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Regulations Repealing Importer Responsible For The Product Liability Act For Imports From Countries Which Have Ratified The Eea Agreement And The Lugano Convention

Original Language Title: Forskrift om opphevelse av importøransvaret etter produktansvarsloven for import fra stater som har ratifisert EØS-avtalen og Luganokonvensjonen

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Regulations repealing importer responsible for the Product Liability Act for imports from countries which have ratified the EEA Agreement and the Lugano Convention.

Date FOR-1993-11-12-1028

Affairs Ministry of Justice

Published Dept. In 1993 1155

Commencement 01.01.1994 (EEA)






Short Title
Regulation repealing importer responsibility

Stipulated by Royal Decree. 12 November 1993 pursuant to the Act of 23 December 1988 no. 104 on Product Liability § 1-3 second paragraph. Promoted by the Ministry of Justice. Ref. EEA Agreement, Annex III (Council Directive 85/374 / EEC).

§ 1. Imports of products from countries which have ratified the EEA Agreement and the Lugano Convention 1988 on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, are not counted as imports by Law 23 December 1988 no. 104 on Product Liability § 1- 3. If the product is imported from a third country to a state that is mentioned in the first paragraph, the importer of the product from the third country have the same responsibility as producer.
Retailer of the product will still be responsible if the manufacturer or importer or intermediate salgsledds name and address in a State referred to in the first paragraph is not given within a reasonable time.

§ 2. This regulation comes into force from the time the EEA Agreement enters into force for Norway.