban area must have appropriate management authorities, with sufficient and demonstrated capacity to implement and implement the Strategies.

The municipalities and, where appropriate, the supramunitial entities, must demonstrate their capacity on the basis of the criteria defined in this call, and as provided for in the ERDF Regulation, the Association Agreement and the Sustainable Growth.

The resources will be allocated to urban authorities to promote the strategies and operations of Integrated Sustainable Urban Development, taking into account the change and the transformations that are intended to be reached on the basis of a clear definition of the needs and potential of the urban area.


Content of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development (DUSI) strategies

1. Initial identification of urban problems/challenges of the area. Urban problems are those obstacles and bottlenecks that will give rise to the challenges that urban authorities must address in order to achieve real sustainable urban development. Most of these problems fall within the thematic objectives financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds and in line with the specific investment priorities for urban areas, including the promotion of urban areas. low-carbon strategies for urban areas, improving the urban environment (including the regeneration of abandoned industrial areas and reducing air pollution), promoting sustainable urban mobility and promoting sustainable urban mobility. promotion of social inclusion.

Problems not only take into account weaknesses or needs but also assets, existing resources and potential. They may have already been identified by the urban authorities involved (through instruments such as strategic plans, agendas 21, sectoral action programmes, etc.) or, in other cases, should be highlighted or better known through the analysis of the different urban dimensions. Therefore, depending on the cases, different processes and different times may be required for this diagnosis.

A greater and better knowledge of these problems will lead us to identify the many challenges facing the urban area to address, promote and implement a true urban development strategy. sustainable.

2. Analysis of the urban area as a whole from an integrated perspective. Once the main urban problems have been identified, it is appropriate to analyse the urban dimensions affecting these problems, the territorial relations (urban functions) and the appropriate territorial scales.

The purpose of this analysis is to understand in depth the main weaknesses and threats that affect the urban environment as well as its strengths, and the main factors and territorial keys of its development to address the multiple challenges facing urban areas, transforming these into opportunities.

For guidance, some aspects may be included in the analysis, depending on the problems identified and the circumstances of each urban area, but in any case at least the five challenges defined in Article 7 of the ERDF Regulation: economic, environmental, climate, demographic and social:

A. Physical analysis. Among other aspects, we will study the situation of the building park, analyzing with special attention the housing stock and the state of the public buildings, determining the potentiality of the rehabilitation action lines. In the event of an infringement, determine whether it is concentrated in certain neighbourhoods or urban environments.

Other possible aspects to be analyzed are mobility, the transport and communications system, and the traffic situation, both urban and interurban, relating the existing transport networks to population densities. and economic activities. To determine the degree of adequacy of existing equipment to the needs of different urban environments. Determine the degree of accessibility, especially in urbanized spaces, for people with reduced mobility.

B. Environmental analysis and climatic conditions. This aspect would imply a quantitative and qualitative detail of the green areas of the field and, in particular, those of public access, analyzing their suitability for the existing uses and activities and the demand for such spaces. It is important to identify those areas that are subject to environmental degradation, either because they are in disused industrial areas or because of other causes. To present the main indicators of air quality in the field and noise levels, determining, where appropriate, those areas with the greatest problems of air pollution and noise pollution. The analysis should include the study of urban waste collection and treatment systems and the provision of landfill. Also, describe the situation of the water supply and sewerage network, access to energy sources and consumption patterns. Finally, the exposure to possible natural risks of the scope and the possible effects of climate change should be analyzed.

C. Energy analysis. It would involve analyzing from the point of view of their energy consumption the state of the building park-housing and public buildings-public transport, public lighting and those facilities in which savings opportunities are presented energy or increase of the percentage of the share of renewable energy.

D. Economic analysis. It should pick up aspects such as the characterization of the local labour market as well as the supply and demand for employment. It is important to approach the distribution and location of the economic activity and the business fabric, analyzing the business structure of the municipality and, specifically, the situation of the SMEs in the urban area. The main productive sectors as well as the local competitiveness factors should be presented, analysing the role of the sector in the regional/national economy as a whole. In addition, the economic situation of people and households should be analysed, through variables such as per capita income, disposable income or the number of households affected by unemployment.

E. Demographic analysis. In cases where problems can be identified that may be linked to demographic issues, the demographic structure should be analysed through a pyramid of population disaggregated by gender, studying evolution and distribution. space of the population in the field. It is important to identify trends experienced in the urban environment (growth or decrease, ageing, migratory phenomena, etc.) and to establish some future projections in different scenarios. In this area, one of the clear instruments is the exploitation of the Municipal Register of Inhabitants and the data of the Census of Population and Housing.

F. Social analysis. This type of analysis involves describing the educational level of the population by age ranges as well as the rate of school dropout, and identifying possible areas of social conflict, pockets of poverty and social exclusion, as well as high crime rates. It should also be considered the presence of ethnic minorities, determining their spatial distribution or concentration, as well as the socio-cultural diversity of the field. In the elaboration of this analysis it is important to take into account the different needs of men and women.

G. Analysis of the territorial context. The analysis of this aspect should not be limited to the area of administrative boundaries, but urban realities should be presented in their proper territorial context, studying the functional relations and regional dynamics that explain or condition the situation of the different urban environments. The materialization of this analysis must be carried out according to the situation and morphology of the territory, although it must always be present, be it in the case of large metropolitan areas, as if the object of analysis is a set of smaller population cores joined by certain common challenges.

H. Analysis of the competence framework. The powers with which the local entity counts for its implementation shall be defined, determining in which matters it may act directly and where it will be necessary to refer to the field of inter-administrative relations with other entities. Local, Autonomous Community or General Administration of the State.

The interrelations of the local authorities with the state and regional administration as well as with other local entities, make it necessary to analyze their concrete situation in the administrative structure, especially in the field of competence.

Therefore, the integrated territorial strategy should include an analysis of competencies and services, distinguishing between:

(i) Own powers in accordance with Articles 7.2, 25, 26 and 36 of Law 7/1985 of 2 April, regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, as amended by Law 27/2013 of 27 December, of rationalisation and sustainability of the Local Administration.

(ii) Powers delegated in accordance with Articles 7.3, 27 and 37 of Law 7/1985 of 2 April, regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, as amended by Law 27/2013.

(iii) Competences exercised in accordance with Article 7.4 of Law 7/1985 of 2 April, regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, as amended by Law 27/2013.

I. Analysis of existing planning instruments. For the elaboration of the strategy, they will analyze the set of support tools that can serve for the realization of the analysis and diagnosis phase and for the orientation of the integrated lines of action. These include:

i) The figure/s of urban planning and spatial planning and sectoral plans affecting the urban area.

ii) Local-level indicator batteries developed in the context of other municipal projects (Local Agenda 21, Strategic Plan, ...)

iii) The various sectoral strategies which, in summary, harmonised and, where appropriate, updated, can be a starting point for the development of the integrated strategy. The development of a DUSI strategy should not be based on zero. Most Local Entities have updated strategic plans, 21 agendas, sectoral programs, etc., that must be integrated into the process.

In short, it is necessary that the different municipal areas, traditionally focused on sectoral realizations of their competence, assume their responsibility as a "partner" of a DUSI Strategy, adapting their lines of actions and resources to this Strategy and contributing from its scope to its definition and development.

J. Risk analysis. The Strategy will incorporate a risk analysis, or a similar document, in which, in view of the characteristics of the urban area, the main risks that can be encountered by obstacles to the normal development of measures and actions can be considered. to resolve the problems identified.

To do this, first of all, the main risks to which the strategy will have to face will be related, as can be issues related to the operational development of the lines of action, problems of solvency economic and financial obstacles, obstacles of a normative nature, human resources and administrative capacity, technical barriers that can hinder the resolution of urban problems, etc. Second, each of these identified risks will be linked with corrective and preventive measures already planned or in progress that can be used to address them and reduce their negative impact on the effectiveness of the resolution of the referred to. urban problems.

3. Diagnosis of the situation of the urban area. Definition of expected results. From the analysis carried out, a diagnosis of the situation of the urban area will be extracted through a DAFO or similar analysis, which must be of a transversal nature, and that will allow to clearly identify the needs and problems of the urban area, thus as their assets and potentialities.

This diagnosis will make it possible to define below the expected results that are intended to be achieved in the long term through the implementation of the DUSI Strategy. These results will be linked where appropriate with the thematic objectives and investment priorities set out in the Sustainable Growth Operational Programme.

Sustainable Urban Development Strategies should not be thematically comprehensive or "comprehensive" addressing all possible issues and areas. They need to define priorities and this is a choice and a hierarchy of challenges to be addressed and objectives to be achieved.

4. Delimitation of the scope of action. Based on the analysis and diagnosis made, and taking into account the expected results, the scope of action and the affected population will be defined, and their choice should be based on indicators and variables of a social, demographic, economic and environmental.

The delimitation should be clear and unambiguous, taking into account that there are several possibilities for delimitation, since integrated actions can range from neighborhood or district to broader functional areas as city-regions or metropolitan areas as well as the link between the city and the surrounding rural environment.

In addition to the geographical delimitation, the scope of action should be defined with indicators reflecting the social, demographic, economic and environmental dimensions, such as the reference to a given economic sector or a group of affected population.

As has already been pointed out, the delimitation of the scope of action will be determined by the characteristics and nature of the problem or situation to be addressed. Not all problems within the Strategy should be addressed and dealt with on the same scale. Therefore, once the appropriate urban area is defined for the implementation of the long-term strategy, which could assume a functional urban area demarcation, including several interlinked urban nuclei around certain functions, the areas or territorial scales of the lines of action or operations, shall have different scales and dimensions.

To the extent that these actions included in the Strategy are integrated and interrelated, all of them should contribute to the Single Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development, even if they are implemented in times and on different territorial scales.

The scale of implementation of an operation could result in its implementation in the functional urban area as a whole or in a polycentric urban network (e.g. in the case of a mobility and public transport problem). concentrate on a small sub-area, neighbourhood or residential area (for example in the case of a social inclusion problem and resident vulnerable population education).

5. Plan for Implementation of the Strategy. On the basis of the diagnosis made and the results achieved in the urban area, and once the scope of action and the population is defined, the Strategy will incorporate an Implementation Plan, which will contain at least the following elements:

The description of the action lines to be performed by specific Objective to achieve the defined results.

Description, for each line of action, of the criteria and procedures for the selection of operations.

A timeline, which will include the indicative temporary planning of the different lines of action for each specific objective to be carried out over the period of the Strategy's term.

The total indicative budget of the Implementation Plan, detailed by line of action and specific objective. Also, the planned expenditure for the management of each specific objective, as well as the costs of horizontal management (coordination and financial management of the strategies, travel, dissemination days, etc.) will be quantified, which will not exceed the total of 4 % of total expenditure.

The productivity indicators for the lines of action referred to in the Implementation Plan, according to Annex VIII of this call.

The operations that will ultimately develop the Strategy Implementation Plan will need to be coordinated with the European Social Fund, with the flexibility allowed by Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 in its article. 98.2, to apply 10% of ERDF resources to ESF-type action lines.

General guidance on the operations to be developed under the selected Strategies is included in Annex VII, in line with the provisions of the POCS.

In any case it shall apply to Article 61 and 65 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013.

6. Citizen participation and social partners. One of the key aspects in the development of the DUSI Strategy is the need to guarantee citizen participation in its elaboration and implementation, establishing effective mechanisms of information and consultation of citizens, in addition to key economic, social and institutional players.

Thus, the Strategy should clearly state how the views of these actors have been taken into account in their development, both in the design and monitoring process, as well as the way in which communication, dissemination and communication will be carried out. Promotion of the Strategy within the urban area between its main social, economic and citizen sectors.

The document should include a list of institutions, organizations, and public, private and civic entities that have been convened for participation in the elaboration of the Strategy.

7. Administrative Capacity. The Strategy must include a summary with the structure that is available or intended to be created for the implementation of the Strategy, either by framing it within the Beneficial Entity or with external staff by creating a management office that coordinate their development and follow-up. The proposal should point out whether external technical assistance has been provided for.

The beneficiary entity must have a technical team that is aware of national and Community regulations and regulations on European funds in relation to, in particular, the selection of operations (Article 125.3). Regulation 1303/2013 of 17 December 2013 common provisions of the European Funds, public procurement, the environment, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, eligibility for expenditure, information and publicity and other matters necessary to comply correctly with the current legislation, as well as knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable and integrated urban development.

The total co-financed management expense cannot exceed 4% of the total expenditure of the selected DUSI Strategy Implementation Plan.

8. Horizontal principles and cross-cutting objectives:

Equality between men and women and non-discrimination. Equality of opportunity is a general principle whose two aspects are equal treatment between people and equality between men and women. This general principle should be applied in all sectors, in particular in professional life, education and access to healthcare, goods and services.

The principle of non-discrimination is established to ensure equal treatment among individuals whatever their nationality, sex, race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or orientation. sexual.

The Strategy designed should take into account these horizontal principles on equality between men and women and non-discrimination. It will be necessary to point out how the Strategy contributes to greater integration into the labour and social world of both women and the disabled, other marginalised groups, immigrants and ethnic minorities.

Sustainable development. Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 provides that the objectives of the ESI Funds shall be pursued in the framework of sustainable development in order to preserve and improve the environment, and taking into account the principle that ' pollute pays. "

The horizontal principle of sustainable development involves the implementation of cross-cutting measures related to environmental protection, efficiency in the use of resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem protection, disaster resistance, risk prevention and management.

The Strategy designed should take into account this horizontal principle of sustainable development. It will be necessary to point out how the Strategy contributes to achieving greater efficiency in the use of resources, decarbonisation of the economy, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems, and disaster resilience.

Accessibility. The Spanish Disability Strategy 2012-2020 sets out a number of policy areas and strategic measures in the field of education, employment, health and the fight against poverty, as well as establishing universal accessibility as a precondition for for participation in society and in the economy.

The DUSI Strategy presented should take into account the requirements set out in the Spanish Disability Strategy, in order to facilitate access to disabled people

Demographic change. One of the greatest challenges facing Europe-and Spain-is demographic change and in particular the ageing of the population. This structural change that leads to the existence of a higher percentage of people in the population of more than 65 years produces greater pressure on the pension system and the increase in demand for social protection benefits. especially health care services and related to situations of dependency.

The Strategy designed should take into account the challenges that arise as a result of demographic change in urban areas, and in particular address the needs of older people.

Mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 provides that climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate change is a cross-cutting objective that will be present in the preparation, programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all climate change. Funds.

Designed strategies will take into account measures that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation and the reduction of their effects, taking into account the risk of natural disasters caused by extreme weather.


List of Urban Axis Result Indicators




Unit of

Objective 2: Improving the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to same



Number of cities over 20,000 transformed in Smart Cities.




Percentage of procedures and procedures through Internet of Companies and citizens in cities that have integrated urban development strategies selected.

Objective 4: Favor the transition to a low-carbon economy in all sectors



Number of urban public transport trips in cities that have urban development strategies selected.

Number of trips/year.



Final power consumption by building, infrastructure, and utilities in areas cities that have selected integrated urban development strategies.


Objective 6: Preserve and protect the environment and promote resource



Number of visitors attracted to cities that have integrated urban development strategies selected.

Number of visits/year.



Urban floor area rehabilitated in cities that have strategies of selected urban development.




Number of days per year in which air quality allowable limits are exceeded, in cities that have selected integrated urban development strategies.

Number of days/year

Objective 9: Promote social inclusion and fight poverty and any form of discrimination



Percentage of people with access to local social services offered, in cities that have selected integrated urban development strategies.



Statement responsible for the requesting entity (non-existence of double financing)

FEDER-Period 2014-2020 Aid

Sustainable Growth Operational Program

2015 Call

Request n. º

Naming the DUSI Strategy

Local Entity

D. /D. _______________________________________________________________________________ as _______________________________ of the Entity above referenced, in accordance with the 2015 call for assistance from the ERDF, approved in order HAP/2427/2015, 13 November, from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, approving the 2015 call for assistance from the European Regional Development Fund to co-finance the Strategy _______________________________ during the programming 2014-2020, DECLARES that this Entity:

You have received no grants, grants, income or resources for the same purpose from other Public Administrations or public, private, national, European Union or International Organizations.

The amount of aid requested, in concurrence with any other grant, aid, income or resource obtained and/or requested for the same purpose does not exceed the cost of the DUSI Strategy and, consequently, the aid is met with the limit established in Article 19.3 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants.

The aids obtained or requested are as follows:

Entity that grants it:

Financiable budget:

Amount of help (€):

Regulatory provision or aid program:

Aid granted:


Form for Application for Aid for Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategies of the 2014-2020 Sustainable Growth Operational Programme


Annex IV.2.a

Responsible Statement of Credit Existence

FEDER-Period 2014-2020 Aid

Sustainable Growth Operational Program

First Call

Request n. º

Naming the DUSI Strategy

Requesting Entity

D. /D. th ______________________________________________ as _______________________________ of the applicant Entity above referenced, in compliance with the provisions of Article ______ of the 2015 call for assistance from the Fund European Regional Development, adopted in order HAP/2427/2015 of 13 November, DECLARES:

a) The existence of sufficient credit or commitment to enable sufficient credit to finance the operations that are selected within the Implementation Plan of the DUSI strategy, and the distribution of which is as follows:

National contribution:

ERDF Help:

Total eligible expense:

(Date, signature, and stamp of the entity)

Annex IV.2.b

Statement responsible for the requesting entity

FEDER-Period 2014-2020 Aid

Sustainable Growth Operational Program

2015 Call

Request n. º

Naming the DUSI Strategy

Local Entity

D. /D. _______________________________________________________________________________ as _______________________________ of the Entity above referenced, in accordance with the 2015 call for assistance from the ERDF, approved in order HAP/2427/2015, 13 November of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, approving the 2015 call for assistance from the European Regional Development Fund to co-finance the Strategy _______________________________during the programming 2014-2020, DECLARES that this Entity:

It is current in compliance with the tax and social security obligations imposed by the provisions in force.

The current is found in compliance with the reimbursement obligations for grants.

It is not incurred in any of the prohibitions provided for in Article 13 of Law 38/2003 of 17 November, General of Grants, to obtain the status of beneficiary of the grant requested.

It will have or will have at the moment the implementation of the DUSI Strategy selected from a technical team that is familiar with the national and European regulations and regulations on structural funds and especially with respect to the matters of eligibility for expenditure, public procurement, the environment, information and publicity and equal opportunities for men and women and integrated urban development.


Proposed DUSI Strategy Eligibility Checklist

1. Does the Strategy clearly address the five urban (economic, environmental, climate, demographic and social) challenges that it needs to face in accordance with Article 7 of the ERDF Regulation?

2. Based on the problems identified in these five challenges, has an analysis (SWOT or similar) been conducted based on data and contrasting information covering these challenges?

3. Is the functional area clearly defined and is consistent with the functional area types defined in Annex I?

4. Has the Strategy been approved by the competent organ/s of the respective Entity/is Local/is?

5. Have mechanisms been put in place to ensure that the commitment of the urban authority materializes through governance that ensures horizontal coordination (between sectors and areas of the Local Entity) and vertical with the rest of the Territorial Public Administrations?

6. Does the Strategy include lines of action that can be included in at least the thematic objectives OT4 and OT9 of the 2014-2020 period?

7. Does the Strategy include adequate financial planning, which clearly sets out the different sources of funding for the planned lines of action, including a temporary planning for the materialisation of operations?

8. Have the expected results of the Strategy been quantified through outcome indicators in accordance with Annex III?

9. For the implementation of the Strategies, has the commitment to have a sufficient technical team that is knowledgeable and expert in national and community legislation related to the European funds, as well as in urban development has been credited sustainable?

10. The Strategy has been developed taking into account citizen participation and the main economic, social and institutional actors in the urban area.


DUSI Strategies Assessment Criteria

The Strategies presented will be valued according to the criteria included in the table below (0-100). Each criterion has its maximum score defined, with the possible values in each criterion:

Excellent: 100% of the valuation.

Well: 75% of the valuation.

Average: 50% of the valuation.

Insufficient: 0% of valuation.

1. The Strategy makes an initial identification of urban problems/challenges, including problems or bottlenecks, as well as challenges and assets, existing resources and potential (total max: 10 points):-The Strategy identifies the challenges and urban problems in a consistent manner (max.: 4 points);-The Strategy uses the available knowledge and is based on the results and on existing practices (max.: 2 points);-Strategy identifies assets and resources existing (max.: 2 points);-The Strategy identifies the potential of the urban area in a coherent manner (max: 2 points).

2. The strategy includes an analysis of the urban area as a whole from an integrated perspective, for example: a) physical analysis, b) environmental analysis and climatic conditions, c) energy analysis, d) economic analysis, e) analysis demographic, f) social analysis, g) analysis of the territorial context, h) analysis of the competence framework, i) analysis of existing planning instruments, (j) risk analysis (total max: 15 points):-The Strategy contemplates and analyses Integrated form the five challenges identified by the EU Regulation (max.: 12 points);-The Strategy includes some other area of analysis relevant to the urban area (max: 3 points).

3. The Strategy includes a diagnosis of the situation of the urban area carried out from the analysis of the urban area as a whole, through a SWOT analysis or similar that will clearly identify the needs and problems of the urban area, as well as its assets and potential. In addition, the Strategy sets out the strategic objectives to be achieved in the long term (total max: 10 points):-The Strategy clearly identifies the weaknesses of the urban area (2 points);-The Strategy identifies The strategy identifies clearly and consistently the strengths of the urban area (max.: 2 points);-The Strategy identifies clearly and consistently the opportunities of the urban area (max.: 2 points);-The Strategy clearly and consistently defines the strategic objectives to be achieved in the long term (max: 2 points).

4. The Strategy makes a clear definition of the scope of action as well as of the affected population, based on indicators and variables of social, demographic, economic and environmental nature (total max: 5 points):-The Strategy adequately justifies the development of the Strategy in one of the groups of functional areas defined in Annex I (max: 1 points). -The Strategy defines in a justified way the scope of action where the Strategy is to be developed (max: 2 points);-The Strategy includes indicators and variables of social, economic and environmental nature for the selection of the population affected (max: 2 points).

5. The Strategy is implemented through an Implementation Plan containing at least: (a) the typology of lines of action to be carried out to achieve the defined strategic objectives, (b) a timetable, including the temporary planning (c) a budget, which includes in an indicative manner the different sources of funding that are envisaged for implementing the Strategy, and (c) a budget, which includes, in an indicative manner, the different sources of funding that are envisaged for implementing the Strategy; Productivity indicators in accordance with Annex VIII (total max: 30 points): -The strategy develops an implementation plan that includes lines of action to develop coherent with the thematic objectives defined (max: 10 points);-The Strategy includes a timetable for the implementation of the lines of action coherent (max.: 8 points);-The Strategy includes a budget per line of action and the origin of funding (max: 6 points);-The Strategy includes indicators consistent with the POCS for the lines of action to be developed (max: 6 points).

6. How the Strategy has been developed taking into account citizen participation and the main economic, social and institutional actors (total max: 10 points):-To consider citizen participation in the The strategy has been used for the networks and websites of urban areas (max: 2 points);-for the elaboration of the Strategy, sectoral workshops have been carried out with the different actors involved (max: 2 points); for the elaboration of the Strategy, transversal workshops have been carried out where all the stakeholders of the urban area have participated (max: 3 points);-The Strategy collects in a coherent manner as they have been included in the Plan of implementation of the same all the conclusions of the participation of the citizen and the interested agents (max: 3 points).

7. The Strategy provides for a structure and resources appropriate to its scope and size for its implementation (total max: 5 points);-The strategy includes all the funding lines necessary for its full implementation (max: 3 points);-The Strategy provides for a team of qualified technicians for the development and monitoring of the team (max. 2 points).

8. The Strategy provides for the appropriate horizontal principles and cross-cutting objectives, in line with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 (total 5 points):-The strategy provides a positive contribution to the principles The strategy provides a positive contribution to the transversal objectives of the POCS (max.: 2 points);-The Strategy integrates the horizontal principles in a coherent manner with the transversal objectives (max: 1 point).

9. The Strategy preferably provides for lines of action in all the thematic objectives set out in Annex VII (maximum total: 5 points);-the Strategy includes three thematic objectives in a coherent manner (max: 2 points); The strategy includes: the four thematic objectives defined by the POCS for the urban axis in a coherent manner (max: 2 points);-The strategy includes part of the four thematic objectives, including other objectives in a coherent manner (max: 1 point).

10. The integrated urban strategy includes in its Plan of Implementation lines of action in the field of the four Thematic Objectives programmed within the Urban Axis of the POCS, and the relative weight of the same is inside the forks indicated in Annex VII to this call (total max: 5 points), or includes a reasoned justification of the resulting relative weights based on the characteristics of the urban problems to which the strategy must address;-The Strategy provides a coherent view of the relative weight of the POCS to the less in OT4 and OT9 or adequately justifies the weight assigned to them (max: 3 points);-The Strategy provides a coherent view of the relative weight of the POCS in the four main thematic objectives or adequately justifies the weight assigned to them (max: 2 points).


General guidelines on operations to be co-financed under the selected strategies

1. Once the strategy has been selected and the amount of ERDF assistance allocated to it has been awarded, the local authority shall select the operations to be co-financed to be subject to verification of its eligibility by the Management Authority.

2. The operations that will eventually be carried out within the framework of the strategies selected by this call will be co-financed under the Operational Programme for Sustainable Growth, within the Urban Axis, from the ERDF Fund, although be closely coordinated with the ESF, and be eligible for the flexibility allowed by the Regulation to apply 10% of ERDF resources to ESF-type action lines.

3. For the purposes of monitoring the POCS, a Monitoring Committee shall be set up, which shall meet annually, the members of which shall be composed of the Management Authority, the Intermedial Management Bodies and the Qualifying Entities. present call.

4. The selected operations must be consistent with the programming of the Urban Axis of the POCS, in whose design the members of the RIU have participated. Operations shall include at least two of the following Thematic Objectives, although it will be assessed to present lines of action in the four.

OT2: Improve access, use, and quality of information and communication technologies.

OT4: Promote the transition to a low-carbon economy in all sectors.

OT6: Keep and protect the environment and promote resource efficiency.

OT9: Promote social inclusion and fight poverty.

5. It will be assessed, in order to maintain consistency with the Sustainable Growth Operational Programme, that the relative weights of each of these thematic objectives are within the following range (in which the RIU has been involved):

OT2: 10 to 20% of the total help.

OT4: between 20 and 30%.

OT6: 25% to 35%.

OT9: 25% to 35%.

6. The above percentages are indicative, but the total allocation in terms of aid from the set of operations co-financed within the Urban Axis must be adjusted to these percentages. In justified cases, joint financing of operations that did not include any of the identified Thematic Objectives could be co-financed, with OT4 and OT9 not being possible.

7. Once the operations are selected, they must contain the following information:

i) Detailed description, objectives and expected results, the beneficiary population, and the area or sub-area of intervention within the functional urban area of the strategy.

ii) Explanation of the interrelations of operations, their contribution to the objectives of the DUSI Strategy and their contribution to the expected results of the Sustainable Growth OP 2014-2020.

iii) Classification of proposed operations within the Thematic Objectives, Investment Priorities and Specific Objectives defined in the OP Sustainable Growth, and quantification of the productivity indicators (listed in Annex VIII) with which the performance of the lines of action shall be measured, with their starting, intermediate values as appropriate, and end of the programming period. Failure to comply with the values of these indicators may result in the withdrawal of the efficiency reserve (6% of the entire Urban Axis) in year 2108 and/or financial corrections in the year 2023.

iv) Financial implementation schedule with horizon 2022, with broken budgets, to be presented in parallel with the physical execution, with the corresponding productivity indicators. Where appropriate, complementarity with other funds such as the ESF should be indicated.

v) Verification that there is no overlap and/or inconsistency between proposed lines of action within the DUSI Strategy and other lines of action carried out by regional or state authorities or, where appropriate, explain possible complementarities and synergies with these lines of action.

8. On the other hand, without prejudice to the selection criteria that will be defined in the Follow-up Committee and which will subsequently be applied by the Local Entities, the eligible operations must comply with the eligibility requirements set out in the POCS, which are as follows:

a) General criteria. The criteria for the selection of operations shall be approved by the Monitoring Committee. Such criteria shall respect the general principles defined in Articles 7 and 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 (non-discrimination, gender equality and sustainable development) and comply with Union and national legislation (Article 6 of the Treaty). Regulation).

In general, the selection of operations should be governed by the principles of equality between beneficiaries, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the operations, transparency of the selection criteria, capacity of the beneficiaries to implement them and strategic alignment with other operations and instruments.

In addition, operations must:

i) Contribute to the DUSI Strategy.

ii) Contribute to the Operational Program.

iii) Address problems in an integrated way and show clear links to other co-existing interventions or operations.

iv) Measure through the productivity indicators in Annex VIII, provided that they are consistent with the Thematic Objectives in which the action is taken.

b) Criteria for the operations contained in each Thematic Objective.

OT2: Information and Communications Technologies. The provision of equipment for municipal offices and platforms, including the platforms for the management of Smart cities, will be subject to their need for the implementation of municipal applications and operations included in the strategies for urban development. The simple endowment of equipment will not be bankable.

Smart cities management platforms that are linked to energy efficiency or the collective transport sector will be based on energy studies or sustainable urban mobility studies, respectively, which will be able to be included in the sustainable urban development strategy itself or in separate planning documents.

The digitalization operations of cultural heritage focused on tourism should be framed in lines of action of tourist dynamization definidass in the strategies of DUSI.

OT4: Low Economy in Carbon. With regard to sustainable urban mobility:

The operations funded will be part of an urban mobility plan within the DUSI Strategy. This mobility plan will take into account the Commission's proposal on sustainable urban mobility plans adopted in 2013, and will establish a series of inter-related measures designed to meet the mobility needs present and future for people and businesses. The funding will prioritize the lines of action that will improve access to basic public services throughout the urban area.

Regarding the energy efficiency performance lines:

The promotion of energy efficiency must always be done through operations that stop the realization of an audit/study/energy analysis that allows the operation to be structured by targeting integrated solutions in energy efficiency, including the use and production of renewable energy for self-consumption.

In the case of lines of action in public buildings, the initial energy classification must be taken as the basis and must be sought for significant improvements (of at least one letter of energy rating), according to Royal Decree 235/2013 of 5 April, approving the basic procedure for the certification of the energy efficiency of buildings, by using one of the recognised software. Comprehensive renewals will be prioritized.

In cases of public lighting it will be necessary to analyze the previous energy consumption and promote significant savings. In addition, compliance with Article 61 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 on revenue generating operations shall be ensured.

OT6: Environment and urban heritage. The lines of action in the rehabilitation of historical, architectural and cultural heritage will be carried out in line with supramunitial or regional plans for the management of heritage, territorial development and tourism.

The provision of equipment for municipal facilities, in particular equipment related to the water and waste water sanitation network, will be ancillary and will be subject to its need for the implementation of the integrated urban development strategies in urban areas that have been identified. The simple endowment of equipment will not be bankable.

OT9: Social Inclusion. The acquisition of the social housing will be carried out by a public entity, by means of public competition and will be especially cared for the fulfillment of the rules of advertising and concurrency.

Housing acquired with ERDF co-financing must be allocated to the object for which they are acquired for a period of not less than 20 years. This period may be reduced to 5 years, provided that the ERDF aid originally intended for purchase is reallocated to the purchase of new homes for the same purpose.

Taking into account the fact that it will be the Programme Monitoring Committee (Article 110 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) which examines and approves the methodology and the criteria for the selection of operations, it is indicated that the actions that will be co-financed in this Investment Priority will be implemented in a Local Action Plan (broader strategies to support the economic integration of target groups and individuals, which may be funded through the ESF). The Local Action Plan may coincide with the integrated urban development strategy in the areas of intervention that the strategies have identified.

Taking into account the fact that it will be the Programme Monitoring Committee (Article 110 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013) that examines and approves the methodology and criteria for the selection of operations, it is indicated, guidance, which the guiding principles to be applied for the selection of operations shall take into account the characteristics of the housing and the socio-economic profile of the beneficiary families.

These actions will need to be justified by a socio-economic diagnosis, which can be part of the integrated strategy, the target groups and a diagnosis of the existing and necessary infrastructures.

c) Modification of the implementation plans of the DUSI Strategies. As a general rule, amendments to the implementation plans of the selected DUSI Strategies shall not be permitted, except in exceptional cases where their need is clearly justified, provided that the conditions are not altered. which the aid was granted.


List of Urban Axis Productivity Indicators



Unit of



N. users that are covered by a certain level of Smart Cities electronic public services.



Number of users who have access or are covered by eAdministration applications/services.

Number of visits/year.

OT4: Low Carbon


Estimated annual greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction.

Teq CO2/year.


Reducing the annual consumption of primary energy in public buildings.



Reducing final power consumption in public infrastructure or enterprises.



Number of sustainable urban mobility plans from which actions co-financed with the ERDF of integrated urban strategies arise.


OT6: Urban Environment and


Increasing the number of visits to places belonging to the cultural heritage and natural and supported attractions.

Number of visits/year.


Surface buildings or sites belonging to the cultural heritage, non-tourist main use, rehabilitated or upgraded.



Total floor space rehabilitated.


OT9: Social Inclusion


People benefited by physical, economic, and social regeneration operations of the urban environment, including operations belonging to integrated urban development strategies.

Num. people.


Reenabled housing in urban areas.

Num. housing