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The Regulation On The Hygiene Requirements For Barber, Skin Care, Tattoo-And Hulltakings Business W. V

Original Language Title: Forskrift om hygienekrav for frisør-, hudpleie-, tatoverings- og hulltakingsvirksomhet m.v

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The regulation on the hygiene requirements for Barber, skin care, tattoo-and hulltakings activities, etc.

Date-1998-05-06-581 Ministry health and Human Services Department Published Avd in 1998 705 (notes) the entry into force 01.07.1998 last edited FOR-2012-03-05-202 Changes FOR 1965-05-14-1 applies to Norway Pursuant LAW-1994-08-05-55-section 4-1, LAW-2011-06-24-29-section 8, LAW-2011-06-24-29-section 10 Announced short title Forskr. hygiene requirements for the Barber business, etc.

Chapter overview: chapter I Introductory provisions (§§ 1-3) chapter II General provisions (§§ 4-7) chapter III Administrative provisions (§ § 8-12) Comments to individual paragraphs of the regulations set out the legal authority of social-: and the Ministry of health (now the Ministry of health and care services) 6. May 1998 under the legal authority of the Act 5. August 1994 no. 55 on protection against infectious diseases section 4-1 last paragraph jf. the first paragraph of section e) and allowed 24. June 2011 No. 29 public health work (public health Act) section 8 the second paragraph and section 10 fourth paragraph.
EEA EEA referrals: attachment X no. 1 (Directive 2006/123/EC).
Changes: modified by regulations 1 sep 2003 Nr. 1111, 12 feb 2004 Nr. 404, 17 Dec 2009 Nr. 1721, 5 March 2012 No. 202. Chapter I Introductory provisions § 1. Purpose Regulations to ensure satisfactory hygienic conditions and prevent the transmission of infectious diseases by business covered by section 2.

§ 2. Scope the regulation applies to the Barber, skin care, tattoo-and hulltakings business with on. The regulation also applies to other business that involves penetration and destruction of skin such as scorch markings and arring. Business that operated in medical purposes, including acupuncture, are not included.

§ 3. Definitions With the following expression in this regulation be understood: Barber business: All the treatment and care of the hair, shave, too.
Skin care: treatment of skin or nails with preparations, instruments or apparatus, including solariums, as well as hair removal and massage.
Tattoo: With pointed object to carve his or stick in the skin to add color in the skin's deeper layers.
Hole taking: Punctures of the skin or mucous membranes for the introduction of rings or staples (piercing).
Disinfection: the removal or disposal of pathogenic micro-organisms.
Sterilization: the Complete eradication of all microorganisms on an object, including the track forms from bacteria.
Internal control: to ensure that the requirements set out in or pursuant to the law or regulations are observed.
Internal control system: Systematic measures to ensure and document that the activities exercised in accordance with the requirements set out in or pursuant to the law or regulations. The systematic measures should be described in the administrative procedures.

Chapter II General provisions section 4. Liability. Internal control the owner or doing business as covered by section 2, is obliged to ensure that the provisions of these regulations are observed, so that the business is run on a hygienic satisfactory way to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.
To ensure that the regulations are being followed to businesses covered by the regulation, from 1. January 2000, lead internal control and establish the internal control system. Internal control system should be able to be documented to the supervisory authority.
The person in question to comply with the injunction that the municipality at any time giving in pursuance of section 8.

§ 5. Requirements for premises and approval of these message/Premises should be designed, decorated and equipped in such a way that cleaning, disinfection/sterilization and storage of the equipment can occur on a hygienic satisfactory way to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.
The premises shall not be used for other business or activity which may involve a hygienic risk, and may not be borrowed or hired out to such business. The furnishings and equipment should be adapted to the scope and the nature of the business, as well as the number of people residing in the premises.
Premises to be used for hair and skin care business to satisfy the requirements of the first and the second paragraph and be reported to the municipality before they take effect. Facilities that will be used to tattoo-and hulltakings business, shall meet the requirements of the first and second joints and be approved by the municipality before they take effect. The same is true when ongoing business changes ownership and by greater ominnredninger.
Tattoo-and hulltakings business can only be exercised in approved premises.
For application for approval of the premises to be used for tattoo-and hulltakings business to the processing time limit mentioned in the service law section 11 the first paragraph first sentence, be three months. Service law § 11 the second paragraph that the permission will be deemed given when the processing time limit has expired, does not apply to the approval of such premises.

section 6. Requirements for equipment Equipment that is used for business covered by section 2, shall before use be treated in a hygienic satisfactory way to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.
Tools and other equipment that is used in the treatment of customers is going to be cleaned. Multiple equipment that has been soiled with blood, to be disinfected before it be used on a new customer. Equipment used by penetration of the skin's surface or mucous membranes should be sterile.
Piercing and cutting tools and equipment used to collect blodforurenset up in special containers and be disposed of in a sanitary.

section 7. General requirements to conduct Business covered by § 2 shall be exercised on a hygienic satisfactory manner with a view to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases can take place.
The business as a performer is obliged to provide information to the service recipient about the risk of infections, bleeding, allergic reactions, and the like. The practitioner shall ensure that the service recipient understand what service means.
The athlete should ask the customer if there are conditions that can give increased risk of infection and that can justify enhanced hygienic measures. The athlete should refrain from treatment if he is familiar with the conditions at the customer site that can provide special risk of infection.
By business that involves penetration of the skin or mucous membranes to the skin or mucous membranes disinfected in advance.

Chapter III Administrative provisions section 8. Supervision and means oversees the municipality that the regulations are observed.
The municipality can make scrutiny, correction, stansning and impose fines in accordance with the law 24. June 2011 No. 29 public health work section 13 of section 16.
If the criteria in section 5 are not met, the approval be withdrawn.

§ 9. An exemption If it in a particular case will seem unreasonable to follow the provisions of this regulation, the supervisory authority upon application provide an exemption.
By the assessment of what will seem unreasonable, it should among other things be added weight on whether economic or technical reasons makes it particularly difficult to comply with the regulations.
The supervisory authority can set conditions for the dispensation. If the conditions are not adhered to, the dispensation fall away.

§ 10. Penalty Violation of regulations or decisions hit with legal authority in the regulations is punishable by fines or imprisonment for up to 3 months in accordance with the law 24. June 2011 No. 29 public health work section 18 and law 5. August 1994 no. 55 on protection against infectious diseases section 8-1, if not more stringent penalty provisions of the infection Protection Act applies.

section 11. Complain about the decision the County determines complaints over the decision taken by the Council after this regulation, cf. Law 24. June 2011 No. 29 public health work § 19.

§ 12. Entry into force, etc. this regulation takes effect 1. July 1998.
At the same time repealed regulations of 14. May 1965 Nr. 1 for the friezes-/barber-and beauty salons. Also, is ending the following circulars: regulations for the friezes/barber and beauty salons, circular No. 34/65-Recommendation on the use of isopropyl alcohol as a disinfectant to the technical use instead of chlorine compounds and Quaternary ammoniumforbindelser, circular IK-1983/85 Appendix 1 recommendation about the use of isopropyl alcohol as disinfectant-elaboration, circular IK-1983/85 Appendix 2-new comments to forskriftenes § 4, circular IK-1983/85 annex 3.

Business that is established and in operation by the entry into force of this regulation, must apply for approval of the premises at the latest within 1. January 2000, cf. section 5.

Comments to individual paragraphs of the regulations in the big move is the regulation a continuation and update of previous provisions-cf. regulations of the friezes-/barber-and beauty salons, circular No. 34/65 URH.dir. 5. This circular is revoked by the ratification of the new regulation. New in this is that the tattoo-and hulltakings business with further is included it is also new that one does not require routine disinfection of multiple equipment in Barber salons. The comments are a guide to the contents of the individual deepen provision. The comments are not binding in itself, but should serve as a guide. Regulations and guidance should be viewed in context to get the best possible understanding of the forskriftens regulations.

To section 1 Purpose scope Forskriftens are businesses where processes and objects come in close touch with many people. That's why risk that micro-organisms are transmitted between people and cause disease. The regulation is intended to prevent this, so that customers can feel confident that the infection is not transferable. To prevent the transmission of infectious diseases, that is, to ensure hygiene routines to ensure that the risk of infection is reduced to a minimum. "Hygiene" include the cleaning of premises and objects, ventilation and routines for processing.

New needs and would like to volunteer with the public and the new technology is applied in the growing extent, which can create new opportunities for disease transmission. Health authorities have to familiarize themselves with this and be ready to deal with new situations. The basis of authority to intervene will in any event be released through the infection Protection Act, municipal health service act and this regulation.

To § 2 scope "Penetration of the skin" is of the skin punctures. The destroy of the skin occurs, among other things by scorch markings and arring. Other techniques will also be covered. Crucial is whether they involve punctures or profound damage of the skin. Acupuncture involves penetration of the skin, but acupuncture is part of the medical treatment is expressly excluded from the regulation.
Medical business covered by other legislation and therefore are not regulated in this regulation.
Amputation of the outer finger joints, called a stumping, is prohibited by health professional legislation and are therefore not of this regulation.

To section 3 Definitions Barber business: also includes dyeing of eyelashes and eyebrows.
Skin care: includes, for example, hand care (manicure), pedicure (pedicure) and all sorts of methods of hair removal, such as waxing and electrolysis. Massage in this sense for example, forskriftens includes aromatherapy and reflexology, but does not include massage as part of medical treatment. It is important to note that under the concept of solariums enters skin care. It is only by regulated hygiene solariums in the regulations, and not the quality of treatment, such as the strength of the light pipes. Radiation protection legislation, including the rules on the strength of the light pipe is under revision and will regulate the issue of oversight of this.
Tattoo: includes all the tattoo business, no matter the technique.

To § 4 liability. Internal control system the business will be operated on a hygienic. This is the entire forskriftens starting point. The more detailed provisions in the regulations by the way is a clarification of this requirement.
The owner or doing business as covered by section 2, shall ensure that it is established an internal control system. The purpose of the internal control system is to document the fulfillment of forskriftens basic requirements that the business will be operated on a hygienic. The requirement of documentation means that the hygienic routines need to nedfelles in writing. This must be the routines that in fact is the basis for the operation of the business. When routines are written nedfelles, the Council's supervision easier to implement. The municipality can then supervise both with the documentation and the practical implementation of routines. It is also an advantage that the owner or driver business, must work through their procedures thoroughly to create documentation.
"Hygienic satisfying" is a relative term; There are more stringent requirements where the infection risk is great than where it is comparatively less. For example, the more stringent requirements of businesses where the skin penetrated regularly, as at the tattoo, than how this only happens every so often, as at the Barber business. It will also be set more stringent requirements where the number of customers or employees is high. The requirements of the internal control system be adapted in other words the individual business's size and nature, so that it not be set the same size requirements for internal control system for small businesses that for larger businesses. It will for example be set lower requirements for a Hairdresser who runs alone with a limited number of customers than to a community of tatoverere with many customers.
An internal control system, for example, contain a description of the procedures for gulvvask; How often and how should it be cleaned-with tørrmopp or with ordinary SOAP and broom? How should the disinfection of equipment take place? Which disinfectant should be applied, how will the equipment be kept after the decontamination process? How often should you wash your hands? and so on.
If the responsibility is not met, can the Council refuse approval, require correction or stansning, impose coercive or demand punishment, cf. forskriftens § § 8-10.

To § 5 requirements for premises and approval of these message/Regulation sets as a condition that the premises to be used for tattoo-and hulltakings business that the regulations include, to be approved by the Municipal Council. It's just your business premises to be approved. The business as such is not subject to approval, so that there is some form of quality assurance of the professional content of the work that is being performed. Hair and skin care business has to report the duty of the municipality. The Council may delegate its powers under the provisions of the law it municipality to the municipal body to solve the task, jf. also the municipality of health service law § 4a-3.
It is important to note that the message/authentication to be released before the premises are taken into use. Moreover, message sent/approval be sought when ongoing business changes ownership or there has been any greater ominnredninger.
The requirement of authentication requires that it be submitted an application. Regarding requirements for message is displayed it to the comments to the regulations on the environmental health section 14 and supervisor in environmental health point 3.12.
It can not run extensive sales business in the premises. Where the boundary should be set, depends on a hygienic consideration in each case. The premises may not be rented or loaned except their own working time to the person who runs the other business that is not covered by the regulation here, or that must meet the corresponding hygiene requirements after the other provision.
If the processing of the messages and the approval authority is delegated in the municipality, it will usually be the municipality of doctor and technical agency that gets such applications for processing. They have to make an assessment as to whether the premises are built, furnished, equipped with fixed installations and ventilated so that the business can happen in a hygienic.
It says in the regulations section 5 the second paragraph other periods that the decoration and equipment should be adapted to the scope and the nature of the business, as well as the number of people residing in the premises. Where the string to be in each case, that is, on a beautiful 80/40.
By the assessment of whether a business is going to get approval, to add weight to the municipality about the construction method and material usage is such that cleaning can happen on the real show. The premises must be made so that the cleaning and disinfection of equipment can be made without affecting other tasks is distracting and that such procedures can be performed on a hygienic. For example, the venue should be designed so that customers do not have to go through the treatment room to get to the waiting room. Furthermore, there must be adequate storage for the use done equipment. The premises in General should have hot water scheme and toilet with wash hand basin, soap dispenser and disposable towels for employees with access to customers. As a general rule should not toilet is shared with other entrepreneurs in the same building. For larger businesses where the number of employees and customers at the same time stay in the premises most often is high, there should be special toilets for customers.
If the message from meldepliktige businesses reveal conditions that make that forskriftens requirements for health proper operation is not adhered to, the Council can issue an order in pursuance of the regulations section 8 jf. the municipal health service law § 4a-7, Section 4a-8, Section 4a-9 and Section 4a-10 before startup and expansion or change of business. About the municipality Board's authority after the approval is given, see the comments to the forskriftens section 8.
Tattoo-and hulltakings business as mentioned in section 2 can only be exercised in approved premises. This implies that such activity can not be operated outdoors or by traveling business. For example, do not tattoo be exercised by traveling carnies. When there are good reasons for it, can it possibly be granted an exemption pursuant to section 8.
The owner or doing business as covered by the regulation, must of course abide by orders from other authority, such as the labour inspection, fire department with several.
The provision was changed by the Ministry of health 12. February 2004. Previous to all businesses that fall under the regulation is approved. The change meant that the approval obligation for premises used for hair and skin care business will be replaced by a notification. Tattoo-and hulltakings business will still have to be approved. Hairdressers and/or skin care businesses that perform so called simple holes taking/"pierced ears" will be considered hulltakings businesses and must still be approved.

To section 6 requirements for equipment in section 6 for equipment States in the first paragraph that the equipment used to Barber, skin care, tattoo-and hulltakings business, should be treated in a hygienic satisfactory way to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases. What is meant by hygienic satisfying, to be closer to the konkretiseres in the following: methods of hygienic satisfactory treatment of equipment to remove from fabric Infection working tools and other equipment that is used in the treatment of customers. This is a process that can take place in three steps: cleaning, disinfection and sterilization.
Cleaning and disinfection are methods that all businesses can rule and which in most cases is sufficient. Sterilization on the other hand, requires equipment and know-how that it can not be required that all companies covered by the regulation, have. For certain procedures should, however, sterile equipment is required.
The use of sterile disposable equipment when it is required that equipment should be sterile, does this mean that all micro-organisms should be completely removed from the person working tool, including track forms from bacteria.

Such a requirements for all equipment that is used when the skin or mucous membranes, that is penetrated by hole the tick in the skin or mucous membranes and the like, and otherwise when the risk of damage to the skin or mucous membranes by accident are present. This means that as a rule to be disposable sterile utilised by such business.
Sterile disposable equipment is manufactured and sterilized industrial. A growing number of products for various uses comes on the market. Many people prefer sterile disposable equipment when such a thing is possible in view of the time and other costs needed for cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of multiple equipment.
The use of multiple equipment it required multiple equipment used to the penetration of the skin or mucous membranes should be carefully cleaned and sterilized before it is used on a new customer. Other equipment are cleaned and disinfected after each customer if it's blood soiled.

-cleaning for cleaning to use brush, hot water and SOAP or other suitable cleaning solution, followed by rinsing in warm running water. It should be used oppvaskhansker. The working tool that is stained by blood, the remains of fat and the like should be disinfected before and after the cleaning process.

-Disinfection Disinfection is performed to remove or defuse the pathogenic infection drug. Most pathogenic infectious substance can be killed by using heat or chemical means. Bacterial spores can, however, survive, such as the spores of tetanus bacilli.
With heat treatment is understood boiling for 5 minutes under the lid. It should be used instrument maker. Heat treatment is a simple and safe method that should be preferred as the material in the tool can withstand such treatment. Fabrics such as towels and the like are considered satisfactory disinfected after machine wash at 85 ° c.
To chemical disinfection be used suitable disinfectant. It will be shown to the list of approved Chemical disinfectants for technical use in health and nursing that regularly published by the State's drug control.
The working tool that is disinfected should be kept so that they do not become contaminated by the time they will be applied anew.

-Sterilization Sterilization is appropriate for businesses that prefer to use multiple equipment to procedures where the skin or mucous membranes penetrated (tattoo, hull taking) for example, because a one-time equipment not available on the market or fall disproportionately costly in use.
To sterilization be used dry or moist heat. Most relevant is the use of tørrsterilisator which is a closet where the instruments are exposed to continuous dry heat in a particular time: 160 ° C for 2 hours or 170 ° C for 1 hour or 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
Especially about the individual businesses-Barber business scissors, brushes, combs, hair curlers and similar be washed well in hot water and cleaning solution and then rinsed in running hot water after each customer. If there are blood on such vehicle, they shall be disinfected before cleaning. To shave razor should disposable blades used. Used razor, the machine head and the knife are cleaned and disinfected after each customer.

-skin care it is important that ointments, creams, makeup and the like that are loaded on the skin, not contaminated unnecessarily. Is asset intended to be taken out of the container (jar or similar) this shall not happen with your fingers, but with spatula to a one-time use and eventually transferred from the spatula to the brush, if the brush to be used. You have to take out the asset two or more times, to be used for each new spatula outlet. This is done to avoid bacterial contamination of salvekrukke.
Brushes to use be cleaned and disinfected after each customer. Sponges, bind and other textiles that are loaded directly on the skin, should be of a single type.

-Hand care scissors, files and other tools that are used to the nails, be cleaned and disinfected after each customer.

-Foot care it should be used fotkar with the effort of a single-use material. Grinding tools and knives (scalpels) should be of the disposable type. The shaft be cleaned and disinfected after each customer. Scissors, files, scrapers and the like for use shall be cleaned and disinfected after each customer.

-Tattoo the skin surface where the tattoo is going to take place, will be disinfected carefully. See notes to section 7 of the huddesinfeksjon.
It will be used sterile needles and nåleholdere. It shall also be used sterile diluent color solutions and liquids. By mixing or dilution should it be used sterile vessels and instruments of the disposable type that are scrapped after each customer. A ready prepared color solution should only be used on one customer.

-Hole in your ears and taking other body parts (piercingvirksomhet) at the hole taking to the skin or mucous membranes disinfected carefully in advance. See notes to section 7 of the huddesinfeksjon.
It will be used sterile needles and sterile tongs when such utilised during the procedure. Staples or rings that are inserted under the tilhelingen should be sterile and of recognized quality, among other things, to avoid allergies.
Supervision of equipment the Council shall as part of its oversight of businesses covered by the regulation, ensure that the equipment is treated in such a way that the transmission be prevented and in accordance with what is stated here.
Disposal of waste sticking and cutting tools and equipment to be used blodforurenset gather up in special containers. These containers must withstand the pressure and stroke, without sticking objects can penetrate them. The containers must be kept closed. Additional guidance for the disposal of waste can be provided by the municipality of doctor.
The Council found that the treatment of the equipment is not satisfactory, it may require conditions aimed, possibly ban still business until conditions are corrected. See the comments to section 8.

To section 7 General requirements to the conduct referred to in the following part infection opportunities and infectious diseases such as the relevant businesses in particular must protect themselves against.
Blood infection For that transmission of infection to take place, the infection before the end of the blood from a person penetrate into the body of another, stab or cut, or by contact with damaged skin or mucous membrane. This can occur via instruments for use when these are not satisfactorily cleaned and disinfected between each time they are used on a customer. This can also happen if a worker is the bearer of a substance in their blood infection and accidental cuts or cuts. Such blood can then by accidentally get on the instruments or in cuts and wounds in the skin or mucous membranes at the customer site.
Current hepatitis B infection is drug-, C-and D-virus (infectious substances that give contagious gulsot). Furthermore, one must be on guard against transmission of the HIV virus.
The risk of transmission through blood transmission is considered the greatest at the tattoo. Hepatitis B infection and also HIV infection can take place at the tattoo. The risk also exists at the hole taking in the ears and other body parts. Moreover, it can by accident occur stab or cut damages both at the shave, nail care and foot care so that the infection before the end blood can pollute the working tool and infection drug be transferred, if not the tool be cleaned and disinfected.
Skin infections, skin infections may occur when the skin surface is damaged, for example by harsh treatment with work tool or by accident, and when that pierce the skin. Bacteria from the skin surface or from unclean work tool can then penetrate down into the deeper layers of the skin and give the infection.
Current infection drug is Staphylococcus aureus that are found on the skin all over the body with most people. Less frequently, but far more serious is infection with Group A Streptococcus (GAS Streptococcus). Also intestinal bacteria can give skin infections by the treatment of the skin near the rectal opening and down the legs.
As for the blood infection is considered the risk of skin infections to be greatest at the tattoo and at the hole taking if the performer fails to make a thorough huddesinfeksjon in advance or use the usterilt equipment.
Other infections You will also be able to get transferred other infection drug such as mushrooms-and wart virus when naked skin comes in contact with a surface that is contaminated because of improper cleaning of the premises. Head lice or luseegg can be transferred from one customer to another unless the Chamber såpevaskes and cleaned well.
Hygienic satisfactory way in section 7 the first paragraph States that business covered by § 2 shall be exercised on a hygienic satisfactory way to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases. What is meant by "hygienic satisfactory way" will be discussed in more detail: the athlete should be careful with their personal hygiene, have clean work clothes and use disposable gloves by all procedures where the skin or the mucous membranes of the customer and can get penetrated the bleeding, and otherwise if he or she has less rifts or wounds on the hands.
The athlete should refrain from treatment when he or she understands that the service recipient is not fresh. By skin care should the performer be especially cautious with treating the skin with eczema or ulceration where bacterial flora may be abundant. The customer should tilrås to search a doctor for their suffering and possibly get the go ahead from this.
If the athlete has wounds or skin infections that can result in the risk of transmission of infection drug to the customer, he or she should refrain from treating the customer.
The tattoo must be performed only on the skin that are perfectly healthy, that is, without ulceration, rash, eczema or similar that can contain large amounts of bacteria. It is warned of tattoo by diabetes, as it often is a massive occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus on the skin. It cautioned against to tattoo people with impaired immune systems.

By procedures where the skin penetrated, it will say that it Pierce in the skin, the skin disinfected in advance. This is done to avoid that bacteria on the skin surface, such as Staphylococcus aureus, are introduced into the skin's deeper layers where they can evoke the infection. It should be used suitable disinfectant.
The Council shall as part of its supervision to ensure that the actual exercise of a business covered by these regulations, takes place on a hygienic satisfactory manner with a view to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases can take place. The Municipal Council may require conditions aimed, possibly ban still business to the conditions are corrected if it finds that the conduct does not satisfy such requirements.

To section 8 supervision, instruments and an exemption in the regulations is the management of messages, authentication responsibility, entrusted with further added directly to the Council. This is done with a background in the principle that municipalities in the extent possible even to fix the municipal body to solve a specific task. The Council may delegate its authority to the municipal body to solve the task, jf. also the municipality of health service law § 4a-3.
If any delegation is assumed to happen to a body with competence in relation to these provisions, forskriftens purpose and scope. The supervisory authority also understand the decisions that are necessary for the implementation of the regulation. In connection with the proceedings going in by 10. February 1967 on administrative matters (administrative law) to the application.
In connection with the use of instruments after the law of 19. November 1982 No. 66 about the health service in the municipalities will be shown it to the terms that follow directly of the individual statutory provision.
Supervision under the provisions of the Working Environment Act will take place in parallel with the supervision by this regulation.

To § 9 Exemption Law of 10. February 1967 on administrative matters (administrative law) § 40 provides that a regulation cannot be waived by a government agency unless the regulation or of the law provides access to the. Provision exemption is not completely taken for to rule out the possibility of making exceptions in certain special cases. The use of the exemption should be time restricted and should be reserved for the special and individual cases. It should not dispenseres from the requirements that make up a main purpose or a hovedintensjon with regulation, and it should not dispenseres from the larger parts of the regulation together.