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Fifth Amendment To Law No. 77/88, Of 1 July, Law On Organization And Functioning Of The Services Of The Assembly Of The Republic (Lofar)

Original Language Title: Quinta alteração à Lei n.º 77/88, de 1 de Julho, Lei de Organização e Funcionamento dos Serviços da Assembleia da República (LOFAR)

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DRAFT LAW NO. 295 /XI/1.

" Amendment to the Law of Organization and Health of the Services of the Assembly of the Republic


The situation that the Country runs through is of real emergence of public finances, making it still

more important an effective combat to the public deficit, which provides visible results already in


Recently, the Government has committed, in Brussels, with the aim of achieving, already this year,

an additional deficit reduction, from at least 1 p.p. of GDP in the face of the Programme commitments

of Stability and Growth, objective this which was clearly assumed to be counterpart

by the decisions that the European Council and the European Central Bank have taken in defence of the

stability of the Euro and therefore in the defence of economic and financial stability of countries such as


The PSD understands as indispensable that this goal of further deficit reduction is met

by Portugal, but considers that, in order to ensure transparency and thoroughness of the application of the

measures, specifically of reduction of expenditure, that are to be approved to reach the

deficit reduction, should be monitored monthly the budget implementation by an entity

independent of the Government, specifically by the Technical Support Technical Unit (UTAO),

being strengthened their means with recourse to state bodies.

More considers that, in order for the reduction of the public deficit to be effectively achieved in a way

sustained, it is necessary to ensure the commitment of the end of the resource to public disbudgeting,

and set tight limits on the indebtedness of the Central Administration, public companies and the

Regional and Local Administration.

For this, it imposes itself to grant legal status to the UTAO and to provide for the right of this technical unit of, by

intermediate of the competent specialist committee in budgetary and financial matters, request the

any services and bodies of the Public Administration or any entities that integrate the

public sector business all the elements of financial information that it lacks, imposing itself

to those entities the duty to provide them in a timely manner.

In these terms, the Assembly of the Republic decrees, in accordance with Articles 164 (d), and 169,

n. 2 of the Constitution, the following:

Article 1.

It is added to the Law on the Organization and Functioning of the Services of the Assembly of the Republic (Law No.

77/88 of July 1, with the amendments introduced by the Laws 53/93, of July 30, 72/93, of

November 30, 59/93, of August 17, and No 28/2003, of July 30) a new Article 27.

the following content:

" Article 27-The

Technical Support Unit

1. The Technical Support Technical Unit (UTAO) is a specialized unit that

works under guidance from the specialist committee with competence in matter

budgetary and financial, providing you with support for the elaboration of studies and documents of

technical work on budgetary and public financial management.

2. UTAO shall, in the exercise of its powers, act with strict exemption and

objectivity, in obedience to duly explained technical criteria.

3. In the exercise of its competences, UTAO may, with the annuence of the committee

specialized from which it works, request for any services and bodies from the

Public Administration or any entities that integrate the business public sector

all elements of financial information that it lacks, recalling on those the duty

of providing them in a timely manner. "

Article 2.

This diploma shall come into force on the day following that of its publication in Journal of the Republic .

Assembly of the Republic, May 2010

The Deputies