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Regulation On The Animal Health Conditions For Import And Export Of Sperm, Eggs And Embryos From Certain Animal Species

Original Language Title: Forskrift om dyrehelsemessige betingelser for import og eksport av sæd, egg og embryoer fra visse dyrearter

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Regulation on the animal health conditions for import and export of sperm, eggs and embryos from certain animal species Date-1998-12-31-1477 Ministry the Ministry of agriculture and food published in 1998 2464 entry into force 01.01.1999 last edited by-2016-02-08-121 Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-2003-12-19-124-section 5, law-2003-12-19-124-section 7, law-2003-12-19-124-section 8, law-2003-12-19-124-§ 9, law-2003-12-19-124-section 10, law-2003-12-19-124-section 11, law-2003-12-19-124-section 12, law-2003-12-19-124-section 13, law-2003-12-19-124-section 15, law-2003-12-19-124-section 19, law-2003-12-19-124-section 23, law-2003-12-19-124-section 33, FOR-2003-12-19-1790 , FOR-2004-05-05-884 Announced Directed 22.09.2015 (EEA henvisningsfeltet).

Short title regulations on trade with mv Overview: dyresæd Chapter chapter in, scope. purpose and definitions (sections 1-3) chapter II Conditions for import and export within the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA (§ § 4-14) chapter III. Conditions for imports from third States (§ § 15-21) chapter IV. Final provisions (§ § 22-27) Appendix a. health certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of semen from animals of the horse family Attachment B. Health Certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family Attachment c. health certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat Attachment D. Health Certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat Appendix E. Health Certificate models to use by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from swine Appendix F. list of third States and areas in the third States from which import of sperm, egg cells and embryos from animals of the horse family is allowed Appendix G. Health Certificate models for use by imports from third States of semen from animals of the horse family Attachment H. Health Certificate models for use by imports from third States of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family attachment in. list of third States and areas in the third States from which imports of semen from sheep and goat are allowed Attachment J. Health Certificate models for use by imports from third States of sperm from sheep and goat Attachment K. list of third States and areas in the third States from which the import of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat are allowed Attachment L. Health certificate model to use when importing from third States of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat Attachments m. transitional model for health certificate to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat as is aggregated in the EU remit ...
Attachment N. Transitional model for health certificate to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat that is oppsaml ...
Appendix O. Transitional model of health certificate for imports from third States of sperm from sheep and goat sent from approved sædstasjo ...
Attachment P. Transitional model of health certificate which should accompany by imports from third States of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat Attachment Q. Transformation of the annex D to Directive 92/65/EEC, as amended by Regulation (EC) No. 176/2010 and Regulation (EU) No. 846/2014 Title: set by the Ministry of agriculture (now the Ministry of agriculture and food) 31. December 1998 with authorization in law 19. December 2003 No. 124 on food production and food safety, etc. (matloven) section 5, section 7, section 8, section 9, section 10, section 11, section 12, § 13, § 15, § 19, section 23 third paragraph and section 33, cf. the delegation decision 19. December 2003 No. 1790. Added title: the delegation decision 5. May 2004 No. 884. the EEA Joint referrals: the EEA Agreement attachment in chap. In the introductory part No. 7 (decision 2004/211/EC, last amended by decision (EU) 2015/1009), decision 2008/636/EC, decision 2010/471/EC (as amended by decision (EU) 2015/261), decision 2010/472/EC (as amended by decision 2012/411/EC, decision 2013/470/EC and decision 2014/802/EU), part 4.1 Nr. 9 and part 8.1 Nr. 15 (Directive 92/65/EEC as amended by Directive 2008/73/EC (as amended by decision 2009/436/EC), Regulation (EU) No 176/2010 and Regulation (EU) No. 846/2014), part 4.2 No. 69 (decision 2004/205/EC) and part 4.2 No. 93 and initial part No. 7 (decision 2010/470/EC as amended by decision 2013/470/EC, decision 2014/802/EC and decision (EU) 2015/261).
Changes: modified by regulations 9 jan 2004 Nr. 86, 9 June 2004 No. 831, 14 feb 2007 Nr. 165, 2 Oct 2008 Nr. 1082, 22 Oct 2008 Nr. 1135, 11 sep 2009 Nr. 1198, 25 June 2010 No. 1053, 1 July 2010 No. 1074, 25 aug 2010 No. 1217, 7 Oct 2010 No. 1327, 20 Dec 2010 No. 1751, 6 May 2011 No. 464, July 2, 2011 No. 759, 8 aug 2011 No. 812, 19 sep 2011 No. 938, 20 Oct 2011 No. 1049, 4 Oct 2012 No. 942, 19 des 2012 No. 1348, 26 april 2013 No. 417, 23 Oct 2014 Nr. 1320, 24 Oct 2014 Nr. 1334, 26 feb 2015 Nr. 157, 22 June 2015 Nr. 763, 30 June 2015 Nr. 812, 8 feb 2016 Nr. 121. Corrections: 01.08.2011 (Decree 176/2010 attachment), 22.09.2015 (EEA henvisningsfeltet).

Chapter I, scope. purpose and definitions section 1. Purpose the purpose of this regulation is to ensure animal health by preventing the spread of infectious diseases in connection with import and export of sperm, egg cells and embryos.

§ 2. Scope the regulation applies to imports and exports within the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA, as well as imports from third States of sperm, egg cells and embryos from sheep and goat, egg cells and embryos from animals of suidae and sperm, egg cells and embryos from animals of the horse family.

§ 3. Definitions in this regulation is meant by: a) operational unit: a business where it regularly held, farmed or traded animals.

b) Embryos: the first step in the development of an individual after fertilization of the egg, while it is suitable for transfer to the recipient animals.

c) Third: Land that is neither a member of the European Union (EU) or through the EEA Agreement have entered into an agreement with the European Union on trade of semen, eggs and embryos.

Chapter II Conditions for import and export within the EEA, section 4. Authorized drive veterinary the veterinary authorization given by the Norwegian food safety authority according to law 15. June 2001 No. 75 of veterinarians and other animal health professionals section 9 cf.. section 4 is authorized to work as a drive veterinary on semen drives and sædlagre covered by this chapter.
The who owns or runs a sperm drive or a sædlager to keep the Norwegian food safety authority informed of who is the drive the vet by the business.

§ 5. Conditions for import and export of sperm from sheep and goat that is accumulated, processed and stored in the European Union after 31. August 2010 or in Norway after 1. July 2011 Import and export within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat that is accumulated, processed and stored in the European Union after 31. August 2010 or in Norway after 1. July 2011, is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the sperm should be aggregated, processed and stored in a sperm drive or a sædlager approved by the competent authority of that State according to the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter in, given a veterinary registration number and listed on a list made public by the competent authority. Alternatively, the semen from sheep and goat be aggregated, processed and stored on an operational unit that meets the requirements of regulations 14. March 2005 Nr. 232 on animal health conditions for importation and the exit point of the flock.

b) Semen should be aggregated from animals that match the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter II.

c) Semen should be aggregated, processed, preserved, stored and transported in accordance with the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter III.

d) the sperm should be followed by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of section 12 letter a or the letter c.

Section 5a. Conditions for import and export of semen from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored in the European Union after 30. September 2014 or in Norway after 25. February 2015 the Import and export within the EEA of semen from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored in the European Union after 30. September 2014 or in Norway after 25. February 2015, is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the sperm should be aggregated, processed and stored in a sperm drive or a sædlager approved by the competent authority of that State according to the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter in, given a veterinary registration number and listed on a list made public by the competent authority.

b) Semen should be aggregated from animals that match the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter II.

c) Semen should be aggregated, processed, preserved, stored and transported in accordance with the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter III.

d) the sperm should be followed by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of § 10 letter a or the letter d.

section 6. Conditions for import and export of sperm from sheep and goat that is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011 Import and export of semen from sheep and goat that is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011, is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the sperm should be aggregated, processed and stored in accordance with the terms and conditions that applied in the European Union before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011 and as follows of the health certificate in letter c.

b) Semen should be aggregated, processed and stored for 1. May 2004 if it comes from land that from then on was the EEA States.

c) Semen is to be followed by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of section 12 letter b or the letter c.

Section 6a. Conditions for import and export of semen from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU before 1. October 2014 or in Norway before 26. February 2015 the Import and export of semen from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU between 31. August 2010 and 1. October 2014 or in Norway between 1. July 2011 and 26. February 2015, is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the sperm should be aggregated, processed and stored in accordance with the terms and conditions that applied in the EU and Norway in that time period and that of the health certificate included in letter b.

b) Semen is to be followed by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of § 10 letter b or the letter d.

Import and export of semen from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011, is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the sperm should be aggregated, processed and stored in accordance with the terms and conditions that applied in the European Union before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011 and as follows of the health certificate in letter c.

b) Semen should be aggregated, processed and stored for 1. May 2004 if it comes from land that from then on was the EEA States.

c) Semen is to be followed by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of § 10 letter c or letter d.

section 7. Conditions for import and export of eggs and embryos from swine, sheep and goat, which is staged or manufactured after 31. August 2010 Import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from swine, sheep and goat, which is staged or manufactured after 31. August 2010 is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the eggs or embryos shall be collected from the donordyr that meets the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter IV.

b) Eggs or embryos shall be collected by a collecting embryos group or produced by an embryo production group that is approved by the competent authority of that State according to the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter in, given a veterinary registration number and listed on a list made public by the competent authority.

c) Eggs or embryos should be aggregated, processed and preserved in an appropriate laboratory and stored and transported in accordance with the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter III.

d) Eggs or embryos should be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of section 13 letter a or section 14 letter a.

Section 7a. Conditions for import and export of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family that are aggregated or produced after 30. September 2014 within Import and export of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family that are aggregated or produced after 30. September 2014 is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the eggs or embryos shall be collected from the donordyr that meets the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter IV.

b) Eggs or embryos shall be collected by a collecting embryos group or produced by an embryo production group that is approved by the competent authority of that State according to the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter in, given a veterinary registration number and listed on a list made public by the competent authority.

c) Eggs or embryos should be aggregated, processed and preserved in an appropriate laboratory and stored and transported in accordance with the criteria in Appendix Q, cf.. Directive 92/65/EEC Annex D chapter III.

d) Eggs or embryos should be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of section 11 letter a.

section 8. Conditions for import and export of eggs and embryos from swine, sheep and goat, which is staged or manufactured before 1. September 2010 Import and export of eggs and embryos from swine, sheep and goat, which is accumulated, processed and stored before 1. September 2010 is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the eggs or embryos should be aggregated, processed and stored in accordance with the terms and conditions that applied in the European Union before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011 and as follows of the health certificate in letter c.

b) Eggs or embryos should be aggregated, processed and stored for 1. May 2004 if they originate from countries which from then on was the EEA States.

c) Eggs or embryos should be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of section 13 the letter b or section 14 letter b.

§ 8a. Conditions for import and export of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family that are aggregated or manufactured before 1. October 2014 Import and export of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored between 31. August 2010 and 1. October 2014, is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the eggs or embryos should be aggregated, processed and stored according to the terms that were in effect during this time and as follows of the health certificate in the letter b.

b) Eggs or embryos should be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of section 11 letter b.

Import and export of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored before 1. September, 2010, is only permitted on the following conditions: a) the eggs or embryos should be aggregated, processed and stored in accordance with the terms and conditions that applied in the European Union before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011 and as follows of the health certificate in letter c.

b) Eggs or embryos should be aggregated, processed and stored for 1. May 2004 if they originate from countries which from then on was the EEA States.

c) Eggs or embryos should be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the requirements of section 11 letter c.

§ 9. (Repealed) § 10. Requirements for health certificate for semen from animals of the horse family by import and export within the EEA of semen from animals of the horse family to be the shipment is accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the model shown in: a) Appendix A part A, if the sperm is aggregated in the EU after 30. September 2014 or in Norway after 25. February 2015 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from, b) Appendix A part B, if the sperm is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU between 31. August 2010 and 1. October 2014 or in Norway between 1. July 2011 and 26. February 2015 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from, c) Appendix A part C, if the sperm is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from, or d) Appendix A part D, if the sperm is sent from an approved sædlager.

section 11. Requirements for health certificate for eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family to be the shipment is accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the model shown in: a) Appendix B part A if the eggs or embryos are aggregated or produced after 30. September 2014 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from, b) Appendix B part B, if the eggs or embryos are aggregated, processed and stored between 31. August 2010 and 1. October 2014 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from, or c) Appendix B part C, if the eggs or embryos are aggregated, processed and stored before 1. September 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team as the eggs or embryos derived from.

§ 12. Requirements for health certificate for semen of sheep and goat on import and export within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat should the shipment be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the model shown in: a) Appendix C part A, if the sperm is aggregated in the EU after 31. August 2010 or in Norway after 1. July 2011 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from, b) Appendix C part B, if the sperm is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from, or c) Appendix C part C, if the sperm is sent from an approved sædlager.

section 13. Requirements for health certificate for eggs and embryos from sheep and goat on import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat should the shipment be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the model shown in: a) Appendix D part A, if the eggs or embryos are aggregated or manufactured after 31. August 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from, or b) Appendix D part B, if the eggs or embryos are aggregated, processed and stored before 1. September 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team as the eggs or embryos derived from.

section 14. Requirements for health certificate for eggs and embryos from the swine By import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from swine to the shipment is accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the model shown in: a) Appendix E part A, if the eggs or embryos are aggregated or manufactured after 31. August 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from, or b) Appendix E section B, if the eggs or embryos are aggregated, processed and stored before 1. September 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team as the eggs or embryos derived from.

The reference in the health certificate models to the specific conditions of Aujeszkys disease in Commission decision 2008/185/EC also applies to Norway, cf. ESA decision 160/10/COL.

Chapter III. Conditions for imports from third States

section 15. Conditions for the importation of semen from animals of the horse family imports from third States of semen from animals of the horse family is only permitted if the following conditions are true: a) the semen will come from a third, or an area of a third, as well as from a category of animals of the horse family, which it according to Appendix F is allowed to import from.

b) Semen will come from a semen station or sædlager that are approved by the competent authority tredjestats and listed on a list that is published by the European Commission and published on the Food Authority's internet site.

c) Semen is to be followed by a health certificate that is prepared by one of the following models shown in Appendix G part 2 and completed in accordance with the explanation in Appendix G part 1:1.
Model 1 in paragraph A, if the sperm is staged after 30. September 2014 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from.

2. Model 2 in section B, if the sperm is accumulated, processed and stored between 31. August 2010 and 1. October 2014, and sent after 31. August 2010 from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from.

3. Model 3 in section C, if the sperm is accumulated, processed and stored before 1. September, 2010, and sent after 31. August 2010 from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from.

4. Model 4 in section D, if the sperm is sent from an approved sædlager.

d) to fulfill animal Semen the health conditions that are set out in the respective model health certificate referred to in letter c.

section 16. Conditions for import of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family imports from third States of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family is only permitted if the following conditions are true: a) the eggs or embryos is going to come from a third, or an area of a third that is listed on the list in Appendix F.

b) Eggs or embryos is going to come from an embryo collection team or an embryo production team approved by the competent authority tredjestats and listed on a list that is published by the European Commission and published on the Food Authority's internet site.

c) Eggs or embryos should be accompanied by a health certificate that is prepared by one of the following models shown in Appendix H part 2 and completed in accordance with the explanation in Appendix H part 1:1.
Model 1 in section A if the eggs or embryos are aggregated or produced after 30. September 2014 and sent from the approved embryo collection or embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from.

2. Model 2 in section B if the eggs or embryos are aggregated, processed and stored between 31. August 2010 and 1. October 2014, and sent after 31. August 2010 from the approved embryo collection or embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from.

d) Eggs or embryos to fulfill the expensive health conditions that are set out in the respective model health certificate referred to in letter c.

§ 17. The transport of sperm, eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family shipments from third States of sperm, eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family to be not be transported in the same container that shipments of sperm, eggs and embryos not intended for import to the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA or have poorer health status.
During transport to the EEA to shipments from third States of sperm, eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family are stored in closed and sealed containers and plomben should not be broken during transit.

§ 18. Conditions for the importation of semen from sheep and goat imports from third States of sperm from sheep and goat is only permitted if the following conditions are true: a) the semen will be from a third, or an area of a third that is listed on the list in Annex i.

b) Semen will come from a semen station or sædlager that are approved by the competent authority tredjestats and listed on a list that is published by the European Commission and published on the Food Authority's internet site.

c) Semen is to be followed by a health certificate that is prepared by one of the following models shown in annex J and completed in accordance with the explanation in Appendix J part 3:1.
Standard certificate in Appendix J part 1, if the sperm are aggregated and sent from an approved semen station.

2. Standard certificate in Appendix J part 2, if the sperm is sent from an approved sædlager.

d) to fulfill animal Semen the health conditions that are set out in the respective model health certificate referred to in letter c.

§ 19. Conditions for import of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat imports from third States of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat is only permitted if the following conditions are true: a) the eggs or embryos is going to come from a third, or an area of a third that is listed on the list in Appendix K.

b) Eggs or embryos is going to come from an embryo collection team or an embryo production team approved by the competent authority tredjestats and listed on a list that is published by the European Commission and published on the Food Authority's internet site.

c) Eggs or embryos should be accompanied by a health certificate that is prepared for the model shown in Annex L part 1 and completed in accordance with the explanation in Appendix L part 2.

d) Eggs or embryos to fulfill the expensive health conditions that are set out in the model health certificate referred to in letter c.

section 20. The transport of sperm, eggs and embryos from sheep and goat shipments from third States of sperm, eggs and embryos from sheep and goat shall not be transported in the same container that shipments of sperm, eggs and embryos not intended for import to the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA or have poorer health status.
During transport to the EEA to shipments from third States of sperm, eggs and embryos from sheep and goat are stored in closed and sealed containers and plomben should not be broken during transit.

§ 21. Conditions for import of eggs and embryos from animals of raggare eggs and embryos from animals of swine family can only be imported from third as it is allowed to import from rånesæd, jf. regulations 17. July 2003 No. 972 about animal health conditions for the production, import, export and use of rånesæd.
The eggs or embryos is going to come from the embryo collection team or embryo production group that is approved by the national competent authority and listed on a list made public by the European Commission.
The eggs or embryos should meet at least the animal health conditions for import and export of eggs and embryos from animals of swine family within the EEA. CF. Chapter II.
The eggs and the embryos are to be followed by health certificate signed by a competent authority in the exporting country. The health certificate should be in accordance with a model drawn up or approved by the Central Norwegian food safety authority.

Chapter IV. Final provisions § 22. Supervision and decision the FSA supervises and can make the necessary individual decisions, cf. matloven § 23 to achieve compliance with the provisions given in or pursuant to this regulation. Norwegian food safety authority can also make individual decisions according to the matloven section 24 to section 26.
Authorized stations and groups are assigned to a veterinary registration number.
On import and export of sperm, eggs and embryos comes the current provisions on the supervision and control of the application. 1 § 23. Expenses All expenses associated with the import and export of sperm, eggs and embryos is the public.

section 24. Exemption the FSA can in special cases, the provisions of this dispense from these regulations, provided that it will not run counter to Norway's international obligations, including the EEA Agreement.

§ 25. Safety regulations the FDA may on short notice and without compensation for the importer or exporter to stop the import or export of sperm, eggs or embryos if special conditions regarding the sending country's animal health situation or other factors would suggest it.

§ 26. Punishment intentionally or negligent violation of this regulation or the regulations and decisions given in pursuance of it, are punishable according to matloven § 28.

§ 27. Entry into force and transitional arrangements this regulation takes effect 1. January 1999.
Through 31. December 2014 import and export is allowed within the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA of breeding material from sheep and goat that is accumulated, processed and stored before 31. December 2013, when it is followed by the health certificate in accordance with a) the model shown in Appendix M for sperm b) the model shown in Annex N for eggs and embryos.

Through 31. December 2014 allowed imports from third States of the breeding material from sheep and goat that is accumulated, processed and stored before 31. December 2013, when it is followed by the health certificate in accordance with a) the model shown in Appendix O of sperm b) the model shown in Appendix P for eggs and embryos.

Appendix a. health certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of semen from animals of the horse family part A: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of semen from animals of the horse family that is accumulated in the EU after 30. September 2014 or in Norway after 25. February 2015 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from click here to read part A: part B: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of semen from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU between 31. August 2010 and 1. October 2014 or in Norway between 1. July 2011 and 26. February 2015 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from click here to read part B: part C: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of semen from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from click here to read part C: part d: Health certificate to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of semen from animals of the horse family that is sent from an approved sædlager

Click here to read part D: Attachment B. Health Certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family part A: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family that are aggregated or produced after 30. September 2014 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from click here to read part A: part B: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored between 31. August 2010 and 1. October 2014 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from click here to read part B: part C: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family that is accumulated, processed and stored before 1. September 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team as the eggs or embryos derived from click here to read part C: Appendix c. health certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat part A: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat that is accumulated in the EU after 31. August 2010 or in Norway after 1. July 2011 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from click here to read part A: part B: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat that is accumulated, processed and stored in the EU before 1. September 2010 or in Norway before 2. July 2011, but sent after these dates from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from click here to read part B: part C: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat that is sent from an approved sædlager click here to read part C: Attachment D. Health Certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat part A : Health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat that are aggregated or manufactured after 31. August 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from click here to read part A: part B: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat that is accumulated, processed and stored before 1. September 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team as the eggs or embryos derived from click here to read part B: Appendix E. Health Certificate models to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of eggs and embryos from swine part A: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from swine that are aggregated or manufactured after 31. August 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from click here to read part A: part B: health certificate for use by import and export within the EEA of eggs and embryos from swine that is accumulated, processed and stored before 1. September 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team as the eggs or embryos derived from click here to read part B: Appendix F. list of third States and areas in the third States from which import of sperm, egg cells and embryos from animals of the horse family is allowed to read the attachment, see here: Appendix G. Health Certificate models for use by imports from third States of semen from animals of the horse family to read Appendix G see here : Appendix H. Health Certificate models for use by imports from third States of eggs and embryos from animals of the horse family to read Appendix H see here: attachment in. list of third States and areas in the third States from which imports of semen from sheep and goat are allowed to read the attachments to see here: Appendix J. Health Certificate models for use by imports from third States of sperm from sheep and goat part 1. The model of health certificate which should accompany by imports from third States of sperm from sheep and goat that is sent from the approved semen station to read the Appendix J part 1 see here: part 2. The model of health certificate which should accompany by imports from third States of sperm from sheep and goat sent from approved sædlager to read Appendix J part 2 see here: part 3. Explanation to the padding of the health certificate to read Appendix J part 3 see here: Attachment K. list of third States and areas in the third States from which the import of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat are allowed to read the attachments K see here: Appendix L. Health certificate model to use when importing from third States of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat part 1. The model of health certificate which should accompany by imports from third States of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat to read attachments L part 1 see here: part 2. Explanation to the padding of the health certificate to read attachments L part 2 see here: Attachments m. transitional model for health certificate to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of sperm from sheep and goat that is accumulated in the EU after 31. August 2010 or in Norway after 1. July 2011 and sent from the approved semen drive that sperm originates from Press here to read attachments: Appendix M n. transitional model for health certificate to use when importing and exporting within the EEA of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat that are aggregated or manufactured after 31. August 2010 and sent from the approved embryo collection team or the approved embryo production group as the eggs or embryos derived from Press here to read attachments N: Appendix O. Transitional model of health certificate for imports from third States of sperm from sheep and goat that is sent from the approved semen station click here to read the attachment O: Attachment P. Transitional model of health certificate which should accompany by imports from third States of eggs and embryos from sheep and goat press to read attachments: Appendix P Q. Transformation of the annex D to Directive 92/65/EEC, as amended by Regulation (EC) No. 176/2010 and Regulation (EU) No. 846/2014 Press here to read the attachment Q: