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Regulations Implementing The Eea Agreement Annex Xvi Paragraph 6 (The Directive Eec / Euratom No. 1182/71) Laying Down Rules For Deadlines, Dates And Times

Original Language Title: Forskrift om gjennomføring av EØS-avtalen vedlegg XVI punkt 6 (Rfo EØF/Euratom nr. 1182/71) om fastsettelse av regler for frister, datoer og tidspunkter

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Regulations implementing the EEA Agreement Annex XVI paragraph 6 (the Directive EEC / Euratom no. 1182/71) laying down rules for deadlines, dates and times

Date FOR 1992-12-04-910

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published Dept. In 1992 1345

Commencement 01.01.1994 (EEA)

FOR 2006-04-07-404





Corrected 01.07.2012 (legal)

Short Title
Regulations on deadlines in the EEA Agreement

Chapter Overview:

§ 1. - The provisions of the content
§ 2. - Commencement

Adopted by Royal Decree. 4 December 1992 pursuant to the Act of 16 July 1999 no. 69 on public procurement § 16. Promoted by the Ministry of Industry (now Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries).
EEA information: EEA Annex XVI paragraph 6 (the Directive EEC / Euratom) No. 1182-1171).
Changes: Amended by Regulation 7 April 2006 no. 404.

§ 1. - The provisions of the content

Article 1. Unless otherwise provided, this Regulation shall apply to acts or are covered by the EEA Agreement.

Chapter I. Deadlines

Article 2
In this Regulation holidays or days off every day with this designation in the Member State or the EEA body to perform an action.

In this connection, the EFTA States shall send the Commission a list of the days that are holidays or days off according to their legislation. EFTA Surveillance Authority and the Commission shall in the Official Journal, the EEA section and in a separate EEA addition publish the lists of Member States with a list of public holidays in the EEA bodies.

In this Regulation workdays all days that are not holidays or days off, Sundays or Saturdays.

Article 3.
When a deadline expressed in hours shall be calculated from the time an event occurs or an action performed, the hour when the event occurs or that action is performed, not considered part of the relevant deadline.

When a deadline expressed in days, weeks, months or years is to be calculated from the time an event occurs or an action performed, the day when the event occurs or that action is performed is not considered a part of the period.

Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph. 1 and 4.

be a period expressed in hours commences from the beginning of the first hour and end with the expiry of the last hour of the deadline

be a time limit expressed in days begin to run from the beginning of the first hour of closing the first day and end with the expiry of the last hour of the last day of,

be a period expressed in weeks, months or years begin to run from the first hour of closing the first day and end with the expiry of the last hour of the day of the deadline last week, month or year which falls on that same day or the same date as the final day began to run. If a time limit expressed in months or years would expire on a day that does not occur in the last month, the period shall end with the expiry of the last hour of this month's last day

shall be one month to 30 days when calculating deadlines which includes parts of months.

Deadlines include public holidays, Sundays and Saturdays unless those days are expressly exempted or time limits are expressed in working days.

If the last day of a deadline that is not expressed in hours falls on a Sunday or holiday, Sunday or Saturday, the period shall end with the expiry of the last hour of the next day.

This provision shall not apply to deadlines counted backward from a given date or event.

All deadlines on two or more days must include at least two working days.

Chapter II. Dates and times

Article 4.
Unless otherwise provided in this Article, the provisions of Article 3 with the exception of no. 4 and 5 apply at the time the EEA Agreement acts or individual provisions of those acts enter into force, takes effect or implemented, or at the time when their validity or effect ceases or no longer be applied.

If the time that EEA acts or individual provisions of those acts enter into force, takes effect or implemented are set at a certain date, the date being the beginning of the first hour of the day corresponding to that date.

This provision shall also apply where the said acts or regulations come into force shall take effect or be implemented within a certain number of days after the date on which an event occurs or an action performed.


If time when the validity or effect of EEA acts or individual provisions of those acts have expired or they can no longer be used is determined to a certain date, the date being the end of the last hour of the day corresponding to this date .

This provision shall also apply where the validity or effect of the said acts or provisions shall terminate, or they can no longer be applied, within a certain number of days after the date on which an event occurs or an action performed.

Article 5.
Unless otherwise provided in this Article, the provisions of Article 3 with the exception of no. 4 and 5 apply when an action may or must be carried out at a specific time according to an act covered by the EEA Agreement.

If an action can or should be performed on a specific date according to an act covered by the EEA Agreement, or should it be made between the beginning of the first hour and the end of the last hour of the day corresponding to that date.

This provision shall also apply when an action pursuant to an act covered by the EEA Agreement may or must be carried out within a certain number of days after the date on which an event occurs or an action performed.

§ 2. - Commencement

Regulations come into force from the time the EEA Agreement enters into force for Norway.