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Regulations On The Safety Of Rafting

Original Language Title: Forskrift om sikkerheten ved rafting

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Regulations on the safety of rafting.

Date FOR 1994-09-19-994

Affairs Ministry of Justice

Published Dept. In 1994 1779

Commencement 01.01.1995





LOV-1976-06-11-79-§4, LOV-1976-06-11-79-§8, TO-1990-09-07-730


Short Title
Regulations on the safety of rafting

Chapter Overview:

Chapter 1. Scope and definitions (§§ 1-3)
Chapter 2. Requirements for rafting equipment (§4)
Chapter 3. Requirements for business mm. (§§ 5-11)
Chapter 4. Exemptions, supervision, appeals, penalty, etc. (§§ 12-17)

Established by the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs on 19 September 1994 pursuant to the Act of 11 June 1976 no. 79 relating to product control § 4 and § 8, ref. Crown Prince res. of 7 September 1990 no. 730. Changed November 6, 2003 No.. 1318.

Chapter 1. Scope and definitions

§ 1. Purpose This regulation aims to prevent rafting causing damage to health of participants.

§ 2 Scope These regulations include:

rafting equipment.

Use of participants' personal protective equipment.

activities like rafting as an organized service.

The regulation is aimed at manufacturers, importers, distributors, retailers, and others who have dealings with the use or sale of rafting equipment.
Regulations also apply to the person responsible for or performing work in the business that organizes rafting as an organized service.

§ 3. Definitions raft meant vehicle, maneuvered with oars or motor, for use on stretches of flowing water.
With rafting meant traffic where raft used.
Participant shall mean a person undergoing preparations to go rafting or rafter under the supervision of the person responsible for the business or someone who works in such activities.
With guide means representative of the person responsible for operations and that guides participants during preparations to go rafting or during the rafting.
With rafting equipment means rafted with associated equipment (paddles, ropes, rescue equipment, etc.).
Producer means the person who physically portray rafting equipment.
With importer means it that the Customs is authorized to dispose of rafting equipment.
With distributor refers to anyone who redistributes between manufacturer and retailer.
With retail means the selling or conveys rafting equipment to the consumer.
With recognized standard means guidance, standards, etc. as areas of study are internationally and / or nationally recognized.

Chapter 2. Requirements for rafting equipment

§ 4. rafting equipment rafting equipment shall be so designed that it does not cause health problems for participants. This can be fulfilled by the equipment is in accordance with recognized standards, or by personnel with sufficient expertise make a separate assessment of the equipment. Such assessment shall be documented and on request presented to the product control authorities.

Chapter 3. Requirements for business mm.

§ 5. The business entity that is responsible for activities that offer rafting must have systems to document that rafting does not cause health problems for participants.

§ 6. Instruction Before rafting takes place, all participants have received the necessary instruction about the craft and maneuvering of this, båtdisiplin, possibly. Dangers on the route to be Raft and how the dangers avoided and rescue work. In particular, private rescue instructed. All instruction, both before rafting begins and during the tour will be provided in languages ​​that participants understand.

§ 7. Traffic on river / vannåre Traffic should always be assessed in relation to the Section's flow and known hazards. Traffic should only take place when it is considered safely.

§ 8. Participants Whoever is responsible for this activity is obliged to see that the contestants are fit to participate in rafting. Participants age, water sense, physics, health and practical skills to be assessed in relation to the distance to the rafters. Participants, who will rafting higher difficulty levels, will 1) have a certain training and experience of rafting on undergraduate degrees, 2) have displayed great skills and 3) have undergone training in their own rescue.

§ 9. Participants equipment that is responsible for business obligations to ensure that participants at least equipped with the following equipment: suit which protects the immersion, suitable footwear, equipment for adequate friction between costume and craft, equipment for buoyancy in water and equipment for protection against impact of exposed body parts. Where appropriate, the suits that cover the whole body be available.

§ 10. Personnel and guides Whoever is responsible for the operations required to have systems to demonstrate that it is not used other personnel / guides than those with the necessary skills so that rafting does not cause health problems for participants. Personnel / guides must possess special knowledge in rescue and first aid.

§ 11. Emergency and rescue shall be available rescue and first aid equipment on the vessels and other places where it can be expected to be needed. Training in using this to be implemented.
Whoever is responsible for this activity should have an emergency plan so that damage in case of accidents to a minimum. The contingency plan shall be accompanied by guides and other personnel and even include descriptions of measures to meet the relevant hazards and accidents.

Chapter 4. Exemptions, supervision, appeals, penalties, etc.

§ 12. Dispensation In special cases and after further assessment, the Ministry authorizes exemptions from these regulations.

§ 13. Supervision The Ministry appoints supervises that the regulations are followed.

§ 14. Appeals Decisions made pursuant to these regulations may be appealed to the Ministry.

§ 15. Coercive fines To ensure that the provisions of these regulations or decisions made pursuant to these Regulations, it may be prescribed fines pursuant to the Product Control Act § 13.

§ 16. Penalties Violation of these regulations or decisions made pursuant to these regulations is punishable by the Product Control Act § 12 unless more severe penal provisions apply.

§ 17. Commencement This Regulation comes into force on 1 January 1995.