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The Sixteenth Amendment To Decree-Law No. 15/93, Of 22 January, Which Approves The Legal Regime Applicable To The Trafficking And Consumption Of Narcotic Drugs And Psychotropic Substances, Adding The Oripavina Substances And 1-Benzylpiperazine To Tables

Original Language Title: Procede à décima sexta alteração ao Decreto-Lei n.º 15/93, de 22 de Janeiro, que aprova o regime jurídico aplicável ao tráfico e consumo de estupefacientes e substâncias psicotrópicas, acrescentando as substâncias oripavina e 1-benzilpiperazina às tabelas

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Proposed Law No. 250 /X

Exhibition of Motives

The tables attached to the Decree-Law No. 15/93 of January 22, have been successively

changed, by constying the last amendment of Law No. 14/2005 of January 26. The tables

enlists the plants, substances and preparations which, in fulfillment of the obligations

arising from the United Nations Conventions on Narcotic Drugs (1961) and on

Psychotropic Substances (1971), are subject to control measures and the application of

sanctions in the event of the occurrence of counter-ordinations in their production, trafficking or consumption.

These tables, in accordance with Article 2 of that decree-law, will be mandatorily

updated in accordance with the amendments approved by the own organs of the Nations

United, according to the rules laid down in the conventions ratified by Portugal.

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the United Nations has decided, through Decision No 50/1, to

March 2007, amend table I of the 1961 Narcotics Convention on Narcotic Drugs

by the Protocol of 1972, with the inclusion of a new substance, the oripavin.

On the other hand, through Council Decision No 2008 /206/JAI of the Council of March 3

2008, it was determined that Member States should take the necessary measures, in

compliance with their domestic law, to submit 1-benzilpiperazina (also

named 1-benzil-1,4-diazaciclo hexane, N-benzylpiperazine or, in a less

need, benzylpiperazine or BZP) to control measures, commensurate with the risks of the

substance, and to criminal sanctions, as provided for in its legislation, by virtue of obligations

stemming from the 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances.

1-benzilpiperazina is a substance not assessed by the United Nations, which constitutes a

risk to public health as serious as the substances listed in lists I or II of the

United Nations Convention of 1971 on Psychotropic Substances.



There is therefore to be accommodating in the national legal order the said decisions of the

Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the United Nations and of the Council, through the amendment to the

Decree-Law No. 15/93 of January 22.

It was heard the INFARMED-National Authority of Medication and Health Products,

I. P.


Under the terms of the paragraph d ) of Article 197 (1) of the Constitution, the Government presents to the

Assembly of the Republic the following proposal for a law:

Article 1.

Addition to the tables attached to the Decree-Law No 15/93 of January 22

1-It is added to the table I-A append to the Decree-Law No. 15/93 of January 22 approving the

legal regime applicable to the trafficking and consumption of narcotic drugs and substances

psychotropic, as amended by Decree-Law No. 81/95 of April 22, by Law No. 45/96,

of September 3, by the Decree-Law No. 214/2000 of September 2, by the Law

n. 30/2000 of November 29 by the Decree-Law No. 69/2001 of February 24,

by the Laws n. ºs 101/2001 of August 25, and 104/2001, of August 25, by the

Decree-Law No. 323/2001 of December 17 and by the Laws n. 3/2003, 15 of

January, 47/2003, of August 22, 11/2004, of March 27, 17/2004, of May 11,

14/2005, of January 26, 48/2007, of August 29, and 59/2007, of September 4, the

substance oripavin (3-O-desmethyltebaine, the 6,7,8,14-tetradeshydro-4.5-α-epoxy-6-


2-Is Added to Table II-A append to the Decree-Law No. 15/93 of January 22 approving the

legal regime applicable to the trafficking and consumption of narcotic drugs and substances

psychotropic, as amended by Decree-Law No. 81/95 of April 22, by Law No. 45/96,

of September 3, by the Decree-Law No. 214/2000 of September 2, by the Law

n. 30/2000 of November 29 by the Decree-Law No. 69/2001 of February 24,

by the Laws n. ºs 101/2001 of August 25, and 104/2001, of August 25, by the



Decree-Law No. 323/2001 of December 17 and by the Laws n. 3/2003, 15 of

January, 47/2003, of August 22, 11/2004, of March 27, 17/2004, of May 11,

14/2005, of January 26, 48/2007, of August 29, and 59/2007, of September 4, the

substance 1-benzilpiperazina (1-benzil-1,4-diazacilohexano, N-benzylpiperazine or, of

less precise form, benzylpiperazin or BZP).

Article 2.


It is republished in annex, which is an integral part of this Law, the Decree-Law No. 15/93, of

January 22, with the current wording.

Article 3.

Entry into force

This Law shall come into force on the day following that of its publication.

Seen and approved in Council of Ministers of January 8, 2009

The Prime Minister

The Minister of the Presidency

The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs


Republication of the Decree-Law No. 15/93 of January 22

Article 1.


The present diploma has as its object the definition of the legal regime applicable to trafficking and

consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Article 2.



General rules and tables

1-The plants, substances and preparations subject to the scheme provided for in this decree-law

are listed in six tables attached to the present diploma.

2-Tables I to IV will be compulsorily updated, according to the amendments

approved by the United Nations ' own organs, according to the rules laid down in the

conventions ratified by Portugal.

3-Tables V and VI will be compulsorily updated, according to the changes

approved by the United Nations ' own organs, according to the rules laid down in the

conventions ratified by Portugal or by diploma of the European Communities.

4-The cultivation, production, manufacturing, employment, trade, distribution, import,

export, transit, transportation, detention by any title and the use of plants,

substances and preparations indicated in the preceding paragraphs shall be subject to the

condiments defined in this diploma.

5-The rules required for the proper performance of this diploma, in what concerne the referred matter

in the previous number, constarion of regulatory decree, in which it will further specify

margin of surplus cultivation, manufacturing quotas, entities and authorized companies

to acquire plants, substances and preparations, the conditions of delivery, the records to be drawn up,

the communications and information to be provided, the reports to be provided, the characteristics of the

packaging and labels, the fees for the granting of authorisations and the fines for the violation of the


Article 3.

Scope of control

They shall be subject to control all the plants, substances and preparations referred to in the

conventions relating to narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances ratified by Portugal

and respective changes, as well as other substances included in the attached tables to the

present diploma.




Authorizations, surveillance and medical prescriptions

Article 4.

Licensing, conditionings and permits

1-The National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication is the competent entity at the level

national to establish conditionings and grant permits for the activities

provided for in Article 2 (4) in what concerne substances and preparations

understood in tables I to IV, within the strict limits of the needs of the Country,

giving prevalence to the interests of medical, medical-veterinary, scientific, and


2-A Directorate-General for Foreign Trade is the competent entity at the national level for

issue the import declaration and the export authorisation of the substances

understood in tables V and VI.

3-A Directorate-General for Industry is the competent authority at the national level to authorize

the production and manufacture of the substances understood in tables V and VI.

4-Before appreciating any application for permission, the National Institute of Pharmacy and

of the Medicaid sends copy of the application to the Office of the Drug Combat of the Ministry of

Justice, who will rule within 30 days and, where appropriate, will hear from the

appropriate departments of the Ministries of Agriculture, Industry and Energy and the

Trade and Tourism.

5-The authorization dispatch of the President of the National Institute of Pharmacy and the

Medicine is published in the Journal of the Republic and establishes the conditions to be observed by the

applicant, from it immediate litigation appeal; there being hierarchical appeal

optional, this will have merely devolutive effect.

6-Each generic permit granted by the National Institute of Pharmacy and the

Medication will not exceed the period of one year, extended.

7-The provisions of this article shall be without prejudice to the own competences of the Ministries of the

Trade and Tourism and Industry and Energy in the licensing of operations

of foreign trade or licensing of the installation and laboring of establishments



industrials where to fl the products set out in the tables I to VI, respectively.

Article 5.

Supervising competence of the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication

1-Compete to the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication to scrutinize the activities

authorized cultivation, production, manufacturing, employment, wholesale trade, distribution,

import, export, transit, acquisition, sale, delivery and detention of plants,

substances and preparations understood in tables I to IV.

2-In the audit of the authorized activities referred to in the preceding paragraph may, the

any time, be made an inspection of the companies, establishments or places and be

requested the display of the respective documents or records.

3-The detected offences are reported to the competent entities, for research

criminal or for investigation and counterordinational instruction.

4-Mediant joint portation of the Ministers of Justice, Agriculture and Health will be

prohibited the crop of plants or shrubs from which substances can be extracted

narcotic drugs, when such a measure proves to be the most appropriate to protect health

public and prevent drug trafficking.

5-Identical measure may be adopted as to the manufacture, preparation or marketing of

narcotic substances or preparations.

Article 6.

Nature of authorisations

1-Authorizations are untransmittable, and may not be ceded or used by outrain

to any title.

2-When dealing with companies with subsidiaries or deposits is required a permit to

each of them.



3-Of the applications for permission shall appear in the indication of those responsible for drafting and

up-to-date conservation of records and compliance with the remaining legal obligations.

Article 7.

Subjective requirements

1-Only authorisations may be granted to entities whose holders or representatives

legal offer sufficient guarantees of moral and professional idoneity.

2-Compete to the Office of the Drug Combat of the Ministry of Justice, the solicitation of the

National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication, check out the elements that allow

determine the circumstances referred to in the preceding paragraph, by rescuing, if

necessary, of the collaboration of the entities that integrate the Coordination Group of the

Combating the Trafficking of Drugs, in respect of the rights, freedoms and guarantees of the


Article 8.

Maintenance and expiry of the authorisation

1-In the case of demise, replacement of the holder or change of firm, the application for

maintenance of the permit must be present to the National Institute of Pharmacy and the

Medication within 60 days.

2-A The maintenance of the permit depends on the verification of the suitability requirements

moral and professional.

3-A The permit lapses in the event of a cessation of activity or, in the cases provided for in the n.

1, if it is not required for its maintenance within the established period.

Article 9.

Revocation or suspension of authorisation



1-The National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication must revoke the authorization

granted as soon as they cease to check the requirements required for the granting of the


2-Can take place the revocation or be ordered to stay up to six months, as per

gravity, when technical accident occurs, subtraction, deterioration of substances and

preparations or other irregularity liable to determine significant risk to health

or for the illicit supply of the market, as well as in the case of non-compliance with the

obligations that impend on the beneficiary of the permit.

3-Revocation and suspension dispatches are published in the Journal of the Republic.

Article 10.

Effects of the revocation of permission

1-In the case of revocation of the permit, the National Institute of Pharmacy and the

Medicinal product may authorize, the request of the person concerned, the return of the stock of

substances and preparations understood in tables I to IV to whom you have provided them or to

ceding to other entities, authorized companies or pharmacies.

2-A devolution or cedence shall be required within 30 days, from the date on

that the revocation has been published, from the communication of the ministerial dispatch that has it

confirmed or from the transit on trial of the judicial decision confirmative.

3-In the course of the period set out in the preceding paragraph, stocks are inventoried and

guarded in sealed compartment of the company, by order of the President of the Institute

National of Pharmacy and Medication, which may promote the sale or destruction, if

there is a risk of deterioration or illicit entry into the market by delivering the product of the

sale to the owner, deducted the expenses made by the state.

Article 11.

Import and export of the substances referred to in the attached tables

1-Import and allotment operations in the market of substances understood



in tables V and VI are submitted to the prior statistical surveillance regime, and those of

export to the licensing regime, under the terms set out in the Decree-Law No. 126/90,

of April 16, and at the Portaria No. 628/90 of August 7, as well as regulation

respective community.

2-Whenever there are indications that the import or export of substances

understood in tables V and VI are intended for illicit production or manufacture of

narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, the entities responsible for surveillance and

by the licensing shall immediately inform the competent authority for the investigation.

3-A Directorate-General for Foreign Trade will send to the Office of the Combating Drug of the

Ministry of Justice copy of import declarations and export licences of the

substances understood in tables V and VI.

4-A Directorate-General for Industry, within the scope of its competence for the granting of

authorisations for the manufacture or production of substances listed in tables V and VI, may

adopt the appropriate measures for the control of the said operations.

5-For the exercise of its competence, the entities referred to in the preceding paragraphs

may harvest information from the Office of the Drug Combat of the Ministry of


6-To manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers and retailers, licensees or

authorized to manufacture or commercialize substances inscribed on the tables V and VI that

have taken notice of suspicious orders or operations and, and may do so, not

inform the national supervisory authorities may be withdrawn on leave or revoked

the authorisation, without prejudice to the application of any criminal sanction or fine.

7-Mediating joint porterie of the Ministers of Finance, Justice, Agriculture, da

Industry and Energy and Trade and Tourism, the production, manufacture, the

employment, trade, distribution, import, export, transit, transportation,

detention for any title and the use of the substances inscribed on tables V and VI, when

such a move proves to be the most appropriate to protect public health and prevent trafficking



illicit of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

8-A surveillance, control and regulation provided for in this article no

undermine any more stringent measures arising from EU law.

Article 12.

Supervisory competence of the Inspectorate-General for Economic Activities and the

Directorate-General for Customs

1-Without prejudice to the competences of the police and administrative authorities, and in the sense

of avoiding the deviation for illicit purposes, it is respectively up to the Inspectorate-General of the

Economic Activities to scrutinize, among others, the authorized activities of trade by

wholesale, distribution, acquisition, sale, transport, delivery and detention of the substances

understood in tables V and VI and the Directorate General of Customs to scrutinise the

import, export and transit activities.

2-In the audit of the activities referred to in the preceding paragraph may, at any time,

be made an inspection of the companies, establishments or places and be requested to display the

respective documentation.

3-The detected offences are reported to the competent authority for the investigation.

4-A General Directorate of Customs gives knowledge to the Inspectorate General of Proceedings

Economic of customs clearance operations that have the subject substances

understood in tables V and VI, with identification of the importer, exporter and

recipient, when known.

5-The Office of the Drug Combat of the Ministry of Justice is given knowledge of the

apprehension of the substances understood in tables V and VI.

Article 13.

International movement of people

People who cross the Portuguese borders can transport, for their own use,

substances and preparations understood in tables I-A, II-B, II-C, III and IV, in

amount not surplus to the required for 30 days of treatment, provided they present



medical document justifying the need for their use.

Article 14.

Provisions for means of transport

1-International transport, in ships, aircraft or other means of

international public transport, of reduced quantities of substances and preparations

understood in tables I-A, II-B, II-C, III and IV, which may become necessary

during the journey to administration of first aid.

2-Substances and preparations shall be carried in a safe condition, of

mode to avoid your subtraction or despath.

3-Substances and preparations subject to transport, pursuant to paragraph 1, shall be subject to

to the laws, regulations and licences of the country of matriculation, without prejudice to the possibility of the

competent Portuguese authorities to carry out the verifications, inspections or any

other monitoring operations that are required to be required on board the means of transport.

Article 15.

Medical prescription

1-Substances and preparations understood in tables I and II are only provided to the

public, for treatment, upon presentation of medical prescription with the specialties

constants of the following numbers.

2-The National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication, in collaboration with the

Directorate-General for Health, listened to the Order of Physicians and the Order of Pharmacists,

approves the cookbook model with talonary.

3-The recipes contain the name and address of the prescribing doctor, your number of

enrollment in the respective Order and, in indelible characters, the name, address, sex, age,

number of identity card or personal ballot of the patient or the owner of the animal

which it is intended, as well as the genus or commercial name of the medicinal product, the dosage, the

global quantity, the posology and time of the treatment, the date and signature of the doctor.

4-Without prejudice to the provisions of the following number, the remaining substances and preparations



understood in tables III and IV are subject to medical prescription under the general law.

5-Mediating joint portation of the Ministers of Justice and Health, the substances or

preparations understood in table IV may be subject to special prescriptuary, well

as to other control measures provided for in the regulatory diploma for substances

and preparations understood in tables I and II, where this is appropriate to be appropriate for

protect public health.

Article 16.

Special obligations of pharmacists

1-Only the pharmacist, or who replaces him in his absence or impediment, may aviate

recipes relating to substances or preparations understood in tables I and II,

owing to check the identity of the acquirer and note at the margin of the respective revenue the

name, number and date of issue of the identity card, and may serve as others

safe identification elements, such as the driving licence or, in the case of

foreigners, the passport, by still taking up the date of the delivery of the substances, and signing.

2-The pharmacist must refuse to aviate the recipes that do not comply with the conditions

imposed in the previous article.

3-No revenue may be aviated if 10 days have elapsed on the date of issue,

nor can they be provided more than once, on the basis of the same recipe, substances or

preparations understood in the annexe tables.

4-pharmacies are required to keep regular stocks of the substances or

preparations as referred to in paragraph 1 and to conserve revenue on file by term not exceeding

Five years, in terms of fixing by regulatory decree.

Article 17.

Cases of urgent need

In the event of an urgent need, they may pharmacists, under their responsibility and



for immediate use, provide without medical prescription substances and preparations understood

in tables I and II, provided that the total of the fable does not exceed the maximum dose to be taken

at one time.

Article 18.

Control of receituarium

1-The National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication, in articulation with the

Directorate-General for Health, carries out, with recourse to computer means, control of the

aviary prescription, getting subject to professional secrecy all those who aced to this


2-State or private health services send quarterly to the Institute

National of Pharmacy and Medication a relation of the narcotics used in

medical treatment.

Article 19.

Prohibition of delivery to demind or minor

1-It is prohibited to deliver to individuals who padept from mental illness manifests from

substances and preparations understood in tables I to IV.

2-It is prohibited to deliver the smallest of substances and preparations understood in the tables I-

A, II-B and II-C.

3-If the minor does not have whom the dam represents, the delivery may be made to the person who has it

your post or be tasked with your education or surveillance.

Article 20.

Urgent participation

1-A subtraction or stray of substances and preparations understood in tables I to IV

are participated, as soon as known, to the local police authority and to the National Institute of the

Pharmacy and Medication, by the entity responsible for its guard, narrating



circumstantily the facts, strictly indicating the quantities and characteristics of the

disappearing substances and preparations and providing the evidence that it disposes.

2-Identical procedure shall be adopted in the case of subtraction, unutilisation or

stray of records required by this diploma and its regulation and of

printed for medical recipes.


Trafficking, bleaching and other offences

Article 21.

Trafficking and other illicit activities

1-Who, without for this to find authorized, cultivate, produce, manufacture, extract,

prepare, offer, puser for sale, sell, distribute, buy, give way or by any title

receive, provide the outrain, transport, import, export, make transiting or

iliciously detain, outside the cases provided for in Article 40, plants, substances or

preparations understood in tables I to III is punishable with imprisonment of 4 a to 12 years.

2-Who, acting contrary to permission granted in the terms of Chapter II,

illicitly indulge, introduce or diligenate why you listen to introduce in the trade plants,

substances or preparations referred to in the preceding paragraph is punish-punished with imprisonment of 5

to 15 years.

3-In the penalty provided for in the preceding paragraph incurs the one that cultivates plants, produce or

manufacture substances or preparations several of those listed in the title of authorisation.

4-If it is treated for substances or preparations understood in table IV, the penalty is

imprisonment of one to five years.

Article 22.


1-Who, without finding themselves authorized, manufacturing, importing, exporting, transporting or

distribute equipment, materials or substances inscribed on the tables V and VI, knowing that

are or are going to be used in the cultivation, production or illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs or



psychotropic substances, is punished with a prison sentence of 2 a to 10 years.

2-Who, without finding authorized, detains, to any title, equipment, materials

or substances entered in tables V and VI, knowing that they are or are going to be used in the

cultivation, production or illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, is

punished with a prison sentence of one to five years.

3-When the agent is a holder of permission under Chapter II, he shall be punished:

a) In the case of paragraph 1, with a prison sentence of 3 a to 12 years;

b) In the case of paragraph 2, with penalty of imprisonment of two to eight years.

Article 23.

Conversion, transfer or dissimulation of goods or products

[ revoked ]

Article 24.


The penalties provided for in Articles 21 and 22 are increased from a quarter in its limits

minimum and maximum if:

a) The substances or preparations were delivered or were intended for minors or

diminished psychics;

b) The substances or preparations have been distributed by large numbers of people;

c) The agent obtained or sought to obtain avuled remunerative compensation;

d) The agent is an employee entrusted with the prevention or prosecution of such offences;

e) The agent is a doctor, pharmacist or any other health technician, employee

of prison services or social reinsertion services, worker of the

post offices, telegraphs, telephones or telecommunications, lecturer, educator or

education establishment worker or service worker or

institutions of social action and the fact is practiced in the exercise of their profession;

f) The agent to participate in other organized criminal activities of scope




g) The agent to participate in other illegal activities facilitated by the practice of the offence;

h) The offence has been committed in facilities of treatment services of

drug users, social reinsertion, services or institutions of action

social, in prison establishment, military unit, establishment of education,

or in other places where students or students detour to the practice of

educational, sports or social activities, or in their immediate vicinity;

i) The agent uses the collaboration, by any form, of minors or of diminished


j) The agent acting as a member of the pack intended for the repeated practice of the crimes

provided for in Articles 21 and 22, with the collaboration of at least another member

of the pack;

l) The substances or preparations have been corrupted, altered or adulterated, by

manipulation or mixing, increasing danger to life or for integrity

physics of outrain.

Article 25.

Trafficking of minor gravity

If, in the cases of articles 21 and 22, the ilicitude of the fact shows itself considerably

diminished, taking into account in particular the means used, the modality or the

circumstances of the action, the quality or quantity of the plants, substances or

preparations, the penalty is to:

a) Imprisonment of one to five years, if it is to be treated for plants, substances or preparations

understood in tables I to III, V and VI;

b) Imprisonment up to 2 years or fine up to 240 days, in the case of substances or preparations

understood in table IV.

Article 26.




1-When, by the practice of some of the facts referred to in Article 21, the agent shall have

exclusive purpose to get plants, substances or preparations for personal use, the penalty

is imprisonment up to three years or fine, if it is to be treated with plants, substances or preparations

understood in tables I to III, or from imprisonment up to 1 year or fine up to 120 days, in the case of

substances or preparations understood in table IV.

2-A attempt is punishable.

3-Not the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply when the agent detains plants, substances or

preparations in quantity exceeding that required for the average individual consumption

during the five-day period.

Article 27.

Abuse of the exercise of profession

1-The penalties provided for in Articles 21, paragraphs 2 and 4, and 25 are applied to the doctor who passes

recipes, give or deliver substances or preparations there indicated with no end


2-The same penalties are applied to the pharmacist or to whom substitute it in his absence

or hindrance that selling or delivering those substances or preparations to end no


3-In the event of a conviction pursuant to the preceding paragraphs, the court communicates the

decisions to the Order of Physicians or to the Order of Pharmacists.

4-A delivery of substances or preparations to mental illness manifest or the minor, with

violation of the provisions of Article 19, is punishable by imprisonment up to a 1 year or a fine until

120 days.



5-A attempt is punishable.

Article 28.

Criminal associations

1-Who to promote, funder or finance group, organization or association of two or more

people who, by acting concertedly, aim to practise some of the crimes provided for in the

articles 21 and 22 is punished with imprisonment of 10 a to 25 years.

2-Who to provide collaboration, direct or indirect, join or support the group, organisation

or association referred to in the preceding paragraph is punished with imprisonment of 5 a to 15 years.

3-Intakes in the sentence of 12 a to 25 years in prison who head or drive group, organization or

association referred to in paragraph 1.

4-If the group, organization or association has as its purpose or activity the conversion,

transfer, dissimulation or receptation of goods or products of the crimes provided for in the

articles 21 and 22, the agent is punished:

a) In cases of paragraphs 1 and 3, with a prison sentence of 2 a to 10 years;

b) In the case of paragraph 2, with penalty of imprisonment of one to eight years.

Article 29.

Incitement to the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

1-Whoever induces, inciting or instigating another person, in public or in private, or by

any mode to facilitate the illicit use of plants, substances or preparations understood

in tables I to III is punished with imprisonment up to three years or with penalty of fine.

2-If it is treated for substances or preparations understood in table IV, the penalty is

imprisonment up to 1 year or fine up to 120 days.

3-The minimum and maximum limits of penalties are increased by one third if:

a) The facts have been practiced in injury to minor, diminished psychic or person

found to be in the care of the agent of the crime for treatment, education,



instruction, surveillance or guard;

b) Some of the circumstances provided for in the paragraphs d), e) or h) of Article 24 para.

Article 30.

Trafficking and consumption in public places or meeting places

1-Who, being an owner, manager, director or, by any title, to explore hotel,

restaurant, café, tavern, club, house or meeting room, of spectacle or of fun,

consent to such a place to be used for the trafficking or illicit use of plants, substances or

preparations included in tables I to IV is punished with imprisonment of one to eight years.

2-Who, having at your disposal building, vetted enclosure or vehicle, consent to be

customarily used for the trafficking or illicit use of plants, substances or preparations

included in tables I to IV is punched with imprisonment of one to five years.

3-Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, the one which, after the notification to which

refers to the following number, do not take the appropriate measures to prevent the places from

in them mentioned are used for the trafficking or the illicit use of plants, substances or

preparations included in tables I to IV is punished with imprisonment up to five years.

4-The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply only after two seizures of plants,

substances or preparations included in tables I to IV, carried out by judicial authority

or by criminal police body, duly notified to the agent referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2,

and not mediating between them period longer than one year, albeit without identification of the


5-Verified the conditions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4, the competent authority for

research gives knowledge of the facts to the civilian governor of the respective area district

or to the administrative authority that has granted the establishment permission of the establishment,

that will decide on the closure.

Article 31.

Mitigation or penalty dispensation



If, in the cases provided for in Articles 21, 22, 23, and 28, the agent shall leave

voluntarily carry out its activity, ward off or make a considerable dent in the danger

produced by the conduct, prevents or seriously striving to prevent the result that

the law wants to avoid if it occurs, or concretely assist the authorities in the collection of evidence

decisive for the identification or capture of others responsible, particularly

treating yourself to groups, organizations or associations, it may be a shame to be especially

mitigated or take place the penalty dispensation.

Article 32.

Abandonment of syringes

Who, in public place or open to the public, in private but of common use,

abandon syringe or other instrument used in the illicit consumption of narcotic drugs or

psychotropic substances, creating this danger mode for the life or physical integrity of

another person, is punished with imprisonment up to 1 year or with penalty of fine up to 120 days, if

more serious penalty does not fit him by virtue of another legal provision.

Article 33.

Qualified disobedience

1-Who opposes acts of surveillance or to deny displaying the required documents

by this diploma, after warns of the criminal consequences of its conduct, is

punished with the penalty corresponding to the crime of qualified disobedience.

2-It incurs an equal penalty who does not keep in time the obligations imposed by the article


Article 33-The

Criminal liability of legal persons and equiparents

Legal persons and equiparous entities are responsible, in the general terms, for the

crimes provided for in this Law.

Article 34.



Expulsion of foreigners and closure of establishment

1-Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 48, in the event of a crime conviction provided for in the

present diploma, if the accused is foreign, the court may order his expulsion from the

Country, for a period of not more than 10 years, observing the Community rules as to the

nationals of the member states of the European Community.

2-In the sentencing sentence for the practice of crime provided for in Article 30, and

regardless of the interdiction of profession or activity, it can be enacted the

closure of the establishment or public place where the facts have occurred, by the

period of one to five years.

3-Having there been prior termination ordered judicial or administratively, the

elapsed period will be taken into account in the sentence.

4-If the defendant is acquitted, it will immediately cease the orderly shutdown


Article 35.

Loss of objects

1-Are declared lost in favour of the State the objects that they have served or

were intended to serve for the practice of an offence provided for in this diploma

or that by this they have been produced.

2-The plants, substances and preparations included in the tables I to IV are always declared

lost in favor of the state.

3-The provisions of the previous figures take place even if no person determined

can be punished for the fact.

Article 36.

Loss of things or rights related to the fact

1-All the reward given or promised to the agents of an offence provided for in the

present diploma, for them or for others, is lost in favour of the State.



2-Are also lost in favour of the State, without prejudice to the rights of third party

faith, the objects, rights and advantages which, through the infringement, have been directly

acquired by the agents, for themselves or for outrain.

3-The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall apply to the rights, objects or advantages obtained

upon transaction or exchange with the rights, objects or advantages directly

achieved by way of the offence.

4-If the reward, the rights, objects or advantages referred to in the preceding paragraphs

cannot be appropriated in kind, the loss is replaced by payment to the State

of the respective value.

5-Are understood in this article, namely, furniture, real estate, aircraft,

boats, vehicles, bank deposits or of values or any other goods of fortune.

Article 36-The

Defence of third party rights of good faith

1-The third party invoking the title of things, rights or objects subject to seizure

or other legally forecasted measures applied to defendants for offences provided for in the

gift diploma can deduct in the process the defence of your rights, through

application in which to randall your good faith, indicating soon all the evidence.

2-Understand for good faith the excusable ignorance that the objects were in the

situations provided for in Article 35 (1).

3-The requirement referred to in paragraph 1 is autuised by apenso, notifying the

Prosecutor's Office for, in 10 days, deducting opposition.

4-Realized the representations that it considers necessary, the judge decides.

5-If, as to the title of the objects, things or rights, the issue proves to be complex

or likely to cause disturbance to the normal proceeding of the proceedings, may the judge

refer the third party to the capable means.



Article 37.

Processed goods, converts or mixed

1-If the rewards, objects, rights or perks referred to in the preceding article

have been processed or converted into other goods, are these lost in favour of the

State in replacement of those.

2-If the rewards, objects, rights or perks referred to in the preceding article

have been mixed with lawfully acquired goods, are these lost in favour of the

State to the estimated value of those who have been blended.

Article 38.

Profits and other benefits

The provisions of Articles 35 to 37 shall also apply to interest, profits and other benefits

obtained with the goods in them.

Article 39.

Fate of declared goods lost in favour of the State

1-The rewards, objects, rights or declared advantages lost in favour of the State,

in the terms of Articles 35 to 38, they revert:

a) In 30% for the coordinating entity of the National Combat Programme à

Drug, targeting the support of actions, measures and programmes for prevention of the

drug use;

b) In 50% for the Ministry of Health, aiming at the implementation of structures of

consultation, treatment and reinsertion of addicts;

c) In 20% for the bodies of the Ministry of Justice, pursuant to the provisions

legal applicable to the destination of the proceeds from the sale of objects seized in



criminal procedure, aiming at the treatment and social reinsertion of addicts in

compliance with criminal or tutelary measures.

2-A The divestment of motor vehicles is subject to prior annuence of the Directorate General of the

Heritage of the State, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 156 of the Decree-Law No

295-A/90, of September 21.

3-Are not disposed of the goods, objects or instruments declared lost in favour of the

State that, by its nature or characteristics, may come to be used in the practice of

other offences, and should be destroyed in the case of no interest

criminalistic, scientific or didactic.

4-In the absence of international convention, the goods or products seized from the solicitation of

foreign state authorities or the funds from their sale are reparties

between the requesting State and the requested State, in the proportion of half.


Consumption and treatment

Article 40.


1-Who cultivate plants, substances or preparations understood in tables I to IV is

punished with imprisonment for up to 3 months or with penalty of fine up to 30 days.

2-If the quantity of plants, substances or preparations cultivated by the agent exceeds the

required for individual average consumption during the 3-day period, the penalty is for arrest

up to 1 year or fine up to 120 days.

3-In the case of paragraph 1, if the agent is occasional consumer, he / she may be relieved of penalty.

Article 41.

Spontaneous treatment

[ revoked ]

Article 42.



Listening and treatment of consumers

1-The Ministry of Health will develop, through the respective services, the actions

necessary for the provision of free care to addicts or others


2-Citizens subject to treatment under the terms of this diploma, in the framework of

ongoing process or suspension of penalty execution, will have urgent access to services

of competent health.

3-The Minister of Health shall establish, upon porterie, the conditions under which entities

toilets can cater for and treat addicts, as well as the type of surveillance to which

become subject.

Article 43.

Medical examination for habitual consumers

1-If there are indications that a person is a habitual consumer of plants, substances

or preparations referred to in tables I to IV, thus posing a serious risk to their health or

revealing social dangerousness, can be ordered, by the prosecutor's office of the comarch of the

your residence, proper medical examination.

2-The examination is of the initiative of the Public Prosecutor's Office or it may be required by the

legal representative, spouse, health authority or police officer, and shall, in any case,

carry out the necessary representations to the clearance of the indications to which the number is referred


3-The examination is deposed to physician or specialist health service, public or private, and

will be carried out within no more than 30 days, observing, with the necessary

adaptations, the regime of the criminal procedure, particularly as to the obligation to

comparency, and experts may provide commitment to intervene in more than one examination

or process.

4-The examining can be subject to blood or urine analysis or another one that shows




5-If in the examination is concluded by the drug dependence of the person to him subject, the magistrate of the

Prosecutor's Office will propose to you voluntary subjection to treatment, which, if accepted, if

will carry out under the responsibility of specialist health service, public or private.

6-In the case of unwarranted interruption of the treatment or refusal of subjection to the same,

the magistrate will communicate the facts to the Institute of Social Reinsertion and, where appropriate,

to health services, for the adoption of the appropriate support measures.

Article 44.

Suspension of the penalty and obligation to treat

1-If the accused has been convicted of the practice of the crime provided for in Article 40, or of

another that with it finds itself in a direct connection of connection and has been considered

Dependent on the terms of Article 52, may the court suspend the execution of the penalty

in accordance with the general law, under condition, in addition to other duties or rules of conduct

appropriate, to voluntarily subject themselves to treatment or internment in

proper establishment, which will prove by the form and the time that the court


2-If during the period of the suspension of the execution of the penalty the drug addict

culposely not to subject themselves to treatment or to the internment or to cease to comply

any of the other duties or rules of conduct imposed by the court, apply the

provisions of the criminal law for the lack of compliance with these duties or rules of conduct.

3-Repealed the suspension, fulfilment of the penalty will take place in appropriate zone of the

prison establishment.

4-The drug addict is asympted by the establishment's own medical services

prisional or, if necessary, by the services of the Ministry of Health, in conditions to be agreed

with the Ministry of Justice.

5-The regime of assistance of the reclusive through private entities or the resource to

treatment modalities that have implications in the prison regime is established by

would pore from the Minister of Justice.



Article 45.

Suspension with proof regime

1-The court, in the case referred to in the previous article, may determine, pursuant to the law

general, that the suspension is accompanied by proof-of-procedure, if it considers it convenient and

appropriate to facilitate the recovery of the drug addict and its reinsertion into society.

2-The individual plan for recovery and reinsertion is prepared and accompanied in your

execution by the health services, articulately with the Institute of Social Reinsertion,

under the responsibility of one another, as the court considers more appropriate

to the situation, to obtain, where possible, the agreement of the target.

3-A The decision of the court may be taken before the submission of the individual plan,

fixing, in that case, a reasonable time frame for submission of the same.

4-Applies correspondingly to the provisions of paragraphs 2 a to 4 of the preceding Article.

Article 46.

Drug addictions in pretrial detention or in prison sentence

1-Compete to prison services, in collaboration with health services, ensure the

means and structures suitable for the treatment of addictions in preventive detention or

in fulfillment of pity in prison establishments.

2-If the state of drug addiction is detected when the person is detained, in

preventive detention or in order to comply with punishment, police or prison services

communicate the fact to the Public Prosecutor's Office in order to promote the appropriate measures, without

injury to those that the urgency of the situation justifies.

Article 47.

Treatment in the framework of pending proceedings



1-Where the treatment, in any of the modalities followed, decorates in the framework of

a pending trial in court, the doctor or the establishment sends, from three in three

months, if another period is not fixed, an information on the evolution of the person to it

subject, with respect to the confidentiality of the therapeutic relationship, and may suggest the

measures that understand convenient.

2-The Institute of Social Reinsertion proceeds in an identical manner in the sphere of its


3-Upon receipt of the information referred to in the preceding paragraphs, the court shall pronounce-

if, if the understanding is necesary, on the procedural situation of the target.

4-The standards of this diploma prevail over those relating to internment in

closed regime provided for in mental health diplomas.


Subsidiary legislation

Article 48.

Criminal legislation

As for the constant subject matter of this degree, they are applicable, secondarily, the

provisions of the general part of the Criminal Code and their supplementary legislation.

Article 49.

Application of Portuguese Criminal Law

For the purposes of this diploma, the Portuguese criminal law is still applicable to facts

committed outside the national territory:

a) When practiced by foreigners, as long as the agent finds himself in Portugal and

do not be extradited;

b) When practiced on board ship against which Portugal has been authorized to



take the measures provided for in Article 17 of the United Nations Convention against

the Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.

Article 49-The


[ revoked ]

Article 50.

Measures relating to minors

It is incumbent on the courts with jurisdiction in the area of minors to implement the envisaged measures

in this diploma, with due adaptations, when the person to them subject is minor, in the

terms of the special legislation of minors, and without prejudice to the application by the courts

commonplace of the legislation concerning young people from 16 to 21.

Article 51.

Criminal procedural legislation

1-For the purposes of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and in accordance with paragraph 2

of article 1 of the same Code, they consider themselves to be equated with cases of terrorism,

violent or highly organized crime of the conduct that integrate the crimes

provided for in articles 21 to 24 and 28 of this diploma.

2-In the lack of specific provision of this diploma, they are applicable in a subsidiary

standards of the Code of Criminal Procedure and supplementary legislation.

Article 52.

Medico-legal expertise

1-As soon as, in the course of the inquiry or instruction, there is news that the accused was

addicted to the date of the facts that are charged to it, is ordered for urgent

of expertise appropriate to the determination of their state.

2-As far as possible, the expert must pronounce on the nature of the products

consumed by the accused, his state at the time of the realization of the forensics and the eventual



reflections of consumption in the ability to assess the ilicitude of their acts or to determine themselves

according to the assessment made.

3-Can be ordered, when this proves necessary, to carry out the analyses to which if

refers to Article 43 (4)

Article 53.

Magazine and expertise

1-When there are indications that someone hides or transports in your body

narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, is ordered revised and, if necessary, proceeds

the expertise.

2-The target can be conducted the hospital unit or other suitable establishment

and therein remain for the time strictly necessary to the realization of the expertise.

3-In the absence of consent of the target, but without prejudice to the case in paragraph 1 of the

previous article, the realisation of the magazine or expertise depends on prior authorization of the

competent judicial authority, and it shall, where possible, be presiding over the due diligence.

4-Who, after being properly warned of the criminal consequences of his act, if

refuse to be submitted to the magazine or the authorized expertise in the terms of the preceding paragraph is

punished with imprisonment for up to 2 years or with penalty of fine up to 240 days.

Article 54.

Preventive detention

[ revoked ]

Article 55.

Measure of coaction

1-If the imputed crime is punishable with a maximum prison sentence of more than three years and the

argued to have been considered addicted, in accordance with Rule 52, may the judge

impose, without prejudice to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the obligation to treat

in proper establishment, where it shall present itself within the period of time set.



2-A The treatment obligation is communicated to the respective establishment, and the judge may

request the support of the services of the Institute of Social Reinsertion for follow-up of the

accused drug addict.

3-The accused proves before the court the fulfillment of the obligation, in the form and time

that are fixed to you.

4-A preventive detention is not imposed on the defendants who have an ongoing programme of

addiction treatment, unless there are, in concrete, cautionary needs

of special relevance.

5-If preventive detention has to be ordered, it executes itself in appropriate zone of the

prison establishment.

6-The scheme provided for in Article 44 (5) shall apply.

Article 56.

Provisional suspension of the process

1-If the imputed crime is the one provided for in Article 40 or another that with it finds

in a direct connection of connection, punishable by imprisonment of not more than three years or

with sanction of different nature, may the Public Prosecutor's Office, with the agreement of the judge

of instruction, decide on the suspension of the process, obtained the annuence of the accused and

verified the assumptions referred to in points (d) and (e) of Article 281 of the Code of

Criminal Procedure.

2-In the application of the suspension of the procedure, in addition to the rules of conduct to which it relates

the Article 281 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, shall impose itself on the defendants, verified the

state of drug dependence, treatment or internship in establishment

appropriate, applying the provisions of Article 47.

3-It is seized and declared lost in favour of the State the substances and preparations



that they have served or were meant to serve for the practice of the crimes.


Special rules

Article 57.

Criminal investigation

1-Presume is dewound to the Judiciary Police, through the Central Research Directorate of the

Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, the competence for the investigation of the crimes typified in the

articles 21, 22, 23, 27 and 28 of this diploma and the rest of it

participates or that coles news.

2-Presume-if dewound to the Republican National Guard and Public Security Police a

competence for the investigation of the following crimes, practiced in the respective areas of

jurisdiction, when they are participated in or from them colham news:

a) Of the crime provided for and punished in Article 21 of this diploma, when they occur

situations of direct distribution to consumers, to any title, of plants,

substances or preparations therein;

b) Of the crimes provided for and punished in Articles 26, 29, 30, 33, 33 and 40 of the

present diploma.

Article 58.

International cooperation

In observance of the United Nations Convention against the Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs and

of Psychotropic Substances of 1988, in the touching of extradition, mutual legal aid,

execution of foreign criminal sentences and transmission of criminal proceedings, apply

secondarily the provisions of the Decree-Law No. 43/91 of January 22.



Article 59.

Ducts not punishable

[ revoked ]

Article 59-The

Protection of employee and third infiltrators

[ revoked ]

Article 60.

Provision of information and submission of documents

1-Information can be requested and requested for the submission of documents relating

to goods, deposits or any other values belonging to suspected individuals or

defendants of the practice of crimes set out in Articles 21 to 23, 25 and 28, with a view to their

apprehension and loss to the state.

2-A provision of such information or the submission of the documents, whether they find

in manual or informatic support, cannot be refused by any entities,

public or private, particularly by banking, financial institutions or

equates, by civil or commercial societies, as well as by any repartitions of

record or tax, as long as the application shows itself individualized and sufficiently


3-The application to which the previous figures are referred is formulated by the judicial authority

competent, owing, if it respects to banking, financial or equiped institutions, be

formulated through the Bank of Portugal.

4-A individualisation and the concretization to which you rent paragraph 2 can suffice with the

identification of the suspect or the accused.



Article 61.

Controlled deliveries

[ revoked ]

Article 62.

Examination and destruction of substances

1-The apprehended plants, substances and preparations are examined, by order of the

competent judicial authority, in the shortest possible time.

2-After the laboratory examination, the expert proceeds to the collection, identification, weighing, gross and

liquid, packaging and sealing of a sample, in the case of the amount of drug the

allow, and of the remnant, if any.

3-A sample stays stored in safe from the service that proceeds to the investigation, until decision


4-Within five days after the junction of the report of the laboratory examination, the authority

competent judicial officer orders the destruction of the remaining drug, dispatch that is

served in a period not exceeding 30 days, getting the drug, up to the destruction, guarded

in cofre-forte.

5-A The destruction of the drug is done by incineration, in the presence of a magistrate, of a

official assigned to the effect, from a lab technician, washing the auto

respective; in a same incineration operation can be carried out drug destructions

seized in various processes.

6-Prowound definitive decision, the court orders the destruction of the guarded sample in

safe, what will be done with observance of the provisions of the previous number, being remitted

copy of the respective self.

7-Through the Office of the Drug Combat of the Ministry of Justice may be

requested to the magistrate that superintendent in the process the ceding of substances

apprehension, for didactic purposes, of training or of criminal investigation, in particular



for adestration of dogs.

8-Can be fixed deadline for return of the drug ceded, or authorized that the body

transferee to carry out its destruction, as soon as unnecessary or useless, with information

for the process.

Article 63.

Samples requested by foreign entities

1-Substances can be sent samples of substances and preparations that have been

seized, the solicitation of foreign public services, for scientific or technical purposes

research, even in the pendency of the process.

2-For the purpose, the application shall be forwarded to the competent judicial authority, which shall decide

about your satisfaction.

3-The application and its compliance is presented through the Office of Combating Drugs

of the Ministry of Justice or the Judicial Police.

Article 64.

Communication of decisions

1-Are communicated to the Office of the Drug Combat of the Ministry of Justice all the

seizures of plants, substances and preparations understood in tables I to IV.

2-Courts send to the Office of the Drug Combat of the Ministry of Justice copy

of decisions rendered in a criminal case by offences set out in this diploma.


Counter-ordinations and fines

Article 65.

General rule



1-The facts practiced with violation of the constraints and obligations imposed on us

terms of Article 2 (4) and (5) are considered counter-ordinations and sanctioned with

fines, in accordance with the provisions of regulatory decree.

2-In everything as if it does not find especially provided for in this decree-law and respective

supplementary diplomas apply to the provisions of the Decree-Law No. 433/82, 27 of


Article 66.

Amount of fines

1-The amount of the fines varies between (euro) 49.88 and (euro) 24939.89.

2-In the event of negligence, the amount of the fine may not exceed half the amount

maximum predicted for the respective counterordinance.

3-The fines to be applied to legal persons and equiparades can elevate up to the

maximum amounts of (euro) 49879.79, in the case of dolo, and of (euro) 24939.89, in case of


Article 67.

Seizure and ancillary sanctions

1-In the process of counterordinance may be ordered to seizure of objects that

have served their practice and applied incidentally:

a) The revocation or suspension of the permission granted for the exercise of the respective


b) The interdiction of the exercise of profession or activity for a period not exceeding three


2-If the same fact constitutes also a crime, it is the agent punished for this, without prejudice to the

application of the ancillary sanctions provided for counter-ordinance.

Article 68.



Competent and enrolment entity

1-A The application of the fines and ancillary penalties fixed in the regulatory decree is of the

competence of the President of the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication or of the

Commission for Application of Coimas in Economic Matters.

2-The National Institute of Pharmacy and Medication organizes the registration of persons

natural or legal entities authorized to engage in activities referred to in Article 2 (4), in the

which are averaged all the sanctions that are applied to them.


Final provisions

Article 69.

International representation

To the coordinating entity of the National Drug Combating Programme it is to be assured, in

articulation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the representation of Portugal at level

international, so that the matters of cooperation are dealt with and the delegations

integrated by representatives indicated by the respective bodies, according to their

specific skills.

Article 70.

Prevention activities

1-Compete to the Government to plan, implement and evaluate actions, measures and programmes

specific to the prevention of drug use, taking into account their nature


2-Compete especially to the Ministry of Education:

a) Integrate into the school curricula the basic strand of health education, with



specific incidence in the prevention of drug use;

b) Provide in the sense that the initial and continuing education of teachers the

empowers to accompany and develop such a strand;

c) Developing country-specific prevention programmes of drug dependence

in a school half.

Article 70-The

Annual report

1-The Government presents annually to the Assembly of the Republic, until March 31 of each

year, a report on the situation of the Country on drug dependence.

2-The report is for the purpose of providing the Assembly of the Republic with information

detailed on the situation of the Country in relation to drug addiction and trafficking

drugs, as well as on the activities developed by public services with

intervention in the areas of primary prevention, treatment, social reinsertion of

drug addictions and the prevention and repression of drug trafficking.

Article 71.

Diagnosis and quantification of substances

1-The Ministers of Justice and Health, listened to the Superior Council of Legal Medicine,

determine, upon portaria:

a) The diagnostic procedures and expert examinations necessary for the characterization of the

state of drug dependence;

b) The mode of intervention of specialist health services in support of

police and judicial authorities;

c) The maximum active principle quantitative limits for each average dose

daily individual of the substances or preparations set out in tables I to IV, of



more frequent consumption.

2-A The porterie referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be updated whenever the developments

of the scientific knowledge justifies it.

3-The probative value of the expert examinations and the limits referred to in paragraph 1 is appreciated in the

terms of Article 163 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Article 72.

Information for health professionals

The publications intended exclusively for physicians and other health professionals

relating to pharmaceuticals should reference with the letter E (Estupefaciente) all

substances or preparations understood in tables I-A and III and with the letter

P (Psychotropic) those understood in tables II-B, II-C and IV.

Article 73.

Technical rules and concepts

The technical rules and concepts contained in this diploma are understood to be of harmony

with international conventions relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

ratified by the Portuguese state.

Article 74.

Office to Combat Drugs of the Ministry of Justice

The references made in this diploma to the Office of Combating Drugs of the Ministry

of Justice understand made to the Office of Planning and Coordination of Combat

to the Drugs, while this is not the subject of restructuring that conscribe that


Article 75.



Abrogation standard

They are revoked:

a) The Decree-Law No 430/83 of December 13;

b) Article 130 (1) of the Decree-Law No 48547 of August 27, 1968 on the

wording given by Decree-Law No 214/90 of June 28;

c) The Decree-Law No. 209/91 of June 8.

Article 76.

Entry into force

1-This diploma comes into force 30 days after its publication.

2-A The regulation of the provisions of Articles 2, paragraphs 4 and 5, 4 to 20 and 65 takes place in the

deadline of 60 days after it was published.

Tables of plants, substances and preparations subject to control (Articles 2 and 3 of the

Decree-Law No 15/93)


Acetyl-alpha-methylfentanyl-N-(1-(alpha) metilfenetil-4-piperidil) acetanilide.



Acetorphine-3-0-acetyltetra-hydro-7 (alpha)-(1-hydro-1-methylbutyl)-6, 14-endoethanthane-oripavin.




Alpha-methylfentanyl-N-[1-(((alpha) methylphenethyl) -4-piperidil] propionanilide.

Alpha-methylthiofentanil-N-[1-metil-2-(2-tienil) ethyl] -4-piperidil propionanilide.

Alfentanil-monochloridhydrate of N-{1 [2-(4-ethyl-4.5-di-hydro-5-oxo-1H-tetrazol-1 il) ethyl] -4-



(metoximetil) -4-piperidinil} -N-phenylpropanamide.



Anileridine-ethyl ester of 1-to-aminophenethyl-4-phenylpiperidino-4-carboxylic acid.

Benzylmorphine-3-benziloxy-4.5-epoxy-N-methyl-7-morfinene-6-ol; 3-benzilmorfina.

Benzetidina-ethyl ester of acid 1-(2-benziloxietil) -4-fenilpepiridino-4-carboxílico.


Beta-hydroxifentanil-N-[1-((beta)-hydroxifenethyl) -4-piperidil] propionanilide.

Beta-hidroxi-3-metilfentanil-N-[1-(beta)-hydroxifenethyl) -3-metil-4-piperidil] propionanilide.




Bezitramida-1-(3-ciano-3,3-difenilpropil) -4-(2-oxo-3-propionil-1-benzimidazolinil)-


Dioxacetyl butyrate-etil-4-morfolino-2,2-difenilbutirato.



Codeine-3-metoxi-4,5-epoxi-6-hidroxi-17-metil-7-morfineno; 3-methyl-morphine.

Codeine N-oxide-3-methoxy-4.5-epoxy-6-hydroxy-17-methyl-7-morfinene-17-oxi-ol.


Concentrate of papoilla straw-matter obtained by treatment of the papoila straw in

order to obtain the concentration of your alkaloids, as soon as this matter is placed in the




Deomorphine-3-hidroxi-4,5-epoxi-17-metilmorfinano; di-hidrodoximorfina.

Dextromoramide-(+) -4-[2-metil-4-oxo-3,3-difenil-4 (1-pirrolidinil)-butyl]-morpholine.

Dextropropoxifene-(+) -4-dimetilamino-3-metil-1,2-difenil-2-butanol propionate.


Dietiltiambuteno-3 dietilamino-1,1-di-(2 '-tienyl) -1-buteno.

Difenoxylate-ethyl ester of acid 1-(3-ciano-3,3-difenilpropil) -4-fenilpiperidino-4-


Difenoxin-ácido-1-(3-ciano-3,3-difenilpropil) -4-fenilisonipecótico.


Diidroetorfina-7,8-diidro-7-(alpha)-[1-(R)-hidroxi-1-methylbutyl] -6, 14-enab-





Dimetiltiambuteno-3-dimetilamino-1,1-di-(2 '-tienyl) -1-buteno.


Drotebanol-3,4-dimetoxi-17-metilmorfinano-6-beta, 14-diol.

Ethylmethylmethylthiambutene-3-etilmetilamino-1,1-di-(2 '-tienyl) -1-buteno.

Ethylmorphine-3-etoxi-4,5-epoxi-6-hidroxi-17-metil-7-morfineno; 3-etilmorfina.


Etorphine-tetra-hidro-7-(1-hidroxi-1-metilbutil) -6, 14-endoetenooripavina.

Ethoxeridine-ethyl ester of the ácido-1-[2-(2-hidroxietoxi)-ethyl] -4-fenilpiperidino-4-






Fenazocin-2 '-hidroxi-5,9-dimetil-2-fenetil-6,7-benzomorfano.


Phenopiridina-ethyl ester of acid 1-(3-hidroxi-3-fenilpropil)-fenil-piperidino-4-





Acid-ethyl acid 1-(2-tetra-hydrofurfuriloethyl)-4-phenylpiperidino-4-phenylpiperidino-ester


Heroin-3,6-diacetoxi-4,5-epoxi-17-metil-7-morfineno; diacetylmorphine.

Hydrocodona-3-metoxi-4,5-epoxi-6-oxo-17 methylmorphine; di-hydrocodeine.

Hydromorfinol-3,6,14-triidroxi-4,5-epoxi-17-metilmorfinano; 14-hidroxidiidromorfina.

Hydromorphone-3-hidroxi-4,5-epoxi-6-oxo-17-metilmorfinano; diidromorfinone.

Hydroxypetidine-ethyl ester of 4-meta-hydroxyphenyl-1-methylpiperidino-4-carboxylic acid.



Levometorfano-(-)-3-methoxy-N-methylmorfinane (see note *).

Levomoramide-(-) -4-[2-metil-4-oxo-3,3-difenil-4-(1-pirrolidinil)-butyl] morphine.

Levorfanol-(-)-3-hydroxy-N-methylmorfinane (see note *).




Methadone, intermediate of-4-ciano-2-dimetilamino-4,4-difenilbutano.

Metazocin-2 '-hidroxi-2,5,9-trimetil-6,7-benzomorfano.

Methyldesorthin-6-methyl-delta-6-desoximorfina; 3-hidroxi-4,5-epoxi-6, 17-dimetil-6-


Methyldiidromorphine-6-methyl-diidromorfina; 3,6-diidroxi-4,5-epoxi-6, 17-dimetilmorfinano.

3-metilfentanil-N-(3-metil-1-fenetil-4-piperidil) propionanilide (and its two isomers cis

and trans).

Metopon-5-methyl di-hydromorfinona; 3-hidroxi-4,5-epoxi-6-oxo-5, 17 dimethylmorfinone.

Mirofina-miristilbenzylmorphine; tetradecanoate of 3-benziloxi-4,5-epoxi-17-metil-7-


Morferidine-ethyl ester of acid 1-(2-morfolinoetil) -4-fenilpiperidino-4-carboxílico.

Moramide, intermediate of 2-metil-3-morfolino-1,1-difenilpropano carboxylic acid.


Morphine, bromomethylato and other derivatives of morphine with pentavalent nitrogen.


MPPP-propionate of 1-metil-4-fenil-4-piperidinol.

Nicocodine-codeinic ester of 3-piridinocarboxílico; 6-nicotinilcodeína acid.

Nicodicodine-dihydrocodeinic acid ester of 3-piridinocarboxílico; 6-



Noracimetadol-(more or less)-alpha-3-acetoxi-6-methylamino-4.4-difenyl-heptane.

Norcodeine-3-metoxi-4,5-epoxi-6-hidroxi-7-morfineno; N-desmethylcodeine.

Norlevorfanol-(-) -3-hidroximorfinano.




Normorphine-3.6-di-hydroxy-4.5-epoxy-7-morfineno; desmethylmorphine.


Opium-the coagulated juice spontaneously obtained from the capsule of Papaver som niferum L. and

that has suffered no more than the necessary manipulations for your packaging

and transport, whatever their morphine content.

Opium-mixture of alkaloids in the form of chlorhydrates and bromides.

Oripavina (3-O-desmethyltebaine, the 6,7,8,14-tetradeshydro-4.5-α-epoxy-6-methoxy-17-


Oxicodone-3-metoxi-4,5-epoxi-6-oxo-14-hidroxi-17-metilmorfinano; 14-


Oxymorphin-3,14-diidroxi-4,5-epoxi-6-oxo-17-metilmorfinano; 14-


Para-fluorofentanil-(4 '-fluoro-N-(1-fenetil-4-piperidil) propionanilide.

PEPAP-acetate of 1-fenetil-4-fenil-4-piperidinol.

Petidina-ethyl ester of 1-metil-4-fenilpiperidino-4-carboxílico acid.

Petidina, intermediate A of 4-ciano-1-metil-4-fenilpiperidina.

Petidina, intermediate B of the ethyl ester of the ácido-4-fenilpiperidino-4-carboxílico.

Petidina, intermediate C of-acid 1-metil-4-fenilpiperidino-4-carboxílico.

Piminodine-ethyl ester of 4-fenil-1 acid-[3-(phenylamino)-propylpiperidino] -4-carboxílico.

Pyritramine-amide acid 1-(3-ciano-3,3-difenilpropil) -4-(1-piperidino)-piperidino-4-



Properidine-isopropyl ester of 1-methyl-4-phenylpiperi-dino-4-carboxylic acid.



Propiranus-N-(1-metil-2-piperidinoetil) -N-2-piridilpropionamida.

Racemétorfano-(more or less)-3-methoxy-N-methylmorfinane.

Racemoramide-(more or less) -4-[2-metil-4-oxo-3,3-difenil-4-(1-pirrolidinil)-butyl]-


Racemorfano-(more or less)-3-hydroxy-N-methylmorfinane.

Remifentanilo-1-(2-metoxicarboniletil) -4-(phenylpropionylamino) piperidina-4-carboxilato of


Sufentanyl-N-{4-metoximetil-1-[2-(2-tienil)-ethyl] -4-piperidil}-propionanilide.

Tabecon-3-metoxi-4,5-epoxi-6-acetoxi-17-metilmorfinano; acetidil-hydrocodeinone.

Tebaine-(3 ,6-dimetoxi-4,5-epoxi-17-metil-6,8-morfinadieno).

Tilidine-(more or less)-ethyl-trans-2-(dimethylamino)-1-phenyl-3-cycle-hexene-1-carboxylate.

Thiofentanyl-N-{1-[2-(2-tienil) ethyl] -4-piperidil} propionanilide.


The isomers of the substances inscribed in this table in all cases in which these isomers

may exist with specific chemical designation, unless they are expressly excluded.

The esters and ethers of the substances inscribed in this table in all forms in

that these esters and ethers may exist, save if they appear in another table.

The salts of substances inscribed in this table, including the salts of esters and ethers and

isomers mentioned previously whenever the shapes of these salts are possible.

(note *) The dextrometorfano (+)-3-methoxy-N-methylmorfinane and the dextrorfano (+) -3-

hydroxy-N-methylmorfinene are specifically excluded from this table.


Coca, leaf from-the leaves of Erythroxilon coca (Lamark), from Erythroxilon nova-granatense

(Morris) Hieronymus and its varieties, from the family of the erythroxylaceous and its leaves, from



other species of this genus, from which one can extract cocaine directly, or obtain

by chemical transformations; the leaves of the coca bush, except those of which it is

extracted all the ecgonine, cocaine and any other alkaloids derived from the ecgonine.

Cocaine-methyl ether from acid (-)-8-methyl-3-benzoiloxy-8-aza-bicyclo-(1,2, 3)-octane-2-

carboxylic; methyl ester of benzoilecgonine.

Cocaina-D-isomer dextrogiro of cocaine.

Ecgnonin, acid-(-)-3-hydroxy-8-methyl-8-aza-bicyclo-(1, 2, 3)-octano-2-carboxílico, and the

their esters and derivatives that are convertible into ecgonine and cocaine.

They consider themselves to be inscribed in this table all salts of these compounds, provided that their

existence is possible.


Canabis-sheets and florid or fractured summaries of the Cannabis sativa L. plant from which

have not been extracted the resin, whatever the designation is given.

Canabis, separated resin, raw or purified resin, obtained from the plant


Canabis, separate oil, crude oil, raw or purified, obtained from the plant


Cannabis-seeds not intended for sowing of the plant Canabis sativa L.

They consider themselves to be inscribed in this table all salts of these compounds, provided that their

existence is possible.


1-benzilpiperazina (1-benzil-1,4-diazacilohexano, N-benzylpiperazine or, in a less

need, benzylpiperazin or BZP)

2C-B (4-bromo-2,5-dimetoxifenethylamine).

2C-I (2 ,5-dimetoxi-4-iodofenetilamina).



2C-T-2 (2 ,5-dimetoxi-4-etiltiofenetilamina).

2C-T-7 (2 ,5-dimetoxi-4-propiltiofenetilamina); Bufotenin-5-hydroxy-N-N-




DMA-(more or less)-2.5-dimethoxy-a-methylphenylethylamine.

DMHP-3-(1.2-dimethyl-heptyl)-1-hiroxi-7,8,9, 10-tetrahedron-6,6,9-trimethyl-6H-dibenzo-(b, d)



DOB-2.5 dimetoxi-4-bromoanfetamina.

DOET-(more or less) -2.5-dimetoxi-4 (alpha)-ethyl-methylphenylethylamine.

DOM, STP-2-amino-1-(2.5-dimetoxi-4-metil) phenyl propane.


Eticiclidin, PCE-N-ethyl-1-phenylcycle-hexylamine.

Etriptamine-3-(2-aminobutil) indol.

Fenciclidin, PCP-1-(1-phenylcycle-hexi) piperidine.

GHB ((range)-hydroxybutyric acid).

Lisergida, LSD, LSD-25- (more or less)-N-N-diethylisergamida; acid diethylamide




Metcatinone-2-(methylamino) -1-fenilpropan-1-ona.

4-MTA (p-methylthioamphetamine or 4-metiltioanfetamina).

4-metilaminorex-(more or less)-cis-2-amino-4-metil-5-fenil-2-oxazolina.



MMDA-(more or less) -5-metoxi-3,4-metilenodioxi-(alpha) methylphenylethylamine.

For-hexyl-3-hexilo-1-hidroxi-7,8,9, 10-tetraidro-6,6,9-trimetil-6H-dibenzo (b, d) pyrano.

PMA-4 (alpha) -methoxy-methylphenylethylamine.

PMMA-[parametoximetilanfetamine or N-metil-1-(4-metixifenil) -2-aminopropano]

Psilocibine-phosfatodiidrogenated 3-(2-dimetilaminoetil) -4-indolilo.

Psilocin-3- (-2-dimetilaminoetil) -4- (hydroxy-indol).

Roliciclidin, PHP, PCPY-1-(1-fenilciclohexil) pyrrolidine.

Tenanfetamine-MDA-(more or less) -3, 4 N-methylenedioxy, (alpha)-dimethylphenylethylamine.

Tenocylidin, TCP-1-[1-(2-tienil) cycle-hexyl] piperidine.

TMA-(more or less) -3,4,5-trimethoxy-(alpha)-methylphenylethylamine.

TMA-2 (2 ,4,5-trimethoxiamphetamine).

The salts of the substances indicated in this table, where the existence of such salts is


The isomers of the substances inscribed in this table in all cases in which these isomers

may exist with specific chemical designation, unless they are expressly excluded.


Amphetamine-(more or less) -2-amino-1-fenilpropano.


Dexamphetamine-(+) -2-amino-1-fenilpropano.

Fendimetrazin-(+) -3,4-dimetil-2-fenilmorfolina.

Phenethyline-(more or less)-3.7-di-hydro-1.3-dimethyl-7-{2-[(1-methyl-2-phenylethyl) amino]

etil} -1H-purina-2,6-diona.




Fenterminus-(alpha), (alpha)-dimethylphenethylamine.

Levanfetamine-(-) -2-amino-1-fenilpropano.

Levometanfetamine-(-) -N-dimethyl, a-fenetilamino-3 (O-chlorophenyl) -2-metil (3H) -4-


Methamphetamine-(+) -2-metilamino-1-fenilpropano.

Methamphetamine, racemate-(more or less) -2-metilamina-1-fenilpropano.

Methylphenidate-methyl ester of acid 2 fenil-2-(2-piperidil) acetic acid.

Tetraidrocannabinol-the following isomers: (Delta) 6a (10a), (Delta) 6a (7), (Delta) 7,

(Delta) 8, (Delta) 9, (Delta) 10, (Delta) (11).

Zipefavour-(alpha)-((alpha)-methoxybenzyl) -4-((beta)-methoxyphenethyl) -1-piperazineetanol.

The derivatives and salts of substances inscribed in this table, where their existence is

possible, as well as all those prepared in which these substances are associated with

other compounds, whatever the action of these.


Amobarbital-acid 5-etil-5-(3-metilbutil) barbiturate.

Buprenorphine-21-ciclopropil-7 alpha [(s) 1-hydroxy-1,2,2-trimethylpropyl]-6, 14-endo-ethane-


Butalbital-acid 5-alil-5-isobarbituric acid.

Cylobarbital-acid 5-(1-cycle-hexene-1-il)-5-ethylbarbituric.




Mecloqualone-3-(O-chlorophenyl) -2-metil-4 (3H)-quinazolinone.

Metaqualone-2-methyl-3-o-tolyl-4 (3H)-quinazolinone.



Pentazocin-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexa-hydro-6, 11 ,dimethyl-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2.6-methane-3-

benzozo cina-8-ol.

Pentobarbital-acid 5-etil-5-(1-metilbutil) barbiturate.

Secobarbital-acid 5-alil-5-(1-metilbutil) barbiturate.

The salts of the substances indicated in this table, where the existence of such salts is



1-Preparations that, by their quantitative composition and although derived from

narcotic drugs, do not present much risk of use and abuse.

2-Preparations of acetyldiidrocodeine, codeine, dihydrocodeine, ethylmorphine, folcodine,

nicocodine, nicodicodine and norcodeine, when mixed with one or several others

ingredients and the amount of narcotic does not exceed 100 mg per unit of administration

and the concentration in the pharmaceutical preparations in undivided form do not exceed 2.5%.

3-Preparations of cocaine containing at most 0.1% of cocaine, calculated in cocaine

basis, and preparations of opium or morphine that contain at most 0.2% morphine,

calculated in morphine base anhydrous, when in any of these exist one or several

ingredients, assets or inert, so that the conchaine and opium or morphine cannot

be easily recovered or are not in preparations that constitute danger to the


4-Preparations of diphenoxin containing in administration unit at most 0.5 mg

of difenoxin, calculated in the base form, and an amount of atropine sulfate

equivalent at least to 5% of the diphenoxin dose.

5-Preparations of diphenoxylate containing in administration unit at most 2.5 mg

of difenoxylate, calculated in the base form, and an amount of atropine sulfate



equivalent at least to 1% of difenoxylate.

6-Po of ipecacuanha and opium with the following composition: 10% of opium in powder; 10% root

of powdered ipecacuanha; 80% of any inert powder not containing controlled drug.

7-Propiramo preparations containing at most 100 mg propiramo per unit of

administration associated with a quantity at least equal methylcellulose.

8-Oral manageable preparation that does not contain more than 135 mg of salts of

dextropropoxifen base per unit of administration or that the concentration does not exceed

2.5% of preparations in undivided form whenever these preparations do not contain

no substance subject to control measures of the 1971 Convention on


9-The preparations that correspond to any of the formulas mentioned in this table and

mixtures of the same preparations with any ingredient that is not part of the drugs



Alobarbital-acid 5.5 dialylbarbituric.

Alprazolam-8-cloro-1-metil-6-fenil-4 H-s-triazole [4 ,3-(alpha)] [1, 4] benzodiazepine.


Amfepramone-2-(diethylamino) propiofenone.

Barbital-acidic 5.5-diethylbarbituric acid.

Benzefetamine-N-benzyl-N, -dimethylphenethylamine.

Bromazepam-7-bromine-1.3-di-hydro-5-(2-pyridinyl)-2 H-1,4-benzodiazepina-2-ona.

Brotizolam-2-bromo-4-(0-clorofenil) -9-metil-6H-thiene [3,2-f]-s-triazole [4.3-a] [1, 4] diazepi

in the.

Butobarbital-acid 5, butil-5-ethylbarbiturate.

Camazepam-dimethylcarbamate (ester) of the 7-chlorine-1.3-di-hydro-3-hydroxy-1-methyl-phenyl-5-phenyl-




Cetazolam-11-cloro-8, 12b-di-hydro-2.8-dimethyl-12b-phenyl-4H-[1, 3] oxazino [3 ,2-d] [1, 4]

benzodiazepina-4, 7 (6h)-dione.

Clobazam-7-cloro-1-metil-5-fenil-1H-1,5-benzodiazepine-2, to 4 (3H, 5H)-dione.

Clobenzorex-(+) -N-(o-chlorobenzyl)-(alpha)-methylphenethylamine.

Clonazepam-7-nitro-5-(2-clorofenil) -3H-1,4-benzodiazepina-2 (1H)-one.

Chlorollase-acid 7-chlorine-2.3-di-hydro-2.2-di-hydroxy-5-phenyl-1H-1.4-benzodiazepine-3-

carboxylic o.

Chlordiazepoxide-7-cloro-2-metilamino-5-fenil-3H-1, 4 benzodiazepina-4-óxido.


Clotiazepam-5-(2-chlorophenyl)-7-ethyl-1.3-di-hydro-1-methyl-2H-thiene [2 ,3-e] -1,4-diazepina-2-


Cloxazolam-10-chlorine-11b-(2-chlorophenyl)-2,3,7, 11b-tetra-hydrooxa-zolo [3 ,2-d] [1, 4]

benzodiazepina-6 (5H)-one.



Stazolam-8-chlorine-6-phenyl-4H-s-triazole [4 ,3-(alpha)] [1, 4] benzodiazepine.


Etilanfetamine-(more or less) -N-ethyl-(alpha)-methylphenylethylamine.


carboxila to de etilo.


Fenchfamine-(more or less)-3-N-ethylphenyl-(2,2, 1) bicycling 2-heptanamina.


Fenproporex-(more or less) -3-((alpha)-methylphenitilamine) propionitrile.




Flurazepam-7-cloro-1-[2-(diethylamino) ethyl]-5-(2-fluorophenyl)-1.3-di-hydro-2H-1.4-1.4-




Haloxazolam-10-bromine-11b-(2-fluorophenyl)-2,3,7, 11b-tetra-hydrooxazole [3 ,2-d] [1, 4]

benzodiazepina-6 (5H)-one.

Loprazolam-6-2 (chlorophenyl)-2.4-di-hydro-2-[4-methyl-1-piperazinyl) methylene] -8-nitro-1H-

imidazo-[1 ,2-a] [1, 4] benzodiazepina-1-ona.

Lorazepam-7-cloro-5 (2-chlorophenyl)-1.3-di-hydro-3-hydroxy-2H-1.4-benzodiazepine-2-one.



Mazindol-5-(p-chlorophenyl)-2.5-di-hydro-3N-imidazole (2 ,1-a)-isoindol-5-ol.


Mefenorex-(more or less) -N-(3-cloropropil)-a-methylphenethylamine.


Mesocarbe-3-((alpha)-methylphenethyl) -N-(phenylcarbamoil) sidnone imine.



Midazolam-8-cloro-6-(o-fluorophenyl) -1-metil-4H-imidazole [1 ,5-(alpha)] [1, 4] benzodiazepine.



Nordazepam-7-chlorine-1.3-di-hydro-5-phenyl-1 (2H) -1,4-benzodiazepina-2-ona.




Oxazolam-10-chlorine-2,3,7, 11b-tetra-hydro-2-methyl-11b-phenyloxazole [3 ,2-d] [1, 4]

benzodiazepina-6 (5H)-one.

Pemolina-2-amino-5-fenil-2-oxazolina-4 one (or: 2-imino-5-fenil-4-oxazolidinoma).



Pyrovalerone-(more or less) -1-(4-metilfenil) -2 (1-pirrolidinil) 1-pentanona.


Propyl-hexedrine-(more or less)-1-cycle-hexyl-2-methyl-aminopropane.



Secbutabarbital-secbutil-5 acid-ethylbarbituric acid.

SPA, Lefetamine-(-) -1-dimetilamino-1,2-difeniletano.



2-o na.

Triazolam-8-cloro-6-(2-clorofenil) -1-metil-4H-[1,2, 4] triazole [4 ,3-(alpha)] [1, 4]


Vinylbital-acid 5-(1-metilbutil) -5 vinylbarbiturate.

Zolpidem {N, N, 6-trimetil-2-(ró)-tolilimidazole [1 ,2-(alpha)] piridina-3-acetamida}

The salts of the substances indicated in this table, where the existence of such salts is





Lysergic acid.




Phenyl-1 propanone-2.



N-acetyllantranyl acid.





The salts of substances entered in this table in all cases in which the existence

of these salts is possible.



Antranilic acid.

Hydrochloric acid.

Phenylacetic acid.

Sulfuric acid.

Acetic anhydride.



Ethyl ether.


Permanganate of potassium.



The salts of substances entered in this table in all cases in which the existence

of these salts is possible.