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Regulations Prohibiting Fishing Norwegian Spring-Spawning Herring In Fisheries Protection Zone Around Svalbard In 2016

Original Language Title: Forskrift om forbud mot å fiske norsk vårgytende sild i fiskevernsonen ved Svalbard i 2016

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Regulations prohibiting fishing Norwegian spring-spawning herring in fisheries protection zone around Svalbard in 2016

Date FOR-2015-12-09-1422

Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Fisheries

Published In 2015 Booklet 13

Commencement 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016





LOV-1976-12-17-91, LOV-2008-06-06-37-§16 LOV-2008-06-06-37-section 59, TO-1977-06-03-6-§ 3

12.10.2015 kl. 15.00

Short Title
Regulations prohibiting herring fishing, Svalbard, 2016

Adopted by the Ministry of Fisheries Ministry 9 December 2015 pursuant to Act 17 December 1976 no. 91 on the Economic Zone, Law on 6 June 2008 no. 37 on the management of wild living marine resources (Marine Resources Act) § 16 and § 59, cf. regulation of 3 June 1977 no. 6 in the fisheries protection zone around Svalbard § 3.

§ 1 Scope These regulations apply to fishing in the fisheries protection zone around Svalbard using Norwegian and foreign vessels of any type engaged in commercial fishing operations or assisting the fishing fleet, including transhipped.

§ 2 General prohibition It is prohibited to fish for Norwegian spring-spawning herring.

§ 3 Violation charge undertakings and who willfully or negligently violates provisions made in or pursuant to these regulations, subject to administrative fines under the law on 6 June 2008 no. 37 on the management of wild living marine resources § 59 and Regulation 20 . December 2011 no. 1437 on the use of coercive and penal charge for violating the Marine Resources Act.

§ 4. Penalties and confiscation Any person who willfully or negligently violates provisions made in or pursuant to these regulations is punishable by law December 17, 1976. 91 on the Economic Zone of § 8 and § 9 and the Act of 6 June 2008 no. 37 on the management of wild living marine resources § 61, § 64 and § 65. attempt and complicity to the same penalties.

§ 5. Entry into force This regulation comes into force on 1 January 2016 and applies until 31 December 2016.