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Recommend To The Government Measures To Stimulate Economic Growth

Original Language Title: Recomenda ao Governo medidas de estímulo ao crescimento económico

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Parliamentary Group

Assembly of the Republic-Palace of S. Bento-1249-068 Lisbon-Phone: 21391 9233-Fax: 21391 7456 Email: gpcds@pp.

Draft Resolution n. 16 /XI

It recommends the Government to measures stimulation for economic growth

Recently new data on forecasts for the economy has been known

Portuguese, produced by international and national instances. The autumn report of the

European Commission predicts growth below eurozone, the OECD report puts it

Portugal in the penultimate position with regard to prediction of economic growth in the

next years. The Bank of Portugal, despite having "revised upscale" the downturn in the economy

Portuguese, continues to predict timid growths for the next few years. For gold side,

the numbers-real and no longer mere predictions-of unemployment show the crueness of the

difficulties. Virtually 550000 unemployed people are enrolled in the employment centres,

which corresponds to 9.8% of the working population.

Adding that finally the Government has come to recognize, in line with the Commission's forecasts

European European, which 8% is a referential number for the deficit of 2009.

The CDS is sensitive to the need to consolidate public accounts, all the more so as it gets

now proven the evidence that the Government sought to disprove: the efforts made to

deficit containment focused exclusively on revenue, overburdening citizens and

companies with one of the highest tax pressures in Europe. In the perspective of the CDS,

only by stimulating the economy, helping it to position itself on a growth route is possible

create wealth and, with it, improve public accounts. Our priority is therefore focusing on us.

stimuli to economic growth.

We are certain that these stimuli are situated at various levels of state action. From the

state relationship mode with citizens and businesses, to tax policy, to the

public investment. We believe that wealth does not belong originally to the state,

but to whom it creates it, and who creates it are, in the first line, the companies. Only with companies

stronger and more competitive it is possible to have more wealth, more employment and more revenue

tax. If we consider that Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises are responsible for large

part of employment in Portugal. We argue that the state should have a policy

preferentially concerned with creating conditions for these companies to exceed the

difficult conjuncture, privileging actions that enable them to recover liquidity, to take them

as priority partners in public procurement, which put them as a target audience

particularly relevant from public banking, which takes up programmes of providing

credit and participation with venture capital in enforceable conditions.

The first line of action of the State to the companies shall be that of responsibility and

credibility in the reciprocal relationship, be it in the framework of relations of provision of goods

and services is in the framework of the tax relationship.

The CDS autonomously presents a draft law that aims to establish the general principle

of mandatory moratory interest payment by the state and too many entities

public for the delay due to the payment of any pecuniary obligation

regardless of their source. It aims to still establish the nullity of contractual clauses

that provide for excessive and unwarranted deadlines for the maturity of the obligations

pecuniary, as well as of clauses that exclude liability for the mora or the liming

without justification in the face of concrete circumstances.

It also presents another draft law that sets out the mandatory payment of the

VAT to 30 days, staying the State obliged automatically to pay late payment interest for the days

of late and being barred from requiring bank guarantees to the taxpayer as a condition

of the refund of amounts due below certain amount.

As a way to expedite procedures and to avoid cross-movements, the CDS recommends

to the Government through this resolution that creates mechanisms for reciprocal compensation

of credits and debits between the State and the companies, including tax credits, from security

social and the provision of goods and services.

In a second line, we understand that the state should not press companies with more

contributions in a context of crisis, and should, as far as possible, create mechanisms

of liquidity facilitation.

Being the economic growth and employment at the top of your priorities

priorities, understands the CDS that there are no conditions for overloading companies with the

entry into force of the Contributive Code to January 1, 2010, which is why it presents

an autonomous draft law where it provides for another year of vacatio legis.

It understands the CDS that the state should refrain from demanding payment in advance of

taxes that too often will not be due. This is especially important in

depressed conjunctures like the current one. We propose by means of autonomous draft law to

reduction of the rate of the payment on account, which will contribute to keep in the companies

resources that belong to them and can be particularly relevant in the tables

known as a lack of liquidity.

On a third level understands the CDS that Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises must be

central concern of the economic policy of the state. The State must: reorient its

investment plans, privileging investments of greater proximity, medium size

and rapid impact on the dynamisation of the economy; simplifying and streamlining the procedures of the

QREN; redefine the mission of the General Deposit Box in the sense of support

insider credit to the PMEs; rethink the criteria for access to the credit lines, de

how to avoid the requirement of almost impossible conditions to comply; to encourage capital of

risk, investment funds in SMEs and develop the fund for consolidation and

concentration of Portuguese companies; give preference to SMEs in supplies to the

State up to certain amount, compatibilizing with community legislation.

In these terms, and under the provisions of Article 156 of the Constitution of the Republic

Portuguese, the Assembly of the Republic recommends to the Government that:

1. Create mechanisms of reciprocal compensation of credits and debits between the State and the

companies, including tax credits, social security and the provision of goods and services.

2. Orient your investment plans in the sense of privileging investments of larger

proximity, of medium size and of rapid impact on the dynamisation of the economy. Will be

in this case the following investments that we highlight: i) maintenance and valorisation of the

heritage ii) promotion of energy and environmental efficiency of public buildings iii)

recovery, qualification or construction of social infrastructure, namely the

schools and the areas of support for the elderly and the child, in partnership with the social sector iv)

repair and safety of bridges within the framework of a national v) requalification of the

urban centres and investment in social housing, in partnership with municipalities,

as a matter of priority through the acquisition and recovery of the real estate returned vi)

confirmation of the plan of dams vii) promotion of accessibility for disabled viii)

renovation of the courts and construction of new penitentiary centres ix) promotion of

public transport system and sustainable mobility x) improvement of the conditions of

work and the means of the security forces.

3. Reorient the objectives of the QREN for support for projects with a strong component

exporting and simplifying and streamlining the procedure of applications and the decision system and


4. Redefine, in a public and formal way, the mission of the General Deposit Box in the sense of

support in particular SMEs, in particular in consolidation and process processes


5. Change the criteria for access to credit lines, in order to avoid the requirement of

almost impossible conditions to fulfill how: to make a profit in the last two of three years, no

have debts to the fisc or Social Security, even when the state is debtor of the company.

6. Encourage the venture capital and investment funds in SMEs, which with this

participation can bring not only capital, but also know-how, and that develop the

fund for the consolidation and concentration of Portuguese companies.

7. Adopt the necessary measures the condition of preference to SMEs on equal basis

circumstances in supplies to the State up to an amount to be fixed legally.

8. Adie the entry into force of the New Contributive Code, and the new date shall be set at

meeting of the Social Concertation Commission, and it should never be before January 1

of 2011.

Assembly of the Republic, November 23, 2009.

The Deputies,