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Obligations Of Vaccinations Smallpox And Diphtheria

Original Language Title: Obbligatorieta Delle Vaccinazioni Antivaiolosa E Antidifterica

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Ranked # 19. Law on the binding nature of smallpox and diphtheria vaccinations. We the Captains Regent of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino promulgate and publish the following law passed by the Prince and Sovereign Council in His LX today Returning: Art. 1. The smallpox and diphtheria vaccinations for all children in the second year of age are compulsory. It 'also required the renewal smallpox eighth birthday. Art. 2. They are exempt from both or one of these vaccinations, according to Officer Health, children who have already suffered from smallpox and diphtheria or who have already been vaccinated as well as children who, for particular health conditions , may not be subject, without danger, to vaccination and what until last such conditions. Art. 3. Public vaccinations are free and will follow and time, in the places and ways that, in agreement with the Secretary of State, will be established by the Health Officer. Private doctors can perform by vaccination of the child's family, but prior authorization from the Health Officer and observing the provisions of the same will be given. Art. 4. The Office of Health and Hygiene held the record of all vaccinated and will, for the appropriate controls, request the registry office and the enco children in the second year of age, born or resident in the Republic . Art. 5. Among the documents required for admission to primary schools and other children's collectivity and any kind are including certificates had suffered smallpox vaccination and renewal as well as diphtheria. Given at Our Residence, this day of May 27, 1943 (1642 dFR) THE CAPTAINS REGENT Marino Michelotti - Bartolomeo Borghesi Manzoni THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INTERNAL AFFAIRS to Giuliano Gozi