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Regulations Concerning Navigation Aids And Bridge Arrangement On Fishing Vessels

Original Language Title: Forskrift om navigasjonshjelpemidler og broarrangementer på fiske- og fangstfartøy

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Regulations concerning navigation aids and bridge arrangement on fishing vessels.

Date FOR 1997-02-11-127

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published In 1997 242

Commencement 01/07/1997


FOR-2007-06-29-1006 from 01.07.2007




LOV-2007-02-16-9-§9, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§11, LAW-2007-02-16-9-§14, TO-2007-02-16- 171, TO-2007-05-31-590


Short Title
Regulations concerning navigation aids etc.

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I - Introductory provisions (§§ 1-2)
Chapter II - General provisions (§§ 3-4)
Chapter III - Drawings, approval and control (§§ 5-7) || | Chapter IV - equipment Requirements (§§ 8-24)
Chapter V - Wheelhouse and bridge, placement of equipment (§§ 25-28)
Chapter VI Final provisions (§29)

Established by NMD 11 February 1997 pursuant to the Act of 9 June 1903 No.. 7 relating to Public Control of the Seaworthiness of Ships, etc. Legal basis changed to the Act of 16 February 2007 No.. 9 on maritime safety (the Maritime Safety Act) § 9, § 11 and § 14; see. delegated decision of 16 February 2007 no. 171 and delegating decision on 31 May 2007 no. 590. Amended by regulations 3 October 2000 No.. 992, June 13, 2000 no. 670, July 12, 2006 No.. 928, June 29, 2007 no. 1006 (including legal).

Chapter I - Introductory provisions

§ 1. Scope
This regulation applies to new Norwegian fishing vessels with a length of 10.67 meters and above, unless otherwise stated in the individual provisions.

§§ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 and 24 of these Regulations shall not apply to new and existing vessels with length of 15 meters and over. §§ 25, 26 and 27 shall not apply to vessels with a length of 15 meters and over which is defined as a HGV in accordance with the Regulations of 13 June 2000 no. 660 concerning the construction, operation, equipment and surveys of fishing vessels with length of 15 meters and over § 1-2 no. 34. See also said regulations Chapter 10.

Existing vessels of the same size as mentioned in no. 1, shall comply with the provisions of the regulation that existed when the vessel was built, with the addition of any requirements of these regulations are made applicable to existing vessels, cf. § 30 no. 3.

Existing vessels shall fulfill the provisions of these regulations when equipment is replaced, arrangement changes or vessel rebuilt.

For vessels purchased from abroad, the regulations apply as for existing Norwegian vessels, cf. Nos. 2 and 3.

Vessels with length less than 15 m which satisfies the provisions of Nordic Boat Standard considered to meet these regulations unless there are conditions that are not covered in the Nordic Boat Standard. In case the provisions of this regulation.

The following provisions also apply to vessels with length below 10.67 m: §§ 2, 3, 4, 8, 21, 22, 25, no. 1, 2 and 3, 29 and 30 as noted in the individual sections .

§ 2. Definitions In this Regulation:


Fishing vessel: A vessel used commercially for catching fish, whales, seals or other living resources of the sea, including seaweed and kelp.


New vessel: Fishing vessel the keel stretched, or which is at a similar stage of construction on or after the day this regulation comes into force.


Existing vessels: Fishing and hunting vessels that are not new vessels.


BT / ST: Gross tonnage / safety tonnage indicated in the vessel's tonnage.


Length: The length from the leading edge of the front part of the fuselage aft of the aft part of the hull.


Length (L): 96 percent of the total length on a waterline at a depth corresponding to 85 percent of the minimum depth of etched measured from the top of the keel, or the length from the fore side of the stem to the rudder stock axis on that waterline, if this whichever is the greater. In ships designed with a rake of keel the waterline on which this length is measured shall be parallel to the designed waterline.


Approved: Approved by the NMD.


Homologation: Prototype approved by NMD based on national or internationally recognized specifications.


Accepted: Equipment accepted by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate on the basis that it is endorsed or approved of:

Approved survey institution

Another public / private institution or

Administration of a country which has ratified the SOLAS Convention.


Electronic equipment for cartography: Electronic equipment adapted for indicating a vessel's position using radio signals from land or satellite-based radio navigation systems.


Navigation: Plants that processes received data and provides information about the vessel's position and course to the desired If necessary space.


Rousing and calling facilities: Separate or integrated call system with broprioritering providing bridge and engine room possibility Dunning, calling and two-way voice connection with cabins, mess and recreation.


The automatic pilot system: A device consisting of control unit and compass-comparison equipment (course deviation alarm) that makes it possible to keep the vessel at a set price and gives a warning signal if the vessel deviates from its course.


Control Help: ECU without a compass-comparison equipment (course deviation alarm).


Trade areas: Speed ​​ranges as defined in the current regulations concerning trade areas for fishing vessels.


Rules of the Road: The current regulations for preventing collisions at sea.


Nordic Boat Standard: The current joint Nordic rules for commercial vessels with length below 15 m.


Radio direction-finding apparatus: Fixed radio apparatus equipped to dip other stations in the radionavigation belt and nødtelegrafifrekvenser.


Radioheimingsutstyr: Radio apparatus equipped to dip other stations transmitting on nødtelefonifrekvenser.


IMO: the International Maritime Organization.


ISO: International Standardization Organization.


SOLAS Convention (SOLAS), the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.


Approved enterprises: enterprise approved by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate to carry out inspections in accordance with regulations on the control of fishing vessels from 10.67 to 15 meters in length.

Chapter II - General provisions

§ 3 Duties The company, master and other persons working on board shall ensure, ensure and contribute to the regulation implemented in accordance with the duty provisions of the Maritime Safety Act and these regulations.

§ 4. Exemptions The Administration may in individual cases upon written application, deviate from the regulations. Special reasons that make the exemption necessary and exemption must be done safely. This can only happen when it is not in violation of international agreements to which Norway has acceded.

Chapter III - Drawings, approval and control

§ 5. (repealed by Regulation 3 October 2000 No.. 992 from January 1, 2001)

§ 6. Approval of equipment
Equipment required by this regulation shall be approved or accepted and comply with the requirements adopted by IMO (SOLAS Convention Chap. V Rule 12) or the requirements stated in the individual section.

Same with type approved equipment, considered equipment approved in accordance with the EU Directive on marine equipment from the time the directive enters into force.

Administration may for the purpose of testing allow newly developed navigation equipment placed on board before it is adopted final specifications for the equipment.

§ 7. Functional checks etc.
Installation and assembly etc. of navigational equipment shall be carried out by a competent electrician.

By reinstallation of navigational equipment shall function tested before the ship is put into service. The samples shall be made in cooperation with representative of the manufacturer.

Chapter IV - Equipment Requirements

§ 8. Compass Construction
Standard magnetic compass and magnetic steering compass

All vessels must be equipped with a magnetic compass that meets ISO 613 1982 (ES) magnetic compass at. B, positioned such that it is possible to provide the necessary correction means.

Vessels with a length (L) of 24 meters and above, in addition to the compass referred to in paragraph. 1.1., Be fitted with a standard magnetic compass mounted in natthus full height placed on the wheelhouse roof so close longitudinal center line as practicable. If standard magnetic compass is fitted with reading arrangement to offset the heading clearly readable from the master space, compass required in paragraph. 1.1. omitted.

Vessel length (L) below 45 m if the construction makes it impractical to use natthus full height of the wheelhouse roof, in particular instances have natthus with reduced height provided that it is possible to provide the necessary correction means.

Gyro Compass

Vessels on BT / ST 500 and above shall be equipped with a gyrocompass positioned so that either the main compass or gyrorepeater is disposed at said main square in the wheelhouse.

Vessel on BT / ST 1600 and above shall have gyrorepeater (s) positioned to (n) may be applied to bearings horizon.
If the vessel has gyrocompass in addition to the standard magnetic compass, the compass referred to in paragraph. 1.1 omitted.

Reserve Compass

Vessel length (L) of 45 m and above shall be equipped with spare compass. Reserve compass can be a magnetic compass that can be used in the same natthus as standard magnetic compass referred to in paragraph. 1.2. or a separate magnetic compass that meets the requirements of paragraphs. 1.1. or a gyrocompass.

The bearing device

Vessel length (L) of 24 m and above shall be equipped with direction-finding device which makes it possible to make bearings of other vessels in accordance with our maritime rules and used for positioning, and control of the compass deviation.

Phone or talerørsforbindelse

Vessels shall have standard magnetic compass under paragraph. 1.2. must have fixed telephone or talerørforbindelse between the standard magnetic compass on the wheelhouse roof and Board space.

General requirements for magnetic compass plant

Natthus full-height should at least satisfy no. 7.1 in ISO standard 449 of 5 June 1995.

Natthus with reduced height should at least satisfy no. 7.2 in ISO standard 449 of 5 June 1995.

Statement of compass systems as mentioned in paragraph. 1 shall if necessary be carried out in consultation with competent professional.

Statement of compass plant referred to in paragraph. 1 shall be given priority over the statement of the other equipment in the wheelhouse.

Nyoppstilte compasses and compass on board vessels which have been made modifications or changes that affect the magnetic conditions on the compass space, be corrected by korrigør before the vessel is put into service.

During correction shall deviation determined and it should be displayed deviasjonstabell that should be available at all times. Compass Construction should have correction event as far as possible to bring the deviation within the range from + 5 ° to - 5 °.
Compass Construction should be regularly checked and maintained.

Compass Construction that requires electricity to work, should automatically be connected to the vessel's emergency source or separate power source in the event of failure of the master power supply.

Compass lighting elements shall have a built dimmer that can be controlled from the master site.

Compasses to be used in the same compass plant shall have no greater difference in magnetic moment than 15% of the compass that has the greatest momentum.

§ 9. The automatic pilot equipment etc.
On vessels equipped with gyrocompass shall govern plant / control aid be connected to the gyrocompass.

The automatic pilot equipment shall meet IMO Resolution A.342 (IX) as amended and A.574 (14).

§ 10. rousing and calling construction vessel length (L) of 24 meters and above who have self governing construction / control means must also be equipped with rousing and calling facility which satisfies IMO Resolution A.481 (XII) Appendix 2. | ||
§ 11. The central bridge Vessels equipped with self-governing construction / control means and which have a trade certificate or vessel instructions for the trade area inshore fishing or more shall be equipped with a central bridge. Central bridge should be connected to the main engine at cruising speed automatically kicks in and triggers an audible alarm signal to a time interval not exceeding 5 minutes, unless the charge of brovaktholdet acknowledge its presence in the wheelhouse. It must be possible to set a shorter time interval than 5 minutes when necessary. Central bridge shall comply with the specific functions that NMD sets.

§ 12. speed and distance measuring equipment Vessels with vessel instructions for the trade area bank fishing II must be equipped with means to determine the vessel's speed and distance traveled. When a vessel is in BT / ST 500 and above shall equipment meet the requirements of IMO Resolution A.824 (19).

§ 13. Radar Construction
On vessels under BT / ST 300 as a volunteer is equipped with a radar installation shall radar indicator screen having an effective diameter of 180 mm (9 "). Radar systems unless indicator screen than 180 mm can be installed if the company has previously obtained written assessment from an approved enterprise.

Radar systems installed on a voluntary basis to be able to operate in the frequency band 9 GHz (X-band).

§ 14. Electronic equipment for cartography Electronic position-fixing mounted on board must comply with IMO Res. A818 (19), or IMO Res. A819 (19), depending on the device type.

§ 15. (Repealed by Regulation July 12, 2006 No.. 928.)

§ 16. Deptfinder Construction Vessels shall be equipped with means for determining the depth below the vessel. Vessels on BT / ST 500 and above shall be fitted with depth measuring system in accordance with IMO Resolution A.224 (VII). Alternatively, equipment used for fish finding accepted.

§ 17. Controls etc.
Vessel without a rudder, but with a rotating propulsion and steering propeller system shall have control means acting in synchronism with propeller power.

Control device shall be so arranged that the vessel turns to the side steering wheel or joystick, etc., is moved.

Vessels on BT / ST 150 and upwards who have nødstyrearrangement should have means of communication between nødstyreplassen and steering position in the wheelhouse.

§ 18. (Repealed by Regulation July 12, 2006 No.. 928.)

§ 19. Skipsur On all vessels shall navigator at any time have access to watch / clock for reading the right time.

§ 20. Binoculars, barometer and thermometer
Vessels shall be equipped with at least binoculars of type 7 x 50 optionally 8 x 35 or binoculars with similar characteristics.

Vessels operating in waters where there may be ice shall be fitted with a suitable thermometer for measuring seawater temperatures.

§ 21. Maps and nautical publications Vessels shall be equipped with adequate and updated maps, waters descriptions, fyrlister, notices to mariners, tide tables and all other nautical publications necessary for the vessel's trading area. For vessels with a length of less than 10.67 m accepted Norwegian Fiskerialmanak and necessary maps for the vessel's trading area.

§ 22. Lanterns, emergency power source and shapes
Electric lanterns

Vessels with an overall length less than 15 meters shall be equipped with at least one set fixed electric lights meeting the requirements of our maritime rules and placed as prescribed in these regulations.

If round lights for practical reasons can not be stowed attached, they can be of portable type when these are arrangements for proper positioning and electrical connection options.

Vessels shall be equipped with lantern control board or lantern controller that meets current regulations for electrical installations onboard ships set of Product and Electrical Safety. This provision does not apply to vessels which are defined as a HGV in accordance with the Regulations of 13 June 2000 no. 660 concerning the construction, operation, equipment and surveys of fishing vessels with an overall length of 15 meters and upwards § 1-2 No. . 34. For vessels whose keel was laid or which were at similar stage of construction before 1 July 1997, still applies provisions on lantern Measurements prevailing at the time the vessel was built.

emergency source

Vessels with length of 15 meters and above, but with length (L) of less than 45 m shall be equipped with its own emergency power source, which should be able to keep the light in top, side and stern light and the lights indicating that the vessel not under command ( NUC lanterns) for at least 12 hours. This provision does not apply to vessels which are defined as a HGV in accordance with the Regulations of 13 June 2000 no. 660 concerning the construction, operation, equipment and surveys of fishing vessels with an overall length of 15 meters and upwards § 1-2 No. . 34.

Vessels with a length (L) of 45 m and above shall have emergency power source with a capacity of at least 18 hours of use. This provision does not apply to vessels which are defined as a HGV in accordance with the Regulations of 13 June 2000 no. 660 concerning the construction, operation, equipment and surveys of fishing vessels with an overall length of 15 meters and upwards § 1-2 No. 34.

For vessels whose keel was laid or which were at similar stage of construction before 1 July 1997, still apply provisions regarding emergency source prevailing at the time the vessel was built.


Vessels with an overall length less than 15 meters shall be equipped with one set shapes as described in our maritime rules.

§ 23. Signal Equipment
sound signaling

Vessels shall be equipped with sound signaling under Annex III of our maritime policy.

If mandatory sound signaling not associated with vessel emergency power source or battery which comes into action for breach of the vessel's main power sources, it should be ensured an additional device to provide the mandatory audio signals.

Signal Flag and Signals

Vessels carrying site where it can be counted using a pilot or tarnish foreign port shall at least be equipped with signal flags G, H and Q and the flag included in the vessel's call sign.

The national flag

Vessels used in international waters must be equipped with the Norwegian merchant flag.

Signal light and spotlights

Vessels on BT / ST 150 and above with a vessel instruction for bank fishing II shall be equipped with at least one swiveling headlight and portable signal light for use during the daytime as well as the International Code of Signals. Signal LED should be connected to a portable battery at any given time is charged and ready to use.

Equipment nødsignalering

All vessels must be able to provide signals for distress under Annex IV of seaborne rules.

§ 24. User guides, spare parts etc.
Operation and maintenance instructions and technical specifications of the equipment required by this regulation and for equipment which is installed on a voluntary basis, shall be available in Norwegian or Scandinavian and be kept in the wheelhouse.

Required tools and spare parts for maintenance and repairs as it is believed that the crew can perform as well as any equipment required inspection etc., should be easily accessible. The same applies nødsignaleringsutstyr and signal flags.

Chapter V - Wheelhouse and bridge, placement of equipment

§ 25. Visibility from the wheelhouse / bridge
From wheelhouse / bridge will be unrestricted access to the sea surface 2 vessel lengths ahead of the vessel's bow and 10 ° on either side irrespective of the vessel's draft, trim and deck cargo.

No blind sector caused by fishing, cargo-handling equipment or other obstructions outside the wheelhouse forward of across, to block visibility to the surface of the wheelhouse / board space by more than 10 °. The extent of each blind sector shall not exceed 5 °. Blind sectors' total extent shall not exceed 20 ° of the horizon. Visibility between blind sectors shall be at least 5 °.

The horizontal visual field from the wheelhouse / control room will collectively form an arc of not less than 225 ° measured from straight ahead to not less than 22,5 ° abaft the beam on each side of the vessel.

From each bridge wing or each side of the cab should the horizontal field of view together form an arc of at least 225 °, calculated from at least 45 ° of the opposite bow to the straight-ahead and from straight forward to the right backwards in an arc of 180 ° on the same side of the vessel.

From the main steering position shall be horizontal visual field form an arc from dead ahead to at least 60 ° on each side of the vessel.

§ 26. Windows wheelhouse
The height of the bridge deck to the lower edge of the front windows of the wheelhouse shall be as small as possible. In no case shall the lower edge of the windows could hinder visibility forward.

The upper edge of the front windows of the wheelhouse shall provide visibility forward to the horizon for a person with an eye height of 180 cm above the deck in the wheelhouse at the helm station.

Mullions between the windows of the wheelhouse shall be as few as possible. It should not be mounted mullions right in front of the helm station.

Order to prevent flare, the windows in the wheelhouse of the vessel length (L) of 45 meters and above being tilted outward with the upper part at an angle of not less than 10 ° and not more than 25 °.

Polarized and tinted windows shall not be used.

It should be mounted clear visor in one of the windows in the wheelhouse or warm window with freshwater flushing and wiper and the vessel length (L) of 45 m and over at least two of the windows. Depending on the framework shall, if necessary, mount several such windows so that it is at all times a clear view whatever the weather.

§ 27 Wheelhouse Events
Wheelhouse shall be located as high as practicable and so the requirements for visibility from the wheelhouse are safeguarded.

Wheelhouse shall be of such size and design that aids and equipment can be placed in an appropriate and responsible manner. Navigator (s) should easily be able to move, monitoring instruments and carry out the tasks to be performed during guard duty.

If instruments are to be placed under the wheelhouse roof, the ceiling height at least 190 cm and so there is a clear path and passageway under the instruments. The requirement does not apply to the magnetic reflector device.

The noise level in the wheelhouse shall not exceed the maximum values ​​laid down in the current Recommendation or regulations concerning protection against noise on board ships.

ISO standard 8468 "Ship's bridge layout and Associated Equipment - Requirements and Guidelines" can be used when planning the bridge / wheelhouse arrangement.

Color Composition of lighting in the wheelhouse and chartroom and the equipment shall be such that any glare and reflection effect does not impede visibility and effective lookout hold.

§ 28. Location of the equipment

Equipment concerning navigation, maneuvering, monitoring, internal and external communications as well as equipment for use in emergencies should be suitably located and so it is easily accessible for inspection and maintenance.

Equipment and tools etc. that are placed in the wheelhouse shall be located so that they do not obstruct the navigator to keep track of the weather deck forward of the wheelhouse.

In the wheelhouse or adjoining rooms shall be available, chart table of sufficient size with appropriate lighting for navigation by map.

If there are mounted several kursjusterings- and control means, it must be possible to secure them against accidental operation.

On vessels that are only equipped with a magnetic compass plant shall magnetic compass positioned so that the distances from kompassbollens center being as provided in IMO Resolution A.382 (X). Equipment should not be placed closer than the magnetic compass indicated that the equipment ensure compass distance.

Radar systems should be positioned so that the operator has visibility from the operator's work station.

Radar antenna should be positioned so that the radar image quality does not deteriorate due to the short distance to other equipment or to the master, records etc.

There should be notices at the radar indicator indicating the direction and size of any blind sectors.
Radar antenna (s) shall not be placed so that it reduces the impact on the rest of the radio equipment.

Chapter VI Final provisions

§ 29. Commencement etc.
This regulation comes into force on 1 July 1997.

From the same date, the Regulations of 18 August 1978 No.. 9154 about navigational aids, etc. of fishing vessels in respect of new vessels.

For existing vessels, the dog Regulations § 11 from 1 January 1999.