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Regime Of The Editing And Publishing Of The Journal Of The Assembly Of The Republic

Original Language Title: Regime da edição e publicação do Diário da Assembleia da República

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Article 1.

Journal of the Assembly of the Republic

1-The official newspaper of the Assembly of the Republic is the Journal of the Assembly of the Republic .

2-The Journal comprises two independent series, constying from the first the reporting of the

plenary and second meetings of the Assembly which, pursuant to the

Regiment, should be published.

3-Each of the series of the Journal has own numbering, referred to each session


Article 2.

Electronic publication

1-A 1 th and the 2 th series of the Journal of the Assembly of the Republic are unique and

fully published in electronic format on the portal of the Assembly of the Republic

in the Internet.

2-A electronic edition of the Journal of the Assembly of the Republic makes full faith and the

publication of the acts through it carried out is worth for all legal effects and

regimental, and mechanism should be used that signals, when appropriate, the

respective date and time of placement in public reading.

3-The services prepare, edit and deposit in the Library of the Assembly of the

Republic and in the National Library four copies of a printed version of the two

series of the Journal , prepared solely for such an effect.

4-It is ensured the edition in printed separata from:

a) Diplomas whose submission to public consultation is legally binding, without

injury of the respective interactive discussion in the portal of the Assembly of

Republic in Internet .

b) Other diplomas whose publication in printed support is considered

required and determined in the respective admission dispatch.

Article 3.

Contents of the 1ª series of the Journal

1-A 1ª series of the Journal contains the faithful and complete reporting of what occurs in each meeting


2-Da 1ª series of the Journal are listed, inter alia:

a) Hours of opening and closing, names of the President of the Assembly,

of the Secretaries and the Deputies present at the beginning of the meeting, of those

enter into the course of it, are absent in parliamentary mission or

are lacking;

b) Full reproduction of all statements and interventions produced by the

President of the Assembly, members of the Bureau, Deputies, members of the Government

or other intervener at the meeting;

c) Reporting of the incidents that occur;

d) Designation of the subjects indicated or set for the following meetings.



3-The declarations of vote sent in writing to the Bureau are entered into place

own from the Journal with the respective indication.

4-A l. th grade of the Journal contains a summary with the mention of the subjects dealt with, the

indication of the actors in the discussions, the results of votes and others

elements that the President of the Assembly judges need to include.

Article 4.

Drafting and approval of the 1ª series of the Journal

1-The original of the 1ª series of the Journal is drawn up by the services under the direction of the

President and the Bureau.

2-Any intervener in the debates may proceed to the merely literary review of the

text of their interventions, within the deadline set by the Bureau.

3-When rectifications go beyond the scope of the preceding paragraph, it is up to the Bureau

decide on its inclusion, under information from the services.

4-Until the approval of the Journal , any Member of Parliament can complain against inaccuracies and

apply for their rectification, to which it is decided by the Bureau, under information from the Services.

5-Fishing the period provided for in paragraph two, the Journal is submitted to the approval of the


6-Once approved, with the rectifications that have been dewound, the Journal

constitutes an authentic expression of the occurred in the meeting to which I respect.

7-The recordings of each meeting can be deleted three days after the approval of the

Journal , safeguarding, however, the registration made for the audiovisual archive

of the Assembly of the Republic.

Article 5.

Contents of the 2ª series of the Journal

1-A 2 th grade of the Journal , which comprises five subsides and the respective supplements,


A-T exts of the decrees, resolutions and deliberations of the Plenary, of the Commission

Permanent, from the Bureau and the Leaders ' Conference, of the review projects

constitutional of the projects and proposals of law, of the projects and proposals of

resolution and referendum, as well as of the draft deliberation, of the

opinions of the committees parliamentarians on them issued and texts of

replacement, when there are, or final, as well as the remaining opinions

requested from the parliamentary committees, the convenes of the Assembly by the

President, pursuant to the Constitution, the messages of the President of the

Republic, the Government Programme and the motions of rejection of the Programme of the

Government, of censorship and of trust;

B- Texts of the votes, interpellations, parliamentary inquiries and requirements

of the assessment of decrees-laws, the questions formulated in writing to the Government and

the requirements referred to in points (d) and (e) of Article 156 of the Constitution,

as well as the respective responses, the reproduction of which may be partial when the

Mesa thus understands you by reason of your extension, of the parliamentary hearings,

the texts and reports of the petitions that should be published in the terms of the law and

those to which the commission competent parliamentarian understand giving publicity, of the

applications and their responses;



C- The reports of the activity of the committees parliamentarians in the terms of

Rules, as well as of the delegations of the Assembly of the Republic; the minutes of the

commissions parliamentarians and the parliamentary hearings, when deliberated to their

publication, documents relating to the mandate of Deputy and the groups


D- The interventions made by Deputies, in representation of the Assembly of

Republic, in international organizations, specifically Union

Interparliamentary, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Assembly

of the NATO Parliamentarians and Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Europe

Western and COSAC, provided that they are fully in their respective records,

as well as of the Assembly delegations and the documents relating to the

constitution and composition of parliamentary friendship groups;

And- The dispatches of the President of the Assembly and the Vice-Presidents, the

budget and the accounts of the Assembly of the Republic, and the reports of the activity

of the Assembly and the Legal Audit, the deliberations, recommendations,

opinions and reports of the independent bodies that work with the

Assembly of the Republic. documents relating to the staff of the Assembly of the

Republic and other documents which, under the law or the Rules of Procedure, should

be published, as well as those that the President understands to have published.

2-The documents referred to in the preceding paragraph are ordered numerically, when

is a case of this, and published on the subsides.

3-Each subseries contains a summary pertaining to the published texts and their index.

Article 6.

Index of the Journal of the Assembly of the Republic

The services of the Assembly, under the direction of the Bureau, draw up an analytical index of the

Journal at the end of each legislative session.

Palace of Saint Benedict, on July 17, 2007

The Deputies