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Authorizes The Government To Fix Incompatibilities Which Affect The Exercise Of The Medical And Psychological Evaluation, As Well As Provide For The Mere Social Ordering Illegal And Respective Sanctions, Arising From The New Regulation Enabling Legal

Original Language Title: Autoriza o Governo a fixar as incompatibilidades que condicionam o exercício da actividade de avaliação médica e psicológica, bem como prever os ilícitos de mera ordenação social e respectivas sanções, decorrentes do novo Regulamento da Habilitação Legal

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Exhibition of Motives

The assessment of the physical, mental and psychological fitness of candidates for drivers and the

drivers is provided for in the Decree-Law No. 45/2005 of February 23, as amended by the

Decree-Law No. 130/2005 of June 24.

The evolution of science and medical research advises to change the instruments and

procedures so far used in that assessment, with recourse to the available technologies

for the assessment of the sense of vision, psychophysical, perceptive-motor skills, of

integration of information and psychosocial factors.

For the purpose, it matters to implement structures that allow to develop the activity of

medical and psychological assessment of driver candidates and form drivers

consents and, for this, set up Medical and Psychological Assessment Centres (CAMP) with

competence for that assessment. It is thus predicted that the establishment of the CAMP can contribute

for the promotion of the improvement of the capacity of drivers for the exercise of driving.

It is also important to define the incompatibilities that condition access to the activity of

exploitation of CAMP, as well as the exercise of medical and psychological assessment, subjects

related to rights, freedoms and guarantees, pursuant to Article 47 of the Constitution,

and establish themselves unlawful of mere social ordering and their sanctions by the

non-compliance with the rules.

On the other hand, road safety and combat claims force the taking of

preventive measures that aim to safeguard larger legal goods, such as life and

physical integrity of public track users, mandating that doctors inform the

health authority, on drivers suffering from illness or disability, chronicle or

progressive or hold disturbances of the psychological venue likely to affect the

safety in driving.


Finally, there is all the convenience in consecrating as illicit of mere social ordering,

the driving of mopeds, motorcycles of rods not more than 50 cm3 and of tractors

agricultural by licence holder not enabled to drive such vehicles.

Consultations have been triggered on the self-governing bodies of the Autonomous Region.


Under the terms of the paragraph d) of Article 197 (1) of the Constitution, the Government presents to the

Assembly of the Republic the following proposal for a law:

Article 1.


It is granted to the Government for permission to, in the framework of the approval of a new

Regulation of Legal Habilitation to Conduct, establish the incompatibilities that

conditioning the access and exercise of medical and psychological assessment activity, and still

predicting the illicit of mere social ordering for the conduction of mopeds, motorcycles of

cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm3 and of agricultural tractors, by licence holder

that does not empower them to drive these vehicles.

Article 2.


This Act is granted to implement a new physical, mental and physical evaluation regime

psychological of driver candidates and drivers of motor vehicles, to be applied by

private entities.


Article 3.


The extent of the legislative authorization granted is as follows:

a) Declare prevented for the exploration of Medical Assessment Centers and

Psychological (CAMP) or for the exercise of any activities in these


i) The titular entity of driving school alvwill, as well as the

respective partners, managers or administrators;

ii) The director, subdirector, instructor or person who exercises any other

function, either free of charge or onerous, in a driving school;

iii) The holder of any organ of the entities authorised to conduct examinations of


iv) The driving examiner or person who exercises any function, the title

free or onerous, in the centre of driving exams;

v) The agent or employee of the entity with competence for the audit

of the driving schools, the centres of driving examinations or the


vi) The doctors and the psychologists who proceed to the medical assessment and

psychological in resource headquarters.

b) To determine that the doctors who, in the exercise of clinical activity, detect

drivers who suffer illness or disability, chronicle or progressive, or

hold disturbances of the psychological venue likely to affect safety

in the conduct, transmit that information to the health authority;

c) The qualification as illicit of mere social ordering the conduct of:

i) Cyclomotors or motorcycles of a cylinder not exceeding 50cm3, by holder

of a driving licence with another category other than category A or a

subcategory A1;


ii) Agricultural vehicles, by licence holder of cyclomotors and of

motorcycles of a cylinder not exceeding 50 cm3;

iii) Cyclomotors or motorcycles of a cylinder not exceeding 50cm3, by holder

of driving license for agricultural vehicles.

Article 4.


The legislative authorization granted by this Law shall be for the duration of 180 days.

Seen and approved in Council of Ministers of May 14, 2009

The Prime Minister

The Minister of the Presidency

The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs


In Article 126 (7) of the Road Code, approved by the Decree-Law No. 114/94, of 3

of May, revised and republished by Decree-Law No. 44/2005, of February 23

establishes the need to set out in regulation the minimum fitness requirements

physical, mental and psychological for the exercise of the conduct, the modes of its proving, the

constitutive evidence of the driving examinations of motor vehicles, the expiry dates

of the driving titles according to the age of their holders and the shape of their


In the mentioned Regulation it is ensured that the medical act and the psychological examination of

evaluation of the candidate or driver must be the most appropriate to the desired habilitation,

taking into account the interest of the assessed and road safety.

In the Regulation that the present decree-law aims to approve, it shall be ensured that the medical act and the

psychological examination of evaluation of the candidate or driver are appropriate, so it is

special attention to the ophthalmological examination and extends to mandatory submission to

psychological examination to the revalidation of the titles for whose initial obtaining that exam is


Still in the field of medical and psychological assessment, it is established that its achievement may

be carried out by Medical and Psychological Assessment Centres, passing the entities

public to intervene, essentially, at a headquarters of appeal.

It is conferred on the Inspectorate General for Activities in Health and the Institute of Mobility and the

Land Transport, I. P., the competence to scrutinize those centres, according to

the respective assignments.


Regarding the driving exams, the possibility of the candidates is introduced

opt for their achievement at the public examination centre closest to the school's head office

of conducting bidder and ascribe competence to the examination centres of the centres of

vocational training homologated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Development

Rural and Fisheries for the realization of examinations for the obtaining of licences of

driving of agricultural vehicles.

It is also approved of the content, composition and duration of the special examinations of

driving, the composition of examinations for obtaining driving licences of

cyclomotors and motorcycles up to 50 cm3 of cylinder and agricultural vehicles as well as the

legal regime regarding the issuance, validity and revalidation of the driving titles.


In the use of the legislative authorization granted by the Article ... of the Law No. .../2009, de .... of

..., and in the terms of the points a) and b) of Article 198 (1) of the Constitution, the Government

decrees the following:

Article 1.


The present decree-law approves the Regulation of Legal Habilitation to Conduct, whose

text is published in annex to this decree-law, of which it is an integral part, hereafter

designated by Regulation.

Article 2.

Examinations for obtaining driving license of agricultural vehicles

They are allowed to carry out driving exams for obtaining driving licences

of agricultural vehicles, the centres for examination of vocational training centres

homologated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries,

recognized for the purpose by the Institute of Mobility and Terrestrial Transport, I. P.

(IMTT, I. P.).


Article 3.

Driving licences issued by the municipal chambers

1-The driving licences of mopeds, cylinder motorcycles not more than 50

cm3 and valid agricultural vehicles and issued by municipal chambers, are exchanged for

other to be issued by the IMTT, I. P., the application for those concerned, at the end of their


2-For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the application requesting the issuance of

new licence must be presented in the service of the IMTT, I. P., of the area of residence of the

conductor, accompanied by the original of the title or equivalent document issued

by the respective municipal chamber, photocopy of the identification document of the

applicant and two photographs.

3-A The exchange of the licence is communicated by the IMTT, I. P., to the issuing city hall, with

indication of the number of the license exchanged and the number of the new license issued.

4-Where it detects a lapsed driving licence holder, without proof that

the exchange request has been made, the supervising entities shall proceed to the

apprehension of the title, remetallate it to the IMTT, I. P., and issue replacement guide with

validity for 60 working days.

5-A conduction of any of the vehicles referred to in paragraph 1 by licence holder of

driving or lapsed replacement guide is sanctioned with fine of € 120 a €

600, if another more serious penalty is not applicable.


Article 4.

Application in Autonomous Regions

In The Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira, the skills committed by the

present decree-law and by the Regulation by it approved to the IMTT, I. P., to the Inspectorate-

General of the Activities in Health and the Directorate General of Health are exercised by the

own bodies and services of their respective regional administrations.

Article 5.

Transitional provisions

1-While in the area of the district of the residence's constant residence of the identity card of the

examining not to be in operation a Medical Evaluation Centre and

Psychology, the assessment of physical, mental and psychological fitness is carried out:

a) By doctor in the exercise of your profession, for the candidates or drivers of the

Group 1;

b) By the health authority of the area of health of the area of your residence, as to the

physical and mental fitness, and by private laboratory of psychology, as to the evaluation

psychological, for the candidates or drivers of Group 2.

2-The assessments referred to in the preceding paragraph shall apply to the minimum standards relating to

physical and psychological fitness, provided for in Annexes I and II to the Regulation.

3-The entities which, at the date of entry into force of this diploma, will administer actions of

training and carrying out examinations for obtaining special driving license of

cyclomotors, have a one-year deadline to conform to the provisions

of the Regulation.


4-The valid driver's licence holder for category B vehicles, without the averaging

of the mention "Group 2", obtained before July 20, 1998 that exerts the conduct of

ambulances, fire vehicles, patient and school transport, and from

light passenger cars for hire, must, within two years of the

date of entry into force of this decree-law, submit to medical assessment and

psychological required in the Regulation.

Article 6.

Abrogation standard

They are revoked:

a) Article 8 and Annex III of Decree-Law No 45/2005 of February 23, amended

by Decree-Law No 103/2005 of June 24;

b) Articles 1 and 5 to 8 of the Decree-Law No. 209/98 of July 11, as amended by the

Law No 21/99 of April 21 and by the Decrees-Law No 315/99 of August 11 and

570/99, of December 24;

c) The Portaria No. 915/95 of July 19.

Article 7.

Entry into force

1-The present decree-law shall come into force 90 days after its publication.


2-A regulation required for the proper implementation of the Legal Habilitation Regulation for

Conduct, approved by this decree-law, is approved by portaries of the Ministers

of Public Works, Transport and Communications and Health, within the maximum period of 90

days counted from the entry into force of the cited Regulation.

Seen and approved in Council of Ministers of,

The Prime Minister

The Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries

The Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications

The Minister of Health



(referred to in Article 1)



Physical, mental and psychological fitness


Classification and evaluation of drivers and drivers of drivers

Article 1.

Classification of drivers

For the purpose of evaluation of physical, mental and psychological fitness, provided for in the b) of the n.

1 of Article 126 of the Road Code, approved by the Decree-Law No. 114/94, of 3 of

May, and in this Regulation, driver candidates and drivers, are

classified in one of the following groups:

a) Group 1: candidates or drivers of vehicles of categories A, B, B + E, das

subcategories A1 and B1 and of mopeds, motorcycles of a cylinder not exceeding the

50 cm3 and agricultural vehicles, with the exception of motorbikers;

b) Group 2: candidates or drivers of vehicles of categories C, C + E, D, D + E,

of the subcategories C1, C1 + E, D1 and D1 + E, as well as the drivers of the categories

B and B + E that exercise the driving of ambulances, fire vehicles, of

transport of patients, school transport and light passenger cars of



Article 2.

Scope of the classification

The classification set out in the previous article is still applicable to holders of letter and

driving license, when the revalidation of the respective titles.

Article 3.

Assessment of physical, mental and psychological fitness

1-A The assessment of physical, mental and psychological fitness donates candidates to obtain or

revalidation of the driving titles is carried out by the Medical Assessment Centres and

Psychological (CAMP), by the Institute of Mobility and Terrestrial Transport, I. P

(IMTT, I. P.) and by the dependent services of the Ministry of Health, according to the


a) By CAMP, regular exams of physical fitness assessment, mental and


b) By the services dependent on the Ministry of Health, as far as fitness is concerned

physical and mental, and by the IMTT, I. P., as far as psychological examinations are concerned,

when required at a resource headquarters of the result of "Inapto" obtained in


c) By the IMTT, I. P., in the cases provided for in this Regulation.

2-The candidates or drivers of Group 1 are subjected to medical assessment, to

verification of your physical and mental fitness, and the psychological assessment whenever

recommended in medical assessment or determined by court decision or


3-The candidates or drivers of Group 2 are subjected to medical assessment and



4-The candidates or drivers of Group 1, warrants submit the psychological examination,

as well as those of Group 2 in which that assessment is mandatory can only be

considered "Aptos" after approval in the two evaluations.

Section II

Medical and psychological assessment centres

Article 4.

Regime of the concession contract

1-A The exploitation of medical and psychological assessment centres (CAMP) is governed by

contract for public service concession to be concluded between the State, represented by the

IMTT, I. P., and by the Directorate General of Health (DGS), as a conceitor and the entity


2-A concession gives the concessionaire the right to exploit a CAMP, for the

purposes and with the limits set out in the respective contract, in obedience to the

principles laid down in the general law, in this Regulation and too much provisions in

matter of medical and psychological assessment.

3-The IMTT, I. P., and the DGS, authorised to celebrate, in the name and representation of the State,

the concession contract have, in respect of the concessionaire, powers of supervision,

of direction, authorization, approval and suspension of acts by him practiced.

4-The powers of the conceding in the area of public works, transport and communications are

exercised by the IMTT, I. P., being the responsibility of the DGS those relating to the area

of physical and mental evaluation.

5-A concession has the duration that is fixed in the concession contract, which it cannot

exceed 5 years, being automatically renewed for equal periods, should it not be

denounced in the six months leading up to its term.


6-The prices to be charged by the concessionaire to the users are approved by the conceder

and must appear in the respective contract.

7-The concessionaire may carry out acts of medical and psychological evaluation for purposes

different from those provided for in this Regulation, provided that they do not harm the

pursuit of its main object.

8-The concession contracts are governed by this Regulation and, secondarily,

by the Code of Public Procurement, approved by the Decree-Law No. 18/2008, of 29

of January.

Article 5.

Minimum requirements

1-CAMP must possess a director, degree holder in medicine or

psychology, to which it competes with the coordination and technical direction of the centre, sensing it

vetted the exercise of the same function in more than one.

2-The staff framework of CAMP must at least integrate:

a) An expert physician in ophthalmology;

b) A doctor for the implementation of the overall health assessment of candidates or


c) A psychologist;

d) An element for secretarial support.

3-Professional members who integrate the framework of a CAMP can accumulate the activity in

more than one center, as long as the time is compatible.

4-To the doctors and psychologists referred to in points a) a c) of paragraph 2, compete to evaluate the

candidates or drivers in accordance with legal, regulatory and

techniques that discipline the assessment activity of physical, mental fitness and



5-By joint porterie of the Ministers of Public Works, Transport and Communications and

of the Health are set the minimum requirements of the facilities, the required equipment,

its characteristics and the conditions of electronic transmission of data.

Article 6.


1-Are prevented from the exercise of medical and psychological assessment activity, provided for

in this Regulation:

a) The titular entity of driving school alvshall, as well as the respective,

partners, managers or administrators;

b) The director, subdirector, instructor or person who pursuits any other function, the

free or onerous title, in school of driving;

c) The holder of any body of entity authorized to conduct conducting examinations;

d) The driving examiner or person who pursuits any other function, by title

free or onerous, in a driving examination centre;

e) The agent or employee of any of the tutelage entities that proceed

monitoring of compliance with the provisions of this Regulation;

f) Physicians and psychologists who exercise roles in the services provided for in the

Decrees-Law paragraphs 81/2009 and 82/2009, both of April 2.

2-The regime of incompatibilities provided for in the preceding paragraph is extensive to the

applications for the CAMP concession contract, submitted for individual or

collective, where the candidate is covered by any of the causes of

deletion referred to in the previous number or integrates associates or associates by them



Article 7.

Contractual sanctions

1-In the concession contract are provided for financial penalties and ancillary to apply to the

concessionary for the default of obligations in it assumed.

2-A The implementation of the sanctions rests with the DGS and the Chairman of the IMTT governing board,

I. P., depending on the respective competences.

3-A The sanction applied is communicated in writing to the other entity of guardian.


Medical and psychological examinations

Subsection I

Medical assessment examinations

Article 8.

Medical examinations

1-The medical examination is intended to assess the physical and mental conditions of candidates or

drivers in accordance with Annex I to this Regulation, of which it is part


2-Drivers aged 70 or above who wish to revalidate their

driving title must present at the CAMP where they carry out the medical assessment,

report of the Assistant Physician, in which you consume detailed information about your

clinical background, specifically of cardiovascular and neurological diseases,

diabetes and psychiatric disorders.

3-Doctors of CAMP may ask for the examination supplementary examinations of

diagnosis and opinions of any medical specialty or psychological examination that

consider necessary, in order to substantiate your decision.


4-For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the process shall be suspended for the period of

90 working days, during which the examining you must obtain and present the evidence


5-Fishing the said deadline without the reports of the examinations being submitted

complimentary diagnosis, the process is filed.

6-In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, CAMP must notify the area of health of the area

of its implementation and the IMTT, I. P., of the archiving of the process, as well as of the

required exams in foul.

Article 9.

Other examinations

1-Any doctor who, in the course of his / her clinical activity, detects driver who suffers

of disease or disability, chronicle or progressive, or present disturbances of the venue

psychological, likely to affect safety in driving, must notify the fact to the

health authority of the area of the driver's residence, in the form of clinical report

reasoned and confidential.

2-A health authority notifies the driver to, on the designated date and time, if

present at the CAMP closest to your area of residence or in your delegation, case

there is not yet a CAMP operating in the area, in order to undergo medical examination

and / or psychological and informs this centre of that notification.

3-Should the driver not compare and do not justify his or her lack, the CAMP or the authority

of health shall inform the IMTT, I. P., of the fact, within ten working days.


Subsection II

Psychological evaluation examinations

Article 10.

Psychological examinations

The psychological examination is intended to evaluate perceptive areas-cognitive, psychomotor and

psychosocial relevant to the exercise of the conduct or likely to influence its

performance, in accordance with Annex II to this Regulation, of which it is part


Article 11.

Submission to psychological examinations

Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 3, they are also subjected to examination

psychological the candidates or drivers of any category or subcategory of vehicles:

a) Whose examination has been determined under the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 5 of Article 129.

of the Road Code;

b) For reclassification of drivers of the Public Administration, under the terms of the Decree-

Law No. 381/89 of October 28;

c) Whose title has lapsed under the terms of the paragraph a) of Article 130 (1) of the Code

from the Road.

Article 12.

Competence for the achievement of psychological examinations

1-Psychological examinations are carried out by the IMTT, I. P., or by the CAMP, according

with the provisions of the following numbers.

2-Are carried out in the IMTT, I. P., the exams:

a) Referred to in points a) and b) of the previous article;


b) From driver candidates who have been licence holders or driver's licence

cassada pursuant to Art. 101 (7) of the Criminal Code or Article 148 of the

Code of the Road;

c) Of candidates or drivers considered "Infit" in the examination held in a

CAMP and that he resorted to.

3-Are carried out in the CAMP the examinations of the candidates or drivers:

a) From Group 2;

b) From Group 1, in accordance with Article 3 (2);

c) Requested in accordance with Article 8 (3);

d) Determined under the paragraph c) of the previous article.

4-With the knowledge of the deprecation in the psychological exam, the CAMP must send to the

IMTT, I. P., for the purpose of submission of the examination to the examination provided for in the c)

of paragraph 2, report of the evaluation carried out, as well as all the elements that

have substantiated the decision.

5-From the psychological examination carried out by the IMTT, I. P., the result of which is "Deprecated",

is not up to appeal.

6-Whenever the causes of deprecation in the psychological examination are directly

related to the subjects set out in one or more modules of the action of

formation set out in Annex III to this Regulation, of which it is a part

member, it is only possible to submission the new psychological examination after the frequency

of those modules.

Article 13.

Methodology and criteria for evaluation

1-A methodology and the criteria of the psychological assessment are listed in Annex II, applying-



a) Table I, the candidates for drivers of Group 2;

b) Table II, to the candidates or drivers of Group 1, to the warrants submitting to

psychological examination and the drivers of Group 2 at the time of revalidation of the

respective title;

c) The assessment conducted pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall be supplemented with the

methodologies set out in Table I, where necessary, taking into account the

doubts that have determined the examination.

2-The candidate or driver is approved, assessed under the terms of the ( a) of the number

previous, which obtains in all the factors result above minus a deviation

default (-1 percent).

3-The candidate or driver is approved, assessed in accordance with the terms of the ( b) and c) of paragraph 1,

that get in each area overall result above minus a standard deviation (-1 percent).

Article 14.

Causes of deprecation

1-It is flashed in the psychological examination by examining that, regarding the skills and

constant competences of Annex II, present serious deficit:

a) In the perceptive area-cognitive, particularly in the processes:

i) Intellectual / cognitive;

ii) Attention;

iii) Perception;

iv) Memory.

b) In the psychomotor area, particularly in the functions:

i) Motricity;


ii) Coordination;

iii) Capacity for reaction.

2-Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1, they are still causes of deprecation in the psychosocial area:

a) Serious dysfunction of personality;

b) Psychopathological manifestations;

c) Manifest emotional instability;

d) Aggressiveness, impulsivity or irritability of an explosive type;

e) Anti-social; behavior;

f) Behaviors that translate unadapted and / or risk-facing attitudes to safety

of traffic;

g) Behaviors that reveal the tendency to abusing alcoholic beverages or

evidence that it is difficult to dissociate its consumption from car driving;

h) Behaviors that reveal the tendency to abuse psychotropic substances

or find it difficult to dissociate their consumption from the car driving.

3-For the purposes of the provisions of paragraph 1, it is understood by serious deficit the reduction of the skills and

competencies in any of the areas listed in Annex II, likely to be determined

the decrease in the efficiency or safety in the conduct of the vehicles they are intended for.

Article 15.

New exams

1-The candidate or driver considered unfit may appeal:

a) When unfitness is due to deprecation in medical assessment, for a joint

medical, constituted for the effect in the health region of the area of residence of the

recurring, whose composition, assignments and functioning are approved by

dispatch from the Minister of Health;


b) When unfitness is due to deprecation in the psychological examination, for the IMTT, I. P.

2-In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the medical board or the IMTT, I. P.,

respectively, notify the appellant to appear on the designated date and location.

3-Should the appellant not compare to the medical assessment and do not justify the lack by reason

considered to be serviceable, the medical board is expected to inform the IMTT, I. P., within ten

working days.

4-A medical board provided for in the paragraph a) of paragraph 1 may request supplementary examinations of

diagnosis and opinions of any medical specialty or psychological examination should the

consider necessary to substantiate your decision.

5-The candidate or driver who has failed to evidence reliance on the

consumption of psychotropic substances or alcoholic beverages, must be submitted to

medical treatment of the specialty and obtain, in its term, medical report of

detailed psychiatry, on the effectiveness of the treatment which should attest abstinence

there are at least six months.

6-In possession of the report referred to in the preceding paragraph, may the appellant apply for new

medical and psychological examination, together with the entity that carried out the assessment.

7-The examining precast in medical or psychological examination performed, respectively

by medical board or by the IMTT, I. P., may, past six months on the reprobation,

or within the period that is fixed to you, apply for submission to the new medical examination or

psychological along those entities

8-Where the examining, flouted by the CAMP, is approved by medical board or

by IMTT, I. P., competes with these entities the issuance of certificate of assessment

medical and psychological.

9-The result of the medical or psychological examination, carried out at a resource headquarters, must be

sent to CAMP that reproved the candidate in the first assessment.


Subsection III

Certificate of assessment

Article 16.

Issuance of the certificate of assessment

1-The certificate of medical and psychological assessment, is issued by the Director of CAMP with

the mention of:

a) "Apto", when the result of the medical examination and the psychological examination, when

required, be it of "Approved" and with an indication of the restrictions imposed, should they exist;

b) "Inapto", with specification that the unfitness results from reprobation in the exam

physician, in the psychological examination, or in both, and respective causes.

2-The certificate is delivered to the examined, within a maximum of 48 hours after the term of the


3-The Director of CAMP shall file copy of the certificate in the respective process when

the result is from "Apto" and shall communicate to the IMTT, I. P., within 48 hours,

when it is from "Inapto" or from "Apto" with restrictions.

4-A apprenticeship permit must be required within six months of the

issuance of the certificate of assessment with mention of "Apto", fining which the certificate

loses validity.

Article 17.


1-The candidate or the driver of category B who has required Group 2 and whose

physical, mental, or psychological limitations do not allow it to belong to that group,

may be approved for Group 1, and must appear, in the certificate of assessment, the

mention of "Inapto for Group 2".


2-In the category B driving licence, the mention "Group 2" should be averaged, followed

of the indication of the date of validity, where of the evaluation certificate presented

by the candidate or conductor conste "Apto to Group 2".

3-Whenever, a candidate for a cyclomotor or cylinder motorcycle driver does not

higher than 50 cm3 pay exam in three-wheeled vehicle, must be averaged

in the respective licence the mention "Restricted to the conduct of three-wheeled vehicles".


Technical aptitude


Driving exams

Article 18.

Admission to the driving examination

1-Are admitted to driving examination the individuals who fulfil the requirements

provided for in points a) a d) and f) of Article 126 (1) of the Code of the Road.

2-A admission to the driving examination must be proposed by school of driving, except

with respect to candidates who enable themselves to:

a) Letter of conduct of category B + E;

b) Driver's licence of categories C and C + E and of subcategories C1 and C1 + E,

proposed by recognized entity for the purpose, in which they have frequented,

with taking advantage, the training course referred to in point (a) c) of paragraph 2 of the

article 126 of the Road Code;


c) Driver's licence of categories D and D + E and of subcategories D1 and D1 + E,

proposed by public transport company in heavy passenger vehicles

in which they have frequented, with harnessing, appropriate training course,

imparted in harmony with program approved by the IMTT, I. P., provided that

have labour link with that company;

d) Licence to conduct agricultural vehicles of categories I, II and III which have

frequented appropriate course at recognized vocational training centre, for

the effect, by the IMTT, I. P.;

e) Driving license of mopeds.

3-Are also exempted from proposal for examination by school of driving the candidates

the examination:

a) Holders of foreign driving licence, whose replacement by identical title

national shall not be authorized, pursuant to Article 128 of the Road Code;

b) Holders of driving title whose shelf life has expired more than

Two years, without there having been revalidation, under the terms of the ( a) of paragraph 2 of the

article 130 of the Road Code;

c) Holders of impounded driving title for reprobation in the medical assessment or

psychological, under the terms of the point b) of Article 130 (2) of the Code of the Road,

after obtaining approval in that assessment;

d) Holders of driving certificate issued by the military and security forces

that have not required their equivalency to the driving licence, pursuant to the

present diploma.


Article 19.

Application for examination marking

1-The application for examination marking for obtaining a driving licence must be

presented by the school of driving, upon choice of the candidate:

a) At the IMTT exams centre, I. P.:

(i) Dependent on the regional direction of mobility and transport with

competence in the area of jurisdiction in which the driving school is

finds; or

(ii) Closest to the location of the driving school, yet situated in

area of jurisdiction of another regional direction of mobility and transport.

b) In a private centre of exams located:

(i) In the same district of the school of driving; or

(ii) In the limitrofe district closest to the location of the driving school,

provided that the examination centre and the driving school integrate into the

area of jurisdiction of the same regional mobility direction and


(iii) In the limitrofe district of the driving school location, albeit if

situe outside the jurisdiction of the regional direction of mobility and transport

in which the same integrates, as long as it is closer than the

referred to in the preceding paragraph.

2-When the application for examination marking is presented by the candidate himself


a) Display identifiable document pursuant to the current legislation and document that

attests to the legal or professional domicile, when not coincidental with the residence

constant of the identification document;


b) Join certificate of medical and psychological assessment.

Article 20.

Application for examination marking for obtaining driving license

1-The application for examination marking for obtaining a candidate's driving license

proposed by school of driving or presented by the candidate itself is carried out

in the competent service of the IMTT, I. P., under the terms of the ( a) of the Article 1 (1)

previous, and may still be presented in private centre when you desine the exam

for obtaining licence for driving agricultural vehicles of categories II and III.

2-The applications for marking the examinations referred to in this article shall be

presented with observance of the provisions of the previous article.

Article 21.

Marking of examination

1-The examination centre, public or private, as well as the entities authorized to carry out

exams for obtaining driving titles, must set the day, time and place of the

examination, may not the candidate require this to be held elsewhere, after that


2-The evidence that makes up the driving examination is premised on the same centre of

exams, public or private, unless the candidate proves that he has changed his

residence or professional domicile with a permanent character.

3-The centre for private examinations shall report to the competent service of the IMTT, I. P., the

exam proofs marked, up to five working days prior to their achievement.

4-The competent service of the IMTT, I. P., validates and communicates to the centre of private examinations

the markings made and accepted.

5-Private centres can only carry out the evidence validated and accepted by the service

competent of the IMTT, I. P.


6-The entities authorized to conduct examinations for obtaining driving licences of

agricultural vehicles are waived from the obligation referred to in paragraph 3.

Article 22.

Composition of examinations for obtaining driving license

1-The examination for obtaining a driver's licence for cyclomotor and motorcycle

cylinder of not more than 50 cm3 is shown in a theoretical proof and proof of the

skills and behavior carried out in a category vehicle for which the candidate

intends to empower.

2-The programmatic contents, the characteristics of the examination vehicles, the means of

assessment and the duration of the evidence referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be fixed by

of the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications.

3-The examination for obtaining licence for driving agricultural vehicles of category I

is shown in a proof of the skills and behaviour carried out in one of those

vehicles, accompanied by oral interrogation on rules and traffic signs and

knowledge about accident prevention.

4-The examination for obtaining licence for driving agricultural vehicles of categories II and

III is preceded by training course and is shown in a theoretical proof and proof of the

skills and behavior.

5-Are exempted from carrying out the theoretical proof for obtaining a driving license

of agricultural vehicles the licence holders.

6-The programmatic contents, the means of evaluation and the duration of the evidence referred to

in paragraphs 3 and 4, they are set by joint porterie of the Ministers of Agriculture,

Rural Development and Fisheries and Public Works, Transport and

Communications and Health.


Article 23.

Fallout, interruptions and cancellation of evidence

1-The laces to the evidence components of the driving examination are not justifiable, and may

the candidate applying for new marking within the period of validity of the license of

apprenticeship, upon payment of the corresponding fee.

2-If any proof of the examination is interrupted by fortuitous or force majeany case, it is

marked date for your repetition, without payment of new fee.

3-Without prejudice to the criminal procedure to which there is a place, they are considered void,

with loss of the fees paid, the examinations provided by candidates who:

a) If they find prohibited from driving;

b) Have rendered false statements or submitted false or addicted documents;

c) If they have done replacing with another person or practiced any other fraud in the

conduct of exam proof.


Special driving examinations

Article 24.

Submission to the special driving examination

1-The driving examination referred to in Article 129 (1) and (5) of the Road Code, well

as the special examination referred to in paragraph 3 of its Article 130, are composed of a

theoretical proof and by a proof of the skills and behaviour or just the last

of this evidence.

2-Are subject to special driving examination, composed of theoretical proof and proof of the

aptitudes and behaviour, the candidates for drivers:


a) Whose driving titles have lapsed before three years have elapsed over the

date of the first habilitation;

b) Whose driving titles have been cassed, pursuant to Art. 148 para.

Road Code or in accordance with Article 101 (7) of the Criminal Code.

3-Are subject to special examination restricted to proof of the skills and behaviour the

candidates for drivers:

a) Holders of driving titles, whose expiry date has lapsed more than

two years;

b) After approval in medical or psychological assessment required for the revalidation of the

driving title, determined by the health authority or under the terms of paragraph 1

of Article 129 of the Road Code, where there has been elapsed more than two

years about the period of revalidation or determination.

Article 25.

Admission and realisation of the special driving examination

1-A admission to the exams referred to in the previous article depends on the presentation of

certificate of medical and or psychological assessment with the mention of "Apto", issued there are

less than six months.

2-A admission to the special driving examination provided for in point (a) of paragraph 2 of the article

previous depends still on:

a) Frequency, with harnessing, of the action of road safety training,

with duration of thirty hours, delivered in accordance with the constant programme of the

Annex III to this Regulation, of which it is an integral part;

b) Frequency of the specific course of training of driver candidate, according

with the programme and conditions set by the porterie of the Minister of Public Works,

Transport and Communications.


3-A admission to the special driving examination referred to in para. b) of the Article 2 (2)

previous depends on the frequency of the road safety training action

corresponding to the constant programme in Annex III, in modules I, II and in the module

which incited on the aspects that motivated the expiry of the driving title.

4-The special driving examinations are carried out by the IMTT, I. P.

Article 26.

Composition and duration of the special driving examination

1-Examination proofs should integrate subjects with respect to behaviors and attitudes

that have been at the origin of the expiry of the title, its contents being

programmatic approved by porterie of the Minister of Public Works, Transport and


2-The evidence of the skills and behaviour of the special examinations has the duration of 45


3-The candidate who reproves in the evidence of the special driving examination may apply, by

a single time, its repetition, in the IMTT, I. P., within 30 working days of the

date of reprobation, with dispensation from the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of the preceding Article.

4-The examinands referred to in Article 24 (2) which reprobt twice in the evidence

of the skills and behaviour of the special exam can only get new title of

driving after frequency of training and proposition the examination by school of driving.


Article 27.

Road safety training action

1-A action of road safety training provided for in the paragraph a) of the Article 2 (2)

25., is provided by the IMTT, I. P., or, under its authorization, by legal person who

posits licensed trainers in psychology, with experience of, at least one year,

in skills training and change in behaviour in the area of security

road, proven upon presentation of the curriculum vitae , certificate of

educational attainment and certificate of professional fitness of trainer.

2-A permission granted pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall be valid for the period of five


3-When granted on the grounds of false statements, documents or

unverified assumptions, authorization is revoked, regardless of the

criminal procedure to which there is place.

4-Authored entities shall submit to the IMTT, I. P., annually and with the

in advance of 30 days on your start, the approval of the training plan, of which

must appear in the following:

a) Identification of the applicant entity and indication of the trainers;

b) Date of commencement, duration, time of operation and place of achievement of the courses

of training.

5-The same entities must, as yet:

a) Deliver the action of formation of harmony with the programmatic contents and the

methodologies of the attached training programme in Annex III;

b) Possess training rooms with minimum capacity for 12 trainees and

equipment suitable to the programmatic contents of the course to be developed,

including audiovisual media;


c) Communicating to IMTT, I. P., in advance of five working days, the beginning of each

training action and the identification of trainees;

d) Possess a frequency and harnessing record of each forming, which shall

be available for purpose of surveillance and be kept on file by the period

of 5 years;

e) Possess civil liability insurance that covers the risks inherent in the frequency

of the training course.

Chapter III

Driving titles


Issuance of the driving titles

Article 28.

Leave of learning

1-A the driving of motor vehicles on the public track, in accordance with Article 121 (2) of the

Code of the Road, depends on the entitlement of learning leave.

2-A The learning license is issued by the IMTT, I. P., at the request of the person concerned.

3-Procedures for the issuance of learning leave are set by the IMTT,

I. P.

4-The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to the learning of the conduct of vehicles


5-The instructing of agricultural vehicles shall be bearer, during apprenticeship, of

supporting document of enrolment at school of conduct or in entity

recognized for the purpose.


Article 29.

Driving licences and licences

1-Applicants approved in a driving examination are issued the respective letter or

driving license.

2-The holders of certificates issued by the Armed Forces and by security forces,

valid for the conduct of vehicles of categories identical to those referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the

article 123 of the Road Code belonging to those forces can, since its

getting and up to two years after graduates, from having low service, from passing to

booking or retirement, apply for the IMTT, I. P., valid driving licence for the

corresponding categories, upon presentation of photocopy of the said

certificate, display of the identification document, two photographs and the certificate of

medical and psychological assessment.

Article 30.

Special driving licences

1-The special driving licences provided for in the paragraph a) of Article 125 (1) of the

Road Code are issued in favor of:

a) Members of the diplomatic corps and consules of career accredited to the

Portuguese Government and members of the administrative staff and mission technician

foreign, who are not Portuguese nor have permanent residence in


b) Members of foreign military missions accredited in Portugal;

c) Spouses and descendants in 1. degree in the straight-line of the members to which they refer

previous points, as long as they are foreign, with them residing and such is

provided for in the applicable agreements or conventions.


2-The licences referred to in the preceding paragraph are required through the Ministries of the

Foreign Affairs or National Defence, and the application shall be named

complete of the applicant, the job title played and his domicile in Portugal, well

how to be accompanied by photocopy of the authenticated foreign driving license

by the competent departments of the requesting body.

3-In the case of whether to treat yourself to spouse or descendants of mission element must be

indicated the post by him played.

4-Special driving licences are issued only for the driving of vehicles of the

categories A, B and B + E and of subcategories A1 and B1, should refer to the title of

foreign driving that justified its issuance and be with it displayed whenever

requested by the traffic watchdog authorities.

5-At the end of its mission in Portugal, the licence holder must return it to the

Ministries of Foreign Affairs or National Defence, as the case may be, which

a must refer to the IMTT, I. P., for cancellation.

Article 31.

Special driving licences for mopeds

1-Can be issued by the IMTT, I. P., special drivers ' driving licences to

individuals, aged not less than 14 years old who have not completed 16 years, who

meet the following conditions:

a) They are approved in examination, after frequency of special training action

delivered by legal person authorised for the purpose by the IMTT, I. P.;

b) Present permission of the person who exercises the parental, model power

approved by dispatch of the Chairman of the governing board of the IMTT, I. P.,

accompanied by complete narrative birth certificate of the candidate;

c) Present certificate of medical and psychological assessment;


d) Present certificate school certificate of the frequency, at a minimum, of the 7 th year

of compulsory schooling, with use in the previous academic year.

2-The examination referred to in para. a) of the preceding paragraph is carried out by the authorised entity

to deliver the training.

3-For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, the granting of the authorisation, the shares

training specials and the programmatic contents, the means of evaluation and duration

of the exams of the examination, are set by the porterie of the Minister of Public Works,

Transport and Communications.

4-A licence is cancelled by the IMTT, I. P., when it is found that the respective holder

has practiced road offence or sanctioned crime with an ancillary penalty of prohibition

or of inhibition of driving.

5-For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the driving license shall be seized

by the agent of authority who presences the practice of the offence and be referred to the IMTT,

I. P., with valid replacement guide issuance for the period of 60 working days.

6-The driving licences referred to in paragraph 1 shall lapse when its holder perses 16


7-In the 60 working days subsequent to the expiry of the title, it may be required, in the service

of the IMTT, I. P., of the area of their residence, the issuance of driving license of

cyclomotors, with examination dispensation.

8-The application to which the preceding paragraph is referred shall be instructed with the licence

special of driving lapse, photocopy of the identity card, certificate of

medical and psychological assessment, authorization of the person who exercises parental power and

two photographs.

9-The expiry of the expiry shall be filed in the individual driver's process.


10-A entity authorized to provide the special training action and to carry out the

respective examination which infringes the provisions on the granting of permission of the

training, its programmatic contents or the means of evaluation and duration of the

exam proofs, is sanctioned with fine of € 8500 a € 42500.

Article 32.

Special driving permits

In the terms and conditions to be fixed by dispatch of the Chairman of the Board of Directive

IMTT, I. P., may be granted an authorisation to conduct on national territory, by

period of not more than 185 days per calendar year and within the period of validity of the respective

title, to foreigners not domiciled in Portugal, enabled with driving title

issued by country in which they cannot legally conduct the Portuguese letter holders

of driving.


Replacement, averaging and registration of driving titles

Article 33.

Replacement of driving titles

1-Conductors with valid driving titles, issued by member state of the

European economic area, which is usually residing in national territory, may

apply for your replacement by Portuguese driving licence for the categories or

subcategories of vehicles for which they are enabled, as long as they are not

find to comply with the measure of restriction, suspension, withdrawal or cancellation of the right

of driving, imposed by another member state.


2-For the purpose of replacement, the applicant shall submit the title of driving

model definitive approved by the issuing country, and legal document of identification

valid staff as well as certificate of medical and psychological assessment in function of the

categories or subcategories of vehicles so that you find yourself entitled and two


3-In the event of loss or theft of the foreign title, the replacement is made by the

presentation of a certificate or duplicate of the title, issued by the national authority

competent accompanied by the documents referred to in paragraph 2.

4-The title of driving issued by another State member of the economic space

European seized for infringement of the Criminal Code or the Code of the Road, can only

be replaced by national driving licence after fulfillment of the period of

prohibition or inhibition of driving determined.

5-The title holder of foreign conduction cassado, by application of national law in

matter of crime or counterordinance, can only obtain Portuguese driving licence,

after compliance with the period of cassation and the obligations imposed in the present

Regulation to national citizens in identical circumstances for obtaining

new title.

6-Driving titles seized, cassed or replaced are remitted to the

issuing authority with specification of the reasons for the shipment and indication of the number

and date of issuance of the Portuguese letter by which they have been replaced, whenever it is the


7-In the driving licence granted by replacement, as well as in any revalidation

or subsequent replacement, shall be averaged the number of the foreign title which

gave rise and the issuing state.


8-To the valid driving title holder, issued by a member state of the space

economic Europe, which transfers its habitual residence to national territory,

apply to national provisions on validity and medical control or

psychological, whenever your driving title is the subject of replacement.

9-Are not recognised, to drive on national territory, driving licences

issued by state member of the European Economic Area during the period in which

its holder is complying with a prohibition or inhibition of driving imposed by

Portuguese or foreign authority that there is knowledge.

Article 34.

Numbering of driving titles

1-Driving licences should be numbered sequentially by the service of the IMTT,

I. P., emitter, being the precept number of the alphabetical digits identifiers of the

same service.

2-The alphabetical digits referred to in the preceding paragraph are listed in the table in Annex IV to the

this Regulation, of which it is an integral part.

3-Driving licences must own sequential numbering of their own, the number being

preceded by the letter L and the alphabetical digits identifiers of the service of the IMTT, I. P.




Surveillance and sanctionatory regime

Article 35.


1-A The monitoring of compliance with the provisions of this Regulation shall compete:

a) To the IMTT, I. P., as to the provisions relating to:

(i) Psychological examinations, including facilities and equipment of the CAMP;

(ii) Road safety training actions and special actions of


b) To the Inspectorate-General for Activities in Health, as to the provisions on the

activity of CAMP, relating to:

(i) Medical examinations,

(ii) Conditions of operation, facilities and equipment.

2-As far as the public service concession contract is concerned, the conceder may

scrutinize compliance with applicable laws, regulations and technical instructions, well

as the fulfilment of the clauses of the concession contract, wherever the

concessionaire will carry out its business, and may require you the information and the

documents that you consider necessary.

3-Supervisory Staff has free access, in the performance of their duties, to the whole

information, equipment and facilities of the concessionaire.


Article 36.


1-Constitutions counter-ordinances to this Regulation the following offences:

a) The failure to comply with Article 5 (4), sanctioned with fine of € 3000 a € 15

000 and with the ancillary sanction of prohibition of exercise of activity in CAMP,

for the period of one month to one year;

b) The failure to comply with the provisions of Article 16 (3), sanctioned with fine of €

100 a to € 500, applicable to the Director of CAMP;

c) The failure to comply with the provisions of Article 27 (5), sanctioned with fine of €

8500 a to € 42500;

d) The vehicle driving of group 2, provided for in the paragraph b) of Article 1, by holder of

valid driving licence for the category of vehicle that leads, but that not

dispose of that averaging, is sanctioned with fine of € 500 a € 2500 and with

the incidental sanction of inhibition of driving for the period of one month to one year;

e) The conduction of mopeds or motorcycles of a cylinder of not more than 50 cm3,

by driving licence holder who does not empower to drive category vehicles

A or of subcategory A1, sanctioned with fine of € 120 a € 600;

f) The conduction of mopeds or motorcycles of a cylinder of not more than 50 cm3,

by licence holder of agricultural vehicles, sanctioned with fine of

€ 120 a € 600;

g) The conduct of agricultural vehicles by licence holder of

cyclomotors and motorcycles of a cylinder not exceeding 50 cm3, sanctioned with

coima from 120 a to € 600.


2-The processing of the counter-ordinations provided for in the paragraph a) of paragraph 1 is of the

competence of the General Inspectorate of Health Activities and the application of the respective

pity it is the competence of the Directorate General of Health.

3-The processing of the counter-ordinations provided for in points b) a g) of paragraph 1 is of the

competence of the IMTT, I. P., and, the application of the respective penalties, of its Council


4-A The attempt and the negligence are punishable, in that case being reduced to half the

minimum and maximum limits referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 37.

Product of the fines

1-The revenue from the application of the fines of the competence of the IMTT, I. P., are

distributed as follows:

a) 60% revert to the IMTT, I. P.;

b) 40% revert to the state.

2-The revenue from the application of the fines of the competence of the Directorate General of

Health is distributed as follows:

a) 50% revert to the Inspectorate-General for Health Activities;

b) 40% revert to the State

c) 10% for the Directorate General of Health.


Chapter V

Other provisions

Article 38.

Agricultural tractor driving titles

The driving titles of agricultural tractors obtained before July 20, 1998

confer, to its holders, the habilitation to drive agricultural vehicles of any


Article 39.


1-By joint order of the Chairman of the governing board of the IMTT, I. P., and of the

Director General of Health are approved the models and contents of the:

a) Certificate of medical and psychological assessment and their application;

b) Medical examination of candidates or drivers;

c) Psychological examination of candidates or drivers.

2-By dispatch of the Chairman of the governing board of the IMTT, I. P., the

models of:

a) Leave of learning;

b) License for driving;

c) Special driver's licence for cyclomotors;

d) Special driving license;

e) Special driving permit;

f) Application for examination;

g) Application for the issuance of a driving title.


3-The dispatches referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 may set conditions for electronic transmission

of data, of certification of authenticity and of the receipt of receipt of






(referred to in Article 8 of the Regulation)


1.1.- Table of visual acuity conditions:

Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

Minimal binocular visual acuity, with or without

correction, from 0.5 (5/10).

The minimum visual acuity in the "worst eye", with

optical correction if necessary, cannot be

less than 0.2 (2/10).

Minimum visual acuity, with or without correction, of

0.8 (8/10) in the best eye and from 0.5 (5/10) at worst

eye. If these values are reached with

optical correction is necessary that the view does not

fixed reach, at least, 0.05 (0 ,5/10) in each

one of the eyes.

The power of the lenses may not exceed more or

minus four dioptries and the correction should be well


1.2.- Restrictions -If the use of corrective lenses is necessary (glasses or lens of

contact), to be able to achieve the minimum values of visual acuity, must impose the

its use during driving as restriction.

1.2.1-O use of the lens should be well tolerated.

1.2..2-As intra-ocular lenses are not to be considered as corrective lenses.


1.3.- Monocular vision- Visual mono is considered to be all the individual who has a loss

anatomical of one of the eyes or that posits a visual acuity in one of the equal eyes or

less than 0.1 (1/10). Table of monocular vision conditions:

Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

The visual acuity of the eye "useful", with or without

correction, cannot be less than 0.8 (8/10).

Must obtain favorable information from doctor

ophthalmologist from which it is conspicued that this situation if

check for more than three months, that the (o)

interested (o) is perfectly adapted (o) à

same, that the visual acuity of the "useful" eye is

equal to or greater than 8/10, that the visual field and the

crepuscular vision of the "useful" eye are normal and

that perception of depth and evaluation

of the distances is compatible with driving.

Unfit to drive

1.3.2.- Restrictions -Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be imposed

following restrictions:

a) Speed not exceeding 100Km/h on the motorways, at 90 Km / h in the tracks

reserved for cars and motorcycles and at 80 km/h on the remaining public roads;

b) Exterior rear-view mirror mounted on the mudguard on the right side (left);

c) Exterior rear-view mirror on the right side (left);

d) Panoramic interior rear-view mirror;

e) Unremovable windscreen.

47 -To the drivers of category A and subcategory A1 should be imported, in

alternative, one of the following restrictions:

a) Use of protective glasses; or

b) Use of helmet with visor. -They may still be imposed, among others, the following restrictions:

a) Driving limited to displacements during the day;

b) Driving limited to a radius of ___ Km from the holder's residence or only in the

city / region.

1.3.3.- Revalidation -The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall be without prejudice to the imposition of

shorter revalidation periods, determined by the need for the driver if

submit to medical examinations.

1.4.- Diplopia

1.4.1.- Table of diplopia conditions:

Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

Only are permitted, by exceptional title, the

congenital or infant forms and that not if

manifests in the central 20 of the visual field

nor cause any other symptomatology,

particularly visual fatigue.

The occlusion of the "worst" eye puts it (o)

candidate (o) in the monocular vision situation and

applies the rules set out above.

The following restrictions shall be imposed:

-Lens opaque (on the right or left) or

eye coverage of the eye (right or left); and

-Driving unauthorized on motorways.

Unfit to drive.


1.4.2.- Validity-The validity of the title shall not exceed three years.

1.5.- Visual field and peripheral vision

1.5.1.- Table of peripheral vision conditions :

Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

Visual field should be normal in view

binocular and in monocular vision, which cannot

be less than 120 ° in the horizontal plane, (50º

right and left 20. upper and lower).

The central visual field should not present

absolute brushes or relative brushes

significant in retinian sensitivity.

With the exception of the case of monocular vision, no

are permissible adaptations in the vehicles or the

imposition of restrictions on the driver.

Must possess a binocular visual field

normal that cannot be less than 160 ° in the plan

horizontal (70. right and left 30. upper and

bottom). There can be no significant reduction of

none of the meridians when the evaluation of the

visual fields of each of the eyes separately.

The central visual field should not present

absolute brushes or relative brushes

significant in retinian sensitivity.

Adaptations are not permissible in the vehicles nor

the imposition of restrictions on the driver.

1.6.- View of colors

1.6.1.- Table of the conditions of the color vision :

Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

Absence of acromatopsia. Absence of acromatopsia or protanopia.


1.7.- Crepuscular vision, dazzling and luminous sense

1.7.1.- Table of the conditions of the crepuscular vision, dazzling and luminous sense

Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

Poor crepuscular vision, existence of

hemeralopia or a sharp decrease in vision

mesopic and / or brushing implies, at least, the

restricted driving restriction to displacements

during the day.

Unfit to drive.

1.8.- Progressive ophthalmological diseases

1.8.1. -If a progressive ophthalmological disease is detected, the driving title can

be issued or revalidated for Group I subject to an ophthalmological examination

periodical that does not exceed one year.

1.9.- Other situations

1.9.1.- Strabism- It is cause of unfitness for driving whenever the vision is affected

in addition to that provided for in the law or provoke other changes, namely visual fatigue.

1.9.2.- Palpebral motility- It is cause of unfitness for driving when there are ptoses

palpebrals or lagophthalmias, whenever the vision is affected beyond that provided for in the law or

provoke other changes, namely visual fatigue.

1.9.3.- Nistagmo -It is cause of unfitness for driving whenever the vision is affected

in addition to that provided for in the law or provoke other changes, namely visual fatigue.


2.1.- Hearing acuity- Emerging doubts about hearing acuity must be performed a

tonal audiogram and, if warranted, request to appear from doctor otorrinolaryngologist.


2.1.1.- Restrictions- If, in order to achieve the minimum values of auditory acuity

provided for in the law, the use of auditory prosthesis (s) is necessary, it shall impose itself as

restriction of its use while driving.

2.1.2.- Table of the conditions of the auditory acuity:

Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

Is issued or revalidated the title of driving

even when the average loss in the best ear,

measure at the frequencies of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000

Hz and 4000 Hz, exceed the 40 dB, provided that

passable of correction with prosthesis.

Deep deafness should be compensated, always

which possible, by prosthesis or cochlear implant,

being the fitness conditioned to appear favourable

of doctor otorrinolaryngologist.

If these values are only achieved with the use

of auditory prosthesis (s), whenever if

justifies, the following restrictions must be imposed:

the auditory prosthesis for an ear; or

the auditory prosthesis for the two ears; and

the exterior rear-view mirror on the side


o Panoramic interior rear-view mirror,

where applicable.

Is issued or revalidated the title of driving to the

Candidate of Group 2, conditioned to appear

favorable doctor otorrinolaryngologist and

when the average loss in the best ear, measure

at the frequencies of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and

4000 Hz, do not exceed the 40 dB, provided that

passable of correction with prosthesis.

If these values are only achieved with the use

of auditory prosthesis (s), whenever it is justified

are to impose the following restrictions:

the auditory prosthesis for an ear; or

the auditory prosthesis for the two ears;


the exterior rear-view mirror on the side


the interior rear-view mirror

panoramic, when applicable.



3.1.- General aspects- The driving title is neither issued nor revalidated to any

candidate or driver who suffers from affections or locomotor system anomalies that

commitment to road safety.

3.1.1.- Motor failure- It is issued or revalidated the title of the candidate or

driver of physical disability, with the restrictions imposed upon the opinion of

specialty medical practitioner and the type of adaptations of the vehicle, as well as the

mention of use of orthopaedic apparatus.

3.1.2. -Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, where of the evolution of injuries

existing is foreseeable a worsening, revalidation periods may be imposed

shorter than those provided for by the law, determined by the need for the driver if

submit to periodical medical examinations.

3.1.3. -È cause of unfitness for the conduct of Group 2 a physical disability

consequent of injuries and / or deformities of the members or the locomotor apparatus which

provokes functional disability that undermines road safety.

3.1.4.- Particular aspects

3.1.5.- Inability of members and artificial limbs -Amputation or shutdown of a

top member allows the driving of motor vehicles, with the exception of the

motorcyclists, the candidate or driver of Group 1. -Amputation below the elbow, with the aid of prosthesis, allows for the conduction of

vehicles with the exception of motorcycles, the candidate for driver or driver of Group 1. -The driving of motor vehicles to the candidate or driver is permitted:

a) May have the absence of up to three fingers in each of the hands, provided that

the thumbs are righteous and there is enough opponent, with function of

trapped, in each hand;


b) With sindactilia or polidactilia in the hands, as long as there is enough prey in

each hand;

c) With an absence of toes;

d) With amputation of one or the two legs below the knees, provided that

conserve all of your muscle strength, freedom of movement of the dorso,

of the hip and the joints of the knees and posits prosthesis well adjusted, with

the exception of motorcycles and candidate or driver of Group 2.

3.1.6.- Incapacities of the vertebral column Cervical vertebrae -It is issued or revalidated title of conduct to the candidate or

driver who:

a) Has lost the mobility of the head and neck, as long as it manages to look over

the shoulder and must be imposed the restriction of use of rear-view mirrors

bilateral exterior;

b) Posits musculoskeletal problems of the cervical column, with the

imposition of the restriction of driving of vehicles with assisted steering. Paraplegia -It is unfit to drive who suffers from paraplegia, except for the

Group 1, to which the restriction of the use of commands duly shall be imposed



4.1.- General aspects- The driving title is neither issued nor revalidated to any

candidate or driver who suffers from affections likely to cause a sudden failure of the

cardiovascular system, of nature to provoke a sudden change of the celebratory functions.

4.2.- Cardiovascular diseases -It is issued or revalidated driving title, upon

positive assessment of cardiologist doctor, to whom:


Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

Have suffered infarcation from the myocardium;

Be bearer of a cardiac stimulator;

Suffer from anomalies of arterial tension;

Has been subjected to coronary angioplasty or

a bypass coronary;

Have valvulopathy, with or without treatment


Suffer from light or mild heart failure

Vascular malformations.

Have a background of myocardial infarcation,

absence of angor, proof of Holter negative.

Suffer from arterial hypertension, as long as it does not exist

organic repercussion and be medically

controlled with medication not susceptible to

affect the driving.

4.3.- Revalidation -The revalidation of the driving title is imposed for periods that do not

exceed two years for Group 1 and for period that does not exceed one year for Group 2.

4.4.- Unfitness -It is unfit to drive who suffers from severe rhythm problems

cardiac, chest angina that manifests itself at rest or in the emotion and insufficiency

severe cardiac.


5.1-In the following paragraphs, "severe hypoglycemia" is considered to be required

assistance from another person and "recurrent hypoglycemia" the occurrence of a second

episode of severe hypoglycemia in a period of 12 months.


Drivers of Group 1 Drivers of Group 2

Is issued or revalidated the title of driving a

who suffers from diabetes mellitus in treatment with

oral antidiabetics or insulin by

report presentation of the assistant doctor

that proves the good metabolic control and the

regular follow-up and which attests that the

interested has the proper education

therapeutics and self-control.

It is unfit to drive who presents

severe or recurrent hypoglycemia.

Is issued or revalidated the title of driving a

who suffers from diabetes mellitus in treatment with

oral antidiabetics upon presentation of

report from the assistant doctor who proves the

good metabolic control and monitoring

regular and which attests that the person concerned possesses the

adequate therapeutic and self-control education.

It is unfit to drive who suffers from diabetes

mellitus in treatment with insulin, except in

very exceptional cases duly

warranted by an opinion issued by doctor

diabetologist or endocrinologist who proves

good metabolic control, with determination of the

glycaemia at least two times a day, which

attests that the person concerned possesses the proper

therapeutic and self-control education and since

that no episode has occurred of

severe hypoglycemia in the previous 12 months.

5.2. Validity -The validity of the title shall not exceed 5 years for Group 1 and 3 years for

the Group 2.



6.1.- Serious neurological diseases -It is unfit to drive the candidate or driver who

suffer from a serious neurological disease, except if it is supported to appear medical practitioner of the

specialty, in the cases of candidates or drivers of Group 1.

6.1.1.- Epilepsy, vertiginous syndromes and the perturbations of the state of consciousness -It is issued or

revalidated title of conduction to the candidate or driver of Group 1 suffering from epilepsy,

vertiginous syndromes and disturbances of the state of consciousness, if supported in opinion

specialty medical practitioner and that proves there have been no crises for at least two years.

Is issued or revalidated the title of driving to the candidate or driver of Group 2 who

suffer from epilepsy, as long as it has been, for at least ten years, free from crises and without

specific therapeutics, if supported in opinion of the specialty doctor who attests

notably there is no epileptic activity in electroencephalographic examination.

6.1.2.- Revalidation -Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, where of the developments

of neurological diseases is foreseeable a worsening, may be imposed periods of

shorter revalidation that those provided for in the law, determined by the need for the

driver undergo periodic medical examinations, which should not exceed the two years.


7.1.- Unfitness- It is unfit to drive the candidate or conductor who suffers from

congenital mental disorders or acquired, which translate appreciable reduction of the

mental capacities, including mental delays and serious disruptions of behaviour,

of cognitive ability or personality, likely to modify the capacity of

trial or which, in some way, involve diminishing efficiency or safety in the




8.1.- Consumption of alcohol -It is issued or revalidated the title of driving for candidate or

driver of Group 1 which, having a background of dependence on alcohol,

present detailed medical report of psychiatry that proves the effectiveness of treatment

and attests to abstinence for at least six months.

8.2. -It is issued or revalidated the title of driving for Group 2 a who has

background of dependence in relation to alcohol, except in very exceptional cases,

upon medical report of psychiatry attests to the efficacy of treatment and abstinence

there is, at least one year, as well as the presentation of psychological examination report


8.3.- Revalidation -Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they may be imposed

shorter revalidation periods than those provided for in the law, which shall not exceed the two

years and upon submission to periodical medical examinations.

8.4.- Unfitness -It is unfit to drive the candidate or conductor who suffers from sindroma

of dependence in relation to alcohol or that it cannot decouple the driving of consumption

of alcohol.


9.1.- Unfitness -It is unfit to drive the candidate or driver in a state of

dependence on psychotropic substances or that although it is not dependent on the consents


9.2. -It is unfit to drive the candidate or driver who consumes regularly

medications or drug associations likely to compromise your aptitude

to drive without danger.


9.3. -The doctor who prescribes medicinal products, the composition of which contains substances

psychotropic or other that compromise the exercise of the driving, must be due

account for the associated additional risks and hazards, if the prescribed quantity is likely to

influence the capacity for the exercise of the driving of vehicles safely.


10.1. -Renal Insufficiencies-Is issued or revalidated title of driving to whom it suffers from

severe renal insufficiencies, conditioned on regular medical control, duly

proven, and with favorable opinion of nephrologist doctor.

10.1.1.- Revalidation -The revalidation of the driving title can be imposed by

shorter periods than those provided for in the law, which should not exceed the two years.

10.1.2.- Unfitness -It is unfit to drive for Group 2 a who suffers from

severe renal insufficiency (individual in peritoneal dialysis program or hemodialysis),

except in situations duly supported in medical opinions of the specialty and under

reserve of annual medical control.

10.2.- Revalidation -The revalidation of the driving title for Group 2 is imposed by

periods that do not exceed one year.


11.1.- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -It is issued or revalidated the title of driving a

who suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is determined by the need of the

candidate or driver to submit the specialty medical examination and obtain opinion


11.1.1.- Revalidation -Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may be imposed

shorter revalidation periods than those provided for in the law, which shall not exceed the two



11.2.- Hematological and onco-hematological diseases -It is issued or revalidated the title of

driving to those who suffer from anaemia, leukemia, leukemia, lymphoma, thrombopenia, disorders

of coagulation or in treatment with anti-coagulants upon submission of the examination

doctor by hematologist and with assent.

11.2.1.- Revalidation -Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may be imposed

shorter revalidation periods than those provided for in the law, which shall not exceed the three

years in the case of Group 1 drivers and one year in the case of Group 2 drivers.

11.3.- Disturbance of sleep -It is issued or revalidated the title of conduct to whom it suffers from

sleep disturbances, notably of sleep apnea, hypersonic or narcolepsy,

upon submission to the medical examination of the specialty and with opinion favourable, but

only for Group 1.

11.3.1.- Revalidation -Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may be imposed

shorter revalidation periods than those provided for in the law, which shall not exceed the two


11.4.- Transplant- It is issued or revalidated the driving title for Group 1 a who

has suffered an organ transplant or artificial implant with incidence on the

capacity for driving, conditioning regular medical control and assent

of the specialty doctor.

11.5. -It is issued or revalidated the title of driving for Group 2 a who has suffered

an organ transplant or artificial implant with no incidence on the capacity for the

driving, conditioned to appear medical from the specialty and, where appropriate, from a

regular medical control.




(referred to in Article 13 of the Regulation)

Table I

(Table of assessment referred to in points a) of paragraph 1 of Article 14)

Areas Skills and

competences Operational Definitions Methodology

P er

ce p

ti v o

-c o

gn it

iv the

1. Intelligence Capacity Understanding and formulation of general rules using stimuli of concrete or abstract nature and its application to various situations

Instruments and psychometric techniques approved by the IMTT, I. P.

2. Attention

2.1. Concentrated Capacity in directing attention during certain time getting a stable performance

2.2. Distributed Ability to disperse attention, simultaneously, in the face of a diversity of visual and / or acoustically stimulated stimuli

2.3. Vigilante Capacity in maintaining a state of topical alert (vigil) for quite a long time in the sense of responding promptly to infrequent stimuli that arise encompassed in a set of stimuli that have to be neglected

3. Perception

3.1. Perceptual rapidity

Perceptual-cognitive ability for the rapid seizure of visual information, which calls for the discrimination of visuo-perceptive stimuli

3.2. Perceptual integration Perceptual-Cognitive Ability to accurately process visual information, which calls for the selectivity of visuo-perceptive stimuli

4. Memory Capacity of retrieval of acquired information, through evoking and recognition processes after their coding and storage


Areas Skills and

competences Operational Definitions Methodology

P si

co m

the to


5. Motricity

Instruments and psychometric techniques approved by the IMTT, I. P.

5.1. Gestural safety Capacity to perform and maintain with precision static cinesias

5.2. Manual fearlessness Ability to perform with precision and rapidity dynamical small-range dynamics

6. Coordination

6.1. Bimannual Capacity to coordinate simultaneously the movements of both hands in the face of tax and / or free rhythms

6.2. Opium-manual- pedal

Ability to coordinate the movements of hands and feet in response to visual and / or acoustic stimuli

7. Reactions

7.1. Simple and of choice

Ability to react appropriately to pre-defined visual or acoustic stimuli (simple) or after their selection from an extended set of stimuli also composed of distractive stimuli (choice)

7.2. Multiple and discriminative

Ability to react to a multiplicity of visual and / or acoustic stimuli that imply specific associations between stimuli and responses

8. Multitasking capacity

Ability to process parallel information in order to perform, simultaneously, at least two independent tasks

P si

co ss

the ci


9. Personality Factors

Instruments and psychometric techniques approved by the IMTT, I. P.

Observation during the examination

Psychological Interview Elements

9.1. Psychological maturity

Ability to tailor your behaviour to the demands of the surrounding reality in compliance with an adult psychoaffective development

9.2. Responsibility Ability to accept formal rules, tasks and duties and behave accordingly by taking up your mains

9.3. Emotional stability

Ability to control, regulate, moderate and express emotional reactions in an appropriate manner without influencing the efficiency of performances and / or interfering with other people

9.4. Desist psychopathological

Psychic venue disturbances that may involve risks in the face of safety in traffic


9.5. Attitudes and risk behaviors in the face of safety in traffic

Predispositions for actions and / or ducts that may involve risks in the face of safety in traffic


9.6. Social competences

Ability to develop, maintain and value contacts and social and citizenship relationships, as well as tolerance to individual and cultural differences


Table II

(Table of assessment referred to in point b) of paragraph 1 of Article 14)

Areas Skills and

competences Operational Definitions Methodology

P er

ce p

ti v o

-c o

gn it

iv to 1. Attention

Instruments and psychometric techniques approved by the IMTT, I. P.

1.1. Concentrated Capacity in directing attention during certain time getting a stable performance

2. Perception

2.1. Perceptual rapidity

Perceptual-cognitive ability for the rapid seizure of visual information, which calls for the discrimination of visuo-perceptive stimuli

P si

co m

the to


3. Coordination

Instruments and psychometric techniques approved by the IMTT, I. P.

3.1. Opium-manual- pedal

Ability to coordinate the movements of hands and feet in response to visual and / or acoustic stimuli

4. Reactions

4.1. Of choice Ability in reacting adequately to predefined visual or acoustic stimuli (simple) or after their selection from an extended set of stimuli also composed of distractive stimuli (choice)

P si

co ss

the ci


5. Personality factors

Instruments and psychometric techniques approved by the IMTT, I. P. Observation during the examination psychological Interview Procedural Elements

5.1.Despiste psychopathological

Psychic venue disturbances that may involve risks in the face of safety in traffic

5.2. Attitudes and risk behaviors in the face of safety in traffic

Predispositions for actions and / or ducts that may involve risks in the face of safety in traffic




(referred to in Article 25 of the Regulation)

Programmatic Contents Methodology

Module I-Introduction (two hours)

1-Submission and establishment of the objective. Diverse techniques, including photolanguage and presentation to peers

2-Diagnosis of expectations and needs. Group discussion: space for participants to talk about themselves, their living and disrespect for the norm

Module II-Road Safety (six hours)

1-Expositive and participatory method road traffic system

1.1-Dynamics of the vehicle and its basic maintenance.

Expositive and participatory method

2-Analysis of the driving function: Expositive and participatory method

2.1-Visual perceptual exploration and importance of anticipatory and predictive capabilities; notions of defensive driving;

Expositive and participatory method; discussion on behavioural techniques of the driver.

2.2-A The importance of self-knowledge: the physical and psychological state of the driver

Participatory method: research of the relevant personal factors for each participant, possibility of their control and relationship with lifestyles.


Programmatic Contents Methodology

3-Road Safety Pressure:

3.1-The knowledge;

3.2-A The importance of attitudes;

3.3-A The need for safe behaviours;

3.4-Tolerance behaviors vs behaviors of aggressiveness and risk;

3.5-Education, values and civism

Expositive and participatory method: reflection on risk behaviors and Road Safety, from photolingual exercises in which participants choose images for words, such as: attitude, behaviour, tolerance, aggressiveness, security, education, values and others of equal similitude and importance

4-infringement-accident-accident: causes and consequences

Vivance of the event with a proposal for enactment

5-Self-assessment of personal involvement in the module and its tasks

Filling out of a self-assessment sheet as an instrument for individual reflection

Module III-Alcohol (Five Hours)

1-Legal regime: relevance, individual meanings and factors of adherence / infringement of the rules

Expositive and participatory method, including the task of "making the law" for the infringement in question

2-Absorption, elimination and action of alcoholic beverages (destiladas/fermented) on the human organism

Expositive and participatory method

3-Social value and individual and grupal meanings of the consumption of alcohol

Research of symbols associated with alcohol consumption and its critical analysis

4-Strategies for control and promotion of dissociation consumption of alcohol-driving

Group exercises: proposals for "combat" measures for alcohol consumption

5-Self-assessment of personal involvement in the module and its tasks.

Filling out of a self-assessment sheet as an instrument for individual reflection


Programmatic Contents Methodology

Module IV-Psychotropic Substances (five hours)

1-Legal regime: factors of accession / infringement of the rules

Expositive and participatory method, including the task of "making the law" for the infringement in question

2-Types of psychotropic substances, their effects and elimination

Expositive and participatory method

3-Social value and individual and grupal meanings of your consumption

Research exercise of symbols associated with the consumption of psychotropic substances and their critical analysis: exercise of enactment

4-Strategies for control and promotion of decoupling between the consumption of psychotropic substances and driving

Exercise in small groups: proposals for measures to "combat" the consumption of psychotropic substances

5-Self-assessment of personal involvement in the module and its tasks

Filling out of a self-assessment sheet as an instrument for individual reflection

V-Speed Module (five hours)

1-Limits and legal regime: factors of accession /infringement of the rules

Expositive and case-by-case method

2-Suitability of speed to the physical and psychological characteristics of drivers and the road environment

Visioning video of accident tests and commentary

3-A The importance of speed in contemporary society and its personal significance

Research of symbols associated with speed and its critical analysis

4-Control strategies of the excessive speed Analysis of an accident in which the "speed" infringement is involved. Group exercise: proposals for "combat" measures at excessive speed and its commentary


Programmatic Contents Methodology

5-Self-assessment of personal involvement in the module and its tasks

Filling out of a self-assessment sheet as an instrument for individual reflection

Module VI-Other offences (five hours)

1-Exploration of the appropriate legislation to the group, by reference to the offences committed

Expositive and participatory method

2-Importance of the classification of counter-ordinations and their legal consequences

Analysis of an accident. Method of pedagogical simulation

3-Exercise control strategies Exercise in groups: proposals for "combat" measures and their commentary

4-Self-assessment of personal involvement in the module and its tasks

Filling out of a self-assessment sheet as an instrument for individual reflection


Module VII-Conclusion (two hours)

Evaluation / conclusion/prognosis individualized report of each graduate in which to constraining the degree of participation, motivation and commitment, capacity for self-criticism and self-control and interpersonal relationship

Analysis of the group's interaction: the initial expectations; the course of action and the future perspective in the scope of road prevention and safety

Declaration of the frequency certificate with or without taking advantage.





(referred to in Article 34 of the Regulation)

Aveiro AV Beja BE Braga BR Bragança BG Castle White Castle CB Coimbra C Évora E Faro FA Guard GD Leiria LE Lisbon L Portalegre PT Porto P Santarém SA Setúbal SE Viana of the Castelo VC Vila Real VR Viseu VS Angra of Heroism AN Horta H Ponta Delgada A Funchal M