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Regulations On The Construction, The Design And Manufacture Of Personal Protective Equipment (Ppe)

Original Language Title: Forskrift om konstruksjon, utforming og produksjon av personlig verneutstyr (PVU)

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Regulations on the construction, the design and manufacture of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Date of-1994-08-19-819 Ministry of labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and Published in the emergency Dept 1994 1368 entry into force 19.08.1994 last edited by-2015-12-04-1394 Change FOR-1987-09-24-766 from 30.06.1995 applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1976-06-11-79-section 4, FOR-1990-09-07-730, LAW-1994-06-16-20-section 7, LAW-2005-06-17-62-section 1-4, LAW-2005-06-17-62-§ 3-2 Announced Targeted 09.03.2005 (§ 15 No. 3) short title regulations on personal protective equipment (PPE) Chapter overview: chapter I. Initial provisions (sections 1-4) chapter II. General provisions (sections 5-6) chapter III. Procedures for conformity assessment (sections 7-15) chapter IV. Requirements for the construction and design of personal protective equipment (§ § 16-49): the legal authority set forth by URkgl.res. august 19, 1994, Nr. 819 under the legal authority of the law of 4. February 1977 Nr. 4 about the worker protection and working environment, etc. § 2 No. 7 and § 12 Nr. 5, law 11. June 1976 No. 79 for control of products and consumer services (produktkontrolloven) section 4 and allowed 16. June 1994 no. 20 on technical control body that has to to implement the oppgåve compliance reviews section 7. Made by the local government and regional development (now the labour and Social Affairs).
Added legal authority: law 17. June 2005 Nr. 62 for a work environment, working time and employment etc. (the Working Environment Act) § 1-4 and section 3-2. Regulation 5. August 1977 Nr. 2 on the implementation of the law on control of products and consumer services. The delegation decision 7. September 1990 No. 730. the EEA Joint referrals: the EEA Agreement-annex II, chap. XXII about personal protective equipment no. 1 (Rdir. 89/686/EEC) and the additional agreement, annex II, bind 6 A kap XIX (Rdir. 93/68/EEC) and kap. XXII (Rdir. 93/95/EEC) and Rdir. 96/58/EC.
Changes: modified by regulations april 30, 1998 No. 460 (e.g. legal authority), 1 feb 2002 No. 127, 20 feb 2004 Nr. 583, 4 des 2015 Nr. 1394. Chapter I. section 1 Initial provisions. Scope this Regulation applies to the production and marketing of PPE.
This regulation does not apply to: a) PPE designed and engineered specifically for use in the military or in the police b) Forskriftens chapter III will not apply for foreign businesses in Svalbard c) these regulations will not apply for the petroleum offshore d) PPE for use by self defense e) PPE designed and constructed for private use to-adverse weather conditions-moisture and water-heat f) PPE designed to salvage or protection of persons on vessels or aircraft and not to be worn all the time.

g) Helmets and visor for users of two-and three-wheeled powered motor vehicles.

h) production and marketing of PPE that is governed by other legislation.

§ 2. Definitions 1. With "personal protective equipment (PPE) refers in this Regulation: a. Any device, destined to be worn or held by the user with a view to protect against one or several risks that can threaten their health and safety.

b. Utskiftelige parts of the PPE, which is necessary in order that it can work and be used exclusively to this PPE.

Any system that is marketed together with the PPE to connect this to the other external complementary device, should be considered an integral part of the PPE, although this system is not to be worn or held sustained throughout the period in which the user is at risk.

2. With the "harmonized standard" is meant in this regulation which are technical specifications adopted by CEN or CENELEC in accordance with a mandate from the EC Commission and the EFTA countries. (A = European standard). These standards shall be published in the EC official journal. Norwegian standards that are "harmonised standards" be made public by the Norwegian Standards Association or Norwegian Electrotechnical Committee.

3. With the "EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA" refers to the European economic area.

4. with "its representative" meant it as in the EEA represents a manufacturer established outside the EEA.

5. With the "technical control body» means a business that will perform the EF-typeprøving, check the product control system or approve the quality assurance system according to this regulation, is designated by the Ministry of labour and administration and is announced as technical control body in the EF-tidende.

§ 3. Penalty provisions violation of this regulation or decision given pursuant to this punished after working environment Act Chapter 19, produktkontrolloven section 12, and the Penal Code of 2005 section 27 and section 28.

§ 4. Entry into force and transitional provisions this Regulation shall enter into force immediately.
PPE which is produced according to the regulations of the 24. September 1987 No. 766 about personal protective equipment (purchase order number 483), established by the Directorate of labour inspection, can be traded in a transitional period until 30. June 1995.
From the 30. June 1995 repealed regulations of 24. September 1987 No. 766 about personal protective equipment (purchase order number 483), established by the Directorate of labour inspection.
PPE can in the period leading up to the 1. January 1997 be CE-marked according to the provisions of EU Council Directive 89/686/EEC.
Labour and Government Administration can in consultation with the justice and police Ministry determine necessary changes in this regulation.

Chapter II. General provisions section 5. Who the regulation targeted at Manufacturers, importers, suppliers and others who make PPE to occupational or private use, shall ensure that the provisions of this regulation is being carried out.
The regulations also apply to the/those who rent or lend out PPE and for the/those who portray PPE for your own use.
Technical control body shall ensure that the provisions applicable to forskriftens them, are implemented.

section 6. Technical control body 1. Business that will perform the tasks assigned to the technical control body for this Regulation shall be designated by the Ministry of Labour and management or utpekende authority in another country in the EEA. The technical control body should be signed and announced in the European economic area.

2. technical control body should meet the following requirements:-it should have access to suitable staff and the necessary AIDS and control equipment-staff shall have the technical competence and professional integrity-managers and the technical staff should be independent of all circles, groups and individuals who directly or indirectly dealing with PPE in connection with the execution of the tests, the preparation of the reports, issuing the certificates and performing the control that is set out in the regulation-staff to have professional secrecy. This does not apply in relation to the authorities who enforce the regulations.

-It should be drawn a liability insurance.

3. a designation can be made on specific criteria and/or made indefinite.
The authority which has designated the body can draw the designation back.
Technical control body should follow the rules in sections 10, 11, 13 and 14.

Chapter III. Procedures for conformity assessment section 7. Demands for compliance review, etc.
1. Before the PPE is marketed to the manufacturer or its representative gather together and have at their disposal the technical documentation provided by section 9.

2. The manufacturer or its representative shall issue a declaration under section 12 for all PPE to document that the equipment is in compliance with the requirements of this regulation and a lasting CE marking on the equipment, cf. section 15.

3. production of other PPE than that which follows from § 8 Nr. 1, to the manufacturer or its representative let a model underkastes EF-typeprøving, cf. section 10 and section 11.

4. For the PPE referred to in section 8 Nr. 2 in addition, the manufacturer shall provide for the implementation of one of the two control schemes imposed by § § 13 or 14.

5. For the PPE that are imported and which are not CE-marked, the importer shall ensure that PPE meets the requirements of section 7, Nr. 1-4.

6. PPE that do not meet the requirements of Nr. 1-5 can be presented at trade fairs, exhibitions, etc., it should clearly be made by signs note that such PPE is not in compliance with the forskriftens requirements and the acquisition or use for any purpose is not allowed until the manufacturer or its representative has brought the equipment in compliance with the requirements.

section 8. Special categories of PPE 1. Exempt from the requirements of the EC typeprøving, jf. § 7 No. 3, the PPE is intended solely to protect the user against: a) mechanical influences which has only superficial and transitory effect b) cleaners with little damage effect that has only temporary effect c) risk when handling hot objects that are neither exposes the user to temperatures above 50 ° C or for dangerous shock.

d) weather conditions that are neither unusual or extreme e) small bumps or vibrations that are not frames vital parts of the body and which do not cause lasting damage f) solar radiation.

2. PPE of the following categories shall be subject to control arrangements pursuant to section 13 or section 14: a) respiratory protection with filter, which protects against hazardous solids or aerosols væskeformige or against hazardous or radioactive hazardous emissions.

b) respiratory protection, which completely excludes access to atmospheric air, including diving equipment c) PPE which only provides time-limited protection against chemicals or ionizing radiation d) PPE for use in environments where the user can be exposed to temperatures of 100 ° C or more, with or without infrared radiation, flames or powerful utslyngninger of molten material.

e) PPE for use in environments where the user can be exposed to temperatures of-50 ° C or lower.

f) PPE to protect against falls from heights.

g) PPE to protect against risk of electrical shock in connection with dangerous voltages or PPE used as insulation by working with high voltage.

3. PPE which is not covered by the section 8 Nr. 1 or no. 2 to the EC-typeprøves according to § 10.

§ 9. Technical documentation the manufacturer shall prepare documentation with all the necessary information about their efforts to producing PPE according to the requirements in chapter IV.
Technical documentation shall be provided to the Government on the rental/sales value.
Documentation for the PPE as is mentioned in section 8 Nr. 2 shall especially include the following: 1. The manufacturer's technical data regarding the manufacture of the following: a) the detail and overall drawings of PPE, if necessary accompanied by calculations and results of experiments with prototypes within the limits of what is necessary to prove that the requirements of chapter IV is met.

b) an exhaustive list of safety and health requirements as well as the harmonized standards or other technical specifications, which are taken into account in the construction of the model, 2.
A description of the equipment and the methods that will be used by control and trial at the production site, 3.
A copy of the user information, cf. § 19.

§ 10. The EC typeprøving the manufacturer or its representative shall mail application for EC-typeprøving to a technical control body for the relevant type of PPE.
The technical control body make EF-typeprøvingen and EF-typeprøvingssertifikat issuer after the procedures in section 11.
The application for the EC-typeprøving should include:-the manufacturer's or its representants name and address as well as information about the production site PVUs.

-technical data according to § 9 No. 1 letter a) and b).

The required number of trial copies of the product to be type tested, be attached to the application.
When it is considered necessary to get at issue that the PPE is in compliance with the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet, it required new EF-typeprøving.
Technical control body that pulls back a previously issued EF-typeprøvingssertifikat, shall notify the authority which has designated body about this.

section 11. Procedures for the EC-typeprøving EC-typeprøving is an examination of the manufacturer's technical data and a survey of the PPE model to ascertain and certify that they meet the requirements in the model forskriftens chapter IV.

1. Examination of the manufacturer's technical data manufacturer's technical data should be examined to determine if they are in accordance with the harmonised standards.
When a manufacturer not, or only partially, has applied harmonised standards, or when there are no such standards to check whether, and in which high level, the technical specifications used by the manufacturer corresponds to the requirements of the forskriftens chapter IV. Then check if the manufacturer's technical data corresponding to these technical specifications.

2. Examination of the model Survey to ensure that PPE is produced in accordance with the manufacturer's technical data and that it is completely safe can be used for its purpose.
To perform the necessary examinations and tests to determine that the model is in accordance with the harmonised standards.
When a manufacturer not or only partially has used harmonised standards, it shall be carried out the necessary investigations and trying to determine the correspondence between the model and the technical specifications used by the manufacturer, provided that the specifications are in accordance with the requirements of chapter IV.

3. Satisfying the EC-typeprøving EC-typeprøvingssertifikat to utferdiges when the model satisfies the provisions applicable to it.
EF-typeprøvingssertifikatet to render the results of the survey, specify any conditions attached to the certificate's issuance and include the descriptions and drawings necessary for identifying the kind of tried model.

4. Unsatisfactory EC-typeprøving Technical control body which refuses to issue the type test certificate shall inform the other technical control bodies for the same type of PPE on this.

5. Results of the EC typeprøvingen other technical control bodies that have been designated for trial by the same type of PPE and the authorities can get copy of the type test certificate and may, at the request or get your copy of the manufacturer's technical data and reports from the investigations and samples is performed.

6. Storage of documents, technical documentation that emerges through the procedures of the EC typeprøving, to be available to the authorities for 10 years after the marketing of the PPE model.

§ 12. Declaration of the manufacturer or its representative shall issue a declaration where it is confirmed that a marketed PPE is in accordance with this regulation. The Declaration should always be available from the manufacturer or its representative, and shall be submitted to the Government on the rental/sales value.
The Declaration shall contain the following information: For all PPE:-name and address of the manufacturer or its representative,-description of the PVUet, such as brand, type, serial number, year of manufacture, etc.,-name and signature of the manufacturer or its representative, provisions that PPE is in accordance with.

For PPE in accordance section 8, Nr. 1:-referrals to spent harmonised standards-references to spent national standards and technical specifications when harmonised standards do not exist or are not used For PPE in accordance section 8, Nr. 2 and 3:-reference to the EF-typeprøvingssertifikat-name, address and characteristic number to technical control body which has performed the type of trial and issued type test certificate For PPE in accordance section 8, Nr. 2:-name, address, number and characteristics of the technical control body that performs according to forskriftens § 13 or-name, address and characteristic number to technical control body that performs according to the forskriftens section 14.

section 13. Product control system 1. The manufacturer shall take all necessary measures for the fabrication process, including the final inspection and testing of PPE, ensures a consistent production and correspondence between the depicted and described in PPE PPE EF-typeprøvingssertifikatet, as well as compliance with the requirements of this regulation.

2. The manufacturer shall, at its option, choose a technical control agency to make the necessary control. The control to be carried out without any upfront established pattern and normally with at least a years.

3. The technical control body should make appropriate surveys and samples of an appropriate number of PPE. Trying to be carried out in accordance with the harmonized standards or other criteria that are necessary to try to verify the correspondence between the made PPE and type tested PPE model and the requirements of chapter IV of the regulations.

4. If the technical control body, selected by § 13 Nr. 2, is not the same as that which issued the EF-typeprøvingssertifikatet, to the technical control body contact EF-typeprøvingsorganet in cases where it turns out difficult to assess compliance with the selected samples.

5. The technical control body shall send a report of the performed investigations and trying to the manufacturer. The report concludes that there is no produktensartethet or with the product does not correspond with the description in the EF-typeprøvingssertifikatet and with forskriftens requirements, hit the technical regulatory body the necessary precautions and under dishes the authority which made the designation about the relationship.

6. The manufacturer shall provide the technical rental/sales value it could control organ report from product control survey.

section 14. Quality assurance system 1. The manufacturer should seek a technical control body on approval of its quality assurance system. The manufacturer can freely choose which technical control body that will be used.
The application shall include:-all the information about the category as portrayed, PPE be scheduled any documentation relating to the approved model.

-documentation concerning the quality assurance system-statement to fulfill the obligations arising from the quality assurance system and to maintain the system's efficiency.

2. In connection with the quality assurance system to the manufacturer examine each single PPE and make the surveys and samples which are mentioned in section 13 Nr. 3 to verify whether the PPE is in accordance with the requirements of chapter IV forskriftens.
Documentation regarding the system should in particular contain a complete description of the:-quality objectives, the organizational plan, the leaders ' responsibility and their procedures with regard to product quality.

-controls and prøvinger to be implemented after the manufacture-the means to ensure that the quality assurance system is working effectively.

3. The technical regulatory body to consider quality assurance system with a view to determine if it meets the requirements of section 14 No. 2. If the system is based on a harmonized standard to the technical control body add to the reason that the system meets the requirements.
The technical control body will make all the necessary objective reviews of the individual elements of the quality assurance system and to make sure that the system ensures in particular that portrayed PPE is in compliance with the EC-typeprøvede model.
The manufacturer shall be informed of the result. The result will contain the conclusions of the control and informed reviews.

4. If the manufacturer has plans to change the quality assurance system, this inn is reported to the technical control body which has approved the system.
The technical control body will examine the proposed changes and decide whether the changed system meets the applicable provisions.
The manufacturer shall be informed of the result. The result will contain the conclusions of the control and informed reviews.

5. The controls to ensure that the manufacturer meets the commitments arising out of the approved quality assurance system.
For the technical control body should be able to supervise the quality assurance system to the manufacturer to make sure the body is given access to the premises where the PPE is produced, is examined, tested and stored.

The manufacturer shall provide the technical rental/sales value on the regulatory body of which all the necessary information especially about:-documentation concerning the quality assurance system-technical documentation, jf. section 9-appropriate manuals.

6. The technical control body shall make regular checks to ensure that the manufacturer is maintaining and applying the approved quality assurance system. The technical control body to prepare report on investigations with the manufacturer.
The technical control body may pay unannounced visits to the manufacturer. In such case it shall be worked out a visitation report, possibly with description and result of the surveys and samples that are performed.
On request the manufacturer to be able to put forward reports from the technical control body.

section 15. CE marking 1. PPE which satisfies the forskriftenes requirements should be labeled with the fixed CE marking.
The manufacturer påsetter the CE label having first prepared the Declaration, jf. § 12.

2. The requirement for CE marking does not apply to parts that are engineered to PPE when the application of parts not of essential necessity for PVUs function effect.

3. The marking consists of the letters CE. If technical control body has participated in the production control phase. section 13 or section 14, shall know the character number of the technical control body is applied.

4. The CE marking shall have the following layout: the different parts as the CE label consists of, as far as possible have the same height and not be less than 5 mm.

5. The CE marking shall påsettes all manufactured PPE and its packaging in a visible and legible way and so that it does not disappear in the course of lifetime PVUs supposed. If it is not possible to mark some PPE CE marking can påsettes the packaging.

6. It is not permitted to apply other marks or påskrifter that can be confused with the CE label.

7. When PPE is regulated by several regulations that require CE marking means the selection that the PPE also is believed to meet these other regulations.
If the manufacturer according to the regulations can choose which regulations he will follow the CE marking should only refer to the regulations he has followed. Together with the CE label should it be specified which of the EU Council directives that thus is considered fulfilled.

Chapter IV. Requirements for the construction and design of personal protective equipment a. General function requirements for all PPE section 16. PPE should be construction principles constructed and designed so that it provides adequate protection against the damaging effects it is supposed to prevent.

1. Ergonomics PPE should be constructed and designed so that the user under expected usage conditions can perform risky work or activity in an otherwise normally would at the same time that use is appropriately protected on a highest possible level.

2. The safety level to be constructed and PPE designed to satisfy a the highest possible safety level. The load by using PPE must not prevent the effective use of the equipment in the time the user is exposed to injury and damage to health or prevent the normal execution of the work or activity.

3. Safety classes at the construction and design of PPE shall, whenever possible, be divided into suitable protective classes taking into account the various risks in the expected uses.

§ 17. Harmless device 1. Risk-and ulempefritt to be constructed and PPE designed so that it does not cause risks or other drawbacks under the expected conditions of use.

2. Suitable materials the materials and the individual parts of a PPE, including any decomposition products, should not have adverse effects on the user's health.

3. surface design All PPE-parts during use will or can come into contact with the user, should be free of irregularities, sharp edges, spikes and the like that can cause significant irritation or injury.

4. Freedom of movement in the least possible PPE degree to prevent movements, work positions and sensory input.
PPE shall not be able to cause movements that can expose the user or others to danger.

§ 18. Comfort and efficiency 1. Adaptation should be constructed and PPE designed so that in the simplest possible way can be used in the correct position in the expected run time. It should be taken into account to the outer environment, the user's physique, the necessary movements and the work positions for example by the use of suitable adjustment and fastening devices or by that PPE is produced in various sizes and designs.

2. weight and influence resistance to the lowest possible PPE have weight without that this goes out over the calculated strength and ease of use.
PPE should be able to resist external influences related to the expected usage conditions. At specific risk conditions applies additional requirements, see. Chapter IV, section C.

3. multiple conditions Various PPE models of different class or type that is marketed by the same manufacturer as a total protection of the parts of the body are essentially continuous to a combination of risks, should be able to be combined.

§ 19. Use the information from the manufacturer the manufacturer shall draw up a written user information shall be appended to that PPE is marketed.
The written user information should be released with Norwegian text and be accurate and understandable.
Use the information from the manufacturer should contain all the necessary information about: a) the name and address of the manufacturer and/or importer b) storage, use, cleaning, maintenance, inspection and disinfection products that the manufacturer recommends for cleaning, maintenance and disinfection should not have harmful effects on the PPE or on the user when products are applied in accordance with their corresponding instruction for use.

c) protective effect as PVUs is registered by technical trying to control the protection of level or protective class d) suitable PPE accessories e) which properties the right spare parts should have f) which protected classes that are suitable for different risk levels and the usage limitations corresponding to these g) expiration or holdbarhetsperiode for PPE or certain parts of the PPE h) suitable packaging for the transport of the PPE in the meaning of the markings, if any) , jf. section 31 j) reference to the spent regulations, jf. § 15 No. 7 k) name, address and distinguishing feature number for the technical control bodies that contribute in the production phase for the PPE.

In addition, the required additional user information for special risk conditions or special types of PPE, jf. forskriftens kap. IV point B and C.

B. General function requirements for special types of PPE section 20. PPE with regulatory systems if the PPE have regulatory systems, should these be constructed and designed so that they under expected usage conditions do not inadvertently can come out of position without the user being aware of it.

§ 21. PPE that surrounds the parts of the body PPE that surrounds the parts of the body, to the extent that it is possible to have adequate ventilation to limit sweating that occurs when using or, if possible, be equipped with svetteabsorberende devices.

§ 22. PPE which protect your face, eyes and respiratory PPE which protect face, eyes and respiratory tract shall then small degree as possible to limit the user's field of view and term.
The degree of optical neutrality in eye protection at these PPE models should be tailored user's tasks or activities.
If necessary, these PPE-models ' eye protection be treated or be fitted with fukthindrende funds.
PPE models constructed and designed for users with a need for correction of sight, to be able to be used together with glasses or contact lenses.

§ 23. PPE which is prone to aging 1. Holdbarhetsmerking A each copy of PPE or each interchangeable PPE-part that is marketed and that the manufacturer is aware that can significantly be affected by ageing, should be unique and durable marked with the date of manufacture and/or if it is possible with holdbarhetsperiode or shelf.
The packaging should be marked in a similar way 2. User information If the manufacturer is not able to guarantee the life of the PPE, the manufacturer's written user information, cf. § 19, contain all the necessary information so that the buyer or user can determine a reasonable taking into account the shelf model's quality level and current conditions for storage, use, cleaning, inspection and maintenance.

3. Cleaning marking if the aging due to intermittent use of the cleaning method recommended by the manufacturer sannsynliggjør a notable rapid deterioration of PVUs protection effect, the manufacturer shall affix a marking on each PPE that is marketed.
This marking shall specify the number of times the PPE can be cleaned on the recommended way before it must etterses or discarded.
If such marking is not possible to specify the manufacturer these information in the written user information included, cf. § 19.

section 24. PPE that can hook up stuck under use PPE as under expected usage conditions can snap stuck in a moving object and thus expose the user to danger, to have a tailored security mechanism by allow an overload will be essential ingredients go into pieces and remove the danger.

§ 25. PPE for use in explosive atmosphere PPE for use in explosive atmosphere shall be constructed and designed so that it can not be the source of electric, electrostatic or mechanical induced spark or arc that can lead to ignition of an explosive mixture.

§ 26. PPE that can quickly be taken and/or of when it is necessary, to be designed and PPE designed so that it can be taken on and/or of as quickly as possible.
When PPE has stick-or utløseranordninger that makes it possible to fastspenne PPE in suitable positions on user or to loosen the PPE from such positions, these functions could be operated quickly and easily.

§ 27. PPE for use under very dangerous working conditions or activities 1. User information

For PPE that belong under the section 8 Nr. 2, the manufacturer shall draw up special writing user information with information intended for trained and qualified people who can understand this information and be able to inform the user about the correct use.
The extended user information should also include a description of how it is possible to verify that PPE is correctly adjusted and that it works when the user has it on.

2. Alarm function if the PPE is equipped with an alarm that is triggered when the protective level PPE usually gives no longer is present, should this alarm be constructed and designed and could be adapted to the user perceive it under the expected conditions of that PPE is marketed for.

section 28. PPE with parts that use can regulate or Replace All PPE-parts that can be adjusted or replaced by the user, shall be constructed and designed so that they are easy to customize, attach and remove without the use of tools.

section 29. PPE which may be linked to other external complementary device that includes a PPE system that makes it possible to connect the equipment to a different outer the supplementary facility, should have a fixture that is constructed and designed so that this can only be mounted on the right equipment.

section 30. PPE with fluid circulation if the PPE has a system for the circulation of fluid, this system should be constructed and designed so that it is below the expected usage conditions be ensured a suitable fluid replacement near all the part of the body to be protected regardless of the user's work positions, arm gestures or body movements.

section 31. PPE with marking that directly or indirectly concern safety and health when it is necessary to be full, accurate PPE påsettes and understandable identification or features that directly or indirectly concern safety and health. These marks should preferably be designed as harmonized pictograms or ideograms and they should be fully readable in the entire expected lifetime PVUs.
Words or phrases which are included in such marks to be with Norwegian text.
If there is not room for all or part of the required marking on the PPE or PPE-part, this marking shall be released on the packaging and are specified in the manufacturer's written user information, cf. § 19.

section 32. PPE that clothing with Visual selection apparel under the expected conditions of individually and to be illuminated highlight the user's presence, should include one or more luminous or reflective devices. These devices must be properly placed on the vaults and have adequate light strength and appropriate photometric and colorimetric properties.

section 33. PPE which protect against more risks to use PPE protection against several different and at the same time acting risks, should be constructed and designed so that it meets the basic requirements for protection against damage to life or health that apply to each of the risks, jf. forskriftens chapter IV, section C.

C. Special functional requirements for PPE at specific risk conditions § 34. Protection against mechanical shock and kind designed and to the PPE designed protection against impacts from the kind caused by falling objects or objects that are being thrown out and/or to the policy by the clashes between the parts of the body and an obstacle, should be cushioned.
Shock absorbing effect should be PVUs tailored the possible risk up to a level where major dimensions or large mass will exclude the effective use of PPE in the expected run time.

section 35. Protection against fall to the same level the outer soles on footwear should be constructed and designed to decrease the slip risk or be the matter with sklihindrende enhancement so that depending on the nature of the underlagets and State, by seizing the feature or friction, can provide a satisfactory slip resistance.

section 36. Protection against fall to lower level 1. Construction and design PPE designed and designed to prevent fall to a lower level, or to prevent harmful effects for such a case, should include a fall protection equipment that can be attached to a secure anchor point.
PPE should be constructed and designed so that if the user under the expected conditions of use will be subjected to a free drop, this fall the most in order to avert clashes with obstacles.
The load on the user under braking and stopping of the fall should not result in physical harm to the user or cause the PPE-parts exposed to avriving or violations that could lead to the user falls on.
PPE should be constructed and designed so that the user after braking are in a correct position, if necessary, in anticipation of the help.

2. User information the manufacturer's written user information, cf. section 19, shall in particular contain all the relevant information about:-the requirements to a secure anchor point-necessary minimum clearance below the user by fall accident-correct way to take on fall protection equipment-the correct way to connect the fall protection equipment to the secure anchor point.

section 37. Protection against mechanical vibrations PPE designed and designed to guard against the effects of mechanical vibrations, should adequately be able to mute against the harmful vibrations that the protected body part is exposed to.
The actual vibration influence on use shall not exceed the limit values recommended for vibration-load tailored to the expected daily load on the part of the body to be protected.

section 38. Protection from pinching PPE designed and designed to protect part of the body against static compacting, should be able to mitigate the effects of sammenpressingen sufficient so that it does not occur serious injury or chronic illness.

§ 39. Protection against physical injuries (scrapes, stings, cuts the Olympics.) PVUs material components and other parts of the PPE that will protect the body against mechanical influences that can cause superficial injuries, to be constructed or be designed so that the PPE provides adequate protection against such influence under the expected conditions of use. also, section 34.

section 40. Protection against accidents by drowning 1. Construction and design PPE designed and designed to reduce the risk of drowning, to be able to raise a user to the surface as quickly as possible without endangering the person's health, even if the user is exhausted or unconscious after falling in a liquid environment, and to then be able to give the user a safe floating position.
PPE can have full or partial natural buoyancy or be inflatable by manual or automatic system or with the mouth.
PPE should be under the anticipated usage conditions be constructed and designed to be able to resist the effects of the clash with the liquid environment the user fall into and the environmental influences that this fluid causes without fade. PVUs disability
Inflatable PPE to under expected usage conditions could inflate quickly and completely.

2. special conditions of use for special usage conditions expected to be one or more additional requirements for this type of PPE be met: a) the PPE shall be equipped with all the oppblåsningsinnretninger mentioned in § 40, Nr. 1 and/or light or sound signal device b) PPE shall be equipped with grab devices which allow for to lift the user up from the liquid environment.

c) shall be designed and PPE designed for use during the entire time the user with or without clothes exposed to the risk of falling down in or will be able to be lowered down in a liquid environment.

3. Oppdriftssikrende clothing PPE in the form of clothing that ensures effective buoyancy under the expected conditions of use, to be safe in use and give positive support in water.
PPE should be under the anticipated usage conditions do not restrict the user's freedom of movement and could allow the user to swim or take any action in order to escape danger or provide rescue aid to other people.

§ 41. Protection against noise PPE which is constructed and designed to prevent the harmful effects of noise, to have a dempingsevne that indicate that the user is not exposed to a noise load that exceeds the maximum allowed limit values, see. regulations on noise at work, laid down by the Directorate of labour inspection.
PPE should be tagged with information about its noise reduction level and well-being index. If this is not possible, to the packaging marked with this information.

§ 42. Protection against heat and/or fire 1. Insulation characteristics and mechanical strength PPE designed and designed to protect the whole body or a part of the body against the effects of heat and/or fire, shall have the varmeisolasjonsevne and mechanical strength tailored to the expected usage conditions.

2. Applied materials and parts components and other material PVUs parts to protect against radiation and konveksjonsvarme, to have a suitable transmission factor for the warm review and be as fireproof that they exclude any risk of self ignition under expected usage conditions.
If the outside of the components and other material PVUs parts of PPE to be reflective, to match the strength of the refleksjonsevnen heat flow caused by radiation in the infrared region.
PVUs material components and other equipment parts for use in a short time in environments with high temperature or that can be oversprøytet of hot products such as large amounts of melted material, to have large enough heat capacity that the heat oppmagasinert first is released when the user has left the expected danger area and have taken by PVUet.
PVUs material components and other parts that can be oversprøytet of large amounts of hot products, should have an adequate damping effect against the mechanical kind and shock, jf. section 34.
PVUs material components and other parts that by accident can come in contact with flames and materials and parts that are used for the production of fire-fighting equipment, is supposed to have a antenningspunkt corresponding to the hazard class that applies under the expected conditions of use, and not be able to melt under the influence of fire or contribute to the spread of the fire.

3. Complete PPE ready for use a) heat transfer

Complete PPE ready for use to under expected usage conditions, the least possible amount of transfer heat to the user.
Accumulated heat in the PPE during use shall not in any way could cause the user exposed to heat influences that can cause health problems.

b) Fluid-/dampgjennomtrenging Complete PPE ready for use to under expected usage conditions, if necessary, prevent the intrusion of liquid or steam. If any liquid or dampinntrenging should not be able to apply using the burn by the touch contact between layers of protection PVUs heated and uses.

c) Complete PPE with cool gadgets Cool gadgets that works by fluid evaporation or by sublimation of solids should be constructed and designed so that all liberated volatile material from the outer layers of protection PVUs led away from the user.

d) Complete PPE with breathing gadgets gadgets such as Breathing are constructed and designed for use in a complete PPE ready for use, should satisfy the intended safety function under the expected conditions of use.

e) uses the information the manufacturer's written user information, cf. section 19, shall in particular contain all the necessary information that enables an assessment of the maximum recommended heat exposure as a user can be exposed to, when heat is transferred from the PPE used in accordance with its purpose.

section 43. Protection against the cold 1. Insulation characteristics and mechanical strength PPE designed and designed to protect the body against the effects of cold, to have varmeisolasjonsevne and mechanical strength tailored to the expected usage conditions.

2. Applied materials and parts components and other material PVUs parts to protect against the cold, to have an appropriate transmission factor for the warm review tailored to the expected usage conditions.
Flexible materials and other PPE-parts should be able to maintain a satisfactory elasticity by use in an environment with low temperature, so that the user is given the opportunity to make the necessary arm and body movements and to take the necessary working positions.
PVUs material components and other parts that can be oversprøytet by large amounts of cold products, should have an adequate damping effect against the mechanical kind and shock, jf. section 34.

3. Complete PPE ready for use a) heat loss Complete PPE ready for use to under expected usage conditions allow the least amount of heat loss through the PPE so that the user does not in any way be subjected to the cold impact that can cause health damage to the protected part of the body.

b) Fluid penetration Complete PPE to under expected usage conditions as far as possible prevent the intrusion of liquids, e.g. rain water. Fluid ingress, if any, shall not be able to inflict damage by using the touch contact between layers of protection PVUs refrigerated and use.

c) Complete PPE with breathing gadgets designed and Breathing devices designed for use in a complete PPE, should satisfy the intended safety function under the expected conditions of use.

d) uses the information the manufacturer's written user information, cf. § 19, should contain all the necessary information that enables an assessment of the maximum cold exposure as a user can be exposed to when transferring through the PPE.

§ 44. Protection against electric shock 1. Construction and design PPE designed and designed to protect the body against electric shocks, should have adequate insulation and comfort against the tension that the user can be assumed to be exposed to under the most adverse expected conditions of use.
Insulation properties are examined by measurement of leakage current through the protective layer under the experimental conditions with tensions similar to those that can perform in practice. Any leakage currents must not exceed the maximum allowed tolerance level.

2. Tagging only PPE to use when working with electrical installations under tension or that may be under tension, to be sustained by marking that especially indicates a safety class and/or the corresponding operating voltage, jf. section 44, no. 1, in addition to the serial number and production date. On the team's page protection outer should also be allocated space for later application of the date that the PPE is taken into use and when periodic samples or controls to be carried out.

3. User information the manufacturer's written user information, cf. § 19, especially contain information about:-which uses PPE is intended for-which samples of insulation properties that the PPE will be underkastes in the course of his lifetime, and how often these samples will be done.

§ 45. Protection against non-ionizing radiation 1. Construction and design PPE which is constructed and designed to prevent acute or chronic effects of non-ionizing radiation on the eye, to be able to absorb or reflect most of the radiation energy that lies within the harmful wavelengths. This should not in for greatly affect transfers of the safe part of the visible spectrum, the ability to perceive contrasts and to distinguish between colors.
Safety glasses should be constructed and designed so that they for each harmful wave length has a satisfactory spectral transmission. The spectral transmittance shall be such that the belysningens radiation energy that can reach the user's eye through the filter is the most limited and does not exceed the limit value for the maximum allowable exposure level.
Safety glasses should not deteriorate or lose the original characteristics of the influence of non-ionizing radiation under expected usage conditions.

2. Safety classes and user information safety goggles that protect against the same kind of radiation source, should be classified in ascending order of the protected class.
The manufacturer's written user information, cf. section 19, shall in particular show the transmission curves so that it is possible to choose the PPE that is best when it is taken into account such natural conditions for efficient use as distance to the radiation source and the spectral distribution of energy that broadcast from this distance.

3. Marking the manufacturer shall mark all copies of protective glasses with the number of the protective class that corresponds to the spectral distribution curve for their transmission.

section 46. Protection against ionizing radiation 1. Protection against external radioactive contamination a) construction and design components and other material PVUs parts to protect the body against radioactive dust, gases, liquids or mixtures of these, shall be constructed and designed so that the PPE effectively prevents the intrusion of polluted substances under the expected conditions of use.

b) Cleansing after cleansing to PPE without disadvantage could be used again in the expected battery life.

2. Limited protection against external irradiation a) construction and design PPE designed and designed to protect the user completely against external irradiation and/or to provide adequate cushioning against such irradiation, should only include protection against the electron radiation (for example, beta radiation) or fotons radiation (such as x-ray-gammastråling) with fairly low energy.
PVUs material components and other parts to protect user to the extent anticipated usage conditions require it, to be constructed and designed so that the user is not exposed to prolonged exposure time due to limitations in arm movements, body movements or working positions, cf. § 18 Nr. 2. b) Marking to marking that PPE be applied specifies the type and thickness of the material components that are suitable for the expected usage conditions.

§ 47. The protection of the respiratory system 1. Construction and design PPE which is constructed and designed to protect the respiratory system, should make it possible to add to the user breathing air when the user is exposed to polluted air and/or air with insufficient oxygen content.
Breathe the air that breathe to be supplied in an appropriate manner, such as by filtering polluted air or by infusion through the Snake from a source that is not contaminated.

2. Applied materials and parts components and other material PVUs parts of PPE should be constructed and designed so that they under expected usage conditions ensures the necessary respiratory function for use in that time period PPE applied.
Face opposite of density, pressure fall by inhalation and clean the effect of filtering should be such that the contaminants from a contaminated atmosphere be avoided and not harmful to the user's health and hygiene.

3. User information and labelling should be labeled PPE manufacturer's identification mark and the detailed information about the appropriate special protective properties PVUs, which together with the user information to be able to do a practiced user able to utilize PPE in a right way.
The manufacturer's written user information should specify the recommended storage time for new filter and filter inserts as stored in its original packaging.

section 48. Protection against contact with skin and eyes 1. Gjennomtrengningsevne PPE which is constructed and designed to prevent the surface of the body to come into contact with dangerous drugs and infection to prevent fabric penetration or diffusion of such substances through the protective layer under the expected conditions of that PPE is marketed for.

2. Applied materials and parts components and other material PVUs parts should be constructed and designed so that they, as far as possible, ensure complete density, which will be able to allow for daily use, if necessary, over a long time or, if the full density cannot be achieved, ensuring a limited density that makes it necessary to limit the time the equipment is in use.

3. Trial and selection with limited time PPE usage depending on the density that is exposed to dangerous drug or infection fabric with great gjennomtrengningsevne under the expected conditions of use, to underkastes the standard so that they can try be classified on the basis of its protective effect.

PPE that are considered to be in accordance with the test specifications, shall be inflicted on labeling that specifically indicates the names of, or if this is not possible, the codes for the substances that will be used during the standard samples and the corresponding standard guard time.

4. User information the manufacturer's written user information should in particular contain a detailed description of the standard samples and an explanation of applied tags, jf. § 48 No. 3, in addition to all the information necessary to determine the maximum allowed run time under different usage conditions expected.

section 49. Protective devices for diving equipment 1. Breathing equipment Breathing equipment should make it possible to supply the user with a breathing gas mixture that can be inhaled during all expected conditions of use. It should be taken especially into account to the maximum diving depth.

2. Other equipment When the expected usage conditions require it, to the diving equipment consist of: a) a suit which protects the user against the pressure that dive depth, jf. section 38, and/or against the cold, jf. section 43.

b) an alarm that notifies the user immediately that it is about to encounter a failure in the supply of gas mixture that can be inhaled, jf. § 27.

c) a life support suit that makes the user able to come up to the surface, cf. § 40 no. 3. This does not apply to saturation diving.