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Regulations On The Aspirant Scheme For Artists In The Start-Up

Original Language Title: Forskrift om aspirantordning for kunstnere i etableringsfasen

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Regulations on the aspirant scheme for artists in the start-up Date FOR-1998-10-01-1031 Ministry the Ministry of culture published in effective date last modified 1998 1613 01.10.1998 FOR-2001-06-15-707 from June 29, 2001, the Change applies to the legal decision On Norway budget Announced short title regulations on the aspirant scheme for artists the legal authority established by the Ministry of culture: 1. October 1998 with the legal authority of the Standing Committee on budget resolutions for 1998.
Changes: modified by regulation 15 June 2001 No. 707. The Aspirant scheme for artists in the establishment phase, is managed by the Norwegian Cultural Council.

§ 1. Trainee arrangement Professional artistic enterprises of creative, Executive or intermediary character in all art forms can on application get grants to adding artists that are in the start-up phase, the aspirant positions with up to three years ' duration. The grant will be used to pay, holiday pay and payroll tax. Other expenses that business eventually get in relation to the aspirant position, it must cover themselves. If the business after collective agreements is committed to providing the prospect higher wages, it must cover the difference yourself.
The financial framework for the scheme sets out the Parliament each year through the budget treatment.

§ 2. Purpose the purpose of the grant is to create time-limited positions that will enable the aspirant artists in start-up opportunity to develop artistic and establish themselves in the profession she or he has chosen. The positions will give the opportunity to the aspirants improve their own skills, and to work with the artistic tasks along with others by the businesses.

§ 3. Criteria for the award of the Norwegian Arts Council grants give priority and assigns free funds for a professional artistic assessment of the incoming applications. It is to be considered to what extent an aspirant position at the business can help to promote the purpose of the scheme. Cultural Council make an assessment based on the following criteria in particular: a) which work tasks business may offer the prospect b) the artistic quality of the enterprise work c) labor market for the relevant art form d) geographical distribution e) the qualifications of the aspirants being searched for.

§ 4. The addition of the aspirant a business that has received pledges for grants, even adding an aspirant in accordance with these regulations. The business has even the responsibility of the employer, the prospect that are added. By appointment of the aspirant should be entered into the written contract of employment that meets the requirements of the Working Environment Act section 55A. If it is possible, should the agreement be worked out in collaboration with the appropriate worker-or artist organization. The business has responsibility for that prospect will get necessary professional guidance.
The grant will be used for nytilsetting in the full position. For an appointment to be considered new, it must not exist in advance an employment relationship between the artist and the business. The artist is considered nevertheless that nytilsatt when: a) the artist has had a working time that are not over 50 per cent of normal working time b) artist in a temporary position has not been employed in more than half a year.

§ 5. Criteria to be added as aspirant to be employed in the aspirant position, the artist mainly stay in Norway and at most three years earlier have completed education from the Norwegian College of fine arts or equivalent foreign school. As the schools are considered equal as are approved for kunstfag scholarship of the Government lend bin. It can be done from three-year exception rule, for example, because of military service, civil work, child care, prolonged illness or the like.
For learning places where education is divided into a basic education and an education on higher level, majors, certificate, or similar, it is required as a rule that the artist has completed higher level.
In particular cases it may be made exception to the requirement for education, for example, art branches where there are no education in Norway. In these cases, there have been more than three years from the time the successful candidate, artistic, and made his debut the applicant must be able to document a good artistic level.

section 6. Announcement of the Norwegian Arts Council trainee arrangement Announces aspirant scheme once a year in the Norwegian Dodge leaf and a selection of the country's newspapers. The announcement should go straight to the professional artistic businesses, and against artists in the establishment phase, and it should include information on: a) the purpose of the scheme b) which businesses can apply for grants c) how to apply for grants d) what information the business must give in the application s) application deadline.

The announcement must also provide information about the that it can be set criteria to the business, and taken measures to check if the subsidy is used in accordance with the purpose.

section 7. Application for grants applications for grants for the addition of the aspirant passed Norwegian Cultural Council. The application should be signed and include: a) the presentation of business b) job description and work tasks for the aspirant position c) the name and qualifications of the artist business applying for grants for d) annual report for the business from last year s) VAT registration number, if it is f) bank account number for payment of grants.

A business may also apply for grants to hire an artist who is not named on the application time. Instead of the name and the qualifications of a particular artist must provide business what qualifications should have, the artist and the need to clarify how it will move forward to get the added an artist with these qualifications.
Norwegian culture Council sets out the deadline to apply for grants. Applications that are postmarked or delivered after the expiry of the deadline, are not considered without special attention requires.

section 8. Application processing Norwegian Cultural Council decides which businesses to get grants on the basis of a written recommendation. Norwegian culture Council determines whether the setting should be cast by the Administration at the Norwegian Cultural Council or of a Committee that is appointed by the Norwegian Cultural Council.
Setting to include those companies the Administration believe should get grants within the frame the permission set. In addition to that, to the extent that there are qualified businesses, listed a number of reserve candidates corresponding to one third of the set businesses. Reserve the candidates listed in order of priority. It is to be given a reason for the settings where the moments that have been determining should be noted.

§ 9. Routines for payout pay out Norwegian Arts Council grants to businesses in semi-annual installments.
The first installment is paid out when the Norwegian Cultural Council have received a written message that shows that the business has added the artist that is provided in the tilsagnet. The subsidy applies to an unnamed artist, the message must show that the business has added an artist with the qualifications that were provided in tilsagnet.
Later installments will be paid out at the request of the business. Together with the request, the business must send a notarized and signed report that shows how much the business has paid and how much it might owe in salary, vacation pay and the employer fee for the prospect the last term. Any excess is going to deduct in the next term.

§ 10. Disappearance of grants If the businesses do not get added to the artist it is sought for, the subsidy. The same is true when tilsagnet is true for an unnamed artist, and the business has not added an artist with the skills that are provided in the tilsagnet within the deadline given in the tilsagns letter. Norwegian culture Council in both of these cases can allocate the available funds after a new review of the incoming applications. The business that first got the tilsagnet, can ask to be included in this review to add a different artist.
If the prospect stops in the position before the grant period is over, the business ask for Norwegian culture Council consent to adding another artist in the position. If the Norwegian Cultural Council does not give such a consent or undertaking of other reasons not to add another artist, the subsidy for the remaining part of the grant period.

section 11. Refund of grants Grants that are not used for salaries, vacation pay and the employer fee for an aspirant when the grant period is over, the grant recipient to pay back to the Norwegian Cultural Council.

§ 12. Requirements for reporting from the grant recipient when the benefit period is over, the grant recipient to send Norwegian Cultural Council a certified and signed report that shows how the grant and aspirant position is used. The report must be in addition to the information mentioned in section 9, third paragraph, second sentence, provide information about which work the prospect has performed.

section 13. Norwegian culture Council complaint access decision can be appealed to the Ministry of culture. The complaint should be sent Norwegian Cultural Council. The Ministry of culture, according to the Decree of Kronprinsregentens 20. November 1987 No. 924 not overrule Norwegian culture Council decisions when it comes to the professional artistic discretion.

section 14. Control Norwegian Cultural Council, the Ministry of culture and the Auditor General can according to the Standing Committee on appropriations rules § 17 make sure that the grant be used after the prerequisites.
Norwegian Cultural Council, to verify that the received reports are signed and certified, and that the funds are utilized in accordance with the conditions.
Norwegian culture Council can make random sampling to try the data that forms the basis of the submitted reports.

section 15. Response forms If it turns out that a the grant recipient has given incorrect information or that the subsidy is not used in accordance with the provisions, the Ministry of culture or the Norwegian Cultural Council require all or part of the grant be refunded.

section 16. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force immediately.