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Constitution Of A Possible Parliamentary Inquiry Commission On The Situation That Led To The Nationalisation Of Bpn-Portuguese Bank Of Business And About The Inherent Banking Supervision

Original Language Title: Constituição de uma comissão eventual de inquérito parlamentar sobre a situação que levou à nacionalização do BPN - Banco Português de Negócios e sobre a supervisão bancária inerente

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Replacement proposal submitted by the PS, PPD/PSD and CDS-PP to the

Parliamentary Survey No 8/X/4 th (CDS-PP)

The undersigned Deputies propose to the Assembly of the Republic to

constitution of an eventual commission of inquiry into the situation that

led to the nationalization of the BPN-Portuguese Business Bank, with the

following object:

a) Clearance of the breaking situation of the BPN and the fundamentals that

led to the nationalization;

b) What facts or situations that have contributed to facilitate,

stimulate or hide the set of irregularities now detected

or for their non-detection in a timely manner;

c) The existence of possible deficits or structural insufficiencies,

institutional and legislative framework or operation

of credit institutions and financial companies, which have

facilitated or permitted the disclosed irregularities;

d) The way in which, in concrete, the Bank of Portugal, complied

fully with its legal supervisory duties in relation to the

Portuguese Bank of Business between 2001 and 2008;

e) Affer of the responsibilities, by action or omission, of the Bank of

Portugal and its leaders in the performance of their duties




f) Whether there is legislation in place on incompatibilities and

impediments of holders and former holders of political office and of

public office gaps or shortcomings in regulation,

illustrated in the light of the occurrences in the BPN case.

Palace of S. Bento, December 4, 2008

The Deputies,