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Regulations On Health And Safety In Connection With The Drilling Industry For Recovery-Related Land-Based Sector

Original Language Title: Forskrift om helse og sikkerhet i forbindelse med boringsrelatert utvinningsindustri for landbasert sektor

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Regulations on health and safety in connection with the drilling industry for recovery-related land-based sector.

Date-1998-09-17-982 Ministry of labour and Social Affairs Published Avd in 1998 1453 effective date 17.09.1998 last edited by-2015-12-08-1892 Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1971-05-21-47-section 37, law-2002-06-14-20-section 43, law-2002-06-14-20-section 44, FOR-2002-05-23-770, LAW-2005-06-17-62-section 3-1, LAW-2005-06-17-62-section 3-2, LAW-2005-06-17-62-section 4-4, LAW-2005-06-17-62-section 4-5, LAW-2005-06-17-62-section 5-2 Announced short title regulations on health and safety by land drilling Chapter overview: chapter I. Initial provisions (sections 1-6) chapter II. General provisions (sections 7-13) chapter III. Measurement and ventilation (§ § 14-15) chapter IV. Noxious gases, fire-and explosion hazard (§ § 16-19) chapter V. Preparedness in connection with risk situations and accidents (§ § 20-24) Chapter VI. Health check (section 25) the legal authority established by the Directorate of: labour inspection and the Directorate for fire and explosion protection (now the Directorate for civil protection and emergency preparedness) 17. September 1998 under the legal authority of the law of 4. February 1977 Nr. 4 about the worker protection and working environment etc. section 8 Nr. 4, section 11 Nr. 5, section 12 Nr. 5, section 14, third paragraph and section 21 fourth paragraph and law of 21. May 1971 No. 47 on flammable goods as well as fluids and gases under the press section 37 first paragraph, cf.. law of 14. June 2002 No. 20 on the protection against fire, explosion and accidents with dangerous drug and whether the fire department rescue tasks (fire-and explosion protection law) § 43, cf. § 44, jf. the delegation decision of 23. May 2002 No. 770 and the delegation decision of 26. June 2002 No. 728.) Added the legal authority: law 17. June 2005 Nr. 62 for a work environment, working time and employment etc. (the Working Environment Act) section 3-1, section 3-2, section 4-4, section 4-5 and § 5-2.
The EEA referrals: Conducting the EEA Agreement, annex XVIII, 16, cf.. Rdir. 92/91/EEC on the minimum requirements with a view to improving the protection of workers ' safety and health in the drilling industry for recovery-related land-based sector.
Changes: modified by regulations 10 July 2002 No. 819, 8 Dec 2003 Nr. 1458, 8 des 2015 Nr. 1892. Chapter I. section 1 Initial provisions. Scope this Regulation applies to drilling industry for recovery-related land-based sector.

§ 2. Definitions With related industry bore the recovery will mean in this regulation all industry that drive-recovery in its narrow sense of minerals by drilling the drill holes, and/or-crackdown with the aim of such recovery, and/or treatment of material that is extracted for sale, except business with processing of the material.

§ 3. The supervisory authority of the Labour Inspectorate and the Directorate for civil protection and emergency preparedness is the supervisory authorities in accordance with the respective laws of authority.

§ 4. The penalty provision in violation of this regulation is punishable by the Working Environment Act Chapter 19 and the Penal Code of 2005 section 27 and section 28,-flammable item Law § 44, or fire-and explosion protection law § 42.

§ 5. Entry into force this Regulation shall enter into force immediately.

section 6. Who the regulation addresses the Employer shall ensure that the provisions of this regulation is being carried out.

Chapter II. General provisions section 7. Risk assessment, planning and implementation of measures the employer shall make an ongoing risk assessment of the circumstances that may involve a risk of health damage with the employee and take appropriate measures to remove or reduce the risks as far as possible.
It should be worked out a written plan for safety, health and working environment. Of the plan should it be stated that the risks that employee may be exposed to is mapped and evaluated, and what measures should be taken to prevent injuries and accidents.
The plan will be worked out before work starts and is updated regularly. The plan will be available in the workplace.

section 8. Information, training and instruction to be given sufficient information to workers about the risk of accidents and health problems that are associated with the work.
Workers should be given training in:-how the work is organized-appropriate working technique-the selection and use of utilities and personal protective equipment-the use of escape and rescue equipment-the use of first-aid equipment.

For each workplace should be worked out written instructions containing the rules to be followed to ensure the employee's safety and health and to achieve a safe use of methods and equipment.
The instructions should also include information about the use of the escape and rescue equipment and first aid equipment and the measures to be taken by emergency at or near the workplace.
Information and instructions should be understandable to the affected employee.
Particularly dangerous work, and work that in combination with other business can create serious risk, should only be performed by workers who have been given special permission by the leading the operation. The permit shall specify the conditions that must be fulfilled and the precautions that must be hit before, during and after work.

§ 9. Message of the serious danger situations the employer shall immediately and on the fastest possible way notify the Labour Inspectorate of serious danger situations that have occurred in the workplace. The employer shall verify notified in writing. Cherish the Ombudsman should have the copy of the receipt.

§ 10. Control of drill holes while drilling to be used suitable devices to the control of drill holes to prevent the risk of uncontrolled blowout.
Such devices should be placed in regard to the business that takes place.

section 11. Remote control in emergency in emergency situations to certain types of equipment could be controlled remotely from the appropriate places when it appears from the plan for safety, health and working environment.
Such equipment shall include systems for isolation and avblåsing of wells, installations and pipelines.

§ 12. Communication, monitoring, and control to install alarm systems and other means of communication that are necessary to implement instant help, evacuation or rescue operations.
When it appears from the plan for safety, health and working environment to all jobs be equipped with: a) an acoustic and optical system that can transmit an alarm signal to all places where work is in progress, b) an acoustic system that can be heard clearly in all places on the installation where it often stays workers.

Alarm devices should be attached to the appropriate places.
When workers are present at workplaces which are not normally manned, they shall have a suitable communication system at our disposal.

section 13. Main roads it should be possible to reach workplaces without danger and leave them quickly and safely in an emergency.
Traffic and access roads shall be clearly marked to ensure the protection of workers.
If the road vehicles have access to jobs, to necessary rules for safe traffic is determined.

Chapter III. Measurement and ventilation section 14. Measurement to be made regular measurements to determine the amount and concentration of possible hazardous and/or fire or explosive substances in the atmosphere.
The result of the measurements should be recorded and kept at the work place.

section 15. Ventilation the workplace should have adequate ventilation, so that the concentration of hazardous gases and dust into the air in the inhalation can be kept as low as possible, and under the administrative norms for contaminants in the atmosphere.

Chapter IV. Noxious gases, fire-and explosion hazard section 16. Protection against hazardous atmosphere If it is or may be hydrogen sulfide or other harmful gases in the atmosphere, it should be worked out a protection plan which described what kind of protective equipment available and the preventive measures that are hit.

§ 17. Automatic monitoring equipment When it appears from the plan for safety, health and the working environment, it shall be installed necessary monitoring equipment that automatically and continuously record the concentration of gases and dust. In these cases, it should also be installed automatic alarm equipment, automatic strømutkoplingssystemer for electrical systems and automatic stop systems for internal combustion engines.

§ 18. Prevention and combating fire it should meet all appropriate measures to prevent the outbreak and spread of fire, and to stop any fire outbreaks quickly and effectively.
The workplace should be equipped with adequate fire-fighting equipment and, if necessary, with fire detectors and alarm systems.
Manually operated fire-fighting equipment must be easily accessible and simple to use and, if necessary, protected against being damaged.
It should be kept a fire protection plan in the workplace that gives a detailed description of the measures to be taken to prevent, detect and combat the outbreak and spread of fire.

§ 19. The prevention of explosions it should be worked out a plan for the prevention of explosions that describes the equipment and the measures that are required.

Chapter v. readiness in connection with risk situations and accidents section 20. Crew list and the muster stations It should be found a system that makes it possible to know which workers at any given time are in the workplace and how they probably stay.
When it appears from the plan for safety, health and the working environment, it shall be determined muster stations, and meet the necessary measures with a view to this.

§ 21. Security exercises Employer should make sure that it is held regular security exercises.

The exercises have in particular to the purpose of the skills of the oppøve and control workers who in emergency situations are assigned specific tasks related to the use, handling or operation of emergency equipment, in the consideration given to the criteria set out in the schedule for the safety, health and working environment. Workers that are required this should also be able to practice in the use, handling or operation of the equipment.

§ 22. Escape routes and emergency exits at the risk to workers quickly and certainly could be evacuated from all the places where work is in progress.
Escape routes and emergency exits shall be kept open for passage and as direct as possible lead out in the open or to a security area, or a secure the muster or need station.
Accommodation facilities or living room should have at least two separate emergency exits that are located as far from each other as possible and that leads to a security area or a secure the muster or need station.

§ 23. Escape and rescue equipment Appropriate escape and rescue equipment should be available at all places where working conditions make it necessary.
Equipment to be maintained, be readily available and at any time ready to use. The repository must be properly marked.

section 24. First-aid rooms and equipment Appropriate first aid equipment should be available in all places where working conditions make it required.
If workers can be exposed to harmful air, it also is appropriate and sufficient breathing and gjenopplivings equipment.
If the company's size, the nature of and the risk of accidents makes it required, should it for adaptation one or more first-aid rooms that are equipped with the necessary first-aid kit. In the rooms to be set up an easy visible first aid instructions.
First-aid rooms must be properly selected, and adapted for the use of stretchers.

Chapter VI. Health control section 25. Health check all workers shall have the right to a health check before he or she is set to perform tasks related to the drilling related recovery industry, and then at regular intervals.