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Regulations On The Fee To The Post And Telecommunications Authority

Original Language Title: Forskrift om gebyr til Post- og teletilsynet

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Regulations on the fee to the Post and telecommunications authority-Date 2005-02-21-168 Ministry Ministry of transportation Published in 2005 booklet 3 entry into force March 1, 2005 Last modified-2015-09-18-1063 from 01.01.2016 change the FOR-2000-03-20-302 applies to Norway Pursuant law-2003-07-04-83-section 1-4, law-2003-07-04-83-section 11-6, law-2003-07-04-83-section 12-1, law-2003-07-04-83-section 12-2, FOR-2013-06-14-619, law-2015-09-04-91-section 53, FOR-1999-06-25-707, LAW-2001-06-15-81-section 16a, LAW-2001-06-15-81-section 24, FOR-2001-06-15-615, FOR-2001-06-15-611-section 12 Announced March 1, 2005 short title regulations on fee to the PT Chapter overview: Chapter I (§§ 1-2) chapter II (sections 3-6) chapter III (sections 7-13) Chapter IV (sections 14-18) chapter V (sections 19-22) Heimel : Determine the Ministry of transport of 21. February 2005 in the law with 4. heimel July 2003 No. 83 about electronic communications Act § 1-4, section 11-6, section 12-1 and § 12-2, cf. the function allocation decision 4. July 2003 No. 881, law 4. September 2015 Nr. 91 about the record (record law) § 53, jf. the delegation decision 25. June 1999 No. 707 and law 15. June 2001 No. 81 on electronic signature section 24, jf. the delegation decision 15. June 2001 No. 615 and regulations 15. June 2001 No. 611 on the requirements to the issuer of qualified certificates, etc. § 12.
Added heimel: the delegation decision 14. June 2013 No. 619. The EEA tilvisingar: the EEA Agreement annex XI Nr. 5ck (Directive 2002/20/EC).
Endringar: Modified by regulations 23 feb 2007 Nr. 200, 18 Dec 2008 Nr. 1570, 20 nov 2009 Nr. 1391, 31 jan 2012 No. 110, 19 des 2014 Nr. 1858, 18 sep 2015 Nr. 1063. Chapter in section 1. Fee distribution between administrative area that together amount to the Post and telecommunications authority can krevje into that charge by the årlege the State budget.
Of the total amount will be: 1.49% krevjast from the tilbydar of electronic communications networks, electronic communications service and tilhøyrande fasilitetar, sertifikatutstedar that are registreringspliktig by law 15. June 2001 No. electronic signature 81 § 18, or who is going into voluntary sertifiseringsordningar or sjølvdeklarasjonsordningar, jf. section 16a, possessing was of allow use of number, name and adresseressursar and verksemd as parts out domenenamn under the Norwegian country top-level domain.

2.41% krevjast from possessing was of frequency permissions, and 3.
8% krevjast from the registered importer, producer and radioforhandlar, from the authorized installer and from possessing was of the permissions for the aeromobilt equipment and nødpeilesendar and anna radio equipment and as a penalty for national approval for radio and terminal equipment, and 4.
2% krevjast from the post operator.

§ 2. Fee period Fee host utmåla ante as an eingongsgebyr or as årleg fee for the whole calendar year (fee period).
It will be for the calendar year betalast fee when permission, registration or authorization is valid at the start of the calendar year. It will also charge a total of betalast for the calendar year in the year registration host made or permission or authorization host given. If the permission, registration or authorization is dismissed by the closing date the start of a calendar year, it shall not charge for any of betalast that year.

Chapter II section 3. Fee for permission to use of the number, name and adresseressursar Årleg fee for permission to the use of nummerressursar in the number plan for telephone and more (e.164) are: 1. for permission to the use of 8-and 12-sifra number $ 1,000, or where this gives graduate fee: a. for 8-sifra number in the 8xx series $ 0.15 for quarter number, b. for the number in the seriane 2 , 3, 5, 6, 7 $ 0.03 for quarter number, c. 8-seriane sifra number in 4 and 9 $ 0.10 for quarter of a number, 2.
for the 4-number in the series sifra 18xx $ 3 000 for the quarter number, 3.
for 5-$ 2 000 sifra number for the quarter number, 4.
for 6-EEA harmonised sifra number $ 2 000 for the quarter number, 5.
for the quarter-prefix for the val of tilbydar of electronic communications networks as brukast to the public available electronic communications service us $ 3, 000.

Årleg fee for the disposal of the nummerressursar in other national mandatory nummerplanar is for: 1. X.121 DNIC $ 3 0000 2.
X.121 PNIC (DNIC + 2 or 3 digits) $ 3 0000 3.
E. 118 cards issue was code (IIN) $ 3 0000 4.
E. 167 ISDN-nettkode closed user groups for us $ 3 0000 5.
E. 212 mobile nettkode (MNC) $ 3 0000 6.
E. 214 nettkode (NC) for the land mobile Web $ 3 0000 7.
Q. 704 punktkodar to national signaling (NI = 3) regardless of the choir punktkodar disponerast many as $ 3 0000 8.
Q. 708 punktkodar for international signaling (NI = 0) regardless of the choir punktkodar disponerast many as $ 3 0000 9.
T. 35 vendor code $ 3 0000 10.
Tilbydarkode for tilbydarportabilitet us $ 3, 000.

Eingongsgegebyr for permission to use and registration for volunteers nummerplanar is $ 3 000 for: 1. the registration of the ADMD domenenamn for x.400 electronic mail 2.
the registration of PRMD domenenamn for x.400 electronic mail 3.
permission to the use of EDI-identifier for use in EDIFACT 4.
permission to the use of the ISO DCC Web address (NSAP-address) 5.
permission for use of the object identifier.

§ 4. Fee for the provider of postteneste Post and telecommunications authority can by individual decisions determine the årleg fee for offers of postteneste in accordance with the law 4. September 2015 Nr. 91 about the record (record law) § 53. It will be krevjast in an amount that is in accordance with § 1 the second paragraph Nr. 4. section 5. Fee for sertifikatutstedar and registration for domenenamn Post and telecommunications authority can by individual decisions fastsetje årleg sertifikatutstedar fee which is registreringspliktig in accordance with the law 15. June 2001 No. electronic signature 81 § 18, cf. § 3 and § 24, or who is going into voluntary sertifiseringsordningar, godkjenningsordningar or sjølvdeklarasjonsordningar, jf. section 16a and the regulation on voluntary sjølvdeklarasjonsordningar for sertifikatutstedarar section 14.
Post and telecommunications authority can by individual decisions årleg verksemd fastsetje fee for handing out domenenamn under the Norwegian country code top-level domain in accordance with the law 4. July 2003 No. 83 about electronic communications section 7-1, jf. section 12-1 and regulations 1. August 2003 No. 990 (domain forskrifta).

section 6. Fee for tilbydar of electronic communications networks, electronic communications service and tilhøyrande fasilitetar fee to be Collected fordelast between the tilbydarar of electronic communications networks, electronic communications service and tilhøyrande fasilitetar is the amount under section 1, second paragraph number 1, fråtrekt fee pursuant to section 3 and section 5.
The amount under subsection fordelast shall proportionately between the tilbydarar with the relevant turnover of 30 million u.s. dollars in the last year before the rekneskaps fee period. Kvar tilbydar will pay a fraction of that amount to tilbydaren svarar its fraction of the total relevant omsetninga shall pay to that fee dei after this link. Relevant turnover is turnover in the market for electronic communications networks and service, between the anna end user revenue for remote room in corporate or company in the annotate similar for telephony, leased communications, breiband and broadcasting (except satellite broadcasting), with meir, on a Supreme level and geographically constrained to Noreg.
Post and telecommunications authority can allocate the fee for other criteria than turnover, to achieve a better proportional distribution of the fee. Such criterion can between anna vere fraction of the number of abonnentar or fraction of the volume of traffic at the end user level. There anna criterion host advantage, it should apply to a total of annotate similar or parts of easily annotate similar, jf. other link. Fordelinga of the fee for such criterion to happen after tilsvarande guidelines as by distribution after sales in the other link as far as dei passar. The timings of the debt also amassed the task or other basis for the criterion, among anna amassed number on abonnentar and the total traffic volume in the business units. The revenue limit in the second link first sentence debt tilsvarande.

Chapter III section 7. Fee for radio amateur credentials, Possess were of permission for radioamatørar to pay $ 2 k in eingongsgebyr.

section 8. Fee for the frequency Rate is permissions permissions permission to use parts of the frequency spectrum. Sendarløyve is a frequency permissions that give the right to make use of the spectrum with the concrete radiosendarar. Spectrum permissions is a permission that provides rate right to benefit part of the spectrum in a geographic area without it chorus is defined radiosendarane to plasserast.
Total fee that will be fordelast between possessing was ane of frequency permit under section 8 to section 12, the amount under section 1, second paragraph number 2, fråtrekt fee under section 7 and section 13.
The amount after the link to fordelast in this way: 1.40% between dei with frequency permissions for professional Mobile Radio and sendarløyve for low-power system. Low-power system is radiosendarar with the maximum radiated power less than or equal to 500 mW.

2.8% between dei with sendarløyve in the frequency band planned for broadcast the first nest.

3.10% between the other than dei sendarløyve dei that fell under the number 1 and 2.

4.42% between dei with spectrum permission.

§ 9. Fee for frequency permissions on Professional Mobile Radio and sendarløyve for low-power system Possessing was by spectrum permissions on Professional Mobile Radio should pay us $ 100, 000 for the quarter-PMR-Web dei have as new year two-frekvenssystem and us $ 50,000 for a fourth PMR networks dei has the new year a-frekvenssystem. In addition, must possess the item pay $ 6 250 for each 12.5 kHz channel as the host outlined. About the regional løyvet dekkjer more than two regionar, to hold the item pay as for a landsdekkjande spectrum permission.
Holder was of regional spectrum permission for professional Mobile Radio will pay a fixed amount for each region løyvet debt, and $ 2,000 for each 12.5 kHz channel as the host outlined. Fastbeløpet who was going to pay have ane, from the table below.

Region 1 Oslo, Akershus, Østfold, Vestfold, Buskerud, Telemark, Norway $ 40,000 Region 2 Aust-Agder, Vest-Agder, Norway us $ 20 000 Region 3 Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, Møre og Romsdal

$ 20 000 Region 4 Oppland, Hedmark, Norway us $ 20 000 Region 5, Sør-Trøndelag, Nord-Trøndelag, $ 20 000 Region 6 Nordland, Troms and Finnmark $ 20,000 Total fee under section 9 the first and second paragraph should trekkjast from the amount under section 8, third paragraph, number 1. The amount should då, fordelast derives from possessing was ane of sendarløyve for professional Mobile Radio and sendarløyve for low-power system in this way: Basestasjonar and low-power permit host assigned a weight of 5. Mobile stasjonar host assigned a weight of 1. Additional a-frekvenskanal to eksisterande permissions assigned importance to the host a 2. The fee for the stasjonar and permission for low-power system host similar to deira owner divided by the total weight the number on the scale stasjonar with sendarløyve and permission for low-power equipment multiplied by the amount after the third link first sentence.

§ 10. Fee for sendarløyve in the frequency band scheduled for broadcast that have first sendarløyve nests Dei for the riksdekkjande broadcast network, will pay a fee component of $ 500 000 for the quarter net, plus the fee for each after the third paragraph of sendar.
Dei that has sendarløyve for the other broadcast networks, will pay a fee component of $ 2 000 for the quarter net, plus the fee for each after the third paragraph of sendar.
Total fee after the first and second paragraph shall trekkjast from the amount under section 8, third paragraph, number 2, and shall fordelast between dei that has sendarløyve in the frequency band scheduled for broadcast this way first nest: the fee for each sendar host like sendaren say weight divided by the total number of that sendarar and then multiplied by the amount after the third paragraph, first sentence.
Sendarar that fell into several of these compos, host assigned a weight that is equal to the product of the weight in each category. Sendarar host assigned weight as in the table below.

Category Weight Sendareffekt less than 50 W 3.0 Sendareffekt from and with 50 to 1 000 W 5.0 Sendareffekt greater than 1 000 W 10.0 Sendar in frequency bands below 30 MHz 50.0 Sendar in 0.5 riksnett section 11. Fee for other sendarløyve fee for sendarløyve that do not cast off under the third paragraph of section 9 and section 10, host determine after this paragraph.
Dei that has sendarløyve for public electronic communications networks on ships, shall pay a fee component for the quarter-permission of $ 5 000 plus us $ 2 000 per ship løyvet debt.
Sendarløyve for jordstasjonar for satellite and station to use to research host assigned a weight of 55.
Station in radiotelemetrisystem, point to point/multipoint, host assigned a weight depends on the radiated power (e.r.p.) in this way: a) Stasjonar with effect under or equal to 0.5 W, host assigned a weight of 2.

b) Stasjonar with effect than 0.5 W graduate, host assigned a weight of 8.

Other sendarar host assigned weight as in the table below.

Frequency bands Band Width Weight Frequency band undergraduate than 1 GHz up to and including 25 kHz Frequency band than 5.0 undergraduate 1 GHz From 25 kHz to 150 kHz and 8.0 Frequency band undergraduate than 1 GHz Over 150 kHz Frequency band 25.0 from and with 1 GHz to 4 GHz up to and including 2 MHz Frequency band and 8.0 from with 1 GHz to 4 GHz Over 2 MHz 12.0 Frequency band from 4 GHz to 6 GHz to and with 25 MHz 10.0

Frequency band from 4 GHz to 6 GHz From 25 MHz to 55 MHz Frequency band 14.0 from 4 GHz to 6 GHz From and with 55 MHz Frequency band 25.0 from 9 GHz to 20 GHz up to and including 25 MHz Frequency band 6.0 from 9 GHz to 20 GHz From 25 MHz to 55 MHz Frequency band 8.0 from 9 GHz to 20 GHz From and with 55 MHz Frequency from 13.0 band and with 20 to 40 GHz up to and including 25 MHz Frequency band 3.0 from and with 20 to 40 GHz From 25 MHz to 55 MHz Frequency band 4.0 from and with 20 to 40 GHz From and with 55 MHz Frequency from 7.0 band and with 40 GHz to 2.0 2.5 GHz Frequency bands from and with 40 GHz From and with 2.5 GHz 4.0 Amassed fee after the second paragraph to be trekkjast from the amount under section 8, third paragraph, number 4. The amount should då, fordelast derives from dei that has sendarløyve, so that the fee for each sendar host like sendaren say weight divided by the total number of that sendarar and then multiplied by the amount after the sixth paragraph first sentence.

§ 12. Fee for permit fees for spectrum spectrum permissions that do not cast off under section 9 the first and second paragraph, determine the host after this paragraph.
20% of the amount under section 8, third paragraph, number 4 to fordelast between dei with spectrum permission with an equal part of kvar samanhengande frequency block dei has. Dei should also pay the fee after the third paragraph.
The amount under section 8, third paragraph, number 4, minus the sum of the fixed component of the charge under section 12 options the second paragraph, to fordelast between dei with spectrum in terms of credentials, the band of a space that involves spektrumsløyvet. Band widths host assigned a weight equal to 1/f, where f is the center frequency in the frequency band frequency block lie in the Band widths too. host assigned a weight as in the table below. Frequency band that is not nemnde in the table, host assigned a weight equal to 1. For regional permissions hosted this weight multiplied by the fraction of the population that is in the inhabited Noreg in the coverage area for løyvet. The fee to host regarded out on the basis of committed bandwidth, is equal to the weight band widths that involves spektrumsløvyet, divided by the total weight band widths multiplied by the amount after the third paragraph, first sentence.

Frequency band Weight 47 to 68 MHz 0.1 174-240 MHz 7.0 380-430 MHz 3.0 450-470 MHz 5.0 470-790 MHz 3.0 870-880/915 — 925 MHz 4.0 880-915/925-960 MHz 9.0 1785-1805 MHz 7.0 1710-1785/1805-1880 MHz 17.0 1900-1980/2110-2170 MHz 20.0 section 13. Other frequency fee postal and telecommunications authority can by individual decisions fastsetje fee for international coordination for the satellittverksemd, fees for the armed forces their frequency fees for permissions, frequency permissions on maritime radioverksemd and fee for permission to attach rate luftfartsverksemd.
Post and telecommunications authority can by individual decisions fastsetje fee for non frequency credentials, omfatta of the reglane in the reglane of the joint or in section 7-section 12.

Chapter IV section 14. Fee for permissions on aeromobilt radio equipment Eingongsgebyr for the registration of radio equipment installed in the aircraft is for: 1. fully equipped aircraft over 9000 kg £ 6600 2.
fully equipped aircraft under 9000 kg £ 3300 3.
aircraft that is not fully equipped $ 1300.

Årleg fee is $ 500 for: 1. permissions on aeromobilt radio communication equipment on board the aircraft 2.
permission for radio navigation equipment on board the aircraft 3.
permissions on pulse equipment on board the aircraft 4.
permissions on nødpeilesendar (ELT) on board the aircraft Årleg fee for permission for the calling terminal on board the aircraft is $ 1300.
Årleg fee for permission for radio equipment that can transfer data/voice on the land mobile, maritime and/or private television networks on board the aircraft is $ 850.

section 15. Fee for permission for the person leg nødpeilesendar Årleg fee for permission for the person is £ 450 nødpeilesendar leg.

section 16. Fee for registered vendor or vendor charge for registered radioforhandlar of radio and terminal equipment is $ 7, 000.
Fee for registered radioforhandlar is £ 1 500.

§ 17. Fee for the authorized fee under section verksemd Samla 14-section 16 and section 18 to trekkjast from the amount under section 1, second paragraph number 3. The fee for each authorization host you the amount that comes of the first period, divided by the total number of autorisasjonar.

§ 18. Other fee Post and telecommunications authority can by individual decisions fastsetje fee for national approval of radio and terminal equipment and for permission for the radio equipment that is not omfatta of reglane in section 14-section 16.

Chapter V section 19. Exception Post and telecommunications authority can in særlege occasions make exceptions from section I, II, III and IV.
Great variety in charge from a year to the next will be reknas as særleg occasions when the variety is not manners of.

section 20. Complaint Authority Ministry of transportation avgjer to complain about individual decisions for forskrifta here.

§ 21. Sanksjonar If fee not paid host can Post and telecommunications authority within the framework of the electronic communications Act § 10-8, trekkje back permission, object to the use and refuse to utferde new permissions.
The use of sanksjonar endrar not plikta to pay fix fee.

§ 22. Iverksetjing etc. Forskrifta tek to apply from 1. March 2005 from the same time as forskrifta tek to apply to host the regulation 20. March 2000 No. 302 on fee to the Post and Telecommunications Authority called off.