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Regulations For The Prevention, Control And Eradication Of Diseases In Animals (Livestock, Wildlife) In Svalbard

Original Language Title: Forskrift om forebygging, begrensning og utrydding av sjukdommer hos dyr (husdyr, vilt) på Svalbard

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Regulations for the prevention, control and eradication of diseases in animals (livestock, wildlife) on Svalbard.

Date FOR-1992-12-04-1238

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Published Dept. In 1993 3

Commencement 04/12/1993





LOV-2003-12-19-124-§33, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§36, FOR-2003-12-19-1790


Short Title
Regulation on animal diseases, Svalbard

Established by the Ministry of Agriculture 4 December 1992 pursuant to the Act of 19 December 2003. 124 relating to food production and food safety. (Food Act) § 33 first paragraph, cf.. § 36 second paragraph, cf.. Delegated Decision of 19 December 2003. 1790. Revision January 9, 2004 No.. 58 (including legal).

§ 1. Governor oversees and makes decisions in accordance with the Food Act § 23 on supervision and resolution and can issue decisions pursuant to § 24 on special eradication of infection, § 25 of the closing and quarantining and § 26 on fines. The audit shall be kept and decisions should be made in consultation with the regional FSA for Troms and Finnmark. The first paragraph applies only control and decisions of circumstances which could be regulated pursuant to earlier Act of 8 June 1962 no. 4 regarding animal health (livestock Act) § 3

§ 2. This regulation comes into force immediately.