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Approves The Code Of Execution Of Sentences And Custodial Measures

Original Language Title: Aprova o Código da Execução das Penas e Medidas Privativas da Liberdade

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Proposed Law No. 252 /X


Exhibition of Motives

1. The Enforcement Act of the Penas and Privative Measures of Freedom (Decree-Law

n ° 265/79 of August 1, as amended by Decrees-Laws No. 49/80 of March 22, and

n. 414/85, of October 18) and the Organic Law of the Courts Enforcement Courts

(Decree-Law No. 783/76, of October 29, amended by Decrees-Laws No. 222/77, of 30

of May, and paragraph 204/78, of July 24) are both prior to the Criminal Code of 1982 and to the

1987 Penal Process Code-meanwhile the target of several reforms, the most recent

in September 2007-, and remain to be reviewed, despite the close relationship that the

matter of the execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom maintains with the Right

Noun and adjective penal.

In addition to that reason, the disupdating of the said laws in the face of the evolution of practices

penitentiaries, the alteration of the profile of the reclusive population, the evolution of social reality and

criminal and the new challenges of the penitentiary intervention imposes the reform of the subject matter

execution of the penalties and custodial measures of the freedom, either in its material strand or in the

its procedural strand.

The correspectivity between both these strands justifies, by their shift, at their junction in a

only legal diploma-a Code of the Enforcement of the Penas and Privative Measures of the

Freedom. This solution, innovative in our legal planning, allows for agglutination

of standards currently dispersed by various legal diplomas and offers a perspective

integrated from the prevailing normative framework in respect of the implementation of penalties and measures

deprivation of liberty.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


2. In the substantive plan, the present proposal of law contains the fundamental principles of

execution of the penalties and custodial measures of liberty, intending that the Code will come

to be regulated by a General Rules of Prisons, apt to

guarantee a homogeneous application of the law throughout the prison system.

3. Redefine the legal status of the reclusive and strengthen its guarantees in the course of the

fulfillment of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom.

The present proposed law establishes, as a guiding principle, that the execution of the penalties

and deprivative measures of liberty must take place under conditions that ensure respect

for the dignity of the human person, in harmony with the Constitution, with the instruments

applicable international law and with the law.

Other guiding principles of the implementation are also enshrined, such as that of respect for the

rights and legally protected interests of the reclusion not affected by the conviction; the

of the prohibition of any form of discrimination; that of the approximation to the positive aspects

of life in community; that of promoting the sense of responsibility of the reclusive, through

of the stimulus to their participation in the preparation for freedom; and that of which the execution should

carry out in cooperation with the community.

4. Defined expressly, in autonomous articles, the rights and duties of the reclusive, the

which constitutes an innovation in the Portuguese legal planning, of which

highlight, in particular, the right to information, consultation and legal advice by

part of attorney, the right of access to your individual process, the extension of the right to

keep with you children up to the age of five years, the right of suffrage and the right to

protection of private and family life.

The definition of duties of the reclusive is oriented towards a respectful living of the rules

existing in the prison medium as a form of civic preparedness for the return to society.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


The placement of the reclusive in a security regime becomes dependent on objective requirements

expressly consigned to the law, communicated to the Public Prosecutor's Office with the Court of

Execution of the Penas for verification of legality, and for the first time it is conspicued

expressly in law the open regime, mentioning its assumptions and calling the

Prosecutor's Office to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas for verification of legality

of the decisions.

5. Still in the matter of guarantees, the redefinition of the disciplinary procedure has proceeded

with a view to the adoption of principles and rules, such as the prohibition of the analogy to qualify a

fact as an offence, the ban on double punishment for the same fact, the definition of

disciplinary recidivism, of tender for offences and of continuing disciplinary infringement, the

taxative enumeration of the disciplinary offences, classified in two scales, the admission

of the suspension of the execution of the disciplinary measure, the statution of rules on limitation and

suspension of the disciplinary procedure and the express possibility of the reclusion to present

evidence for his defense.

In the matter of safeguarding rights and means of guardius, the right of

complaint, petition, complaint and exhibition, with express reference to the entities and bodies to

who inmates are allowed to drive and with mandatory response, in the case of the director

of the establishment, within the maximum period of 30 days.

It devotes a greater degree of requirement in the rationale for decisions affecting the

reclusive and ensure notification of acts relating to it, without prejudice to the

safeguard of order and security.

6. From the perspective of the control of acts of the prison administration, the principle of

Jurisdictionalization of the execution is reaffirmed, extending very significantly to

intervention of the Court of Execution of the Penas.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


Thus, specifically, decisions regarding the placement of the reclusive want in open regime,

or in security arrangements, the decisions to withhold correspondence and the decisions of

application of the most serious special security measures are communicated to the Ministry

Public with the Court of Enforcement of the Penas for verification of the respective legality.

The individual readaptation plan, as well as its amendments, are approved by the

Court of Execution of the Penas, which decides also on the loss of goods and values

illicitly introduced by the reclusive in the prison establishment.

They further strengthen the reclusive guarantees in their relationship with the penitentiary administration,

broadening the range of decisions of this that the reclusive may challenge before the Court of

Execution of the Penas: thus, the reclusion passes on to be able to challenge the legality of the decisions of

prohibition of visits, of restriction of telephone contacts, of non-authorization of interview,

of withdrawal of leave of absence or application of the disciplinary measures of permanence

compulsory in the accommodation and internment in disciplinary cell, regardless of the

temporal graduation of these sanctions.

7. Proceed to the programming of the fulfillment of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom

on the basis of the principle of the assessment of individual needs and risks and the elaboration of the

individual readaptation plan.

The idea of observation and elaboration of an individual readaptation plan was already,

since a long time, enshrined in law. However, for reasons linked to the overcrowding of the

prison establishments and the deficiency of human resources, among others, has rarely been

led to the practice, other than for the relatively undetermined penalty cases.

This proposed law bets decidedly in the planning of treatment

penitentiary and in the drafting of an individual readaptation plan and for this provides that:

the execution of the penalties and security measures is individualized, programmed and phased, of

form to allow progressive approximation to the free life; after the admission, if the period begins

of assessment of the reclusive, with a view to allowing decisions on allocation, choice of the scheme


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


of the implementation, treatment and elaboration of the individual readaptation plan; the evaluation has

into account, in addition to the more, the social media of the reclusive, the health, the acquisition needs of

skills, but also the risks posed by the reclusive and the danger of avoidance;

ended the evaluation, carried on trial of the conviction and provided that the remnant of the

penalty to be fulfilled exceeds one year, the individual readaptation plan is drawn up; the plan is

periodically assessed; the plan provides about the necessary measures for the treatment of the

reclusive, duration and fastening and focuses in particular on training and labour occupation; the

individual readaptation plan is mandatory for under 21 years and for feathers

relatively undetermined and it is always that possible drawn up with the participation of the


8. The present proposed law also allows for the application of some aspects of the scheme of

execution of the penalties to the preventive inmates. Effectively, the inmate preventative already

doomed by decision not carried forward on trial, benefiting from the presumption of innocence,

turns out to be undermined by the fact that this legal status is often maintained, frequently,

for a long time and, in consequence, not being able to benefit from certain aspects of the

execution regime of the feathers.

Sensitive to this fact, the present proposed law provides that the assessment of the preventive inmate is

done also with a view to raising its membership-always voluntary-to activities and

programs; that the outcome of that assessment can be considered by the court to the order of the

which complies with the coaction measure, with a view to an eventual amendment of the measure; and that the

pre-emptive jailed can receive visits, whenever possible every day, save restrictions

imposed by the court on the order of which it fulfils the measure.

9. It is enhanced the integration of the reclusive in the society, by its inclusion in the National System

of Health and the national policies of education, training and social support. The period of

reclusion should be seen as an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of citizenship of the

reclusive, increasing its inclusion in society. For so much: the execution of the penalty takes place

in cooperation with the community; expressly consecration of civil and political rights,


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


including that of suffrage; it provides for own diploma in articulation with the Ministry of

Health in such a way that the inmate acquiesd to the National Health Service on equality with the

free citizen; teaching, vocational training and work are provided in a

logic of employability and social reinsertion, in the framework of national policies of

adult education and training and in articulation of programs for acquisition or

reinforcement of personal and social skills in partnership with other entities; it is expected to

provision of social and economic support to the reclusive and its household, for reinforcement and

maintenance of family ties; and call for, for these purposes, public entities

competent for social and economic support, specifically in registered office of social security,

employment, vocational training, teaching and health.

10. Valorizes prison work through the revision of a legal regime of its own for the

work developed in productive units of a business nature.

In this way, the present proposed law states the primed of work in units

productive in a business nature and, in the line of the prevailing orientation, states principles of

dignified work, protection of inmates against economic interests and of

defence against unsanitary or dangerous conditions in the labour activity.

It is affirmed the principle that the work has formative and life-preparing purposes in

freedom and establish itself a special legal relationship for work in productive units

of a business nature, by means of a diploma of its own.

This special scheme will follow as much as possible the general regime of working relations,

may not discure the specificities of life in seclusion. In particular, they must be

regulated rights and duties, schedules, social perks, unemployment allowance, accidents of

work and occupational diseases and suspension and dissolution of the employment relationship, and the fate of the

pay so as to ensure that a part of it serves the future reinsertion of the recluse.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


It is also considered to be work (although not subject to the scheme of the work in

productive units of a business nature) the provision of ancillary cleaning services and

maintenance of the facilities, remunerated equitably and benefiting from protection in

matter of accidents at work and occupational diseases.

The work is created in cooperation with public and private entities and is provided in the

interior and exterior of the prison establishments, always under supervision of services


11. Valorizes the teaching, work, vocational training and frequency of programmes

specific with consequences in the relaxation of the execution of the penalty.

Rewarding the commitment of the reclusive to acquire future social reinsertion capabilities and

stimulating their commitment in an orderly vivance during the execution of the penalty,

are attributable to stimuli to work and to teaching.

Thus, the frequency of teaching courses is stimulated, particularly by the prediction that

relevant commitment or school use, in trainings or in programmes

in the scope of treatment planning are taken into account for the purpose of relaxation

of the penalty-that is, in the assessment of exit permits, open regime and freedom


12. The present proposed law also confers special attention on the victim, through the

following predictions: at the time of admission, the reclusive is evaluated, taking into account, in addition

of the most, the risks it poses to third parties, to the community and to the victim; in the

provision of exit permits, are considered, among others, the protection needs of the

victim; the remuneration earned by the reclusive is partially affected to the fulfilment of

legal obligations, particularly food benefits and compensation to the victim;

upon consent, the reclusive participates in restorative justice programs and of

repair of your offence.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


13. The participation of the community in the execution of the penalties is enhanced. It reclaims that a

of the guiding principles of the implementation is that of this course, as far as possible, in

cooperation with the community.

In addition to other aspects already mentioned that translate the demand for a fort

interaction between the prison system and the community, it stands out the duty of the administration

prison of promoting the participation of private institutions and volunteers in

cultural, occupational, social and economic activities and in social reinsertion,

particularly, in matters of accommodation and employment.

In order to achieve the membership and the interest of the community, the prison services should

promote information actions on the objectives and results of the work that


14. This proposed law also aims to incorporate into the Code the institute of the modification

of the execution of the prison sentence-currently provided for in Law No 36/96 of August 29-

and extend its scope to those convicted affected by serious, evolutionary disease and

irreversible that no longer respond to the available therapeutics; to the condemned carriers

of severe permanent disability, which obliges to third party dependence and is incompatible

with normal maintenance in a prison medium; and those convicted of advanced age,

when your state of health, physical or psychic, or autonomy proves to be incompatible

with normal maintenance in a prison medium or affect your ability to understand the

sense of the execution of the penalty. With effect, on the one hand, the regime of Law No. 36/96, 29 of

August,-applicable to convicts affected by serious and irreversible disease in phase

terminal-turned out to have scant application, in part due to the strict terms it was

defined its scope. On the other hand, it is known that in the case of recluses of

advanced age or holders of severe disabilities, seclusion brings problems for the

prison services are not vocationally: in fact, in addition to the follow-up

doctor required, there is generally a loss of autonomy in the basic activities of the

day-to-day, such as locomotion, food or personal hygiene, to demand care


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


individualized and specialized, not always compatible with the situation of seclusion. The

proposed enlargement seems thus justified, for reasons of humanity, whenever the such

if they do not oppose demands for prevention or order and social peace.

15. On the procedural level and with regard to the delimitation of competences between the court

that has applied the measure of effective deprivation of liberty and the Court of Enforcement of the

Feathers, the present proposed law accords exclusively to the Court of Enforcement of the

Feathers the competence to monitor and scrutinize the implementation of deprivative measures of the

freedom, after the traffic on trial of the sentence that applied them. Consequently, the

intervention by the court of the conviction cesses with the traffic on trial of the sentence that

decreed the officer's admission of the crime in a prison establishment, in order to comply

deprivative measure of freedom. This a simple, unequivocal and operative criterion of

delimitation of competences, which brings an end to the currently existing panorama of

uncertainty as to the allocation of functions between the two courts and, up to, overlapping

practice of the same. Uncertainty and overlap that in no way favor the effectiveness of the system.

16. Attribution to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas the competence to accompany and

scrutinize the execution of the arrest and the preventive internment, subordinating some

of its decisions to the court's concordance to the order of which it fulfils the measure of

coercion, but by imposing itself whenever it is communicated to the decisions taken by the

Court of Enforcement of the Penas. This option is fundamentally scoring in three reasons.

First: the court that ordered pretrial detention is not sensitised to issues

of a regime of execution and exercise of the penitentiary activity, so it tends not to

monitor effectively the way in which the coaction measure is performed, which may

redundar in a more unfavorable treatment of the inmate preventative, absolutely contrary

to the legal presumption-constitutional of innocence that it is a beneficiary of. With what's enough

the second reason of the proposed solution: the equal treatment of all individuals

deprived of liberty by court order. Third: providing for a special resource for

uniformity of the jurisprudence of the Scenes Execution Courts, it should be concentrated

in this type of courts all as regards the execution of deprivative measures of liberty.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


17. The jurisdictionalization of execution, deepened by this proposal, expresses an option

fundamental: that the effective tutelage of the rights of the inmates requires the intervention of a

jurisdictional body that scrutinize the limitations imposed on those rights, so as to avoid

that the practical application of the penitentiary laws emptied of content guaranteed principles.

In this light, the present proposal of law defers to the Court of Execution of the Penas not only the

control of matters strictly concerning the implementation, but still of some acts of the

prison administration. In fact, I wanted to keep the penitentiary watch strand between

the competences of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas. It is a strand

traditionally integrated into the Portuguese system of control of the implementation of measures

deprivation of liberty. But with a view to avoiding the criticism that customarily they are

addressed, devotes the following solutions:

It defers to the Public Prosecutor's Office the incumbent that, more directly, associates with the

penitentiary surveillance-that of visiting the prison establishments and that of listening to the inmates.

Endows the Public Prosecutor's Office with less extensive powers of penitentiary surveillance, though

more incisive and effective. Paradigmatic example is the verification of the legality of decisions

of the penitentiary administration that should be communicated to it for that purpose and to

challenge, before the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, of those it deems illegal.

In place of positioning the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Court of Execution of the Penas as

a species of 1 th and 2 th instances of control of the execution, approximates the structure of the

Court of Enforcement of the Penas of that of any other court, in which the representatives

of the Public Prosecutor's Office promote its action, and the control and the decision to the judge.

Confers legitimacy to the Public Prosecutor's Office to appeal the decisions of the Court of

Execution of the Penas (thus, already Article 129 of the Decree-Law No. 783/76 of October 29)

and, for the first time, to participate in the Technical Council. In fact, as a defender

of the legally protected rights and interests of the reclusive citizen and of the legality

democratic, the Public Prosecutor's Office could not limit itself to promoting the action of the Court


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


of Execution of the Penas, and they should also follow up and contribute to the surveillance of the

respective activity.

It eliminates the distinction between the Court and the judge of execution of the penalties, since soon by its

artificiality in a singular court frame of execution of the feathers. But above all,

because it is now clear that the Court of Enforcement of the Penas can only exercise, on the side

of the strict control of the execution, functions of penitentiary surveillance if, in this scope, he can

adopt jurisdictions of a jurisdictional nature, in place of content interventions

essentially administrative.

Erradica or, at least, strongly mitigate the possible risks and weaknesses inherent in the

singular nature of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, through: of the power to order, still

that officiously, all the necessary evidence for the decision making; and the

extension of the chances of appeal of the decisions of the Court of Execution of the Penas,

both for the court of the Relation, or for the Supreme Court of Justice in order to

uniformity of jurisprudence.

It is therefore clear that the present proposal of law proceeds to a generic revaluation and

extending the intervention of the prosecutor's office in the jurisdictional control of the implementation of

deprivative measures of freedom.

18. With respect to the intervention of counsel, this is permitted in the general terms of

right, however, being, however, obligatory the sponsorship of lawyer in the cases especially

provided for in the law and yet whenever issues of law are concerned. The enlargement and

strengthening the skills of the Public Prosecutor's Office, in its dual vest of defender of the

rights of the reclusive and democratic lawfulness, combined with the valorisation of the role of the

counsel, acautelate, balanced and sufficiently, the legal position of the reclusive, inclusive

before the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


19. The present proposed law has opted for the organization, in the Court of Enforcement of the Penas,

of a unique process for each reclusive, to whose principal autos (the ones that gave rise to the

opening of the process) are then attached to all the remaining processes and incidents.

It sought to ensure the decision-making criterion unit, the continuity of the process of

social reinsertion and the constant evaluation of the same, through the immediate access to the "history"

full of the reclusive, by the judge of the Court of Execution of the Penas called to decide

about your situation.

20. Of emphasising, too, the mechanism of rejection or invitation to the enhancement of the

initial application, by means of which it is intended to rationalise the appeal to the Court of Enforcement

of the Penas and therefore avoid the waste of human and technical means, at the same time

that is concretising the guarantee of access to the courts.

21. Novity is, as well, the special process of verification of the legality that it intends to be

the adjective expression of the provisions of Book I, which establish the obligatory of

communication of certain decisions of the prison administration to the Public Prosecutor's Office with the

Court of Enforcement of the competent Penas, precisely with the aim of checking the

its legality.

22. With respect to the imputation of decisions of the prison administration, it concentrates on the

Court of Enforcement of the Penas the jurisdiction to decide on the legality of certain

decisions of the prison administration relating to the execution of the penalties and custodial measures of the

freedom. So has to succeed, for, in order for a dispute to be governed by the right

administrative, it is necessary that " the contested legal relationship be regulated, under the point

of material view, by administrative law ". What does not succeed in the strand case. Is it

in the face of unambiguously disciplined litigation by the Criminal Law sector concerning the

execution of the penalties and deprivative measures of freedom. Soon, the competence to drive it

it is up to the judicial courts with specialized expertise in the matter.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


23. The scope of the powers conferred on the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, in the process of

impugation, depends on the object of the decision, which may be put into crisis by the Ministry

Public or by the reclusive.

The strict or essentially penitentiary matrix of the decisions only challenged by the

Public prosecutor's office does not admit a syndication of the de facto matter in which they slip,

nor the modification by the court of the respective contents. Otherwise, it would violate the

principle of separation and interdependence of powers on why they are chopper the court and the

penitentiary administration. Soon, the Court of Enforcement of the Penas only competes

annul or not annul the contested decision, and may not replace the administration

prison, modifying in one or another sense the act of authority. At cause are

skills that respect the penitentiary activity more than strictly to the execution

of deprivative measures of freedom-no doubt, exercise skills legally

bated, but of content not susceptible to judicial determination.

Uniquely challenged by the reclusive are decisions that affect your right to maintain

contacts with the outside, or which translates into the imposition of the most serious sanctions

disciplars. Being this the object of the decisions put in crisis, the competence of the

Court of Enforcement of the Penas does not have to limit itself to the annulment or non-annulment of the

impugned decision, extending to the very modification of the authority's statuition

penitentiary. Incidentally, in line with the power-which at this headquarters has-to sindicate the

own matter of fact in which the impugned decision is gutted, for this one, of the two one:

or does not respect essential aspects of the penitentiary activity, or it translates into a sanction

discipline that, of course, has to be able to be impugned by the respective recipient as well

in what concerne the respective material assumptions.

24. They are not liable to ordinary appeal the decisions of the Court of Execution of the Penas

rendered in the process of challenging decisions of the prison administration, as it is already

ensured a dual instance of appreciation: administrative and judicial.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


25. Highlight deserves also the incident of execution of the sentence handed down by the Court

of Execution of the Penas in the process of impugning, upon petition to be submitted by the

exequent in the court that delivered it. Should the entity obligated to the execution of the decision not

make in the new deadline set by the court, the holder of hierarchical powers or of

oversight is notified by the Court of Enforcement of the Penas to perform the

decision in replacement of that.

26. Out of the resource hypothesis for uniformization of jurisprudence, the administration

prison can only appeal the decisions of the Court of Execution of the Penas, in cases in

that the law confers legitimacy on him to apply for the special process in the term of which it was

prowound the decision. This the only option compatible with the overtaking of the exclusive view

or preponderantly administrativist of the execution of deprivative measures of liberty.

27. The principle of equal treatment of inmates requires some stability in the

jurisprudential guidelines in respect of enforcement of custodial measures of liberty-

stability which, however, does not mean crystallization of positions. With effect, the paramount

purpose of social reinsertion will be better promoted if the inequality of treatment does not

to offend the sense of justice of the reclusive. Hence, in this framework, it is more important

resolve conflicts of jurisprudence already arising than to prevent their emergence,

by perpetual discussion of previously firming jurisprudence. Consequently,

it is justified that to the uniformity of jurisprudence only if it comes, as a rule, by way of

intersted decision appeal transitioned on trial.

28. The appeal in the interest of the unit of the right, determined or interposed by the

Attorney General of the Republic, constitutes the last resort of the system-soon, will only be

triggered in rare cases. Hence the forecast, in the seat of the process of carrying out the penalties, of

a mandatory resource magnified to the contradiction of decisions rendered in proceedings of

impugation. On the one hand, the melindre of the subjects of the subject matter of the imputation

makes it so serious the contradiction of judgements, that there is to be imposed on the Public Prosecutor's

obligation to draw upon to arrive at the uniformity of jurisprudence. On the other, being


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


uninceptible to appeal the decisions rendered in the process of challenging, the

uniformity of jurisprudence is not obviously achievable by way of recourse with

grounds in the opposition of judgments of the court of Relation.

29. Finally, it should be stressed that, for the drafting of this proposed law,

have constituted important contributions to reports and projects resulting from commissions that

have developed their work in the previous legislatures, the recommendations of the Provider

of Justice, the work developed by the Inspectorate General for Justice Services, the study

compared to the enforcement systems of the custodial measures of the freedom victors in

Spain, France, Italy and Germany, as well as the latest international guidelines

in the matter, above all the verses in the Recommendation and Report of the Committee of Ministers of the

Council of Europe of October 9, 2003 on Management by Administrations

Penitentiaries of the Sentenced to Perpetual Prison Sentence or Long-Term Imprisonment, in the

European Penitentiary Rules of 2006 and in Recommendation No. (2006) 13 of the Committee of

Ministers of the Council of Europe on Preventive Detention, the conditions under which this must

be executed and the implementation of guarantees against the abuses.

The Higher Council of the Magistrature and the Higher Council of the Ministry were heard


They were heard, on an optional basis, the Trade Union Association of Portuguese Judges, the

Union of the Magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Union of the Corps of the Guard

Prisional, the Association of Directors and Prisons Admates, the Trade Union Association of the

Prison Workers, the Committee on Religious Freedom, Amnesty International and the

Permanent Observatory for Portuguese Justice (Centre for Social Studies at the Faculty

of Economics of the University of Coimbra).

The hearing of the Order of Lawyers and the ombudsman was promoted.


Proposed Law No. 252 /X



Under the terms of the paragraph d) of Article 197 (1) of the Constitution, the Government presents to the

Assembly of the Republic the following proposal for a law:

Article 1.


The Code of Enforcement of the Penas and Privative Measures of Freedom is approved, published

in annex to this Act and that it is an integral part of it.

Article 2.

Regime of stay in housing

It is correspondingly applicable to the modification modality of the penalty provided for in the paragraph

b) of Article 120 (1) of the Code of the Enforcement of the Penas and Privative Measures of the

Freedom the provisions of Article 1 (1), in Article 2, paragraphs 2 a to 5 of Article 3, para.

articles 4 to 6, in the paragraphs b) and c) of Article 8 (1) and in Article 9 of Law No 122/99, of

August 20.

Article 3.

Amendment to the Book X of the Code of Criminal Procedure

Articles 470, 477, 494, 504 and 506 of the Code of Criminal Procedure go on to

following wording:

" Article 470.


1-A The execution runs on the autos themselves before the president of the court of 1 th

instance where the process has been correct, without prejudice to the provisions of the

article 138 of the Code of Execution of the Penas and Privative Measures of the



Proposed Law No. 252 /X



Article 477.



2-The Public Prosecutor's Office indicates the calculated dates for the term of the penalty and, in the

cases of the admissibility of probation, for the intended effects

in Articles 61 and 62 and in Article 90 (1) of the Criminal Code.


4-The puke provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be approved by the judge and communicated to the

doomed and to his lawyer.


Article 494.




3-When the decision does not contain the social reinsertion plan or this should be

completed, the social reinsertion services proceed to their elaboration or

reelaboration, heard the convict, within 30 days, and submit it to the

homologation of the court.

Article 504.

Re-examination of internship

1-Havening place for the review provided for in Article 96 of the Criminal Code, the

court orders:


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


a) The realization of psychiatric expertise or about the personality, owing

the respective report is to be presented to you within 30 days;

b) Officiously or the application by the Public Prosecutor's Office, of the internship

or of the defender, the representations that are afflicted with interest to the


2-If, following the appreciation of the psychiatric expertise, it is concluded that there is

favorable conditions, the magistrate may request social report containing

analysis of the family, social and professional framing of the reclusive.

3-The re-examination takes place with hearing from the Public Prosecutor's Office, the defender and the

doomed, only the presence of this being dispensed with if its state of

health to make hearing useless or unviable.

Article 506.


It is correspondingly applicable to the internship measure the provisions of the

article 479 "

Article 4.

Addition to the Book X of the Code of Criminal Procedure

The Article 491 is added to the Code of Criminal Procedure:

" Article 491º-A

Payment of the fine to other entities

1-Whenever, at the time of detention for compliance with the prison

subsidiary, the convict intends to pay the fine, but cannot, without

serious inconvenience, make the payment in court, can carry it out to

police entity, against receipt of receipt, i bet on the triplicate of the



Proposed Law No. 252 /X


2-Out of the case provided for in the preceding paragraph or when the court finds itself

terminated, payment of the fine may still be made, against receipt,

next to the prison establishment where to find the convict.

3-For the purpose provided in the preceding paragraphs, the warrants shall contain the

indication of the amount of the fine, as well as of the importance to be discounted

for each day or fraction in which the accused has been held.

4-In the 10 immediate days, the police entity or the prison establishment

refer or hand over the amount received to the court of conviction. "

Article 5.

Amendment to Law No. 3/99 of January 13

Articles 91 and 92 of Law No 3/99 of January 13 shall be replaced by the following:

" Article 91.


1-After the traffic on trial of the sentence that determined the application of penalty

or a deprivative measure of liberty, competes with the Court of Enforcement of the

Feathers track and scrutinize the respective implementation and decide on your

modification, replacement and extinction, without prejudice to the provisions of the article

371.-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

2-Compete still to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas to follow up and scrutinize

the execution of the preemptive prison and internment, and the respective

decisions to be communicated to the court to the order of which the accused complies with

measure of coaction.

3-Without prejudice to other legal provisions, it is incumbent upon the Courts of

Execution of the Penas, on the grounds of the matter:


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a) Homologation of individual retrofit plans as well as the plans

therapeutic and rehabilitation of unputable and of attributable bearer

of psychiatric abnormality admitted in establishment intended for

inimitable, and the respective amendments;

b) Grant and revoke jurisdictional exit licences;

c) Grant and revoke parole, the adaptation to freedom

probation and the freedom for proof;

d) Determine the execution of the expulsion sentence of expulsion, stating

extinguishes the prison sentence, and determine the early execution of the penalty

expulsion accessory;

e) Convene the Technical Council, whenever you understand it necessary or

when the law provides for it;

f ) Decide processes of challenging decisions of prison services;

g) Define the target to give to the retained correspondence;

h ) Declare lost and give fate to seized objects or values

to inmates;

i) Decide on the modification of the execution of the prison sentence

relatively to inmates carriers of serious, evolutionary disease and

irreversible or severe and permanent disability or age


j) Order the fulfillment of imprisonment under continuous arrangements in the event of

missing entry in the prison establishment not considered

justified on the part of the convict in prison for free days or in

semideation regime;


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l) Review and extend the internship safety measure of


m) Deciding on the provision of work in favour of the community and about

its revocation, in the cases of successive implementation of measure of

security and the custodial sentence of freedom;

n) Determine the internment or suspension of the execution of the penalty of

prison by virtue of psychic anomaly overcoming the agent during

the execution of the prison sentence and carry out its review;

o) Determine the fulfillment of the rest of the penalty or the continuation of the

internship for the same time, in the case of revocation of the provision

of work in favour of the community or of the parole of

individual subject to successive execution of security measure and of

deprivative penalty of liberty;

p) Declare the expiry of the amendments to the normal implementing scheme of the

penalty, in the event of a simulation of psychic anomaly;

q) Declare abiding by the actual prison sentence that concretely

would be fit for the crime committed by convict in relatively

undetermined, having been refused or revoked the freedom


r) Declare extinct the effective prison sentence, the penalty relatively

indeterminate and the security measure of internment;

s) Issue arrest, capture and release warrants;

t) Informing the offending of the release or evasion of the reclusive, in the cases

provided for in Articles 23 and 97 of the Code of Execution of the Penas and

Privacy Measures of Freedom;


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u) Instruct the process of granting and revocation of the pardon and proceeding to

respective application;

v) Uttering the declaration of contumacy and enacting the arrest of goods,

how much the convict who dolly if he has eximed, total or

partially, to the execution of prison sentence or measure of


x) Decide on the provisional cancellation of facts or decisions

enrolled in the criminal record;

z) Judging the appeal on the legality of the transcript in the certificates of the

criminal record.

Article 92.

Extent of competence

It is also incumbent on the Court of Enforcement of the Penas to guarantee the rights of

reclusive, pronouncing on the legality of the decisions of the services

prisms in the cases and terms provided for in the law. "

Article 6.

Amendment to Law No. 144/99 of August 31

Article 118 of Law No 144/99 of August 31 is replaced by the following:

" Article 118.


1-Compete to the Public Prosecutor's Office with the Court of Enforcement of the Penas

competent, on your initiative or the application of the person concerned,

follow up on the request for transfer.


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5-[...]. "

Article 7.

Amendment to Law No. 52/2008 of August 28

Articles 124 and 125 of Law No. 52/2008 of August 28, go on to have the following


" Article 124.


1-After the traffic on trial of the sentence that determined the application of penalty

or a deprivative measure of liberty, competes with the Court of Enforcement of the

Feathers track and scrutinize the respective implementation and decide on your

modification, replacement and extinction, without prejudice to the provisions of the article

371.-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

2-Compete still to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas to follow up and scrutinize

the execution of the preemptive prison and internment, and the respective

decisions to be communicated to the court to the order of which the accused complies with

measure of coaction.

3-Without prejudice to other legal provisions, it is incumbent upon the Courts of

Execution of the Penas, on the grounds of the matter:


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a) Homologation of individual readaptation plans as well as the

therapeutic and rehabilitation plans of unputable and imputable

psychiatric abnormality holder admitted to establishment

intended for the inimitable, and the respective amendments;

b) Grant and revoke jurisdictional exit licences;

c ) Grant and revoke parole, the adaptation to freedom

probation and the freedom for proof;

d) Determine the execution of the expulsion sentence of expulsion, stating

extinguishes the prison sentence, and determine the early execution of the penalty

expulsion accessory;

and ) Convene the Technical Council, whenever you understand it necessary or

when the law provides for it;

f) Decide processes of challenging decisions of prison services;

g ) Define the target to give to the retained correspondence;

h) Declare lost and give fate to seized objects or values

to inmates;

i) Decide on the modification of the execution of the prison sentence

relatively to inmates carriers of serious, evolutionary disease and

irreversible or severe and permanent disability or age



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j) Order the fulfillment of imprisonment under continuous arrangements in the event of

missing entry in the prison establishment not considered

justified on the part of the convict in prison for free days or in

semideation regime;

l) Review and extend the internship safety measure of


m ) Deciding on the provision of work in favour of the community and about

its revocation, in the cases of successive implementation of measure of

security and the custodial sentence of freedom;

n) Determine the internment or suspension of the execution of the penalty of

prison by virtue of psychic anomaly overcoming the agent during

the execution of the prison sentence and carry out its review;

o) Determine the fulfillment of the rest of the penalty or the continuation of the

internship for the same time, in the case of revocation of the provision

of work in favour of the community or of the parole of

individual subject to successive execution of security measure and of

deprivative penalty of liberty;

p ) Declare the expiry of the amendments to the normal implementing scheme of the

penalty, in the event of a simulation of psychic anomaly;

q ) Declare abiding by the actual prison sentence that concretely

would be fit for the crime committed by convict in relatively

undetermined, having been refused or revoked the freedom



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r) Declare extinct the effective prison sentence, the penalty relatively

indeterminate and the security measure of internment;

s ) Issue arrest, capture and release warrants;

t ) Informing the offending of the release or evasion of the reclusive, in the cases

provided for in Articles 23 and 97 of the Code of Execution of the Penas and

Privacy Measures of Freedom;

u) Instruct the process of granting and revocation of the pardon and proceeding to

respective application;

v ) Uttering the declaration of contumacy and enacting the arrest of goods,

how much the convict who dolly if he has eximed, total or

partially, to the execution of prison sentence or measure of


x ) Decide on the provisional cancellation of facts or decisions

enrolled in the criminal record;

z ) Judging the appeal on the legality of the transcript in the certificates of the

criminal record.

Article 125.

Extent of competence

It is also incumbent on the Court of Enforcement of the Penas to guarantee the rights of

reclusive, pronouncing on the legality of the decisions of the services

prisms in the cases and terms provided for in the law. "


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Article 8.

Abrogation standard

1-Are revoked:

a) The Decree-Law No 265/79 of August 1;

b) The Decree-Law No 783/76 of October 29;

c) The Law No. 36/96 of August 29.

2-The following legal provisions shall also be repealed:

a) Articles 476, 480 to 486, 488, 505, 507, and 509, and 509, Chapter II of the

Title IV and the Title V of Book X of the Code of Criminal Procedure;

b) Article 16 (3) of Law No 57/98 of August 18.

Article 9.

Transitional provisions

1-The provisions of Book II of the Code of Execution of the Penas and Privative Measures of the

Freedom does not apply to proceedings initiated previously for its duration, when of the

their immediate applicability can result in sensitive and yet avoidable aggravation of the situation

procedural of the reclusive or breach of the harmony and unity of the various acts of the proceedings,

continuing, in such cases, the processes to be governed, by the end, by the repealed legislation.

2-The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be without prejudice to the immediate implementation of the standards on

renewal of the instance in the probation processes.

3-For the purposes set out in Article 145 of the Code, they are in principal the

first autos registered and autufied after the date of entry into force of this Law.


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Article 10.

Entry into force

This Law shall come into force 180 days after the date of its publication.

Seen and approved in Council of Ministers of January 21, 2009

The Prime Minister

The Minister of the Presidency

The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs


Proposed Law No. 252 /X



Code of the Enforcement of the Penas and Privative Measures of Freedom

Book I

From the execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom

Title I


Article 1.

Scope of application

1-The provisions of this Book shall apply to the execution of the penalties and custodial measures of the

freedom in the prison establishments dependent on the Ministry of Justice and the

establishments intended for the internment of inimitables.

2-The present Book is regulated by the General Rules of Establishments

Prisional, hereinafter referred to as General Regulation.

Title II

General principles of the execution and rights and duties of the reclusive

Chapter I

General principles

Article 2.

Purposes of the implementation

1-A The execution of the penalties and privacy measures of liberty aims at reinsertion

of the agent in the society, preparing him to conduct his life in a socially

responsible, without committing crimes, the protection of legal goods and the defence of society.


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2-A The implementation of preventive detention and preventive internment aims to ensure the

satisfaction of the precautionary requirements that justified its application.

Article 3.

Guiding principles of execution

1-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of liberty ensures respect for the

dignity of the human person and the fundamental principles enshrined in the Constitution

of the Portuguese Republic, in the instruments of international law, in the laws and in the


2-A The execution respects the personality of the reclusive and his / her rights and legal interests

not affected by the sentencing sentence or decision to apply deprivative measure of the


3-A The execution is impartial and cannot privilege, benefit, harm, deprive of any

right or exempt from any duty any reclusive, particularly on the grounds of sex,

race, language, territory of origin, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, political beliefs

or ideological, instruction, economic situation, social condition or sexual orientation.

4-A The implementation, as far as possible, avoids the harmful consequences of deprivation of the

freedom and approaches the beneficial conditions of life in community.

5-A The execution promotes the sense of responsibility of the reclusive, stimulating it to

participate in the planning and implementation of your prison treatment and in your process of

social reinsertion, particularly through teaching, training, work and programmes.

6-A The implementation is carried out, as far as possible, in cooperation with the community.


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Article 4.

Special guiding principles

1-A implementation of the penalties and custodial measures of the freedom applied to young people up to the 21

years should especially favour social reinsertion and foster the sense of

responsibility through the development of specific activities and programmes in the

areas of vocational education, guidance and training, acquisition of personal skills and

social and prevention and treatment of additive behaviors.

2-A execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom applied to greater than 65 years

must respect their specific needs and their state of health and autonomy,

particularly by guaranteeing them the necessary aid in the activities of daily life and

assuring you with conditions of accommodation, security, activities and programmes

especially suitable.

3-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of the freedom applied to women must have

in consideration of their specific needs, particularly in health matters,

hygiene, protection of motherhood and parental education.

4-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of the freedom applied to foreign inmates

or belonging to ethnic or linguistic minorities shall, as far as possible, allow the

expression of its cultural values, mitigate possible difficulties of social integration

or of the field of Portuguese language, in particular by providing contacts with

consular or diplomatic entities or organizations supporting immigrants, courses of

Portuguese, translation of documents or intervention by interpreters.


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Article 5.

Individualization of execution

1-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of the freedom is guided by the principle of

individualization of prison treatment and is based on the assessment of needs and

own risks of each reclusive.

2-The prison treatment consists of the set of activities and reinsertion programmes

social that aim at the preparation of the inmate for freedom, through the development of the

your responsibilities, from the acquisition of skills that enable you to opt for a

socially responsible way of life, without committing crimes, and providing for your needs

after the release.

3-The prison treatment is programmed and phased, favoring the progressive approach

to free life by means of the necessary changes of the implementing regime.

Chapter II

Rights and duties of the reclusive

Article 6.

Legal status of the reclusive

The reclusive maintains the entitlement of fundamental rights, saved the inherent limitations of the

sense of the sentencing sentence or of the decision to apply deprivative measure of the

freedom and those imposed, in the terms and limits of this Code, for reasons of order and of

security of the prison establishment.

Article 7.

Rights of the reclusive

1-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of the freedom guarantees the reclusive,

namely, the rights:


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a) To the protection of your life, health, personal integrity and freedom of conscience, no

may be subjected to torture, or to cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment or punishment;

b) To the exercise of civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights, including the

right of suffrage, save when the one is incompatible with the sense of the sentence

condensation or the decision to apply the deprivative measure of liberty;

c) To the freedom of religion and worship;

d) To be treated by the name and to which the situation of seclusion is reserved, under the law,

before third parties;

e) To maintain contacts with the outside, specifically upon visits, communication to

distance or correspondence, without prejudice to the limitations imposed for reasons of order,

security and discipline or resulting from the regime of execution of the penalty or deprivative measure of the


f) To the protection of private and family life and the inviolability of the secrecy of correspondence and

other means of private communication, without prejudice to the limitations arising from reasons

of order and security of the prison establishment and prevention of the practice of crimes;

g) To keep with you son up to the age of three or, exceptionally, up to the five

years, with permission from the proprietor of parental power, provided that this is considered from the

interest of the minor and there are the necessary conditions;

h) To participate in the labour, education and teaching activities, training, religious,

socio-cultural, civic and sports and in programmes oriented towards the treatment of

specific problematic;

i) To have access to the National Health Service under conditions identical to those that are ensured

to all citizens;

j) To be personally informed, at the time of entry into the prison establishment, and

enlightened, where necessary, on their rights and duties and standards in force;


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l) To have access to your individual process and to be informed about your procedural situation

and on the evolution and evaluation of the execution of the penalty or deprivative measure of liberty;

m) To be heard, to submit applications, complaints, complaints and appeals and to challenge it

in the face of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas the legality of decisions of prison services;

n) To information, consultation and legal advice by counsel.

2-In the case provided for in paragraph g) from the previous number, are ensured to the least assistance

medical and formative and lucid activities appropriate to your age and your needs of


3-The prison services fit, in articulation with the competent public services of the

areas of health, education, training and employment and safety and social action, ensure the

effective exercise of the rights referred to in the preceding paragraphs, in the terms of the present

Code and the General Regulation.

Article 8.

Duties of the reclusive

During the execution of the penalties and deprivative measures of freedom, the reclusive has, in the terms

of this Code and of the General Rules, the duties of:

a) Remain uninterruptedly in the prison establishment until the time of

release, safeguarded the cases of exit permit;

b) Present punctually in the prison establishment in the term of authorization of


(c) comply with the standards and provisions governing life in the prison establishment and the

legitimate orders that receive from prison officials in the exercise of their duties;


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d) To observe correct conduct, specifically for with prison officials, others

people who perform duties in the prison establishment, judicial authorities,

police entities and visitors;

e) To observe correct conduct towards the remaining inmates, and may not in any case

occupy position that allows you to exercise any kind of power over these;

f) To immediately participate in the circumstances that pose considerable danger to life

and own or third party health;

g) to apply for tests for detection of consumption of alcohol and narcotic substances,

as well as the screenings of contagious diseases;

(h) respect the goods of the State, prison officials, inmates and third parties;

i) Present yourself clean and care;

j) Participate in the activities of cleaning, tidying up and maintenance of your accommodation,

respective equipment and facilities and equipment of the prison establishment.

Title III

Prison establishments

Article 9.


1-Prisonal establishments may be constituted by one or several units,

differential depending on the following factors:

a) Legal status-penal, sex, age, physical and mental health and other factors aimed at the

specialization or individualization of prison treatment of the reclusive;

(b) safety requirements;

c) Programs available;


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d) Regimes of execution.

2-Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, there shall be establishments

prisals or specially vocated units for the execution of the penalties and measures

deprivatives of applied freedom:

a) preventative inmates;

b) The inmates who fulfil prison time for the first time;

c) young people up to the age of 21 or, where it proves beneficial for their treatment

prisional, up to the age of 25;

d) To women;

e) The inmates who are lacking in particular protection.

3-Can still be set up in the prison establishments mixed units for execution

of the penalties and custodial measures of the freedom of inmates married to each other or in union of

fact, with a view to alleviating the negative effects of seclusion in familial and affective ties

that bring them together.

4-While not to invigorate the diploma provided for in Article 32 (3), they may still exist

prison facilities or units of a hospital nature or intended for the provision

of special health care, particularly mental health, as well as intended for

inimitable or to be charged with internships, by judicial decision, in establishment

intended for the inimitable, when these should not be admitted to health unit

mental non-prison, in accordance with Article 126 (2).

5-In prison establishments or units there are even sectors of their own

intended specifically:

a) To the placement of the reclusive after the admission;

b) To the placement of the inmate in cell of separation from the remaining prison population;


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c) To the placement of the reclusive in a room of safety with the clinical sector;

d) To the implementation of the disciplinary measure of internment in disciplinary cell;

e) To the placement of reclusion that finds itself in a state of particular vulnerability.

Article 10.


1-Prisonal establishments are classified by porterie of the member of the Government

responsible for the area of justice, depending on the level of security, existing:

(a) special security establishments;

(b) high security establishments;

(c) medium security establishments.

2-Without prejudice to the classification given in the terms of the preceding paragraph, the

prison establishments may include units of different level of security created

by dispatch of the Director General of Prisonal Services.

Article 11.

Structure and operation of prison establishments

The organic structure, the operating regime and the skills of the organs and services

of the prison establishments are set out in the General Regulations.

Title IV

Regimes of implementation

Article 12.

Modalities and characteristics

1-Taking into account the assessment of the reclusive and its evolution along the run, the penalties

and deprivative measures of freedom are implemented in common, open, or


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safety, privileging what most favors social reinsertion, safeguarded the

risks to the reclusive and to the community and the needs of order and safety.

2-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom in common rule stems from

establishment or high security unit and is characterized by the development of

activities in communal living spaces within the establishment or prison unit

and of the contacts with the outside permitted under the law.

3-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom in open regime stems from

establishment or medium-security prison unit and favors contacts with the

exterior and approach to the community, admitting two modalities:

a) The open regime in the countryside, which is characterized by the development of activities in the

perimeter of the prison establishment or immediacy, with attenuated surveillance;

b) The open regime abroad, which is characterized by the development of activities in

half-free, without direct surveillance.

4-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom in security arrangements stems

in establishment or prison unit of special security and limits the life in common and

the contacts with the outside, admitting to the realization of activities compatible with the

particular needs for maintenance of the order and the security of legal goods

personal and patrimonial.

Article 13.

Common regime

The reclusive is put into common regime when the execution of the penalty or deprivative measure

of freedom may not take place in open regime, nor should it be carried out in a regime of

security, in the terms of the following articles.


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Article 14.

Open regime

1-The reclusive convict is placed in open regime, with his consent, if:

a) It is not to fear that it undergoes the execution of the penalty or deprivative measure of liberty

or that you take advantage of the possibilities that such a regime affords you for delinquency; and

b) The regime is shown to be appropriate to its prison behaviour, to the safeguarding of the

order, security and discipline in the prison establishment, protection of the victim and defence

of order and social peace.

2-Verified the assumptions of the previous number, are placed in open regime in the

interior the inmates sentenced in prison term of duration equal to or less than one year.

3-Verified the assumptions of paragraph 1, may be placed in open regime in the

interior the inmates doomed in prison term of more than one year, since

who have fulfilled a sixth of the penalty.

4-A placement in open regime abroad depends on the observance of a sixth of the

A sentence, treating yourself not more than five years, or a quarter of the penalty, treating yourself

of a sentence of more than five years, and, in any case, of the prior enjoyment of an exit permit

jurisdictional successfully.

5-A allotment of the reclusive in open regime cede if they cease to check the

assumptions provided for in the preceding paragraphs or if the reclusive cees to comply with the

conditions set out when it is granted.

6-A The placement of the reclusive in open regime and its cessation are of the competence:

a) of the director of the prison establishment, in the case of open regime in the interior;

b) From the Director General of Prisonal Services, in the case of open regime abroad.


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7-The decisions for allotment open in the interior as well as of cessation of this,

are communicated to the Director General of Prisonal Services.

8-The decisions for placement in open regime abroad, as well as of cessation of this,

are communicated to the Public Prosecutor's Office with the Enforcement Court of the Penas for

verification of legality.

9-inmates placed in open regime are subject to periodic realisation or

random of the tests referred to in the g) of Article 8 para.

Article 15.

Security regime

1-The reclusive is placed on security arrangements when its legal situation-criminal or

his behavior in a prison medium reveal, fundamentedly, dangerousness

incompatible with allocation to any other enforcement regime.

2-It is likely to reveal the dangerousness referred to in the preceding paragraph:

a) The indictment or conviction for the de facto practice that sets up terrorism, crime

violent or highly organized or the existence of strong suspicions of involvement in this

type of criminality, sustained in written information provided by court, organ of

criminal police or security service;

b) The assumption of continuing behaviours that pose serious danger to goods

personal or heritage legal or to the order, discipline and security of the

prison establishment, specifically those that translate into intimidation, exploitation

or conditioning of other inmates or employees;

c) The serious danger of evasion or of withdrawal, sustained in written information provided by

organs of criminal police, security service or by prison services.


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3-Access to the documents referred to in points a) and c) from the previous number can be

denied to the reclusive, by determination of the Director General of Prisonal Services, for

they find classified, under the law, or for reasons of order and security.

4-The decisions for allotment, maintenance and cessation in a security regime are

substantiated and compete with the Director General of Prisonal Services.

5-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom in a security regime is

compulsorily reassessed within the maximum of six months, or three months in the case of

reclusive with age up to the age of 21, and may be at all time if there is change of


6-Safety placement and maintenance decisions under security arrangements are communicated to the

Prosecutor's Office to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas for verification of legality.

Title V

Admission, allocation, programming of prison treatment and release

Article 16.

Principles of admission

1-The reclusive ticket must take place without the presence of other inmates and with respect

for your privacy.

2-To the reclusion are immediately communicated their rights and duties, explained and

translated if necessary, and guaranteed the right to contact family, person of your

confidence and lawyer.

3-Foreign or stateless reclusive is also guaranteed the right to contact the

respective diplomatic or consular entity or other representative of their interests.

4-To the reclusive is delivered document where they build up their rights and duties.


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5-The reclusive is subject to personal magazine, with respect for its dignity and integrity and

by your feeling of pudor.

6-The objects, values and documents of the reclusion are examined, inventoried and

properly guarded.

7-The entrance of the reclusive is registered.

8-The reclusive is presented to the director of the prison establishment with the brevity


9-The General Regulation concretizes the procedures of admission.

Article 17.


The reclusive ticket in prison establishment can only take place in the following cases:

a) Mandate of the court that determines the execution of the penalty or deprivative measure of the


b) Mandate of detention;

c) Capture, in the case of evasion or unauthorised absence;

d) Voluntary Presentation, which is subject to confirmation with the competent court;

e) Decision of the competent authority in the framework of international judicial cooperation in

criminal matter;

f) Transfer;

g) In transit between prison establishments.


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Article 18.

Individual process of the reclusive

1-For each reclusive a unique individual process concerning your situation is organized

procedural and prison, which is open or reopened at the time of admission and accompanies it

during their prison pathway, even in case of transfer.

2-The case is not reopened if it relates to facts already cancelled from the criminal record, case

where a new process is opened.

3-The individual process contains all the elements necessary for the realization of the

purposes of the implementation, including the individual readaptation plan and the needs of

security and order in the establishment.

4-A The consultation of the individual case is limited to the reclusive, to his lawyer, to the direction of the

establishment, the technicians responsible for the monitoring of the reclusive, the

responsible for the surveillance services, social reinsertion services and services of

inspection, by staying the people who accept it obligated to professional secrecy, even

after the end of their duties.

5-Access to classified documents and nominative third-party documents that

constem of the individual process is governed by the provisions of the general law.

6-When the director understands that the knowledge of certain constant elements

of the individual process may call into question the order and security in the establishment

prison, determines that access to these elements is reserved to whoever it is by you



Proposed Law No. 252 /X


Article 19.

Evaluation of the reclusion

1-Following the entrance to the prison establishment, the reclusive is housed in a sector of its own

intended for admission, where it remains for a period of not more than 15 days, starting from

immediate evaluation through the collection of elements which, within 72 hours after the

ingress, allow the director of the establishment to determine:

a) Health care to be provided to the reclusive, by clinical assessment;

(b) the safety requirements, taking into account the possible danger of escape, the risks to the

third party security or own and the particular vulnerability of the reclusive;

c) The support to be provided to the reclusive in the resolution of personal, family and professional issues


2-A The assessment of the convicted inmate takes into account, in particular, the nature of the crime

committed, the duration of the sentence, the family and social medium, the habilitations, the health, the eventual

state of vulnerability, the risks to the security of the own and of third parties and the danger of

escape and the resulting risks to the community and to the victim.

3-A updated information on the family and social media of the reclusive, as well as on the

possible previous execution of feathers, is collected and transmitted by the reinsertion services

social, additional elements may be requested from other entities.

4-If the reclusive gives entry to the prison establishment already convicted of sentencing

transitioned on trial, the assessment and programming of the appropriate prison treatment or the

elaboration of the individual readaptation plan, where this is mandatory, they are

completed within sixty days.


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5-A evaluation of the preventative inmate, having present the principle of the presumption of the

innocence, is completed within sixty days and aims at the collection of necessary information

to the appropriate allocation, to the choice of the implementing scheme and, with its consent, to the

inclusion in activities and treatment programmes.

6-For the purpose of review of the assumptions or decision on revocation or

replacement of preventive detention, pursuant to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the judge may have

into account the assessment referred to in the preceding paragraph.

7-If the preventative inmate comes to be sentenced by sentence transitioned on trial,

proceeds, within sixty days, to the update of the respective assessment and to the

programming of the appropriate prison treatment or the elaboration of the individual plan of

readaptation, whenever this is mandatory.

Article 20.

Allocation to prison establishment or unit

1-A The allocation takes into account the organization of the prison facilities and the evaluation

of the reclusive, pondering also:

a) The legal-criminal situation, sex, age and health of the recluse, the previous compliance

of imprisonment, the nature of the crime committed and the duration of the penalty;

b) The requirements of order and security;

c) The regime of execution of the penalty;

d) The proximity of your family, social and professional medium, the advantages in promoting it and

the demands for approximation to the free life;

e) The need for participation in certain programmes and activities;

f) The need for special protection.

2-As far as possible, the reclusive convict shall be heard about his assignment.


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3-A The allocation to the prison establishment or unit is the competence of the Director General

of the Prisonal Services, being communicated to the competent courts and too many entities

in the terms of the General Rules.

Article 21.

Individual readaptation plan

1-Whenever the penalty, sum of the penalties or part of the penalty not fulfilled exceeds one year, the

prison treatment is on the basis of an individual readaptation plan, which is

periodically assessed and updated, pursuant to the General Regulations.

2-Regardless of the duration of the penalty, the individual readaptation plan is

mandatory in cases of inmates up to the age of 21 or of sentencing in penalty of


3-The individual readaptation plan aims at the preparation for freedom by establishing the

measures and activities appropriate to the prison treatment of the reclusive as well as its

duration and fastening, particularly in the areas of teaching, training, work, health,

socio-cultural activities and contacts with the outside.

4-A The elaboration of the individual readaptation plan is supported in the assessment of the reclusive,

carried out in accordance with Article 19.

5-In the elaboration of the individual readaptation plan must seek to obtain the participation

and adhesion of the reclusive.

6-In the case of minor reclusion, the individual readaptation plan is also drawn up with

the participation of the parents, the legal representative or who has their guard, if any

benefit for your social reinsertion.

7-The individual readaptation plan and its amendments are approved by the Director of the

prison establishment and homologated by the Court of Execution of the Penas.


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8-An exemplar of the individual readaptation plan and the respective updates are

delivered to the reclusive.

Article 22.


1-The reclusive can be transferred to prison establishment or different unit

of the one to which it is affected, for reasons of prison treatment, of approach to the medium

family and social, of the implementation of the individual readaptation plan, of medical treatment and

of order and security and on grounds of a procedural nature.

2-As far as possible and save if you object to founded reasons of order and safety,

the reclusive is heard about the proposed transfer.

3-A The transfer decision is substantiated and competes with the Director-General of the Services

Prisional, on your initiative, on a proposal from the establishment or the application of the

reclusive, being communicated to the competent courts and, unless founded reasons of order and

security, to the person himself and the person by him indicated.

4-The transport of the reclusive takes place under conditions that ensure the privacy of the

reclusive and the proper aeration, lighting and safety.

5-The General Regulation provides about the procedures relating to the transfer and the

transport of inmates.

Article 23.

Warrant for release

1-The reclusive is released on a warrant from the competent court.

2-In case of urgency, the release may be ordered by any means of

duly authenticated communication, further remitted the respective



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3-When considering that the release of the reclusive may create danger to the offending, the

competent court informs him of the date of the release.

Article 24.

Moment of release

1-A The release takes place during the morning of the last day of the performance of the feather.

2-If the last day of the fulfilment of the penalty is Saturday, Sunday or a holiday, the release

may take place on the immediately preceding business day, if the duration of the penalty is warranted and the such if

do not object to reasons of assistance.

3-When the reasons referred to in the preceding paragraph allow it and the national holiday is the

December 25, the release can take place during the morning of day 23.

4-The time of release can be anticipated from two days, when pressing reasons

of social reinsertion justifying it.

5-The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall not apply to imprisonment under a Semideation Scheme

nor to the subsidiary prison of the fine, when it has no longer duration than 15 days.

6-Compete to the director of the prison establishment choose the moment of release,

within the limits set out in the preceding paragraphs.

Article 25.


1-Whenever possible, the reclusive is examined by the doctor at the time before the

release and, in the event that the doctor considers in writing that the immediate exit represents

danger to your life or serious danger to your health, the director of the establishment

prison, obtained the consent of the reclusive, may authorize its stay in this by the

time strictly indispensable to the realization of the admission to health establishment

appropriate, overseas, and should apply for the participation of health and support services

competent social.


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2-The scheme provided for in the preceding paragraph applies to the release of reclusive during pregnancy

or puerptery or after termination of pregnancy.

3-A The authorization provided for in paragraph 1 is communicated to the Director General of Prisonal Services

and to the Tribunal that has issued the warrant for release.

4-At the time of release, they are returned to the reclusion the objects, values and

documents that belong to you.

5-The General Regulation concretizes the procedures to be adopted at the time of


Title VI

Prison facilities, clothing and food

Chapter I

Prison facilities

Article 26.


1-The inmates are housed in individual cell.

2-The inmates may be housed in common, depending on the implementing regimes and by

family reasons, of treatment, of prevention of physical or mental risks, provided that

order and security reasons do not disadvise you.

3-Out of the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, inmates can only be housed in

common in case of temporary insufficiency of accommodation.

4-The accommodation spaces respect the dignity of the reclusive and meet the requirements

of safety and habitability, specifically as to hygiene, natural and artificial light,

suitability for climatic conditions, ventilation, cubicage and furnishings.


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5-The reclusion which, pursuant to this Code, keeps with you child minor, is

housed in facilities suitable to the life in common of both.

6-The reclusive can keep with objects of personal use and daily life, duly

registered, which by their value and use do not compromise the order, safety and the

discipline of the prison establishment, and prison services shall provide the reclusive

means that will allow you to store these objects safely.

7-It is assured of the reclusion the possibility of contacting permanently with staff

of the surveillance and security services.

8-The General Regulation regulates existing equipment in the accommodation spaces and

the conditions of its use, the possession and use of objects by the reclusive and the permanence of

minor child in prison establishment.

Article 27.


1-It is ensured to the reclusive the access to toiletries in conditions of hygiene and that

guarantee, as far as possible, your privacy.

2-Are secured to the recluse a daily bath, at a temperature suitable to the station of the

year, and the articles and utensils necessary for the maintenance of your personal hygiene and that of your

accommodation, under the terms and conditions set out by the General Regulation.

3-The bath and haircut or stubble can be imposed for particular reasons

of health order.

Article 28.

Possession of objects and values

1-The reclusion only may have in its power the permitted objects and values in the terms of the

n Article 26 (6)


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2-The objects and values prohibited by general law are seized, giving them the destination

that this determines.

3-The prohibited objects and values pursuant to this Code and the Regulation

General are also apprehended, proceeding as follows:

a) They are destroyed those who show themselves irreparably deteriorated and untenable

of any useful application and those which may call into question the physical integrity of third or

of the own, without prejudice to their conservation for the time required for purposes

probatory or criminal investigation;

b) The remaining ones have the destination set out in the General Regulations, and may, as the cases, be

be returned to the third party indicated by the reclusive, deposited and delivered at the time of

release or declared lost by the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.

Article 29.

Facilities for activities of daily life

1-Prisonal establishments dispose of facilities and equipment with the

characteristics appropriate to the needs of daily life, specifically of teaching,

training, work, health, hygiene, socio-cultural and sports.

2-The General Regulation provides on the conditions for the use of the facilities for

activities of daily life.

Chapter II

Clothing and food

Article 30.

Clothing and bed linen

1-The recluse may wear clothing of its own, as long as it is suitable and by it kept in

good conditions of conservation and hygiene.


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2-The General Regulation may provide for inmates placed in a security regime

they use the clothing provided by the prison establishment.

3-The clothing provided by the prison establishment shall be adapted to the conditions

climatic, it cannot have degrading or humiliating characteristics, it is kept in good

conditions of conservation and hygiene and replaced where necessary.

4-In the course of exit permits the reclusive uses the garment of his or her own clothing or other that

allow for your identification as reclusive.

5-The prison establishment provides suitable bed linen to the station of the year, which

keeps and replaces so as to ensure its good state of conservation and cleanlination.

6-The General Regulation regulates quantities, typologies, conservation and destruction by

reasons for hygiene of clothing.

Article 31.


1-The prison establishment ensures the reclusive meals in quantity and quality

that correspond to the dietary requirements, to the specificities of age, health, nature of the

work provided, season of the year and weather and, as far as possible, to their convictions

philosophical and religious.

2-The recluse must have permanently at its disposal drinking water.

3-The reclusive may receive small food offers from abroad, except if it is

placed in a security regime, and acquire at the expense of their, through the canteen service

of the prison establishment, foodstuffs and products or useful objects for their

daily life, provided that reasons of health, hygiene and safety do not disadvise you.

4-The General Regulation provides about the foods that the reclusive can receive from the

exterior or acquire at the expense of its, specifically the type, quantity, packaging

and frequency.


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Title VII


Article 32.

General principles of health protection

1-After the ticket in the prison establishment and during the fulfilment of the penalty or

deprivative measure of freedom, including leave of absence, is guaranteed to reclusive access to

health care in conditions of quality and continuity identical to those that are

assured to all citizens.

2-The reclusive is, for all intents and purposes, utters of the National Health Service.

3-Access and the provision of health care are ensured in the terms of diploma

own and the General Regulation.

4-The recluse may, at the expense of his, be assisted by physician of his / her trust, in

articulation with the clinical services of the prison establishment.

5-Inmates victims of physical, psychological, or sexual mistreatment are guaranteed access

to specific care.

6-A each reclusion corresponds to an individual clinical process, which accompanies it during the

your prison pathway, including in case of transfer, being your confidentiality

guaranteed in the general terms.

Article 33.

Defence and promotion of health

1-They are assured of the reclusive advice and information enabling it to:

a) Maintain your personal hygiene, that of your accommodation space and that of the remaining facilities

of the prison establishment;


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b) Adopt healthy lifestyles, avoiding risky behaviors and abstaining from

injuriated acts of their personal integrity and that of third parties;

(c) to collaborate, under the law, with the actions of prophylaxis promoted by the Service

National Health and prison services;

d) Follow, under the law, the prescriptions and procedures laid down by the

competent health personnel.

2-Can be imposed on the reclusive tracts of contagious diseases, according to the

guidelines from clinical services.

3-Can be carried out, with consent of the reclusive, traces of diseases

communicable, in accordance with the guidelines of clinical services.

Article 34.

Outpatient health care and hospital internment non-prison

1-The director of the prison establishment may, on a proposal from the clinical services,

authorize the departure of the recluse to receive outpatient health care.

2-A pregnant recluse is allowed to give birth in hospital setting.

3-The internment in non-prison health unit depends on authorization from the

Director General of Prisonal Services, unless medical urgency, in which case the Director of the

prison establishment determines the internment, communicating it right away to the


4-A surveillance of the inpatient inmate is guaranteed by the prison services.

5-The inpatient inmate is entitled to receive visits in the terms provided for in the present

Code, without prejudice to the limitations imposed for medical or order and safety reasons

and by the hospital regulations.


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Article 35.

Health care coactively imposed

1-interventions and medico-surgical treatments and food cannot be

coactively imposed, save in the situations provided for in this Article and in the terms of the


2-interventions and medico-surgical treatments can be coactively imposed

to the reclusive in case of danger to life or serious danger to the body or to health

of other people.

3-The interventions and medico-surgical treatments and food may still be

coactively imposed if there is a danger to life or serious danger to the body or to the

health of the reclusive and if your state withdraws you the discernment required to evaluate the

sense and scope of refusal.

4-The interventions and medico-surgical treatments and the coactive feeding limit-

if to the necessary and cannot create danger to life or serious danger to the body or to

the health of the reclusive.

5-interventions and medico-surgical treatments and coactive feeding are

ordered by reasoned order of the director of the prison establishment and

performed or delivered under medical direction, without prejudice to the provision of the first

aid when the doctor is unable to appear in good time and the adjournment involves

danger to life or serious danger to the body or health of the reclusive.

6-The interventions, medico-surgical treatments and coactively feeding

taxes are immediately communicated to the Director General of Prisonal Services.


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Article 36.

Communication in case of internment, serious illness or death

1-A serious illness or hospital inpatient internment of inmates are communicated, with your

consent, the person by him indicated.

2-If the state of health of the seclusion prevents it from giving its consent and not by

statement its otherwise prior to that state, the hospital internment is communicated

to the spouse or the person, of another or the same sex, with whom the recluse keeps a

relation analogous to that of the spouses and their lawyer.

3-A death of the reclusive is communicated to the persons referred to in the preceding paragraphs, to the

Director General of Prisonal Services, to the competent courts, to the Attorney General of the

Republic, civil identification services, social security and tax administration

and, by treating from abroad, to the respective diplomatic representative or consular and to the

Foreign and Border Service.

4-Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous figures, there shall be an indication of violent death

or of unknown cause, preserves the place of the occurrence and informs itself immediately

the criminal police bodies, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the competent health entities,

in the terms of the General Rules.

Article 37.

Duties of clinical staff

1-Compete to the doctor or the other legally authorized person who exercises roles in the

prison establishment to keep track of the evolution of physical and mental health of inmates and,

in particular:

a) Ensure the observation of the reclusive, in cases and with the periodicity required in the present

Code and in the General Regulation;


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b) Maintain updated the individual clinical process of the reclusive, registering all complaints

and results of examinations and the detailed description of accidental injury or resulting from

direct action of the own or third party;

c) Create, in articulation with the health services of the outside, the necessary conditions to

continuation of medical treatment after the release of the reclusive.

2-Clinical staff immediately communicates, in writing, to the director of the establishment


a) The existence of diseases that require special risk reduction measures of


b) Symptoms of deprivation of the consumption of narcotic drugs, drugs or alcohol;

c) The psychological or emotional pressure related to the deprivation of liberty,

particularly in the case of inmates under security arrangements;

d) The existence of indictive signs of physical violence;

e) physical or mental health problems that may hinder the process of reinsertion


f) The alteration of physical and mental fitness of inmates for work and too much activities

provided by the prison establishment.

3-The doctor or other legally authorised person carries out regular inspections of the

prison establishment and present to the Director recommendations in respect of:

a) Quantity, quality, preparation and distribution of food;

b) Hygiene and cleanlination of the prison establishment and the person of the inmates;

c) Sanitary facilities, heating, lighting and ventilation of the prison establishment.


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4-The director of the prison establishment takes into account communications

referred to in paragraph 2 and the recommendations referred to in the preceding paragraph and gives them compliance

appropriate, or, if they disagree, convey them, accompanied by their opinion, to the

Director General of Prisonal Services.

Title VIII

Teaching, vocational training, work, programmes and activities

Chapter I

Vocational education and training

Article 38.


1-The teaching organizes in connection with vocational training and work, so as to

promote conditions of employability and social reinsertion, in the framework of policies

national education and employment and adult training.

2-A compulsory schooling is ensured with priority character to young inmates or


3-Must promote the frequency by the reclusion of other educational attainment levels,

in particular through recourse to means of distance learning.

4-The reclusive with special educational needs is guaranteed the support that allows it

access teaching under conditions identical to those of the remaining inmates.

5-To the foreign inmates, of mother tongue other than Portuguese, is guaranteed access

to teach programmes in the Portuguese language, at least when the time of pity to

comply exceeds one year.

6-Of the certificates of qualifications or diplomas may not result in the condition of reclusion.


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7-The ministries responsible for the areas of Education and Higher Education ensure the

teaching activities in the prison facilities under the law.

Article 39.

Incentives for teaching

1-A Assign attendance of teaching courses considers time to be working,

assigned to the reclusion an upstream allowance fixed by the Government member's porterie

responsible for the area of justice.

2-School harness, assiduity and behaviour in the educational space are

taken into account for the purpose of relaxation of the execution of the penalty and for the purpose of assignment

of prizes.

3-The General Regulation concretizes the subjects referred to in the preceding paragraphs.

Article 40.

Vocational training

1-In prison establishments are developed trainings and

outreach professionals who, considering the needs and aptitudes of the reclusive,

privilege its employability.

2-A The organisation of vocational training falls within national education policies

and adult training and takes into account existing resources in establishments

prisms on work and development of productive activities.

3-In the organisation of vocational training it is especially catering to the needs

specific to young inmates or with special educational needs.

4-A-The assydua frequency of trainings and professional enhancement actions

is considered time for work, being assigned to the reclusive a training grant, in the

conditions and terms set out in the law and the General Rules.


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5-The harness, assiduity and behaviour in the trainings and the

outreach professionals are taken into account for the purpose of relaxation of the implementation

of the penalty.

6-From the frequency certificates of trainings and professional outreach

cannot result in the condition of reclusion.

Chapter II

Occupational and occupational activity

Article 41.

General principles of work

1-The work aims to create, maintain and develop in the reclusive capacities and competences for

exercise a labour activity after the release.

2-Must be assured of the reclusive, according to the offers available, work on

productive units of a business nature, taking into account their skills, abilities,

preparation and preferences, without prejudice to access to vocational education and training and the

participation in the programmes referred to in the following Chapter.

3-The work must respect the dignity of the reclusive and the conditions of hygiene, health and

of security required for analogous work in freedom, and may not be attributed to it,

specifically, dangerous or unsanitary tasks, nor be it prejudiced your right to

rest and leisure.

4-Work does not subordinate itself exclusively to lucrative purposes or interests

economic from the prison or third party establishment.

5-It is due equitable remuneration for the work provided.

6-A assiduity and the commitment of the reclusive in the labour activities are taken into account for

effects of relaxation of the execution of the penalty.


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Article 42.

Organization of work

1-The work is carried out in the interior or the outside of the prison establishments and can

also be promoted with the collaboration of public or private entities, under

supervision and coordination of prison services, comprising:

a) the work in productive units of a business nature;

b) The work organized by the prison establishments in their own premises,

that does not fall into the ( a), and the ancillary and maintenance services of the facilities and


2-A The organisation and working methods are approaching those who are vigorous in freedom, the

end of preparing the reclusive for the normal conditions of analogous work of life in


3-The reclusive may be authorized by the director of the prison establishment to work by

account itself, in the scope of planning its prison treatment.

Article 43.

Work in productive units of a business nature

1-Work in productive units of a business nature is based on a relationship

special legal work, the discipline of which is contained in a diploma of its own.

2-Work in productive units of a business nature can be organized by the

prison establishment or promoted with the collaboration of public entities or


3-A The special legal relationship of work referred to in paragraph 1 follows the general regime of relations

of work in freedom, resonated the limitations arising from the implementation of the measures

deprivation of liberty.


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3-The diploma referred to in paragraph 1 determines the subjects of the special legal relationship of

work, your rights and duties, particularly as to remuneration, time,

duration, rest without loss of pay, social contributions, access to the allowance of

unemployment and other mechanisms of social protection, protection by accidents of

work and occupational diseases, suspension and dissolution of the labour relationship and the conditions

of development of economic activities by other entities in the establishments

prisms, including supports and incentives to these entities.

4-The diploma provided for in paragraph 1 also regulates the work of a business nature carried out

on his own.

Article 44.

Work developed by prison establishments

1-By the work organized by the prison establishments in their own premises

that does not fall into the ( a) of Article 42 (1) and the provision of services

auxiliaries and maintenance or improvement of prison facilities and equipment is due

remuneration set by portaria of the member of the Government responsible for the area of justice,

having in attention the nature of the activity or the service and its duration.

2-The inmates who provide the services referred to in this article shall benefit from

protection in the matter of accidents at work and occupational diseases in the general terms.

Article 45.

Occupational activity

1-The inmates are provided with the realization of occupational activities of nature

artisanal, intellectual or artistic, depending on the existing availabilities in each

prison establishment.

2-A Net income from the occupational activity is attributed to the reclusive.


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Article 46.

Destination and distribution of remuneration

1-remunerations and other revenues are rematches in four equal parts, which are

affections to the constitution of funds with the following purposes:

a) personal use by the reclusive, specifically in expenses of your daily life;

b) Support for social reinsertion, to be handed over to the reclusive at the time of its release and,

exceptionally, support in the enjoyment of exit permits;

c) Payment, by this order, of claims, fines, costs and other obligations

emerging from conviction;

d) Payment of food obligations.

2-In the event that the convict is not subject to the obligations laid down in the above c)

or d) of the preceding paragraph, the amount that corresponds to them is rebroken in equal parts

by the remaining funds.

3-In the case of special circumstances, the Director-General of Prisonal Services may

authorize a division other than that provided for in this Article.

Chapter III


Article 47.

Guiding principles

1-A The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of the freedom integrates the frequency of

specific programmes that enable the acquisition or enhancement of personal skills and

social, so as to promote orderly coexistence in the prison establishment and the

favour the adoption of socially responsible behaviours.


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2-The programmes are differentiated, taking into account age, sex, ethnic origin and

cultural, the state of vulnerability, the profiles and criminal problematics, the needs

specific reinsertion of the reclusive and the criminogen factors, specifically the

additive behaviors.

3-The programmes, attending to their purpose, can provide for the conduct of the tests

referred to in paragraph g) of Article 8.

4-The recluse may participate, with your consent, in programs of justice

restorative, notably through mediation sessions with the offending.

5-A frequency of programmes in the scope of prison treatment planning may be

considered working time, and may be assigned to the reclusion of amount

fixed by porterie of the member of the Government responsible for the area of justice.

6-A participation of the reclusive in programmes is taken into account for the purpose of relaxation of the

execution of the penalty.

Article 48.

Design and implementation of programmes

1-In the design, implementation and evaluation of programmes, prison services can obtain the

collaboration of university institutions and other specialized entities.

2-The programmes are approved by the Minister of Justice, on a proposal from the Director-General

of Prisonal Services.


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Chapter IV


Article 49.

Socio-cultural and sports activities

1-Are organized in the prison establishments socio-cultural and recreational activities,

in particular through the existence of libraries, service of reading, videotaping and

of diversified cultural animation programs, of which inmates can enjoy,

with a view to their well-being and the development of their skills.

2-They are organised in the prison facilities sport activities, under guidance

proper technique, in order to ensure the physical and mental well-being of the reclusive and to favour

the spirit of ordained social coexistence.

3-The reclusive should be encouraged to participate in the programming and organization of the

activities referred to in the preceding paragraphs, without prejudice to the maintenance of the order and


4-The General Regulation provides about the conditions of organisation and fruition of these


Article 50.

Free time

1-The activities in the prison establishment are arranged in such a way as to guarantee the

reclusive times free and restful times, pursuant to the General Rules.

2-The recluse can arrange your own free time, with respect for the discipline, order

and security of the prison establishment.


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Article 51.

Stay the open sky

1-To the reclusive is guaranteed the right to remain open heaven, for a period of

duration not less than two hours daily, in spaces that offer protection against

adverse climatic conditions.

2-In the exceptional cases expressly provided for in this Code, the period

referred to in the preceding paragraph may be reduced, and may never be less than one hour per


Title IX

Social and economic support

Article 52.

General principles

1-A The situation of seclusion does not affect the right to the predicted social security benefits

in the law.

2-In the course of the execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom is provided support

social and economic to the reclusive and his family household that he lacks, to promote

and maintain social and family linkages and strengthen the conditions of social reinsertion.

3-A The situation of seclusion does not disenforces the competent public entities from the provision of

social and economic support within the framework of their respective assignments, specifically in

safety and social action, employment, vocational training, teaching and health.


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Article 53.

Promotion of employment

1-To Prisonal Services, in articulation with public employment services and

vocational training, compete to carry out actions with a view to the future labour placement of the


2-A The situation of seclusion shall not preclude the enrolment of the reclusive in the Employment Centres,

owing to this being promoted by prison services until at least the three months

prior to the foreseeable date of release.

3-The individuals who have served sentence or deprivative measure of freedom and if

find unemployed people can benefit from special measures and programmes of

promotion of employment.

Article 54.

Social and economic support

1-Social and economic support is provided according to criteria of necessity, reasonableness and

suitability for the purposes of the implementation, taking into account the available means and the duty of

management responsible for the reclusion of its own resources.

2-Social support aims, specifically, to contribute to the resolution of personal problems

or family arising from the situation of seclusion and the fulfillment, information and

forwarding to other public and private entities.

3-Economic support consists in the allocation of pecuniary or in-kind benefits,

with the purpose of:

a) Attenuate pressing needs of the family of the reclusive that of this depend

economically, particularly by the granting of the social income of insertion;

(b) facilitate the delivery of contacts with the outside, in particular of personal visits;


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c) To contribute to transport and maintenance expenses, when they are granted

jurisdictional and administrative leave licences of short duration and preparation for the


d) To contribute to the immediate expenses with transport and maintenance soon after the

release of the reclusive;

e) Supporting the development of professional projects of the reclusive after its release,

specifically of self-employment.

4-The social and economic support provided for in this article is provided in the terms to be defined

by the members of the Government responsible for the areas of Justice, Labour and the

Social Security.

Article 55.

Private institutions and volunteer organisations

1-Prisonal services encourage, in articulation with other entities, in the terms of the

General Regulation, the participation of private institutions and organizations of

volunteers, namely:

a) In the development of cultural and leisure-cariz activities of leisure;

b) In the social and economic support to inmates and their relatives;

c) In activities relevant to the process of social reinsertion, specifically support

in matters of employment and accommodation.

2-Private institutions and volunteer organizations collaborate, on the terms

provided for in the General Regulation, in the organisation of activities that contribute to

keep the foreign reclusive linked to its culture of origin.


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3-Prisonal services ensure the appropriate framework of the action of the institutions

private individuals and volunteer organisations, particularly through selection,

accreditation and specific training of the volunteers.

4-Prisonal services should keep the community informed as to the objectives and

results of the work developed in the prison system, so as to favour the

participation of that in the execution of the penalties and deprivative measures of freedom.

Title X

Religious assistance

Article 56.

Freedom of religion and worship

1-Are guaranteed to reclusive the freedom of conscience, of religion and worship and the right to

religious assistance and the practice of acts of worship, and the conditions must be created

suitable for your exercise.

2-A achievement or participation in acts of worship, the possession of religious objects and the

assistance from ministers of worship can only be restricted for reasons of order and

security of the prison establishment, heard, whenever possible, the minister of worship


3-The reclusive may not be required to participate in any act or religious ceremony

or to receive visits from any minister of worship.

4-A religious assistance runs out of the normal time of visits, and may in case of

serious illness of the reclusive, take place outside of the days and regulatory hours.

5-The General Regulation concretizes the conditions under which the rights are exercised and

freedoms referred to in paragraph 1.


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Article 57.

Ministers of worship

1-Religious assistance to inmates by ministers of the respective cult, is permitted

accredited under the terms of the Religious Freedom Act.

2-Can collaborate in religious assistance to inmates, with permission from the Director of the

prison establishment, other people accredited to that end by the respective church

or religious community, owing to the credentials being authenticated by the registration of persons

religious collective.

3-When the number of inmates professing the same religious belief justifies it, it is

permitted regular religious assistance.

Title XI

Contacts with the outside

Chapter I


Article 58.

General principles

1-The reclusive is entitled to receive visits, pursuant to this Code and the

General Regulation.

2-The visits aim to maintain and promote the family, affective and professional ties of the


3-The period of visits may not have duration of less than one hour per week, owing

visits to be held in place appropriate to respect for the dignity and privacy of the reclusive and

of the people who visit it.


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4-The 16-year-old minors can only visit the reclusive if they are their descendants or

equiped, siblings or people with whom the recluse maintains personal relationships


5-Applies the regime of visits to the contacts that the reclusive is authorized by the Director

to maintain through the videoconference system of the prison establishment.

Article 59.

Personal visits

1-The recluse is entitled to receive regular visits from the spouse or person, from another or

of the same sex, with whom to maintain a relationship analogous to that of the spouses, of relatives and

other people with whom to maintain significant personal relationship.

2-The reclusive may receive extended visits from relatives and other persons with whom

maintain significant personal relationship, on special occasions, by reason of particular

human or religious significance.

3-Inseclusion that does not benefit from exit permits can receive regular intimate visits

of the spouse or person, of another or of the same sex, with whom to maintain a relationship

analogous to that of the spouses or a stable affective relationship.

4-The inmates placed on security arrangements are not allowed the planned visits

in paragraph 2.

Article 60.

Occasional and urgent visits

They shall be authorised to the reclusive the necessary visits to the resolution of personal matters,

legal, economic or professional, untenable from being treated by letter or

through third or deferred until the date of release.


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Article 61.

Visits by lawyers, notaries, conservatives and solicitors

1-The reclusive is entitled to receive the visit of lawyer, notary, conservative or

solicitor, at own time fixed in articulation with the respective entities

representative of the profession and appropriate to the resolution of legal matters to it concerning,

without prejudice to the authorization of urgent visits.

2-Visit control of visitors takes place through detection equipment and by display

of the interior of the folder or similar object of which to be followed up.

3-During the visit the confidentiality of the talks is ensured.

4-During the visit can only be exchanged with the reclusion documentation required by

treatment of legal matters to it concerning, and may not its content be


Article 62.

Visits of diplomatic or consular entities

Diplomatic or consular entities may visit the foreign seclusion, pursuant to

law and the applicable international conventions, on the time and conditions set for visits

of lawyers.

Article 63.

Surveillance and control

1-The personal visits provided for in Article 59 (1) and (2) are carried out in a place of its own,

under the necessary surveillance, proportionate and appropriate to the satisfaction of order requirements and


2-The auditory control of visits can only take place to the extent of the strictly necessary

to ensure order and security in the prison establishment.


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3-The personal visits provided for in Article 59 (1) to the inmates placed on a regime of

safety arise in place that ensures full physical separation between reclusive and

visitor, save in the exceptionally authorized cases by the Director, in the defined terms

by the General Regulation.

4-Visit control of visitors takes place through detection equipment, by palpation

and by magazine of clothing, footwear, personal suitcase or similar object, with respect to its

dignity and integrity and for your feeling of pudor.

5-The magazine of visitors by unnuding is prohibited.

6-During the visit is not permitted the direct delivery of things and values, with the exception of

case provided for in Article 61 (4).

Article 64.

Interruption of the visit

1-A visit may be interrupted if the reclusive or the visitor, after adverts,

to persist in the violation of legal or regulatory standards or to put at risk the order,

the security and discipline of the prison establishment.

2-A interruption of the visit is immediately communicated to the director of the establishment


Article 65.

Non-authorization and ban on visit

1-The director of the prison establishment may not authorize the visit when not if

check the assumptions provided for in this Chapter and may prohibit the visit of

persons who endanger the security and order of the establishment or may

harm the social reinsertion of the reclusive.

2-A The ban on the visit may not have duration longer than six months.


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3-Elapsed the term of prohibition set in the terms of the preceding paragraph and maintaining

the assumptions referred to in paragraph 1, the Director may propose to the Director-General of the Services

Prisons that determine the ban on visit for new period, of duration up to six months,

extended by equal periods of time.

4-The decisions of non-authorization, prohibition and extension of the ban on visit

are substantiated and communicated to the recluse.

5-The reclusive may challenge the legality of the decisions of non-authorization, of prohibition and

of an extension of the prohibition of visit before the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.

6-The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the visits provided for in articles 61, 62 and


Article 66.

Visits to prison establishments

1-Without prejudice to the forecasted in other legal provisions, they may visit the

prison establishments, in the exercise of their functions:

a) The President of the Republic, the President of the Assembly of the Republic, the First-

Minister, the President of the High Court of Justice, the President of the Court

Constitutional, the Minister of Justice, the Attorney General of the Republic and the Bastonary of the

Order of Lawyers;

b) The remaining holders of the organs of sovereignty and magistrates of the Public Prosecutor's Office;

c) The representatives of international organizations with assignments in matters concerning the

promotion and protection of the rights of inmates, pursuant to international conventions

in force in Portugal;

d) the persons accompanying the entities referred to in the above points.


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2-You can still visit the prison establishments situated in the respective Regions

Autonomas, in the performance of their duties, the Presidents of the Regional Governments, the

Representatives of the Republic and the Presidents of Regional Legislative Assemblies, well

as the people who accompany them.

3-Can be authorized by the Minister of Justice or the Director-General of Services

Prisional other visits, specifically of lecturers, students and researchers, in the

scope of work and investigations of a scientific or academic character, and of organizations

that aim at the promotion of human rights.

Chapter II

Correspondence and other means of communication

Article 67.


1-The recluse is entitled to receive and to send, at the expense of its, correspondence and

orders, pursuant to this Code and the General Rules, which may

establish limits on receipt and dispatch of orders, taking into account the scheme of

execution, the regularity of visits and the socio-family support.

2-Whenever solicited, the reclusive is aided in the writing and reading of his correspondence.

Article 68.

Control of correspondence

1-A correspondence and orders from the reclusive are verified for reasons of order and

security of the prison establishment and for detection of objects prohibited by law or

by the General Regulation.


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2-A reading can be ordered, by reasoned order of the director of the

prison establishment, when the correspondence can endanger the purposes of the

execution, when there is founded suspicion of the practice of crime or for justified reasons of

protection of the victim of crime or order and safety.

3-A The decision referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be communicated to the reclusive, save in case of fear

founded of serious injury to the values that through it are intended to accrunt.

4-It is not the subject of any control to correspondence with the persons and entities

referred to in Articles 61 and 62 and paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 66 nor that relating to the financial year

of the right provided for in paragraph m) and n) of Article 7 (1)

Article 69.

Retention of correspondence

1-A retention of correspondence and orders from the reclusive can only take place upon

reasoned order of the director of the prison establishment and following the

control provided for in the previous article, being communicated to the reclusive, save in case of fear

founded of serious injury to the values that through it are intended to accrunt.

2-The decisions to withhold correspondence and non-communication to the reclusive are

reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office to the Enforcement Court of the Penas, to

verification of legality.

3-It is up to the Prosecutor's Office to the Court of Execution of the Penas to promote about

the fate of the retained match.

3-The prohibited objects found in the correspondence and orders are withheld,

correspondingly applying the provisions of Article 28.


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Article 70.

Telephone contacts

1-The inmate may carry out, at the expense of his, telephone calls, in the terms of the

General Regulation, except for restrictions imposed by founded reasons of order, security or

social reinsertion.

2-The reclusive may be allowed to receive telephone calls in personal situations or

particularly relevant professionals.

3-The General Regulation may provide for limitations to the telephone contacts of inmates

placed in a security regime.

4-The restriction or authorization decisions provided for in this article compete with the

director of the prison establishment.

5-The reclusion may challenge the legality of the restriction decisions provided for in paragraph 1

before the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.

Article 71.

Control of telephone contacts

1-Telephone contacts can be the subject of presential control, by dispatch

reasoned from the Director, when placing in danger the purposes of the execution,

when there is founded suspicion of the practice of crime or for justified reasons of protection

of the victim of crime or order and safety.

2-They are not the subject of monitoring telephone contacts with persons and entities

referred to in Articles 61 and 62 and in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 66 or those relating to the

exercise of the right provided for in points m) and n) of Article 7 (1)


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3-A The control decision of telephone contacts is communicated to the reclusive, save in case

of fear founded from serious injury to the values that through it are intended to


Article 72.

Other means of communication

1-The director of the prison establishment may, exceptionally, authorize the reclusion to

use any other existing technical means of communication existing in the establishment

prisional, namely e-mail and fax, in personal situations or

particularly relevant or urgent professionals, being controlled the respective


2-It is not the subject of control the content of communications with the persons and entities

referred to in Articles 61 and 62 and in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 66 nor those relating to the

exercise of the right provided for in points m) and n) of Article 7 (1)

Article 73.

Duty of secrecy

The officials who take notice of the content of the communications provided for in the

present chapter and in the previous one are bound to secrecy, which can only be broken in the

measure of the absolutely necessary to prevent or prevent the practice of crime, protect

the victim of the crime or safeguard the order and security of the prison establishment.


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Chapter III

Social communication

Article 74.

Right to information

It is assured of the reclusion the possibility of keeping informed about the events

relevant public, particularly through access to newspapers, magazines, books, emissions from

radio and television.

Article 75.

Contacts with media bodies

1-The media bodies may, with permission from the Director-General of the

Prison services, visit the prison facilities for reporting

on their functioning and activities, provided that this does not harm social reinsertion

of the inmates or the order, security and discipline in the prison establishment.

2-The media bodies may also be allowed to carry out

interviews to inmates, with the informed and express consent of this, when such no

undermine your social reinsertion, nor does it jeopardized discipline, order or security

in the prison establishment, the purposes of pretrial detention, privacy or the

third party security.

3-In the decision provided for in the preceding paragraph are especially weighted the risks of

stigmatization of the reclusive stemming from its excessive media exposure, impact

negative about the victim or family of this, of violation of the privacy of third parties and of

devaluation of the delightful conduct and its consequences.

4-A The decision provided for in paragraph 2 shall be the competence of the Director General of Prisonal Services,

may be impugned by the reclusive before the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.


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5-Treating preventative reclusive, the authorization of the interview depends still on the non

opposition from the court to the order of which the inmate fulfils remand, on the basis of

weighting the loss of the interview for the purposes of the preventive arrest.

6-In any case, they are not allowed:

a) The collection and dissemination of images and sounds that allow for the identification of inmates, save

informed and express consent of the same;

b) The collection and dissemination of images and sounds that allow for the identification of children that the

recluses keep with you in the establishment;

c) radio or television broadcasts in direct from the prison establishment;

d) Interviews to inmates placed on security arrangements or reporting in

prison establishments or special security units.

Chapter IV

Exit permits from the prison establishment

Article 76.

Types of output licenses

1-Can be granted to the reclusive, with your consent, leave permits

jurisdictional or administrative.

2-jurisdictional exit permits aim at the maintenance and promotion of family ties

and social and the preparation for life in freedom.

3-Administrative exit permits comprise:

a) short-lived outputs, to maintain and promote family and social ties;

b) Outputs for carrying out activities;


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c) Special outputs, on the grounds of particular human meaning or for resolution of

urgent and indefable situations;

d) Outputs of preparation for freedom.

4-Regardless of the consent of the reclusive, it is authorized for its custodial outlet


a) Comparison in a judicial act or act of criminal investigation;

b) Receive health care not likely to be provided in the establishment

prison, in the terms of the law.

5-The General Regulation provides about the procedures for exit licences.

Article 77.

Common provisions

1-The exit period is considered time of execution of the penalty or of the deprivation measure

of freedom, except if the respective licence is revoked.

2-The reclusive is informed on the grounds of the non-granting of leave of leave, unless

founded reasons of order and security impeded him.

3-A non-granting of exit permits cannot, under any circumstances, be used as

disciplinary measure.

4-The inmates in security arrangements only benefit from the leave licences

administrative provisions set out in paragraph c) of paragraph 3 and in paragraph 4 of the preceding Article.

5-preventative inmates only benefit from administrative leave licences

provided for in points b) and c) of paragraph 3 and in paragraph 4 of the preceding Article.

6-In the schedule of exit permits must take into account the normal development

of the activities of the reclusive.


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7-The jurisdictional, short-duration, and preparation leave for freedom non-

can be enjoyed consecutively.

8-It is correspondingly applicable to the provisions of Article 22 (4)

Article 78.

General requirements and criteria

1-Leave permits can be granted when you check the following requirements:

a) Funded expectation that the reclusion will behave in a socially responsible manner,

without committing crimes;

(b) Compatibility of the exit with the defence of order and social peace; and

c) Founded expectation that the reclusion will not subtract from the execution of the penalty or measure

deprivative of liberty.

2-Taking into account the purposes of the Leave licences, they aim at their concession:

a) the evolution of the execution of the penalty or deprivative measure of liberty;

b) the protection needs of the victim;

c) the social or family environment in which the reclusive is going to integrate;

d) The circumstances of the case; and

e) The known antecedents of the life of the reclusive.

3-In the granting of leave licences may be fixed, appropriate to the case

concrete, to be observed by the reclusive.

Article 79.

Jurisdictional output licenses

1-Jurisdictional leave licences are granted and revoked by the Court of

Execution of the Penas.


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2-jurisdictional outbound licences can be granted when cumulatively if


a) Compliance with a sixth of the sentence and minimum six months, treating yourself to no

over five years, or the fulfillment of a quarter of the penalty, dealing with pity

greater than five years;

b) the execution of the penalty in common or open regime;

(c) The non-existence of another pending case in which it is determined pretrial detention;

d) The non-existence of evasion, illegitimate absence or revocation of the probation in the

twelve months leading up to the application.

3-In the cases of successive execution of prison terms or punishment relatively

indeterminate, the sixth and the fourth of the penalty are respectively determined as a function of the

sum of the penalties or the penalty that concretely would fit the crime.

4-Each exit permit may not exceed the maximum limit of five or seven days

followed, depending on the execution of the sentence decorated in common or open regime, to enjoy

four in four months.

5-jurisdictional outbound licenses are not custodious.

Article 80.

Short-duration exit licenses

1-The director of the prison establishment may grant short exit permits

duration as long as cumulatively check:

a) The execution of the penalty under open regime;

b) the prior successful enjoyment of a jurisdictional exit permit;

c) The non-existence of evasion, illegitimate absence or revocation of the probation in the

twelve months leading up to the application.


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2-Short-term exit permits can be granted every three months, up to

maximum of three days followed, covering preferably the weekends.

3-Short-term output licenses are not custodious.

Article 81.

Outbound licences for activities

1-The Director-General of Prisonal Services may grant, the inmates who meet

in common or open regime:

a) Exiting licences for activities, with occasional character, in the labour scope, of the teaching,

of vocational training or other programmes;

b) Outlet Licences for study, training or lucid visits, suitable for

development of personal and social skills, organised by the establishment


2-Exit licences provided for in the preceding paragraph are always custodious, except in

exceptional situations, duly substantiated.

3-In the case of reclusive in pretrial detention, the granting of exit permits provided for in

point ( a) of paragraph 1 depends on the non-opposition of the court to the order of which it fulfils the measure

of coaction.

Article 82.

Special output licenses

1-Can be granted by the director of the prison establishment permit leave

custodials, on the grounds of particular human meaning or for resolution of situations

relevant and inadiable, specifically:

a) In the event of serious illness or death of close family or person with whom the

reclusion maintains analogous affective link;


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b) On the grounds of force majeany or business or legal act that cannot be solved

in the interior of the prison establishment or abroad, by proxy or manager of


2-Special exit permits arise for the time strictly necessary to the

concretization of the end to which they are intended, and may not exceed 12 hours.

3-In the case of reclusive in pretrial detention, the concession depends on the non-opposition of the

court to the order of which it fulfils the coaction measure, save when the delay may

make it useless to exit, in which case this is immediately communicated to that court, with

indication of the motives and urgency that have determined it.

Article 83.

Leave preparation permits for freedom

In order to facilitate the preparation for freedom, the Director-General of Prisonal Services

may authorize the reclusive to exit the prison establishment, up to a maximum of eight days,

in the last three months of fulfilment of the penalty or in the last three months preceding

the 5/6 percent higher than six years in prison.

Article 84.

Renewal of the application

In the event of non-granting of judicial or short-lived leave, the reclusive

you cannot submit new application before after decorations four or three months

respectively, from the date of that decision, unless the lower deadline is set in this.

Article 85.

Failure to comply with conditions

1-If, during leave of absence, the reclusive fails to unjustifiably comply with any

of the conditions imposed, may the entity which granted it to make him solemn warning,


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determine the impossibility of submitting new application for six months or

revoke the exit license.

2-Dealing with administrative leave of absence, the reclusive may challenge in the face of the

Court of Enforcement of the Penas the legality of the decision to revocation.

3-Dealing with leave of administrative leave, the Director communicates the revocation to the

Prosecutor's Office to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, for the purposes set out in the

point ( h) of Article 141 para.

4-A the withdrawal of the exit permit determines the discount, by the Court of Enforcement of the

Feathers, in the fulfillment of the penalty, of the time when the reclusive was at liberty.

5-When revoking the leave of absence, the entity that has granted it determines the fixation of a

term, between six and twelve months from the return to the prison establishment, during the

which the reclusive cannot submit new request.

Title XII

Order, security and discipline

Chapter I

General principles

Article 86.


1-A order and discipline in the prison establishment are maintained as a condition

indispensable for the realization of the purposes of the execution of the penalties and deprivative measures

of freedom and in the interest of an organized and secure common life.

2-A security in the prison establishment is maintained for protection of legal goods

fundamental, personal and patrimonial, for the defense of society and for the reclusion not to

subtract to the execution of the penalty or of the deprivative measure of liberty.


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3-The sense of responsibility of the reclusive is fostered as a determining factor of the

order, of security and discipline in the prison establishment.

4-A order, security and discipline are maintained with subordination to the principles of

need, suitability and proportionality.

Article 87.

Maintenance of order and safety

1-A The maintenance of order and security in the prison establishment competes in the

Prison Services, notably through the Prison Corps, without prejudice to the

exceptional resource to the intervention of other forces and security services in case of

serious alteration or in the cases provided for in the Internal Security Act.

2-A The intervention of other forces and security services takes place in close

articulation with Prisonal Services, respects the principle of proportionality and limits-

if, in particular as to its extent and duration and the means used, the

strictly necessary to the ready re-establishment of order and security in the

prison establishment and the safeguarding of the legal purposes that have determined it.

Chapter II

Means of order and security

Article 88.

Types, purposes and use

1-To ensure order and security in the prison establishment are used means

common and special security, pursuant to this Code and the General Rules.

2-Are common means of security, specifically, the observation, the personal magazine, the

search, periodic monitoring of presences and control by means of detection tools,

of polytechnic means or electronic surveillance or biometric systems.


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3-Admitting exclusively the following special means of security:

(a) Prohibition of the use or temporary seizure of certain goods or objects;

b) Observation of the reclusion during the night period;

c) Privacy or restriction of the convivid with certain inmates or access to spaces

common of the prison establishment;

d) Use of handcuffs;

e) Placing in cell separation of the remaining prison population;

f) Placing in room of safety.

4-Special means of security are only used when there is serious danger of

evasion or taken away or when, by virtue of their behavior or psycho-emotional state,

there is serious danger of practice by the reclusion of acts of violence against itself or against

personal or patrimonial legal goods.

5-Special means of security have a wary nature, they remain only while

endure the danger situation that determined its application and are never used for title


6-The decisions for use and cessation of special security means are

substantiated and compete for the director of the prison establishment or who the

replace, and in this case be immediately communicated to that.

7-The reclusive is informed of the reasons for the use of the special means of security,

unless we founded reasons of order and security impeded him.


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Article 89.

Personal magazine and search

1-A personal magazine is carried out when they are unable to successfully use instruments of

detection, being carried out by person of the same sex of the reclusive, with respect for their

dignity and integrity and for your feeling of pudor.

2-A personal magazine by unnudgement can be carried out, upon permission of the

director of the prison establishment, when there are suspicions that the reclusive brings

i get objects not allowed and stems in reserved location so as to respect the

privacy of the reclusive.

3-The General Regulation may establish situations in which the magazines provided for in paragraphs 1

and 2 are mandatory.

4-A Body intrusion for extraction of objects is carried out under medical guidance and

authorized by the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.

5-A search for the reclusive accommodation space is carried out with respect for the objects

who belong to you and, where possible, in your presence.

Article 90.

Surveillance systems

In prison establishments, electronic surveillance systems can be used,

particularly of videovigilance in the common spaces and biometric control, with

safeguarding the intimacy of private life, under the law and the General Regulation.


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Article 91.

Use of handcuffs

1-The handcuffs can be used, where possible under medical surveillance, by the time

strictly indispensable, where otherwise it is not possible to prevent the

reclusive practice acts of violence against personal legal goods, of the own or of

third, or patrimonial.

2-The handcuffs can still be used in the offsets abroad, to prevent danger from

evasion or taken out or practice of the acts referred to in the preceding paragraph.

3-The handcuffs can only be applied on the wrists, owing to the withdrawals when the

reclusive to appear before judicial or administrative authority and during the realization of

medical act, except when that authority or who to carry out the medical act determines

the opposite.

Article 92.

Cell of separation

1-A placement of the reclusive in cell of separation from the remaining prison population can only

take place when there is serious danger of evasion or taken away or when, due to its

behaviour, there is serious danger of the practice of acts of violence against legal goods

personal, own or third party, or patrimonial, if the less gravy special means

prove to be ineffective or inappropriate.

2-A placement of the reclusive in separation cell excludes life in common and communication

with the remaining inmates and limits the contacts with the outside, and may be reduced

period of remain open to open skies, with safeguard of the limit set out in Article 2 of the article


3-It is compulsory for observation by doctor or nurse within a maximum period of 24 hours

after the start of the implementation of this measure.


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4-If the reclusive finds itself under special observation or medical treatment or reveals

suicidal ideation or in the case of pregnancy, puerptery or after termination of pregnancy is

obligatory to carry out prior medical examination, unless it is a danger situation

imminent and it is not possible to resort to another means of security, in which case it is carried out

subsequently the urgent medical examination.

5-Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 88 (5), the allotment of the inmate in a cell of

separation is mandatorily reappraised by the director of the prison establishment of 72

in 72 hours.

6-A decision of reclusion maintenance in cell of separation, in the first reexamination

carried out in fulfillment of the preceding paragraph, is communicated to the Public Prosecutor's Office together

of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, for verification of legality.

7-The director of the prison establishment informs the Public Prosecutor of the cessation of this

special means of safety.

8-If, decorated thirty days, if they maintain the grounds that warranted the application of this

special means of security, the director of the prison establishment proposes the placement of the

reclusive in a security regime, pursuant to Article 15 para.

Article 93.

Room for safety

1-A placement of the reclusive in a safe room can only take place in serious condition

alteration of its psycho-emotional state that poses serious danger of acts of violence

against personal legal goods, of the own or of the third party, or patrimonial, if the others

special means if they reveal ineffective or inappropriate, and may be reduced the period of

remain open to open heaven, with safeguard of the limit set out in Article 51 (2)


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2-The reclusive placed in a safety room is immediately examined by the doctor,

and should be subject to daily clinical monitoring while this special means of

security keep up.

3-The doctor informs in writing the director of the prison establishment, after each examination

clinical, on the state of health of the reclusive and on the possible need to make a cessation

this special means of safety.

4-Decorrides ten days, and maintaining the assumptions that led to the placement in

safety room, the reclusive is transferred to establishment or hospital unit


5-A placement of the reclusive in a room of safety is communicated from the Public Prosecutor's Office

together with the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, for verification of legality.

Chapter III

Coercive means

Article 94.

General principles

1-The use of coercive means to ward off a current danger to the order is permitted

and security of the prison establishment that cannot be eliminated otherwise,


a) To prevent individual or collective acts of insubordination, rebellion, amotination or


b) To avoid the practice by the reclusion of acts of violence against personal legal goods, of the

own or third party, or patrimonial;

c) To win the active or passive resistance of the reclusive to a legitimate order;


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d) To prevent the tirade of inmates or the illegal entry or stay of persons in the

prison establishment.

2-coercive means can only be used by the time strictly indispensable to the

achievement of the objective they aim to achieve, in accordance with the principles of necessity, of the

suitability and proportionality.

3-coercive means, either by their nature or by the form of use, cannot

affect the dignity of the reclusive nor can they be used on disciplinary basis.

4-Prisonal services assure your staff permanent training for a

correct use of coercive means.

Article 95.

Types and conditions of use of coercive means

1-Are coercive means of physical coercion, coating with auxiliary means and weapons.

2-It is considered physical coaction to which it is exercised on people through use of force


3-The cuffs constitute auxiliary means of the physical coaction.

4-A The use of coercive means is, where possible, preceded by warning.

5-A The use of coercive means is compulsorily followed by medical examination and

inquiry into the circumstances that determined it.

6-In the interior of the prison area, except for the service stick, the waybill is not admitted

of auxiliary means or weapons on the part of prison officials or other persons who

have contact with the inmates.

7-A use of auxiliary means or weapons by the staff of the Corps of the Guard

Prison is only admitted when it is strictly necessary for the safeguard or reposition of the

order and discipline or in the event of self-defense or state of need.


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8-A use of firearms by the staff of the Prison Guard Corps

comply with the requirements and follow the regime of the situations of recourse to firearm in action

police officer.

9-The types and conditions for the use of coercive means are realized by the

Regulation of Use of Coercite Means in Prisonal Services.

Article 96.

Decision and communication

1-A The use of coercive means is decided by the director of the prison establishment and,

in the case of an arms resource, it determines the opening of the process of enquiries and is

communicated immediately to the Director General of Prisonal Services.

2-In case of urgency or imminent danger, in the absence of the Director the decision is made

by whom the surrogate or by the employee who has the responsibility to prevent the

situation, and in this case shall be communicated immediately to the Director.

Article 97.

Evasion or unauthorized absence

1-The director of the prison establishment communicates immediately the evasion or absence not

authorized from the reclusive to the security forces and services, to the Director-General of the Services

Prisons, to the court on the order of which it fulfils deprivative measure of freedom and the Court

of Execution of the Penas, also communicating the catch.

2-To the convict who dolly if he has eximed, wholly or partially, to the execution of

prison term or internship measure is correspondingly applicable the willing

in Articles 335, 336 and 337 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, relating to the declaration of

contumacy, with the following modifications:


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a) The editions and announcements contain, in place of the indication of the crime and the legal provisions

which punish him, the indication of the sentencing and sentence or safety measure to


b) The dispatch of affidavit of the contumacy and the decrement of the arrest are from the

competence of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.

3-When considering that the avoidance or absence of the reclusive may create danger to the

offended, the competent court informs him of the occurrence.

4-Any judicial authority or agent of service or security force has a duty

of capturing and conducting the prison establishment any reclusive evaded or that if

find outside the establishment without authorization.

Title XIII

Disciplinary regime

Chapter I

General provisions

Article 98.


1-It can only be punished disciplinarily the de facto practice that constitutes infringement

discipline under the terms of this Code.

2-No recourse to analogy is permitted to qualify a fact as an infringement

discipline nor to determine the disciplinary measure that corresponds to it, applying

solely the disciplinary measures provided for in this Code.

3-A disciplinary measure, either by its nature or by the mode of implementation, cannot

to offend the dignity of the reclusive nor to compromise your health or physical integrity.

4-Collective or for indefinite time of disciplinary measure is prohibited.


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5-When it shows enough the mere warning or mediation, there is no place to

procedure for the application of disciplinary measurement.

6-The reclusion cannot be punished disciplinarily more than once by the practice of the same


7-The General Regulation concretizes the procedures necessary for the implementation of the provisions

in this Title.

Article 99.

Disciplinary recidivism

1-It is considered to be a disciplinary recidivism the committing of new infringement, of the same or of

another species, before three months ' elapsed on the date of the practice of previous offence


2-In the event of disciplinary recidivism, the maximum temporal limit of the disciplinary measure is

high of one third.

Article 100.

Competition for disciplinary offences

When the reclusion has actually practiced more than one disciplinary offence, they are-

it shall apply to you the disciplinary measures corresponding to each of the offences.

Article 101.

Disciplinary offence continued

1-Constitutes one only disciplinary offence continued to carry out plus-like

disciplinary offence or of several similar disciplinary offences, executed in a manner

essentially homogeneous and in the frame of the solicitation of a same external situation as

considerably diminish the guilt of the reclusive.


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2-A The continuing disciplinary offence is sanctioned with the disciplinary measure applicable to the

more serious fact that integrates the continuation.

Chapter II

Offences and disciplinary measures

Article 102.

Classification of disciplinary offences

Disciplinary offences are classified in:

a) simple disciplinary infractions;

b) Serb disciplinary infractions.

Article 103.

Simple disciplinary offences

A simple disciplinary offence is deemed to be:

a) Do not present itself, repeatedly, clean and arranged;

b) Do not proceed, repeatedly, to the cleaning and tidying up of the accommodation and its respective


c) Do not proceed, repeatedly, to the cleaning, tidying and maintenance of equipment and

facilities of the prison establishment;

d) Organize and participate in games of fortune or gambling in the prison establishment;

e) Establish communication not permitted or by fraudulent means with the outside or,

violating express prohibition, with other inmates in the prison establishment;

f) Divulgar dolly news or false data relating to the prison establishment;

g) Simulate disease or situation of danger for your health or third party;


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(h) carry out unauthorised business with other inmates;

i) Introduce, produce, manufacture, make out, distribute, transaction, have in your power or

hold in the prison establishment banned objects or organise such activities;

(j) destroy, damage, disfigure or render non-usable doled goods of reduced

value of the prison establishment, of prison officials, of the remaining inmates or of

third parties;

l) Insulate, offend or defame another reclusive or third party in the prison establishment or

during custodial output;

m) Insulation, offending or defaming prison official in the performance of his duties or by

cause of these;

n) Resist the legitimate orders of the officials, in the performance of their duties;

o) Practise, in the prison establishment or during custodial outlet, any other fact

provided for in the law as a crime whose procedure depends on complaint or charge sheet

particular; or

p) Do not comply, or comply with unjustified delay, the duties imposed, on the terms

legal or regulatory, or the legitimate orders of the officials, in the exercise of their

functions, in the prison establishment or during authorized exit.

Article 104.

Serious disciplinary offences

Serious disciplinary offence shall be deemed to be:

a) Establish communication not permitted or by fraudulent means with the outside or,

violating express prohibition, with other inmates in the interior of the prison establishment,

and create this danger mode for the order and security of the prison establishment;


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b) Divulgar dolefully news or false data concerning the prison establishment, and

create this danger mode for the order and security of this;

c) Simulate illness or situation of danger to your health or third party, which entails

travelling abroad or an exceptional allocation of means of the establishment


(d) carry out unauthorized business of high economic value with other inmates or,

regardless of their value, with officials of the prison establishment or

third parties;

e) Insulate, offend or defame, in a public and notorious manner, another reclusive or third party in the

interior of the prison establishment or outside of this during custodial exit;

f) Insulate, offend or defame, in a public and notorious manner, official of the establishment

prison, in the exercise of their duties or because of these;

g) Destroy, damage, disappear or render non-usable, dolly or with negligence

gross, assets of the prison establishment, of prison officials, of the rest

recluses and third parties, of significant economic value, or, regardless of the

injury caused, creating danger to the order and security of the prison establishment;

h) Resist with violence or disobey, in a public and notorious manner, to legitimate orders

of the officials, in the performance of their duties;

i) Introduce, produce, manufacture, make out, distribute, transaction, have in your power or

hold, in the prison establishment prohibited objects, or arrange such activities, and

create this danger mode for the order and security of the prison establishment;

j) Deter, possess, introduce, produce, manufacture, distribute, transaction, in the establishment

narcotic narcotics or any other toxic substance, non-prescribed drugs or

unauthorised alcoholic beverages or arrange such activities;

(l) Intimidate or establish relationship of power or authority over other inmates;


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(m) threatening, coercing, assaulting or embarrassing the sexual act other reclusive, official

prisional or third party, in the prison establishment or during custodial exit;

n) Try to evade, evade, promote or participate in taken out of reclusive;

o) Promote or participate in moot or collective act of insubordination or of

disobedience to the legitimate orders of the officials, in the exercise of their duties;

p) Practise, in the prison establishment or during custodial outlet, any other fact

provided for in the law as a crime whose procedure does not depend on a complaint; or

q) Do not comply, or comply with unjustified delay, the duties imposed, on the terms

legal or regulatory, or the legitimate orders of the officials, in the exercise of their

functions, in the prison establishment or during authorized exit, and to create in this way

danger to the order and security of the prison establishment.

Article 105.

Disciplinary measures

1-They shall apply to the reclusion the following disciplinary measures:

a) Repreension written;

b) Privacy of the use and possession of personal objects not indispensable by period not

higher than sixty days;

(c) Prohibition of use of the fund provided for in the a) of Article 46 (1) per period

not more than sixty days;

(d) Restriction or deprivation of socio-cultural, sports or occupation activities of

free time for a period not exceeding sixty days;

e) Decrease of the daily free time of remaining open skies, by non-superior period

to 30 days, safeguarded the minimum limit set out in this Code;

f) Mandatory stay in the accommodation up to thirty days;


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g) Internment in disciplinary cell up to twenty one days.

2-A measure provided for in the g) of the preceding paragraph shall only apply to serious offences.

3-A The choice and the determination of the duration of the disciplinary measure are made depending on the

nature of the offence, of the seriousness of the conduct and its consequences, of the degree of guilt

of the reclusive, of its disciplinary background, of the requirements for the prevention of the practice of

other disciplinary offences and the willingness to repair the damage caused.

4-In case of tender for disciplinary offences, yet the sum of the measures

applied disciplinary exceeds 120 days, in the case of points (s) c) , d) and e) , or 60 days, in the case of the

points f) and g) of paragraph 1, the disciplinary measure performed shall not exceed those durations,

without prejudice to the provisions of Article 113.

Article 106.

Suspension of the implementation of the disciplinary measure

1-A The implementation of disciplinary measure applied to simple disciplinary offences can be

suspended for the maximum period of three months, upon reasoned decision, whenever

be of the conclusion that the simple censorship of the fact and the threat of the sanction carry out in a manner

adequate and sufficient its purposes.

2-A suspension of the implementation of disciplinary measure is contingent upon compliance with

reasonably chargable duties designed to repair the consequences of the offence,


a) Give the aggrieved immediate moral satisfaction;

(b) indemnify the aggrieved, in whole or in part, within the prescribed time limit;

c) Deliver to social solidarity institutions, particularly associations to support the

victim and volunteering organizations, a monetary contribution or provision in

species of equivalent value;


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d) Realize, at the time of suspension, tasks of common interest, unpaid, with

consent, for period of not less than 20 or more than 120 hours, without prejudice to the

normal development of their formative and labour activities.

3-Se, during the period of suspension, the reclusive, culposely, cease to comply

any of the duties imposed or practicing new disciplinary offence, is revoked


4-During the period of suspension it does not run the limitation period of the measure.

Article 107.

Mandatory stay in the accommodation

1-A permanence in the accommodation consists of the continuous presence of the recluse in that,

may be reduced the period of remain open to open skies, with safeguard of the limit

provided for in Article 51 (2)

2-The reclusive maintains the right to correspondence and contacts with its lawyer and

with the religious assistant.

3-The director of the prison establishment may authorize regular visits of relatives

next with the maximum duration of one hour per week.

4-In order not to harm the vocational or school training of the reclusive, the director of the

prison establishment may authorize compliance with this measure in periods


Article 108.

Internment in disciplinary cell

1-The internment in disciplinary cell consists of the continuous presence of the reclusive in cell

that ensures their separation from the remaining prison population, and may be reduced the

period of remain open to open skies, with safeguard of the limit set out in Article 2 of the article



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2-During the implementation of the measure, the reclusive is deprived of activities and communications

with the outside, without prejudice to the contacts with the lawyer or the religious assistant and the

access to correspondence, newspapers, books and magazines.

3-The director of the prison establishment can only authorize visits when

ponderous circumstances the justices.

4-During the execution of the internment measure in disciplinary cell applied to reclusion

that keep with you child minor, is guaranteed this follow up and support and a

daily convivial time between both.

5-A disciplinary cell brings together the indispensable conditions of habitability, the characteristics

and the equipment specified in the General Regulations, which concretes the other subjects

provided for in this article.

Article 109.

Health care

1-The reclusion that finds itself to comply with the disciplinary measures provided for in the paragraphs f) and g)

of Article 105 (1) shall be under clinical surveillance, being observed with frequency

required by the doctor, who is pronounced in writing whenever he deems it necessary

interrupt or change the execution of the disciplinary measure.

2-The doctor of the prison establishment is heard prior to the application of measurement

discipline the reclusive who finds himself in psychiatric medical treatment or who reveals

suicidal ideation or in the case of pregnancy, puerptery or after termination of pregnancy, when

treat yourself to the disciplinary measures provided for in points f) and g) of Article 105 (1) and, in the

remaining cases, when exceptional circumstances justify it.


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Chapter III

Disciplinary procedure

Article 110.

General principles

1-A The application of disciplinary measure is preceded by written procedure, save by treating-

if of written reprimand.

2-Initiated the procedure, the reclusive is informed of the facts that are charged to it,

we will be guaranteed the rights to be heard and to present evidence for their defence.

3-The disciplinary procedure is considered to be urgent, and must be completed on time

maximum of ten working days.

4-A The final decision and its statement of reasons are notified to the reclusive and to its defender,

when you have it, and registered in the individual process of that.

5-A The stepping stone of the disciplinary procedure is realized in the General Regulation.

Article 111.

Precautionary measures pending the disciplinary procedure

1-The director of the prison establishment may determine, at any stage of the proceedings

discipline, the application of the precautionary measures necessary to prevent the continuation of the

disciplinary offence or the disturbance of orderly and secure coexistence in the

prison establishment or to ensure the protection of person or the preservation of means of


2-The precautionary measures shall be commensurate with the seriousness of the offence and appropriate

the precautionary effects to be achieved, and may consist of prohibitions on contacts or

activities or, in the most serious cases, in confinement, in whole or in part of the day, in

individual accommodation.


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3-A The application of cautionary measures may not exceed 60 days or, in the case of

confinement, 30 days.

4-Being applied cautionary measure of confinement for the whole day, paragraph 1 of the

article 109.

5-If the reclusive comes to be sanctioned with the mandatory stay measure in the

accommodation or internment in disciplinary cell, the time of the cautionary measure abiding is

weighted, for the purpose of mitigation, in the penalty that comes to be applied.

Article 112.


1-A The application of disciplinary measure competes with the director of the prison establishment.

2-If the disciplinary offence has been practiced against the Director, the application of measure

discipline competes with the Director-General of Prisonal Services.

3-A Decision to apply for disciplinary action may be preceded by hearing of the board

coach of the prison establishment.

Article 113.

Implementation of disciplinary measures

1-A The implementation of the disciplinary measure is immediate, without prejudice to the provisions of the article


2-When the reclusion has to comply with two or more disciplinary measures, its implementation is

concurrent whenever the measures are concretely compatible.

3-A successive implementation of disciplinary measure of internment in disciplinary cell no

may exceed 30 days.

4-Showing necessary the interruption of the execution of the measure, in the terms of the number

previous, this is resumed decorride 8 days.


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5-On occasions of particular human or religious significance, the director of the

prison establishment may interrupt compliance with disciplinary measures

provided for in points f) and g) of Art. 105 (1) for the maximum period of 24 hours.

Article 114.


1-The reclusion may challenge, before the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, the decisions of

application of the disciplinary measures of compulsory stay in the accommodation and

internment in disciplinary cell.

2-A The impurition has suspensive effect, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 111.

Article 115.


1-The disciplinary procedure extinguishes, by effect of prescription, when they have

elapsed four or six months from the date of the offence of the offence, as if

handle simple or serious offences, respectively.

2-A prescription referred to in the preceding paragraph interrupts with the communication to the reclusive

of the introduction of the disciplinary procedure.

3-A The disciplinary measure prescribes in the deadlines of four or six months from the day

following that of the decision that applied it, as it deals with, respectively, infringements

simple or serious.

4-A prescription referred to in the preceding paragraph interrupts with the start of execution of the



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Title XIV

Safeguarding of rights and means of guardian

Article 116.

Right of complaint, petition, complaint and exhibition

1-The reclusive is entitled to submit, in writing, individually or collectively,

complaints, petitions, complaints and exposures concerning the implementation of the custodial measures of the

freedom, for the defence of your rights.

2-Claims, petitions, complaints and exhibitions can be addressed to the Director of the

prison establishment, which:

a) Cut to mediation, to achieve consensual solutions;

b) If it pronounces on the complaints, petitions, complaints and exposures that are directed to it,

within the maximum period of 30 days; or

c) It sends them immediately to the competent entities or bodies, giving notice to the


3-Claims, petitions, complaints and exhibitions can also be addressed to the

Director General of Prisonal Services and the Audit Office and Inspectorate of the Directorate-

General of Prisonal Services.

4-Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, the reclusion may also present

petitions, complaints and exposures to the organs of sovereignty and other entities,

in particular to the Inspectorate General for Justice Services, the Provedory of Justice, the

Order of Lawyers, to the European Court of Human Rights, to the Committee

European for the Prevention of Torture and the Committee against Torture of the Organization of the

United Nations.


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5-The General Regulation concretizes the conditions for the exercise of the rights referred to in the

previous numbers.

Article 117.

Right to legal information

1-The prison establishment makes available to the reclusive legal information written,

specifically criminal and prison legislation and doctrine, the General Regulation and

applicable international conventions.

2-In particular to foreign seclusion, information is made available, in language that he

understand, about the possibilities of execution abroad of the criminal sentence

portuguese and of their transfer abroad and on the terms of the execution of the penalty

expulsion accessory.

Title XV

Modification of the execution of the prison sentence of inmates with sickness

serious, evolutionary and irreversible or of severe and permanent disability or age


Article 118.


It can benefit from modification of the execution of the penalty, when the such if they do not oppose strong

demands for prevention or order and social peace, the reclusive condemned that:

a) If you find yourself seriously ill with evolutionary and irreversible pathology and no longer respond

available for the available therapeutics;

b) Be bearer of serious disability or irreversible disease which, in a permanent manner,

lead to third person dependency and show yourself incompatible with normal

maintenance in a prison medium; or


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c) Have age equal to or greater than seventy years and your state of health, physics or psychic,

or of autonomy proves to be incompatible with normal maintenance in a prison medium or

affect its ability to understand the sense of the execution of the penalty.

Article 119.


1-A The modification of the execution of the penalty depends always on the consent of the convict,

even though presumed.

2-There is presumed consent when the physical or psychological situation of the convict

allow reasonably to assume that it would have effectively consented to the modification if it had

been able to know or comment on the respective assumptions.

Article 120.

Modalities of modification of the execution of the penalty

1-A The modification of the execution of the penalty takes the following modalities:

a) Internment of the convict in health or host establishments

adequate; or

b) Regime of permanence in housing.

2-The court may, if it is understood necessary, to decide itself by the supervision by technical means

of distance control, based on medical advice and social reinsertion services.

3-The time of duration of the internment or the stay arrangements in housing is

considered time of execution of the penalty, particularly for the purposes of freedom


4-The modalities referred to in paragraph 1 may be:

a) replaced with one by the other;


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b) Revoked, when the convict infringes grossly or repeatedly resulting duties

of the modification of the execution of the penalty, comet crime by which it comes to be condemned or if

check a substantial change in the assumptions of its application, and if revs

inadequate or impossible the measure provided for in the previous paragraph.

5-For the purposes set out in the preceding paragraph, the Tribunal annually requests the

competent health entities the updating of the opinion provided for in the applicable paragraph of the n.

2 of Article 217 para.

Article 121.

Duties of the convict

Shall fall in particular on the convict the duties of remaining in the establishment or

in housing in the fixed time periods and to accept the measures for support and surveillance

of the social reinsertion services, comply with their guidelines and respond to contacts,

particularly by telephone call, which by the latter are made during the periods in which

should remain in the establishment or housing.

Article 122.

Extension of the scheme

1-When, at the time of the conviction, they find themselves fulfilled the respective

material assumptions, may the court which condemns in penalty of imprisonment to be decided by the

immediate application, with due adaptations, of the modification of the execution of the penalty.

2-In the case provided for in the preceding paragraph, the provisions of Art. 477 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure.


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Title XVI

Special rules

Chapter I

Preventive detention and detention

Article 123.

Preventive detention

1-A preventive detention, in accordance with the principle of the presumption of innocence, is

executed in such a way as to exclude any restriction of freedom not strictly indispensable

to the realization of the cautionary purpose that determined its application and the maintenance of the

order, security and discipline in the prison establishment.

2-A preventive detention is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the court ruling that

determined its application.

3-The preventative inmate can, wanting, attend courses in teaching and training

professional, work and participate in the other activities organized by the establishment


4-The preventative reclusion has a duty to proceed to the cleaning, tidying and maintenance of the

your accommodation and to participate in the activities of cleaning, tidying up and maintenance of the

equipment and facilities of the prison establishment.

5-The preventative reclusion can receive visits, whenever possible every day.

6-As far as possible and as long as reasons of health, hygiene and safety do not

disadvice, preventive inmate may receive food from abroad, pursuant to the

General Regulation.

7-The preventative reclusion placed on safety regime is subject to the limitations

arising from this regime imposed by this Code.


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Article 124.


1-The detainee may only remain in establishments or prison units

intended, by dispatching the Director General of Prisonal Services, to the guard of detainees.

2-The detainee shall apply the provisions of this Code and in the General Rules, with the

necessary adaptations.

3-The detainee is entitled to contact with his / her lawyer at any time of the day or the


4-When founded health reasons justifying it, the detainee is observed by doctor of the

prison establishment or, at your own expense, by physician of your trust.

Chapter II

Prison for free days and in regime of semideation

Article 125.

Execution, falters and term of compliance

1-A execution of prison for free days and imprisonment in regime of semidearrest obeys

to the provisions of this Code and in the General Rules, with the specifications set out

in this Chapter.

2-The ins and outs in the prison establishment are annotated in the individual process

of the condemned.

3-Are neither past warrants for driving nor release.

4-The outlines of entry in the prison establishment of harmony with the sentence are

immediately communicated to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas. If this Court, then

to hear the convict and to proceed to the necessary representations, not to consider the lack

justified, passes the prison to be fulfilled in continuous regime for as long as it is lacking,

passing on, to the effect, capturing warrants.


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5-The late presentations, with unsurplus delay to three hours, may be

considered justified by the director of the prison establishment, heard the convict.

Chapter III

Security measure of internment and internment of imputable holder of

psypical anomaly

Article 126.

General principles

1-A The execution of the deprivative measure of the freedom applied to the unputable or the attributable

internship, by judicial decision, in establishment intended for inimitable orients

for the rehabilitation of the internship and its reinsertion in the family and social mild, preventing the

Practice of other criminal facts and serving the defence of society.

2-The measures referred to in the preceding paragraph and the preventive internment are implemented

preferably in a non-prison mental health unit, and, whenever warranted,

in prison establishments or specially vocated units, taking into account the

determined in the judicial decision and the criteria set out in Article 20, with the necessary


3-A decision to allocate the establishment or prison unit especially

vocationally, pursuant to the preceding paragraph, competes with the Director-General of the Services

Prisons and is communicated to the Court of Execution of the Penas.

4-A execution of deprivative measure of the freedom applied to the unputable or the attributable

internship in establishment intended for inimitable, as well as of internment

preventative, comply with the provisions of this Code, with the adaptations justified by the

different nature and purposes of these measures and with the specifications set out in this

Chapter, and in the General Regulation.


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5-When the execution decorates in non-prison mental health unit, obeys the

provisions of this Code, with the adaptations that come to be fixed by diploma


Article 127.

Regimes of implementation

1-The implementing regimes provided for in this Code apply, with the necessary

adaptations, to the inimitable and to the imputable inpatient in establishment intended for


2-A The choice and amendment of the enforcement regime are carried out under medical guidance.

Article 128.

Therapeutic and rehabilitation plan

1-In the case of application of deprivative security measure of freedom or internment

of imputable in establishment intended for inimitable, is mandatory to be drawn up

therapeutic and rehabilitation plan, structured in function of the needs, aptitudes

individual and risk assessment.

2-The therapeutic and rehabilitation plan of the internist:

a) Respect for their individuality and dignity;

b) Promoting your involvement and that of your relatives;

c) Understand occupational activities and individual or group therapies;

d) Privilegy their integration into rehabilitation programmes and, whenever the personal situation

and rules allow it, in community structures;

e) Creates the necessary conditions for the continuity of treatment after release.

3-The plan is drawn up with the participation of experts in mental health, being

referred to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas for approval.


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4-In the drafting of the plan must seek to obtain the participation and adherence of the internship,

save if your state of health makes participation useless or unviable.

5-The plan is periodically assessed and updated, depending on the needs of

treatment of the internship and its conditions of family and social insertion.

6-To the inimitable and to the imputable inpatient in establishment intended for the inimitable

the provisions of the provisions of points shall apply a) a d) of paragraph 1, and in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 5 of the Law n.

36/98, of July 24.

Article 129.

Individual process

1-In the individual process of the internship are integrated the communications received from the

Court and registered the elements to this provided, as well as the evaluation reports

periodical of the effects of treatment on the dangerousness of the admitted internship.

2-Anually and whenever the conditions warrant it or the Court of Enforcement of the

Feathers to request, the director of the establishment refers to the process organized in that

Tribunal the periodic evaluation report.

Article 130.

Output licenses

1-If there is no injury to the therapeutic purposes, they may be granted to the

internship the exit permits provided for in this Code, verified the respective

assumptions, under medical guidance.

2-During the minimum period of internship applied in accordance with Article 91 (2)

of the Criminal Code, only jurisdictional outputs compatible with the Criminal Code can be granted

therapeutic and rehabilitation plan.


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Article 131.

Special means of security

The application of special means of safety with respect to the unputable or the attributable

internship in establishment intended for inimitable is ordered by the Director, under

proposal and guidance from the doctor, unless it is a situation of imminent danger.

Article 132.

Complaint, petition, complaint, exhibition and impugning

1-The unputable and the imputable inpatient in establishment intended for the inimitable

are aided in the exercise of their rights of complaint, petition, complaint and exhibition.

2-The unputable and the imputable inpatient in establishment intended for the inimitable

are assisted by counsel, constituted or appointed, in the exercise of the right of

challenge provided for in Article 114.

Book II

Of the case before the Court of Enforcement of the Penas

Title I

General provisions

Article 133.

Jurisdictionalization of execution

It is incumbent on judicial courts to administer criminal justice in respect of the execution of the

feathers and deprivative measures of liberty, under the law.


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Article 134.

Intervention by the Public Ministry

The Public Prosecutor's Office is to monitor and verify the legality of the execution of the penalties and

deprivative measures of liberty, pursuant to the respective Statute and the present Code.

Article 135.

Prison services

1-Prisonal services guarantee, under the law:

a) The execution of the penalties and custodial measures of freedom, according to the respective

purposes; and

b) The order, security and discipline in the prison establishments.

2-Prisonal services carry out the communications provided for in Book I to the courts

competent and promote along these all legally foreseen representations.

Article 136.

Social reinsertion services

1-Social reinsertion services intervene in the execution of penalties and deprivative measures

of freedom by providing technical advice to the courts of execution of feathers and ensuring

the monitoring of probation and freedom for proof, in the terms

provided for in the law.

2-Social reinsertion services collaborate with prison services in the preparation of the

probation, promoting social reinsertion and criminal prevention.


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Title II

Courts of Enforcement of the Penas

Chapter I


Article 137.

Territorial competence

1-A The territorial competence of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas determines itself in function

of the location of the establishment to which the reclusive is found to be affected.

2-As to the accused or sentenced resident abroad, the Tribunal is competent

Execution of the Penas of Lisbon.

3-In the remaining cases, it is competent the Court of Enforcement of the Penas based in the area

of the residence of the accused or the convict.

4-If, by the effect of the rules that determine territorial competence, the process comes into being

passed to another Indeer Execution Court, the transmission is notified to the accused,

to his lawyer, to the court of conviction, to the social reinsertion services and, if the

argued to be deprived of liberty, to the Directorate-General for Prisonal Services and to the

directors of the prison establishments involved.

Article 138.

Material competence

1-Compete to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas to guarantee the rights of the inmates,

pronouncing on the legality of the decisions of prison services in the cases and terms

provided for in the law.


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2-After the traffic on trial of the sentence that determined the application of penalty or measure

deprivative liberty, it is incumbent upon the Court of Enforcement of the Penas to monitor and scrutinize

the respective implementation and decide on its modification, replacement and extinction, without prejudice to the

provisions of Article 371 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

3-Compete still to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas to follow up and scrutinize the execution

of the arrest and the preventive internment, and the respective decisions shall be communicated

to the court to the order of which the accused complies with the coaction measure.

4-Without prejudice to other legal provisions, it is incumbent on the Enforcement Courts of the

Feathers, on the grounds of matter:

a) Homologising individual retrofit plans, as well as therapeutic and planning plans

rehabilitation of unputable and attributable psychic anomaly holder internship in

establishment intended for the inimitable, and the respective amendments;

b) Concede and revoke jurisdictional exit licences;

c) Concave and revoke parole, the adaptation to probation and the

freedom for proof;

d) Determine the execution of the expulsion incidental penalty, declaring extinction the penalty of

arrest, and determine the early execution of the expulsion incidental penalty;

e) Convocate the Technical Council, whenever it understands it necessary or when the law o


f) Decide to decide processes for challenging decisions of prison services;

g) Set the target to give to the retained correspondence;

h) Declaring lost and giving fate to the objects or values seized from the inmates;


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i) Decide on the modification of the execution of the prison sentence with respect to inmates

carriers of serious, evolutionary and irreversible disease or severe and permanent disability

or of advanced age, as well as the replacement or revocation of the respective


(j) order the fulfillment of the prison on continuous regime in the event of an entry bankruptcy in the

prison establishment not considered justified on the part of the convict in prison

for free days or in a regime of semideation;

l) Resee and extend the security measure of internment of the inimitable;

m) To decide on the provision of work in favour of the community and on its revocation,

in the cases of successive implementation of security measure and custodial sentence of freedom;

n) Determinating the internment or suspension of the execution of the prison sentence by virtue of

psychic anomaly overcoming to the agent during the execution of the prison sentence and proceeding to the

your review;

o) Determine the fulfillment of the rest of the penalty or the continuation of the internment by the

same time, in the case of revocation of the provision of work in favour of the community or

of the probation of individual subject to successive execution of security measure

and of deprivation of liberty;

p) Declare the expiry of the changes to the normal penalty execution regime, in case of

simulation of psychic anomaly;

q) Declaring abiding the effective prison sentence that concretely would fit the crime

committed by convict in a relatively undetermined penalty, having been refused or

revoked the probation;

r) Declare extinct the actual prison sentence, the relatively undetermined penalty and the measure

of internment security;

(s) issue arrest, capture and release warrants;


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t) Inform the offending of the release or evasion of the reclusive, in the cases provided for in the

articles 23 and 97;

u) Instruct the process of granting and revocation of the pardon and proceeding to the respective


v) Proclaim the statement of contumacy and enact the arrest of goods, as to the convict

that dolly if it has eximed, in whole or in part, to the execution of prison sentence or

of an internship measure;

x) Decide on the provisional cancellation of facts or decisions entered in the register


z) Judging the appeal on the legality of the transcript in the certificates of the criminal record.

Chapter II

Incompetence and conflicts of competence

Article 139.

Declaration of incompetence and effects

1-A incompetence of the court is by this known and declared officiously and may be

deducted by the Public Prosecutor's Office and the convict until the transit of the decision that put

term the process.

2-Declared incompetence, the case is referred to the competent court, without

prejudice to the practice of urgent procedural acts.

Article 140.

Conflicts of competence

To the definition, denunciation and resolution of the conflict of competence apply, with the

necessary adaptations, the corresponding standards of the Code of Criminal Procedure.


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Chapter III

Prosecutor's Office

Article 141.


Without prejudice to other legal provisions, to the representative of the Public Prosecutor's Office to the

Court of Execution of the Penas competes:

a) Visit the prison establishments regularly and whenever necessary or

convenient for the exercise of the powers provided for in this Code;

b) Check the legality of the decisions of the prison services which, pursuant to the present

Code, should be compulsorily communicated to that effect and impugt those which

consider illegal;

(c) to appeal the decisions of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, pursuant to the law;

d) Participate in the Technical Council;

(e) to boost the transfer, to the country of nationality or residence, of person

subject to the deprivative measure of liberty by Portuguese court, or follow up on


f) Promoting provisional detention, active extradition and the delivery of person against whom

there is proceedings pending in the Court of Enforcement of the Penas;

g) Diligenciate, together with the competent court, for the promotion of the achievement of the height

legal feathers, as soon as, in any form, take notice of the verification of the

respective assumptions;

h) Promote the discount, in the fulfillment of the penalty, of the time when the reclusive walked on

freedom, in the hypothesis of revocation of administrative or jurisdictional leave of absence;


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i) In case of successive execution of feathers, proceed to the respective puff, for purposes

of the granting of probation;

j) In the event of revoking leave or parole leave, calculate the dates

for the term of sentence and, in the cases of probation of probation, for the

effects provided for in Articles 61 and 62 of the Criminal Code and subject the vomit to the

approval of the judge;

l) Give advice on the granting of the pardon and promote the respective revocation;

m) Suscite the resolution of the conflict of competence;

(n) to implement the execution at the expense;

(o) to institute the procedures, promote and carry out the remaining representations provided in the

present Code.

Title III

Technical Council

Article 142.


1. The Technical Council shall be an auxiliary body of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas with

advisory functions.

2. To the Technical Council shall compete, specifically:

(a) Issuing opinion on the granting of probation, freedom for proof and of

jurisdictional exit licences and on the conditions to which they are to be subject;

b) Give advice on the subjects which, under the law, are subjected to their assessment

by the judge of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.


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Article 143.

Presidency and composition

1-The Technical Council shall be chaired by the judge of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas with

jurisdiction over the area of location of the prison establishment and in it may participate in the

representative of the Public Prosecutor's Office to the same Court .

2-When participating in the Technical Council, the representative of the Public Prosecutor's Office may

to intervene to request the provision of clarifications or the obtaining of elements that

understand necessary for the exercise of your competences.

3-Are members of the Technical Council the director of the prison establishment, which has

vote of quality, the responsible for the area of the penitentiary treatment, the head of the

monitoring and security service and the responsible of the competent team of the services of

social reinsertion.

4-The judge of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas may call to participate in the meeting of the

Technical Council any employee, without the right to vote, if it is deemed useful to his

collaboration for the subjects under discussion.

5-The Technical Council meets in the prison establishment.

Title IV


Chapter I

General provisions

Article 144.

Individual nature of the process

1-The process at the Court of Execution of the Penas has individual nature.


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2-When the procedure is based on the communication referred to in Article 477 of the

Code of Criminal Procedure and the sentence covers several defendants, extract themselves,

officiously, so many certificates as many as the defendants.

Article 145.

Unique character of the process

1-In the Court of Enforcement of the Penas is organized, in respect of each individual, a

only process.

2-Constituents are in main the autos that give rise to the opening of the process.

3-Are auctioned and run by apenso to the main autos all the other processes and


4-In the eventuality of the autos to which the two preceding paragraphs are referred to if

they find already finishes, are requisitioned to the file, albeit from another court, following-

if the provisions of the preceding paragraph, unless they refer to facts already cancelled from the Registry


Article 146.

Statement of reasons for acts and publicity of the proceedings

1-The decision-making of the judge of execution of the penalties shall always be substantiated, owing

be specified the grounds of fact and law of the decision.

2-The process at the Court of Execution of the Penas is, from its inception, accessible to the

subjects who intervene in it, getting these, however, bound to the secret of justice.

3-Relatively to other entities, not judicial, the process becomes public from the

hearing of the accused or convicted, if there is any place.

4-If there is no place to the said hearing, the process is public after it has been handed down

decision in the first instance.


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5-A publicity of the process always respects the data relating to the reservation of private life

of the accused or convicted, even if they constitute means of proof, preserves their process

of social reinsertion and the dignity, the good name and the reputation of the victim.

6-A The consultation of the self, the obtaining of copies, extracts and the certificates of parts of it and the

reproduction, by the media, of procedural parts or documents

embedded in the process depend on an application addressed to the judge with an indication of the

purposes to which they are intended and are limited to the strictly indispensable and appropriate to the realization

of the purpose in question.

7-Constituency crime of simple disobedience the use of the consultation of the process or of the

copies, extracts or certificates for various purposes of those expressly stated in the terms

of the previous number.

Article 147.

Intervention by lawyer

1-Advocate intervention in the general terms of law is permitted.

2-It is mandatory to assist lawyer in the cases specially provided for in the law or

when they are in question questions of law.

Article 148.

Rejection and improvement

Received the initial application, the judge of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, heard the

Prosecutor's Office, may:

a) Reject it, if manifestly unfounded or when it contains pretension already before rejected

and based on the same elements;

(b) Invite to further improvement.


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Article 149.

Communications, convocations and notifications

They are correspondingly applicable to the proceedings in the Court of Execution of the Penas as

provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure relating to the communication of procedural acts,

convocations and notifications.

Article 150.

Use of informatics

1-A The proceedings are carried out electronically in terms to be defined by

would pore from the member of the Government responsible for the area of justice, the provisions of

procedurals relating to acts of the magistrates and the secretaries to be the subject of the adaptations

practices that prove necessary.

2-A The porterie referred to in the preceding paragraph regulates, in particular:

a) the submission of procedural parts and documents;

b) The distribution of processes;

c) the practice, necessarily by electronic means, of the procedural acts of the

magistrates and officials;

d) The acts, parts, autos and terms of the proceedings which may not appear in the proceedings in

physical support;

e) The communication with the prison and social reinsertion services.

Article 151.

Urgent processes

1-Run on holiday the procedures for granting adaptation to probation, from

probation and freedom for proof, of modification of the execution of the penalty of

arrest on the grounds of serious, evolutionary and irreversible illness, of verification of legality and of

challenge of decisions of prison services with suspensive effect .


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2-Are also considered urgent and run on holiday the processes the delay of which may

cause injury, when the judge, officiously or the application, thus decides to

reasoned dispatch.

Article 152.


1-Unless lawful provision to the contrary, is 10 days the deadline for the practice of any act


2-The counting of deadlines for the practice of procedural acts shall apply to the provisions

of the law of the civil procedure.

Article 153.


1-Without prejudice to the provisions of the law in matters of judicial support, in the proceedings that

run terms by the Court of Enforcement of the Penas are due cost, in compliance

with the Regulation of Procedural Costs.

2-The process of indulging is not subject to the payment of any costs.

3-A The settlement of the costs is carried out at the end by the proceedings section, within five


4-In case of appeal, the settlement is carried out after the transit on trial of the final decision,

in the Court of Enforcement of the Penas that it has decided in 1 th instance.

5-About the amounts counted or settled focus on late payment interest from the deadline

established in the law for the respective payment.

6-In all that is not provided for in the preceding paragraphs is applicable

subsidiary to the provisions of the Rules of Procedural Costs.


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Article 154.

Subsidiary law

Where the contrary does not result from the present law, they are correspondingly applicable to

provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Chapter II

Forms of process

Article 155.

Forms of process

1-In addition to those provided for by avulsa law, there are the following forms of proceedings:

internment, type-approval, probation, jurisdictional leave of absence,

verification of legality, impugation, modification of the execution of the prison sentence, pardon

and provisional cancellation of the criminal record.

2-A all cases to which it does not correspond to a form of process referred to in the number

previous apply the supptive process.

Chapter III


Section I

Internment previously enacted

Article 156.

Start of the process

1-Saved in the cases provided for in Subsection II of this Section, the case in the Court

of Execution of the Penas starts with the autuation of certigive:


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a) Of the sentence stating the inimitability, determine the internment of the accused and fixe

the maximum period and, where appropriate, the minimum period of duration of this;

b) Of the sentencing sentence that determines the internment of defendants attributable in

establishment intended for inimitable by the time corresponding to the duration of the penalty;

c) Of the decision to revoke the suspension of the internment measure and determine the

respective execution.

2-In the case of the accused finding himself deprived of liberty, the certificate referred to in the number

previous should make mention of your location.

3-A initiation of the case is, regardless of dispatch, notified to the accused,

communicated to the court of condemnation and social reinsertion services and, by checking in

the hypothesis provided for in the preceding paragraph, also to the Directorate-General for Prisonal Services and

to the director of the establishment to which the convict is affection.

Article 157.


1-When the convict has no defender constituted, the court requests the Order of the

Attorneys the appointment of defender.

2-The appointment of the defender and his replacement apply the rules on protection

legal and to the judicial patronage in criminal proceedings.

Article 158.

Mandatory review

1-A The mandatory review of the internship situation takes place on the defined terms and deadlines

in the Criminal Code.

2-For the purpose, the judge, up to two months prior to the calculated date for the review, officiously

or the application from the Public Prosecutor's Office, the internship or its defender:


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a) Ordena, depending on the cases, the carrying out of psychiatric expertise or on the personality

and fixed deadline for the submission of the respective report, which must also contain judgment

on the capacity of the internship to provide statements;

b) Determine the realisation of the remaining representations that are afflicted with interest to the


3-With the minimum advance stipulated in the previous number:

a) Social reinsertion services send report containing the analysis of the framework

socio-family and professional of the internship and the assessment of your perspectives and needs

of social reinsertion;

b) The establishment refers assessment report on clinical developments and

behavioral internship.

4-The judge listens to the internship, if for such this is deemed capable, by making extracts in

auto your statements.

5-Are notified of the dispatch that designates date for the hearing the Public Prosecutor's Office and the

defender, who may be present.

Article 159.

Review the application

1-If it is invoked the existence of cause justifying the cessation of the internment, the

court appreciates the issue at all time.

2-Have legitimacy to apply for the in-patient review, your legal representative, the

Prosecutor's Office and the director of the establishment to which the one may find affection.

3-Are correspondingly applicable the points a) and b) of paragraph 2 and paragraphs 4 and 5 of the article

previous, and may still request the Tribunal to request the reports referred to in paragraph 3 of the same



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Article 160.

Allegations and view to the Prosecutor's Office

Before the decision is handed down, the defender is notified to, in 5 days, claim what he has

for convenient, after which are the continuing autos with a view to the Public Prosecutor's Office

to, at the same deadline, issue opinion.

Article 161.


The decision is:

a) notified to the Public Prosecutor's Office, to the internship, to the respective representative or defender and

to your legal representative, if you have been the one to apply for the review;

b) Communicated to the court of the conviction, to the director of the establishment where the

internship meet, to the Directorate General of Prisonal Services and to the services of

social reinsertion.

Article 162.

Extension of the internment

The provisions of Article 158 shall be correspondingly applicable to the decision on the extension

of the internment, pursuant to Art. 92 (3) of the Criminal Code.

Article 163.

Enforcement and non-compliance with freedom for proof

To the execution and non-compliance of the freedom for proof are correspondingly applicable

the corresponding standards set for parole, being heard

obligatorily the defender.


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Section II

Internship determined by the Court of Enforcement of the Penas

Article 164.

Other cases of application of the case

1-The internship process is also applicable:

a) To the situations of psychic abnormality manifested during the execution of the custodianship penalty of the

freedom, in the cases provided for in Article 104 (1), in Article 105 (1) and in paragraph 1 of the

article 106 of the Criminal Code;

b) To the decision referred to in the final part of paragraph 6 of the art. 99. of the Criminal Code.

2-The internship process is still applicable, dealing with a relatively penalty

undetermined, from the moment it is showed to be abiding by concretely

would be fit for the crime committed, having been refused or revoked the probation, in the

terms of Article 90 (3) of the Criminal Code.

Article 165.

Start of the process

1-In the case provided for in paragraph a) of paragraph 1 of the previous article, the process starts with the

application of the convict or his or her legal representative, the Public Prosecutor's Office or the

director of the prison establishment to which the one is affection.

2-The application is reasoned, and soon the applicant shall provide all the evidence

and indicate the remaining means of proof to be produced.

3-In the case provided for in paragraph b) of paragraph 1 of the previous article, the proceedings commencement with the

sentence autuation of the sentence that revokes the provision of work in favour of the

community or parole.


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4-In the hypothesis provided for in paragraph 2 of the previous article, the process begins with the autuation of

certificate of the decision which, having not been granted or having been revoked the freedom

probation, declare fulfilled the penalty that concretely would fit the convict in penalty

relatively undetermined.

5-It is correspondingly applicable to the provisions of Article 156 (3)

Article 166.


1-Received the application or autufied the certificate, the judge declares open the instruction,


a) When it is the case, the realization of psychiatric expertise or about the personality and

assessment of the ability of the agent to provide statements;

b) To the services of social reinsertion, the elaboration of report containing analysis of the

socio-familiar and professional framing of the convict and the evaluation of his

prospects and needs for social reinsertion;

c) Officially or the requirement, the fulfillability of other necessary representations to the decision.

2-In the same order, the judge sets the deadlines in which the time is to be submitted

documents and reports and carried out the representations referred to in the preceding paragraph.

3-Applied, with the necessary adaptations, the provisions of Article 159 and paragraphs 4 and 5 of the

article 158 para.

Article 167.

Subsequent tramping

1-Proinjured the dispatch that declares closed the instruction, is the notified defender for,

in 5 days, claim what you have for convenient, after which are the continuing autos with

views to the Public Prosecutor's Office to, at the same deadline, issue opinion.


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2-The notification and communication of the decision applies to the provisions of Article 161.

Article 168.


1-It is correspondingly applicable to the precept in the previous Subsection as to the revision,

obligatory and the requirement, from the situation of the internship.

2-In cases referred to in paragraph b), of paragraph 1, and in Article 164 (2), it shall also apply

provisions of Article 163, relating to the execution and non-compliance of liberty for proof.

Section III

Common provisions

Article 169.

Replacement of prison for provision of work in favour of the community

1-In the cases provided for in Article 99, in Article 105 (3) and in Article 106 (3) of the Article

Penal code, the requirement for the replacement of jail time for the provision of

work in favour of the community is presented up to two months before the calculated date for the

mandatory review or in the review application, and the convict shall state his / her

literary and professional qualifications, their professional and family situation and, if possible, the

entity in which it intends to provide work.

2-The court may request supplementary information to the social reinsertion services,

particularly about the place and time of work.

3-The Public Prosecutor's Office issues opinion in the autos themselves.

4-A The replacement decision indicates, in particular, the number of hours of work and

respective time and the entity to whom it is provided, being:

a) notified to the reclusive and the Public Prosecutor's Office;


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b) Announcements to the social reinsertion services and to the entity to whom the work should be


Article 170.

Revocation of the provision of work in favour of the community

To non-compliance with the provision of work in favour of the community is

correspondingly applicable the willing as to the incident of default of the

probation, being heard obligatorily the defender.

Article 171.

Features and their effect

1-It is up to the decision to determine, recuse, maintain or extend the internment

and of the one decreeing the respective cessation.

2-Are also recurrable the decisions to replace the prison sentence still do not

fulfilled by provision of work in favour of the community and the revocation of this.

3-Are still recurrable the decisions of granting, refusal or revocation of freedom to


4-Have suspensive effect the interposed appeals of the decision that:

a) Determine the internment;

b) Replace the jail term not yet complied with for provision of work in favour of the

community or to revoke this;

c) Revogue the freedom for proof.


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Chapter IV

Homologation of plans

Article 172.


1-Received and aubed the individual readaptation plan or the therapeutic plan and

rehabilitation, the secretarship, regardless of dispatch, opens view to the Public Prosecutor's Office

for it to be pronounced.

2-Then go the conclusive autos to the judge, which dispatches in the sense of:

a) Homologate the plan;

b) Do not approve the plan, stating the reasons for its decision.

3-The approval dispatch is notified to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the reclusive and

communicated, accompanied by full certificate of the homologated plan, to the respective

establishment and the services of social reinsertion.

4-In the case of non-homologation, the dispatch is notified to the Public Prosecutor's Office and

communicated to the establishment so that, within 15 days and with observance of the

legally required formalities, if you proceed to the revamping of the plan.

5-The homologation of the plan changes applies to the provisions of the preceding paragraphs.


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Chapter V


Section I


Article 173.


1-Until ninety days before the permissible date for the granting of probation, the

judge requests:

a) Report of the prison services containing assessment of the evolution of the personality of the

reclusive during the execution of the penalty, of the skills acquired in that period, of its

prison behaviour and its relation to the crime committed;

b) Report of social reinsertion services containing assessment of needs

remaining social reinsertion, from the perspectives of family framing, social and

professional of the reclusive and the conditions to which he / she must be subject to the granting of freedom

probation, considering yet, for this purpose, the need for victim protection;

c) Officially or the requirement of the Public Prosecutor's Office or the convict, others

elements that affix themselves relevant to the decision, setting deadline for the purpose.

2-A instruction shall be completed up to sixty days before the permissible date for the

granting of probation.

Article 174.

Subsequent tramping

1-Closed the instruction, the judge, by dispatch, convene the Technical Council for one of the

twenty following days and designates time for the reclusive hearing, to which it takes place in act

followed by the meeting of that body.


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2-The dispatch is notified to the Public Prosecutor's Office, to the reclusive, to the defender, when the

have, and communicated to the prison establishment and to the social reinsertion services.

Article 175.

Technical Council

1-The members of the Technical Council shall provide the clarifications to them

requested, specifically as to the reports that the respective services hajam


2-The Technical Council issues opinion, ascertained through the vote of each of its

members, as to the granting of the probation and the conditions to which it is to

be subject.

3-If it considers it appropriate, with a view to the possible subordination of liberty

probation the proof regime, the judge asks for the social reinsertion services to be drawn up,

within fifteen days, of the social reinsertion plan.

4-From the meeting of the Technical Council is washed minutes.

Article 176.

Hearing of the reclusive

1-The judge questions the reclusive on all aspects that it considers pertinent to the

decision in question, including your consent to the application of the probation,

after which gives the floor to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the defender, should they be present, the

which may require the judge to formulate the questions that they understand relevant.

2-The reclusive can offer the evidence that judges convenient.

3-The judge decides, by unappealed dispatch, on the relevance of the questions and the admission

of the evidence.


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4-Case perspective as necessary the subjection of the reclusive to medical treatment or cure

in appropriate institution, the judge collecs, since soon, his consent.

5-A hearing of the reclusive is reduced to self.

Article 177.

Opinion of the Public Prosecutor and Decision

1-The Public Prosecutor's Office, in the five days following the reclusive hearing, issues, on the own

autos, opinion as to the granting of the probation and the conditions to which this must

be subject.

2-When granting the probation, the judge:

a) Determines the date of your term;

b) Determines the date on which they meet the five years, in the case and for the anticipated effects

in Article 61 (5) and in Article 90 (2) of the Criminal Code;

c) Fixed the conditions to which the same is subject; and

d) Approves the social reinsertion plan, if impuser regime of proof.

3-A The judge's decision is notified to the reclusive, the defender and the Public Prosecutor's Office and, after

traffic on trial, communicated to prison and social reinsertion services and, in the event of

concession, to the remaining services or entities that should intervene in the execution of freedom

probation and criminal identification services, through bulletin of the criminal record.

Article 178.

Suspension of the decision

The judge may suspend the decision, for a period not exceeding three months, with a view to

the verification of certain circumstances or conditions or the drafting and approval of the

social reinsertion plan.


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Article 179.


1-The appeal is limited to the issue of the granting or refusal of parole.

2-Have legitimacy to appeal to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the reclusive, this only as to the

decision to refuse parole.

3-The appeal of the concession decision has suspensive effect when the opinions of the

Technical Council and the Public Prosecutor's Office to have been opposed to the granting of freedom

probation and is of an urgent nature under Rule 151 para.

Article 180.

Renewal of the instance

1 - Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 61 of the Criminal Code, in cases where freedom

probation has not been granted and the arrest there is to continue for more than one year, the

instance renews itself from twelve in twelve months, from the date on which it was handed down to

previous decision.

2-Treating relatively undetermined punishment, until it is shown to be compliments that

concretely would be fit for the crime committed, the instance refurbates:

a ) Elapsed one year on the non-granting of probation;

b ) Decorations two years on the beginning of the continuation of the sentence when the

probation is revoked. If probation is not granted, the

renova instance has elapsed every subsequent period of one year.

3-They shall apply to the renewal of the instance, with due adaptations, the rules laid down

in the previous articles.


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Article 181.

Special deadlines

If the sentencing sentence transits on trial after the 90. the day before the admissible date

for the granting of the probation:

a) The deadline for the completion of the instruction shall be thirty days from the receipt of the

elements referred to in Article 477 of the Code of Criminal Procedure;

(b) The deadlines set out in Article 174 (1), Article 175 (3) and 1 (1) of the article

177. are reduced to half.

Article 182.

Replacement of probation for the execution of the expulsion penalty

1-Having been applied for incidental punishment of expulsion, the Court of Execution of the Penas

orders its execution as soon as two thirds of the prison sentence is met.

2-The Court of Enforcement of the Penas may decide the anticipation of the execution of the penalty

expulsion accessory, in substitution of the granting of probation, as soon as

judge filled out the assumptions of this one.

3-For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the trames provided for in the

this Subsection, and the consent of the reclusion shall cover the replacement of the

possible granting of the probation for the execution of the expulsion incidental penalty.

4-A The decision determining the execution of the expulsion penalty is notified to the entities

referred to in Article 177 (3) and still to the Office of Foreign and Border.

5-The interposed appeal of the decision enacting the execution of the expulsion incidental penalty

has suspensive effect and is of an urgent nature under Rule 151.


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Section II

Execution and non-compliance

Article 183.

Reports of execution

The social reinsertion services and the other services or entities that should intervene in the

execution of the probation, for support and surveillance of compliance with the rules of

conduct fixed, refer to the court reports with the periodicity or on the deadline by this


Article 184.

Communication of non-compliance

1-Failure to comply with the social reinsertion plan or the rules of conduct imposed is

immediately communicated to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas for the services of

social reinsertion and by the remaining services or entities intervening in the execution of the


2-A conviction for a crime committed during the probation period is

immediately communicated to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, sending him remitted copy

of the sentencing decision.

Article 185.

Incident of default

1-The non-compliance incident starts with the communication autuation referred to in the

previous article.

2-The court notifies the opening of the incident to the Public Prosecutor's Office, to the services of

social reinsertion and the remaining services or entities intervening in the execution of the

probation, to the convict and his defender, with an indication of the facts in question and

of the date and place designated for the hearing, which takes place in one of the ten later days.


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3-To the hearing referred to in the preceding paragraph apply, with the necessary adaptations, the

rules provided for the hearing of reclusion in the process of granting freedom


4-A unjustified lack of the convict is worth as effective hearing for all the effects


5-After the hearing, the judge orders the complementary representations that repute necessary,

specifically with the services of social reinsertion and the other services or entities

who intervene in the execution of probation.

6-The Public Prosecutor's Office issues opinion in the autos itself as to the consequences of the


7-A The judge's decision is notified to the reclusive, the defender and the Public Prosecutor's Office and, after

traffic on trial, communicated to prison services and social reinsertion, to the rest

services or entities that were intervening in the execution of probation and, in

case of revocation, to criminal identification services, through the registration bulletin


8-In the event of a revocation, the Public Prosecutor's Office with the Court of Enforcement of the Penas

carries out the vomit of the prison sentence that comes to be met, for the purposes of paragraph 3 of the

article 64 of the Criminal Code, being the vomit, after it has been approved by the judge,

communicated to the convict.

Article 186.


1-Can appeal the convict and the Public Prosecutor's Office.

2-The appeal is limited to the issue of revocation or non-revocation of probation.

3-In the event of a revocation, the appeal has suspensive effect and is of urgent nature, in the

terms of Article 151.


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Article 187.

Extinction of punishment

After the term of probation, the judge declares extinct the penalty if there are no grounds

that may lead to their revocation, by applying correspondingly to Article 2 (2)

57. of the Criminal Code.

Section III

Period of adaptation to probation

Article 188.

Adaptation to probation

1-The convict may apply to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas for the granting of

adaptation to probation in regime of permanence in housing with supervision

by technical means of distance control, starting from two months before the maximum period

provided for this purpose in Article 62 of the Criminal Code.

2-The application is filed in the prison establishment and contains indication on the

place where the reclusive intends to reside and declaration of consent of the people who there


3-The Director referred to the Court of Execution of the Penas, within eight days, the

application accompanied by biographical note.

4-In the event of non-rejection, the judge requests that they be drawn up, in thirty days:

a) Report of the prison services containing assessment of the evolution of the personality of the

reclusive during the execution of the penalty, of the skills acquired in that period, of its

prison behaviour and its relation to the crime committed;


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b) Report of the social reinsertion services containing information relating to the existence of the

legally required conditions for staying in the dwelling with supervision by means

distance control technicians and evaluation of the remaining reinsertion needs

social, the perspectives of family background, social and professional of the reclusive, of the

conditions to which it must be subject to anticipation of parole, pondering

still, for this purpose, the need for protection of the victim.

5-The judge may request other elements that it considers relevant, determining a

deadline for your presentation.

6-Are applicable to the subsequent springboard Articles 174 to 178 and 178 b) of the article


7-A implementation of the adaptation to probation in regime of permanence in the

housing, with supervision by technical means of remote control, is carried out of

accordance with Articles 183 to 186 and in the remaining terms provided for in the Act, and the

social reinsertion services:

(a) immediately after the release of the reclusive, proceed to the installation of the technical means of

distance control, communicating it to the Court of Execution of the Penas;

b) In the end of the period of adjustment to probation, remove the technical means of

distance control, communicating it to the Court Execution Court.


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Chapter VI

Jurisdictional exit license

Section I


Article 189.

Presentation and instruction of the application

1-A The grant of jurisdictional leave is required by the reclusive.

2-The application is addressed to the judge of the Court of Enforcement of the Enas Territorially

competent and presented at the registry of the respective prison establishment, against


3-Registered the application, refer to the Court of Execution of the Penas, instructed

with the following elements:

a) disciplinary Register;

b) Information on the regime of execution of the penalty or deprivative measure of liberty, date

of the beginning of the deprivation of liberty, pending proceedings, if any, measures of coating

imposed and eventual evasion.

Article 190.

Subsequent tramping

1-Autuated the process, it is conclusive to the judge, that, not being a case of injunction injunction,

designates day and time for the Technical Council meeting.

2-The judge indefencely the application when the elements instrucing the

process results in non-verification of the requirements set out in Article 79.


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3-The dispatch is notified to the Public Prosecutor's Office and communicated to the establishment

prison and the services of social reinsertion.

Article 191.

Technical Council

1-The Technical Council issues opinion, ascertained through the vote of each of its

members, as to the granting of the jurisdictional exit permit and the conditions to which the

same must be subject.

2-Whenever he / she understands it necessary, the judge interrupts the meeting of the Technical Council and

carries out the hearing of the reclusive, in the presence of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

3-From the meeting of the Technical Council is washed minutes, from which the statements are listed in the statements

of the reclusive.

Article 192.


1-The Public Prosecutor's Office, wanting, issues opinion, after which the judge professes dictated decision

for the minutes.

2-When granting the jurisdictional leave of absence, the judge sets out its duration and conditions.

3-When it does not grant it, it may the judge, substantially, set a deadline of the

provided for in the Act for the renewal of the application.

4-A The decision is notified to the Public Prosecutor's Office and, in the terms of the following article, to the

reclusive and still communicated to the services of social reinsertion and too many services or entities

that should follow up with the fulfilment of the conditions eventually imposed.


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Article 193.

Exit warrant and certificate

The prison establishment official who complies with the outgoing warrant delivers to the

reclusion a duplicate of the warrant and a copy of the decision and informs you of the conditions of the

concession and the penalties to which it becomes subject in the event of default, of everything washing


Section II


Article 194.

Communication of non-compliance

Failure to comply with any of the conditions imposed in the granting of leave of absence

jurisdictional is immediately communicated to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas by the Director

of the prison establishment and by any other entities or services that should

follow up with his execution.

Article 195.

Incident of default

1-The incident of default begins with the autuation of the communication referred to in the

previous number and, if it is founded on the non-return of the reclusive to the establishment

prison within the given time frame, the judge orders, right away, the warrant passage

of capture.

2-It is correspondingly applicable to the provisions of paragraphs 2 a to 6 of Article 185.

3-A The judge's decision is notified to the reclusive, the defender and the Public Prosecutor's Office and, after

traffic on trial, communicated to prison and social reinsertion services.


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4-In the event of a revocation, the Public Prosecutor's Office with the Court of Enforcement of the Penas

carries out the vomit of the prison sentence that comes to be fulfilled, indicating the calculated dates

for the term of the penalty and for the purposes set out in Articles 61 and 62 of the Criminal Code,

being the puke, after homologated by the judge, communicated to the convict.

Section III


Article 196.


1-The prosecutor's office may appeal the decision it grants, recuse or revoke the

jurisdictional exit license.

2-The reclusion can only appeal the decision to revoke the jurisdictional leave of absence.

3-The interposed appeal of the decision granting or revoking the jurisdictional leave of absence

has suspensive effect.

Chapter VII

Verification of legality

Article 197.


The process of verification of legality has the object of the assessment, by the Ministry

Public, of the legality of the decisions of prison services which, in the terms of the present

Code, they should be compulsorily communicated for this purpose.


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Article 198.

Communication of decisions

Prison services communicate to the Public Prosecutor's Office immediately, without exceeding 24

hours, the decisions subject to verification of legality, accompanied by the elements which

served as the basis of the decision.

Article 199.


Received the communication, the Public Prosecutor's Office:

a) Profere preliminary injunction of filing, when it concludes by the lawfulness of the decision;


b) Impugna, in the autos itself, the decision, requiring the respective cancellation.

Chapter VIII


Section I

General principles and tramway

Article 200.


The decisions of prison services are challenging, in the cases provided for in the present

Code, before the Court of Enforcement of the Penas.

Article 201.

Object of the procedure

1-The subject matter of the case shall be determined by reference to the contested decision and may



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a) To the cancellation of an impugned decision by the Public Prosecutor's Office following the process of

verification of legality;

b) To the amendment or cancellation of an impugned decision by the reclusive, in the remaining cases.

2-Without prejudice to the principle of the adversarial, the Court of Enforcement of the Penas shall

pronounce on all causes of invalidity of the decision, whether or not expressly

invoked .

Article 202.

Effect of the imputation

1-Unless the present Code possesses differently, the imputation does not have

suspensive effect.

2-The impurities with suspensive effect are of urgent nature, they are tramped

immediately and with preference over any other diligence.

Article 203.

Deadline and form

1-It is eight days the deadline for the challenge, to be counted from the communication or the notification

of the decision, save if it is to challenge disciplinary decision-making, in which case the deadline

goes on to be five days.

2-A The contest does not comply with special formalities, but must contain supmules of the

reasons of fact or law that substantiate the application and be remailed by completion, in the

which the impugant identifies concisely to his claim.

3-Versando matter of fact, the impugent indicates, in the final, the means of proof that

intends to see produced.

4-Versing matter of law, the impurient shall specify, in the conclusion, the standards

legal persons who understand have been violated by the decision.


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Article 204.

Order liminal

1-Received the challenge, the judge dispatches, within five days, in the sense of the

reject, when inadmissible or manifestly unintendant, or to admit it.

2-The judge may invite the contest to improve it, notably when it is

omissa, deficient, obscure or when it is unintelligible to complete.

Article 205.


1-Admitting the impugation, the judge notifies the author of the contested decision as well as the

Public prosecutor's office when it is not the impugent, for, wanting, to speak out, in the

period of five days.

2-Officially or the application, the judge determines the conduct of the evidence

that understand necessary.

3-In the case of challenging disciplinary decision-making, the registry office, regardless of

dispatch, requests, by the most exasked means, to the prison services the remittance of copy of the

disciplinary procedure and medical report, if any.

4-The judge indefere, by irrecurrable dispatch, the production of means of proof that if

afigate dilatory or no interest for the decision to be utchable.

Article 206.


1-Produced the proof, when it is there, the judge proffers decision, which is notified to the

Prosecutor's Office, the reclusive, the author of the contested act and the remaining entities that by

it may be affected.

2-If it comes to the challenge of disciplinary decision-making, the time limit for decision is five days.


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Article 207.

Revocation of the contested decision with retroactive effect

1-If, pending the proceedings or previously, without which, in this case, the Ministry

Public or the reclusive of this had or should have had knowledge:

a) For revoked, with retroactive effect, the contested decision and differently regulated to

situation; or

b) For, in any way, changed or substituted, in whole or in part, the decision

impugned by another with identical effects,

may the Public Prosecutor's Office or the reclusion require the process to proceed against the new

act, if they have it for illegal, and, if they so understand, claim new fundamentals and offer

different means of proof.

2-The application is filed at the time of challenge of the abrogatory act and before the

traffic on trial of the decision that judges extinguish the instance .

Article 208.

Revocation without retroactive effect or cessation of efficacy

1-If, pending the proceedings or previously, without which, in this case, the Ministry

Public or the reclusion of this had or should have had knowledge, is revoked, without

retroactive effects, the contested decision, the process proceeds in relation to the effects


2-The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to cases in which, by diversely

of the revocation, cesse or if it exhausts the production of effects of the contested decision.

3-If the cessation of effects of the impugned decision is accompanied by new regulation of the

situation, the Public Prosecutor's Office or the reclusive benefit from the faculty provided for in paragraph 1 of the

previous article.


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Article 209.

Obligation to execute the decision

1-The author of the impugned decision, depending on the cases:

a) Toma new decision, if so they require the circumstances of the case, within the maximum period of

5 days, respecting the fundamentals of cancellation;

b) Performs the sentence handed down by the Court of Enforcement of the Penas, on the term in it


2-In any case, the author of the impugned decision shall reconstitute the situation which

would exist if the annulled decision had not been handed down, specifically by removing in the

plan of the facts the consequences for it produced.

Article 210.

Prohibition of reformatio in pejus

The court may not modify, in prejudice to the reclusive, the constant disciplinary measures

of the impugned decision, in its kind or measure.

Article 211.

Independence of judgements

The decision of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas as to the legality or illegality of the

resolution of prison services may not be affected in their effects by sentence

prowound in court of another order.


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Section II

Implementation of the sentences

Article 212.


1-When prison services do not carry out the sentence in the deadlines set out in the article

209., the impuriant may submit, in the subsequent 15 days, petition for execution in the

court that delivered it.

2-In the petition, the exequent specifies the acts and operations that should be carried out to

full execution of the sentence.

3-Failure to comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not lead to the rejection of the petition,

may the judge invite the exequent to the refinement, within 5 days.

Article 213.

Subsequent tramping

1-Accept the petition, the Registrar shall carry out the notification:

a) of the entity obliged to the execution, to respond within 8 days;

b) From the Public Prosecutor's Office, if it has not been him to submit the application petition.

2-Received the response or sold out the respective deadline, the judge orders the representations

instructors that you consider necessary, applying correspondingly to the provisions of the

article 205 and 4 of Article 205, after which I profess decision.

Article 214.


When adjudication of the author's claim, the court:


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a) Specifies the acts and operations to be carried out to give execution to the sentence; and

b) Fixed the deadline for the practice of the same.

Article 215.

Replacement in execution

If, the deadline referred to in the previous article, the requested entity has not given

execution of the sentence, the court, officiously or the application of the exequent, sends

to notify the holder of hierarchical or oversight powers over that entity

for that to perform the sentence on your replacement.

Chapter IX

Modification of the execution of the prison sentence of inmates with sickness

serious, evolutionary and irreversible or of severe and permanent disability or age


Article 216.


They have legitimacy to apply for the modification of the execution of the prison sentence provided for in the

Title XVI of Book I:

a) The convict;

b) The spouse or the person, of another or of the same sex, with whom the convict holds

a relationship analogous to that of the spouses, or family;

c) The Public Prosecutor's Office, officiously or upon reasoned proposal,

particularly from the director of the prison establishment.


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Article 217.

Presentation and instruction of the application

1-The application is addressed to the judge of the Court of Execution of the Penas who, outside the

cases of presumed consent, provident by the immediate notification of the convict,

when you are not the applicant, to make your consent, applying

correspondingly the willing as to the consent to the probation.

2-Obtained the express consent or if there is yet to be proved the

presumed consent, the Court of Execution of the Penas promotes the instruction of the

process with the following elements, depending on whether they are reclusive with serious illness and

irreversible, with a disability or serious and permanent illness or advanced age:

a) Clinical opinion of the competent departments of the prison establishment, containing the

characterization, history and clinical prognosis of the irreversibility of the disease, of the phase in which if

finds and of the non-response to the available therapies, the indication of the follow-up

medical and psychological provided to the convict and the proper modality of modification of the

execution of the penalty;

b) Clinical opinion of the competent services of the prison establishment, containing the

characterization of the degree of disability or disease, its irreversibility, degree of autonomy

and of mobility, the indication of the medical and psychological accompaniment provided to the

doomed and the appropriate modality of modification of execution of the penalty; or

c) Certificate of birth and opinion clinical of the competent services of the establishment

prisional, containing the characterization of the degree of autonomy and mobility, the indication of the

medical and psychological follow-up provided to the convict and the proper modality

of modification of execution of the penalty.

3-In all cases the application is still instructed with:


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a) Report of the Director of the establishment relating to the fulfilment of the penalty and the situation

prison of the convict;

b) Report of the social reinsertion services containing evaluation of the framework

family and social of the convict and, on the basis of the opinion provided in the preceding paragraph,

of the concrete possibilities of internment or permanence in housing and the

compatibility of the modification of the execution of the penalty with the defense requirements of the order

and of social peace;

c) Doctor's opinion of the prison establishment as to the impossibility of the

doomed to know the assumptions of modification of the execution of the penalty or of whether

pronounce on them, whenever there is to be substantiate their presumed consent.

Article 218.

Subsequent tramping

1-Finda the instruction, the process is continued with a view to the Public Prosecutor's Office, if it is not

this the applicant, to, within the maximum period of two days, issue opinion or require what

have it convenient.

2-Havendo the process of proceeding, the judge can order the realization of perices and

too much necessary representations, after which it decides within a maximum of two days.

Article 219.


The decision determines the modality of modification of the execution of the penalty and the conditions to

that this becomes subject, being notified to the Public Prosecutor's Office, to the convict and to the applicant

other than the convict, and communicated to the prison establishment, to the services of

social reinsertion and too many entities that should intervene in the execution of the modification.


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Article 220.

Implementation of the decision

It is incumbent upon social reinsertion services to monitor the implementation of the decision of

modification and, specifically:

(a) draw up reports containing evaluation of the implementation, quarterly or with the

periodicity determined by the court;

b) Pressure or diligenate so that appropriate psycho-social support is provided to the convict

and their respective family, in coordination with the relevant public services,

particularly in the areas of health and social security, and with the collaboration of the entities,

public or private, whose intervention is warranted;

c) Communicate immediately to the Court of Execution of the Penas for verification of the

circumstances likely to lead to the replacement of the modality of execution

determined or to its revocation;

d) Communicate to the Court of Enforcement of the Penas the demise of the convict when by

another reason has not been declared extinguished the penalty.

Article 221.

Change of the decision

To the replacement of the execution modality and to the revocation of the modification of the execution

applies, with the necessary adaptations, the willing as to the incident of default

of probation.

Article 222.


1-It is up to the appeal of decisions to grant, refuse or revocation of the modification of the

execution of the penalty.


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2-It has suspensive effect on the interposed appeal of the decision to revocation of the modification of the

execution of the penalty.

Chapter X


Article 223.


The pardon, total or partial, of penalty or measure of safety can be:

a) Request by the convict, by the legal representative, by the spouse or by person, of another

or of the same sex, with whom the convict maintains a relationship analogous to that of the

spouses, or by family;

b) Proposed by the director of the establishment to which the reclusive is affected.

Article 224.

Presentation of the application

The application or the proposal is addressed to the President of the Republic and may be submitted until

to the June 30 of each year.

Article 225.


1-The application or the proposal is referred by the Ministry of Justice to the Court of Enforcement

of the Penas, for instruction.

2-Autuated the application or the proposal, the office, regardless of dispatch, requests,

in five days, the following elements:

a) If the convict is deprived of liberty:

i) Constant information of the individual process of the reclusive;


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


ii) Report of prison services containing evaluation of the evolution of the

personality of the reclusive during the execution of the penalty, the skills acquired

in that period, from your prison behaviour and your relationship to crime


iii) Opinion of the director of the prison establishment.

b) Report of social reinsertion services, containing assessment of needs

remaining social reinsertion, from the perspectives of family framing, social and

professional of the convict and of the need for protection of the victim;

c) Where the application or proposal is based on reasons of health, information on the

health status and the way this is compatibilise with the execution of the penalty;

d) Updated criminal record of the convict;

e) Copy of sentence or sentencing judgment;

f) Comass of the penalty, approved by the competent judicial authority.

3-Obtained the elements referred to in the preceding paragraph, are the continuing autos with

view to the Public Prosecutor's Office, to promote other instructory acts that understand

necessary or to proceed in accordance with the provisions of the following article.

4-A The instruction of the process shall be completed within 90 days, from the date of

Autuation at the Court of Execution of the Penas.

5-The time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph may exceptionally be extended to the

limit of 120 days, if the judge, officiously or the application, thus decides


Article 226.

Opinions and remittance of autos

1-Finda the instruction, the Public Prosecutor's Office issues opinion within five days.


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2-Issued the opinion, the judge pronounces it within eight days and orders the consignment of the

autos to the Minister of Justice, which leads them to the decision of the President of the Republic.

Article 227.

Presidential decree and immediate release of the reclusive

1-The day of the annual grant of the pardon is the December 22.

2-The presidential decree granting the pardon or the dispatch that the negue is, after low

from the autos to the Court of Execution of the Penas:

a) Communicated to the convict, to the applicant who is not the convict and the Ministry


b) In the event of a concession, a statement to the respective sentencing processes and to the

criminal identification services through bulletin of the criminal record.

3-When the granting of the pardon implicates the immediate release of the indulgent, the decree

presidential is soon communicated, by the Ministry of Justice, to the Court of Enforcement of the

Feathers, with a view to the issuance of the corresponding warrant.

Article 228.


1-The pardon can be revoked, so far as the term of the penalty would occur, in the

following cases:

a) If they come to reveal themselves false the facts that substantiated their concession; or

b) If there is non-compliance with conditions to which it has been subordinated.

2-A The revocation is promoted by the Public Prosecutor's Office, officiously or the solicitation of the

Minister of Justice.


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3-Realized the relevant instructional representations, the judge pronounces and orders the consignment

from the autos to the Minister of Justice, who will make them present to the President of the Republic for


4-The presidential decree repealing the pardon is, after low of the autos to the Court of

Execution of the Penas:

a) Communicated to the convict and the Public Prosecutor's Office;

b) Announcement to the respective sentencing processes and identification services

criminal through bulletin of the criminal record.

Chapter XI

Provisional cancellation of the criminal record

Article 229.

Purpose of cancellation and legitimacy

1-For the purposes of employment, public or private, of an exercise of profession or activity whose

exercise depended on public title, authorization or approval of the public authority,

or for any other legally permitted purposes, the cancellation may be required,

total or partial, of decisions that should appear in criminal record certificates

issued for those purposes.

2-The cancellation may be requested by the person concerned, by the legal representative, by the

spouse or per person, of another or the same sex, with whom the convict maintains

a relationship analogous to that of the spouses, or by family in a reasoned application, that

specify the purpose to which the cancellation is intended, instructed with document

proof of the payment of the claims in which you have been convicted.

3-In the impossibility of putting together the document referred to in the preceding paragraph, it may be

made by any other means proof of the performance of the obligations to indemnify, from the

its extinction by any legal means or the impossibility of its fulfillment.


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4-With the application can be offered witnesses, up to the maximum of five, well

as other means of proof of the verification of the assumptions of the provisional cancellation,

provided for in the Criminal Identification Act.

Article 230.

Order liminal

1-Received and aubed the application, goes the conclusive process to the judge for dispatch


2-If undue, for showing, as soon as in the face of the initial application,

sufficiently evidenced the lack of the assumptions of the provisional cancellation, the judge

send to file the process and notify the applicant.

3-From the order of undue dismissis delivered under the previous number is up to appeal

for the Court of Relation.

4-Havendo the process of proceeding, the judge dispatches in the sense of:

(a) Notify the applicant to, within a period of time to set, complete the application or join documents

in foul;

(b) order the production of the means of proof offered by the applicant and the rest that

have by convenient for the good decision of the cause.

Article 231.

View and opinion of the Public Ministry

Produced the evidence, the process is continued with a view to the Public Prosecutor's Office for, in

five days, issue opinion.


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Article 232.

Notification and communication of the sentence

1-A sentence is notified to the applicant, to the person concerned that it is not the applicant and the

Prosecutor's Office.

2-Being proceeded by the application, the sentence is still communicated to the services of

criminal identification through bulletin of the criminal record.

Article 233.


1-The provisional cancellation is revoked if the person concerned incurring new conviction

by felony felony and if they check the assumptions of the relatively undetermined penalty or

of recidivism.

2-A The revocation is declared the Public Prosecutor's application.

3-For the purpose of the provisions of this article, the criminal identification services inform the

Prosecutor's Office with the Court of Enforcement of the Penas of the proliation of sentences

convictions against defendants for which they vigore provisional cancellation of the

criminal record .

4-A The revocation of the provisional cancellation is communicated to the identification services

criminal through bulletin of the criminal record.


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Chapter XII

Supplement process

Article 234.


The supplement process follows, with due adaptations, the trames of the process of

granting of probation.

Title V


Chapter I

Appeal to the Court of Relation

Article 235.

Recurrable decisions

1-Of the decisions of the Court of Enforcement of the Penas it is up to the Relation in the cases

expressly provided for in law.

2-The following decisions of the Court of Execution of the Penas are still recurrable:

(a) Extinction of the penalty and of the custodial security measure of freedom;

b) Grant, refusal and revocation of the provisional cancellation of the criminal record;

c) Those rendered in a supplement process.

Article 236.


1-Unless the law dispends differently, they have legitimacy to appeal:

a) The Public Prosecutor's Office;


Proposed Law No. 252 /X


b) The convict or who lawfully represents the dam, of the decisions against you rendered;

c) The applicant, when it is not the Public Prosecutor's Office nor the convict, concerning the

decisions that are unfavorable to you.

2-You cannot turn to anyone who has no interest in acting.

Article 237.

Scope of the appeal

1-Unless the provisions of the following number or when the law dispends differently, the

resource covers the whole decision.

2-The appeal may be limited to the matter of fact or to the question of law.

3-A The limitation of the appeal is without prejudice to the duty of the court of appeal to withdraw from the

respective legally imposed consequences on the whole of

decision resorts.

Article 238.

Regime of ascent

1-Sobem in the autos itself the interposed appeals of the decision that put an end to the


2-Sobem separately the remaining resources.

3-The resources rise all immediately and only have suspensive effect of the decision in the

cases expressly provided for in this Code.

Article 239.


In everything that is not contradicted by the provisions of this Code, the resources are

interposts, tramway and adjudicated as the resources in criminal proceedings.


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Chapter II

Special features for uniformity of jurisprudence

Article 240.

Opposition of Judgments of the Relation

1-When, in the area of the same legislation, a court of the Relation shall provide judgment that,

on the same issue of law in respect of the implementation of penalties and measures

deprivation of liberty, be in opposition with another of the same or of different Relation, is

allowed to appeal from the judgment handed down in last place.

2-judgments are deemed to be given in the field of the same legislation when,

during the interval of its prowess, there has not been any legislative modification that interfered,

directly or indirectly, in the resolution of the contested law issue.

3-As the foundation of the appeal can only invoke previous judgment carried over in


Article 241.


They have legitimacy to appeal:

a) The Public Prosecutor's Office;

b) The subject against whom the judgment was delivered.

Article 242.

Required resource

1-The Public Prosecutor's Office is compulsorily resorting to, being the always admissible resource:

a) Of any decisions rendered against case-law fixed by the Supreme Court of



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b) Of decision handed down in special case of imputation which, in the field of the same

legislation and the identical question of law, be in opposition with another prowound

by court of the same species;

2-For the purpose provided for in paragraph 1, the subject against which the decision was made availed

may require the Public Prosecutor's Office to interposition the appeal.

3-For the purpose provided for in paragraph 1, the prison services and social reinsertion services

communicate to the Public Prosecutor's Office the opposition of decisions, as soon as it takes


4-The appeal is brought in the 30 days subsequent to the prolation of the decision in question, by the

Public prosecutor's office with the court that has delivered it, to which they are directed

communications referred to in the preceding paragraph and the requirement provided for in paragraph 2.

5-The intersted decision appeal not yet carried forward on trial suspending, until the

respective trial:

a) The deadline for interposition of resource for the Relation;

b) The subsequent terms of appeal already instituted, in what concerne the legal question


6-In the hypothesis provided for in the preceding paragraph, the appeal only has suspensive effect of the decision

recurred if that is in concrete the effect legally assigned to the resource interposition

for the Relation.

Article 243.


The appeal for fixation of jurisprudence is brought to the full of the criminal sections of the

Supreme Court of Justice.


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Article 244.


To the interposition, tramping and trial of the previously foreseen resources and the

publication and effectiveness of the respective decision, apply, with the necessary adaptations, the

articles 438 to 446 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Article 245.

Resources in the interest of the unit of law

1-The Attorney General of the Republic may determine, officiously or the application

of any interested, who are brought in resources in the interest of the unit of the right.

2-At the interposition, the stepping up of the appeal and the effectiveness of the respective decision applies to

article 447 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Article 246.

Subsidiary legislation

They apply, as a subsidiary and with the necessary adaptations, the provisions of the Code of

Criminal proceedings that regulate ordinary resources.