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Regulations On Pressure Equipment

Original Language Title: Forskrift om trykkpåkjent utstyr

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Regulations on pressure equipment the date of-1999-06-09-721 Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of emergency, labour and Social Affairs Published Avd in 1999 1675 (Appendix 2) FOR the entry into force last modified 29.11.1999-2016-07-15-937 from 19.07.2016 Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-1971-05-21-47-section 1, law-1971-05-21-47-section 6, law-1971-05-21-47-section 37, LAW-1996-11-29-72-section 10-18, LAW-1996-11-29-72-section 12-1, law-2002-06-14-20-section 26, law-2002-06-14-20-section 43, law-2002-06-14-20-section 44, FOR-2002-05-23-770,-2002-06-26-728, FOR-2003-09-01-1161, FOR-2010-02-12-158-section 68 Announced short title regulations on pressure equipment Chapter overview : Preface Chapter 1. Introductory provisions (§§ 1-3) Chapter 2. General provisions (sections 4-8) Chapter 3. Technical provisions (§ § 9-18) Chapter 4. Free turnover (section 19) Chapter 5. Guess about compliance (section 20) Chapter 6. Classification of pressure equipment (sections 21-23) Chapter 7. Reclassification of pressure equipment (section 24) Chapter 8. Compliance assessment (§ § 25-28) Chapter 9. European approval of materials (section 29) Chapter 10. Technical control body (§ 30) Chapter 11. Third-party authority (section 31) Chapter 12. Use the inspektorat (§ 32) Chapter 13. CE marking (section 33) Chapter 14. Designation of conformity assessment bodies by Directive 68/2014/EU (§ § 34-40) Annex 1. Basic requirements Appendix 2. (Repealed)
Appendix 3. (Repealed)
Appendix 4. (Repealed)
Appendix 5. (Repealed)
Attachment 6. CE marking Attachment 7. Declaration of Attachment 8. Pressure equipment exempted from the provisions of the forskriftens Attachment 9. Charts for the compliance assessment Appendix 10. Procedures for conformity assessment Authority: established by the Directorate for fire and explosion protection (now the Directorate for civil protection and emergency preparedness) and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (now PSA) 9. June 1999 under the legal authority of the law of 21. May 1971 No. 47 on flammable goods as well as fluids and gases under pressure § 1 the fifth paragraph, section 6, second paragraph and section 37 the first paragraph, as well as local government and the Ministry's delegation decision of 20. March 1981 and 1. July 1994, and the regulations of 27. June 1997 No. 649 about safety in the petroleum section 6, third paragraph, cf.. § 4 No. 3. Local government and the Ministry's delegation decision of 28. June 1985 No.. 1419, cf. law of 29. November 1996 No. 72 if petroleum activities § 10-18 and section 11-1 last paragraph.
Added legal authority: law of 14. June 2002 No. 20 on the protection against fire, explosion and accidents with dangerous drug and whether the fire department rescue tasks (fire-and explosion protection Act) section 26, section 43 letter b, cf. § 44, jf. the delegation decision of 23. May 2002 No. 770 and the delegation decision of 26. June 2002 No. 728. The delegation decision 1. September 2003 Nr. 1161. The regulations 12. February 2010 No. 158 on health, environment and safety in the petroleum and on some onshore facilities (border regulations) section 68 first paragraph, LITRA b. Eea referrals: the EEA Agreement-annex II, chap. VIII (Directive 1997/23/EC as amended by Directive 2014/68/EU), cf. EEA Joint Committee decision Nr. 84/15 of 30. April 2015.
Changes: modified by regulations 1 feb 2002 No. 127, 10 July 2002 No. 820, 15 sep 2015 Nr. 1053, 19 april 2016 Nr. 397, 15 July 2016 Nr. 937. The preface as a result of the EEA Agreement, Norway has committed itself to customize parts of his legislation to the European directives. Regulations on pressure equipment is prepared with a background in the European Parliament-and Rdir. 97/23/EC on pressure equipment. The directive came into force 29. May 1997, with a transitional until 29. May 2002. These times means that Norway recognizes the existing arrangements in parallel with the new regulations, up to 29. May 2002.
The regulations are set out in pursuance of the law of 21. May 1971 No. 47 on flammable goods as well as fluids and gases under pressure (which is managed by the Directorate for fire and electrical safety) and the regulation of 27. June 1997 No. 649 about safety in the petroleum (which is managed by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate).
The purpose of these regulations is to ensure that the pressure equipment is constructed and produced so that the damage to the life, health, the environment and material values does not occur. By adjustment to the EU directive are maintained also the consideration of that same security requirements be set throughout the European economic area (known as the "EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA", and referred to as the EEA of these regulations).
The regulations will ensure the free supply of pressure equipment within the European economic area. This means that the pressure equipment which has been designed and manufactured in Norway according to forskriftens requirements, can be traded throughout the European economic area. Furthermore, it means that such equipment that is designed and manufactured in another EEA-countries-and that can legally be traded in that country also can be traded in Norway.
The regulation is limited to include construction, manufacturing, marketing and first-time commissioning. The dishes themselves, therefore, against manufacturers, importers, suppliers and other retailers. Use and maintenance of the pressure equipment covered accordingly not by regulation.
The regulation contains the following attachments that are parts of the Regulation (cf. section 2): Appendix 1: basic requirements Appendix 2: Compliance assessment (diagrams) 1 Appendix 3: Procedures for conformity assessment Appendix 4: the minimum criteria for the designation of technical control body (cf. section 31) and the approval of the third-party authority (cf. § 32) Appendix 5: criteria for the authorization of the user inspektorater (cf. § 32) Appendix 6: CE marking Attachment 7: Declaration of Attachment 8: pressure equipment exempted from the forskriftens provisions.
The regulation is mainly made up of function requirements limited to the requirements stated in the directive. This involves a certain amount of freedom to the choice of technical solutions under the assumption that the basic security requirements are met. It is optional to use the standards, but it is recommended to use harmonised standards where such exists, as forskriftens basic security requirements are assumed fulfilled by the use of such standards.
In the forskriftens Chapter 3 is it set out the compliance and certification procedures which require the use of technical control agencies. One need not use a Norwegian technical control body, but can choose from technical control bodies within the European economic area. A Norwegian technical control body is, however, bound by the provisions of this regulation. Other countries in the European economic area will have corresponding provisions for its technical control bodies. The same applies for approved third-party bodies and authorized use inspektorater, see Chapter 11 and 12.
The Directorate for fire and electrical safety is considering whether a body meets the established criteria and give any recommendation. The Ministry then designates the technical control bodies in Norway. When it comes to bodies in other countries in the European economic area may be appointed by the authority of these lands. Designated technical control bodies shall be reported to the EFTA/EU in line with the EEA Agreement, so that international acceptance is achieved. It will be shown by the way to the law of 16. July 1994 no. 20 on technical control body whose task is to implement the samsvarsvurderingar under the EEA Agreement.
The Commission's "blue book" (Guide to the Implementation of Directives based on New Approach and Global Approach), elaborates on some of the themes covered by the regulation.

Chapter 1. Initial provisions § 1. Purpose the regulation should ensure that the pressure equipment and devices on first commissioning is in proper condition and thereby prevent damage to the life, health and material values.

§ 2. Scope the regulation applies to the pressure equipment and devices (cf. the definitions in section 3) for an allowed maximum pressure ps of over 0.5 bar, and that is constructed, manufactured, marketed and put into operation the first time.
The regulation also applies in the petroleum business at sea in areas such as mentioned in regulation 27. June 1997 No. 649 about safety in the petroleum section 2, with the exception of this paragraph, fourth paragraph, cf.. attachment 8.
All Annex 1-8 is part of the regulations. 1 pressure equipment and devices that are exempt from the provisions of the forskriftens stated in the attachment 8.
The regulation does not apply on Svalbard.

§ 3. Definition and explanation of the regulations the following expressions shall be understood as follows: Pressure equipment directive equipment: containers, piping systems, security accessories and other pressure accessories.
Pressure equipment also includes any components that are attached to the påkjente press parts, such as flanges, pruning, links, understøttelser, lift the ears and more container: A trykkrom designed and built for the storage of fluids under pressure, including fi xed parts back to the connection point for other equipment. A container can consist of more than one trykkrom.
Pipe system: Interconnecting piping components for the transport of fluids under pressure. Pipe systems include pipe or system of tubes, pipelines, pipe accessories, expansion bellows, hoses and any other press påkjente components.
Heat exchangers consisting of tubes for cooling or heating of the air to be considered as tubes system.
Security Accessories: Devices designed to protect pressure equipment against the allowable limits overbudget. The accessories include:-devices for direct pressure limitation, such as safety valves, sprengskiver, break spells, control systems for pressure relief (CSPRS), and limit switches that enable a corrective function, or that provides stop and/or shut-off, such as pressure, temperature or nivåbrytere and "security-related measure, control and regulating devices (SRMCR)."

Pressure Accessories: operating device with trykkrom.
Device: Press påkjente components manufacturer have fitted together to an integrated and functional whole.
Press: Trapping in relation to the atmospheric pressure. Suppress quotes therefore with negative value.
Allowed maximum pressure (ps): the manufacturer's specification of the maximum pressure that the equipment is designed for.

Pressure is specified at a place that the manufacturer has determined. This must be where security accessory is mounted, or on the upper part of the equipment, or-if these places are not appropriate-any other specified location.
Allowed maximum-/minimaltemperatur (ts): the manufacturer's specification of the maximum/minimum temperature which the equipment is designed for.
Volume (V): the internal volume of a trykkrom, including the volume of pruning back to first join, but excluding the volume of permanent internal components.
Nominal diameter (DN): a numerical indication of the diameter (in mm) that are common to all components in a piping system, but from components that are indicated by outside diameters or gjengedimensjon. It is a rounded number that can be used as a reference, but that is not identical with the drawing target manufacturer using. The nominal diameter is specified as a DN, followed by the rounded number.
Fluids: Gases, liquids and vapours in pure State, and mixtures of these. A can contain fluidum fixed party dress the pure oppslemming of solids.
Permanent joins: joins that can only be separated by destructive methods.
European approval of materials: a technical document that defines the properties of materials to be used for the manufacture of pressure equipment which are not covered by a harmonised standard.

Chapter 2. General provisions § 4. Duty subject anyone who designs, manufactures, imports, marketer or a turnover put in operation pressure equipment covered by these regulations must abide by this.
Forskriftens requirements also apply to technical control bodies, use inspektorater and third-party bodies when they carry out the compliance and certification procedures according to regulations.

§ 5. Supervisory authority The agencies that administers the laws of oversees observance of this regulation, and can make the necessary decisions and to set criteria to enforce regulations within their respective regulatory areas.
The Directorate for fire and electrical safety to conduct the practical coordination of supervision of the regulations.

section 6. Complaint Resolutions hit by the Agency which administers a of law may be appealed to the Ministry.
The decision hit by technical control bodies and exercising delegated authority can be appealed to the Directorate for fire and electrical safety.

section 7. Penalty, procedures, enforcement By violating the regulation, or decision struck in pursuance of this, the provisions relating to penalties, procedures and enforcement in chap. 7 of the law of 21. May 1971 No. 47 on flammable goods as well as fluids and gases under pressure and kap. 10 of the law of 29. November 1996 No. 72 of the petroleum business, corresponding to the application.

section 8. Entry into force and transitional provisions the regulation enters into force 29. November 1999.
From the same time repealed all provisions on pressure vessels that are given pursuant to article 22 in Rdir. 76/767/EEC on pressure vessels and methods for inspecting them, and that is in violation of this regulation.
Up to 29. May 2002 is accepted as an alternative to the requirements of this regulation the requirements that was current for pressure equipment by forskriftens entry into force. After 29. May 2002, it is not allowed to market pressure equipment and devices that are subject to this regulation unless such equipment meets requirements forskriftens, jf. section 20, but the equipment can still be put in operation after this date.
From 29. May 2002, repealed the provisions of the pressure equipment in the current regulations, which are covered by this regulation.

Chapter 3. Technical provisions § 9. Basic requirements pressure equipment referred to in sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 to meet the basic requirements as stated in Appendix 1.

§ 10. Containers cf. § 9.
Containers, except those stated in section 11, intended for a) gases, condensed gases, gases which are dissolved under pressure, vapours and liquids, also, that has a vapor pressure by the permissible maximum temperature that is above the normal 0.5 bar above atmospheric pressure (1.013 mbar) within the following limits:-for fluids in Group 1 (see § 22), with volume greater than 1 litre and the product ps · V greater than 25 bar · liters, or with a pressure ps greater than 200 bar (annex 9, diagram 1)-for fluids in Group 2 (see § 22), with volume greater than 1 litre and the product ps · V greater than 50 bar · liters, or with a pressure ps greater than 1 000 bar, and besides all extinguishers and bottles for breathing apparatus (annex 9, chart 2).

b) fluids that have a steam pressure by the permissible maximum temperature which is 0.5 bar or less over the normal atmospheric pressure (1.013 mbar) within the following limits:-for fluids in Group 1 (see § 22), with volume greater than 1 litre and the product ps · V greater than 200 bar · liters, or with a pressure ps greater than 500 bar (annex 9, diagram 3)-for fluids in Group 2 (see § 22), with greater than 10, press ps bar and the product ps · V greater than 10 000 bar · liters, or with a pressure ps greater than 1 000 bar (annex 9, chart 4).

section 11. Fired or otherwise heated pressure equipment cf. § 9.
Pressure equipment with a volume of over 2 liters, heated by burning wood or otherwise, which can be prone to overheating, intended for the production of steam or hetvann with temperature of 110 ° C, and all pressure cookers (annex 9, Chart 5).

§ 12. Piping systems cf. § 9.
Piping systems designed for a) gases, condensed gases, gases which are dissolved under pressure, vapours and liquids, also, that has a vapor pressure by the permissible maximum temperature that is above the normal 0.5 bar above atmospheric pressure (1.013 mbar) within the following limits:-for fluids in Group 1 (see § 22), with nominal diameter DN greater than 25 (annex 9, chart 6)-for fluids in Group 2 (see section 22) , with nominal diameter DN greater than 32 and the product ps · DN greater than 1,000 bar (Appendix 5, chart 7).

b) fluids that have a steam pressure by the permissible maximum temperature which is 0.5 bar or less over the normal atmospheric pressure (1.013 mbar) within the following limits:-for fluids in Group 1 (see § 22), with nominal diameter DN greater than 25 and the product ps · DN greater than 2 000 bar (annex 9, diagram 8)-for fluids in Group 2 (see § 22), with greater than 10, press ps bar, nominal diameter DN greater than 200 and the product ps DN greater than 5 000 bar (annex 9, chart 9).

section 13. Safety accessories and pressure accessories cf. § 9.
Accessories for the equipment referred to in sections 10, 11 and 12, regardless of whether such accessories are included in a device.

section 14. Units units defined in section 3, and that includes at least one pressure component of the equipment referred to in sections 10, 11, 12 and 13, and that is referred to in sections 15, 16 and 17, to meet the basic requirements as stated in Appendix 1.

section 15. Fired or otherwise heated units cf. section 14.
Devices that include at least one pressure component, heated by burning wood or otherwise, which can be prone to overheating, intended for the production of steam or hetvann with temperature of 110 ° C.

section 16. Other devices cf. section 14.
Devices that are not covered by section 15, if the manufacturer allows these be marketed and put to use.

§ 17. Exceptions to the basic requirements cf. § § 14 and 15.
Units heated by manual heating with solid fuel, intended for the production of hot water with a temperature of 110 ° C or lower, and where the product ps · V is greater than 50 bar · liter, should meet the basic requirements in the points 2.10, 2.11, 3.4, 5 (a) and 5 (b) in annex 1.

§ 18. Academic requirements where basic requirements do not apply pressure equipment and/or devices that do not exceed the limits specified in sections 10, 11, 12 and 14 shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with good engineering practice for safe use. It should be worked out adequate instruction manuals, and the equipment and/or units shall be marked in such a way that the manufacturer or its representative in the European economic area can be identified. The special CE-marking as discussed in chapter 13 must not be used.

Chapter 4. Free turnover section 19. Marketing and commissioning pressure equipment referred to in sections 1 and 2, and that meet the forskriftens provisions, can be marketed and put into operation on the manufacturer's terms and conditions, if the equipment is caused to the CE marking in accordance with Chapter 13, and thereby indicates that the equipment has been subject to a conformity assessment as mentioned in Chapter 8.
Pressure equipment according to § 18 can also be marketed and put into operation.
The supervisory authorities may require-to the extent that is considered necessary for safe and correct use of pressure equipment and devices-that the information stated in annex 1, point 3.3 and 3.4 will be in Norwegian.

Chapter 5. Guess about the compliance section 20. Fulfillment of basic requirements pressure equipment and devices that have CE marking according to chapter 13, and the Declaration referred to in annex 7, are considered to meet the forskriftens requirements, including the provisions relating to the compliance review in Chapter 8.
Pressure equipment and devices is deemed to meet the basic requirements as discussed in Chapter 3, if the equipment and the devices comply with the national standards applicable to them, and that implementing the requirements of the harmonised standards announced in the European communities official journal.

Chapter 6. Classification of pressure equipment § 21. Categories pressure equipment referred to in section 9 are classified in categories in accordance with Annex 9, the greater the risk, the higher the category.
In view of this classification is divided into two groups fluids according to § 22.

§ 22. Groups of fluids Group 1 includes substances and preparations as defined in regulations 16. June 2012 No. 622 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and preparations (CLP), cf. Article 2 No. 7 and 8 of Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008, and which is classified as dangerous according to the following risk classes for physical danger and damage to health given in Annex i part 2 and 3 in the regulation: a) unstable explosive goods or explosive items in Group 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 b) flammable gases, category 1 and 2 c) oxidizing gases category 1 d) flammable liquids, category 1 and 2 e) flammable liquids , category 3, where the permissible maximum temperature is higher than the flash point f) flammable solids, category 1 and 2 g) self reactive substances and substance mixtures, type A-F h) pyrofore liquids, category 1 in) pyrofore solids, category 1 j) substances and preparations which on contact with water is developing flammable gases, category 1, 2 and 3 k) oxidizing liquids, category 1, 2 and 3 l) oxidizing solids , category 1, 2 and 3 m) organic peroxides, type A-F n) acute oral toxicity, category 1 and 2 o) acute toxicity by skin contact, category 1 and 2 p) acute toxicity by inhalation, category 1, 2 and 3 q) specific målorgantoksisitet (single exposure), the category 1.

Group 1 also includes the substances and preparations that are contained in the pressure equipment directive equipment, which allowed the maximum temperature (TS) exceeds the fluidets flash point.
Group 2 comprises all other fluids than those mentioned above.

§ 23. Container with multiple trykkrom Consists a container of more trykkrom, the entire container classified by the trykkrom that has the highest category. If a trykkrom contains several fluids, be classified press room after the fluidum which has the highest category.

Chapter 7. Reclassification of pressure equipment section 24. Reclassifying for security reasons If there are very weighty security reasons-that the pressure equipment or a group of pressure equipment covered by section 18, instead, covered by section 9, or-that the devices or a group of devices that are covered by section 18, instead, covered by section 14, or-that the pressure equipment or a group of pressure equipment as an exception from the provisions in annex 9, should be classified in a different category , this request can be sent by the Member States regulatory authority.

Chapter 8. The compliance assessment § 25. Procedures Before pressure equipment marketed, the manufacturer shall submit to each equipment one of the procedures for conformity assessment as stated in the annex 10, and after the terms of this chapter.
The procedures for conformity assessment which are to be used by the CE-marking of pressure equipment, depends on the category as the equipment is classified in, cf. Chapter 6.
The procedures for conformity assessment for the individual categories are as follows: I = Module A II = module A2, D1, E1 III = module B (construction type) + D, B (construction type) + F, B (production type) + E, B (production type) + C2, H IV = module B (production type) + D, B (production type) + F, G, H1 pressure equipment shall, after the manufacturer's choice, one of the underkastes procedures for conformity assessment applicable to the category which the equipment is classified in. Manufacturer might also select one of the procedures that apply to a higher category If such exists.
Within the framework of quality assurance procedures for pressure equipment in categories III and IV, referred to in § § 10 point a), 10 point b) subsection, and section 11, to the technical control body-by unannounced visit-take out a sample of equipment from the production or from the warehouse, that the regulatory body can make or let other body get done done control as discussed in annex 1, point 3.2.2. In view of this to the manufacturer disclose its production schedule for the technical control body. Regulatory body should make at least two visits during the first year. The frequency of subsequent visits will be determined by the technical control body on the basis of criteria in point 4.4 of the relevant module.
By simple production of containers and equipment in category III, referred to in section 11, to the technical control body even make-when module H is used-or leave the other body get done done control as discussed in annex 1, point 3.2.2 for each single product. In view of this to the manufacturer disclose its production schedule for the technical control body.

§ 26. Full compliance assessment Devices as referred to in sections 14, 15, 16 and 17 to underkastes full compliance review that includes: a) each pressure component, jf. section 9, which has not previously been considered got her own matching or CE marking. The category that the individual component is classified in, determines the procedure for conformity assessment to be applied.

b) assessment of how the individual components are placed in the unit, jf. points 2.3, 2.8 and 2.9 of annex 1. The highest-rated component, but security accessories, determines the procedure for conformity assessment to be applied.

c) assessment of the unit's protection against that allowed operating limits are exceeded, jf. points 2.10 and 3.2.3 in annex 1. The highest-rated component that should be protected, determines the procedure for conformity assessment to be applied.

§ 27. Exceptions Regulatory Authority can, when it is justified, allow the pressure equipment and devices as referred to in section 3 is marketed and applied in Norway, regardless of the provisions of sections 25 and 26, and even if the procedures have not been used, if the use has experimental interest.

section 28. Language Documents and correspondence in connection with the compliance review will be in one of the official languages of the European economic area. The person responsible for the implementation of the procedures can determine which language will be used.

Chapter 9. European approval of the materials section 29. The approval document 1.
Document as defined in section 3, are issued by one of the technical control bodies (cf. Chapter 10) that is specifically designated to this task, at the request of one or more manufacturers of materials or equipment. The technical control body establishes and carries out self-or leave the other body perform-the necessary examinations and tests to be able to certify that the material types comply with the relevant requirements of this regulation. Is this about materials that in 29. November 1999 is approved as safe in use, to the technical control body take into account existing data when the correspondence to attesteres.

2. before the technical control agency issues a European material approval, it shall submit the required documentation to the Member States and the Commission.

The technical control body shall issue a for this European approval, if any, material, where comments from the Commission is taken into account.

3. A copy of the approval document should be sent to the Member States, the technical control bodies and the Commission.

4. Materials for pressure equipment, which has European approval in accordance with the announcement through the European Community official journal, is believed to be in compliance with the essential requirements in annex 1.

5. The technical control body which issued the European approval for pressure material equipment, to withdraw the approval if the governing body finds that the approval should not have been given, or if the material type is covered by a harmonized standard. Governing body shall immediately inform the supervisory authority of the withdrawal.

Chapter 10. Technical control body § 30. (Repealed)

Chapter 11. Third-party agency section 31. (Repealed)

Chapter 12. Use the inspektorat § 32. (Repealed)

Chapter 13. CE marking section 33. Notice provisions 1.
The CE marking consists of the initials "CE" as shown in annex 6.

The CE marking shall consist of the CE mark followed by the identification number (cf. § 30) to the technical control body that make the production control.

2. The CE marking should be lasting, and are loaded visible and easy to read on-all pressure equipment covered by section 9, and-all units covered by section 14 which is done, so be produced or finished that it is possible to make complete control, jf. Annex 1, point 3.2.

3. It is not necessary to put the CE marking on each pressure component in a device (cf. section 14). Press påkjente components that are already CE marked before sammenmonteringen, to keep the selection.

4. If the press påkjente equipment and devices also covered by other directives/regulations that cover other aspects, and also require the CE marking, the equipment's or device's CE marking indicate compliance also with the other directives/regulations.

If one or more of these directives/regulations gives the manufacturer of choice in a transition period between using the CE marking, or other arrangement, specify the CE marking conformity only with the directives/regulations as the manufacturer has chosen to apply. In such a case it should be referred to these directives, which are published in The Official Journal of the European communities, the documents, descriptions or statements of the directives require, and which accompanies the press påkjente equipment or devices.

5. it is not allowed to equip the pressure equipment and devices with labeling that may seem misleading on third party with regard to CE-merkingens meaning and design. Any other marking can be put on pressure equipment and devices, provided that such labeling does not do the CE label less visible or easy to read.

Chapter 14. Designation of conformity assessment bodies by Directive 68/2014/EU section 34. Application for designation For the designation after Directive 68/2014/EU comes § § 35-40 and annex 1, 9 and 10 to the application.
The compliance assessment body which will be technical control body for this regulation, to search the Directorate of civil protection and emergency preparedness.

The compliance assessment body shall meet the requirements by the designation, in section 35 and section 36.
The application shall be accompanied by a description of the conformity assessment activities, the conformity assessment modules or and the or the products which the body claims to be competent, as well as accreditation for a proof issued by Norwegian accreditation confirms that the compliance assessment body meets the requirements set out in section 35 and section 36.
If the compliance review body can not put forward an accreditation to give evidence, the supervisory authority the information that is required to verify, confirm and lead regular supervision of that governing body meets the requirements of section 35 and section 36.

section 35. Requirements for technical control bodies and approved third-party agencies a technical control body or an approved third-party body must meet all the requirements set out in this section in order to be designated by regulation.
A compliance assessment body should be created according to the current Norwegian legislation and be a legal person.
A compliance assessment body shall be a third party that is independent of the Organization and the press påkjente the equipment or Assembly of pressure equipment it is considering.
A body belonging to a business or professional organization representing companies that participate in the construction, production, delivery, Assembly, use or maintenance of the pressure equipment or assemblies of pressure equipment as the governing body is considering, may be considered to be such a body, provided that it has been proven that the body is independent and that the absence of conflicts of interest.
A compliance assessment body, its top management and personnel who have the responsibility to perform compliance reviews, should not be the constructor, manufacturer, supplier, Installer, purchaser, owner or maintainer of the press påkjente the equipment or Assembly of pressure equipment it is considering, nor be representative of any of these parties. This should not prevent the use of rated pressure equipment or assemblies of pressure equipment which is necessary for the compliance assessment organets business or the use of such equipment for personal purposes.
A compliance assessment body, its top management and personnel who have the responsibility to perform compliance reviews, should not be directly involved in the construction, manufacturing, marketing, installation, use or maintenance of the said pressure equipment or Assembly of pressure equipment, nor represent the parties participating in such activities. They shall not participate in any kind of business that may affect their independent assessment or integrity in connection with the compliance assessment business they are designated for. This shall in particular apply to consulting services.
The compliance assessment bodies shall ensure that their daughter enterprise or under the vendors ' operations do not affect the confidentiality, objectivity or impartiality of the bodies ' conformity assessment business.
The compliance assessment bodies and their personnel to perform compliance assessment business with the utmost professional integrity and have the necessary technical qualifications on the site in question, and they shall not be subjected to any form of pressure or influence, especially of the economic nature, which could affect their judgment or the results of their conformity assessment activities, especially from persons or groups of persons affected by the results of this business.
A compliance assessment body should be able to perform all the tasks that the compliance assessment it is designated for, regardless of whether these tasks are carried out by the compliance assessment body itself or on its behalf and responsibility.
A compliance assessment body shall at all times and for each conformity assessment procedure and each kind or category of pressure equipment as it is designated for, have at their disposal: 1) necessary personnel with technical knowledge and sufficient and appropriate experience to perform the conformity assessment, 2) descriptions of the necessary procedures for compliance review that ensures transparency and the ability to repeat these procedures. Governing body shall have appropriate policies and procedures to distinguish between tasks it carries out as the compliance assessment body, and other business and 3) necessary procedures for the execution of the business, which takes duly into account the company's size, in what sector it operates, its structure, the complexity of the current product's technology as well as the production process's mass or series touch.

A compliance review body should have the necessary funds to a suitable way to be able to perform the technical and administrative tasks associated with the compliance rating business, and shall have access to all the necessary equipment and all the necessary facilities.
Personnel with the responsibility to perform compliance reviews should have: 1) solid technical and vocational training that includes all the compliance assessment business that the compliance assessment body is designated for, 2) satisfactory knowledge of the requirements that apply to the opinions they perform, and the necessary powers to carry out such reviews, 3) adequate knowledge and understanding of the basic safety requirements in Annex i, the current harmonised standards and the relevant provisions of the EEA area's regulations and harmonisation of national legislation and 4) expertise to draw up certificates , documents, and reports that show that reviews are carried out.

It should be ensured that the compliance assessment bodies, their top management and personnel with the responsibility to perform compliance reviews, unbiased.
Remuneration to a compliance review organ's top management and to the personnel with the responsibility to perform compliance reviews should not be dependent on the number of performed the reviews or of the result of such reviews.
The compliance assessment bodies to draw liability insurance.
The compliance assessment organets personnel shall be subject to professional secrecy with respect to all information they collect when they perform tasks they are designated for or any internal legal provision which gives it effect, except to the competent authorities in the Member State where it carries on its business. Property rights will be protected.
The compliance assessment bodies to participate in, or ensure that their personnel with the responsibility to perform compliance reviews will be advised of the relevant standardization business and the business of coordinating group for designated bodies created in accordance with the relevant parts of the EEA's harmonisation regulations, and to apply the administrative decisions and documents that this group's work joins in, as general guidelines.
The affected organ can exercise activities as technical control body or an approved third-party body only if the Commission or the other Member States have not raised an objection to this within two weeks after a designation based on a proof of accreditation. It's just such a body to be considered as a technical control body or an approved third-party organ in accordance with the regulations.

section 36. Requirements to user a user inspektorater inspektorat must meet all requirements set out in this section in order to be designated by regulation.
A user should be created in accordance inspektorat to the current Norwegian legislation and be a legal person.
A user should be readily identifiable inspektorat organizational and have reporting methods that ensure and show its impartiality within the group as it is a part of. A user inspektorat, its top management and personnel who have the responsibility to perform compliance reviews, should not be the constructor, manufacturer, supplier, Installer, purchaser, owner or maintainer of the press påkjente the equipment or Assembly of pressure equipment considering, nor be representative of any of these parties. This should not prevent the use of rated pressure equipment or assemblies of pressure equipment which is necessary for the user inspektoratets business or the use of such equipment for personal purposes.
A user inspektorat, its top management and personnel who have the responsibility to perform compliance reviews, should not be directly involved in the construction, manufacturing, marketing, installation, use or maintenance of the said pressure equipment or Assembly of pressure equipment, nor represent the parties participating in such activities. They shall not participate in any kind of business that may affect their independent assessment or integrity in connection with the compliance assessment business they are designated for. This shall in particular apply to consulting services.
Use the inspektoratene and their personnel to perform compliance assessment business with the utmost professional integrity and have the necessary technical qualifications on the site in question, and they shall not be subjected to any form of pressure or influence, especially of the economic nature, which could affect their judgment or the results of their conformity assessment activities, especially from persons or groups of persons affected by the results of this business.
A user should be able to perform all of the inspektorat conformity assessment tasks as it is designated for, regardless of whether these tasks are performed by using the Inspectorate itself or on its behalf and responsibility.
A user at any time to inspektorat and for each procedure for conformity assessment and each type or category of pressure equipment as it is designated for, have at their disposal: 1) necessary personnel with technical knowledge and sufficient and appropriate experience to perform the conformity assessment, 2) descriptions of the necessary procedures for compliance review that ensures transparency and the ability to repeat these procedures. Inspectorate shall have appropriate policies and procedures to distinguish between tasks it carries out as a user, and other business inspektorat and 3)

the necessary procedures for the execution of the business, which takes duly into account the company's size, in what sector it operates, its structure, the complexity of the current product's technology as well as the production process's mass or series touch.

A user should have the necessary inspektorat funds to a suitable way to be able to perform the technical and administrative tasks associated with the compliance rating business, and shall have access to all the necessary equipment and all the necessary facilities.
Personnel with the responsibility to perform compliance reviews should have 1) solid technical and vocational training that includes all the compliance assessment business that the compliance assessment body is designated for, 2) satisfactory knowledge of the requirements that apply to the opinions they perform, and the necessary powers to carry out such reviews, 3) adequate knowledge and understanding of the basic safety requirements in Annex i, the current harmonised standards and the relevant provisions of the EEA area's regulations and harmonisation of national legislation , 4) expertise to draw up certificates, documents and reports show that reviews are carried out.

It should be ensured that the user inspektoratene, their top management and personnel with the responsibility to perform compliance reviews, unbiased. User inspektorater should not participate in any form of activity which may affect their independence or integrity in connection with control business.
Remuneration to a user inspektorats's top management and to the personnel with the responsibility to perform compliance reviews should not be dependent on the number of performed the reviews or of the result of such reviews.
Use inspektorater to draw the liability insurance unless the group they belong to, assume liability.
Use inspektoratets personnel shall be subject to professional secrecy with respect to all information they collect when they perform tasks they are designated for or any internal legal provision which gives it effect, except to the competent authorities in the Member State where it carries on its business. Property rights will be protected.
Use the inspektorater to participate in, or ensure that their personnel with the responsibility to perform compliance reviews will be advised of the relevant standardization business and the business of coordinating group for designated bodies created in accordance with the relevant parts of the Union's harmonisation rules, and to apply the administrative decisions and documents that this group's work joins in, as general guidelines.
The affected organ can exercise activities as a user only if the inspektorat the Commission or the other Member States have not raised an objection to this within two weeks after a designation based on a proof of accreditation. It's just such a body to be considered as a user according to the inspektorat regulation.

section 37. Guess about compliance for compliance assessment bodies If a conformity assessment body demonstrates that it complies with the criteria laid down in the relevant harmonised standards or parts of these as there are published references to the official journal of the European Union, it is believed to meet the requirements in section 35 or section 36 to the extent the current harmonised standards include these requirements.

section 38. The compliance assessment organers daughter companies and subcontractors If a technical control body, a user or approved inspektorat third party organ confer certain tasks in connection with the compliance assessment to a subcontractor or a subsidiary undertaking, it shall ensure that the provider or entity under daughter meets the requirements in section 35 or § 36 and notify the utpekende authority on this.
Technical control bodies, use inspektorater and approved third-party bodies to assume full responsibility for the tasks performed by subcontractors or daughter companies, wherever these are established.
Tasks can be assigned to a subcontractor or a subsidiary undertaking only if the customer has given his consent to the technical control bodies, use inspektorater and approved third-party bodies to be able to provide for the utpekende authority the relevant documents on the assessment of the vendor's or entity's daughter qualifications and the duties they performed.

§ 39. Operational obligations for technical control bodies, use inspektorater and approved third-party bodies Technical control bodies, use inspektorater and approved third-party bodies to carry out conformity assessments for compliance assessment procedures or attachment in Nr. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.
Compliance reviews to be carried out in a way that is relative to the target, so that market participants not be imposed unnecessary burdens.
The compliance assessment bodies should exercise its business so that it be taken duly into account the company's size, in what sector it operates, its structure, the complexity of the current it press påkjente equipment's or Assembly of the press påkjente equipment's technology as well as the production process's mass or series touch. In that regard they shall still comply with the degree of severity and the safety level required for that the press should be in påkjente equipment comply with the requirements of the regulations.
If a compliance assessment body finds that a manufacturer has not met the basic safety requirements in Annex i, or the corresponding harmonized standards or other technical specifications, it shall require the manufacturer to hit the appropriate corrective action, and not issue a compliance certificate.
If a compliance assessment body in connection with the control of the match after the issuance of a certificate may find that the påkjente no longer press equipment is in compliance with the requirements, it shall require the manufacturer to hit the appropriate corrective action, and if necessary, temporarily suspend or withdraw the certificate.
If it is not taken corrective measures, or if they do not have the desired effect, the compliance assessment body shall restrict, temporarily suspend or withdraw any certificates back, whichever is appropriate.

section 40. Disclosure for technical control bodies, authorized third-party bodies and uses inspektorater Technical control bodies, authorized independent bodies, third-party bodies and uses the inspektorater to inform the authority about utpekende 1) all cases of refusal, limitation, temporary waiver or withdrawal of a certificate, 2) all the circumstances that affect the scope of or the terms of the designation, 3) all requests they have received from market supervisory authorities concerning information about the compliance assessment business, 4) on request, conformity assessment activities performed within the framework of the organets designation , and any other business that is conducted, including business and subcontracting across borders.

Technical control bodies, authorized independent bodies, third-party bodies and uses the inspektorater to give the other organs that are designated according to the regulations and that carries out the corresponding forms of the compliance assessment which includes the same press påkjente the equipment, all relevant information on issues relating to negative and, on request, positive results of the compliance reviews Appendix 1. Basic requirements introductory remarks 1.
The obligations arising from the essential requirements for pressure equipment in this annex also apply to device where the corresponding risk exists.

2. The basic requirements are binding. Obligations arising from these basic requirements apply only if the corresponding risk exists, under the conditions that the manufacturer can reasonably expect, for the pressure equipment påkjente omhandlede.

3. it is required that the manufacturer make a risk assessment to identify the risks that apply to its equipment because of the pressure. The manufacturer will then need to take into account the assessment when the equipment is being designed and built.

4. The basic requirements must be understood and used in such a way that it will be taken into account current technology and current practice by construction and manufacturing, as well as technical and economic considerations that ensure the high level of protection when it comes to health, safety and environment (HSE).

1. General 1.1.
Pressure equipment must be designed, manufactured and checked, and-when applicable-also equipped and installed in such a way that it is safe when taken in use, in accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions or under reasonably predictable conditions.

1.2. At the choice of the most appropriate solution the manufacturer must apply the following principles in the established order:-eliminate or reduce risks as far as reasonably possible,-apply protective measures appropriate to risk that cannot be eliminated,-when it is relevant, inform users of the residual risks and State whether it is necessary to take appropriate special measures to reduce the risks at the installation and/or use.

1.3. When improper use is possible or clear can be expected, it must påkjente be constructed press equipment to prevent danger from such misuse. If this is not possible, an adequate warning be given that the equipment does not have to press påkjente be used in this way.

2. Construction 2.1.
In General The pressure equipment must be designed påkjente correctly and in a manner that takes into account all relevant factors in order to ensure that the equipment will be safe throughout its lifetime.
The construction must have incorporated appropriate coefficients by use of security detailed methods that are recognized to have built adequate safety margins against all relevant forms of failure in a consistent way.

2.2. Construction for sufficient strength 2.2.1.

Pressure equipment must be designed for the loads expected by påregnet use and other reasonably predictable operating conditions. It must particularly be taken into account the following conditions:-inner/outer pressure,-ambient and operational temperatures,-static pressure and the mass under operating and trying conditions,-charges from the traffic, wind and earthquake-response forces and moments from the foundations, parties, pipes, etc.,-corrosion and erosion, fatigue, etc.,-decomposition of unstable fluids.

Different loads that can occur at the same time must be taken into account, also by taking into account the probability that they are acting at the same time.

2.2.2. Design for adequate strength must be based on:-the calculation method described in section 2.2.3 as a general rule, if necessary supplemented by experimental design method described in section 2.2.4, or experimental design method without calculation described in section 2.2.4, when the product of the allowed maximum pulling, ps, and volume, V, is less than 6,000 bar · liters, or when the product ps · It has been less than 3,000 bar.

2.2.3. calculation method (a) Enclosed press and other loads the allowable stresses for pressure equipment must be limited for the sake of reasonably predictable forms of failure under operating conditions. For this reason, security must be applied to the coefficients for completely remove any uncertainty which arises because of the production, actual operating conditions voltages, calculation models, as well as material properties and behavior.
These calculation methods must result in sufficient safety margins, in accordance with the requirements of point 7.
The requirements mentioned above can be met by the use of one of the following relevant methods, if necessary, as an addition to, or in combination with another method:-construction by using formulas-construction by using the analysis using the construction bruddmekanikk.

(b) strengthen the Appropriate structural calculations must be used to determine the strength of the press equipment omhandlede påkjente.
This applies in particular:-the calculation pressure must not be less than the maximum allowed pulling and must take into account the static and dynamic fluid pressure and decomposition of unstable fluids. When a container is divided into separate trykkrom, the partition must be constructed on the basis of the highest possible pressure in a trykkrom and the lowest possible pressure in the adjacent trykkrom,-the calculation temperatures must allow for appropriate safety margins, design must take into account all the possible combinations of temperatures and pressure that may arise under reasonably predictable operating conditions for the equipment,-maximum voltages and voltage peaks must be kept within safe limits , the calculation for enclosed press must make use of the relevant values for the material based on documented data, and take into account the provisions of point 4, as well as the appropriate safety coefficients. Material properties that it must be taken into account when it is relevant, including:-flow limit 0.2% or a limit at 1% extension after what is appropriate at calculation temperature,-tensile strength,-the time-dependent strength, i.e.. sigefasthet, utmattings,-data-young's module (elastisitetskoeffisient),-appropriate plasticity,-fracture toughness, breaking strength,-appropriate welding factor must be applied, based on material properties, depending on e.g. of the type of non-destructive examination, materials that are joined and the operating conditions, påregnede-construction must take into account all reasonably predictable degradation processes (e.g. corrosion, siging, fatigue) in accordance with påregnet application of the equipment. Special attention must be directed against such properties on the construction, mentioned in point 3.4, which is relevant to the equipment's service life, e.g.:-for siging: calculated operating time at specified temperatures,-for fatigue: the estimated number of cycles at specified stress levels,-for corrosion: theoretical corrosion well.

(c) Stability when the calculated thickness does not provide goods sufficient structural stability, the necessary measures must be taken to correct this, also with regard to the risk of transport and handling.

2.2.4. Experimental construction method Design of equipment can be supported, in whole or in part, by an appropriate arrangement for testing of a representative sample of the equipment or the category of equipment.
The trial program must be clearly defined before the trial, and must be accepted by the technical control body responsible for the module for the control of construction compliance, when this exists.
The application must define the conditions and criteria for the trial approval or under the acquaintance. The actual values of the basic dimensions and properties of the materials that make up the equipment must be determined before trial.
It must be possible during the trial to observe the critical points on the pressure påkjente equipment-where appropriate-with measurement equipment that is able to record the stresses and tensions with sufficient precision.
The trial program must include: (a) a pressure test to verify that the equipment, under a pressure with a defined safety margin in relation to the permitted maximum pulling, not showing signs of significant leaks or deformation exceeding a certain threshold.

Pressure during the trial must be determined on the basis of the differences between the values for geometric and material properties measured during the trial conditions and values used to perform calculations. The pressure must take into account the differences between the test and design temperatures.

(b) at the risk of siging or fatigue must appropriate trying is performed, adapted equipment's prescribed operating conditions, e.g. operating time at specified temperatures, number of cycles at specified stress levels, etc.

(c) When necessary, supplemental trial of the other conditions mentioned in point 2.2.1, as corrosion, outside damage, etc.

2.3. Precautions to ensure safe handling and operation Specified usage way for pressure equipment must be such that it avoids any reasonable expected risk by the operation of the equipment. Specifically it must-when appropriate-be taken into account:-the open and closing devices,-dangerous emissions from safety valves,-devices that restrict access to the sites under pressure or vacuum,-surface temperatures when the equipment is used as intended,-decomposition of unstable fluids.

Especially when pressure equipment has an access door, this must be equipped with a automatic or manual device that makes it easy for the user to make sure that the opening of the hatch will not represent a risk. When the hatches can be opened quickly, it must have a press equipment påkjente device that prevents such opening when the pressure or temperature of the fluids represents a risk.

2.4. Opportunities for control (a) pressure equipment must be designed and built in such a way that all the necessary security checks can be carried out.

(b) the ability to assess the internal condition of the equipment must be present when this is necessary to maintain the safety of the equipment. These include vents that provide physical access to the press påkjente equipment's inner so that appropriate examinations can be carried out safely and ergonomically.

(c) other ways to ensure the safety of the pressure equipment can be påkjente:-when there is too little to provide physical access to the equipment's inner, or-when there will be a little lucky with the opening of the press påkjente equipment's inner, or when it has been proven that the equipment's content is not harmful to the material as the press is made of påkjente equipment and no other internal degradation processes can reasonably be expected.

2.5. Draining and venting The pressure påkjente the equipment must be able to be cleared and utluftes when this is necessary:-to prevent harmful effects, such as vannslag, vacuum meltdown, corrosion and uncontrolled chemical reactions. It must be taken into account all phases of operation and testing, particularly pressure testing services, to enable the safe-cleaning, survey and maintenance.

2.6. Corrosion or other chemical influences where it is necessary, given the addition of or protection from corrosion or other chemical influences taking into account the provided and reasonably expected use.

2.7. Wear and tear when it may occur conditions with extreme deterioration or wear and tear, must have sufficient measures be taken to:-minimize the result of impact by appropriate execution, eg. additional freight thickness, or by the use of bushings or tire materials,-enable the replacement of the most exposed parts,-make note of measures, referred to in point 3.4, which is necessary to ensure continuous safe operation.

2.8. Units unit must be designed so that:-the components that need to be put together are suitable and reliable when used,-all components are properly integrated and assembled in the appropriate way.

2.9. Precautions when refilling and emptying when appropriate equipment must be constructed, press påkjente for, and be equipped with accessories, or made ready for fitting of a thing, to ensure safe filling and emptying, especially in connection with hazards such as: (a) at the top-up:-overfilling or for high pressure, particularly with regard to the filling degree and to the vapor pressure at the reference temperature,-the press påkjente equipment's instability , (b) by emptying emptying of fluidum: unchecked under pressure, (c) by refilling or emptying: risk by connecting and disconnecting.

2.10. Protection against exceeding the allowable limits of pressure equipment

When allowable limits can be exceeded under reasonably predictable relationship, it must press påkjente be equipped with equipment, or it must be possible to equip it with, appropriate protection devices, but if the equipment is planned to be protected by other hedging devices integrated in the device.
The appropriate device, or combination of such devices must be determined on the basis of the specific equipment or device.
Appropriate protection devices and combinations of these forms: (a) safety accessories as defined in § 3, (b) when appropriate, adequate monitoring equipment, which gauges and/or alarms, that enables an automatic or manual action to ensure that the pressure equipment is kept within påkjente limits allowed.

2.11 2.11.1. safety accessories.
Safety accessories must be:-designed and built so that they are reliable and appropriate to their planned use and it must have been taken into account the current maintenance and testing requirements of the devices, independent of other features, except when their security feature will not be affected by such other functions,-designed in accordance with appropriate principles that ensure the appropriate and reliable protection. These principles include the particular failure mode of security, redundancy, diversity and even Diagnostics.

2.11.2. pressure limiting devices for These devices must be constructed so that the pressure will not permanently exceed the allowed maximum pulling, ps. A momentary pressure surges in accordance with the specifications provided for in 7.3, however, is allowed when this is appropriate.

2.11.3. Devices for temperature measurement for security purposes, these devices must have an adequate response time custom measure function.

2.12. external fire when necessary, pressure equipment must be designed for and-when appropriate-be equipped with suitable accessories, or prepared for such accessories, to accommodate the demands of damage ranging in case external fire, where it is taken into account in particular the equipment's planned use.

3. Production 3.1.
Procedures of production the manufacturer must ensure the competent execution of the specs from the design phase through the use of appropriate techniques and relevant procedures, particularly with regard to the conditions laid down below.

3.1.1. Preparation of the components preparation of the components (e.g. forming and avfasing) do not result in errors, cracks or changes of mechanical properties that can impair the safety of the pressure equipment påkjente.

3.1.2. Permanent join Permanent joins and adjoining areas must not have error neither on the surface or inside that can impair the equipment's safety.
Characteristics of permanent joins must meet the minimum requirements specified for the materials to be joined together, except if other relevant material properties are specifically taken into account in the structural calculations.
For pressure equipment must be permanent joining of components that contribute to the equipment's pressure resistance, and of the parts that are directly attached to these components is carried out by qualified personnel in accordance with the appropriate working methods.
For pressure equipment in categories II, III and IV working procedures and personnel must be approved by a competent third party which, after the manufacturer's choice, can be:-a technical control body (cf. § 30)-a third-party body recognized by a country in the European economic area which provided room for in section 31.

To be able to make these approvals the third party must carry out controls and samples that set out in the relevant harmonised standards or equivalent controls or tests, or have them carried out.

3.1.3. Non-destructive surveys non-destructive surveys of permanent pressure equipment joins on must be performed by qualified personnel. For pressure equipment in categories III and IV, personnel must be approved by a third-party body recognized by a country in the European economic area in accordance with section 31.

3.1.4. Heat treatment When there is a risk that the manufacturing process will change the material properties to such an extent that it will weaken the security of the equipment, press the påkjente must be made using the appropriate heat treatment in the production stages where this is appropriate.

3.1.5. Traceability Appropriate procedures must be set up and be kept in working order to track materials which are included in the components that contribute to the equipment's pressure resistance; from the reception, through production and up to the finish control of the produced press påkjente equipment.

3.2. Completed pressure control equipment must undergo a complete control as described below.

3.2.1. final control pressure equipment must undergo a final control, Visual and by review of with the following documentation, in order to verify compliance with the requirements of this regulation. It can be taken into account during production performed trying. As far as it is necessary for security reasons, the final visual control consist of an inside and outside the control of every single piece of equipment, if required during production (e.g. when the examination during the final visual inspection is no longer possible).

3.2.2. Press trial Finished control of pressure equipment must include a sampling of the enclosed press, something that would normally be in the form of a water pressure test with a pressure corresponding to at least the value set out in point 7.4 when appropriate.
For series produced pressure equipment in category in this testing is carried out on a statistical basis.
When the water pressure trial is malicious or little practical, other recognized prøvinger be used. By the use of other prøvinger than water pressure trial must measures, such as supplemental non-destructive surveys or other methods of equivalent value, applied before these tests are carried out.

3.2.3. The control of security accessories For the control device must also include a completed control of security accessories to ensure full compliance with the requirements mentioned in paragraph 2.10.

3.3. Labelling in addition to the CE marking which is dealt with in section 34, the following information must also be provided: (a) for all pressure equipment:-the name and address or other form of identification of the manufacturer and when appropriate-its representative established in the EEA,-year of manufacture,-marking of the equipment according to its nature, such as type, series or batch and serial number,-basic maximum-/minimumsgrenser , (b) additional information, depending on the type of pressure equipment which is necessary for safe installation, operation or use and, when relevant, maintenance and periodic check, like:-press påkjente equipment's volume, V, in liters,-pipe system's nominal size, DN,-used test pressure, pt, in the bar, with the date,-tuned opening press the safety devices in the bar,-pressure equipment performance in kW,-supply voltage in V (volts),-provided application,-filling degree in kg/litre ,-maximum filling mass in kg,-tara in kg,-product group, (c) when it is necessary it must press påkjente the equipment applied to the warnings that points out the incorrect use that erfaringsvis can take place.

CE-marking and the required information must be given on the pressure equipment or påkjente on a data plate firmly attached to this, with the following exceptions:-appropriate documentation can in certain cases be used to avoid repeated marking of individual parts, e.g. pipe fittings, to be used in the same unit. This applies to CE marking and other marking discussed in this appendix,-when the pressure equipment is too small, e.g. Accessories, the information referred to in b) may be given on a label attached to that pressure equipment-påkjente, tags or other appropriate ways can be used to educate people about the mass that must be replenished and warnings discussed in c), unless the marking is legible in the relevant period of time.

3.4. Instructions for use (a) When the press påkjente the equipment marketed, it must, as far as relevant, be accompanied by a user manual for the user which includes all the necessary information on the safety of:-Assembly, including the composition of the different parts of pressure equipment,-ibruktaking,-application, maintenance, including checks made by the user.

(b) instruction manuals must contain information the påkjente inflicted on the press equipment in accordance with point 3.3, with the exception of the serial number, and must be attached to the technical documents, drawings and chart that are necessary to understand the manual when it is appropriate.

(c) if it is appropriate, instruction manuals also refer to hazards arising from misuse in accordance with point 1.3, and for special features of construction, in accordance with point 2.2.3.

4. Materials the materials used for the production of pressure equipment must be suitable for such use by påregnet lifetime, except if it is assumed that it must be replaced.
Welding materials, and other materials for joining just need to meet the relevant requirements in point 4.1, point 4.2 a) and point 4.3, first paragraph, in an appropriate way, both individually and in a joined structure.

4.1. Materials for press påkjente parts must: (a) have appropriate properties under all operating conditions that can reasonably be expected and for all try conditions; specifically they must have sufficient duktilitet and strength. When it is appropriate material properties must meet the requirements in point 7.5. Further it must especially be taken into account in the selection of materials to avoid the crazy when necessary violations; When the crazy materials of special reasons must be used, it must meet the appropriate precautions, (b)

be sufficiently resistant against chemical influences from fluids that can be found in the press påkjente the equipment; chemical and physical properties necessary for operational security must not be affected in a significant way within the equipment's service life, påregnede (c) not to be affected by aging in a major way, (d) be suitable for the planned processing methods, (e) be selected in order to avoid serious negative effects when the various materials are put together.

4.2. (a) the manufacturer of the pressure equipment on påkjente must set up an appropriate manner the values necessary for the design calculations referred to in points 2.2.3, and the basic material properties and treatments mentioned in point 4.1, (b) in the technical documentation the manufacturer must advise customers on which of the following ways material specifications are in accordance with this Regulation:-by the use of the materials in accordance with the harmonised standards , the use of materials by which has European approval for use in pressure equipment in accordance with section 29,-by a particular material appraisal.

(c) For pressure equipment in categories III and IV need to a special assessment as discussed in b), third bar point, be performed by the technical control body which has responsibility for the procedures for compliance assessment of the pressure equipment.

4.3. The equipment manufacturer must take appropriate measures to ensure that the materials used are in accordance with the required specifications. Special need to documentation from the material manufacturer attesting that the given requirements is executed, provided for all materials.

For the main press parts for påkjente equipment in categories II, III and IV, this must be in the form of a certificate from a specific product control.
When a material manufacturer has an appropriate system of quality assurance, certified by a competent body within the European economic area, and has undergone a particular assessment of material knowledge, the assumption is made that the certificates issued by the manufacturer complies with the relevant requirements in this point.

Specific requirements for certain types of pressure equipment in addition to the requirements of points 1 to 4, the following requirements apply for pressure equipment covered in points 5 and 6:5.
Fired or otherwise heated pressure equipment that can overheat, jf. section 9 and section 11.

This press påkjente the equipment includes:-devices for the production of steam and hot water as discussed in section 11, as fired steam and hot water boilers, overhetere and ettervarmere, waste heat boilers, combustion boilers for waste, electric heated boilers with electrodes or immersion heaters, pressure cookers, together with their accessories and, when relevant, their system for the treatment of feed water and the supply of fuel, and process heating equipment for other than the production of steam and hot water that fall under section 10 , as devices for heating in chemical or other similar processes and pressure equipment for the treatment of foods.

Pressure equipment must be calculated, designed and manufactured with a view to avoid or minimize the risk of a substantial loss of the enclosed press due to overheating.
When it is relevant, it must be ensured in particular that: (a) appropriate protection devices are available which limits the operating parameters such as heat supply and withdrawal, and fluid level when it is appropriate, in order to avoid any risk of local or General overheating, (b) sample withdrawal points occur when this is required to assess the properties of fluidene, so that the risks associated with the deposits and/or corrosion are avoided, (c) adequate measures are taken to avoid damage from deposits , (d) the opportunity for safe removal of residual heat after shutdown are, (e) precautions to avoid dangerous accumulation of flammable mixtures of combustible substances and air, or recession of the flame.

6. Pipe systems as discussed in section 12 design and construction must ensure that: (a) the risk of overload as a result of illicit-smoking movement or for large loads, eg. on the flanges, couplings, expansion bellows or hoses, is adequately controlled by using eg. support, clamping, anchoring, personalization and spring preload, (b) it is provided the possibility of drainage and removal of deposits on the low-lying places to avoid damage from vannslag or corrosion when there is a possibility that condensation can occur inside the pipes for gaseous fluidum, (c) the necessary consideration is taken to the potential damage from turbulence and virveldannelse; the relevant parts of point 2.7 applies, (d) the required considerations are taken to the fatigue due to vibrations in pipes, (e) it is given the opportunity to isolate the output duct of a size which represents a significant risk when the pipes contain fluidum in Group 1, (f) the risk of inadvertent discharge is minimized; points for withdrawal must be clearly marked on the permanent page and see what they contain, fluidum (g) position and ran on the buried pipe at least recorded in the technical documentation for the maintenance, control and repair can be carried out safely.

7. Specific quantitative requirements for certain types of pressure equipment the following provisions apply as a general rule. When they do not, however, be used, including cases when materials not specifically covered and it is not applied harmonised standard, the manufacturer must demonstrate that appropriate measures have been taken to achieve an equivalent overall level of security.
This point is an integral part of annex 1. Provisions set out in this paragraph supplements the basic requirements in points 1 to 6 for the press påkjente the equipment this applies to.

7.1. Allowable stresses 7.1.1.
Symbols R e/t, flow limit, denotes the value at the calculation temperature of:-the upper flow limit for materials with an upper and lower flow limit,-flow limit 1% extension for austenitic steel and non-alloyed aluminium,-flow limit 0.2% in other cases.

RM/20 denotes the minimum value of breach the limit at 20 ° c. Rm/t denotes the breach border at the calculation temperature.

7.1.2. The permissible General membrans voltage for mainly static loads and for temperatures outside the values where siging is significant must, in accordance with the material that is used, do not exceed the lesser of the following values:-for ferritic steel including normalized (normalized rolled) steel, but exclusive fine grain steel and special tempered steel: 2/3 of Re/t and 5/12 of Rm/20,-for the austenitic steel :-if its specific extension exceeds 30%: 2/3 of Re/t,-Alternatively if its specific extension exceeds the 35%: 5/6 of Re/t and 1/3 of Rm/t,-for non-alloy or low-alloy cast steels: 10/19 of Re/t and 1/3 of Rm/20,-for aluminium: 2/3 of Re/t,-for aluminium alloys, exclusive utskillingsherdede alloys: 2/3 of Re/t and 5/12 of Rm/20.

7.2. Welding factors For sveisesømmer must not exceed the following values: coefficient-for equipment that undergo destructive and non-destructive surveys confirming that all sveisesømmer are without significant shortcomings: 1.0,-for equipment that undergoes random non-destructive surveys: 0.85,-for equipment which is not reviewing other non-destructive examination than a Visual inspection: 0.7.

If necessary, taking into account the type of voltage, and the mechanical and technological characteristics of the sveisesømmen.

7.3. Trykkbegrensende devices, special for pressure vessels The short-term pressure surges mentioned in point 2.11.2 must be kept to within 10% of the allowed maximum.

7.4. Hydrostatic pressure test For pressure vessels must press under water pressure testing mentioned in point 3.2.2 cannot be less than the largest of the following values:-the equivalent of the maximum load that the pressure equipment may be påkjente exposed to during operation with reference to its permissible maximum pressure and maximum allowed temperature multiplied by the coefficient 1.25, or-the maximum allowed pressure multiplied by the coefficient 1.43.

7.5. Material properties unless other values are required in accordance with other criteria that it must be taken into account, are considered adequate to the steel duktilt to satisfy point 4.1 a) if its specific violations during a stretch extension normed try not less than 14% and if its breaking strength measured on an ISO V-prøvestykke at least is of 27 J at a temperature no higher than 20 ° C , but not higher than the lowest påregnede operating temperature.

Appendix 2. (Repealed)

Appendix 3. (Repealed)

Appendix 4. (Repealed)

Appendix 5. (Repealed)

Attachment 6. CE marking the CE marking consists of the letters "CE" in the following graphic design: If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged to aspect ratio, as noted by the model above, be met.
The different parts as the CE marking consists of the will as far as possible have the same height and not be less than 5 mm.

Attachment 7. Declaration of the EC declaration of conformity must contain the following:-the name and address of the manufacturer or his representative established in the EEA,-description of the pressure equipment or device påkjente-used procedure by the compliance review,-by units, a description of the pressure equipment that make up the påkjente the device and used for matching procedure review,-name and address of the technical control body that carried out the control when it is appropriate, referral to the EC typeprøvingssertifikat, EC konstruksjonskontrollsertifikat or EF-samsvarssertifikat when appropriate ,-name and address of the technical control body that is monitoring the manufacturer's quality system when it's appropriate, referrals to the applied harmonised standards where appropriate, other technical standards and specifications used when appropriate,-

referral to other relevant national regulations that enforce Community directives when appropriate, identification of the signs with the authority to commit the manufacturer or its representative established in the European economic area.

Attachment 8. Pressure equipment exempted from the forskriftens provisions does not apply to these regulations:-pipelines that include a tube or a pipe system designed for the transport of fluids or substance to or from a facility (on land or at sea), including the last of the lockout device that is located within the resort's site, and included everything associated with equipment that is specifically designed for the pipelines. Does not apply to returned for pressure equipment such as that which exists in the pressure relief stations and pump stations.

-piping for water supply, deployment and drain with related equipment, and inlet channels such as turbine pipes, tunnels and press pressure hunts to hydroelectric installations, complete with special equipment.

equipment that are covered by the regulation on simple pressure vessels of 7. July 1994 no. 735.-equipment that is covered by the regulations on the aerosol containers of 1. March 1996 No. 229. equipment that is designed for the operation of vehicles that are defined in the following directives and their annexes:-Rdir. 70/156/EEC of 6. February 1970 on the approximation of the EEA-countries ' legislation on the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers.

-Rdir. 74/150/EEC of 4. March 1974 on the approximation of the EEA countries ' legislation on type approval of agricultural and forestry tractors with wheels.

-Rdir. 92/61/EEC of 30. June 1992 on the type approval of two-and trehjulede motor vehicles.

-equipment that is not rated higher than in category in, see Chapter 8, and are in the scope of:-the regulation on machines of 19. August 1994 no. 820.-European Parliament-and Rdir. 95/16/EEC of 29. June 1995 on the approximation of the EEA countries ' legislation on lifts.

-regulations on electrical equipment of 10. August 1995, no. 713.-Rdir. 93/42/EEC of 14. June 1993 on medical devices.

-Regulation on the gas machine and equipment by 5. October 1994 no. 919.-regulations about equipment and safety system for use in an explosive area of 9. December 1996 No. 1242. equipment that is covered by the Romatraktatens article 223, paragraph 1 b).

-equipment which is specially designed for nukleært use, and that can lead to radioactive emissions, if it fails.

-equipment for control of wells by because surveys and the extraction of oil, gas or geothermal, and by underground storage, and that will be used to maintain and/or control the pressure in the well. This includes valve event at the wellhead (Christmas tree), drill the fuse valves (BOP), rørmanifold and all its oppstrømsutstyr.

-equipment which includes House or machinery, where the dimensioning, choice of materials and construction rules in the main case is justified in the requirement of sufficient strength, rigidity and stability to withstand the static and dynamic influences during operation, or meet other specifications in relation to the equipment's function, and where the pressure is not of substantial importance in the construction phase. Such equipment may be engines, including turbines and internal combustion engines, steam engines, gas-/dampturbiner, turbo generators, compressors, pumps and actuators.

-blast furnaces/pit ovens with cooling equipment, hot-air regeneratorovner, støvutskillere and non gas cleaners for blast furnaces/pit furnaces, and directly reducing kupolovner, including cooling equipment, gas convert, pots for melting and res flour thing, degassing and casting of steel and ikkejernmetaller.

-innkapslinger/House for high voltage equipment, such as terminal equipment, control equipment, transformers and rotating machines.

-Press påkjente tubes for transmission systems, such as el-and telephone cables.

-ships, rockets, aircraft and mobile devices, and equipment intended for installation on board or to the progress of these.

-pressure equipment consisting of a flexible shell, such as car tires (wheel rings), air bags, children's play balls, inflatable vessels and other similar pressure equipment.

-silencers for exhaust and innsugning.

bottles or cans for carbonated drinks for consumption.

-containers for transport and distribution of drinks, when the product ps · V does not exceed 500 bar · liters and the allowable maximum pressure does not exceed 7 bar.

-equipment that is covered by the regulations on the transport of dangerous goods on road and rail (ADR and RID-conventions), the maritime's regulations implementing the IMDG-Code and FAA regulations that implement the ICAO Convention.

-radiators and pipes in the hot water system.

-containers for liquids, where gas pressure above the liquid does not exceed 0.5 bar.

Attachment 9. Charts for the compliance assessment 1.
References in diagrams to categories of modules are as follows: I = Module A II = module A2, D1, E1 III = module B (construction type) + D, B (construction type) + F, B (production type) + E, B (production type) + C2, H IV = module B (production type) + D, B (production type) + F, G, H1 2.
Security accessories defined in section 3 and dealt with in section 13, is categorized in kat. IV. As an exception, security accessories manufactured for specific equipment are classified in the same category as the equipment it protects.

3. Pressure equipment directive accessories as defined in § 3 and dealt with in section 13, is classified on the basis of:-its allowable maximum pressure (PS), its volume (V) or its nominal diameter (DN), according to what is appropriate-the fluid group it is intended for, and the appropriate chart for containers and piping systems must be used to determine the category of the compliance review.
When both the volume and the nominal diameter is considered as relevant for other stroke point, it shall be classified in press accessories påkjente highest category.

4. Appraisal in the following lines charts for the compliance assessment shows the upper value for each category. 

Chart 1. Containers referred to in § 10 letter a) first dash point as an exception to containers intended for unstable gas that would otherwise be placed in the category I or II on the basis of chart 1, be classified in category III. 

Chart 2. Containers referred to in § 10 letter a) second dash point as an exception to extinguishers and bottles for breathing apparatus at least be classified in category III. 

Chart 3. Containers referred to in § 10 letter b) first line point Chart 4. Containers referred to in § 10 letter b) second dash point as an exception to assemblies of pressure equipment designed for the production of hot water, as mentioned in section 17, either undergo a EU-typeprøving (module B-construction type) for the control of compliance with the basic requirements mentioned in Nr. 2.10, 2.11, 3.4 and no. 5 letter a) and d) in Annex i, or a full quality assurance (module H). 

Chart 5. Pressure equipment in the section 11 as an exception to the construction of the pressure cookers undergo a procedure for conformity assessment that at least corresponding to one of the modules in category III. 

Chart 6. Piping systems dealt with in section 12 letter a) first dash point as an exception to piping systems intended for unstable gases that would otherwise be placed in the category I or II on the basis of chart 6, be classified in category III. 

Chart 7. Piping systems dealt with in section 12 letter a) second dash point as an exception to all piping systems containing fluids with a temperature of over 350 ° C, and that would otherwise be placed in category II on the basis of the chart 7, be classified in category III. 

Chart 8. Piping systems dealt with in section 12 letter b) first line point Chart 9. Piping systems dealt with in section 12 letter b) second dash point Attachment 10. Procedures for conformity assessment the obligations arising from the provisions of the pressure equipment in this annex also apply to assemblies of pressure equipment.

1. Module a: Internal production control 1.
With "internal production control» means the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2, 3 and 4, and ensures and declares that the affected solely responsible that the press påkjente the equipment meets the requirements of the regulations.

2. Technical documentation the manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation.
The technical documentation shall make it possible to assess whether the press påkjente the equipment is in compliance with the relevant requirements, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of risk. The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and shall, to the extent it is relevant for the assessment, cover it påkjente press equipment's construction, production and behavior. If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and a description of the solutions that have been selected to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts that are used,-the results of design calculations, examinations, etc.,-test reports.

3. Production Manufacturer shall take all necessary measures for the manufacturing process and the monitoring of it ensures that it produced the press påkjente the equipment is in conformity with the technical documentation referred to in no. 2 and with the requirements of the regulations.

4. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the EU 4.1

The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking on each pressure component that meets the current requirements of the regulations.

4.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for the EU pressure equipment and påkjente model keep it together with the technical documentation and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to specify which pressure equipment it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

5. Representative the manufacturer's obligations specified in the Nr. 4 can be fulfilled by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

2. Module A2: internal production control as well as monitored control of pressure equipment at irregular intervals 1.
With "internal production control as well as monitored control of pressure equipment at irregular intervals" means the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2, 3, 4 and 5, and ensures and declares on its own responsibility that it affected the press påkjente equipment meets the safety requirements of the regulations.

2. Technical documentation the manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation. The documentation shall make it possible to assess whether the press påkjente the equipment is in compliance with the relevant requirements, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of risk. The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and shall, to the extent it is relevant for the assessment, cover it påkjente press equipment's construction, production and behavior. If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts which are applied,-results of design calculations carried out, research that is undertaken, etc., and test reports.

3. Production Manufacturer shall take all necessary measures for the manufacturing process and the monitoring of the press ensures that the equipment is produced påkjente in accordance with the technical documentation referred to in no. 2 and with the applicable requirements of the regulations.

4. Complete and production control of pressure equipment manufacturer should conduct a complete control of the press påkjente the equipment. Finished the control should be monitored by unannounced visits from a technical control body chosen by the manufacturer.
The technical control body shall carry out or provide performed product controls at random intervals determined by the body, to control the quality of the internal control of the press påkjente the equipment, as it be taken into account among other things, how technologically complex it påkjente press equipment is, and the amount of production.
By such unannounced visit to the technical control body-ensure that the manufacturer really performs a complete control in accordance with Annex I no. 3.2,-take tricks samples of pressure equipment at the manufacturing site or warehouse to carry out controls. The technical control body considering the quantity of equipment that should be tried, and whether it is necessary to perform, or have performed, all or part of the finished control on samples of the press påkjente the equipment.

The purpose of the procedure for sampling to be applied, is to determine whether the production process for the press påkjente the equipment is within acceptable limits, with a view to ensure that the pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with the requirements.
If one or more of the stick is not in compliance tests with the requirements, the technical control body hit the appropriate measures.
The manufacturer shall, under the technical control organets responsibility, affix the technical control organets identification number during the manufacturing process.

5. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the manufacturer EU-5.1 to affix CE marking on each pressure component that meets the current requirements of the regulations.

5.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for the EU pressure equipment and påkjente model keep it together with the technical documentation and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to specify which pressure equipment it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

6. Representative the manufacturer's obligations specified in the Nr. 5 can be met by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

3. Module b: EC-European typeprøving typeprøving 3.1-production type 1.
EU-typeprøving-production type is that part of the procedure for conformity assessment where a technical control body examines the press påkjente equipment's technical construction and verify and confirm that the press påkjente equipment's technical construction meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. EU-typeprøving-production type should consist of an assessment of the suitability of the press påkjente equipment's technical construction through an examination of the technical documentation and supporting documentation mentioned in Nr. 3, as well as a survey of a copy of the complete pressure equipment that is representative of the planned production.

3. The manufacturer shall lodge an application for EC-typeprøving to a single technical control agency of your choice.

The application should contain the following:-the manufacturer's name and address, as well as the delegate's name and address if the application must be filed by the representative,-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body,-the technical documentation. The technical documentation shall make it possible to assess whether the press påkjente the equipment is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of risk. The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and shall, to the extent it is relevant for the assessment, cover it påkjente press equipment's construction, production and behavior. If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.

-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal, applied in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts that are used,-the results of design calculations, examinations carried out, etc.,-test reports,-information about the testing services that are required during the production,-information about the qualifications or approvals required under attachments in the No. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3,-copies that are representative of the planned production.

Copy may include multiple versions of the pressure equipment provided that the differences between the versions do not affect the level of security.
The technical control body may request additional copies if this is necessary to carry out the testing program, documentation showing-the backing that the technical solution is satisfactory. The backing documentation should specify all the documents that are used, in particular where the relevant harmonised standards are not applied fully. Backing if necessary documentation should include the results of the prøvinger that are carried out in accordance with other relevant technical specifications of the manufacturer's suitable laboratory, or another testing laboratory on behalf of the manufacturer and the manufacturer's responsibility.

4. The technical control body shall examine the technical documentation 4.1 and backing documentation to assess the production process and about the press equipment has an påkjente appropriate technical construction.

The technical control body shall in particular-consider materials when these are not in conformity with the relevant harmonized standards or with a European approval for pressure equipment materials, and check the certificate issued by the material manufacturer in accordance with Annex I no. 4.3,-approve procedures for the permanent joining of pressure equipment parts, or check that they have been approved previously in accordance with attachment in Nr. 3.1.2, verify that the staff-performs the permanent joining of pressure equipment parts and the non-destructive testing services, are qualified or approved in accordance with appendix in no. 3.1.2 or 3.1.3.


make sure that the copy or copies are produced in accordance with the technical documentation and identify the elements which are designed according to the current provisions of the relevant harmonised standards, as well as items that are constructed in accordance with other relevant technical specifications, without that the current provisions in the said standards has been used.

4.3 perform appropriate examinations and prøvinger to check whether the relevant harmonized standards are applied in the right way, where the manufacturer has chosen to apply them.

4.4 conduct appropriate surveys and to check if the prøvinger solutions manufacturer has selected from other relevant technical specifications, meets the basic safety requirements of the regulations, in cases where the solutions in the relevant harmonised standards are not applied.

4.5 appointment with the manufacturer where the investigations and trials to be carried out.

5. The technical control body shall draw up an assessment report that describes the measures that are implemented according to the No. 4, and the results of them. Without prejudice to its obligations to the utpekende authority, to the technical control body does not publish the whole or part of the contents of the report without the manufacturer's consent.

6. When the type meets the requirements of the regulations, to the technical control body issuing a EU-typeprøvingssertifikat-production type to the manufacturer. Without prejudice to Nr. 7 should the certificate be valid for ten years and could be renewed, and it should contain the manufacturer's name and address, the conclusions from the survey, any terms of the certificate's validity and the necessary data for identification of the approved type.

A list of the relevant parts of the technical documentation shall be attached to the certificate, and the technical control body shall keep a copy of it.
The certificate and its attachments shall contain all information necessary to assess whether the produced pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with the examined type and to check the equipment during use.
If the type does not meet the current requirements of the regulations, to the technical control body refuse to issue an EU-typeprøvingssertifikat-production type and inform the applicant about this, as well as giving the applicant a detailed justification for the refusal. It to be determined provisions on complaint processing.

7. The technical control body shall keep itself apprised of any changes in the widely acclaimed current stage of development of the technique that may indicate that the approved type may no longer meet the current requirements of the regulations, and determine whether such changes require further investigation. In this case to the technical control body under the correct manufacturer about this.

The manufacturer shall notify the technical control body which has the technical documentation of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikatet-production type, about all changes of the approved type that can have a bearing on whether the press påkjente the equipment is in compliance with the basic safety requirements of the regulations or gyldighetsvilkårene for the certificate. Such modifications require additional approval in the form of an addition to the original EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet-production type.

8. Each technical control body shall notify its authority if they utpekende EU-typeprøvingssertifikater-production type and/or any addition to these as it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request provide for their utpekende Government the list of certificates and/or any additions to these that are declined, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control bodies of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikater-production type and/or any addition to these as they have declined, withdrawn, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited, and on the request for the certificates and/or additions to these as it has issued.
The Commission, the Member States and the other technical control bodies may on request obtain a copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikatene-production type and/or additions to them. At the request the Commission and the Member States can get a copy of the technical documentation and the results of the surveys carried out by the technical control body. The technical control body shall keep a copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikatet-production type with attachments and addition as well as the technical data, including the documentation that is provided by the manufacturer, until the expiry of the certificate's validity period.

9. The manufacturer should be able to present a copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikatet-production type with attachments and addition as well as the technical documentation of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue.

10. The manufacturer's representative can file the application mentioned in Nr. 3 and fulfill the commitments in no. 7 and 9, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

3.2 EU-typeprøving-construction type 1.
EU-typeprøving-construction type is that part of the procedure for conformity assessment where a technical control body examines the press påkjente equipment's technical construction and verify and confirm that the press påkjente equipment's technical construction meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. EU-typeprøving-construction type shall consist of an assessment of the suitability of the press påkjente equipment's technical construction through an examination of the technical documentation and supporting documentation mentioned in Nr. 3, without examination of a specimen.

The experimental design method as described in Annex i no. 2.2.4, shall not be used in connection with this module.

3. The manufacturer shall lodge an application for EC-typeprøving-construction type to a single technical control agency of your choice.

The application should contain the following:-the manufacturer's name and address, as well as the delegate's name and address if the application must be filed by the representative,-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body,-the technical documentation. The technical documentation shall make it possible to assess whether the press påkjente the equipment is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of risk. The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and shall, to the extent it is relevant for the assessment, cover it påkjente press equipment's construction, production and behavior. If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts that are used,-the results of design calculations, examinations carried out, etc.,-information about the qualifications or approvals required under attachments in the No. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3,-backing documentation that shows that the technical solution is satisfactory. The backing documentation should specify all the documents that are used, in particular where the relevant harmonised standards are not applied fully. This backing if necessary documentation should include the results of the prøvinger that are carried out by the manufacturer's suitable laboratory, or another testing laboratory on behalf of the manufacturer and the manufacturer's responsibility.

The application may include multiple versions of the press påkjente the equipment provided that the differences between the versions do not affect the level of security.

4. The technical control body shall examine the technical documentation 4.1 and backing documentation to evaluate whether the product's technical construction is satisfactory.

The technical control body shall in particular-consider materials when these are not in conformity with the relevant harmonized standards or with a European approval for pressure equipment materials,-approve procedures for the permanent joining of pressure equipment parts, or check that they have been approved previously in accordance with attachment in Nr. perform appropriate research to check whether the relevant harmonized standards are applied in the right way, where the manufacturer has chosen to apply them.

4.3 implement appropriate surveys to check whether the solutions manufacturer has selected, meets the basic safety requirements of the regulations, in cases where the solutions in the relevant harmonised standards are not applied.

5. The technical control body shall draw up an assessment report that describes the measures that are implemented according to the No. 4, and the results of them. Without prejudice to its obligations to utpekende authorities, to the technical control body does not publish the whole or part of the contents of the report without the manufacturer's consent.


When the construction meets the requirements of the regulations, to the technical control body issuing a EU-typeprøvingssertifikat-construction type of the manufacturer. Without prejudice to Nr. 7 should the certificate be valid for ten years and could be renewed, and it should contain the manufacturer's name and address, the conclusions from the survey, any terms of the certificate's validity and the necessary data for identification of the approved design.

A list of the relevant parts of the technical documentation shall be attached to the certificate, and the technical control body shall keep a copy of it.
The certificate and its attachments shall contain all information necessary to assess whether the produced pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with the examined the construction and to check the equipment during use.
If the construction does not meet the current requirements of the regulations, to the technical control body refuse to issue an EU-typeprøvingssertifikat-construction type and inform the applicant about this, as well as giving the applicant a detailed justification for the refusal.

7. The technical control body shall keep itself apprised of any changes in the generally recognized technology that may indicate that the approved design no longer meet the current requirements of the regulations, and determine whether such changes require further investigation. In this case to the technical control body under the correct manufacturer about this.

The manufacturer shall notify the technical control body which has the technical documentation for the EU typeprøvingssertifikatet-construction type, about all the changes to the approved design that may have a bearing on whether the press påkjente the equipment is in compliance with the basic safety requirements of the regulations or gyldighetsvilkårene for the certificate. Such modifications require additional approval in the form of an addition to the original EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet-construction type.

8. Each technical control body shall inform their authorities on the EU utpekende the-typeprøvingssertifikater-construction type and/or any addition to these as it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request provide for their utpekende Government the list of certificates and/or any additions to these that are declined, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control bodies of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikater-construction type and/or any addition to these as they have declined, withdrawn, temporarily revoked or otherwise restricted, and, upon request, about the certificates and/or additions to these as it has issued.
The Commission, the Member States and the other technical control bodies may on request obtain a copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikatene-construction type and/or additions to them. At the request the Commission and the Member States can get a copy of the technical documentation and the results of the surveys carried out by the technical control body. The technical control body shall keep a copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikatet-construction type with attachments and addition as well as the technical data, including the documentation that is provided by the manufacturer, until the expiry of the certificate's validity period.

9. The manufacturer should be able to present a copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-typeprøvingssertifikatet-construction type with attachments and addition as well as the technical documentation of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue.

10. The manufacturer's representative can file the application mentioned in Nr. 3 and fulfill the commitments in no. 7 and 9, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

4. Module C2: Type of compliance based on internal production control as well as monitored control of pressure equipment at irregular intervals 1.
Type of match based on internal production control as well as monitored control of pressure equipment at irregular intervals is that part of the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2, 3 and 4, and ensures and declares that the påkjente solely responsible pressure equipment is in conformity with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet and meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. Production manufacturer to take all the measures necessary so that the manufacturing process and the monitoring of it ensures that the pressure equipment produced påkjente, is in conformity with the type as described in the EU-typeprøvingssertifikatet and with the current requirements of the regulations.

3. Finished and production control of pressure equipment a technical control body, chosen by the manufacturer, shall carry out or have carried out control with random intervals determined by the body, to control the quality of the finished control and the internal production control of the press påkjente the equipment, as it be taken into account among other things, how technologically complex it påkjente press equipment is, and the amount of production.
The technical control body shall ensure that the manufacturer really performs a complete control in accordance with Annex I no. 3.2. A suitable sample of the finished press påkjente the equipment, taken at the site of the technical control body before it brought in revenue, should be investigated, and appropriate prøvinger as specified in the relevant parts of the harmonised standards and/or equivalent prøvinger determined in other technical specifications, should be carried out to check if the gear is press påkjente in accordance with the relevant requirements of the regulations.
The technical control body should consider how many press påkjente components to be tested, and if it is necessary to perform, or have performed all or part of the finished control on samples of the press påkjente the equipment.
If a sample does not comply with an acceptable quality level, appropriate measures to meet the body.
The purpose of the procedure for sampling to be applied, is to determine whether the production process for the press påkjente the equipment is within acceptable limits, with a view to ensure that the pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with the requirements.
If the trials are carried out by a technical control body, the manufacturer shall, under the technical control organets responsibility, affix the technical control organets identification number during the manufacturing process.

4. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the EU 4.1 the manufacturer shall affix the CE marking on each pressure component or Assembly of pressure equipment which is in conformity with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet and meets the current requirements of the regulations.

4.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for a EU pressure equipment model and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to specify which pressure equipment model it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

5. Representative the manufacturer's obligations specified in the Nr. 4 can be fulfilled by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

5. Module D: Type of compliance based on quality assurance of the production process 1.
Type conformity based on quality assurance of the production process is the part of the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2 and 5, and ensures and declares that the affected solely responsible that the press påkjente the equipment or Assembly of pressure equipment is in conformity with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet and meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. Production manufacturer to apply an approved quality system for production, the inspection of finished products and trial of the press påkjente the equipment specified in the Nr. 3, and shall be subject to monitoring as specified in no. 4.3.
Quality system 3.1 the manufacturer to file an application for assessment of his quality system for the affected the press påkjente the equipment to a technical control agency of your choice.

The application should contain the following:-the manufacturer's name and address, as well as the delegate's name and address if the application must be filed by the representative,-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body,-all relevant information about that particular type of pressure equipment,-quality system documentation,-the technical documentation of the approved type and a copy of the EU typeprøvingssertifikatet.

3.2 the quality system to ensure that the pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet, and with the current requirements of the regulations.

All the elements, requirements and provisions that the manufacturer uses, should be documented in a systematic and transparent way in the form of written policies, procedures and manuals. The documentation for the quality system should make it possible to interpret quality systems programs, plans, manuals and records in a uniform manner.
It should in particular contain an adequate description of the-quality measures and organizational structure as well as management's responsibility and authority with regard to the pressure påkjente equipment's quality,-the equivalent of techniques, processes and systematic measures that will be used by production, quality control and quality assurance, especially the procedures used by the permanent joining of parts in accordance with the approved attachments. 3.1.2, surveys and to perform trials before, during and after manufacture, and the frequency of them,-

the quality records, such as inspection reports, test data, calibration data, and reports about their qualifications or approvals, especially it personnel as permanent joining parts and perform non-destructive testing services in accordance with the annex. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, etc., and methods to monitor that the required quality is achieved, and that the quality system is working effectively.

3.3 the technical control body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it meets the requirements mentioned in Nr. 3.2. The quality system shall involve meet the requirements with regard to the elements of the quality system that meets the corresponding specifications in the relevant harmonised standards.
In addition to having experience of quality management systems to at least one of the audit group's members have experience in assessing the current press påkjente equipment area and the affected pressure påkjente equipment technology and have knowledge of the current requirements of the regulations. The audit shall include an inspection visit to the manufacturer's premises.
The audit team will review the technical documentation referred to in no. 3.1 the fifth stroke point to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the relevant requirements of the regulations and to undertake the necessary investigations with a view to ensure that the product is in compliance with the said requirements.
The manufacturer shall under directed about the decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the audit and a rationale for the decision.

3.4 the manufacturer shall meet its obligations after it approved the quality system, and maintain it so that it still works satisfactorily and effectively.

3.5 the manufacturer shall keep the technical control body that has approved the quality system informed of any planned change in the quality system.

The technical control body shall assess the proposed changes and decide whether the modified quality system will still meet the requirements mentioned in Nr. 3.2, or whether it required a new assessment.
It shall notify the manufacturer of its decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the survey and a rationale for the decision.

4. monitoring which is the technical control organets the purpose of the monitoring responsibility 4.1 is to ensure that the manufacturer correctly meet the commitments arising out of the approved quality system.

4.2 the manufacturer shall for the purposes of assessment provide the technical control body access to the manufacturing, inspection, testing and storage premises and give it all the necessary information, especially documentation for quality assurance system, quality records, such as inspection reports, test and calibration data, reports on their qualifications, etc.

4.3 the technical control body shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer an audit report. The frequency of the periodic audits shall be such that a full reassessment is carried out every three years.

4.4 the technical regulatory body can also make unannounced visits to the manufacturer. The need for and frequency of such extraordinary visits will be decided on the basis of a control visit scheme that the technical control body controls. It should particularly be taken into account the following factors in control visitor scheme:-pressure equipment category,-results from earlier control visits,-the need for follow-up of corrective action,-any special conditions attached to the approval of the scheme,-important changes in the Organization of production, its guidelines or techniques.

By such visits can the technical control body, if necessary, carry out or have carried out product prøvinger to verify that the quality system is working satisfactorily. The technical control body shall give the manufacturer a report about the visit as well as a research report if it has carried out prøvinger.

5. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the manufacturer EU-5.1 to affix CE marking and, under the responsibility of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 3.1, the latter's identification number to each pressure component that is in conformity with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet and meets the current requirements of the regulations.

5.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for each EU pressure equipment directive equipment model and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to specify which pressure equipment model it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

6. The manufacturer shall, in a period of ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought in revenue, could present for the national Governments-the documentation mentioned in Nr. 3.1,-the change mentioned in Nr. 3.5, as approved, decisions and reports-from the technical regulatory body mentioned in Nr. 3.3, 3.5, 4.3 and 4.4.

7. Each technical control body shall inform their authorities on utpekende the approvals of quality systems for which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request make available to the authorities of utpekende of approvals of quality systems that are declined, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control bodies about the approvals of quality systems it has declined, temporarily revoked, withdrawn or otherwise restricted, and, upon request under right about quality systems approvals it has issued.

8. Representative the manufacturer's obligations specified in the Nr. 3.1, 3.5, 5 and 6 may be fulfilled by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

6. Module D1: quality assurance of the production process 1.
Quality assurance of the production process is the conformity assessment procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in the No. 2, 4 and 7, and ensures and declares on its own responsibility that the affected press påkjente equipment meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. Technical documentation the manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation. The documentation shall make it possible to assess whether the press påkjente the equipment is in compliance with the relevant requirements, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of risk. The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and shall, to the extent it is relevant for the assessment, cover the product's construction, production and behavior. The technical documentation shall, where relevant, at least contain-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts which are applied,-results of design calculations carried out, surveys that are carried out, etc., and test reports.

3. The manufacturer shall keep the technical documentation and be able to set it at the disposal of competent national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue.

4. Production manufacturer to apply an approved quality system for production, the inspection of finished products and trial of the press påkjente the equipment specified in the Nr. 5, and shall be subject to monitoring as specified in no. 6.5.
Quality system 5.1 manufacturer to file an application for assessment of his quality system for the affected the press påkjente the equipment to a technical control agency of your choice.

The application should contain the following:-the manufacturer's name and address, as well as the delegate's name and address if the application must be filed by the representative,-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body,-all relevant information about that particular type of pressure equipment,-quality system documentation,-the technical documentation referred to in no. 2.5.2 quality assurance system to ensure that the pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

All the elements, requirements and provisions that the manufacturer uses, should be documented in a systematic and transparent way in the form of written policies, procedures and manuals. The documentation for the quality system should make it possible to interpret quality systems programs, plans, manuals and records in a uniform manner.
It should in particular contain an adequate description of the-quality measures and organizational structure as well as management's responsibility and authority with regard to the pressure påkjente equipment's quality,-the equivalent of techniques, processes and systematic measures that will be used by production, quality control and quality assurance, especially the procedures used by the permanent joining of parts in accordance with the approved attachments. 3.1.2, surveys and to perform trials before, during and after manufacture, and the frequency of them,-the quality records, such as inspection reports, test data, calibration data, and reports about their qualifications or approvals, especially it personnel that permanently joins the parts in accordance with the annex. 3.1.2 etc,-

methods to monitor that the required product quality is achieved, and that the quality system is working effectively.

5.3 the technical control body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it meets the requirements mentioned in Nr. 5.2. The parts of the quality assurance system in accordance with the relevant harmonised standard, is believed to be in accordance with the corresponding requirements referred to in no. 5.2. In addition to having experience of quality management systems to at least one of the audit group's members have experience in assessing the appropriate press påkjente equipment technology and have knowledge of the current requirements of the regulations. The audit shall include an assessment visit to the manufacturer's premises.
The audit team will review the technical documentation referred to in no. 2 to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the relevant requirements of the regulations and to undertake the necessary investigations with a view to ensuring that the press påkjente equipment is in compliance with the said requirements.
The manufacturer shall under directed about the decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the audit and a rationale for the decision.

3.4 the manufacturer shall undertake to fulfil their obligations arising from the approved quality system, and maintain it so that it still works satisfactorily and effectively.

5.5 the manufacturer shall keep the technical control body that has approved the quality system informed of any planned change in the quality system.

The technical control body shall evaluate the proposed changes and decide whether the modified quality system will still satisfy the requirements referred to in no. 5.2, or whether a new review is needed.
The manufacturer shall under directed about the decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the survey and a rationale for the decision.

6. monitoring which is the technical control organets responsibility 6.1 the purpose of monitoring is to ensure that the manufacturer correct meets the commitments arising out of the approved quality system.

6.2 the manufacturer shall for the purposes of the technical review give the regulatory body access to the manufacturing, inspection, testing and storage premises and give it all the necessary information, especially documentation for quality assurance system,-the technical documentation referred to in no. 2,-the quality records, such as inspection reports, test and calibration data, reports on their qualifications, etc.

6.3 the technical control body shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer an audit report. The frequency of the periodic audits shall be such that a full reassessment is carried out every three years.

6.4 the technical regulatory body can also make unannounced visits to the manufacturer. The need for and frequency of such extraordinary visits will be decided on the basis of a control visit scheme that the technical control body controls. It should particularly be taken into account the following factors in control visitor scheme:-pressure equipment category,-results from earlier control visits,-the need for follow-up of corrective action,-any special conditions attached to the approval of the scheme,-important changes in the Organization of production, its guidelines or techniques.

By such visits can the technical control body, if necessary, carry out or have carried out product prøvinger to verify that the quality system is working satisfactorily. The technical control body shall give the manufacturer a report about the visit as well as a research report if it has carried out prøvinger.

7. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the manufacturer the EU apply 7.1 the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 5.1, the latter's identification number to each component, press the bearing that is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

7.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for each EU pressure equipment directive equipment model and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. In the EU-samsvarserklæringen it should be specified which product model it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

8. The manufacturer shall, in a period of ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought in revenue, could present for the national Governments-the documentation mentioned in Nr. 5.1,-the change mentioned in Nr. 5.5,-reports from the Statute and the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 5.5, 6.3 and 6.4.

9. Each technical control body shall inform their authorities on utpekende the approvals of quality systems for which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request make available to the authorities of utpekende of approvals of quality systems that are declined, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control bodies about the approvals of quality systems it has declined, temporarily revoked or withdrawn, and on request under right about quality systems approvals it has issued.

10. The manufacturer's obligations specified in the Representative Nr. 3, 5.1, 5.5, 7 and 8 may be fulfilled by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

7. Module E: Type of compliance based on quality assurance of pressure equipment 1.
Type conformity based on quality assurance of pressure equipment is the part of the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2 and 5, and ensures and declares that the affected solely responsible that the press påkjente the equipment is in conformity with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet and meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. Production manufacturer to apply an approved quality system for the inspection of finished products and trial of the press påkjente the equipment specified in the Nr. 3, and shall be subject to monitoring as specified in no. 4.3.
Quality system 3.1 the manufacturer to file an application for assessment of his quality system for the affected the press påkjente the equipment to a technical control agency of your choice.

The application should contain the following:-the manufacturer's name and address, as well as the delegate's name and address if the application must be filed by the representative,-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body,-all relevant information about that particular type of pressure equipment,-quality system documentation,-the technical documentation of the approved type and a copy of the EU typeprøvingssertifikatet.

3.2 the quality system to ensure that products are in conformity with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet, and with the current requirements of the regulations.

All the elements, requirements and provisions that the manufacturer uses, should be documented in a systematic and transparent way in the form of written policies, procedures and manuals. The documentation for the quality system should make it possible to interpret quality systems programs, plans, manuals and records in a uniform manner.
It should in particular contain an adequate description of the-quality measures and organizational structure as well as management's responsibility and authority with regard to product quality,-the investigations and trials which will be carried out after manufacture,-quality registries, as inspection reports, test data, calibration data, and reports about their qualifications or approvals, especially it personnel as permanent joining parts and perform non-destructive testing services in accordance with the annex. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3,-measures to verify that the quality system is working effectively.

3.3 the technical control body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it meets the requirements mentioned in Nr. 3.2. The quality system shall involve meet the requirements with regard to the elements of the quality system that meets the corresponding specifications in the relevant harmonised standards.

In addition to having experience of quality management systems to at least one of the audit group's members have experience in assessing the current press påkjente equipment area and the affected pressure påkjente equipment technology and have knowledge of the current requirements of the regulations. The audit shall include an assessment visit to the manufacturer's premises.
The audit team will review the technical documentation referred to in no. 3.1 the fifth stroke point to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the relevant requirements of the regulations and to undertake the necessary investigations with a view to ensuring that the press påkjente equipment is in compliance with the said requirements.
The manufacturer shall under directed about the decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the audit and a rationale for the decision.

3.4 the manufacturer shall undertake to fulfil their obligations arising from the approved quality system, and maintain it so that it still works satisfactorily and effectively.

3.5 the manufacturer shall keep the technical control body that has approved the quality system informed of any planned change in the quality system.

The technical control body shall consider all of the proposed changes and decide whether the modified quality system will still meet the requirements mentioned in Nr. 3.2, or whether it required a new assessment.
It shall notify the manufacturer of its decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the survey and a rationale for the decision.

4. monitoring which is the technical control organets the purpose of the monitoring responsibility 4.1 is to ensure that the manufacturer correctly meet the commitments arising out of the approved quality system.


The manufacturer shall, for assessment purposes, give the technical control body access to the manufacturing, inspection, testing and storage premises and give it all the necessary information, especially documentation for quality assurance system,-the technical documentation,-the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports concerning the affected their qualifications, etc.

4.3 the technical control body shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer an audit report. The frequency of periodic audits must be such that a full reassessment is carried out every three years.

4.4 the technical regulatory body can also make unannounced visits to the manufacturer.

The need for and frequency of such extraordinary visits will be decided on the basis of a control visit scheme that the technical control body controls. It should particularly be taken into account the following factors in control visitor scheme:-press påkjente equipment's category,-results from earlier control visits,-the need for follow-up of corrective action,-any special conditions attached to the approval of the scheme,-important changes in the Organization of production, its guidelines or techniques.

By such visits can the technical control body, if necessary, carry out or have carried out product prøvinger to verify that the quality system is working satisfactorily. The technical control body shall give the manufacturer a report about the visit as well as a research report if it has carried out prøvinger.

5. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the manufacturer EU-5.1 to affix CE marking and, under the responsibility of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 3.1, the latter's identification number to each pressure component that is in conformity with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet and meets the current requirements of the regulations.

5.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for each EU pressure equipment directive equipment model and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. In the EU-samsvarserklæringen it should be specified which product model it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

6. The manufacturer shall, in a period of ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought in revenue, could present for the national Governments-the documentation mentioned in Nr. 3.1,-the change mentioned in Nr. 3.5, as approved, decisions and reports-from the technical control body that is mentioned in Nr. 3.3, 3.5, 4.3 and 4.4.

7. Each technical control body shall inform their authorities on utpekende quality systems approvals which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request make available to the authorities of utpekende of approvals of quality systems that are declined, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control bodies about the approvals of quality systems it has declined, temporarily revoked or withdrawn, and on request under right about quality systems approvals it has issued.

8. Representative the manufacturer's obligations specified in the Nr. 3.1, 3.5, 5 and 6 may be fulfilled by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

8. Module E1: quality assurance of the inspection and testing of the finished press påkjente the equipment 1.
Quality assurance of the inspection and testing of the finished press påkjente equipment is the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2, 4 and 7, and ensures and declares on its own responsibility that the affected press påkjente equipment meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. Technical documentation the manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation. The technical documentation shall make it possible to assess whether the press påkjente the equipment is in compliance with the relevant requirements, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of risk. The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and shall, to the extent it is relevant for the assessment, cover it påkjente press equipment's construction, production and behavior. If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts which are applied,-results of design calculations carried out, surveys that are carried out, etc., and test reports.

3. The manufacturer shall keep the technical documentation and be able to set it at the disposal of competent national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue.

4. Production manufacturer to apply an approved quality system for the inspection and testing of the finished the press påkjente the equipment as specified in the Nr. 5, and shall be subject to monitoring as specified in no. 6.5.
Quality system 5.1 manufacturer to file an application for assessment of his quality system for the affected press påkjente the equipment to a technical control agency of your choice.

The application should contain the following:-the manufacturer's name and address, as well as the delegate's name and address if the application must be filed by the representative,-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body,-all relevant information about that particular type of pressure equipment, documentation for the quality system, and the technical documentation mentioned in Nr. 2.5.2 quality assurance system to ensure that the pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

Within the framework of the quality system to each pressure component is examined, and to perform appropriate prøvinger as set out in the relevant standards referred to in section 20, or equivalent prøvinger, and especially the finish control that is described in the Appendix. 3.2, to ensure that the product is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.
All the elements, requirements and provisions that the manufacturer uses, should be documented in a systematic and transparent way in the form of written policies, procedures and manuals. The documentation for the quality system should make it possible to interpret quality systems programs, plans, manuals and records in a uniform manner.
It should in particular contain an adequate description of the-quality measures and organizational structure as well as management's responsibility and authority with regard to the pressure påkjente equipment's quality, procedures used by the permanent joining of parts in accordance with the approved attachments. 3.1.2, surveys and trials which will be carried out after manufacture,-quality registries, as inspection reports, test data, calibration data, and reports about their qualifications or approvals, especially it personnel that permanently joins the parts in accordance with the annex. 3.1.2,-measures to verify that the quality system is working effectively.

5.3 the technical control body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it meets the requirements mentioned in Nr. 5.2. It shall assume that quality system meets the requirements with regard to the elements of the quality system that meets the corresponding specifications in the relevant harmonised standards.
In addition to having experience of quality management systems to at least one of the audit group's members have experience in assessing the current press påkjente equipment area and the affected pressure påkjente equipment technology and have knowledge of the current requirements of the regulations. The audit shall include an assessment visit to the manufacturer's premises.
The audit team will review the technical documentation referred to in no. 2 to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the relevant requirements of the regulations and to undertake the necessary investigations with a view to ensuring that the press påkjente equipment is in compliance with the said requirements.
The manufacturer shall under directed about the decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the audit and a rationale for the decision.

3.4 the manufacturer shall undertake to fulfil their obligations arising from the approved quality system, and maintain it so that it still works satisfactorily and effectively.

5.5 the manufacturer shall keep the technical control body that has approved the quality system informed of any planned change in the quality system.

The technical control body shall evaluate the proposed changes and decide whether the modified quality system will still satisfy the requirements referred to in no. 5.2, or whether a new assessment is required.
It shall notify the manufacturer of its decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the survey and a rationale for the decision.

6. monitoring which is the technical control organets responsibility 6.1 the purpose of monitoring is to ensure that the manufacturer correct meets the commitments arising out of the approved quality system.


The manufacturer shall, for assessment purposes, give the technical control body access to the manufacturing, inspection, testing and storage premises and give it all the necessary information, especially documentation for quality assurance system,-the technical documentation referred to in no. 2,-the quality records, such as inspection reports, test and calibration data, reports on their qualifications, etc.

6.3 the technical control body shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and provide the manufacturer an audit report. The frequency of the periodic audits shall be such that a full reassessment is carried out every three years.

6.4 the technical regulatory body can also make unannounced visits to the manufacturer. The need for and frequency of such extraordinary visits will be decided on the basis of a control visit scheme that the technical control body controls. It should particularly be taken into account the following factors in the control scheme: the equipment's visitor-category,-results from earlier control visits,-the need for follow-up of corrective action,-any special conditions attached to the approval of the scheme,-important changes in the Organization of production, its guidelines or techniques.

By such visits can the technical control body, if necessary, carry out or have carried out product prøvinger to verify that the quality system is working satisfactorily. The technical control body shall give the manufacturer a report about the visit as well as a research report if it has carried out prøvinger.

7. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the manufacturer the EU apply 7.1 the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 5.1, the latter's identification number to each pressure component, which is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

7.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for each EU pressure equipment directive equipment model and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to specify which pressure equipment model it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

8. The manufacturer shall, in a period of ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought in revenue, could present for the national Governments-the documentation mentioned in Nr. 5.1,-the change mentioned in Nr. 5.5, as approved, decisions and reports-from the technical regulatory body mentioned in Nr. 5.3, 5.5, 6.3 and 6.4.

9. Each technical control body shall inform their authorities on utpekende quality systems approvals which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request make available to the authorities of utpekende of approvals of quality systems that are declined, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control bodies about the approvals of quality systems it has declined, temporarily revoked or withdrawn, and on request under right about quality systems approvals it has issued.

10. The manufacturer's obligations specified in the Representative Nr. 3, 5.1, 5.5, 7 and 8 may be fulfilled by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

9. Module f: Type match based on the verification of the pressure equipment 1.
Type of compliance based on the verification of pressure equipment is the part of the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2 and 5, and ensures and declares that the affected solely responsible that the press påkjente the equipment, which has been covered by the provisions of no. 3, is in accordance with the type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet and meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. Production manufacturer to take all the measures necessary so that the manufacturing process and the monitoring of the assurance that the products are produced in accordance with the approved type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet, and with the current requirements of the regulations.

3. Control a technical control body chosen by the manufacturer shall carry out the appropriate examinations and prøvinger, to check if the gear is press påkjente in accordance with the approved type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet, and with the current requirements of the regulations.
The investigations and trials to verify if the equipment is påkjente press in accordance with the appropriate requirements will be carried out by the control and testing of every product as specified in no. 4.4.
verification of conformity by examination and testing of each individual component in the press påkjente the equipment 4.1 All pressure equipment should be examined individually, and the necessary prøvinger, as defined in the relevant harmonised standards or equivalent to perform prøvinger, to verify that the equipment is in conformity with the approved type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet, and with the current requirements of the regulations. In the absence of such a harmonised standard should the affected technical control body determine the appropriate prøvinger to be performed.

The technical control body shall in particular verify that the as-the personnel performing the permanent joining of parts and the non-destructive testing services, are qualified or approved in accordance with appendix in no. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.

-Verify the certificates issued by the material manufacturer in accordance with Annex I no. 4.3,-perform or have performed the completed control and press the testing mentioned in Annex i no. 3.2 and, when relevant, check the safety devices.

4.2 the technical control body shall issue a compliance certificate for the investigations and trials, and shall affix its identification number to each approved pressure equipment directive component, or make sure that it is applied on the organets responsibility.

The manufacturer shall keep the certificates of compliance and set them at the disposal of the national authorities for control in the decades after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue.

5. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the manufacturer EU-5.1 to affix CE marking and, under the responsibility of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 3, the latter's identification number to each pressure component that is in conformity with the approved type described in the EC-typeprøvingssertifikatet and meets the current requirements of the regulations.

5.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for each EU pressure equipment directive equipment model and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to specify which pressure equipment model it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.
If the technical regulatory body mentioned in Nr. 3 approves it, the manufacturer can also, on the technical control organets responsibility, affix the identification number organets at the press påkjente the equipment.

6. If the technical regulatory body approves it and the organets responsibility, the manufacturer may also affix the technical control organets identification number on the pressure påkjente equipment during the manufacturing process.

7. Representative the manufacturer's obligations may be fulfilled by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization. A representative can not meet the manufacturer's obligations according to the No. 2.10. Module G: Compliance based on the verification of individual copies of the the press påkjente the equipment 1.
Compliance based on the verification of individual copies is the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2, 3 and 5, and ensures and declares on its own responsibility that the affected press påkjente the equipment, which has been covered by the provisions of no. 4, is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

2. Technical documentation the manufacturer shall establish the technical documentation and set it at the disposal of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 4. The documentation shall make it possible to assess whether the press påkjente the equipment is in compliance with the relevant requirements, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of risk. The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and shall, to the extent it is relevant for the assessment, cover it påkjente press equipment's construction, production and behavior.
If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts that are used,-the results of design calculations, examinations carried out, etc.,-test reports,-relevant information with respect to the approval of procedures for production and trial and about the qualifications or approvals of the personnel in accordance with the annex. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.

The manufacturer shall keep the technical documentation and be able to set it at the disposal of competent national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue.

3. Production Manufacturer shall take all measures necessary so that the manufacturing process and the monitoring of the press ensures that the equipment is produced påkjente in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

4. Control a technical control body chosen by the manufacturer shall carry out or have carried out appropriate investigations and prøvinger, as set out in the relevant harmonised standards, and/or the corresponding prøvinger, to check if the gear is press påkjente in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations. In the absence of such a harmonised standard should the affected technical control body determine the appropriate prøvinger to be performed determined in other technical specifications.
The technical control body should especially-review the technical documentation for the purpose of construction and production procedures,-consider the materials that are used when these are not in conformity with the relevant harmonized standards or with a European approval for pressure equipment materials, and check the certificate issued by the material manufacturer in accordance with Annex I no. 4.3,-approve procedures for the permanent joining of parts or check that they have been approved previously in accordance with attachment in Nr. 3.1.2,-verify the qualifications or approvals required under attachments in the No. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3,-perform the closing control mentioned in Annex i no. 3.2.1, perform or have performed the testing press mentioned in Annex i no. 3.2.2 and, when relevant, check the security devices.

The technical control body shall issue a compliance certificate on the basis of the carried out research and prøvinger, and shall affix its identification number on the approved pressure påkjente equipment or get it inflicted on its responsibility. The manufacturer shall keep the certificates of compliance and set them at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue.

5. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the manufacturer EU-5.1 to affix CE marking and, under the responsibility of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 4, the latter's identification number to each pressure component, which is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

5.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity and the EU could ask it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to specify which pressure equipment it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

6. Representative the manufacturer's obligations specified in the Nr. 2 and 5 can be met by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

11. Module H: Compliance based on full quality assurance 1.
Conformity based on full quality assurance is the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2 and 5, and ensures and declares on its own responsibility that the affected press påkjente equipment meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. Production manufacturer to apply an approved quality system for design, production, inspection and testing of the finished the press påkjente the equipment as specified in the Nr. 3, and shall be subject to monitoring as specified in no. 4.3.
Quality system 3.1 the manufacturer to file an application for assessment of his quality system for the affected press påkjente the equipment to a technical control agency of your choice.

The application should contain the following:-the manufacturer's name and address, as well as the delegate's name and address if the application must be filed by the representative,-the technical documentation for one model of each type of pressure equipment to be produced. If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts that are used,-the results of design calculations, examinations carried out, etc.,-test reports, documentation of the quality system, and-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body.

3.2 quality assurance system to ensure that the pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

All the elements, requirements and provisions that the manufacturer uses, should be documented in a systematic and transparent way in the form of written policies, procedures and manuals. Quality system documentation shall ensure a common understanding of the quality programmes, plans, manuals and registers.
It should in particular contain an adequate description of the-quality measures and organizational structure as well as management's responsibility and authority with respect to the product's design and quality,-technical construction specifications, including standards, that will be applied, and, if the harmonised standards are not applied in full, the means that will be used to ensure that the basic requirements of the regulations that apply to the pressure equipment påkjente , will be fulfilled, techniques for control and verification of the structure, procedures and systematic methods and processes that will be used during the construction of the press påkjente the equipment, that apply to the relevant product type, particularly with regard to materials in accordance with the annex. 4,-equivalent techniques, processes and systematic measures that will be used by production, quality control and quality assurance, especially procedures for the permanent joining of parts in accordance with the approved attachments. 3.1.2, surveys and to perform trials before, during and after manufacture, and the frequency of them,-the quality records, such as inspection reports, test data, calibration data, and reports about their qualifications or approvals, especially it personnel as permanent joining parts and perform non-destructive testing services in accordance with the annex. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, etc.,-the means to monitor that the necessary construction and pressure equipment directive equipment quality is achieved, and that the quality system is working effectively.

3.3 the technical control body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it meets the requirements mentioned in Nr. 3.2. The quality system shall involve meet the requirements with regard to the elements of the quality system that meets the corresponding specifications in the relevant harmonised standards.

In addition to having experience of quality management systems to at least one of the audit group's members have experience as assessment responsible within the current pressure equipment technology and have knowledge of the current requirements of the regulations. The audit shall include an assessment visit to the manufacturer's premises.
The audit team will review the technical documentation referred to in no. 3.1 other bar point to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the applicable requirements of the regulations and to undertake the necessary investigations with a view to ensuring that the press påkjente equipment is in compliance with the said requirements.
The manufacturer or his or her representative shall be directed decision under about. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the audit and a rationale for the decision.

3.4 the manufacturer shall undertake to fulfil their obligations arising from the approved quality system, and maintain it so that it still works satisfactorily and effectively.

3.5 the manufacturer shall keep the technical control body that has approved the quality system informed of any planned change in the quality system.

The technical control body shall consider all of the proposed changes and decide whether the modified quality system will still meet the requirements mentioned in Nr. 3.2, or whether it required a new assessment.
It shall notify the manufacturer of its decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the survey and a rationale for the decision.

4. monitoring which is the technical control organets the purpose of the monitoring responsibility 4.1 is to ensure that the manufacturer correctly meet the commitments arising out of the approved quality system.

4.2 the manufacturer shall for the purposes of assessment provide the technical control body access to the construction, production, inspection, testing and storage premises and give it all the necessary information, especially documentation for quality assurance system, quality registrations as set forth by the quality system's construction part, eg. results of analyses, calculations, prøvinger, etc.,-quality registers established by the quality system's production part, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports on the affected their qualifications, etc.


The technical control body shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and shall provide the manufacturer an audit report. The frequency of the periodic audits shall be such that a full reassessment is carried out every three years.

4.4 the technical regulatory body can also make unannounced visits to the manufacturer.

The need for and frequency of such extraordinary visits will be decided on the basis of a control visit scheme that the technical control body controls. It should particularly be taken into account the following factors in the control scheme: the equipment's visitor-category,-results from earlier control visits,-the need for follow-up of corrective action,-any special conditions attached to the approval of the scheme,-important changes in the Organization of production, its guidelines or techniques.

In connection with such visits can the technical control body, if necessary, carry out or have carried out product prøvinger to verify that the quality system is working satisfactorily. It should give the manufacturer a report about the visit as well as a research report if it was performed prøvinger.

5. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the manufacturer EU-5.1 to affix CE marking and, under the responsibility of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 3.1, the latter's identification number to each pressure component, which is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

5.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for each EU pressure equipment directive equipment model and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to specify which pressure equipment model it is prepared for.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

6. The manufacturer shall, in a period of ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought in revenue, could present for the national Governments-the technical documentation referred to in no. 3.1,-quality system documentation mentioned in Nr. 3.1,-the change mentioned in Nr. 3.4, as approved,-the decisions and reports from the technical regulatory body mentioned in Nr. 3.3, 3.4, 4.3 and 4.4.

7. Each technical control body shall inform their authorities on utpekende quality systems approvals which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request make available to the authorities of utpekende of approvals of quality systems that are declined, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control bodies about the approvals of quality systems it has declined, temporarily revoked or withdrawn, and on request under right about quality systems approvals it has issued.

8. Representative the manufacturer's obligations specified in the Nr. 3.1, 3.5, 5 and 6 may be fulfilled by the person's representative, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.

12. Module H1: Compliance based on full quality assurance and construction control 1.
Conformity based on full quality assurance as well as structural control and especially monitoring with the finish control is the procedure for conformity assessment where the manufacturer fulfills the obligations set out in the No. 2 and 6, and ensures and declares on its own responsibility that it affected the press påkjente equipment meets the current requirements of the regulations.

2. Production manufacturer to apply an approved quality system as specified in the Nr. 3 for construction, production, as well as the inspection and testing of finished products, and shall be subject to monitoring as specified in no. 5. It should in accordance with no. 4 have been examined that it påkjente a press equipment has appropriate technical construction.

3. Quality system 3.1 the manufacturer to file an application for assessment of his quality system for the affected press påkjente the equipment to a technical control agency of your choice.

The application should contain the following:-the manufacturer's name and address, as well as the delegate's name and address if the application must be filed by the representative,-the technical documentation for one model of each type of press equipment to be produced. If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts that are used,-the results of design calculations, examinations carried out, etc.,-test reports, documentation of the quality system,-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body.

3.2 quality assurance system to ensure that the pressure equipment is påkjente in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

All the elements, requirements and provisions that the manufacturer uses, should be documented in a systematic and transparent way in the form of written policies, procedures and manuals. The documentation for the quality system should make it possible to interpret quality systems programs, plans, manuals and records in a uniform manner.
It should in particular contain an adequate description of the-quality measures and organizational structure as well as management's responsibility and authority with respect to the product's design and quality,-technical construction specifications, including standards, that will be applied, and, if the harmonised standards are not applied in full, the means that will be used to ensure that the basic safety requirements of the regulations that apply to the pressure equipment påkjente , will be fulfilled, techniques for control and verification of the structure, procedures and systematic methods and processes that will be used during the construction of the press påkjente the equipment, that applies to that particular type of pressure equipment, with respect to the materials in accordance with the annex. 4,-equivalent techniques, processes and systematic measures that will be used by production, quality control and quality assurance, especially procedures for the permanent joining of parts in accordance with the approved attachments. 3.1.2, surveys and to perform trials before, during and after manufacture, and the frequency of them,-the quality records, such as inspection reports, test data, calibration data, and reports about their qualifications or approvals, especially it personnel as permanent joining parts and perform non-destructive testing services in accordance with the annex. 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, etc.,-the means to monitor that the necessary construction and pressure equipment directive equipment quality is achieved, and that the quality system is working effectively.

3.3 the technical control body shall assess the quality system to determine whether it meets the requirements mentioned in Nr. 3.2. The quality system shall involve meet the requirements with regard to the elements of the quality system that meets the corresponding specifications in the relevant harmonised standards. In addition to having experience of quality management systems to at least one of the audit group's members have experience as the current assessment within responsible press påkjente equipment area and the affected press påkjente equipment technology and have knowledge of the current requirements of the regulations. The audit shall include an assessment visit to the manufacturer's premises.
The audit team will review the technical documentation referred to in no. 3.1 other bar point to verify the manufacturer's ability to identify the applicable requirements of the regulations and to undertake the necessary investigations with a view to ensuring that the press påkjente equipment is in compliance with the said requirements.
The manufacturer or his or her representative shall be directed decision under about.
Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the audit and a rationale for the decision.

3.4 the manufacturer shall undertake to fulfil their obligations arising from the approved quality system, and maintain it so that it still works satisfactorily and effectively.

3.5 the manufacturer shall keep the technical control body that has approved the quality system informed of any planned change in the quality system.

The technical control body shall consider all of the proposed changes and decide whether the modified quality system will still meet the requirements mentioned in Nr. 3.2, or whether it required a new assessment.
It shall notify the manufacturer of its decision. Underretningen will contain the conclusions of the survey and a rationale for the decision.

3.6 Each technical control body shall inform their authorities on utpekende quality systems approvals which it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request make available to the authorities of utpekende of approvals of quality systems that are declined, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control bodies about the approvals of quality systems it has declined, temporarily revoked or withdrawn, and on request under right about quality systems approvals it has issued.


Construction control 4.1 the manufacturer shall lodge an application for examination of the design of each pressure component that is not covered by a previous construction control, to the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 3.1. The application to do it 4 you to understand how the press påkjente the equipment is designed, manufactured, and how it works, and to assess whether it is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations. It should contain the manufacturer's name and address-,-a written declaration that the same application has not been filed to another technical control body,-the technical documentation. The documentation shall make it possible to assess whether the press påkjente the equipment is in compliance with the relevant requirements, and shall include an adequate analysis and assessment of risk. The technical documentation shall specify the applicable requirements and shall, to the extent it is relevant for the assessment, cover the design and press equipment's påkjente behavior. If it is relevant, the technical documentation shall at least contain the following elements:-a general description of the pressure equipment, påkjente-construction and manufacturing drawings and diagrams of components, part assemblies, circuits, etc.,-descriptions and explanations necessary to understand the said drawings and diagrams and how the press påkjente gear works,-a list of the harmonised standards which it is published references to in the European Union official journal , used in part or in its entirety, and descriptions of the solutions that are chosen to meet the basic safety requirements of the regulations when these harmonised standards are not applied. If harmonised standards in part is used, the technical documentation shall specify the parts which are applied,-results of design calculations carried out, surveys that are carried out, etc., and test reports,-backing documentation that shows that the technical construction is satisfactory. In backing the documentation to all documents that are used, is specified, especially if the relevant harmonised standards are not applied in full, and shall include, if necessary, the results of the prøvinger that are carried out by the manufacturer's suitable laboratory, or another testing laboratory on behalf of the manufacturer and the manufacturer's responsibility.

4.3 the technical control body shall consider the application, and if the construction meets the requirements of these regulations that apply to the pressure equipment, the påkjente shall issue a European certificate for construction control of the manufacturer. The certificate shall contain the manufacturer's name and address, the conclusions from the survey, any conditions for its validity and the necessary data for identification of the approved design. The certificate may have one or more attachments.

The certificate and its attachments shall contain all information necessary to assess whether the products are produced in accordance with the examined the construction and to control products during use.
If the construction does not meet the current requirements of the regulations, to the technical control body refuse to issue a certificate for construction control and inform the applicant about this, as well as giving the applicant a detailed justification for the refusal.

4.4 the technical control body shall keep itself apprised of any changes in the generally recognized technology that may indicate that the approved design no longer meet the current requirements of the regulations, and determine whether such changes require further investigation. In this case to the technical control body under the correct manufacturer about this.

The manufacturer shall notify the technical control body which issued the European certificate for construction control, about all changes of the approved construction that may have a bearing on the correspondence with the basic safety requirements of the regulations or gyldighetsvilkårene for the certificate. Such modifications require additional approval from the technical control body that issued the European certificate for construction control, in the form of an addition to the original EC-certificate for the construction control.

4.5 Each technical control body shall inform their authorities on the utpekende the EU-certificates for construction control and/or any addition to these as it has issued or withdrawn, and shall regularly or on request make available to the authorities of utpekende of certificates and/or addition to those who are rejected, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited.

Each technical control body shall notify the other technical control organs of EU certificates for construction control and/or any addition to these as it has declined, withdrawn, temporarily revoked or otherwise limited, and on the request for the certificates and/or addition to those that they have issued.
The Commission, the Member States and the other technical control bodies may on request obtain a copy of the European certificate for construction control and/or additions to them. At the request the Commission and the Member States can get a copy of the technical documentation and the results of the surveys carried out by the technical control body.
The technical control body shall keep a copy of the European certificate for construction control of attachment and the addition and the technical data, including the documentation submitted by the manufacturer, until the expiry of the certificate's validity period.

4.6 the manufacturer should be able to make a copy of the European certificate for construction control with attachments and addition as well as the technical documentation at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue.

5. monitoring which is the technical control organets responsibility 5.1 the purpose of monitoring is to ensure that the manufacturer correct meets the commitments arising out of the approved quality system.

5.2 the manufacturer shall for the purposes of assessment provide the technical control body access to the construction, production, inspection, testing and storage premises and give it all the necessary information, especially documentation for quality assurance system, quality registrations as set forth by the quality system's construction part, eg. results of analyses, calculations, prøvinger, etc.,-quality registers established by the quality system's production part, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports on the affected their qualifications, etc.

5.3 the technical control body shall carry out periodic audits to make sure that the manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system and shall provide the manufacturer an audit report. The frequency of the periodic audits shall be such that a full reassessment is carried out every three years.

3.4 the technical regulatory body can also make unannounced visits to the manufacturer.

The need for and frequency of such extraordinary visits will be decided on the basis of a control visit scheme that the technical control body controls. It must particularly be taken into account the following factors in the control scheme: the equipment's visitor-category,-results from earlier control visits,-the need for follow-up of corrective action,-any special conditions attached to the approval of the scheme,-important changes in the Organization of production, its guidelines or techniques.

In connection with such visits can the technical control body, if necessary, carry out or have carried out product prøvinger to verify that the quality system is working satisfactorily. It should give the manufacturer a report about the visit as well as a research report if it was performed prøvinger.

5.5 Especially monitoring with finished control Finished control as mentioned in Annex i no. 3.2 is subject to additional monitoring in the form of unannounced visits from the technical control body. By such visits to the technical control body controlling the press påkjente the equipment.
It should give the manufacturer a report about the visit as well as a prøvnings report if it was performed prøvinger.

6. CE marking and Declaration of conformity the EU 6.1 the manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, under the responsibility of the technical control agency mentioned in Nr. 3.1, the latter's identification number to each pressure component, which is in accordance with applicable requirements of the regulations.

6.2 the manufacturer shall draw up a written declaration of conformity for each EU pressure equipment directive equipment model and be able to set it at the disposal of the national authorities for ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought into revenue. EU-samsvarserklæringen to identify the pressure equipment model it is prepared for, and to contain the number of the certificate for the construction control.

A copy of the EUROPEAN UNION-should be done samsvarserklæringen on request available for competent authorities.

7. The manufacturer shall, in a period of ten years after the press påkjente the equipment is brought in revenue, could present for the national authorities-quality system documentation mentioned in Nr. 3.1,-the change mentioned in Nr. 3.5, as approved, decisions and reports-from the technical regulatory body mentioned in Nr. 3.5, 5.3 and 5.4.

8. Representative the manufacturer's representative can file the application mentioned in Nr. 4.1 and 4.2 and fulfil commitments in no. 3.1, 3.5, 4.4, 4.6, 6 and 7, on the manufacturer's behalf and responsibility, provided that they are specified in the authorization.