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Elevation Of The Village Of Olive Trees, In The Municipality Of Ourém, Santarém District, Village

Original Language Title: Elevação da povoação de Olival, no Município de Ourém, Distrito de Santarém, à categoria de Vila

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Exhibition of reasons

I-Brief characterization

Olival is the seat of freguesia, in the concelain of Ourém and district of Santarém. Belongs to the

diocese of Leiria-Fatima. It belonged to the former province of the Coastal Edge. Dist 7 Km of the

seat of the municipality, comarch and judicial circle. Dist 5 Km from the Caminhos-de Station

Iron of Caxeries. It is limited to the North by the Espite and Urqueira freguesies; to This by

freguesia of Caxarias; the South by the freguesia of N. Mrs. Da Piety; the Southwest by the

freguesia of Gondemaria; and to the West by the freguesias of Cercal and of Matas.

With the surface area of 21.3 Km2, Olival currently counts 2,326 voters.

In the 1920 census, the vast and important freguesia of Olival owned 1,389 dwellings

(fires) and 5,781 inhabitants. With the creation in March 1928 of the freguesies of

Gondemaria and from Urqueira, by detach of Olival's parent freguesion, this one stayed with

its surface reduced to 21.3 Km2, presenting in the census of 1930 the total of 865

fires and 3,059 inhabitants. By the census of 2001 in the Olival lived 2,159 inhabitants and

contained 1,424 buildings.

Presently aggregates the following places: Village Nova, Barrocaria, Boieiro, Brejo,

Camalhotes, Capucho, Carcavelos de Low, Carcavelos de Cima, Cardal, Couples of


Carcavelos, Casals of the Montes, Casal of the Mata, Casaria, Cistern, Conception,

Hope, Gaiters, Moines, Montalto, Mossomodia, Óbidos, Pairia, Paiveira,

Quarry, Penedo, Ribeira, Ribeira da Mossomodia, Soutaria, Tomareis, Valinho and


Especially during the 3 th quarter of the last century, huge outbreak of emigration from

farmworkers and undifferentiated workers, especially for France, reduced the

resident population of the Olival nearly half. That phenomenon, in addition to its

negative effect of the separation of families when women and children stayed, had the

social merit of improving the quality of life with the entry of the successive remittances of

capitals and enabled the paulatine professional specialization of those who emigrated. In the

years 90 this emigratory trend has slowed down and reversed, checking the return of

many families already with better living conditions and with other vocational training,

coming to increment trade and local industry.

II-Historical order reasons

In addition to found paleolithic objects that lead to believe that the Olival was already

populated in prehistory, they identified themselves by two separate times in the mid-sec.

XX, even in the center of the settlement of the Olival and in a radius of one hundred metres, one or more

roman villas, with highlight for mosaics of the séc. III valuable and well maintained, well

as still traces of roman pavement.

Roman Village in the Olival-Discover in 1972


The freguesia of Santa Maria do Olival is very old, datering to its first church of the

end of the séc. XII, erected under the mando of King D. Sancho I and the bishop of Évora, D. Soeiro,

how it declares itself in the coevous respondents and in archived document at the Cathedral of

Zamora. It was confirmed as such in the visitation of 1211. It was gifted from paproco

presented (appointed) by the Bishop of Lisbon, up to the institution of the Colegiada de Ourém

in 1445. Since then until 1834, period of the existence of the important Colegiada, were

four the freguesies that had the status of their attached branches (Olival, Ourém, Seiça e

Freixianda), being the Colegiada gown that appoints and presented the healing of each

one of them. With the extinction of the religious orders and the Colegiada in 1834, the Olival

has passed the prior-year, possessing also a coadjutor, integrated into the diocese of Leiria.

The executive power of each freguesia (parish) was initially exercised by the

"Confraria of the Subbell" until that in 1834, with the liberal monarchy, establishes itself

"Joint Parish", changed nomenclature for "Junta de Freguesia" in October of

1910, shortly after the establishment of the Republican regime. There is documentation of the

freguesia from the Olival of these phases of administrative power, dispersed by various archives.

On the foundations of the above-mentioned church, it was erected in the séc. XIV a church even today

existing, dedicated to Our Lady of Purification and of greater dimensions. On her was

buried Martim Anes of the Bocifal, religious affluent. In your will, which constitutes

precious document for the study of the freguesia in the séc. XIV, in addition to many others

resolutions, close to the church established a hostel-hospital for pilgrims and gifted-

a of means of subsistence. This hospital has gone into decline with the passing of the centuries,

being then diverted their assets to the foundation of the hospital of the Misericórdia de

Leiria, in the time of Bishop D. Manuel de Aguiar, in the finals of the séc. XVIII.

The church, altered in successive times, features paintings and seiscentist tiles,

blue and white of the scouted and standard types. Contains imaginary of the séc. XV to the séc.

XVIII, and golden talha setecentist. It is currently in recovery from the vetusto state

and sloppy in which it was found. On par, it situates new church matrix, draft


Former Parochial Church-Quatrocentist Temple


In 1172 D. Afonso Henriques made donation and couture of Tomareis, near the Olival, the

Gonçalo Hermingues, the "Traga-Mgolds", knight templar fidalgo from the court of

D. Afonso Henriques, who came to professorate and there founded chapel and small monastery, with

other religious Cistercians of Alcobaça, by staying widowed from their beloved Fatima moira,

converted and baptized with the name of Oureana. This "abbey" marked the toponymia

location, very though it does not withstand ruins.

There is also in the Olival an other monument of public interest, the chapel of Our

Lady of the Conception, with enveloping galilé, which contains roof with painted coffins

and walls lined with quinhentist tiles, in addition to an archaic sculpture of

polychrome stone of the Virgin and the Menino and fresh from the sevc. XVI in the triumphal arc. It Was

reedified in 1578 and confirmed the commitment of the confraria by el-king D. Henrique.

Next to this chapel worked an albergaria founded in the séc. XV by Diogo of the Square,

that has donated him farm.

Also the Olival was cradle of various personalities, namely Joaquim José

Saraiva who in 1804 was appointed last bishop of the Beijing diocese of the former

Portuguese padroast of the East, and also many other ecclesiastics that have excelled

for their culture and social work provided.

In the Olival lived the poet Acácio de Paiva, in his "House of the Conches".

Olival has fair on February 2 and a romaria on the 1 th Sunday of September,

both multi-seculars.

In the Olival there are several houses and fortnight groomed, some with several centuries and well

conserved, two century-old fountains, water mills and stunning landscapes.

Chapel Our Lady of Conception-Sixteenth Century


Olival was a homeland of 3 Presidents of the City Hall of Ourém in the séc. XX:

Captain Joaquim Vieira Fair, Dr. Carlos Vaz Would Do Almeida. and Dr. Acácio Sampaio

Paiva, who was also Civil Governor of Leiria.

III-Collective equipment and facilities under Article 12 of the

Law No. 11/82 of June 2

In addition to the good building eighocentist of the headquarters of the Junta of Freguesia and cemetery

recently extended, Olival provides:

a) Post of medical assistance

-Olival Extension of the Ourém Health Center, with health care service and

nursing service.

-Laboratory Extension of clinical analysis.

b) Pharmacy

-Pharmacy Pereira Vieira.

(c) House of the People, Fishermen, Spectacles, cultural centre or other


-"Olival Social Support Centre", the elderly, with service of home support;

-"Cultural and Recreational Center of the Olival", with football field;

-Cultural and Recreational Group of the Barrocaria

-Sports Union of Ventilation and Montalto

-theater group "Pró Palco Movement";

-Folklore Ranch "The Molers of the Ribeira", with multipurpose pavilion;

-"Grouping of Escuasteries n. 1142-Olival";

-"Association of Wind Mills of Wind", with field of shooting to the dishes;

-"Polifonic Coral Group";

-"JAGRO-Board of Farmers of the Olival", based in the "House of Pataco";

-Library with meeting room;

-ethnographic museum with azenha;

-Children's Park;

-leisure park with merry-zone area;

-Polidsporty receptive discovered.


d) collective public transport

Olival is covered by the collective transport network of the Tejo Road Highway;

Olival still has a taxi square with 6 viatures.

e) CTT Station

Olival has the CTT station with permanent daily service, being one of which

first were opened in the concelain of Ourém, at the beginning of the séc. XX.

(f) Commercial and hospitality establishments

In addition to the weekly market, with secular tradition, there are still:


Housing tourism 1

Restaurants 6

Cafes and snack-bars 6

Bakeries 2

Pastries with own manufacture 1

Talho and charcuterie 1

Store of frozen food products 1

Minimaries and groceries 6

Gas trade 2

Civil construction companies 7

Terraplaning machinery company 4

Workshop of marbles and cantaries 2

Centre for periodic inspections automobiles 1

Fuel supply post 1

Car repair workshops 3

Bicycle repair workshops and motorized 3

Workshop of sawmills and alumni 5

Sale of household appliances 1

Workshop of installations and electrical repairs 3

Construction Materials Sale Company 2

Transport company and long haul changes 2

Freight transport company 2

Sale of furniture 1

Carpentry workshops and woodcarving 5

Resorts of woods 3

Florists 2

Plant nurseries and gardening 2


Aviaries 2

Saporing 1

Shop of washers and capelist 1

Sale of articles of clothing 2

Hair salon and aesthetician 2

Salon of barbershop 1

Stationery and bookshop 1

Insurance agencies 2

Accounting office 2

Funerary agency 1

g) Establishment that provide compulsory education

Daycare / Garden-of-childhood and ATL;

Basic School of the 1 th cycle;

h) Banking agency

Although it does not posits bank agency, Olival has a

ATM-Multibank Box.

I) Agro-livestock Industries


School of the 1. Olival Cycle and Busto Captain Joaquim Vieira Justo


IV-Short term development prospects

They are scheduled for Olival the following social structures, whose projects of

architecture are in the stage of appreciation and development:

-New school building;

-Home of Relanding for 3 th age;


-Hospital hospital of continued care;

-Gimnosport Pavilion;

-Field of tennis;

-Hall football field with synthetic floor;


The elevation the village of the place of Olival, from the freguesia of the same name in the concelho of

Ourém, district of Santarém, is based on reasons of historical, geographical order,

demographic, economic and cultural but also by the fact of its political viability-

administrative and its administrative and financial repercussions do not collide with

general or local order interests.

For all these reasons and because this project merited the unanimous support of the Junta of

Freguesia and the Freguesia Assembly of the Olival as well as the House Chamber

Municipal of Ourém and was supported by an absolute majority (only one vote against) by the

Municipal Assembly of Ourém, the Social Democratic Party understands that they meet

meeting the requirements set out in Article 12, combined with the provisions of Article 14.

of Law No. 11/82 of June 2, for the settlement of Olival to be elevated to the category

from village.

In this way, the lower-signed Members of the Parliamentary Group of the Social Party

Democrat present, under the constitutional and regimentary provisions

applicable, the following Draft Law:

Single article:

The locality of Olival, seat of freguesia of the same name, in the concelho of Ourém,

district of Santarém, is elevated to the category of village.

Assembly of the Republic, March 25, 2009.


The Deputies of the PSD:

(Mário Albuquerque)

(Miguel Relvas)

(Vasco Cunha)