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Elevation Of The Village Of Borba, Municipality Of Borba, District Of Évora, A City

Original Language Title: Elevação da vila de Borba, no município de Borba, distrito de Évora, à categoria de cidade

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Exhibition and reasons

The Village of Borba is the seat of the county of Borba, belonging to the district of Évora, which

covers about 14500 ha and composed of four freguesies: Matrix (4,123 ha), Orada

(5,083 ha), River of Moines (5,292 ha) and Saint Bartholomew (14 ha).

The Borba Concelho is a Concelain of the Alentejo, at the northern end of the District of

Évora, confronting the North and nascent with the Portalegre District and the Concelho of

Villa Viçosa, the South with the municipalities of the Alandroal and Redondo and the potent with the

The Estremoz Councelain.

It is situated in the "Zone of the Mármores", designation because it is known this subregion of the

Alentejo, which has a specificity of its own given by the specialization it presents

the economic activity that gives it the name: extraction and transformation of marbles.

From the point of view of its geographical location in the context of the urban network, the Villa de

Borba is in an equidistant position between two urban centres of regional scope,

that are Évora, Portalegre and Badajoz (about 50 Km away to each of the

centres), as well as from the Barrage of the Alqueva.

The county presents itself heterogeneous with respect to the occupation of space. Thus,

we have an area, to the north of EN 4, almost fully constituted by the freguesia of the

Orada, sparsely populated, and where it predominates agricultural activity, with cultures

cereal, as well as the culture of the vine. A central track understood between EN

4 and the Serra de Ossa, covering the freguesies of S. Bartholomew, Array and the almost

totality of the Mill River Freguesia, where it predominates the culture of the vine and the

olive grove, allied to the cultures of leguminous and extensive breeding of cattle. Beyond these


we find also an important industrial activity linked to extraction and

transformation of marbles. A southern area, between the CM 1042 and the limit of the Concelho,

integrated into the freguesia of Rio de Moinhos, mountainous zone, practically depopulated

and where it predominates forest activity, it is particularly area of mounted, allied to the

extensive breeding of cattle, which provides raw material to the important activity of


Origin of Povoation

Of antiquated origin, name "Borba" has been cause for great speculation. From

quite remote backgrounds, the tradition points out as justification for this, the fact that it was

found, in an existing fountain in the Castle of the Village of Borba, a large barb (fish

of fresh water). Ora, in the course of time, the name " Barb " would have degenerated to

" Borba ". Another of the explanations rests on the Greek word " Borboros ", which means

"mud at the bottom of stagnating water".

Most of the news that even we have reached about the origin of the settlement is little

conclusive. Little is known of the first inhabitants only we can weave a few

conjectures. The natural conditions involving the concelho suggest the ease of

fixation of human groups. The hypothesis that other inhabitants prior to the Celts,

populate the "mild circular valley", where to circumscribe the village of Borba, does not leave from

be quite logical. Father Joaquim Anselmo (author of the only existing monograph

on the county), I have already suggested such, "the fundura of its roots", of which it speaks Jaime

Courtier, it can well be attributed to the Neolithic epoch, according to the finds


Some authors attribute the foundation of Borba to the Galo-Celts, around the year 974 a c

or 306 a c. It was under the rule of the Roman, Godo and Arab rule.

Creation and Evolution of the Concelho

In 1217, in the reign of D. Afonso II, it is taken over to the Arabs, by the Military Order of

Avis. D. Dinis awarded him Foral in 1302. The area of the county (circumscribed in the Foral) was

rather lower than the current limits. It lacquin almost the whole area corresponding to the

freguesia of Rio de Moinhos (belonging of the Estremoz county, at the height), however,

owned two small plots of the Therrugem (Elvas) and the Arches ' freguesies

(Estremoz). The Barbo was chosen as a badge of the concelho, at the concession height

of the Foral.


It was also D. Dinis who promoted the maturing amuration of the settlement. The castle

it was disposing in quardrilateral plant and its construction obeyed the current system

of the similar fortifications of the region. From thick masonry, it had thick amuration in

normal height, crowned by gothic and wide adarve merlons that ran the wall. The

moat, little deep, disappeared with the construction of the casario that was gone

developing on the outer face. By the inproceedings of the Séc. XVIII, the military government of the

province determined to involve the village by an entrenched field, with fossos,

staging and covered roads, work that was just sketched and that still existed

vestiges in 1766. From the castle, edited or remodeled from the Séc. XIII, fix yourself to

mending tower and two doors, that of Estremoz and that of the Celeiro.

Little is known of Borba, from the period that medevout the granting of Foral (reign of

D. Dinis) and end of the reign of D. Fernando. The main cause of this gap appears to be the

destruction of the House's carthorium, by D. João de Austria, when it took the Castle,

during the War of Restoration. Ora, it was hard times for the county, the years

of the crisis of 1383-1385, the village suffered heavy ruin with the passage of the English troops of the

Duke of Lencaster, who welcomed as an ally and friend, proceeded as in country

conquered, outrage spoliating and robbing the alentejanos. Finda the crisis, Borba is

donated (with other Alentejan lands) to D. Nuno Álvares Pereira.

The XV century corresponds to the great period of expansion. As succeeded by the whole

country, with the Portuguese Discoveries, Borba has seen its population thrive, in

number and wealth. In the reign of D. Manuel, in 1512, it is attributed to him new Foral (at 1

of June).

The Philippine domain, the War of the Restoration And the systematic incursions of the troops

castelhanas, commanded by D. João de Austria, the county ruined and lost

population. From this height lies the memory of a remarkable event of our history,

the hanging of the governor of the castle, Rodrigo da Cunha Ferreira, and of two more

Portuguese captains of the garrison, in the summer of 1662, after the victorious invasion of the

army of D. John of Austria. This will have mandated to commit the atrocious act as revenge

by the deaths of three captains, a sergeant and 20 soldiers from their forces, in addition to 50

injured. The memory of the peoples guarded the epheméride in the toponymic tradition, with the " Street

of the Enforks ", which passed after calling itself Rua Right. Not content with your

reprisal, D. John of Austria sent still torching the Paths of the Councelho and the

Municipal Carthorium, losing all the ancient manuscripts in the history of Borba.


In 1665, Borba was occupied by three infantry regiments and one-third of

cavalry, and the population suffered again the panic of the terrible invasion, which collapsed

in the field of Montes Claros, with the defeat of the Armies of Philip IV.

The Battle of Montes Claros (on June 17, 1665) waged on borbense soil, marks the

defeat of the Castelhanos in the Wars of the Restoration. By Village and concelho are numerous

the allusive elements to the Battle and the commander of the Portuguese troops, the Marquis de


Signed the peace, the Borba's concelain prospered. It has activated the culture of cereals,

increased the area of olive grove and multiplied the vineyards, firming up more in the country to

already old fame of its wines. From this time, the constructions of the Source of the

Bicas, the Paths of the Concelho and various Palaces.

The nineteenth century principle marks, for Borba, a phase of misfortunes with the First

French invasion. During the Peninsular War stood up in Borba a group of

militiamen who figured in the defense of Évora, on June 29, 1808. Shortly after,

between 1809 and 1811, in the villa housed a Scottish brigade of the anglo-language army of


By The Administrative Reform of 1834, the boundaries concelhios were changed with the

annexation of the Rio de Moinhos freguesia and loss of small areas of the localities of

Arches and Therrugem.

In 1895, the county was extinct and attached to the Viçosa Village, however, it is restored three

years later, by the Decree of January 13, 1898.


Natural or built, the existing heritage, in the concelho of Borba, is rich.

Small details and the beauty of the lines make a difference. In the Alentejana zone of the

marbles, what marks the landscape are the quarries, the vine, the olive trees, the

orchards, the brownish and fertile land, the lagoons and albufairs.

The white houses, the clean streets of being able to look with pleasure. The mounds, the elevations,

the Serra d' Ossa. The hampers that bounces from white dots the landscape.

The built heritage is itself also diversified made up of milestones

signable. The Source of the Bicas, the medieval wall of the Villa, the "Passos" of the Via Sacra,

the Convent of the Serves, the churches and ermids, the allusive monument to the Battle of Montes

Clear, the Convent and the Fifth of the Bosque, the Fifth of the General and all the heritage


particular architectural in which the marble abundance in artistic forms that is precise


The historical and heritage data here included appears in the PDM of Borba.

1-The Castle:

The castle or about medieval fence of the Villa of Borba, was founded by D. Dinis in the year 1302.

It is classified as an immovable of Public Interest by the D.-L. n. 41191 of 07/18/1959.

It has a quadrilateral plant and its construction has obeyed the current system of the

similar fortifications of the region, of thick masonry with thick wall of height

normal, crowned by gothic and wide adarve merlons that ran all over the wall. The

moat, little deep, disappeared with the construction of the casario that was accumulated

on the outer face. The only known doors of the historians are the Port of the Celeiro, the

south, and the door of Estremoz, to the west. Both find themselves devoid of the arches

goalies and respective passersby. The door of the Celeiro, currently constituted by a

single torchion, gives access to the Rodrigo da Cunha Ferreira Street in which there existed a gravestone

latin referring to Julius Caesar. The door of Estremoz gives you access to the Maria de Borba Street.

This fortification underwent the last major transformation after the earthquake of 1755,

when the construction of the Tower of the clock, rectangular section, stone of the site and

remailed by bolbous dome, embangled.

2-Paths of the Concelho

We are unaware of the location of the primitive Chamber of the village of Borba, which, the example of

other fortified land, stood inside the walls and, some authors said in

contiguous dependencies to the Menping Towers and the Clock. Later and up to 1797, the

Senate worked in a real estate of Praça D. Carlos, today called People's Square,

defaced from the Castle.

Today, the House operates in a frontrunner to the Republic Square, in a building

of two floors and divided into three bodies forming a "U", respecting a criterion that

in Portuguese civil architecture was frequent since the Séc. XVII.

The walls are thick masonry, largely harnessed of the downing walls

from the Castle.

The roof is four waters, donde rompem regular mansardas of false platibanda and

of openings framed within the pombaline tradition.


The four angular cunhais are decorated in the acrogues by elegant pinnacles in

marble that together with the mansaries, break the apparent monotony of the


The openings of the side faces are of the pectoral, but those of the main facade, bordering on

Square of the Republic, understandably the richest in the building, boasts three portals of the

R/C and seven balcony balconies on the first floor.

3-Source of Bicas

The Source of the Bicas is the most remarkable civilian monument of the villa, and in its genus and era,

of the most beautiful in the Country. If there is monument that serves as a "ex-libris" to the village of Borba, there is-

be the Source of Bicas to take primacy. Located in the Republic Square, this

monumental fountain was edified in 1781, at the expense of the Municipality, and consecrated to the

kings consorts D. Maria I and D. Pedro III, is due to the risk of the engineer José Álvares de

Barros and the sculptors António Franco Painho and one of the Velez brothers, artist of Borba.

It is ranked as National Monument according to the D.L. of 06/16/1910. The current

Source of the Bicas, succeeded the other with the same name that stood appreciably where if

they find planted the plátane copes of the Republic Square, therefore closer

of the Matrix Church. The Monumental fountain, all built in white marble of Montes

Clear, it relies on clad passer and two recurve steps, being protected by

labyrinths of balaústres in stone and ferreous gradeation. The source has five

carvers: three serving the main cup and two the side cups, smaller ones.

Ensing the side cups, break the busts of the reigning monarchs, D. Maria I and D.

Pedro III, being that of D. Maria I that of the born of the Finished. The high frontispice,

slightly rounded off, is divided by four pilasters garnished from grinaldas in

high relief, attached to Luis XVI-style ties. To the center, boasts the effigy of Queen D.

Maria I, in the formous elipsoid medallion. The cornija, ornamented by four pinnacles

flaming, boasts in front position and in prominence, the crowned shield of the Royal House

Portuguese. The posterior face of the frontispice, more sober, retains in the cifabric the crest

of weapons from the Villa of Borba in its primitive expression.

On the sides of the fountain and integrated into the complex, lies the vast lake disposed of

rectangle, of high masonry murets and marbled resonance that prolong

by the arvoredo frontrunner Municipal Garden. Accompanying the south shore of the lake,

is located the cattle chafariz and another smaller tank, the former public lavadouro,

all in white marble.


These elements are separated by a lancet of stairs that gives access to the resonard of the


4-Church Mactress of N. S. of the Soveral or the N. S. of the Neves

The Borba Matrix Church was founded in 1420, as attested to the marble gravestone of

Gothic characters existing in its interior, embedded in the wall on the right side, along the

Chapel of the Conception.

The current building, from the third headquarters of the Séc. XVI, is isolated from the casario and its

main façade rests on a vast framework of marbled steps.

From sober lines of masonry slightly slathered in the pilasters, with fronton

triangular rekilled by the sign of the Redentor is amstopped, south, by possant sineira tower

square, enciled by bolbous dome, of later construction (second half of the

Séc. XVIII). From the façade further highlight the adintelled janelion and the marble portation

style of the Renaissance, full arc and doric frames, enlimated by blind medallions

and lashed by two Corinthic columns. The wooden batters, pregued and from

cushions, are dated in the flag with slight notch: 1849.

The side fakes offer the usual asymmetric features caused by the

pains of the chapels that have been accumulated in the original mass of the building


The interior of the temple is rectangular plant, with three naves and of six tramos, includ

the chorus, of aresta vaults supported by marble columns of the Tuscan order and

squared embankment. The lighting makes itself through torn janelons

later. On the side footpaths remain the six chapels of the initial project, all

opened by full arches.

On the side of the Gospel lie the Capels of N. S. of the Good Success, and of the

Souls (also called Altar-Mor of the Souls) and that of the Angel of the Guard (current

Baptistius). On the side of the Epistle are located the Chapels of N. S. of the Rosary, from the

Mercy and that of S. Peter (currently called the Concept St's Chapel of the Conception).

The former Baptistius, currently sacristia, has undergone a deep reform for that


5-Passes of the Lord

The date of the foundation of the Brotherhood of the Lord Jesus of the Borba Passins is unknown.

The formous stations of the Via Sacra, carved in white marble, are certainly


works of the finals of the time of D. João V and alvores of the reign of D. Joseph, comprising

the 1750-60.

Later added ones were made at the painful station of the Street of the Serbs Terreiro

(Step by the Third parties), in the freguesia of S. Bartholomew, without a doubt the most opulent and of

larger dimensions of the core of the outer quaters, not relying on the Passos of the

Pretory and the Calvary, situated in the Matrix Church.

On the People's Avenue, right around the corner with the António Joaquim Street of the War lies the

Step of the High of the Square, built in 1755 in baroque style, with sacrifice, or

simple adaptation, from the primitive Ermida of the N. S. st of Nazareth.

The Aramenha Street Pass, present Street January 13, is similar in the whole

architectural at the High of the Square. Edited in the Freguesia of S. Bartholomew, has

wooden doors date back to 1843. Internally, it is also in plant

quadrangular with smooth footwear and good rococo decoration in the cradle pumpkin, with

grounds for the Passion of Jesus and the symbol of the Brotherhood.

The fourth and last outer Pass, is situated on the Marquis de Marialva Street, former Street

of Évora. Enclausurated in the casario and although of discrete lines, it offers, however,

identical characteristics of the previous ones.

6-Church of St. António

Situated at the bottom of the rue de Montes Claros, the Church of St. António was founded in

1630, having suffered vultuous magnification in the finals of the Séc. XVIII.

With pillowcase pillowed by triangular pediment, from acroteria decorated by pinnacles

piramidais and to the center overseen by the bronze bell campanarium, with central cross and

primitive silhouette, torn in the middle by the holder's niche, popular work in steamed clay,

typical of the premier olar art.

The gate, also of triangular front-facing, is ladeed by two windows of shoulder pads

recurve and in marble. The door's batters are in wood and date from the time of D.

Maria I.

The ship, from rectangular plant, with cover in full back vaulting, in masonry,

totally kayaking of white as well as the footwear, these garnished by footer

polychromic tile of the first half of the Séc. XVII.

From the body of the old building, subsists the mestra structure, engranate after 1780

by the present pavement and the pulpit. All the altars were executed in marbles

places of white and black color. The side altars, which replaced the primitives, are from the


rococo style. The one on the side of the Gospel presents the Sagrada Familia and the one on the side of the

Epistle is dedicated to S. Francisco Xavier.

The Capela-Mor, which appears to be the work of setecents, has quadrangular plant and cover

in clergyman's barrier, completely coated by paintings the water ink. On the throne,

of box also painted the water ink, exposes the curious sculpture of St. António,

in upholstered wood.

7-Ermida of S. Sebastião

It is situated in the immediate vicinity of the Matrix Church to the cimo of S. Sebastião Street.

The date of its foundation is unknown, and it is due to deal with a building from the ends of the Séc.

XVI and valued in the middle of the Séc. XVII, period noted interiorly by the

footer on tiles.

The main façade is very simple, with triangular fronton rekilled by cross in

marble, portal and windows rights, with trimmings also in marble and stripped from


The reinforced steeple, erect on the opposite facade at the front, having at the glance a bell

in molten bronze.

The ship, from rectangular plant and pumpkin round of masonry without artistic trace,

accuses much later repairs, such as the assembly of the choir and the pulpit.

Six graves in marbles run in the coxia of the ship.

The Capela-Mor is of quadrangular plant and with roof in clergyman's barrette.

8-House Noble of the Cardosos Morcattle

Implanted with fronts for the Street of the Cross and St. of S. Francisco Street, it was founded in year


The three-floors building, composes of an immense pavilion with three loose fronts,

with the main facade giving over the Cross Street, divided into three bodies

interconnected in symmetry and at the same height, remaped by rectilinear cornijamento


The windows, all in verge curved and framed, are from pectoral in the first and last

floor and balcony on the intermediate floor, the latter with balconies of remarkable nobility, with

feral railings of French influence of Luis XVI.

The main gate, richly framed, is of verge recta and remawed by pediment

ladeated by viewer framing the ovoid axial lunette.


In the building currently works a Housing Tourism unit.

9-Palace of the Fidalgos Silveira Menezes

Situated in front of the Castle's Tower of the Castle, it develops on three floors with

quadrangular plant. Of rather simple architecture, it presents rectilinear fenestrations

with the exception of the windows on the last floor of recurve verges of notorious simplicity. In the

intermediate floor the vans are of balcony on balconies.

The main pore that gives access to a vast central courtyard, is quite wide with lintel

and well demarcated cornities.

10-Fifth of the General

The exact time of this solarenga construction, which has naturally occurred, is unknown

on the purposes of the Séc. XVI. However, the architectural moth of the current building seems to purr

the middle of the Séc. XVII.

The rustic solar, situated in the far north of the village, in the access to EN 4, stretches in

pavilion covered by roof of four waters in the traditional form of "U", with courtyard of

discrete entrance and gate of thick masonry.

In the inner courtyard, overshadowed by permanent greens that cover almost

completely the footpaths tucked away in the local tradition, runs a seven-year thermal gallery

we bring with full arches of white marble and foil colored with tiles of a

period receded from the Séc. XVII.

The most important dependencies communicate with the gardens and are from vast

proportions. From rectangular plant, are covered by ceilings in wooden coffins

framed and smooth, with no trace of paintings.

The most beautiful façade of the building, it addresses the gardens. Despite their sobriety and

of a single floor, it certainly represents a beautiful exemplary of regional architecture of the

Séc. XVII. The balcony windows, communicate directly with a running balcony

protected by ferrous gradeation and the footwear are remawed by tile foil

polychrome. The solar gardens extend into a vast murred rectangle, which if

prolong by the framework of the primitive ermicide, and had frontrunners from secular trees to

February 1941.

11-Paroquial Church of S. Bartholomew


The building, built of root in the early years of the Séc. XVII, is of towed masonry

and of the current type in the Alentejana religious zone. It is composed of ship body and Capela-

Mor amstopped by giants of one floor.

The façade maintains, with slight alterations, the original line inspired by models


They highlight on the triangular front-facing facade overseen by a cross, the niche with the

figure of S. Bartholomew in polychrome marble (alvores of the Séc. XVII), the janelon

facial lintel facial and ample front archived, ladeed by two jewel columns

stirred assorted on pedestal workers with low reliefs alusive to the martyrdom of the

Saint patron.

The portal suffered at the time of the great setecentist reform, the amputation of the pains and the

disproportioned altement of the niche of the image occupying the place of the present window

of the frontery, where it is assumed to have existed only an occulus or a freshner for lighting

of the ship.

Flanking the building, erect the possum tower sinking all helmed braces

marmoreo. The campanarium rekilled by flaming pinnacles and bolbous dome

embankments, has four framed olhais on which if they plucked bells in

bronze with carved inscriptions.

The opposite facade to the campanarium is torn by another renaissance portation, from the same

stylistic order of the main, with the advantage of being complete. Of triangular pains

centered by the niche containing the image of the Immaculate Virgin, is ladeated by columns

stirred up very similar to those guarded the main portal.

Interiorously, the body of the ship, of rectangular plant, is rekilled with vaulted

renaissance of three tramos and with jellyfish aresta nerve, richly decorated with

fresh and golden keys.

High lining of tiles from the model of "corn knob" is the paraments of the

ship, included the cloth of the choir, this built in advanced period of the Séc. XVIII, with

heavy marmorea balustrade.

Six side chapels open up on the sides of the ship. from the side of the Gospel find themselves the

Altar of St. Teresinha of the Child Jesus, the Altar of N. S. of the Conception and the Altar of S.

Pedro. On the side of the Epistle are located the S. th S. of the Carmo Capela, the Chapel of the S.

Sacramento and the Altar of N. S. of Fatima.

To the bottom of the Nave lies the Capela-Mor, of quadrangular plant, curious exemplar of

Portuguese architecture of the baroque style, equally gated in the primitive plane of the


alvores of the Séc. XVII. It was once lined in the footwear with polycromic tiles

similar to those of the ship's body, withdrawn at the time of D. João V, around 1730, and

replaced, in part by the profuse and rich combination of calcareous elements of the region.

The Capela-Mor is pried for a beautiful triumphal bow, round, of pilasters, delicate

marmorist work.

They also deserve to highlight the sacristies of the temple, not least the one of the headquarters of the freguesia,

precious room of the last third of the Séc. XVIII, situated in the western ilharga of the abside of the

temple, which replaces the primitive of the Freires de Avis, open on the opposite face.

12-Church of the Real Convent of the Serves

The Church of the Royal Convent of the Serves, ranked as Real Estate of Public Interest

According to D.L. n. 33587 of 03/27/1944, it is a temple of the Séc. XVI that occupies all the

eastern zone of a large monastic block (formerly inhabited by nuns

franciscanas of Santa Clara) that includes a large cloister of large dimensions, one of the

largest in the country.

When the convent was founded in 1606, there already existed the Church.

The Church of the Royal Convent of the Serves, inspired by the Church of Hope in Vila

Viçosa, has, as it determined the Franciscan rule, the side public doors, tracts

to the axis of the building. These ample doors, from recessed shoulder pads and triangular fronds in

white marble, settlement in the framework of the same stone, sympathetic to that of the Chapel of the

lord Jesus of the Aflitos that rises attached to the Church in an almost integrated way.

The portees are enamoured by austere janelons of semicircular pairing, which

ladeiam the ordered carscreen of the abadessa D. Isabel from the Nativity, composition

marmorea of the Baroque-rococo transition style, engrossed by the royal shield of D. João


The posterior façade, facing the potent, is of a triangular shape enobbled by the carb

studs of the rococo style. On the pebble rises the sign of Redentor.

The interior is composed of rectangular plant vessel covered by half-vaulted altar

cannon completely decorated with paintings and closed by coated pains with

rich polychrome tiles from the middle of the Séc. XVII. of an impressive nudity and

austere, the ship is only illuminated through the two windows and pored.

The only two altars of the ship, both torn by local marble full arches, are

dedicated the N. S. th of Piousness and S. Francisco.


The Church has two choir: the bass chorus, willing in broad plant house

rectangular and the high chorus of proportions identical to the previous, exceptionally high

with round roof and smooth. The latter was stripped of almost all of his belongings


13-Chapel of the Lord Jesus of the Aflitos

The chapel of the Third Order of S. Francisco, whose date of foundation dates back to the year of

1676, modern and piously called the Lord Jesus of the Aflitos, juxtaposed to the

footwear master of the Church of the Serves, it is of Baroque architecture of the time of D. Pedro II. The

main façade, fully coated with marbles in dark and clear xadrezes, is from

triangular pawn by crucifix, torn by simple portal ladeated by two

windows and enclosed by a third, from balcony, which illuminates the choir. This last janelon

is superputted axially by a small niche with the image of S. Francisco de

Assis. More discreet, of masonry and stone-chested cunhal, are the dependencies

attached. Sparse to these, erect the sinking tower of four olhais and bolbous dome

with ornate.

It is currently only filled by a single modern bell.

The interior of the chapel, of rectangular plant and round ceiling, just keeps from the foundation

the structures and the blue foil.

In the footwear and respecting the tradition of the brotherhood, they tear up eight niches made up

where the holders of the Order are exposed.

The pulpit of square balaústres in marble, it seems from the alvores of setecents.

The choir is modern.

The Capela-Mor, from quadrangular plant, reaches out by round-master. Has

suffered profound transformations through the ages.

In the central niche of Capela-Mor, arranged in the year 1892, the image of the

Lord Jesus of the Passos, hence, the present consecration of the Aflitos.

14-College and the Hospice of N. S. of Solety

This college was founded in 1703. Has main front for Dr. Ramos St. of Abreu

and tardoz to the António Joaquim Street of War.

The facades of the hospice retains the original features of the Séc. XVII-XVIII.


Collegiate porterie keeps the traces of the primitive cornijamento (altered with the

construction of the second floor) revealed in an ornate masonry frieze ornate by floral tables

and ornaments of classical-baroque transition style.

The temple, dry of artistic ornamentation, rekilled by two campanarians, maintains the

two openings of the choir and the pore in marbles with triangular fronton. Several crosses and

local stone embets on the footpaths, mark the way of Via Sacra.

The interior, of rectangular plant, very simple, has itself in excessively high ship,

of cover in cradle kayaking of white.

The Capela-Mor, with triumphal arch edified in robust masonry, is dedicated to N. S. th da

Soliety. It has rectangular shape, it is also covered by round roof and has

high golden talha recorder mounted on masonry banquetry.

15-Solar of the Fidalgos Sousa Carvalho Melo

Giving over the Largo Bernardino Ramos, this two-floors building, is a construction

from the middle of the Séc. XVIII. In 1971 it was in it installed the School of the Preparatory Cycle

of the Secondary Education D. Maria I, who moved to own building after the April 25

of 1974.

The wide portal is quite simple from ombreiras in slightly decorated stone. about

he, tears up a curved counter window, nobly worked in the style D. João V, de

coated moldings, round lintel and double fronds of abs. The formous railings

ferreas are pombalinas and French inspiration from the Luis XV style.

The remaining windows of the second floor, are also balcony, rectilinear lintel, with

balconies rights protected by rich ferric gradeation.

The fenestration of the first floor, contrasts with the rest for being very simple, from

peitoril and verge recta.

16-Palace edited by the Alvarez Family

Large-volume building, edited in the mid-nineteenth century, with three floors and platibanda

guarnecy of balaústre and ornamental vases, it is located on St. Bartholomew Street.

Remarkable is the immense balcony of the last floor, with guard in iron to the taste of the time of

D. Pedro V. Of equal style and drawing are the balconies of the balcony windows that run

over all the intermediate left over.

On the ground floor open four porters of simple decoration and five pectoril windows

protected by railings in "scroll talk".


17-Palmet of Dr. Bustorff Silva

Two-floors setecentist palmet, located on the St. Bartholomew Street, annex to the

edification of the authorship of the Alvarez family.

On the front, stand out the three balcony windows of the top floor, with fronds

triangular points of regional marble marble, and feral gradeation of the baroque style.


The cruise is erected on the Largo of the Beato Martytir Domingos Fernandes, sparkler at the door

side of the Paroquial Church of S. Bartholomew. There it was placed by the Municipality in 1950.

Classic piece of the seiscented alvores, of white marble, consisting of the base of three

steps, quadrangular spider of lossy tables and corrugated fuss with capital of the

corinthic order and disk of the world superputted by a cross of rounded elements.

19-Church of Santa Bárbara

The first document concerning this edified temple at about 4 Km the spring

of the village of Borba, is dated 1566.

The Church of Santa Barbara was the seat of the freguesia with the same name until January 1 of

1967, height in which it was incorporated into the Freguesia Matrix.

The building, sparkler to a discreet marble cruise rested on steps of

masonry capeated the slate.

The right pawn front and simple front of verge recta, is enciled by altaneiro


The side façades, of the same regional rustic system find themselves ampared by

giants amalgamated in the small juxtaposed constructions.

The body of the ship, of quinhentist formation, is of rectangular plant and of two tramos

divided by masonry columns of the dic order that support the vaulting.

The Capela-Mor, built afterwards, has a quadrangular shape, with roof

in aresta vaults coated to paintings of water ink with neoclassical intent. The

border niche is occupied with the image of the patron.

20-Convent of N. Lady of the Bosque


It is situated about 1 Km away to the south of the village of Borba, in the strand of the saw, in the

path to Rio de Moinhos, in place that by its amenity and freshness has suggested you the


From the initial construction, date of the beginning of the Séc. XVI, nothing escaped the reforms of 1548 and

1670. Later in the Séc. XVIII, the building has taken up the current configuration, having still

suffered reconstruction in the endings of the Séc. XIX.

The building is made up of an architecture of notorious conceptional sobriety,

highlighted on the facades by thick masonry, once stairless.

It is from quadrangular plant, and as it usually happens in similar cases, all

the fundamental elements radiate from the cloister.

The Church, which occupies the southern face of the community block, possesses coined frontrunner of

stacked pilasters, alteed by two campanarians of the order Capucha, in masonry,

today stripped of bells.

The triangular fronton drawn in very acute line, once rekilled by a cross, is

filled by friso framed with ornate.

On the façade, in addition to the large marble janelon salient three niches: the

central is intended for the holder, N. S. of the Conception, and the sides with images

franciscanas, S. Francisco and Santo António.

The frontage is remailed inferiorly by a round arch portal in marble,

valued by the shield of the Royal House.

Close to the convent building, it is well maintained, a fountain with a large

image in terracotta (1 ,85m high) of S. Pascoal. The niche has roof of four

waters with flaming urn remate, in masonry.

Second prays the popular tradition, this image possesses powers of prognosticar


21-Ermida of S. Miguel

Situated about 1 Km north of Borba, in the Herdade of the Monastery, you are unaware of

its historical origin, but the ancient building that dates back to the alvores of the Séc. XVI.

For a few years it served as a private dwelling, having been reopened to worship in 1953

after large interior and exterior beneficiation, as attested to the existing headstone in the

facade on the side of the white marble portal.

The alpenre, of white masonry and alentejano rustic style, is composed of seven arches



The façade is remawed by triangular pediment, axially overseen by steeples,

undated bell.

The Capela-Mor, lower, is angularly reinforced by two floors of floors,

still from the Gothic architectural tradition-manuelin. This is the ultimate vestige of the

primitive building, therefore the general benefits introduced through the times,

have printed the current configuration.

The shrine is illuminated by two frescoes sagles that creep into the tardoz.

The ship, very singlet is covered by cradle vaulting, has the footwear and smoothes of


In it open up two side altars without holders.

22-Ermida of S. Claudius

It is based on an elevation of terrain with its name, dist about 2.5 Km to the north of the

seat of the concelho. The construction, rather degraded, seems to datar from the mid-Séc.

XVII, but they ignore themselves for complete their historical origins.

Circular masonry building tucked away, looks at the accident through the alpendre (in ruins)

from one round arc. Annex to the alpendre, see the ruins of a picturesque pulpit

exterior, of column-based cylindrical box of escaioled rings.

The interior is illuminated by circular openings.

The roof, of radial lines, is rekilled by cone and the beiral punctually composed by

campanile singel, today disadorned bell.

The house of the hermit, in ruins, absorbs the entire south outer body.

Interiorly, the discrete Altar-Mor in masonry, being seen, is highlighted by the niche of the

patron still with paintings, but devoid of the image of S. Claudius.

There are, still, the remains of the mural paintings and those of the dome, these

last still in a reasonable state.

23-Ermida of S. Peter

Deployed on the site of the Viçoso, less than 2 Km to the northwest of Borba, close to the

nascent of the riverside of Alcaraviça, the Ermida of S. Peter was founded in 1570,

currently finding itself in a state of ruin.

Construction in masonry of certain magnificence and architectural richness, has the frontrunner

background by nartex of seven round arcades with arches in brick.


The Temple features triangular fronton rekilled by the discarded steeple, flawed

bell. The lateral pains are reinforced by giants and feature constructions

adjacent: the exposed south with the ruins of the hermit's casario and the opposite with the remains

of the sacristia.

Laterally, to the north, there is a door of shoulder pads and verge in single blocks of

white marble, enlimated by a commemorative headstone of the temple's foundation.

The rectangular plant building of good proportions, with roof in cradle vaulting in

masonry threatening to crumble, lost in absolute its stuffing and

ornamentation, however, seeing however the three arched inner blind intended for altars


The Capela-Mor, square, is a curious exemplar of architecture of the lower Renaissance,

with vaulting of the nerve framed by octagonal aranhyço de aresta viva, decorated the

fresh, unfortunately in advance state of degradation.

Although in ruins and devassed, the Ermida of S. Peter is a relic of architecture

religious quinhentist worthy of conservation.

24-Ermida of S. Lourenço

This templete is situated about 2 Km north of Borba. The exact date is unknown

of its foundation, although it is admired that the same reassemblates to the Séc. XVII. Likewise if

are unaware of the reasons why, recently, you moved your orago to Lord

Jesus of the Converts.

It received deep improvements in 1758 and in 1965. After years of abandonment, we have forged

introduced the current interior reforms, such as paving and full coating

the water ink.

On the north face, the silhouette is protected by the hermit's residence.

The frontage is composed of the alpendre of three full arches and body of the torn choir by

marble janelon. It ends with cross campanarium in marble and bronze bell.

The interior has a singlet ship, rectangular plant, roof in cradle vaulting and

deepened footwear with three round and blind arches, originally designed for

altars or benches for rest of the faithful.

The choir, of later construction, occupies, on the second floor, the totality of the space of the



The Capela-Mor, has three niches, in masonry. In the middle, of larger dimensions,

been in times the image of the holder, sculpture of upholstery wood that holds in the

Church of S. Bartholomew in Borba.

25-Nora of the Herdade of the Montinho

The mound of the herty of the Montinho lies about 4 Km the spruth of Borba,

slightly further north than the Church of Santa Barbara. Next to this mound there is a

old daughter-in-law (it is assumed that of the principles of the Séc. XVI) decommissioned and rather degraded,

with portal and cornija remailed with gothic sands. The vans torn in the pains

feature equally gothic arches in the closures

26-Portal of the Fifth of the Palreta

The Quinta da Palreta, once called Quinta de Santo Antonico, situates itself a little more

from 1.5 Km to north of the Villa of Borba.

This property is prized by a rustic-type marbled portal centered by a

niche diamond moldura but empty image, with side remate of two pinnacles

piriformes, in whose padieira runs the following inscription, apparently from the endings of the Séc.



28-Parochial Church of Santiago

It is one of the oldest churches in the county of Borba. Was founded in the finals

from the Séc. XIII as attests to the gravestone in medieval Gothic characters embedded in half

of the inner wall on the left side.

The document is from the era of 1328 that, being as it is most likely the era of Caesar,

amounts to 1290 of the age of Christ that we follow today. However, your foundation, no

may go beyond 1279, date when D. Dinis rose to the throne.

Of this Gothic building nothing subsists architectonically due to later reforms,

mainly the one carried out in the Séc. XVII that imprinted you the present fetion, with the

customary popular features of Alentejana religious rural art.

The nartex, of masonry, has five round and front-facing arcades decorated with cross from

marble. Beautified by murets, the set is based on a platform alleded with three



The pains are very singlet and triangular format. To the north is flanked by heavy tower

modernized piramidal needle sinking. The portal is modern and from simple lintel.

In the pawns, along the alpendre, there are two commemorative plaques. One of them, the largest,

points out the visit that the image of N. S. of Fatima made to the freguesia on October 29 of


With no artistic value is the white marble cruise, which in the churchyard defaced the Church.

The interior, of one nave, has itself in rectangular, lattice-cross plant with roof

in cradle vaults, transept of penetrations and Capela-Mor of quadrangular plant and

pumpkin at half-cannon. The Capela-Mor suffered major works in the Séc. XVIII.

28-Commemorative Standard of the Battle of Montes Claros and Ermida of N. Lady

of the Victory

Situated in the village of White Barro, about 2 Km to the southeast of the village of Rio de

Mills, this National Monument of the Séc. XVII rises in the dominant point of a

of the headbuds where it unfolded the memorable battle.

The gravestone in marble is about 4m high by 3m wide.

The ermida, built in front of the gravestone, was founded not long after that

monument, by alvshall of April 2, 1669 passed by the Prince regent D. Pedro.

It had in principle and until the middle of the Séc. XVIII, only the sanctuary, today transformed

on ship. The alpendre is also work dated to that magnification.

The building, in thick masonry kayak to white, has no particularity

architectural that differentiates it from its rather rustic alentejan counterparts.

The nardex, of three round arcades, is rekilled in a triangular committed campanarium

undated bell and encimed by cross. Two pinnacles of piriformes ornate, complete

the set.

The chapel itself, has central lunette and its main façade is torn by right porter

ladeated by two small windows. The construction is remailed by elegant cover in

roof of radial lines ending with a cross in marble from the region. This was

as we said, the original templete of the Séc. XVII.

Vulgar and of chains of seven hundred, it is the present sanctuary, embraced of edifices

of the capelania, of the ermite and the sacristia, this stuffed with popular votes.

Interiorly the building is quite uncharacterisable, conserving only the dome



The Capela-Mor, setecentist, quadrangular plant and cradle roof, ends at the altar of

white and black marbles from the time of D. Jose I. In the niche, exposes the venerated

image of the Padroeira Our Lady of Victory.

29-Convent of N. S. th of the Light of Montes Claros

The foundation of the religious house is old but ignored. Second chronicles of the order, she

dates back to the principles of the Séc. XV.

The edified complex underwent vultuous works in the beginnings of the seventeenth and

subsequently, between 1714 and 1742, in the reign of D. João V.

Reached by the Decree of extinction in 1834, it was a few years abandoned, until the

government selling it in public hasta.

In the finals of the Séc. XIX, has been adapted to the residence of Fteries, having it then

owner introduced deep remodels throughout the main body, on the frontery

from the courtyard of the car and in the Church, this mischaracterized with certain gravity.

The main facade of the Church, overhead to the seiscentist cruising in stone, is from

masonry masonry for pawning with enrolment with enrolment and pinacular acroteries of

fogaries. To the centre is ornamented by the opulent coat of order, of ornaros of the style


The main frontery of the Church is axially enraged in the cymafronte by a cross of

chronographed marble of 1608. High janelon of well-sculpted and front-facing frames

triangular, illuminates the choir, booking sotoposto the alpendre, with arch portico

round of stone worked, vestige quinhentist.

The iron grate forged from the entrance is from the period of the great works of modernization of the

building in 1884. From the previous year is the wooden door of the Church.

Reinforcing the frontrunner, elevate two bataries finished by volutas and laterally

seven smooth plywood that reach the cornijamento, print to the building a robustness


The sub-choir, primal alpendre of the monastic portery, retains the original cover of the

Séc. XVI, in singe nerve that arrhip from the missings and pilasters and extend by the

nerve and closure.

Interiorly, the Church is composed of the nave and the Capela-Mor. The first, is elongated

and rectangular plant, with the roof in half-cannon vaulting, completely smooth and

kayaking of white. The pavement is in marble with footer on tiles of the finals of the


past century and the footwear composed of four side chapels of full arches


The Capela-Mor, equally willing in rectangular plant, is anteceded by high

triumphal arch of fine white marble. The cover, in cradle pumpkin, is decorated by

visted medallion dated 1714. In the large oratorio of golden talha and amosaicada

of the finals of the Séc. XVIII, exposes itself to the beautiful image of Our Lady of Light, piece

of the principles of the Séc. XVII.

The convent, despite the works of adaptation in the finals of the last century, retains itself in the

its quinhentist structure, from quadrangular plant embracing the cloister (the work of the

alvores of the Séc. XVII) that develops on two floors: the lower of three arched plenas

of rugged pilasters apparatus and the superior, of the cells, formed by gallery race of

six tramos supported by colunelos. To the centre, a well of high cylindrical bottlenecks in

colunlinks, allows the serventia of the rainwater cistern.

30-Ermida of Santo António

This ermida is situated approximately 2 Km to the northwest of the village of Rio de

Mills, in a place called the Village of Fidalgos. Founded in inaccurate period of the

second half of the Séc. XVIII, replaces the primal ermida of Saint Antoninho da

Road or Holy António the Old, which lay situated in the hereness of the Alteia,

relatively close to the Village of Fidalgos and which has completely ruined itself in the

last century.

The front of the building prolong itself on a high wall of false windows until reaching the gate

of the rustic courtyard that serves a solarengo palmet.

The chapel fronting is sister-in-law of singel pilasters, recurve fronton and axial campanarium

of volutas with enrolment. The portal and the high window, both guarded by marble

white, complete the set.

The interior of good proportions and rectangular plant, divide into nave and Capela-Mor

with cradle toppings, that lysis of adorning and this decorated. The floor is of baggers

stone plates from the site and the pulpit, from coarse quadrangular base in marble,

features traces of bars of the same material, replaced later by irons

forged old ones.

31-Ermida of N. S. of Guadalupe


This chapel situates about 2.5 Km south of Rio de Moinhos, next to the riverside of


It is ignores the date of its foundation, but the building has architectural moth from the finals of the

five hundred years.

Grounded in paved frame of slate and brick, with resting mutes, the chapel

features facade of simple adintelled portal ladeed by two windows gradeed to the

level of the observer. Has overjugated triangular of discrete campanarium

stripped down from sineta, ladeoff from volutas with enrolment. Annexa juxtaposed to the commitment

nascent built himself the sacristia.

The interior has a rectangular vessel covered by cradle roof where they are visible,

patiently, in the sanca and footwear, remains of mural paintings, perhaps still seiscentist.

The little deep altar, torn in round arch, is later work.

Three niches of pilasters, rip at the bottom of the chapel: the central with the image of the

Titular virgin, Our Lady of Guadalupe and the sides with the figures of Saint

António and S. Joaquim.

32-Ermida of S. Gregorius

The exact date of its foundation is unknown. You know, though, that this chapel that diss

about 1.5 Km to the south of the village of Rio de Moinhos, it already existed in the year 1556.

The ermida composes of atarraced and long nartex, with three arcades and roof of two

waters, recently restored.

The pained pains the potent is smooth and devoid of supports, while the opposite extends-

if in constructions certainly connected to the religious service, which amped the ship and the

abside of the main building.

On the main facade, with pore of white marble and lintel recto very simple,

rose, axially, the campanarium stripped away from sineta and surmised by stone cross. À

similarity of the alpendre, the roof of the central body of the ermida is also of two waters.

Contrasting with the remaining ones, the cover of the chapel è of four waters, rekilled in


Interiorly, the ship, very singly and from rectangular plant with half-cannon roof, is

torn in the footpaths by blind arched of two tramos, without any washers. The

pavement is in brickle. Almost at the entrance on the side of the Gospel, peg the pulpit of the

rustic type, in masonry and with degrades in brick.


The abside, the oldest part of the chapel, possibly from the mid-Séc. XVI, has

quadrangular plant and is covered by half orange dome based on smooth trumps. Is

decorated by mural compositions of the ends of the Renaissance. In the background, is leaked the niche

with the image of the Holy Padroeiro, S. Gregory Pope, of upholstery and gilded wood,

popular work of certain artistic value, about 76 cm high.

33-Ermida of S. Lourenço

The ermation of S. Lourenço, lies on a hill without a viary access near the village of the

Nora, about 2.5 Km north of Rio de Moinhos.

Its foundation is very old, but inaccurate. It is known to find itself in ruins in the

beginning of the Séc. XVII, having been fully reedified in 1604.

It had religious service until 1965. From that date it was desecrained having been stolen

the sumptuary values, such as the balaústres of the pulpit, the bell and the doors of the temple,

as well as those of the casario of the attached capelania.

The building, which is found to be quite ruined, is built in thick masonry

reinforced with shisty lages. its façade, shows still the silhouette of a deep

reform in the Séc. XVIII, displays sober pains overjugated by discrete steepliners,

once overseen by cross pointing the sky.

The portal, in washed white marble, from the type of angles protruding and framed, is from the

epoch of D. João V-D. Jose I. It is the only valid element of the exterior architecture.

Interiorly, the elongated rectangular plant ship, finds itself totally ruined.

The quadrangular plant sanctuary, primal body of 1604, has section cornija

lobulated and cover of the cupular type coated by radial system. is,

equally, rather ruined.

34-Standard of Montes Claros

This Military Monument, edited in the time of D. Pedro II (second half of the Séc.

XVII) to celebrate the glorious victory of the battle of Montes Claros, erected on the spot

where one waged the most lit of the renhida fight, is today sidelined by the road that connects

Bencatel to Rio de Moinhos, dishing about 3 Km of this last settlement.

Executed in white marble of the region, it is born on a three-step basis

quadrangular, scaled, donde breaks the pedestal, plinth and column of dic order,

enciled by the closed royal crown. It is currently championed by gradeation


brother-in-law of pillars. The commemorative inscription of the feat, is unfolded on three faces of the


35-Church of the Freguesia of N. S. da Orada

Second religious chronicles of the Séc. XVIII, this Church was founded by the Condestable D.

Nuno Alvares Pereira. Of that medieval temple, nothing subsists in topicality, only if

admitting that the sacristia goes back to the alvores of five hundred.

The current building, made of root in the Séc. XVIII, rise in the highest cabal of the


The Church keeps the picturesque and unmistakable silhouette of the sacros monuments of the style

rustic alentejano.

The north side facade of the building is flanked by possant bolbous dome tower and

giant covered shingle by ampairing the follicobada cornija sacristia and stone cross

embete in the footwear, vestige of the ancient Via Sacra.

The frontrunner, of triangular pairing and marbled dining, is protected by vulgar alpenre

of three round rungs, rising from platform elevating by steps. In 1960

sacrificed one of these arches with the assembly of a ceramic panel allusive to the

traditional founder, the beato D. Nuno of Santa Maria. In the opposite beiral, subsists the

small sundial in white marble and quadrangular shape (Séc. XVIII).

The common grave of the papriels, which had captioned, today food by the action of the time,

extends in front of the solder of the singel garrison portal recta in marble.

Interiorously, the ship distributed over the long, with vaulted masonry vaulted from

white, had a modest eighocentist composition performed in water paint.

In the current side chapels in regional marble, enriched by retaxing of the

end of the séc. XVIII and the rococo style, venerate, on the side of the Gospel, the patron,

Our Lady of the Orada, and on the side of the Epistle, the Image of the Lord Jesus of the Passes.

The Capela-Mor of quadrangular plant, similarly raised in the finals of the Séc. XVIII,

torn by high arch-master of marble, had the railing of the balustrade commungatory

in stone until the summer of 1971, railing this one that was ripped off to rise an altar in

fine masonry, obeying the dictates of the Vatican Council II's Concum.

36-Fifth of the White Azenha

Situated about 1.5 Km north of the village of the Orada, next to the riverside of Alcaraviça,

this complex of buildings from the middle of the Séc. XVIII, constitutes, once, important


farm house, mainly of cereal production. Currently it is in complete


The broad solarenga, two-floor residence, has elongated shape, address

about the traditional Alentejano courtyard with its resting seats and utility casario

of the carrot-riders, barns and naps-preceded by a pilasters gate

with stylised urns remates, in marble.

The frontrunner, bordered by cunhais garnished by marbled stovees, is torn by

a series of windows and portals, highlighting the central set formed by access

top up over counter with feral railings that protect the balcony from the balcony of

semicircular endeavor.

The posterior footwear of the mansion stretched through the gardens with demarcated streets with

buxos, which were watered by the water of the riverside of Alcaraviça, although it existed

nascent drinkable served by the interesting source.

Contiguous to the gardens stands the pombal in ruins, construction imaged with particular

architectural whim, of portals and pilasters enriched with pinnacles and urns

neoclassical, of masonry.

Although completely abandoned, the main building features interiorly some

spaces in reasonable state of conservation.

The Village of Borba has been losing population, to the similarity of what has been ascertaining

in the whole of Alentejo as well as the interior of the country.

The evolution of the population in the Borba concelho was characterized by some variations,

reflection of the social, economic, political and cultural transformations that occurred in the Country and

in the Alentejo Region. We can identify three distinct periods that have marked the

demographics of the Concelho, specifically:

From 1900 a to 1930: in this period the Borba Concelho presented an evolution

positive population, with rates of variation below 9%. At the end of this period the

Concelho held 8,094 inhabitants, which is equivalent to a growth of 23.55% face to

1900 (plus 1,543 inhabitants).

From 1930 a to 1960: these two decades were marred by population growth

of about 28.87% (plus 2,337 inhabitants). However it was in the 30 that if

have verified the highest growth rates of the population (about 19%) motivated

by the influx of labour from other regions of the country to work in the activities

agricultural that in this period suffered a strong boost with the launch of the

"Campaign of the Trigo" by the New State. Unlike the previous period, the factor


fundamental that was in the genesis of such significant population growth was the

migratory component, essentially masculine.

From 1960 a to 2001: this last period represented a total break with the trend of

population growth recorded previously. The 60 was marked by

a process of "emptying" population motivated by a migratory flow

significant towards the main urban-industrial centres of the Country,

particularly for the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, and for Europe. This phenomenon

has had very negative repercussions on the population structure of the Concelho and its

growth dynamics with the working-age and working-age output of procreate. From

1970 a 2001 saw the maintenance of the decreasing trend of the population, although the

a less high tempo, underpinned by negative natural and migratory growth.

In 2001, the Borba concelain counted with 7,782 inhabitants, minus 472 individuals

relatively to the previous censitary year (-5.72%).

We seek, at this time, to reverse this situation by creating infra-

structures that we hope will come to make the county attractive in terms

population, looking for it to become the largest pole in the region.

In the following table we will present the distribution of the population by the freguesias of the

concelho: Mactress and S. Bartholomew, with markedly urban and Rio de

Mills and Orada, of more rural characteristics.

-Resident population (Concelho/Freguesias)-Census 2001

FREGUESIA 1991 2001

Array 3,570 to 3,701

S. Bartholomew 1148 to 932

River of Moines 2,462 to 2,271

Orada 1074 to 878

Total 8,254 to 7,782

Source: Census 2001

How we will be able to check the population decrease continues to resentment. However,

recent demographic projections point to the stabilization of the population in the

next years.

The migratory outbreak of eastern and other emigrants will impact in the coming years,

seeing that the age ranges that here install themselves are predominantly the tracks in

age of procreation.


The extractive and transformative activity of marbles is the sector responsible for

much of the employment of the male population. A growing demand for the

products from this sector have raised its development, whose final product is intended to

to the domestic market, either for export.

In general traits, the concelho industry presents itself in the development phase

existing various potentials in certain subsectors, in development

of the county and investments made (for example the implantation of two Zones

Industrials: "Cross of Christ" and High of the Baccales ").

The transformation of marble is one of the subsectors with the potential to grow. One of the

major challenges that the row of the extraction and transformation of the Mármore faces is

reach in the county a degree of higher processing of the extracted matter and

erase its almost artisanal feature.

In the agri-food industry salient:

-The activities linked to the viticulture and winemaking that traditionally has

contributed to the development of the county and which continues to be expanding.

-The activities linked to olive growing and production of olive oil that is incrementing and

hopes to come to develop to keep in operation the Laying of Olive oil better

equipped from the region.

-Also the products derived from milk, in particular the cheese, the production of which is,

however, essentially handcrafted, in small family units, existing also the

filled production, resulting from the extensive creation of "black pig" in regime


The tertiary sector is dominated by public administration and trade, in bulk or

in retail (made up of small businesses, of three workers, on average). The

tourism is one of the growing areas, however, the lack of capacity of

accommodation decreases staying in Borba, even though in this area they have been made

major investments (Rural Hotel, Village tourism, Housing Tourism and

Rural Tourism). In this area it is also to highlight the important activity linked to the

marketing of the antiques, where major investments are planned.

The Village of Borba has the following infrastructures, collective equipment:

-EB School 2, 3 with School Library

-Schools EB1-5

-ATL (Atelier of Free Times)-4

-Recurrent Education (1º Cycle)-1


-Municipal Library-1

-Museological Core-1

-Childhood Garden of the solidary network (Holy House of Mercy)-1

-Creche of the solidary network (Holy House of Mercy)-1

-Public Infancy gardens-4

-Centre for Health-1

-Extensions (Centre for Health)-4

-Firefighters ' barracks-1


-Cine-Theatre -1

-Free Air Amphitheatre-1

-Internet Space-2

-Barn of Culture (Space for temporary Expositions and Sessions)-1

-House of the People-2

-Public Garden-1

-Mármore Tematic Park-1

-Children's Park-7

-Municipal Swimming Pool discovery-1

-Fields of Football-3

-Gimnosport Pavilion-1


-Square of Touros-1

-Municipal Markets-2 (Borba and S. Tiago)

-Parks and Markets-2

-ETAR's (Waste Water Treatment Stations)-7

-Águas Clorage Station-2


-Regional Station of Solid Waste Transfers-1

-Storage Reservoirs and Water Elevation-5

-Rank of GNR-1

-Distribution of Finance-1

-Conservatory and Civil Register-1

-Regional Delegation of Social Security-1

-Agrarian Zone-1


-Home of 3ª Age (Holy House of Mercy)-1

-Day Centers-2

-Elderly Workshop-1

-Convivid Centers-4

-Banking Institutions-6

-Multibank Boxes (ATM terminals)-7

-Post Station-1

-Square of Taxis-1

-Local Development Associations-1 (ADMC)

-Local Radio-1

-Local Newspapers-1

-Petrol pumps-6

-Schools of Conduction-2

-Medical Clinics-1

-Laboratories of Analyses-2

-Physiotherapy Clinics-1


-Medication posts-1


-CEVALOR (Center for Ornamental Rock Appreciation)-1

-Extraction / Transformation Industries-19


Establishments of Restoration:






Agro-Food Industries:





-Laying of the Olivkeepers Cooperative-1

-Producers of Ameixa-1


Trade and Services:

-Stores of Antiquities-17

-Retail retail stores-150


-Establishments of Artesmen-19


-Sporting / Recreational-10

-Social Support-5

-Local Development-2


-Village Tourism Units-1

-Housing Tourism Units-2

-Rural Hotel-1


The Village of Borba thus generically fulfils the requirements set out in Law n.

11/82, of June 2, to be raised to the category of city, so under the

applicable constitutional and regimental provisions, I present from the following project of


Single article

The village of Borba, in the county of Borba, is elevate to the category of city.

Assembly of the Republic, January 5, 2007

The Member Deputy The Deputy

Paula Noble of God Bravo Nico