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Regulations Relating To Inspection And Control Of Imports And Transit Etc. Of Animal Products And Products Of Animal Origin, Etc. From Third Countries

Original Language Title: Forskrift om tilsyn og kontroll ved import og transitt mv. av animalske næringsmidler og produkter av animalsk opprinnelse mv. fra tredjeland

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Regulations relating to inspection and control of imports and transit etc. of animal products and products of animal origin, etc. from third

Date FOR-1999-10-18-1163

Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Health, Industry and Fisheries Ministry

Published In 1999 2734

Commencement 18.10.1999

FOR 2012-05-04-399




LOV-1932-06-17-6-§2, LAW-1932-06-17-6-§3, TO-1991-11-15-737, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§ 12, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§14, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§15, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§16 LOV-2003-12-19-124 -§17, LAW-2003-12-19-124-§18, LAW-2003-12-19-124-L-19, TO-2003-12-19-1790, TO-2004-05-05-884 | ||

Short Title
Control Regulations for animal products

Chapter Overview:

Chapter I. Purpose, scope and definitions (§§ 1-3)
Chapter II. General provisions (§§ 4-7)
Chapter III. Specific import conditions etc. (§§ 8-9)
Chapter IV. Transshipment and forwarding in ports and airports (§10)
Chapter V. Wholesale Items from third to third countries via EEA (§§ 11-14)
Chapter Va. Transport from the border station directly to the vessel in international shipping of consignments of products that do not meet current ... (§§ 14a - 14d)
Chapter VI. Provisions on customs warehouses and free zones (§15)
Chapter VII. Reimportation of products that are rejected by the third (§16)
Chapter VIII. Measures (§§ 17-21)
Chapter IX. Administrative provisions (§§ 22-25)
Appendix A
Appendix B. Appendix C

Adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture (now Agriculture and Food), Health and Social Affairs (now the Ministry of Health) and the Ministry of Fisheries (now Fisheries and Coastal Affairs) on 18 October 1999 pursuant to Law 17 June 1932 No.. 6 for quality control of agricultural products etc., § 2 and § 3, ref. transfer decision on 15 november 1991 no. 737, and law 19 December 2003 no. 124 of food production and food safety. (Food Act) § 12, § 14, § 15, § 16, § 17, § 18 and § 19; see. Delegated Decision of 19 December 2003 no. 1790.
Added authority: Delegation Decision on 5 May 2004 no. 884.
EEA information: EEA Annex chap. I (Directive 97/78 / EC, decision 93/14 / EEC, decision 2002/349 / EC, Regulation (EC) no. 136/2004, decision 2000 / 208 / EC decision 2000/571 / EC and decision 2011/215 / EC), Annex I. 12 (Regulation (EC) no. 999/2001 as amended by Regulation (EC) no. 1471/2004).
Changes: Amended by regulations 17 September 2001 no. 1109 (including legal), 30 Dec 2002 no. 1842, January 15, 2004 No.. 208 (including legal), 20 August 2004 No.. 1244 (bl .a authority), September 12, 2005 no. 1064, 30 November 2005 No.. 1346, 29 Dec 2005 no. 1732, 1 april 2007 No.. 399, October 27, 2007 No.. 1267, 30 april 2008 No.. 432, June 26, 2008 no. 727, July 3, 2008 No.. 786, June 25, 2009 no. 1002, September 10, 2009 no. 1218, 22 Dec 2008 no. 1635 as amended by regulation 19 February 2010 No.. 316, October 25, 2010 No.. 1374, 4 May 2012 No.. 399.

Chapter I. Purpose, scope and definitions

§ 1. Purpose This regulation aims to ensure supervision and control of animal foodstuffs and products of animal origin, etc. imported from third countries, to protect human and animal health, ensure compliance with requirements in specific regulations are met and that the requirements of honesty and quality are addressed.

§ 2. Scope These regulations apply to animal products and products of animal origin, etc., As mentioned in § 3 no. 1, from third when the final veterinary examination is not taken within the EEA.
The provisions of this regulation shall not apply to:

Products are on board and destined for the catering crew and passengers in vehicles that operate internationally, provided that the products are landed in a country in the EEA. If such products or waste associated with such products, are unloaded, the products or waste discarded. However, it is not necessary to destroy the products that are transmitted directly from a means of transport to another in the same port or airport according to accepted customs procedure.

A limited amount of products that are part of travelers' personal luggage and intended for their consumption, or sent in small consignments to private individuals, provided that it concerns imports of non-commercial nature. This also applies to products which have undergone heat treatment in the hermetically sealed container to an F0 -value of 3.00. The provisions of Regulation (EC). 136/2004 Article 8 applies to these produktene.1

Meat, meat products, milk and dairy products are not covered by the exemption, and to be subjected to veterinary checks in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on 31 January 2006 no. 103 on the implementation of Regulation (EC) No. 745/2004 laying down measures with regard to imports of products of animal origin intended for private consumption.

Products sent as samples or to be set out. It will require a license from the regulatory authority in advance and products are not offered for sale. After use, the products destroyed or forwarded to the conditions supervisory authority may specify.

Products to be used in special studies or analyzes. Upon inspection it shall be possible to establish that the products are not intended for human consumption. After use, the products, with the exception of material used for the analysis, destroyed or forwarded to the conditions supervisory authority may specify.

Fresh, iced and chilled fish, which are caught by fishing or factory vessels from third countries, and landed directly.


Ova, embryos and semen from pets, when import does not occur for a commercial purpose.

§ 3. Definitions In this regulation by:


animal products, including honey, eggs, egg product, milk, dairy products, fish, fish care, including live shellfish for consumption, fresh meat, minced or cooked meat, poultry meat, game meat, meat of rabbit and farmed game, meat products and other foods of animal origin in accordance with the definitions given in a special regulation, 1

products of animal origin that are wholly or partially derived from animals which are covered by separate regulations, 2

ova, embryos, semen, other breeding stock and animal waste in accordance with the definition in a separate regulation, 3


hay and straw.


Veterinary Control: any control with the aim of protecting human and animal health and ensure that standards of quality and integrity is safeguarded, including document control, identity checks and physical checks.


Document Control: control of veterinary certificate or other documentation included a consignment.


Identity check: visual inspection to check the consistency between the veterinary certificate or other required documentation and product.


Physical control: control of the product, including any control of packaging, temperature, sampling and testing, and control of the means of transport.


Consignment: limited amount of products of the same type, covered by the same veterinary certificate or other required documentation, sent by the same means of transport and coming from the same third country or part of third countries.


BIP: designated and authorized control station within the EEA, who will perform veterinary checks on products from third countries.


Import: the product has been or shall be checked at the border station with a view to being offered for sale in the EEA.


Import Terms: legislative prescribed conditions relative to human and animal health, as well as quality and integrity.


Third country that is neither a member of the European Union or the EEA Agreement has entered into an agreement with the European Union on trade in products of animal origin, etc.


Veterinary Certificate: health certificate, health certificate or health certificate accompanies the consignment from the country of origin or the country of origin.


Free zone: as defined in customs legislation.


Customs warehouse, as defined in customs legislation.


Special regulations: Regulation laying down the health, quality and / or integrity requirements for the production and marketing of the products referred to in paragraph. 1.1


Regulation (EC) No. 136/2004: Regulation being implemented in Norwegian law by Regulation 30 November 2005 no. 1347 on the implementation of Regulation (EC) No. 136/2004 laying down the procedures for veterinary checks at border inspection posts at EEA imports of products from third countries.


CVED: Common veterinary document for imports, as laid down in Regulation (EC) No. 136/2004 Annex III.

Chapter II. General provisions

§ 4. Registration Importer of consignment shall be registered with the regulatory authority before consignment introduced into the country.
When it comes to eggs, sperm, embryos and animal waste should importer and the first recipient to be registered with the FSA later than 30 days before the first importation. FSA may allow later registration provided that this does not hinder the exercise of supervision.

Registration by subsections shall be made on the form prescribed by the supervisory authority and contain the name, address, phone number, organization or personal ID to the importer, and item group specified with minimum the first four digits of the commodity group according to the division in the Norwegian customs tariff. Registration is carried out for each product group and for two years after the last registered imports.

§ 5. Import Location and advance notification Wholesale Items covered by this regulation shall comply with the provisions of this regulation is introduced via a border inspection post, or via an approved control center linked to a border inspection post.
Before shipment physically arrive EEA, the person responsible for the consignment notify the products arriving at the veterinary staff of the border inspection post where the products shall be submitted using the CVED.

§ 6. Inspection Any consignment to be subjected to veterinary checks by the supervisory authority of the border inspection post, possibly associated control center, according to the list compiled by the FSA over Norwegian border stations and control centers for the importation of live animals, foodstuffs and other products of animal origin from third countries.
Each consignment to be imported into a country in the Community shall be accompanied by veterinary certificate in original or by other evidence in the original as required by special regulations. These documents shall be kept at the border inspection post at least three years. If the consignment complies with the import conditions, the official veterinarian extradite a certified copy of the original certificates or documents to the responsible for the consignment.
Each consignment must be subjected to documentary checks so it can be stated whether the information in the accompanying veterinary certificate or other evidence match the information previously provided, and that the consignment fulfills the conditions for import of the product concerned. Document control shall be carried out as laid down in Regulation (EC) No. 136/2004 Annex I.
Each consignment must be subjected to identity checks. Except for animal protein and fish meal in bulk, identity verification shall include the following: When products arrive in containers, check that any prescribed seal applied by public authorities are unbroken, and that the information on the seal matches the information in the accompanying documentation. In other cases, make sure that the products are provided with stamps, government badges and stamps indicating origin and operations, and that this information corresponds with the accompanying documentation. Products that are wrapped or packaged, shall be checked in relation to labeling requirements.
Unless otherwise stated, each consignment is subjected to physical control so that it can be determined whether the products are in compliance with the import conditions and appropriate to the use specified in the accompanying documentation.
Supervisory authority may conduct inspections of all cargo documents.

§ 7. Completion of inspection results of conducted control shall be specified by the supervisory authority in part 2 of the CVED.
When completed physically control the supervisory authority shall make it clear that such checks are carried out, including by resealed and stamp broken seals and resealed opened containers. Seal shall be indicated in the CVED and other documents accompanying the consignment.
Completed CVED shall accompany the consignment as long as this is under customs dealings. For import document shall accompany the consignment until the first business it is intended for.
Further provisions for the procedure to be followed after completion of control laid down in Articles 3, 4 and 5 of Regulation (EC) No. 136/2004.
Wholesale Items can not pass customs clearance unless it can be shown that the prescribed veterinary checks have been carried out with satisfactory results, the CVED is issued, and that there is certain coverage charges by veterinary checks pursuant to separate regulations.

Chapter III. Specific import conditions etc.

§ 8. Control Products to be imported into a country in the EEA or a region of a country in the EU in which it set out specific requirements for imports, and products that have been approved for import for special purposes shall be subject to documentary checks, identity checks and physical checks at the border inspection post where the consignment is introduced into the EEA in order to determine whether products meet the applicable requirements for imports. If the products are introduced via border inspection post in a country other than the country of destination, the necessary measures shall be taken to ensure that the products arrive at the country of destination.

Uflådd fur-clad wild to be sent at the establishment under customs dealings and subjected to identity checks or physical control of that business. This control is in addition to the control to be carried out according to the regulations of 27 January 2000 no. 65 on control of residues of certain substances in animal foodstuffs, livestock and fish to ensure safe and wholesome food. The result of such controls shall be communicated to the border inspection post where the consignment was introduced.

§ 9. Transport following consignments shall be supervised by the supervisory authority of the border inspection post to the establishment of destination:

Wholesale Items to be imported to an EEA country or a region of an EEA country where it is established special requirements for import.

Wholesale Items which it is sampled, but the results are not known when the means of transport leaves the border inspection post.

Wholesale Items which have been approved for import into a particular purpose.

Wholesale Items to be monitored by the supervisory authority of the border inspection post to the establishment of destination shall be transported in urban transport or container, sealed by the supervisory authority. Management at the establishment of destination, or by intermediate storage of raw materials for the manufacture of animal feed and pharmaceutical or technical products shall notify the supervisory authority that the consignment has arrived. Supervision veterinarian shall within 15 days notify the supervisory authority at the border inspection post and shall regularly check that the consignment has arrived at the establishment, in particular by checking the receipt books.
Wholesale Items consisting of products that have been approved for import for special purposes shall be subject to approved customs procedure at their destination.
If the consignment has not arrived to the establishment of destination, the supervisory authority shall take the necessary measures against the person responsible for the consignment.
Supervisory authority shall take the necessary measures to ensure that consignments mentioned in the first paragraph. 1 and no. 3, and introduced to a country other than the intended country of destination, arrive to this country.

Chapter IV. Transshipment and forwarding in ports and airports

§ 10. Transshipment and forwarding Consignment like arriving at a port or airport with border station, but that will continue to another border inspection post in the Community shall be subjected to identity checks and physical checks at the border inspection post of destination. This assumes that the consignment is transported by ship or aircraft.
When such a consignment arrives for the first border inspection post, the person responsible for the consignment notify the supervisory authority of the border inspection post. Information on whether the estimated time of transhipment, including unloading and loading, of the consignment, the destination border inspection, and exact location of the consignment if it is not reloaded directly. The information must be given in such manner as specified by the regulatory authority.
The following will be implemented at the border inspection post where the consignment first arrives:

When the consignment loaded up from a ship to another ship or from an aircraft to another aircraft directly or within 7 days via jetty or within 12 hours via airport terminal within the same quay or airport terminal area, the supervisory authority in exceptional cases, if it can be risk to human or animal health, carry out document checks on the basis of the original veterinary certificate or other original document that follows the consignment, or a certified copy thereof.

If the consignment is unloaded otherwise than prescribed in no. 1, shall be stored for a minimum 12 hours and maximum 48 hours at an airport terminal, or a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 20 days at the quay, pending further shipment respectively aircraft or ship to another border inspection post. Product Party shall during storage stand under the supervision of the supervisory authority for the area. Product Party shall be subjected to document checks on the basis of the documents referred to in paragraph 1. If there is a risk to human or animal health, then an identity check and physical control.

If the maximum period of respectively 48 hours or 20 days are exceeded, the consignment is subjected to final veterinary checks.

Chapter V. Wholesale Items from third to third countries via EEA

§ 11. Approval Transit consignment from a third country to another third country via the Community shall be approved in advance by the supervisory authority at the border inspection post where the consignment is inserted. Such approval is given on CVED on behalf of the countries of the EEA consignment transited through.

Transit via the EEA may only be approved if the consignment originating in a country or region from which it is forbidden to bring products into the EEA. This does not apply if the consignment arrives by ship or aircraft and the consignment immediately be loaded over from one ship to another ship or from an aircraft to another aircraft on the dock or airport terminal within the same quay or airport terminal area, without further stay in the EEA.
Product Party shall be accompanied by veterinary certificate or other documentation in the original, if necessary with authorized translations.
The person responsible for the consignment must have undertaken to take back the consignment if it is rejected, and to dispose of the consignment in accordance with § 17

§ 12. Veterinary Control Product Party shall be subject to documentary checks and identity checks at border inspection posts where the consignment is inserted. The supervisory authority may waive this if the consignment is transported by ship or aircraft and:

Consignment unloaded. In that case, it only checks on ships or aircraft manifest, or

Consignment immediately transshipped from a ship to another ship or from an aircraft to another aircraft on the dock or airport terminal within the same quay or airport terminal area, or transshipped within the stated deadline, cf. § 10 third paragraph. 1.

Product Party shall be subject to all necessary controls if there is a risk to human or animal health, or on suspicion of irregularities, ref. § 19.
When a consignment, transported by ship or aircraft, arrives for the first border inspection post shall the person responsible for the consignment notify the supervisory authority of the border inspection post. Information on whether the estimated time of transhipment, including unloading and loading, of the consignment, the destination border inspection, and exact location of the consignment if it is not reloaded directly.

§ 13. Terms for consignments which transited through lands EEA Wholesale Items transported by road, rail or by sea through the Community shall comply with the following conditions:

Product Party shall be submitted in accordance with the approved customs procedure, and accompanied by veterinary certificate or other required documentation and completed part 2 of the CVED. The documentation must be stated at the border inspection post consignment to be sent out of the EEA.

Product Party shall not be unloaded or split up after it has left the border inspection post where the consignment first arrived. Transport shall take place in transport or container sealed by the supervisory authority. During transport, it is not allowed to handle the consignment in any way.

Product Party must be sent out by the EEA via a border inspection post within 30 days after the consignment left the border inspection it first arrived. For consignments containing products other than fish and fishery products shall border station where the consignment is sent out of the EEA not be a border inspection post is approved only for the control of fish and fish products.

§ 14. Attestation by mailing supervisory authority at the border inspection post where the consignment is sent out of the Community shall at CVED confirm that the consignment is sent out of the EEA.
Supervisory Authority shall send copies of the completed CVED to the supervisory authority at the border inspection post where the consignment was introduced into the EEA. If confirmation that the consignment is sent out of the EEA is not received within 30 days, ref. § 13 no. 3, the supervisory authority at the border inspection post where the consignment was introduced into the EEA report to Customs, which shall make the necessary checks to determine where the consignment is located.

Chapter Va. Transport from the border station directly to the vessel in international shipping of consignments of products that do not fulfill the conditions for admission into EU

§ 14a. Authentication and message transport from border inspection directly to the vessel in international shipping of consignments of products that do not fulfill the conditions for importation into the Community shall be approved in advance by the supervisory authority at the border inspection post where the consignment is inserted. Such approval is given on CVED on behalf of the countries of the EEA consignment transported through.
The person responsible for the consignment shall as part of the notification pursuant to § 5 subparagraph declare the end use of the products and that the products do not fulfill the conditions for importation into the EEA. Without such declaration shall consignment treated as if the products are intended for free circulation within the Community.

In addition, the person responsible for the consignment notify the local supervisory authority at the destination before the party's arrival at the border inspection post. Such notification shall contain information about the date of the consignment arriving at the border inspection post and the place where the consignment will be delivered on board the vessel.
Transport via EEA may only be approved if the consignment originating in a country or region from which it is forbidden to bring products into the EEA.
Product Party shall be accompanied by veterinary certificate or other documentation in the original, if necessary with authorized translations. Such certificate or document shall at least indicate to their nature or origin, number of packages, gross and net weight and storage temperature. Certificate or document shall be signed by the competent authority of the third country products arriving from.
The person responsible for the consignment must have undertaken to take back the consignment if it is rejected, and to dispose of the consignment in accordance with § 17

§ 14b. Veterinary Control Product Party shall be subject to documentary checks and identity checks at border inspection posts where the consignment is inserted.
Product Party shall be subject to all necessary controls if there is suspicion of a risk to human or animal health.
Supervisory authority at the border inspection post may for reasons of human or animal health refuse consignment introduced.

§ 14c. Terms of transport The following conditions must be met:

Product Party shall be submitted in accordance with the approved customs procedure and are not sold in the EEA.

Product Party shall be transported from border inspection directly to a vessel in international shipping. Transport shall take place in transport or container sealed by the supervisory authority. During transport, it is not allowed to handle the consignment in any way.

Carriage shall take place so that runoff will not occur.

Veterinary certificate or other documentation in the original accompanying the consignment shall be stored together with the consignment. Product Party shall also be accompanied by CVED and of veterinary certificate designed in accordance with the model in Annex A, both issued at the border inspection post.

Products shall be calculated on the catering crew and passengers of vessels in international shipping, and will after delivery on board, ref. § 14d, not landed in a country in the EEA.

Transport or container that has been used for the transport of products that do not fulfill the conditions for importation into the Community shall be cleaned and disinfected before they can be used to transport products that fulfill the conditions for importation into the EEA.
Product Party shall be delivered on board the vessel within 30 days after the consignment left the border inspection it first arrived.

§ 14d. Delivery and attestation by mailing When the consignment is delivered on board the vessel, the veterinary certificate, cf. § 14c subsection. 4, countersigned by the local supervisory authority at the destination and returned to the border inspection post where the consignment was introduced into the EEA, as proof delivery.
If confirmation that the consignment is delivered on board the vessel is not received within 30 days, ref. § 14c third paragraph, the supervisory authority at the border inspection post where the consignment was introduced into the EEA notify the customs authorities, which shall make the necessary research to determine where the consignment is located.

Chapter VI. Provisions on customs warehouses and free zones

§ 15. Entries in customs warehouses and free zones Wholesale Items from third countries may, for veterinary checks at border inspection, placed in a customs warehouse or free zone if responsible for the consignment in advance specified in Part 1 of the CVED if the products are finally determined in the internal market ( free circulation in the European Economic area), and that the products meet the import conditions.
Such consignments are subject to veterinary inspection, including document control, identity checks and physical checks as described in § 6, to determine if current conditions for importation into the Community are met. Such consignments shall be accompanied by documentation referred to in § 6, second paragraph, and any certified translation of such documentation. If document checks show that the conditions for importation into the Community are not met, the physical check is not required unless there is suspicion of a risk to human or animal health.
When veterinary checks show that current conditions for imports into the Community are fulfilled, the supervisory authority shall fill CVED and authorize a customs warehouse or free zone.
If veterinary checks show that current conditions for imports into the Community are not met, the supervisory authority shall indicate this on CVED. Such consignments rejected and not allowed inlaid in a customs warehouse or free zone.

Chapter VII. Reimportation of products that are rejected by the third

§ 16. Reimportation of products that are rejected by the third consignment originating in the Community which are rejected imported by a third, to allow reinstated if the consignment is accompanied by the original certificate or a copy of this certified by the issuing authority. Information on whether the background of the rejection of the consignment, together with a declaration that the provisions of storage and transportation have been followed, and that the products have not been dealt with in another way. If the consignment is stored in sealed containers shall be accompanied by a statement from the shipper that the contents have not been discharged or handled otherwise.
Product Party shall document control and identity checks, and any physical control cf. § 19, returned directly to the establishment of origin in the country in the EU in which the certificate was issued. Transport shall take place in accordance with the conditions set out in § 9 subsections.
If transport is to go through other countries in the Community shall such transit be approved in advance by the supervisory authority at the border inspection post in the EEA countries where the consignment first arrives. Such approval is given on behalf of all countries in the EEA which the consignment passes.
Reimportation of a consignment originating in a country in the EEA, may not be refused if the supervisory authority that issued the original certificate has approved re-importation of the consignment, and conditions of the first through fourth paragraph are met.

Chapter VIII. measures

§ 17. Import conditions are not met when veterinary checks show that products do not fulfill the import conditions, or detect unlawful conduct, the supervisory authority shall, in consultation with the person responsible for the consignment, determine what will happen with the products, according to the following options:

Within a maximum of 60 days to ship the product with the same type of transport from the border inspection post to a destination outside the EU agreed with the person responsible for the consignment. This assumes that the results of veterinary inspections and health requirements do not preclude such a procedure. The supervisory authority shall implement stipulated information procedure and invalidate the veterinary certificate or other documents accompanying the rejected products so that it is not possible to introduce the products into the Community through another border inspection post.

If it is impossible to ship the products on, the deadline of 60 days has elapsed or the person responsible for the consignment consent immediately, the products shall be disposed of in facilities designated for that purpose in the immediate vicinity of the border inspection post in accordance with regulation 27. October 2007 No.. 1254 relating to animal by-products not intended for human consumption.

In anticipation of further shipment or confirmation of the basis for rejection, the products must be stored under the supervision of the supervisory authority.
Assuming that there is no risk to human or animal health, and that the regulatory authority has granted approval for use of the products in accordance with regulations on the transport of animal waste and plants which treat animal waste, the provisions of this section shall not apply .

§ 18. Prescribed veterinary checks not fulfilled Consignment which is inserted into the EEA without having gone through the prescribed veterinary control, considered initially as possible health hazard and should be seized. The supervisory authority shall decide whether the consignment to be forwarded in accordance with § 17 first paragraph. 1 or disposed of in accordance with the first paragraph. 2.

§ 19. Inspection on suspicion supervisory authority shall make all necessary checks if there is suspicion or doubt about a product's identity or actual destination or that the legal requirements are not met.
The relevant products shall be subject to supervision authority's supervision until the results of control exists.
If the suspicion is confirmed, the control of products of the same origin intensified. Ten consecutive consignments shall be subject to physical checks including laboratory tests.

§ 20. Security measures If, in connection with inspections in accordance with this regulation turns out that a consignment can pose a danger to human or animal health, the supervisory authority shall immediately seize and destroy the consignment, as well as inform the other border inspection posts and the authority responsible for situation consignment origin.

§ 21. Costs Costs associated with control under this regulation shall be borne by the person responsible for the consignment or its representative. Costs associated with products prohibited imported and further processing of these are the responsibility, ref. Special regulations.

Chapter IX. Administrative provisions

§ 22. Inspection and decisions FSA supervises and makes decisions to implement the provisions of and pursuant to these regulations.

§ 23. Exemption FSA may in special cases grant exemptions from the provisions of the regulations, provided that it does not conflict with Norway's international obligations, including the EEA agreement.

§ 24. Penalties Deliberate or negligent violation of these regulations or provisions and decisions issued pursuant thereto is punishable under the Food Act § 28

§ 25. Entry into force These regulations enter into force immediately.

Appendix A

Appendix B.

Appendix C