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Approves, For Ratification, The Political Dialogue And Cooperation Agreement Between The European Community And Its Member States, Of The One Part, And The Republics Of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua And Panama, Of The Other Pa...

Original Language Title: Aprova, para ratificação, o Acordo de Diálogo político e Cooperação entre a Comunidade Europeia e os seus Estados Membros, por um lado, e as Repúblicas da Costa Rica, de El Salvador, da Guatemala, das Honduras, da Nicarágua e do Panamá, por outro, assinad

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Considering the need to strengthen the programme of cooperation regulated by the

Agreement-Framework for Cooperation between the European Economic Community and the Republics

from Costa Rica, from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama

signed in 1993;

Taking into account that the strategic partnership established between the European Union and the countries

of Latin America and the Caribbean, within the framework of the I Rio Summit in 1999, reaffirmed in the II

Summit in Madrid in 2002 decided to deepen the relationship between the European Union

and that region, through the development of political dialogue and reinforcement of the


Attending to the strengthening of the political dialogue and the comprehensive nature of the cooperation

aim to promote the political affirmation of the European Union in the countries of Central America,

favoring stability indispensable to the harmonious and sustained development of the

society and the state, with a view to a future broader relationship with this



Under the terms of the paragraph d) of Article 197 (1) of the Constitution, the Government presents to the

Assembly of the Republic the following proposal for a Resolution:

Approve, for ratification, the Agreement on Political Dialogue and Cooperation between the Community

European and its Member States, on the one hand, and the Republics of Costa Rica, of El

Salvador, from Guatemala, from Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, on the other, signed in

Rome, on December 15, 2003, whose authenticated text of the language version

Portuguese publishes in annex.

Seen and approved in Council of Ministers of June 23, 2005.

The Prime Minister

The Minister of the Presidency

The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs






















Contracting Parties to the Treaty establishing the European Community and the

Treaty of the European Union, hereinafter referred to as "Member States", and

THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, hereinafter referred to as the "Community",

on the one hand, and







on the other hand,

CONSIDERING the traditional historical and cultural ties between the

Parties and the desire to deepen their relationships on the basis of the

mechanisms that regulate currently the relations between the Parties;

CONSIDERING the positive developments verified in both regions in the

last decade, which allowed to promote common goals and interests and

enter a new phase of relations, deeper, modern and

permanent, in order to cope with the current internal challenges and to the

international events;

REAFFIRMING their respect for democratic principles and for the

fundamental human rights, set out in the Universal Declaration of

Rights of Man;

REMEMBERING their commitment to the principles of the rule of law and the

good governance;

TAKING THE BASIS of the principles of sharing responsibilities and

convinced of the importance of the prevention of the use of illicit drugs and

of the reduction of its harmful effects, as well as of the fight against cultivation, the

production, processing and illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and


UNDERLINING their commitment to working jointly on the

pursuing the goals of eradicating poverty, development

equitable and sustainable, taking into account aspects such as vulnerability to

natural disasters, the conservation and protection of the environment and the

biodiversity and the progressive integration of the countries of Central America in the

world economy;

HIGHLIGHTING the importance that the Parties attach to the consolidation of the

process of political dialogue and economic cooperation instituted between

both in the framework of the San José Dialogue initiated in 1984 and taken up in

Florence, in 1996, and in Madrid, in 2002;

STRESSING the need to strengthen the programme of cooperation

regulated by the Framework Agreement for Cooperation between the Community

European Economic and the Republics of Costa Rica, of El Salvador, of the

Guatemala, from Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama signed in 1993 (the

hereinafter referred to as the "Framework Cooperation Agreement of 1993");

RECOGNIZING the progress recorded in the integration process

regional in Central America, notably efforts in the sense of

quick creation of a Central American Customs Union, the entry into

vigour of the trade dispute resolution mechanism, the signing of the

Center-American Treaty on Investment and Trade in

Services, as well as the need to deepen the integration process

regional, of liberalization of trade and economic reform in the

region of Central America;

CONSCIOUS of the need to promote development

sustainable of the two regions upon the establishment of a partnership

for development with the participation of all interested parties,

including civil society and the private sector, under principles

set out in the Consense of Monterrey and the Johannesburg Declaration and

their respective plan of application;

CONVINCED of the need to establish a cooperation in

migration matter;

RECOGNIZING that no provision of this Agreement refers to

to the position of the Parties in bilateral or multilateral trade negotiations,

current or future, nor can it be interpreted in the sense of defining that


UNDERSCORING your desire to cooperate in international fora

on issues of common interest;

HAVING REGARD to the strategic partnership developed between the Union

European and Latin America and the Caribbean, in the framework of the Rio Summit

of 1999, subsequently reaffirmed at the Madrid Summit of 2002; and

HAVING REGARD to the Madrid Declaration of May 2002,


Title I




1. respect for the principles of democracy and human rights

fundaments set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

as well as by the principle of the rule of law, presides over policies

internal and external of both Parties and constitutes an essential element of the

present Agreement.

2. The Parties confirm their commitment to promoting the

sustainable development and in contributing to the realization of the

Development objectives for the Millennium.

3. The Parties reaffirm their commitment to respect the principle of

good governance and to fight against corruption.


Objectives and scope of application

1. The Parties confirm their common goal of deepening the

their relations, through the development of political dialogue and reinforcement

of the cooperation.

2. The Parties also rebutted their decision to strengthen cooperation

in matters of trade, investments and economic relations.

3. The Parties confirm their common goal of working on the

sense of creating the necessary conditions for which, based on the results

of the Doha Work Programme that they committed to complete by the

end of 2004, can negotiate between them a viable association agreement and

reciprocally advantageous, including a free trade agreement.

4. The application of this Agreement shall contribute to creating such

conditions, seeking to ensure political and social stability, the

deepening the process of regional integration and poverty reduction,

in a context of sustainable development of Central America.

5. The present Agreement regulates the political dialogue and cooperation between the

Parties, containing the necessary institutional arrangements for their

application. No provision of this Agreement sets out the position of the

Parties to current or future bilateral trade negotiations or


6. Parties undertake to periodically assess progress

performed, taking into account the progress made before the entry into

vigour of the Agreement.

Title II




1. The Parties agree to strengthen their regular political dialogue, with

basis in the principles set out in the Common Declarations Of The Process of

San José, namely the Declarations of San José (28/29 September

from 1984), from Florence (March 21, 1996) and from Madrid (May 18

of 2002).

2. The Parties agree that the political dialogue should focus on all

the subjects of common interest and any other international issues.

Dialogue should pave the way for new initiatives towards goals

common and the establishment of concerted positions in areas such as

regional integration, poverty reduction and social cohesion, the

sustainable development, regional security and stability, the

prevention and resolution of conflicts, human rights, democracy,

good governance, the migrations, the fight against corruption, combating the

terrorism, drugs and proliferation of small arms and light weapons.

The dialogue shall also provide a basis for the adoption of

initiatives and support efforts aimed at developing initiatives,

particularly of cooperation, and actions throughout Latin America.

3. The Parties further agree that the enhanced political dialogue shall

enable a broad exchange of information and constitute a forum for

the adoption of joint initiatives at the international level.



The Parties agree that the political dialogue shall take place:

a) At the level of Heads of State and Government, where appropriate and

upon agreement of both Parties;

b) At the ministerial level, particularly in the framework of the ministerial meeting

of the Dialogue of San José;

c) At the level of senior officials;

d) At the level of services,

and take the largest possible party out of the diplomatic avenues.


Cooperation in foreign and security policy

The Parties shall, as far as possible and in the function of the respective

interests, concerts their positions and adopt joint initiatives in the

relevant international instances and cooperate in matters of policy

external and security.

Title III




1. The Parties agree that the cooperation provided for in the Framework Agreement

of Cooperation of 1993 should be strengthened and extended to new domains.

Such cooperation shall focus in particular on the following objectives:

a) Promotion of political and social stability, through democracy, of the

respect for human rights and good governance;

b) Deepening the process of regional integration between the countries of the

Central America, in order to contribute to further growth

economic and a progressive improvement of the quality of life of its


c) Reduction of poverty and promotion of more equitable access to the

social services and the benefits of economic growth,

ensuring proper balance between the economic components,

social and environmental in a context of sustainable development.

2. The Parties agree that the cooperation shall take into account the

cross-cutting aspects related to economic development and

social, particularly gender equality issues, respect for the

indigenous populations and other ethnic groups in Central America, the

prevention and management of natural disasters, conservation and protection

of the environment, biodiversity the cultural diversity, research and the

technological development. Regional integration must also be

considered a cross-sectional issue and, in that sense, the actions of

cooperation at the national level must be compatible with the process of

regional integration

3. The Parties agree to encourage the measures likely to

contribute to the process of regional integration in Central America and

consolidate the inter-regional relations between the Parties.



The Parties agree that the cooperation shall be realized through the

grant of technical and financial assistance, from the realization of studies, from

training programmes, the exchange of information and

specific knowledge, the organisation of meetings, seminars and

research projects or any other forms agreed between the

Parties in the context of the area of cooperation in question, of the objectives

pursued and the resources available, in accordance with standards and

regulations applicable to cooperation. All entities involved in the

cooperation should ensure transparent and responsible management of the



Cooperation on human rights, democracy and good governance

The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective to actively support governments and representatives of society

civil, particularly by means of actions in the following areas:

a) Promotion and protection of human rights and consolidation of the

process of democratization, particularly through good

management of electoral processes;

(b) Strengthening the rule of law and effective and transparent management of the

public administration, including the fight against corruption at the level

local, regional and national; and

(c) Strengthening the independence and effectiveness of judicial systems.


Cooperation on conflict prevention

1. The Parties agree on what cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective to promote and support a comprehensive policy of peace, which encourages the

dialogue between democratic nations faced with current challenges,

particularly the prevention and resolution of conflicts, the re-establishment

of peace and justice in the context of human rights. This policy must

be based on the principle of commitment and privileging the development of

capacities at regional, sub-regional and national level. In order to prevent

conflict situations, and if necessary, such a policy should seek to ensure

the equality of political, economic, social and cultural opportunities to

all strata of society, reinforce democratic legitimacy,

promote social cohesion and the effective management of public administration, create

effective mechanisms for the peaceful conciliation of the interests of the

different groups and promote the emergence of an active civil society and

organized, particularly through the existing regional institutions.

2. The activities of cooperation in this matter may include,

inter alia, support for mediation, negotiation and process procedures

reconciliation in each country, the realization of efforts to help children,

women and the elderly and the adoption of measures to fight against mines


3. Parties shall also cooperate in the prevention and combat of the

illegal trade in small arms and light weapons, in order to

developing the coordination of actions aimed at intensifying cooperation

legal, institutional and police, as well as the collection and destruction of weapons

light and small illegal caliber, in the possession of civilians.


Cooperation for the enhancement of the modernization of the State and the administration


1. The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective to strengthen the modernization and professionalization of the administration

public of Central American countries, including support for the process of

decentralization and restructuring resulting from the process of integration of the

Central America. In general, the aim is to improve the

organizational effectiveness, ensure transparency of resource management

public and employee accountability, as well as in improving the

legal and institutional framework, specifically on the basis of the best

practices of both Parties and taking advantage of the experience gained in the

development of policies and instruments in the European Union.

2. Such cooperation may contemplate, inter alia, the implementation of

programs aimed at strengthening capacities in defining and

implementation of policies in all areas of mutual interest, among the

what the provision of public services, the elaboration and implementation of the

budget, the prevention and fight against corruption and the strengthening of systems



Cooperation on regional integration

1. The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective to consolidate the process of regional integration in Central America,

in particular the development and realization of their common market.

2. Cooperation should support the development and enhancement of

common institutions in the region of Central America, promoting equally

further cooperation between the institutions concerned.

3. Cooperation should also promote the definition of policies

common and the harmonization of the legal framework, but only in the

measure in which these domains are contemplated by the instruments of

Integration of Central Americans and the agreed form between the Parties;

including sectoral policies on trade, customs,

energy, transport, communications, environment and competition, as well as the

coordination of macroeconomic policies in areas such as policy

monetary policy, fiscal policy and public finances.

4. More concretely, such cooperation may contemplate,

notably through the provision of technical assistance related to

the trade:

a) The strengthening of the process of consolidation and implementation of a union

customs of Central America;

b) The reduction and elimination of the obstacles to the development of the

intra-regional trade exchanges;

c) The simplification, modernization, harmonisation and integration of the

customs and transit regimes, as well as providing support in

matter of development of legislation, standards and training

professional; and

d) The strengthening of the process of consolidation and viabilization of a market

intra-regional common.


Regional cooperation

The Parties agree to use all instruments of cooperation

existing to promote initiatives aimed at establishing a

active and reciprocal cooperation between the European Union and Central America,

as well as, without prejudice to the cooperation between the Parties, between America

Central and other countries or regions of Latin America and the Caribbean, in

areas such as the promotion of trade and investments, the

environment, the prevention and management of natural disasters, research

scientific, technical and technological, energy, transport, infra-

-communication structures, regional development and planning

of the territory.


Commercial cooperation

1. The Parties agree that the cooperation in the commercial field shall

seek to promote the integration of the countries of Central America in the

world economy. The cooperation shall also encourage, by

provision of technical assistance related to trade, the

development and diversification of intra-regional trade, as well as

of trade with the European Union at the highest possible level.

2. The Parties agree to implement an integrated programme of cooperation

commercial, in order to make the most of the opportunities offered

by trade, broadening the productive base that will benefit from the exchanges

commercials, particularly through the development of mechanisms

that allow to cope with the challenges associated with greater competition

in the market and developing the skills, the instruments and the

techniques needed to quickly benefit from the advantages

provided by trade.

3. In order to realize the programme of cooperation and explore the

maximum the opportunities arising from the negotiations and agreements

bilateral, regional or multilateral trade, the Parties agree on

step up the development of technical capacities at the regional level.


Cooperation on services

1. The Parties agree to intensify their cooperation in relation to

service under the standards of the General Agreement on Trade in Services

(GATS), in order to take into account its growing importance for the

development and the diversification of their economies. The deepening

of the cooperation between the Parties is aimed at improving competitiveness

of the Central American services sector in a manner compatible with the

sustainable development.

2. The Parties shall determine the sectors of the services in which it is

will concentrate the cooperation. The initiatives to be adopted must be aimed at,

specifically, developing the regulatory framework, having

properly in account of domestic legislation, and facilitate access to the sources of

funding and technologies.


Cooperation on intellectual property

The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective the promotion of investment, the transfer of technologies, the

dissemination of information, the realization of cultural and creative initiatives and

of other related economic activities, as well as facilitation of the

access and the sharing of the benefits in the areas identified by the Parties.

The cooperation should seek to improve the legislative provisions,

regulatory and policy, in order to promote levels of protection and

effective enforcement of intellectual property rights in accordance with the

higher international standards.


Cooperation in the procurement of public procurement

The Parties agree that cooperation in this matter shall promote

reciprocal, non-discriminating, transparent procedures and, if the

Parties so to decide, open 1 , with regard to the award of the

public procurement, if any, at all levels.

1 As provided for in Article 2 (5), the term "open" shall not be

understood as meaning "access".


Cooperation in competition policy

The Parties agree that the cooperation in relation to the policy of the

competition should be aimed at fostering adoption and application

effective competition standards, as well as the disclosure of

information that promotes transparency and legal certainty in

relation to the companies operating in the markets of Central America and the

European Union.


Customs cooperation

1. The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective the development of measures in customs and the

facilitation of trade, as well as the exchange of information on the

customs regimes of both Parties, in order to facilitate their exchanges


2. Cooperation may include, in particular and by agreement of the


a) The simplification and harmonisation of import documents and

export, on the basis of international standards, including the

use of simplified declarations;

b) The improvement of customs procedures, by means of methods such as

risk assessment, simplified import procedures and

introduction into free practice of the goods, the granting of the statute

of authorised operator or the recourse to the electronic exchange of

data and to automated systems;

c) The adoption of measures aimed at improving transparency and

resources against the decisions of the customs authorities;

d) The creation of periodic consultation mechanisms of the operators

commercial with respect to regulation and procedures in

import and export matter.

3. Parties may consider the possibility of concluding a protocol

of mutual assistance in customs matters, in the institutional framework

established by this Agreement.


Cooperation in technical regulation and evaluation of the


1. The Parties agree that cooperation on standards,

technical regulation and conformity assessment is an objective

crucial for the development of trade, in particular trade


2. Cooperation may include, in particular and by agreement of the


a) The supply, to the countries of Central America, of programmes of

technical assistance to ensure a system and structures of

standardization, accreditation, certification and compatible metrology:

-with international standards;

-with the essential requirements of safety and health, of

conservation of plants and animals, of protection of the

consumers and the environment.

b) Cooperation in this context is aimed at facilitating access to


3. In practice, cooperation between the Parties shall allow:

a) Prestar technical and organisational assistance to the creation of networks and

regional bodies and to strengthen the coordination of policies in order to

ensure the adoption of a common approach with regard to the

use of international and regional standards concerning

technical regulations and evaluation procedures of the


(b) to encourage the adoption of measures to mitigate differences

existing between the Parties to the conformity assessment and

of normalization; and

(c) encouraging the adoption of measures to increase the

transparency, good regulatory practices and the promotion of

quality standards for products and business practices.


Industrial cooperation

1. The Parties agree that industrial cooperation shall promote the

modernization and the restructuring of the Central American industry and of

certain sectors, as well as industrial cooperation between agents

economic, with the aim of strengthening the private sector, under conditions

that ensure the protection of the environment.

2. Industrial cooperation initiatives must take into account the

priorities defined by the Parties. Such initiatives must take into account the

regional aspects of industrial development, promoting, whenever

appropriate, the creation of transnational partnerships. These initiatives must

seek to establish a suitable framework that allows for improvement

from the know-how on management and the promotion of transparency in what

respects the markets and the conditions under which the companies exercise their



Cooperation on the development of small and medium

companies and micro-enterprises

The Parties agree to promote the creation of conditions favourable to the

development of small and medium-sized enterprises and micro-enterprises,


a) Promoting the establishment of contacts between the agents

economic and encouraging the realization of joint investments and

the creation of joint ventures and networks of information, through the

existing horizontal programmes;

b) Facilitating access to financing, making available

information and promoting innovation.


Cooperation in agriculture, forestry, development and


and sanitary and phytosanitary measures

1. The Parties agree to cooperate with each other on the matter of

agriculture in order to promote sustainable agriculture, the

agricultural and rural development, forestry, a development

sustainable economic and social and food security in the countries of the

Central America.

2. Cooperation should focus on capacity-building, in the infra-

-structures and the transfer of technology, covering the following


a) sanitary, phytosanitary, environmental and quality-related measures

food, taking into account the legislation in force in both Parties and

in accordance with the rules of the WTO and the other organizations

competent international;

(b) Diversification and restructuring of agricultural sectors;

c) reciprocal exchange of information, particularly in respect of

the development of the agricultural policies of the Parties;

d) Technical assistance with a view to increasing productivity and the

exchange of alternative culture techniques;

e) Scientific and technological experimentation;

f) Measures aimed at improving the quality of agricultural products,

measures to strengthen capacities in favour of the associations of

producers and trade promotion activities;

(g) Strengthening the capacities for the implementation of sanitary measures and

phytosanitary in order to facilitate market access and guarantee a

appropriate level of health protection, in accordance with the

provisions of the WTO MSF Agreement.


Cooperation in fisheries and aquaculture

The Parties agree to develop economic and technical cooperation in

fisheries and aquaculture, in particular with respect to exploitation

sustainable, management and conservation of fisheries resources and evaluation

of the environmental impact. Such cooperation should also cover aspects

as the processing industry and the facilitation of trade-offs. The

cooperation in the fisheries sector could lead to the conclusion of agreements of

bilateral fishing between the Parties or between the European Community and one or

more countries in Central America and / or the conclusion of fishing agreements

multilateral between the Parties.


Cooperation in mining

The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter must take into account the

aspects related to the conservation of the environment and should focus

not least in the following measures:

a) Promotion of the participation of companies of both Parties in

activities of prospecting, exploitation and sustainable use of the

mineral products, according to their respective legislations;

b) Promotion of the exchange of information, experiences and technologies

relating to prospecting and mining;

c) Promotion of the exchange of experts and implementation of joint actions

of research, in order to increase opportunities for

technological development;

d) Development of initiatives to promote investments in this

sector, in accordance with the legislation of each country in Central America and

of the European Union and its Member States;

(e) Drafting of measures to ensure the protection of the

environment and the ecological responsibility of companies in this sector.


Cooperation on energy

1. The Parties agree that their common purpose shall be

promoting cooperation in the field of energy, in key sectors such as

hydroelectric energy, electricity, oil and gas, energies

renewables, energy-saving technologies, rural electrification

and regional integration of energy markets, among others identified

by the Parties and under their respective legislations.

2. This cooperation may cover, inter alia, the following


a) Formulation and planning of energy policies, including the

interlinking of infrastructures of regional importance, improvement and

diversification of energy supply, improved access to

energy markets, notably the facilitation of transit, of the

transportation and distribution in the countries of Central America;

b) Management and training in the energy sector, as well as transfer of

technologies and of know-how ;

c) Promotion of energy saving, energy efficiency and

renewable energy, as well as the study of the environmental impact of the

production and consumption of energy;

d) Promotion of a clean development mechanism in order to

support initiatives on climate change and respective


e) clean and peaceful use of nuclear energy.


Cooperation in transport

1. The Parties agree that cooperation in this matter shall be

focus on the restructuring and modernization of systems and infrastructure

of transport, in the improvement of the carriage of passengers and goods and

in facilitating access to urban, air transport markets,

seafarers, rail and road, through the improvement of their methods

of management of the operational and administrative point of view and of the adoption of

strict standards of operation.

2. Cooperation may cover:

a) Exchange of information on the policies adopted by the Parties,

particularly with respect to urban transport and the

interconnection and interoperability of multimodal transport networks,

as well as other issues of common interest;

b) Management of the railways, ports and airports, including

appropriate cooperation between the competent authorities;

c) Cooperation projects for the transfer of European technologies

relating to the Global Navigation System by Satellite and the centres of

urban public transport;

d) Improvement of safety and pollution prevention standards,

including cooperation in the framework of international fora

appropriate, with a view to improving the application of standards



Cooperation in relation to information society, technologies of the

information and telecommunications

1. The Parties agree that the information technologies and the

communications constitute crucial sectors of modern society and

assume vital importance for economic development and

social and to ensure a smooth transition to the society of the

information. Cooperation in this matter should contribute to reducing the

digital gap and for the development of human resources.

2. In this context, the cooperation shall promote:

a) The dialogue on all aspects of the information society;

b) The dialogue on the political and regulatory aspects of technologies

of information and communication, including the standards in force,

under the internal legislation of the Parties;

c) The exchange of information relating to standardization, to

assessment of compliance and type-approval;

d) the dissemination of new information and communication technologies;

e) Joint research projects on the technologies of the

information and communication, as well as pilot projects in matter

of applications of the information society;

f) The interconnection and interintership between networks and services


g) the exchange and training of specialists;

h) The informatization of the public administration (e-government).


Cooperation in the audiovisual sector

The Parties agree to promote cooperation in the audiovisual sector and

of social communication in general, by joint initiatives in matter

of training and development, production and business activities

audiovisual distribution, including the educational and cultural area. The

cooperation shall comply with the relevant national provisions in respect of

of copyrights as well as the applicable international agreements.


Cooperation on tourism

The Parties agree that cooperation in this matter shall seek

consolidate best practices, in order to ensure development

balanced and sustainable tourism in Central America. The cooperation

should seek to develop strategies that allow to promote and position

better the region in Europe as a competitive multi-competitive destination.


Cooperation between financial institutions

The Parties agree to promote cooperation between institutions

financial, depending on their needs and within the framework of the respective

programs and legislations.


Cooperation in the promotion of investments

1. The Parties agree to promote, within the framework of their respective

competences, conditions of stability favourable to the realization of

reciprocal investments.

2. Cooperation may include:

a) The incentive to create mechanisms for exchange and dissemination

of information on existing legislations and opportunities in

investment matter;

b) The definition of a legal framework favourable to the

investments in the two regions, eventually through the celebration

of bilateral agreements for promotion and protection of investments between

the Member States and the countries of Central America;

c) Promotion of simplified administrative procedures;

d) Creation of mechanisms of joint ventures.


Macroeconomic dialogue

1. The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective to promote the exchange of information about its policies and

macro-economic trends as well as the sharing of experiences in

coordination matter of macroeconomic policies within the framework of a

common market.

2. Parties should also seek to deepen the dialogue between the

respective authorities in macro-economic matters, which by

agreement of the Parties, may contemplate monetary and fiscal policy, the

public finances, macroeconomic stabilization and external debt.


Cooperation in statistics

1. The Parties agree that the main objective shall be the

development of more streamlined methods and statistical programs,

particularly in relation to the collection and diffusion of statistics, with the

objective to create indicators that ensure better comparability

between the Parties, to enable the latter a reciprocal use of the

statistics relating to trade in goods and services and, generally, the

any other field covered by this Agreement, in respect of

what can be established statistics can be established.

2. Such cooperation may contemplate, inter alia: exchanges

technicians among the statistical institutes of Central America, of the States-

-Members of the European Union and Eurostat; definition of methods more

perfected and, if necessary, compatible for the collection, analysis and

interpretation of data; organization of seminars, working groups or

training programmes in the statistical field.


Cooperation on consumer protection

1. The Parties agree that cooperation in this matter may include,

among other aspects and as far as possible:

a) better reciprocal knowledge of the protective legislations of the

consumer, in order to avoid obstacles to trade exchanges,

ensuring at the same time a high level of protection of the


b) The promotion of an exchange of information on the systems of

protection of consumers.


Cooperation in relation to data protection

1. The Parties agree to cooperate in relation to protection in the

treatment of personal data or other type, according to the most

high international standards.

2. The Parties shall also agree to cooperate in order to improve the

level of protection of personal data and remove the obstacles to your

free movement between the Parties, taking due account of their respective

internal legislations.


Scientific and technological cooperation

1. The Parties agree that scientific and technological cooperation shall

be carried out in the mutual interest of both and in accordance with their respective

policies, and will be aimed at:

a) Exchange experiments and information in the scientific fields and

technological at the regional level, particularly with regard to the

implementation of the various policies and programmes;

b) Promoting the qualification of human resources;

c) Promoting the relations between the scientific communities of the Parties;

(d) to encourage the participation of the business sectors of the Parties to the

scientific and technological cooperation, notably in the promotion of


e) Promoting innovation and the transfer of technologies between the Parties,

in particular in electronic public administration (e-

-government) and of use of less polluting technologies.

2. The Parties agree to promote and strengthen scientific research,

the technological development and processes of innovation, including the

higher education institutions, the research centres and the

productive sectors (notably small and medium-sized enterprises) of

both Parties.

3. Parties agree to promote scientific and technological cooperation

between universities, research centres and productive sectors

of both regions, in particular through the granting of scholarships

study and the organization of student and expert exchanges.

4. The Parties agree to strengthen the ties of cooperation between

entities of the scientific, technological and innovation medium with a view to

promotion, dissemination and transfer of technology.


Cooperation in teaching and training

1. The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective to determine how to improve teaching and training

professional. For this purpose, special attention should be paid to the access of the

young people, women, older people, indigenous people and the

other ethnic groups from Central America to teaching, notably to the

technical courses, higher education and vocational training, as well as,

in this context, in compliance with the Development Goals of the


2. The Parties agree to deepen their cooperation in the field of

teaching and vocational training, as well as the cooperation between the

universities and companies, in order to increase the level of specialization

of your senior staff.

3. The Parties shall also agree to pay particular attention to the

initiatives and decentralized programs (ALFA, ALBAN, URB-AL,

etc.) likely to create permanent links between organisms

specialized from both Parties, thus favouring the sharing and the

exchange of experience and technical resources. In this context, the

cooperation could also support initiatives and education programmes and

training oriented to the specific needs of the countries of the

Central America.

4. Parties shall promote the teaching of indigenous peoples,

particularly in their own languages.


Cooperation on environment and biodiversity

1. The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective the protection and conservation of the environment in order to ensure the

sustainable development. For this purpose, it is considered important to

relationship between poverty and the environment, as well as the environmental impact of the

economic activities. This cooperation should also promote the

effective participation in international environmental agreements,

in areas such as climate change, biodiversity, the

desertification and the management of chemicals.

2. Such cooperation shall privilege, in particular the following


a) Prevention of environmental degradation; for the purpose of the cooperation

should contemplate the issue of transfer of technologies

environmentally sustainable and / or clean;

b) Promotion of conservation and sustainable management of resources

natural (including biodiversity and genetic resources);

(c) Encouragement for a control of biodiversity at the national level and


d) Exchange of information and experience in relation to

environmental legislation and in relation to environmental problems

common to both Parties;

e) Promotion of the harmonisation of environmental legislation in America


(f) Strengthening environmental management in all sectors and at all levels

of government;

g) Promotion of environmental education, capacity building and reinforcement of the

participation of citizens;

h) Promotion of joint research programmes at the regional level.


Cooperation on natural disasters

The Parties agree that the cooperation in this matter shall have by

objective to reduce the vulnerability of the Central American region

on natural disasters, by strengthening, at the regional level,

of the capacities for research, planning, control, prevention,

response and rehabilitation, the harmonization of the legal framework and the improvement of the

institutional coordination and the support of the government.


Cultural cooperation

1. The Parties agree to deepen cooperation in this matter, thus

how cultural ties and contacts between the cultural actors of both

the regions.

2. This cooperation shall be aimed at promoting cooperation

cultural among the Parties, taking into consideration and favoring the

establishment of synergies with the bilateral initiatives of the states-

-Members of the European Union.

3. This cooperation shall comply with the relevant national provisions

on copyright, as well as international agreements.

4. This cooperation may cover all cultural aspects,


a) The translation of literary works;

b) The conservation, restoration, recovery and revitalization of the

cultural heritage;

c) The organization of cultural events and associated activities, well

as the exchange of artists and professionals from the world of culture;

d) The promotion of cultural diversity, particularly populations

indigenous and other ethnic groups in Central America;

e) the exchange of young people;

f) The fight against the illicit trafficking of goods of cultural heritage and the

prevention in this field;

g) the promotion of handicrafts and cultural industries;


Cooperation on health

1. The Parties agree to cooperate in the health sector with the aim

to support the realization of sectoral reforms that contribute to ensuring

an equitable access to health services and the targeting of these for

the poorest sections of the population, as well as the creation of

equitable financing mechanisms that facilitate the access of the

poorer populations to health services and food security.

2. Parties agree that primary prevention implies that they are

also taken into account other sectors, such as education, water

and sanitation. In that context, the Parties intend to establish and

deepen partnerships that do not limit themselves to the health sector, in order to

ensure the achievement of the Development Goals for the Millennium,

particularly with respect to the fight against AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis

and other epidemics. It also matters to establish partnerships with the

civil society, nongovernmental organizations and the private sector, the

end of addressing issues in sexual and reproductive health and the

related rights, notably ensuring equality between the sexes and

sensitizing young people to the risks of sexually transmitted diseases

transmissible and unwanted pregnancies, provided that those objectives do not

are incompatible with the legal framework and with sensitivity

cultural of the countries concerned.


Social cooperation

1. Parties agree to cooperate in order to promote participation

of the social partners in the dialogue on living and working conditions, the

social protection and integration in society. Must be granted special

attention to the need to avoid any discrimination in treatment

granted to nationals of any of the Parties who legally reside in the

territories of the other Party.

2. The Parties emphasize the importance of social development, which

must always keep up with economic development and agree to give

priority to employment, housing and the installation of people according to

their respective constitutional policies and provisions, as well as the

promotion of the principles and fundamental labour rights set out

at the conventions of the International Labor Organization, those named

Core Labour Standards.

3. The Parties may cooperate in respect of any matters of

common interest in the above-mentioned subjects.

4. Whenever appropriate and in accordance with the respective

procedures, the Parties may conduct this dialogue in coordination

with the European Economic and Social Committee and the homologous institution

of Central America, respectively.


Participation of civil society in the initiatives for cooperation

1. Parties recognize the role and potential contribution of society

civil for the process of cooperation and agree to promote a dialogue

effective with that same society.

2. Subject to the legal and administrative provisions of each Party,

the civil society may:

a) To be associated with the decision-making process at the national level,

under democratic principles;

b) To be informed and to participate in the consultation process on policies

sectoral and development and cooperation strategies, in

special with regard to the issues concerning you, in

any phase of the development process;

(c) to benefit from financial resources, to the extent permitted

by the internal standards of the Parties, as well as in support of the strengthening of the

capacities in critical sectors;

d) Participate in the implementation of the cooperation programmes in areas that

concern him.


Cooperation on the equality of sexes

The Parties agree that cooperation in this matter shall contribute to

the enhancement of policies and programmes aimed at ensuring, improving and

broadening equal opportunities and equitable participation of men

and women in all areas of political, economic, social and

cultural, including, when necessary, through the adoption of measures of

positive discrimination in favor of women. This cooperation shall

contribute equally to facilitating the access of women to resources

necessary for the full exercise of their fundamental rights.


Cooperation in relation to indigenous and other ethnic groups

of Central America

1. The Parties agree that cooperation in this matter shall

contribute to the creation of organizations for Indigenous peoples and

other ethnic groups in Central America, as well as for consolidation

of the existing organizations, with a view to pursuing the objectives of the

eradication of poverty, sustainable exploitation of natural resources and

of respect for human rights, democracy and cultural diversity.

2. In addition to the need to systematically take into account the

situation of Indigenous communities and other ethnic groups of America

Central to all levels of development cooperation, the Parties

should seek to integrate the specificity of these populations into the definition

of the policies, as well as to strengthen the capacities of the organizations that the

represent, so as to increase the positive effects of the cooperation for the

development in these same populations, according to the obligations

taken over by the Parties at the national and international level.


Cooperation in relation to uprooted populations

and to the former members of illegal armed groups

1. The Parties agree that cooperation in favour of the populations

uprooted and from the former members of illegal armed groups must

contribute to meeting your basic needs during the period

understood between the cessation of humanitarian aid and the adoption of a

long-term solution to address the issue of its status.

2. Such cooperation may contemplate, inter alia, the following


a) Self-sufficiency and reinsertion in the socio-economic fabric of the

uprooted populations and the former members of armed groups


b) Supporting the local host communities and the return areas,

so as to facilitate the acceptance and integration of populations

uprooted and from the former members of illegal armed groups;

c) Supporting the voluntary return of these populations, as well as their

installation in the countries of origin or in third countries, if the

conditions to allow it;

d) Interventions designed to help people recover their

property and property rights, as well as provide support for the resolution

judicial of the cases of human rights violations against the

populations concerned;

(e) Strengthening the institutional capacities of the countries they face

problems of this type;

f) Supporting reinsertion into political, social and productive life, including,

eventually, in the framework of the reconciliation process.


Cooperation in the fight against illicit drugs and crime


1. On the basis of the principle of co-responsibility, the Parties agree on

that cooperation in this area should be aimed at ensuring the

coordination and the intensification of joint initiatives in relation to

prevention and reduction of production, trafficking and consumption of drugs

illicit. The Parties also agree to fight crime

related to drug trafficking, notably through the

relevant international organizations and instances. Without prejudice to

other mechanisms for cooperation, the Parties further agree to appeal

for the purpose of the Coordinating Mechanism and Cooperation in respect of

Drugs between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean.

2. The Parties shall cooperate in this matter in particular, in order to


a) Drug prevention programmes, especially along

of vulnerable and high-risk groups;

b) Projects of training, education, treatment and rehabilitation of

addictions, and their respective reintegration into society;

c) Projects that favour the harmonisation of legislations and

initiatives from Central America in this matter;

d) Joint research programmes;

e) Measures and activities of cooperation aimed at encouraging

development alternatives, namely the incentive of

legal crops by small producers;

f) Measures aimed at controlling the trade of precursors and other

essential substances, equivalent to those adopted by the Community

European and the competent international fora;

g) Measures aimed at reducing the supply of illicit drugs, including the

training in relation to administrative control systems, in order to

prevent the diversion of chemical precursors, as well as the control of the

related crime.


Cooperation in the fight against money laundering and the

related crime

1. The Parties agree to cooperate in order to prevent the use of the

respective financial systems for money laundering

from criminal activities in general and from drug trafficking in


2. Cooperation in this matter shall contemplate technical assistance and

administrative, with a view to the adoption and application of the regulations, and

the effective operation of appropriate standards and mechanisms. That one

cooperation shall, in particular, allow the exchange of the information

relevant and the adoption of appropriate standards in the field of fight against the

money laundering, equivalent to those adopted by the Community

European and the competent international bodies, specifically the

International Financial Action Group (GAFI) and the United Nations. The

cooperation at regional level should also be promoted.


Cooperation on migration

1. The Parties reiterates the importance of joint management of flows

migratory between the respective territories. In order to strengthen cooperation,

the Parties shall institute a broad global dialogue on all matters

related to migration, including illegal migration, transportation

clandestine and human trafficking, as well as flows of

refugees. Issues related to migration should be included

in the national economic and social development strategies of the countries

of origin, transit and destination of migrants.

2. Cooperation should recognize that migration is a phenomenon that

must be analyzed and debated under different perspectives in order to guarantee

an approach as per international, community and

applicable national. The cooperation shall privilege the following aspects:

a) Deep Causes of migration;

b) Development and implementation of national legislation and practices

relating to international protection, with a view to satisfying the

provisions of the Geneva Convention of 1951 on the Status of

Refugees and the Protocol of 1967, as well as other instruments

relevant regional and international, in order to respect the principle of


c) Rules on admission, as well as the rights and status of the

admitted persons, an equitable treatment and integration for all

non-nationals legally resident in the country, education and training,

as well as measures against racism and xenophobia and all

applicable provisions on the human rights of migrants;

d) Application of an effective policy of prevention against immigration

illegal. The cooperation will also focus on the introduction

clandestine of migrants and the trafficking of human beings,

particularly in the ways to combat networks and organisations

criminals of passers and traffickers and protect the victims from that


(e) return, in humane and digni-like conditions, of illegal residents and the

its readmission, pursuant to paragraph 3;

f) the issues of common interest in visas;

g) In relation to border controls, the questions concerning the

organization, training, best practices and other applied measures

on the ground, as well as, where relevant, to the equipment, having

into account the possibility of dual use of such equipment.

3. Within the framework of cooperation to prevent and control immigration

illegal, the Parties also agree to readmit their migrants

illegal. For the purpose of:

-Central American countries accept to readmit their nationals

illegally present in the territory of a Member State of the Union

European, at the request of the latter and without any other formalities,

providing them with the appropriate identity documents and

granting them the necessary administrative facilities for the


-Member States of the European Union accept to readmit their

illegally nationals present in the territory of a country of America

Central, at the request of the latter and without any other formalities,

providing them with the appropriate identity documents and

granting them the necessary administrative facilities for the


The Parties agree to celebrate, upon request and the most expeditily

possible, an agreement that regulates the specific obligations of the

Member States of the European Community and of the Countries of America

Central in the matter of readmission. That deal must contemplate

also the issue of the readmission of nationals of third countries and of


For this purpose, the expression "Parties" designates the Community, any of the

its Member States and any country in Central America.


Cooperation in the fight against terrorism

The Parties reaffirm the importance of the fight against terrorism and agree

in cooperating in order to prevent and eradicate terrorist acts, the

international conventions, the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and

the respective legislations and regulations. Such cooperation should be

carried out, namely:

a) In the context of the full application of Council Resolution No. 1373 of the Council

of Security of the United Nations and of the other resolutions, conventions

international and relevant instruments of the United Nations;

b) Mediating the exchange of information about terrorist groups and

respective support networks, under national and international law;


c) Mediating the exchange of opinions on the means and methods

used in the fight against terrorism, including in the technical fields

and training, as well as through the exchange of experiences in

matter for the prevention of terrorism.

Title IV




1. In order to contribute to the pursuit of the objectives of cooperation

set out in this Agreement, the Parties undertake to make available

the necessary resources, particularly financial, within the limits of the

their availabilities and through the respective procedures. In this

context, the Parties must approve, as far as possible, a program

multi-annual and set priorities, taking into account the needs and the level

of development of the countries of Central America.

2. Parties shall adopt all necessary measures to

promote and facilitate the activities of the European Investment Bank in the

Central America, according to the respective procedures and criteria of

funding and their respective legislations and regulations, without prejudice

of the competences of the respective competent authorities.

3. Central American countries shall provide facilities and guarantees

to the experts of the European Community, as well as the exemption of fees from

import in the framework of cooperation activities, second conventions-

-framework between the European Community and each country in Central America.


Institutional framework

1. The Parties agree to hold in office the Joint Committee set up in the

scope of the 1985 Central-EC Cooperation Agreement and maintained

by the Cooperation Framework Agreement of 1993.

2. The Joint Committee is responsible for the overall application of the present

Agreement and debate also all issues that may affect the

economic relations between the Parties, including with the different countries of the

Part Central American.

3. The order of work of your meetings is established by mutual

agreement. The Committee shall adopt the provisions on periodicity and venue

of the meetings, your chairmanor and other issues that may arise,

notably the eventual creation of subcommittees.

4. A Joint Advisory Committee, consisting of representatives of representatives, is set up

of the Advisory Committee on the Integration System of Central America (SG-

-SIAC) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), to support the

Joint Committee on the promotion of dialogue with economic organizations and

social of civil society.

5. Parties shall encourage the European Parliament and Parliament

Center-American to create, in the framework of this Agreement, a Committee

Interparliamentary, in accordance with its constitutional provisions.


Definition of "Parties"

For the purposes of this Agreement, the expression "Parties" means, on the one hand,

the Community, its Member States, or the Community and its

Member States, within the framework of their respective competences and in the terms of the

Treaty establishing the European Community, and, on the other, the republics of

Costa Rica, from El Salvador, from Guatemala, from Honduras, Nicaragua and

of Panama, within the framework of their respective competences. The Agreement is

also applicable to the measures adopted by the Central Authorities,

regional or local in the territory of the Parties.


Entry into force

1. The present Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the following month

to the one in which the Parties have proceeded to the reciprocal notification of the

fulfillment of the necessary formalities for the purpose.

2. Such notifications shall be sent to the Secretary-General of the

Council of the European Union, which is the depositary of this Agreement.

3. As of the date of its entry into force and pursuant to paragraph 1, the

this Agreement replaces the Cooperation Framework Agreement of 1993.



1. The present Agreement shall have unlimited duration. In this context, and in the

terms of Article 2 (3), the Parties recall the Madrid Declaration

of May 17, 2002.

2. Any of the Parties may denounce the present Agreement by

written notification of the other Party. The complaint produces effects six months to

count of the date of notification of the other Party.


Compliance with the obligations of the Parties

1. Parties shall adopt all general or specific measures

necessary for the fulfillment of the obligations that for them arise from the

this Agreement and shall ensure the fulfilment of the objectives therein


2. If one of the Parties considers that the other Party has not complied

obligations arising from this Agreement, may adopt the measures

suitable. Before doing so, it should report to the Joint Committee on the deadline

of thirty days, all the information required for an analysis

in-depth of the situation in order to find an acceptable solution for

both Parties.

They should be chosen as a matter of priority the measures that least disrupt the

operation of this Agreement. The Joint Committee must be

immediately notified of such measures which, at the request of the other party,

will be the subject of consultations within that body.

3. By way of derogation from paragraph 2, any of the Parties may adopt

immediately the appropriate measures, pursuant to international law,

in case of:

a) Denpronunciation of the Agreement not sanctioned by the general rules of law


b) Violation by the other Part of the essential elements of the Agreement

set out in Article 1 (1).

The other Party may request the realization, within fifteen days, of a

urgent meeting for the Parties to proceed jointly to an analysis

depth of the situation so as to find an acceptable solution by



Evolutionary clause

1. Parties may, of mutual agreement and second to their respective

legislations, decide to extend the scope of the Agreement, in order to

deepen and complement, upon the conclusion of agreements concerning

activities or specific sectors, taking into account the experience

acquired with its application.

2. No opportunities for cooperation should be excluded a priori . The

Parties may jointly explore, in the framework of the Joint Committee, the

concrete possibilities for cooperation in their mutual interest.

3. As for the application of this Agreement, any of the Parties may,

in function of the experience gained from its application, to present

suggestions to expand the scope of cooperation in any fields.


Protection of data

For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties agree to ensure a

high level of protection for the processing of personal data or other

type, compatible with the highest international standards.


Territorial application

This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which it is

applicable the Treaty establishing the European Community, on its own

terms, and, on the other, to the territories of the Republics of Costa Rica, of El

Salvador, from Guatemala, from Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.


Authentic texts

This Agreement is drawn up in double copy in the German languages,

Danish, Spanish, Finnish, French, Greek, English, Italian,

Dutch, Portuguese and Swedish, all texts being equally authentic.

Hecho en Roma, el quince de diciembre del dos thousand tres.

Udfærdiget i Rom den femtends december to tusind og tre.

Geschehen zu Rom am fünfzehnten Dezember zweitausendunddrei.

Enhancing Εγινε στη Ρώμη, στις δέκα πέντε Δεκεμβρίου enhancing ο χο χιλιάδες τρία.

Done in Rome on the fifteenth day of December in the year two thousand

and three.

Fait à Rome, le fifteen décembre deux mille trois.

Fatto a Roma, addi ' quindici dicembre duemilatre.

Gedaan te Rome, de vijftiende december tweeduizenddrie.

Done in Rome, in fifteen December from two thousand and three.

Tehty Roomassa viidentenätoista päivänä joulukuuta vuonna


Som skedde i Rom den femtonde december tjugohundratre.








The provisions of Article 49 shall be without prejudice to the internal allocation of

competences between the Community and its Member States in what if

refers to the conclusion of readmission agreements.





The provisions of this Agreement covered by the scope of the

Title IV of Part Three of the Treaty establishing the European Community

binds the United Kingdom and Ireland as separate Contracting Parties

and not as part of the European Community, until the United Kingdom or the

Ireland (depending on the case) notifies the Central American Party that

went on to be bound as part of the European Community, in the

terms of the Protocol on the position of the United Kingdom and of Ireland annexed to the

Treaty of the European Union and to the Treaty establishing the Community

European. The same shall apply to Denmark, under the Protocol

on the position of Denmark, annexed to the said Treaties.



The Parties agree on the participation of Belize in the Political Dialogue, in its

quality of full member of the Center Integration System
