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Regulation On Special Protection Measures In Connection With The Outbreak Of Bluetongue In Albania, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia, Serbia And Montenegro

Original Language Title: Forskrift om særskilte beskyttelsestiltak i forbindelse med utbrudd av bluetongue i Albania, Den tidligere jugoslaviske republikk Makedonia, Serbia og Montenegro

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Regulation on special protection measures in connection with the outbreak of bluetongue in Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro-Date 1999-08-30-980 Ministry the Ministry of agriculture and food published in 1999 2164 30.08.1999 FOR the entry into force last modified-2007-06-11-596 Change applies to Norway Pursuant law-2003-12-19-124-section 23, law-2003-12-19-124-§ 19 Announced short title regulations on measures against bluetongue, the Balkans established by the Ministry of agriculture 30. August 1999 with authorization in law 19. December 2003 No. 124 on food production and food safety, etc. (matloven) section 23 third paragraph, cf.. § 19. CF. EEA Agreement annex I (decision 2003/845/EC). Amended by regulations 21 jan 2002 Nr. 58 (including title), 10 Dec 2003 Nr. 1467 (including title), 15 jan 2004 Nr. 289 (including title), June 11, 2007 No. 596 (e.g. title and legal authority).

§ 1. Purpose and scope the purpose of this regulation is to prevent the spread of bluetongue, importation of live ruminants and sperm, eggs and embryos of ruminants from Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as Serbia and Montenegro.

§ 2. Ban it is forbidden to introduce 1) Live ruminants originating from or through Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as Serbia and Montenegro.

2) semen, ova and embryos of ruminants that come from Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as Serbia and Montenegro.

§ 3. Exceptions the FSA can provide exceptions from the prohibition in § 2 No. 1 for live ruminants that have been in transit through Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, as long as this does not cause danger to the status, with regard to bluetoungesmitte, here in the country worsens.

§ 4. Punishment intentionally or negligent violation of this regulation or the regulations and decisions given in pursuance of it, are punishable according to matloven § 28.

§ 5. Entry into force these regulations shall enter into force immediately.