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Policy Forms Of Ward Council And Ecclesiastical Common Council Business

Original Language Title: Regler om formene for menighetsrådets og kirkelig fellesråds virksomhet

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Policy forms of ward council and ecclesiastical common council business

Date FOR-1996-11-15-1452

Ministry of Culture Ministry

Published Dept. In 1997 1951

Commencement 01.01.1997





LOV-1996-06-07-31-§8, LOV-1996-06-07-31-§13


Short Title
Policy ward council activity, etc.

Chapter Overview:

1. (§§ 1-11)

Adopted by General Synod 15 November 1996 pursuant to the Act of 7 June 1996 no. 31 on the Norwegian Church § 8 subsection and § 13 third paragraph.
Changes: Changed by decision November 19, 1999 No.. 1892.
See also Decision May 29, 2009 No.. 1163 on special rules for the church election in 2009.


Rules apply to parish councils and Joint Council of Churches established in pursuance of the Norwegian Church § 5. Unless otherwise provided in the individual provisions, the rules for both the parish and the Joint Council of Churches. Provisions that only apply to one of the ministers underlined in the text.

§ 1. Constitution
Parish council comes into effect on 1 November of the election year. The term of office extends until 31 October election period last year. Ecclesiastical council comes into effect on December 1 of the election year. The term of office extends until 30 November election period last year.

Ward with Joint functions comes into effect as ward 1 November of the election year, and the Joint functions on 1 December of the election year.

Constitutive meeting of the newly elected parish council held before the end of October of the election year. Constitutive meeting of the newly elected Joint Council of Churches held before the end of November of the election year. The meeting is called by the head of the retiring council at least 14 days notice. It has a quorum when at least 2/3 of the members are present.

Ward Council / Joint Council of Churches choose in the constitutive meeting and later each year from among its members, Chairman and Deputy Chairman. Election shall be by ballot. Whoever one year has been the leader, can disregard the fact his choice for the following year.

If the chairman temporarily or finally disabled during the time the person is selected, promoted deputy chairman up to the chairman and the council selects temporary or finally a new deputy.

§ 2. Meeting Principle
Ward Council / Joint Council of Churches makes its decisions in meetings.

When a decision will finally be decided by another body than the council, the manager can decide that the matter up in the remote meeting or by written procedures. This may only be made when required to make a decision in the matter until the next meeting, and either there is no time to convene an extraordinary meeting, or the case is not so important that this is deemed necessary. When treating human cases and cases with information that is subject to professional secrecy, can remove meet not used.

It shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the Parish Council / Joint Council of Churches. Meeting The book will either be signed by the members present for the meeting or approved by the members as soon encounter the book exists. The Council shall adopt rules concerning the and approval of the minutes book. Each member can make additions if possible dissents.

§ 3. Open or closed meetings Meetings of the Parish Council / Joint Council of Churches are open, unless the Council has decided otherwise. Personnel matters and cases where statutory confidentiality warrant shall be dealt with behind closed doors. Debate about an issue to be handled in open or closed doors takes place behind closed doors.

§ 4. Determination of meetings, agendas, convening, chairing
Meetings of the Parish Council / Joint Council of Churches will be held at the times that have been adopted by the council itself and otherwise when Dean finds it necessary or at least 1/3 of the members request it.

Council chairman is responsible for setting up an agenda for each meeting. Notice of meeting shall be sent out in good time and no later than one week before the meeting, and must include a list of the matters to be discussed and necessary documents.

If a member of absence at a meeting convened deputy representative. Are members elected by proportional representation, summoned deputies from the group where it is due.

Meeting of the Council is chaired by the Dean or deputy. Absence of both, selected a special chairman by majority vote.

§ 5. Quorum Ward Council / Joint Council of Churches can only make decisions when at least half of its members are present at the meeting.

§ 6. Amendment of the agenda. Request

Ward Council / Joint Council of Churches may by simple majority decide to postpone the substantive discussion of a matter on the posted agenda. It can also make a decision in a case that is not listed on the agenda, unless the chairperson or 1/3 of the attending members oppose this.

Any member of the Council may make inquiries of presiding over the meeting, also on matters not on the agenda.

§ 7. If polls
Decisions Parish Council / Joint Council of Churches adopted by simple majority of the votes cast unless otherwise provided by law. On a tie vote in matters other than elections, the Chairman has the casting vote.

When processing the annual budget to the vote on the final vote on the proposed annual budget as a whole. Is it put forward alternative proposals, none of which get majority at the first ballot, then alternate between the two proposals that received the most votes at this.

Election of chairman and deputy chairman of the Parish Council / Joint Council of Churches held by majority ballot.

Election of members of selection held by majority ballot.

Of elections and appointments, each member demand vote by ballot.

In elections and appointments are the person or persons elected or appointed who has received more than half of the votes cast. If no or an inadequate number of receive such a majority, a second ballot. When this is the person or persons elected or appointed with the most votes. At equality of votes the appointment of the chairman, while the election is decided by lot.

§ 8. Selection
Ward Council / Joint Council of Churches can appoint committees for preparatory treatment of matters falling under the Council to perform specific duties, to lead branches of the Council's activities and to perform separately specified tasks within the Council's remit. For such selection can be selected, other than council members. Both genders should if possible be represented.

Such committees may be empowered to make decisions on all matters placed under the mandate where otherwise specified or provided by law.

§ 9. Reporting

Parish council prepares by 1 March each year, an annual report of the Council's activities in the past calendar year. The report submitted to the annual meeting / church meeting and forwarded Joint Council of Churches, the dean, diocesan council and other parish council decides.


Ecclesiastical council prepares by 1 March each year, an annual report of the Council's activities in the past calendar year. The report submitted to the parish councils, diocesan council, the municipality, the dean and others common council decides.


The parish council of continuously sends their meeting minutes to Joint Council of Churches.


Ecclesiastical council of continuously sends their meeting minutes to parish councils.

§ 10. Detailed rules
Detailed procedural rules for ward council / ecclesial communal council activities determined by the council itself within the rules Synod has set. The parish council sends the rules to Joint Council of Churches for information.

Ward Council / Joint Council of Churches stipulates in particular delegation regulations which authority is assigned to the council chairman, CEO, executive committee and joint committee.

§ 11. Relationship between Joint Council of Churches and parish councils
Ecclesiastical council ensures optimal communication and information to the parish council. Cases for joint council should as far as possible emitted members in good time so that members have an opportunity to discuss current issues in the ward council beforehand.

Council convenes all ward for a joint meeting once a month. year to discuss issues of common interest and to promote the Christian work within the municipality. In municipalities with more than 5 parish could Joint Council determine that the joint meeting get a different composition. The joint meeting called otherwise composed of Joint Council of Churches at least 1/3 of the parish councils require.


Rules will come into effect from 1 January 1997.


Synod gives the Church Council was authorized to make minor changes to the rules.